W isvteNisra ledger-Philadelphia, mokday. july 10, ioic. fi." -v-t: ,. ,i -f-. .. iirin,, ifcMk. FINANCIAL NEWS PROFESSIONAL TRADERS CONTINUE TO WdRIC FOR LOWER STOCK PRICES Market During Day Has to Withstand Selling Induced by VaHoijs Things Industrial Alcohol Yields 12 Poihts, While Others Drop 1 to 3 High Polnia In Today's Financial News United States Steel Corporation reported unfilled orders on the books as of Juno 30 of 0,61,0,58 tons, a decrease of 297,3)0 totts as compared with may SI German Marks strong as result of arrival of U'boat merchantman nt Baltimore. Securities valued at $16,000,000 arrived in New York from Europe. Official denial made that Anaconda will absorb Inspiration. Price of bar silver lower in NewtYork and London. Bituminous coal shipments 6ver Philadelphia and Reading smaller in May as compared with April, but larger than last year. NEW VOItK. July 10. Ort the Stock Exchange today the process of "sifting" tho market was con-' tlnutxl by tho professional traders, whom no amount of actuarial calculations can persuade that the larger Interests aro not anticipating tho conditions likely to iitaln on tho cessation of tho present European conflict The professional traders are bent upon forcing issues In which thero is a Ihln market as far as possible to levels more, consistent with their ox-war value. The, general market today had to withstand selling Influenced variously by tho sentimental clToct of a renewal of tho high level for call money In mora than a year, tho largo arrival of American securities from Europe and tho first decrease ehown since last August In orders of tho United States Steel Corporation. It is well understood that the last-mentioned concern has business enough for nt least ft year to come. ' Tho outstanding featuro of tho market was a complete absenco In support of Industrial Alcohol, which yielded on professional prcssuro an extremo of 12 points from last Saturday's final and 16J6 points from tho high of last week. Declines Of 1 to Zi points or moro wcro established In a number of other Issues, including .Canadian Pacific, Air Brake, Butto and Superior, Marino preferred and others. Oh tho other hand, rallies of 1 to 2 points took place In some stocks, bringing them fractionally above tho closing price of last week. These Included Crucible Steel, Studebakcr, Wcstlnghousc, American Locomotive, Baldwin Locomotivo and "Willys-Overland. United States Steel common was heavy throughout, at a frac tional decline. $45,000,000 In American Securities Arrive From Europe NEW YORK, July 10. Thirteen cases containing American securities have Rrrlvod from Europo. Eight cases, with $25,000,000 In securities, arrived on tho Whtto Star liner Celtic, while. -five, with about $20,000,000, came on tho American steamship 'Philadelphia. Tho securities will go to J. P. Morgan 4 Co. and other Now York banks for marketing at tho discretion of tho bankers. Deny Anaconda Is to Absorb Inspiration NEW YORK, July 10. Ofllclals of both the Anaconda Copper Mining Com pany and tho Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company emphatically deny stories that "plans aro maturing for tho absorption" of the Inspiration by the Anaconda Company. They say that thero is absolutely no foundation for such reports. STOCKS IRREGULAR ON NEW YORK CURB Good Support Shown in Motor Issues Submarines in Demand i NEW YORK. July 10. Irregular price movements characterized tho dealings on tho Broad Street Curb to day. Recessions were the rule at tho outset In nearly all tho Important iseuos. although around midday good support, was shown In tho motor stocks and the submarine Issues. Aetna Explosives was again under pres sure and suffered a further loss of moro than a point: Mldvale Steel, on heavy offer ings, declined about 2 points; Gaston and Wlgmoro wns down ; Marconi of Amer ica ruled firm, and White Kathodlorv Bronze moved up a point. "iter (Outre wcro ,tho more active and after early weakness turned strong on 'What looked to bo Inside purchases. Chex roitft opened up 2 -Jiolnts, subsequently brpke 1, but later rallied ; Stutz Motor moved up over 3 points: United Motors, after a loss of 1. recovered and advanced fractionally. White Motors was heavy. Mitchell Motors was Introduced for the first tlmo at a small advance. Lake Torpedo Boat developed pronounced strength with Increased activity, while hot ter Inquiry was shown for Submarine Boat, due In part to tho successful voyage of tho Oerman submarine. Oil stocks were generally firmer and more active, especially the- Standard Oil Issues. Mining stocks wero fractionally bet ter on a fair volume of trading. There was slightly better Inquiry for bonds, which moved In narrow limits. INDUSTRIALS. ljt , , , Hid. Asked. Aetna Exrjoslves , 1- I't'ib Amerlcan-Urltlsh Mfr:,.', lg American Marconi 3 J? Canadian Car Co.'..... 05 7U Canadian Car Fdy prof H HS Chevrolet Motori "-HS 22s Curtlsa Aeroplane .JO go Drlres-Soaburjr ....... 1-J 1st) Elsenlohr Tobacco , JJ .? Klaenlohr Tobacco pref Up 100 Emerson Fbonoiraph ............ 1S 11H 1'lemUh Lynn i'n lasxell & Darker Car... Sil 37 lendea Manufacturlnr ". -.J Inter Merchant Marine..... 1:3 JT Inter Merchant Marine pref, ...... 1)2 VI Kathodlon llronzo pref 2HJs Jj Maxim Munition! B 8U Manhattan Trail .". 1H ) Slldvala Steel ': O-n Otla Elevator ST BU Peerless Motors . .- , 21 -18 Poole EnB -.... US., ..... 