Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 03, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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iWith the Beginning of July Even the Country Homes Are
Vacated for Points Along the Coast and Town Will Be
Virtually Empty for Tomorrow
MAINE seems to bo the goal townrd
which residents of Philadelphia
and Its suburbs have determined to turn
their faoea, though the fact that many
of our men folk aro "somewhere on the
way to tho border line" may keep many
Who had Intended going North nearer
homo, for this summor Vt least. Among
thoso Who havo decided on Bar Harbor
are tho Francis I. Oowens; Marlanna,
you know, camo out this last season and
Will virtually keep on going out through
the summer at this fashlonabjo resort.
Mrs. Henry Trlco Wright when last
heard from lntondod to go to Seal Har
bor, as usual, to bo with her mother, Mrs.
Bayard. I can't remember If Henry Is In
tho N. Q. P., though I would hopo bo for
the boy's sake, for there aro few merrier
souls In the world than said Henry, and
ho would certainly keep things lively In
camp with his unending fund'of humor,
whereas for Mrs. Wright's sako I hopo
ho Isn't going. That's tho way It is;
there aro always two sides to fine's
wishes, don't you think?
The Wltmor Biddies Intend going to
Bar Harbor, whero they havo a cottage.
' Harriot will bo a debutanto noxt year,
and a mighty nttractlvo ono nt that, let
mo tell you.
Tho Houstons, I understand, uavo
changed tholr plans and are not going as
far as Clapboard Island, Me., whero they
' usually go, bocauso Henry 1b up at Mount
Orotna and will shortly leave for "some
where South" If ho has not left already,
, io his family will go no further than
Massachusetts for tho summor,
Ono of tho delightful holiday parties
Will bo given for Mary Rush, tho youngsr
i elstor of Charlotto Hush and a futuro dob,
Tho party will bo a buffet supper, and it
Will bo glvon by Harriot Zoll, of Balti
more, at tho homo of her mother, Mrs.
W. W. Aboil, near Roland Park, Md.
After supper tho guests will attond tho
fianco to bo given at L'Hlrondollo Club,
Ruxton. Miss Rush loft on Saturday to
bo tho guest of Miss Zoll until aftor tho
Naturally thero will bo a decided patri
ots demonstration tomorrow, for though
our mon woro released by Carranra things
aro very serious yet, and there aro some
who sco no way out o tho. situation, but
that war it must bo ovcntually, for Mox
lco must bo shown that wo aro not a people
who aro willing to Ho down and lot them
Just walk ovor tho border whensoever
thoy may feel Inclined thereto and kill
as many of our citizens as they please.
Bo long as they mind their own business
and do not lawlessly attack us, so long
Will wo leavo them In peace. "No, Indeed,
wo do not want war; but lot them tako
their hands off our American boys or by
gum we'll show them what war Is!" as a
cortaln khakl-clad boy was heard to say.
"And them's my sentiments," says Little
Nancy. All tho clubs in the suburbs will
havo celebrations of tho Fourth. There
will bo a danco at Manhelm and ono at
xrnrinn nnd tlm usual dlsDlay of fireworks
at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club. Thero
will also be ontertalnments at tho Ovor
brook Golf Club, Torrcsdalo Golf Club,
Huntingdon Valley Country Club and
Whltemarsh Valley Hunt Club.
Mrs. William Dlsston is giving a house
party at her villa In Newport over Inde
pendence Day In honor of her daughter,
Miss Paulino Dlsston.
Mrs. William M. Runk, of Haverford. an.
nounces tho engagement of her daughter,
Miss Evelyn S. Runk. to Mr. Henry F.
Abbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A.
Abbott, of Wayne.
Mrs. Lincoln Godfrey and her guests, tho
Misses Watklni, who are on route to Bar
Harbor, are spending tho holidays at Bralr
cllft Manor, N. Y. They are making tho trip
by motor.
iuva T T Almv In snendlnir the Fourth
with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Llppltt, at Narragansett Pier.
Mrs. John Conyngham Stovens, of Sunny
side, Cloverly lane, Rydal, and her daugh
ters, Miss Ann Stevens, Mies Margue
retta Stevens and Miss Dorothy Stevens,
and Master John Conyngham Stevens, Jr.,
will leave this week for Boverly Farms,
Mass., where thoy have taken a cottage for
the month of July. Mr. Stevens has left
with tho troops.
Mrs. Alexander J. Caesatt and her grand
daughter, Mies Lois B. Cassatt, who havo
been occupying tholr houso In Haverford
for the early summer, will leave this week
for Newport.
Mr. Clarence Sewell Clark, of Cedron,
Queen Lane, dermantown. has returned
home from Harvard and will spend sev
eral days In town before leaving for Man
chester, Vt., to Join his family.
Mr. Edward Clark, Mr. Frank R. Wal
lace and Mr. Richard Hanson motored to
Manchester on Saturday, to remain over
the Fourth of July. r
Mrs. R. Loper Bajrd, jI 400 South 15th
street, accompanied by her granddaugh
ter, Miss Elixabetti Balrd Shull, has left
to spend the summer at Eagles Mere.
