EVENING LBDGEEr-PHILABBLPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1916. T i6 CORINTHIAN YACIIT CLUB DINES OFFICERS OF NAVY AT CAPE MAY Interesting Event In Compliment to Independence Dny Visitors j at Popular Seashore ' ' Resort HARBOR AS NAVAL BASE Plan to Establish Flotilla Tliero In Time of Peace Personal Notes CAPE MAT, July 8. A dinner' given br tho Corinthian Yacht Club to tho officers nft tho Bushnel, tha Vixen nml tho sub 1 marines, which were hero for Independence Day, was a most cnjoyablo nftalr. Com modore John I Forsythe, of tho Corinthian . Yacht Club, was toastmaster, and at tho ' fcueits' table were Lieutenant Commahder David P. Boyd, of tho Bushnel! Captain Haloy, of the Vixen :' Mayor '"William Ii. S)evchs, of Capo May, nnd Commodoro Philip H. Johnson, of tho Philadelphia Yacht Club. Those who responded to toasts were Mayor Stovens, Commander Boyd, Captain , Haloy, Commodoro Johnson, Luther C. Os den, president of tho Board of Trado, Capo May: Judgo Henry II. Eldrcdgo, of tho Cape May County cobrta i Senator Lewis T. Elevens, of Capo May; ox-C6mmodoro John O. QHmore, of, tho Stono Harbor Yacht njrao, anu uommouoro i.. voouwnrn inun r and Bobort Grlor, of Philadelphia. Among thoso at tho tablo wero Lieuten ant Anthony J. James, Lieutenant Harry B. Hlrd, Ensign Walter O. Henry, Ensign Rudolf P. Hans, Surgeon Ernest W. Brown, Paymaster W. Clark, Lieutenant Oeorgo A. Ilood, Ensign Henry L. Abbott, Lieuten ant Deupreo J, Frledell, Ensign Thomas 3. Berrien, Lieutenant Lewis Hancock, Jr., Ensign Jnmes It. Webb, William Kltten houso King1, Russell M. Wngar, Captain StlllWcll Hand, Harbor Master of Caps May; George H. Crozlor, Captain Albert CJ. Bdnnstt, S. Morton iloxandcr, William S. Casselman, S. Hoss Campbell and Judge William B. ICnowlca. It was at this dinner that Commander Boyd, of tho Bushnel, told of tho determina tion to mako Capo May Harbor a naval base for one flotilla In tlmo of pcaco nnl for as many more vessels as might bo needed to defend tho coast In tlmo of war. PERSONAL NOTES Rear Admiral Albert W. Grant, com mander of tho submarine flotilla of tho Atlantlo Station. Is at the Chalfonto Hotel, where ho and Mrs. Grant are passing tho summer, Rear Admiral Thomas B. Howard, TJ, 8. ,N., and Mrs. Howard will spend the sum mer nt tho Stockton Villa. Mrs. Catherlno Ramsay Hill and Miss Ramsay, sisters of tho lato Admiral Francis Ramsay, aro at tho Windsor Hotel. Captain John S, Halsoy, U. S. A., with Mrs. Halsoy, aro representatives of tho army society, who aro nt the Stockton Villa. Tho Misses Amy and Lucy Powell, grand daughters of tho lato Goneral Phil Kearney, aro staying at their cottaga on Stockton avenue, for tho summer. General Watts Kearney, tho son of Gen eral Phil Kearnoy, Is among promlnont -visitors nt Cape May. General John Watts Kearney obtained his tltlo by bolng on tho staff of tho late Governor Robert S. Green, of New Jorsey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roswell Ramson. of At lanta, Go., son-in-law nnd daughter of United Statos Sonator Hoko Smith, aro nt tho Hotol Capo May for tho season. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McKcnna, of Balti more, are at tho cottago of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. McGrath, of Philadelphia, on Beach nvonue. Former Assistant Secretary of tho Treas ury Milton F. Alios, now vlco president of tho Rlrgs National Bank, Washington, and family aro at trio Hotel Capo May. Mrs. Henry R. Cnrtrlght and Miss Cart right, of Chestnut Hill, aro spending tho early summer season nt tho Colonial. Mr. and Mrs. R. Henderson Fraloy, of Cynwyd, havo arrived at tho Baltimore Inn to pass their vacation. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles II. Roberts, of Wynnowood, aro nt tho Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Fitter II. Benham aro at the Hotol Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wood, of Consho hocken, are at tho Star Villa. Mr. Henry Attomus, Jr., and Mr. Roland Attemus are at the Colonial. SjTONE HARBOR'S NEW BOARDWALK DEDICATED Great Crowd Takes Part in Dedi cation Ceremonies, Includ ing Parade STONE. HARBOR, N. J.. July 8. The largest crowd In tho history of Stone Har bor was assembled In this resort over the Fourth and assisted in tho various cere monies. The celebration was marked by the union Of alt forces, all lending their best efforts and enthusiasm. Tho weathpr was all that could be