? I n kt 13VE2OTG LEDGHDR-PniLADBLPHIA, MONDAY JULY 10, 1016. IV !MF(mTANTIP08IZK)M PRESE DAfiU ITALIAM I MIA ZONA TRENHNA II Pafcso d'Agnello edil Col di l5n Giovanni ConqUistatl dftl GMerdle Liilgi Cadorna XliLBAMZA 1TALO - RU3SA ItOMA, 10 Lugllo. lert 11 Mtnlfltero delta QUerra nnnun .Vrt fiU6vl success! delle forte Itallane ulla (ronte del Trentlno e bu quella Hegll altiplant, oltro ad avanxate nella lona r tord delta Valle del Brento. Ecco 11 testo del rapporto del generalo Cadorna pub bllcalo left sera dal Mlrilstoro delta Querra; $ Nella ratio alta dell'Astlco la nostra fanterla ha avamato ,nel baclno del Jtollno cd In dtresfono dl Fornl. Itl ' tiot abblamo preso nl nemlco nrml, munition! 6 prlglonlerl cd altro mate rial lasclato da esso. Una. densa tiebbla ha . tmpedlto qualslast atltYlln. dell'arllgllerla sulfa! toptnno dot Sells Comtlnl. Net scttoro settentrlonnlo hoi abblamo attaccata o conquostato alcune trlncee a nord del Monte Chlesa ed abblamo occupato It Passo d'Agnello, sut Tocchlo confine, cha Immetls netla VnlsUgana. Ivl ab blamo proso una quantlna dl prlglonlerl. Nell'alta valto dl Capmello not ab blamo rtoonqulstato II I'asso dl Col dl Ban Qluvonnl. Lungo ta fronto dell'Isonio l'artlg Ifcrla ncmlca o' stata partlcotarmcnto attlva nol settort dl Tolmlno e dl l'la-a e Bulls nlturo a nord-ovest dt Oorlila. Ia nostra nrtlgllarla ha rlsposto etn oaccmento al fubco delta batterla nemlcho. Njlla note del 7 corronto not rcspln cemmo due nltrl attacchl sullo post ctonl da nol rccontcmento conqulstato nella zona dl Monfalcone. 1 ctornal) commentano In mantera motto Impattca la notizla delta conctusione dt un trattato dl allcanza. tra la Russia ed 11 Glapponc, cd 1 cornmcntl sono tanto plu' altrolflcantt In quanto lasclano lntravedero cha alia vccchla atleanza ltalotedcsca' ' stata o eta per essere Bostltutta un'alteanza ltala-russa. Qucsta naova atleanza avrebbe prlnolpalmento per oblettlvl it nuovo equili bria del Medlterraneo e delta Pentsola Bat canlca. I rfornali romanl plu' autorevoll fanno notaro cho lo relazlont ltalo-russo Bono state recentcmenta plu' cho cordlall, o do' e' stato mostrato ancho dall'nccogllenza en tustastlca che to autorlta' ed 11 popolo focero recentemento al dctcgatl russl cho si recorono a noma e pot furond Invltatl a vlsltare la fronto dl battaglla ltallana. Un'altro fatto cho 1 gtornall non tralasclano dt tar notaro o' quollo che lo armato russe ono lnflnltamente plu' attlva contro l'Aus trta che non contro la Gormanla. II Popolo Romano, glornale glollttlano o ad pgnl modo dlretto dar quel Costanzo Chauvet che era dtventato uno del "facto tum" del prlnctpe dt Buclow a Roma, scrtvo cho nel trattara l'alleanza con la Russia .'Italia deva ntentamenta renders! conto del Tattegglamento cho ell Statl Unit! nssume ronna verso dl essa. Naturalmente quesjto punto dl vista non o' condlvfso da nltrl Clornall voramente autoravoll. LE PERDUE AUSTRIACHE SUL FRONTE TRENTMO II Messagero le Calcola a 150,000' ,Uomini Tra MortI, Feriti , e Dispcrsi TJn teieeramma da Roma dies ehej ne- " eona32alcoll fattl dal Messaggero In bpujo1 uu -iniqrmaziom raccoiia ua ronia auto revale, le perdlte subtte dagll austrlacl Bulla, .fronte ltallana not combatttmentl del mesl dl Magglo e dt Qtugno ammontereb bero. a 160,000 uomtnl. Questo perdlte, che Bond realroento oonslderevoll, ma che mos trano l'lmportania che lo Stato ilaggtore austrfacct dava alia campacna contro l'ltalta a la dlfesa che git Italian! hanno fatto, ancho quando lo loro forza erano ln terlorl a quelle desll attaccantl, della'ltnea del Trentlno, sono coal' rlpartlte dal Mfs Baggero MortI. 30,000; Xerltl. 