t? -- "y frymMttfi'ifry y?i W53EPF ( KP t if i- "" 10 EVENING MDGEE PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, .TULT 5, 1910. vT- FASHIONS INTELLECTUAL SNOB FRESH FROM COLLEGE SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION QUERIES -WfVf 'vr " " ' m i F YOUTHFUL FORM OF SNOBBERY GIVEN SHARP RAP BY M'LISS Often It Attacks Young College Graduates With Great Virulence as They Seek a Superior Job. Should Not Be Encouraged THEUH arolmony kinds of snobs. Those of us who havo read our Tlmck ray hSvo a literary familiarity with them In their Interesthievorlety. Those who haveA't read "The Book of Snobs" have missed a treat, albeit they may know enobkjust the same, for the world abounds In them. At this season of the year there ap pears In the busy marts of tho cities a typo of snob thd coming df which Is always a matter for pity and amusement rather than for tho righteous Indignation Which most snobs cause to surges within tho breasts of observant ones. This Is the young Intellectual snob, tho jojuno college graduate who has pinned her hopes to her sheepskin, ofton to dis cover that It Is made only of imitation parchment paper. With eyes glistening enthusiastically behind her ptnco-noz, aho fares forth Into a buzzing and totally unfamiliar world to look for a Job. Not an ordinary Job, of course Heaven for bid! Why sho stood first In her class In biology and way up at tho top In trigonometry- Sho wants something worth while, something that shall at once call Into play tho exorcise of hor oxecutlvo talents and also glvo free play to her creative faculty. Sho has thought, not merely wondered, as havo so many girls of hor age. Sho fairly bristles with views. Sho has formulated an opinion on everything from transcendentalism to tho caro of the Insano. Thcro is no subject which sho does not feel qualified to discuss, and her manner in presenting her merits to tho employer that stio would liko to make her own puts that gentleman at onco In his proper placo which Is among tho Ignorant ones. , Great surprise not unmixed with a Uttlo i anger suffuses her being1 and sometimes punctures her cocksurencss when tho ignorant, uncultured bruto whose ofllco, or library, or newspaper, or sociological department she wants to run tells her that Miss Smith, who hasn't had tho ap plicant's advantages In tho way of tho highest kind of education, It Is true, Is entirely capable. Sho Is baflled. She can't understand that a llttlo theoretical knowledge until it is supplemented with a great deal o'f tho practical kind isn't salable at a very nigh price. ' Letters to th'c Editor of the Woman's Page Address all communication to 3I'l.li. cars of the Evening- Lnlnr. Writ an one side at the paper onljr. Dear Jt'LIsi Will you pleaae. If you possibly can. got me In touch with that lH-ycar-old Ctrl, lame. In a letter of the 27th Inst. She slcned herself "Broken-hearted." Wouldn't she like to correspond, or accept a irlendahlp. of a less happy youmr fellow lonrlns or a true and sentimental mate? ICer pathetlo etter Inspired me with such a feeling ot tender ness that I shall be very Klad to meet her. D. B. TKAVAOL.1NI. 1C41 Mariaret street. Philadelphia. If the young -woman who signed her let ter "Broken-hearted" will send "her name and address with permission to forward It to you, I will gladly do so. Dear M'Llas On one of the woman's pages MARION HARfiAND'S CORNER All communications addressed to Marlon ITnrland should Inclose a s tamped, ell Bddressed envelope und o ellpplnc of the article In which you are Interested. Persons wishing- to aid In the charitable work of the II. II. C. should write Marlon llarlnnd. In rare of this paper, for addresses of those they woald like to help, and, Jmylni received them, communicate direct with those parties. Wnnts Fancy Work Magazine I am a mreat lover of fancy work and should be clad to know If there la any one In the H. II. C. who takes a fancy-work raasazlne. and who does not care to keep It each month. If so. I should be more than wllllnu to pay Dostase on It monthly. My husband was out of work a lone time. I am trying- to earn a little money through the sale of my work MRS. 11. J. Wo lofcg to lend a hand to a woman who is trying