Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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14,061 OF GUARD .
it. 1 1 i i
State Troopa From Four
Stateg Already on Way
to Aid Funston
NEW TOIIK. June 28. Fourteen thou
and National Guardsmen from nve enstern
States today were Jolting along In day
coaches toward Mexico. Seven or eight
thousand more from New York, Pennsyl
vania and New Kngland States are ex
pected to be on the way by tonight. Fifty
two thousand men are now encamped In the
States, Included In the Department of the
Bast, and thla force will be sent forward
s quickly as possible,
Today It was expected New York's cav
alry regiments, or at least tho units, now
camped at Vnn Courtland Park, would Btart,
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecti
cut, Maine and Ithodo Island wilt start
many of "their boys" within tho next 24
In New York Interest centred In the
Btart of the 12th Infantry. This will bo
the third big regiment to go. It Is sched
uled to leave late this afternoon. All of
New York's guardsmen at Peekskltl and
Camp Whitman will bo ready to leave as
Boon as the railroads can furnish the cars.
Supplies have been provided along tho
Mexican border for an nrmy of 200,000
men for the next 30 days, according to an
announcement hero today by the quar
termaster's department of the United
Etates army. It nlso was learned from
the same source that 2000 motor trans
port trucku had been purchased from 20
different automobile manufacturing con
cerns, at an average cost of $3000 each,
and that bids had been asked for 400
passenger1 automobiles to be usod by the
officers of the various commands along
,tha border.
The troops now on the way nre:
Vermont One regiment of Infantry, 1000
Massachusetts Four regiments of Infan
try, one battalion of field artillery, one bat
talion signal troops, one field hospital, one
nmbulanco company and one squadron of
cavary: total strength, E369 men.
Connecticut Two regiments of Infantry,
one troop of cavalry, one company signal
corps, ona ambulance company, one field
hospital; total, 2330.
New York Three regiments of Infantry;
total, 3832.
New Jersey One regiment of Infantry,
two troops of cavalry, two batteries of field
artillery, ono ambulance company and one
field hospital; total, 1530.
Colonel John B. Bellinger, department
quartermaster, asserted that the troops were
moving without difficulty. Arrangements
have been mado, ho said, to provide sleep
ing cars for1 tho troops as fast as It Is pos-
tjf- eioie to collect tnem at me various mobiiiza-
(t from all parts of the country to the various
lines over which tho troops are traveling
and will be attached to the troop trains
en route. Colonel Bellinger said that the
.troop trains would make several stops dally
so as to permit the soldiers to exercise. Bag-
sage cars have been converted Into cooking
The 12th Infantry, New York, Is expected
to depart for the border today, trans
portation facilities already having been pro
vided. Tho National Guard of New York
will be continued as a divisional unit when
It mobilizes its 18,000 men at Brownsville,
Tex., Major General John F. O'Brien announced.
Magnollft Man Drove Wife From Home,
Is Allegation
Ifrs. Sarah Barefoot, who Is suing her
husband, John Barefoot, n prominent
farmer and oil merchant at Magnolia, N
J., for maintenance before Vice Chancellor
Learning In the Court of Chancery, alleges
that her husband drove her from the house
November 3, 1913, declaring nt the time
that a woman of 10 years was too old to
have around.
Mrs. Barefoot further testified that her
pergonal effects were packed by a hired man
fit the order of hor husband, and that he
told her to go and neer return. She tie
dared Mr, Barefoot told her that he would
"get rid of her" een If It were necessary
to burn the houso and fasten the blamo on
Monument 'Unveiled Over Grave
of Womnn Who Performed
Valiant Service in Rev
olutionary Battle
Continued from Pace Ons
flclala that "thero might be delay" In send
ing the reply to Sunday's ultimatum to
this city. Yesterday tho embassy notified
Doctor Calderon. the spokesman of tho
Xatln-Amerlcan diplomats, that tho Ameri
can demand for the release of tho captured
prisoners had been emphatically refused.
Calderon immediately united with his col
leagues In another series of telegrams to
Mexico City, pointing out that these
troopers could not be considered prisoners
of war. Inasmuch as war had not yet been
declared, and urging him to reconsider. No
reply yet has been received from Carrnnza,
and the delay led some of the diplomats
to hope that Carranza yet might reverse
No word regarding the ultimatum reply
has been received from Consul General
Hodgers in Mexico City. Late last night
he sent word that the "Mexican note might
not be ready for several days." This at
first was believed to refer to the answer to
the ultimatum and White House officials
ceclared that tho President would not wait
beyond tomorrow. Today, hpwever. Sec
retary Lansing explained that the reference
undoubtedly was to the note pf June 20,
and did not refer to the demand for the
release of the troopers. The overnight
messages from Rodgers referred entirely
to the getting of the Americans out of
Mexico and threw no light on the Carranza
Congressional leaders who got Into touch
with the White House and State Depart
ment were told1 that there was no change
In theVtiratlon. The President, they were
told, adhered to his intention to bring the
ntire Mexican situation to the attention of
Congress as soon as all of the details are
worked out Even though the prisoners at
Chihuahua City are released, the congress
atonal leaders were told it would not sat
isfy the President unless complete disavowal
of the attack was made and the de facto
government took steps to end Its hostility
to the American policy,
The President had before him today the
report of Captain L. S, Morey, which was
received over night from General Pershing
and Immediately sent to the White House
by Secretary of War Baker. This report
shows that the Americans were ambushed
and slaughtered.
