c lyar ? --?' "" JIM -i ' rifjiF 14- EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1916. yvu$jH,iW wfww -r" IS. BECORDmElDAYROSH TO RESORT FOR FOURTH Transportation Fndilities of All lines Out of City Taxed to Limit A new record Is beltiR set today" In tho ruh of Phlladelphlnns to tRo seashore and other resorts for tlie holiday. Starting Sat urday noon, nnd continuing today, thous ands of Phlladelphlnns left this city to Bpend Independence Day elsewhere. Transportation officials said It was the createst holiday exodus In the history ot the city. All of the transportation facil ities leading from tha city were taxed to their capacity and even the trolley lines aro crowded with the holiday throngs. Traffic at Broad street station during tho t hours starting Saturday evening was greater than In any similar period since the structure was erected, nccordlng to Assistant Station Master Morgan. Condi tions were similar at tho Heading Terminal. ' mined. Both the Beading and tho Pennsylvania lines were taxed to their fullest capacity to handle the crowds that flocked to the eashore to spend the holidays. The rccord-hrenlclng exodus this year Is due partly to tho good weather, and also to tho fact that many Philadelphia business -houses closed on Saturday until Wednes day, and gavo their employes an oppor tunity to enjoy a vacation of four days. Tho nanlcs will bo open for business to day, nnd so will the Stock Exchange nnd department -stores. Among those who have closed their shops until after Independence Day aro tho Walnut Street Business Asso ciation, tho Commercial Exchange Chamber of Commerce Grocers' nnd Importers' Ex change and tho Board of Trade. Soldier Saves Two Alleged Deserters CAMP BRUMBAUGH, MOUNT GnKTNA. Pa., July 3. George Couts, of Battery B, 22 yoars old, of Woodlawn, saved two men from drowning Into Saturday. They had been thrown Into the lake for desert ing. The men could not swim, and were Inking when Couts went to tho rescue. WALTER P. STOKES Seedsman and Friend Succumbs Sud denly in Maino Woods Waltor P. Stokes, for many yenrs engaged In the seed business In thl city nnd n prominent member of the Society of Friends, died suddenly on Saturday, whllo on a fishing trip In the Maine Woods, near Moosehead Lake. Death was duo to heart disease. Mr. Stokes had mado his homo In Moorestown, N, J for many yenrs. Ho wan ono of the party of four which left here ten days ago. With him wcro J. Morton Brown, of Leanorch, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Moon, of Trenton. Mrs. Stokes had expected to Join hor husband this week and go with tho party to North east Harbor, Maine, to spend part of tho summer. Mr. Stokes was 00 years old. Ho was born In this city. When a young man ho became a member of tho firm of Johnson STEAMBOATS 4th of July EXCURSION ,q uci city ami me tooi, mM TO WILMINGTON m, beautiful SCSI ai H IIH JIllY Jiorning, Aiirrnoon ? 7 r. ,nml mlng Incursions Get away from Noise nnd Heat. No Mnsle No T indue No Liquor. . REGULAR RATES Wilmington Exc, SOci single, 30o. Chester Kir., 25ei single, 15c. Special tickets ulll be sold dally, derating Haturdass, Sundays and holidays, for Wil mington and return for 23c. ALT. DOATS STOP AT CHESTER. rENNSOItOVE. N. J.. Connections at Wilmington Roots leave Chestnut St. Wbarf S Wilmington dally and Sunday. 7.80, O.OO, 10.30 A. M.I 13 M.. 1.30, 3,00. 4.13, 0.00, 7.00, 8.30 and 0.30 P. M. Jalr 4th. Kitro Trips at 10.43 P. 31. SUMMER RESORTS j VISIT STONE HARBOR ON JULY 4th Reading and Pennsylvania Daily Dollar Excursion. Many Spec Trains on Both Railroads Superb Motor Roads and Waterways, Garage Facilities for Motor Cars and Boats, Hotel accommodations at moderate nut at Shelter Haven Hotel, Harbor Inn. The Ellsworth. Stone Harbor Villa and Haelett'a Hotel. Bafe Surf Bathing. Swimming. Channel walk, Deepywa Angling, Crabbing. Power by Land anu Water, Tackle and Bait for Sale. Tacht Club, Casino and High-class Amusements comblnsd with Healthful Out-of-door Recreation. Cottages. Bungalows and Apartments for Rent Furnished. Write for Illustrated Booklet, Free LEO McCRAVEN, Borough Clerk VWWlVVVtHVVVVWUlUUlVvtlVUVllV PETEY DINK If Petejfa Going to Be a Mascot He'll Have to Shave A 8tokes, JIB Market street The firm was dissolved In 180 and Mr. Stokes' business was taken, over by a corporation, of which his son, Francis C. Stokes, Is the head. Mr. Stokes -was head of the Tre Com mission of Moorestown, first president of the Moorcitown Field Club, a member of the Board of Directors of the Friends' Hospital, Frankford, and of tho Cheney Institute for Colored Youth. Ho was a former president of the American Seed Trade Association, nnd was widely known In tho trnda throughout tho United States. Mr. Stokes Is survived by n widow, Mrs. Anna Snylor Stokes; a daughter, Mrs. Edwin A. Ilussel, of Richmond, Vn., and two sons, Francis C. Stokos and Walter P. Stokes. Jr. Tho funeral will be held from his late homo on Wednesday after- IK MEMOMAM BCHENCR. In loving remembrance nnd appre ciation of ALBERT SCIIENCK, who departed this life July 8, 1911. ...... A. P. SCIIENCK. BNYDER. In loving remembrance of MARY C. BNXUEii, wno nepnrteu inn me .iuiy a, i"i HU8HAND AND CHILDREN. BAGOT. On July 1, MM, CAROLINE J widow of John W. Bagot, In her 84th year. Ilclallves and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 3 30 p. m , at tho Oliver It. Hair Building, 1820 Chestnut at. Interment prlvnte. BROWN. On July 1. 