: T-"fc.wv.n'.i jin-iwm)iwiwwminjiii s,w- uii'w,wis'iWffsswFrir 'A' EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 191G. CJ SOjsJfryKsy fm nn'ii un -a6WPn'' ' GERMAN FORGES PAGING THE ALLIES ON WESTERN FRONT jjgppiig w.E1 aJjs PoPcrinqtic0 ""'ei . j&udcnardc ) J omei toii..oftJbauiiu; .VilM . monc iHazcoroucK 'aOtxrxA r f V , rrs vournai A - HcuvechapcnAC Reference. inters $y( TgaBnsscc I c 5335 A.-C..-.lc Corps SouckxR-C Valenciennes) gg R.C.... ? S'Pol rjVJgBavJtt;.v yfTTTRTTTrv J IS32 BxrA.... Bavarian Active Corps SrBAVRES',V' .PY G'RD Cuard Reserve Division anUSS 30 lan(,Bf,9 VS & 4&.Bavarian Division KfrBIM(.o. f0 cis Er5.Br...frwter i "Jl "Ka " "" NJ1I iiy . -ffiftv TOV - miiucai. XTVK.C. W, ftrtlkh ocombes 0lcCateleL Beaian tjciullcns -? W Albert Wri gyjgygg The map shows the disposition of the opposing sides at the opening of the present drive. The Belgians hold tho line from the sea to a point C miles northeast of Ypres. Thence the British lines extend 90 miles south ward to the River Somme, where the French section begins. The map reveals how heavily tho Germans were massed on thn British front as compared with tho rela tivo lightness of tho forces which face tho French south of tho Somme. This explains why the British have been able to make only slow progress, while the French are forging rapidly ahead. AUSTRIAN CARSO LINES CAPTURED BY ITALIANS Cadorna's Forces Dislodge En emy From Several Trenches and Take 381 Prisoners ROJIE. July 6. Tho War Office made public tho following communication last night. Further details confirm tho desperato nature of the flghtlnif.on July 2 on tho northern slopes of Pasublo. After threo hours of Intense bombardment tho enemy attacked In force Supported by our batteries, our Infantry drovo back ropeated assaults and counter-attacked with tho bayonet. Inflicting heayy losBes. Along tho front between tho Adlgo and the Bronta yesterday there were Intense artillery duels and Infantry en gagements. In tho Poslna Valley wo completed tho occupation of Monto Calgarl, taking 132 prisoners and a large quantity of arms and ammuni tion. On tho Aslago riateau our ad vanced detachments occupied the north ern edge of the Assa Valley and re pulsed counter-attacks of the enemy. In tho Campello Valley, In the Jlaso Brenta area, we dislodged enemy de tachments which were Intrenched strongly among the rocks of Prima Lungtta and Cangello, capturing 100 men and one machine gun. In the Upper But and Bolte Valleys there was great activity of the artil lery. On the Carso another violent engagement; In the Monfalcone sector resulted In our occupation of several trenches of tho enemy and In tho capture lof 381 men. Including a bat talion commander and eight officers. An Austrian aeroplano was shot down by our artillery on the Aslago Plateau and the occupants were cap tured. FALL FORTY FEET FROM AUTO Machine Overturns at Top of Embank ment Only One Person Hurt BLOOMSBUIIG. Pa., July C When tho car of J. II. llcnrle struck another ma chine and overturned at the top of an em bankment, Mrs. llcnrle and Miss Mary Straub wcro thrown to tho rocks, 40 feet below. Mrs. llcnrle received a fracture of tho left leg and severe cuts and bruises, but Miss Straub escaped unhurt. Although tho machine hung to tho top of the bank by ono rear wheel, Ilenrlo and his daughter, Hazel, were not thrown out. IL&g Comffert Do Varlroie Acln, Ick Ulcers. Ucak Anltlea. Suollcn Lceh. mako life miserable? Ther ta a messafftf of Soy for you In tho Corliss Laced Stocking A sclentlflo support and lec treat, merit that Ktvus tmmrdlnto com fort