"w, 9 NANCY WYNNE XAtKS ABOUT THE VARIOUS SPLITTINGS OE SOCIETY 1 The Soldier Boys Who Are Left at Mount Gretna, as Well as Those Who Have Gone to the Border, Are the Reasons Why Many Persons Have Nct Gone Far From Home I HAVE boon wondering why bo many peoplo who usually are gone by this tlmo to New England and tho Adiron dack and various other places aio still In town or nt their suburban homes, nnd I reallzo that It is tho call of tho owners of tho brass buttons up at Mount Gretna, who have not yet started' down toward the border! for peace or no peace, It seems as if tho United States had at last waked up to tho necessity of preparedness, or rnther to the necessity of showing that wo aro not afraid to fight In tho least and that wo will demonstrate If they want It. Morris Stroud, Jr., and Dllllo Forbes, who were at a training camp In tho South when tho President called for troops, havo beon, of course, up thero at Mount Gretna, both of thorn members of tho ( First City Troop, which I am told Is one of the best equipped of tho cavalry troops In tho matter of tents and such things, showing that thoy at least woro prepared. Mrs. Bllllo Forbes has been staying up at J tho Inn so as to bo near her husband. And yesterday camo tho nows that tho cavalry would ontraln about 5 o'clock from Colo brook, and great wero tho preparations for their feeding and tobaccolng by tho oner gotta women of tho Preparedness Dlvfc nlon here. It was a wonderful sight to seo those dovotod women In tho mlddlo of tho night working away handing out tho many things they had provided with such cheerful words and winning smiles that even tho "laddies" who apparently lacked "lassies" wero marvclously helped on their weary way. And the cheers which rang out as they departed allowed their ap preciation of tho kindness shown them. I went over to tho Baltimore and Ohio at 11 o'clock and nover have t seen such a crowd, but the first section never showed up until 1:15 and then such a time; really, I almost thought I was at tho Assomb'.y Instead of tho rattle-trap old railway station, except that thero 'wore no stutcly curtseys nor dignified mon and women in evening clothes. I caught sight of Bertha Snowden and i her mother, armed with a huge packago for Brother Blllle Church man; Eleanor Pepper and Molly Thayer wero together, with sovcral Thayer broth ers, to sco tho Thayor boys and Theodore Paul off. You remember Theodore Paul married Adollno Pepper on June 15. Mario Loulso Jlunn and her husband wero armed with vackages, and so was Urownlo Warburton: also Mrs. Stewart "Wurts, ' Mrs. Henry Boyer, Mrs. Bcylard, Mrs. John Grbomc, of course, for both her husband and son Jack are in tho cavalry; Mrs. Joo Tiers, Mariana Go won, many of f " tho Wothorill clan and Mrs. Bllllo Cochran all turned out. Gay Tllghman was on hand to seo her brother , Dick off, and Margaret Chrystlc, with a 'bundlo tucked undor her arm, for i her brother Pliln. Mrs. JohnB. Thayer nnd Peggy nnd Polly woro early on tho ) scene in their motor, for young Jack Thayer Is a member of tho troop. Jack J Hirst camo to seo his brother Tom off. Really, It was frightfully exciting nnd if thrilling and, oven though wo expect no m war now, It was protty bad to seo them 1 going off for so long a tlmo. Every ono was choery, howovcr, so that saved tho r occasion, and much amusement was 'wsed by tho grimy condition of our jPlvho immaculate fellow-townsmen. If tho wee talo I havo to tell does not show tho Irony of things In this world, I would llko to know what does. A certain girl and man wero married lately, and .among her friends was one young man who had worn his heart on his sleeve for many a day, who had found ho was not tho lucky person, but had, howover, de cided to seo tho thing through and not run away anyhow. In fact, ho was ':" asked to bo a member of tho bridal party, no great a friend had he been to both brldo and bridegroom. Well, the night before tho wedding tho bridal party was, K of course, thero and they