to prove herself a true help mate to a husband who, on his part, is struggling to regain footing when out of work. O, term of woeful significance ! And she asks far so little. Request for Magazines In reading- the Corner the Inclosed offer of roacaslnts appealed to me because for seme time I have been wondering- where I could find some. Now. I have not tho least Idea to whom I should write to get these roagaslnes. I should prize them highly. MKS. E. l II. You have done the right thing In writ ing to the Corner In care of the paper. We. are asking for a fresh supply Intended to meet your -wishes. They are lively stock with us, the year around as we have re marked before. Music Book for Organ I saw your offer of music. I should like the ruslq book for the organ. I am a beginner, will pay postage. But I have no use for the ether music, I-- S. Lt us know what Initials were signed to tha. letter that caught your eye. We re ceive sometimes a thousand letters per week and our list of addresses Is arranged alphabetically. You will see at a glance that we must have the signature affixed to a communication or we cannot trace the author without wasting hours of time. We enjoy helping beginners who mean to work. But who offered that particular batch of music? Child's Bed Needed I have rn supporting mr two, children for aver two years, and unfortunately my small salary doss nut cover many of our needs I am writing In the hope that some one .In your corner may have a chllFs bed to pass along to us. It would help u. out nicely, lust olRT1IA , The petition is passed over to mothers In general, without comment. The simple story speaks for itself. Invalid Needs' Clothing Could any Cornerite give a poor Polish woman soma underwear, stockings, nightgown and a A bathrobe? She U hsre In a sanitarium, which U a fresh air institution, tha windows are open i most of the time, and one needs the garments. Tho Institute doe not furnish clothe to patients. This poor woman ha nothing but rags- She seake little English. I told her 1 would write to soma good woman, and then I was sure she would h same warm clothes, She seem BORDEN'S, Malted Milk IN THE SQUARE PACKAGE GRAND PRIZE I Ask tucHttr award I fA1 If kii.N pfi ri lit "r, nH t d i , ,Tl , , HEMSTITCHING Certainly I hold no brief against a col lego education. On the contrary, I be lieve every girl should beg, borrow or work for one If sho can get It In no other way. But In college a girl rubs shoulders with only the very tiniest portion of llfo. Tho girl who has been out In tho world working for those four years that her moro fortunate sister has been familiariz ing herself with books and crucibles and tennis rackets Is miles nhcad of her In her practical knowledge of working con ditions. The advantago to tho collcgo girl comes In tho application that sho makes of tho theory that sho has Imbibed at her alma mater. If sho uses her collcgo train ing as a stepping stono, or as tho solid foundation upon which sho Is going to erect tho cdlflco of her commercial or professional success, sho will ultimately arrlvo at tho goal toward which sho Is striving. If, on tho contrary, eho as sumes an air of "I know more than you do" and uses her A. B. or M. A. as a sort of shlllalh with which to bash her associate? over tho head, sho Is sailing toward tho rocks. Dcsplto tho handicap of the lack of a higher education, tho other typo of girl, sho who approaches her chosen work with an open mind and a determination to learn from thoso high er up and upon whom the college "grnd" is wont to look with a pity that Is akin to contempt, will reap tho richer rewards. Thcro's only ono optimistic word to bo said about Intellectual snobbery. That Is It Is curable. If it attacks you when you are young, say Just nt tho moment that you aro leaving collcgo and about to buck up against a hard, hard world, don't bo too much frightened. Just administer, at regular Intervals, and particularly when applying for a Job, largo doses of humility. Don't say to tho man you want to employ you, "I know so and so much about everything in the world." Say to him rather, "Glvo mo a chance." If ho asks you then what your quali fications arc, mention to him your col lego degreo