MQ.-: EVENING LEDGER PHII'ADBLr'HtA', FRIDAY, JDXY 7, 1910. V I r I4r I Is $ ETIQUETTE M'LISS EXPATIATES ON VARIOUS KINDS OF ECONOMY CORRESPONDENCE JL-,,t-t... . , T...f. ,. ,-., i tf PENURY VERSUS ECONOMY; . THEY'RE DIFFERENT, M'LISS SAYS t - If You Expend Large Gobs, of Energy and Val i liable Time to Save a Few Pennies iou're i " Not a Saving Woman 4 1J Ofc" trilB many things that have been written of the elmrneterlstle ecceiv trloIUoa of. tho late Hetty Orcon, one , itlokd In my mind on Account of its ap plicability to "the modern busmess ctrl. "Bha wfcu'M not give you a quarteV," no reporter wroto, "but she iwould have tvAlked, old Woman that alio was, from Harlem to the flattery t6 help you If ' aho liked you." The analogy between the "world's lch t woman" nnd many working girW Ilea In their willingness to expend any amount Of physical labor for tho sake of saving a few dollars, Which iti tho long run were not worth half so much aa the time taken had it been, otherwise employod. I know girls who come home from their ofllcea nervous and tired, who instead of recreating themselves by an abBOluto ces sation from all kinds of work "pitch into" eewlngr or washing out tholr fine ploces. Very easily they could go without tho former, and given BO cents or, $1 a wash woman would do for thorn very much mora expertly than they themselves could do the laundering of those "lino pieces." Hetty Oreon was a financial genius. Her time was worth very much more than tho average person's tlmo. Her walks to tho Battery or Harlem wero oxponslvo, and had oho given those poor people Whom she wished to befriend a Ave or ton or evon a hundred dollar noto sho would not have missed the money and would doubtless havo accomplished more. Of course, a certain kind of personal serv ice, actuated by love and a sense of duty, can never be reckoned in dollars and cents. Cut thore aro many cases where dollars constitute a dire necessity which mero personal servlco will not relieve, The girl who makes a decent living wage with something over for tho oxtras imagines that sho Is being economical in performing llttlo drudgeries for herself. As a matter of fact sho is merely mistaking penury for economy. Tho tlmo and nerves spent In amateur ish attempts at making a skirt sot straight or "doing Up" neckwear could bo put to an Infinitely moro profitable uso. Tho dollar saved on tho laundry will doubtless only bo spent for moro neckwear "and slch" that will also have to bo "dono Up." Tho mad rush of the day permits so llttlo tlmo for tho enjoy, mont of tho Jlner things ot llfo, reading, fostering tho acquaintanceship of Inter esting people, and tho llko, that it seems a great pity to oxpond our sparo hours In tho performance of petty tnsks that ox pert specialists can bo employed to do at a small sum. Truo,a change of occupation provid ing it Is pleasant Is often moro. restful than a mero folding of one's hands, but so many girls protract tholr working day, not becauso they llko to wash' and Iron and sow, but becauso they hato to pass over GO cents to somo hard-working per son who woul) rellovo them ot tneso potty tasks. That is whero tho similarity to tho lato Hetty comes in. Many peoplo In their eagerness to sa.vo money forgot entirely that it's qulto as important to bo economical with tlmo and onorgy. MTiI89. SEEN IN THE SHOPS ) Letters to tho Editor of the Woman's Page Address all communications to MM.I, care ot the Kvcnlng Ledger. Write on one utile , ot the paper only. Dear ITLlss Will yon kindly settle this anru- Kent for uaT. Recently one of our chums was reaved ot her father. Now this girl U but Ml. yet sbs has been severely criticised for wearing white collar and cuffs; now she wears all black. I honestly think that this wearing white In per fectly correct, but the girls Insist that aho should anew more respect for the deceased parent, which party Is correct? Will you1 kindly write an artlclo on this subject, as I am sure It puz Ise many. Also, please state which la deeper mourning, white or blackT It. C. T. Syracuse, K. T. The wearing of mourning shows respect for custom and tradition only, not for do ceased loved onos. All white and all bUclc Is the deepest, or what Is