70,000; dls persl, 50,000, Tra 1 dispcrsi, wine a' noto. Bono ancho 1 prlglonlerl. E' utile rtcordnre a questq propostto che la controffenslva ltallana nel Trentlno fu Inlzlata verso II 12 dl aiogno, eel o seta, glorn! dopo 1'lnlzlo dell'offenslra del russL Uri grosso BOttomarlno todesoo, eludendo la vlgilanza dl due lncroctatorl alleatl che lo lnsegiilrano, a' rlusclto ad entrare nel porto dl Baytlmore con un carlco dl forse un mlgllalo dt tonnellate dt colorl. St tratta dl un BOttomarlno oommerclale, armato sol tanfo dl due cannonl per dlfesa a non dl Hurt, e probabllmente sara' lasctato in dUstyrbato datla autorlta' amerlcane. THE WEATHER "i f OflJclal Forecast WASHINGTON, July 10, Tot eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer sey Cloudy onlght and Tuesday, -with jrobably shdwers; moderate winds mostly aouth. Tho southern storm Is central over the Tennessee vulley and has caused light to moderate ralna In the Atlantic States from northern Florida to southern New England during the last 34 hours. Fair weather baa -prevailed in the remainder of the cen tral valleys and the Lake region, while another disturbance has caused showers and thunderstorms In the northern plains States. Seasonable temperatures prevail this morning from the Mississippi River eastward, while a moderate, excess is re ported from the northern plains States. U, S. "Weather Bureau Bulletin Obaarvationa Uken at 8 a. pi,, Eaatern tlma. tow a-t IUIn. Veloc Station. am. n't. jail Wind. Itr.Wemtbtr Atlanta. a. ...an as . be K iui, Atlantic CUT ..68 66 .78 BW .. IlalS Wimirct, IV D. . TO B8 (to tTW ,, Clear UflBiao, ian., !- u aj rtKi Rain iiunaio. a x .. as in, .. k .. P. tidy 10 P CUy . . Clear . . Clear ,, Clear . . Cloudy ,, Clear , , Clear . Cloudy 11 P Cldy &CMy Clear 13 Clear 12 Clear 18 P.OIdr P.CIdy cnariaataa. o. u. i) ts H Catcasa, UL ... S3 04 Cincinnati. O. , . T-i 68 Clareland. O, . . T9 Hi Eenver. Col. . 8J trolt Mich 84 6S CUhratoa, Tax .80 7S Ilarrtaburs Pa TO 8S Jlattaraa, N. G. 80 18 Halifax. MB 81 48 Ilolcna, Mont S8 BO Huron. 8. D .. T3 B lodlanapona, Ind, 88 S3 Jackionvtlja. Via. TS 78 KnoiYtlle. Tenn 72 88 Lea Anzalea CaL, 80 BR XoalavJIia. ly . 74 OS Voiutomtry, Ala, 73 7( MontraaL Can. 62 58 MR KB a a a NB .01 S3 S 1. .. w 82 BW .. SB .. NB .48 S SI NB .. NW .. NB Cloudy .. NB 12 P.CIdy w v xa itain Nl.iivtlj, Ten 73 70 1.2a M Xi t A IU . . Clcudy . . Clear , Katn Cloudy Clear . . Clear Cloudy .. Clear 10 Cloudy . . Cloudy Clear Cloudy ti nuu Miw OrVuini. La. 11 11 .. BW New .Toik 88 81 .13 R ' Norfolk. V . 74 10 .08 SB Cllhtju4. Okla. 11 BS .. NU oaraha. Nebr TftlUiMoua Pkoenlx. Arlx, 'Ptt ta horsfe. Pa. si 4 BW . K .. 8B B 73 70 irmwu. ua. oj as Ore. G4 S3 Quel Canada. SO Ad NB : &wh 02 NB : NW .. ..a . , NB . . HE .. . SB ., .M fiB ,! Iff" " NB . NU .. Ola. Ma . tgl ta Panl. Mian. d 81 Clear Cloar Clear Cloudy Cloudy m a Antanla. Tex. 7Q T4 FraEcijoa ill 50 aia ji ji i: oi 4. ixri to a T D4 a is 7ft og 78 70 7 T4 It to es i-.taoy Clear Clear Z-kNGrK OF tiAY. in -. . 7Jlp,tn.iIoo3 fvutju T .83 p.m. JUKlUrVAaSE K1TKK TOJ13 CaUXOES, CKSWNOT STBEKT .Kta mHT B4i.Llii wat.j Vllp.ju, 4tjtatW-,lIWK AT K.U74J tl'K. Tuiuaa. eu. VMk, Caa aM3tia .. SHfOOtS ftlOTlHtR OP TWO I'-'-- --- W6cld-Bfl Lover Attacks Woman for Refusing to Follow Him IICAD1NO, TA., July 10. Angered Jbe caliee Mrs Annts Pftrxaneso refused to for salts her husband and two bablM to ruh Sway wttlt him, Mnssmno Sorrenttno, her would-be tover, lay In watt for her nt a lonely spot In North llendlnir lala last night and Bhot her four times with ft revolver. Mrs. Pnrxnnesa Is now In Ileadlnic Hos pital In A dylnB condition Sorrenttno IS In Jail awaiting the result of hlo Victims' In