Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    -isj (' " w
"i3V vrvf-H';-.SiS,iPf
f HW4 '"'SB!'fgSSRJii'
K DoDHtoti I'On. BQSeJU EJs-
ponorjdo ij- suo
ROMA, 28 Qlusno.
Jerl la Qpmera del Deputatl el o' tlunltp.
wr la prima volla rtppo ja formaxlone del
', Lm wl''net'" tisiiuQ i8.t'pni Pqoio
Bos!II. H prealdenlo del Conslgllo spoae
Uprogramma del mlrilstcro ill coallzlone, d.
tllr?Pdo' a mttendp innlta enfa.sl p
utita djcfilarajlprje, P''" l'ltala a' unan.
Biinle deals conlnuare la guerra a
fnco degll aleat fM cho ,a vlttorla
Bon ara" cqnsegulla non foIo dall'Italla
Bi4 da tuttl gll alleatl.
II presidents del Conslgllo predlsse la
rtpldft espglsppa degll nl)straol dal ter
tltprlo Itallano. Eg! dssc, nfferrowidp
j'jnttnilone degll alleatl dl faro la (juerrn
effenslva da ora Innanzl:
tit iftnllrt fnfnniA (inntltlltnm nnltn Hneaq
nplltlca segtilta dal puol alleatl. Da orp
tnnl not Intensipcltercmo la guerra flno a
cm nop avremo ragfflunto la vlttorla do
l(va e finale."
Kondmeno U dlscorso del prealdcnto dal
n.neicrtin IntHn In crnn tmrta 1 nrnhlAmt
tkt t'ltplli dovra' offrontnro dopo la guerra,
intrniando cpa ll govcrno ma gtucllando p
mUur npcessarle per l'emanclpaalone eco
nomic a ooinmerclalo del paeae.
fl'ella sednta dl lerl fu annunclata la
Worte sut campo dl battaglla iiela vallo del
poslna del (leputato c collcglo (1 Vlttorla,
conte Brantjolfnq Brjvndop, II quale era
wpltano ncU'eBorcjto. Ion. Brandolln
possldonto e frate)o del ponto Qlrolnrno, ex
I'annunclo tjella morq dpll'm). Brandolln,,
0clse dl tenero una barullcra suj mio segglo
vncanto per tutta la durata della session.
Ion. Boselli dlnao die I'eseraito nvova,
4to prove tangtlilll o lumlnoso del puo
yjlora 4 delta ana reslstenza resplngcndo
rll aiistrlacl cho avovano avanzato dal
' pjjlwa jropiino, a iuua ia uanicra ap-
. p)B(ir pntusulastlparnento quando egll ac-
jpennQ Ha dqvozlone dc ro Vlttorlo Em-
- p)nel9 per paeao p por J'pserclto, Qu(nd
prfMn'0' ' BU0' dlclapnove mlnlstrl ) iuall,
' C9D I nulndlcl flottosagratarll dl Stato,
formano II piu' grando galilpetto oho l'ltalla
abpla avuto dopo stall)lta o lstltuzlonl
' La Carnera dara tra broyo H suo votq
; i flducla al nuovo mltilstcro, vpto cho s
rltltno slouro dppo la formazlopo ej gab-
Inet(o dl coallzlone die coipprqndo tuttl
partltl rapprescntatl alia Camora,
Iptanto qui corrono dl nuoyo vool sopondq
cut la Qermanla farobbb nuovl Bforzl per
(lungers alia concluslono del la. pace. S
ties cho II prlnclpe dl Uuclow, cho ha do.
vutp abbandoparo l'ldoa d raoarsl agll
Btsll Unltl avendo II presldento "Wilson rl.
Jutato dl collaboraro corj Jul per la pace,
(I rechera' presto In Svlzzcra. IvI egll si
(neentrerebbo con II "papa jioro," i padra
VladlmlrQ Ledoctowskl, gerteralo del gpsu.
