Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 01, 1916, Night Extra, Image 13

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    gATMDAY, JVhY 1, iml
r ,tf
Women Eepresenting Many Unite in the Preparedness
Work Met at Residence-oJ? Mrs. George W. Childs
1 Drexel Yesterday Morning
" Mzh
nlo I
r? WAS very Interesting yesterday
morning at Mrs. Drexel's home, when
, Various women met to plan for the pack
ing of supplies for our troops.. Mrs.
Horace Brock presided at the meeting,
And told how Mrs. Urquhart's unit had
KOtten up yesterday morning, shortly
after midnight, when most people were
coming hpme from the display of fire
Works out at tho Park, and were In their"
" places nt tli Eattlmoro and Ohio a,t 3:30
o'clock In tho morning, handing out hot
coffee and sandwiched to the hungry
" Johnnies who belonged to Companies A
and B, Engineers, tho first to leave Mount
fjretna and pais through the city on their
tray to the border.
, Then In the middle of last night three
Units were on hand when tho 2d Regi
ment passed through tho city, stopping
tor about half ah hour. Such scenes you
Sever saw and such enthusiasm on tho
part of tho boys! The cheers might have
t wakened tho dead as tho drat section
moved out amid farewells' from tho crowd
and whistles from the pollco tuga on tho
.river and toots from tho engines. Tho
two units under Mrs. Francis Howard
Williams and Mrs. Qeorgo Urquhart, and
a third from Oak Lone, worked llko mad
to give tho soldiers coftco, sandwiches
and, best of all, tobacco. A lot of womon
lent their motors to tho division that sup
pllos might bo carried quickly and easily
to the stations.
If tho country at large wore as well
prepared as the women aro It would be
wall for all. Hand it to tho women
vory time for being ready when duty
A number of womon went In the after
noon also to Mrs. Drexel's homo and
packed individual boxes . of condensed
milk nnd canned soup. Thoy Bay that
lemon drops, too, aro especially nice for
tho men on tho march. Tho acid Is good
for them, and tho Julco of tho drop kcops
their throats from becoming parched and
dry. Among the women nt tho meeting
was Mrs. Botty Madeira, who did not
aoem to bo qulto suro to- which unit Bho
belonged, whereupon somo one suggested
that sho bo head of one, to which Mrs.
Madeira replied feelingly, '"Not for gold
or precious stones would I bd head bf
' anything!" However, sho Joined in tho
work most heartily. Thoimqotlng yester
day was for Depaitmentv No. -7 of the
" emorgoncy cbmmlssarlat. This depart
ment has thrco objects: First, securing
money or supplies to provide refresh
ments for troops passing through the
State; second, cooking or making ready
tho supplies; third, distributing 'tho sup
plies. All this In case of war or calamity.
And In tho meantlmo our thoughts turn
to tho laddies who aro on their way .to
tho bordor, oven though tho troublo may
bo avortod yet, and to tho others who
' are still In training up at tlio camp, una
girl I know Wont up to camp yestoiday,
and she told sho had never soon any
thing llko It In all her life; Everywhere
sho turned were men sound asleop. The
poor souls got up so early at Mount
Gretna and drill so hard that they Just
fall asleep anywhoro they can possibly
land. Stores aro reaching them dally,
though at first there wero threo men in a
tant with one gun between thorn, which
poor thing had to bo borrowed whenever
tljo' different drill times came.
My dears, tMs la a pleasant tnougnt!
' and It will make us apprcclato our own
table more than we over did In all our
lives; llstonl These men, who have many
of them appeared to us bo well groomed
and opandy fresh from tho hands of tho
barber and tailor, are given tli'elr food In
tlnbans six by eight inches long, with
a handle, attachment. In those tlnpans, in
a promiscuous arrangement, are potatoes,
string beans and stowed prunes togethor.
It by any chance oho man docs not receive
one of theso savory conglomerations he
shares his neighbor's. My friend re
frained from saying whether eho saw
, them eat and whether they wero provided
with forks and knives or not. They drink
i their coffeo out of tlncupi. The men aro
getting restless, sho says, and are nnxlous
to be, oft to tho bqrdcr. It li wonderful the
, number of wives and sweethearts who aro
up at the inn now and in camp all the
time. I imagine the commanding officers
must love having them around; it helps
, discipline so much, you know. And sho
eays you ought to see the beards and mus
taches and whiskers! They aro .all grow
ing gay and untrammeled, no waxed ends
or such little niceties. Oh! No. And it
is all for our dear country! Ood bless
White wilt give several house parties over
the week-end during the summer.
Dr. and lira. H. Brooker lMIHs, of 1411
Spruce street, with their daughter, Miss
Janice Yvonne Mills, and their son, Master
Ira. Jewell Mills, have opened'thelr summer
home at BCOO Pacific avenuo, Wlldwood
Crest They wilt remain until September,
Mrs. Emilia ReddlngI of Philadelphia,
has left for Wlldwood where she Will oc-
cupy her cottage for tho summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfrod Aarons have left
for Atlantic City to spend Uie summer. They
Will return to town late in September.
i Mr. and Mrs. nenry Cage, of 1700 Pine
street, wilt spend the next few' days with
friends in Chelsea. .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cray, jOf Colmar,
Bucks County, hnVo gone to Snr&nao for a
fortnight l i
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wod. of Gwynedd
Valley, are spending the summer In At
lantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irish, of Norrls
town, havo announced the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Kathleen Irish, to Mr.
