f tJ-,aqyWP nuf'rn' v-yM'yirwj? JyMrBgt - "ps H' yi ' y -s - -yfjjuWif i .yT;T '- 'fcT: &ywtm&i, 99n EVENING LEDGER PmLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, .JULY 5, 1916. 1 NEW 5 PER CENT. LOAN DOUBTFUL, SAYS GUYOT Compagnie General Transatlan tique Pays Nearly Half Million Dividend By YVES GUYOT Special Cable to livening Lcilper. PAnia, July 6. Tlio French B per cent. Joan, lioW-) Its price well. It li a creat ques. tlon whether It will bo possible to put out n new loan of the same type, The report of the Compagnlo Gencrale Transatlantlque nhows total receipts for 1B15 of 109,400,000 franca and, despite the fact that Its passenger business was nlmost nothing, It also set aside 2,436,000 francs (1407,000) for a dividend after all expenses had been paid and a sinking fund provided for. 5-10: do., straight, IB.2O0fl.Kil do., patent. city mills, choice and Isncr partem, iO.90WO.25f r s.i ids,, winter elesr ,r,o4.75t ao.. reirulsr JIYIS Fl.fkllft M.I Inwltt ,t fAPmJtr nrtfft. ----..-....;....,,., .......... ... .w . v,o quota nt towo.ou per ddi., as to qusmr. PROVISIONS The msrlcet ruled firm with a. fair Jobbtn ucmnnu. uuoia.iions: vity DCOt, in SCJfl. mTmAm . do.,. Mralsht. II.T5BSs do.. Eiitent. t5l5.2S. jn sow PIr Iron Output Smaller In Juno CLEVELAND, July B. The Iron Trade Kovlow wll say tomorrow: "Hot weather had the effect of slightly decreasing the production of pig Iron. Tho output In Juno fell 110,768 tonr, compared with-May. The production at six months was 19.381,051, ) against 12,013,60.1 toni In tho same period In 1915. Very oxtcnslvo construction plans of tho Navy Department will rcqtilro fully 160, 00d tons of steel for hull material nnd about 76,000 tons ndltlonal for nrtnor plato and portcctlvo deck plato. Tho demand for new war vessels, coming on top of a very heavy business already on tho books, will present a serious problem to plate manu facturers nnd ship builders, "Want Receiver for Ohio Trolley Co. CINCINNATI, O,. July 6. An action for tho appointment of a rccplver for tho Cin cinnati, Dayton nnd Toledo Traction Com pany has been begun horo by the Cleve land Trust Company, the traction company having' defaulted on tho Interests on Its bonds last January. Tho trust company In Its petition says that It has been re quested by holders of $2,200,000 of tho 52,700,000 bonds outstanding to tnko fore closure proceedings. Zinc nnd Lend Production Jumps WASHINGTON, D. C. July 6. Prelimi nary flgurcn compiled by tho Geological Survey Indlcato that tho country's pro duction of lend and zinc ores during tho first half of 1010 far exceeded that of any previous six-months' period. Tho out put of zinc Is estimated In a Burvcy statement at 25 to 30 per cent, greater than that of tho pamo montliH last year. Shipments of sphalorlta concentrates from tho Jopllu district nlono amounted to ISO, 000 tons, compared to 290,000 tons during tho entlro 12 months of 1915. Spot Wheat Strong in Liverpool tilVEUPOOL. July 6. Spot wheat was trong today, with No. 2 red winter quoted at 10s 2d, an advance of Id, nnd No, 1 Northern Manitoba at 10s Oil, a gain of Id. Blue stem was quoted nt lis 4d ; No. 2 hard winter, 10s Id; No. 2 Northern Manitoba, 10s 8d. Corn was quiet, with American mixed quoted at 9s 8d and plato at 10s 5d. Flour was 39s. i Ruling in Illinois Grain Rates WASHINGTON, July 5. Grain origin ating In Illinois and moving over rallronds doing lntorstato business through Chicago and then shipped via lake lines to various points was held by tho Interstato Commerce Commission today to bo subject to local tntrnstato ratc.i from points of origin to Chicago. Ask Statements of State Banks HAIUUSBURG, Pa., July f. Tho State Commissioner of Banking today Issued a ; call for a statement of ths condition of State banks and trust companies as of Juno 30. National Bank Call Issued " WASHINGTON, July 5. Tho Comptroller of tho Currency today Issued a call for the condition of national banks as of the close of business on Friday Juno 30. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS I GRAIN AND FLOUR 1WHKAT Receipts. 