WHEAT RECOVERS , .AFTER EARLY tfREAK Market Oloflcfl Unchanged to c, , Or Yield Meotn Best Ex-pcctntlons MtAiH nr.r.r wrMr.n condition, tUICMlO. Jan 0. The weather fere. Stf fflf H Hours ipunwsi llllnola rr(lr eiidy fenl.hl and . MUM neeaihiy . lerni ."!"!?' hfe fieri hi eat ronr hi 'arllr eFondy Innlthl and a alMy leral .ttiiimler ehewei aofh chance In lemperalnre, imI 4an.allefieraltr (ala a " ".'"'VI-. - .- .- ----- ..-.. ... arm loniani nn nstornay. Vna1tril lenlahl Pinil h ly ehawerai warmer tenltht, I'naellled, probably ho EVENING LEDGBR-PHJXjAUBLPHIA, 'FRIDAY, .'JUNJ3 &0, 101(1. 10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS (MAIN AND FI.OUH .,.',J5AT":I,.V"",,,'J 1V.IW llh. Demand SM.JJ L". '','" M.'fh'-'."I'll .'.'ir,. '" H-5. Itt'l'"'."-!? J red. '"I end. June, II ill i ii "tHl.?. ,tf rn rwl.. ir Milt ateamer.Nn, WrUi'AW9 P. ? fed. ,pvo , rejected A. a-,7i r rajarian 11, II' and renllnned warm tenlihl and Matorilsr. lil.-f.n1i l;nlird lenlahl fi h. lore-art probably ehawera warmer tenlihl, jmnneaeia .ineeiiirn, i-,,wi,a noowvra lonishl or MaliiriUn warmer nerlhenai in. latrn (( ne mil . fair lenltM and Aatnr iter,, eteept lieaalhly lefal .thunder fhowera tiertil allfhtly ronfff iiertliweet tehitht. Nerlli llkla l.naellleil lenlahl and Hal. tiritart probably showers! not nmrh rhsnae li n lemperalnre, .. ,, .. ... ... lAiitli IMknla Partly, elnnrfri txualhti showers tnnlaht or Hstnrdayi aemewhat fU?A!ZV&M !... aener.ll, fair tanjilit nd ftstnrdari somewhat riMlrr to altht, , , ClIK'Af.O, June lO.Tnday'n wheat mar ket wna largely a locnl nnd scathing affair There wan considerable ohnnglng over of July holdlnrta to deferred months, n on yes. tarday, nnd a grenl deal of evening up In rirapnrntlon for the three holjdnys, follow In n lilirhdr mart, tlio mnrfcat waoketiNl, but II milled from tlia lowiit nnd cloacd unchiiiigf'd to v, off, I'rlvntn crop ncwa win nicnlnat the Ijiilla. One Authority Mtlinntrd tli" ylfld of wlntnr tvliitt ht 411,000,000 Ixiah'l find lift I .if .print: nt 380,000,000 titJiheli. Ylaldn wrCa tff-clrd to tm up to nxifio(nllun, with Hi isrnln h.vy nnd wall nilfd, WHh tlia -x-fitliin of a limited ntnn. In thn Hnl Itlvcr' aky, wliera thrift haa t)n Idu much rnln, tho uprlnic wlifnt Urrltory hiin prrl"ncd th l"t )')llil" condltlotm rlurlriK Jiinn An netm In tho irop xpccltlmi fully ijua to tha innrknd riiIii iiliown A yrnr bko J. looked for, Tim Okldhonm tlourd of ARrlcultura plod tlm rondltlon of tho rrop at KJ, nxalnat 4 In June nnd 0 lAat July. Thi produptlon wa plncMl ftt 2tf,t00,000 liualiela. The mrkt Bt Liverpool w alrady on xpctatlonfi of IlKhtnr wnrld' ahlpniml for Ihe week, AdvnnclnB frelKlit r(e nlao hud an effect on tha KriKlleh niiirket. Hplendld wenther nnd Inrcn rece Ipla wenk ned corn, hilt It closed nliove Hi lowexL ,Clenrneeii for the week weri) ,JS2 liuali l, The Oklahoma repoit put tin condition at XI, nxnlnat 7$ ft month nun nnd Ht n year . A prlvato authority enllinnled the nveraKa condltlot) In tho United Htntea At Mi. The market nt l,lvverCjjl wna l teady. The torfo of ohIm wan eney A local linn tlnmted (ho yield lit 2,811,000.000 hualn-l" ljdlnic futurea ranaed a followa Y'i.' What fKxtn. man. iaiw. i;iiaa. cio July ..... 1. 01 eDfemrr . . I or, tmirnber . . 1,'H an . H ve linn m--llltiia, Mtri l.u.li f)rt.r naa wera mMraie ar4 the War lot ruled at'adr, thonah ?illfL .Vwwjlona liar lota fnr Incal trada. at "7fiL,,'r ' J No'.'' fmw. dOle . . . OATH- itelDfa. al.tllK buah Th mafli't raa Ulllal. lull hffaln Mni,la inA ?,,'i.ul"' itr . iwota ln, Ne 'J white, S?J. w TA U l"nIf Jl whlta..lRViV4M.. No, i While, tiUtAe.t No, 4 while? 4llt dllHe.t Wiuit '' u"wc ' P"rinel o'"i rald, KljOfft tlerelMa, I4J5 M.la, and I,fl5,l IW. In aaeka Thata waa llllla (raillna In flour ii'l no linpottatit ihanaa In nrli-ea, itimlationf Pr 111 fa, in wid' Winter clear, H Wf J,i ," "''' 0(l. do, WA'ttfar f,Sl Katiaaa, rlrar, roltnn aarfca, M.lMit I6i ln , alralaht, potion aacka. l,il0WI,llii "1" i Ifilfnt, iion earka ISIAUBtOi aiif p. knf at eUar I kuOi lo. do,, niroti.ni, Willi I'H V?ft,in' ISS'lOfttii do, faVorlle liranrla, 16 JiOtfrt alii Hie nulla eholre and fanor palent, !,! F i fya' "'f;,"v" Vi"..'J.var: ' IIYK VuMi' mm nulat and unrlianaed. We ouolf al iftofi M :r bill a to uualjlr. I'KOVIHIONB . The niarkat ruled ateadr with n fair JoMiInt dinand Uuotatlotia (ity tie!, In aata, amokd iiii-I air dried, 3Jc i Wralarn . Uaf. Hi aata, amoked, ale. rlir hef. kniirkta and tendera. amokH nnd air , triad, 'iae.i Weatern (.eaf, knurkla and (endera. amftKd, 2re i nf hama, tintntir , tmtH famllr. I7f, MlVJ.r,0i hama, H I" iir'l lo,. IHUIn'r. do, aklnned !'. laulimn , do do amokeil. 1B IK'ti f ! ntbr hatna Mmiked, rity cured, aa lo hrand end HVernae, tai , hama, amokad. Heatrn ore,!, laH , do. Irtlled, lwnlaa 8e i idrnlo ahoul.lera H I', nirrd Imiae n'' l do anioked, lltto , Ulllea, lu tlrkl, ao-oMlfia lo veraae, Jooaa InHf, . breakfaat bacon, aa lo brand and average, lty cored. lo, I do , Weal em rured, IHMJOc, lard, Weelarn. rnnl, llerwa, ilVic, do. do. luha I4lc i do, lur rlly kittle rendered In tlercea. H'it.l do,, do, in tuba, Hiir HHFINKD HUAH8 The market waa nulei hut ateady . (jiitttatlnna- i;trn flna araiiulaled, 7 ilSo . iiwdred. 