juries, and In tho meantime is belnrc held on the pharge of nttempted murder. Both par ties lire at Rtv6ratde, a suburb of Itchdln? After wreaklns: hla venireanca bh Mrs. ParzancSe, Sorrenttno pointed tho revolver nt his head and attempted to take his life with the remaining; bullet, but the trlpuer failed lo work. SLAV ADVANCE TOWARD KOVEL PARALYZES FOE Continued from fax One which tho Teutons haT6 shown bo frequent ly to moka' adequate preparations against assault at unsuspected positions, will, It Is bellsved, noon win for the Ilusfltans both Kovel and Baranovichi. The last thrust ot General Brusllofl has won for his forces a 16-mtto advance be tween tho Btyr and Btokhod Illvers. An other movement of Ilka proportlbns will sweep over and beyond the (treat raltway Junction, which tho Russians have been aim Inr at over nine the lighting about Lutsk was resumed in the now offensive. Meannhllo the successes ot the Russians In Qallcla aro preparing tho way for a great victory In that Bector. Yesterday General Letchltzky captured the Important railroad Junction of Delatyn, west of Kolomoa, and In tho samo stroke cut oft General von Bothmer from hts principal base of supplier A ast amount of booty fell Into the Hus sions hands with tho capture of tho city, GERMANY IS STDNNED BY SUCCESS OF RUSSIAN ARMIES BERLIN, July 10. Tho ayes of Germans are turned toward tho eastern rather than the western front. Tho weight of tho first onslaught In tho west Is believed to have been fully estimated, and In spite of what ever surprises British strategy may still havo In store, public and oxpert opinion hero Is confident of the outcome, It Is believed that the sixth army and reserves hae tho situation well In hand on the Somme front, and that nothing can Inter fere with tho progress of tho Verdun cam paign, In tho cast, however, a great general offensho has burst forth all along tho Uno from Jtiga to Rumania. Wave after wave of Russian flesh and steel Is rolling against tho Teuton dike which stretches across the Russian provinces. Thrust follows thrust In contant succession, and no sooner do tho Germans succeed In walling tho ndvanco at ono threatened point than another men aces. Tho most striking results thus far mani fested havo bean In tho leadership nnd dis tribution of the forces of the Central Pow ers rather than In tho actual movement of the contending armies. 'With the exception of General Planzcr, commanding a small group at tho extreme southern end of tho lino, tho Austro-Hungarian units are every where lntcrv ailed by Germans, who have furnished reserves to bolster up particularly threatened points. At tho very outset of tho Russian of fonslro General Pflanzer detached divisions to relieve the hard-pressed Archduke Joseph Ferdinand, and his operations aro now mainly directed to tho defense ot tho Car pathian forests and tho passes Into tho Hungarian plain. The Oorman leaders havo been astonished at tho recuperatlvo powers of tho Russians and their freely flowing resenolrs'of both men and munitions. Time after time it Bcomcd as If tho Russians must bo ncarlng their last resourco In shells and reserves. Time and again correspondents at Austrian headquarters reported that tho Russian troops were losing their vim and striking powor, only to chronicle a day or two later a.jnew'iQnslaugh.t with fresh troopa, freely supported by artillery. ITALIANS ANNOUNCE CAPTURE OF MORE TRENTIN0 POSITIONS Repulse of Two Night Attacks on Lower Isonzo Front ROME, July 10. Some further progress by tho Italian counter-offensive along tho Tyrol frontier and minor activity on the Isonzo were officially reported last night. Following Is tho text of