L $fcklj ESTATE! FOB BALB Contlnutd from Prnedlno Paot. wares ylvaniA ncmmnAN. chestnut hill A, Bl Colonial housA nnd garairat.lnexeep 'tlenal neighborhood) 12, rooms, ft Baths! lot , ilea reel xront, near Pennsylvania jtauroau ' station. v LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE UUILDINO COLLINODALE On ratkcr ave.. three-story (tone-front twin brick dwelling, 10 rooma, all conveniences; Ursa lot. Bargain for quick aalo. tocom a rownna co. . 28 B. lBth at.! (1040 Woodland live. COLLINODALE Nearly new, . 8-room .brick dwelling, hath, Inuii,, ate: 1011(11 only $24. CO BWOPH 8QNB, tlth and Main, Darby. CTNWYD Fine atone and stucco house, with 2-car ga.ragei 10 rooms;, 2 hatha, large storeroom) all Tnodern appointments; lot 120 feet, front; encellent condition. For particulars call LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILD1NO, ULKINS PARK-' Stone House Garage 1 Aero First floor contnlns reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen; upper floors, 0 cham brs,,2 baths, billiard room and sewing room; lighted by gas and electricity. Price, iM.WJO. WM. H. WILSON & CO. g EVENING LEDaER-PHILADELPinA, SATURDAY, TOLY 1, 1016. REAt ESTATE EOll SAIiE new jersey seashore Continued from Preceding Column. "ENTNOR California-Style Bungalow A. I1EA.UTY AND A lUROAtN Coat 10500; will sacrifice for Mflfto. Mahe prompt, Inquiry. of V. O. 8CIILICHTER, Hotel wevonsnire. At lanuc City. WILDWOOO, N,,J. BtO f). 28th St.. summer and winter roltsge for sale, fully furnished. In best residential section; can be purchased on enny terms; modern In every respect; open for Inspection, JAMH8 D, WINCHELL. N. , VT. ror. 17thftnd Bansom SOMETHINO NEW at Wlid-ood, crest Exten sion, ICtamlne before purchasing, elsewhere, WJrtwoJ3e8tnej5ltxo2N, B2d at. , PENNSYLVANIA FARMS BEAUTIFUL .ESTATE Stono mansion, 18 rooms, 3 baths, electrlo light) own water sup' ply from never-falling: spring) modern barn and Karaite, 3 stono tenant houses, lno acres of very fertile land! commanding outlook) long creek front. This Is one of tha moat desirable eststea In Delaware County) sacrlflca vrlcsi good reasons for selling. 1IENJ, T. LEVIB. Media. Pa. GOOD DAtltT OR STOCK FARM Brick house. 18 rooma) modern barn for 100 head of stock) stone tenant house) 100 acres of land, mostly under cultivation) some woodland) land well watered) 10 miles from City Hall on good automobile roads) price yerr low, as owner has other business. . IIKNJ. T. LEVIS. Media. Pa. ELItlNB PARK Modern single dwelling, 10 rooms, 3 baths! S mlnutwi to station) price 10600. McCOHMICK A MCCORMICK, 1011 Chestnut st. and Elklns rark. QLENSIDE HOMES and building sites, svyry description. RENN1NUER ft IlENNlNaER, Olenslde, Pa. beautifully altuated, Including -27 bldg. lots. DIdgB., X3X 180 ft. eaoh. heated) pop. r.000) houses neededl price 10800. A. II. TYSON, unsaais, i-a. MEDIA J"""8 farm, good outbuildings. 1024 CHEBTNUT BT. Chestor Osborne BCItWENKflVILLE FOR SALE A beautiful country home and farm, with largo Perklomen Creek frontage; ' for a ressonnhle amount of cash. Write FRANC18 W. WACK, Bohwenksvllls. Pa. COUTH ARDMORE Attractive new. detac nomes along Aramore troueyi large lots; detached yi large lots: all eonventenoea; beautiful bungalow, lot 70X.12B, up.io-aato in every wnr; Danrain in outturns sites up to 1 acTe: some below oosti write for booklet: state what you want. WM. B. DAVIS, office pt station. RW A RTHMmiW Excellent locatton.near nnd frame house) 5 bedrooms and bath on Sd floor) large lot) old ahadst garage. Reason- HERE IS A OOOn FARMER'S FARM AT FARM PRICES Stone house, 11 rooms, stone and frame barn for 0 horses and 80 cowsi 80 acres of good land under cultivation) as acres of fruit! 1 sent of asparagus; . good creek front! 1H miles from station) this Is an e ceptlonal hargslnl possession with (teed, , 11ENJ.T. LEVIS. Media. Pa. 100 ACRES, 3 housesTTarge barn, outbuildings, fruit, all roffvenlences; trolley at doort sacrl. flco for milclt sale. HoatiEWTlwE. oaoo oermantown ave. BEAI, ESTATE TOR BENT CVmflimra1 from Prtcedln a Column, , .RENTAL LISTS . i 9.lBth.llir.l!09.34 .205 8. 22d, S0r.lBO.O0 2020 Locust. 18r.J21.00 . THB PENN8TT.VANIA COMPANT ... For Insurances on Lives ft Granting Annuities, 61T Chestnut st Doth phones. 