7 Tr.r i "'iirettioneta' A. 7rri., aoft iradea H dull l.r,wc. he Torn (new i fiber July Heptembel Ii,rnmwr uata fuly .. . epttmler ieremhr i.arJ I 1,7 i:isa ri. 1,01 iilS 1 Us inS IS 8 iiis j (Jih! !! MS 1(1(1 till' 81 is il l -at an'i ,1Hi 40'A imv.Y:i.li M 1VA AllVAVA Bttrtembar .. Illlia July . eptarnlwr . . 'ork July . .,ti. 30 (tptrmter ,.2t.l)V Jlld. tAaked. 7ft HO 7!l III l)H in no Jt no umi'i'Mn 3S.00 24.00 !r, r,o it, 111 a i nr, LONDON STOCK MARKET ArhurlcofiB Aro Cheerful AuHtrallun Loan Subscription n Surprint) LONDON. Jun 30. While prraenllnK n holiday uppearnnce the ntoek tnnrkota wera Arm and ahowed n tendency to nilviinco ' further todny. Tho Bltt-edxed aecllon waa atronic. An olllclnl nnnoiincetneiit thnt thn 4,000,000 BU por cant, four to elx yonriv loan of the commonwealth of Aiiatrnlln, which wna underwritten at par, hail been fully ailhacrlhed, created n nurprlae Itulen for money wero unaler Ihan had haan expected today. It wan vldnt thaf hnlf-yanrly ndluatmenlH had been more than prepared for. A further Imperial credit of 5,000,000 or more him horn iicko tlatrd In Canniln Id flnnnco purchnaea of munition. The feeling In the American department waa cheerful In aympathy with New York Males to the treaaury wero amull, (Irntid Trunka were dull, hecauan tha Increaaa of 171,000 In tha net earning of the road for Hay waa he low expectations, Under the lend of Jhe French loan, which waa rjuoted nt 17 M allied liorida wera atroiiK. A favorable annual report reaulted In flrmneaa In ahull, tranaport and tradlnx laauea, KafTlrn wera ateady. Dlvldenda dlalrlbutail by thoae companlea for tha half year wera f.3,3G,000, DAIUY IMIODUCTH ntrrrKn-ltetelpta were fairly literal, but the market ruled ateadr on fancy eliH-k for which hef waa a fair ileinand (juotatlona, Weatarn aolld-pai kd rrfaiii""ry. fanry aprriale nmr . eiira, v' wmi'jtn , aura nraia, ani 'JIUinf,, aeconoa, 'invi'iy it'JVf nrala nearny Mima, fancy, a."" lW'in . r. Ill W . averaae attra. Sir . Hreta xhwiiim , aeu,nla. 37W!!7l', icar lliky prlnta, 'in- , Jolihlna aalea i,( lanry prima, ailMil!- i:i 'iiled nrrn under (HIM Demanda waa aood and tb market ruieo nrrn under uM uneri In fran caaea, nrby axtra frartliKH (itiotiilloli aat! par not i ta. nearhy IWate, 17 S per atartdard faae, nenrot' current rerclt'ta, in 7rwn no per raaa, eacpp. Ilonal Iota hlaher, Weatern eatraa, V7c ir do , Weatern eatra flrata, 17 SI per ca, tlrl, II) 7nW? Irt per laaa fani'y aelacted candl'd freah num were Joblilna al Wl3lc per dorn , nii'di .- ,. . ,.... r... ......i M..t...iw ,(,.,,.,,. .rn" ,,, ,,i.,r, ! ,, nmv," "..," lid nulet at fnrmar ratea cyuotatfona New ncy. iiiwiiimc. , oo , u,i.. ari aauoa ww I ic Vork, full cream, fa fair In Kood. If, tir,Hc I'OULTKY I.IVIS-Th" aonaral markat waa nulet and un rhuriied flie(,lp(a ware moderate, guutatloria fowl., laOlbc, rooatera. Ill telle., aprlnf rhltkena a'.'Ordlna' In iiuallly. walablna Iu3 ll aplmi, !M.'loo . white Mahorna, accordlna to ouallty. 'iXtl'Hf,, duika, aa to elite end qual ity HO file, Blieona, old nr pair SRtla'H do, youiuc, r t'"r TlWiif IjIIKHmT.'Ii ruled nrrn with dainand readily al.aorblna Ilia nrferlniia nf dealrable atork Kqllowlnir era the uuotatlnna. rreii kllleil Poultry , dry pa'ked Kowla. IS to bju. dry picked, fancy aleiled Vic , walahlna 41 tin I he npleia 2'Mv , wlhln ll. aplere, fi'Ae . welahlna a'A lha ai.iera. '.t'ifl. I ,'!' nn 3 ll,a, aplera, iiOCCJIi. fowla. Irepaiked. In harrela fancy, dry-Hiked, northern Indiana and Illlnula, welahln 4 t,a, and over apiece. -i,.t.rn Tir., do,, roiilhern Indiana and llllnota, welah plrked. It do othe , .IK 44 I .1.1 Vane , iliiika nearhy Insr 4 Ilia. apln. 'JPAo.. ainaller aliea. I M Ji"lr old riioatera dry-plrued. IBc , hrollara Jeraey, fancy HowtSu i do other nearhy. welalilna II," apleie. UK O tor amaller ,alea, arhv atirlna. Iflftittt" . enuaha per iloa. While welahlna II UN !'' per dot, 1 1 "HiTfr, . wl,ll, weiaiuna per in. (li il now 6. wi,li, welahlna (lOln iu in nriin f.lli white welahlna 8 iha ld 40. do,, do. 7 lha per do , II id. 1 IB do . do ark. II MUi nUnV aniii ll.a nr do: llllil No 1!. C litf COTTON .niCE8 IHSB AT 8TU.T, HOT SOON TAteK A HMDB at-lan.aa. ii ai.ul More .fuly Sold Liverpool Uuy Lata Option NBW VOItK. June 10. A (julet atart waa made on Hi Coltnn Kxehanna thla mornlnr. Tha lona, however, waa ateady, wltll December hd March ahowlnit yalna or two paima and other monlha beinic n ehahfed. Notlrea repreaenllna; aevrral thouaaiid balea of July were hut, Indlrallnn more Ihiuldatlon In that option, One Intereat waa a ood aaller of July, but npparently purchaaed March analnat theaa aalea, Liverpool bought July, but aold tho lata notion", There waa aome Houthem buylnu nnd eonalderabla awltche Inr from one month lo another waa noted on the part of room trndera, After the call, epot Intareata purchaaed and forred