1910. MARY, widow of Samuel llrown and daughter of the late John nnd Sarah Gledhlll, aged 72 years Relatives nnd friends, am Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednesday, at 1.80 p. m.. at her late residence. B220 Wakefield it,, German town Interment private. 11ECKMAN. On July 1, 1910. JOHN II.. hua liand of Mary K. Bcckman. Relative and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral serv ices, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m at her late residence, 4Sia Ridge nve , Wlssahlckon. In terment private. Friends may call Tuesday, 7 to 0 p, m. BOND. On July 2, MM, at the residence, of hor daughter, Mrs. 8. Warren Inrersoll, at Penllyn, I'll . SAHITA McCALL BOND, daugh ter ot tho la to John Gibson MrCall, In tho 77th cnr of hor age. BRILL. On July 1. MM. MARTIN, husband ot the lato Ellxnbolh Drill, In his 87th year, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 1 p. m. precisely, ot his lato residence, 3321 German town nve. Further services at M P. Church, Oluasboro, N. J., nt 3 p m. Interment nt Church Uurlal Grounds Auto funeral. ItltirroX. At Pennsgrove, N. J., on July 1, 10M. DORA ANNA, daughter ot Frank and Mnry lirltton, aged 3 ears and 0 months. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend tha funernl services, on Tuesday, July 4. at 8 p. m , at her parents residence, banning nnd Pitman avenues. Pennsgrove, N. J. In terment at Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, on arrival of train leaving Pennsarove at 0-13 a. m. CA"SIIY. On July 1, 191(1, MART J, CAS HIDY (nco Connor), wlfo of James J. Casaldy. Relatives nnd friends nra Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday at 8 30 a. m., from her late residence, 033 Falrmount nve. Soi emn Requiem Mass at the Church of tha As- STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 50-MILE RIDE FOR 50c STOPPINO AT CHESTER Only hnnt to Augustine Ilearh. Landing In front ot Grove. Sufe salt water bathing -SOO sanitary bathrooms. UANC1NO AM. DAY on bnnt A grounds. IMenty tables, benches and shade. Artesian water. Fare 50c Children V 25c Leaves Arch St. H'harf 8:30 A. SI. lJallj. Sunday 0:00 A. M. JAMES E. OTIS. Mgr.. 3 ARCH STREET I no Palace Iron Steamer Queen Anne Tuesday, July 4 To Riverview Beach Leave Arch St. wharf, 9 A. M. Stop ping both ways at BHlingsporr, Chester, Riverview Beach and Penusville. -!. r .1.- i . . ... uwii iroin uic neat ana oust ot trie enjoy an meal nay a outing and get rcircsning oreezes ot trie Delaware. SUMMER l'vnnikrnva wmmrfs rt nfSKJim !mt- JSiej r ! TgTTJlMSg SUMMER RESORTS and Surf Ftthln from tiha.. a. -n- Boating, Sailing and Delightful Excursions Boats for Hire. j l3KSSi Ijffisir rsn&till&S uju hpi :K-:r,raftTO , ., T!!jfS?ijsa WMBBaSljM DEATHS sti lotion, at 10 a. m. Interment at Italy Bspulchre Cemetery. Automobile funeral. COYI.E. On June 80. 1010. EDWARD COYM5 (natlro ot Turlanan, Ireland), husband of El len Coyle' (nee Sweeney, of County Donegal, Ireland). Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 a, m from his late residence, 2721 Stanton it. Sol emn Requiem Mass at St. Anthony de Tadua Church nt 0:30 o'clock. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. CUMMIsnr.Y, On June 80, 1018. EM.EM. Jrldow of Thomas Cummlskey. Relatlvei and rlends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Tuesday morning, at 8:S0 o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law, Frank J. Oorman, 141 North 19th street. Solemn Requiem Mass nt the Church of the Jesu, at 10 a, m Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. DICKSON. On June 30, 1018. MARY A., widow of William H. Dickson, aged 74 years. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 8 p. m. precisely, nt her lato residence, 2114 N. 10th st. Interment private. DOUOIITY. On July 1, 1018, CHARLES E. DOUUHTY, SR. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funernl, on Wednesday, at 8.10 o'clock, from his late residence, 115 N. 12d st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt Our I.ady of Rosary Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery DUrKETT. Suddenly, nt Vcntnor City, N. J., on July S, 1111(1, rilANCIR DUCKETT. Due notice of tho funeral will he given. KM1I.1SH. Suddenly, on July 2, 1010, WII.Ij. IAM JAMES, husband of Anna English nnd son of tho late Robert and Maria English, aged 40 sears. Relatives nnd friends nre In vited to attend funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at his late residence, 82 W. Sharp nark St., Oermantown. Interment nt Ivy 11(11 Cemetery. Remains may be vlowed Wednes day evening. nAM.AdllER. On Juno 80, 1010. HUGH, hus hand of Ann Gallagher (nee Melliigh). Rela tlves and friends, also League of Sacred Heart nnd Holy Namo Society of St. Agatha's Church, and St ratrlck'a I C. 11. U.. No. 612, and employes of t'enna. It. R., are In vited to nttend the funernl. on Tuesday, at 8 '.10 n m . from his lata residence 3003 Olive at.. W Thlln Solemn Requiem Mass nt Pt Agatha's Church nt 10 n m. Interment St. Denis' Cemetery, vrdmor1. Ia. HAYES. On June 30. 