(tl, 1 quale, como si rlcorda, venpe ?spulsq
all'Italla ncl mogglo deU'anno scorao per
the' accuaato dl propaganda polltlca antl
II padre Ledochowskl, Bebbono sla un
' polftccp rusao, slmpatlzza fortemento con la
fltrm&nla, o el crede che la auo, li
flueni Jn favoro della paca sarebbe note.
. wle pel paesl noutrall od In Italia dovq
lfl aveva organlzzato una propaganda per
l pac, propaganda, clia fu pol Interrotta
a part dal decreto dl ospulslono.
Jl plapo del prlnclpe dl Buolow sarobbo,
I qtianto si dloo quello dl unlre lo sforzo
elresultl Itallapl a quello del aoolallfftl
Sfflaall, cho hanno messo da parte per ora
(I toro antlclerlcallemo, o-cantano' Vosanna
III sforzl pacincl dclpapa. IBoclalistl
fllcll hanno perslno Uetto dl volara op.
Polare la preteaa del papa dl parteclparo
11 conferenza per la paco, partcclpazlone
h esl conslderano nccessarla per "l'ldoal.
Jsrno purlflcatore" cho la presenza del pon.
tfle porterobbo nella copferonza.
Up comunlcato udlclalo pubbllcato oggl a
yltnna annuncla che torpedlnlera austrlache
hanno bombardato la, costa itallana nello
Vlclnanze dl Glullanova, e cho un aeroplano
ltajlnno cho si recava a bombardaro Trl-
nw ru atterrato da un avlatort) austrlaco.
Jl comunlcato agglungo die un omclalo
itailnno ed uno francesp, dl marlnacho
fano SUll'eronlano d prnnn fArlllinnn
tad fattl prlglonlerl.
Un telcgramma ia Madrid dlco che altrl
5a.Sl'?8can ltnlla"l e cloe' II Monglbcllo,
Jl 4059 tonnellate; II noma, dl 3350 ton
nelate, ed 11 Pino, dl 170G tonnellate, sono
tat( arrondatl da wottomarlnl teutonlcl.
I'll qulpaggl sono statl sbarcatl In Spagna,
John Black, Baltimore Financier, in
Will, Ignores Sister's Children
s BALTIMOHE, Md.. June 29. Estranged
or years from one of lils two listers, since
oecBed. but who ia, supposed to have bov-
i! nlldren still living In New York or
. TOUdelphla, John Black, the retired Jlnan
fr, mada np provlslona for them In hla
JUL The estate. Is valued at 1,000,000,
avislon Is made for ono slater, who died
1 weeks before the financier himself died.
Two hundred and seventy-llvo thousand dol
ri is bequeathed to several Protestant
;PIeopal Institutions and the Jghna' JIop
Jm Unl.verslty, which nlao are made re.
wuiry legatees.
About 40 years ago Mr. Black became as.
Maned frorq Oils sister Harriet because
!i.l m?,rr,e(1 doctor Adler. Bha went to
lthr New York or Philadelphia, whero she
QlCd. It a trnn. t.. A I. t. .. .
--.- muii, uncover, uiai Blia nun
Si 3 5s' ono ot whom became a rabbi.
Determine to Start Move for Another
National Convention
diiDlANAPO,Tas' Ind June 8s The in
virosrB,lv9 stiJta Central Committee
Sliln !y ,nst"uctea William Holton Dye,
otlonai committeeman from Indiana, to
jommunlcata with other State committees
"Uhe. Purpose ot calling another national
convention ot the party to name a. presl.
oentlsl candidate.
mJSfL ac!ion was tak?" aHer tt tormy
..;,? M"- Dye was censured for voting
t JfMQrBa IIuShea tw President Monday
gtilcago. An unsuccessful effort was
jaadi to unseat Dye as national committee.
n from Indiana. The State convention
"M eet for July ?0.