The leaders were told that the President
would let them know when he wanted the
special session Just as "soon as he had com
pleted his record."
Secretary of the Navy Daniels again to
dy asked that orders be Issued for the
use of the Atlantic battle fleet as a block
ading squadron. This work will be taken
over by the 20 cutters of the coast guard
and by the light draught vessels of the
fleet Headquarters will be maintained at
Oalveston and as soon as a war-like move
is ordered, control of the revenue cutters
vrjll pass to the navy and they will take
SP tho stations that already have been
agreed on.
"W can get on the Job at an hour's
notice,1 remarked Assistant Secretary
itanklln D, Roosevelt today.
In connection with the blockade, it Is
understood, that the plana of the Navy
tor the protection of the Tamplco oil fields
have been completed. When the emergency
arises light-draught vessels -will be sent
wp the Panuca River, and their guns will
prevent any destruction or the big foreign
owned plants there. Unless present plana
ar changed there will be no Interference
Villi the oil shipments from -the district
after the Americans take possession,
Trada tvitn the Interior will be t. -pped
m steps, takun to cut off all oil from Car
twitsa. Inasmuch as the majority of the
teoenotivts Under hi control are oil-turners
lata Action, will Mflourjy handicap his troop.
mSFWHtntSr But 'ha expert oil jade, most
j vhlt goes to JPrance and Kngland for
Jgaii me, probably will not ba interfered
TfiXICQ CITY. June SJ. Genera Car
Mrs, has sent apotbfr urgent appeal to all
lAtm-AiRriflatt nwllai, tklng them to
l4M tkt th" tj&4 States oomeat to
(irM'Stinn, It wss reported on god autaor
tet.i&&iy, tkuntk mt qtJlBisJ mamuacvasnt
CARLISLE, Juno 28. Thousands of pa
triots drawn particularly from tho southern
counties of Pennsylvania, with delegations
front patriotic orders in this and the sur
rounding States, paid tribute to the mem
ory of Molly Pitcher, the heroine of Mon
mouth, thin afternoon on the occasion of the
unveiling of Pennsylvania's monument to
tho womnn who gained lasting famo in an
importnnt battle In tho War of Independ
ence. At 1:30 o'clock 4000 marchers paraded
the streets, closing at the old graveyard
for the unveiling ceremonies. The parade
included, In addition to a number of the
best musical organizations In nouthcrn
Pennsylvania, a largo preparedness section,
Spanish-American wnr veterans, Sons of
Veterans,) Grand Army men, municipal
officials, relatives of Molly Pitcher, tho Pa
triotic Order of Sons of America, nilied
camps of tho Order of Independent Ameri
cans and allied councils of the Daughters
of Liberty, with delegates nnd representa
tives from tho various branches of these
The unveiling of tho monument was per
formed by Miss Vlda Rupp, daughter of
W, A. Rupp, of the State Commission. Tho
unveiling .ceremonies were presided over by
Chairman Roy L. Schuyler, of Lock Haven,
and the invocation delivered by the Rev.
A. N. Hngcrty. Senator Charles A. Snyder
presented tho monument on the part of the
State, and said In part:
"This woman from the ranks of the
common people brought no extraordinary
gifts to her voluntary task, yet In tho hour
of need rendered timely nnd unique service
to the cause of freedom. No history of the
Revolutionary War Is complete without
reference to tho services of this patriotic
personage, Molly Pitcher. The record of
her life and her death nre part of the
history of this city nnd her performance In
the Revolution forms n beautiful page In
the history of our people's struggle for
Former Judge Edward W. BIddle. of
Carlisle, received the monument nnd gavo
authentic historical approval to the "Molly
Pitcher" legend.
Governor Brumbaugh delivered the prin
cipal address and paid a touching tribute
to the heroine of Monmouth, State Libra
rian Thomas L. Montgomery, called attention
to the Important part played by Carlisle and
this Immediate section In the .development
of the spirit of independence. '
This evening a patriotic concert will be
given on Dickinson College campus, where n
chorus of 2000 voices, under the direction of
J. Raymond Hcmmlnger, will be heard In
patriotic songs.
Resolution Adopted at Mass-Meeting
Presented by Committee
WASHINGTON, Juno 28. -A resolution
adopted at a mass-meeting In Now York
last night, urging mediation or arbitration
of the differences between the United States
and Mexico, was presented to President
Wilson by a committee comprising Prof. II.
A. Overstrect, of the College of the City
of New York; Dr. Irving Fisher, of Yale
University, and Mrs. Amos Plnchot.
"We represent educational, labor, social
service and professional interests," said
Docotr Fisher.
Following is the text of tho resolution:
"We, citizens of the United States, In
mass-meeting assembled, profoundly appre
ciative of the patience and understanding
shown by the present Administration In Its
handling of foreign Issues, and deeply re
gretting the strained relations now existing
between the United States and Mexico, ask
that differences between two nations be sub.
mltted to mediation or to arbitration in
accordance with tho spirit of the treaty of
1818 with Mexico, so that It may not be said
that any treaty of the United States is a
'mere scrap of paper."
President Wilson did not Indicate to the
committee what action he would take.
Centlnned from Pate One
mint of Artillery, one regiment of cavnlry
nnd two regiments of Infantry would pass
through Philadelphia late this afternoon and
tonight on their way to the front.
