;? iiii'i in tM0n ttkmfmmm READY TO ATO ARMY EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY JUNE 29, 1916. DEATHS jPropeller Troubles Righted and Machines Are Available for Mexico WASttWOTOW, JTun 29. That the avia tion branch of tha Signal Corps Is at last ready- to play Its part In the Mexican situa tion Is tha belief expressed by high army officials hero as a result bf several suc cessful (lights reported to hava recently taken place on tha border,, One machine la now with General Pershing;. A solution of the propeller troubles has been found, and experts declare they will Boon be able to use tho 13 available ma chines with safety. Owing to climatic con) actions, which are so Intensely arid as to warp and splinter the propeller blades. It has been necessary for army engineers to secure an especially hard wood. Experi ments with oak. Southern nshk. birch and j other woods were unsuccessful, and It I was necessary to secure mahogany from Honduras of an extremely dry and tough fibre. A rolled copper tip Is used to protect the edges. Aeroplanes In the border service are ex periencing rough wear. Repairs aro so frequently necessary It Is estimated that very machine Is practically rebuilt lour or five times In a year. They have been organized Into a division of 13 planes, all of the same typo, to make parts Interchangeable and reduce tho neces sity of large repair supplies. The division is broken Into three squadrons which enn be shifted from base to base. An appropriation of $21,000,000, It Is es- 1 tlmated, would bo necessary to equip an aviation corps largo enough to servo an army of a half million men In case a call ' came for volunteers to Invndo Mexico. This would provide for 21 divisions of 12 planes each for one year's service No such ap propriation has yet been asked of Con gress. Tho estimate Is based, however, on the present cost of maintaining a division Approximately 1500,000 a year. denee, ls toouth Yewdetl t flolemn Requiem . ... . in. ..an, , dral Crmttttr, Mass at the Church of the Meet Blessed Sac- internum at via came ra ment, at 0 a, m. DEATHS T Jinf a!f W- WILLIAM P., hue- of the late Kathryn Eckel and son of beth and the late ft. p. Eckel, aged 49 ALLIED MUNITION STOCK AMPLE, HAN0TAUX SAYS ""Former Foreign Minister of France Declares Production ,. Surpasses All Expectations By GABRIEL HANOTAUX Former Mlalster of Foreign Relation! of France. PARIS, Juno 29. Tho Allies' production . of munitions Is at last In full swing. Tho French output surpasses all expectations. Tho British aro going ahead without a hitch, whllo one of my friends who has . returned from Pctrograd tells mo that tho N Poutlloff factories glvo the Impression of bolng ten times bigger than tho Creusot works. This production goes on simulta neously, so that an Iron torrent may deluge tho besieged Central Empires. The Russian battle has scarcely begun. Italy Is reaping the reward of her energetic resistance and Cadorna's magnificent strat egy, phe knows that Austria has no moro reserves to feed the Trentlno front. In Macedonia Bulgaria Is now thrown on her own resources. The Allies' army Is In perfect condition and will play Its role In the Balkan peninsula, which Austria has abandoned, perhaps forever. While tho foregoing Is tho European bat tle scene, Verdun remains the greatest of all combats. The civilization of the future will be decided there. TVe must hold on at all costs. Five great battles are now un , tier way. Verdun which was the first of tho series must, render victorious the other four. BACCY FOR KHAKI BOYS Bethlehem Reader Suggests Everybody Help Out in Fund Fred C. Kline, of Bethlehem, Pa., writes to the Eve.vi.no Ledoer to suggest that If a tobacco fund Is started for soldiers It be done by tho whole public .Instead of a wealthy few. Ho tells how In Bethlehem In five hours 1180 was raised simply by adopting the expedient of selling flags very cheap, flags which were purchased wholesale for less than a cent each and sold to the publlo at o nickel. In Philadelphia, he thinks, many thou sands of such flags could be sold, and at profit of four cents each a tidy sum would Be realized. tlhCCnElfr On June 27. 1010. PHOEBE C, wife of William If. Brucher. aged 57 year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m.. "5 ie&.tubPd "ildenee. 217 North Dover at. (29th and Diamond sta.). Interment pri vate. Remains mar be viewed on Saturday, from 8 to 10 p. m. Baltimore papers pleaee copy. CARMAN At Ventnor City, N. X, oti Jane 2T, 1910. CHA8. C, CARMAN, In hie 4iu rear. Relative! and friend. at Sheklnah Lodge. No. sis, F. and A. M.: Masonic Veterans of Penna.i Carpenters Co. and other societies Of Which he waa a. member, are Invito to attend the funeral services, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o-elock, at apartments of Oliver II. Balr. 1820 Cheatnut at., Phlla. In terment at West Laurel mil Ometery. COOK. In Plymouth township, Montgomery County, Pa,, on June 27, 1910. MARY JANE, widow of the Hon. Joel Cook. In her 74th rear. It!11"", and frlenda are Invited to at tend the funeral services, at her eummer resi dence, Belvolr. near Sndy Hill road and Helrolr aye.. Norrlstown. pa on Saturday, July l, at 2 p. m. Interment private, city Line cars to Cheatnut Villi tehl,ttf,nnnu4 with Norrlstown trolley cara, pass the door. ECKEL. On June 27, cana 01 Jcmnoeui ana mo iaie ji. i Eckel, aired 49 ra Relatives and frlenda, also Master .-Jr? Ueneflelal Association of Philadelphia and Birch Yearly BeneOcia Aesoclatlra of Camden. N. J., are Invited to intend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p, m,, at his late residence, 817 Windsor aquarc. Interment private. rflN?&n tUn SS' l010' WBA Widow m,c,iijd .vD iii.iiu iu ituenu mo xunerni serv ices, on Saturday, at a p. m.. at tho residence of her son-in-law. L. Ward Edward, nolo T.orJ$ rSf'1-. 