tho official report: On the upper Aatlco our Infantry ad vanced In the Mollno basin and toward Fornl. Wo captured arms, ammunition and other material left by tho enemy. Densa mist prevented alt Infantry activ ity on the Setta Communl plateau (north and west of AsIagD). In tho northern Bector we stormed some trenches north of Monte Chlesa and occupied Agnello Pass (leading to the Stigana Valley), taking about 40 pris oners. In the upper Campelle Vnlley we regained Pas3 dl San GIoannl. Along the Isonzo tho enemy's artillery was particularly nctivo in the Tolmlno and Plava sectors, and on the heights northwest of Gorlzla. Ours replied ef fectively. The night of July 7 wa re pulsed two further attacks on positions we recently captured near Monfalcone. VIENNA, July 10. Ten minor attacks against tha Goerlts bridgehead and on the ridge east of Monfalcone failed," tha War Ministry announced yesterday. HOTEL SUES FRANK POTII "Seeing New Year in" Coat Brewer ?2270 Frank L. Poth, who resldea at 125 Hans berry street, Germantown, was mada the defendant today to a suit entered In the Municipal Court bj the Adelphla Hotel Company to recover 1343,43 for "food, drink and entertainment" furnished the young brewer from December 31, 191E, to Feb ruary 2, ot this year. According to the Itemized hotel account filed, Mr. Poth entertained very lavishly on New Year's Ee, his festivities for the oc casion costing $227,90, The viands included "cold bottles and hot birds." tutti-frutti lea cream and a plentiful supply of tha various cocktail concoctions. 20 yr. GOLD FILLED 25 yr. GOLD FILLED WATCHES WATCHES 7 19 Jewel Jewel Value Value Sit IS Jewel .98 21 Jewel Value 114 Value 13 17 Jewel 4.75 23 Jewel 7.50 Value (IS Ladle' -oil Gentlemen's glzea Watch pritM like Uuae oeiec require 1 .Tiiua ta Drodnre in Value (10 'tenae biuinr lntereal ' roll UUed Waltliee, for ed neeuruta tlnie-Lpere 3- Jewel lMmnla tIn-JlvtDrrf nr num. Hack), to ck), lot S7.&9 mi7 wuad too tuod ta bi true, bat Ton eau bask on ite Irutbfuliiua. Ecrr I. .rnaa, A faooa' tlTer U eitutlr aa itiutttBted. aaj Tan can eierr amectatloa realized. dtotuA ea nailnx JLllj Or iu uravra ruiad. gieud far nft-Vate Catalajvo. m Ik 1 AUTOISTS USE NICETOWN LANE OH WAY AT THEIR PERIL-PARK GUARD 1 1 1 rr in 111 Mils us - - - -r i 1 -rii 1111111 j 1 in 11 1 - " ir-ri-ni iimwul j.um. I u.lij iiiaviini m miiiiiiiiMHinn i n r -i miiii i i innr i immmmWBmWwHmW$m&imi&3HmmWSUmmJmm9 V " MaMtlildti.. wK&SfGEjitS&BB&SS . XjJti f I t AM -k. Tj t " "TtlaiaHlataaaiiMiiiiiiH aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaarlf jjaATaBaWWe7H.aiWaaaaTaaiaWaTa M.-ta-.. . . m "v-mevrtrvtft. rW lW( sli v it Jl.it " ' "V jaaajiaaaaMafcaaaaaaaaaaa p1ftWHQMflBVHHPBHHB n?TTVT!WMBTTirjT7i7vi?J?tf?y lada'iytaTwVlaaaaaa'aWMaiiMaaiiB 1 1 It -Sm. eg-rrTc.aeaeiaBajj !Jtf99tfmWtmymgmwwmmJKmmTmmmmmm Sw ! i&T iS lflP'"ii ae livleaBiiiaaHealeaBB v JIT ' V K. ,ifl3j0;'v. XV. e An overworked park guard Is stationed on tho East Drive along tho Schuylkill ntver. His arduous tasks of watchlnir the canoeists on tho rlvor, of tipping his hat to limousine rldors who remember htm at Christmas, hli constitutional walks up and down the shaded path and tho mornlnc clean-up of his guardhouse, crowd his hours of duty to such an extent that ono of the most dan gerous points to tho autolst on tho Drlvo Is unguarded. Tho danger spot la nt tho foot of Nice town lane, which passes between East Laurel 11111 Cemetery and enters tho Drive between two high walls. It Is Impossible for tho automobile driver to see nn ap proaching machine until It is wllhln n few feet from htm. Within tho last few weeks at least a scoro of accidents havo