800 B. 18th.10MlB0.0O .418 B,Droad.2Br 187.00 1840 Pine. Iflr... 108.84 .420 B.Droaa.lOr 100.00 1420 N. loth. lor. 70.00 1321 Olrard, 13r.. BO.OO 1001 Poplar. 18r. r.0.00 ,3)8 8. 8d. lOr. . nn.oo loll Green, llr,. CO.Oi) 1022 Oxford, llr. 48.00 123 N. 21st, lor. u pains.. . sn.w 14SO Pine.. IRrt ..inn si 1018 preen, I7r.. tB.OO 1018 Pine, lOr... S.n7 1233 B.nroad.lOr BO.OO 102S Oreen. I3r.. BO.OO .012 N. 10th. 12r BO.OO 2232 Pine. 10r,,. 48.00 nun m, inn, nr 4r..nn .821 Race. IBr. . 45.00 352? & ""' '! "-02 1834 Master. iSr 41.0 1733 N. 18th, 13r 40.00 fyt Corln'n, llr 87.r.0 1730 N. 10th, 12r 88.00 il.lL " intn, r. an. on ,?15jj?lh- OrfB28.00 HII,''8hnnack, ilr 218. Master, llr 25.00 3iUtt' JltlvOr. 28. oo Sil fl: 0lni Br Si-no JOT N.Camac. Or 23.00 ,720 New Mkt.Or 21.00 222A llslnhrt' fl on ru BOO Catharlne.Or isloo BJ4 Parrlah, Br. 18.00 r i.varire,ur xt.oo "a 4-airm 40UU 8 OSS REAli ESTATE EOR BENT MAIN LINE, r. it. n. Continued from PreeeHno Colmn, HAVnnFORD COLtEOE House of 14 rooms on college campus .to rent to small family for ons or .two, months, with maid. If ds. sired, nent i00 a month. H. 8. Pratt, Havarfnrd. 13TN. 2cth. I8r. 42.50 327 N. Bth, IBr.. 41,07 020 N. 8th. IBr.. 81.00 1714 Oxford, llr. 87.80 ( b. itn. air.. ..' 2022 N. nth. llr. fln.i 2531 Colu'bla. llr 2.i 1418 Wharton, 9r 28.' 00 no no on 1018 N, 6th, Or.. 25.00 uuu rairmt, ur a.uu 443 N. nth. lOr.. 23.00 020 N. 10th, lOr. 21.00 Ftklln. vr. Z2.DO 120 snio n. mi i.ntimer. jrssup.Or 20.00 vr xu.uu 14R4 N.Camac. Or 10.00 yan N.vanreu.Tr is 010 B. 2d. 7r... 18c 1202 N. Bart' VanPelt,7r 18.00 u. .?rt jo.imi in.Br lo.oo or. in. oo .uu stock town; iimi h.rn. nutnuiioinss. and crop: all kinds or fruit) nanoy 10 'ft. miles to trolley: investigate. 88 ACHES, 3 houses tenlUtf! noaafiNTltfE, 6350 (lermsntown ave WHITE for Commuters' Bpeelal List of Dela ware Co. Farms and Homes. Jack's Farm Agency. 21 B, lath St., Phlla. BO ACRES, convenient to Main Line station) qulok sale'. 18800. J. R. THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. NEW JTCTtSET FARMS SMALL FARMS eloso to Camden, with or without buildings, 100 per acre up. EDWARD II. CUTLER CO., Maple Bhede. N, J, LOW PRTOR TO SETTLE EBTATB LU" raiKjU BB-ACItE FAIIM Clloueester Co., 12 miles from camajn, C. P. PETETtB ft BON, 008 CnKBTNUT BT, country seats, poultry plants iinsron uoumy: eerflrai u: Dnnsann, nur FARMS, of Ilurllngton Count game; list tree. alt parts special nar-rllngton. pouiir7, piwiii cy, .wi cap. 0000) stream ft 20 PEMDKRTON Model InnnhMArt Inelitnnn. pan. acres, with bldrs., 10000. Dresser, Ilurllngton. p.J.l7n'k 5r lO'OOl 247 Fltswater.Br. lfl.Oi N.IllngM.flr 10.00 1183 North. Or... lfl.Oi Leyd's ct, or 18.00 iooi Lemon, tr.. lfl.oo Neeflne. Br 18.0pll781 N.ft'chM, 8r lB.M ..An Iai; I'lllUAUKIil'lllA, . J1J2 K?w1. n.llr.l45.noT 700 N. 4nth, llr.l5,00 .) 8rr5?t W.r..8A00l 484 N. 88d. 18r. 88.00 S2AS gP-.pdn. 10 aS.0QITl nrown. Or.. 18.00 800, 283 0 Bn.pdn.lOi1 28.01)8711 nrown. Or.. 18.00 ).N. May. Pr. 10.ool47in Olrard. Or.. 10.00 . M a LJlnn AINU liWIiLiLnUH, Inth.i2r.l70.nn '.'.. ii-51 BIl.tHI . n X. n a 1012 Oxford. 11 sirm't, Or 25.no 1003 Fa 5J8 W.Norrls.Or 28.00 in im . fi sis. . vri fin 417 Oreen, 7r. . 22.'00 1000 Poplar, 10r..l41,O7 281 N. 2d. 18r.. 40.00 lelo k. soth. lOr 27.80 724 N, Front.llr 25.00 2318 Ridge, llr.. 28.00 pan n. 2d, or,.,. 23.no 125 W. Crxford.Or 21,00 Anv"i. .' v in v, uxroru.ur ..00 S??8 ?'tJ'lJ'Tr So.onl 023 b. 2d, 8r.... 20.00 .is?24St,U."j' 20.0012803 Atnhjer. Or.. 20.00 iSSt'&tP' iA' " 18.00 1120 B. Vd. Or.... 18.00 204 'Wharton. Br loioO SAMUEL T. FOX A CO, D. D. COR. OUT AND CALLOWltlLL BTB. 028 Commerce, stora nnd 3 floors ...100.00 282 N. nth aU, large store 48.00 v . iu ( ui aii 103KMONT IB roome. 8 baths; garage; garden) beautifully papered) whit enamel woodwork) location near station) 1 1-8 acres) trees 1 per mo.,1100. Harbert ft Claghorn,204 Dalley ii'g. 1. 150. food. 80 ST. I'.UTL'B IIOAIJ. Ardmors, 13 room 1 WALTER HABaBTT.BMITH, Wynnew NEW JERSEY BEASnOItE AVALON, N. J, Bungalow, 4 rooms! near ocean nnd Teermont Statlonl $100 season, C. K. JOHNSON, owner. 27th at.. Avalon. CHELSEA 20 B Windsor ave,, Vi blocks from beach; large, clean, airy, detached house: large porches, one screened jnjjl bedrooms; all conv. BEA 1BLE CITT, N. J. . BEABTtOIlE HOTEL, centrally located. 