Mr. and Mrs. A, J. County and their
family, of St. David's, left on Saturday
for Maine, where tney win spend the
Mrs. Theodore Paul, of Devon, who will
ba remembered as Miss Adeline L. F. Peppar,
a recent brde, accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. George Wharton Pepper, , went to
Mount Gretna on Thursday to visit Mr.
Theodore Paul for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Frederick W, Schmidt, of
Juniper Hall Radnor, will entertain a house
party over the 4th of July, their guests In
cluding Mr. and Mts. Edwin Felgenspan,
Mr. and Mrs. George neuter, of New York,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coon, of Cape
Vncnt, New York.
Miss Marlon Sharple$, of Jlatherton,
Chelten Hills, has left for Jobitown, N. J.,
where she is spending a fortnight as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. F, H. Hutchlneon at
Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson will
have Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Dillingham,
of New York, and Mr. Edward Fetterolf,
of tills y, as their guests over Indepen
, denco Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis May. of
4420 Pine strret, who are occupying their
summer home at Lake Sunapee. N. H-. will
ntertaln a house party over Independence
pay in honor of their daughter, MU- Mar
garet Ann May. and Mr. Luther Russell
Graves, of New York, -whose engagement
was recently announced. Among those who
will attend from tht city aro Mr and Mrs,
Wllilsxo, Lea Dickson, Mis Maud Morrison
Wiggins and Mlns Frances McCnnn, also
Mr. Charles Drown and Mr. Robert Brooks.
Mrs. Samuel Blsphnm Bowen hns gone
to Marblohead, Mass., to vlilt her daughters,
Mrs. Harold McNcal nnd Mrs. Walter Alvln
Mrs. Robert W. Daniel and her smnll son,
Muster Luclan Philip Smith, 2d, have .re
turned to their homo In Rosomont from a
month's visit to Huntington, W. Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Barley West, of
Crant avenue, Torrcsdalo, aro receiving
congratulations on tho birth of n daughter
on June 24, to bo named Ann McndonhaK
Bartram West.
Dr. and Mrs. George Fnlcs Baker have
left Old Oaks, their Itosemont homo, and
havo gono to their camp In tho Adlron
dacks for tho summer.
Mr. Edward Troth, Mr. Walter Conrad,
Jr., Mr. William MoLear and Mr. William
County havo gono to a camp In Maine for
tho summer.
Along the Main Line
HAVEItFonD Miss Elisabeth Lukens,
of Panmuro road, la spondlng tho summor
camping In Now Hampshire.
BRYN MAWR Tho Rov, George H.
Carter nnd Mrs. Carter have returned to
their homo Ih Bryn Mawr, after spending
a week with Mr. Carter's brother-in-law
nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. A, Robinson Whlto,
nt Olenhurst, tholr homo In Klbrldgo, Md,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Ellwood Hanna
closed tholr homo In Bryn Mawr on Satur
day and opened their cottngo at Bench
Haven for tho summer.
ROSEMONT Mr. nnd Mrs. John Blnnott
will not occupy Roscgarlnnd, their homo
In Rosomont, thin summor, but will spend
throo months with Mrs. Slnnott's pnronts,
Mr. and Mrs. Lucl, In California.
Mr. Richard G. Park, Jr., of Rosemont,
hns left for Mount Grotnn with tho Na
tional Guard.
RADNOR Mrs. Ledynrd Hccltechcr nnd
her family, of Bollngbroke, have loft to
spend tho summer nt her cottngo in Eagle's
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Townscnd havo tnken
a house nt Radnor for tho summer.
ST. DAVID'S Miss Murray, of Hunting
ton, W. Va., is visiting Mls-s Louise Nichols,
at her homo on Lancaster avenue Miss
Murray and Miss Nichols nre students nt
Smith College, Northampton, Mass.
Mrs. Edward Laurent, of St. David's, Is
spending a few weeks nt Bushklll, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hubbell nnd their
family, of St. David's road, aro spending
tho summer at Nantucket.
Master James Slnklcr nnd Master Whar
ton Slnkler, sons of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dcas
Slnltlor, of St. David's, will pend tho Bum
mer nt Vnlcom Camp, on Lako Chnmplaln,
N. Y.
Mrs. G. Wlnthrop-Coffln and her children.
Miss Katherlne Collin and Master Seymour
Coffln, of St. David's road, are spending a
short tlmo in Atlantic City.
Miss Martha Armstrong nnd Mr.' William
PeterB. who havo been visiting Mr. nnd
Mrs. Forrco Brlnton, at Wlndybrow, St.
David's, havo returned to their homo In
Morrlstown, N. J. ,,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Macey nnd tholr
family havo gono to Camp Wyola, Mass.,
for the summer.
WAYNE Mr. William Wood and his
dnughtor, Mrs. Allen McCurdy, arid her
family have closed their house on Lancastor
avenue nnd are occupying their cottage nt
Spring Lake.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. B. Spiers havo left to
open tholr cottage nt WlBcnosott, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Chamberlain nnd their
family have gono to Hlliernla, N. J., for tho
MrB. Joseph A. Ball nnd Miss Bertha
Ball, of Wlndemero nvcnuo, have returned
from Boston, Mass.