conventionally known as Drat mourning. Black and white together, gray lavender and purple are sec ond mourning! bear M'LIss Will you kindly Inform me of a school In or near Philadelphia where It Is pos- in a and S. C. to learn interior decoratlnir praotloaj manner? I am much interested, oec ira to take is us as a profession. alblo for ma oat i to Jlercbantvllle. N. J, i interior decorating is taught at tho Penn sylvania, Museum and School of Industrial Art, Broad rand Pino streets. An expert ' tails me that, when you have finished your course it would bo wise to look for a po sition in some good decorator's shop for practical training. This woman declares chat a clover woman con work in a rood shop and learn the practical end and study at, home and learn the theoretical end of fedeooratlng at the same time. This, of rcoutva, depends upon your talont and capac 1 ity for work. Dear M'LIss Borne time ase you wrote arti cles regarding a olass In photography In the Fuller Building for women. If this Is In existence at present, kindly give some particulars regarding it, M. It. If. Jenktntown. Address tho Lantern and Lcno Gild, Fuller Building, for particulars concerning the classes In photography now bolng con ducted by that Interesting organization. Doar M'LIss May I ask your good advice re garding the following: I am to spend tho week-end out of town, from Friday evening to Sunday evening, and I want to know which It is better to take, a traveling bar or suitcase. I am going to travel In n dark blue taffeta and carry top-coat I then I will take a voile and white waist and skirt, with night dross, dressing gown, tollot articles, etc. Now It will be simply impossible to get alt thoso things In my bag, which Is a small ono, nnd yet I don't want to "lug" along a suitcase (rather a small sl2e) If It Is not the right thing to do. I sm not to visit fashionable people, Just plain and medium woll-to-do. Neither could I live In my tnlTeta nil the time I am there. What Is your suggestion about this problem? I want to tell you how very much I enjoy your dally column. It has a punch and often a bit of satlro that I and many others lllm im mensely. CLAItWEL. Take the suitcase by all means. In my opinion, tho traveling bag Is exclusively a mascullno accoutrement. A woman nlwaya wants to take away with her more than sho actually needs. If sho crams theso extras Into a bag. everything Is hopelessly crushed. A suitcase Is not much heavier and Js mere satisfying. Dear M'LIss Are you at liberty to publish the name of tho Photoplay Editor of tho Even LSDOEn? INTEItESTED. Kenneth Macgowan la tho name of tho photoplay editor of tho Evenino LEDanit. Sj- tj? INEXPENSIVE DANCE FROCKS ALTHOUGH Inexpensive, this little frock will make a charming danco tlrcss, .or will be Xi. very useful to wear on warm summer afternoons. It will servo equally well for Informal ovenlng afTnlrn. It Is made of whlto net In handkerchief Btylo; that Is, squares form tho fichu, slooves, frills and doublo tunic of tho skirt a truly novel arrangement and attractive. Effcctlvo laco borders the fichu and doublo tunic, while n corsage of forget-me-nots Is tucked In tho satin glrdlo, which Is finished in tho back with a bow and short streamers. The gown which comes In whlto with different colored Girdles and corsages to match, Is a very good value, specially priced at J8.90. The name of tho shop where this artlclo may be purchased will bo supplied by tho Editor of tho Woman's Page, Evening Lnnann, 00S Chestnut street. Tho request must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and must mention the dato on which tho artlclo appeared. LOVE LETTERS OF A GUARDSMAN AND GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND HIM Being the Intimate Sentimental Correspondence Between a Beginning-Lawyer Recruit and a Woman Who Has Both Brains and a Heart -f From Miss Helen Martin, Spruce street, Philadelphia, to Private Richard Harrison, toith the National Guardsmen, Pa., on the torden Itlohard dear You Just ought to seo me. I'm such a stylish, queenly person, perched up In bed with my very most scrumptious secUges on and little pink ribbons dangling over my inquisitive ears, from a boudoir cop -the