fra urn u-ijijipipwiwt-jiiNM ijijiiiiiK iiJiyiuiJi Vk f tt'f ' EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1916. g ITV is- It b- r w- W' l- Ji FINANCIAL NEWS GATHERING OF RESERVES BY TREASURY OFFICIALS GIVES BEARS NEW MATERIAL Heavy Payments of Cash to Subtreasury Cause of Much Comment in Wall Street Speculative Element Con tinues Drive Against Specialties High Points in Today's Financial News New York bank statement showed a decline in average and actual re serves and also in average and actual loans. Production of steel ingots and castings in United States during last year was SS,151,0S6 gross tons', the largest on record. Dank clearings throughout country for last week were 47.2 per cent, above corresponding period of last year. Extra dividend of 10 per cent, declared by Eastman Kodak on the common stock. Ohio Leather placed common stock on 0 per cent, dividend basis. Atlantic Gulf and West Indies common and preferred stocks listed on New York Stock Exchange. While domestic inquiries for steel are small, tho demand from abroad is good. NEW YoniC, July 8. Tho bear clement on the Stock Exchanso and tho plunders outsldo of tho board had noinethlng new to work on aa an Incentive for operations on tho short Ido In tho apparent gathering ot reserves by Treasury officials. In the leading banking circles thcro was Uttle elso spoken of this morning except tho heavy payments of cash to tho Subtreasury, which on many days has been,a largo creditor at tho Clearing IIouso and so far scomH to havo retained theso cash payments under Its direct control. Because of this banks all around nro charging higher rates for money and they seem to bo making hay while tho sun shines at Washington. Probably at no tlmo since tho Federal Reserve act wont Into effect havo banking operations been conducted with such substantial profits as they havo been during the last week. Itenowals of July maturity, which nro largo In volume, havo been mado at 4 per .cent, or higher, and unless conditions chango It Is assumed that further advancos in tlmo money rates will be mado during tho coming wcok. Tho Bpcculatlvo element on tho floor used this condition In addition to tho changed character of hostilities In Europo aa reasons for selling stocks all around tho room and met llttlo rcslstanco excopt In United States Steel common and a few olhors of tho standard shares. Prices of the war-order stocks sustained fur ther sovcro losses, with tho group soiling at n, now low level for tho year. Ohio Lenthcr Places Common Stock on G Per Cent. BaBts YOUNQSTOWN, July 8. The Ohio Leather Company, of this city, has placed Us $400,000 of common stock on a 6 per cent, dividend basis, commencing with tho third quarter. This stock has not paid dlvldonds for several years. Trado condi tions In tho leather business aro satisfactory. Eastmnn Kodak Declares 10 Per Cent. Extra Dividend ROCHESTER. July 8. Tho Eastman Kodak Company has declared an extra dividend of 10 per cent, on tho common stock, payablo August IB to stock of record July 22. CURB MARKET HEAVY, WITITOFFERINGS FEW Motors Are the Leaders, Several Moving Up During Small Trading NEW YORK, July 8. Renewed .heavi ness was shown In the market for outsldo securities today In tho Initial dealings, al though tho offering In nearly every Instanco was of a light character. Traders were conspicuous In helping the downward trend. After tho first halt hour small rallies followed on covering, the list ing of Atlantic Oulf and "West Indies Issues diminishing trading somewhat. Chevrolet Motors, after opening up 12 points, reacted 7; United Motors opened up fractionally, but subsequently broko a full point; Sluts Motors ruled firm on small transactions, while motors moved within narrow limit. Mldvalo Steel declined half on "rather light offerings; Aetna Kxploslvo evenod up , but subsequently declined l&. Marconi, of America, ruled steady. Tobacco products Were slightly lower. , Oil shares, whllo steady, devoloped llttlo or no activity. Mining stocks chowed only slight changes,. .Bonus wcru iiukii' INDUSTRIALS. Hid. Asked. Aetna Explosives,.. 13 13W Amerlcan-Urltlsh Mftr H 15 American Marconi 3H 3!s Canadian Car Company 03 07 Canadian Car i Foundry pref.... H2 M Chevrolet Motora 230 237 Curtlss Aeroplane 33 45 prlsgs-Seabury 1'-"-' 130 Elsenlohr Tobacco 3d 411 do pref t5 100 Emerson rhonoKraph 10i HVi Flemish-Lynn B, 3 Haakell & llarlier Car 311 37 Ilendce Manufacturing . .. -1 , -7 International .Mercantile Marine.. -IVi 20 do pref till S Kathodlon Itronza pref -3 2il Maxim Munitions ,, Uli Jlanhattan Trans 1H Hi Mldvalo Oil's t)UH Mldvals Bteel 12H O'iU Otis Elevator 37 81) Peerless Motors 23 27 Poole EnclneerlnT 05 115. B a Kreice w I 1U 10J1 Standard Motora OVi 7Ji Btutz Motor 50 BOVa Submarine 35 36 Triangle Film 2t 3., United I'rollt Sharing; 11 United Motor 72 72$ U H Ltg-ht b Heut -Vi 1!J do prof 0 8Vi White Motora u M'-i. &3U Wlrld If Urn . Is 1 STANDAItD OIL. Illinois 101 107 Ohio 227 230 Prairie Pipe 221 r.'d S O California , 232 253 0 O New Jersey ,, 520 523 0 O New York 203 207 OTHER OIL STOCKS. . Cosden A Co 2311 2.1 H Chalmers Oil 4 8 Inter l'etrol 10U 10H Houston Oil 14 17 Midwest, lief H CO Karulpa Ret 12 12!i MININO STOCK8. Atlanta 10K 11H llutte Copper and Zinc D U jiutte n Y i a Carro ,d Pasco 31 , 31 Prist 'National 8Vi 4 OoldAsld Merser 8,, 10,, Jlecla Mlnlmc OH BU Howe Sound 4 5 Jim Duller 04 00 Jumbo Ex 7U 81 McKlnley-Darrah 50 33., Magma Copper 13i 14J4 Mints Co of America 2'5 2JI Ntpiislw ! 