West Philadelphia
Sirs. M. Stanton Taylor gave a skating
party on Thursday ovenlnir, In honor of
her cousin. Miss Adele Bartram West, who
has MIes Agnes Phelps, of West Now
ton, Mass., daughter of Lieutenant Arthur
Phelps, United States Navy, aa her guest.
Mrs. Julia Hammerman, of 3047 Pcnns
grove street, and her daughters, tho Misses
Bertha Hammerman, Miss Jennie Hammer
man and Miss Frieda Hammerman will
spend July and August In Atlantic City.
Miss Helen Chatham, of E818 Catharine
street, and Miss Marguerite Koons, of 6824
Catharine street, left Saturday for Atlantic
City, whore they expect to spend some time.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dllimore, of 64th
street and Gray's nvenuo, have gone to
Atiantio city for two weens.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyd, of 70th street
and Bartram avenue, are at Bowers Beach,
Del., for ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gray, of E335 Ad
dison street, are visiting relatives In Choster
Mr. and Mrs. H. Houston Klrkpatrlck,
of Stonelelgh Court, motorod to Ocean
City to spend tho holidays with Mrs. Kirk
Patrick's father, Mr. James S. Kill.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Owens, of 381E Still
man Btreet, are visiting friends and relatives
In Tamaqua, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarlan, of 59th
street and Elmwood avenue, are in West
Chester, Pa., where they will visit friends
for ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin King, of 71st
street and Grays avenue, have gone to
Wlldwood to spend a fortnight.
Mrs. Lewis A. Ferry and her daughter,
Miss Pauline Ferry, of 5933 Spruce street.
will leave for Atlantic City In a few weeks
for an Indefinite visit.
MRS. LEON B. IIEAG0CK rnoto hy nrunei.
Mrs. Hcacock, an nttrnctivo matron of West Philadelphia, took a lead
ing part in entertaining the visiting advertising women here last week.
Mrs. Heacock ia head of the Philadelphia League for Advertising
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry W. Soattergood nnd
Miss Grace Scattergood, of 240 Wast Tut
pchocken street, havo left for Eagle's Mero.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnurlcn Snydor, of 407
Wcstvlow nvenuo, motored to Atlantic City
for Independence Day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarctico E. Stouch, of 4C1
West Coulter street, left Sunday to bo the
guests of friends In Baltlmoro over Inde
pendence Day,
Miss Anncstlno Crawford, of Staunton,
Va., who had been visiting Dr. and Mrs.
Henry Gray, of 238 Mnnholm street, re
turned home on Saturday.
Miss Kathryn McIC Quin. "of 261 West
Walnut lane, nnd her sister, Mrs. C. Harold
Marston, motorod to Capo May to remain
over tho Fourth.
Miss Mary Long, of 5442 Wnyno nvenuo,
Is spending the summer at Mimin, Pa,
Miss Frances Brown, of School House
lano. Is visiting at Pocono Summit during
tho summer.
Mr. J. B. Fround, of tho Fairfax Apart
ments, han loft for Atlantic City, where he
will spend tho summer. (
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter D, Lazelene. of 134
West Coulter street, havo openeU tnolr cot
tage at Cape May.
MIsb C. Button is visiting in Colorado.
Mrs. Wlllam Spencer, of West Johnson
street, Is spending tho season at Wlldwood
Mrs. T. V. Vale, of West Chelten ave
nue, Is visiting nt Seaside Heights.
Mrs. H. C. Tlly, of 4818 Greene street,
Is at the Devonshire. Atiantio City,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hurst, of 304
Ashmead street, sailed on Saturday on the
St. Paul for London.
Mr. William II. Scott, of School House
lano and Wayne street, has opened his
cottage at Spring Lako for the summer.
Mr. Herbert Welsh, of 5336 Baynton
street, has opened his cottago at Lake
Sunapeo, N. H.
Mr. Elmer Ermold, of 39 West Rockland
street, has opened his cottago at Lavallette.
N. J., for the summer.
Miss Harriet C. Parker, of Baltimore, la
the guest of her uncle, Mr. Marshall T.
Farra, of H823 Groene street.
Mrs, Moosey, of 4606 Wayne avenue. Is
spending the summer at Glacier National
Chestnut Hill
Mra. Frederick Taylor, Mlsa Elizabeth P.
Taylor, Mr. Kempton Taylor and Mr. Rob
ert Taylor, of Boxley, Cheatnut Hill, left
Saturday (or Northeast Harbor, Me., where
they will spend July nnd August
Mrs. Alfred S. Weill, of 8718 Seminole
avenue, will spend part of the summer at
tho Traymore, Atlantic City.
Along the Reading
Mrs. Henry O. Druedlng, of Spring ave
nue, Elktna Park, has returned tp her home
from a visit toOcean City. N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrew Beach. Mies
-- iU.. Tl.k anI lift T? n tt fVirft rf Tlanni
of ElKlns and VaxW avenues, Elklna Park.
- 1F...n v.d.a a tl,v w 1 1 1 nn.n
pave leu tur TP'ut, '6M "... .....
their cottage on Derby place for the sum
mer. Miss Emily T. Lewis, daughter of Mr. J.
Howard Lewis, of Washington lane, Elklna
Park, has left for Oakmont, Pa., to visit
Miss Sarah Campbell for several weeks.