'n'ment at Greenwood, Ifnlghts of Pythlaa' Cemetery. IIARKISON. On June 28.1010, JOSEPH, hus band of Ida II, Harrison. Relatives and friends, also Tncony Lodge. No. 00O, F. and A, M.j Henry Dlsston Lodge, No. 8, I. b. o. 8.! Progressive Assembly, No. 4. A. O. II. p . and employes of Henry Dlsston A Sons, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday; at 2 p. m., from his late residence. 338U Knorr St., Tacony. Interment at ifatboro Cemetery. Remains may ba viewed on Fri day, after 7 p. m, JANNEY. At Emllle, Bucka County, Pa., on yi'SSSi''' .Jun" 2- 1B,0i david barton JANNEY. Interment at Fallalngton. Pa., on Saturday, July 1, JAJ1UKTTH. On June 24. 1010. ELIZABETH, daughter of Peter L., and tho late Eleanor Jaquotte. Funeral aervlcea nnd Interment at Kemblesvllle, Pa., Saturday, at 8 p. m, rrlenda may view remnlna at tho Oliver II, Balr Building. Friday, from 7 to 10 p. m. nLAUSNER. On June 27. 1010, HAHAII C. wtfe of Gustavo Klausner. aged 67 yeara. Relatives and frlenda, also Krokauer Chevra, Liberty Lodge. No. 0, O. B. A.s Hyman Lodgo. ," Is' .' " A- nnd Max Shermnn Lodge. No. 8. 1. O. B, Bh., aro Invited to intend the funeral aervlces, on Friday, at 10 a. m, pre cisely, at her late residence, 1027 N. 32d at. Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery. T-K FEVnE. On Juno 27. 1010, at Nev Ilrltaln Pa.. FBANK A. I.E FEVBE. aged 02 years. Belatlvea and friends aro Invited to nttend the funeral, without further notice, from hln late residence, on Friday. June 80. 41 p. m. In terment at Beulah Cemetery. 1-ON'n. On Juno 2R. 1010. at Tlcrmont, N. J.. CHABLES II. LONO. Duo ,(otlce of the fu neral will be given, from tho residence of his brother-in-law, John Hagcrty, S. E. tor 13th and Christian ats. lAJnUY.On June 28, 1110, EDWARD J,, aon Edwnrd nnd Mary I.ubey, aged 87 yeara. Relatives and friends aro lnlted to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 7:80 a. m.. from parents' residence. 211B Fernon at. Iteaulem Mass Church of St. Edward, at 0 a. m. pre cisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Auto service. a4liPj,P-Y;-PJun".2S' "to. of diphtheria. N st MAPPSON. daughter of Mary Mapp- - iiulsld. oTmlffr"" rn,crmont prlvate' at it7X?K'P' la.m 2S- 110. ANNA B.. t u?J1.t.eir ?f "J? ,ln!8 Dr- Ialah and Sarah ii. iItt'aek. Relatives and friends aro In vum to attend tho funeral services at the residence of the late Helen Erben. Radnor. Pa., on Friday, at 2 p. m. Interment prl- ?te n0?" wl" mMt lh0 t:10 train from Broad Street Station, MiK-?,70n..Juna .28' 10l- WILLIAM, bus band of Maria A. JIcKay. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral Services, on Rntiirrlnv n n.in n .. Jlsely. at his late residence"' 2033' need st. Interment private at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Mmn?rN'Ti'SSjdnlJr' Qn iun' -" ln,l- PAT niCK JOSEPH, husband of Mary A. Mc- ?nm.(n5, SI?n. aged 20 years. Relatives SSt f!e,,j2s' J1'"? 'he Liberty Bell Lodge. No. ?.7. Broth.erhJ?A ot. n- n- Trainmen, aro In vlted to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 p-l '..rr,"S inl" 'QtH residence, 2005 East h ?-,.v ?i?lemn Mn." ot Hequlem at tho Church of tho Ascension, at 10 a. m. pro- te"ly' In,erment ot Il0,y Sepulchre Ceme- Mr.JJA)?fln?tIN, Suddenly, on June 27, MARGA RET J. MCLAUGHLIN, of 783 Preston streot. Relatives and frrends are Invited to attend tho funeral aervlcea. on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at the Oliver II. Balr Building. 18:10 Chestnut street. Interment private. 0rtE,1!?vi,.lE,iIETt AtThta """"" home. Atlan V C&Z,Ilu J". J4ne,?7lnl8L ABRAHAM .., husband of Carrie If. Oppcnhelmer. aged i? '?!". Belatlvea and frlenda. also She klnah Lodge. No. 240. F. and A. M. : Key stone Chapter. No. 17B, aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday at 10:30 n, m.. Si.i?" "SWSI1" ' "' brother. .Charles Opoen helmer. J300 North Park ove'. Philadelphia. Interment private, at Mount Sinai Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Thursday, from ?,!? J. Pi m1 at Parlor of J. T. Crowley. 1004 Pacific ave.. Atlantic City. ""''. OTTO. On June 27. 1910. PETER, husband of i'Ar J.,..0t.t? "D!1 ISP la,e Qorge and Mar garet Otto. In his 71er vnr u.,li. .... nH frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral serv n?ni ?f-rT,5ay,.at J, p m" at Iat residence, 0208 Morton st.. Germantown. Interment widow of Arthur Toner, Itetatlrri and friends are. Invited to attend, the funeral service, on Friday, at 2 r, m., at her late residence, io2I Summer st. Interment atrletly private., ne mains may be viewed on Thursday, after 7 p, m. TRIMBLE. On June 28, 1010. at M residence. 8l?..Jf'..eM.,,-J WILLIAM. MCCLELLAND TRIMBLE, Notice of funeral later. WALTER. On June 27, 1916. HANNAH C., Widow of Herman Walter (nee Daman). Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., at the Oliver II. Balr Building. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at Westminster Cemetery. Re mains may be viewed on Friday, from 7 to 9 p. m. PERSONALS R. JAnviS has .purchased grocery store, of rvainan ragon, 1142 uimosrfl be sent to B25 B. 8th st. All bills UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 1801 Chestnut st. C. E. Bennett, Theodore E. Smith, Jr., deneral Vehicle Co., A. Itlte A Bros, Morris Well, Quaker News Co., Miss B. . H. Schell, J. II, Duval, Dale Gardner, Ralph Townsend, Austin Lawn Mower Co., L. P, Crundalt, Miss E, Kane, Michael Mayo, Miss Helen Cavanaugh, National Sup. Co., Mr. and Mrs, Cohne, Mrs. Bill Atkins, W. C. Dickinson. Charles Derrlng. Mr. Bonafaky, Mary Costanzo. Mrs. Albln Pennington, Wm. Crelghton, A, C. Huff Knitting Co., Burt W. Lyon, Mrs. Isabel II. Boone, Chas. II. Wal ters, Miss Helen, Croskoy, Mr. Allen W. Evans, Jr.. Paul Hollander, A. If. Dawson. W. F. LIkly, Misses McDonnell, Mrs. Walter ittyiur. S Prosperity j j POSTAL TELEORAPH CABLE CO., 1420 S. Pcnn square O. F. Ornderle. E. F. Congdon, tnsey. Wal- J. J. wetmore, O. M. Prentiss, Eddie Ramsey jonn jLonovan, Mr. a. v. conroy, J. P. ker. LOST AND FOUND For Other Lost and Found Ads See Fare 1 oniP Tjost, on Lincoln Highway, one mile south of Langhorne. Pa., about 10.30 o'clock Tuesday evening, Juno 27, n grip containing lady'a apparel. Reward will bo paid to the finder thereof, occupants of nutomoblle bearing New York license, the number of which Is known. If the same Is returned to 1431 Chest nut st,, Philadelphia. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER. cp,, wanted; general contrac tor's office; central part city: state experience nnd references II 1)47, Ledger Central. This is tho most pros perous season Phila delphia has experi enced. Are you getting your share of its pros perity? Is your income showing an increase during these money making times? If not, start out today on the right road. Place an advertisement in the "Want Ad" columns of the Ledger, and avail yourself of the best means of finding a better position. phoneWalnut OR MAIN 3000 mmmirammwiZBmt MIIIIIIIIIIHBIIIlil HELP WANTEDMALE Continued from rreceglna Column, .. SECRETARY The president of a Philadelphia manufac turing company desires a secretary of eeveral rears' eiperlence who Is an efOclent stenog rapher, good correspondent and competent to originate and correct advertising copy. In replying state explicitly age, education, experience, whether married or single, compen sation, references and at what date you can take up duties. Office hours. 8'30 to B:30j Saturdays, 8:30 to 12:80. , Address President, P, O. Box 8078, Philadelphia, HELP WANTED MALE "ADVERTISING" The president of a Philadelphia manufactur ing company desires a secretary of several years' experience who Is an etflctent stenog rapher, good correspondent and competent to tfrlglnate and correct advcrtlalng copy. In replying stato explicitly age, education, experience, whether married or single, compen sation, reference and at what dato you can take duties. OfOce hours, 8:80 to 0:30: Saturdays. 8:80 to 12:80. Address President, P. O. Box 8078, Philadelphia. 8TAKER8 Machine stakers wanted at leather factory In Camden: wages, I211 per week: no labor trouble. P 303, Jdger Office. STENOGRAPHER , The president of a Philadelphia manufactur ing company desires a secretarr of several years" experience who Is nn efficient stenog rapher, good correspondent nnd competent to originate and correct advertising copy. In replying state expllcltlng age. education, experience, whether married or single, com pensation, reference and at what date you can take duties. Oftlcn hours, 8:80 to 8:30; Saturdays, 8:30 to 12:30. v . Address President, P. O. Box 8078, Phlla-dolphla. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Continued rem rrectdlna Cotumtt. A 8TUDKNT of Pennsylvania State College de sires a position for the summer as companion to a lady or nschlldnurse: references ex changed. H B10, Ledger Office. EMPLOTERB are beginning to recognlia the eertlce rendered by, "Miss Dean" at Ledger Central as Invaluable to them at that psycho logical moment when they nnd themselves without ofOco help. They know that a phone call Walnut 8000 or Main 8000 will bring them Just the desired assistance, bo It 0 Stenog rapher. Bookkeeper, Secretary or Clerk, "Mies Dean" keeps In touch with young women who are seekln .-assistance. Have you ever asked her aestslancet It Is a free service to Ledger Advertisers. ATTTfl T.tttBjiT .... Con finned from Jv...,- 2W.r POPLAR l17,f to" h,r. f-SJS Parle 1482. i.;.-!" WPea rt.TTr-s IL25 hr.i also b;aM:n.i-4" tJSJ Poplar 218 TOJPKTTllfeJTlV , -rs ot'airiKSUF- -A5JpAiNriKfj- STENOGRAPHEIt for answering correspondence nnd other office work: good opportunity for advancement! stato age, experience, refer encea and salary desired, Address Office Manager. P. 0.Boxaq78,Phlla, STENOGRAPHER, 20-2SI high school graduate? large manufacturing concern: excellent futurei knowledge languages desirable. P 804. Ledger Of(lce. . j TINNER good all-round, wanted; steady Job for tho right man. James M. Williams, State College, Pa, TRAVELER, 20 to 80, for school book house: salary and expenses: must be college graduate: teaching experience preferred: permanent posi tion. Address Longmans, Oreen A Co., 440 4 th ave. 1 New York city. UPHOLSTERERS wanted on chairs. Apply Graham, 244 S. 0th St. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT desires books of smalt firm to do eenlngs. B 328, Ledger OfOce. ADVERTISING and sales correspondent, up to modern methods, familiar with trade condi tions here and In Latin America, "penks, reads and writes Spanish, at liberty. O 100. Ledger Office. ADVERTISING MAN, 4 years' exp. detail and selling, dea. pos. In advertising dept. or ngencyi unquestionable ref.J 144, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER? experienced, will audit accounts, open, close and write up books, day or evening: high efflclencr systems. Installed! .moderate terms. Bell phone Woodland3833 IS. BUTLER or vaTet, Japanese, . wishes position! best references. II mu, wager Mmii CHAUFFEUR, white. Protestant, married, reli able: abstainer: any car: Fierce J"' age Il4l II yearjs experience. II 953. Led. Cent. CHAUFFER, white, married,, ago " i"i IIAVB BVEtlT FAr-rnirt.; -S finest work. CatM-.., A wll nmr tele, where QUAL1TT .! rtlcoi2 3 .,0. VEft. w. parvb. w. S: "JiwWIJS KiUTros '. ,TRY MT VAR VtrtW'' airtrva m FOfi TOiift YHSaWH Pof.tiSf1 It has no equal. Si.1V8 Bd Satisfaction BuarSntetdn-'L'l K TiMKW-nnAniNoaZtir--- fflnsar.gggqg PARTS t.K... iJS"?. 5.Plr. anv M. -"" " w. is..- j, CHAMBEHMAID-Waltress, neat, capable girl! ref. req.i suburbs. Meet employer 11 a. m., Thursday, Room 205. 003 Chestnut st. CHAMBERMAID nnd laundress, Prot.: two In lamuy; rcr required it 010. ieqger urnce. COOK Experienced woman: reference required! suburbs. Meet employer, 11 a, m., Thursday, Room 201, 008 Chestnut st. COOK. urbs. Meet employer Friday, 203, 003 Cheatnut st. colored: capable woman wanted for sub- noyer 1 nuay, 11 a. m.. Room GIRL, white. oung, neat, wanted to assist In Ico cream parlor and light lunch room: good home: must hae references; experience not required. F. Elsbrunner, 100 Mldvale ave. GIRL for housework, 'small fnmlly: colored or white. Coll 1033 Wallace st. light work sary: XCT a week paid while learning. no experience neces- Appiy OIRLS wanted 310 North 32d. GOVERNESS for three? children: reference ro quired. 