began to prac tice to tho "turn turn tl turn" of the wedding march, when tho parent of tho bride, who was to glvo her In marriage, failed to appear, "business or something, you know." "Well, who do you think those unthinking peoplo called upon, to glvo the bride away In Father's) place? Nono other than tho erstwhile suitor, who faced tho music llko a man, let me tell you, but It was rough, you will ac knowledge, wasn't It, oven If It only waa In practicing? NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Whelen, of Clovelly, Devon, will give a buffet supper tonight In honor of Mr. and Sirs. Graluim Thomiwon, of New Haven, who will be their guests over the week-end. A marriage of Interest to Phlladelphlans took place on Wednesday at Short Hills, N. J., when Sirs. Charles Rodman Paul, widow of Colonel Charles Rodman Paul, of this city, became the bride of Lieutenant Colonel George M. Paddock. U. S. A., re tired. The Rev. Charleji Malcolm Douglass, rector of 'Christ Eplseolal Church, Short Hills, officiated, at the homo of the bride's daughter, Mrs. Henry A. Barclay. Mrs. Paddock Is a daughter of the late General Gabriel Rains. Mrs. Gonzalo de la Puerta and Miss Irene de Ja Puerta, who have been staying for several weeks at the Hamilton, left yester day for New York to sail today for Spain, Mrs. de la Puerta's sister, Mrs. Garesche Norrls, and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Norrls, who arrived recently from Cuba, will spend the summer In Cape May, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Boyer and the(r family, of Penarth, Ardmore. will stay at the Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City, until the early fall. Mr. and Mrs. J, Stanley Smith, of Over-r brook, are now occupying their cottage, 101 South' Austin avenue. Ventnor, Mr. J and Mrs. George T. Rowland, who have' been spending some time In Detroit Sd several other Western cities, have re kucfd to their honje In Haverford. Tir anil Mrs 'Rdwin Towna and thai,. &-' daughter, Miss June Towt will spend part or tne summer visiung- relatives in ' Mlffllntown. Pa. Mra G. Ralston Ayres, accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Coyle, of 237 West School House lane, are spending the summer in Qape May- Mr William T. Ayres and his family, of Cynwyd, are spending the aum sner In Germantown. Miss Anna Troth, of St. David's, and Miss Marguerite Campbell are spending the uummer at Jamestown, R. I. Th wawiagi of Miss EHae-Marle Stehlftj jI JZurlya, Swtueriuud. to Mr. Stephen Dews T,haw' 6n of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thaw, or Pittsburgh, took place yesterday In the Protestant Episcopal Chapel of St Mnry the Virgin1, New York. Mr. Thaw, who Is a brother of Lieutenant William Thaw, 2d, of the French Aviation Corps, expects to lea vo i shortly- for" Mexico as a. member of .i,.10th RKlmnt of Connecticut Field Artillery. Chestnut Hill Miss Eleanor Porcher, of Nnvahoe ave nue, Is camping at Plnclands, Winter Har bor, Ma. Miss Margaret Dinner, of Boston, who lias been the guest of Miss Mary Porcher, left on Monday for her summer home In Bar Harbor. " Mr. and Mrs. E. niltenhouse Miller, of 148 East Mount Airy avenue, left yesterday for Stono Harbor, to remain for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Macklo, of Hill side drive, will leave July 14 for Manchea-ter-by-the-Sea, N. H to spend the summon Miss Charlotte Cavnnna, of niverton, will Bpend the weck-ojid as the gueBt of Miss Helen Asam, of 7015 Chew street. Mr. and Sirs. Clark Dlllonbeck and fam ily, of 123 West Upsal street, aro occupying their cottago at Ocean City, N. J for the ontlro summer. Miss Alice Dlllenbcck nnd her sister, Miss Qonovlevo Dlllonbeck, aro spending this week with friends In Plain Meld, N. J. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taggart, of 41 East Walnut lane, are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Katherlno Gllllnger Taggnrt. Mr. and Mrs. William Y. King, of 235 West School House lane, have returned from a trip to Niagara Falls. Miss Mansfield, of S617 Greene street, Is In Itlvorton ns the guest of Miss Thacher for a week. Miss Estcllo Kahn, of tho Dclmar-Morrls, haB returned from a visit to Atlantic City. Miss Nancy Smyth, of 224 Wo-it Walnut lane, entertained at a buffet supper last night. Her guests wore Miss Helen Asam, Miss Kmolyn Shipley, Miss Margaret Mitchell, MIbs Cornelia Hayman. Mr. Will iam Showell, Mr. Gordon Smyth, Mr. Ed ward McHcnry, Mr. Joseph Hayman. Mr. Allen Passmoro and Mrs. Edward Ketcham. Miss Smyth will leave tomorrow for Ofwcgathchle, near Watorford, Conn., to spend a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Conyers B. Fleu, of C321 Morton street, havo gone to Stono Harbor, to remain until September. Miss Hazel Coffln and her brother. Mr. Roy Coffin, of 507 Hansberry street, have gone to York for two weeks to visit friends. Mrs. Edward F. Henson. of Wlssahtckon and Manhelm streets, will take a motor party tomorrow to Willow Grove In honor of MlaS Marguorlte Burton, who will be her guest for tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Burton, of 3016 West Coulter streot, will leave today for Buck Hill Falls, where they will occupy their cottage for the summer. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McCullough, 471G Windsor avenue, have returned home after spending a few days at the Hotel Chelsea, Atlantic City. Miss Mary C. Long and Mrs. Kelly, of the Normandlo, and Miss Anne Long, 441 South 44th street, will motor to Asbury Park, N. J., tomorrow. They will remain several weeks. MIhs Helen Chatham and Miss Margue rite Koons, 'of 58th and Catharine streets, havo returned homo after spending some time at Atlantic City. Mrs. Jane Claire Zlpporleln, of 5033 Springfield avenue, has opened her summer cottage at Bornegat City, N. J. She will remain at tho shore until October. Mr. nnj Mrs. Charles J. Stackhouse, of 5920 Ellsworth street, will be at the An toinette Apartments, In Atlantic City, for mo montna or juiy ana August. Roxborough Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter Lord and their young son. Master Crozler Lord, of Lyceum avenue, accompanied by Mrs. Lord's mother, Mrs, Mary Goodfellow, will leave during tho month to spend tho rest of the summer In ocean urove. A farewell party was given last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader Lackey, 4541 Manayunk avenue, In honor of Miss Mabel Headberg, niece of Doctor and Mrs. W. D. Pepper, of Dupont street, who has returned to Kansas City after spending nine years In Roxborough. Mrs. Frederick G. H. W. Woerncr and her daughter, Miss Lydla Woerner, of Man ayunk avenue, left on Wednesday for an extended stay In Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Horrocks, of Mana tawna avenue, Upper Roxborough. are en tertaining Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, of Kensington. Master Oliver T. Hendren, Jr., grandson of the host and hostess, Is spend ing the summep with them. Little Miss Rachel Fomplzzl will act as flower girl at th& marriage of Mies Rqsa Vetrltte and Mr, Andrew Mente, which will take place on Sunday, at the Church of St. John the Baptist. MISS RACHEL POMPIZZJ EVENING r: i3 -MVWiif: BH -. M'i!9MiWjW&Hffl H H - rWSp89B$& MW H sassssssssiBtasB - -i75 vi-wiS!. strtn "? i Kr t - - sLsssssssssssssssssssssssssssBLssssssslLsMLssssI isssisssssssssfl W) " M r -vvfvMf M. MRS. DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, JR. Photo by Photo Crnfter.. Before Mrs. Ashmead's wedding, which took place recently at St. Mary's Church, Wayne, sho was Miss Nadino Camac Neill Prew. Wilmington WILMINGTON, Del., July 7. Mrs. T. Coleman du Pont Is entertaining a houso party at her summer homo at Great Neck, L. I., In honor of Master Elcuthero du Pont. Miss Mary Stndclman, Mls.i Jano Ramsay, Master Laird Stabler, Miss Mollle du Pont and Mnster Halleck du Pont went over on Monday and will remain for a week. Mr. and Mrs. George Foulke, Jr., of