27 rms., mostly furnished) conv. to railroads and trol leys: (80 mo., yearly lease. 28 Vine St., Phlla. WILDWOOD Fine home, best residential sec- it Wliawood) wni.oniy .reni 10. privato r. Ann' IVIIdwood, N, lion of family, Wlldwo WIMmJi wilt nnlv rent tn nrlvai ,. ..V.,VV-., .-" -.-."--, I- .- Ply on premises, iu jv, xom si.i j, UOARDWALK APT, Elegantly furnished) di rectly facing ocean) private, entrance) bathing from not,; n rooms and bath) a months, ttooi 8 months, I87B) also furnished rooms by day or week. Mrs. L. Church, 2028 Boardwalk, Crossan Ante., Apt. 8 II. EOB BENT FUBNIBHED OERMANTOWN 11-ROOM BTONB 1IOUBH Large porch) 5 open Ores) lawn) shade. nesitanie location: oo per mnnini pnoto. C. P. PETERB A b6n. 008 CHESTNUT BT, flTCrtXTAMTYMUM nNirnlehed hftunn. It baths, porch, shade, beautiful section) J 2B8. ledger central. W ml, 3 a mo. CnEBTNCT HILL SEVERAL desirable props M1NTURN T. W for summer season. .VRTOHT CO. Morris nulldlng. rENNBVXVANTA BPIltmnAN. ( i.ikt siurr, , vvivimtrt st., s floors. j....... ,,.,.... 80.00 wry-.- STORI58 AND DWLLINQS. 1407 Cumberland, Or. and store, conva... 880.00 ? U' P.'h, 8 rooms nnd store. 80,00 21:01 11. IItintlnHnn O mnn, 9t nn H nwELtmnn. 53 B, 10th, IS rooms, 3 baths $00.00 nn.oo 801 Wood. 0 roams ,?,0lh, 0. rooms ., 1100 Kalrmount. store and 1 room lYttnr.T.r.rwnn 10th, IS rooms, a baths,. TanKiin. 13 rooms, all con vs. ier. 1 rooms, ranv.ni.no.1.. Irosd, 12 rooms, conveniences,. , 4115 Master. 12 rooms, conveniences v ii iirona. lit rooms srsnall, 13 rooms able price. Chester Osborne 1B24 CMtiaHTNTTT BT. itlRBE TUNS Why not motor out today to see Illrch Farms, a OB-scrs gentleman s coun try seat with 2 stone residences nnd every city convenience! Pnstoftlce on grounds. Ask for owner, who will be glad to show you around nt any time. H. J. PAPER. Inc. Ambler, ra. PERFECT COUNTRY SEAT With all the conveniences of the city. We can Sffer you tho Illrch farm of 03 acres, within 0 minutes' ride of City Hall by trnln or auto: good roads, good train service: well located; new stone Colonial house, heated by hot-water and lighted by eleetrllty; house contnlns re ception, living, dining, billiard rooms and In closed porch: 3 hatha, 0 chnmbcrB, garage with a rooms: old stnne farmhouse, with nil conveniences, and other farm buildings; overy thlrd In perfect order: automatic Raceo elec tric water nvstnm to all hulldlnes. This Is .something Onusual and will woll repay an In vestigation by any one looking lor an laeai ountrr home. Terms to suit. m. H. WILSON & CO. 3 Colonial Country Seat A gentleman's country seat, within a half hour's rids from city In train: a fine specimen of stone 'Colonial arohltecture. with ample chambers and modern batha: house Is spacious and substantially built throughout, with plenty of character: 130 acres of high, flat and rolling land; private stable and garago: also farmer's house and a large new barn; wonderful trees and planting; grand view for miles; close to folf club: seo numerous photos, then Inspect he property; will dlvldo to eult buyer. WM. H. WILSON & CO. g EEAI. ESTATE SA1.E OB BENT errs NO MONET required If ground Is Improved I will take mortgage: lot 200x800, opposite Penna. Railroad freight station, 80th and Oakford ats,. West Washington ava.) also n. w. cornor 28th and Washington ave... about 70,C"0 sq. ft., with Penna. Railroad sidings) sultabhi for warehouse or coal yard: also offices and stables: also lot lOOlliO' at 84th and Grays- Ferry mad. suitable for storage. Apply EMIL aUENTHER. 20th and Oray't Ferry roafl. PENNSYLVANIA BPlHntllAN HATBORO. PA. Desirable suburban' home, 11 rooms, modern conv.) stable, garden, lawn, old shads, shrubbery) 3 minutes' train or trol ley. Mrs. Edward Cllns. NEW JERSEY BEAsnonr. OCEAN CITY, N. J. For sale or rent, fur nished 12-room cottage: stands nlone on large lot one square from beach: open for Inspec tion during next few days. Apply Emit Ouan ther. 20th and Dray's Ferry road, Philadel phia, Pa. BEAIi ESTATE TO EXCHANGE a: 80 mill Morris. 11 roams 1181 Diamond. iQr.$20 i.i, 1 airmounc, vr. Ti sawi Hansom. 10r,. 25 conveniences 341 neorge, ,818 New Market. 9t 20 1? Thompson. 8r. 20 2(2 & Lawrenoe.Tr 17 SSiSPsrot, Tr 17 m BO.O a A fir il7 018 Melon. 8r...... 10 2213 E. liunCn. 