and auro help. No olnitlo to bind r-djustn to ecry condition wtfour ruboer. Laundors as easily an a towel. Krrrs shape wears for mpntli. Mado to your nieasun $l."7rt each, or two for same. leir. 83.00. Call and M measured free-, cr 'Trite for self, measurement blank No. 10. Wo nlsn make abdominal bolts non flartlc) to order. Hours 0 tn B dally; 0 to 4 Hat. retina. Corliss Limb Specially Co 1211-13-lC rilliert St., I'lillo., r-a. bulla 43U. Doll shone. Walnut 001. is ii ml Im fih I zzzmz Your trips to the sea shore will be without worry if you entrust your wearing apparel to the safe keeping of BOYLE HANPCAPT Every jewel is worthy of its case, and certainly your clothing, hats, etc., deserve adequate protection on your journeys, Boyle Leather Luggage is hand-made. It is made from extra fine leather, specially tanned. All fittings are, solid brass, heavy and strong. Each article will hold its shape And rrood looks far longer than ordinary lug gage. We make Kit Bag?. Club Saga, Suit Case3, Hat Boxed. Auto Trunks, ete. Ask your ceaier w Trait Mark how you lug gage with the Boyle trade-mark. Obtainable from all dtaltrn in high-grado liathtr good, John Boyle & Co., Inc BQfm sertetwu, Bumtu-iaga, math. tajj, !., or mad 'a accordant with tit toot klah ttaudanl characterizing ml IMilJS trvttusi litr i yea-f. UiKUiacturert 5 th onuti pOXi.il Jumha smte. Trk $ StLouig ALMOST anyone can recognize by their ear-marks the peculiar characteristics of Goodyear No-Hook Tires. You can easily recognize their greater strength and sturdiness of construction. And you can see that they are lively and pliable to remarkable degree. The resilience flows out of the fact that their stoutness is built up by layer upon layer of purest rubber and the finest fabric manufactured. Two things to be dreaded are tires that are slumped, and tires impregnated with mineral substitutes for rubber. In No-Hook Tires you get both the sire that spells safety and the purity of rubber that ensures resdience. GOIflnBAR TIRES Ovodytar 2Yra, JTtcrp TourUt TuUt and "Tin Sfvtr" AtcwtrtU an uy U fit from CooJ)4tir Swmc Etatit Dttitrt ErtrywIuTt Qoodyear No-Hook Tlrea ara made itrem. wf and itutJj by these unique advantages; They ara easy to put on and tako offbecauso the da not rust fast to the rim. Blowouts are lessened by our No-Rlro-Cut feature. Punctures and aklddlns are reduced by our double-thick, AU.Wcathcr Tread. Loose Treada are diminished by our Oa-Alr Cure. Blowing off the rim Is pre- ventsdby our Braided Plana Wire Base. ' i5 . m. , ., , , , , wr 1 by our Oa-Alr Cure. M : -Cj Btowlnc off the rim Is pre- & ri:l ventedbyourBraldedPUao f 5 WUt Base. ft fe SvS'X 5 Jit, fiyv Ptrlck. c WM fiQy wh 1 11 - SwV I 1 m ILB, .J1 TRINCEEESPUGNATEDA GLIHALIANISUL CARSO EDANORDDELBRENTA L'Avanzata delle Forze di Ca- dorna Continua nella Valle del Posina e sull'AHopiano di Aslago UN VELIVOLO ABBATTUTO ROMA, 5 I.ugllo. Irl sera II Mlnlstcro ilcllti Qucrra pub bllcnva II BCRuento rnpporto drl (renernlo Cntlorna circa la sltunzlono nlla fronto Itnlo-atistrlaca: flterlorl p.irtlcblarl circa la bat tnglla Rvoltnsl II 2 corrcnto sullo falrto sctlentrlonall del rnsublo no confer mano it dlsperato caratterc. Dopo tro ore dl Inlcnsrf bombnrdamenlo gll aus triad altaccarono In grand! forzo lo po pb.lonl Itallanc. lnncandosl contro dl esno In masao profondo 0 fltto. Appoif Rlata dnlta nontra artlgllorla, la nostra fnntcrla resplnnc 1 numcrosl at tnrchl del nemlco, o flnalmentc lo con tratlacco' nlla balonctta InniBCcndoRll Kravlsalmo perdlto. Lungo la fronto tra I'AdlRo cd II llrentn nolla glornnta