8 8 Kress ivl 10t 10 1 Standard Motora , B 7 Stutx Motor ,.,. B;S 53., Submarine 33.H 34 Trlansio Film 2 ' J United Motor 7iH 73 United l'ront Bharlne . U S U 11 com 2H SK do pref 0 OU 'White Motora Sltt - 3-J World film ., Is 1 STANDARD OIL. Illinois ...,..,.,.,.161 106 OhlO , t-'-rJS r.,a Prairie Pipe 22J $ H a Cal ...,,..,,2112 203 8 O New Jersey ,......., 520 S.'S U O New Tort ....205 207 OTHER OIL 8T0CK8. Coeden Oil.. 25 2JH Cnalroera OH ...,,..,.., ,4 8 Inter Petrol ! 10 10 Houston Oil ..,., , U 17 Midwest Reflnlna- 110 tiapulpa. Ilenntnr HH 11H MININQ STOCKS. Atlanta, .., 1., 1 lluttu Copper ft Zlno JJ ts Matte N Y 1 r" Cerro da Paaco ....,, 33Va Stt First National 3h 4 Colddeld Mercer b Keda. Mining 3Ji Bit Howe Bound a Jim Butler .....03 S3 Jumbo Extenaton 7 - HO UcKlnler Uarrasb ,; s... Jo S3. Maxma Copper lSJi 14U Mlnea fu of America 2tt zl Nipiaalni- 85. J San Tor If J Bt Joaeph Iad ., HH 13 Writ End Cos ! 1 11-32 White Oaka .. 5 8 BONDS. Cerro , Paaco 6a 10S 112 Mldvale 6 8 U NKW HAVEjK -WANTS SHIPS Seeks to Retain Interest in ySound Vessels WASIIING'fOX. July 10. The right? of te Navr Tork. New Ifaven and Hjttgrd Railroad to retain its Interest In UiifSqund stenmers will b the subject of SHbiaifJnir In ffeir York July 36 before ComfELwloiier ClMneMs. of the Intemtate Coramwc'gmt Hjlgajoq, ' The hearlnjt Ja an cuterowth it tharora-tr,!loa- tnvestlnatloA undur the Panama. Canal P :"l auctoeda the Oovernnient'n rooution of a Ued roonopgly by the Kmy Haven, of tfw rOntfiajui transportation fcuilKtea- Th control vf water transporta toH by railroad carrier 14 provided for hmUt tlw Panaica Qatwl act, Jt Im spect4 tluttjhla hruis- wUl be i4eU4, for ee'vsmK days, but that no eteatotte dwlstoa will spa reached until next ..( lm. New York Bond Sales I3 113 lOSji 108j; do cv 4b IDIKI .10.1 ltin. ln.-i'. Ian Co I.lno lat 4t. . vAl 2U lil-'H do 4H HUH J4 HOH lit & Ohio Bs 10t), liios luui .. j. Hlah, Isiw. Clo. tinon Amer Aitr deb B.... 0714 li"'i 7;i 883000 Awtlo.I'-rench Ba DO UBS UBS 1O00O Amer Hide & L 0a....lo:itt lll.1t 103H aziHiii Amer Tel cvt 4H....loo losji auijii Armour Co 4V4 n linvs diuimi Aicninon Ren 4fi l'.i ujuou ao inoo Atl.it UO(H) do mono tin it -.. . -: ::t -:;r..- -r..i uuii no n nu-4 liu-4 l'w-4 31000 do.cv 4V,k lluS K1H 'IH 100(1 neth Hteol rdl Be I00H loo4 looji 14000 Can Govt 4s lllUl llll IMlS VIlS ,(11111 UO 49 lllll iuiid ioiimi liiu 17001) du 4e 1081 101 100H lull k noon Cal Clao t Eire Bs HsU VHU VH 1000 Canada Houth 3 10JI 11124 M2i 1000 Cent Ga let a 107. 107S 10714 mild Cent leather lat Ha. ..102 102 102 14000 Cent I'ac lat 4s NO KK"i 88i 4000 Cent II It N J reir Be. .linti 110J4 llti'5 0000 do 4tta 1I0U l"U 004 2.1000 do COnV IM 114-4 lMVi 20000 cm a Alton ;irt HOOU Chl Ot Weet 4a 1000 Chl A Nwn 314 7000 C I) & Q Joint 4s 3000 do (ten 4s 1000 do HI 4s 2200O Chl I & W 4s 1000 C M S S I' rfd 414 s. 1000 do dlv 4s 2000 do conv Ss J3000 do CV 4HS lot'. B00O C M & P H 4s IIIIS 17000 C 11 I A P rfd 4s ... 7BU 10000 do Be OilU 0000 do OS 101 1000 Con Ohs conv as ....122 10000 Del & Hud conv 4s ..1001; BOOO Den & It O 4 7HS 230000 do rfd Ss 7014 VOOO DIs Sec Corp Ss 7Bh 8000 Krlo conv 4 Her II... 73 0000 do conv 4s Srr D. . . XII BO00O do prior 4s 84i 12000 III Steel deb 414 s Itoj. 3000 III Central 4s 11133. . n.'.s 0000 Interb Met 4V4s 74S ni'iiii iitir-ru loooo inter 1000 Jai 3000 i Mnnn Tnn r,.w 2000 I.acka Steel Sa 1023. IIUT4 Hilt, nil', 1000 do Ss 10S0 1IIH 01 01H 111000 1.1c 8h deb 4s 1031... II4 Oljf H4J 2U00 Liar it 31 T ns mj i-4 10034 1000 do 7a I21H4 12il 12il4 2000 Louis & Nash 4s nth I'll "(ft BO 4 70 K Hlli i!3l4 OS 7 -? 0014 14. 107' 0114 B014 71 HIH 014 0214 OB 7BH 02H 0014 10714 1011, 11114 OIIS 004 73 73 113 03T4 101S 101H 122 122 104 10014 7HN 7J not. 7.V.4 73 hs; Hl4 004 .-,! 71 i IihH IV r, 'b, . . . i.i-i -7, jt Jiar cv 44s.iu44 i7 Jan new ti a 4s. nil, ntji o new 414a N4S H4S Tarn la, Ja MU U1IL not. 7B14 73 .-.; 84 Oil1 .83jJ 71U os4 1014 Hl'i 8414 KM -2 8 .... Bli .11 S1'4 3114 ....loiJ intr 4000 Manhattan eta 4s.... III'. Hl'i 10000 Minn & Bt L 4a lit 111 12000 Mo K & T 1st 4s 7SH 7314 1IIIKI tin ?il 4a IN 48 13000 Mo Pac ct 4s eta 1000(1 do ct 4 HOOO Mo Pac 4s 1000 do cv Bs 1000 do conv Us 2000 Mont Power 5s . 3000 N Y C ft H Us 1000 do 314 s 3000 N Y Cltv 4s 1030 liKMi n X city 44 a iuii.1. .inn i". noon do 414 s May '37 ..10714 10714 11000 N Y Rwy adl Bs BH B8 12000 N Y Tel iten 414a ... 08 08, 1001) Norf ft West dlv 4s.. KUli SOU 2000 do cv 4a '23 l.Ht'.t 8300 Nor Pao prior 4s 02S looo Nor Poco 4s 8811 1000 Ore Short Line Bs loili, loot) Ore Itwy ft N con 4s. 02 7000 Pacific Tel As 100H ,8000 Penna en 4l4a 1014 BOOO Ptonla's (las Bs 1IM)' 21000 neadlne ren 4a t. , . . . OBS in-4 0114 Hid in 7S14 48 104 311i r.i4 mtv 07I H7i 7i .112'4 11214 11214 . 82K 82S 82S . 10U14 lOllU 10OU 1IIH 107H 38 08 KIlU 13014 1301, 0. ',4 8811 1011 li 02 mow 1014 Km', n? 881i 10014 02 10014 1041 I'M'! 1134 1000 Itwy Steel Bprea Sa '31 08 08 UH. 8000 St L I 31 4 S (llf 4s. 74 73J4 73J4 1000 St L ft S f Ken 4..i0in lj)l4 1014 lROOll do .r A w I 1UOOO do adl W 1 84 84 innnil An In w I A3 33 2O0O at Paul il ft II ISl 4S lin-4 '- 84 53 1'3'i iuoo neauoara a i. am us. 017, m-, ntri BOOO South Hell Ss 10ll 100 I00 BOOO South Pac cv 4a 87S 87S 87S S3000 do cv ret f p 3a.,..103K HW7J 1S 210(10 do rM 4s 8"T 8ii 8ii; irUlO Rmith Itwv ff-n 4n . . 71 71 71 8000 do ron Sa HUH HUH H'lft 400(1 Tenn C ret I p K1414 UUlJ 104 15000 Term Asso St L ref 4s 8.1 H 8.114 8.111 1000 Tex A Pac 1st Sa . . . 