with bated breath, as a thing that you'd Just as leavo not havo brought Into tho conversation. If you aro not a Bnob, perhaps he'll not hold It against you. Certainly ho won't employ you becauso of It. . M'LISS. of the Etcuno I.tnocn we hnve read with Inter est your reply to letter received from Miss Mary II L. Selsor. In which mention Is made ot the Philadelphia Bureau ot Iloardlne Houses for Girls. There la no address irlen as to where we mlsht communicate with Miss Selsor and se cure any Uteraturo that sho can furnish about the bureau. We will thank you for this Information. S. A. W. The office of tho Philadelphia Boarding House Bureau Is temporarily located with tho Travelers' Aid Society, 1309 Arch street. You can And Jllsa Selsor thero most any time In the morning after 9 o'clock. anxious for me to write. She scrubbed and worked hard before sho got 111. I am sure she Is deserving. I am In the same; room with her, so t know how much she need? these garments. She Is about a 38 size. SUSIE K. Another chapter from "the short and simple annals of the poor" that must move many hearts. The exile, for whom a fellow Invalid pleads as for a sister, has no homo except the sanitarium. We may thank th merciful Providence that guided her to this retreat. Shall we not assume as a privilege the task of supplying her with the clothing needed to keep the thin blood In motion? Read the graphla sketch again, and let us hear from you. Pictures of Sacred Subjecta Wanted I write In the Interest of an oratory u room set apart for prayer ond personal religious service, My request Is for sacred pictures, small or large, mere prints or framed. Those i most desire are: "Christ at Bethany.'! "Jesus Illessing Little Children," "aethsemane." "Crucifixion" and 'Ascension." Booklets, tracts, etc., on "I'rayer" will be welcome and will be used to comfort and Inspire visitors. The name given the room Is "Victory." for "Faith Is victory that overcotneth thn urnrl.1 " Our quiet retreat from the noise and rush ot 1 )h. nil, urnrt.4 la nnn In nil All m n w .... r ...V ...a... ..v.... ... .. ... ..... .... ..? ...... aside from the glare and bustle ot business life and seek rest, refreshment and strengthen here. V. W. The suggestion of a breathing space be tween "the day's occupations," In which the toller may get breath and opportunity for religious thought. Is inspiring to all sects of believers. Our member solicits pictures of sacred subjects photographs and engrav ings, plain or colored with which to cover bare walla The appeal Is to all who are in Empathy with the purpose for which tho room Is kept open. l Suits for Warm or Cold Weitler rl ' vfTja ji M A Rare Opportunity T-til AJj -" j I ifw We are selling! many colors (not all ) to prepare mi i E jj i l- n a-l M-r& At jS lLs l our Btoc or New Fall Models and Colors mp 'ji iS iimm0' ' I WIann & Dilks Jm 'Jm y.mpffrtC 1422 WALNUT ST. " "02 CHESTNUT ST. rM I PARIS S RUB ilEYERDBBR , Present Summer's r m -m. m m.-srKr'nk m. m. m. Newest Paris Modes N - r U I Preliminary to placing on exhibition our I L . - . - . W'fcJttT m I new fall importations, we have repriced to cost 111 M ' JlQjI iUrioym U II and even less our entire collection of 1 1 L . (y '5Ji -, M Suits, Frocks, Afternoon, and L Clearance Sale of vfuf N Promenade Dresses and Blouses S Summer Hats m Iv&Ss. m I III M About 75 Colored Hats formerly A4 o VAX c Ll - I III priced at $15 to $18 are nov? of-. III O U U TA ml Ji ' NeiD MillilieW f R yWd for quick clearance at only fiW Q Q 0 qV yob, A beautiful assortment of Mrnpbred, afternoon and ba Lj 5fi."0 nttrO O O d q v-JSf IjjH Informal Hafa. Also travel and reception Hata of dis- Vol f " ' 'ooVM,-rvXlSJr Ll Jjlfir thictive French simplicity, Mf1 M T WT T 1 J rll m SEEN IN FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATION NOTHING will ever tnko tho placo of tho regulation sailor, which combines tho maximum amount of comfort with that of style. Thl- one, which comes In sizes ranplng from B to 14 yearn. Is of lino whlto twill, with navy blue twill used for tho collnr and culTs and facing ot pocket. A hit of red Is Introduced In the embroidered chevron and chemisette, nnd repeated In tho sleoo band nnd silk Inclng. The