The announcement that only two. Instead
of three. Infantry regiments will start nt
once Is taken to mean that two of the-
thrco Infantry regiments In the 1st Brigade
havo been built up to a peace strength of
C3 men per company, which is required by
the War Department, while tho third Is to
remain nt Mount Gretna until it nasi tieen
recruited to the required strength,
Thero nre only two engineer corps In the
division mobilizing here B Is from Phila
delphia nnd A Is fron Scranton.
The Pennsylvania division has but one
regiment of cavalry and one regiment of
nrtlllery, po It Is nuthenllc to say that both
will gn through Philadelphia.
No Information Is available yet ns to
which or when they leave.
"Many things are holding us back," said
Captain Kemper today J "muster roll is not
"Vaccinations for smallpox nnd Inocula
tion for typhoid havo not been finished.
Not one mnn can leao this camp until I
say so; thnt Is up to me.
"They must come up to all the require
ments of the Army of the East before
they go. When they do, I will report.".
Captain Kemper, officers nt Dlvls'lon
Headquarters, nnd C. D. Morse, represent
ative of the American Railroad Association,
which hns charge of transporting troops
from 127 mobilization camps, held n con
ference this morning, concerning the assign
ment of troopa to the various routes.
The routes of the various troops which
go through Philadelphia arc:
One field hospital, one ambulance nnd two
companies of engineers go over the Colum
bia nnd Lebanon to Lebanon, then over tho
Philadelphia nnd Rending to Philadelphia,
over tho Baltimore and Ohio to St. Louis,
thence over the St. Louis, Iron Mountain
nnd Southern to Dallas and then to El Paso
on tho Texas and Pacific.
One regiment of cavalry, which goes
through Philadelphia, will travel over the
Columbia nnd Lebnnon to Lebanon, then
over the Philadelphia nnd Rending to Phila
delphia, over the Baltimore nnd Ohio to
St. Louis, thence to Kansas City; to Santa
Rosn, to El Pnso.
Two regiments of Infnntry go over the
same route. Including Philadelphia, as fnr
ns St. Louis. Then one goes over tho Illi
nois Central to Memphis, to El Paso.
Tho other regiment will leave St. Louis
on the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy to
Kansas City nhd over the Santa Fc to El
It was fully expected that the 1st Brlgado
woulcj leave for the border last night. In
fact, orders for thj departure of the Phila
delphia mllttlnmcn wero received from Sec
retary of War Baker yesterday afternoon.
Accompanying the order, however, was a
second order demanding a complete muster
roll nnd identification of the various com
mands. This delayed departure, as even
the finger prints of the men had to be taken,
and then later lnst night. General Price
Issued his appeal for recruits to tako the
places of guardsmon rejected by the army
Mayor Smith was appealed to at-midnight
by Brigadier General Price, commander of
tho 1st Brigade, to spur on recruiting In
Philadelphia. A recruiting office was
opened today In tho headquarters of tho
National Security League, In tho Franklin
National Bank Building, Broad and Chest
nut streets.
Standlnc In his tent nt midnight. General
Price aroused Mayor Smith, In Philadelphia,
with a long-distance telephone message that
told tho city's chief oxocutlvo that Philadel
phia was on the edge of losing the laurels
placed on the brows of its troop3, picked by
the War Department to be Pennsylvania's
first troops to be sent to tho border.
"For pity's sake, stir up our people to
send us some men," shouted the General
Into the balky telephone, while an orderly
held a flickering oil lantern so that he could
see the mouthpiece.
"Our brigade Is short In men, and recruits
from country towns are filling up the other
regiments. We nre below the minimum in
many companies, not all our men have been
examined, and I am afraid the rejections
will make us run short. Wo need 150 men
at once to be sent here.
The voice of the Mayor at the other end
"Our Flag Will Float Over
,Wa6hlngton" Mexicans Say
EL PASO, Junt 28. All through
Mexico has gone a flamboyant call
to arms, which concludes: "No fight
ing will bo necessary. Our bravo
troops vill simply march northward,
brusninr? tho gringocs asitlo until
our glorious tricolor floats from the
dome of the Capitol nt Washington.
"It will be a battle between the
Mexican eagle nnd the American
eagle. And we will ctrlp tho arrows
from the lattcr's claws and uso them
to scratch the stars and stripes from
the gringocs' banners."
of tho 90-mlle wire assured the )st Brigade
commander that every avenuo of approach
to the hearts of the city's patriotism would
be searched In a supremo effort to fill the
gaps caused by rejection of Guardsmen by
the United Statei medical Inspectors gaps
that cannot be filled because of Philadel
phia's slothful response to the call.
At the snma time Major Hohcft Brook
field, of tho 1st Battalion, 3d Regiment,
nnd Captain Benjamin C Tllghman, of
Company F, 3d Regiment, wero speeding
toward Philadelphia In a high-powered au
tomobile to open the recruiting station at
the National Security Leagiio headquarters,
They wore duo to arrive In the city enrly
today. Their hurried departure followed a.
conference with Major General Clement ovor
the phone.
"A city tho slzo of Philadelphia, boast
ing of Its patriotism, cannot send us enough
men to nil our skeleton regiments," de
clared General Price In an arraignment of
the sluggish patriotism. "Why.they should
send us 2500 men here nnd we nre begging
for 66. Who knows how badly they arc
needed In Texas?"