07., 07 07., HHiOll Texas Co cv Ba 10114 104K 104K 15000 Third Ave adj Ba . . . 70S 704 70 1000 T St 1 1 W 4a '30 ,. 81 S4T4 B4 nuin T-i-Pitv a, too Hmi loo 300(1 U 8 Rubber Ba 10214 102K 1(1214 .103 . 0 . 03 , on . 3211 OH nn; 004 osT 80 1! 32 1 vn 103 OflH 031, 111 10014 10014 10014 Ud'J 0811 IIh'I la 0814 081 08U KAlJiitOAi IpMJcaAKHy 8T. fVU 3Lw -s taoiiia" EARNINGS ANJHTB. JIAKU3. laitt TttfJMttj I'l:! l.7ij isa aa II. mmm m 18000 II S Steel S P Sa BOOO Un Pac 1st 4a .... SOOO do cv 4a ........ 20000 do rfd 4s 15000 Un Ilwi'i S F 4a .. 13000 Va Car Chm 1st Sa. luuo ao ne . . . . BOOO Va Rwy fia I (Hill Wabiiah 'Jd Ba iruuUl W,L1 T fat rl 4l 1 D 34 34 34 1000 West Efectrlc Ba ... .1014 1014 101J1 1000 West Vrl lat 4a .... 73H T3H 73H Total ll .. I. 881, 000 rompured nllh $1, B J 1.000 y 31onduy, 4 DIVIDENDS DECLARED anca Company of North America, reau byi mlnnual II per cent., payable July 17 to - .nlitMrm nt rHwrd at tnu Claaa OS Ijualneaa -ir minion Steel Corporation. Ltd.. resular tarly 134 per cent, on yreierrea, payaoie AtaBu. 1. Hooka close July 13 and reopen Aui StutsVbtor Car. of Indiana, a dividend ot 1123.000." parable September 1. AH of the slock of the Stuts Motor Car Company of Indiana la owned by Stutx Motor Car Company of America, recently financed by Allan A. Ryan and asso ciate. This action may be construed as Indi cating that Stutx Motor stock will shortly be placed on a 6 dividend baala. American Plpa and Construction Securities Company, regular semiannual ot 4 per cent, on preferred, payable AmcutfC .1 to atoekholdera of record July 20. Check will be mailed. Jtth GOVERNMENT BONDS nid. 2a rUterd 30 J814 ; coupon 1030 , :.. S8Va i! registered ISIS 100 la. coupon 1818 loo,, 4i revere IMS 109H 4a coupon 123, ;iAi5 l.,u. Paauna, 2a reslstcred 1U3U 08 Panama 2a reaUtered 1034 OS Panama Sa rrsbterad 00l 100 Panama. Sa coupon , 100 A,X Pitt 101 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnxa today compared with corre .pondli dav U.t tj, y,r,:g Phil. Boston New York, 'fi l(9 irn . . . Baiubura . ft.ST3.81 1 S.t.3.T6a .735.14 M. ttula 1S.712.JW H.a,oU J3.U2.78J New York Stock Sales idlt close. lllKh. Loir. Close. AcmoTc 62!f 62 62 62 Adr liumplr 15 16 15 15 Alulta J Gold M 8 8!f W Wf AlAska Oold MlnM .18 18 18 18 Allls-Chiilmcrs Mfe 22 22 22 22 Allls-Clialmcrs Mf pt... 73), 7.1 T2H 7.1 Am At Chemical f8?f 07H 07!i 07H Am ncct Sugar 0.1 0H 02 0.1 AmnMtSutarpf 100 99H OOJf 00f Am Can 5.1U 63 fil! C2H AmCar&Wy 62H 63 62 6.1 Am Coal I'roductl 118)$ 147 UU( 141K Am Kxprcss .120H 1261J 120M 120J1 Am Hide & Leather...., 10,'f MH 10), 10H Am Hide & Ii lf 53 62!f 5Uf 62 Am Ice Securities 20f 30 29 20 Am Locomotive. ........ 01 iH r.Df 03)4 mMaltCorp-npf Mi .17H .17) f 37!f AmSmelt&Itef 01U 01 W.H 0.1)f Am Steel Foundries 40lf 47 4G!" 47 AmTcl&Tcl.. 120Jf l20 120H 120K Am Woolen 44M II 4.DJ 41H Am Woolen pf 05)f ODJ 01 Ot Am Writing I' pt 21 24)i 2.1)i 2.1!$ Am7.lncL&Sm 31 .11 20J 20 Am ZlncLS Sin pf .... 03' 02H 01)i 01)4 Anaconda Cop M 81)4 81H 70)4 80)S AtchTop&HK la")), 10.M. 10:. 10.W Atch Top & S F pf Oil 0!) OS). 08) AllOulf&WI KM OiH 02M 02)4 ah ouif ft w i pf . . . :. . ot ' ai)4 ai 0.1 llald Ijoco Wks 00)4 71 (W 704 Halt ft Ohio 80)4 80 SS?!- 88. llrooklyn Itap Tf 80K 8.5!f KM 85)1 llrown Shoo 61)4 60 60 60 initio ft Superior 03! 02U 11054 02 llutterlck Co 28X 2S'f 281 28.U Cal Petroleum 21)4 20)4 10 10 Cal Petroleum pf 48K 4S 47H 47)4 Canadian l'aclflis 180)4 170 177)4 1 7854 Central Leather 50)4 M( 5.1U 6.15i Chandler Motor 111)4 11054 11014 110)4 dies ft Ohio 02H 02?4 02 02 Chllo Copper 21 20)4 20'4 204 Chlno Copper 48)4 48!i 47)4 47f Chl K I & Pac 22)1 22). 21 211 Chicago Great West 13 1254 12J4 1254 Chicago (heat West pf . . .17 .ION 30!4 30)4 Chl Mil ft St Paul OSU OSU 07J4 OS Chl Mil ft St Paul pf. ..1305 130)4 130)i 130)i COCAStL 60)4 64)4 5-1 51 C C C ft St L pf 83 82)4 82)4 82)4 Col Fuel ft Iron 44U 4H. 43)4 44 Col ft South 1st pt 68!X 68)4 5Si 68)i Col ft South 2d pf 53 60 60 60 Continental Can 102 100 100 100 Consolidated (las 135)4 133 135 133 Corn Products Ilcf 14! 14!f 14)4 14)4 Corn Prod Hcf pf 00)4 00)4 00 00 Cruclulo Steel 70 72 08)4 72 Crucible Steel pf 114)4 114 114 114 Cuba Cane Sugar 01 005. fl!)5 00 Cuba Cants Sugar pf 05 04'f 01)j 01!4 Denver ft Itlo Or 15). 15)4 15 15)4 Denver ft Hlo Or pf.... 33)4 37)4 35)4 3554 Distill Sec Corp'n 4354 43)4 41 41 DulSS&Atl 6!4 4)4 4)4 4)4 Elec Storago Hat 03 03 03 03 Erie 30)4 3G5f 30)4 30)4 Erlolstpf 64)4 6-114 64 51 Krlo 2d pf 44 45 45 45 FcdMlnftSmpf 38 38 38 38 General Electric 107)4 107 107 107 Granby Consol 85 81 84 84 Greenc-Caiianca 4554 45 45 45 Goodrich II F 75)4 7454 7354 74)4 Great Northern pf 110)4 110)4 110)4 110)4 G Ncfs for ore prop.... 3054 30!4 30)4 30)4 Illinois Cent 100 ,105)4 103J4 105)4 Int Harv Corp'n S2 S2 82 82 Int Harris J 113 114 113J4 113U Int Nickel v t cfs 47)4 47)4 40'4 40)4 Int Con Cor v t c sh... . 17)4 10)4 10H 10J4 Int Paper 13)4 14 1354 14 Int Paper pf 02 02)4 02 02 Insp Con Cop 51)4 61), 6014 6014 Int M M c of dep 24 J4 25 2354 235f Int M M pf c of dp 80 RS)4 87 8754 JewelTeapf 10-1 100 ' 100 100 Kennccott Copper 4754 4754 40)4 40)4 Lack Steel Co 70)4 70)4 00)4 00)4 Lehigh Valley SO 7054 70)4 70)4 Lee Hubber Tire 47)4 47 40)4 40)4 Long Island 30)4 37 37 37 Maxwell Motors 70)4 70)4 78 78 Maxwell Motors 1st pf . . 80 85)4 85)4 8554 Maxwell Motors 2d pf . . 