If TOURNAMENT OPENS SOCIAL SEASON Thirty-two Members of tho As Bbciatton Participate In Fifth Annunl Event, Extending Over Three Days 'PREPAREDNESS ON 4TH" Navy Department Will Send Two Gun boats nnd Flvo Submarines to I Celebration ourt Ulttdiiicle. uln' chased fcA a hit rar-V. 1 wdfit rrtchurl.' A wlld-looklhe; man ap prtacliert a cot) fit 4 let And ttnrltt and 1 told Mrri thU etalWnK hw In Abort itap. xne oiuecoai realised that there trtM An Insane asylum nearby and eyed, tho stranger etisplplously. "I know what yer think," eald the man, "but yer wrontt. I dldn' escape from there. I'm hfthdln' yer tho teal stiifr " "Heat It," eald the policeman, "or I'll hara yon put back In your padded cell." "Lemma explain,'' urged the man. 'Dere's a clrtus out hero on a lot and a place to hang up yer hat ns yer go In. Well, I tewed my hat on dls rack, Which was Jlat like a deer's head, Tvhen suddenly It comes lb life and It chasea me. It's oyes wus list like fire and It kept atter me fer blocks." At the BUKKefltfon of tho cop, tho stranger led htm to tha lot Whore tho circus Wad. Sure cnoiigh there was a deer's head" In a booth near the circus tent. "Every tlmo you toss yer hat oh the "' CAPE MATi July l.-Tho social events of the season started oft well with the fifth Annual invitation tournament of tha Worn en's Association of the Capo May Golf Club, which was played Wednesday, Thurs day and yesterday, Th4 32 golfers were Mrs. Frank Botr, Miss Eleanor Blspham, Mrs. Qcorge O, Green, Mrs. Philip Caitncr, Mrs. deorga Oats Suddards, Miss Craig, Miss II. JTInckel, Mrs. Francis Doyle, Miss D. Doyle, Mrs. Vf. tf. Mayhew. Miss Knth erlno Thompson, Mrs. Fred Ij. Harding, Mrs. Howard E Pepper, Miss Marie Starr, Mrs. W&'t'lam M. Weaver, Mrs. T. Herman Vet teHeln, Miss Julia Crlftlt, Mrs. Frank J, QsleyV Mrs. Basil Harris, Mrs. Russet M. Wagar, Mrs. John W. Emack, Mrs. Will iam B. Elliott. Miss M. Doyle. Mrs. R. Walker Starr, Mrs. C. T. Wetherill, Miss At Griffith, Miss Ilena Dlmond, Mrs. J. D. Baker, Mrs. Herbort Fox, Irs. William II. Heullngs, Jr Miss IL C. Shearer ahd Miss H, C. Kewbold. Practically evqrythlng la In readiness for tho big "Preparedness Day" colebratlon to bo given next Tuesday. Tha Navy Depart ment has detailed' two gunboats and flvo submarines tei participated the events and to maneuver In tho Cape May Harbor. John Wanemakor will deliver tho Fourth of July oration In the 'morning from tho porch of tho Corinthian Yacht Club. In the after noon thcro will be a land parade, In which the marines and civic societies will take part. In tho evening thore will be a bril liant display of fireworks. Tha Corinthian Yacht Club will gtva an Independence Day dance on Monday night, and during the progress of the dance will set off a display of flroworks In tho Cape May Harbor. v Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brlnton Coxe, of Drlfton, nro occupying a cottage horo for tho summer. Judge William D. Llpplncott, of Burling ton County, N. J., courts', and Mrs. Llppln cott, are spending tho season at the Colum- Dla. Mrs. F. W. Aiken Is staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Shaw at their cottage on-Stockton ave. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Hallowell and MISs Dorothy Hallowoll, who passed tho 'early season at tho Pocono Mountains, ar rived at tho Hotel Capo May on Wednes day -to spend tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Rosawell Hanson, of At lanta, Qa., son-in-law and daughter of United Statos Senator Hoko Smith, of Oeorgla.yare staying at tho Hotel Capo May for tho Summer. Mrs. George Stevenson and Mrs. S. M. Grimn, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. G. B. Stevenson, of Gormantown, are hero for an extended sojourn. , Mr. and Mrs. Jamos A. Pearson have ar rived at their Beach avenue cottage, where they will remain until tho cod of September. Attornoy General John w7 Wescott, who nominated Woodroy- Wilson (it the Balti more convention In 1912, and at tho St Louis convention, Is occupying a cottage on Stockton avenue, whero he and his family will romaln throughout tho'-ontlre summer season. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Dixon aro In a cottage on Kearney avenue, where they1 will pass uie summon Mr. and Mrs. Francis J, Hill, who have one of tho handsome show cottages at Beach ofenue and Jefferson street, have opened It for tho summer season. Mr.i and Mrs. Basil Harris havo opened their cottage at New Jersey and Trenton avenues for tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernard Hllllard, of Salem, pre occupying a cottage at Capo May Point for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Forsyth have "vwidu uivii- uuiuisq on 3eacn avenue ror their summer sojourn. John Nlelds Bancroft and Miss Winifred Bancroft, o'f Ardmore, have apartments at the Columbia Hotel. Captain A, B. Wllllts, U. S. N., with Mrs. Wllllts and Mrs. Hardy, Is staying here for a fortnight Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Houghton and Miss Houghton, of Boston, accompanied by Miss Jannoy, of Philadelphia, aro at the Windsor for tho season. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Justl are In their cottage on Columbia avenue, and they will V.v,n1. until In,. I . l - ., urn., iut u oepixmuer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doran aro In a cot tage on Columbia avenue where they will stay until September. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel J. Castner have ar rived at their Beach avenue cottage, where they will pass tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. I. Joseph Pocher, of New York, are occupying their cottage on South Lafayette street, and will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Folwell. Jr., of Philadelphia. SlTUBDAY iTULY it? AMm (M READY TORtoYEBlCCROWte FOR ''MMr TODAY Promise of Good Weather Ex pected to Bring Many Train loads of Visitors to Resort JITNEYS GROW IN FAVOR deer's horn you git n cigar," yelled a barkor. "Put It on threo times and yer git a dollar bill." The cop tried to convince the nervous man ho, was suffering from Imagination but suddenly he uttered a yell and Btarted oft again down Market street Tho police man caught him two blocks away. It didn't requlro much Investigation to discover that the stranger hnd been drink ing. Ho was taken before Magistrate Harris and gavo his name as Bud Henry. "Tho cop won't believe her," said Bud, "but Jlnt ns. aura ns I'm here that deer gets after me when I go near him." "You want me to keep It away from you, I suppose," said the Judge. 'You certainly ..struck It right" said Henry, "and yer the first senslbll guy dat I've struck tonight" "I'll tako you at your word." said tha Magistrate, "and you can rest for flvo days behind tho stone walls at the county prison. If tho doer gets after you again just let mo know and we'll put him In Jail, too." SOCIETY FOLK ORGANIZE EXCLUSIVE RIDING CLUB Membership Will Be Limited to 100 -Academy Site on Fair mount Avenue An exclusive 'riding club will be organized In this city by socially prominent mop and women who havo contalmjod Interest in iiuineiiesn aespue ma increaso or motor driven vehicles. It became known today that $100,000 will bo contributed by thorn to start tho club and purchase hoadquarters. The club, with a membership limited to 100, will bo known as the Equestrian Club of Philadelphia. Each member will pay $1000 to Join. Tho club will bo formally organized noxt Wodnesday at a meeting In tho ofllco of Charles Sumnor Wesley, 1420 Chestnut street According to tho plans tho membership will closo when It reaches 100. Each mem ber Is to purchase a $1000 bond of the olub. Theso bonds are guaranteed to pay 6 per cent Interest The alto selected for tho academy Is at 2B21 Falrmount ave nue, now accupled by the Brlggs Hiding Academy. This building will be razed. Among thoso Interested In organizing the olub aro Walter C. Gold, Senator Polos Pen rose, Jamos C. Porry, William H. Wana maker, W. Welch Harrison, Jr., John O. Patton. tho L'Alglon Cnfo, G. Searing Wil son, J.-Howoll Cummlngs, Fred T. Chandler and Francis FIshor Kane, ATLANTia CITY, July 1. 'Although no set program on their visit here had been prepared, the ad men came flocking Into this resort yesterday In such numbers that they soon made themselves conspicuous on the beach promenade and on avenues. Many of tho visitors to tho most widely advertised resort city In tha country were here for tha first time, and they were aston- lshod nt the huge hotels, the magnificent stretch of Boardwalk and many other fea tures In this otty. Many made a dash for the ocean Immediately upon arlvat, swelling tho big crowd alroady enjoying tho billows. Evidently theso visitors enjoyod the bath for until sunset there was n big crowd In tho water. A big delegation went to tha Boa VISw golf links to seo the match games or tako a hand