C. William Close, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Close, of WIssahtckon avenue,
An Interesting wedding will take place
next Thursday, whon Mlsa Emma Williams,
daughter of Mrs. I Williams, of Malvern.
will become the bride of Dr. Howard II.
Custls, of Denver, Col. Miss Williams will
leave for Denver on Monday to meet her
flanco, and the wedding will be solemnized
Along the Main Line
NA.RBERTH Mrs. Lester Nloharson and
hor small sons. Master Stanton Nlokerson
and Master Philip Nlokerson. of Elmwood
avenuo, have gone to Cotult, Mass., to spend
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Bond and their con,
of Elm avonue. will spend the week-end In
Morris town, N. J.
Mrs. Albort Buckler, of Washington, D.
C, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bamuet W.
Foster, of 181 Merlon avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Woodslde
avonuo, havo gone to Ocean City, where
they will occupy their cottage for the sum
Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert B. Eyro and their
family, of Woodslde avenue, will spend tho
summer at Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs Walter a Humphreys will
spend the summer In Ventnor.
ARDMORE Mrs. Thomas Reynolds
Plerpolnt of Llanfalr road, gavo a baby
party In honor of her young daughter, Miss
Muriel E. PIcrpont, on Tuesday. Among tho
young guests wero Miss Janet Dougherty,
Miss Eleanor Clay, Miss Dorothy Clay, Miss
Dorothy Kanaga, Miss Virginia Kanaga,
Mlsa Kathryn Plerpolnt, Miss Betty Riley,
Mlaa Jane Plerpolnt, Master Wayne Stahler,
Mastor Charles Kondrlck, Jr., Mastor Dayld
Smith, Jr., Mastor Robert Smith and Master
nenry Larimer.
Mrs. M. E V. Justice, of 14 Athons ave
nuo, has boon chaperoning a camping party
at Mount Pleasant, Pa., which Included
MIbs Laura Morgan, Miss Ruth Cuthbort,
Miss Marian Shupert and Miss Edna Harm-'
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gardner, of Ard
moro, are occupying their bungalow In
Avalon, N. J for tho Bummer.
' ' ...
? "" 1 fcHB5i(iBl Art r3!!Fvv ' gt?,tf 5ri,&foi vS4,J v tt it-ZSr
i HK-tBrTiaaam''' . . tt ' t.v. uv ,j .wvxwm -z.
I b iSS mSB w1 anniversary
:i Mr and Mrs B' K- Hausman, of
JAhSClMm MPtJwftwillr l-Sf Germantown, Give Recep-
mllM&W xsEl'? ."" D: K "nusmnn. of 118
3TlKSM oHM'JImmiW 3;..Iltt!,,0M.BlrMt' Qermantown, will
Vk W? v? JL' aSlnmmm WHtWw wiS?HnL '? "leth adversary of their
XWi.frJ Sil.JSrrmiimR wedding. Mr. Hausman Is the proprietor
ViW Jh 4lnii&&LmHL S&ViftXyVlfFy Srn "palrln fftctnr t the above ad-
XW MhdjSEnW jfflllilO! W McS'n "" WeU known ,n that
Mrs. RlS ttal-'A nrl ;
Wayne ntetiua it .ttfen n
gone to Beneh Haven foYthe ttmhkm
Mr, and Mrs, Thorns ri5
Locust aten.i, wilt pp9i4 m m
Stockton Villa, Cape May, IfaW
companied by their ehlt.
Mr. ahd Jfm Jc-Bhua Jidt SWarsots :
motor to Cnpa May today, fney v til t
Mr nnd Mrs; George lYafiWht Uieh M
xneir guests over the weeU'en
Mr. and Mm Wiltlofn rat-iihkw,v
Upsal street west f Wayiw Arti. wi;
"Ptn meir collage in Alianuo CJly-toiI
xnoy wm oa accompamea by these d
tert, Miss Ruth Elsenhower atid Mfl
dred Elsenhower.
MlM it1 rlnrmlrtrr -t 441 fful. Jtl
will spend Indsptndeno Day w'ltn. fii
i nounu iam near saranao.
Mr. and Mr. Vrtakrfelf Atl.n t tj
Wlster street, have opened their cottars if
Spring Lak4 for' the summer,, ,
Miss Lillian Smaller, of .10JS bnn !?
gave a brldgo on Thursday at th 0r
iiiBuioTm uncKet i;iud.
vy;y go?ge 'TLMer3n3
Classes In First-aid Provo That
tho Women at Least Aro Pre
pared for Emergencies
Camden and Vicinity
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Rice,
who are occupying their villa at Newport,
wlt give a large house party over the
week-end and Independence Day,
Dr. nnd Mrs. Warren Walker, who have
gone to their farm at Mllford, Conn., will
entertain a house party over independence
Day, Their guests will Include Mr, and
Mrs. II. Evan Taylor, Miss Agnes Spencer,
Miss Gertrude 8. Ehret, Mr, Edward Brad
ford, Mr. Frederick Larned and Mr, Lionel
Friends of Miss Julia Berwlnd wilt re
gret to learn that she Is confined to her house
at Newport, suffering from a sprained leg,
sustained while playing gqlf,
Mrs. Charles Potter, accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Potter, of the
Anglecot,, Chestnut Hill, left yesterday
by motor for Magnolia, Maas , where they
Will spend the summer. They will Btop
at Lenox and several other places of In
terest en route.