187,318 bush. Speculation n the West mi bullish nnd prices ndvum-ed c. under a fair demand Quntitlona: Car loin, n export elevator No. 2 red, spot, $1.031.03i Jo. -' Southern rod, 11.1)1 HPl.n.1, Bimiinrr No. 2 red. $lj l.(C; Mu. It red, Htfll.u.', rejected A, HTHWWc . rejected II, outrnsi: . CORN Ilecelpts, 6000 bush. Offering were Hint and tha market wan lc. higher with n fair demand. Quotations: Car lota for local trade us to location Western No. a jellow, 81 AftUMic.: do,, steamer jellow. S0O86Hc. : do.. No. 3 jellow, mb3c; do.. No. 4 yellow, HI Me. OATS -Receipts. 03,400 bush. Trade was emlet and price ruled steady. Quotations: No. if white, 40tt M7c. , standard white. 4tH4W4c: No. 3 white. H43c.l No. 4 white. 40H 41Mc: sample outs, 38y:iUc.; purified oats, traded. 43Vj 4 5c. Kl.Otm Receipts, 1510 bbls. and 971. 012 lbs. In sacks. Demand was light nnd prices Hero without Important chanze. Quotations per Ivd lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, H.oOOLTS; do., straight, I4.73VA, patent. J5W0.25, Kansas; clear, cotton sacks, t4.3.14.7f); do,, atratsht, cotton sacks. $4.80B.10j do., patent, cotton aacks, J3.13Wll.40; sprlntr. first clear. II.HUSJ THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, July 5. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer ey: Fair tonight and Thursday: moder ate north and northeast winds. Light rains covered Now York and New England during tho last 24 hours from a disturbance that was central off the coast. The tropical disturbance has apparently moved north across the Gulf of Mexico and Is nearlng the coast between New Orleans and Pensacola. It Is causing rains nil along, the Gulf and south Atlantic coasts. Fair leather Is reported from tho re malndir of tho country. Tho temperatures are jjmewhat below' the normal In tha 1 nortKeastern portion of the country, whlla seasonable conditions prevail elsewhere. .' U. S. Weather Bureau Dulletin Observations taken at 8 a, m.. Eastern time. Low 8 last Ilaln- Valoc- Rtattnn. a.m. n't. full ll'lnd t,. ir..ua. A. -... T f l An . ' ... I ,,,., IIMIM. U.,... i ,UW Ei . . , III uu r.n .j2 us !: 0d B8 .. 02 .. 68 .. il, Atlantlo City lliamarck. N. D. T Boston, Mas.... fiN lluttalo. N. Y... Ill Charleston, S, C. 70 Ohlcaco. Ill 12 Cincinnati, O, , . . 72 Cleveland. O.,,, U Denver, col 08 Detroit. Mich,... us Galveston. Tel, .. 7(1 Ilarlsburv, I'a... 04 llateras, U. C. ,. 70 Halifax, N, 8,... r.rt Helena, Mont,,,, no Huron, S. D..,.. 72 Indianapolis. Ind. 7U Jacksonville. Fla, 78 Knoxvtlle, Tenn . 70 J.lttla Rock, Ark. 70 1a Anseles Cal. r, loulsvlile. Ky.., 70 Montsomery. Ala. 7a alontreal. Ian... Ol Nashville, Tenn lew Orleans. &t. ail sfeiv Vork Norfolk. Vs...., Uklshoma. Okla. Omaha. Neb... PhlladtlpbU .,, Phoenix. ArU,. Pittsburgh. Pa., roniaou, ie ... oi PortlanJ, Ore..., CO ubec. Can r,H t. I.oul. Mo.,, 70 St. Paul. Minn.. 7U Salt Lake. Utah. 04 San Antonio. Tex, 74 Ban Francisco ., SO Santa Fe, N. M. . UO Eault Ste. Marie. SS Serantoo. Pa ... . 00 " Timna. Pla 80 WashUxton as X3 OS A4 Bl U8 Hi 74 00 74 flit an 74 ni OS It AS 18 a 03 .82 03 Ud HO t,H B4 SO a H4 et 74 BO 00 BO t8 72 .08 .0"l .40 6 Wtoniie-. Can... 72M N Stl .. $F !: N N13 .. Nil .. NV .. si-; .. N .. N 12 N 13 H NK IU SIV ,. SK ., NK .. & ?? N 11 12 NE 12 NB 12 Nt! 20 N 18 8 ? e :; N J3 nb :: n !? nb .; e .1 sp .. SB ,, NW .. sw :: w N 14 SW 10 s id Cloudy ClouJy Clear Rain tlear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloar Cloudy Clear P.Ctdy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clur P.CIdy ClouJy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy P.CIdy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy !ear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear LENGTH OF DAY. Eua rises.... 43u a.m.lSua sets 7:33 p.m. DELAWARE U1VEK TIDE CHANGED'. CHESTNUT STRJ5BT. High water.. 4.3Tam:Hlza water. 3:04 p.m. Low water 12 10 p m. JLmr water to- I morrow 13 Jl a m. TEIU'EKATIKE AT EACH H0l. "" t I 1 i III 1JI t I ! 8SI 71 Ml 671 Wi TUt 7U Ul t r-f... ., imoked nnd.alr-drled, 27c. t Western beef, In sets, smoked, 27c. I city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and Mr-dried., 28o,i Western bef, knuckle and tenders, smoked. 