Mrs. William Cochran, of Bent road. Wyn
cote, Is spending some time thlj summer as
the guest of her sister at Olney,
Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Smith and their fam
ily, of Jenklntown, will close their country
home early this month and leavo for Ocean
City, where they have taken a cottage at
832 2d street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Kline, of Mel
rose Park, are spending a few weeks at
Asbury Park. t
Mr. and Mrs, William H. Rogers, of
Woodlyn avenue, Qlenslde. will spend the
summer at their home in Red Bank, N. J.
Mr. and Mra. Daniel Duffitld, of this city,
will occupy the Rogers home until autumn
Miss Margaret Lukes and Miss Elizabeth
Lukes, of Oak Lane, are entertaining a
house party from Saturday until Wednes
day at the Brunswick Hotel, Lancaster,
They motored up on Saturday. Among the
guests are Miss Olivia Hardy, Miss Ardls
Tanguay. Dr. John Flick, Mr, Thomas J.
Roche, Jr.. Mr. James Bonner and Mr.
Eugene Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lindsay and their
daughter. Miss Sara Lindsay, of East Lev
erlngton avenue, will leave, this week for
a weeks visit to Ocean City, N. J.
p and Mrs. Ward Smith, of Green lane.
are spending a fortnight In Wilmington.
North Philadelphia
Mr. nnd Mrs. William P. Shea, Miss Janet
Rhea and Mlis Helen Slien, of 2104 North
16th street, have opened tholr cottngo nt
Sea Isle City, and they will glvo several
houso parties during tho Rummer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry M. Patterson have
returned from tholr wedding trip and will
live nt 2132 Wallaco street. Mrs. Patterson
before her marriage In Juno was MIob Edna
M. Seabrcase.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Brown, of 1G24 North
10th Mreot, will spend tho summer at
Ilolyoke, AInss.
Mrs. B. Jans, of 914 North 16th Btreet.
nnd her daughters, Miss Isabel B. Jans and
Mrs. Robert Susan, of 844 North Broad
street, left for Chicago and Its suburbs
on Saturday, whero they will spend the
Miss Mabel G. Hannold, of Aflpen Btreet,
cntertnlncd her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C,
Lewallcn, of Trenton. N. J., over tho week
end. Mlos Marie Huntingdon, of New York,
Bpent a fow days with friends in this city
prior to spending tho week-end Jn Atiantio
Mlso Mnbol G. Hannold, of Aspen street,
will entertain Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Adnms. of
Choatnut Hill, at dinner on Thursday eve
nlng. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and their
family, of 1924 North Tark avenue, have
gono to Atiantio City to remain until the
Into autumn.
Mr. Henry G. Juergens, of 2615 German
town avenue, has returned from a week's
visit to Mount Pocono, whero his family Is
spending tho summer.
Mrs. M. Gltck. of Chicago, and Miss Clara
Komlsaroff, of Now York, are vliltlng their
aunt, Mrs. Max Oensbcrg, of 1904 Oxford
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Brodsky, of 1315
North 7th Rtrpftt nnnnfini-A tSn hntmlti.l
their daughter. Miss Anna Brodsky, to
Mr. Maxwell Kushner. The marriage will
take place In September,
Mlas Helen J. McCrea, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCrea, of 4863
Falrmount avenue, nnd Mr. Sylvester P.
Murray, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter S. Mur
ray, of Sunny Brook, Sharon Hill, were
married on Saturday at the Church of Our
Mother of Sorrows. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Thomas J. Buckley.
Miss McCrea was given In marriage by
her Bleter, Miss Margaretto McCrea.
Immediately after the ceremony the bride
and bridegroom left for an extended tour
through New England, and upon their re
turn will occupy their cottage at Chelsea
lor mo summer.
Announcement la made of the marriage
of Miss Florence E. Beach, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bench, of 3411 Holly
wood Btreet, to Mr. John G. Schneider, of
3006 Cumberland street, on Thursday eve
ning, June 29, at the home of the bride's
parents, by the Rev. H. C. D. Selbott. of
St. Marcus' Lutheran Church. The bride,
who was given In marriage by her father,
was attended by Miss Margaret Schneider,
sister of the bridegroom, as maid of honor.
Mr. Louis Schneider was his brother's best
man. The ceremony was followed by a
reception, after which Mr. Schneider and
his bride left on an extended Journey. Upon
meir return inejr will jive at ZU Holly,
wood street
The marriage of Miss Lenora Rosalie
Levey and Mr. Louis Ooldsteln took place
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Levey, 951 North 8th street, yes.
terday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rabbi B, L.
Levlnthal officiated.
The bride wore nn nttt-mnnn .imn .
white georgette crepe with a hat to match,
ana canrea a oeauutui bouquet of orchids
ana lines oi me vanoy.
The house was decorated with palms and
flowers for the occasion. Only relatives
were present. Mrs. Benjamin Jafre, sister
of the bridegroom, was matron of honor
and Mr, Meyer Levey, brother of the bride,
acted as best man. A reception and dinner
followed the ceremony.
Mr, and Mrs. Goldstein left last evening
for their wedding trip, which will Include an
extended tour through the Great Lakes and
New wngiana. inty win live In Phlladel
phia upon their return.