7tJ dan Toy 15 16 lit Joseph Lead 14 14 BONOS. Cerro de Pasco 108 112" RESERVE DANK TRANSACTIONS Business of Local Federal Institution During: Six Months Big A summary of the transactions of the Philadelphia Reserve Bank from January 8, 1916, ta Juno 30, 1916, shows; Bills discounted Members: 195 applica tions for rediscount approve- from 27 banks, as follows; Pennsylvania. 20 banks, $3,217,959; ?Jew Jersey, six banks, $773. SS7 ; Delaware, one bank, 31,247 ; total, $4,022,563. Bills discounted Bought: 761 bankers' acceptance. Bills purchased In the open market which have been drawn and accept ed In connection with the Import or export of goods, f 19.637.289. United States Government bonds pur chased: J2.l30.00O United States 2 per cent, consols issv. js.jzj.-u; .'91,009 United States 3 per cent Panamas 1936, 1230.413; 3139,000 United States Z per cent. (Panamas 1933, 3133.830. 31,421,600 of 2's pf, 1930 were converted u of April 1. 1916, mo ijoz.ovu m-year a pec cent, conversion ands and $ one-year 3 per cent, otes, and 3600,000 of the 30-year 3 per knt- conversion bonds were sold. investments: Bonds and warrants of 41 nlclpalUlea, maturities ranging from 30 to six montns, purcmuea in tne open tit. H.612.770. jslt Department 892.414 items have kindled as follows on Philadelphia. L189.413 Ivema amounting to $314," i uu otner oanKs in uuiriti, , Li amouutins to f38J, (55,731. Total, I. New York Bond Sales Close. I5000 Amer Cot Oil 5s.... wui esuofto Anclo-Fr Cs iw 200(1 Amer Hmolt Sec Bs...ln7h 3000 Amer Tel clt 4s niK 7UUO Amer Tel ct 4H ...1U1) 1000 Amer Writ Tap Cs.. HO liuoo Atchison gen 4s 03 5000 do ndj 4s H4'A suoo d0 Aria Ih 7 0UOU do CV43 1UUO 1U3K 7000 Bait ft-Ohlo 3ft a ... t.3 8000 do 4s , Illl'i loooo do cv ik s ., : : u5l ni)(l RAO p L,E&WV 4s.. 8H 5000 lloth Steel rfd 0a ...liio'J 4io Can Oovt 4s 3021 .. OH, atiiou do 102i ..Kn$ 17000 do 1031 .101 3000 Cal Oas A Elce 3a .. OH .-'000 Canada South Bs ...103 1BU0O Cont Oa cons Cs ...KiuH : r.OUO Chill Copper 7s..,..!l2njJ lUOO Chfs 6 Ohio CV 4i,s.. 1.4? 6000 do 44 H 83H 1 1 Chi & Knst 111 S3..... Nil 2000 Chi Ot West i 70J4 5!.0 Kh! & Joint 4s... PSji 1000 Chi Ind & West...... 75H nmm c'hl M 4 St v rfd 414 i2 3500 do conv S 1II7W llimo dr. cv 4Vy 10J 2000 do gen 414 s 100!S MI0O Chi II I t p 0s u!i G00O Col & South 1st 4s. ... 02 UOOO Chic Un Sta 4',4s.... 0K 100(1 Comp Tub Itoo Co 0s. 85 SirOiHi Con Of a cor.v Os 122 30OO Cumberland Tel Os....llniH 2000 Del & Hud rfd 4s 11XI J'000 ln A Rio Or rfd 5s 4000 I)l Sccur Com R.. . . 7)1 .. trM ls.l 71i ..102tl .. 81) 101100 V Worth ft Uen 1st Os, 1000 Hud It Man rfd Bs. .. 2000 Indiana Steol Cs 102 25000 111 Central ifd 4a 811 oiiuu intcru .Met 4'Aa u .lei 'a mh b U T ref 3s,.., 08K M Mar ct 4Hs.lo4l a Htonl Bs 1023.. OVH uiiuuu inierD 101000 Inter . 110OO I.ackn 08 101I 11(100 I.oulc & Nash 4s 4G0OO Manhnttnn Htu. 4n U4 ai i)2r 75 ft 07 r,0H 50 CO cou 5000 Minn St P S a M 4s 1000 Mo Kan & T 1st 4s. 1000 do Ok la Cs 12000 do I'ac ct 4s .... 18000 Mo Pac 4s 1000 docv Cs ., 1000 do ct 5s ' UOOO do 5s 11)17 im re utn 01) 1000 Mont Power 3s ..... 07 '.I 800O N' Y C-M C col 3Hs.., 77 7U00 N Y C & II Os 113 20000 du con 4s 8,1 Ti 2000 do 4Hs U3H 7000 do 3Hs H2 1000. N V City 3Ks Nv 1034 1)1 4000' do 4,s, ltlfiO 102H xuuu ao ms, .ii'ui lurt 1000 do 4 Via, May 1037.108 2000 N V Dock 4h 100O K Y &IS II & P Bs. . . 2U0O N Y N II & II Os. . . . B50O N Y Tel em 4H... 1000 N Y W C & H 4 Sis . C00O Norf & WeJt dlv 4s. 2000 Nor Pao prior 4s..., 13000 do sen 3s 10000 Oro Cal Cs 3000 Pacific Tel Cs 10000 Penna 4s 1048 liooo do een ct 4B ...... 1OO0O do 4s 1043 8000 Pea Kast In 4s 2000 Public Serv N J Ss.. 3000 Reading con 4s 24H0O tit I. I U & S Olf 4s. 20000 BtLiHF Ser Awl,. 31000 do rfd ct sta 4s... U 10(10 do In w 1 10000 do Ser II w 1 12000 do o w 1 S000 South Pao 4s 8000 do cv 4a , 1000 do cv ret f p 3a,. 900QO do rfd 4s 600O South Itwy gen is... 2000 do con os 6000 Third Ave adj 6s... 75 C5 HO HI 88.. 87Ji 00 71 101U 70 K 0641 104K . 87 'i .103? .101?? uouv A (!V,ltJ ua ,. 3.1000 U B Htcel H P Cs.. 30000 us a & It Os. ... 3000 Union Pao 1st 4s. 2000 do cv 4s 2000 do rfd 4 111000 tin Rwya S I" 4s. 8000 Va Cnr Chm Os . hOOII Va Ilurv Bs ..103 ..liili mi$ uK 03 00 32 100 .loo'i . 08(! 2000 West ifd 1st 4 s . 6005 W 13 & M cv Cs wi.lll 1000 West Union IVis .... 01H Total salts. Sl,00?.O0O, compared nllh J033,. 000 last Haturdayi thU week, 14,O21,OO0 last week, 114,300,000. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOniC. July 8. The Foreign Ex. change market proved dull and Inactive, with little or no business transacted. Belchsmarks were slightly firmer, as was also Swiss exchange. Quotations follow; Demand sterling, 4,76; cables, 4,76 7-16. Francs checks, 6.90 ; cables, 6.00 y. Kelchsmarks checks, 73 11-10; cables, 73)4, Lira checks, 6,38 Hi cables, 6.33, Swiss checks, 6.29; cables, E.23,3, Vienna checks, 12.80; cables, 12.86. Kroner checks, 28.76; cables, 28.85. Pesetas checks, 20.20; cables, 20.30, Guilder checks, 41 7-16; cables. 41V& Plus 1.16. Rubles checks, 30.70; cables, 30.76. Sixty-day bills were nom inally quoted at 4.72 and 90-day bills at 4.70, both unchanged. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre sponding day last two lears: 101B 1815. 1914. Pbllada, ...(18,247,583 123.713,531 125.801,250 Uoston ..... 88.008,691 27,601,301 2d.8B3.8la New York.. 402.730,168 300,868.840 20V.0U7.143 RATES FOR BIONEY .Call, New York 3U 4!i Philadelphia OH Boston ;.. 5 Chicago .-... 