Mr, and Mrs W. W. Hepburn and their
family have gone to Eagles' Mere to occupy
their cottage for the summer.
The Amateur Qolf Association of Phlla-
ueipnio. t9 ngiainp nu uijnuai tournament at
the Huntingdon Valley Country Club this
week A club dinner-dance will be held
this, evening, also a. largo dinner-dance
op Tpesday evening.
Among those who will entertain at din
ner this evening at the Philadelphia
Cricktt Club will be Mr ani Mrs. Clan
anee M Brown, pf Wayne aenu and
Hortter street. Among the guest will be
Mr ami Mrs. Frank Donaldson, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry C Weelfs and Mr. and Mrs.
Vf. W. Adams. Jr '
Mr 8. B. White and, his daughter. Miss
Florence White, of 20t Bt, Jttroea place,
have cloa their town house and i
occupying thslr cottage, )(Jt Houth, Corn-
: i4Sw
V ' viwW II
1V JF4 fift'1 i jisx:V yttxat' jf
a a
f i -sfe-jfl
v - w
? Inffl
Summer girls aro not Idto at tho shore,
dosplto the fact that this Is the Benson
usually devoted to rest and rocreatlon.
Tho morning Is given over to bathing, whllo
the afternoons are dovoted to knitting or art
neodlework, In anticipation of a, number of
charitable affairs to be held In August Tho
needs of the nation aro not forgotton, and
thoro are classes held for tho Instruction of
first aid to the wounded and for1 the prepa
rations of bandages. If the Industry ot
the women Is any criterion, the nation Is
prepared to rise to any emergonoy.
Miss Amelia Gobs entertained a party of
frlonds at the the dansant at the Brighton
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. John Bothwell gavo a luncheon and
bridge nt hor couhtry place In Llnwood, a
suburb of Atlantic City.
Mrs. Ethol Bower ICcedlcr has Issued
enrds for a bridge party to bo given at
tho Chelsea Yacht Club next Friday after
noon. Tho Mlsiios Sweonoy aro entertaining at
tholr cottage, 27 N. Chelsea avenue, Dr.
and Mrs. John Sweoney, who motored down
from Doylcstown, Pa ; Miss Gertrudo Zan,
Mr. Louis A. Young and Mr. Raymond
Young, of Philadelphia.
Mrs. D. Florens Rtvlnus Is at the Brigh
ton over the woek-ond, accompanied by
Miss n Gwen Martin, of Chestnut Hill.
Spending tho woek-ond at the Traymoro
nro Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick I. Belcher,
of Ardmoro; Mr. and Mrs. John J Felln,
Miss May D. Folln, Mr. William Felln, Mr.
nnd Mrs William Caner WIederselm, Mrs.
A. D. Fell and Judge W. W. Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morgenthalor came
down from Harrlsburg to spend tho week
end at the Strand.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Parry and Mr. Henry
Parry motored down from Langhorne to
remain over tho Fourth,
Mrs. F. B. Stockley Is at Haddon Hall
for the summon Mrs. George Dattman
spent part of tho week with her.
Bala-Cyn , vd
Five little girl of Cynwjd, Miss Catherine
Parvln. Miss Leonora, PattorBon. Mtaa -'emir
nette Menke. Miss Jeanno Boise and MS
Mary De Huff will give a, laWri party this
afternoon, from 3 until 6 o'olook, ort tlio
grounds of Mrs. J. Howard Mocke'a bouse on
State road, for the benefit of the Ledger
Santa Claus Club, of which they ar- enthu
siastic members. About BO children will tafc
part in the affair, which they have ar
ranged entirely themselves.
"rJ?0War.d Mt&o Jf.i so of Mry and
Mrs. J. Howard Mecke, was one of the first
from Cynwyd to enlist in the N. O, P. Ha
Is with Uie 2d Regiment. Mr. Mocko, is a
grandson of the late Colonel Theodore Mc
Calla, of the Civil War.
Mr. and Mra August Wlcgand Bnd their
family have taken a cottage at Ventnor for
tho summer.
Pretty Home Wedding Will Take Place Tonight in Ger
mantown Other Interesting Nuptials of
the Day and Passing Week.
Along the Reading
The Old York Road Country Club Is making
arrangements for tho tournaments to bo held
on Indopondenco Day. In tho morning thore
will bo a baseball game between tho single
men nnd tho married men of the club, also
a round robin tennis tournament, a driv
ing contest, putting and pitching contests.
Thoro will bo muslo and dancing nil after
noon and ovenlng, and members are arrang
ing dinner or luncheon parties.