nt that outdoor sport This will bo a big day for tho Island, as trains will como down heavily loaded with pooplo who want to got their holiday enjoyment near the sea waves. If this Fourth of July does not brenk all estab lished records It will be because the flcklo weatherman may turn on a brand of cllmato not BUlted for outdoor enjoyment But ho has promised to bo good. With Its India rtihhnr capacity this cltv has never yet boon filled to overflowing, but that Is looked for this summer, "Jltnoy pilgrimages" nre the latest meth od of evening enjoyment although they cost the participants a little more than a ntcklo. Jitney cars that ply on tho nvonues dur ing tho day are chartered for the evening by crowds of young people and then the pilgrimage starts for somo point on tho mainland Absecon. Egg Harbor, May's Landing or Somors Point the ,paco being slow and tho automobiles keeping close to gether, so that the occupants can Join In songs as thoy roll along the roads. Tho end of the first lap of tho Journey Is gener ally at a farmhouse or hotel, engaged In advance, where luncheon la served and dancing Is the feature until It Is tlmo to return home. This has entirely superseded tho old stylo "straw-ride' 'and Is very pop ular with the younger element ' Thoroh as been much complaint about the tardiness In completing tha now Absecon automobile boulevard, leading Into this city, and city officials were blamed for this. Thoy have Issued a statement telling the why and wheroforo. It seoms that certain property owners havo neglected or refused to sign papers giving the County Commis sioners the privilege of using abutting prop erty on the new boulevard and this has dolayed tho work. It will not bo In readi ness this Bummor, nor will be the new en trance to this city by tho way of Somers Point and Longport be ready 'for automo biles. All city employes, who are not roqulred to romaln on duty for tho protection of Ufa or property, will bo given a holiday on July '3 and 4. The flag deooratlons are stilt In place, not having been takon down slnco Carnival Weok, and many new ones aro being flung to the breeze. One hotel has Just had a huge eloctrla reproduction of an American flag placed on a prominent street corner, and It will wavo every eve ning hereafter. Tho United States mall trucks are all flying the national emblem as thoy speed through tho stroets, collecting mull, and It is safe to say no city In tho United States has a better display of flags than this. THE PHOTOPLAt- MAN-ABOUT- TOWN HERBERT LEADS STORE CHORUS IN CONCERTS Strawbridge & Clothier Singers Heard in Two of 'Composer's Numbers BABY PARADE FEATURE OF S. 60TH ST. FOURTH Fireworks; Verbal and Other wise, to Be on Program Sports for the Youngsters Tha South Sixtieth Street Improvement Association has planned an elaborate and patriotic program for a safa and sane Fourth ' of July oelebratlon upon the occasion of the forthcoming national holiday, Through the efforts of a series of committees, of which Thomas G, Smith is general chairman, the association has raised $1600 from the house holders and merchants within the area bounded by Cedar and Baltimore avenues, and C8th street and Cobb's Creek, In which section over 4000 peopi maintain the pro verbial Philadelphia home. This money will be. expended In varied fashion for the enjoyment of the people living within the district T.ho exercises will begin with a national aluta at sunrise, followed by a parade by school children at 8 a. m. At 10 a. m. there win be varied sports for boys on Cedar ave nue win appropriate DNzei for tha winners of varied events. The men of the district wtu paraue ai i:ju o'clock, ana at itlQ p. m. there win be o. baby parade, with the crowning of a tiny queen by E. J. Cattetl, City statistician, at 9th and Christian Streets. Band concerts at frequent Intervals will occur during the day from 8:30 In tho morning until ll:S0 p. nt. Thr will be ap elaborate display of fireworks at 624 and Cobb's Qreek Boulevard at dusk William J Berry. Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, will ba the orator pf the dy and will deliver a patriotic address at 64 street and Washington avenus at 7:30 p. m. Two notable concerts wore given nt Wil low Grove Park yesterday aftomoon and last night by tho Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus. Every number of four concerts In terpreted by the chorus nnd orchestra was a composition of Victor Herbert From the musical viewpoint the events aro to be con sidered as among the most Important of the entire season ,at Willow Grove. A throng of thousands heard the afternoon concerts ; at night the Immense muslo sta dium was entirely occupied by a thoroughly enthusiastic audience. Thirteen times In tho last 11 seasons the Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus has sung at Willow Grove, and with but two excep tions Dr. Herbert J. Tlly has conducted. But because It was a day and a night da voted entirely to Herbert- muslo Doctor Tlly insisted that tho composer should con duct In both concerts in which tho chorus figured. Municipal Band at Starr Garden The Municipal Band, undor the leader ship of Benjamin Roeshmnn, will play to night at Starr Garden, 7th and Lombard stroots. Tho program follows: 1. Overture, "Llsht Cavalry" Suppee !t. (n) "In KanaiiB," humoresque Brooke !"., .La..2ar'.n.a"; Oanno 0. BalUt, "EByptlon"' Lulttnt (a) Alleiro non troppo. (b! Allnrotto. (c) Andante aoitenuto. (d) Andante oxproislvo. 4. gm from 'The Cbocolate Soldier". BtrawM B, Tenor aolo, selected. Jerry Shaw. 0. Grand lection. "Flylns Dutchman" Warner 7. Val dl ooncert "Anse d' Amour." 8. Popular medley, 'The Klncr Fin"..vWtmark Complete Theatre Program for the Week Appear Evert Monday in the Chart Juan da la CrUs, who plays the Import ant part of Slgnor Pastorelll In tha Moroaco-Paramount photoplay, "The Making of Maddalena," coming tothe Palace next week, Is a Count and of a noble Spanish' Danish family bf anolent lineage. He was trained In dramatlo and operatic work at tho Royal Theatre at Copenhagen. Start ing at 18 years, he ptayed In all the big musical centres of Europe for six years, Afterwards coming to America, He ap peared In Morocco's photoplay, "Peer Gynt," and In the Pallas production, 'The Gentleman From Indiana." Tuesday at the Ruby, Pauline Frederick will be seen In the title role of "Zsta," which Is one of the drnmatlo achievements contributed to tho screen. "Zasa" was a stage Buccess when presented by Mrs. Les llo Carter and Miss Frederick has re peated this success on the screen. John Barrymore has played more roles on the screen, Including princes, dictators. sennemen oi extreme elegance and leis ure nnd other Interesting typos, but he has never before played a crook. This char acterization ho has reservod for the "Lost Bridegroom," which will be tho attraction on Monday at the Rlalto. , Those who have seen Paulina Frederick In "Zasa," "Tha Spider" and "Andrey," and other screen succeses will welcome her as tho central charactor of Israel Zangwllt'a "The Moment Before," appearing at the Falrmotlnt next week. The Question of whether n. mm run ri. form after he has had a taste of crok life has often been asked, but soldom has a log ical answer been given on tho screen. When "The Shadow of Doubt" Is shown at tho Locust on Monday next with Carlyla Blackwell In the leading role, that question wll bo answered. How a woman In protecting her ststor from a frightful fate Incurs the Jealousy of her husband and finally has to bare a dark chapter In her own life. Is told In the Trlanglo drama "Not My Sister," star ring Bessie Barrlscale and William Des mondo, to be seen at the Victoria on Monday anu Tuesday. "An Innocent Magdalene," starring Lil lian Glsh, Is scheduled for Saturday at the Great Northern. In the cast with Miss Glsh aro Spotteswoodo Aiken and Sam Do Grasse, who are popular and well-known players. Tho novelty of seeing an Oriental star supported by a lending woman, who is also from tho last of chrysanthemums. In a .purely Occidental photoplay; will ba the at traction on Wednesday nnd Thursday when Sessue Hayakawa and his wife, Tsuru Aokl, will appear In "Alien Souls," at the Bel mont William S. Hart who has made such a pronounced success In all of his plays, has tho leading role In "The Bargain," which will bo at the Alhambra, An added feature will bo tha fifth episode of "Gloria's Ro mance," In which Bllllo Burke Is starred. A double bill has been provided for Satur day at the GIrard. Jane Gray and Tully juarsnau, in tne story or a modern Cin derella, "Let Katy Do It" Is a play of t tx& TiifvisnS 21 fTVllriMr Veil A NEW PARK OPENS ITS GATES Concert on City Hall Plwa "M Philadelphia Sand, under' the leader. ftp c Sllss E. Hummel, will plsy tonight t City Hall pjasa. Tha program follows! 1 Overtur. "ZampV ...iltrold U Tb Dance. S?cWon nl tU fmprovUatlon. 