8H04 Commercial paper, three to six rnoi acipnia, avyan per cgni. Spot Wheat Steady In Liverpool LIVERPOOL. Jujy 8. Spot wheat was steady and unchanged today, with blue stem quoted at lis. 6d.; No. 2 hard winter, )0s. 3d. ; No, 8 red winter, 10s. 4d. ; No. 1 Northern Manitoba, 10s. 10d., and No. 3, Northern' Manitoba, 10s. 9d. Corn wu firm, with American mixed Id. higher at 9s. lOd. The stock of Plats corn is exhausted. Four was unchanged at 39s. RAILROAD EARNINGS UaTROlT ANO VACSIWAC. hi IncreaitWl t all s, Pnlla. Fourtb week Juss ITrsaj July i iiOoi 1.132.718 jitSKi New York Stock Sales j , Net ehlte. 8 ..... 94 1 i ltlh. loi. Clone. Adams Kxpress.. .140 H0i 140 Alaska Hold Mines' 1 18 Alaska Jun ...,. 8V4 8W 4 Atlls Chalmers ..22 22 22 do pref Utt 7!i Am Ab Chem . ... 08i OS C Am B Sugar . .... 03-tt 02 08 Am Can i.,.B4 82 8Vi do pref 100 lbOW lOB'ft Amer Car & FdjN , B2 5 Am Cotton Oil... 84 S 84 do pret , 00V4 0W 00 V, Am Linseed 10H "V4 l Am Hide & Lcath 10 10 10!i At Olf & W lnd Cs BBH 83 5V4. do pref 63 61 6i Am Locomotive... OS 63 04 do pref 100 100 100 Am Smelting .... oiVi 04 04H do pref 110M) H0J4 "W Am Steel Fdy.... 40V4 40 4611 Am Tel & Tel.... 120 ltoy V4 Am Tobacco prcf.105 105 105 Am Zlno 32 30 31V4 Am Woolen 44 444 44V4 do pref 0SV 05U OBVi Am Writ Pap pref 24 24 24 Anaconda Copper, 824 MM 81 Atchison lOSli 105t' lOSW do pref 00 00 00 nrildwln Ijco ... 00 08V4 00 Ualto & Ohio .... 80 80 89 do pref 70 70 Bethlehem Btecl..440 440 440 Butto & Superior. 03 02 08 Buttertck i 28 28 28 California Petrol. 21 21 21 Cnnadlnn Pacific. .180 180 180 Chill Coppor .... 21 21 21 Central Leather.. 80 80 80 Chea & Ohio 02 02 02 Chlo II Iol & Pao. 22 22 23 Chlno Coppor ... 48 8 48 Chlo Great W ... 13 13 13 Chic Mil & St P.. 08 D8 08 do pref 130 180 130 Ctmndlcr Motor... 111 110 111 Cuba Cnno Sugar. 01 00 01 do pref 03 03 03 Cot fuel & Iron.. 44 43 44 Col A South 1st pf 88 88 88 Cont Can 102 102 102 Corn Products .. 14 14 14 Crucible Steol ... 70 00 70 Den & nio.O ... 18 14 18 do pref 37 33 88 Dlstltlors Sccur... 44 4S 43 Erlo 80 80 80 do 1st prof 84 81 84 Ocnornl Motor pf.. 112 111 112 Orceno Con 48 43 48 Goodrich Co 74 78 76 do pref. 113 113 113 Gt Northern pref.. 110 110 110 at North Oro ctfs. 30 30 80 Int Mer ft Mnr .. 24 21 24 do pref 8D 88 80 InttAgr pref .... 48 48 48 Intctboro Con ... 17 17 17 Inter Nickel ct .. 47 47 47 Int Paper 13 1 13 do pref 02 00 02 Inspiration Con .. 31 81 51 Kcnnecott Cop ... 47 47 47 Lackawanna Steel 70 70 70 Lohlgh Valley ... 80 80 80 Liggett & M Tob.284 281 281 Leo Bubbor ,.... 47 47 47 Louis & Nash.... 133 133 133 Manhnttnn Elev ..120 12804 120 Max Motors 80 78 70 do lBt lifd 80 80 80 do 2d pfd 87 60 57 MStP&SSM...128 127 127 Moxlcan Pet 103 103 103 MoK&Tpfd.... 12 IS 12 Miami Copper .... 34 3t7fc 31 Mo Tac 7 7 7 do ctfs 7 0 7 National Biscuit. .120 120 120 Nnt Enamel 23 23 23 Nat Lead 05 03 05 N Y Air Brako..l31 129 129 Nevada Con 10 10 10 N V. NHft II.... 01 01 01 N Y Central 10t 101 104 N Y, C & St L. . . . 30 30 30 Norfolk & West ..131 131 Ml North Paclflo ....114 114 114 Pacific Mall 21 21 21 Penna II R 87 87 87 Pittsburgh Coal... 28 28 28 do pfd 103 103 103 Pressed Steel Car. 40 48 48 Ray Cons S2 3S 22 Reading 100 00 00 do 1st pfd 42 42 42 l 2 1 I ' '' ' 1 i" 71 1 i' 2 1 V 3 '' ' 1 ' ' ' Bock Island 22 22 22 Shut Copper 27 20 20 Seaboard Air Lino 18 13 16 do pref 30 39 30 St L & S Fran w I 17 17 17 do 2d prof .... 0 OTi 0 Sloss Sheffield ... 40 43 40 Southern Pacific. 08 08 08 Southern Ry .... 24 24 24 do pref 00 00 09 Stand Milling rets Studebaker 138 131 34 Tennessee Cop ... 31 34 34 Texas Co 103 103 108 Texas Pac R R... 12 12 12 Third Ave 00 06 68 Tobacco Prod pfd. 100 100 100 United Fruit ....100 100 160 U S Smelt 71 71 71 Union Pacific ....130 130 130 do pfd B2 82 82 U S Undl Alcohol. 120 120 128 U S C I P & F.... 20 20 20 U S Rubber 63 63 83 U S Steel 86 80 80 do pref 117 117 117 Utah Copper .... 77 77 77 Va .Car Chem.... 40 40 40 Wabash 11 14 14 do pref A 51 81 51 do pref B 28 28 38 Wheeling & L E.. 5 5 8 do 2d pref 7 7 7 Westlnghouso Eleo 80 65 60 West Maryland ..20 39 20 Wisconsin Central 46 45 46 Willys-Overland... 75 73 75 ' 1 1 ' " , Total sales, 151,100 shares, compared with 175,000 shares last Haturdayi this ucrk, 1,903,. 200 shares! last Meek, 3,733,700 shares. YEAR'S PRODUCT OF STEEL INGOTS AND CASTINGS HIGH Beats All Previous Records Rolled Metal Sales Also High The production of steel ingots and cast ings in the United States during 1915 was 32,151.033 grss tons, the largest on record, according to f.gures made publics today by the American Iron and Steel Institute, The next largest producing during a single year was 31,300,874 tons, in 1913. Of the 1916 'production steel ingots comprised 31,284,. 212 tons and steel castings the remainder. All kinds of finished rolled Iron and Bteel produced in the United States In 1916 amounted to 24,392,924 tons, compared with 18,370,196 tons in 1914, 24,791,243 tons in 1913 and 24,668,811 1n 1912. The 1916 out. put was made up of the following classes; Iron and steel rails, 2,204,203 tons; plates and sheets, 6.07T.694 ; wire rods. 3,095,907 J structural Bhapes, 2,437,003; nail plate, 3192 and bars, skelp and other forms, 10,. 616.188. Production of Iron and steel plates and sheets In 1915 aggregated 6,077,694 tons, compared wjth 4,719,246 n 1914. Merchant bars produced last year amounted to 4,131,. 242 tons, against 2,523,631 In 1914. The 1915 concrete bars output was 353,103 tons, compared with 288,171 in the previous year. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. July 8. The market for coffee futures opened quiet and unchanged this morning- with no business on the call. Toaajrs xesterdatfs open luff. close. ctosa. July .... Aurust . . September October November December January February March. .. 8.03 a 8 04 B.'io'OS.M 8.2'ioa'.2n 8. 11 1 8.18 8.21 8.20 8.30 8.43 8.40 8.43 8.30 8.55 l.CJ 8.01 8.201 8.35! 