Miss Sue Williams Nice, of the Thistle,
Spring avenuo, Elklns Park, and Miss rthel
Jones, of Germantown, havo left for Colo
rado, where they will spend a month at
Camp Tnhosa, Brookvalc Miss Katharine
Nice Is spending some time as the guest of
Delaware County
Mr. Vauclaln Williams, of Rldloy Park,
will Spend this month at Colorado Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker, of Media,
are receiving congratulations on the birth
of a son,
The marriage of Miss Mary R, Kelley,
of Media, to Mr. Joseph F. Murray, of
Philadelphia, took place on Tuesday, June
27, at Media. After a wedding trip, Mr.
and Mrs Murray will Iho In Philadelphia.
Captain Alexander W. Given and his
daughter, Miss Fannie Given, of Lyceum
avenue, hae Joined the Roxborough cot
tagers in Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ivan Rlxon are
at present on their wedding trip. Mrs. Rlxon
will bo remembered as Miss Hannah Dar
lington Grace.
West Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Howe E. Dantzebecher an
nounce tho marriage of their daughter, Miaa
Louise Frances DanUebecher, to Mr, Edwin
Warren Hart today. In St. Barnabas Prot
estant Episcopal Church, 64th street and
Haverford avenue, West Philadelphia.
Miss Margaret Lamorelle, daughter ot
Judge and Mrs. J. F, Lamorelle, of JB10
Baring street, has left for Greensburg, Pa ,
whore she will be the guest of Miss Sara
Head, daughter of Judsre Head, for tK&
montu of July,
Mrs. F. H. Mllden and Miss Mjtry MUden,
of 4819 Regent street, havo opened their
cottage at Ocean City for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. John IL Baylor, of 4S30
Walnut street, are spending the summer
in Atlantic City,
Mr, and Mrs. William Frease, of S805
Ludlow street, hao gone for a motorboat
trip down the Delaware Bay. They will
return In about ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Rees. of 734
South 42d street, are spending a fortnight
so viiiuuo uuy.
Chester Valley
A piano and violin recital will be given
In the hall of the Municipal Building. Mat
tern, this evening by the pupils of Miss
Ella Rowley
Under the chaperonage of Miss Alice Sin
clair and Miss Eleanor Sinclair, a party of
girls, including Mlsa Emma Warner. Miss
Alice Kaufman, Miss Elizabeth Cox, Miss
Frances Avil, Mlsa Phoebe Hampton, Mlsa
Nancy H&yens and Miss qertrude Shepherd,
left Malvern this week on a, camping trip.
They will pitch their Unts on the rac-dowa
or tneaierurooK Jrarra, tue Home of Captain
Miss Ellen Johnson Schofleld, of 620
East Leverlngton avenue, left early In the
week for a trip up the Hudson, spending
some time as the guest of Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. William Hodges, Jr., of 2819
North 19th street, will leave tomorrow to
occupy their cottage In Atlantic City. They
will bo accompanied by Mr. Hodges' mother,
Mrs. William Hodges, of 19th and Tioga
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Clegg, of 8617 North
13th street, left during the week to spend
the. summer at their cottage In Pitman, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Rnynor Bowman, of West
Tioga street, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Wlllard Bowman, of Fhoonixvllle, will leave
totnorroW for an automobile trip to Island
Heights, to remain over July i.
North Philadelphia
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kaelker, Mrs.
Pelfer and Mrs. M. A. Spotola motored from
Philadelphia o Atlantto Cty this week to
visit friends.
Miss Ida Drlpps, of I8IJ North nth
street, will leive early net week for Ocean
City, N. J., to -remain through the summer.
Mrs. W, W. Cummtngs, of Mulberry
street, entertained the members of her sew.
Ing circle yesterday afternoon. Her guest
Included Mrs. Frederick JIalloway, Mrs.
George Worth, Mrs. Walter Jones, Mrs
Francis Culy, Mrs? George Cummlngs'
Mrs. James Hall, Mrs. John Tyson, Mrs.
George Berry, Mrs. Harry Gooding and
Mrs. Renberger.
vU vnutf Ventnor, for the summer, Miss ft S, CassaU.Jta the Chester Valley.
What's Doing Tonight
Concert at Blmont Uaiulon b S"lrmnn
Parle UanJ, 8 o'clock. yr. raeuot
Children of Collece Sattlemint to
ai V.OUC.V ociijeaieju .uou,
Jottc for ,th Botlttr pace will 1m
ct all o.h RQtUtt uiu.t ba VfllUupamil I
Id of the paixr. nulla .Tim J In f all. WltS I
lull adilrtu. .and vna pauibl tal.ubsi, I
Duuibr inual b iItcb. j---. i
ulnbr utu
ajjor," JSnalssXcdttr. ioS ciTj
that rlncoitL)n ,mr. b.
U3UC4 w,u wn puoiupaa.
tA i'Al.fr.
ytnlat Idttr. SOS Ctwats-t airiL
TS t.iww.KBi, in cutrrj
THE marriage of Miss Mary Wright,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Edmund
Wright, of B,34 Morris street, Germantown,
and Mr. Norman William Steltz, of Col
mar, Pa., will tako placo tonight at 8
o'clock at tho home of tho bride's parents.