the market up about two polnta by the end of the flrat lo minute of trad Ina;, The near monlha i-old about alx (mlnta net lower before the end of tha flrat hour, while new crop poaltlona worked under laat nlaht'a cloalnic duurea Tradlnir waa imlet, however, and (he market waa fairly ateady after II o'clock, euKKeallnir 'h' acatlerlnit accounta had been pretty well evened up for over Ihe tlnvernment report Three more private reporta were leaned before midday, J W Jay A c pinclnr the condition at 10 B, a gal net 79 laat month Norman Mayer A Co. 75, aealiiat 7 laat month, and Clement Curlla A Co. 7J.6 n nnl net 7B. laat month Yea cloea Om, IJah tw 'n. J a SCENARIO DEPARTMENT 1 ' " . ,i i I LESSON 21Beginning the Story July AueUit icroi fiecem January eiarrii May Hpol Car a I j(7 4 In ra pk m iff II in a 1.1 tr. a 73 1 oak ill Liverpool Cotton MVnill'OOU June 10 8pot cotton today waa iUlel at f, polnta decline on tha bnala of U 1 6(1 for mid-upland The aalea ear greifated f,0(;0 balea, Including 4000 balea American Tha Importa were nil, The mar ket for futiirea cloned nteedy nt a. net ad vance of 1 01 V, polnta, Financial Brief a FltKHH FltOITS lemand waa fair and valuta aenarally rul dr undr moderate orferlnaa Quotatlofn lea. per 1,1,1- Wlneanp, 13 6UW4. Ilaldwll W3 fill. Nn !f. ruled uvla i4H. othor varlellea, l f.ci . jl 3.151a Applea. Wealern, per 7R, apjilea lielawara and Mary- Spot Wheat HUtidy in LlvprpooJ lAVKHVhOU, June 30. Hpot wheat waa ateady today, with blue at cm juuted at Xin, unchancad; Ni, 2 hard winter, Be Cd, and No. z red winter, Ba Bl, unchaniced, No. I Northern Manitoba waa quoted at 10a 2d, Corn waa quiet, with American mixed Id hlifher, at J 7d, while I'lute ahowed a train of '!, at 10a Id, Flour waa unchanged, at 3B. The receipt of wheat In the laat three daya were 179,000 centule, nil American, The recelpta of corn ware 40.000 centala. !), ii vi land, per hamper, w nil, lemona. ir uo 18 r.ow-t 35, pliieniiplea twr eral -Porto III". it.r.Uftb, llaikberlea. North Carolina, per "it . pac . dp,, Maryland. Pr nt . nae, , huckle berrlea, fgrjli tfiirolliilerr 'C, Jtwtik, . aooae-l-rrlea. per ol . 4"' : raepVrrfee, red. pr ol , MtftA . pli"rela. Ilalawapa and llaryland. awtel liar Ih liOHr an., aweal. do , do aour, per lb . 0(f I do , it llWMi' , no, no., aour, pr rer ' 'II . l?fr,c I'eacitea. i"orai, per i arrier nan VH.Iipn. Canieii II753 3.". Uar!" tleorala Il7r,a3.1. Arp lleuuty, II 7I)U3 3ft. Iilala guaeu, fl ill 7f, I'anlaloiipea, California. rr cratf. II 7fW3. do . KlorlilaT per crata lid CO WateriiieTona rlorld. per car, I30'iu VEOOTAIILKS Itarelpla were riulle liberal, but ihotra atock waa in rair reiueat ari'i pricea aeoeraiiy wera ateaillly held uuolutlona' Willi polaloaa, per bid No, I yaatern Hhore 13, No it Kaalern Hhorr. II L',,.niii culla. Kaatarn llhnre,. II, No. I Norfolk, la. tin. 3 Norfolk. II 3ftttlio, culla Norfolk. If. N., I North Carolina. I3.f,00 3 7ft No 3 Norlh Carolina. l. awet putative iaraay, per Paaaet no, 1. nwiioc , no ., 33tKiM.i awaet polatoea. Jereov. jeawar and llaryland. per hamper No. 1 79c Oil. No X foeilOc,. unjona, T"aa, per ruminer crate No. I, i.UHi 7Bs No 1. It 2Bfaj.AU. eahCaae. liael.ril Hhore, per lbj -i rale, It. (,(103, do, la.. per bid., 11.330160, ilry Florida, per crate, ll.TAW3,3rii watarcreaa, par 1(10 tunhea. wutei a. Kli THE WEATHER 1 a"" i 'i iaiaii.iia.nl OIlclnl Porrcaitt WAHIIINOTON, June 30 Kor eaatern I'funaylvanla and Nw Jr y -rrohably fair tonlaht and Haturdayi not much clmrurt In tamperature gentle northeaat nnd enat wlnda, Mhowera covered moat of the 'ika region and occurred over acattered arena In tha Atlantic Slat. from Virginia aoulhward durlner the laat 14 houra. Thar were nlao light ralna In tha central portion of th cot ton belt, In tbu Dakota and In the Pacific Hirthwaat, Fair weather la reported thla mornlna from the great central valley., Hit North Atlantic Mate and moat of lha cot ton ball. The temperalurea are aeaaonahla throughout the aaatern half of the country ana me Jf-hour change Have been alight and Irregular, tt la moderately oool In th plateau ration, V. 8, Weather Ourau Iiulltlln Obiervatlona taken at A a, m Eaatirn time, Ixiw II UtU'i Bin peppara, KlorliU. Prrrl-r l. 3.CUI eaaplanl, Klorlda, per crate, iw.' aouaaii, Norfolk wr Iihl,. Irl.3ft, do. do., par S-M'l. Iiajiiper, Bile Ull.iorij, Florida, par crate, 11,36 nrjjioi cucuinoera, torioia, par ""... i.m., 1 .78. cuenmbara, Norfolk, iwr W-bhl baaket, 1fiC,0fll cucumber, Norfolk, per t.H.bbl. baa. kei, ftOWJOc., cuiurtibara. North rarollnj,. ir Cbl.. II 3801, f,0, do., da., per baek.t BoffMo t loinlira florbfa. per carrier- Kaniy. II 3SU3) (bolre, 7Sc Wll, lornatoea, Jllaalaalppl, per flat i rata. line. Mil, aaparaaua, Jeraey, par buijch Fancy, to0l6- i pflma. aMlOo.i full. 80 act intiahruoma, per 4,)b, Iwiakat, IIWl.OU, LIVK HTOCK QUOTATIONS I'lllfAIO. June All,- KOtlrl llecelpta, IB.OOO. Mark!, 0IOo lilahar. Ila-J, and l.utehera, III. 40 WO bill aeod heavy, iH.ftftuu.Vft. ruuarj heavy. tTu.aS & Bill. Ijffjt. ll.aVlf nai plat, M uftou.vit bulk. lO.BOUUM, IjA'rr.Bllecelpla. IBiin. Markate ateady. ileavaa. I.3lfl 1.4'H ,rowe. and heifer. 