A smalt Percentage nf thn mnn u-a va.
Jccted by the Federal Inspectors for physical
defects, the General explained, but tho
"Inzy response" to tho call for I ecru Its had
loft an nlarmlngly smnll margin riboVo tho
required peace strength of 5 men.
El Paso Is the destination of the 7th
division. El Pnso Is opposite Juarez, Tho
Tcxa3 and Pacific from St. Louis to El
Paso and tho Southern Rnllway from
Washington to St. Louis completes the
route from camp to the border.
Disgust and Indignation arose on every
hand nmong the officers and men of tho
brigade when the news spread from tent
to tent that tho brigade was "unprepared."
The "folk back home" would not hae felt
flattered if they had heard some of the
opinions expressed in mess tent nnd over
camp fire.
Philadelphia lack of patriotism Is to
blame; and only action, action, action of
tho quickest kind can save the day.
Such was tne consensus of opinion of
a majority of officers of tho 1st Brigade.
In a nutshell, more recruits are needed
before the brigade can leave for the South.
Until these are obtained, Philadelphia's
troops, some with tents nnd stores on rail
way sidings ready to depart, are likely
to remain anchored here.
The 3d Regiment alone needs 100 new
men; tho 1st Regiment Is short, no ono
knows how many; tho 2d alone, is ready
to go.
The situation Is critical. Judging fiom
the officers' point of view, nnd Involves the
.honor of the city.
"Phlladclphlans cheered their lungs out
when the troops left tho city for camp,"
they cay with ironic sarcasm, "yet they
havo not enlisted. They havo not come
Tho suspense here In Intense. Tho men
"are packed" and are eager to go, but the
greatest difficulty Is experienced In recruit
ing the regiments to their .required strength
of 65 men In each company. Major General
Clement said that of more than 20 unlta
In camp only ono at a late hour Jast night
had applied for their muster roll All mus
ter rolls of the first brigade must be filled
out before the first brigade can break
True, many recruits have been rejected
on account of failure to pass tho United
States Army medical test, which is severe
almost to the ninth degree.
Only perfect specimens of manhood are
wanted, yet the officers feel that the 1st
Brigade now would be well on Its way to
tha border had Philadelphia done Its (hare.
In view of General Price's recent crtt
Iclsm of the small number of enlistments
In Philadelphia, Its evidence In the "hold
up" of the Philadelphia trodps at Mount
Gretna Is causing wide comment among
ofilcers here.
In speaking of the "situation, ono officer
In command of a battalion Bald!
"The city, Indeed, Is likely to be dlsgrnccd
nationally. Pittsburgh troops nre only too
anxious to go nnd it would seem they have
a good chance of winning out. In fact
there Is no doubt that the first brigade that
can show n full 66 men to each company
that brigade will be the first to go.
"Phlladelnhla Is wnv behind many other
cities In regnrtl to enlistments. Thousands
cheered their lungs out when we, left foi
camp lnst Saturday morning; they yelled,
cheered, waved American" flogs, and wished
us Godspeed, but that appears to be the
Jlmlt of the love they would show for their
"Why, many of tho men here even have
not tho support of their own families, of
their fathers and brothers. The men here
arc rendy, doubly ready, yet thero Is overy
chance of us being held back becauso more
Philadelphia men havo not grit or courage
to benr discomfort when the hour of danger
"I ndmlt, nnd my brother ofilcers agree
with me, that tho army physical examina
tion Is very severe, nnd hundreds have been
turned down. The men nre measured almost
from their hair to tho tips of their toes.
Men hao been thrown out because of Un
derweight and thero are many restrictions
moro severe than the test required by the
State mllltln, With It all, If Phlladclphlans
had dono their share, the honor that was
paid Philadelphia as being tho first In tho
Slate to havo n picked body of men ready
for service would have not to be rescinded."
Every man In Company B, engineers, all
Philadelphia men, passed the physical ex
amination for admittance to Fcdcrnl service.
There nre 80 men In the compnny. It Is
causing favorable comment nbout camn.
Meanwhllo pitiful scenes are witnessed.
Sixteen men wore rejected In one company
The unsuccessful ones In a few cases
were so disappointed thnt they could not
refrain from tears. Tears from n soldier,
or evan a soldlcr-to-hc, or woUd-be, nro
unusual, but their grief was eo real and
worthy, no doubt, thnt oven their most
hardened comrades kept silent. In Com
pnny E, of the "Fighting Third," only cne
out of 60 nppllcnnts nre turned down, accord
ing to Captain W. A. Hnrgeshelnw, who is
In charge of tho first batt-llon of that regi
ment during Major Brookflcld's nbsence.
The scenes nttendlng the physical exam
ination of the final batches of men early
today wero pitiful. Off they marched,
company by company, through the dark
ness to tho rifle ranire where nrmv aureeonf
worked over tho nude bodies at breakneck
speed. The Ounrdsmen strode toward tho
Place of judgment, swinging their lnnterns,
singing, shouting, cheering to their captain,
tho colonel, their sweetheart, their mother;
when they returned tho lanterns wero car
ried despondently. Downcast faces nnd
drooping shoulders hero and thero In tho
stumbling ranks, lit up like spectres by tho
trembling lanterns marked those who hnd
been Judged unfit. There was no Joy In
tho hearts of those crestfallen ones; nnd
their fellows, personally sorrow for them
and with the honor of tho regiment upper
most In their hearts, were stricken almost
dumb through genuine grief. Such grief
crops out In lives such as soldiers lead, or
in tho Hvc3 of cowboys, or of other groups
of mon who live close to tho earth.