57 50)4 50)4 50)4 Mexican Petroleum 103)4 102)4 101)4 102H MlnnSt P ft SSM.... 127)4 120 120 120 Miami Copper 34)4 34)4 3354 335, Missouri Pacific 7)4 7 7 7 Missouri Pac tr cfs 7 7 0)4 0)4 Montana Power 88)4 S0J4 88 8054 Nat Cloak ft Suit 74)4 7554 7554 7554 Nat Lead Co 05 05 05 05 Nov Con Cop 1054 1054 10. 10)4 Now York Air Drake.... 120 120 125)4 127 NYNH&H 0154 01H 00)4 G054 New York Central 104)4 101)4 101 101 Norfolk ft Western 131 M 131)4 130)4 130)4 Norfolk & Western pf. . . 80)4 88 88 8 North American 07)4 08)4 0S)4 08)4 Nortnern Paclllc 114)4 11254 112)4 112J4 Nat Hys Mex 2d pf 754 0 0 0 Ontario Silver MIn 7 0)4 0)4 0)4 Pacific Mall 21 21 20)4 20)4 Pcnn Railroad 57)4 57J4 67)4 57)4 Pitts Coal Co N J pf. .. .103 10154 102)4 10354 Pitts C C ft St L 83 83 S3 83 Pressed S Car Co 45)4 45 45 45 Pressed S Car Co pf 00)4 00)4 00)4 09)4 Ily Steel Sp Co pf 00)4 07 07 07 Ray Con Copper 22)4 22 2154 2154 Heading 00)4 094 0754 0754 Heading 2d pf 45 45 45 45 Hepubllc Iron ft S 4554 45 41)4 44)4 Republic Iron ft Spf.... 108 108 108 108 St Loul& S F 2d pf. . . 0)4 0'4 0)4 CJ4 ShatArUCop 20)4 20)4 25 25 Seaboard Air Lino pf.... 39)4 38)4 38 3S South Porto R Sug 185 190 180 100 Southern Paclflc 08)4 0854 0754 9754 Southern Hy 2154 215, 23)4 24)4 Southern Ry pf 09)4 09 09 69 Standard Milling rts )4 54 H 54 Studcbaker Co 131)4 13154 13254 13254 Tenn Copper 34)4 34)4 31 32 Texas Co 103 192)4 189 108)4 Texas Co sub rec f pd. . .191)4 188 18S 188 Texas Paclllc 12)4 12)4 12)4 12)4 To! St L& West 7)4 0 0 0 Union Bag ft Paper pf . . .11)4 35 35 . 35 United Cigar Mfrs 5054 57 57 57 USSmlt&M 71 70)4 CO 09)4 USSinR&Mpf 51 5034 50)1 50)4 Union Paclllc 139)4 139)4 13M4 138)4 US Ind Alcohol 12SM 127 107)4 109 United Fruit 100 158)4 158)4 158)4 USItubber 5334 53 63 53 U S Rubber 1st pf 11054 110)4 11054 11054 U 8 Steel Corp'n 80)4 80 8554 8534 USSteel Corp'n pf 1I7M 117J4 11734 117)4 Utah Copper 77)4 77)4 70 70 Wabash 14)4 14 14 14 Wabash pf A 51 51 60)4 50)4 WabashpfH 28)4 28)4 28 28)4 West Union Tel 04)4 0454 01 04 WestK&M 50)4 50)4 55)4 50)4 Wheel ft Lake Erie 554 0 554 5)4 Willys Overland 7554 70)4 7434 75 WlUys Overland pf 107 108 10734 108 Wisconsin Central 40 47)4 40 47)4 WoolworlbFW 130)4 135)4 135)j 135)4 Quoted ex dlldend Total sales. 413 200 shares, compared with 32,100 share lust Monday. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Steamships to' Arrive FHEIdllT. Name. "P1; ,SalIlli Quren Marsaret Manchester' ... .June S City of Aura .., ..Caua Town ...June 13 Huelva .,,....,..-.. ...I-eltn June 17 Tamaqua ,.,,, Glasgow ......June 17 Nordlyn , .Copenhagen ..,Jum24 North 1'olnt ".ondon ...... .Junu L'3 Sir Krn Sassel ...... ...Narvik ..June JU Alexandra .,.,,...... ..bhlelda June 'J 7 SSyldyk Amsterdam ...June 21 I), u. MIchallnos. ......Oran .........June S) Aacot ............Huelva ,.,.,, .June an Urd ' i,ar,y lur l Wynroto ,., Glasgow ......July 1 Mississippi ..,.,...,.. ..London ...... Ju jr a Yuan ,,,. Santa Maria. ..July 3 Artisan .., ,.,,.,. .Antofagaata ...July 4 Maine .....,.,,,,, ... ,,I.undon ,. Ju y Cheyenne ...Uverpool .....July o Uoldeguard ,..,,, ....iiiitanzai ....(.July 7 PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships Due Today Name. . From, Stiamed. Tu.cinla Liverpool July I Corona , . . . . ttordcam .... .June SO Steamships to Leave . Name. or. Date. New Amsterdam Falm'th-Rofm .July 11 Celtic Uverpool July 13 Movements of Vessels Btr. ToIedS. Philadelphia, for Bablne. was 103 miles southwest of Diamond bhoal lightship at 7 p. m. July 0. Sir. Oulfoll. towing barge Conemaugh, Sabine for Philadelphia, was !l)3 miles southwvst of Diamond Shoal lightship at noon July u. Str. Santa, Rita. Sabine for Philadelphia, wa 24 miles weat of Sand Key at 8 p. m. July S. Str. Currier, Philadelphia for Matantas. waa 183 miles north of MaUnzae at 7 p. m. July a. Str. Katahdln. Georgetown for Philadelphia, passed Diamond Shoal lightship at 7 JO p: m. July S. Str. Leira iDan . Pelawa-e llreakwater for Port Arthur, paased Diamond Shoal lightship at 1110 P. m. July 8 Str. Paraguay Philadelphia for Sabine, was 131 milts southwest et Diamond Shoal lightship at poon. July . A r f REPORTS OF BLACK RUST HELP WHEAT Export Sales Also Aid in Final Dealings in Chicago Market cast OltAl.V I1EI.T WKATI1F.B FOKF.CABT. CHICAflO. Joly 10. The weather fore st for 38 hours follow! Illinois Fair tonleht and Tiicwnrt wnrmrr Tnedniir.nnd west tonight. , Mlseonrl 1'itlr tonight nnd Tnesdayt wnrmer northeast. .... lVIronln lair oontli, tmrtlr cloudy, prohahlr local thunder snowrrs north to- nlshii Ttiesany, generally fain warmer to- Minnesota rnrlly cloudy west nmt south! thunder showers northenet tills afternoon or tonlglitt wnrmer In extreme enstl cooler extreme west tonlghti Tuesday, generally fain cooler enst, .... , - ln,vn tlrnernllr fair tonight nnil Tnes dnrt wnrmer enst nnd rentrnl tonight nml eifreme enst Tiiesdnyi cooler northwest Nortd'Dflkntn (lenernlly, fair, tonight nml Tiirsilnrt somewhat cooler tonight. rionth Dnkntn (lenernlly fnlr tonight nml Tiiesdnyi somewhat fooler ' tonight north nnd et nnd extreme enst Tiiesilny,, . .Nelirn.kn (lenernlly fair tonight urn Tueiin'i cooler northwest tonight nnd enst , Tuesday. ,. llnn.ni (lenernlly fnlr tonight nnd Toes, ilnyi rooler Tuesday, estreme north. CHICAGO, July 10. Thero wns much be wilderment In Hie wheat lt today bccnime of ilcnlnlu nnd confirmations of stories about