-Tour Berks County Forest Reserves
In iiTriH, r, ' . ' . jti.ioricai snrms
' d.ur. v.uuuMr tvsro vunea oy in j&d
'loif .? to th Bute Forestry AESoclatlon'a
nlt., res.ervM were Inspected, and last
BUtM foresUrs 'ro" a 'er the United
' m.i.1 V . "tw" niDnK (nem were
' b.m ,La"n'P pack, of Lakewood. H. J.,
eKfl '.,the. Massachusetts Forestry Asso-
At'Z. f V, ' "" "1 name Jfrotectiye
r inS5wW; A: Y'WW. chief warden
" wV'" Virginia Forestry Association,
County"""60 "y rfstr' Pter
Bringing 500 Refugees North
Wi&UTMnw... -w -- . -
MSiif refu8ts from the weat coast of
mX? .1 belns b"ousnt north to San
lk 7 "" vi transport Buffalo an4
' iiLf1L8?,H.0l'Wer Admiral WlMlow
Vfi..T'." unerioatw in the Yaauj
5tr baa ntfuwa to iv
i1!1 'jraa1
'1 1 )il WHIIWH
iioi,i yiiwy-i &,.f urn i'lgLj aiiillMllm
if nmiiL4iuimipi
,V1 ' 'J-'P11'"
iJJJir jiiiihi ti.(Hlji
Ll. -
-HHH" if"1 ' 1 ' " W U" ' O ''i1"
jo-morrow, Last Day of a Memorable Anniversary Sale
, . . - . . . . ' . i -t - ) -. - - ' .ii. i ii i r i i i H
uui' Anniversary Sales have been pur most important general events for tfre past eight years, and this is the greatest ojf all It ha bvotfght yyy
il acjvantages to our old customers and attracted thousands of new ones, whose friendship we arq confident of holding.
Some Attractive Lots of
Shoes in the Sale
Thosq vl,g di(J chopje during thp flrgt dftyfi f this
Sa a will nncj it woH Wrth their whja tp Iqq)?' pvor this
Women's 5,00 Lny ghoeP, samples ?J,0P
rmniS1ipn,5 Sflrop! Qjcfprijs, Pump and Slipnerflt The
low Shoes, from some of our best rnnnnfnpUf9pB. tllP
Rgsortrnont (s xronfL na the sarpplos ore nmd HP n H
vid,e variety qf gtyjpg, gftrnplg Bhes oply,
Mori's $9.00 to S10.00 Oxfoids5,05
tdlWa flp.nlsfr ca's honch-msd? Ojcfprds,
oAflll'jjES, gnmplo ches only.
Men's $6.50 micl $7 Shoes and Oxfords $4,05
Black nnd tan leathcra. Broken fifzeB.
Boys? $3.50 to $4.00 Shqes-r$3,85
Shoes and Oxfords, pf black, and tan leathers.
Broken sizes.
Large Girls' $1.50 and $5.00 Pumps-$2.95
Of patent colt, and dull calf; fawn buoKskin or fab
rip quarters. '
Children's $1.50 Play Shqcs $140
Misses' $1,75 Play Shoes $145
Low Shoos of brown or whito canvas, with Goodyear
glove rubber soles. '
Misses' $3,00 AnJderRtrap Pumps $1,95
Of black calf and PRtopt qolt.
Boys' $2.50 High Shoes. now $1,95
Of bla.ck calf; Inco stylo; s(zcs lV3 to 1,1.
i - KIkIUIj aprl Filbert Btresta
Outing Millinery
Bendy for tho "Fourth" tho smartest styles In
Sports Hats and Hats for pll general purposos. Particu
larly good are those:
SAILORS in lllnr-lr nnrl nnw lilnn mM, -.!
ribbon band-?i.0C I tc I .1.00. ' m
FELT HATS Sailors, nJso floxiblcbrim Huts that
can bq tucked into a suit ensq; in white 60o to $2,50i
In dosirabjo colors ?L(0 to ?3,00.
STRAW SPORTS HATS-in attractive combina
tions of white and color $1.00 to $2.60.
Dress Hats, Special at $3,50
This collection is mnking now friends fqr us every
day, It includes fashionable all-black Hats, dainty, nll
whito Hats, and beautiful effects ip black Hats trimmed
in white. All $5.00 value.