rosebud one, taken from the hope chest. I'm a real, righty Invalid, surrounded by roses and posies and French novels and Ices and lady fingers and mother Is buzzing around Just as scared as a mother can be, and poor old Paul has pulled a long face Because he thinks it's his fault. No, dear, I'm not wasting away with tuberculosis or anything romantic like that, ao don't be alarmed. I simply gave my ankle a most terrlflo wrench. I wanted-so badly to be a good golf player, and when Paul gave me my first lesson day before yester day at Cobb's Creek I was so excited in my attempt to be an Infant golf prodigy that X didn't look where I was going and caught my foot in a treacherous hole. It waB such a illly thing to do, and it hurt most fright fully. Of course, if I had only kept still X might not be at this moment a' woman laid low. But I thought some subterranean eleril had hold of mo and I pulled my silly eld ankle until I fainted from the pain, I don't know how Paul got me to the club house, I only know that when I came to stretched out on one of the chaise tongues on the porch he was breathing very asth matlcally, as though he had ben working hard. I'm no featherweight, even for you. I got home somehow, though as careful as Paul was to drive slowly. It was pretty achey business, and my ankle was the size of a Rumanian peasant's. Doctor Brown hook his head like the dear old donkey he U. ordered me to bed, made me suffer while he prodded and poked at my "wound." and then commanded me to keep off that foot for at least a week. Wasn't that Just my luck with Sally's dance on hand at Merion and a thousand other interesting things to doT But haven't those ABC people brought about an awful ant!-el!maxT Here we all Were indulging la war heroics and getting -vary extravagant over our national honor and all that, when in step those Itttle gin tlameq from South America, and sow from U accounts "there ain't going to be no war." go far as I can discover, I am one cf tha few people who U reajlly glad about It. Subtleaa the boys on the border look ugon the whole, affair as a. grand and glo rious laru. If you're not all sizzled up and fcurot to a crisp from the heat I'm sure the 'adrntujre though you won't admit it's tt-.-tt wlil rto you loads of good. ToiJsht I'm to bo wheeled out on tha parch, and Paul b coming around to teach in chara. HVs a wis at it, you know", cue of tha sharks at the chess club. J de Mturrd at first, telling him that bis at trapta at teaching me things had had an tnfsrtuoata beginnings but I suppose I'd, Ite ilttla g(cs4 to lose the chance or Kerning from db at tha beet playera in tha city, and hs'3 feeUng1 eg cut UP about my accident ttiit I couldn't possibly do anything that wjujd make him feel worse. Tow r.lca old dude of a boas, Judge Bantai JAM; yerterday and he waa very jmtm wywft&l Mf about you tstis a-ff. He said you were Just beginning to become known around tho courts and shall I make you conceited? that you had given every promise of becoming tho sort of lawyer who would make a name for himself. He con tinued further that you were tho most brll llant of all the young men In his Office, but this In his cynical way he would al ways doubt your dependability since the "mad, unreasonable way" I'm quoting bin now that you rushed off to the front without thought for him, your future ca reer or the girl you love "to fight. If neces sary," he went on, "in a cause In which you had no faith." You were a wee bit anxious to get away, now weren't you? I almost agreed with him on that score, and It does mako me sort of furious to think about It. But I'll not bo cross-patchy about It, and anyway Paul Is on tho telephone and I'll have to stop. Take awfully good care of yourself. movingly, l WOMAN SUFFRAGE NATIONAL QUESTION, SAYS EX-GOVERNOR OSBORN, MICHIGAN By CHASE S. OSBORN Former Governor of Michigan Statement pent to Caroline Katzensteln, executive secretary of tho Equal Franchlso Society of Philadelphia. "Woman aulTrago is a nationnl question. Tho problem of granting to tho inhabitants of the country political privileges cannot be localized. "It is just as reasonable to say that it is a township or county question within a State as to Bay