black ruat In tho northwest. The market ended firm, nt the best level of Iho Rcsslon after n eood deal of Irregularity. Tho tone nt the start wns cnslcr under fairly nctlve sclllnrr, but milled on renewed buylnc;. Hears then beenmo n lltllo unoro nufiresslvo nnd forced the market back. .Shorts, however, were so badly punished by Saturday's scnsntlonnl jump, when tho first black rust scaro of tho season do velopcd, that they were not Inclined to sell n grout deal. Tho strength In the ilnnl denllngs was duo to moro reports of black rust In the northwest nnd to export snlesl of about 600,000 bushels. Including n enrgo ot new hnrd 'winter wheat from tho Qulf. Lost quotations were 1 to He. not higher. Summing tho rust matter up, a leading authority said: "JJIncq rust seldom rrta terlallzes. but tho fear causes bad dreams. June wns very favorable for spring wheat. It Is usually n hard month." The market nt Liverpool started strong on the rust news from America. Tho visi ble supply In tho United Stntcs decreased 809,000 bushels for tho week, to 11,820,000 bushelK. Corn finished firmer, nl'though nt ono tlmo ther wns considerable support on tap. Tho country bought Decomber, particularly Southowestorn Interests, ns temperatures in that section aro high and rain Is needed. The visible supply In tho United Stntcs decrensed 7.11,000 bushels for tho week, to 6,in,000 bushels. Tho market nt Liverpool wns firm on decrenslng stocks nnd smaller export offerings. Onts closed stronger. The vlslblo supply In the United States decreased 73.1,000 bush els for tho week, to 11,719,000 bushels. '.endlne futures ranged as follows: Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. . July i.u; September Dpcemlier , Corn mow delivery) Sat. close. . .. l.oii'i i.iw l.oci ti.os ti.trnvi .. l.tisK l.io i.oh ti.iu i.inijs .. l.ll'i 1.12H l.lott tl.iaK 1.1114 70 744 n:iU 4fl' :iH 41 Julv Heptcmbor Decrmber Oats July September Decombor i.aru July tl.1.17 September ..1:1.113 October Win July 13.110 September ..13.70 l'ork July 23.M September ..114.83 Hid. tAskcd. 7BH 74Js 40"-i '".. 41"! 77H 73 (12 1 -III 30'1 10A t78',i 74 11.1 is .a ti.iH to'4 tnnj, 41U Ml, 13.20 13.3ft 13.33 13.70 13,12 113.20 tl.1.27 13.27 13.32 13.40 11.1.47 t!3.42 1.1.30 J13.33 1.1.32 13.37 23.37 24. N7 INomlnnl. 23.33 123.37 24.112 2I.K7 13.70 13.72 23.00 24.87 Financial Briefs Tho report ot tho Lackawanna Steet Com pany for the quarter ended Juno 30 last will bo made public In tho next few days. It Is stated In tho best Informed circles that tho profits nftcr Interest, rentals, np proprlalons, etc., will ba moro than $1,000,000 ahead of those reported for tho first quarter of this year, when tho amount was $2,251,068. J. K. Hatch, formerly connected with tho Walnut Street lluslncss Association, has associated himself with .Norman S. Sher wood, a real estnto broker, with oftlces In the new Stock Exchange Building. Shipments of bituminous coal pver,tho Philadelphia and Heading Hallway during May totaled 1,442,493 tons, compared with l,.iG0,833 In April nnd 1,319,795 In .May of last year. There hns been placed on tho regular list of the Philadelphia Stock Kxchange $99,000 additional American Telephone nml Tela phono stock, $1500 additional Philadelphia Company G per cent, cumulative preferred stock; $847,000 additional Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company consol mortgage HO per cent, sinking fund gold bonds, series A, due 1954, making total ot these L. C. and N. bonds listed $14,604,000. Sales of F. W, Woolworth Company In June were $6,801,845, a gain of $1,086,505, or 17 per cent. In tho first six months sales were $37,203,621, n gain of $5,018,258, or 16 per cent. Of the Increased sales In June $629,711 came from tho old stores which were operating In June, 1915, Of the six months' gain, $3,080,012, or about 60 per cent., came from stores which have bee"n operating a full year. It is understood that the Sinclair Oil and Iteflnlng Corporation, which represents a consolidation of a number of tho largest and most successful oil companies In Okla homa, Kansas and Texas, including the Cudahy Refining Company, the Chanute He fining Company, the Milllken Refining Com pany and others, Is now earning at a rate cotralderably In excess of $1,Q00,000 per month, against an estimate ot $300,000 per month nt the time the $16,000,000 of bonds were sold following the .formation of t,he corporation on May 1 last. The New York Subtreasury gained $1, 166,000 from banks on Saturday, reducing the cash net loss since Friday to $3,312,000, The London Stock Exchange will be closed on Saturdays during August unless opened tor some special reason. Benjamin B. Bryan has sold his fourth extra membership in the New York Cotton Kxchange. The consideration was $14,0,00, unchanged from the previous transfer. HUGHES' APPROVAL FILED Philadelphia Men and Those From Other State Cities Get Indorse? ment of Candidate - HATimsnUIta. Pa., July 10. The follow Ing' list of Republican electors as approved by Mr. Hughes was filed at the Capitol today by W, Harry Baker, secretary of the Republican Utate Committee; David B. Oliver, Pittsburgh; Nathan T, Folwell, Philadelphia; Charles T, Alkens, Selinsgrove; Simon F. Pauxtls, Kdwards vlllet William FItnn, Pittsburgh; Rodman Wanamaker, Wyncote; Ellis A. Glmbel, Philadelphia;; Thomas Robins, Philadel phia; James Van Busklrk. Philadelphia; Thomas