What's Doing Tonight
UunlclMl, Band, Denjamla Roubrqan. con.
duetor. Whitehall Communa. TorrodiU a..
sua and Margaret street. 8 o'clock. Veto.
PhllKl)JIl Band. Ullas, B. Uummell. con
ducter, p Hall plaxa, 8 o'clock, m.
Falrmount Park Band. Richard Bchmldt, con
ductor, GaeWa Hill, 8 o'clock. Free.
Zleotata' banjuit, Bcottlah Rita Hall, trenlac
Notice for ,tb Boalatr pace will t a.
fcpted and vrLatad to th. ntat Ladur.
at nil (uco notlcaa uul ba written ou iu
tl4 ' ,P Paper, raual ba aUuU la full, with
lull adorcM, .and whta patalbM talapaaaa
number inuat ba iliaa.
(Jana.u'l au a rasunlealuaa to "SoUfcr
KJltur.' tnenu Ltdier. d Cheeura atract.
tJrUu tlieu rtsBlwntaU. are carried eat.
starH,UTukE.,&.? pM&u ll
Boardwalk Shops Gaily Deco
rated in Honor of Nation's
ATLANTIC CITY, July 3, The resort
Is effervescing with gaiety, for vlBltors are
pouring In by train nnd by motor to cele
brate tho glorious Fourth. The summer
girl, In her giddy stripes, now has as a
background the Stars and Stripes, for nil
the shops nlong tho Boardwalk are decked
with the national emblem, nnd the shop
windows nro displaying red, white nnd blue
Mrs. Thomas Nuttall ontertnlned nt bridge
nt her cottago on Maine avenue Friday
afternoon, when her guests wore Mrs. A.
L. Myers, Mrs. Packard, Mrs. Smith 13.
Johnson, Mrs. E, O. Rlghtmlro, Mrs. JoBoph
F. Crandall, Mrs. Warren Somers, Mrs. A.
E. Shlll, Mrs. Dnvld C. Reed, Mrs. Ben
jamin Ilncharnch and Mrs. Zazalll.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carlton Oelst will entertain
tholr bridge club at the theatre on Thurs
day nlRht. followed by supper In the Tray
more Submarine Grill. Their guests will
bo Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob C. Myers, Dr. and
Mrs. E. H. Harvey and Dr. and Mrs. David
C. Ucrner.
Major James If. Hayes and Mrs. Hayes
are entertaining Mrs. Hayes' parents, Mr,
and Mrs E. It Donnelly, of East Orange,
at tholr cottago In Ventnor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stafford and their
family aro occupying their cottago on South
Marlon avenue for the summer.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Y. Whlto nnd their sons
havo opened tholr Longport villa.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brlco are entertain
ing Mr. A C Korr, of Philadelphia, at their
cottago In Longport. Mlsa Rebecca Brlce
will leave this week for Now York, where
she will attend n large houso party.
Prof. Joseph P. Remington nnd Mrs.
Remliifiton, who havo been coming to Long
port for n number of years, have opened
their summer home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmcs W. Callaway nnd
Miss Roberta Callaway nre entertaining Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. P. Hnllahan and their family,
of Wynncwood, nnd MIbs Agnes Scheldell,
of Now York, over tho Fourth.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Genr announced the engage
ment of their daughter, Mies Dorothy
Gear, to Mr. Wllllnm Force, of Philadel
phia, at n dinner danco given In honor of
tho young couple by Mr. nnd Mrs, Gear.
A meeting of tho Northeastern Hebrow
Lndlea' Aid will bo held tomorrow evening
at 2847 Frnnkford avenue, when arrange
ments for the annual picnic will be made.
Tho members of the society are Mrs. Free
mark, Mra. EpRteln, Mrs. L. Rlngold, Mrs.
Frcld, Mrs. J. I'odolsky, Mrs. M. Meyers,
Mrs. Hronnor, Mrs. L. Rosen, Mrs. Stein,
Mrs. Grlvcr, Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. J. Ro3on,
Mrs. Ryatl, Mrs. Sudlcoff, Mrs. Block and
Mrs. Sntlnsky.
Beneficiaries of Relief Fund Enjoy Day
at Willow Grovo
The Blind Relief Fund of Philadelphia,
with ofllces nt 617 Wltherspoon Building,
Is holding Its fourth annual outing to Wil
low Grove Park today More than 100
blind persons with guides assembled nt
Juniper and Sanson streets at 8 o'clock
this morning and left upon special cars for
the park. Dinner will bo served to them at
tho Lakeside Cafe at 12:30 o'clock, after
which several speakers will deliver short
addroasea upon several timely topics.
Seats for tho entire company have been
reserved In tho large pavilion, where they
will enjoy a band concert by Victor Her
bert's Orchestra from 2:30 to 3:16 o'clock.
The return to Philadelphia will begin at 6
Mra. Isabel W. Kennedy, executive sec
retary of the Blind Relief Fund, will have
chargo of the outing, and has planned the
sovcrnl features connected with It.