$2,50 to $10.00 Panamas $1.50 to $7.50
Uutrimmedl in six good styles.
S1.00 Untrimmed Hats now 85c
White Hemp Hats, Loghorp Hats and somq Black
Hats; many styles.
- Second Floor, 'ilarkot Street, East
Large Boys' $5,00 Palm
Beach Suits, now $3.75
Of genuine "Palm Beach" cloth, carefully tailored,
In a becoming style for boys 7 to 17 years of ago $3,75,
Boys' Blue Serge Suits $5.00
An unusual value. All-wool, fast-dye blue serges,
well tailored; 7- to 18.yoar sizes.
- Little Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits 95c-
Of striped madras and plain chambray, In Buddy
Tucker and Junior Norfolk styles.
Boys' $1 Gray Crash Trousers 75c
Heavy crash, well made; 7 to 10 years.
75c Khaki and Crash Trousers 50c
Sizes 7 to 17 years. y? Second Floor. West
Children's New Sports Coats
ARTIFICIAL-SILK Sports Coats, in plain roso and
blue, or trimmed with white; sash to match. Sizes 26 to
34, at $8.50. Others in pla.in rose, gold and Copenhagen
blue, sash to match: sizes SO to 30, at $5,00. Light
weight WOOL Coats, in white-and-grecn, white-and-rose,
white-and-corn and whte-nnd-blue; sailor collar.
Prices $5.'00 and $fi.00. 3 y East Store, Eluhth Street
loncert at Wilbw 6w Pari
To-morrow Afternoon and Evening
The Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus
'I'-'-- ' " rr TTTTT! !...' 1 1 ' '. . I
in a Victor Herbert Program
Under the Direction of the Composer
'4ssimd by MAY EBREY HOTZ, Soprmot MAUDE
SPROUT, Contralto; HORACE R. HOOD, Baritone; and
First Concert, 2.30
1, Overture to. Comic Opera "Prln
1, "Whispering Willows''
(Dedicated to the Patrons of Will
M, "
low Grove Parkl
'When You're Away," from ''The Onjy Girls"
Cello aolo, Mr. A. llnsa
i, Irish Ithnpsody (MottoP'Erin, Qh Erin")
Second Concert, 4,30 to 5.30
1, Easter Anthem, "Christ is Risen"
Soprano nnd Alto Solqs, Chorus, Orchestra
2, From tho Grand Opera 'Natoma' Prelude
Third Act Qrcpestra
3, Third Act "Nntoipn"
Soprnno and Baritone Solos, Chorus, Orchestra
L "Festivnl March"
(Introducing "Auld
2, Gypsy Love Song, fropi "T)o Fortune Toller"
, Baritone Solo and Chorus
3. "Bndlnngo" Orchoptrft
Third Concert, 7.45 to 8.30 o'clock
4. Italian Streqt Song, from "Naughty Marietta'1
Soprano Solo and Chorus
5. "Triumph" from tho Suite "Columbus"
Chorus pnd Orchestra
Fourth Concert, 0.45 to 10.45 o'clock
Dramntic Cantata, "THE CAPTIVE" Victor Herbert
Electric Fountain Displays at 4.00 and 8,30 o'Clock
-Men Would Gladly Pay the Regular .
Prices for the Suits in This Sale
These Suits aro all from our regular suppliers some are special purchases, others have
been taken from our regular stock and reduced. Every Suit represents the biggest quality
obtainable at its regular price. The variety is great and you can be reasonably sure of find
ing just the Suit to meet your requirements but as these values are unusually attractive, you
Should try to choose as early as possible :
$22.50 and $25.00
Summer Suits
$16.00 -
Hand-tailored Suits, from
famous manufacturers. The
newest stylos and fabrics. All
sizes for men and young men.
,$6.50 and $7.50
Palm Beach Suits
Conservative and smart plalt-ed-bnek
styles for men and
young mon. Many now Suits
just added. All sizes..