8r. 10 14.H n, iutn. tr... lq nun n. uanen. Tr.. 10 lyrtls. nr 1 2882 fruiA fxil yniano, la rooms eos. Or 18 '. Water, Br.. 12 140.00 !li:sl,lllnu' L rooms. ... .e'."y 1023 Ontario. T rooms, conveniences,,... 20.00 Dastrabls housekeeping apartments, 140 to SCO tfc. .uontn. u armor on prcmisss. 171 B Master st B0 iiin i.rie are , so 1500 N. 10th St.... 48 1820 N. 18th St.... 40 2411 N. College ave.. 28 DANIEL A. MINNICK REALTY 18S0 RIDOD AVENUD DWELLINGS 1017 V. Norrls 2337 Master ... 1814 N. 23th . 1827 N. 24th .. 1810 N. Alder 23 .... 17 , ... 17 .... 18 18 APARTMENTS 410N. Oth 112 858 Corinthian ave. 20 2028 Poplar st 23 3540 N. Camno .... 18 730Relvue st ..... 18 210t Bharswood st.. 10 1780 Olive st 12 2208 Harlan st .... 11 1031 N.Msrvlne.No.l 0 SWAllTHMORE ON THE HILL 14 rooms: 2 bsthst large, shady porch) good shade) nne vegetable, garneni iruiii un. C. P. PETERB A BON 008 CHESTNUT BT. 103 PER MONTH for new home, conveniently located; w roams, nam; icnnia cnuni owner anxious to make nulek arrangements, J. T, JACKBON CO.,.Oak line. 100, UNTIL BEIT &. LANSDOSVNH, 12-ronm house, mod. cnnvs.t shaded lawn. C. P. PETERS A BON. 008 Chestnut st. COTTAO'E on Delaware River: : 4 acres: 100 for season. J. HAND, VENTNOR. N, J, NEW JERBEY SEASHORE BEACH HAVEN, N. J. Cottage. 8 bedrooms, well fur., near beach, nop. .Hotel Baldwin: rent 1878. L. Blmpson. Ileach Haven, N. J. VENTNOR. N. J. Summer cottages. 1200 to 120QQ. HAND, New Haven ana Atlantic. WILDWOOD. N. J. For July rental, furnished Norwood ant., IBth and Atlantlo ave., opposite Manor. Phlla. phone, Frankford 787 W. 0 rooms, comfortable. : well furnished: low rental) open. WILDWOOD Cottage, . 0 rooms, comfortable, protty, convenient! 2d house from beaoht 28th WILDWOOD 234 N. Juniper ave.. 0 rooms) flnsly furn.i call, examine! very low rental. MOBTGAQES $50,000 TRUST FUNDS FOR FntBT MORTGAGE OR MORTOAGE8 L 018, LEDQER OFFICE 172.1 Master St.. 4 acartments. f urn. 180 and 133 1813 Rldgo ave., 4 rooms, convs. (2d floor).. 00 200Q Ridge avo., 0 rooms, convs. (2d floor).. 80 1800 Thompson st 4 rooms, convs. (3d floor). 21 UTUiiii; i'iiui'i;nui;3 NEW JERSEY SEASHORE CAPE MAY NEW 7-IlOOM nUNOALOWeat Cap May) all modern, etc: want other property. OGDEN, 1220 Filbert st. BEAL ESTATE "WANTED 123 Acres Near Westinghouse Site for new plant whtoh Is to employ 10,000 to IB, 000 men. Property hss Urge frontage on Chester Tike trolley near Ridley Park and also on Lincoln ave. trolley to the Delaware Illver at Esstngton, giving transportation facilities to Philadelphia. Chester, Eddystons. Delaware River and Darby pike; for development or a rood buy for speculation at the price we can Quote. 8eo plana at our office. WM. H. WILSON & CO. Sa COUNTRY PLACE ON P. & R. Owner, moved to New York, will sell his resi dence, with 3 acres of land, at reasonable price; house hss 12 rooms, bath, electricity, etc.: stable and a tenant house (now rented); plenty of beautiful ahade: fruit and floral garden; see photo; visit promptly before sold. WM. H. WILSON & CO. ?gga Colonial Style All-Stone House 812,500: B bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2 baths; billiard room; In beautiful residential town: 0 eleatrlo trains an hour; Inspect now. 1B24 CHESTNUT BT. IF YOUR REM. ESTATE IB NOT PAYINO. we will rurnisn tne money 10 reouiia or converi It Into a building suitable for the location and quickly put It on n paying basis. MER3HON BROTHERS 335 Land Title Rulldlng. WE SOLICIT central dwellings for fall listing. Our present list la grestly reduced and in- Sulrers continue to come In dally. Phons pruce 2511. J. A. PATTERSON. 180 8. IBTH BT. CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents) real estate sold, mortgages piacea, ARTHUR BOS WELL. 233 N. 13th St. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages andflre Insurance placed quickly. See ICANE for prompt results. 2528 Tinker si. I HAVE BUYERS for any properties that ars nue Mpring uaraen si chesp. HCHAEFER. NEW JERBEY FARMS WANTED Acreage In Jersey, BO to 400) send full description and price quickly! must be bargain. IX. W. Berk. Rlverdale-on-lludson. New York. 1222 N. 10th st 135 1013 Ridge avo 80 into Thompson .... Za 1827 Olrard ave.'... 20 2284 Jefferson 20 412N. Oth 120 1738 Callowhlll St., 20 1121 Rldgo ave .... 10 2240 Bharswood St.. 14 SOS 0. 