Tho ceremony will ,bo performed by the
Rev. Stewart P. Keeling, rector of St.
Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, Wayne
avenue and Harvey street, Germantown.
miss Wright, who will be given In mar
rlag by her father, will woar a gown of
georgette cropo and taffeta and will carry
white sweet peas Tho best man will be
Mr. Joseph Moloney. A email reception will
follow for n few Intimate friends. Mr.
Steltz and his bride will live at 714 Grant
avenuo, West Collingswood.
A quiet wedding took nln.ee this morninsr
at 7:30 o'clock In St, Catherine's Chapel.
Wost Penn street, -when MIbs Estello M.
Walters, daughter of Mrs. Louise Walters,
of 3C9 East Cholten avenuo,. became the
bride of Mr. Wilfred H. FIschor. Tho
bride wore a frock of blue georgette crcpo
and a gray hat She was attended by Mlsa
Eleanor rischer as maid of honor, who
v,oto a gray crepo do chlno frock and a
purple hat The Rev. J. Hartw ell, C. M ,
performed the, ceremony, which was at
tended by only the two tmmedlato fam
ilies. A breakfast, at the home of the
bride s mother followed tho ceremony.
A protty wedding was solemnized nt noon
today In the Church of the Assumption of
tho Blessed Virgin Mary, Conarroe street,
Manayunk, when Miss Mary Knecht, daugh
ter of Mr. Joseph Knecht, of 4138 Man
ayunk avenue, Roxborough, became tho
bride of Mr. Frederick Hauenschlld, Jr., of
120 Seville street. The Rev. Henry Gantert
officiated at the ceremony, which was fol-
lowod by a breakfast at the home of tho
bride's father. A gown of white satin
draped with chanttlly lace was worn by the
bride, who was attended by her sisters. Miss
Emma Knecht, as maid of honor, and Miss
Martha Knecht, as bridesmaid. They were
attired In frocks of taffeta draped with
tulle, the former In pale canary color and
the latter In pink. Mr. Knecht gave his
daughter In marriage.
Mr. Joseph Fates was be3t man. Mr, and
Mrs. Hauenschlld left on an extended trip
and will be at home after August 1 at 4188
Manayunk avo.
The marriage of Miss Viola Chase, daugh
ter of Mrs. IC Chase, of 281 East Cam
bridge street, to Mr. John Selbel, of 3621
North 19th street, took place on Wednes
day afternoon tn the Church of the Ascen
sion, East Lehigh avenue. The bride wore
a gown ot white crepe de chine and
georgette crepe and a tulle veil held In
place with orange blossoms. Her bouquet
was of white roses. Miss Katherlne Chase,
who attended her sister as maid of honor,
wore pink taffeta and tulle, with a large
hat to match, and carried pink roses. Mr.
Albert Smith was best man. A reception fol
lowed the ceremony, After a trip to
Niagara Falls Mr. Selbel and his bride will
live at 3621 North 19th street
A pretty wedding took place on Wednes
day In St Gabriel's Church, 29th and Dick-
inson streets, wnen .miss niary Agnes
Gooley became the bride of Mr. Charles T,
Gallagher. The ceremony was performed
by the pastor at 4:30 o'clock and was fol
lowed by a reception at the home of the
bride's parents, 1338 Reed street The father
ot the bride, Mr, James J, Gooley, gavo
his daughter In marriage. Her gown was a
charming combination of silk lace and
satin, with white crepe de chine and pearl
ornaments. She was attended by her sis.
ter, Miss Catharine Gooley, as maid of
honor; Miss Margaret Gallagher, a cousin
of the bridegroom, as bridesmaid and Miss
Ellen Gooley as flower girl Mr, James J.
Gooley, Jr., a brother of the bride, acted
as best man.
Mr, and Mrs. James T. Kennedy, of 2814
West Somerset street, have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Mies Helen F.
Kennedy, to Dr. Thomas M. Armstrong on
Wednesday afternoon. June 28, Doctor
Armstrong and his bride, who are traveling
through Maine, will be at home after Sep
tember 16, at 1429 Christian street
JUnpng the Interesting weddings of the
week was that of Miss Martha Quema,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Quarns, to
Mr. SylvanuS H, Borti, of 1812 North 22d
btreet, which was solemnized on Wednes
day evening at the home of the bride's
parents, 777 North 27th street The cere
mony was perform jd by the Rev- Dr Frank
H, Farley, of Trinity Baptist Church, as
sisted by the Rev. Joseph H, Uartmau. of
h Bethany Lutheran Church. The bride, who
was given in marriage by Jr father,, waa
attended by Miss Rose arMbiller ft maid
of honor nnd her two nieces. Miss Dorothy
Landls and Miss Helon Lamils, ns flower
girls. Mr. Harry M. Bortz attondod his
brother ns best man. Following tho ceio
mony a reception was hold, after which
w,nd Jfr8, Bort3 left on an extended
,ur?Jy uPn their return thoy will live
at 777 North 27th street
The marriage of Miss Mary A. Russell,
daughter of Mrs W. Russell, of 2304 Cedar
street, to Mr. Algernon Jones Innes, of 4662
Mansion avenuo. Rnihnmiirii nnu i...