1010, MARTHA, dsugh ter of tho Into Oliver and Snrnh Hayes. Rela tives and friends nro Invltrd tn attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 a. m., from tho residence of her niece, Mrs. Dennis O'Donnell, 2440 Kimball st (2.1th and Carpenter sts ). Requiem Mass at St Anthony's Church, at P'3r n m Interment nt St. Mary's Ceme tery, Oloucester, N. J. JOHNSON.. Suddenly, nt Southampton, !.. on June 30. 1010, THOMAS STOCKTON JOHN SON, aged 71 venrs Relatives and friends, nlso Veteran Tlromen's Association, are In vited to attend tho funornl services, on Wed nesday, at 10 a. m , at the Oliver II. Hair Rulldlng, 1820 Chestnut street. Interment pri vate at Monument Cemetery. KINO. On July S. 1010, ELLEN MEHL, widow of Joseph King. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to nttend funeral services, on Wednes day nt 4 p m , at tho residence of her son, Joseph II. King, 7313 Doer st , Mt. Airy, Interment private, SUMMER RESORTS CANADA Niagara io the Sea ill ssBg&ssfegii Ssi&ib Leaving Q QiiBto Crtals or If v rrtse sod liotnir of all GsBi4lftn ntlti; quint, hliurlo, nl.nt. a t&r.btlnf lodtitrlil trspellt, najutta la Hi liolttloo. The trip Includes the Thousand Islands, the ei cltlng descent of the marvelous rapids, Montreal, Quebec, and tho famous Sacuenay River, with Its stupendous Capes, "Trinity" and "Eternity," Up-to-date C.3. Hotels at Murray Day ft Tadousac. canml steamship uresis ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. & ATLANTIC CITY has tat a ieW standan of service.comforivC beaulu IA10EBT FIREFEOOrRaCRTHOrU, INTIOraU ,&S&S!8- fcure5Rtvy THE LEADING RESORT HOTELOF THE WORLD SUatlboroiigBknteim ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT. JQ3IAH WHITE & SONS COMPANY HOTEL GLADSTONE Brighton Ae., on Beach, Atlantic City. N. J. (In exclusive Chelsea residential section) Under new mnnauem't. McQroarty & McUroarty. NEW HOTEL MERION ?rnno- Vermont Ave., near Beach. Capacity High class. S3 up dally: $17.50 up weekly. C. B. I'HETTYMAN, I'rop, M.L.KAHLUv,! 3W. Mgr. PTQT.TT'V'51 1810 Boardwalk, below New AlOUUI o Y0rk av iuropenn j,Bn It up dally. Fronts on ocean. Wee bulbing privileges. HOTEL ARLINGTON "gUK Open all year. R. J. OSBORNE it SON.' IVILU1VOOD, N. J. EDGETON INN Cap- :3i nr Beach- LiDUCilUll 1XI Whtte ,erVC8, Orches tra. Special rates until July 10. Excellent table. Booklet. Coach J. ALBERT HARRIS, Prop. Montgomery Ave. and Ueacb. WlldwooU's foremost Vacation Hotel Comfort and Oood Taste throughout. Private Baths. Booklet. J. K. VI!ITIKLL. Trep. CTTTi'T TinM Entire block. Ocean view, OXlXjUlJUlt Cap 3J0 1Iot ,n(J cold water Rooms with bath and en suite. Elevator. Booklet. li. J- WOODS, Proprietor. HOTEL WAYNE Jf8Q,...e.,o: Auto meets trains. i. y. iiAiviua. ATJPT?V Pins ave. nr. Beacb. Newest botiL ADOIll X Ree.on. rates. Miss L. Dsrbysalre. HAVERFORD A tf Sl&jo STONE IIAKIIOU. N. J. STONE HARBOR cor.j. Both railroads. Farm products and sea food fresh and plentiful. City conveniences. Yacht club, boardwalk, bathing, floe Ashing, crabbing and boating. Reasonable rentals 1 moderate hotel rates. LEO McCRAVEN, Borough Clerk. ITO" JLKAifrlUKfliy DEATHS KALMIIACn. On June 8C, 1B18, CATItAniNB. widow of Jacob Kalmbach, sred 78 vsr. Relatives and friends, also Uerman Ladlji' Aid Boclety, No. ll Alberglne Lodge. No. 02. and Hydoh Lodge, are Invited, to attend the fjneral services, on Monday, at 2 p.m. pre cisely, at the residence of her son. Henry CI. Kalmbach, 117 ifrawlck ave., Olenslde, Pa. Interment private' at Northwood Cemetery. Automobile funeral. aicvurtAtmi, vn juir i, mio, ja.mc.od., husband of Martha J, McConaghy. Relatives and friends, also Hamilton Lodge, No. B08. I. O. O, F.: Loyal CouncIL No. 01, D. of L.t Loyal Council. No. 781, F. P. A., and num bers of Tivoll Hose Company, No. 80, V. F. II, flso state Firemen's Association, are In vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday at 2 r. m., at his late residence, 2724 Parrlsh. it. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. MOORE. On July 2, Hun, MARY JANE, wife of Robert J.,Moorti and daughter of Amanda C. and the late Nathaniel Hlckel. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m . at her lato residence. 8820 Angora terrace. Welt Philadelphia. Interment private. MORROW. At Pennhuret, Ta., on July 1, 1018, SAMUEL II.. son of the late Andrew nnd Mary A. Morrow. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednes day, precisely at It, m,, at the residence of his sister. Mrs. A. F. Allman. 1830 S, 22d St. Interment private. PAXSON. On July 2. 