11TII BT.. 12 heat! lust renovated throuchout. 103U Master rooma and 2 baths! steam bsthst St.. 12 rooms. 2 bsthst rood rnuaiwon, 1242 W. Allegheny avo. (oor. ISth), 11 rooms snd 2 baths. 1133 Oxford St., 0 rooms and bath. 1804 Diamond at., 11 rooma and 2 baths, 410 S. IBth st., 11 rooms and 2 baths. CIIA8 L. BROWN & CO. 217 B. Broad st. BUILDING. N. W. cor. LDth and Ingersoll. . atanie, intn ana ingerson 1 50 1935 camaa 28 8 B. 481 820 1 820 Indiana 18 040 Holly 12 2802 Hops 10 3703 Baring 40 ALFRED II. WILLIAMS. 822 Walnut st. 1023 Inceranll 4200 Westminster av. 2010 Catharine OFFICES. niTBINESS ROOMS. ETC. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET ARCHITECT'S OFFICES 1100 sq. feet. Excellent north light. Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE . ARTHUR BOSWELL 233 N. 18TH BT. Building association funds, first and second mortgages; low rates. TO SECURE A MORTGAGE . . . Be It first or second If you desire efficient service, quick nnd satisfactory results, and moderate charges . ,j .- CALL, PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Tour mortgage will b as good as placed." NOUMAN B. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. BONDS AND MORTOAOES I offer as Income Investments Ht. Petersburg, Fla.. first mort gagca yielding 8 per cent.! bonds yielding 7 per cent.: Avalon. N. J... .first mortgages yielding 0 per oent.t bonds yielding 0 per cent. CHARLES It. HALL 1410 Heal Estate Trust Bldg. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terma of aroara or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company BDCTH AND SPRING OARDEN $50 $100, S200 TO BEAL ESTATE EOB BENT CITY Chester Osborne CHOICE BUILDING SITES and acreage. AJtTHUR P. TOWN3BND. Langhorne. Pa. SUBURBAN HOMES EOR RALE OR RENT WENDELL A MA8SEY neal Estate Trust Building. 8UDDTtBAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue. BROWN A CLOUD, Norrlstown, Pa. KAMT1LING old atone house. 12 rooms, bath) stable: 0 acres: old shade, fruit, I0TB0. J, M. FRONEFIEI.D, Wayne. Penna. DELECT Properties Country seats, farms) list orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE ft SON. 1414 South Penn sq. FOUNDED 1878. BUILD a house or bunrslow If you like at North Olenslde. Lots 12.10 up. w. O, Glenn. 1481 Land Title Bldg. and 1817 Columbia ave! Building Lots RID LET PARK, PA., THB BOROUOn BEAU- I TIKITF. 10 fins building lots, BOxlOlt good opportunity for operation. Applv owner. 13 W.HIncutey ave. QEO. W. BURNHAM ARTHUR BOSWELL CENTRAL PROPERTIES FOR RENT AND FOR BALE. 233 N. 10T1I ST. 1017 Vine st 17 rooms, 2 baths ISO.OO 1020 N. 18th. 11 rooms, 2 baths.. BO.OO 988 N. Bth, 10 rooms, bath.., 85.00 1802 Vine, 0 rooms, bath 40.00 823 8. 12th, 10 rooms, bath 80.00 472 N. 7th, 12 rooms, bath 87,00 1717 Cambridge. 0 rooms, bath..... 1B.0O 2387 Perot. 0 rooms, bath 17.00 2020 E. Cumberland. 0 rooms, bath 21.00 1242 N. Alder. 4 rooms, bath..,.. 13.00 2388 Bharswood. 8 rooms, bath 13.00 AL.au Business places of all kinds near this offloe noors. stores, garages, ouiiaings, etc. DREXEL BLDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Single rooms, 1110. ttBO. i:23,l300,$4Bn,tBB0. Suites 2 rms., 1144, IIBO. $173.1200.1225,1230. Bultes S rms.. $27S. $400. $4BO,tBOO,000.$7BO. Corner suites, 8 to 8 rooms, $B0ft to $1030. ELLIB D. WILLIAMS. BOO Dreiel nulldlng. N. H. COR. IBTH AND WALNUT 8TB, Fine office rooms, single or en sutte) good light, elevator and all conveniences, CHAB. L. BROWN A CO., 217 B. Broad st. SEVERAL DESIRABLE OFFICES. BINOLE AND EN SUITE! ALSO FLOOR IN A NEW MODERN BUILDINO. JAME8 D, WTNCTIELL N. W. COR. 17T1I AND HANBOM BTS. HEED Btm.DINO 1211-17 Filbert st. Centrally located: all conveniences: rents at tractlvely lowt service conveniences. 1107 NEVADA ST.. 8 rooms ,..$14 003 N. 20th. 8-story brick. lOr. and bath. 25 znut hi. Yorg, .-atory iramo, auouc sr. 632 N. 48th, 2-storjf porch, 8 rooms... THB LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. uroaa ana unestnut sis., rnuaaeipnia. 13 Trust Department. 