8.201 . 8.3068.33 .8 33 8.3898.40 8.381 8.391 8.441 8.401 8.61 8. OS 8.63i 8.49 8.5308.66 April Mar Juns BU. , Total salts, 9000 bass. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW IOBK July y 6. BBTTEH Qulat but tons Oreo. Receipts. 1 J. 281. Qvb otatlous un- -hn,1 frtim Krtdav ElfuiJ Trida uuiet but but. uadu veil cUsSSToiit, ilsrket iU(Jy, RtfdsU. 23.512. Dcows tw, saHitfc ether train ucciacui. ALLIED NATIONS TO DELAY CHANGE IN TARIFF POLICY Prorogation of Parliaments in Italy and Russia . Postpones Reform BRITISH CABINET TO STAY . By FRANCIS W. HIRST Special Cable to the Evenlna t.tdatr. LONDON. July 8. The letter and mem ornndum vindicating tho frco trade policy as against tho Paris resolutions has been followed by the formation of n powerful parliamentary group, under tho leadership of Earl llonuclmmp and Itlchard Holt. Ab both tho Italian and ttusslan Parliaments havo been prorogued until November, n considerable period Is likely to Intervene for discussion before any vital changes In tho tariff policy will bo proposed. Tho ltal Ian Government has definitely promised to do nothing without consulting Us Parlla ment. Itcccnt announcements Indicate that tho British Cnblnct will hold together unless a revolt of,tho Unionist rank nnd fllo against tho Irish settlement should develop. A consldcrnblo fnll in commodity nnd food prices during Juno Is indicated by tho I'conomlst Index number, which declined 106 polntB. This may bo ascribed partly to tho good,hny crop and tho advent of new potatoes, vegetable- nnd Trult and partly to short-term financing of tho war, which has kept down credit Inflation. The exchange position Is much as before. It depends upon tho supply of American securities, which tho Treasury Is still In creasing by new regulations for tnklng smaller amounts of dollar securities. The stock market firmness oxcltes general at tention nnd undoubtedly represents growing anticipations of a victorious pettlemont, now that our naval supremacy Is firmly estab lished and generally recognized, whllo tho military position has moved In favor ot the Allies. As to what will constitute victory, moderate views nro entertained by those who rcallzo what ruin nnd misery another yenr of this warfare will entail. Tho treaty between Ilussla and JapaYi may havo far reaching effects on tho China problem and on general trado Interests there, but the ultimate power probably rests with tho long est purse. FOREIGN ORDERS IN SIGHT Pittsburgh Reports $100,000,000 in Proepoct for Next Yenr PITTSllUnOH, Pa.. July 8. Prospects for an Imleflnlto contlnunnco of prosperity In tho Pittsburgh district were Indicated by tho announcement that more than $100, 000,000 worth of rew business will como hero from foreign countries during tho next year. Tho announcement was mado by tho Industrial Development nnd Foreign Trade Commission today. Many orders and Inquiries from foreign countries nro being received dally at tho of fice of tho commission. During this week thcro was reported tho placing ot orders for approximately $28, 000,000 worth of steol products by tho Japa ncso Government nnd tho $6,000,000 order given by tho British Government to tho Westlnghouso Alrbrnko Company. Theso aro concrete evidences of the business that tho plants of Pittsburgh will havo to handle NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Big Drop in Average and Actual Re serves Loans Also Smaller NEW YOItK. July 8. Tho outstanding feature of tho statement ot condition of the members of tho Now York Clearing IIouso Association for tho woek just closed was a drop of $44.-t64,630 In nvcrngo reserves and a decline ot $33,747,880 In tho actual re serves. Avcrago loans declined $6,786,000 and actual loans fell $38,772,000. Decrease, Loans 3.2ni,38,000 J88.772.000 ltfi-t-rYo in own vaults aoo.Doo.uuu 4u,ibu,uuu lteservo In federal Ite strvo naxxK lteservo in other de posits Net ilomand deposits . Net tlmo deposits . . . Circulation Affcrcftato reserve . . . Surplus reseno . . . . IBS, 075.000 2,030,000 1,140.000 07.04fl.OCK) 05.000 52,001,000 33.747.880 AVKItAOE IO.7Sfl.000 60.VU0.U0O 50,127.000 8. 1112.307,001) 170.8110, 000 31,. 100,000 5tl7.0.-.7,nOU 53.540,000 iicMnnns- CLCARINO 1IOU.HK CONDITION. Loans, etc 3, 232.415.000 ltesens In own vaults 400.341,000 lteservo in rcuerai jig- scne Dank lteservo In other de posits Net demand deposits, Net tlmo deposits . . . Circulation AKsreirate reserve . . . 155,103,000 S.813,000 60,121,400 3.200, 1H1. 000 , 178,HRO.(00 31,5114,000 014,148,1100 01,100,340 53,(100 02.2211,000 2,700.000 25,000 M.a-ID.OOO 44.404, Sao uurpius reservo NONMGJinUIt DANKS AND TRUST COM I'ANIES, Loans and Imestments $720,410,800 1.0t)0,400 Gold UV,Ul-f,4UU -Df.DUU Currency and bank notes Total deposits Increase. 0.381,000 873,044,000 180,800 1,813.200 CLEARINGS UP 47.2 PER CENT. AH Cities Contribute to Increase for tho "Week Clearings throughout the country for tho week reached a total of $4,371,315,433, against $301,1)10,903 in the corresponding week of last year, a gain of 17.2 per cent. In tho matter of Increase Philadelphia stood first, with a gain of 80.5 per cent Details follow: loin. wis. p. c New York .$3,132,027,531 $1,837.05.1,200 50 5 ttasfon 1UI,D20,15!) lS9.d.10,10f 104.324.012 53 1 Philadelphia Ilaltlmora.. Chicago . , Ht I.ouls New Orleuns Heen cities, 1,0.1. 073.080 SO. 3 20.372.0.1H 4-47.8 80l.i;07,U32 74 402,742 22.D-J7.177 220,701.052 4-SS.t) 53,812.211 4-BJ..1 15,022.272 40.0 5 days ..12.1130,201.083 11,863,032,000 07.1 0taedaCys'": 808.028.701 500,407.618 10.7 Total all cities, 5 days . 