$25.00 and $30.00
Summer Suits
Chiefly from Hart, Schaffner
& Marx. The season's newest
styles, na woll as plenty of con
servative Sack Sjuits, All sizes.
Anniversary Values In
Suits and Dresses
flU.BtPmers th.ey WOuld. These lots present "excellent
pVUM W tra,ve,ling or town wean
?22,50 to $30,00 SuitMBQ
andcfhSp,!frccte.ge nnd Raberdl'19' ,n MMlft TOW blue
$9,75 Linen Tyb Suitsnow $6.25
In blue, natural color, whjta nnd brqwn., In smart
npiteu styles.
$16.50 Summer DresgeiH-$lQ,QQ
WJiftq Ypile Drosses, trimmed, with colored linen)
Dresses with wh to hncp tunic, npd colored cotton,
skirts, in brown, blue, green, and rose. "
i125,, aUd $15-00 WM3-$7.50
White Voile presses, with
or Copenhagen blgej Qthpra vi
trimmlntr in navv blue
tl coiqred border.
$8,75 Summer Drosses now $0,75
stripes. Tailored model ppokota in the skirt
$5 to $16.50 Tub Dresses $3.75 to $12,75
In a great variety of styles, materials and color.
?8 - Second Floor, CBT(tr. nd Mfifkit BXttt
1 ' i " in ii .i
Women's Coats, sPecial
$3.75 and $5.00 Coats $2.75 and $3,75
UNEN COATS made on loqse Upea, M snd envelop
ing for propter protection In touring nnd travflfingi
roomy ppekota.
$8.50 Mohair Coats in the Salo$7,50
In gray, olive and tan; full and rippling n tho back:
collar clcjsing well at tho throat,
$10.00 Coats in the Sale $8.75
CHECKED COATS, made about' knco-lcngth; very
full in the backj patch pockets unHnod,
$12.00 Coats in the Sale $9,75
longth; patch pockets; braid-bound edges.
B .-) second Floor, Centfe
A Lot of $15.00
Summer Suits
Special purchases from good
manufacturers nnd Suits from
our own stocks reduced.
'EN who want Cool Cloth
ing for vacation or sports
wear will find us ready
with complete flmes of Office
Coats, Auto Dusters, Duck and
Khaki Trousers, the famous
H., S. & M. Dixie-weave Suits,
Suits of serge and other hot
weather fabrics.
A Lot of $18.00
Summer Suits
Men's and Young Men's Suits,
of fine worsteds, chiefly in light
weight. All sizes.
$1.00 Long Silk Gloves, 75c
Sixtpen-button white Milanese Silk Cloves, made hy
America's best manufacturer. Each Glove has his noma
stamped on them.
!&" AUlo J 2, Market Street; and Market 8t. Croas Aisle
V Second Floor, West
Men's $6.00 and $7.50
Panama Hats at $4.25
A fresh, new collection of perfect Panama Hats, in
the newest Alpine nnd telescopo styles, as well as con
servative shapes ?4.25.
$2 ana $2.50 Straw Hats $1.35
From Morgan & Co,, London stiflf-brlm Sennit
Hats, in'various good shapes.
White Felt Hats 50c
Outing Hats for tho beach, the tennis court, the golf
links, motoring and other out-door wenr. Folds into a
very small package.
- Second Floor, Weit
Men's $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50 Neglige Shirts at 85c
Thousands of these cool summer Shirts still on hand.
Of woven-stripo, fancy mercerized and corded-stripe
madras. All with turn-back cuffs. On separate tables,
according to size, for easy selection.
Men's 75c Night Shirts 60c
Of cambric; surplice neck, neat trimming; in a light
summer weight.