The engagement of Miss Rae Nathan,
of 1810 West Ontario street, to Mr. Eugene
L. Bernstoln was recently announced.
Mr. and airs. A. Bacharach, of 1927 West
Erie avenue, are spending the summer In
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hudson, of 1714 West
Erie avenue, will spend July and August
In Wlldwood.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Thompson, of North
Warnock street, have gone to Ocean City
to occupy their summer home.
Mrs. W. Ashbrldge. of 16th and Butler
streets, with her nephew. Master Charlton
Wear, and niece. Miss Dorothy Wear, Is
spending the summer In Atlantic City.
Mrs. Meyer Gets. Mr. Stanley M. Gets
and Mr. Leslie G. Getz. formerly of Pulaski
avenue, Germantown, are occupying their
new apartments at 1003 West Erie avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wallace, of North
16th street, are spending the summer in
Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs. William Carman, of West
Allegheny avenue, are occupying their sum
mer home In Ventnor, They are accom
panied by their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gravenstlne.
Mr. and Sirs. Edward H. Friedman and
their daughter. Miss Ulna Friedman, of 3744
North Bouyler street, have gone to Atlantic
City for the remainder of the season.
Mr and Mrs. Leon H. Hahn. with their
family, of 1908 West Venango street! Mr.
Louis S. Fleishman, of 1637 Butler street;
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Lehman and their son,
Master Gilbert Lehman, and Mrs. J, Joseph
son are recent additions to the Tioga cot-,
tagera in Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohn, of 17th rtreet
and Allegheny avenue, are occupying their
cottage In Atlantic City. They are accom
panied by Miss Janet Kohn and Master
Harry Kohn, Jr. ""
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rothachlld.of 1336
North Brpad Btreet, are spending the sum
mer in Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. George W Hobson are
talcing an automobile trip through Penn-
ylvanta, stepping at Grafton to visit u
ttvc. I
Pr aRssHsB?
f $' jjBfr
Sunday School Parade to Be a Feature of Roxborough,
Manayunk and Falls of Schuylkill Entertain
ment Tomorrow
ONE of the marked features of tomor
row's celebration in Roxborough, Mana
yunk and the Falls of SchuylkHt Is the
Sunday school parade whtch attracts thou
sands of spectators. Tomorrow morning at
7:45 o'clock the Roxborough schools will
form at Manayunk nnd Lyceum avenues,
withMr. Hiram L. Wynne as marshal. At
tho eamo tlmo tho Manayunk parade will
take ptaco on Main street, Eacn school
will carry banners nnd flags, nnd nil rest,
dencen nnd places of huatness along tho
route will be decorated with flags nnd red,
white and blue bunting. The schools will
follow the tlmo-honored custom of spend
ing the day In tho woods, with procrnms
of athletic sports, vocal and Instrumental
mualo nnd addresses.
Tho program for tho Falls of Schuylkill
han been arranged by a joint oommtttca of
Sunday schools and potrlotlo orders. Tho
schools will march from their places of
meeting to Dobson's field on Queen lane,
whero a demonstration will bo held, con
slating of tho rending of the Declaration
of Independence, drills, nnd the singing of
patriotic songs. Mr. Erneat Anderson will
ba marshal, nnd the following wltl be In line;
Lutheran, Reformed Episcopal, Baptist,
Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal Hun
day Schools, Sons nnd Daughters of St,
George, Abel Lodgo, Shepherds, Patriotic:
Order Sons of America, Patriotic Order of
Americans, Order of Independent Ameri
cans, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Falls
of Schuylkill Lodgo, I. O. O. F. ; Faith
Lodge, I. O. O. F Manchester Unity;
Friendship Lodge, I. O. O F., Mnnchenter
Unity ; Knights of the Mystic Chain, Young
Men's Association. Sons of Joihun, Salva
Hon Army nnd Boy Scouts. Tho parado
will march from Queen lane to Mldvale
avenue, whore tho several Bchoola and as
sociations will proceed to tholr picnic
grounds. Mr. Josoph Smith will net ns
musical director. Tho committee In charge
Includes Rev. A. Perclval Hodgson, chair
man; Mr. A. Roy Dyaon, secretary; Rev.
Samuel W. Stcckcl, treasurer: Rov. Dr.
Charles L. Senaholcs. Rov. Walter E. Oak
ford, Rev. P, S. Barlntrer, Mr. George
Shaw, Mr. Georgo W. Shaw, Mr, Harry
Blnkln, Mr. Georgo Henderson, Mr. Jntnes
Stnrrett, Mr. James Ashton, Mr. Jnmcs
BUBhfleld, Mr. James Harbison, Mr. Georgo
Smith, Mr. James F. Seeds. Mr. Robert
Moorehead, Mr. Samuel Frazlcr, Mrs. Mnt
tlo Polglase, Mrs. Robert Bell. Mrs. F.
Chndwlclc and Miss Urctta E. Johnson.
Through tho courtesy of Doctor Downs
and the Board of Public Education, the
children of tho Ashland School, West Mana
yunk, will bo taken In autobuses to Bala,
to participate In the celebration In Lower
Merion Townahlp. In the procession from
Uala to the Cynwyd Publlo School, whero
tho exercises of tho day will bo held, the
following tableaux will lie shown: "Land
ing of Columbus." "William Penn,"
"Botay Robs and tho Flag," "Signing of
tho Declaration of Independence," "Spirit
of '76," and the "Goddess of Liberty."