dl Icrl b! ebberp Intend duelll dl nrtlgllcrla o combat timentl dl fanterla. N'clla vallo del torrcnlo Poslna nol comptetammo la connulstn del Monto Calgarl, facondovl 132 prlglontcrl cd prendendo at netntco una grnndo quan tlta' dl nrml o dl munlzlont. Suirnltopiano dl ABlngo I nostrl re pnrtl nvanzatl hanno occupato la parto spttentrionalo della Val d'Aesa cd Imnno resplnto contrnttacchl del nemlco. Nclla Val dl Campello, nella zona tra II torrento Maso cd II flume Hrenta, nol abbinmo elogglato II nemlco dallo sue fortl poslzlonl trlncerato tra to rocclo dolla Prima l.unctta c del Ccngello, cattuVnndo 106 prlglonlerl o una mltrngltatrlcc. NcU'alta nllc del Dut o nrU'nltn vallo del Bolto si 0' nvuta Brando nttlvlta' dl nrtlgllcrla. Sull'altoplano del Carso el c' avuto un altro vlolento combattlmcnto cho o" ftnlto In noslro favore. in ncgulto a quissto combattlmento nol abbl&mo con qdlatato parccchle trlncee nemlcho nella rona dl Monfalcono 0 vl abblamo fatto 881 prlglonlerl, tra cul II comandante dl. un battagllono cd nttrl otto urn clatl, tin aeroplano nemlco e' stato abbat tuto dalle nostra nrtlgllcrlo nella zona dl Aslago, .t; gll umclatl cho lo occu pavano Bono statl fattl prlglonlerl. LA UU.MANtA H LA OUEnRA. SI apprende cho II governo rumeno ha Eoquestrato 250 vagonl fcrrovlarll e sel loeomotlvo nppartenentl alle ferrovlo austro-ungarlche, cho erano statl mandatl In Rumania quando I russl avanzavano nella Bucovina. 11 goVerno rumeno ha nnche prolblto tutte lo esporta2lonl dl ognl generc alia Bulgaria. Intanto continua l'offenslva russa contro lo forzo nustro-tcdesche, ma questa volta gll attacchl del russl si svolgono a nord della paludl del Prlpct, contro le forzo tit von Hlndcnburg, cvldentcmento con lo neopo dl Impcdlro cho I tcdescht spostlno truppe dalla fronto orlcntalo a quclla oc cldentnlo cd numentlno In tat modo; la roslstonza alio forze nnglo-franccsl Impeg nato nella grando offenslva In Krancla. Sulla fronto francese, mentro gll Inglesl sono occupatl a consolldare le loro nuovo tlnco per rcnderlo R I euro contro posslblll rltornl oltenslvl del nemlco, 1 francesl con tlnuano ad avanzare verso II loro oblcttlvo dl Pcronne, sut flumo Somma. Ma proba bllmente si va rapldamento preparnndo la vera offenslva Inglese nolle Flandro, dovo pare cho Id forzo brltannlcho nlanno con ccntrata In gran numcro. Lo truppe francesl Rono glunto a meno dl tro mlglla da Peronno 0 la battaglla Infurlii orn vlolenttsslma a nord cd a slid della Somma. IL VULCAN0 STR0MB0LI IN VIOLENTA ERUZIONE Gli Abitanti dell'Isoln Raccolti sulla Spiaggia in Attesn di Soccorsi Case Distruttc Tclegramml da Roma dlcono cho II vul cano Stromboll c' In vlolcnta cruzlono da lorl l'altro a sera. It vulcuno 0' sempro Btato nttlvo per forso una ventlna dl pocdII, o nol novembro scorso fu In eru zlono, ma sonza causaro dannt ccccsslvl o far vlttlmo. Questa volta Inveco molto caso sono stato distruttc cd II slndaco del paeso ha telegrafato a Messina Invocando alutl Immedlatl. Da Messina sono statl Invlatl soccorsi, 0 sono partitl anche plroscafl per prendero a bordo la popola zlono ncl caso cho l'eruzlono dovesse as sumero proporzlonl reramen'to mlnacclose. Intanto da lerl sera lo oomunlcazlonl tele fonlche dell'lsola con Messina sono Intcr rotte. Sembra cho tin po' dappcrtulto In Italia si abblano segnt precursor! dl dlsturbl sis mlcl. II caldo o' stato Inienstsstmo ncgll tiltlml due glornl, cd a lllmlnl, a nelvedere Marlttlmo (Calabria), Ancona cd In nltrt puntl delta costa Adrlatlca si sono avuto scosss dl ierremoto, ina fortunatamento nessuna vlttlma. Ncl paesl