140 411, alnrkera and leedefa. Ill aSOH.flOi Taiana, 7.OIi, rafvea. Iti.ifaO 1 1.70. ., , . , , rUIRKI' liacelpta iTiia). Market, "teadi Naijv. and Weatern. l4.tO07.H3l lamb. I7.f,0 NKW YOItK niJ'lTKR AND K(JH The New York Hithtreaaiiry h,t $J,444. Oil to hanka on Thureday, tnaklng caeh net loaa alnce Krlday 122,100.021 Thn Canadian Northern Itallwny Com pany haa aold to New Yor! bankera 4,000. 000 fl per cent notea, JS.OOO.UOO of which will mature in one year and M.000,000 In two yeara The laaua la eecured by more than IB, 000,000 of the company'a flrat mort Kflge huhda. Continued heavy payment through the bunk, a reflected lr clearing hoiiae m turn, Indicate the maintenance of a re markable volume of bualneaa throughout the country. Total nxchnnRea thla week at the principal rltlea In the I,' nlted Htntea, ac cording to Dun'a Itevlew, amounted to no lee than U.StMOll.tft". a gain over the prevlnua year, when ?2.DOO.7,02B waa re fiorted, or 32 7 per cent., and of 16.1 per cent over the 11,943.012,800 of the rorre apondlng week In IB14 May grnaa enrnluga of the llylleeby Util ity I'ropertlaa were ,102,l73, an lnurene of I127.CI3 over the aume month laat year Net rarnlnga were 1 0 0 7 . 6 1 S . nn advance of 1(14,376 V)T the year the groa rarnlnga Increaaed 11,230.9117 to 1 (J. 1 7rt.7'J7. and the net Jumped 1703,2 JD lo 17,060,181 Tho New York Coffee Kxrhange and the Hugnr Jixchange will he cloee.d Monday, July 3, and Tilceaay, jtiiy 4, Thn Liverpool Cotton exchange will rloae at 4 p m, on July 4, KrnnclN I.en Htunrt, chief engineer of the llaltllnore and Ohio Itnllroad ayelem. haa tendered hi relgnatlon toI'realdent Jhui lei Wlllard, effective July 10, In order to engage o the private prattle! of hi pro feaaloti III New York. Incident to thla change It la announced that IL N llcgleit. general auperlnlendent of the llaltlmore and Ohio Houthweatern, at Cincinnati, la promoted to chief engineer. The Kifnlna litarr'a flatly arenflU latna heaa prlf renteet fee a eeeaar ail ina laaaona in Ktenln 1 nllh pelnte fa the I anrt aare all the leaeena , .ne. ntening iarer a llally erenaU aria heeari , Jr-f ietTber will he tellawed by a .W,.,lr.f,,.,,dne7.rrnrr'e.Y,.li,re,.l ' " Mt "wrt" Uy HAnitY O, HOYT Head ef the Metre Keener! ntefT "THAVn n alory and don't know where JLto atart II." wrltea n beginner "Hhall I uae 'fade' or 'vlalona' to tetl the beginning of my picture If J want to atart my action after a number of evenla havo trnneplred7" nuerlea another author, Hucli iieatlona aa there btlni, tp an Ititereatlfig point for die Cttaalon If you begin your action with Ihe very ftral Incident neceeeary In your atory, you aometlme find that the picture drug. The early acetiea ate naturally explanatory. They Introduce your charartera and eatahlleh the atmoaphete of your playa. What every author aeeka la In atart the rtory with action, something that will catch and hold the attention of tha audience There are many waya In which thla may bo done, and at the eame time give the Introduction neceeeary Hometlme you have n play thnt haa n violent death In It There I not the allghtrat hint of myatery to It, aa the picture could eaally run atralght through from atari tn llnlali without a change The death may be but an Incident In (he picture, a vital Incident, hut nut the punch If ynu make n myatery of thla death, prrhnpa by atartltu; with the dlacuvery of Ihe murdered man, you have attracted Ihe attention of the audience A Coroner' Jury can le called, and thare you may get the eventa that preceded the murder told by one or two wltlieeaea While you may not Introduce your chnractnre until the Jury meela, and even then not until they are mentioned by the wltnceeea, there will nevet he nny iiueatlon In the mlnda nf the audience; the atory will la clear Jonea may be Ihe murdered man, or he may have any other name The audience la Intereeted In Ihe man, and doea not need to know the name Then you can get over the detail which plant your atory In a more Ihtrrratlng manner, If the audience become Intcrcated, It will give cloe attention lo the different acetiea while the explanation ta being tttwn It In human nature We are nil Intereated In thlnita that happen to tie, but not uh In tereated In aoincthliiK even more exciting that happenn to eome one elan. If you ran eatabllali It real Intereat In one of your character, thla Intereat doea not drop when you atart to explain, pro vided the explanation doe not lag too much If the explanutlona neceeeary ore Inclined to tie ti-dlou, yon tan got them mnr eally nnd almply In the fnnlilun Junt act forth Ity "fading out" and Into the explanatory aceiica you inn avoid many tu enee other wle required to give II the proper con tinuity Kor exumple, wo might take the cue cited, ' KuppoH the man killed wa n wall-to-do aportaman, who had nn affair with aotne woman. Huppoae thla woman haa n lover, another aportman. Huppoae thla woman haa n huaband The man I killed