8. Th Kite. T S. 89I0 far Trombone. "Cry Thoa Tears." Stttettea on Favorite Utlodl . . . .flf ran.lc Fntl.''J'Al4lJuui Byna". ,.,,. Townl Contralto aula. "Low. !! i r r HCUt.' ....-- . MtlA.. I Brtb Brlokar iVjUbltaa r I KMf, "It Is the tribute I Mould pay to Mr. Herbert that h,e conduct my organisation through works he has written," said Doctor Tlly. "I feel that Mr. Herbert's greatest achievement Is his willingness to bring the highly artlstlo Jn muslo within reach of the comprehension of the masses, thereby not only entertaining, but educating and elevat ing tha popular taste to a greater apprecia tion of tha really finer things In music" Mr. Herbert, as he walked out to direct the chorus through "Tha Captive," ex pressed his appreciation. "I feel very keen ly the honor accorded me." Tie said. "True. they are my compositions, but this remark able organisation of singers has put In months of preliminary work for this pro duction, and It Is only at the absolute in sistence of Doctor Tlly that I consented to conduct" The chorus gave an effective Interpreta tion of "The Captive." This dramatlo can tata, written by Ylctor Herbert more than :0 years ago, Is remarkable because of Its extremely modern harmonization. The story Is based on the old law by which a captive was released by the enemy If claimed by a maiden, The heroine perceives the captive being led to desth to the weird muslo of fife and drum, and claims the youth for her own But the tensity of drama is even more striking in the sequel, for the captive de clines the offer of the maiden because of his pledge to another, and calmly goes to his death rather than be a traitor to his own loye. The afternoon production by the chorus was Herbert's Easter anthem, "Christ Is Risen" with May Ebrey Hots, soprano; Maude Sproule, contralto, and Horaci R, Hood, baritone, in solo parts. Today will witness the formal addition to the altogether too curtailed list of pleasuro parks on the Delaware River front at Gloucester, N. J., In the opening of Buena Vista Park at the shore landing there. A wonderful change and Improve ment has been made at this ones famous and almost forgotten spot since a year ago It passed into the control of Frank D. Hall, a bonlface and entertainment purveyor of experience. He has made many changes and Improvements In the hotel, and Its spreading and shaded porches now invite ono to shore and chicken and waffle dinners. Adjoining the hotel and facing the river shore, there Is a well appointed amusement park with Jp-to-dato amusement devices and a spacious muslo pavilion whore the Metropolitan Concert Orchestra, under the direction of A. H. Temme, will give conoerts every evening, and also on holiday, Sunday and Saturday afternoons. Mr. Temme has had consider able experience with, musical organizations of reputation having at one time been a member of Sousa'a Band, Ltberabl's famous Concert Band, Rolfe's Band and the Fair mount Paik Bank and others too numerous to mention. At present he Is conducting a large musical conservatory and (a also organist and choir dtrootor of a prominent church and musical director of several choral societies. Mr. Temme will intro duce several splendid vocal, soloists. Buena Vista PARK (ON DELAWARE MVEU FRONT) Gloucester, N. J. Near Terry FRANK D. II.VLL, Mnnarer Fun Recreation Picnic Grounds NOW OPEN Varied and Modern Attractions ,Metropolitan Orchestra A. II. TKMJIK, Conductor VOCAL SOLOISTS Concert Every Eienlng- mid Holiday! Baturdar and 8unday Afternoons FOl'ULAK 1'IUOE RESTAURANT Shore and Chicken nnd Wattle Dinners a Specialty Boats from foot of South Street run direct, dally every half noun Saturdays, Sunday and holiday ciery SO minutes. Lonstat and Moit Dellzhtful River C- Ride In the World for OC Rett, Quickest and Mnt Enjoyable Motor Route to the Shore rmLADKLMILVB FOREMOST PARK Band Concert at Belmont Mansion Tha Falrmqunt Park band, unaer the leadership of Richard Schmidt, will play this nfternoon, an4 tonight at Belmont Mansion, The program follows: PART I. AFTERNOON, 4 to 8 o'clock. 1, OvfrtuM. "Lisnt Cavalry" .Suppee 2. Suits. "La, Vubtni" T.j-.m' & A . ; Am-rrm-'mwvwv ' w ww waioaita rrom "Jiima" .,.....,,,. .JJrlqi ,,!, V,V4 R,t9V "tin Fets AranJutt' lai "anaoQwumQ' (Dl oust II iTha Medley, "Kaiolca Dance' e Lqv Tales of Kortmann dm - "JJrUht 14. Fart It EYENINO, S to in o'clock. .... ,,.,Demr(man ,.,... v.Cliuon nn' . .nrrnhaph FUt Ovsrtur. Boatound" i. Suits. 