desired. There wero enough clouds to break the glare of tho sun and Just breeze enough to mako each flag stand out straight, showing every star and etrlpa at Its best There was neither accident nor mishap to marr a perfect day, and every visitor end resident enjoyed himself thoroughly. The day began practically at midnight with the appearance on tho Btreets of the ghosts pf the Patriots of 1776, waking the people with fife and drum, nnd calling other "ghosts" In nighties and pajamas to the windows In wonder at tho unexpected. From one end of tha town to the other went the "splrlta of '78," to tho tune of "Yankee Doodle." The program for tno day was carried out Jn every detail. The ball gamo on the OLGA GREY, THE By, Miss Anushka Zacsek, iEN I first visited the Griffith studio near Los Angele3 two years ago, I id no idea, of ever affixing my narao to Re payroll there. In fact, I have not yet 5one so, although I coltect my salary with "extraordinary promptness every weekj but It Is not my name that goes on the dotted line. It Is ths name Mr. Griffith passed me the day I made my first appearance "Jn character." I aspired to photoplay acting honors when I visited the studio. Mincing and melting heroines gathered to the arms of brawny heroes. iahougbt the proper thing, In my dreams I saw "Mite, Zacsek" belns begged by big directors, to restrain her tears until the cameraman was ready tj begin. I taw the studio folk leaving desks and dressing rooms and crowding out on to the lot when tha word was pawed around that '"'Mile. Zacsek" ws about to do a scene alone I All this In my dreams, bat in waking hours nothing was further from ray thoughts than success before the camera the. camera of the Great Griffith 1 And now that It has all come about, It Is all backward, or hlnd-side-afore, and I am more confused by the actions of Fate, than la imaginable t True, I am acting In Griffith pictures. But I am never given tho chance to be tha weepy heroine of my dreams under any cir cumstances. When I draw my weekly sti pend, I sign a uacie in receipt, which I . .liOYtr htard of before meeting Mr. Griffith. Plata In the morning between the marrteet men and tha "singles' resulted fn a ecors of S to 1 In favor of tha "slnnles." Mayor Herbert wits chairman nt the first flflK-rntsfmr for tha borough. Following prayer by the Rer. Dr. Butellffe, IL S. Hlsley, president of the Sotith Jersey Realty Company founder of Stone Harbor and flsst Mayor of the borough, delivered An ad' dress, School chltdren sang- patriotic stings, accompanied by the band of tho Stone Har bor Volunteer Fire Company. Tho plaia, where tho flag was raised, Is on 96th street between 1st nnd 2d avenues, nnd cunstl tutd a publlo pnrk and playground-laid out In tho original plans of development, nnd was given Into tho borough's keeping. The newly completed Boardwalk, deco rated with thousinds of flags and IhfongeA with people from end to cndi was dedicated Immediately after the flag-raising. Ad dresses wero made by Charles F. Bower, Stewart McDowell. Senator Geran and Reeso P. ntsley. John O. GUmore read the "Ode to Stono Harbor," of which ho Is the author Tho audience. In, perfect sympathy with tho occasion, sang the ode, accom panied by the bnnd. Tho muster was ar ranged by Mrs. Sanderson. Following the dedication everyone participated In the parade, which traversed the entire length of the Boardwalk, headed by the band. Each marcher was presented with on Amer ican flag, which he carried In tho parade. At tho yacht club tho nnuatlc sports closed the daytime program. The boat races were- over the four-mllo course, with eight In the start nnd five In tho flnlsh. John R. Hunslcker's Peggy, C. A. Krouse'a Hydro, Bankson G. Rller's Peggy R.. W. H. McCor mlck's Edmnr. Dr. D. M. Hitch's Clara D nnd Mr. Goodman's Vartda rated In the order named. In tho evening, nt tho yacht club, a feast of Georgia's best watermelons was provided. Tho fireworks wero tho nncst ever shown In thn Jiomuoh. A bnll was given nffer tho fireworks display, nt which the hundred or so dancers enjoyed themselves until tho wee smalt hours of morning: WILDWOOD TO BE HOST TO PHOTOPLAY STARS AND STATE'S FIREMEN Convention ' of Screen Actors Will Bo Held July 16 at Resort -"Laddies" Meet the Twelfth GREAT PRIZES OFFERED WILDWOOD, N. J., July 8. "Tho Spirit of '1G" was manifested the last week when tho resort filled with Independence Day va cationists, who flocked to this