4010 Wynnefleld ave.. West Phlla. HOUSEWORK Experienced girl: good home: good wages; laundress kept. 210 L. Sedgwick st. Tako Oermantown ave. car. Carfare paid. Chestnut Hill 070. HOUSEWORK (general) Young woman, good plain cook: ref. req.; country, near Willow Grove. Call 025 Chestnut st.. Room 001. HOUSEWORK (general) Good plain cook: must be reliable; small family; ref. req. 14th and rayetto ats,. Conshohocken. Pa. ATTENDANT or orderly for sanitarium for nervous dlsoascss salary 122 a month and board and room. Address S. Lord. Stamford, Conn. AUTO REPAIRSIEN AND MACHINISTS, cani ble of overhauling nnd rebuilding autotruck I 217. Ledger OfOce. BOOKKEEPER Tounc man who understands principles of cost accounting and bookkeeping; must lie a good penman; permanent position and good opportunity for energetic soung man: state nge, experience and rotcrcncc. C 104, Ledger Office BOOKKEEPER Young man ns ledger clerk; good snlary; splendid chance of advancement. Apply Pathe Exchange. 1235 Vine st; WANTED DIE SINKERS TRIMMER DIE MAKERS FORGE MACHINE HANDS BOARD DROP HAMMERMEN CALL OR WRITE EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION 1032 OLIVER BLDG. PITTSBURGH, PA. ??? thor. reliable: 7 yrs.' prac:: shop and road exp. onJilslcJassarji.I2Dlckinson8003Jr: CHAUFFEUR-COACIIMAN. first class: sober. honest, reliable: best reference. Address S. E. L.. Berwyn Pnstofflce, Pa. CHAUFFEUR, single, white, wants position with prUate family: has private reference. 11 jt.iu. imager mnce. CHAUFFEUR, colored, desires position: nve years' reference: city or country. Address 1731 Moravian st. CLERK, middle-aged, wants position, temporary or permanent: refs. furnished. C lll.LedJirr. GARDENER-FARMER, understands caro of poultry: sober, trustworthy: excellent refer ence. Call 11 a. m. Friday, Room 203, 008 cnestnut st, MAN AND WIFE Man houseman or under stands garden and lawn, wife first-class cook. also sister as chambermaid or waitress, wishes positions together: Orst-clnss references, Mrs, Miller. lBllf Cherry st. Spruce 1004. , SALESMAN for machinery (toxtllo preferred). open lor position: n years- roan experiencei ences. j best references. 147 Ledger Central. SALESMAN wishes city position or represent reputablo company In Nev York or Balto.; references. 11 D4B. Ledger Central. T a??SED.o"EnTnnT: cndEr iHifiMrJDTTiSrS-. aSer-wd TOgyggft' ATJTQ Tirata Guaranteed V&$. ""B . , BUSINESS QPPQTlTmr88! BONE BUTTON MAKERS wnnted: highest wages and bonus paid. Hallelgh & Co., American and Cambria sis. BOOKKEEPER Good opportunity for nn exp. man: state exp.. nge. etc., fully. C 82, Led, Off. BOY wanted: grammar school graduate; Protest, ant. Apply 032 Bourso Bldg. BOY. over 10 years, wanted to learn good trade. 414 East Allegheny ave. BOYS Strong boys wanted to learn plumbing trade. Apply 1700 Sansom at. HOUSEWORK Neat whlto maid; small family. Meet employer Thursday, 11 a. m.. Room 205, (108 Chestnut st. . HOUSEWORK Capable woman for general work, small family; referenco required. Phone Wayne 10(1.1 W. HOUSEWORK Good cook: neat, willing, with good reference, in small family. If 510, Ledger O f fl ce . HOUSEWORK Whlto girl, rood. Apply 4045 York LADY CANVASSER, exp.. for Insurance; one living near Oermantown preferred Apply, be fore 12. 0018 Germantown ave..Itoom 201. LAUNDRESS, colored, to assist with chamber work, for suburbs. Meet employer Friday, 11 a. m,. Room 205. 008 Chestnut st. MENDERS and burlers Wanted, exp. wnmnn on fins men's wear, capablo to take chargo small plant; good opportunity. P 303, Led. Off. NECKWEAR Experienced operators wnnted on men's neckwear. T. T. McCutcheon & Bro., Pltcalrn Building. 11th nnd Arch. NURSE or attendant for sanitarium for nervous diseases; salary 122 a month and board and room. Address S. Lord. Stamford, Conn. BOYS Strong boys 1700 Sansom st. to learn plumbing trade. BOYS Apply John Bromley & Son. Lehigh aye. below Front st. CREDITS Lnrgo corporation needs young man to nsslst credit man! retail credit experience essential; must be a good collection corre spondent and bookkeeper: permanent position and excellent opportunity for energetic and ambitious young man, 24 to 28; state nge, ex perience nnd references, otherwise application will be Ignored. C 105. Lodger Of dec. DRAFTSMAN, nrchltecural or interior decorat ing; knowledge of const, not essential: perma- iibiu; kuuu iwy .u nam man. in. .Marnet L'UJ. WANTED Addressograph operntor In a largo manufacturing plant: one competent to take entire charge; plcnso stato nge. experience nnd salary expected. M 048, Lodger Central. WANTED Collector and solicitor; must have somo knowledge of bookkeeping, and either furnish bond or buy part Interest. For par tlculars nddress M 502, Ledger Office. WANTED Whlto man and wife or two men for dishwashing; nlso man for night porter. Write or telephone American House, Bethle hem. Pa. WANTED Ten oung men to learn aauaago bus iness: 22c. per hour. Apply 8945 Germantown. WATCHMAN nnd fireman for night, experienced! with ref. 8. W. cor. 12th and Carpenter ats. YOUNG MAN wnnted, experienced In men's fur nishing store: state age, where employed and salary expected. J 53. Ledger Central. SHIPPER, packer, 10 years' exp. position. I),, IMP Durfor st. wants steady STENOGRAPHER Young man, 82, 10 years' experlcnco adcrtlslng work, open for engage ment: thor. knowledge follow-up work, mul tlgraph. address, mach.. etc. C 30. Led. Off. BTENOGRAI'IIER Energetic young man, ex perienced, wants position: chance for advance ment: 150 per month. W. A., 157 N, 20th st. VALET Young man, experienced In cleaning nnd pressing clothes, wishes position. Herbert Bormacher, 2515 N. 7th st. SPANISH translations: Spanish student; home workr typewriting. C 0, Ledger OfOce. MR. ADVERTISING MAN Can you use me? I am a young man. practi cal photo-engraver, with 7 years' experience In tha advertising engraving department of ono of the largest publlshlne houses In the coun try. I would llko to become associated with b. lst-clasa ndv. house. II 430, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN to learn hot-press stamping; paid whllo learning. Apply Wolf & Co., 4th floor, 12th nnd Cnllowhfll YOUNG MAN. 10 to 20, to attend newsstand In prominent hotel: must have reference. M 550. ledger Central. YOUNG SIAN. 18. for ofOce work and shipping. P. & O. Distributing Co.. 148 N. Front. YOUNG MEN between tho ages of 18 and 35 who deslro to travel and to receive military training as members of the Ilrst lino ot the country's defense apply, at 1400 Arch st., Phil adelphia, Pa., for detailed Information re garding enlistment In the United States Marine Corps, DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical, wanted Immedi ately; state age, experience nnd salary ex pected. Standard Fuse Corp.. Paulsboro. N. J, ELECTRICIANS Experienced men. Apply Electrical Depart ment. STRAWBRIDOE & CLOTHIER FIREMAN for soft coal wanted. See engineer. Apply Hancock ft. entrance, above Lehigh u.p., ammi oc runiuan iuacnino UO. Charles P. Stocskhaip, Camden, Dies Charles P. Stoclcham, a pioneer In the lumber business In Camden, died yesterday at his home, 012 Cooper street, after a brief Illness. Mr. Stockham,' who was In his 98th year, continued his business activities un til he was taken 111 a week ago. Ills funeral Will take place on Friday from the First Presbyterian Church, Camden, of which he waa a member. Mrs. Mary Jane Cook Dead Mrs. Mary Jane Cook, widow of Con gressman., Joel Cook, died at her summer home, Belvolr, near Norrlstown, on Tues day. She waa In her 74th year. The funeral will be held at Belvolr on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The burial will be private. 23eatfji BATBOFF. Suddenly on June 28, 1018, JES3B 8.. beloved husband of Mary E. Hatrolf. Relatives and friends and all societies of which ha was a member are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday evening, at a o'clock, at his late rcsldencs, 2312 .N. 18th st. Interment private. Cold Point Cemetery. Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ' BENSON On June 29. 1018. ELIZABETH, widow of John Benson. Relatives and frlsnda are Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea ?a Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at ber its residence, 1B22 Vine si. Interment private. ODDER. On Jun 28, 1018. LOUISA a., wife st Charles Dodder.. Relatives and friends are lnrlted to attend the funeral services, at the residence of Wesley H. Kehr. 2101 Diamond St.. on Thursday, at 10 JO a. m. precisely, BOHN. Oa June 27. m. CATHARINE, wlf. ?JL,ttorton-D.-,Uoh') R """JSf'lter of the late Philip and Mary Conlliv Th. relatives and friends us Invited to attend tha funeral, on Saturday, at T;80 a. m., from ber l&ts rest- r'VM.S.Tn ,3V rS7; 10,1,0- ALGERNON B.. husband of M. Louise Pams and aon of the lat P'orge Y. and Amelia Pams. RelatlveS and friends, also the employes Narrlcat Rib bon Company, are Invited to nttend the fu-5?-rB.L '.?.f.y'ce.'- Rt S'l . ,a,a residence. 2300 North 22d at., on Friday, at 2 p. m. pre cisely. Interment at West Laurel Cemetery. Automobile funeral. Mmnwf. Q.UINN. On June 27. 1010. BRIDGET, widow of Christopher Qulnn. aged B0 years, luia "."J1. "S3 friends, also Sacred Heart Society ot St. Edward's Church, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday1, at 8:30 a. m.. from fi?rJTls .."'v.,. 8o'mn Requiem Mass at Stl Michael's Church, at 10 a. m. precisely. Inl ttrment at New Cathedral Cemetery. BUSK. Suddenly, on June 27. 1018. O. PEnnr RU8K. husband of Amanda M. Husk (nee Smith). In the 71st year of his ago. Rela! tlvea and friends, nlso Lodge No. 0. F and A. M.. are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at his lit. residence. 2221 North 18th st. Interment prl BHOTWEXL. At her residence. 2105 W Tloia Jives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 10:30 a m at the Oliver II. Hair Building, 1820 ChSstEuf" St. Interment strictly private. -nesrut SPKESE. On June 27. 1010. at Ocean Cltv N. J.. EMMA JANE, widow of Andrew J' Spe- Ivs'atlveg and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces, on Friday at i p. m.. at her late residence, 331 B. Chelten ave.. Oermantown. Interment private. SU11KB. On Wednesday. June 28, 1D1U wirr IAM PALMER SUBKlt. aged 9 years. Refc tlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from h"? late residence. Near Edgeworth. Bucks) Countv !.. on Saturday. Jn 1 n. 11 vuuniy. ment at Newton Cemetery. 4n"r" SUPLEE. On June 20, 1018. MARY FRAN. CKS. daughter of the late William and Mary Supl. (nee. Miller!. Relative, and friend? are in vi tea to attend the funeral services, on Er.MWr- .I? ?& ? mV at her la,a residence. 611 rorth B8d st. Interment at Westminster Cemetery. BUTTON. Suddenly, on June 27. 1010. MARr A.. SUTTON (nee 'nunn). widow of John But ton. Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the funeral services, on Saturday, at -p. m.. at her late residence. 0340 Gray'g ave" Interment at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. Re mains may be viewed Friday, from 8 to 10 TANNOCK. On June 27. 1016. BESSIE M.. wife of David Tannock (nee Corbet!). Rela. lives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday morning. June 80. at 8 o'clock, from her lata residence, 5318 Tocum n.Sl' -AV'. ,Solm.n !ufem Mass at Church of Most Blessed Sacrament, at 020 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross. Auto HOSPITAL Fully equipped. 20 miles of Philadel phia, on macadam road; ample grounds; old shade: sufficient acrengo to accom modate convalescents; very reasonable price for quick sale, ds owner Is com pelled to give up the care; possession at once. J B. THOMPSON. 