B. Smith, Philadelphia; NU1 C. Brodhead, Philadelphia; Edward Fans Smith, Philadelphia ; William Wayng. Paoll ; Oscar O. Bean, Doylestown; Benjamin S. Schlndle. Lancaster; E. 1L Rlne, Scranton; C. E. Rice, Wllkes-Barre ; Edmund D. Smith, PottsviUe ; A. Ellsworth Lelnbach, Reading ; Edwla M. Dunham, Sayre; Horace B. Packer, Wellsboro; Curtis O. McWllllams. Shamokln; D. 11 Long, Fayettevtlle ; John Hayes. Carlisle; William V. Hughes, Hoi Hdaysburg. Thomas Shipley, .York; David Howell, Kane; Robert B. ilrecr, Butler; Allen F- Cooper, Unlontown; Kerfoot W. paly, Charlerol; Arthur L. Bates, Mead vllle; William E, Chlpraan, Easton; William O. Emlth. Punxsutawney ; Frank H. Buhl, Sharon; Ueorge B. Teoer. Eewlckley; Charles A. Rook. Pittsburgh; Nathaniel Spear. Pittsburgh; Joseph. M. Hall, McKceg Rocks. Sales in Philadelphia 10 AlllsChglm ...s2ti 20 Am das 120., is Am nwys rr .. OSH no Am Ixwo ...... fllH 200 v.tim Bteol R2.. 100 Col Fuel ..... 4lTi 130 Klcc Stor ..... OS., 10 tlen Asrhpref 704 in mint a ii t pro in. 10 insp copper.. . go loo int M M pfd t c 87 RA 1.. 0........ J7 10 iJiki Sup Corp ll'i Low. .21H inu. "SH tt 04V i m 44H fl.1 70H iu. 43 Irf-hlnh 20 l.chlzh Nav vaiiey. 73 8Q 100 l,eh Vt Trnn.. 22 4; 7314 SO 31 ilo nrrf 817 Pennit nil . . 30 I'a Salt Mfg. n rtuia co 4S'i 68 to. c2?vr 04H 82.. 44li 03 JOU if!l ou 22 Net chte. i 13 do cum pref 40"4 8112 rhlla KIco i 20 430 P II T t e .... 10H 31 Phils. Trse ... 77 nit 1' C ti ft St Ii.. B2H K0 Rrndlng ,. D8H inn So nallwns-. 24 20 Tonopah Helm. 4H 100 Tonopnh Jlln. . 0 70 United Oas Imp. 88., 20110 IT H Steel, 80H lor. War Ir nnd St.. Ill n Westmorel Coal, nsli fio York Itwy ,,. 37Vi Increase. Decrease, 42J4 42'4 ..... B7 r.Ttt "i Hi lis 40 40H 281 m( Ik m $& 37H VS 40 in 10M Ik iisH 24. 4VI II "8., n t am t -it Total antes IU7 shares, rompared with S30R slinres Inst Momlny. IIONDS, tr.ooo Am O A ki r,s nali 8000 Ilnl Io 1st ris.nuu 1000 I.l Slip Inc 4s. 3.1 ..1000 Lch Vol uen 4s 01 i'jnnn An an 4Us..tOO liliio Leh V Tr ref."s HI' 4000 do lsi r,s , . .lu.i 20IIII Pn ceil 4Ha. .101 100(1 I'hlla Co 1st na.101 2H0II I'hlla flleo 4s. . 4 12000 do ns 104 , 14000 Ileadlns; Ken 4s li."Vj 2000 Stnnd Una (ls..lnoJ4 4U00 l!n nwys t c 4s 7314 lOIKI Un Itwy Inv Us llSMi Increase. Decrense. Tolnl sales $03,5000, compared with 13,700 Inst .Mondny. Net . l.nw. Close, rhite. imu t'.ijt -r loiii link ,'l 3.1 .13 1 ni ,U1 ' Inn loo ,.... HI'', til, ..... s iiiiii i'iti - ;t Kiiw ini Is I iol'4 loili S3 nt ...... lot. int., i 03 4 tins looll lno'J ..... 73 73 Mi lllivi oils Local Bid and Asked Today Saturday . Hid. Asked. Hid., Asked. Haldwln - '0V4 7 "V 70 Hurt & Bus t o nt n4 ni fj do pref 55 n M 5 Hrlll .1 O 81 3S 34 38 ?t :::::::::::: nik ?oi ?u K-Jv-lnnf felrphono .. tar. i M :!or".:::::::::: i?Jj Mj i? g LehUh Vol 7n . 7J? JJ LehlEh Vol Tr 2lfi 22 21. 22 doprf i z r7 r.5 Pennsylvania nj'J M r.7. r,H I'hlla r.lectrle ........ 28. 20 .8 A 20 Phlla Co ............ 804 404 31 J" 4 oonnref:: 38 28h g S 5S5SK8 &' :::..'. 4f Jft "M6 S Itnlon Trnctlon 43 41 UA Jl It (las Imp gIV ES,, " S.V tl H Steel .'.. 2j JL)) VffL York llwv 13 l.. JJ ' do pref j aivi ! '! Wm Cramp t e 71 78 74 7B FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, July 10. Tho feature ot the foreign exchango market this morning wan the pronounced HtrenRth sljown In rolchsmnrks, which, opened nearly n point higher than the closing quotations of Satur day. A few sales wcro reported at 74, which quotation now obtnlns. The advance wns attributed to tho arrival of tho Gorman L'.boat Doutschlnnd nt Baltimore, on Sun day. Otherwise tho market wns unchanged. I-'olowIng are tho quotations: Demand sterling, 4.7D4, cables 4.7G 7-16; franc checks, fi.90?i, cables, G.DOVi: relchsmarks, checks and cnlbles. 74 V, nominal; lire checks, G.30, cablos, 6.38M; Vienna checks, 12.S0. cables, 12.85; kroner checks, 28.60, cables, 28.70; pesetas checks, 20.20, cables. 20.30; Swiss checks, B.20U. cables, 5.281,4; guilder checks, 41 7-16, cnblcs, 41; rubles, checks, 30.7C, cables, 30.80. Shortly aftor tho opening relchsmarks cased slightly to 74, which wns a purely nominal quotation, foreign exchange men stating thl(t It was dilllcult to obtain an accurate market. Tho market as a wholo was dull and inactive throughout tho early period. RATES FO MONEY Cnll. New York 3V. 0 l',i Philadelphia 3 Hoslon J , I'hlrnirn 314 1574 Commercial paper, threo to six months, Phila delphia, 33 per cent. Time. 3'i M 3V 04, , 4 $4W I W4', Reserve. Banks' Discount Rates . .. . 10 or less, . 3 a Iloston New Tnrk . . Phlladnlphla flit-eland . . . ntchmond . . Atlanta Chicago . . . . St. IxjuIs . . . Minneapolis . Kansas City l.a Una Man Francisco. 3 -,... Ifi r... nt n... tn UP to 30. Up to (10. Up to 00. 3H 8 '4 315 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 A 3(4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4V4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4W 4 4 4 44 4 4 Itrtatnn . . New York . Philadelphia, Cleveland .. Richmond . Atlanta ... Chlcaco . . . St. Louis .. Minneapolis Kansas City San. Francisco. nV4 AKilcui. imun ui-ccimii-rB v.uiu- Over 00. Up to 00. 00 to 00. modlty. 3 3 414 . 3 n . 3 s 5 s 3 ,, . nn J.-..