Drummondsvllle, Canada, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul duPont, aro being congratulated on the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Fisher Foulke. Mrs. George R. Foulke, of Philadelphia, Is here to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. duPont. Miss Ella Tallcy, of Holly Oak, Del., en tertained at luncheon at the Hotel du Pont Wednesday. The guests of honor wero Mrs. Milton Y. Kellam and her daughter. Miss Anna Kellam, of Los Angeles, Cal and Miss Nellie M. Talley. of Terro Haute, Ind. The Delaware Chapter of the Red Cross held a special meeting In the rooms of the Delaware Historical Society at 10th and Market streets this morning. An effort Is being mado to secure 1000 members for the Delaware Chapter, tho chairman of which Is Mrs. Henry U. Thompson. General Charles Bird presided at this special meet ing. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Sharp and her daugh ter, Miss Jessie Sharp, after spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Staf ford, of West Springfield, Mass., will make a tour of the West, visiting friends and relatives In South Dakota, Wisconsin and Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Turner and-their family have taken a cottage on Railroad avenue, Rehoboth, for the summer. Sir. and Mrs. Frank S, Garrett have taken a camp at Pocono Lake Preserve for August, and Miss Anne Garrett and Mr. Frank S. Garrett, Jr.. will accompany them. Miss Garrett went to Knoxvlllo yesterday to spend the week-end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Porter Ferree, who havo been In London, England, for about a year, returned to this country on Saturday. Mrs. Donald Ashbrook and Miss Kathe rlno Ashbrook and Miss Helen Ashbrook have gone to Ocean City, N. J., for Juiy. Norristown NORRISTOWN, July 7. Miss Katherlne Van Meter, of Ventnor, has returned home after being the week end guest of Miss Mar garet C. Harley, of 1314 DeKalb street. Mr. and Mrs. John Loch Larzelere and Mr. and Mrs. Futhey J. Smith have re turned from an automobile trip through New York State. Mrs. Norrls D. W. Wright and her daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Wright, will spend the month of July at Ocean City, N. J. Mr. A. Hurst Weaver, who has been lo cated In Cuba for the past year, Is expected to arrive in New York today, and will return to Norristown for an extended visit with his parents, Sir, and Mrs. Oeorge Weaver, of Jacoby street. Mr. and Mrs. J. LeRoy Schweyer left today for Chicago, where they expect to live permanently, Mr, and Mrs. Horace Coleman and their children, of DeKalb street, have gone to their summer home (n Diamond Pond, N. H., where they w)ll remain until fall. Mr- and Mrs. C. Townley Larzelere are spending several weeks at Buck Hill Falls. Mr, W, L. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staurter, Miss Sara Meyers and Mr, Ken neth Stauffer have returned from an auto mobile trip to the .Delaware Gap. Miss Mary Miller, of DeKalb street, U spending the month of July at camp, at Wells River. Vt. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Solly and Miss Anne Solly will leave today for Nantus&et, where they will remain for six weeks. What's Doincr Tonierht Uuoldyal Band. BnJmln Roocbmui. con tactor. Orthodox toa lUohaaond (treat. 8 ."Tntr Vre ri. oVotk ret PbllndelpM Bd4. Sill U Humonl. con ductor. City Kill I'liii, 8 o'clock. Vrss. KtJrroouot Psrk luod. Hlchsrd Schmidt, ccn daater. ijuwUrry Mska, 6 iVclocJc jn4. LEDGEB-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 7. 191J5. W.vk-Ah vyrAwi Along the Reading Mr. Charles A. Ambler and family, of Ablngton, have closed their homo and nro occupying tholr cottage at Ocean City, N. J., where they will remain until autumn. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Monroe, of North 8th Btrcet, Oak Lano, aro receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daughter on July 1, Mrs. Stonroo will bo remembered ns Miss Harriet R. Weber, of Germantown. Miss Helen Houston, of Park avenue, has returned from Swarthmore, where she has been spending some time at Strath Haven Inn. She entertained Miss Juno Harmer, Mr. Harry S. GrIIIlth and Mr. Conloy Strat ton nt dinner on July 4. The party was chaperoned by Mr. end Mrs. Walter S. Montague, who will entertain a houso party over this week-end at their cottago In Vent nor. There will be 12 guests, Including Mr. nnd Mrs. Horaco Alburgor, Miss Yvonne Rajo, Miss Ruth C. Cummlngs, Mls3 Helen Houston, Miss Juno Harmer, Mr. Harry Griffith Mr Conloy Stratton. Mr. Maurlco Raje, Mr. Frank Button Mr, William Col lier and Mr. Alfred Graham. Kensington Mr. and Mrs. E. Straubmlllcr, of 21G East York street, and Mr. and Mrs. George Straubmlller and their family are at Sea Isle City for the summer. Mrs. It. Hallowell. of 2300 Coral street, haa returned from a trip to New York, where she visited relatives, Miss Anna Templar, of 2d and Oxford streets, will spend this month In Wlldwood. AMUSEMENTS FORREST 3D BIG WEEK Greatest Film Sensation In Philadelphia Since "Tho Birth of a Nation" The Ne'er-Do-Well 10.PAKT SCREEN VERSION OF REX BEACH'S nSvelest Symphony Orchestra of 20! Other Big Features! 2:15 AND 8tl5 DAILY Prices 23c & 50c. All Stats Reserved. SEATS SELLINQ FOR NEXT WEEK STANLEY MARKET ABOVE 10TH litis TO 11113 10c. ISc, 25o BLANCHE SWEET In First and Exclusive Preeentatlon of1 "THE DUPE" T A T A m? 1211 MARKET ST. fAJUAUJlj Marguerite Clark in SILKS AND SATINS Globe Theatre "JffiWa -W y&VDBViLLE Continuous 11 A. M, to 11 P. M. lOo, 16o, 23c. SEVEN LITTLE DARLINGS AT THE PARTY MATTIE CHOATE & CO. In "Th Msyor ana th Uanlouru"; Others. GARRICK NOW T,CSV81T Evas., 23c. oo 7Sa; Mats., 23c & 50a Most Wonderful of Motion Pictures UnW BRITAIN XI U W PREPARED A LESSON FOR AMERICA NOW Bpcil Muslc Effects. All Scats Reserved Bf F. KEITH'S Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS "Made In Philly" A REAL SUMMER VAUDEVILLE JUBILEE! Today s.t 2, 23o an4 60q i y TonUht at 8. 2Sc to 1 1 T7T'VT'"TT A Market no. Btu 20o VlOlU-tVlix A. M. to 11:13 P M. Today and Tomorrow "Vfau. N'ih and Marguerite Snow la "Notorious Gallagher" arV,t"&'umph.. Fred sts.es I" "BATH HOUtM PERILS'- A tsnrlio 1 a. S. CiC tpslow lets i4 -. si .X uCLviiC Prank TCfienan and ENID MARKET la THE PHANTOM 1 YVnOnIDE 'nlUelpl, Foremost Park W VVWOXiJ-i -., lo p k avolls Patrons ALEXANDERS HAND Weddings BRAIIAN-DANZIO. An attractive wedding took place Sun day nfternoon, when Sllna Uerthn DunzlB was married to Mr. Nathan Brahan, at the home of the bride, 785 South 3d street. The bride's gown was of white aatln with seed pearl irlmmlnes, mado very short, with ft lone court train. Miss Dantlg was attended by her sister, Mln Hilda Dantltc, as maid of honor, nnd the best man waa Dr. D, S. Cohon. A reception at the home of the bride foltowed the ceremony. Amonu those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hyman J. Dansle;. of Boston) Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Bagel, of New- York; Miss Sylvia I'otofsky, Mr. Maurice Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brahansky, Mis Hilda Danzig, Dr, D. S. Cohen, Mr. Manuel Danalff, Mr. and Mrs, n. Caman, Miss Mlnnlu Danilff. After an extended trip through the West Mr. and Mrs. Brahan will live In Tioga. Tioga Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Bamett have re turned from their wedding Journey and will live at 1S22 West Krle avenue. The brldo. Dr Hose 1,. Burnett, who Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Abraham Wclntraub, of Tioga, will servo ns Interne nt the College Hospital, 3d street and Washington avenue. Mr Qraham Coffey, Mr. Douglas Besore. Mr James Henderson, Mr. Bertram Wright and Mr J. Brlnton Young, of this section, are camping at Moosehend Lake, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 12. Bowe. of 351B North 24th street, nro spending July and August In Ocean City, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. James McCalllon, of 126 I,uray street, tier mantown, formerly of