All through tho darkness of enrlv morn.
Ing thunderstorms to tho north nnd to tho
Bouth crumbled behind tho mountain slopes,
the glare of yellow lightning throwing the
wooded heights into black relief. Rain fell
at Intcrvnls.
Showers patercd on the dog tents of the
engineers, Including Philadelphia crack
Company B. which has Its stores nnd equip
ment loaded In freight cars. Rendy for tho
word to go, ntatt tcf them lay the signal
troop. Us stores packed and loaded; ccn
their "pup" tents had been packed when
tho word came late yesterday afternoon to
postpone departure. Out came Uio little
tenia again and up they went
"federation OF LABOR (IAINS
International Union 'of Bricklayers;
Masons and Plasterers to Afilliate
ATLANTIC CITY, June 28. -Fresh re
ntoementa to the number of 160,000 will
bo sent to the American Federation of
Labor's firing line through the signing
nweloday of a trentrof peace between
the International l.rlcklnyers. masons nnd
plasterers' union and the building trades
department of the Ame rlca n federation.
A committee of high officials of the In
ternational union, empowered to discuss
affiliation nt the bricklayers' last conven
tlon, discussed details with .representatives
-V , winters, lathers, structural Iron
builders nnd other unions with a member
ship of more than half n million men. De
tails of the new alliances following years
Of hostility Will DO pnsoeu uuuii "'""
Executive Committee of the American Fed
eration In Washington on Saturday. Prompt
ratification is expected.
Banks and Merchants Hard Hit by Now
MEXICO CITY, June 28. General Car
ranza today signed a decree, Imposing new
nnd heavy taxes to meet Increase expenses
of Administration.
Tho decreo places a tnx on large banks
of from 1000 to G000 pesos monthly, nnd on
Bniall banks of from 300 to 1000 pesos
r,n,'i,- Annther clause Imposes a tax of
a peso per ton gross weight on merchandise
shipped from ono Mexican port to another
In a foreign vessel.
Carranza also rescinded his decree of laBt
Novembers forbidding prlvnto Individuals
from dealing In cotton. Exportntlon of cot
ton Is still forbidden, and a tnx of 10 pesos
per bale of 230 kilograms Is placed ori tho
production of first, second nnd third class
cotton nnd of 1 pesos per bale on fourth
A tax of 60 centavos per 100 kilos Is
levied on fresh fruit. Thero Is also a tax
on garlic.
Convention.Rcfuseg JurWs Prrt
posed Bill ProWbitittg.jUs8t,
From Drawing Wills Because
Attorneys Deserve Work
iDE.DnD SPRINGS, Pa Jun. ,.
Rural Pennsylvania Justice, 'of th! iif i
" or years nave been drawln u' " ..W
i meir neighbors, are safe for th i.mu
from the drastic legislation recentl,Mm
In New York. The Pennsylvania ll?mi
elation decided this morning T to uu"
action on the Issue of the draw ngn "
documents raised by Judge StMk of U,?'1
delphla, In his report As treasurer ""'
Judge staake oxplalned the New . J
act, and urging the wisdom of it SSi ' J.
". niKumeni in tavor of the IiI.i.ii '
for Pennsylvanln such as ha, fi, ,,m
:.:ffii i
"."- i n ii-gui education, should.ha -n., .
to ho business of p. lawyer. At pre,," ?
will may, be drawn by n Jut of 1
pence nn'd no -obligation Is ra)d '
drawing of nit legal documents 7:,m?
In the hands of lawyers bSSSaWsSl "
sworn ofilcers of tho Court and bi.5
her education makes them iff b.
to dlschargo tho tnsk.'i est onM
When J(tdge Stnako had finished It ,. '
pointed out to Frederick Shoyer of ,?.!'
delphla. chairman of the mee'ting, 'that n,'
one had seconded the motion ,to consider ,m
drSd "8trIctlons' an" to "ubKi, ,
Tho morning alttlng considered xaai. fA
of special, nnd stnndlng commU PS '3
committee . on Law Reform. r v.'? '1S
. . . " "iiica h
Queen of Sweden in Knrlsraho Castle
While French Aviators Shell City
BERLIN, Juno 28, Tho Queen of
Sweden, tho daughter of tho Grand Duke of
Baden, as well ns thb Grand Duke, the
Grand Duchess Louise and tho Dowager
Grand Duchess of Hcsso were In Karlsruho
during the recent nlr attack by French fly
ers. In which 110 persons were killed and
147 wounded.
Tho raid was made at 3:10 p, m., on Cor
pus Christ! Day, the French dropping bomb-j
with poisoned darts. Tho Queen of Sweden
was in the cnstlc, but tho other royal per
sonages were nt church. The Grand
Duches Louise visited the wounded while
bombs were still falling in Karlsruhe.
A largo crowd was In tho streets because
of the holiday. Of tho 110 killed, 7S wero
children, five women and 30 men.
Other National Guard camp news, notes
and gossip on page 10.
Continued from Puce One
peal for men to take the places of those
rejected by the United States Army med
ical officials because they were found to be
physically unfit.