Wednesday morning, immediately after tho
quiet ceremony Mr. and Mra Innes left on
?,lC3ended. W6d""?ff trip. Upon their re
turn they will live In Langhorne.
A Pretty wedding took placo on Wednes
aay night at tho homo of Mrs. Charles Flem-
Stt,IJfi,09OUt,i,Ca,IlfllQ street- whon her
?h k! IS ' I11-?? 1iaoml FIet"mlng, became
? .ud?.5f Mr Emanuel C. Vogt. of 1910
North 24th street. Miss Mao Blaney acted
as bridesmaid, and tho I,.-. ., :.. .,
Charles Vogt, a brother of the bridegroom.
The bride was given in mnrriage by hor
S-fST J ReV- T" Pttul "Bhorne oHl
vlf A?er a recePn Mr. nnd Mrs.
Vogt left for a wedding trip to Atlantic
An Interesting weririino- .i , ..
Cranbury, N . J.. hen Mlsi Tillle Cohan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohan, of
Cranbury and Now York, -nns married to
Mr. David Mitosky, of 2846 Richmond Ttreet
rol,lo,v.lnff th0 "emony Mr. and Mrs
Mitosky left for their honeymoon, which wit
be spent In New Yorkjind Atlantic City.
D'unso pizzi.
Mr. nnd Mrs Francesco dl Maio, of 1324
Dickinson street, havo announcod the mar
riage of their niece. Miss Carolina Pizzi.
to Mr. Generoso D'Urso on Wednesday aft
ernoon at 4 o'clock in St Blta's Church,
Broad and Federal streets. After th. n,.I
mony a reception and dance was held, after
which Mr. and Mra D'Urso left on an ex
tended trip.
Miss Florehce Zelgler. of 2311 North nm
street nnd Mr. Norman Bahn, of 3464
Emerald street, wero united In marriage
on Wednesday. The ceremony waa per
formed by the Rev. P, H. DIpple at tho
parsonage of the German Lutheran Church
at 8 th and Thompson Btreets. The couple
were unattended. They will spend a month
at Stone Harbor, N. J., before returning
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Kennedy,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Kennedy,
and Mr. William Discher, Bon of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert J. Discher, took place on Wed
nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Church
of ttie Ascension, G and Westmoreland
streets. The bride was attended by her
sister. Miss Katherlne Kennedy, and Mr.
Discher had Mr. Joseph McKenna as best
man. After a wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs
Dlsoher will ltvo In Oshkosh. Wis.
-JS1" HUBraana will celebrate their golden
n..! r iifV" '"i"9 Sam8 qUlet Wa" ""
..Tl nouuuiB ay, acoording to Mr.
5iSf?5n' Itey wlU s1vo a reception to
fi.na.8.but th.ra wlu ba " t the
v?iP hJ" u,m, on an occasion of this
kind. The Hausmans have six ohlldren.
Mr. Hausman declared he and his wife
have never had a misunderstanding slnoe
;?!!;r.nft,ai"':. Tnls h0 ittributes to the
ltfe! alwa,a Uvei t18 B'mple
"It seems tike yesterday that Mrs. Haus
mnn nnd myself drove In our little carriage
to the parson's home In Lelghton, Pa.," said
ilausman today. "We wore very young at
tno time but tho Intervening years have
slipped oyer our heads with great rapidity.
I bellevo that couples contemplating
maSlasr8 BhouM d0 B0 a arly as possible.
This Is one of the greatest mistakes
made today, loung men and young women
expoot entirely too much when they aro
first married. I blame thla on th vr,,n
women of today. Thoy expect their hus
bands to make forty dollars a week and
they refuse to got married unless thoy aro
to have a fourteen-room house, two or moro
Bervants and an automobile."
.Jr. sand Mrs. Wright and their family,
of 1304 East Columbia avenue, are spend
ing the summer at Pitman Grove, N. J.
Northeast Philadelphia
Mrs. F. Geggenhelmer and Master Clair
Yates, of 417 East Glrard avenue, ar
spending several weeks tn Ceallton, $10.
Mrs. Kelly, Mr. O. Kelly and Mlsa Kelty,
of 1206 East Columbia avenue, are spend
ing the summer in Wlldwood.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Goodman and their
family, of 949 North 6th street. hnv if
for Atlantic City, where they will spend thtf-
NORRISTOWN, Pa., July 1. Mr. and.