narrowly been averted. Ono obsoror knows of six machines which missed colliding only by a few Inches. Still tho Park guard gives no signal. In vain docs the chauffeur descending Nice town lano hill wait for a signal to make tho turn Into tho Iltvcr Drlvo, and In vnln does the driver who dcslros to ascend the hill from tho river receive n nod or a hand signal from tho guard to Indicate that tho road Is clear. To ascend tho hill on high gear it Is necessary to mako tho turn nt a fair rata of speed, adding to tho danger, while tho mnchlnes descending keep closo to tho wnlln and aro directly In tho path ot the upgolng cars. Tho attention of tho Park guard authori ties v.aa called to the failure of tho guard at this point to give slgnnls This was sceral weeks ago, and for a period of ono week alt nutotsts were warned After that time, however, the overworked Park guard resumed his scrutiny of tho canoeists, which, together with his other duties, has prevented him from warning tho autolsts at what Is described by many drivers at tho most dangerous point on tho Drhc. When tho guardhouses were placed along the Schuylkill Itlvcr tho dangerous point was well recognized, as tho house was placed directly In front of tho Nlcctown lane entrance From this position tho guard has a clear view of all automobiles descend ing the rodd as well as those on tho Drlvo. The laxity of the guard, with tho cvccptlon of Sunday nfternoon, when all tho park police aro stationed In tho mlddlo of tho road, has caused a general complaint among pleasuro drivers. It Is necessary for a careful driver to take tho turn Into tho river at a very low speed, with tho constant danger of tho river road car crashing Into him. On tho other hand, tho drlvor of tho car who desires to enter Nlcetown lane from tho river, cither "takes a chance" or throws his speed Into "low" and has a tedious drlvo up hill to Illdgo avenuo. Tho organization of tho Falrmount Park Guard consists of ono captain, ono lieu tenant, olght sergeants and 140 guards. The cost to tho city for maintaining this force Is ?1CS,400 annually. The annual report of tho Park Commission, Just Issued, shows that 1,563,212 automobiles enter tho drives during the year. The failure of tho guard to perform his duty at Nlcetown Lano, or tho failure of tho authorities to Insist that he perform his duty will be presented to the Park Commis sion at an early meeting. Mr rBaaBR " Baw P - - OAiatl QJjStiaf t lYliai ! ...- -. . ... , . ........... .. ... I I i - Tho upper picture, looking downhill, shows how this risky descent is left unguarded most of the time. Tho lower picture shows how easily cars turning the corners in July Clearance This season's newest models of selected ma terials and flawless work manship in variety so broad as to meet every man's wish. Values up to $7.50. $3.40 and $3.90 Nied eaerman Chcatnut St. More Closes Bnturdare Ty HERE! THE M!D-EAQN .ALE of MENV SUITS Economical men who know the style and quality of Jacob Reed's Sons' Clothing always welcome the July Repricing Sale, as it is not only the reduced price that makes the opportunity an important one ; it is the style and goodness of the clothes that will appeal first of all to the critical man. Bear in mind that every suit is taken from our regular stock, and that the sale includes the most desirable styles of the season. The repriced figures follow: $18 Suits are repriced $13.50 $20 and $22 Suits are repriced $15.50 $25 and $28 Suits are repriced $19.50 , $30 Suits are repriced $23.50 $35 Suits are repriced $27 P. S. No goods will tc sent on approval. All alterations required, except shortening or lengthening sleeves of coats and Inseams