The Hunting Park section of the Safo and
Sane Fourth of July Association will have
the following program for the celebrntlon
In Tioga: Parade of public achool children
at 10 o'clock from Broad and Tioga streets
to Hunting Park; Invocation by tho Rev.
Dr. John T. Gray, of tho Eric 'Avenue
Methodist Episcopal Church ; singing by the
children ; addresses by Judge Utloy E.
Crano, of tho Municipal Court, and Professor
Calvin O. Althouse. At the exercises at
2 o'clock tho Rov. P. D. Houston, of St.
Veronica's Church, will deliver tho Invoca
tion, and tho speakers will be Govornor
Martin G. Brumbaugh and Mr. Edward B.
Cattoll. A silver cup will bo presented to
the school having the groatest percentage
of Its regular attendance In tho parade.
The athletic games will tako place at
3 o'clock and the flreworkB nt 8:15.
Mr. nnd MrB. David T. Dyer, of 2241
Bonaffon terrace, were given a surprise
party by a few of their friends at their homo
on Tuesday night. Tho affair was given In
honor of Mr Dyer, who had seen 20 years
of continuous service In tho police depart
ment, where ho has been a sergeant for
several years.
MR. EMANUEL M. BIRON ontertnlned
a number of his friends nt a most
unique "freedom celebration." In honor of
his 21st blrthlay at his home In Lans
downe. The afternoon was spent by the guests In
playing tennis, croquet, baseball, basket
ball, swimming and boating.
After dinner, which wns served townrd
evening, the guests congregated on the
porch and lawn, which was decorated to re
eemblo a Japanese tea garden, and danced
In the eventng.
Miss Sarah Stein sang several songs,
and violin solos were rendered by Mr. Harry
Alelntkoff and Mr. David Skwer.
Among the guests were Mr. Maurice Abu-
t,n XT Tfnrrv Alnlnlknff. Mr. Mnrrta
Flneman, Mr. Israel Fischer, Mr. Benjamin
Antlnoph, Mr. Joseph Levin, Mr. Isaac Llp
schutz, Mr. Charles MoseB, Mr. Jacob Po
merantz, Mr. 8amuel Pomerantz, Mr. Isaac
Samuels, Mr. David Skwer. Mr. Harry Rlt
tenberg, Mr. Isaao Mordecal Rand, Mr,
Nathan Suzmer, Mr. Morris Vltelcs, Mr.
Arthur Rablnowitz, Mr. Harry J. Blron.Mr.
Emanuel Flneman. Dr. Charles Moses, Mr.
Jay Kenter, Mr. D. Louis Zimmerman, Mr.
Harry S. Blrop, Mr. Henry Flncstone, Mr.
Maurice J. Teltelbaum, Mr. J. Sokoloff, Mr.
Benjamin Flneman, Mr. Loula Flnestono,
Miss Rosalie Abuhove, Miss Rae Herman,
Miss Melba Buxbaum, Miss Rose Caplan,
Mies Ida Cantor, Miss Hettle Fischer, Mlas
Ethel Flneman, Miss Henrietta Jaffe, Miss
Rose Machles, Mlas Rose Meadow, Miss
Pearl R. Rlttenberg, Mlsa Dorothy Rltten
berg, Miss FranceB Diamond, Miss Helen
Leblang, Mies Rosalie Resnlck, MIbs Fannie
i....uro rfim Helta Rablnowitz. Miss
Rose Flnestone, Mlas Hannah Unterberger,
Mlsa Sarah Stein, Mlsa Dorothy Vogelaon.
Miss Frances Blron, Miss Bessie S. Blron,
Mies Lillian Blron, MUa Ruth Flneman,
Miss Miriam Flnestone. Mlsa Julia Kenter,
STANLEY iijw to iius
5(a) Comedy, Matro preaenla Max Flsman
and Lollia Hobertaoo In "Love Me. Love
My Dog": b) Crtoon; "Hobby Bunua
Fly Squatter" (Bray).
i Overture; Stanley Symphony Orctaeatra.
In Flrat and Exclualva Presentation ot
Tbu"" Fr'i ?f,B awEET
wTtn6ho'iin Making of Maddalena
Added BILUE BURKE In "Olorla'a Romanes"
Ttouri.. Frl., Bat. MJUtaUEIllTE CLARK
Kp T rp "LI q SUMMER
ih 1 1, XI D FOLLIES!
50 Company of 50
All PhiladelphL. Fuvorltes
Big Supporting Vaudeville B11H
Today at' 2, SfcJ 60c. Tonight at a, 23c to ft.
Flrat I and Bxdualve Presentation of Trlaci
I Fla Rearvi tot the
Avnarna ;o a. m to u.iop. m.
jtXlLXKXlX Frank TTwuinvi
i-BcaiBui iwaw joiq
Frank Keenan
4 eujd mrKBT ta mma-tom
jwJed - -BttHt Burke la XHocU'a Rcauu;?1 l.'o. :
Titr. nnd Mrs. Julius Blron, Mr. and Mr.