it is a State question within tho government. "All who have considered tho matter will probably agree upon this. Then comos the question as to how suffrage can be gained. At first it was impos sible to make even a practical start nationally. A smallor unit had to bo selected for purposos of effective organ ization and work. Now that unit has' been multiplied to 12 States. This makes it possible to organize and work nationally. It also makes it possible to carry suffrage into States of retarded educational and political development, whero a great advance in these attri butes must occur before it can hoped suffrage will be adopted. "It seems to me that tho time is most opportune for n change from State and local methods of work to national ac tivity. Tho State vehicle was a good ono for a time, but the movement has outgrown it" ' CHASE OSBORN ben mwmm . jmmt i isiafi.Jyiri&VMi vtcraa- j jv,xiiH A.ti ir GOOD FORM Pretty Weather Vanes More novelties for the garden! If one could afford them all the little flower sticks, the large concrete furnishings, the varl-colored flower pots and boxes, the fear ful and wonderful gardening tools and the hundred and one other Innovations tha modern garden would be a cross between a museum and a chamber of horrors, But, fortunately for all concerned, a few of these novelties, however charming, Is sufficient unto the day. The latest device Is a weather vane. The arrow which points to the direc tion In which the wind )s blowing, and the tiny windmill that whrls about at the other end are both made of mirrors. The effect. Is very pretty when tho sun la shining on It, because the prismatic colors come out and can be seen at a distance. It's Delicious Now'a the time for fresh raspberry Ice cream. Press a pint of clean berries through a sieve Into a bowl. Prepare a quart of vanilla Ice cream, and when you pour It Into the freezer add the berries with 2 tablespoonfuls of Swiss klrsch. which you can get at any grocery store. Freeze like any Ice cream. In a Garden Into the garden Silently she slips away At the approach of night Soft breees blow upon her cheek, And bring the fragrance of the flower That never blooms save In the falling dew; A tiny burning bird flutters close by. Dipping Into the slender chalices pt salvias and atnaryllla rare ; And now be almost seems to touch her hair, But Coats away.- A night motb, poised in flight Upon a quivering pinnacle of phlox, Suits with tha' mystic radiance fllt'rlag through the trees And covering all Nothing la changed within the once-loved garden. t Yet alt is changedfor now aha walks alone. iMsy C. Bailey, In Southern, Womana Magazine. , Good form queries should te ad dressed to Deborah Rush, written an one side of the paper and signed, toMA full name and address, though Initials ONLY will be published upon requett. This column will pppear in Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's Evening Ledger, Slore on Street Car Controversy Dear Dttorah Rut Here's on for "A 82" of the street car controversy. Klni Komo sei our STAND1NO arrar here In old Phll-a. Consists of women chleUyi you can sse 'em night ana day, A-itandlna In the trolleys and a-banclng- to the straps, , While all the seats are taken by our Cbeapple- ChlDDle rjiaps. Sina-fully yours, J, O. D. Pear Deborah Ruth Since they call me "Mr. 32." I'll stick to that name when writing In ?our column. I would like to know why when am carrying home parcels and a woman enters the car only carrying her hand bag. I should be eipected to rise and offer her my seat? No one tells me why I should; they Just make sarcastlo remarks about me and the "whtpper snapper," who has been rather silent of late alsoVI think. MR. 82. If your Instinct as a gentleman does not tell you what you should do In the matter, I am afraid neither I nor my correspon dence can make you understand that the natural gallantry of a man toward a woman should mako him show her all the politeness possible. Writing of Sentiments to -write la tn fly leaf of whom I am quits Intimate, vr, n. Dear Deborah Rush Will you please advise iroper to write m ids ny isai ox s to be given as a birthday gift me what Is pro dook mat ii to a girl with It Is always better form to Inclose one's visiting card with the book one is sending to a girl. If she asks you to write her name, and the fact that it Is from you on the fly leaf, It would be well then to do so, but sentiments written in books are rather a mistake as a rule. How to Answer Cards Dear Deborah Rush Will you please answer this query In your Oood Forum column In Fri day's KtuiMl Lxcoia. I have Just received cara announcing iae eagsfviuaui ai a couple. uauueti wiia. put i Should I write her nots acknowltdgins the card.