and the other lover la accuaed of the crime He In tried and rouvlcled, but Juat before hla execution we will Imagine thnt the huahitiid I Injured and, realltltig that ha la dying, confeaar that he did the killing We will naturally keep all thla n myatery, a we have alerted thla way, and on thla ncrount perhap Ihe woman will never be Introduced Into the alory until the hue boud'a confeaelon Now the hueband la dying, He any, In n epoken Irnder or "un title, "Oertrude la my wife I Introduced her to Jonea " Fade the ecene out of hubnnd talking and fade In the acene of the Introduction Kade thla nut after planting Jonea' admira tion for tlertrude, and fade bark Into the ronfeaalon The huaband continue, "One night f dlacivered Hint Drown loved her S. ., I lt Italn- Vt loe- inVrna..,,.! ( '"d ' J,W8-. flf. ijAfK'tt. Ij I ;; fj S fc" wA"i;.z If m ;; P .j Cgarlaatoit' &', fc, li 72 Ai k'vf V. Heu tr atl.Li"I l"" A?. 31 A. tl. et .T 11 Tm M F Itfty '( t . ttlr i "ft Srr M W :: S.J hi kj 11 rLnirf v ii if p- ,. H ', clear. m , . W .. t-'r. xi ti u vim Aat UU1 If Hid . MM 10 Mi i inajf, .p..,. Patroll. Mich .,. naivealon, Tex..- iM.:; nu Mnauoiia, ina, ukwnlrTll, riai '. Anttlea, C 4ulat U. K aniuomitt. AU, loatraal. ('an... jaahvllla. Tana,. 19 Irtt Tof u M wuda'iBVjfi1 : . : : n tt "r.1 "' iaC PB YvuheimeA . alS mm -4 1 Km rbea vmmn or av. . le? iava i,i. 1Mp,ta, lite 4 OKLAW4MK 1SIVIM TUM imW. ,'ilkiiit.'li'c urliL-vr al f m tfjin? ltr P " Zl if I 111 & ', NKW. YOltcf, Jlin. 30, IIUTTKU-Falrl, ateady but only mo.lerale tradlna. Ilecalpla, m.ldOi no quotation, ijnchanaed, KlMia Mjaailir and nrrn wlih fair rleararira, Itaralpta, 31,1 Hll VZft..!,.1,:,Teh.,"W.JilI?"! 3fl0.3He.,irat, '.. ,02,4 He i wli t a. 20 O I Ic, HAILROAO KARNIN08 HOOTIIKIIN JIAII.WAY NYMTKM. Ifilil Increaa r:., .:.:.;..:.: mm Stf n'j?init;',rpi:!..::: HH'??I 5'sfiiiJ. M1f.i""r::::::::: M m M U inonflia' aro... ? .H'Taf ii, e,"f",yi; fX'f'T ,'ii Record June Rank Clearing" t v June bank clearing In I'lilladelpblu made a new high record for any month, being 11.072,4(0,703, The May turnover, 11,031!, 001,232, waa the next largeat, and Decern, her. P1S, win a cloae third. Monthly clear ing have been running extraordinarily heavy In the laat aeven monlha. In June, 191C, tha clearing vore 1 72 C.028,307. Sunt Cuba Rawa Steady NIIW YOHIC, June 30. Hpot Cuba rnwa were ateady on the Hugar Kxchange, being iiuoted at 0.40 ttOVERNMKNT RONOH 2a realalared 1BI0 a roupon iiiu , , a realalared. talk Hid a. rnuiMiii w in a a ri-aTllfr4l lot 23 4 fOUpOII IVeaO . , , e.el . .- a 'at rum 'J rffltr4 JH?" 'anatnu. Bn rulittr! IvO 'unaniat H coupon ... P " Aaked 10. li'j I'ade thla out, and fade Into n room In their home (lertriidn la on Ilrown'a lap They are having aomethlng to drink when the uoor open and tha huaband enter Drown aaya il few worda and lenvea. Oer trude lough at her huabnnl and lenvea him. The huaband I frnntlo nnd deaperate Fade thl out and Into the cunfeaalon The husband continues to Inlk, and any. "1 bided my time, determined to get thrm both, From thla scene we would fade out Into n scene showing the huaband dlaaeuibllng on meeting ihe two men and tha wife, unci from thla acene we would go bark to the confession The huaband now ay. "One night my patience was rewarded e e " Now will follow n few scene showing l,w hi patience waa rewarded and how the murder took place und how he contrived to throw the hlnrne upon llrown We have three "fadea" up to (he night of the murder The night of the murder ncenea can he muuy or (tiw, aa the director Wa will Iiiivm no trouble In holding thv attention of Ihe audience In Iheae ecene Hut prior to Ih night of the murder, by meiina of the eubtltle and the "fade," we have explained all that la neoeaaary In three scenes. To get the same thing over. If we had started the atory at thl point Instead of with the dlscnverey nf the murdered man, we would have taken many scene. WJM IW. fm JaarattlaMaaaL 1 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES I ' f I taaHaaaV A 41 VT V V rJalrf I'or thl, moat part the atory would have been tlretome, aa there la nothing very new about II. We would not have secured (he attention (hat we do by making the "ft. It la Ihe one chnnce that the photo. Playwright haa to leave aomethlng to the Imagination of the nudtehce, The novella! ran do thla In many waya, but we, aa photodramatlata, have little tntl (tide If we give only th eeaentlnl here, the audience will auppl, the remainder, Tha detail are unnecessary tt may be (hat In a careful writing- of the plot we have sketched, II would be bet ter (o show n llttl more than we have outlined here, but the example Illustrate how little la iibnolutely necessary We show that both men know tlertrude, nnd that (he husband la Jealous nnd waiting for a thance to revenge himself on both of them Thus Ihe motive of tha crime la eslnbllahad To relurn to the acene of the night of me murder interest here will not rtnic be cause there I melodrama and good picture action The audience will be waiting to see how Ihe huabntid killed