113 North High St., West Chester. Pn. SALESLADY, Gentile, exp,, ror dry goods store, ll.lng in neighborhood preferred; referenco ro qulred. 2725 Olrard ave. HAI.EHr.ADIES. exDerlenced ---.------. . . ... years 01a, xor rriuay aitcrnoons ana evenings. ue- must be over 21 also all day Saturday. Apply Fries Bros partment Store. 500(1. 08 Germantown ave, FOREMAN (ono) for Beven vertical boring mills; one with experience on Ilullnrd mills pre ferred: salary 180 per week to start: chances for adinncement to good man: one with fore man experience preferred. Address or call at once. De Laval Steam Turblno Company, Trenton. N. J. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, toolmakers. J3.24 to J4.48 per day of 8 hours; machinists. 13 to 14: assistant machinists, 2 to 12,00; SKILLED LABORERS. J2; hand turret lathe operators. J2.88. Potter & Johnston. 3.52. Automatic. Cleveland. Drown, Sharpo A Grldley, 3.7(1; higher compensation when on pleco work, cltl i"V:f? days' leavo after one year's service. 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons during summer months, all with full pay. Apply Frankford Arsennl, preferably In person llrldesburg. Phlladefphln. Pa person. YOUNG MEN to collect for Instalment business; not oer 25 years of age. with r,f.nM where employed for the last Hvo jears; for thoso Just through college or school. P 300. LedgerOffice. YOUNG MEN wanted. 17 to 20 years, for light mechanical work. 045 lltdge ave., second floor. NEW YORK MANUFACTURER OF LADIES1 NECKWEAR WITH ESTABLISHED TRADE IN PENNSYLVANIA. IS nnsilloilM nl-SiS TING SALESMAN SELLING LACES TO HANDLE THEIR LINE AH WELL AS HIS OWN. COMMISSION BASIS ONLY. STATE FULL PARTICULARS. CORRESPONDENCE CONFIDENTIAL. ADDRESS ROOM 803? (10 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. ' DO YOU WANT TOREtGN TRADE7 MY TERRITORY IH AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, FOR WHICH I WANT A-l LINE OF MOTORS, MACH. OR MDSE. J 57, LEDGER CENTRAL. OPPORTUNITY WANTED Lawyer desires position with trust company or firm: small salary with futurei excellent references. J 141, Ledger Central, PHILADELPHtAN with ........ . " in New York city wishes "."! "PWeita? wno desire New York cllr X... ln'm MrS Phone privileges at the & ,lMs per month. This Includes th.Wi,?,,t li messages nnd holding "or ' foVLK!" M 12 For 13.50 desk la pwfdedSV'K' hould, party wish private EuJlJw"',w3J when In the city personali" "nS1 eluded, as will a nominal liS W telephone calls. UnSrecedJiiiP'",lt . I3i representative. Addnn jg "PATENTS Bma for"-olr-7SJI ?T-'S ini.1.1 u A,iiX. ;" "c,p wu d.t,iMr":. , ..VHI.V l, " FOSTER & WEBSTER nnnt.. 1011 Chestnut St. Bell nam,, to.,.. t """I liNS OPPORTUNITY for ...., . '".'"".U" !' healthy" autom?li '.!! nun. cnve interest secured: ors7Vi..'",J nalary excellent future" stflei i.J!fS? BOllclfed. M 452. Ledxe'r f?.riilJaw" RETAIL GROCERY, doing IJOO . ..4. . 1 part of Germantown; stock, good Sm :&' to-date nxtures; will go cheanfaf "iM M integrity Realty ComS4l.Waei&a. LET ME SELL TOUR nuSIMPn .... .. . ARTHUR LBUPOLD :S laia t-nesmut tuailey niils-Jsiie g PICTURE THEATRE. auhufbannsobTIs? 110 vuiiiueiiiion: luc. aal y; strictly tlril. liiu'.l . highly prontnble. HAIIRIST. 2M fa. KLJW'l ,?.ISfLK XS!;.hJjhr.a' cash offer niail CIGAR by Saturday. B001 Media st. BUSINESS JEHSQITAIS .LATEST STYLES EVENING CLOTIIE8 TO tnnn LEIDNER'S. 10TH ft OIRARD AV.. 8. W. DELIVi'IDWraj- OPEN EVENINQs a EMPLOYMENT AQENCIES WANTED Cooks for Catholic rectory, want po Hiltons; cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses. housework girls; Ger. chlldnurse wants pos. Miss Rose Dougherty. 1813 W. Glrard aye. NICHOLLS. 1020 ifalnbrldge Camp. help, all nationalities, supplied, wanted, butlers, sec ond men: also female help. PJiono Locust 2130. MISS MARY T. McCARTIIY. 2107 Christian (Ixc. 1303). supplies and wants lst-class Prot., Cath.. male and female help, all nationalities ONE of tho largo trust companies has a position vacant: applicant, about 18, must address In ow;n handwriting, giving qualifications and de tails regarding himself; salary J000, with chanco of advancement; control of business es Hcntial to engagement. Add. II 320, Led Off SALESLADIES, experienced, selling cloaks and suits; state salary and reference. Address David A. Cohen, 1720 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City. N. J. STAMPERS Experienced stampers on flno sta tionery In bronze and color; nlso feeder for power press. Apply Bailey. Banks '& Blddle Co 1221 Sansom. 4th floor. STAMPERS on stationery. N. Uth St.. 3d floor. II. Sllierwood, 27 STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of bookkeeping: seashore hotel. M 558. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS have recognized the assistance that "Miss Dean." of the Commercial Department at Ledger Central, has been In securing situa tions of the better kind a service which the publlo cannot do without. "Miss Dean" has both tha Interests of the employer and em- filoye at heart, and can be depended upon nt he right time and place. This service Is of fered to you as a ledger advertiser take ad- vumuso u, i .muieuiu.c.y u you are seeuing a position. LATHE HANDS wanted; must have experience: good wages and conditions. Apply Crane Dept.. Nlles-Bement-Pond Co., Meadoto and ........ ... MAII.,!?IBT5"Ts.".v,ir.ftl vtoolmakors, general ma chlnlsts and lntho hands. INDUSTRIAL MAN UFACTURING COMPANY, 117 Federal bu. Camden. MACHINISTS, boiler makers, car repairers car builders, whlto and colored laborers. Apply Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Free Labor Bu. reau, 010 S. 11th. LHi-uiraiare manager with experlencoin 5.''"".'?' l..WShS!!?-rt"l"." and .v.... ..u.p. , iu wtn ..urnuany. 43.1.1 Tn cony at.. Frankford. General attractive. for BOOKKEEPERS Several S20.00. CLERKS Good openings J10.00 up. STENOGRAPHER South America, enced. over 21. contract $1800.00. UHAUUirnuiNA- Prospective and openings. young men. experl- twhlrnl .V..II... .......... ..: . . 