- .Ihve done i na ", . a. f i lbs gentleman I am acquainted with., but the lany I nave never tan. to tha gentleman verbally. MRS, The proper thing to do on auch an oo- Dr. W. H. Montgomery, IS?$ Philadelphia's Famous Pae Specialist 907 FLANDERS BLDG., Walnut at J 5th Wrinkled face, pimples, baggy eyes, red veins, scara, birthmarks, moles and all facial blemishes quickly relieved, BJtcasetaiSJSJsiSLfSirSia caBlon Is to write to tho one of tha two i whom you know nnd congratulate him. HenU a friendly message to his fiances In your letter and say that you hope to meet her very soon; and call on her aa soon as possible?. Wedding Etiquette Dear Deborah Kusfi- .At n l.ln nralni. va- ccption In the country would It Da permissible to use paper napkins Instead of linen ones! Does the oil raiiom hold that the ushers at a wedding should always be unmarried men? JOHN. No; paper nankins should never be used at any formal affair; It would be very bad form to offer them to the guests. Linen should always he used. No; of recent years bridal parties In elude not only married men for ushers, but married women often act as bridesmaids and matrons of honor. DRBORA.H BUSH. Sewing Comfort "When you sew on white goods. It is an excellent plan to keep a small saucer of flour at hand. Dip the finger tips In this now and then. The hands will not per spire and you will be abte o nandle the goods much more comfortably. THE CHEERFUL CHEW SSiniisiil mi i linn. i I I I muni I like to reixd jfc.d poetry Arvi Ketr a.d rrvUsic too. It rvvcJes ma surge. I dorlt Unov vWt to do. T IW1 J V 1W it , Marion HarlancTs Corner communication? nildresncil inrirt" . should ril envelope sit ... ,u tTnrmnd . at riff aciii1 article In which yop nre lotereMeil. ,r wishing to aid In the .charitable work II, II, C. should write Marlon Ilnrhi r.r? ' J.vrft..?Fr...' s""!;-0' Iivy ivuinii liny tern, rommunli t Mnrtflrt i n slnmneu. self- ami .a. clipping of the nre lotereMeil. .rersons : oi tno nnd. In to help, nnd a. ,f Ihma having received to Help, nnd, having received lento direct with tboss parties. How to Cure Ollvea I saw that 11. I.. I wishes a way to put up olives. While I havo been a reader for years, thli Is my first chanco to lond a Helping Hand. 1 give It as It was given to m: Directions for curlns rlpo nnd greon olives ! Dlssolvo a small can of concentrated lye In nva gallons of water, t'nek tho olives In half gallon Jars, cover with lye water nnd keep them under the water. After thrco days tnsto ono. It any bitterness remains let them stand another day. Try again, watching chuoly this time, for they may be como soft. If tho lyo water Is too strong, nfter there is no bitterness drain oft and nil up with fresh water each day for three days. Then thay should be firm and without nny bitter ness or lye tasto. Sort them over, pick the soft ones, pack In Jars again and fill theso with brine. Don't uso a heavy brlna or the olives will hnva to bo freshened heforo using. Seal tho 1nrs and let them stand a month before eating. I should ndvlso experimenting with a quart or two until ono learns about the ye treatment, hut uso the same proportions of lya ami water. May I ask for a recipe for a hermit cako, the one that was published several years ago In rhyme or verse? I have neked before, but Old not get It. MARGARET W. Our constituents will mnke good uso of tho recipes for putting up olives contributed In rcsponso to soveral querists. Tho best rlpo olives I over tasted wero from a Cali fornia ranch nnd put up under tho super vision of the dainty mistress of tho domain. But aro wo to understand that tho process Is allko with both rlpo and green olives? I noto that our respected correspondent In timates this. The request for hermit cake Is passed down the lino. Tho only recipe In my repertoire bearing tho tltlo Is for small cakes or cookies. Can this bo what you moan? Notables Dorn in March In rcsponso to O. A., hero are tho names of some notable persons whoso birthday occurred In March: runny Crosby, tho blind hymn writer, March 1M, 1820; Elizabeth II. Drown ing, poet, March ti! Aleiander O. Bell, Inventor, March S, JH47: General Philip II. Sheridan, March n. 1N31; I.uther Hurbank, horticulturist, March 7. 