national play ground In such strenms thnt It scorned ths great arriving throngs would never cease coming. It proved to bo tho "Grcatcsti Fourth" crowd that tho resort has ever wit nessed, according to tho statements made by some of tho old residents. Many of tho visitors took advantage of tho four holidays nnd laid their pinna to stay over tho balanco of tho' week, some oven longer, nnd with tho week-end addi tion of visitors who come regularly, whether or not something special Is offered In the way of entertainment, has resulted In a regular Jam. Business men and hotol men nro Jubilant, ns their houses nro filling up nt tho benefits derived from tho great multi tude of visitors. This week saw tho opening of the large auditorium of tho Casino Pier Company on Its new pier. Tho opening proved a great succoss, with Director Pfelflor and his or chestra of 25 pieces, all members of tho Philadelphia Orchestra, as the attraction. The two concerts dally have attracted large as well as appreciative audiences, who are loud In their praise of this entertainment provided by tho Board of Trado. BANQUET FOR CRANE. In appreciation of tho work of Mr. Heber Crano, secretary and treasurer of the Wild wood Tltlo and Trust Company and mana ger of tho Casino Pier Compnny, who wa3 Instrumental In securing theso artists, a largo number of business men of Philadel phia and citizens of Wlldwood tendered a testimonial banquet to Mr. Crane at tho Holly Beach Yacht Club. Among tho speak ers wero George Nolan, Thomas Martlndale, H. C. Dunlap, M. D. Swisher, ex-Congressman J. Thompson Baker, Commissioner R. W, Ryan, Postmaster Georgo N, Smith, Sonator Philip P. Baker, G. H. Huppert, Mark B. Reeves, Samuel Lannlng and others. ' WUdwood's complete program for tho sea son Is now being enjoyed by the host of July visitors. Everything Is being put Into operation for tho next great cele bration, which will bo the firemen's annual day par ado on July 12. Tho city's fire lad dies will bo hosts to scores of visiting (Vre companies from alt over New Jersey and some from Pennsylvania. From the num ber of aoceptnnccs of the Invitations sent out tho affair promises to be the greatest of Its kind ever attempted In tho State. A score of bands will participate In the grand parade this year, many of the visit ing companies bringing their own bands. Tha prizes are pronounced the bost ever offered here, nnd will be worth the trip alone to this resort by the visiting fire men. Photoplaywright's Part By Harry O. Hoyt OUR profession la a noble one. Tho glory does not Ho entirely with thoso who build bridges across canyons, or who erect edifices in tho great city. Wo have our part that makes just ns much for the advance ment of the human race. If we can catch the laughter or the tears and put them on the screen so that no matter what the creed, or religion, or race, or tongue, all may under stand wo havo dono something that is really worth while. GRIFFITH VAMPIRE the Hungarian Ingenue I doubt If there are a half dozen people In the studio who would admit ever having heard of such a person 1 Yet," here I am, Anushka Zacsek, lead ing woman. Fine Arts Films; born, Buda pest, Hungary, 1898; appeared in Birth of a Nation, the Better Man, The Failure, The Absentee, X Night's Adventure. A Day That Is Dead, A-TVoman of Courage, .. Breath of- Summer, A Bold Impersonation, The Wild Girl of the Sierras, The Mother and the Law, etc. In the first place, I was engaged while a mere spectator on the side lines one day by Mr. Griffith, whom we wero observing as he directed some scenes for "The Clansman." When I told htm my name he said, "Tut, tutl Impossible!" As days passed and I was continually cast In feature pictures and became accustomed ' to tho work, I began to notice that my busl- ness was always to "vamp to tne total eclipse of my tendervherola ambitions. I finally decided this was not aa l; should be, and asked my director for a sympathetic part In tho nait production. "Impossible I" b unprted. "Heroines are always blonde. Vampires are dark. You are a vamp I" And too true I For two solid years I have been Ophidian Olga to alt who venture Into the studio or Into a theahe w.htro Fine Arts. Film aro shown. Mr Griffith named me Olga Grey, and I can't siy I am crazy about it but what's In a name I A. salary earned and. spent by Anushka Zarinlr, everrttousu jal& to OJss Pat J U4 -aIarft .,.,.,',.., , ATIJINTIC CITY SEES BIG WEEK-END; MANY