-jjSTR "f" "-f 3 (1 "li '- id V -; MONDAY July 10 1916 MONDAY July 10, 1916 u u iMtimtf '' S & .A ? KJ famGaa!KBBg&t i - (l THE GERMAN SUPERSUBMARINE'S SENSATIONAL ARRIVAL AT BALTIMORE CHRONICLED IN PICTURES MMftJ GERMAN SUBMARINE, THE DEUTSCHLAND, COMING UP CHESAPEAKE BAY TO BALTIMORE EARLY THIS MORNING, TRIUMPHANTLY COMPLETING A VOYAGE OP 4100 MILES ACROSS THE ATLANTIC The Mb U-boat is convoyed by tho motortug Elco, of tho North German Lloyd Line, whoso captain was tho first to sight tho lights of the undersea craft as they hung from tho high masts, which are clearly shown in the picture. Members of the crew, which successfully brought the submersible liner across the ocean ,appear standing on deck . ?&M'.!rs'--l HB' c BBF jSt - IBSIHIHHIBBnE'! air b SSSbBIm j. " "i n i m iiflt"'j"MiTrMMMlBMiMHMBMffO?ilTBMMl'MMM an ii A '. jmBjki'. s. ' .Jt 53l5fe .. blHBHmEBBlBBBwBBBiHHHBiiHUI.ii r s f'v , i-ilb9rVHlE9HHHIBiE9HioHIHII.iiiDi - 22!c5 jfeijBwNi ijifi'' i'"'B-----------SaSS--BB5-SBSB - jr'"i ' KaMBHIllaHftlHHHBBHEHSBBHHlBlHHBlHiBBHBSHlHrH "ft 'fc'l " I M4l mwiiiiMi imii iiiiim imniwnwwiMiuiiiiurrnJT"iiii ar,,",i'l'T",'rr'ifi Tf r '' '"-- """""- - '" . m , , , "" TTWinillHtlliTIIITWTiril EMMiaMn0Hait -". , STERN VIEW OF TRE NEW SUBMARINE MERCHANTMAN, SHQWING HER BULGING UNDERWATER BODY, AND HER COMMANDER, CAPTAIN KOENIG , , x ?hoto by H.rry iipod, sutt P6otom?b.. Thk vWwr of th craft shows how she is built so as to provide i-qomy cargo space beneath her narrow superstructure. She is in tow of the tugs Elco and Timmms. The other picture shows her skipper, in his naval' cap and sou'wester, standing beside Captain Hinsch, of ( the Baltimore company organized to handle the Deutschland'a cargo. I 1 ,- I Jf V.