1.CIU- chantcal (2) Jut out of town. 1100 00 mi -Mechanical, city. 120.00. eiuo.uu mo., FOREMAN Machine shop. Other positions open for HIGH GRADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANT 1301 LAND TITLE BLDO. MRS KANE. 511 S. lDth. wants and sunnlles nil kinds of first-class white help. Phone. opruce aivi, . AUTOMOBILES . For Sale APPERSON 101O. 0-cyllnder. 5-passenger: has been used for demonstration only. Car better than new and carries regular guarantee. Will sacrifice as '17 models are shipped. Phone Spruce 2070. or address as. ir ' sv it FtII.T-nnw.qq niTrro- J FULL ASSORTMENT OF SIZES .LATEST STYLES , 1'' . , TO HIRE AND FOR 8ALB v. ', One-button rtitwnvs fni t..n. w.j.i.. .... modern silk hats. Cooper.1010 oirirq iw,. 3 FULL-DRESS -fltlWH " " Cutaways. Tuxedos and Back Bulti NEUBAUER, THE TAILOR, ll dttltL it Bell Phone. Walnnt "nisr ! Ilell phone, Walnut 2011 SUPERFf.UOUS-HAIR removed by .iltctr.tr--' the only permnnent way. ErebroVi r33tt MISS SMITH. 402 Keith TtaatwTMa?rj Miss Hoppe, hairdresser, facial mii'K twsVf curing, form. Mint Arcade, with MU IsSTf diamonds nouairr ;tia Bank' references. Appraisement. 1 wmtST? HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SanwnitT' CARPET CLEANING ' CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING UoTlSB 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone. Lncnt WA N. WILLIAM T. TAYLOR E. cor. Rroad and Race ats. CADILLAC. 1012. LIMOUSINE, equipped with electric lights and starter: up holstery and tires good; very suitable for funeral work. Special price If bought prior to June 30. I LOCOSIODILE. 2314 Market st. Locust 450. II. A. JENKB. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE MACHINISTS Wanted, lathe, planer and boF lng mill hands; highest wages to competent men: B0 hours weekly. Apply John Balzley Iron Works. 014 S. Delaware ave. MAN. married, not under 28 yeara lild for position as collector and distributor for high grade magazine concern, salary JS and good commission while learning; expenses paid adaptability to learn and willingness to fol low Instructions the only requisites. Call Vr' lb .p,um5- 1 Manhattan Building. 4th and Walnut atS; TONER-UHITTON. On June SJ. 1010, MARY. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Girls between IT and 22, who are anxious to secure permanent positions, with refined, pleasant, homelike sur. roundlngs: salary paid while learning: rapid advancement. Apply In person ta the Hell Telephone Co.. 400 Market St.. dally except Sunday, between 8:30 a. m. nnd 8 p. m.j also Tuesday and Friday, between 0:30 p. ta. and 8j-io p. m, WAITRESS. Protestant, first class, for small fcdwOMoi r"'rence "Wired. II 620, YOUNG LADY of good appearance to attend cigar stand on roof of prominent hotel: work evenings only. M 040. Ledger Central. MAN, familiar with draughting, to take charge of upkeep department In a large woodworking factory; very good position for tho right man. Address, stating age. experience, references, etc.. P S02,Ledger Office, WANTED Laborers and locomotive ers. P. II. R. Co. Call 1711 Filbert st. NIGHT WATCHMAN wanted: steady work: reS erencea required. .. J 145, Ledger Central. MEN cleaners, r OPERATORS Experienced railroad telegraph operators; references. Apply Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Free Labor Bureau. 610 S. 11th at. CHAMBEBWORK and woman wants position with gooa ret. SiVi!"?"1;- . colored Phone 3320 'm.' Dickinson """ 'a! COMPANION Refined, neat high achnni .h.i ,rs9,.gag.o,Boaa, -h,w m C(i9K'JPr5te;"lnt; wants Poaltlons shore pre ferred: best reference. r-nii .' ;.. "ivS; Mount Pleasant aye.. Oermantown. CADILLAC. 1014. touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price 1850. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. COLE. L. 1013. 4cyllnder touring. S. BOWERS CO.. 245 N. Broad at. COLE Distributors. ENGER TWIN. 0, 1010. DEMONSTRATOR. PRACTICALLY NEW CONDITION IN EVERY nESPECT: CARRIES 1 YEAR FAC TORY GUARANTEE: WILL DEMONSTRATE IN ANY MANNER DESIRED: THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A NEW. UP-TO-DATE- MODEL AT A DIS COUNT. BOTH PHONES. POP. 1830: RACE 2078. WP-ST PHILA. WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STOltAOB CO, 3c. run TAUD 88TO-72 LANCARTBIl AVK. REAL CARTM1T nRATIVrt. Kfl Tl USED. HOYER CO., 8809 N.WTR, t MOO., DRESSMAKINO AND MILMNEEtj DRESSMAKING nY EXPERT MODISTE 307 Denckla Rldg.. 11th and MrVetili. COLUMBIAN DRESSMAKING 8CHO0L-SW-I clal rates: easy payments. C. Hsrlmao. JJSei Columbia ave. (Formerly with McBeeltJ" I FOE SALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination. secosS'tei; hniiffht. Hnlrt. rnnt.d. rhnnril: ttaUTfT supplies. Lafe Keafer. American B,tBaI j ...... QO .1I...H ...a Phnn. V.nd Till. i BILLIARD, pool tables: new. second-nari kevh lng alleys; easy payments HwtfehBrrp. Street Co., 222 S. 8th st. Phone Wtl.gW BILLIARD . AND POCKET TAI1I.EH W us. unu.a 11102 Arcs. bowllnir alleys: easy payments. URUNSWlCfc-r, .. T. . ..V. ..S . b...r...A r.r- ...A.. . U X- nAuar,.um,i.i,ftui,n .l. OTTO BOADSTER 32 II. P.. light yellow color: full oqulpment. Including Klaxonet. storm apron, spare tire, etc.; tlreB nearly new. II. N. TAYLOR. 800 Chestnut St.. Phlla. COOK, chamberwork and waitress: seashore or country: good ref. 2107 Balnbr dse it. COOKING and downstairs v. ork YoungProtes: , tant wants situation. C 102,Ledger Ofllce COOKINO or day's work: 'first-class ref Mit: .. .. ... . -... ..,c., i.uruertn. 1-q. YOUNO IDY for clerical work. 130 a month: state age. education, experience and present employment. J 08. Ledger Central. '" YOUNO WOMEN between ages of IT and "2 Just leaving school will nnd exceptional op portunities In telephone operating; salary paid whllo earning; permanent position assured, with pleasant, homelike surroundings. Apply a person to the Bell Telephone Co.. 408 Slir- "m"-.'