RESERVATIONS lADE Usual After-Fourth Dulness Not Particularly Noticeablo at Shore Beach Parties Under Way SHARK SCARE DISCOUNTED ATLANTIC CITT, July 8. That tbli week-end will be a big one Is assured by the number of arrivals yesterday nnd tho many reservations made for this afternoon. The usual aftfr-Fourth dulness was not particularly noticeable this year, and It Is" evident that the rush seneon will start nt least 10 days earlier than usual. If Sep tember Is clear, with no northeast storms to drive nway guests who loe the seasldo at that tlmo of tha year, this season will be a much longer one than the last. Beach parties havo started earlier than usual,' nnd that means that night bathing will be oven moro popular this year than last season. At present tho youngor clo ment, who make up the guests nt theso social ovonta, content themselves with play Iner le.in-frnir. tannine races, dancing nnd many of tho games which children of tender years aro only supposed to enjoy. Tho full dress for theso occasions Is nlways undress; bathing suits being the proper rai ment to wear at ono of theso joyous ni fairs. Tho nlehta havo been too" cool for bathing, tho water being warm enough, but chilly winds driving bathers back to every day raiment. There has not been tho lenst ovldenco of timidity In the bathing throng over tho stories nbout sharks being found nt other resorts. The fact that fish of a largo slzo nro seldom caught hero assures peoplo that thero Is no danger. Drum fish nro never caught near this city, fishermen who anglo for that spocloa of fish being compolled to go miles away boforo they can get a blto. Even tho channel bass which nro caught near hero nro not one-half as largo as thoso iucrht at other rnftnrtn. Tha fact that largo fish keep away from here Is a guaran tee that bathers will experlcnco no troublo and not even hnvo n fright. Another reason for safety la the fact that tho beach here shelves gracefully to deep water, there being no quick descents. The sands rising grad uallywould keep largo flsh away from In shore. Tho usual summer order about bathers who como from their own homes wearing long cloaks or raincoats It looked upon as a Joko by many of tho cottagers and ho tel resldonts. Many of them would gladly comply with tho now regulation If there were any checking facilities on the beach, but tho park net prevents any ono from do ing business seaward of tho Boardwalk, so wraps must bo loft on the beach. As they aro frequently stolen, whllo peoplo aro bath ing, visitors and residents object to tho now order. Thoi police are only allowed to p'ro vent peoplo In tabooed costumes from going on tho beach, but onco they get thero nono has a right to keep them there, so thoy must bo allowed to walk homo In nn attire that has been prohibited by orders of tho pollco department. Tho porches of many hotels are now turned Into bazaars In tho early morning hours, whore women can pick uji bargains In linens, embroideries and laces, displayed by Eist Indian peddlers. The wnrea aro displayed for the benefit of nil tho guests, whethor they purchase or not and It satis fies many a woman's longing to go shopping by Just looking at tho goods, pricing and criticising them. PIcasantvlllo has dono Its sharo toward making automobile traveling to this plnco comfortable and safe by cutting off tho sharp corners on ono of Its Btreets, where a turn was required. A rounded curbing has also been placed In position at this point. Tho continuation of tho boulovard running through that city has also been repaved, so that It Is In excellent shapo. The criticism over tho condition of tho moidow boulovard has aroused tho peoplo iwho havo charge of tho work of resurfacing It and thoy nro mnklng many improvements that will mako It safer during tho contln uanco of the work. Speed will also bo tho motto of the contractors and thoy will push tho work ns hard as they can from this tlmo on, ......... Mrs. N. Snellonburg, of North Broad street. Is hero for a stay of at least a Mr. and Mrs. John Hltchler, of West Philadelphia, aro nt n prominent hotel for a two months' visit. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard R. Levick, of Ogontz, aro nt their Chelsea cottago for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson, Miss Mary Patterson nnd Miss Ella Patterson aro here for a short visit. Mr. Patterson is superintendent of the IIouso of Correction In Philadelphia. Magistrate George Persch and his wife nro nt a beach-front hotol for the rest of the summer. ..., Mr and Mrs. John Scott, of Wes( Thlla delphla, are among the many thousands who will enjoy this city until Labor Day. Mr. Livingston L. Biddle, 2d, Is a guest nt a prominent hotel and will stay here un til the middle of September. Mr. Eugeno Springer and family, of West Erlo avenue, are occupying their summer home here with the expectations of remain ing until October. Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Dillingham, of Oer mantown, will occupy their Chelsea cottage until tho chill winds of autumn begin to blow, Mr. and Mrs. F. McDonough and Miss Kathleen McDonough, of West Pine street, are cottagers here who will remain until the summer season Is over. . - Casement Plea Deforo Senators July li5 WASHINGTON, July 8, Tho Senate Foreign Relations Committee has, agreed to take up next Wednesday Senatbr Mar tine's resolution requesting President Wil son to urge the British Government to grant a stay In execution of the death sentence against Sir Roger Casement until new facts can bo presented. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Chestnut and Twelfth Streets MAT,, 8 P. M. NIOHT. 8 P, M. it SHOWS DAILY 3 NEXT WEEK Second Triumphant 'Week of tho Sensational Summer lilt "Made in Philly" 50 COBIPANY OF 50 All Philadelphia. Favorites. A BIOT OF LAUGHTER AND MU8ICI The Hfmphonlo Miuical Kevtltr 16 Navassar Girls 16 With aa Entire Change of Program. Noel Travers & Irene Douglas Protntlnx "Mtadowbrook Lane." Billy HalHgan & Dama Sykes Qgsring "Somewhere In Jtrr," , DOUOTUX GKANV1IXB tVlUTB U CIAYTON BXXXQ TttlUUNB PIOXCBES STANLEY "!? OT:,28ra NX, ISo, 23c. BLANCHE SWEET In Firit ao4 Exclutlye Presentation of " T HE D UP E DAT Afl? "" MAKKBT BV. JJAbACE- Marguerite Clarl W lllsTVtsW ffa I m I'S' lilt I I fll rt lit Hill rn rrrf-1 Si I A'tlMJ if CHARLES P. POKORNY Director of the bnntl nt Woodslde Pnrk. CLOSE-UPS WALLACE REID Waltaco Held is a son of Hal Held, tho .noted writer of melodtamn. Waltaco wn bornln St. Louis, April 1G, ."M years ago. Tho Held family moved to New York when Wal taco was 10 years old and thero ho wont to tho pub llo schools, later going to tho New Jersey Mllltnry Academy nt Free hold, N. J. Youns Hold's first np pearanco on tho stage was nt tho ago of 4, when ho playrd tho rolo of n little girl In "Slaves of Cold." In 1909 tho Held family moved i to Wyoming, ,tho Big iiorn unsin dis trict. Thero Wallaco worked on a ranch, ran a hotel nnd worked on tho Government survey of tho Shoshono Dam llo soon re turned to Now York nnd secured a Job on the New York Star ns a cub reporter. Ho then appeared In vnudevlllo In "Tho Girl nnd tho Hanger," a Rketch by his father. At tho closo of his season ho went with tho Sollg Company, whero ho remained for nine months playing bits,, characters, leads and everything that came along. Hero ho learned to operate a motion plcturo camera, but becoming tired of the motion plcturo work ho Joined tho Motor Mngazino ns assistant editor. Whllo acting In this capacity ho secured tho motion picture rights to "Tho Confession" nnd sold It to tho Vltagraph Company, nnd ho nnd his father nppoared In the picture. Ho was with tho Vltagraph 11 months playing leads opposite Florence Turner. Ho loft tho Vlta graph to play leads for tho Ilcllanco eastern company. Ho enmo West with Otis Turner and with tho Universal ho directed, acted, set up tho camera nnd wroto tho scripts. Just boforo Joining tho Lasky. forces ho was with D. W. Griniths appearing In "Tho Birth of a Nation" as tho blacksmith. Be sides appearing with Gernldlne Farrar In Lasky productions, Mr. Bold has starred with Mao Murray In "To Hao and to Hold," and with Cleo Illdgely In n nun ber of photoplays, tho latest, "The Selfish Womnn." which will. bo seen nt tho Stanley tho llrst half of next week. &Mm& MARKETS' JUMPER 5TS In the Heart of the buopplnc DUtrlrt CONTINUOUS 11 A 31. TO 11 1 31, ' " " ' lUCi jnc, zaf The Philadelphia "Stock" Favorites Geo. W. Baibier AND COMPANY, INCLUDINO Carrie Thatcher IN A ONK-ACT DHAMATIO PLAYJ.ET "MAN'S LAW" FULL 01' I.VTKXSK SITUATIONS HAWAIIAN MUSICAL NOVELTY ' Five Musical Byron s Spectacular Hcenlo KiiTlronroent OTHI'K FKATUHK ACTS THEATRE Markrt helow OOlli Street 'Mat. DailTi Ktenlnr. 