Jonea and threw the guilt on Jlrown If, however, we wish to get this oer In a few scene, aa, for example, If moat of (hla tory has been shown In the testimony at the trial and these detalla do not need to be Incorporated Into the recitation of the husband, we enn fade from Incident to Incident. In other word, we can mat continuity to the wind and "Jump" Thla I allow able only In narrative action Thla narra tive action la of two kinds Cither It la told by wmi one of the character or told In tha third person, n If eome one Imper sonally wera recounting (he tale An ex ample of (he first Instance would be the almve Illustration, where thn husband I recounting the eventa of the fatal evening An example of the latter follows. Kuppoes w wish to show a man seeking work Hi- hue been discharged front prlNon and nnd It dllflcult tn secure employinunt. With an npproprlntii subtitle, such aa "Knnn place In place John goes seeking em ployment, hut ever finds the bar sinister of Ills prison atiiln " It would he folly to attempt continuity here We would per haps take up five hundred to n thiiueaud feet to establish aurh actions with good continuity. Instead we "fade In" a scene nt John seeking work and show that tha fact he has been In prison cuusca a rejection of hi application, and he lenvea I-'iide out Ills leaving, nnd fade Into another location where he seeka work I'erhnpa soma detective warns Ihe em ployer here of John's record, and he Is ugiiln rejected Knde out this and continue wllli one or two more scene, it rid the (bought will he well established You will need no subtitle or lenders In between these scenes The "fade" smooths out the Jump To return to (he original discussion We have seen that your elory rim atart ullh soma Incident In the middle of the plot de velopment If you have the right photoplay rnatorlal to work with Hut not till stories are adaptable lo this treatment In fact, the majority of storlra have a definite be ginning If you nnd that the heglnnlnK I trite, or that It la necessary to do considerable ex plaining, then seek some way to lighten your beginning Invent aomedilng Inter esting that will he in keeping with your story, and that will hold Ihe atlrulloii of the nudlence to your explanallon You will keep mil of untold dinicullle If y.''l!..".". 5"'ur "nry rlKhl It require skillful handling to Initiate your nudlence Into n myatnry and keen ilia utoi nm '.,.iiu clear In them, lit the same limn masklna (he denouement. II Is far iiettcr lo hope thai they will not get tired with the detail of your nrat reel than to mix (hem up to such an extent that Ihey do not now what It Is all about. If you start n photoplay and then "vlalon back" or "fade back" (o 111 your story, joii are confessing i0 u wenknes, unless ra?releSr I SCENARIO CONTEST It l m though 'ou enld, "bit, ,i ferot to tell you John '.new Mary when aha 1.,n 'oaten" If, however, ou have a dennlla reason for tha fadlnir bark, tt le am other matter "Vlalona- cannot be used (o give the mt. genuine of your alory. You can nfily ahovr n a vlalon something thai haa previously been seen tefore, ,gcp In extraordinary rnaee, on example that nomee t mln.1 waa a picture In which an Indian echool scholar waa shown thinking of hla pat Ufa with in I Nix e5i!,l nvr ,"" him In th tribal sur roundlnga, but Into one corner of the pic jure waa dissolved a "vlalon" of hla past It waa Indicative of hla thought and Used to create atmosphere;. Theatrical Badekor T. .. pbati'iiij rti-WH H1.AV."''li7T',ufsdiy, Friday ahd Malurdar .lZLS. Mw ''"Tl.ea.cpjelu7e!h W' "' STARTS TOMORROW i r t n. an nr-firf Dotnjlr. of Prize for n PMliittel phln Sconndo Will Bo Printed in tho Amusement Section i it atniA aeaM, tn ,. '.!."-.. "'J r"'Y "' . in rmrriaimnrni per..mnl ... w&dyM-xwx VAUIIKVIM.K, KlIITIf'H fafiuU Dftfc-r. In r.w iu.a maa "M'lHJ.- tlMttmrn II r" . fT'e.ffr. Prlrnrnaj tUm miH.ia.i. Tb" j.'l.wr. il Mear'in'J Ills. If.itnalAll til. KY'ei TO' W, , f"V-"V, iPaK-i on and m.7ii.. ,v William l, aeon, n "Cloaka irc'-T'i i i .'dV!1:, mn,1.:r;,,f!i""'i teai "Wkef rf.iJJ.H'MMlI !, and gaturday, tiany In "Thl 1i.'...i'1 ftrma rona and mm. Chriatlnu Aaaoclallona Rlcct 1 W. C. A. and Y M. P. A., at a tolm meeting, elected ,hea. ..niceraV Ur ,?, Morris, president, Miss ICIIzabelh (Jrlm, Cv.eml,'''K "''rn""J'' A'las l-aulltm Kox! ,?easu7;'rn!l"K "'t,rP,"ry' Ml" '-' Thief Overlook $8000 In Jewelry sirs It I llault, n cottager on Austin uve- with t."'!"r; !"?" '" n'r '''"""'. i man ulLV "l"',r1,'," ""''Ke and tool ran (lacked her bedroom lie fled when a muld '.Ti'i'u,"1.' 'k.ln '" thai,, and oxerlook. Ing Jewels vnlued nt f 8000. Rjr Ih rjiotoplflj Alitor Watch th Amu.mnl flection of Un morrow Kvafimi l.ttmnn tot tha com plet and final announemnt of tha larma of ihe l.yfxiKO r.BPoan'a ikrenarlo Contest, Kor four weak (he nrawtwo latxiea fw l.n teaching- II reader Ihe art of awnarto writing-. It will now teat their knowledHa by an examination IJiat wilt take tha form of a contest for a scenario about rmiM.