13,520,220,710 $2,363,430,711 48.2 Aday"1"' .l. 742.001.C8I B35.081.18l 38.3 Total all cities, for week $4,271,315,133 12.901,140.003 17.3 Local Reserve Rank Statement Th condition of the Federal Reserve Panic of rhlladelphla, at the close ot business Juna 7 compares as follows; RESOURCES. Jul"T. June 30. Gold coin and certifi cates In vault ....... $7,721,240 $7,071,000 Gold settlement fund bat- once ..,,.....-....., 18,110.000 .13.053.000 Gold redemption fund... 50,000 50.000 ver. etc ',.,.,, 134.680 Total rtsere ...,,.,, 23,321,020 Commercial paper ,..,. B18.751 517,150 1.401,750 23 Sank siuinln nrisi 10,000'.: 701.53 10.01 Total bills discounted 4.92 unit bOUlfht 10.B18.973 4.000.000 2.235.011 $6,233,041 8.060, sta 430,030 20.820 133.480 10.809.875 4.000,000 1.808,669 U. 8. bonds .......... Municipal warrants , ,.. Total Investments .... Dua from other Federal ressrvs banks net. , . Federal reserve notes on band .. .--....... Notes ot national banks and other, Federal re serve banks ...,,.,, AH other resources $3,808,660 1.220.333 633.020 611,643 81.824 Total resources ,....,149.081.231 $40,142,941 LIABILITIES. Capital paid la 13.210,030 Profit and loss 42.482 $3,215,450 42,432 2D.332.5u3 10.332.02d Reserve deposits -net .. oa.uf7.073 Government deposits ... 10,746.914 All other liabilities .V,. 1.211 Total liabilities 119.081.231 $43,142,941 Sugar Futures Quiet NEW YORK. July 8. Sugar futures opened quiet and Inactive Ibis morning with first bids showing advances of I to 3 points and with no business transacted on the dull The day promised to be a quiet one on the ttx-bango, inasmuch s the raw and reilned pt&ccs are clcaed foe tho. wf ck-csdv Sales in Philadelphia Net , Tow, Close. cbe. 18M 18J ! 80H K0H .... BOH 9 Ji 504 60 M "h. JO Alliance Insur.. 18H 10 Am zind ao 60 nsldwln Loco.. 69H ,7 liurr A Rus t o 31 .63 Ilrlll J O 35.. HI Col Fuel ,.,,., 44 40 lilectrlc BtoraRS . ,0 Ins Co N Am ,10 Int Mar pr T C 3jo Lake Sup Corp. 13 Ihlh Valley , 12 ,'.' v Tt. br 43 Penna R n . .,. J23 n-.8" Mfg... .21 Ph la KIe .... 120 P It T I n 10 Iteadlnr 100 . 10 So Paclflo 24 M 110 Tonopah Rel 4H 4 82 iJnlt Uas ,. imp.i SB., N J....222't el J6j4 try pref. 87 !4 Dot, ft a c . un rn, p, vxx " ? Dim . 20 York llwy pref Tolnl sales. 1711) share, compared with 101 flinres lnt HntnrtlnI this 'neek. 44,028 BharesI lout week, 4i,80 shnrei. HON US. Net Close, cbie. lllch. Ixtvr, 0000 7, V 1.) ol 4. Ill Dl 91. 1000 do Coal 104T4 104'i lOtll anoo i, v Tr ref r.s.. oih ni't oi .1000 I'enna Oen 4Hs 101 H 101 H lolH 6000 Phlla Eleo 4e... 84.. 81 .84,, ZOOO do 6 .lOlW 101 101M 0000 Readmit (ten 4s. OS'i 9H 95. 1000 Span-Am I (in. .103 102 102 4000 Un Itrs t C 4s. . 74 74 74 . Total sates, 327,000, lat Knturdnri this w rnmnareil with C34.100 week, i03,430t last week, u,uuu. , 1) 7171 -, B3i 63H U3!t 7 2H 2H 20,4 . ... Kit $? is 38 67 38 .... B8 9? OS M 'in 29 29 . ,,,. 19i lBt - : loo., mo,, T J 24 24 i . H 3-10 4 B"0 1-ln siiu sIIh vk m t..". Local Bid and Asked Today Yesterday Rid. Asked. Hid. Asked. Iluft A Stis t o 01 t4 51 64 dn pref ,..,. Gil M nil ns Rrlll J 6 31 38 31 3S Haldwln ., n4 70 on 70 Cambria Hteel ..82 H H2 81,. Illeetrle Stornai 03 H3'4 n.l 03W Oencral Asphalt .13 34 33 31,, do prof ., nnjl 70t 0I) 70l Kesstone Tc 13i 1 li 13I 144 "Jo t o 13t 144 13ji 144 llo pfd H74 118 (I7'5 OS I.nkn Hup Corp.... ... ll IIS 11 liji fhlh Nav 75 754 73,, 734 Lehlsli Val 704 80 704 80 lohlgh Val Tr 21J 22 21. 22 do pfd 424 43 42. 424 Pennsylvania 071. 5K 57'i 58 I'hlja Electric 23JS 20 28 29., Phlia Co 894 404 af)4 404 do 5 per cent. rrf., 38 39. 38 30 do 0 per cent. pref.. 40 40H 40., 40S Phlla 11 T t o.... 194 20 19H 20 noadlnir 11114 nn'l 994 HOT Tonopah Ilelmont ... 4 3-10 4ti 4 3-10 4t', Tonopah Mining 51k 0 0., OH Union Traction 434 44 434 44 Unlle.1 Oas Imp 874 88 87 88., U a Steel 80; 80H 8(14 8nH York Hallway 164 134 15 K.4 pret 3TV4 374 8. 374 Wm Cramp tc 74 78 71 77 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. Hid Asked Jim llutlcr i3 .97 MacNamara 00 .OR Midway , 22 .24 Mlzpah Extension 21 .23 Montnnn 24 .20 Northern Star 15 .17 Tonopah Ilelmont 4 3-10 4'i Tonopah I;tenslon 5H 54 Tonopah Mining; O'J Rescue Kula 3.1 .37 West nnd 1.00 1.03 OOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta 10 .11 Illue Dull 01 .04 llooth 15 .10 Ilulldofr 02 .01 C O D 03 .04 Combination Traction 07 .OH Ulamondlleld II II 02 .03 Daisy 03 .1)5 Florence BS .42 (lolilflej.l Consolidated 83 .HM noldneld Mereer OS .01) Jumbo Intension 78 .80 ICewanaa 1 .11 Oro Ot .0.1 Hand Ken 04 .0(1 Silver Pick 10 ,11 MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aztec 01 .02 Klmberlv 02 .03 Nenda Hill 17 .20 Nevada Wonder 2.10 2.13 Tecopa Mining; 10 .12 WHEAT IS EASIER ONsSMALL SELLING Bearish U. S. Government Report Is Offset by Lower Ex port to Liverpool GRAIN RELT WEATHER FORECAST. CHICAGO. Julr 8. The weather forecast for 30 hours follows! Illinois Fair tonight and flundayi cooler tonlaht. Mlnnonrl, Kan-ins, Wisconsin and Iowa Pair tonight and Nundayt not much rhanio In lennierntiire. Minnesota l'nrtlr cloudy tonight and Bundar. with showers late tonight or Sun day, orthuct. warmrn cant Hunday. North Dakota Showers tonight nnd prob ably mindari not much change In tempera ture. houtli Dakota Fair tonight! warmer sonthnest. Sunday, partly cloudy. Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Sun day) warmer tonight, southwest. CHICAGO, July 8. An easier tendency was shown in the wheat market this morn Ins on small Belling due to yesterdny'B bearish report by the Federal Department of Agriculture. Tho figures were right In line with estimates recently announced by private authorities. July ranged from J1.03J4 to $1.03 at the start, against $1.03 V4 nt the close yester day: September started at $1.05 to $1.0B?i,' against $1.05. yesterday's last price, and receded to $1.05 j December opened at $1.09 to $1.08?;, against $1.09 at the end yesterday and declined to $1.0SH before the end of the first half hour. The United States Government report was offset at Liverpool by smaller exports from America for the week, and tho English market was dull but steady. Atlantic freight rates were Inclined to ease. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 288 cars against 199 cars a years ago; at Winnipeg, 683 cars compared with 93 cars; at Chicago, 16 cars against 9 cars. A cable from Bucharest Indicated that the wheat harvest In Rumania had been finished with the yield good. Private advices said that the Central Powers had made large nurchases In Rumania. A semiofficial re port estimated the yield In Italy at 193,000, 000 bushels against 168,000,000 bushels a year ago. Corn and oats were quiet. The receipts of corn here today were 193 cars and of oats 71 cars. Corn nt Liverpool was steady with stocks light. Leading; futures ranged aa follows: Test. wneai upen. uisn. July 1.034 T.08 September . 1.05H 1-104 . ... l ... T r r" Low, Close, close. 1.03 tl.0il4 1.U34 1.03K 1.09 LOSS l.oas l.iiH ti. o uecemDer .. i-uu x.ja uorn tnsw aeuvery July safe Mia ?$ 024 'tlSH 024 September December , Oats July September December . Lard July September October .. 74 02 H 8 4 404 t3BH 38Ji 13.23 tlS.27 13.22 13 32 13.40 lS.SS 13.42 tlDS y 118-73 September . 13.77 rork July 1 .- September . 24.07 Hid, tAskel 18.70 tl3 62 13.72 113.67 24',97 H'M 25. 60 25.40 24.87 SI. 87 Financial Briefs The New York Stock Exchange today ad mitted to the list Atlanta, Gulf and West Indies Steamship Lines temporary Inter changeable certificates for preferred and common stocks and $7,160,000 additional first mortgage S per cent, bonds ot Chicago Railways Company, due June, 1937. Slay gross earnings of the Lewlston, Augusta and Waterville Street Railway were $66,703, an Increase of $1689 over the same month of 1915. Net earnings Increased $1383 to $34,619. The gross earnings of 28 railroads for the fourth week of July were $18,109,315, In crease $3,771,388. The New York Subtreasury lost $4,178,. 000 to the banks on Friday. DIVIDEND NOTICES LEHIUH VALLEY BAILKOAD COMPANY. fbUadelphlii Juno 31. 1913. IDs 9srd of Directors ot tbs Lsblgb Vsllsj Haliroad Company bave this day declared a Quarterly dtvUeod of 24 per cent, tor 11.23 per soars) on Its preferred stock to stockholders of morel Jvuw 21. 11. and quarterly dividend cent, tor i par scirsj on its sum- to sxocanoioera ox reenrq jims zt, payable July . 1916. Cfebk will tw maUsd. T C, J. UUUP.,Trfcar, n IB H 74 n 4 03T( 88T( 404 38 384 894 3!) 404 414 40 13.22 13.27 13.40 13.40 13.47 13.47 I8.4U 18.75 13.70 13.77 13.70 DOMESTIC INQUIRIES FOR STEEL ARE SMALL; FOREIGN DEMAND GOOD Each Day Brings Additional Contracts From Abroad. Trading Remains Small on Philadelphia Stock Exchange, With Narrow Price Movements A representative of one of the Independent steel companies says that, while domestic Inquiries for steel are "few and far be tween" nt the moment, there Is considerable nctlvlty on tho part of export Interests, He states thai each day Is bringing In nddU tlonnl contracts, nnd that thin business In only limited now by tho fact that tho makers cannot give tho deliveries requested. Recently the Inquiries from nbroad havo predominated In ship plates, with tonnage ranging frotn 1600 to 10,000, but the ship ments on all this business Is wanted be fore tho manufacturers can give It. There Is also some activity for export for Bhell bars, bnrb wlro nnd other articles used In modern wnrfare. Opinions in the trade ore general that domestic consumers nro not placing orders, either becauso of tho sold-up condition ot tho mills, which leads to tho belief that lower prices might bo obtained later In tho year, or the fact that some users In this country nro of the opinion that prices are too high at present, nnd that declines will como before the plnclng of the orders for their requirements becomes a. necessity. The companies nro willing to keep their capacity clear for "war" bookings and espe cially ns the preparedness wave of this coun try Is likely to lead to some good orders PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WKHAT Hfcelpts. 100,371 bush. There was a further advance of lc, In this market.due to a fair demand nnd stronxer outside advices. Quo tations: Car lots. In export elevator No. 2 red, snot, I1.03W1.07', No. 2 Southern red. I1.03WI.".'.: steamer No. 2 red. 11.0201.04; No. 3 red, ll.02at.04i rejected A, DIHic $1,014: rejected 11. 08c.$l. COilN Itecelpts, 0712 bush. The market was quiet but Ilrm at tho recent advance Quota tions: Car lots for local trade, hb to location Western, No. 2 yellow, 8n3804c: do., steamer yellow. SSftH.SMc; do.. No, 3 yellow, 8087c; do.. No. 4 jcllcnv. 83C84c. OATS Itecelpts. 114.247 buih. Trices were steadily held, but thers was little tradlni. Quo tations: No. 2 white. 40447c.t standard white, 45440c.: No. .1 White. 444Sc.t No. 4 white, 4044I4c.; sample oats, 33030c; pur in til oats, graded, 434(44Sc. FIX3tm Itecelpts. 350 bbls. and 022.711 lbs. In sacks. There was llttlo tradlne. but mill limits were well maintained. Kollowlne are the quotations, per 100 lbs. In wood; Winter, clear. I4.r.0ffl'4.73: do., straight. $4.7r.fij Patent. $S n.2."; Kansas, clear, cotton sneks, 14,3304.70,' do., straight, cotton sacks. M. 8085.10! do., patent, cotton sacks, $0.1305.40; spring nrst clear. J4.80WS.10: do., straight. 