The headquarters of the Security League
were Immediately turned over to tho army
oiuciuis, aim wunin nn nour after the sta
tion had been opened 16 recruits had volun
teered their services. The number of ap
plicants Increased steadily until noon, when
It was found necessary to open the second
The ages of the recruits accepted ranged
from 20 to 40 years. Younger men were
rejected, while older applicants were asked
t- "wait." One. man, more than 60 years
old, mingled with the crowd on the Bide
walk and Urged the younger men to go
Inside and Join the army,
"If I were 20 years younger, I would
gladly enlist," he said.
Major Brookfield lifted the ban that had
been placed on the members of Kendle's
1st Regiment Band, who were discharged
from the Guard when they refused to go
tq Mount Gretna and Initiated upon remain
Ing in Philadelphia to play during the
ad men's convention.
A member of the band called upon Major
Brookfield late this morning and asked
him if he "wanted any of Kendle's Band."
Major Brookfield told him that 'ha did
want them. "But they must have a change
of heart," he added. The re-enlistment of
many members pf the discharged band Is
looked for.
The first recruit enlisted was Paul Ells
worth Stover, of State Hospital. Major
Brookfield enlisted him on the train com.
ing to this city last night.
The first man accepted after the central
station had been opened was William Ross
Phillips, of Aldan.
Tbe recruiting officers paid particular
attention to the condition of the teeth of
thai applicants. More than a score were
rejected because they could not pass this
test. Ths other requirements wero passed
over fn a somewhat cursory m-inner. as all
of ths men enlisted must pass the physical
examination to be held this' afternoon under
th direction of United States Army
Evidence of patriotism In fashionable
circles is shown by Edward l, Lycott and
Iloxle Harrison Smith, who hurried across
lbs Continent to Join their respective com
mands, the. former frpnj Spokane, Wash,,
and the latter froa Arwa..
Plans in Charge of United States Naval
Consulting Board
HARRISBURG, June 28 Organization
for Industrial preparedness In the southern
central counties of Pennsylvania will be be
gun under the direction of the Naval Con
sulting Board of the United States today,
when Commissioner of Labor John Price
Jackson meets at the Engineers' Society the
members of the committee designated for
the district of which Hnrrlsburg la thu
centre. Commissioner Jackson Is acting
upon the request of Dr. R. F. Bacon, of
Pittsburgh, chairman of the Pennsylvania
board of directors of the Naval Consulting
The committee Includes J. V. W Reyn
ders, representing the civil engineering di
vision: C. M. Kaltwasser, electrical man
ager, Harrisburg; Aaron B. Hess, chemical,
Lancaster; E. Wawson Coleman, mining en
gineering, Lebanon.
The counties In the district are Dauphin,
Lebanon. Lancaster, York. Adams, Cumber
land, Perry; Juniata, Mlfllln, Franklin and
300 Boys and Girls Enroll for Y, M. C.
A. Summer Course
An enrolment of 300 boys and girls, the
largest In the history of the Institution, was
recorded today at the opening of the Va
cation School of the Central Y. M. C. A.
The school la conducted for children of the
public schools from tho fourih to the eighth
The pupils registered In the summer
school will receive special training either
to make up their deficiencies- In the public
schools or to enable them to advance be
yond the standards of the average pupils.
The term will end on August S.
The Vacation School will be In charge of
Cornelius1 J. Walter, supervisor of the Meade
Public School, 18th and Oxford streets. A
group of other educators will act as an ad
visory committee.
Former Speaker Cannon, in
House Harangue, Calls for'
Quick "Clean-up"
Section of Highway in Chester County
to Be Reconstructed
.HARRISBURG, June 28, Contract was
awarded today by the State for the recon
struction of section 5 of State Highway
route 131, In Chester County. Bids for
this work were opened June 13, and held up
pending Investigation of prices by Chief
Engineer Uhler.
The contract was awarded to Neff. Horn
& Co.. of Slattngton, for reinforced cement
concrete construction at their old price of.
189.973, which was the lowest recorded.
This section is 3.37 miles long.
Prison Board Bids Lowest on Tags
HARRISBURG, Pa, June 28. The
Prison Labor Commission of Pennsylvania
was low birder for furnishing all automo
bile license tags of the State for 1917, when
bids were opened at the Stats Highway
Department today. The bids were' ordered
scheduled and the award will be mads
Fire Sweeps Rosslter, Pa. '
PUNXSUTAWNBY. Pa.. June 28, The
town of Rosslter. five miles south of Punx.
sutawney. was swept by fire today. Many
buslnsia places vrers destroyed. The loss
WASHINGTON, June 28. An Immediate
declaration that a state of war exists be
tween the United States and Mexico was
demanded in nn impassioned speech In the
House by "Uncle Joe" Cannon today. The
former Speaker declared:
"Tho status in Mexico should be recog
nized at once." He asserted that the Re
publicans in the House should support leg
islation to clarify the situation.
"The situation calls for, action 'by Con
gress," he said, "and Congress should ait
at once. A state of wnr exists between
this country and Mexico. It has existed
for months. If we had recognized It mouths
ago, we would not now be In the position
we are In."
"Doesn't the gentleman think." Interrupt
ed Representative Eagle, of Texas, "that
the sooner we say so In plain words and
go in there and clean up, the be'tter we will
ba effr
"That Is tho very thing I'm trying to
say," replied "Uncle Joe."