1010. EDWARD It, husband of Catharine A. Paison, ad 83 enrs. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, on Tuesday evening, nt 8 o'clock, at his late residence. 3709 Raring St. Interment at Schuylkill Haven. Pa., on Wednesday morning on arrival of train leav ing Rending Terminal nt 8:30 a. m, REYNOLDS. On Juno 30. 1010. MART TOP KINS wife of Redmore Reynolds nnd mother of Harry II and Stephen Reynolds, aged 44 enrs Relatives and friends are invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 30 p m.. at the chapel of Andrew J. Hair A Son, Arch nnd 10th sts Interment private, Hurllngton County papers copy. ROBERTS. At Quakertown, Pa., Seventh Month 1st. llllfl. LllTlTIA K , wife of William P Roberts, In her 04th sear. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral on Third-day. 4th Inst., 2 o'clock, at Friends' Meeting House. miMIION. On July 2. 1010. CHRISTIAN S, HUMMUS. Bgea is yenrs. iieiaiivrs ana friends, nlso Courlland Saunders Tost. No. 21. (1 A it., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday evening, nt 8 o'clock, nt tho Oliver H. Hair Ilulldlng. 1820 Chestnut St. Interment at Harrlsburg. ra., on Wednesday. BAYIIS. On July 8, 1010, SARAH, wife of William D. Hnyrs, aged 71 years. Funernl services on Thursday morning. July fl. at 11 o'clock, at tho residence, of her son, Frank C. Sayrs 024 I'cnn' st . Camden, N. J. Inter ment private, nt Harlelgh Cemetery. STOlUiS. Suddenly, at Mooehead Lake, Mo., on July 1, 1010, WALTER P STOKES, of Moorestown, N. J., aged flo venrs, Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Fourth-day (Wednesday), Seventh Month 0th, nt .1'IR p. l.i.. from his late residence, f,no Chester nvo. Interment prlvato, Train leaves Market st. ferry at 2-40 p, m, SUMMER RESORTS CANADA rARBS FROM NIAGARA PAZL3 T Montreal and return - - 81843 To Quebec and return - - - - 13 .W To Saguenay River and return MM Send Co postage for illustrated booklet, map and putdo to JOHN F. PIERCE, Assistant Pass. Traffic Mgr., Canada Steamship Line, 118 R. &. O. DIdg., Montreal, Can. WHITE MOUNTAIN A. N. II. Bretton Woods WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. HORSEBACK GOLP In the very shadow of Mount MOTORINO through tho Alps ot New JlllJINU over Mountain Trails and Woodland Paths Washington England TUX UllllUT PI CASAUT NQW OPEN, Ilk iiivumi n-inuniii (; loses Oct. 2. C. J. DUNPIIT. Manager, THE MOUNT WASHINGTON 8E2S SS ft. D. J. TRUDBAU. Manager, RAILROADS: Through eervlce via N. T., N. H. & II It. It. and B. & M. It. R. For Information and Booklet address Hotels. CAPE alAY, N. 3. PVinlfnnfo TTnrol CAPE MAT. . -.- -- oner Open June 1 to Oct. L, Reasonable rates. Mrs. Calvin Sstterfleld. CIViPrwnnrT Ocean view rooms. Cap. 1C0. I1IWUUU 10 t0 i,8wklTt Jt0- Bprln-. OCEAN CITY. N. J. ST CHARLES Formerly Sterling, Cor. ? . yf1fs-tv-ljJ 8th Ocean Avea. rV furnished A renovated. New mgt. E. Harris. THE OCEANIC Xlth and Wesley ay. A. E. Baker, owner A mgr. AVAI.ON. N. J. AVALON BY THE SEA The healthiest resort along the coast, shore and country comhlnmT t,v..h fn R. Fresh farm and sea food dally. Hotel Avalon now open. In- formation and booklet upon request, Charles It. Hall. 1410 Heal Estato uesi. ato Trust Bldg, BWASTIUHK. TA. Strath Haven Inn .SB. ?&,. Now cpen. Phone bw.rtbmor. 9T J. STEAMSHIPS ' 4.-y.4 ' AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT. TICKETS AND TOURS Let os arrange yoor Varatlon Tour, (ell yea what It will coit m provide your iiciuu. !J-5r,.1hDt. . 1UT C1IESTNU1 Phone Wafnat 48-10 ar iv .-k, A ' " " c. " "s!rr " DEATHS VANSANT. 8uddenlr,t Beach lUven. N. J., on July 1, 1010. CHARLES E son of Dr. Eugene L. and Louisa Eptlnc Vanaant, tn his 24tn year. Relatives tnd friends, also Class 1914, University of .Pennsylvania, Atts and Sciences, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 11 a. m at hU Fate residence, 4038 Bpruoe at.. Philadelphia. Interment private. CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AGATE LINE RATE FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLE TTPE (or like this) One or two times. ....... ............. 18e Three times one week liHe Six times one wf'k. ..,, lOe Situations Wanted three times one week, lOe Help nnd Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads nro Inserted In tho Dally Public Ledger without addi tional charge. Want ads under all other classifications may be repeated In the l'unno Lidokr at combined rate. One or two times ,,...,.,,,,...,.. iftc Three times one week.. . ...... ...,. lOe Six times one week............ It Ho TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In all classifications except Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per sonals, Hoarding and nooma. Whtn bo speci fied, add FIVE CENTS PER AOATE LINE TO ANir of the auove rates. Thcro Is a drug; storo near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllco rates. LOST AND FOUND For Other I .out nnd Found Ads Seo Pnte 1 BROOCH. Lost, going from Narbetth to 13th and Chestnut, via Broad St. Station, a round shaped diamond nnd sapphire brooch. J 100 re ward It returned to Tho Bailey, Banks & Blddls Co. . $100 REWARD for return of or Information leading to recovery'of 1010 PathOnder twin six IB-cylinder 7-paesencer touring car; Penn evlvanla license No. 70309! engine No. 100331 car equipped with detachable white wire wheels: tno extra wheels In rear: nickel-plated V-ehap radiator! equipped with Goodrich tires, n.'uS. Inform J. U, Zimmerman, 1312 Chestnut at. RlNO Lost, at or near Stetson Hospital, Tues day, a gentleman's heavy chased gold ring with three diamonds! namo ot ntvner, Dr, John A. Roger, engraved Inside. Very liberal re ward nnd no questions asked If returned to .-ju .. iirnnu si. STOLEN 150 reward: Dodge touring cnr. Mfg. No. 22110: license No 13R0S2. Inltlnl II. C. Y. on doori notify A. P, Devcrcaux, 321 Wal nut, st. , NOTICE IS IIERERY OIVEN thnt certincatcs Nos. 311. 312, 318,- 814 and 810, Issued Octo ber 17. 1002, In the name of tho undersigned, for 100 shares each of the common capital stock of United Lighting and Heating Com pany, have been lost, mislaid, stolen or de stroyed, and application hns been made to the United Lighting and Heating Company by the undersigned for the Issua of new cer tlOcates In lieu of said certificates so lest, mtslnld. stolen or destroyed, DUTILII-SMITII. Mc.MII.LAN & CO.. CO Broad St.. New York city. New York, II. S. A. PERSONAM REFINED JAPANESE OENTLEXfAN wishes English-speaking young Indy to teach conver sation: 2 or 3 times a week! evenings. 128 S, 30th. st. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. 1B01 Chestnut st Dr. O. It. Rndmnre, E. T. Mere dith, r. H. Cenrfoss, Mrs. Wm. A. Snnder, .1 13 M. Rnloy, Mr. Morris Klein Campbell, Ell Bottle Co., Wm. A. Wood. Mrs. Ella .Mayers, S, Henrv I.eo. Mrs Mnry Shaw, J. II. Joseph, Mrs. P. Holthmeyer. Harry llerto lettc, Wm J. Bona, II. II. Windsor. Mrs. E. ltelchner. It. E. Trovett. J. H, Putnam, Mrs. Lulu Frlck Taylor, Eddlo Meade, V. Meehel loch. J. C. Madden, 11. A. Burton, Mrs. Fred prick Hopcenhowland. Mr. O. II, Morrlssette, D. C. Williams, Clarence Johnson. Mr. J. D. Hylvn. E. T. Kennan, W. V. Bingham. Mrs. J. Frummel.Mra. Katharine Kershnw.Hwayne, Hoyt & Co., J. O. McCalllster, H. J. Kenner. Secy., John Lyons, Ira L. Wnlcs, Harry William, Robt, llursner, Amadeo Heraflno, Inpreco. II. L. Blumhard, Miss Ruth Hurl hurt. Mrs. A. L. Miller, Maria Pellegrlno, I,ee Equipment Co., Mrs. IC S. Wnlnwrlght. II. R. McKesslnser, Thos. Weaver, Mrs. H. C. Ellis. Richard Holfvday. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CO., 1420 South Tenn squnro Job Low it Sot. Co.. Stove & Co., F. T Cadmus. Mrs. Emllle Tarsia, Wm. D. Hartshorvo. Mrs. Emma C. Little. HEL? WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID and waitress wanted In small adult family: neat, capable, Protestant: ref erenco: city position. C 204. Ledger Offico. COOK Protestant girl, cooking and light laun dry work for Ardmore: reference required. Meet employer Monday, 11 a. m.. Room 203, 008 Chestnut st. COOK, neat, cnpable, wanted: Protestant pre- lerren: roierence. kj j. i,cuBer umcp, QIRLS wanted: light work; no experience neces sary: $0 a week LJld whllo learning. Apply 310 N. 82d. HAND KNITTERS Several exp. hand knitters and crnchetera to do work at home; bring sam ples of your work. Call Thurs,, all day, July 0, Olvmpla Mills. 24th and Ellsworth. HOUSEWORK Otrl, whlto. for downstairs work, good cook. 0 Asbury ave.. Oak Lane. Phone Melrose 14B5. NURSE or attendant for sanitarium for nervous diseases; salary 122 a month and board and room . Address S. Lord. Sta mford. Con n . NURSE Olrl. white, to assist with chamber work: no washing. 0 Asbury ave.. Oak Lane. mono aieiroso noa. OFFICE ASSISTANT, young lady, wanted: typist acquainted with office details: permanent posi tion with a future Apply In person or by let- ter, II. K. Mulford Company aienolden. Pa OPERATORS Experienced operators" on single and 2-needle machines: steady employment, good wages: learners tsken and paid while Teaming. Apply Nainsook Dept., Roxford Knitting lo.. unnnoipn nnu jenerson. OPERATOR8. experienced on Union Special col larette machines. Hyglenlo Fleeced Under- wear Co.. -eio rorin iiowara. OPERATORS 100 operative car machine oper ators: steady and lucrative employment. Ap- Piy XI. curuy, i.u .1. ytii. BTENOORAPHER. with knowledge bookkeeping: atate exp. and sal, des. P 401, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS have recognized the assistance that "Miss Dean." of the Commercial Department at Ledger Central, has been In securing situa tions of the better kind a service which the public cannot do without. "Miss Dean" has both the Intsrests of the employer and em ploye at heart, and can be depended upon at the right time and place. This service is of fered to you aa a Lodger advertise!' take ad vantage of It Immediately If you are seeking a position. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions aa operator to In telligent young women between IS and 22 years old! salary IB a week while learning, with rapid advancement; a steady position assured, with pleasant surroundings and un usual opportunity for promotion. Apply In person to the Bell Telephone Company's oper ators school. 4ld Market st.. daily between 8:30 a, m. and 0 P. m. Tuesday and Friday eventiuis between 6:30 and 8:30 o'clock. Central WOMAN of pleasing manners, not under 27. willing to work Industriously T hours dally and follow Instructions; permanent position; Al credentials required! salary 120 weekly, C 20d. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHY pays well. Our complete course costs only 180.00. We guarantee positions. Phils. Collegiate Institute, 703 Walnut st. HELP WANTED MALE ATTENDANT or orderly for sanitarium for Rerrous diseases f salary 122 a month and oard and room. Address 8. Lord. Stam ford. Conn. AtTTO REPAIRMEN AND MACHINISTS, caps, ble of overhauling nnd rebuilding autotrucks. P 282, Ledger Ofllee. CHEMIST familiar with braes, bronxe. Iron and coal analysis: atate experience and salary ex pcclcd. P 230. Ledger Qfllce. COACHMAN-CHAUFFEUR wanted, single white man, tn tako care of two horses and small nutomobllo In country! must be careful and good drivers do n little work around the plnce and In house! references required. Apply Oil Chestnut st. DRUO AND OROCERT specially salesman with experience Introducing new products to deal era In co-operation with newspapef adverlls- ... Ing. C 120. Ledger OOlce. ii ELEVATOR OPERATOR Active, Intelligent white man, about 22 years, for passenger ele vntorj state age. reference nnd wages x- pected. Address J 452. Ledger Central. ENGINEER Wanted, man with experience nround small Ice machine: permanent posi tion for steady man. Apply In reraon or by . letter. H. K. Mulford Co., Olenolden, riREMEN AND BRAKEMEN. Apply Baltimore A Ohio Railroad Free Labor Bureau, 019 8. 11th KNOX STIFFENERU nnd elenrers. experienced: steady work assured operators! liberal wages to re liable workers, Orand nnd St, Marks ave., 2'rorklyn. MAN, familiar with draughting, to take charge of upkeep department In n large wood-working factory; very good position for tho right man. Address, stating age, experience, references, ctc, P 302,Ledger OITIce. MAN wanted to tako care of guinea pigs, rab bits nnd mice. Oood position for man with fxryrlenro In handling small nnlmnls, Apply tu H. K. Mulford Co., Olenolden. I'O; MAN, first class, to cover rollers and take caro of belt In worsted plant. 3. A. 8traus A Co.. Trenton, N. J. MLN wanted to handle hogs; steady work nnd advancement for steady. Industrious men. Apply In person or by lotter, II. K. Mulford Co., Olenolden. MEN wanted, freight hnndlera. to truck freight Jt freight station; white or colored. Apply 1711 Filbert St.. after 7 n.m. MEN 100 men to rope In tents! steady nnd lucrnllvo employment. Apply 11, McCurdy, 110 N 0th st. MEN Wanted, laborers and locomotive clean- ers, P. R. It. Co.Call 1711 Filbert st. MOTORTRUCK SALESMEN, for eastern Penn sylvania, New Jersey nnd Delaware; best com mercial car built: straight commission propo sition; largo profits: stnto experlenco In reply: nil answers treated confidentially. C 118, ledger Office. OPERATORS 100 operative car mnchlno opera tors: steady and lucrative employment. Apply II, McCurdy, 110 N. Bthat. SPECIALTY- SALESMEN to Introduce high grade, vvell.advcrtlsed now product tn drug nnd grocery stores, C 127, Ledger Offico. BTENOORAPHER. 20-23; high school graduate! Inrgo manufacturing concern: excellent future; knowledgo languages desirable. C 208, Led ger Offlce. TELEORAPH OPERATOR8 wnnted by Pennsyl vania Railroad: must m first class, Apply Room 345, Broad St. Station. TOOI.MAKEIIS. gnugemnkers and machinists (100) wnnted: good mechanics who can asso ciate with tho high grado of men now em ployed and who can nppreclato a squaro deal! 48-hour week with overtime high wages and all other concessions tending townrd their com fort and profit that do not conOlct with pro duction? no labor trouble, Apply by letter, stating whether union, man or not. No rum mies or floaters hired. The Hi E. Harris En- j:lneorlne Co., Box 615. Bridgeport. Conn. WANTED Punch.'dto and intricate tool makers for accurato work: no munitions work or labor troubles. Apply Charles E, Tucker Mfg. Co., York. rn. YOUNG MEN between the ages of 18 nnd 35 who deslro to travel and to receive military trnlnlng as members of tho first lino of tho country's defense, apply at 1400 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa., for detailed Information ro gnrdlng enlistment Injhe V. S. Marino Corps. HANDY MAN Want, active. Intelligent, all around mechanic for general repairs around ofOce building: stnto age. reference and wages oxpect"d.Addreas J 433, LedgcrJJcntrnL FIRST-CLASS DRAFTSMAN, familiar with building constructions nnd factory lay-out, for 2 dr 3 months.P283A LedgerOfflco. Oenernl BOOKKEEPERS J15-I20. CLERKS, double at tractive openings for young, men 1U up. BANK CASHIER ic SOLICITOR, excellent inning for experienced man. STENOGRA PHER. 3 rood positions, 12, fin, 1H. IJRArTSMEN. MECHANICAL. STRUCT URAL. PERSPECTIVE good positions 118 up. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS for con structlon. Installation, supervision, 00 start. Oood opportunity. FOREMAN, ma chine shop. J25. LUMBER INSPECTOR. THE WEST HIOII CLASS PRINTING SALES.rAN IN PHILADELPHIA WANTED. SALESMAN KL'ECTIHCAL SUPPLIES. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER (only high class man considered). Specialty, salary and commission. Other positions opon for HIOII Oil ADD MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1801 LAND TITLE BLDO. AGENTS A HARTFORD manufacturing firm desires to hear from manufacturers' agents to act for them In Philadelphia selling specialties In houscfurnlshlng line to dept.. hardware stores, etc.; party with office preferred. Address J 011. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS "WANTED EEMALE CHILDNURSE or chamberwork; neat, capable, voung girl with very good reference wishes position: seashore preferred. Call present pjlacei128 W. Highland ave.. Chestnut . lTtll.i COMPANION-NURSE American Protestant: capable, trustworthy: good reference: willing toassist wlthjlght duties. H 622, Led. Off. COOK, experienced." capable, young. Call Room J3, uu unesinut si, DRESSMAKER, first class, desires engagements: summer gowns a specialty. Phone Walnut (HOB. irndPTTiT. Fully equipped, within 20 mites of Philadel phia, on macadam road: ample grounds: old shade: sufficient acreage to accommodate CON VALESCENTS. Very reasonable price for quick sale, as owner Is compelled to give up the care. Possession at once. J. I. Thomp- son. 113 N. High st.. West Chester. Pa. HOUSEKEEPER, good cook, all kinds of house work; capable taking charge of large home; J 10 per week; references. Apply M--. Mead, londay, 10 a. m.. Room 205, Ood Chest nut si. HOUBEKEEPER or cook Col. woman wants position: family: country. 1048 N. Clarion. HOUSEWORK Colored, with boy 0 years old: first-class reference. B14 Olenwood ave. YOUNG WOMAN would like position aa lady's maid tn retlned family; good reference. C 121, Ledger Oftlce. MRS. CHARLES A. MUNN. Jr., Iladnor. Pa., would like to place her Infant's nurse, who Is excellent In every way and has been with her for five years, In a nice situation. Miss Margaret Lynch ran ba Interviewed at 810 Hillside ave.. Jenklntown. Pa. A STUDENT of Pennsylvania State College de sires a position for the summer as companion to a lady or as chlldnurse; references ex- changea. 11 oiu, i-eager mnce. GRAMMAR SCHOOL teacher desires clerical work or tutoring In elementary branohes dur Ing aummer. Call B814 Willows ave. EMPLOYERS are beginning to recognize ths sorvl rendered by "Miss Dean" at Ledger Central aa Invaluable to them at that psycho logical moment when they find themaeivea without oftlce help. They know that a phone call Walnut 3000 or Main 3000 will bring them just the desired assistance, ts It a Stenog rapher, Bookkeeper. Secretary or Clerk. "Miss Dean" keeps tn touch with young women who are seeking situations. Have you ver asked her assistance! It Is a free service to Led ger Advertisers, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT of exceptional ability desires po sition with good company aa auditor, traveling nhrtltor or In confidential capacity! best ref erence. J 1S4, ledger Central, . ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, exp.. deslresP?'" tlon; Germans best ref. C 12iL&. Office. ADVERTISING MAN, 4 yearn' exp. detail and selling, des, pos. In advertising dept. or agenoyi unquestionable ref- J 14 4. Ledger .Central. nUTLER-VALET. English, single, seeks posl; tlon; summer or steady; best references, J 3.10, Ledger Central. . CHAUTFEUR wants position: Al Tackard me chanic: 11 yrs,' fxp,; careful, sober. M. Ant, 2303 N. 2S'th. Dla. 3400 J 248. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, first class, colored, wishes posl tlon: can do all repairing: first-class refer ences: nrlv.itn fnmllv. 421A Wvaluslng avs. CHAUFFEUR, white. Trotestant. expert driver. . des. position on Cadillac: ref. 1411 N. Watts, i,ivauh.uii, exp., zn, married, aesires p, with prl. family. 0024 Bummer st.t W. Thlla, CHAUFFEUR wants position: IB years last tffl .. ployj married. Apply 2 8. 21st st.,.Phlla. EDITOR of unimpeachable character, ability and ambition, would like to Increase his In come by devottng few hours tn nfternoons to work Instead of recreation: good writer and excellent correspondent! not particular as to nature of employment so long as compensa tion Is cummensurnto with service rendered. . C 200. Ledger Office. , MANAGER Young man. 27, desires position with firm where executive ability Is required! best references. J 440, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, 10 years with present firm, de sires to connect with concern where. there Is good prospect of advancement. J 8B8, Ledger Centrnl. . STENOGRAPHER Young man, colored, best reference. J 250, Ledger Central, WANTED A Job where there Is chance for ad vnncement; ran glvo reference nnd bond, J in3. Ledger Central. TOUNO MAN desires position of any .kind with chance of ndvnnrement. Hubert flormncker. 