15.20.WS.40; do., patent. Sil.SiiOn 75: do., favorite brands, tr- iiflian.M; city mills, choice and fancy patent, 15.00 0 0.211: do., regular grades, winter clear, !4.R')'n4."5; do,, straight, $4.7505: do., patent, 35315.23. HYI3 FLOUIt was quiet bpt steady under light offerings. Wo quoto at $365.50 per bul.. ns to quality. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled firm, but thera was little trading. Quotations: City ...beef, In sets, smaked and alr-drled, 27c: Western , beef. In seti smoked. 27c; city eef. knuckles and tonders, smoked and alr-arled. 28c. : i estern beef, knucltles nnd tenders, smoked, 28e. bfr hams, J28M30: pork, family. 2,a ino27...U; hums. it. V. cured, looie. 180184c: do., skinned, loose. lNPl4c: do,, do., smoked. 1VJ 104 c; other hams, smoked, city cured, n; to brand and average, 184 c.i hams, smoked, West ern cured. 184c, do., boiled, boneless. 33c.; Pic nic shoulders. 8. I, cured, loose, 124 c.; do., smoked. 144 c; bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose. 104c; breakfast bacon, a; ro brand nnd aerage, city cured, 21c. ; do., "est ern cured. 10 U 20c: lard. Western, refined, tierces, 144c; do. do., tubs. 144c; dp., purs city, kettle rrndcred, In tierces, 144 c.i do., do., in tubs. 144c REFINED SUGARS Tho market was quiet but steady. Quota lions: Kxtra flne.granulated, 7.05c: powdered, 7.75c. : confectioners' A. r.53c. ; soft grades, O.UUM 7.50c DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTKIt Supplies of desirable grades were kept under pretty good control nnd values Mere firmly maintained. Wholesale trade, however, aa usual on Saturday, was qult. Quotations were as follows Western solid-packed creamery, fancy, specials, 31c. extra. 20 if 30c ; est ra nrsts. 28c; firsts. 27c; seconds 20c: nearby prints, fancy. 32c: njerace ' r.. 30SA,1,S-J firsts. 27W20C., seconds. 200204c; Jobbing sales of fnncy prints. 33038c. Iiaas Thero woe a good outlet for fins fresh eggs and olues were nrmly maintained. Quo tations: In free cases, nearby extras, -:8c. per do".: nearby firsts, J7.50 per stsndsrd case; SSarby current receipts. in.l'007-M i per case; Western extras. 27c per lo.l,"?nii'xSr.? firsts, 17.50 per case: firsts. 7."507.3S per esse, fancy sel-cted rnndled fresh eggs vers Jotihine nt 3ttf32c. Per doi, CHEESE Trade was quiet, but offerings we light and alues were firmly held. Quotations. New York, full cream, fancy. lBOlSttc.. -ao L. do filr to good, 13 W 154 c; part skims. 0 PpULTRY T.IVB Fowls were again 4c, higher under light offerings and a fair demand. Other kinds "rpoultry"howed llttlo chan. Quotations, Fouls. SOasoHc.t roosters. 13l14c.: sprlnjr chickens, according to aiiBlltr. neighing 1W Ibs. apiece. 24W:IOc.j IVlilte leghorns. -t 24c: ducks, 14W0c; pigeons, old. per pair. 23fic.i do., young, per pair, 22 25c. DIIUHSED IJemand wax sufficient to keep the offerings of desirable stock well cleaned up at wPelFh(nr:iJb..,oplece.2021ct fowls. Ice oacked. In barrels, fancy, dry-picked, northern Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4 IDs. ana over apiece. 22c.i do., southern Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 21 4c,; smaller sites, 18(320c": old roosters, dry-picked. ISc.i broil ing chickens. Western, 2832c ; broilers. Jer sey, fancy, 38c; do., other nearby, weighing "ft 2 lbs. apiece. 3.1 M 38c. i smaller sixes. 803'.'c.i ducks. nearby spr nc, ..JOW-OC'! squabs, per dot. White, weighing llgj? bs. pSr doi.. .1.1.23: white, weighing 0li bs. pit dot.. 34.13W4.75; white, weighing 8 lbs, per dot , $3.25W3.0.1: dn , do,. 7 lbs. per dot,, 32 BOetSl do., do., 0(384 lbs, per dot.. i 2,23-dafk, $1.752.23i smsll and No. 2. 75c. &$1.23. FRESH FRUITS The market was quiet and prices showed lltlls change. Quotations: Apples, per bbl Baldwin. 1408; Hen Davis. IS4; other varieties, $1.50 O2.50. No. 2. $1.2502; apples. Western, per bur (1230173; apples. Delaware and Mary land, per hamper. 73c.0ll; lemons, per bog, $3.r.AB4 23; pineapples, per crate I'orto Illco, tl .108 3: blackberries. North Carolina., per qt.. 4QSc ; do.. Delaware and Maryland, per qt.. 60!c . huckleberries. North Carolina, per at.. 10012ft; gooseberries, per qt., 4c; raspberries, red per pt. 203c: cherries. Delaware and Maryland, sweet, per lb., 58c, do., do., spur, par lb. 34c ; do., do. sweet, per it , GGSc. do., do, sour, per qt. 405c, plums, Georgia, per crate 50c. 11. 75, peacnes. Georgia, per car-?fer-nille. 11.7302.25. Carmen, lfoil.50; Warden. $1.5001 76; cantaloupes. California. r crate. 13 4. do., Florida, per crate. $i 1.50; do.. North Carolina, per crate. $1,252; $317,000 The Vincennes (Indiana) Water Supply Co. First Mortgage 6 Gold Bonds Due July 193 6 FIDELITY TRUST CO., Philadelphia, JOSEPH L. IIAVABD, Vincennes, Trustees Issued under authority of the Public Service Commission of the State of Indiana Earning one and three-quarter tunes In terest charges. Free of United States nor mal income tar. VenntylTanla State tax refunded. We offer the unsold portion of these bonds at 103 and Interest, IV. O. IIOPVEB - U. 8. UOI'PER Wm. G Hopper & Co. 28 South Third Street, Philadelphia Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONOS Members Philadelphia Stock ficbangs NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. DfBECTOBY OV ApcoUHTANTH Certified PubUe AreoustasU LAWltKM 3 U. ilHUYVN A CO. TXfS TRUST KU11-DINO Uli REAL nrm prices. roucminK o ,"i, mv. .,-. Fresh-killed poultry, ''ry-packed-Fowls. 1J to box, dry-Picked., fancy selected. 23c. I welching 4 4 S5 lbs. apiece. , 224c; weighing .4 lbs. -?--- O..H.. . n H nt- rtU Ilia nnlece. 