- prun people and place to be producd In i'lllladelphln by I'hlladelphlar.e. Th dura, tlon of th conteat, th judge, th ch prl In addition to production, th condition a tte-locnlHUa ahown, and th nam of th na tional photoplay eorrtp,-,,. to make th film will all li announced tomorrow. !on't ml that laau of th Amuatmant flictlon, Th Htnnley Thaatr ha ttow donn4 Ita aummer attire aa far a th Interior la eon cerned. There ha been a !htnlne' 6f tha Interior decoratlv effect, and two nw fountains, on on either eld of tha hou, r a featura which attract Immedlit ai tenllon from visitor. Hxhlbltora of motion picture apend thoa annd of dollar nnnually trying lo keep their theatres well filled, but a Mutual film Corporation exhibitor In Uhelby. MU.. who la th town marshal and Undertaker, discovered n unique method of Inaiirlna capacity atendance, Th followln letter received al the Mutual ofTlce I selfnixi. plana lory t Uhelby, Ml,i . .. . . .... . June 10, 111. Mutual Film Corp., Memphla, Tenn. 0nla Pleaa flnda encload Check for I7.2H. ad vleed, and t ueaa wa will t sUrted off all rlsht new, ,1 never Ilk to et started rona, far then wilt all war look. Ilk every thing coin out nt 0 ac. ...Vt nd. .tlm yelerdy, I rauahl th Itoe Liuraan iniar carieo end nil sot drunk, Ou nave a grxi had htm 1laht, so tt ig the Man carried Ihem to lha show, and told I hem Urn; rfed him to ih lotnlnr town. r Mayor died, and I helnr havs a enod man. whn la rny Operator, and h had him In eod eliaier when I ram tn laat nlaht, aa the ahow wa In Bn,al htaea. and ( ImiIrk tha Marahat. waftl AVer Town and areated mvtrr nesro I eoyld find", carried itiern to lha ahow, and told Ihem limy waa lorked In Ihe ahow, had la stay uniell Ihe llahia want out, and I had a packed hose aur last nlaht, but I Ullev It wilt da m ked "I lira sood, ao many aald waa the 11 rat tlm they var eeari a moving t1 ura (oln a sain, ao I mi,, a,,u ia aiarur UIU, IOII I OIIIMII , la. hla morn In, and will have a sood Funeral, a aver seen moving plelur ahow, and they wa coin sstn, ao I think I did wall, tr I waa ail , li. aura rui hav H, rdr-i lluiaa. Welt look over thlej died, but I am. and oblla va ry truly your a. Aa an aftermath tn Henry H. Wallhatl' recent visit to the llttl town of lllrmlng. ham, (la hla birthplace, word come from there thnt Intereat In Wnlthnl' p'cturea haa ndvnncnd rapidly. UARDS foirar your wheals, seara and letlla and reduce jour rooipen luiiuii maurarir rniea KflOaodail llalul I'erforaled Metal or Mlieel llelnl nin fllTT OUIl I'.KTIMtTH Hall Market I (Ml Keralon Main 2lk T. S. JOHNSON SONS CO. 013 llritUY HT. MAItKirr llelow I7TII HIMAN VOItj; OIUIAN lll.lfKlllltn FILM I'dlll' 1'rea.ma Flral I'reatnlatlon In Ih ICollr World PHILADELPHIA is the best planned and constructed city for Motion Pictures. Theatrical men who con template producing or com panies who are prepared to produce can forget the tech- , nical worries if they put the burden on our shoulders. DUFF C. LAW 704 Abbott BMB., Philadelphia, Pa. ELLA ALL IN Xlmf yrOM ptn li inonlha' groa ni ii.:::::;: io.. iM ' "VllY'.INIA AN MOr'fltWHHTKItN,, .,,. rr.::, .::::::: "M M.:8il CIIKMAI'KAKK ANfJ OHIO. W'....::;:;;;:.;;: l: HIM te:!?.:.ii:i: M MM Harp'.' ::::.:.,.' ;oU,3i i,728,wi CJIIOAOO (JIIKAT WKHTUUN. kei July i"r?::: :: : : mm.u .. ANN AHUOIt, itm July I MiM MINNKAl'01,1 ANI BT IaOPI. .tertha' ,.: o.sf .JIKAWHCI COMI'AMY. P1WI. Item, a,ur." mm , uniB, M,'....t,."'1M '.. tiffli "K.t"7r: ;; mum I0L1JWO18 CHK-rjIAf MV.t" ' IP'f i't.V.,1 moiitrj' ara 4 I?i a; Usv srsM Si "sit :::::::: 1M l-row July 1 . . H.433 4.f urn Hat ( .11 IP la bi M 1 .121 13 I I U lot B 'mm wkotMh U IW ttft Il'IIf FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL gyetem takes flnt Krade children and by thorouifh drill, imall claue und ayatematlc Krudlnid prepare- them for Collt'KO in 11 ycaru where our I'ublio and moat other achoola require 12 yean. Bom Prnt appreciate thl .vlnr of th chlldT tlm and Mutational Kpne. Henarat Department for Hoy and nirla In th High Uchool grade. JOHN W, (Mllit l'h. I).. I'docleal, 18TII ANO IIACB BTH PIIIMOBM'IIM. KLBiinsrAUY lonaot.g or r KYaruu -.:; r-i-.-i'.T-... i. Uermantown, 6loe HI. ami rHhT Un, yiJ,.MJHA, l-A. !LLAWW Unaxcalled for Olaaslesl. Conimarclal. Civil, (Elacirleal and Mechanical Mnslhaarln Coure.a. Mederii bulldjnaa and equipment, Allifetlia. Frap. aehool for ally rollea Lav, KDVVAItlt (I. ftOIIAH, l,f,.lO.M,A Vtu. For Oatatog odat 3. VII. I.A UOX 43, i,.li.,u.n,a '(.llrur n, i:. .TAUNTON, ?A. Your Boy al Sfaun.on Military Academy would build hla pbakiu In Ihe braelii mount. air of (lie Houlh, 100 (I, blah. Ill mini lraln.4 la an arad.ior of Al year' aiparl.nca. Ilia char, acter developad by an unuaual school Ufa -rlih 160 othar cadet Ilia puneluaiity. ol-Mllanca.aalf-rellaiu and manlineaa would I'j.i yyii.iha mere "THE LOVE GIRL" Prominent Photoplay Presentations 'TirTFr.HgrrafrrtMff.TirTr. 