Tioga, brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Itowe. will spend the re mainder of tho season at the same resort. Tho Bev. Charles M. Sandt and Mrs. Sandt, of 3418 North 19th street, are spend ing the summer In Kaston, Pa. North Philadelphia Mr and Mrs. David Lewis, of 3206 West York street, nnnounco tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Lowls, to Mr. Joseph Kaufman, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam uel ICau fm tin. Mrs. Edward II Cobb, of 2223 West Som erset street. Is spending the summer In Pit man, N. J. Mr. Cobb spends the week-ends there. Mr nnd Mrs. Harry C. Bnrnard, Jr., havo returned from their wedding Journey nnd are receiving nt tholr home. 2728 Taylor street Mrs. Barnard will bo remembered ni Miss Mnliel 12 Glasac, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qlasse, of 2517 West Lehigh avenue. Frankford Miss Marguerite Goll. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Philip Goll. of Montgomery nvc nue, will return today from Ocean City. N. J , where she has been the guest of Miss Kdlth Moterlsch, of noxoborough. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Hcpworth, of Northwood, havo left for a trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Detroit nnd Mncklnao Island, on tho Great Lakes Mr. John A. Hofmann and his daughter, Miss Mao Hofmann, of Hill Crest, Franlc ford, and Mrs. It. R. Frlcbcly, of Chestnut Hill, have left for California, where they will be the guests of Mrs. A. Scllow Roberts, formerly Miss ISuth N. Hofmann. Camden and Vicinity Mrs. J. P. Nleuklrlc, of 207 Cooper street, closed her town house on Saturday and will occupy her cottago at Stono Harbor until October. Mrs. Benjamin C. Iteee. of Tth and Cooper streets, left yesterday to spend two months with her daughter, Mrs. Spear, In Mnrquotte, Mich. Her sister will spend tho summer In the Poconos. Ensign Theodoro Patterson, of 5th nnd Pcnn streets, has gone to Newport News, where ho has been assigned to duty on the South Carolina. BUMMEB MIESORTS I 1 Through the belt of Pennsylvania, in population and scenery, the main highway to Eagle Mere ii via. the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Connecting tho charms of tho Schuylkill, the Lehigh and tho Susquehanna, the fast nnd frequent trains traverse a country unequaled elsewhere. ...... . .. ., The service to basics Mere Is arranged for the convenience of tho dwellers about that mountain gem, and consists of double dally through trains .,,, , .. . . .,. A day ride of picturesque delights In through standard and Pullman cars Is ottered ; If preferred, comfortable Bleeping cars that take the passenger after an evening at home or In the theatre and land him At the foot of the mountain ready for the Interesting thousand-foot narrow-gauge climb oirly the next morning. Train Service Between Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, and Eagles Mere Special Week-End 1 icuets goon going -ijwajr , i5,miib ...,. -j . ..., Ask Agents or write for Illustrated literature EDSON J. WEEKS, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia & Reading, Philadelphia, Pa. ATLANTIC CITV. N. THE LEADING RESORT HOTEL OF THE WORLD Matlboroujft-'Bfcnfeim ATLANTIC CITY, N. a. MIUFDIID uiuinrniflMT. LlOSlAH WHITE ft 3QN3 COMPANY NEW HOTEL MERION raoor Vermont Ave., near Beach. Capacity SOU. Itlrh class. 13 up dally: 17.tO up weekly. C.ll. tHETTVMX.N. Prop. llWWUXlftt. HOTEL ARLINGTON YftkiT Opsq lt rear a 3- OSBORNE i SON tVt5T TV'K IBIS Boardwalk, etew .Nii JXIOUE4 A Xork mve. Euroja plan, U uB iUUx. Fronts eo oaa. Sa fcitai&$ sihuta. 