21ttc. from the United States Government. AN though the prices that would be paid by the Federal authorities for their requirements would not by nhy means approach those re celved for tho name material from foreign belligerents, there fa more patriotism In the steel trade than Is generally realized, nnd this Government would be given preference by the makers bo far as deliveries are con cerned without orders to do so from the authorities. July thus far has not Shown nny Improve ment In the steel market over Its predeces for, nnd In some circles It Is not believed that much will be done so far as buying Is concerned during the summer months. In the fall, however, there wilt probably b some good contracts placed, according to the best authorities' In the trade. Again today trading was on a very small scato on the Philadelphia Block Exchange. What llttlo trading was done was confined to odd lots with price movements narrow. About tho most active Issue was Lake Su perior nnd thnt stock advanced ft fraction. Buffalo and Susquehanna common trust certificates rose n half, while Pennsylvania. Salt declined a half. United States Steel common, which Is usually tho most active arbitrage stock nnd many times the most ac tive thing In tho whole local market, did not sell during the first hour of trading. do. Georgia, per crate, ll.602.23 water melons, Florida, per car, $1750223. VEGETABLES The genersl market ruled steady under mod erate offerings, but trade was quiet, Quotations: White potatoes, per bhi. No, 1 Eastern Share, 2.7.1(J3: No. 2 do., 75c.ll.25i No. 1 Norfolk. 2.602.75l No. 2 do.. 7Bcl. Bweet potatoes, Jersey, per bskt. No. 1, 48800c. t No. 2. 23 00c. I do., Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, per hmpr. No. 1, 75c.0$l: No. 2. B000c. Onions. Tcxbs, per cummer crate No. 1. 31.60 1, 03 No. 2. 1.251.40. Celery, Florida, per crate. 12CT2.C0. Watercress, per 100 bunches. 11.60 02.60. Peppers, Florida, per carrier, 22.S0. Kggplant. Florida, per crate, 11.50. Corn. Florida, per crate. I.2S1.75. Cucumbers, Norfolk, fwr bbl.. llftl.r.Ol do,, do., per 4-bbl. bskt.. 60(476c.l do., do., per 1-3-bbl. bskt.. 50c. I do.. North Cnrollna. per bbl., 11 ft 1,2.11 do,, do., per bskt.. 2340c, Tomatoes, Mississippi, per fiat crate. GO$r?5c. Asparagus, Jersey, per bunch Fancy, 1016c.l prime. 8810c.: culu, 58c. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. bskt., 3191,60. COTTON ADVANCES ON GOOD CABLES AND DAD WEATHER Heavy Rains Continue in Eastern Dis trict; Temperature Lower NEW TOniC, July 8. Advances of 5 to points were reported In tho cotton market this morning, which were conslderd a rather poor responso to the favorable cables and tho unfavorable weather. Tho tono waa steady. A prominent commission houso which had been consistent sellers for some tlmo was n good buyer this mornlnp. Professionals operated on both sides of the market. Heavy rains wero reported In tho Eastern districts, with the forecast for continued precipitation. Temperatures were some what lower. Prices In Liverpool were due to como 3H to 4 points lower, but showed losses of n half to 2 points. Private cables said the market wag a quiet half-holiday nfTalr, with a llttlo trade calling-. The receipts of cotton at tho ports for the day wero estimated nt 8000 bales, com pared with 11,375 bales last week and 9253 bales last year. Test, close. Open. July llum August 12,00 18,02 October .... 18.03 December ... 13,22 13,28 January .... 18.28 13.32 March 13.44 fs.-js May 13.00 13.05 Bpot 13.1U Close, 13.04 13.10 13.28 13.40 13.03 13.10 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, July 8. Spot cotton was very dull with prices steady. The sales were 3000 bales, including 2290 bales Amer ican and 300 hales for speculation and ex port. The receipts wero 22,000 bales, In cluding 18,100 bales American. Cotton Statistics NEW TOItK. July 8. Tha statistical poel- tnn nt rnttnn follows: snows; ima ween, ia; wwk, Asi year. Total visible, supply 3.030.090 8.777.810 5,433,133 'lcWan,C1m.e.r: 2.413.000 2.521.810 8,812.108 Total In sight July 7 12.103,743 12.078,020 15.030.180 " " " LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. July fl. H008 Receipts. 11.000. Market 610c. higher. Mixed and butchers'. JU.OOH'lO.'JSt good heavy, 10.8066 10.2.1: rough heavy. IO.OO0U.75: light. IP.6310.10: Pigs. bulk. 10.83 10.15. CATTLE Itecelpts, 200. Msrket steady, neeves, I8ll.40; caws and heifers, 34.809 0,25i stockers and feeders. 33.S0tt8.tiO; Texans. 7.33: calves. IU.2512. BHEEr Receipts. 6000. Market steady. Na tive and Western. I3.608; lambs. $7.75011.10. BAR SILVER Dar silver was quoted at 20 Hd. In London today, a drop of 5-1CJ. n A Trust Company Near Your Home There is no greater conveni ence especially for the woman than a close-at-hand Trust Company. It is easy to cash checks or make deposits no necessity of holding large sums in the blouse, with the attendant risk of loss or theft. Then, too, the company's safe-deposit vaults, fire and burglar proof, will safe guard the silver and valuables. THE ALDINE TRUST CO. 2020 Chestnut Street is the only centrally located Triit Company between 15th street and the Schuylkill River, June IT. 18 1- ASSETS Cash on Hand $215.S76.7T Loans and Investments..., 8d3.OI2.B3 UankVi Kousa 133.0uO.0O $1,313,419.35 LIABILITIES Capital . Undivided "Priiti $200,600.00 ..... 120.000.00 ... . CO. 130. 10 Dividends Unpaid ........ 10.80 Deposits 833.S7a.B3 OroiiU Rent lC0.0OC.oa $1,313,419.35 High. I,ow. 13.04 12.08 13.02 13.01 13. ta l.i.nv 13.23 13.33 1.1.28 11.62 13.4.1 13.03 13.03 l ii if r v " " - ? mitjuj'-s. jfjiTrn iiapjis imriiriiTi''sffiiTrTrTrTT irmir TitmpfH'irnwinni 1 rv