7.4 De.t beau lOol IDs. w, lilt 20o MONDAY, TlTKMlAY 4 WEDNESDAY ' TED KEILEY ITe.euL OVER THE GARDEN WALL BINOINQ AND DANCINO. l'HOIIUCTION Added betret of the Bulmmine THCUSDAY. XIIinAY uud SATUKDAY AD HOYT'S MINSTRELS A COMPANY OF TAI.KNTKD SINTiKIta DANCINO AND MEKKYMAKINQ " OTHEIt FEATURE ACTS rmxADELruiA'a jqhemost pakk FREE AT ALL TIMES Limited Eagis uaeat Alexander's Concert Band CHARLES 1. POU0KNY. Conductor In Special Programs Miss Marion London, Soprano UUb-Clau. l"amllr Heiort, Vcjuiwed WUi Up-to-pU Demo it TXKEW0K3 EYIiuDAX WGHf Iff s' 1 irM fWMmrfri MM THE THEATRICAL BAEDEKER FOR NEXT WEEK FEATVTin FILUB. STANLEY Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, "Tho Selfish Woman," with Wallace Held and Cleo nidgely. n LaskyPara mount production by Hector Turnbull, Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday, "The Smugglers," with Donald Brian, a Fa mous riayers-raramount production. AtlCADIA Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, "Flirting With Fate," with Douglas Fairbanks, a Grimth-TrlanRlo production, and another episode In Blllle Burke's scrlat, "Gloria's Romance." Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "The Coward," with Charles Bay, an Ince-Trlanglo pro duction. VICTORIA Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, "Ths Apostle of Vengeance," with W S. Hart, nn Ince-Trlanglo production, nml "The Vagabond," Charlie Chaplin's latest Mutual production. Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, "The Ktornal Ques tion," with Olga J'etrove, a Metro pro duction. "The Vagabond" will bo re peated Saturday. PALACE Monday. Tuesday nnd Wednes day. "Tho Man From Mexico," with Jack Bnrrymore, a Famous Players-Paramount production, and 'Tho Vagabond." with Charlie Chnplln, a new Mutual comedy, and "Gloria's Romance," with Billlo llurke. T1m -sday, Friday nnd Saturday "Destiny's i'o " with t.ouio Huff, a Fa mous pinveM-Paramount production. Saturday. Chaplin's "Vagabond" will bo repeated FOllJtnST "The NVer Do Well," With Kathlyn Williams. Iast week of tho 10 reel Mm version of the novel by Hex Hcach, who wroto 'The Spoilers." Orch estral, vocal and scenic -pccompanlments add to the entertainment. OAIUltCK "How Britain Prepared." A war film with n scoro of faeclnatlng de tails concerning tho process of making soldiers. VAVDEVILLK. KEITH'S "Made In Philly," a local revue, with Keller MacU. Frank Orth. Johnny and William J. Dooley, Harry Fern, At nrimdel, At White, Clarence Marks, tho Caits Brothers, Yvetto Hugnl, Flo Burt, Mndalon Lear, Mnmle Lnfferty. Jano and Mnmlo King nnd a beauty ohorus; the Naassar Girls; Noel Travers and Ireno Douglas In "Meadowbrook Lane": Billy HalHgan nnd Pama Sykes In "Some whero In Jersey": Dorothy Granville nnd Austin Mack, In "Types of Women" : Sam H. White nnd Lou Clayton In dances, and the KellB-Trlbuno News Pictures. OLOm: George W Barbln and Carrlo BuenaVjsta Park ON DELAWARE RIVER FRONT) Sw Gloucester, N. J. MOST POPULAR RIVER HESOIU h'UUt PHILADELPHIA Now Under Control of FRANK I). HALL ALWAYS COOL AND INVITINO Popular Price Restaurant Amusement Varied nnd Numeroafl Metropolitan Orchestra . A. H. TEMMK, Conductor VOCAL SOLOISTS Concert Eterjr Evening and Saturday and .Sunday Afternoons HO ITC from font or South Street mn DUAIJ direct Muturdujn and Sundayn every 20 mlnutefl. NO LONG DELAYS Boat Always in Slip Awaiting You and Your Auto ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS. OTHER WEEKDAYS Vt HOURLY Capacity of Our Steamers 50 Cars Distance Shorter Itoadi Iletter GLOUCESTER FERRY CO. d. A. MUI.LEK. Pres't. The Talk OP Philadelphia IT THE.0UTVOFBVERV lTr7ITICAHERICAH TVEC The Oreat Object Lesson in Pre. paredness. Thrllllne from begin ning to end Vividly portrait what d, ourselves, may ue . mpoh d0-THOUSANDS CllfER I r TWICE DAILY ?:1S Hits GARRIGK NIOHTS ZSe. 60e. 75c. MATIN KKx 5e nml sue. ALL HEATH KKSKKVI'D AL'nn:Nri:u ohchinira SPECIAL KPPEl'TS IIROAD AND SIONTOOMEKY V. O, Nlxon-Nlrdllnter Gen. Mrr. Dally Mats., 10c. Krt., 7 & 0, lOo A -.'Oe "& BUSiHESSPRQPOSfll" 1 HOWJiRP.KIBEL SHERBERI Hills LUCI 8RUGHE I GUBBH iHGtlSlrM? D'nMORt S DOUGLAS cum D 0 G Big Acts & Splendid Pictures FORREST 3D BIG WEEK Greatest Film Sensation in Philadelphia Since Tba Birth, ot a Nation" The Ne'er -Do -Well 10-PAHT SCREEN VERSION OF REX BEACH'S SSvl" Symphony Orchestra of 20! Other Big Features! 