VtamUel Blron, Mrs. Samuel S. Flneman,
Mrs. Harry E. Flneman, Professor and
sirs, iiayim Flneman.
The XVI Club held Its final meeting pre-j
ceamg tne summer vacation at the noma
of Miss Allca Chllds, 1314 North Frntlet
street. Those present were 3Ilis Rut
iinight, president) Miss Mary Hall, vie
prcBiaent: miss Constance Hubbard, tree
ureri Miss Martraret Thomoaon. eeeretar
Miss Ann Cleeland. Mlas MaHon Cum.
mtngB, Mlas Maude Hugo, Miss Emma Kolb,
Miss Katherino Ley, Miss Edith Lambert.
Miss Grace Mills, Miss Mabel Peterson,
Mlas Florence Starr and Miss Madge
Tho club will hold Its annual plcnte the
end of next week.
Among the members of the graduating
class of the West Philadelphia High School
wero Miss Rutb Halght, Miss Constanae
Hubbard, Miss Grace Mills, Miss Maude
Hugo and Miss Margaret Thompson.
Mrs. James F. Gosaner, of Linden ave
nue, Torrcsdalo, has Mrs. J. F. Stoelker and
Mrs. William Conway as her guests. Mrs.
Stoelker has Juat returned from an extended
visit at the Delaware Water Gap.
Mrs. Carolina Yorty and Miss Blancho
Yorty, of James street, Torresdalo, acted
as hosteia at tho garden party given for
the benefit of Christ Church at Eddlngton.
Camden and Vicinity
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nash and their fam
ily arc occupying their Island Heights cot
tngo for tho summer.
Mrs. John H. Dialogue, Miss Mary Dia
logue and Mlsa Maria Dlaloguo have gone
to their new homo nt Qulncy, Mass, whero
they will join Mr. Dialogue. The Dialogue
homo at 400 Cooper Btreet has been pur
chased by Doctor I. L. Mahaffey.
Mrs. Charles Stewart, of 605 North 4th
street, has returned from a month's visit In
Syracuse, N. Y., and Is now nt Wcrnorsvillo
with her son for two weeks.
Miss Nettlo Potter has gono to Asbury
Park for a two months' vacation.
Mr. William S. Read and his family will
spend tho summer as usual in Chelsea,
going to tho Poconos for tho early fall.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward S. Woodward and
tholr family, who have lived so long nt 644
Stovens street, aro occupying their now
home In Moorestown.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jefforles, of 10 North
Cth street, are planning to visit their
daughtor, Mrs. Llnwood A. Miller, In Toledo,
O., this month.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hauger. who were
married recently, will be at home after
September 1 In Altoona, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Conrad Ott are occupying
their now homo at Morchantvllle.
WILMINGTON, Dol.. July 3. A party
of Wilmington boys who left last week for
Camp Awostlng Included Master Alfred E.
BlBsell, Master Edward Bancroft, Master
Sellers Bancroft, Master William Wallace,
Master Henry Chambers, Master Hubert du
Pont, Master Frank C, Carpenter, Jr.. Mas
tor Frank D. Lackey. Jr., Master Charles
E. Owens, Jr., Master James F. Nlelas, Jr.,.
Master Cyrus Pyle. Master William Sat
terthwalte. Master Lawrence ThomaB. Mas
ter Martin E. Walkor, Jr.. and Master
j. nomas aiming.
Mrs. Henry J. Stubbs nnd Miss Eliza
beth Stubbs have gono to Boston for a
vlalt of threo or four weeks.
Mrs. B. G. du Pont, Mlas Beasle du Pont.
Miss Vlctorlno du Pont and Master Alfred
Victor du Pont have gone to Pocono Sum
mit for tho summer.
Mrs. Charles Gawthrop had Mrs. Elwood
C Jackson, of New York, aa her guest last
MUs Mary Canby, of St. Paul, Minn, has
been the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Charles
Jeffries, for a fortnight.
Mrs. Edgar M. Hoopes, Jr., has been en
tertaining Mrs. Clarence Kctcham, of Wash
ington, D. C, ns her guest.
MIbs Elizabeth Edsall has returned from
Smith College to spend the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H, Edaall.
Northeast Philadelphia
The wedding of Miss Anna Brody, of
2801 East Weikel street, to Mr. Joseph
Goldman, ot New York, will take place
early this month. After their wedding they
will upend the summer at Niagara Falls. ..
Third Big Week Begins With
Matinee Today
10-Part Screen Version of
. Symphony Orchestra of 20 !
Many Unique Effects!
PRICES 23c and BOc All Saata Beatrvad.
Twlct Dally Thenatter, 3:15 and SllJ.
A Tbrlllln and Pertintnt Moving Picture et
How Kntland MoSHUed B.000,000 Uta and
Prepared Jlr North Ba FUat.
A Lesson for America Now
Pricta Evs, 33c, 30c. 73c, SXati,, sja SQa.
Globe Theatre MA?iV
A. M. to U P M. 100. 13c. ite.
Added "Tb Rlaa et a. Nation." Ottira.
"V7TPrPri'PT A W Market ah. Ota-s
TutUof and XPmiortm
Bessie Barrlscale ta "WJ".
FA. StMCttEfc ta "Xftu fCL03 THAflft