'L.'Arllitenna'' ' () PrIud, bi lllmwtto. .... W) fce Carllten. o. wain, "la raune 4 "ttssuoucsncfa usura-' leV-idaiiff' .WsldUufsl . BMU. Srfsktr P-Albltw 4 1 V4 (InYltstka to Ui Dance) Msfsfc, "Horri to Ltaa-t T. W.i,r I 8. .Qbsisabars i ei Y.opin - ,,,-,. . .uoaxny l bpssiJ7k w .v.. r :.ssass W.,Srv "i9w l "' -tl$b r, . . . , . . . .AUUII lrtCAU" . BS.il MlJl! ron faolUr 'tar-9(aali l!aju;tr," FAREWELL WEEK OF BAYNE'S Renowned Band in BrrciAL rsooKAua Grand D is pay of Fireworks on JuIy Fourth 250 TOYS FREE 250 TOY HUNT FOB CHILDREN FRIDAY, JULY 7 FORREST NOW KiVio TEN-REEL VERSION OF REX BEACH'S """SU, . 1 Ne'er-Do-Well PRICES 23a and BOe. All SaaU RenrreJ. SEATS NOW SELLING fFOR NEXT WEEK Globe Theatre" MARKET & JUNIPER STB. VfiVObYILLg -r- Continuous It a. sz id it f. . ivc i?o. ;w- George Hf Primrose "J3sTwsts The Seal, Diver and Mermaid ' OT H FKS GARRICK Mon. Ev'g sS Twice Daily Thereafter, 2.15 & 8.15 EVOS., 23c SOr, 13c. MATS.. 2So 6 BOe. ALL BEATS RESERVED OFFICIAL riOTritES KXlliniTED BY VKRMIKHION OF THE LATB LORD KIlt'UENER. HON. ARTHUR UALFOUK AND HON. LLOYD OEOilOE. HOW BRITAIN PREPARED Produced tTNDER THE DIRECTION OF CIIARLEH URUAN. See how 8.000,000 Civilians Were Turned Into id Efficient Arnir, Admiral Jclllcoe'a North Bea Fleet In Action and on Guard. A LESSON FOR AMERICA NOW Amnnentsd Orchestra. Special Effects. STANLEY Uarktt Above Itth 11 ilS to litis Today Last Timss MYRTLE STEDMAN In First and Exclusive fihowlnr of "THE AMERICAN BEAUTY" Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ana Fannlnfton In "Musis Bnowfliks" Thursday, Friday, Saturday BLANCHE; SWEET In THB DUPE' PALACE 1214 MARKET 10 A. II. TO JtaS ?. M..-10O. JOo, Blanche hweet in $1000 Htuband DAHORfQ CHAS. J, COLL 3 80UTII 40TH STREET Dunce Tonight Eltctrlo fan, coolest place in city. Refresh meats. Mysr" orchestra. SITU 8TREET SCHOOL CLOSED Chestnut Btlosr loth a rf a r a i .fVXV.rtLl-f.l.rV WM. a. imrr i. AjxU e Yaiswasft Colonial Dance Castle 6524-30 GriMRtowB Ay. tfenelr interest jrrit new, owing to ttt Ml n embrewliov which I belntf rproeet t thl tlrhs in rcepoiiee to numerfttte) r quests, and theref trill be 8 selected Key stone comedy, Yteltora to Lesiruo Island who hare) Ttewed the submarines will be Able trt nee n. story built wound one t the Park, called The Becret of tho Submarine." Ilalph Her, who will bo seen In 'ThA Purple Lady" at tho Dcrmantown, Is a comedian It Is Impossible to forget, on staffs or screen, tils old recitation, 'That Wasn't All," Is a memory (rem to those who saw him either In musical comedy or in vaude vine. Friends of Mary Anderson can see her latest work at tho Baltimore. .This theatre Is one of the most popular of the neighbor hood theatres, Amonir the interesting features in be shown at the Market Street Theatre during tne weex of JUly 3 will be Ouzel In "Should a Baby Die?" the much pnoto-piay dealing with Ituss an-Ji In America. Another photo-play oV.ntereit will be "La Bolieme," featuring the talented Alice Brady, fcSSHSSlSiHaVHlieWMMHwAti&MMu-ii&&. e . . ... ,J -7 '.! i. -' a& - ....r wrt www, tMftt n vumm tt jMw i TmeeH Mcumttf to hecofet wltfc Met mirrou.ndlngs- will fes tised. throuhott the production, and before completed ttt plcltlre will Undoubtedly prove the costliest that has ever been staged In this country. litre during sllliarcho ihJaWfed of JfySh life The hot weather has not affected the quality of the photo-plays shown at the Princess, and for the week of July 3 the management offers an excellent and varied program. Decorators have been engaged to work on tho Interior of the Savoy and will com mence Immediately, using every means so that patrons will suffer no Inconvenience during the alterations. "Tito Flower of Mo Man's Land," a Metro wonderplay In five acts, produced by the Columbia Pictures Corporation and playing .u,e...n."Mnt on Tuoeday, contains this cast! Viola Dana, Duncan Mellae, Harry C. Brown, Mitchell Lewis, Fred Jones, Nellie Grant Mitchell, Eldlne Stewart and Marcus Morlarlty. It Is rumored that tho Orpheum wilt be devoted to legitimate plays next season. The' following Is a sample of the press ;""" " ueea on tne Ldoerty program: what happened at 22 does not often hap pen, but supported by an exootlent cast Francis Nelson as Loulso Lloyd and Arthur Ahley as Wilson ably demonstrate what did happon and that every woman and every man ought to guard against" Tom Mix, who acta cowboy types, will be seen In 'Tcmperanco Town" at tho Broad