deep plaits which fall from the volte to the htm nro held In by a Iong-wnlstcd belt llnlshod with pearl buttons, fa'peclnl price, $2.50. The naturnl mllan sports hat has a pliable brim, which may bo worn mushroom or rolled up, as shown. The velvet band, ending In streamers nnd llnngo which match, comes in rose, copon nnd black. Price, ?C.7C. The name or the shop where thie articles may be purchased will bo supplied by tho Editor of the Woman's rage Htiinino Lr.Dorcn, G08 Chestnut street. Tho request must bo accompanied by a. stamped, self-addressed envelope, nnd must mention the date on which tho articlo nppenred. GOOD Good form ijiicrles should bo ad dressed to, Deborah Hush, toritfett on one side of the paper and signed toith full name and address, though Itifllols OA'il' tcfH bo published upon icquett. This column will appear In Monday's. Wednesday's and Friday's Evening Ledger. Who Asks Ushers? Dcnr Uroornh Rush: Will ou pImho tell rne who should Invito the mhers nt a. weddlne. the brldcuroom or tho lirldn's parents? Also what n considered n suitable fee to ulo tho njp who per forms the ceremony? ouuiiuu-. The bridegroom is the person to ask the ushers to act In that capacity for him, and they are usually chosen from his most Inti mate friends. Of course It Is usual for tho bridegroom and bride to talk theso matters over together, so that tho members of the bridal party may meet with tho approval of both. Tho matter of a fee depends lnrgely upon the means of the bridegroom. It should be usually from $25 to $50, and In the .case or a person of means more Is often given. Manners at Table- Dear Deborah Hush: Is It allowable to dip a piece of roll In one's corfee nt breakfast? Also when eattnir a breakfast food may a person lift the saucer up In one hand while taking the con tents of a spoon In the other? EI.UA. No, It 19 considered very bad form- here to dip ono's bread Into one's coffee before eating It, and It Is equally provincial to take up a saucer from the table while eat ing from It. Birthday Presents Dear Deborah Rush: Will you kindly publish In your lnterestlnc column what gifts would be suitable for a girl's birthday when she becomes 18 years of age? I would be clad If you could suggest an Inexpensive present. G, It, II. Your letter Is a little dlfllcult to nnswer, as you do not tell what your relation to the lS-year-oId girl Is. If you are related to her or engaged to her the kind of presents pos sible to send would be different in kind from thoso sent to a mere friend. Oood form dictates that a man should not send a girl other presents than books, flowers or ASK FOR and GET HOULICIC8 THE ORIGINAL HALTED SIBLK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price .Light Ouita JJark Quits - '' x";f Jl 1 THE SHOPS FORM candy, unless sho Is a relation or engaged to marry him. There nre very many good books which como In good editions for little money. It would not be possible to recom mend them by name In tho column, but tho sellers In any store aro competent to offer suggestions ns to the latest good books. Of course, candles may bo sent in handsome boxes or a basket, which would be useful, but moro personal presents aro not to be recommended. Working Girl Answers J. G. K. Dear Deborah Rush: So J. O. K. would like to hear from mo about the woman shopper who gets on the cars with her hands full of bundles Just at the ruih hour and expects a seat. een thoush she Is not tired. I think with him that If she can help It. It Is very thoughtless and Inconsiderate or her. but has he taken Into con sideration that perhaps that ery woman against whom he Is angered for having to offer her his scat hns been anxiously waiting at home all day for her husband or children to come home nnd tend the house and baby while she rushes down town for a few minutes' shopping before the stores close? It Is difficult to know. J. G, K., but somehow you seem more considerate than Mr. 32 and the Whlpperanapper. so think oier what I bae said. , WORKING GIRL. Dance Etiquette Dear Deborah Jlush: I was Introduced to a young man tho other night and we had only been talking- about two minutes when the music w.Vthi.?"