184U, Amerlcus Vespuclus, March 0, 1431i nlso Andrew Jackson, James Madison, Orover Cleveland nnd John Tyler, Presidents, wero born in Mnrch MAYFLOWER. A notablo list which Is a pleasant sur prise to us. Wo had not expected anybody would tako the pains to look Into tho ques tion which appeared In the Corner some weeks ago relative to great men and note worthy women born In tho windy month. Mayflower has our grateful acknowledg ments for this and yot another valuable contribution. Offers Abdominal Belt If Mrs. J. C, who mndo a request somo llttlo time ago for an abdominal belt, has not yet been supplied nnd you will kindly give her my address, I shall bo moro than pleased ta send nor one, I nover miss reading the Corner, and if I had tho tlmo would respond oftener. There Is so llttlo I can do I seek every opportunity I can And. ' AKNI13 13. II. If you rend somo of tho letters that pain us because wo cannot relievo tho BUfforers from Infirmities with nppllnnces, such as trusses, braces nnd abdominal supporters, that would mitigate anrt fometlmea 'cure, you would not cull your donation n llttlo thing. It will bring more comfort than you can Imnglnc. Keep It for us, please. Sirs. J. C. had received a supporter beforo your letter arrived. Keep yours for the next applicant. "Wo will let you hear from us In good tlmo. Vanilla Ice Cream Would you please print a simple recipe for vanilla Ico cream?. i:. D. Make a custard of a quart of milk, Beven eggs and three cupfuls of granulated sugar. Remove from the fire and flavor with va nilla extract. "When cold, beat Into tho custard a quart of rich cream, and freeze, It Is mado more elegant and 'delicious by pouring over each plateful when se'rved a hot or cold chocolate or strawberry sauce. A delicious variety of vanilla lea cream la mado by breaking a vanilla bean Into short pieces nnd boiling It In the milk used In making tho custard, Bring tho milk to a boll, squeeze the broken bean through a netting that lets tho seeds but not the husks pass, and mako the custard as 'usual with tho flavored milk. Author of State Motto Will you tell me who was the author of the motto on Iowa Rtato and territorial seals. "Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will main tain" I It. A. Will readers respond to this question? The sentiment la worthy of the State and reflects honor upon the author. After Onions Eat a bit of parsley soaked In vinegar the next tlmo you are Buffering from the effects of eating onions unwisely. A half glass of milk, taken after eating them, Is supposed to remove the odor, but It Isn't In fallible. A fortune awaits the Inventor of a Bure remover of onion scent. f You Love Flowers You Sliould Know The Century Flower Shop ISt h Below Chestnut St. Get the Round Package Utei for Century. wmwwwmswwWy m m Ask For and GET S R 3 l CAUTION 7. Efjf fiTlAtfED MU.KC0. s. KrACf&r Uriel II II A. J jlnWitoC mm&i JY. 'cras?sji mn WAITED fau."" tMrui II A. j "", -r m& - nil ir i. mIiM" ORLICKS THE OBiaiHAIi ALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract jii select malted grain, malted in our own malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infants and children thriva on It. ' Afreet with tha weakest stomach of tho InoaUd or tha e&d. Needs no cooking nor addition of milk, NourUbea and sustains moro than tea, coffee, etc, Sliould bo kept at lomo or when traveling. Ana tritioua foo4-drink may be prepared in a momanr. A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing sleep. Alio w lunch tablet form for businesa men. Substitutes Cost VOl Same Prleo Tmkm m Packmgm Hemm YOUR HEADACHE MAY BE INHERITED, BUT SIMPLE REMEDIES OAN CURE By WILLIAM A, QneMton rrtlntnt