25jn North 7th St. AN ACTIVE MAN with years of experience as office mannger and financial man for a largo wholesalo house In another city Is de sirous of moving to Philadelphia and will bo open for a position after July 10. C 120. ledger Offlce. EMPLOYMENT for summer months wanted by reOned young English Protestant; capacity lm- mate rial ; offers Invited. X.. 12B N. 10th st. JAPANESE wants position, cook or gen. house work; prlv. fam.; good ref. Itado. 808 N. 18th. EMPLOYMENT AQENOIES MRS. NICHOLLS, 1020 Bntnbrldge el. Compe tent butlers, couples, housemen, gardoners, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids. Infant and French nurses, maids, etc., supplied. Wanted, German 2d men. chambermaids, cooks, eto. Call Locust 2130. MISS MARY T, MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (Loe. 1303), supplies and wants lst-class frpt., Cnth.. male and female help; all nationalities. MRS, MTN7.LAFF, 10.10 Christian st. (Dick. MO), wants nnd supplies help of all natlonall ties and copacltles: housework girls wanted. MRS. KANE. Ml S. 10th. wants and I supplies lst-class whlto help. Thono Spruco 8401. AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale APPERBON 1010. fl-cyllnder, C-passengeri has been used for demonstration only. Car better than new nnd carries regular guarantee: will sacrinco, as '17 models are shipped. Phone Spruco 2070, or address. WILLIAM T. TAYLOR . N. E. cor. Broad and ltaco sts. CADILLAC. 1014 touring car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment: price I860. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 142 N. Broad st. CADILLAC touring. 1012! elecjrlo lights and starter: excellent condition: will demonstrate. 311 East Upsal st.PhonOorniantown B808W. CHALMERS 1010 40. driven 3000 miles: one new tire; extras: will sacrifice. L B40. Led- cer Central. . COLE, 1018, 4-cyllndcr touring. l! S. BOWERS CO.. 24B N. Broad st. COLE Dlstrlbutors. HUDSON8. rebuilt and guaranteed! phaetons, roadsters nnd cabriolets! ele. lights and start era OOMEUY-SCHWAItTZ. 263 N. Broad St. CILV.S8IS We have a few cheap care, of whloh the chassis would be very desirable for truck or delivery work of any kind. Don't fall to corns In nnd look them ovor If you want something for delivery purposes nt a bargain price. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market st. Locust 430. II i,tnMiHMirr.nichange Car Dept. 2 AUTOCAR TRUCKS. 1H tons capacity with bodies, each S5R WILCOX. 1-ton del very. Al condition...... 800 C. II. O'NEAL. 210 N. Broad st. -l.M-F PARTS BCHOnER- 3341-43-45 MARKET SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN QORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BROAD. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HIRE. S1.25 AND UP Pooler 218. Cnrs of all makes. Race 2241. BUY MOISTER Portable O"age.-3toel or siucco. n uiapiity -'- " ----. AUTO PAINTING HAVE EVERY FACILITY for doing the finest work: catering to a particular clientele where QUALITY IB the PRIMA11Y CONSIDERA TION. Prices In your favor. Tioga 2702. GEO. W. PARVI8, JR.. , 1B21 Alrdrlo St., Broad above Erie. TRY MY VARNISH POLISH for your nutomobllo body. It has no equal. Trial bottle. BOc. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. AUTO ItEPAIIUNQ t SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES I Bee BILLY, at his now locntton, 010 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS REBORED. new pistons and rlnis furnished, weldings and braitng. II. B. Underwood fc fco.. 102JS Hamilton St.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKEN-BEAItlNaS HYATT New Departure Service Sta. The awttllara Co". 1814 Arch et. Wa nut 3407. Race 8003. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Ouaranteed 8300 miles. Compare prlaeg. PRIM'S. 2.10 N. Broad at. "" t-ire's B1"htlyB?8dJ3aN."lVt'h!.y0pUarrgY4' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TJ A "li'TvIT'C! Send for our free book, r-N-Q "Patents and Trade-Marks." We will help you develop your invention. Ad--vicofreo. Reasonable fees. Open Monday eve nings until 8:30, FOSTER & WEBSTER BUITB " 1011 Chestnut st. Hell phone Walnut 1881. LET ME SELL.YOUR BUSINESS AHTHtm LEUPOLD 1218 Chestnut (Bailey Bldg.) and 424 8. B2d. PICTURE THEATRE, suburban, 1800: modern! no competition: 10c. dally: strictly first class) highly profitable. BARRIST, 201 N. Broad st. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way, Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. DIAMONDS BOUGHT DIAMONDS BOUOHT Bank reference. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 Hansom st. DRESS SUITS to hire for all occasions! also modern silk bats. Samuel Cooper, 1010 Olrard ave. By C. A. VOIGHT , , f C"E WHIZ- LO0KA THAT N ' y X W0e3, I HUS7A MADeN " DAW VmAT A 5HW f ' ;.' -i ' s -r lr iirf r rr II r - i --. i . .. m. .. . nmt i i ,i - ' " - V. M n, , , i nJI ., i t , , ii , , I I ' T ' '''!'