!! ho "hed.me to dance with him. Ja this the proper thing for me to do. because I accepted and danced. KAN. Yes, you acted correctly In the matter. DEBORAH RUSH. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol 1Wool Ladies' and Misses' Suits mjSf 3X0 f - mmr -J ?& If JP t LOVE LETTERS OP A GUARDSMAN AND GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND HIM Being the Intimate Sentimental Correspondence Between a Beginning-Lawyer Recruit anda Woman Who Has Both Brains and a Heart ,From Miss Helen Jfariln, Spruce street, Philadelphia, to "frtvalc" Rtehnrd Harri son, with the rcnnllt;ama Guard at El raso! Dickie Dear Long before your letter came telling In your own optimistic way hov you were speeding toward the border threo In a seat, nnd a wooden scat nt that, i nftB In a mad white rage, because I had read the real facts, whjch you had mini mized. In tho newspaper. You know, I al ways have felt very keenly about how Uncle Sam's boys aro treated by civilians In general In time ot pence, but now that they nro ready to glvo their lives Tn order to defend their country, nnd that you nre one of them, It lust makes mo boll over to realize that they nre not getting tho best the land has to offer. 'Member where Kipling Bays: "Oh, It's Tommy this nnd Tommy that And Tommy go away; Out It's thank you, Mr. Atkins, When tho bnnd begins to play." Well. It doesn't seem to be even "Thank you, Mr. Atkins,'' with our boys, does It? You'll laugh at mo when I tell you that I was on the erge of giving President Wil son a dose of his own medicine a note. Truly, I hnd composed a masterpiece of clover Irony, but then It occurred to me that he might not have anything to do with It, nnd so I did what Abo Lincoln said ought to bo dono with all letters written In white hent laid It away to cool. Perhaps I'll show It to you when you come back Just to sea you grin. Hut I'm so gladt-dcnr boy, that you've found congenlnl messmates. With nn Irish man on one sldo of you nhd a Gormnn on tho other, you're probably hnvlng Just ns lively n time ns If you were entirely sur rounded by Mexicans. In the meantime Pvo taken your advlco nnd nln doing strenuous things to bo cheer ful. Due td Jessie, the first awful gloom oer your going has been lifted. Sho gave a houso party ocr tho Fourth nt Vcntnor. All of tho old crowd wgp thcro, Tommy, nnd Barrett anil Gcorgo with their latest "crush es." Jccs nsked Paul for me. I never realized before what n dllllcult position nn engaged girl Is in at a house party when her fiance Is absent, She's something like an article ot goods that has a '"sold" ticket on It, but which has not yet been delivered to the owner. But Pnul has such Inimitable tact and social grace. He's a sort of Lord Ches terfield, Sir Philip Sydney nnd Beau Brum mcl rolled Into one. A llttlo too much of tho Beau Brummcl, perhaps, but charming Just the same. Ho nlmost made me forget that I am engaged nnd that tho man that I love best of all was sweltering down In Texas In stead of disporting himself with me In tho surf. Honey, how long Is this old war, or armed neutrality, or whatever It Is, going to last? Seems as though It's been almost a year already. I do lovo life and gnyety VMiAjQaAttaJ!c AMPLB- GA3nMENT $HO"P Specials for This Week LINEN SPpRT SUITS White, Rose, Green, Navy, Delph and Com bination. Npeclol $7.50 CHIC SUMMER , DRESSES Flowered and plain colored voiles. Excep tional values. $3.95 SKIRT SPECIALS Gabardines, Cordallne, Bed fords, Silver bloom, Awning Stripes and Mo hair Sport and Dross Models. Wnlst bands,, to size 34. Special at $1, $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $5 1120 CHESTNUT STREET Take Elevator Thlrd Floor . Next Door to Keith's if . 