1322-24 W. DAUPHIN BT.. 88x120 ft.! with 2S1B Fletcher at. on rear. 18x120 ft. I as- aesBea at iii'iuu; mommy renmi. fiu, THE LAND TITLE AND TRUBT ' Iiroaq and Chestnut ats. CO. MAIN LINE. P. R. R. MERION Colonial house, with' large corner lot; 12 Rome. 8 baths: all modern conveniences and good condition! goad garage: place la con venlent to station and worth Investigation by any one looking for desirable home, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING 2236 FAIRMOUNT AVE., 3-story brick dwell insr. 8 rooms snd bath and shed: $25 per month THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. Trust. Department. Broad and Chestnut sts., rniiaaeipnia. -3-story $80. and dwelling 125. 4TH AND LINDLEY 2-story and porob $20. "307 N. ISTH 8T.- 2400 N. CLARION Store and dwelllng- 2323 N. W. J. 13th st. SEYMOUR 4113.' N. Bth st. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 44 NORTH 4TH STREET Very desirable offices; heat and light. OFFICEB $10 per month and up: Includes heat, light, elevator and ianltor service. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 8. IBth St. $5000 real estato security; pay able easy terms; settlement same day. TrowTQ pr nn w. giuard Mortgages or note, AVENUE FOR LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAOE $78,000, $22,000, $10,000. $5000, $3000. THOMAS D. SIMPSON 603 CHESTNUT ST. EIOnT BLDG. AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS WITH PLENTY OF MONEY FOR 1ST, 2D AND SPLIT MORTGAGES IN ANY SECTION OF THE CITY. NO PREMIUM CHARGES, WILLIAM JAMES KEOOH BOO LAND TITLE BUILDING MONEY TO LOAN ON 1BT AND 2D MORTGAOES LOWESTVnATKfl. QUICK DECISION ALSO BUILDINO ASS'N MONEY J. J. Turner, "1201 Chestnut St. 1700 WALNUT ST. Desirable offices for physl. clans, etc.; heat, light and Innltor service turn. Apply The Penna. Co.. St7 Chestnut st. WE ARE PLACING first and second mortgages for others, giving excellent service and quick results May we place yours! Try us now. SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKLIN UK. BLDG., BROAD A CHEST. $B0 TO $2000 To loan on real estate security: immedlata settlement; payable a. des ed. 183 8. 12TII ST; . CHESTNUT. NEAR 10TII 3d flnnr, 10 rooms, baths, elevator: will divide. II 387. Led. Cent. WEST PHILADELPHIA BERMAN BROS.. 0010 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores. Near .OOTH ST. "L" STATION For rent or sale. OERMANTOWN Larfe house, rnml renalr. MYERS ft BAnTH. 2B2 S. 2D ST. 14 rooms) owner will put In Ridge ave. A 10th st. LOCUST ST. lS0O-lS24-in0O.1708-rri2-le5S. 2010.2O2n.2082-2032.118-2S04. End A It tl, uitoaa, nil walnut st. 438 POPLAR ST Stors and dwelling, $23. GUARANTEE TRU8T AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 310-18-20 Chestnut St. 25 BOUTII 10TH ST. neelrablv located for doctor's cflcs. BAMUEL W. LEV18. Real Estate Trust Bldg. MERION Wo have SH acres of land at tha lowest rwrth'InV.stWo'n-. '" " "on ,00t- LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO NARBBRTH An old house, with more than an acre of land; old shads and garden: on Mont gomery ays., Narberth, for sals at a small price. ivAu.cn i- oaiiiii 8003 Drexel road. Philadelphia. OVERBROOK HOMES A large and complete list of properties In Ovsrbroolc for sale at prices from $8300 up ward; several bargains; also complete rent CHARLES J, HOOD & CO. (MORRIS HLDQ.) 1421 CHEBTNUT BT. 1833 DIAMOND. 18 rooms, including 3 baths; suitable for doctor, apt. or boarding house. Aogly Real Estats sgent or 80 B. Front. 1826 N. 18TII ST. 12. rooms, conveniences; good order. LLOYD. 714 Walnut. Business Properties and Stores 4800 WAYNE AVE. 8-story, porch-front mod-, sm dwelling. 13 rooms: perfect ronrtltlont large yard: $43. NORTH PII1LA. TRUST CO. $80 DMfKLLINOSTll R0O118 Bend for List. Contlnentsl-Equltable Trust Co.. 21 S. 12th DETACHED, dwelling, 13 rooms. 3 bathsT gsroge. B. C. TOURIBON. 7014 Boyer st. Qtn. MONEY FOR MORTGAOES LAROE AND SMALL 8UM3 rUTinK- ANRWRHR W. H. HOOD. B12 W. NORRIB BT. fc-OIl SALE AT DISCOUNT $10,000 6 per cent, first mortgage, due In 18 months, secured by block of land In Longport (Atlantlo City), N, J. Apply Room 224, 1B05 Arch st. ,nnvriAntts F.nmirtEn BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH A PARKER, INC. if il 1 n-iin . -.. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAaB FUNDS Un' JOHN O. WILLIAMS BUCCESSOU TO LEWIS H. REDNEn 4 ; v.miiu. p.. $100,000 TO INVEST In first mortgages, sums from $1000 up; also building assoclatli money ror so mortgages, u. CO.. 4th and Callowhfll sts. C. SEIDEL Tlegn 2023 ATLANTIC BT. (Tioga) New. 8 rooms, attlo and laundry; living hall: open fireplace: hot-water heat, electrlo and o-aa ltshtinr. MTEnB A BARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th st. 1417 TIOGA. 