28c,i beef hams, 283fli pork, family, t2.1.B03J.n0! hams, B. P. cured, looie, 18H18Hc.t do., skin ned, loose, lSB18!ic.t do., do., smoked, 10W lOUct other hnms, smoked, city cured, ni to brand and nverore. lSUr.l h.im, smoked. West ern cured. lSJlc.i do., trolled, boneless, S?c,f pic nic shoulders, S. P. cured, loose, 12!tc; do., smoked, 14 Vict tiellles. In pickle, aecordlnr to averatte, loose. lOHe.i hrtakfast bacon, ns to brand and averatte. city cured, 21e.t do.. West ern cured, 10C20C.: lard. Western, refined, tierce, 14Hc.t do., do., tubs, 14Hc.t do,, pur city, kettle rendered. In tierces, Utic.l do., do.. In tubs, 14 Sic. REFINED SUGARS . The market wag quiet but steady. Quota tions! Extra fine granulated. T.03C.I powdered, 7.7fics confectioners' A. 7.55c.l eott grades, 0.U0W7.GOC. DAIRY PRODUCTS lnTTTnnnuiers. tacked .Interest and prices declined 1ic. In solid packed and lc. In print!. Quotations! ,West"tn solid-packed creamery, fancy, specials. Sic: extra, 2U0c.i extra nrsts, 2sc.i firsts. 27e.j second, 2e.LSarujr prints, runcy. B2c.i averaie extra, sowsic ; ilrsts, S7B2PO.I seconds,. 20620lic i Jobblnit sales of fancy prints, 33 08BC. . . . Euqs Were In itood demand and firm. Quotation! In frro rates, nearby ottra;, JS per dox. , nearby firsts, 17. .V per standard rasoi exceptional Iota Mzhen nearby current receipts, 111 7SW7 in per cise: Western extras, 27c, per dm. , Western extra firsts. 17.00 per case; firsts. ffl.7AO7.20 per rase, fancy selected candled fresh esijs siero Jobblnix at flOfpaic. per doien. CHREStl Ofterlnna wero moderate and the market ruled steady, hut them. was little trad inn, Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, IB1! CM Re, do. do., fair to Good. l&tlSVic, part skims, UK He. POULTRY LIVE The, market win nulet but steady under moderate. ofTerlOBS. Q-jotntlnn! Fowls. 1BV if lOr.t roosters. t3Wc: sprlnr chickens, ac conllnic to quality, wela-hinir 1W2 lbs. apiece. 24nn(ir : while Leghorns, acrordlnff to. quality, 2IW24C. : ducks, aa to alio nnd quality, 14 W 10c ; Plircons, old. jer pair, 2382o. i do., younrr, por pair, 224?2Gc. . . . DHKM3t:i) was In fair request and firm under Ibrhl ofterlnna of desirable stock. Squabs were hltthor. Following are tho quotations; Fresh-killed poultry, dry-parked Fowls, 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected. 23c: weighing 4Vi 4?B lbs. apiece. 22Wc. wclglilntr 4 lbs. nplere, L'2Hc.i weighing 3i lbs, apleco. 2Uio.i .weigh Ing 3 lbs. apiece, 20021c. : fowls. Ice-packed, In barrels, fancy, dry. picked, northern Indiana and Illinois, welshing lbs. n,nd over apleco, 2e.; do,, southern Indiana nnd Illinois, welch ing 4 lbs, apiece, 21Hc; smaller sizes. ISWl'Oc. ' old roosters, dry-picked. 15c. i broilers. Jersey, fancy. 404J4BC! do., other nearby, weighing 1H 6f2 lbs. nplece. 33f40c.i smaller sixes, 33080c: ducks, nearby, spring. .ll.02pc: squabs, per dox. While, weighing I1W12 lbs. per dox., J(ir..2B; white, weighlnc 0in lbs , per dox., JI.inW4.7B. white, weighing 8 lbs., per dm., Jll.23W3.03: do, do.. 7 lbs., per dox, K"0.1: Oo., do.. t'ipli'i lbs. per dox. J'.'W 2.211: dark, J1.7r,li'2.26; small and No. 2, 7Jc. CJJ1.2S, r FRESH FRUITS Choice slock win in fair request and ren erally steady under moderate oTterlncs. Quo tations: ADPlea, per lib!. -Ilaldnln, flltr.'l Hen hml. xrtiJt other vnrletfeN. Sl.fintrt 2.G0! No. 2. 1.23(tl'. Apples, Western, per box, fl.SSt; 1.73i apple''. Delaviaro and ,Murjland. per ham per. 73c fy'Sl. Lemons, per box, J,i.oOCJ4.2j. rlnenpples. per crate Porto Hlro. il.AOfsy. lllncktrerrles, North Carolina, per qt.. ildTtlKS.! do., Mnrjland. per nt., lUffinc. Huckleberries. North Carolina, per qt.. lit?!1 13c. Uooseberrljs, per qt., 4c. Itaspbcrrlrs. red. per pt.. .lUBc. Cherries. Delaware and Mnrylnnd. rntet, per lb., S8c.! do , do., sour, per lb.. Itttftc: do., do., nweet. per qt., nwc.: do., do., sour. p;r nt . .t5r. Pluma. Cleorala, per crate, 30c. W 1.73. Peaches, Oeorgla. per carrlir IlelK-. i2ci2.r,i)! Carmen, f I.S3P I.iAi EHrly Oeorcli. 11 732.23; Arp Ileauty. II.S3O1.