of trousers, will be charged for at cost. Closing Hour 5 P. M. Jacob Reed's Sons' 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET TO RIVER DRIVE TOO BUSY TO SIGNAL opposite directions might collide. of Summer Shoes 930 Chestnut 39 S. 8th 203 N. 8th 1 r. M. Saturday 12 Noon j&T f I M0T0RB0ATS MAKING ' WAR UPON SHARKS Spring littlco PianB Extension of Patrol Prom Highlands to Gape llny SPntNO LAKE, N. J., July1 10. Mayor, O. II Brown, of this vlllaftoi Surgeon Central W, O. Schannier and hbtelmen here bexan the wfttlc with the extension of their motorboat patrol campaign against sharks to resortfe north and south. Blnoe Thursday, whert a shark Mtled Charles' Brtlder, a hotel belt boy, off the bftthlnff beiich here, a Ashing crory, equipped With a "kicker," has chugged tip and down past (ho beach from sea Girt to tho north end ot tho boroneh llmlU. Asbury Parte, Helmut and other resorts atrtady hare Installed tho motor patrol ofT their beaches. These resorts aro cobperat In with Spring Lake onielals to onllit every retort, so that the coast from Atlantic HIrIi lands to Capo May will be protected by tho motorboata from the sharks, which ate said to hi afraid of foam I MB water stirred up by propellers. . WILSON DECLARES PEACEFUL INTENT Conttnard from frigs One Was biff or strong enough to play a great part In the btistnetg of tho world. U. S. A cnGDlTOn NATION. "Do you know that In tho last few years wo have become a credttdr nation Instead of a dob tor? Our business of the futuro will be to finance tho world and tho men In charge ot this must bo able to handle It with tho proper spirit nnd mind. "Salesmanship must hereafter be touched with nn ultimate comprehension of business enterprlso throughout tho globe. America wilt havo to placo her Intelligence ahead ot her goods. Salesmanship must tako on an International atmosphere. "Vou'vo got to sell what other peoplo want. Your raw materials mutt be tho raw materials other countries want and your manufactured goods tho same. "If mo can once get what some gentlemen nro so loath to glvo us a merchant marlho (tho troubto of some men Is that they are slow In their minds) then wo can adjust tVaWaVtVaafMpaaSHasaVBMaBaMaSaaHaVHHHMHVr. MlfilrJiiUll Msssm mffrfflTJ voo cs raarel ter u" them jjiiijl II Fit l-l lil iXli.71 1 1 fHtrri f ti Tii T (1 jiiii 1 11 11 It fTTTi r f 1 J I T-l'l 't l'rfii 11 f f f 'r4hWTT,TT'Tt k HBTPflHalir apAaViLiiLLLLLLLLBVVwYYLKflHaa&bwavaaf afcJalaPI. j iJLi. WJtS jjaatajjafc jTj aTllLaUlAXJaULOaPJte-wua our good to the desires of th6e to whom wri deliver them "The only Way In whieli Voti can be sure you will bo accepted IS to be sure yptt have Something worth tnktng Veu must adapt yourself to the conditions. ' J ntOHT WAT TO HELP MEXICO ' "The long wfvj' to get together la lo fight ' Some men say th6y want to help Mexico. They1 want to overwhelm Tier with forco. That Is tho long way at welt as tho wrong way. "Ily thts you ofttnbllsh hatreds. Then i when you try to go In as friends and help mates ybU find the doors barred as it with J Bteel. Mexico feels that wo do not wish to help her, but to possess her. This Is-' duo to the manner in which some have tried to exploit her possessions. So far J as I am concerned I will not help these I men. We must respect our own sov- I erelgnty, but we must respect that ol ' Mexico. Mf belief Is llko the Virginia bill of rights 6vcr' people has a right lo man ago their own affairs, t say this for the benefit 6f those who would butt In." 7ENUS 10PENCIL 'IN -- ' 6;e ,. 0US- vW ?&HC Vr?o CtZMAAuL- ?ttyJr5J aCllaM S I mrrsoXH 4mKS w)Ameriean Ita&fyxA CcJ0? ( St i W'iBjUJLlLXia 5 mmmTmlaawiMuj&'ir iiriffi - Hi