Men's $1.50 Pajamas $1.25
SAMPLES. Of mercerized madras, In plain colors;
with frog trimmings. h East Btore, Eighth street
11! hw!T!-n!&iSS3fSSJ I
111 kwltesM
To-morrow Last Day
For you to provide your homo with ono of those
$350 Francis Bacon Pianos at $265.00
$550 Bacon Player-Pianos at $415.00
Either instrument delivered on a first payment of $5.00
with succeeding payments of $1.50 weekly or $6.00 monthly on
the Piano, and $2.25 weekly or $9 monthly on tho Player-Piano.
To-morrow your last chance I mi. Thlrd Moor
New Lots of Corsets
For the Close of the Sale
Practically the same rango pf stylos and sizes, for
tho closing days of the Sale as we had at first;
$1.00 and $1.50 Corsets now 05c
S. & 0. Special and W. B. Corsets low or medium
bust, long over the hips and back.
$2.00 S. & C. Special Corsets $1.00
Of batiste nnd coutil; low, high or mqdium bust,
long ovor the hips.
$3.00 S. & C. Special Corsets $1.50
High or medium bust, long over the hips.
$5.00 Smart Set and W. B. Corsets $2,25
Of coutil and batiste j low or medium bust, well
boned throughout or with free hips. All sizes In this
lot, but not in each style.
75c W. B. Brassieres, 36 to 46 now 50c
Trimmed with wide bands of lace.
' 93 - Second Floor, Filbert Street, East
Flags for the "Fourth"
We're ready for the call of real Americans with
Flags of all kinds wool bunting, silk or cotton as well
as poles, brackets nnd all other things essential to the
proud waving of "Old Glory." Prices for BUNTING
Size 3 x 5 feet $2.25 nnd $3.00
Slzo G x 10 feet $6.25 and $8.50
Size 8 x 12 fcef. $9.25 and $12.00
POLES 8-foot at 75c; 12-foot at $1.25. Brackets,
15c to 75c. jg y Third Fl00Tt vreit
Buy Vicirola Outfits Now!
And thus take advantage of the special prices for tho Cabinets, included
in complete Victrola outfits, Each outfit consists of
Victrola Cabinet and Eight
Double-Faced Records
The having IS ON THE CABINETS, a large number of which we
purchased at less than the regular price from a high-grade manufacturer,
Four combinations at these Anniversary prices $29.00, $42.00, $61.00
and $74.00. Exceptionally Easy Terms of Payment, j . Third Floor, centr.
China in the Sale
The last day of the Sale finds us with assortments
as varied and oportunities as attractive as at the be
ginning. A few qf the many values;
$33.00 Porcelain Dinner Sets, 107 Pieces $25.00
$20.00 Porcelain Dinner Sets, 08 pieces $16.00
810,00 Porcelain Dinner Sets, 98 pieces $1-1.00
$1-1.00 Porcelain Dinner Sets, 98 pieces $8,00
$22.50 Austrian China Dinner Sets $13,00
$30 French China Dinner Sets $20,00
$83.00 Haviland China Dinner Sets $25.00
. Seyen Nested Yellow Bowls, 5 to 11 inches 65c
Six Nested White English Bowls 70c a eet
Light-cut Table Glasses special, 5c
g - Payment
$1.25 House Dresses, 85c ,
Of colored lawn, in neat figured effect; Gibson,
tucked waist, with double turnover collar and three
quarter sleeves. a y Secopfr Floor. Filbert 8trt, Eat
$1.25 Wash Skirts, now $1.00
Women's Awning-striped Shirts, made with de
tachabla belt and patch pockets, fl.00. Also White
Pique Skirts with separate belt and patch pockets, worth
$2,00, now $1.5ft '! Saoonj Floor, Centre
Candies fdr the Week-End
And the "Fourth" Special
(JJdtime favorites which we shall sell under price
to-morrow and Saturday;
40c Colonial Chocolates 32c a pound
60c Jordan Almonds 10c a pound
40c Jlontevideos now 32c a pound
40c Cream Caramels 30c a pound
40c De Luxe Chocolates 30c a pound
, 30c S. & C, Chocolates 25c a pound
nrlate Novelties for the- "Fourth" 2c to 65c each.
ii Bawment. nd Filbert Strel Vrom AUle
Towels in the Sale
Humidor Towels, of pure linen In a sturdy
aback weave, at special Anniversary Sale prices!