-10: Dlxlo Queen. Jl. 2.1W1.7S. Cuntnloiipes. Cnllforntn. per crate, Yl'tS'l.W; do . Florida per crate, tt W1.30. Watermelons. Florida, per car, 3173U VEGETABLES TlecelDts were aulto llbernl. but choice atock rtenerauy tatocs, rolK. J2.50irp2.A; io. i:, norioiK, ,uc,iii')i: no, I, North Carolina, J2.23ffl2.S0: No 2, North Cnrollna. 75c. Jl. Swent potatoee. .fersey, per baskot No 1. 450111c.: No. 2. 25M80O.: Co.. Jorsey, nelawnre and Maryland, per hamper No. 1, 73o WJl; No. a, riOSrOnc. Onions, Texas. pr cummer irate No 1, 5 1. CD 'J 1.13: No. 2. Il.:3'1.3ll Celery. Florida, per ornte. J2W 2.60. Walerrr-ss. per lliu bunches, jt.anOS.nn, l'eppcrs Florida, por carrier, J22.30. IZea plant. Florida, nor crate, Jl2. Corn. Florida, per crnti Jl 25 SH 75. Cucumlwrs. Norfolk, per l.bl. Il2: do.. Norfolk, nor -bbl. basket. 7(iO90c.i do.. Norfolk. Per Vj-bbl. basket. 50M 03c, do.. North Curollnn. per hbl.. 51 (fl. :!.".; do. do., per busket, 254tr. Tomatoes, ills slsslppl, per flat i-rate, S.-i0'c. Aaparncus. Jersey, per bunch Funcy, luviac: prlmo, tjQ 10c: culls. 5Sfbo. Mushrooms, per 4-lb, bas bet. Jiai.OO. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS cmcAao, July n. iioas iteceipts. 4o.ooo: market slow, slightly lowtr; mixed and butchers, II).,'3IU1IM3. good heavy, $9 ,10010: rough heavy, JU BOfUUIJ. light, J0.3UW10, pigs, J8f 0.4O: hulk. Jlt.b'OfTKl. CATTLE Ilecclpto. 22,000; market weak and lower: bvevcu, $7. 50 01 1.3(1: tows and heifers. f.i.lTillO.M: utockrrs and feeders, I5.734)'H.SU: Tcxans. J40Sfl 41); calves, JS3ull."0. SlIllEi Ilecelpts. 2100; market lower: n.itlie and Western. JU.5U0.I)0; Inmlis, J7.S0W1U.UD. DEATng bind of Evelyn B. llennlson tne flcheer). l urtner nones oi uio lunerni win va hi.cu. 10111 ItANNAIf Jf. ntCKLEY, beloved daughter of the iate Itev, Oeorro and Mary Dlckier. .Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at S p. m., from the late residence. 1010 N. 03d at., overbrook. Interment private. niNOj On July 4, 191rt. NOMUS (I., husband of Paulina ning. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p, m. precisely, at his late residence. 1210 v. Montgomery av. Inter ment private nt Hillside Cemetery, Auto fu neral, COItn. On July 4, 1010, OWEN J., husband of Mary C. Corr. The relatives and friends,. also Division No. 10, A. O. K and the Holy Name Societies of Bti Airntha and Our Mother of Sorrows churches, ara Invited to attend the funeral, .on Saturday, at 8:80 a. m,, from ths residence of his son-in-law. William J McOettlgnn, 481ft llaverford nve. High Mass at the Church of Our Mother of Borrows, at 10 a, m. Interment nt Neir Cathedral Ceme tery. 1 DEH.Y. On July 4. 1010. HENnT J., husband of Sarah J. Delly, In his OBth year. DuV notice of the funeral will he given from his late residences 2430 Turner at. DnEirUS. Suddenly, on July 8, 1B10, at his summer residence, Atlantic City, N. J.. ISAAC, husband of Ooldle Drelfua (nee Deck) nnd son nt Bolomon and the late Hannah ureicus. area 53 Tears. Relatives and trienos, also Cotiockslnlc Council, No. 020. V. O. A. Jl., Spring Garden lyodge. No. 228, 1. O. W, 8 and emolovea nf Iters Itrothers. are Invite, to attend funeral, on Thursday, at 10 a. m.. iieceipis were quiirc uurrni. iiui cihhcd bh,v generally ruled steady. Quotations: Whlto po tatoes, per bhl. No. 1, Eaatern Shoro,.. J2.73; No. 2. Eastern Shore. 7Bo. if!)J1.23. No. 1. Nor- MAItllll'.n HOIIFlSH-McDOWKLL lly tho Eev. John Harvey Lee, on July 3, 11)10. ut the residence of her parents, Jlr and Jlra Marcrllus E, JIcDowell, Wushlneton lane nnd Chew ats., Uermantown. ANNA LOUISE McDOWELL to ENSIGN HOWES ltODFISH. L'. 3. N. IN MEMOWAM O'DDNNELT.. In sad but lorlne memory nt ANNA O'DONNBLL. who died July 5 1013, aged 10 years. PAItENTrt AND lifSTEna. 1VILI.IAHSON. In rememhranro of my mother, SAUAII A. WILLIAMSON, died July 5, IIMJU O. W. VT. JBtatl) AIll'T.L. On July 4. 1010. at her late residence, 1110 E. Oxford St.. AMANDA AI1ELL (nee Hambo), widow of James W. Abell. aged 80 years. Due notlco of funeral will be etven. IIAtid. On July 4. 1010. at her home. "Way. side." Mount Washington. JId., MAUY CUIUS. TINE OAltTEIt HACIO. widow of tin late J. Herbert Hug and daueliler of Mra. Carter and the late John M. Carter. Funeral at St. John's Eptsropal Church, Mount Washington, Thursday, July 0. at 4 p. m. HARDIN. At the resldenrn of hor son, Henry C. Uardln. 