3. jWWL. ATIJNTIC .VyTwiT"" !tas t et a ivevJ utawfarcL flremceXnrorLateauiy ANNUAL BAZAAR MAKES FINGERS FLY KNITTING AND FANCY WORK Affair to Be Given for All Saints' Church on July 26 Will Be a Sort of Garden Party on Beach Front. Cape May News ATLANTIC CITY, July 1. THE Chelsea' cottage colony Is now n bee hive of Industry. Matrons nnd maldi nre using all their leisure moments for knit ting and embroidering fancy articles for tho annual bazaar to be held on Wednesday, July 26, for tho benefit of Alt Saints Church, of which the Bev. John W. B. Will iams Is the rector. The fcto this year will take the form of a garden party nntl will be held on the beach front ndjolnlng tho Hotel Yarmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Harry U. Davis, of Over hrook, have opened their Chelsea cottage, where they arc entertaining Informally, Mr. and Mrs Rudolph White havo been ontertalnlng Miss Ksther Carpenter, Miss Marguerite Bradley. Miss Frances Magulrc, Mr. Henry Thompltlns nnd Mr. James K. Joyce at their Chelsea home. Mrs. Theresa Holly and Miss Alvena Holly who aro hero until tho early nutumn, were Joined over the Fourth by Mr. and Mrs. William It. Bitter, of Oak Lane, who came down In tholr car. Miss Marie Mees Is spending the summer with her mother at their cottage on Vassar Square, Ventnor. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Wilson aro entertain ing their daughter. Mrs. C. Baldwin Foster, and her sons, nt their summer home, 3U3 Winchester avenue. Mrs. Alfred I Reeves has been entertain ing a large house party nt her cottage, Bos ton and Pacific avenues, Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott Wiggins and a party of friends from Chelsea motored to Capo May for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAdoo are occupy ing their cottage In Ventnor. Mr. nnd Mrs Edward J. Lavlno and family, of Chestnut Hill, nre occupying their Longport villa. Mr. Samuel Patterson, Mr. Lewis M. Crompton nnd Mr. George Frank motored to the Strnud for tho holiday. A luncheon party nt tho Marlborough Blenhclm Included Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Watt, Mr. B. W Miller, Ml33 Winner and Dr C. C. Watt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George 12. Datcsman enter tained at luncheon nt Hnddon Hall for Mr. STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c NTOPI'IXO AT rilROTKR DAILY PKNNWiitovi: ui;i:hays only Only bout to Aucuatlne lleacli. Lnmllnc In front of (Irote. Mufo milt wuter bnttilnc 30(1 snnltnrr buthroomn. DANC1NO ALL DAY on limit A cronmla. I'lrntj tables, benches anil simile. Artesian wuter. Fare 50c Children 0,0 25c Lenrea Areli St. Wlinrr 8:30 A. SI. Dallr. Sunday 0:00 A. M. JAMES 12. OTIS. Mer.. 3 AltCII STREET Tiinnn-niXK Iron Steamer QUEEN ANNE To Riverview Beach Stopping nt ItHIlngftnart and Clientrr Dnnclnc all day on boat nntl grounds Pienty tables, benches anJ had Safe Halt-Water Itathliic All Amusements SPECIAL Itind'CED IIATUH Kierv dnv exept Satu-dnyn. Sundays A. holidays IIOl'NO IKp ,,.,,. 5 TO Oflr TRIP JDC CHILDRLV 10YEARSUC Rpgular ratM Adult 5(1" Children. l!3r Boat ! AivK'A?.- " 1,"'T MOONLIGHT EXCURSIONS Up the Beautiful Delaware Every Thurilar. lhla. .Saturday nnd Sunday Kienln? Danrlne SenrdillBlit tinod Minle No Manor ADULTS. 35c CHILDREN. 20c I HOAT LEAVES ARCH ST. WIIARl" 8:111 P. M. SUMMER RESORTS Leave Reading Terminal, 8:36 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 1130 p. m. Sunday, 11:30 p. m. Leave Eagle Mere Park, 7:30 a, ra., 1:40 p. m, 7:30 p. m. Sundays, 7:30 p. m. Through Combination Car und Pullman IlnfTet Tarlor Car with Broiler Phila delphia to Sonestown (for Kagles Mere) on train leaving Philadelphia at 8:30 a. m. weekdays. Pullman Blerplng Car Philadelphia to Sonestown (for Eagles Mere) on train leaving Philadelphia at 11 .30 p. m dally Through Combination Car nnd Pullman HufTet Parlor Car with Broiler Sones town (from Eagles Mere) to Philadelphia on train leaving Kaglea Mere Park nt 7 10 a. m. weekdays. Pullman blerplng Car Sonestown (from Kagles Mere) to Philadelphia on train leaving Eagles Mere Park at 7:30 p. m. dally. Excursion Philadelphia to Eagles ATLAMIO CITY. K. J. PHILLIPS HOUSE Uassscnusstts Av. and Beach. 