1 y&UUIUUW, Boohw harm- Itoniante. Ihrllla, a little remedy Ing love plot all blended Into the "inaaierplere of Ih aaaaon," Ilaa Hall recently won lb beauty font. el from over 000 ronteatanta, III, la lha ataaon'a lalaal "find," Belmont Airdomo .i,Kti!riW.:.,,i; ""intX!? "THE SPOILERS" TWO NIGHTS Vrj5, ,. HUM A WHOI.K TOWN HrNAMITKH A Vekanlo Ksrlhausk Kitraordlnary. From Ih l"ok by Ilex ll.ach In II Ileal, .Prominent Plioloplay Presentations nr.HT iiiii-ADr-i.tiiiA StrBver' Builneu Colleno Bunmier rkl.ool now tp.n Day and nixbt. In dividual advancameal. Chargea mo.1i rate, Iv. all, now Th Ad. Men'a Cooveolloo" la Lais npartad an tha ItlenMypa, wjiUh la l; .llIiil. Is uuiTit -wily atrajrer'a llualitaaa Oolliae, II iKtli)ilnu( ta. Walnut all, "3E J!"j(tiW llAiblrjl!UJ, I'Aj (J.WiaON l-tllHll INhTITUTIS 7IM, tearNiw UleoiaOfM AcaaViny. lursaa pol'f Vmt itery. Mul- Hue (. KyrinaiV Junior, i.e- rale aioarn.bulMliia (of Uy o4 (Irla upll MBdvr 12 f aplal allanlloa. Term, ottllsl. thl V, hew HteetaBel. Fa. Jeuoa IMUe jad Otrl fkamhefatjiifl, Fa. PENN HALL SCHOOL , rpH, 1WIJ4 awimiuiia e-e-1.. Y'-r. .--,..-.,. ...-j...-. tllII.va- mtm jrltk prleata. bath- .Hotel liar Vofk i-oMUiVtt wliVoul h,UrrvPtlao, aa VHANK IMtHI.U A M FrlalL wit Tit j-eiyitKH p A- Bjahopthorpe Mauojf isu&fiSI II tit t J,.J.,u..-l-v. vtmuwj, pt.fi.i.-ii. ai,.' IIARIIIMIHJHCJ, FA. HAHRISDUIIG ACADEnV J A country arluail founded In I7S9 1 Modern hulldlii, ..Iff, eampu V. amall claaea and Individual Inairuetum -rtiorouau cell's prvpera.Hwi. naie iiuv in I8WI for aliiale rann All attil.lUa veparal achool for younasr bo. We Invlla cbiaeal hmellaajion trvm Vttt If lialbi. AHTlftJU 'r?,Ull-.(tfN II, A,. Ilts.maeler c-uru, qi. woo 1 m Aim CAIIIIKI-K, rA, CONWAY HALL Flral-nlaaa orafiaratorv sehaAl with iDeravil wrleneeif leaeliar. and cipll eauliN lluattd In 16 t'umWr aaS Valli or etaale besulr aua healthful ellwale. p davelvp treiiff men ..calawau. fv, A. Ht'TCIlTlloiJ Jlj!uui.ter. $mj)VKh at ., nmmmwm lwa, , Eodeued t every il.ry aour nd a aoo.1 trala fur fctfalnta. Curss lu air I. TOOT-a ft far Auk Vi l-art aal earn Is r wo pt, li uen, I AlOlrgK, N. II Himoui' Tutoring School If its apavi if ih Kw HBWe 'Hma. iso. mvm&3sr' 5&iB aft OVERBROOK U3D mVJAvuE,Av TYRONE POWER in "THE EYE OF GOD" i BALTIMORE .(''.?,.. V.TAIJftAI'H FIIKItKMTM "The Accusing Voice" EUREKA m" MAUKet 8 VIRGINIA PEARSON in "BLAZING LOVE" NOIJTII Broad Street Casino w'Hsuiw F,VF,NINa TI0 ANI1 to, Bryant Waahbum in "Our People" tlVHTKIUI-H W MYltA" coiitjniEa ym&zz'."-" "1RUNCLAW" Picturea HHTII rillI.AIHt.PIILI. Mtoar, Al.u Ais.tiirwi OLYMPIA S T1 Mol f U ilit Umpcma Till', followlny Ibealra obtain Ikelr plelorea Ihruuih he MT.INI.I'.V Do ('iiuaur, whlih le , gnardnlea of earlr atiHwInc ef tha lineal prodoc All idfl urea ret la wed teefere aihUjlllen, Aah . lor trie Iheaire In .urTjI( ebia nine p eliiras IbrinixU the WTANI.KY IIIIONINO VllitVANY, .. .nn ""' Mnrrltl'MyMna Ave ALIInlllDuA paramuunt I'lr'inrea llekla leiiena. etallly Blancjie SwecJ' VMMW' ARCADIA Kt?ut.. WM. S. HART In THK APOHTLK OF VF.NHBANCF." APOLLO "l,ANWT,il;il,lTJ.!i.T 'Mtjyi&S i "The Love Mask" TltlANUI.K.KF,VHTONF. COHBIlt DCaLIVlUIN 1 Mala, I .W 3: Bo. Oo u litMiiaii a, wiso, in Valentine Grant lN(c'BNT i.if." wrii "ani CEDAR. ''A'-lWHl?,i C'KIMIt AVK. VeL.IV.l THKATItK JOHN BARRYMORE in "THK IIF.H WHkDW" FA1RMOUNT tna lhAI AVr. UIIACF. VAI.KNTINF. A I.IUN1SI. IIAimYIIOItU "DORIAN'S DIVORCE" FRAKFO'RD"r,'NK,'A0v,l'N,Jti CHARLOTTE WALKER in I ,N tl. I N U " S6TH ST. Theatre II J KuriJi' jVr"' George Beban ,.,,. HATINHH DAILY KVa. 7 to II. GERMANTOWN lTg.v. MAE MURRAY in MWKKT KITfY IIKI.I.AIIIH" eI rXXV ftrTK UAHKirr '.tiBT-B ULUUte llfKl KIMIIAl.t OHOAN Norma TalmadB W KITTY (l(lHIM)N In 'Aa In a liking Olae," lalitaAIVIV tTH IHHAIIII AVKNUh Cleo RidRely ttnd Wallace Reid In TIIK HOI.IJMN CIIANOB" r.a.a.. Nnvlliairn "OAI HT . fcltll. Ureal norinernouiiHANTowN avea Alice Brady ILA bOHEME" IRIS THEATRE " K8SW0H HARRY MOREY ,n Jff0" HllJ.Ha UUHKI. in .ieri Itamaat'7 iho D, LAFAYETTE ' FRANCIS NELSON In WHAT MAVnENKP l 3r I P A iSpH eT rmar ko" " JUeAJLa'Kil lau-Atrrtfit tfmt9 GERALDINE FARRAR k WAMlA HOA" tWii HMf affi ffiWnP SMi If i ff JUI if f -Mi a- j- - Sl2x LIBERTY "H0AU AND Win trguf N( KTIIO KIWI roilf l'r...j;r. " u.rii' nw His Great Triumph" LOGAN THEATRE "'" 0kD T "The Fc'ud Girl" LOPUST f?" AND laWL'BT H.N...I A6 ."3a is WAy The Masked Rider Market St. Theatre B" Mi&ff Kdn.wj;!fi; ,"V,,,, n4,iXpa flllEIUPaW in "The Perlla of Divorce" ORPHEUM "KHMATOWWAK p Douglas Fairbanks Tn ""JSVgffl , IIOHCOK AUIIUCKI.l. In Tha nrtant Ugflli PALACE mi "AIIKI5T flTHKKT BLANCH SWE'in1 2JIK TIIOl!aANU(0MMIt liimtlANO" PARK mmy:SKH:. "-"I'iiih t. I'auline rrederick'" TIIFi MOHK.NT I'BroilB" PRINCESS ,fl,!SE KING BAGGOT in THK MAN ntOM, h'OWIlKIII RFAI TO "EIIMANTOWN AVB. IVI1L.IV AT TUi.FKIIOCUEN ST MARGUERITE CLARK !S "THIS flHfCIIILIS" """"" "'""""" " p'""" '" f11 " mmi hi i iiimi i limn Rlinv MAitKier hthket PEGGY HYLAND in W .lAIKTtf ANU aiNNHlllj' SAVOY m$& Violet Merserenu 'Wmm AdledCIIAB. tilUFUN lo 7UH ffitlffl TIOGA ,Wi '' VKNAKmJig Geraldine Farrar 1 VICTORIA wS&fiuZ Mat FrJt iaiH H.. t lUs, ImBW'' eW4 'AMBWJayra. Cyf tfr WO iri i tut mmtiAn, it t M , wmm Ol !' 3 m 'l I