803 West Jta-shall at.. Norrls town. Pa., on Second-day Seventh Jfnnth 3d, 1U1U, MAhOAHBT LITTLE ItAItDIN, oged 8T years. HelatUes and friends are invited to attend th funeral services, on Thursday, Fifth-day, Seventh -Month. 0th. at 2 p. m.. at the Oliver II. Hair Bulldlnc. 1830 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Interment private. Pleuaa omit flowers. UAIINES, On July 4, 1018. ELIZABETH, wife of John L names, aged SI years Itelatlves and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, BHa.1 Wyalualm ave. Interment private, at Westminster Cemetery. IIECKMAN On July 1. 1010. JOHN II.. hus. band of Mary E. Ueckman. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funoral serv ices, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at her lata residence. 4818 Itldga a Ye., Wlasahlckon. In terment private. UENNKK. On July 0. 1010. J. if. N. DEN. NEB. In his 01st year. Funeral servlcea on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 138 East lipsal at.. Mount Airy. Interment private. IlENNIriON. At his residence,. 2720 North 0th street, on juir , 44, vv ii.i4iAai ji , nus from his late residence. 2730 N. 24th at. In terment Adath Jeshurun Cemetery, Scrnnton papora pieaan copy lav'flLIStl. Suddenly, on July 2, 1010. WILL IAM JAMES, husband of Anna Enellsh and son of the late llobert and Marin English, aged 40 years. Roiatlrea and friends are In vited to attend funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p m., at his Into residence, 82 W. Sharp nnck St., Oermnntown. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednes day ovenlnc. ENGLISH. At Heverly, N. J., on July 3, 1010, ClIAltLES ENGLISH, In hla 09th year Itela tlves and friends are Invited to attend the funcrnl services, on Thursday, at 2.311 p. in., nt St. Stephen's Church. Uoverly. N. J. In terment private. rOROVTIIK. On July 4. 1010, MAItOAftET. wife of William Forsythe nnd daughter of Daniel and Margaret O'Cennoll. llrlatlvea nnd friends nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday,. nt 8:30 a, nt., from hor parents' residence, 1827 8 22d St. Solemn ftequlom Mass at Church of St Edmund nt 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. tlLAZIEIL On July R, 1010. JIAItY J wife of John J. Waster. Itelatlves nnd friends are Invited lo attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 8.30 a. m., from her late residence 4S33 A at. Solemn Itcqulem Mass nt the Church of the Incarnation at 10 a. m. Interment private. Automobile funeral GORDON. At tho residence, 2012 North 10th st , on July 4, 1010, CATItAllINC J., daugh ter of tho lute James nnd Catharine Gordon Due notlco of the funeral will be given, from the Oliver II. Hair Hulldlnc, 18211 Chestnut treet. HOI.IIltOOK. On July 8, 1010. EMILY, widow ot .1. o. Holbmok. Helntlveii nnd frlendi ore Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, ot her lato residence, 813 North 17th st. In terment prlvsto, Hl'NT. At the Batteries Apartments. 4300 Chestnut St.. on July 4. 1010. ANNA II . widow of Mnrkley D. Hunt. Itelatlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Thursday, nt !2 n. m . nt thn flllier II. Ilnlr llulldlng, 1820 Chestnut st. Inter ment private. IRWIN. On July 2. IMH, at Audubon, N. J.. MAUOAItET A. lltWLV (na Powell), wife of Samuol W. Invln, In her 80th year. Itelatlves und rrleuds are Invited to attend the funeral servlres. on Thursday, at 2 p. m , at tho resi dence of her son-in-law, Jlr. William Jllley. 2013 North llouvler street, near 17th nnd Huntingdon Interment private at Iiwnvlew Cem'tery. neimlns mny bo viewed nn Wed nesday evening from 8 to 0:30 o'clock. Auto service. I.ANCE. On July 4. 1910, IDA I,., wife of Otto O Lnnge, In her 50th lenr. Relatives nnd friends, nlso members of Martini nnd St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Phila delphia, are Invited to attend tha funeral services, on Frldny, at 2 p. in., at her lata residence. 213 Linden nvc, Camden. N. J. Interment private. Friends may call Thurs day, 7 to 0 p. m. MARSH. On Julv 4 llild, FRANK K,, son nf Robert nnd Sarali Marsh, aged 22 ears. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, nt 2 p. m., at St. Timothy's Church, Roxborough. Interment private. PARKER. On July 8. 1010, LOUISE W. PAR KER (ne HelntxeV In her 20th yonr. Sorv Icr. on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at the funeral parlor of Joseph F. Kleffer, 130 Diamond st. Interment strictly prlvato ot Fernwood Ceme tery. SAYRS. On July 3. IDlfl. SARAH, wlfo of William D. Uars, uged 74 years. Funernl services on Thursdiy morning, July 0, at It o'clock, nt tho resldenco, of her son. Frank C. Kayrs. 04 Penn st.. Camden. N. J. Inter ment private, nt Harlelgh Cemetery. fet'I.I.IVAN. On July 3. 1010, MARY SULLI VAN tformerly of 22.12 S. Carllalo at.) Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning, nt 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence. 3:138 N. Sydenham St.. between 13tli nnd 10th ats.. below On tario st. Solemn Requfem Mass nt St. Stephen's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. VANSANT. Suddenly, nt Rench Haven, N. J on July 1, 1010. CHARLES E.. son of Dr. Eugene L, nnd Louisa Eptlnir Vansant, In his 24th year. Relatives nnd friends, nlso Clnss 11)11. University ot Pennsylvania. Arts and Sciences, are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, at 11 a. m., at his late, residence. 4038 Spruco St., Philadelphia, Interment private. VANHCHAYK, On July 2. 1010. LAMIIERD1NA VANSCHAYK. Relatives und friends are In vited to attend the funernl, on Thursday, nt 8.3U a. m.. from the Oliver H. Ilalr llulldlng. 1820 Chestnut at. Requiem High Jfass nt St. .Tamos' Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment at St. Peter's cemetery, itiversme, N. J. WHITE. On July 3. 1IU0. ANNA LEDNUJI WHITE, widow ot Stephen W. White and dauzhtor of the late Rev. John Idnum, Funo ral services at her late residence. 1823 South llrnad St., on Friday, July 7, at 2 . in. Inter ment prlvnte. WILSON. On July 2, 1010, JURY WILSON, aged 7H e.trs Relatives and friends are In vited lo uttend the funeral services Thursday morning, at 1 lo'clock, at H. P. Morton ft Bon. 701 S. 00th st. Interment private, ZELLMAN. On July B, 1010. LILLIAN JL, wife of Robert J. Zellman. aged 43 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence. 4U.I0 Pasciiail uve. High JIasa ot Requiem at St. Frances de Sales Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, PENN NATIONAL DANK Comptroller's Call, June SO, 1016. ASSETS Immediately Available) Cash and Reserve ... ,J1. 407.022.20 Checks for Clearings . 11)3.331.50 Due from Correspond- .1113,072.00 enta Demand Loans 1.038.473.40 $3,032,699.01 Available Within 30 Days: Loans due In SO days . Jl. 339.033, 70 United States Bonds (Par) 200,000.00 Other lionda and In-, vestments B44.820.3f) Other Loans & LET US HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR CONVEYING, ELEVATING and TRANSMISSION PROBLEMS Our Engineering Dept. is at your service. We will advise you the best methods and give you benefit ot our experience GRATIS Wo are Agents for The Webster Manufacturlnc Co. Chains, Sprockets, Duckets and Transmission Equipment Charles Bond Co. 520 ARCH STREET $5,116,960.00 Discounts! Dua wtthlu 00 days. . .12,303.603 52 Due after 00 days.,.. 1,767,144.84 Danklne Property 280.000.00 $9,557,703.36 LIABILITIES Deposits '. 17,228. T46 01 Circulation 100.250.00 Capital Stock 500.000.00 Surplus and Profits... 1.638,711,45 $9,557,708.36 Always Commercial M. O. BAKER, Cashier, HEAL ESTATE POB SATJ3 Victor and Home ViclorWater Heaters roit COAL A new principle; con stant supply: 24 jo 80 gals., lc. ' It Radia tors, too. t , . Accept no substitute. Tba re U Dotulnc "l-iat ss stood." Kend for Free Booklet S,V. REEVES, Mfr. 45 N. Second St 7TiTnfft National Bank PHILADELPHIA CONDITION AT .CLOSE OP BUSINESS JUNE 30, 198 RESOURCES Loans and Investments, IS.118.63Z.73 Due from Banks , ... 835.812 39 Cath and Reserve 1,372,090.62 Exchaqgea for Clearing; House 510,447.88 $8,836,983.48 LIABILITIES Capital , 1600,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits Net 868,170.09 Circulation 149.400.00 Deposits ' 7.319.:i3.3 $8,836,983.48 V.'. CLIFFORD WOOD, Cashier, NJiTXONJIL B&M1S W'T) ''""''' 'l'',ll"ll''','L'''''"''Jllll'-'V'"'J''-1'1J'1.'