3:15 AND 8:15 DAILY Prices SSc & DOc. All Seats Reserved. PEATS BELUNQ FOR NEXT WEEK lilOne Theatre juniper sts. V-V'JV' YAVDBV1LLB Continuous 11 A, M. to 11 P, M. lOo. IBc. 25o. SEVEN LITTLE DARLINGS AT THE PARTY MATT1E CHOATE & CO. la "Ths Mayor and, tt4 Msjlaurs," OTHBB3. ARCADIA CHESTNUT Below 16TU FRANK KESNAK la "TUB PHANTOM" SWIMMINQ A T A M! SANITARY BWDOnxa VoSu JWiXUlQ jib B. BROAD ST. PARTY NIGHTS HON , FBI. AND SAT. LADIES- k GENTLEMEN'S HOURS DAILT DANCINO Colonial Dance Castle 552430 Gercaantown Ave lHShtM Win lTfi J 1 1 h ifB I 6 JUSiifijS'illi fjiAilri, JIL to FpFPKf Trmtelr, or tho Knickerbocker Flayers, In "Man's Vvit"', tha Five Musical By rone Somtrs and Morse, PhlladelphHn, In "At the Qolf Club" J Harry and Anna. Seymour, In dancing and melody Dennlo Franklin and Company: the Aerial Maekai Hold en and Herron, danclni? and comedy; Fell.t and Hope; Jack Dakota, the Oklahoma cowboy and Frank Ward, eccentric dancing comedian. QPANJJ Mr. Beaumont and Mies Arnold In "The Doctorlno") Howard, klbel and Herbert, BlneJerS ', Frlti and Lucy Brouche, juvenile musicians! the Aertat Mltchels; Frank Gabby and hla English family; D'Amoro and Douglas, strong- men. Tha Fathe News and Mutual Comedies. GROSS KEYS First half of week, "Over the Garden Wall," a musical production; Mrs. Frances Dade nnd Henry C. Shep pard, of tho Philadelphia fitngo Society, In a sketch; Foster and Seamon, whlto artists; Charles Hnllman, blackfaco co median ; narrlek and Hart, In "At tho Movies", nnd Whlto Brothers In an ncro batlo novelty. Last half of week! Ad STEAMSHIPS TRIPS BY WATER Ilermndn, 8 days ot morn if.42.lSO tip Ilntnnn, 10 ilys OK. 00 I'orto Men, lfl ilnys' eritle Di.SOap Nnva Hrotlft. A Newfoundland, 12 days' emlsn , 00.00 up Snnford, Fin. (2000 mile" by wnter) 4S.00 Urent Lnlis Crnle, from ItufTnln. 40.00 Full Information on tho above, or nny other water or rail trip, gladly furnished. Stcnnmhlp & Tourist Department Tho Fourth Street National Bank 143 S. 4tli St.. rhllft., I'n. STEAMBOATS PLAN YOUR MOONLIGHT NOW GO TONIGHT Big Bright Moon For a Week NOW IS Tim SEASON TO TAKE 11111 KIDDIES ON A ViifSlO TO Brandyivlne Springs Parle, Shellpot Parfc or Historic Brandyivlne Creek ON THE 11IO IKON rtEGEEAR KATE Wilmington, Cfl. Etc., 60et slncle, 30c. Chester tJVK. Kic, 23CI nlnsie, 13c. "51 VW. aea3ss Ji"LilRT-!LViniBaifc StTn?"?IfiT.,S,SsB jGLiSJtHJUI U 'olCQsf' tea;Tjirvw.s.tft.y33s: lllll sss IIIH I !! I I SUMMER RESORTS NEW LONDON, CClNN. i(aS i m si " ajr THE GRISWOLD' EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT. Finest Summer Resort Hotel In America. Two and One-Half Hours from Boston and New Yorh. NOW OPEN Located at ono of tho coolest points on tho coast, overlooklnc Lons Island Sound and tho historic Thames IUver. . A . . . Special prlvlIcBca cranted by tho SHENECOSSETT COUNTRY CLUB to hotel BUcstB. 18-hole courso; club house Une3t In country; International champion ALEX SMITH, eolf professional. Hotel luxuriously furnished; card and music rooms, ballroom, larso orchestra; octacon dlntne room, light nnd sunny; exceptional service. Prlvato bnth or running water in every Bleeping room. Lone Distance Telephone in overy room. ,, . ... . , Sports include yachting, boating, doop-sea fishing, bathing, motoring and The famous Brnnford Farms maintained for supplying cream, milk, poultry, vegetables and fruit for hotel. H. D. SAXTON, Manager Alio Tho Bolloviow, Betlealr Heights, Florida. CAPE MAY. N. J. CAPE MAY HOTEL New Modern Fireproof Resort Hotel, Htrictlvnnthfl Ocean --. II.J Ill I !-; - 1 I.Ull"IWtf 't?M" ' "iQtltiiJ-TrouiitttJfauittU oiin eat) tPJBf Smartest of American Beaches Ersry comfort. Flnitbthingbsehlnthworld Deep sss sod Inlsnd Aahlng. z 8lllng,Motorbotlng,0odsatomohllerosdi.Geilf. Tennis Direct trslaeerriee : NOW OPEN . . ,., ..nn...n,u writ nf nhnn. 17. Tt. PAGE. C. A. Wood. Leniee. ur w."" "?"t;:" ':."i;r.j 4 v. y jiuici nmitii.iuii. w WILDWOOD, N. J. v a(Pv '-''r! WILDW00 L.i.4 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. THE LEADING RESORT HOTEL Of THE WORLD flUaMtajfrBldieim ATLANTIC CITY.N. J, OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT. JOSIAH WHITE & SONS COMPANY NEW HOTEL MERION VUitRQ0V Vermont Ave., near Beach. Capacity 300, High class, t-i up daily! SIT.fO up uekly. CVll. PltETTYMAN. Prop, M.L.lUlCEY.Mer, PHILLIPS HOUSE Msssacbusstta Av. and Beach. F, P. PHILLIP3. HOTEL ARLINGTON Jjjfg.; Open all year. R. J. OSHORNE A SON. nTQT,T71V"5 1S1& Boardwalk, bslow New ItlOUul O Yerk ave. Burotwan plan II us dally. Front on ocean. Free batblax vrlvtlsssj. OCE.VN CITY. N. J. ST. CHARLES ISTWff "a"! & turnlshsd A reoavated. New