1412 VENANOO, IB rlffht at YtrneiS rooms: fine condition: $85, Aucnncriiu, ai.i wmvin BTlt 2031 W, ONTARIO ST. 3 story, U rooms. 3 hsths. side yard: rent $40 per month. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO . 19B0 N. Front aL Logan MARKET 8TREET. B23 Entire building; to.-rear street) lot 23.8x100) menial? pusasaaiun. Apply 1'enna. wo., ow uneatnut sr. Imrai . T j BTDBE lira AND BASEMENT. 000 Chestnut 80x115; Urge window: whole stors or divide. LEA ESTATES. 700 Bansom si i i . i I, i , i ' 1 1 i Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Woete 1214 ARCH STREET New. modem fireproof. building, sultabls for light manufacturing) elevator; lUlffl heat. electrlo light, The Land Title & Trust Co, BROAD AND CHEBTNUT BTS. WYNNEWO0D X Desirable house near station; stone and stucco. 14 rooms. 8 batb.s (8 chambers), gas. LOWER MERION REALTY1CO. LAND T1TLH BUILDING JSUBUUUAN HOMES, country places anTbuUd: tji- sites to suit all requirements. Mala Lias 11 C. HUNTElt, Wayne, ft. NEW JinttiEY HtHiyitllAN COLLINOSWOOD. N. J. Best bulldlog sites 80x178 ft.. $300 on terms or MU;TloIi ", train and irolkoy. Co. fare. Office own Satur? day and Sunday. HidJofi ana lAa&tu am. EDWAKD H C'OtLEJI tO.. QVrojf. f ' fESTMONT, N J "$IB0. lorioiioOfL. assy terms, see Saturday or Sunday. EDIVAHii H. CUTLER O. Haddon and CmU Ljk, aves.. Westmont. N J v " ' " NEW JKK8EY 8EA8HUHB CHim-SEA H 7-roem cotUge bot fter fteatT electricity, wkf $400, casa nteei sr Tto pi- 5AN -'lTJ..kltfuau nw 3R tot UM. M ijobus. with tuti) cat oresa, I'Ucuj ar- uuuii ant vr LOW RENT Broad above Cumberland, menu featuring space In ths rnodsra Breprouf Wright Building, nasr North Philadelphia and Hunt Inguon ot. imuuiu wiu irvism yarus. ' WORRELL. 858 N 17th. 4833 CAMAC BT. Three story. 8 'roams. seml detached: fireplace; 125. Apply 4831. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES AA'K'n?In?ffVt.ytoJ' ' " MONET FOR MORTOAGES $iiOon to $100,000 TACOn A. lritlTZ. 1100 I.a nd Tills Bldg. OWNERS If yur mortgage has been called, I will take It up; also 2d mortgage money, CHESTER D UOTTNER. 1420 Chestnut st. TRUST FUND'S FOR FIRST MORTGAOE " HERKNESS A 8TETSON LAN D TITLE HUILDIWU, ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOEB Quirk snswer, . MAURICE II. MATBINQER. HI. Est.Tr.Blog- PKNNBYLVANIA HUBUUIIAN CTNWYD DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT AT BALA AND CYNWYD Let Ua Know Your Requirements SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 BALA AYE . CTNWYD. AND COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO ..,.. "ixir Ann MATiK-Kyp bth ",u 837 MARKET ST., 8D A 4TH 7LOOHS Heat, elevator service) sultabls (liht mfg. Eat. JOHN DOBSON, 800 Chestnut st. ur yuuf unu mumrt DYE HOUSE and yards, some fixtures. 1205-18 Laton at. bslow Federal, adjoining hosiery CohSclcsink MfilicSSF" Floors, ludo 10 imw sq. "t. Cbeap power f H. P. McNEBLT. 1783 RsndolpR7 T' CENTRAL WAREHOUSE Blx floors and basement. 20,000 sq. tt.s high """" TAUiMNE.a00-W.fnut. """" Metropolitan Building "S5 Fireproof Rooms, 8000 to 40 000. sq. ft. Chi lower Ap GEO. F LASHER. lffJQoth st? THIRD. FLOOR, lUrrU Bulidltuf, ,718-24ArcK " MERCHANT8'"jUILDINri it NORTH 4TJI BTREET Desirable rooms i power sjdjljht; w,." Vftft. . .,, i ,My 9j 52 N TTB BT - -4 etory brU-k buSJaW: ?i CHERItY Sd fW 5tli"i lUbt to DsKiaiui. VTtb tOfgl LLANERCH S-story stoiis -house, flreplsce. gss and sleotrlo, steam heat, tile bath. B bedrooms: newly papered throughout i a bargain at $28, more. Offloe at station. Phone 228. MOYLAN Attractive country residence ' at Moy lan. Boss Valtsy; ampts shade ancf lawn. about B acres; bouse stands on high slevsu tlon eonunandlng eitsnslra v:sws: has 18 rooms, 4 bathrooms, hot-water hsat, electrlo tight, etc.) chauffeur's dwelling, with garage attached, rent, $1000 per annum. Whiteside at HCU"...! w... .... . ... mn. TmitTninKS inOR BALE TM AMOUNTS OF $1000 AND UPWARD iJ.alicnNNKLL. 1003 LAND TITLE BLDG. VE WANT mortgagee, first, second or split) ".! A.- uil.i,Dr and short-term loans. fundi for collsternl and short-term iuKRNBTHY. 