--''"''"J '-"I1 iwWai.-'auaiiJUW.JajiJWe. JOSEPH WAYNE, Jr., Preitdent EVAN RANDOLPH, Vice President CHAS. M. ASHTON, Cashier A W. PICKFORD, Asst. Cashier ALFRED BARRATT, As.t. Cashier Statement of Condition at the Close of Business June 30, 191(3. RESOURCES Loans and Investments $46,929,810.15 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit... 93,618.75 Customers' Liability account of Acceptances.... 518,056.00 Due from Batiks 8,259,991.25 Exchange for Clearing House 2,565,806.72 Cash and Reserve 11,615,942,78 $69,983,285.68 LIABILITIES Capital $2,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits -4,897,545.40 Circulation 1,078,000.00 Letters of Credit issued to Customers 93,618,75 Acceptances based on Imports and Exports 518,056.00 Deposits 61,396,065.52 $69,983;28S.68 DIRECTORS ritANClfl 11. Itr.nVUS, t'hnlrmnn of the nnnnl tlnnlcl IlntiRli tlrorffp r. llnrtnl Hnilmnn K. flrlscom W. 1'redrrlrh Hnjrder Ilnhcrt Tola ml Wni. Newbold r.ly Morris I,. Clothier I?van llnnriolph John nrllilicl Morris It. Dorklus (lcorBo MoKnildcn Arthur V. Morton Francis II. Itoares, Jr. Wni. iny Turner Wm. W. 1'raslcr, Jr. A. J. Count v Ornrirn D. l!oonirnrlrn William 1 nnrhu Joseph Wnynr , Jr. Safe Deposit Iloxr to Ttent. Wrin! WWftil Fourth Street National Bank Philadelphia, June 30, 1910. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 5-10,651,8-11.32 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit 2,097,345.51 Due from Banks ; 8,259,419.33 Exchanges for Clearing House 1,348,549.17 Cash and Reserve 14,562,860.83 $66,920,01616 L. RUK. President l're. WILLIAM S. .MAIIDOX, Vies Pres. LEVI CHAni.ns P. I1LINX, JU.. Vice IIDIlAt'i: l-OllTKSCUK. Vice President nnd Cashier e- O. IIOWAItn WOLFi:. AsVt Cashier (ILOIMJi: F. flnNTlCS. Ass't Cn.hl... IUV1II tV. HTEWAIIT. Ass't Cashier ITIANK T. STKPIIUNS. Ass't Cnshler THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia, June 30, 1910. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 559,118,330.50 Customers Liability under Letters of , Credit and Acceptances 8,387,119.4 0 Due from Banks 14,741,403.9 1 Exchanges for Clearing House 4,516,410.86 Cash and Reserve 20,308,114.88 $107,071,409.58 I LIABILITIES Capital Stock $1,500,000.00 Surplus nnd Net Profits (Earned) 5,034,697.49 Circulation 102,997.50 Letters of Credit 4,298,066.00 Acceptances 4,371,601.27 n Individual . .$59,295,032.77 ., . . Deposits Bank 32,469,014.55 91,764,047.32 5107,071,409.58 nlrlmrd Ashhurst lieorice Wood Alfred C. Harrison Lel L. line firorite II. 1'rnTler (leorro II, McFnddpn l.rtliiKll uu II. .Morris DIRECTORS ltnndul Morxnn It. Utile Ilenson Nnmuel Ken Plerrn N. du Pont Thnmitn S, dates Asa M. Wlnt Snmiirl At. vanelnln William II. Donner Wallsre n. Ktmmnns IJomiiol II. Wnrrlner Aim C. Iilnker Klilrldse It. Johnson .1. Howard IVir J. Kearslejr Mltrheli Ulll lain a. Uodfrrr i LIABILITIES Capital Stock 53,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits $6,660,443.73 Reserved for Taxes 10,000.00 6,670,443.73 Circulation 491,500.00 Letters of Credit issued to Customers 2,098,828.86 Deposits . 54,659,243.57 $66,920,016.16 vnS?nvT&SE ?l$SFUA3Z!l- rnn.TinNR ami otiif.ks soi.icitkd. FOULION F..CIIANC1K IIOUOHT AM) HOLD. I.KTTKRH OF CKKOIT IhHUKD. IS. F. HIIAMIACKKK, President F. fl, ROni:ftH. Vice-President w. A. 1I1IMCLEV. A.i.i.n. n..si r. F. SHAW. .III.. Asst. Cashier W. II. IIU.tlPIIi:r.lS, Asst. Cashier nillECTOKS 8IDNKV F. TTLKIt. Chairman P v RUAvrHnS. FHANK O. ItOOnUS JMrl M vn ?rnv OEOP.on K. JOHNHO.V i r- ii PnvT LC X WILLIAM P. OE8T ?iiovffs r "o'.'tp, Joski-ii n. wmKNnn WIT r AM H??rw JIAIHIV A. IllSftWIN'D WILLIAil do KIIAFFT WILLIAM M. POTTS SAJ1UJ5L DBLL. JR. It. J. CLMtK, Vlce-Prest. A Cashier W. IC. IIAItlir. Vlco-rresldent FAANK T. PATTnnSON WILLIAM A. DICK KFFINOHAM II. MORRIS W. It. NICHOLSON FRANCIS I. GOWKN ISAAC II. CLOTHIER Active, Careful Guidance by These Directors Who Direct JOHN J. MnelJONALD WILSON CATIirilWOOn WM. L. SUFFLKi: JOHN 8, W1LSTZ T1IOH. J. JKFFIIICS CHAS. S. CALWKLL, President. it. N. WILLITH. Jr., Vice-President. DIRECTORS JOKKPII II. 1'AIIVIN WM. II. FOLWKLL WALTKR A. 1IAILKV C1IA8. 