President Wilson's handling of the Mex
ican problem Is a "dilly-dally, wishy
washy, hog-wojlow policy," Cannon de
clared. If he were President, he said, he
would establish a military government in
Mexico City and support It by force until
a Mexican could bo found who could main
tain peace ana oraer,
"God knows I. don't want Mexico,')
shouted Cannon. "I don't think wq need'
It, but we can't 'get anywhere by feeding
Boothlng syrup to bandits. I would go
into Mexico and In a manly, straightfor
ward way tell the Mexicans that we must
have peace and order, I would not leave'
that country until we had written Into its
fundamental law a proWslon that the United
States might Intervene, as It may do In
Cuba, In case orderly government Is not
maintained,' '
"Wouldn't you make Mexico with all Its
wealth pay for the great expenditure we
would undergo in pacifying that country 7"
asked Representative Taggart, of Kansas.
"Well, we can settle that when the time
comes," answered Cannon.
The debate was precipitated by consid
eration of emergency appropriations of
125,000,000 for the army and navy,
Chevy Chase Girls Reserve Nurse3 and
Others to Ply the Needle
WASHINGTON, June 28. Sister Susie
will systematize her sewing of shirts for
The women's section of the Navy Leaguo
today Is arranging tho system, through Its
400,000 members throughout tho country
and with tho women and girls who "served
their bit" at the recent Chevy Chase
national service school as actlvo organizers.
According to Commandant Elizabeth
Poe, the girls who woro khaki at Chovy
unase wm not go wiin the first detach
ment of nurses to the front. Their names
are on tho roster of the Red Cross, as
volunteers, hovyever, nnd when the Red
Cross uses Its own quota of professional
nurses the women who drilled at Chevy
Chase 'will be called to the colors.
In the meantime, under personal direction
of Mrs. George Barnett, wife of tho Com
mandant of the Marine corps; Frances
Moore, of Washington, nnd Nora Saltan
stall and a race Lockwood, of BoBton, the
late soldlerettes will organize shirt sewing
societies and bandage makers from among
girl workers In several hundred cities.
He Loses Suit for pivorce Gets Six
Months for Conspiracy
Judge Ferguson,' In Quarter Sessions
Court today, refused tho pleadings of a
wife to free her husband, who admitted
In dlxorco proceedings ho brought against
her that he had conspired with a hosiery
Gnlosman to manufacture evidence ngalnst
her. John MacPherson. a Jeweler of'AHen
town, is tho husband. He wns sentenced to
six months In tho county prison.
George H. Lundy, tho salesman, was
given five months from tho date of his com
mitment, April 27 last. The divorce wns
refused, Mrs. Lulu MacPherson, tho wife,
pleaded for her husband's release becauso
he has been paying her 360 a month since
they separated several years ago
forVnr,l n nrnnn,A.1 n -l , , ' .. jS
.,ii ".: ;'""r.w"r.".- 1U "sn tne com.
v.n-uKu inquest wnicn precedes the tale it 11
real estate for debt. It was pointed out by 41
John Keenan Accused, of Striking
Alfred A. Fetters
John Keennn, 2B years old, of ho address
so far as the pollco know, was held today
without ball to await the action of the
Grand Jury In connection with -the death
of Alfred A- Fetters, who kept a salobn nt
330 Indiana avenue. Fetters died In the
Episcopal Hospital May 31 last. It is
charged that Keenan struck Fetters, frac
turing his skull.
A brother, Harry Keenan, 34 years old,
of 2961 North Falrhlll street, was held by
the Coroner's Jury as an accessory before
the fact.
Witnesses testified that the brothers be
came angry when Fetters refused to serve
them with liquor.
Mexican Envoy's Various Complaints
Will Not Be Considered Now
WASHINGTON. June 28. So far as the
various notes addressed to tbe State Depart
ment by Ambassador Designate Arrpdondo
are concerned, dealing with a demand that
the blockade on foodstuffs be lifted; that
Mexicans "illegally" arrested on the border
be released, and that American soldiers be
.punished for alleged maltreatment of Mex
ican civilians, there will be no reply to
them for the present.
As a matter of fact, the relations between
Arredondo and the Stat Department are
decidedly strained, and an Intimation that
his usefulness hero has ended would have
reached Mexico City before now had it not
been for tho recent developments alone mil
itary linen.
Elkion Marriage Licenses
ELKTON, Md., Juno, 2S, Tho following
marriage licenses were issued In Elkton
today: James J, Johnson and Emily J,
Stanley, George W. Gross and Laura O,
Jones. Walter W. C. Stlne nnd Helen I,
Entwlsle, Frank F. Diamond and Gertie
M, Ylke, Clifford S. Bozarth and Georgia
A, Stinger, Joseph Makarewicz and Sophie
V. Slavtnska and Frank W Sibley nnd Flor
ence McLoughlln, all of Philadelphia:
Charles P. Preso, Philadelphia, and Helen'
R, Ashman, Hazleton: Randolph Uesslx and
Qeorgeanna Johnson, Mllllngton. Md. : Mich.
ael J, Farley and Jane Beck, Newark, N, J. i
Wllllarn K. Charlton and Mary T, Stewart,
Wayne t Harry Felnberg. Baltimore, and
Marie Cave, Orange. Va. ; Harry Brown,
Eddystone, and Elizabeth Horn, Allentown ;
James Doures and Rose McGlyun, Chester;
Arthur F. Bryson, Rowlandvllle, and Eliza
beth R. Seth, Elk Mills, Md.