'jiri so much, but I'd llko you to be here to en joy It all tvlth me,' Because everybody's been nagging at me for looking pale nnd wan, I'm going Tut to Cobb's Creek to play gojf with Paul. I don't know a mnshle from h, niblick, or a foozle from a tee, but Paul says I'm built like a golf player howver that may be nhd that I won't havo a bit of trouble In learning. Tho new pictures that I had taken have como nnd I'm sending you one. They're much too soulful "and remind mo more of Kt. Cecilia than "they do df Helen Martin, Father's crlllclsrt Is! "They're Nell all right with the" devils cast out." Mother likes them, Tell mo what yml think. Illchard, I could go on babbling to you forever, but I'm going out to Manhelm to dinner tonight nnd must dress In a Jiffy. Write mo every teeny, weeny thrill that you aro having. I love you. f&L Air-Tight Preserves Dip the tops of your fruit Jars In melted pnrallln. It makes them absolutely air tight. This costs very llttlo, ns compared to your labor, nnd fruits If they nre spoiled by Incompetent cnnnlng. What Raw Potato Does A Bllced raw potato will remove stalni from oil paintings. Artists tell you that this will do no hnrm to tho painting, Tho same remedy Is used to tako surface spots off woolen dress materials. EASY and m V-i '3 a Clean to Operate You can operate this Itomnn faucet easily and quickly with out setting down your utensil. A touch, with your finger Is all that Is necessary! And tho extrn large neck and vertical nozzle prevent tho splashing of, water, giving In stead a straight Bolld stream. You should Inspect this perfect fixture. It In sold under the ki.ecic nnos. co, ironclad OUAUANTEn. Write for full particulars, or visit our ooelly reached show rooms today. 'jhuxxSizos. Co. siiTnvnooMs 44-40-18 and AO North fifth St. K'1, fff lift m M 1 .1 If M m w "if I MS 41 in. 'i';; iiJii mMmm$mmmm$ ,"". Wald o t Mnmraeir hop Riddance l 3K Bargains in nearly all styles''' and' sizes for the early comers. No C. O. D.'s No Approvals 1107 Chestnut .SsHJtLPPAIiD 11111 LJr jaTlr7 -,-f a7)) W'A'J1- , "U7---La1STrky T Envelope Chemise Replacing the Usual Ttvo Qarments For Hot-Weather Wear The comfort of this ingenious garment cannot well be overstated. Its pronounced success is therefore a matter of course. Five Special Numbers 'IM ff CI OK psl.UUa plt0 J "J OC (U uu d1 " $1.75 -' Combination Suits At marked.down prices. j Make Your Own Twine Box Twine receptacles have been made very fancy and very expensive for us nowa days. Why not make your own at homeT You can tako a hand nt decorating It after wards, but five minutes Is long enough to make a useful If not beautiful twine holder, i Oct from your shopkeeper a small wooden box, deep cfiobgh to accommodate a fat ball of heavy twine and n ball of the ordinary string you will find that you need both of theso around tho house. Now tack the box to the wall of somo closet. In the kitchen- or laundry. Boro two holes In tho bottom of the box, nnd draw the ends of the twine through these, so that they1 will be In sight when needed. Close to tho box hang a pair of cheap kitchen scissors. A table Just below the box makes a handy placo to wrap packages, nnd It It It has n cnpncloiia drawer to hold wrapping paper, nil the better. It la a good plan to save all the clean wrapping paper that comes Into tho house. Hey, Nonny! The world goes up nnd the world goes down, And tho sunshine follows the rnlni And yesterday's sneer nnd yesterday's frown "" Can never come over ngntn, Sweet wife! No, never come over again. For woman Is warm tho' man be cold, And tho night will hallow tho dayl Till the heart which nt even was wenry and old Can rise In the morning gay, Sweet wife; To Its work In the morning gay.l .Charles Klngsley. Approval by tho New York State expert veterina rians would bo more than enough for most cream eries, but at Meri dale our own in spectors inspect not only our cows, but the cows of our neighbors from whom we buy milk. MERIDALE BUTTER It is only by maintain ing this standard of purity and' sanitation of this1 'uncommonly good butter" can bo assured. AYER&McitlNNEY ft'e'rldaie0)' PMlielphto DeU Phone. Market ml Keystone Phone, MlAl"U Look for the "MerlfollV' wrapper alr-tlght, dutt-anxl odor-proof at your sncta ClaJflin. of Men's, Women's, Boys .and Girls' Seasonable F 6 o t - wear. No Exchanges M Envelope Cheraisc with lace or embroidery Envelope Chemise with picot Envel edge. Wjth rows of Valenciennes lace, With embroidery and lace trimming. Hfev. lUwJl Wmmsmk m i I Look for the "MerlfollV' B J Ip wrapper alr-tlght.dutt'anxl m 1 Hi odor-proof at your sncta WM t - -.3 I, 6 CENTS A YARD MC&BJOf KMEBOIDEXY CO. looS Chestnut Street tmm wfe -. Mijww .?$. jl.M.if s-i gajMiawMIT'na.flM! sum IJ'BS lllpi Hiiif w6rtTlrT2.v