183 B. 12th. 2724 N. Bth, LOANS Large or small sums on real estats, UTHHTSR-rBT ANDu2D MORTGAGES POTTB A TjTOM80N12BgjFrankford ave. ""TISV uiTlf 1MV AMOUNT VMamd at Once. lowest Ilates. v. -X. DELANY, 1113 Lincoln tee. Bldg. dger Office. IiaVE J266T0OO trust fund for good first and sJoond mortgages In amounts $2000 and up- nd loan - --- -spc . . .-1. jis.i PIIND3 FOR 1ST AND SO IIORTUAOES wsrdSj L and 2d mortgages: prompt attention. Ug. ,,,W.1F. mTiLDING and loan association money iqr 1st eoretary. L 418, LeJ' Address vinHTflAnF-.a FOR BALE Txm:n. E. NICKLES. 2318 Oermantown ays. Remodeled farmhouse, strictly moj.rn 10 rooms. 2 baths. 1S4 acraa. garden, shade; fruit: gare for two cars, rsnt $45. near Fox Chase 1 fine roads for autos: Xormerly occupied PyMngy.ce4lat.ija...An. MAIN LINE, f. B. B. ARPMORB LARGE LIST OP RESIDENCES FOR SALE, ALSO Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES FOR RENT ON MAIN UNE P. R. R, LBT pa KNOW YOUn BEQUmEMENTa SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR, MONEY for 1st and 2d mtgs., city or suburb.) prompt answsrs and moderate charges. J 18J. Leqger cenirsi, loAns on interest in estates Rsasonabls Chsnres. JOHN A. BARRY. 807 LAND TITLE BLDG. wrm'R'pyr.T. funds for first ai VYUUXl-iLlL BECOND MORTGAOES BBS N 17TII BT 1ST and 2d mtsn.i bldg and private funds I quick and astlsfactory results, moderets charges, CAMERON ESTATE. 2811 Kensington ave. MOTfEVEQA JBT ANO 2D MORTGAGES 708) WAI-WUI 31.. QJo ariUK.n m. FUNDS fr first and seoond mortgages, any amount; collection of rents. 3 per cent. Ra) Kstate Uept , josepq icqgr. ie Aiaraet si. t U1VH leitNna FOR FIRST AND SECOND MOKTCUaE8 v- WM BARB. th and Oak lans. MONEY TO XOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONEY Ufl. uLauunun. jcncui, sx affu ur ITS $400 YELS. ETC, RIEDER 8 &r. AND OXFORD I 128 MARKET faT, KIDOE AVE. Atn nvieilnn cw - ' 'r' m.i . r.- s.-.re' JiU AU BOUTlf STS WKr LOANED to Hire it ureti-.3 mi F.i. n j SCRAPPLE 2 VJ u Not Qalte (c?ll CZt-rfSse ' iKjl jrHis. Husband (delirious) Where am I, In Heaven? Wlfe No, dear, I'm hero. fnEJ PADDED CELL That Is to Soy "Would you call Undo Peter n atinjry manT" "Woll, I'd merely eay that ho had alt hte sonorous Impulses under perfect control." v H v t-A Bo! TeLL'M MY FboR MAAJ! To Shoot TWs cSfteArN HAVE YOU AW LAST ( IDEA To THE ?LM WORD TO SZHQ RLM Cof ITS A . J X ToUR FAWlLYy nVE REELTILLEiy . z SC6MAR10S. f I HAMVf.Rn J LIGHT OCCUPATIONS DAY Wm SiB - COTflNh- YrfS IAV4H WTH MhlCUR sB-VlaflSHsssssss-) ' iffc.tre.S. -JW WM0 Mliilil ' sairtSTMArM 58T SBSBP-- ES-tTsSSBSSSSSeBBl i'-am Jdtsn iMi naL ss- Ll'UJ-X.,?0 jLfaJfeJSV-rM bCD (jJBto. SA.TINU YHK t)AT6-Ofr-ACA16NDA. 1 im&TMr; nriuviBiiL. 3UWNVCR. utv BtsTor-Aix r-rrrrrr v -.O CritliWW Jfc3. rtsw o, .Vep mt mm -TBlHfaiim., BEAP&OP PeRPIRAT(CW ttslEl IT'iKOTJ MtV AARON TlWINfa YO MbS-'A HICiHTiMW ("Mirll TWATI CATCH T!W noiui? '3'rS? I k KS7 (cr-.vv Pi y i PICKINC. BERftlt B05CM i?s, IaL'-VTV N rio'JTT-'J I I "rikT s. CstastV ili5fe'j you ZtSth ly-v cq K( s?XL A&2f '-r I Rvrto hr fV - ' 2 . CSIdt CerMUTTib i P-CRIbEBf atLLIHtf colVIIONitATS 1 ATABAIXCrrVAS IH YH69TH. IrlBINU Tho Sllk-Stocklnfr Hound WAS IT ANOTHER KIND OF MAILED FIST? Penn Punch Dovru Plenty to Do Mistress (severely; If such a thlnp; ocours arnln. Nornh, I shall have to get another eervant Norah I wish yes wud there's eas ily enough wurruk for two av us. "Was ner rather violent when you told him you wanted to marry "Rather! I thought he would shake ray hand off." , her." A Cinch hNS'Tou don't stir from this hotel until fjjw've paid your bill." 'That suits me right down to the ground. I've always wanted to have a permanent home." THE WORST IS YET TO COME MjJ B mm 00mwMk .-sfttCssstJaw IslAil 1-ffissssssssssssss-L i- 'JssJM 7-sTsssssslfcsssss-sssssssss- Kgn"-1" u ' ' "' sMBPsWlWsW-l.llJjJjgsi : l"'.'..----L.. rr?rrmmummmwm&iimML&--'-'- nru m n -. . JsSSSSSSSSB-l Very Nice of'HJm Cornell Widow. Booh (making- conversation) I passed your house today. She absently Oh, thank you ever so much. A Compromise "diva ua our place In the aunl" they cr)ed t "A place that matches our worth.'1 'Take all the sun," mankind replied, "But please get off the earth." Harvard Xjunpoon. That Hat! .'Mill )l.ll.w.B,0iiMfi 1 Jiini.iefi-.i,i.MftS,i.,. n, S ''&iw oat tnni asi t Urn - -3388. -