1 P. FI1IL.UV3. AV.W.OV. X. 3. AVALON BY THE SEA Thd nealthWst resort alonx tlw coast. Ses snars aiul country combined. Fresh farm an4 sea food dally Hotel Avalon row opn. ic.. formation and bookWt upon reauut Cbarlcs K. Halt 1410 Heal Kstate Trust Did STONE 11AKUOU. N." J. STONE HARBOR Both railroads. Farm products and sea food fresh and plentiful. City conTenlencsa. Yacht club, boardwalk, bathliur. 4n tuning-, crabblac and, boattnar. ltej-sonabio rentals: moderate hotel rates LBQ slcCRAVEX Iloroutb Cleric. OAPg MAY. N. 3. ChaLfonte Hotel CAPB MAT. Onn Juna I ta CVt 1. Reasonabla rotes. Mrs. Calvin Satterneld. SherWOOrt ceao l rooms. Cap, ISO, 1 10 to MwUr J C rtnfer. KK,HIDRl'.tRKTN 3. THE MANHASSET Jg' EeeUat, U, R033 IOaHE3 4rep, K-'Pf 0 f , nnd Mrs. h. o. Howell, 3d, Mis Marlon Dalesman and Mr. Ii A. Hill. Mr. John 13. Hinds brought down a party of friends In his cat- from Oerrnantown nnd spent yesterday nt tho Dennis. CAPfi MAY, July 7. Activities at the golf club nro well started for the summer season. Yesterday the women's golf tourna ment began and every Saturday afternoon tea will bo served on the clubhouse porch Mrs, George Boyd has again donated beau tiful silver cups for the best scores In the putting contest, which lasts all season. Mrs, Poulterer gave a bridge party on Wednes day nfternoon nt the club In honor of Mrs. Aubrey Dixon. Thero were eight tables. Miss J2lliabeth Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrn. George Boyd, has had Miss Betty El liott as her guest for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ttobcrt Sewell have opened their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Graham French are also here for tho senson. Mrs. French was Miai Lenoro du p. Houssetl before her marriage. The Cottage Bridge Club meetings will be resumed ngaln this year. Mr. and Mrs. James Pcqulgnot, who are registered at tho Colonial, wero Joined this week by Miss Nellie Taylor, of Chestnut Hill, who motored over from her father's cottago In Chelsea to spend several days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Churchill Williams and Mr and Mrs. Frederick Swopc motored over from Longport this week. UARDS cover yur wheeli. Rears sna belts nnd reduce ynur comptn- tatlon Insurance rates. Expanded Metnl Perforated Metal Wire or Hheet .Metal OET OOR ESTIMATE Dell Market 10113 Kemtone Main 3198 T. S. JOHNSON SONS CO. 022 CHERRY ST. STEAMSHIPS VACATION TRIPS 11Y SEA rniLADEi.riiiA to BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL rtne Steamers. Low Fares. Rest Serrle. Plan your vacation to Includ "ITinent Contrlsr Trips In tho World." Tour Rook Free on Request. Merchants & Miners Trano. Co, City OOlCS. 103 S. Bth 3L. Phtl. Consult any ticket or tourist aceat. TRIPS BY WATER Rermuiln, A ilnys or more 142.50 up Ilnvnnn, 10 days 03.00 Porta Hlco, 10 days' cruise 04. SO up Nova Scotia & Newfoundland, 13 days' cruise 60,00 up Pnnfonl. Pla. (2000 miles by water) 42.00 Great Lake Cruises, from IIulTnlo. 40.00 Full information on tho above, or nny other water or rail trip, gladly furnished. Steamship Tourist Department The Fourth Street National Bank 143 S. 4th St.. rillln.. T. JIME R II CM EX P HTs S TRAVEL DEPARTMENT TICKETS AND TOURS Let us nrrnnge rour Vacation Tour, tell ou Mli.it It will cost, and provide sour ticket. Write or telephone. 1137 Chestnut Ht.. I'lilla. Phono Walnut 48-tO. SUMMER RESORTS Mere So.00 -yipP1!!?. N. J. ""If unierr Are. Beaeh, jiawoWB loremoat v cation Hotel. Tl,e. Best Bathlns and Ftshlna. K cllent t, J. p,ki.t. Uaths. EvtrjthUij: modern. Aula meets all trains. Write, ion Booklet and J, IS. WUirKSEIX. Prop. GREYLOCK gSSfe"":. "0iJ5j loe -"-' " -" - -y-jr."" "- f a. Ftoru. SAVOY Beach (root, ruonloj wttMi zt " ' " bath. Cap SOP. Auto. W. H. Oar. Oaratet. ABBEY A&.ati-i!!!Ei HAVERFORD & Sf&JS8T TIKACU HAViq f. 4." TUB IPBAI. MCrTOR RUN TO HOTEL BALDWN Ths modern hoUI at tola famous Maori. Opt llisir. Capacity 400. Sea water la alt bitha. N'eur Wistaria. Oardea and 3rtU. Music, daoo-las-, ttrbla. etc, aaraso. Booklet an4 auu maVe buIU V. MURCa BAlBCu SWAUTHsFoRfc YJkl Strath Haven Inn ". -S-A.S Now eras, fcii fcgiHrCTirwt 4(7. J. - I l I 1 1 I -- ,--0