to hrtlene. sanitation nnd nrpTrntfon of disease. If matters, of genrral Intercut, will be nnnwmd In, this rolnmn. Where snare .will not permit or the suMfft It not suitable,, lrttera nnswrreil prrs onmlr, unbjeet to' proof r limita tions nnd, where. a stamped, nndresed en Ttlope Is Inrlonnl, Doctor Evans, wilt not make dlasnore or prescribe for .IndUldaat illsrases. ItrqnpMs for such service cannot he answered. Ml, I A110T of 16 complains of frequent head aches. He wakes up In the morning with a heavy, loggy feeling. Before noon ho has developed a headache, He goes to bed at night and steeps his headache off. Upon Incnilry we team that he has been having headachos since he was 8 years old. He has migraine. The headaches of childhood are migrainous, virtually all ot them. A young woman has periodic headaches. Upon Inquiry It Is found that headaches run In hor family. Her mother had sick hcadachen until she was CO years of nge. Her uncles and aunts wero subject to head aches. It was In tho family of tho grand parents, This young woman's headaches are prob ably duo to migraine. Mlgralno runs In tho stock. It Is a form, and the only form, ot Inherited headache:''' A womnn In tho prlmo of llfo Is subject to sick headaches. About every so often she must go to bed for n headache. Tho headacho Is likely to last three days. Nau sea nnd vomiting are prominent In tho BlckncBS, and In consequenco sho calls the spell sick headache. Perhaps, Instead of nausea, sho has flashes of light which mako hor think her headacho comes from her eyes. Perhaps tho spoils have somo rela tion to menstruation nnd sho calls hor at tacks menstrual headache. Sho haa ml gralno. A few years ago a correspondent grew qulto exotted about migraine. Tho word migraine meant that only half of tho brain was affected. In migraine ho contended that pain was limited to 'one aldo of the head, etc. Patrick says, "The location of tho pain haa nothing to do with tho diagnosis of mlgralno, although It haa been called hemt crnnla." Thon on what la tho diagnosis to bo bnsed? Sllgralno runs In the family. It Btarts In youth. It comos In spells with somo tendency to porlodllclty. It Is dis abling, Tho "feelings" of no other headacho aro similar to thoso of migraine. Can anything bo dono for It? Yes. Shall headacho mixtures bo taken? No. Every person subject to migraine soon learns that headache mixtures do not got him nnywhoro. They Incroaoo tho fre quency of tho attacks. A mlgralno subject learns after a fow experiences that coal tar EVANS, M. D. headache medicines do not ovin glvo relief. For tho relief of tha pain Kellogg ntlvlses hot and oold to tho back of the neck nnd cold to the forehead or top of tho head. If tho faco Is pale, use hot applications. If flushed, cold ones. , If tho person subject to mlgralno will lead a simple, out-of-doors life, getting plenty of exorcise and fresh air, will eat lightly and simply nnd keep his bowels In order, ho will materially lessen his trouble. Tho best physicians are now using thy roid extraot, ovarian extract, or other appropriate ductless gland medication In these cases. But that Is a matter for the physicians. Stopped Growing .1. What Is the correct weight and height of a lD-rear-otd borr My height Is 8 feet UH Inches and weight 187 pounds, not stripped, 2. At what age does growth cease? H. I haven't, grown for the last three years Docs that Indlcato I will not grow any, moro? . 4. What can stimulate nn Increaso In mr height and wnlght. especially the former, sines on It would depend a corresponding Increase In wolght? .ft. Is there a possibility of my growing after a thrae-year standstill? 13, A. W, 1. You aro of a very good height, Taking all boys of your ago and grouping them In hundreds, 26 would bo shorter than you and 70 taller. In a similar weight-grouping, 40 would bo tighter and 60 would be heavier. This Is on the authority of Doctor MacMlllan, of tho Chicago Board of Edu cation. 2, Usually at tha 20th year. Some boyB grow slowly In height until thoy aro 24. 