Street Casino. A timely film will be "Guarding Old Glory," at the Olympla on Friday. Both Palm Beach, Fla., and niverslde Drive, New Torlt, are to flguro prominently In "Gloria's Romance." the George Klelne motion picture novel in 10 feature chapters which has been propared by Mr. and Mrs. This serial wilt also show at the Tl&ga bn Thursday, The Logan IS showing double features bn Wednesday and Thursday of next week, Dustln Farnum In 'David Garrlok"'at the Cedar Is a great lover of the outdoors. Warm weather has no effect toon the largo atendance at tha Globe, Excellent pictures will be shown all next week. Marguerite Snow, In "A Comer In Cot ton, at the Frankford, will be remembered as the leading player trt ''Zudora," Jle member It? J' Workmen are rapidly getting tho Jef ferson In shape to reopen. A, It. P. Pfli Stftittfta, Mnox vp jiv Jlarso ttiftrum a. fcnIWtil f feteelitwitSfiron plant ,-Pt- "fflr last JitajKt-! Wtt M 'o- roll hr ht Battel TJh ! tts Beaton Befpitet 1itti a frMtew 8kU, -, "T IrrsAitBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCUJ Iron &. THOMAS CL1 T AUGUSTINE BEACI 50-MILt JRiDE FOlf Mrs. Jnmes Hurdle, Actress, Dies NEW TOnKV July 1,Mrs. James Har. die, known on the stage years ago as Sarah yon Leer, died suddenly yesterday at the Actors' Home on Btaten Island. She had appeared here under the management of Augustln Daly, Daniel Frohman and Joseph Brooks, playing In 'The Romany Bye," "Young Mrs. Wlnthrop" and other plays popular a generation ago. Her last engage ment was with Elsie Ferguson. STEAMBOATS fiTOFFMd. Jet f)lf fwAt fftt All IIMStsSl SSWMPll. front M (Irorc.t Ban seat water sanitary bathroetBe. p.. "i u ruisiMH. f " "" xr vT ' r""w" j """" -ns5JKT 5TWT iAMm X. OTlS.fisr.. I Mn OTtt&W SPEClAtr EXCURSION To RiVeview Beach QUEEN ANNE TimKE-TJECld IRON BTftAMSR Special ktttrrooen and srsnlner trtn. Saturday. July U 1910 Larln Arch St, Wharf alio R it. l auipv niun ASUliS, mej B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Twelfth and Chestnut Streets Mat.. 3 T. M. Nlsht. 8 T. Id. snowa DAILY 3 NEXT WEEK ti Suminer Follies! A Msdler of Muslo and Trollo Made in Philly 'Written, Froduced and Presented br All Fhlladelphlans 50 COMPANY OF 50 55 BI I, r&l i r i DELIGHTFUL MOONIJOIIT BAILS OK THK BEAUTTFT VrVKR DALAWAMM in iiui jnuus-uisuiuuj biEJUUIB "QUEEN ANNK" ' ' Erery Bandar. Thursday, sTrtdar, Satordar JCrenlAa-. " Avoid the heat of the city nnd take thefarofly for a cool . 'pleasurable ersklnsr among refined surroundlnss. HUSIO, DANOtNO. B'RARCHtliaaT anq Rates Adults, 35c; Children, 20c, jo nni niva nirai noun xnorsaar. Jrnaur, Uataraar, Bandar, BiIB P. X- SUMMER BESORTS SUMMER B.ESOI NEW LONDON. CONN. IfCWLONDON,, WilUam Whitney & Co. "Little Theatre" Favorltsa la "Vlttles" Fenturo for Muslo Lovers 16 Navassar Girls 16 Presenting a Sjrnphonlo Musical Novelty UELLECIUtE nnOS.i QUINN A LAV FEIlTYl CAITS BROS.) Sells Tribune rlo-tures. THE GRISWOLD , u EASTERN POINT.'NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT. Finest Summer Resort Hotel in America. i Two and Onc-Half Hours from Boston and New Ywflc , NOW OPEN 1 Located at one of the coolest points on the coast, overlooking Long jlabAdi Bound and the historlo Thames Itrver. ujw Special privileges granted by tho SHENECOS3ETT COUOTlRY CLUB to hotel 555 Vift& SIu,rs8,:of.cii,ouea nnest ln country InternaUonaahatta. Hotel luxuriously furnished: card and muslo rooms, ballroom, largo orchestra: octagon dining room, light and sunny: exceptional MrvlceT Bla "WBO ?"" y- o'.i.SSnWn bJttil..0L.i2lnnln,f water ,n evary nleePlW roont Long' Iliier Telephone in every room. " -""'"" " . 'tennla nuao yacntlng. boating, deep-sea fishing, bathng, motoring and ,, vegeUWMTfrolTfo'ri.be1 malnUlna to' mmWv cream, milk, poultry. t H. D. SAXTON, Manager Also Tha Bollovlow, Betlaalr Heights, Florida. i "MARKET 6 JUmPEH STS In the llmrt of the Shonplnr District CONTINDOUS 11 A. M. TO 11 V. 51. PRICKS lQo, lBc, aa E. W. WOLF lreseoU TUB SEVEN LITTLE DARLINGS AT THE PARTY ArcTesatlon of Philadelphia's Cleverest Juvenile Talent CIMIILES J. HAKIMS Presents OEO. ADU'H DrUUant and Dellibtful Comedy "The Mhyor and the Manicure" With the Philadelphia Favorite MATTIE CHO ATE Added Attraction Mon,, Tties., Wed. The Stlrrlnr and Tlmelr l'hotoplar "The' Rise of a Nation" , Cast Inclades Frederldc Truesdule, Aleo Francis. Uarbara Tennant. Muriel Ostrlehe - JI. CArK MAY. N. J. CAPE MAY. N. J. W " ' " I Mfl ! lll.l..ll I.. IS! & 'jHKHKj1 t.Otltiut'TrmtiU-DtatMUtmlllntmt) SSIfKgSBKUMSjjMi Smartest of American Beaches facing v k I jMHiC' lN r. ' CAPEMAYHOTa Novr Modern Fireproof Resort Motel, directly on tha Ocean Evsry eomfort. Flnsstbathios txKb hi ths world Dstv sea snd Inlsad nshtic j3i 8aUuur.istoriMatuur,aodaatombIraaiU.Olt. Tsnals DlrxitrsiossrrtM S For booldnt orranrements vrrlte or phone E, PAQE. . llolel Walton. Phlla, C. A. Wood. Lessee. Hotel Warrlnston. 