nit. E. Harris. llVALON. N. J. AVALON BY THE SEA v halh!aat rvsort alone tha coist. sbor and couatry.comblnsd. Fresh farm aid Sea- & food dslly Intel Avaloa cow open, la- Cbarlesjl HalL 111 rormaiion anu "5 t upon rauesc iu xtesi ICstato Trust Bid STONE 1IAHI10JI. N. 3. STONE HARBOR Both railroads, food fresh d s rm prodUvls nd sea ma&srm& Taoat eiuc coan matummunamAe:r erabbhuc asd. toiUtE. IL yfhW atiantic C?3T nili'i""" 1 ias set a letf alanMri I oiservice,cointortbeutty US8TFEurMoruwBTHoru.raTiavoK Hoyt's MinstfftWr Ut Dumoot ?r Bobbe arid NeWon t Franfe Hoyt And Com pany, Jack and Eva Futtf, and Amore nnd Mulvey. STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron, Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c BTOPTINO AT CltESTEIl BAn.T-. IT.NNStinOVi5 WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boat t Anxnatlne Bench. Lsndlnr In front of Wrote. ' Sata salt water blhln 809 ssnllnrr bathrooms. i DANCINO ALL DAY on Boat ft rronndj, Tlenty tables, bentbes and shade. Artesian water. Fare W 50c Children V? 25c Leaves Arch St. Wharf 8:30 A. M. Dally. Snnday OiOO A. M. JASIE3 K. OTIS. Mrr.. 3 ARCH STBECT TimEE-DECrc Iron Steamer QUEEN ANNE To Riverview Beach Rfnnntnor At nilllnrsoort and Chester Dnnclnic all day on boat and grounds Plenty tables, benches and shads SaltrM nter llathlnc All Amusement F)P.l'lAr. KEDCCED 11ATKS Eve: rrr any except Saturdays. Buoj'i" noiioaj n&UND ajf- ,, s fro 20o TP.IP .ua'i'..L... T,, yia,.u iimiiir rain: umif. " hisuibui Boat Leaves Areh St. Mhnrf 8:30 A. M. Dally SUNDAYS 0O A. SI. MOONLIGHT EXCURSIONS Up tho Beautiful Delaware I.Terr inursaay, Hnnni Frfilnr. Rntttrtlar And innrfay Erenlne , IlKht ool Mtute No LHtio Dnnelne flenrehllKht ADULTS. 35c CHILDREN, 20c IIOAT LEAVES AKCll 8T. WHARF 8:18 P. Jf. AND 8TEEI STKAME11S Special tickets will be sold dally, Otf, Tcen(ins Motitnnys, BiinoarK and w holidays, for Wilmington U retarn All lloats Stop nt Chester. PennsirroTe, N. J.. Connections on Wilmington Wharf. v rtonts learn Chestnut St. Whnrf and Wllmincton dally nnd Sunday, 7:30, 0.-OO, lonu A. .ii.) 1-" .m.i ivmi, :i:w. :io, l.ouj ,:uu: hu ami uu v. .11. mZTMX SUMMER RESORTS NEW LONDON, CONN. CAPE MAY. N. J. mm facing ...m.bm.. ....... .,. . Tel. 2770 Murray DHL WHAJWOOD. N. J. By-the-Sea And Wildwood Crest P'MslfflSiiP K giyU ? I l v .1 " Coolest, cleanest, liveliest resorts on the coast. Finest deep sea and still-wate'r flshlng. Splendid surf bathing on absolutely safe beach. Excellent concerts dally by 25 picked members of the Philadelphia Orchestra under leadership of Walter Pfelffer. Other high-class amuse inents. Good hotels at moderate rates. A fair choice, cottages and apartments left at reasonable rentals. For booklet and details, write J. WHITESELL, City Clerk, Wildwood, N. J. EDGETON INN iSBas "SSS room, porches; noted (or excellent tabls; whlta servlca throughout; cap. ISO: coach meets trains. Booklet. J, Albert Harris, Prop. SHELDON Sftfe , Ocewtn view. Csd. 350. Hot and cold w&tsr. Rooma with bath and eu suite. Elevator. Booklet. P. J. WOOD3. Proprietor. HOTEL WAYNE gg Auto meets trains. C T. 1IARI casw UOL jiAniua. BEACU HAVEN. N. J. THE IDEAL MOTOR RUN TO HOTEL BALDWIN The modern hotel ot this famous resort. Opsa all year, Capacity 400. Bea water In all Naw Wistaria Garden and anil. Music, ins. tennis, etc Qinlt, Booklet aa p wicr ' it u.ui. lc. oano nd autA macs mailed. vf. iiKugcn Hiinij. POCONO MOUNTAINS Dettwaro Mater Cap, Pa. THE NEW KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATER OAF. PA. Only nim-ciasa moaern ootei In thli famous tra &t n n apaclty atlJaal e Eeryt odjrneqalp. ment, eiceptiJaaf eutalns. Frunch chefs. Orchsa. tra. uoir, uaau. nsouur. eio. i-ais ana um. Carase. Special early season rates) booklet an J auto maps mailed. Coachea meat trains, JOHN PURDY COPE. 10. year of Water flag House. BEDFORD SPRINGS. PA. BEDFORD SPRINGS tPA.) HOTEL ANDBATHS . Estato ot 3000 acres. 1200 itet abon mma i..va1 (?ur&llvb vratara rival thoaa Martnb4 and Carlsbad. Modern cL Outdoor and tsduer dlvsrsUBa, .Now op Winter. Htoyal Poloclaoa. Palm Beach. EAGLES MF.IIK, PA- THE CRESTMONT INN eifll.Kft HKKU. FA, , a Uic.giorarapls i biL nn tbn a! enh hlt wlth- tha InftQmBaxaDla situation. S SOO ft otaHO tho. a. po, Ibo , uunlt ot nst'watejSLlS! steam heat, etc t amo bousuitos sua bm at Inn. For tookWt aadr tatpm Addrs4 WILLUU Wfuoua. aapagw JMMM fcWAttTUMOHiEU PA. Strath jEavta WkkBth M, jum t$w. is :