vlsltntl dnl ter remoto gll abitanti sono nllarmatl, ma il nora non vl e' raglone dl iemcre dlsastrl. GERMANS CHECK SLAV OFFENSIVE Continued from Tare One Is thought that von Bothmer may bo forced to retire to Lcmberg. ATTACK OS VON HINDnXBUnO. An attack by land and sea against Field Mnrshat von Illndonburg's forces In the north, together with a new Itusslan attack at Baranovichi, promises Interesting de velopments whlchnro likely to hnvo an In fluence In the Lutsk region, where the Ger mans hitherto liavo been ablo to hold the Russians. Fighting continues In undiminished vlo lenco In tho region of Kolomea, according to tho odlclat statement Issued by tho Austrian War Omco today. The Austro-Oonnan troops aro Btatcd to havo mndo a success ful advance southeast of Tlumach. For tho flrst time during tho Russian drlvo Berlin today admits that tho Czar's soldiers attacked repeatedly In largo forces following a heavy preparatory bombard ment. Tho greatest nttnckn took placo bo tweon Lake Narocz and Smoigcn and carit of Wlscznlow ngnlnst the troops com manded by Field Marshat von Ittndenburg. Tho German statemont says: Army group of Field Marshal von Hlndcnburg: Following thblr frequently Increased artillery activity, the Rus sians In tho evening and during tho night attacked repeatedly several points between Lako Narocz and Hmorgon nnd west of Wlscznlcw. They attacked with considerable forces on both sides of Smorgon, near Robuczo, northenit of Krovo nnd near Slolkowschlsna, south cast of Wlscznlow, without achieving any ndvantngc, but incurring heavy losses. ArMy group of Prince Leopold : Local Average Increaye.lf inthlpnccoP l vrjftioyfoTaa.iotc 1 72A ZS .. XpWp)& Every car owner will want to read "The Pride of Gaso line," Edward Mott Woolley's clean-cut statement of the High Cost of Motoring in this week's issue of 0 eP9 , c Til r NATIONAL TfBEKLT counter-attacks at point whero the Russians first succeeded In making some advances all yielded results, and wo captured 13 otliccrs and 1883 men. RUSSIANS FORCED BACK. Army group of General von Llnsln gen: The Russlnns yesterday again threw strong forces, part of them re cently brought up lo this front, In masses ngalnRt Us to stay our ndvance, but wcro repulsed. OUr attack gained further ground. Army group of General Count von Bothmer : Southeast of Tlumach our troops. In a quick advance, forced back the Russians on a front more than 124 miles wldo nnd moro than 5U miles dcrp. Youth Escapes Drowning; III MtLLVlLLU N. J., July 6. Anthony Gross, 15 years old, of Landls townshH, ' narrowly escaped drowning In Union LaV.o hero yesterday, and nlthough restored by n pulmotor, Is In a critical condition. lE)sCt33?r "tF1 zs - 1 Model 75 B Five Passenger Touring 4 cylinder en bloc motor3"borex5" stroke 104-inch wheclbaae 4-inch tires Cantilever rear springs Streamline bod? Electric starter Electric Lights Magnetic speedometer Complete equipment Roadster $620 f. o. b. Toledo V The new series Model 75 B has more power, more style, more room, more comfort and is more complete than any other car for the price in the world. Think of a car at this price having a motor that will develop fifty miles an hour! Think of a car at this price that gets twenty to twenty-five miles on a gallon of gas I Can you beat it? There is not another car on the market under $8,00 that can equal its nerformance. Order yours today. I i OVERLAND MOTOR COMPANY, Distributors i 323-5-7 North Broad Street, Philadelphia BELL PHONE WALNUT 80I IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo Ohio iAluU la U. S. A-'! k k 4 V, LL