Mrs. Edward L. .Vaughan, of 601 Green (
Biraei, navo nnnouncca tne engagement of 1
their daughter. Miss Iolean Hood Vaughan, 4
to Mr. William Koplln Wilson, son of, Mr.
v-uu ciii.-a iviuson, or lzs uast Airy Street
Miss Delia P. Gibson, of 17 East Elm
street will spend July with relatives In
Norfolk, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roberts and their
son, who have been the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Willis R. Roberts,, of 800 DelCalb
stret have gone to Jamaica, L. I.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brtchenhelm, of
Fornance street, have gone to St Jovlte,
Quebec, Can., where they will i spend- the
AT nr.TTTvTrrir7- riTTTn mr t---,--. i
Plans Being Made for Celebration of Independence Day
by Bucks County Club Members Attractive Birth
day Party Given in Roxborough
THE Bucks County Country Club will I Elizabeth Sllowltx Miss Ida r- h
celebrate the Fourth with a golf tourna- Samuel Markowltz', Mr. Daniel nil'
) other J" sat Silver, Mr. M. Marcus Rocnciv:
ier xr, . ti 1,vauman. Mr. Benjamin Sel
IVtu' cnJ.a,mln Staltzberg. Mr. Edward
Mr S'ef- A,fred Kramer. Mr. B Kejsoy.
Mr. N. Stntz and Mr. Morris Wilson.
I If 'li mm 111
j - MK? all
). JBb.dK, HP
ment and tonnls tournament, also
sports. Open houso will be held all day.
Tho Saturday night cabarets at tho dub
In Langhorne havo proved extremely popu
lar, and there were over 200 guests at the
last one.
Before tho last Saturday's performance
dinners were glen at the club by Mr. and
Mrs Ellwood Watson, Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
Starkey, Mr. and Mrs J. Dawson Paul, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Leedom and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Palmor's
guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Betts,
Mr. Lewis Betts, of Philadelphia, and Miss
Margaret Rettew, of Langhorpe. Mr, and
Mrs Leedom entertained Mr. and Mrs. A.
Tcntry and Mr. and Mra. Walter Thomas,
of Philadelphia.
Other guests at the carbaret were Mr.
Luther Young, Mr. G. R. Rebmann, Jr., Mr.
N. A. Graham, Mrs. M. E. Comly, Mrs.
Charles Taylor, Miss Helen Gllkeson. Miss
Loulso Swain, Miss Phoebe A. Boyd, Mr.
Edward Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Beaumont, Mr.
E. O. Beaumont, Jr., Miss Rachel Porrlne,
Mr. J. H. Slnzhelmer, Mr. G. O. Gelkler, Mr.
E. P. Wells, Mr. S. Welsh, Mr. G. R. Rul
mann. Miss Holtzhower, Mr. Thompson, Mr.
T. Hoffman and Mr. Robert Titus.
Mrs. Howard A. Lukens, of 812 Dupont
street, is giving an attractive children's
party this afternoon In celebration of the
eeenth birthday anniversary of her daugh
ter. Miss Doris Lukens. The decorations
and favors are In red, white and blue. In
keeping with the approach of the national
holiday. The young guests include Miss
Jane Haya, Miss Bertha Lawrence, Miss
Elsie Hardman, Miss Elizabeth Walls. Miss
Clara La Rue, Miss Lydla Stott, Miss Emma
Flanagan, Miss Helen Flanagan, Master
George McCleary, Master Howard Hays,
Master Walter Fancourt, Master Edmund
Dunlap, Master William Dunlap and Mas
ter John Dunlap.
A surprise party was' given In honor of
Miss Anna Wallace, of 160 Sumao street,
by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward W,
Wallace, this week. Among the guests
were Mr. Wesley Wallace, Mr, Graham Llt
tlewood, Mr, Burton Llttlewood, Mr. Dudley
Thomas, Mr, Benjamin Beavan, Mr. Roy
Wilson. Mr. Logan Dayton, Mr. Clifford
Beavan, Mr. Herbert Schofleld, Miss Mar
Jorle Kale, Miss Margaret WIer, Miss Ruth
Allen, Mlsa Margaret White, Miss Marie
Williams. Miss Anna Wallace, Miss Helen
Logan, Miss Mary Barnes and Miss Clara
R, AND MRS. A. SONDBERG, of 4130
honor ot the graduation of their eon, Mr.
Michael Bondberg, from the Philadelphia
School of Pedagogy last Saturday evening.
The gueata were Miss Elizabeth Solomon.
Miss May Rosen, Miss Jean Felslnger, Miss
Ethel Grossman, Miss Sarah Splro. Miss
Mary Kohen, Miss Clara Oroenson, Miss
Clara Ootdman, Miss Rose Schauer, Miss
Anna Segal, Miss Anna Splro, Miss Reba
Levlck, MIbs Nellie Leopow, Miss Sophie
HecKer, miss aiae jtopains, miss uesrle
Strauss, Mr Samuel Zuckerman, Mr
Henry Friedman, Dr. Geqrge Parrls,' Mr,
Samuel Melnlck, Mr Emanuel FUUher,
Mr, John Mandet, Mr. Samuel Berman,
Mr Charlea Meyers, Mr. Herman Master,
Mr. Fischer, Mr. Louis Marcus. Mr. E(rar
Bchafter, Mr. Max Gardener, Mr. Joseph
Young, Mr, Joseph Kurds, Mr. Maurice Gor
don, Mr. Herman Abrams, Mr. Harry
Makransky, Mr. William Rose, Mr. Samuel
Cohen and Mr Max Gelber.