3 and 6, It Is very unusual for a boy to stop growing at 10. If you wero stunted from Insufficient food, Improper food for example, too much corn bread, too little fresh milk or meat you may start grow ing ngatn. Otherwise you will not. 4. Plenty of milk, buttor, eggs, meat, wheat bread. X-Itay Treatment Aro repented X-ray pictures dangerous? X hava had pictures tnlicn of all my teeth twlco. which shows them In very bad condition, and It will be necessary to havo tho teoth X-rayed again as they aro being treated, U. IJ. Not If It Is done properly. rMalted. MtlkTf ST IN THE SQUARE PACKAGE f GRAND PRIZE I Ask & OF MIOHtaT AWARD I fn IS l PANAMA EXPOSITION I ,or " f ft ANOTHCft PROOF OF QUALITY j piimiiiraMiii Geor ge Allen, Inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 EXTRAORDINARY SALE 800 Trimmed Hats to be sold this week Mostly all marked $3 $A $C $C down to Jj t"j 1 U You cannot afford to miss this sale , la Big July Clearance Sale in ovory Department Ribbons, Silks, Lacca, Neckwear, Hosiery, Lingerie, Notion Specials, etc. at 1-3 to 1-2 less than Regular Prices iniMM irrn Mi3V 77 jLmmmiammmfAim I SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Js)isiis-miT-ir """B YIIXANOVA. VA. VIIXANOVA. TA. iSC ft; m "j -i VILLANOVi colleg: B EXCEPTIONAL ENGINEERING fa cilities. Splendid courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer ing. Also noted for Classical and Commercial courses. Efficient corpa of distinguished teach ers. Full degrees conferred. BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS, modern buildings and healthful location give well-rounded college life. Com plete athletic equipment. Also prep school and academy for small boys adjoining the college. Rev. Edward G, Dohan, LL. D., O. S. A., Presi dent. For catalog address the Registrar, Box 70, Villanova, Pa. NEW ULOUMFIELD. VA. CARSON LONU INHTITUTK loth Year Naw UloomfltM Academy, Counts: Colleg Prepar atory, Musis. Business. Normal. Junior. &- arats modern buuiincs tor Doy ana Bins. v years special aiirnuoa. iinu, Pupils under 12 Iiau and up; aatltuts. Has ' Younr Men and Boys 8TAPNT0N, VA. Your Boy "t Staunton Military Academy sroum tuna ma poysiqus in ins nracini mountaia Iiir or ins nouin. i a an academy ot I msr aeveiopea other cadets. rsuanc ana mi roud that h ci. mi. a ts.ii ianllr Is y UUUIIUmI.L J. ntas would make you tb.a mars your boy. IS80. Addrau KABLB. PP. P.. raal-l. CHAMDKBiSUPUO, PA, PENN HALL SCHOOL rou amis , Modern fireproof bulldlni. naw nrmnaslum, wlmmln pool. Collets preparatory, modern lenffuaces, music, domsstla arts. eta. Certlncats privileges. Rooms Mlth private bath. Hotel Gladstone. Atlantic City, occupied by school aaeb Mar. work continues without Interruption, Bates 1800. FRANK B. UAOILL, A. M-. Principally IIANOVEB. N. U. Hanover Tutoring School In tea heart of the New Hampshire Hills. Sum- jyvi Ausust ana ocpuar. ears antarea tolltt. EYOOV. nfreeter our union juur. Ausust Yonny Iiu.U and S. SOUTH BKTHLiaigM. PA. Biahppthorpe Manor P?P8arif,1f,',oCoiSle Uniihlnff couTMfl far hLrh school cm dtisLa Jafutc, IJonisiilU Uclenca, tc Individ. altiitlcQ VeLv (tN. WYANT. BGUTH BSTULBHEM. PA. Yonnr Men and Boys HARRISBUKU, PA, HARRISBURG ACADEMY famous. f Oman KUlssca kiui uiujtiuuai uiaivuvuon. Thorough college preparation. Rate MOO to I SOU for single room. AH athletics. Ssparata school for younssr boys. We Invite closest Investigation personal visit If possible. I A country school founded In 17Bd. er Aiooern Duuainga. isrgo Koi eatalofue address IRTIIUU K. BROWN, B. A., Headmaster OETTYSRtJBa. PA. Pennsylvania CoHega of Gettysburg Offers ten college courses In liberal arts and engineering, all leading- to a bachelor's degree. Permanent State Teachers Certlfl, cale. Annual Axed charges about 1300. Fac ulty of BS, and 460 students. Puuy equipped with buildings and apparatus. Student Gov ernment and Honor System. For Bulletin end bosutltul Book of College and BattlsflaU Views write President W. A. ORANVIIAB, Ph.D., LU) QETT YSBUUO. PA. SALTSBOSO, FA. HHSSPWSWK, Boya. Endorsed by rlcan unlvsralty. Colless nra- naratory course and a good train- for American lag- for business. Course la ssri. tuilurs. siHh year opens Sept. 10. ,1(Hti for catalociM. Ptpt . tt I ItSOU, ir. Pa. 'Tr Strayer' Bimnesf College user ecoooi oow ppeit, uy uia Uj&t. m- 4va.nCffict Charge E-kOdefate. Begt i ei s.w. vwau.,1 bwm iiewm . I i X