.1 ""pt. W,ay- between Mao a. m. and 5 p. m,: alio Tuesday and Friday, between 0:30 and 8:30 p. ra. f"r. OPTICIAN Benebman for framelesa work. An plyJ.E.Llmebarnert 1720 Chestnut st. OPTICIAN Young man for bifocal work. J. h7 Limeburner,1720Cheatnut st. QUII.LERS wanted. Apply John s- JamesDoC son. Inc., Carpet and Plush Mills, Rldze ave. above Allegheny ave., Philadelphia. SALESMAN wanted for typewriter supplies: ex perlenced preferred. C 101), Ledger Office. SALESMEN We have several desirable posl ttons for thoroughly experienced stationery salesmen to represent us In city and nearby. We pay salary, commission and expenses to live men who know how to make good. Je roma A. Friedman. Inc. 114 H. 10th. SHIPPER, experienced. Market st; wanted. App'r 1022 SHOES Wonted, yonng man on brush; also young man to stamp bottoms. Seventh floor, 315 North 12th st. ' 8TABLEMAN wanted. Apply 03 N. 2d St. 220 Bread St., near Vine st. DRESSMAKER, colored, thoroughly exp., wnnt. eng'mts. Call evenlngsL DJcklnsonsobo M GOVERNESS Young lady wIsheroTlUonaa governess or tutor ng children for the summer mus c. vocal and instrumental. Includedrprlv family pref. 'Add, llox 370. Lancaster p' iiuumjiwuiiiv woman, colored or euro u. hdu..c.iii.ii a nouse reference. 3810 Chestnut at. or care of gentleman'a housoj good cook; tidy reference. 3810 Chestnut i . ay. HOUSEWORK Colored girl walits g.n.rai houseworkiref erence 1000 s. 12th lt"leral MOTHER'S HELPER, a VeaTone;-comoetent" wllllnaand strong; can take charge of chft dren. their rooms, clothes and entertain them' music, embroidery, elemen. branches; seashoTa . or country: 130 mo. J 4LLedger Central? 9 NURSE or nuraerygoverness. aermanTre7fs" Aaaresa Kat.r wraiicn. uin BnqTIinmp.nn ' .Ti.aT.i.v nriVKnNRSM vj..... .Turj ' - NURSERY OOVBRNESS. North deTman7waiits Treator!.1 N? J. " "' l' ' "ot S' SEAMSTRESSAme'r Prot.. middle-aged, wants pos.: make herself useful; light duties. Miss Moody, Jres. Hospital. SUth & Powelton ave STENOGRAPHER, private, a years' experience" dealrea permanent position. J 42, Ledger Cent' OVERLAND touring, 1010, model 83: fully equipped: good as new: no offer less than I57S net considered: a decided bargain, J 140, ledger Central. RUSH DELIVERY, panel body. 1000 lbs.: de livery car. used less than 800 miles; condi tion like new: complete equipment; good rea sons for selling; will demonstrate: price. 8500, Standard Motor Car. Pullman distributor. 603 N. Broad: Pop. 1830. Uaco 2078. BTUDEBAKER. 7-paasenger. lata model, electrlo lighting and starting system; good condition: full equipment: will demonstrate; price 8450. Standard Motor Car Co.. (102 N. Brood at. PULLMAN DISTRIBUTORS. Poplar 1830. Race 2078. BTUDEI1AKER 1010 7-passenger Touring Car. used 700 miles: lots of extras: will sell rea sonably. L 548. I-edger Central. EDISON DIAMOND-POINT PIIOSOaRAPH vosisiuv new. "mis i'rt'l"lrEir; records and cabinet and will be sola tor mi payable 75c weekly. Call or .write lor bj-! pleto descriptions and large iUUitrstW ;, logues. i HEPPF.'S UPTOWN STOnEj, . , ' COR. 0TII AND THOMPSON BTft' ' CASH REGISTERS bought, sold. I'M'-, ; 130. Call and see our "I,?1 a aSIl IlEajSTEIlS DOUgnt. SOiq. leaswJSi' changed, repaired, , replated. Supplies. ftrNM and factory rebullti New total adiUrt. M J and factor; low as .els. Registers sold and leased by V easy payments and fully tranteta THE NATIONAL CASIf RKaiSTEBCO, , .Oil LiUCOliTIUl CT....- IIUDSONS rebuilt and guaranteed: phaetons, roadsters and cabriolets; elec. lights and start ers. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 258 N. Tlroad it. IIiaH-GRADE chassis for sale. In first-class condition throughoutl can be equipped with either light delivery or speedster body; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address ts 750. Ledger Central. ' STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge of bookkeec-: lng; 8years'exp. H 534. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; recent hliS1 school graduate; trial aollcltedQjn"" Jf gen. TEACHER Middle-aged woman w!shessunr; Intenaence ot cnnaren ror summer months! preferably seashore. H J51 Odger Off Ice. ! WOMAN, middle-aged, seeks light chamberwork! good home; small wages; good sewer: excellent references. II 040. Ledger Central; """"" WIL.COX. S4i?3EZ E-M-P PARTS SCH0I1EH1J341.43::I5 JIARKET BEND FOR FREE BULLETIN GORSON AUTO EXCHANQE. 38 N. BROAD AUTO LIVEBY AND aAKAOES iiSS&" '" "ww" . ..UJ, ... .. ...A... ....n., . ... .ut 11 wtee 1U.OU VlUiUII VO.IIWWI. V.-'.- l.liflt tlons (H 10-Inch. D. F. records). An ei?": outfit for ono who Is looking "r,.ErVS.; ly. Call or write for complete aefaWfigf and large Illustrated cutalorues. flf'Jir- -iroias trom sin to tzuu.iftii i7w. i" , always on hand. J.nrt HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORM rnn n-rn Ajn TimMPSON-OTo. . DESKS, riling cabinets, safes. llepb.oiw boo , and office furniture and fixtures ft ""rr,": J. scription; usea. out in nne conmuuM. 5-f cheap; free delivery anywherii Hrrhui-a uth AMn iil!TTONWOOBi DESKS, large assortment: also housjaoWv nnure. uuung central . p""-":ni .7 s ture fcompany. 0O4.C0l-0U CaliewM!Li-n-.i, PIANO, new, will sell cheap for ea. ti imager unice. ?(, f.-. ' &l mi . ' II Flreoroof: 00 slightly used! ".lw J SAFES and makes; big bargains.. . '$& Tourtn nr , nriwrrn , - ANTIQUE furniture and brlca-brso ( con.; lowboy block front b'"-"" o33 "" la.'.Rd virmtn virrrnoiiA VI. IntiaJI? Si selections (10 10-Inch D. K. recortt.t ceilent machine In e ery way. CanJ S it '"."."'s "i-.'tfi.r."'- y.-;;."uw catalogues. New Vlctrolas from lU'te P" all styles, all woods alwanta. j COR. 0TH AND THOMPSON ST.. PETEYSure, Peters Got Regular Hearing . ""J? x-ortaDiu aarases aiuii r stucco. On display fB931 N7 Bth. oToVa 28. ITEATINfl UAKIN.KBLSBY HBALTIl HEAT "fftSf ensaper tnan sisam or ""'.7ri-rH:!Mt"l air with norma) moisture. MAKm-S w-l l.veri (. 2 1-. il ' -' ...V . v.TrrrlftS! 1- I . j ZZZZT L r zaty u. a. r www, r ' 1 ' Jh C7 ( N l chTwL0 )i TT 1 1 how s vouZS ! 1 -8 CBB r