The Rtgeqt Pleasure Club held a plcolo
at Chamounlx last Sunday The committee
consisted of Mr Marcus Rosnov, chairman:
Mr. D Rugow, Mr S. Silver Mr, B, Selser
and Mr. B. Salsberg, Among those creaent
were. Miss Esther Loyiant Miss Rose Mil
ter, Miss Anna Safidon, of Camden; Allis;
Esther Goldstein. Miss Dorothy Forraan.
Miss Jennie MoltYsr. Mlsa Marls Cohen, Mlsa.
Uiara uoiuoerg, j&oe wni mi
.:. ?k at theIr hom9' 60 Sansom
street, in honor of Uie graduation of their
nephew. Dr. Morris Ruberg. from the tTnl
versity of Pennsylvania. The hom S
oTrAbLdeBC0rnteVn "10 ""'versfty
ors. About 60 guests were present
THE Ardentes Club, of Starr Garden,
celebrated its second, anniversary with
- vuriy ana oance at the New Victoria Halt
on Thursday night
Mr. Ncff, Mr. Wolf, Mr. KrnvlU nnd Mr
i i,n d?nca aa slven by Miss Shulman
aCdxrMeycr Snyder' Speeches were mad.
by Mr. Tillman, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Neff7Mr
Zeussea nnd Mr. Wenger. ?
Among those present were Miss Elizabeth
Kosltsky Miss Bessie Shulman. Miss Mae
Brown, Miss Minnie Kratky. Miss Mary
Thompson. Miss Clara Goldberg, Miss DoS
Zobllnsky, Miss E-elyn Gold, Mlsa Reba
Uroswald, Mlsi Rpse Llpkowltz, MIbs Esther
Butufsky. Miss Miriam Frelfelder. MlsS Ce
colio Frelfelder. Miss Alice Gordan, Miss
Bessie Schwartz. MIbs Pearl Schwart"
Miss Sara Berman. Mlsa Anltn Tir,. -nr-'
Meyer Snyder. Mr. ''Nathan Tllman, Mr,
Abraham Neff, Mr. Morris Snyder. Mr!
William Schneider. Mr. Joseph Wenger, Mr.
Martin Drogen. Mr. Julius E. Kravjta. Mr.
Raymond Relnhart, Mr. Joseph Rappaport.
jfr. Charles Sllovltz, Mr. Isaac Schwarts,
Mr. David Rosen, Mr, John Carlio, Mr, Na
than Wolf, Mr, Benjamin Goldberg, Mr,
xtobert Shapiro, Mr. Edward Kline. Mr.
xtenjamln Bernstein and Mr, Reuben
Mr, nnd Mrs. Patrick Fallon, of Linden
street, Moorestown. will celebrate the 30th
anniversary of their marriage this evenlrg.
They were married In St Paul's Church.
10th and Christian streets, tn 1888 and
have six children living. Mr, and Mrs.
Fallon have made their home In Moores
town lor 14 years.
A DELIGHTFUL surprise party waa given
. tn honor of Miss 'Clara Laventhol on
Sunday evening at her home, 194 South
60th street, In honor of her graduation from
the WJUlam Penn High School.
Among those present wero-'Miss Sophia
Goldfeather, Miss Peb Barofsky, Miss
Florence Barofsky, Ma Frances Snyder
man. Miss Bessie Levin, Mlsa gillie Cohen,
MIbs Clara Laventhol, Misd Tillle Rich
book, Miss Rachel Rlcbbook, Miss Eva
Rosenfeld, Miss Sadie Dubln, Mr. Phillip
Weias. Mr. Barofsky, Mr. Herbert Hsrra.
Mr. Samuel Cohen, Mr. Wasaerman, sir,
Abraham Wotmaker, Mr, Lodiif Fefn, Mr.
Klrmer, Mr. Maortce Fein, Mr, Henry Mer
man, Dr. Loula Bpotkav, Mr. ppotkov, Mr.
Harry Dubjn, Mn Greenspan nd. Docto
Mr. and Mrs. IorrU Wolfman. 334
Richmond street, ga,ve a reception 14 honor
of the engagement of their daughter, Mttw
Edith Wolfman., to Mr Osear Roienbauiu,
son ot Mr and Mrs. Isaac Rosepbaum, ot
1615 North. lOtA street, lat Sunday evr
hlng Mias Wolfman has but rmatty grad
uated from the Northeast Annex f; tn
Girls' High School. Mr. Rosnbaum U rt
member ot tho bar of PhHadetoJija, County
and a graduate of th,e University ot Venu
sytvania, Jaw Sehoq. Among thnS pnt
were Mr. and Mrs. M. "VVolayw, Mr and
Mrs. J. Rotsenbauuv Mr and M A- Wr
nlek, Mtas Evelyn Oatclhr. Mr Beajuaift
Sachs, Mr and Mrs. It Kc3h.r Mr m4
Mrs. DrucLer. Mr. and Mrs. GKuaniaa. Mr
and Mrs, Hcnlgmao, M'. and -Uu. Flag
man, Mr. and Mr Coyprm3, Mr Hvrocji
i,pan. vr I'MM-a. icmi A. nstfterg Mr.
MCl Mm, R wJs Jfe Wwm gpMa afe. .
ijyyifi-t mu us. jSJBJUZf 9, atMWt;