101 Madison Ave,, N, Y. Tel. 8770 Murray HIU. WILDWOOD. N. J, WILDWOOD. N. J. OTHKU ACTa WOBTK AfTIILU UM St TIIKATRH Msrk.t below 64th Street jaac, vujt i. A.t.mni dat. tfr. fiv! William II. Freldlandsr, Inc. lT.nts A uorieousur suitu jjiuicai imeuy "The Four Husbands" FositlTelr the Rest Act of IU Kind la Vaudeville FBANU WOLF PressnU Philadelphia's Leadlns Stock Players GEO. W. BARBIER Carrie Thatcher & Co. In a, Ons-Att Dramatis riaylst OTHOt ACTS WOB,TlI WHILE PLAN TO SPEND YOUR FOURTH OF JULY AT ter-r?"? .. W&torZSZsa. And Wildwood Crest rvSirirfcsT'a Hi -. Hioabf erv Fourth la ilahint? anywhere. n. M(tfA eifinak hero assured. Finest bathing, boatlnir and Sports. Baseball. Motor races on beaoh. Auto run from Fhlladelnhla aftumnnn ne .mt l. Fireworks. Come down Saturday and stay till Wednesday morning fo the best time you ever bad. For full Information and beautiful booklet write J. WHITEBELL, City Cleric, Wildwood, N. J. AtfSt S VT?JBh hj. i ji . t Hotel Greenleigh RhmHh fc TsiM wBKIfaH ' fiaB'll'asf IsWIB 221 E. Pine Avenue Wildwood, N. J. Larce room, at fordlaa a dellfhtt ful ocsan vlsw. Table uisxeellad. Terms moderate. 3w BKOAD ANU MON D.dllKIt V F, O. NUaa-NtrdUMor .... ..0n. Mar, Dally Mats.. Etce.. t & 8. lue a 80a A GREAT HOLIDAY BILL 4 Old Soldier Fiddlers IN PUnB IN OKiY MULLEN & COOGAN 6 Big Acts and Pictures EWIMLUNQ EDGETON INN !!Jr . -.. T -...-. pn;ne noiea ror Modem mtitlM room, norehexi noted far vii., ..ki.. white ssrvloe throughout : cap. 250: coach hints trains. Booklet J. AluS MaVHa. pJ5?. t . c,- 8?- and cold water Room with bath and in suits. Elevator. liookUt. b. J. WOODS. Proprietor. HOTEL WAYNE jff" Auto meets trains. front, cam. Sup. 4tn eeaaaa. 1. F. ItAHKia. PEACH HAVEN. K. J, THE IBBAI. MOTOR JtUN TO HOTEL BALDWIN .The modern hotel of this famous resort. Omb J yMi .Capacity 400. Sea water in ah batSa. Nsw Wistaria Oarden and OrM. Muslo. duo. inc. tennis, etc. aaraea, JisoSltt and auta msta mailed. W. MEBCKR BAIWdT OCKAX CITY, y. J. THE OCEANIC llth and Wesley av. A. R. Baker, owner nm ST. CHARLES ??Xn& Car. furnished renovated. Ksw met. H. Harris. AVALOV, N. J. w in coast. Baa. couniry,comDiatii. '& farm and Jail. Hotel Avalon now opeaV la and booklet upon request. it. nail. Kin Keal Eetata Trust Bid. AVALON BY THE TM bealtiuest resort aloci acre ana see. food I formation i-'naries STONE HARBORISg?- rwucu niia ilrttK rallrnidi. Jood fresh arnt pteoti .-arn, ciu !5acht club, tioardnrellr craDoinar ana Boauag tnoderet hotel retee LEO MeCBAVEN. Farm prodi! tlruL city convsnleneta. . vuut unm nsnui neaionaoi rl Barowih Clerk. ATLANTIO CITY, tt. J. THE LEADING RESORT HQTF I OF T Ue-u' Ki iizatiDoroigii-Bfenneim ATI. ANTIC CITY.N.J. OWNCRSIIIR MANAAeuffMT. JQ3IAH VltTE a aoe COMPANY ; fi6y3,ae ATijAWtic crT-ir iteima I Oisemce,ccm)&YKu!v lw,lTctaaea HOTEL GLADSTONE Under nsw mauatem'U McQroartr A McOroarty. NEW HOTEL"MERION lmfLaam Vertnont Ave. near nach. Capacity Jnfl lUih class 3 up dallyi Sil.io uj weeifr. C.Ti. PltBTTYMXyTProp! mXjIW.Mst.t RISLEY'S i?1? Boardwalk, belew Mew 7 ., T . Mlt v European U u dally, yroou on ocsaa. free baptiu; prtyltagjiC HOTEL ARL1NPTON 'JiSr'S Opsa all year. IW J. QaBORNffi hWltr PHILLIPS HOUSE. XtfeWetchuxtU Av. and Du:lit F J rUULXIV. T ll" I Vllg fOCONO MOUNTAINS Delaware Water flap. I. THE NEW KITTATINNY UKWWAItli WATKR CU?.. PA, nua-cisBs laauetn .nom HI I Cawcliy tUO. Ktery mtn Only reaion. CaD4i Isantt exceotunat cuietne tra. Ooit. ttcnts. Clhtas, uaraao, Dpectai VrBrb UU p URIJ SwlwiS " eaosa, raiinaii 'i LC CIU awi STIH. rataeOalSSrieM ariv &kaa rxtti --"ii.a' ::r:' '"'.. pim mtueu. Lo.9Q9 tiUfeCU aji mil pOt& 10 aw of jUUJLWMJCaE. rA, T..T T- rtl AX0IJ3BA. N. J. ADAMS oAh'ITT, BWtMMiNa soqij ... . m - r-r Mm i3. iiniuiu ai $ $xi i lMw rmmvw m l k n n iOTEL HILTON &? T7, - rt sw ,wrerm , Strath Ww THS CRESTMONT INN , bwwl ,re4-we.if eeams, pnm ..??:. SO..?"f.? " WsUieMisl wVf-LWiV Jmt JHiVU-WmSiMk. , BEDFORD SPIUNGS VM.fsAV(( . M T P :..:' 5 j,m3 f&