S4.50 Huckaback Towels $3.60 a dozen
$6.00 Huckaback Towels $4.50 a dozen
$8,00 Huckaback Towels $6.00 a dozen
m " ' Aisle J 2, Centre
35c and 50c White Voile,
23c ana-.28c a Yard
A lot of J5.000 yards, which we had finished
after our own specifications. It is soft, cool and
dainty the ideal cotton material for women's and
children's summer dresses and is very fashionable
this season 23c and 28c yard. )- AUie 6, centre
$6 Stroller GoCartS, $4,00
Strong, comfortable, fine In appearance and easy to
handle; cushion seat, excellent springs and heavy rubber
tired wheels now $4,00,
$25.00 Pullman Coaches, $19,50
Equipped with the latest Pullman features, including
the reversible gear, corduroy cushions. .
$1.00 and $1.50 Safety Gates 75c and $1.15
Made -of hardwood; 86-inch and 48-inch extensions.
-) Fourth floor, Eaet
Boys' $1.25 Pajamas at $1.00
Fancy striped and all-white madras Pajamas, made
to our special order over the most comfortably-fitting
patterns a special purchase, "which makes this attrac
tive price possible, Eat store, Eighth St
Hair Goods Under Price
Any woman who finds It difficult to keep well
colffured these warm, humid days, should know that
a little artificial Hair does more than anything else
toward preserving a neat hair arrangement. Try It out
for yourself while these extraordinary reductions pre
vail: $5.00 .Triple-stem Switches $3.00
Of hair of excellent quality; no gray among these.
57.50 Wavy Transformations $4.85
Hair of finest quality; nearly all shades in tho col
lection, Including some gray.
Real Hair Nets- 60c a dozen
Full site. Sold by the dozen only,
50c Feather-weight Hair Rolls 40c
Ii -- Second Floor, Centre, Et
Special Values in Sporting Goods
Golfers, tennis players and campers will be especially
interested in these unusual values;
$10,50 Golf Sets, complete $6.00
Our Cobb's Creek Special Includes bag, driver or
brassle, putter and your choice of jigger, mid-iron,"
mashie or niblick, and two good golf balls.
$17.50 Tennis Sets, for four $12,75
Set includes four excellent rackets, net, two. poles,
ropes and pegs, balls and one complete set of double
court tapes and a tenrjls guide.
$2.50 and $3,00 Tennis Rackets $1.75
Sturdy Tennis Rackets; all good weights.
$6.Q0 Wall Tents, of hevy duck $4.75
Eight-ounca shower-proof duck. Fine for lawn or
camp. Size 77 feet lih - Fourth Floor, Et
That Carload Lot of
Good Automobile Tires
Which arrived last week, still presents n complete
line of sizes, A most unusual opportunity for the
motorist who cares to
Save 28 to 33lfa per cenf. on
Well-known SOOO-Mlle Tires
Every Tira fresh and perfect and adjusted by us
on a 6000-mile basis. The manufacturer has requested us
not to mention his name in these announcements, but
the make is well known to all;
28 x 3
30 x 3
30 x 3Vi
32 x 3K
34 x 3Yj
32 x 4
33 x 4
34 x 4
35 x 4
36 X 4
34 x 4';
35 x 4(4
36 x iV-i
37 x 45
36 x 5
37 x 5
. , .
3 Floor tV,, Filbert Street
Muslin Underwear Special
51.50 Envelope Chemise fl.00
Of nainsook trimmed with Jaca and threaded with
nbbon to give the Empire effect.
2.00 Cambric Petticoais-41.50
With double ruffle edg ed with lace.
65c Night Gowns in the Sale-0e
Of flesh-color eambris; neck and sjeavea prettily
trimmed with lace. Others of white cambijc, tofuit, o
chemise style and trimmed with embroidery,
f-Scojui .PlQOTf Citre, lEsst