8. CALWIILL FRANK II. MOSS PAUL TIIOMPHON OFFICERS TIIOS. J. JEFFRIKS, Vlco-rresldent. NF.WTON W, CORSON, Cashier, nno. vr. n. hoherts .MKItllITT N. WILLITS, Jr. LOUIS R. 1-AOi: j. r:. ivvum IIAVID C. HUADLKY RESOURCES. Loans nnd -Investments 38,315,370.08 Due from Banks 6,176, 36, 18 Clearing House ICjc- changea 1,335,003.74 Cash ana Itenerve , 8,901,73.03 Customers Liability Con firmed Credits and Ac ceptances 506,401,11 $42,801,956.34 iIitwwa i ALLKN M. MATTIIKWB, Ass't Cashier. AI.IIKRT N. Iioatl, Ass't Cnahler. June 30, 1013. tt , LIABILITIES. Capital I,000,000.00 Surplus nnd Net Profits (earned) S,5S7.m.8D Circulation los.ooo.oo Deposits 38 003 oil ni Confirmed Credits and 39fia3-0i3-0i Acceptances B00,05,i i $42,891,950.34 N. W. CORSON, Chior. Corn Exchange National Bank Chestnut at Second Philadelphia 315 CLcjtnut St. WM. A. LAW Fresldent KKNTON WARNE Vloe President TIIOS. W. ANDREW Cashier CHAS. II. JAMES Assistant Cashier freas n. Rsxnnn Assistant Cashier HARRY J. HAAS Assistant Cashier F. W. ATF.R ('HAS. 8. CHII.U ,1(1 ST, PI I 8. CLARK CV HUH II. K. CURTIS FRANKLIN IVOLIER The First National Bank- of Philadelphia Condensed report at close of business June 30, 1916. RESOURCES Loans and Investments . . Due from Banks .... Exchanges for Clearing House Cask and Reserve .... Total $26,458,904.66 3.447.920.20 2,017.911.93. 4,378,061,29 $36,302,798.08 LIABILITIES Capital $1,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 1,642,828.45 Unearned Discount .... 119,604.60 Circulation 527,000.00 Deposits 32.513,365.03 Total . . . . DIRECTORS WILLIAM P. GEST OEOROE A. IIEYL SYDNEY E. HUTCHINSON E. C. IRVIN WILLIAM A. LAW $36,302,798.08 JOSEPH n. McCALL ritED'K MeOWEN SYLVESTER fl. MARVIN; RANDAL MOROAN J. W. VAN DYKE C&Otai JLcrriot Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 30, 1916. DIRECTOBS FRANKLIi NATIONAL BANK Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia. June 30, 19.1,6. i ii RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $33,879,785.98 Liability under Letters of Credit 350,573.35 Due from Banks 6,018,197.54 Cash and Reserve 6,651,898.64 Exchanges for Clearing House 2,509,793.12 $49,410,248.63 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 3,632,756.50 Circulation , , , 235,000.00 Letters of Credit 350,573.35 Deposits , . , 44,191,918.73 $49,410,248.63 J. R. MCALLISTER. President. J. A. HARRIS, Jr Vlce-Presld.nt. J, WSI, IIARDT, Cshler. E. P. rABSMOHE, Vlcs-Pre.ldent. J. c. FRANKLAND, Asst. Cashier, E, E. SHIELDS. A..I. Cashier. Oeone Darnham, Jr, William Wood John L'ltealra C'bsrles II, Smith IKory W. IHddle Charles Wheeler William T. Elliott Charles 1'.. Inxeraoll A, A. J.irkson tismoel il. Curwea RESOURCES. Loans and Investments. . .18,t29,9t0.9S Exchangea tor. Clearing Ifouae. : ' 1.1S5.S29 65 I)uo from Banks and Bankers 1.659,370.81 Cash and Reserve J6.n9.31,87 427,(54,774.34 WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT, President YULLlAAl FU5T. Ylce Prtildcat Clarence II, Rrown Kteiens Ileckteber Aterjr D, Andrens J. Ilarton Townsend C, Fred'fe C, 6 tout LI.VDILITIES. Capital .,,,.. Sl(0lq,009.00 Surplus and Undivided Protita (earned)... 3,739,199.49 Circulation . ...(.., 9.500.00 peposita , 2Z,39,07fSS 127,0S4,774.34 WILLIAM Y, CONRAD, Cashier. ANTRIM tt. JONES. Awt Csshltr. iiTAM-EY E, WILSON, Ast. Cajhier Samuel T. Ilodlne Ttiuiims Detlllt Curler (!eorz R Fratler Edward II. Smith Henry Tulnsll J. Ituthrrford McAllister Frederick L. Bally DIRECTORS EDlncham U. Morris I'ercr C. Madeira Kills Fuser l'm.moro J. Andreu JlarrU, Jr, John Uamptou Ilurnes Morris L. Clothier C. 8. VT. Packard Charlton Yurnatl W. W. Aturburr Kdnr G. Fcltoa Kdwsrd F. Ileal Daniel n. WeaU Arthur W. Sewall FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES The Bank of North America Resources Loans and Discounts. .. J17.028.031. 51 Due from "Banks and Bankers 2.531. 986. S7 Clearing House Exchange l.JSO.m.U Ctsh and ItescrvB 1,267,839.88 Treasurer o tba United States 67,750.00 Total $24,225,724.39 Liabilities Philadelphia, June 30. 1916. tlJBOO.000,00 Capital Surulua and Undivided ProAW 217 128.7? CtrcuUtlon ...,, -844I00.W Pcpvalta ,.'. S0.19,393S7 Total 52425,72431 E, S. KROMER, Cer J: I'ulenled