-. .... SO n OO over 00 to 00 days, 41 per cent., days, 0 per cent. lit 3 4 4' 3H 3W 4 34 a 3 3 3 3 4H 3 3 3V4 4 per cent.: and aver 00 CITY TRANSIT, ADDS ENGINEER Twining Engages Steel Inspector at $1800 Other Appointments Tho fteld staff of the Department of City Transit was further increased today by tho appointment of John M. Chldester, Jr., 5441 Queen lane, ns chief of the steel Inspectors, at a salary of $1800 a year. Director Twin. Ing will make other provisional appoint ments In the near future. Director Datesman, of the Department of Public Works, appointed William J. Dorsey, 2033 Pierce street, and Charles Welbel, 1828 South Juniper street, as Inspectors In the Bureau of Highways, at salaries ot $1200 each. Elizabeth Steadman, 2224 South Chad wick street, was named a bathhouse matron by the Hoard of Recreation, and Director Wilson, of the Department of Public Safety, named 11 new hosemen for the Bureau of Fire. Sales of the United Cigar Stores Company in June Increased (412,000 over the cor responding period a year ago. INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T.WELCH. 1328 Chestnut St. RlAZIER&Oa INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad & Sanson Streets So. Rwy. Equip. 4k REED A. MORGAN & CO. WEST KM) TUU8T ULUQ., I'IUL.1. Mxoiberi of the rhlla. Block Euhaoxs DIUECTOBY OV ACCOUNTANTS Certified Futile Arconntants LAWHRNCB B. BROWN CO. U10 BEAU ESTATB TRUST B'Jlt-PlNq Tt lima v f DEMAND FOR CARS ON EASTERN ROADS BARGER THAN THE SUPPLY Traffic Continues to Become I&isily Congested Notices Sent Out by Several Banks and Trust Companies in I Philadelphia Advancing Call Money Rate Officials of the railroads operallnc East ward from ChlcaRO and St, Louis still report tho car supply Inadequate to meet tho ae mands of shippers. While an Immense nmount of tonnnco still emanates from the Iron nnd steel trade, shipments have recently been moro diversi fied from other lines of manufacture. At the leading Raleways tralllo still easily becomes congested. A healthful tone Is reported In connection with all business In tho territory ot these roads. Westbound tonnnco continues to show moderate Rains and Is considerably In excess of the volume handled a year bro. Officials of the Southern roads report a pood business In miscellaneous tonnnRe, with merchandise shipments runnlnR ahead of n "yenr oro. Tho Mexican situation causes somo hesitation, althoURh Rencral shipments nro about 10 per cent, ahead of last year. I,ato Ih the day It was learned that sev eral of tho natlonnl banks nnd trust com panies In Philadelphia wcro sending out no tices of an advance in the rate ior can money from Hi per cent, to 4 per cent. .Th.'s is the second Increase In a month, thi rate having been advanced on June 9 to 3 per cent., after havlnR stood nt 3 per cent, since October 25 of last year. On February 6 ot 1916 the rate was 4 per cent., n reduc tion of ',4 of 1 percent, having been made at that time. Only a few Issues wero traded In on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange In the early I hours today, nnd price changes were mostly to lower levels, althoURh tho losses were not great. One ot the exceptions was Cam bria Steel, which showed n loss of 3 points to 82 ns compared with the last previous sale. This stock has not been active since tho acquisition ot tho company by Mldvale, and transactions In It do not represent the trend of tho market. Somo few Issues wero higher, but the gains wero small. Westmoreland Coal moved up n fraction, an did Ihlgh Valley nnd American Hallways preferred, while Electric Storage declined a fraction. The market remained quiet In the afternoon and prices remained around tho level struck during the morning trading. MORE HAYEKS THAN SELLERS AND COTTON PRICES ADVANCE Good Liverpool Cables and Rains Cause of StrcngthN NEW YOniC, July 10 Activity was dis played on tho Cotton Exchango this morn ing. Two prominent operators attempted to a great extent to supply tho demand, but tho buyers far outnumbered tho sellers nnd forced prices up 0 to 9 points on tho call, with the tone firm. Goon cables from Liverpool nnd con tinued rain In tho enstern section ot tho South wcro tho Influences. Liverpool was a fair buyer of tho near options and also took n moderate amount of March. Wall street 'nnd Southern Interests were purchasers, while selling was quoted by some commission houses and professionals. After the cnll tho market held steady nt tho early lovcls. From Liverpool advances of 3 to 3 V5 points wcro reported, wherens prices thero were duo to come 4 point higher to Hi points lower. Tiicro wns no explanation for the firmness abroad, with tho excep tion of unfnvorablo leather conditions hero. Ilnlns wero reported in tho eastern por tions of tho belt on Sunday and this morn ing. The wet weather Is considered un favorable for tho crop because of Its effect on the boll weevil nnd tho rotting of tho young plant. Sat. close. Open. July 13.01 la.oo Auif. la.ol la.ot Oct. 13.10 13.1-t Dec 13.-'H 13.33 .Inn 13.3.-1 13.40 Mnrch 13.41' 13.gr, May i3.n:i l3.?n Spot 13.10 HlKh. 13J)0 13.0S 13.17 13.3.". 13.41 13.H7 13.73 Low. 111.8)1 ll'.SS 11! 1)11 13.17 13.23 1.1.HII 18.07 Close. r.'.mi l-.'.HS 13.01 13.111 13.23 13.411 13.37 13. ur, Liverpool Cotton LIVKHPOOL, July 10. Spot cotton wns quiet today at 4 points advance on tho basis of 8.12d. for mid-upland. Tho sales wcro 0000 bales, including 5700 bales American. Tho Imports were 17,000 bales, Including 10,300 bales American. The market for futures closed barely steady at a net ad vanco of 2 points to a dcclino of 2 points. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, July 10. The local coffco market was ilrm nt tho opening this morn ing with first prices showing advances of 2 to 8 points on scattered, covering nnd some buying by trade fntcrcsts, prompted by the steadiness ot the Brazilian Interests, Sales on the call were 4500 bags. Today's opening;. July August . . . September October . . November December January . . February . March .... April May Jun nid. S.l'OOH.30 H.SO h'.'il 08.42 H.tiO 8!nAo8.m 8. IIS H.7308.75 8.78 Saturday's rlos,. K.IISWH.IO S.IOWM.IH 8.34WH.'.'I) H.'.:tl$H.31 8.34 9(8.3.1 H..1RHH.40 8.448.4It 8.nnHN..11 8.(1.1 UK. All 8.llllH.ni H. ft." (f 8. till 8.70ti8.il NEW YORK RUTTEIt AND EGGS NRW YOniv. July 10. I1UTTER High crudes, fair; medium urndes. easy, ltcccipis, 10.K74. Quotations unclmnced, UGU3 nulet. Hlfh Erodes, firm. General ofterlrkirs fnlrly stead- Itecelpts. 14. .100. Ken ulur pucked firsts; 1MJ-I',4c. ; other grades un changed. LONDON STOCK MARKET Accumulation of Orders for Investment. Americans Irregular LONDON", July ,10. An undertone of strength wns observed In tho Stock Ex change markets today. ,There was a fnlr accumulation of orders for securities for Investment over tho week end. Tho gilt-edged section advanced notwith standing the fact that discount rates were harder. Half yearly dividend forecasts resulted In a demand for home rails. Thero was no featuro to the American group, which was Irregular but narrow. Canadian Pacifies were steady but grand Trunks moved upward again. South American rails displayed firmness In spots. The expectation wan revived that the Treasury would buy these descriptions. Allied bonds were strong. There was good purchasing of nrazlllan descriptions. Marconls Jumped to the top level of the present movement, in sympathy with the staple, rubbers held well. Gels Russian Steel Rail Orders NEW VOniC, July 10 The Lackawanna Steel Company has taken orders for 75,000 tons of 07 M -pound open-hearth' rails for Russia, deliveries to extend up to the mid dle of 1917. The contract price was In the neighborhood of 152 a ton. STEEL'S UNFILLED ORDERS ARE 2i)7,iM0 TONS SMALLER Bookings on Juno 30 Totaled 9,640,468; Bigger Than Year Ago NEW YoniC, July 10. Tho United States Steel Corporation today reported Unfilled or ders of 9,040,458 tons on Juno 30, n decrease of 297,340 tons ns compared with May 31. While It had been expected that the big corporation's orders would bo smaller, It was not thought that there would bo such a largo decrease, estimates of the falling oft having been nround 15,000 tons. Tho Juno 30 figures, however, nro moro than twice ns largo as reported In tho previous year nnd nlso the largest for any Juno In tho corporation's history, years follow: Figures for threo January ., February . Mnrrh . . . April May Juno July Augusta,. rleptemEer October . . November December 101R. 7,nr.'.7il7 H, ,108,1111(1 n.831, mil n,8'jn,nni 0,11.17.7118 U.040.4.18 ,101S. -I,i48.n7i 4,114.1,371 4,'.Ti.1.740 4.inL',L'44 4.Zll4.r8 4.1173.11)11 4,(I28..140 4,nS8,41S 0,317,1128 n.in.i,in2 7.1S1.4RII 7.800,220 1014. 4,018,080 0,020,4111 4,n,13,8'.M 4,S77,(II1S .t,DH8,llln 4,032.8.13 4,irH,n8!l 4,213,331 3.787.IUI7 3,401,0117 , S.O'M.r.n" 8,880.043 III!IIIII!IIIII1II!IIIISI1IIIIIII1I j Copper Stockholders jf PI Reaping Dividend Harvest g 8 J Holders of hlfh.grt.ilo copper stocks ire rsnnr nsnaiomeir throujh receipt of attract!? quar terly dividends. And ther tl a strong possibility that before lonr a substantial market sppreolatlon will take place In thes securities. with tho present vldendi. and tha probability of Increased disburse ments, makes the coppers an Ideal Investment proposition, (J Free statistical Copper Do ok sent upon request, tog-ether with olrculsr namlnr best purchases iraonr the dividend payers, Atk for 21-1'L, Including- booklet explalnlnr CI This nrosoect. htg-h rato of dividends, a "The Twenty Payment Plan" t lavcyimenjyfcurititr (Established 1008) E5 40 Exchange Place New York SET Iiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Guaranteed Stocks Wo offer, subject to prior sale, the followlrfg guaranteed Btocks: ' Allegheny Western It. It 0 C'atnwlssii 2d Preferred ., 5 lleeili Creek ltnllroud 4 Krlo & rittsbureli It. It 0.4 I'ltts., Ft. Wayne & Clilcnco 7 l'itts., Ilessemer & l.uko Krle . , . , 3 Cninilrn & Ilurllnirtou Co, 11. It.,.0 Nlinron linllwuy , 0 l'n,.New Jersey It. It. & Cnnnl. . .0 nKfawCo, L llAMCIlllS and IIHOKRItB 6th & Chestnut Sts., N. E. Cor. Member of I'hlla. Stock Ilxchanco jiirrc-i wire to .-now lurk $100 $500 READING 4s Due 1921, 1926, 1931 Net debt only 1.4 Tax Exempt in Penntylvania Send for complete details N.W.Halsey&Co. 1111 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Kew Tork qtilcago San Francisco pennsylvania Leads the country in the number of depositors in natipnal banks with a total of .2,021,878. This is an in crease of 762.738, or 60 over 1910. 'V?ith the broader education of the people as to banking principles and ideals, there is an increasing desire to identify themselves with a bank which through its history reflects stability and sound judgment on the part of its officers and Board of Directors, The First National Bank of Philadelphia is such a bank, and was the First National Bank Chartered in the United States, We invite your business on terms consistent with, the character of the service rendered. The First Nationajl bank of Philadelphia rfSffirajjsv 315 CheitnutSt.