Assistant City Solicitor to Wed
Hugh McAnany, Jr., an Assistant City
Solicitor, appeared at tho Marriage License
Bureau this morning and obtained a license
to wed May Veronica Shlsler, of 2321 South
13th street. Mr. McAnany Is 36 years old,
and resides at 1511 South Broad street. His
Intended bride Is 30 years old. They will
be married In tho Church of the Epiphany,
11th and Jackson streets.
Hampton L. Carson Is chairman. fc,.,..S
mnaArl nnf in .1 Ii-L . vJ"fc .
:st which
r debt. It
several speakers that such an act would '43
benefit the countrv hvm (, .!.. . ,78
h!n nmrti ,..,., iT ' 7'" 'i'". 3
for tho satisfaction of mortgages. '
Philadelphians and Others Join th")
VUI rt
. ....
The following men havo enlisted In
response to the urgent call for troops for ' fi
jjIJaEllsworth Stover, State Hoiplut, SotrtS '
icsCnhVetecran"r' yredrlcksl,ur (Spunlih-Ateir-Edwin
J. p'lUnlljn. Mldtale Steel Compaor. '
lli&T rhU"n"-..:??hn Wansmsker's.
JVIIIIom noon I'htlllps, Alden. Pa.
Robert Joseph Taggart, 838 South XlSui
Charles S. Clyde. 2433 Coral tet.
Thomas McAdorcy, 14 North St. Berairl,
Harry P. Mlnslek. nr0 North 12th itrett.
Robert E. 1'lugcrald. IL'1 Vet RtttenhouM
John narl Chennweth. rtaltlmore.
Jacob Solomon. 114 North 17th street.
John L. Wllfton. -Jftq Hnnth nth ntpf
B Rsrry Theodoro Werck, 2810 North WrnockJlS
icooert vvniiaee l'lacK. 134 Bouth 29th street,-'!'
Samuel Engel. inr.2 North Oth strMt. , i Jj
William Henry Ouramnnn. flfln Kn-fh ftRn"Q&
Kdwnrd Morris Walker. Jr.. Ambler, Pa.
Joaeoh Fox. 1120 South S2d .
John Jlunroo Lurman, 28 West Iloclclm I
HnroM Fnrtuni. H47 ftonth nriflM at..!
James Francis Mullln. 1(147 North with trwt.'i
Karnest II. Sherwood. 1027 North 8th itreenfl
vi iiiur Jiurnuu ixmrrD, ttllj Dpruco sircCw
Jnmt.fl T'ptprfi. ri7nft Snrnvitn tAf " '
I.evls J. Hums.
Arthur Henry McCain. 1311 North
Charles Edward Dcrkly. 25H Weat Sternst?
street. ii
Joseph niackburn, 1312 Divinity place, j?
Hnrry Klmer Wanner. 3039 North Sd strML '
James Ilruco, 12-1:! Tucker street. .
Jamea Shearer. 072S State , road. -. ,..,
James Flnnegan. 1118 Kast 'Chelteri rtteit." "f
Salvifdor Masery, H27 Fltiyater strMOW :ut iA,l ,
Joseph Doyle. Inin South Itandolph,triti t
Frank l'lentls. 2133 'Ann street. ". ',7 ,
Thomas Klannlgen. 133 South S3d tr "
James Ratelsh. 7777 Jackson street. -William
Condon. (117 Crelghton street.
Harry Walker, 3837 Francls.street. : I 1
Charles M. McCullv. 1423 South Ilroad itmt,i(Vl
William John Davits, HlOt Harmtr street. - '
George Phillips, J.3U Manton street.
Kdivin Mprnl. Rill Ilfterl mr..t. J
Samuel ICciwiml Zorlman. York.ra. '
Harry -Shone. V82 "North 2d street.
Edward Charles Glenn, Jr., Hanover. P.
William James Moore, -'l-'it Iitona stmt,
lllrnm ThnmtiR Hurt. JSfl l-.r.v atr!.
James Mitchell McLeod (11 ears with Birll.
mllltln). Kt28 Turner street.
James Franela Haver. 1I1H North flRth streaLd
Raymond Theodore Osmond. 120 North iHVV
Edwin AIovoIub O'Donnell. Woodland mu
James Woodford drlmm. 201(1 Howard street
Jesse Tost Davis. 2423 Diuphln street.
Newton Jerome Brown, 337 Washington, "
Oeorge Walton Heffner. 3S0D North Oth street! j
Ellis rhllllp Cass, lierwyn Pa. . ',
Ueorgts Neuman Morrell, S'-'u South SilfoTS '!
street. . kfjl
Alhurt Unnl.Am.rv 1-3T Riimm. lrt. ff
Jamea Valentino Doyle, 1010 North li
Charles Thomas, -t.ion Terrace, street. , ' i r,f,
Silas A. Thomas. (I2S North 7th street. ...
Albert Adams Carrlgan. 4218 North lBla 4-'
street. ... .... . . 3
ib annum I"
Ford Levering Hopkins, Wisslnomini
Henry Toff. 2011 -North llth street
James It. Mathers. 5U0J Wayne ave
John Joseph Wclnmann,
Daniel Fpx Yonkers. N. Y.
Thomas Whartenburg, 2712 North
James Jay Jackson, 281T Federal street
yne avenue. , .-
1T N'nrlh lttk r J
Hleks -
Ad Men who are for American products
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