xMP 16 '" EVENING LBDOTR PfilLADULPHJtA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1916. If tf WYNNE IS INTERESTED IN THE MAYiiJJX-J5AKB0UR WEDDING TODAY Kiss Marguerite Barbour , of Washington, to Become Bride of Mr, treui-g w luayer, of This Gity, in Wash- ington Today-t-Other Matters of interest f WAITER today's nuptials' In Washington, I A i Miss Marguerite Harbour, of V fMt city, -wilt become Mrs. Georgo Mayer, Sftror! from out of town to welcome to !7 iLl.il mites. Miss Barbour Is tho m ' ruifer of tho lato Mr. James A. Bar- iih6i(. Whose aeum '" ' Slay will be very quiet. Tho ceremony M take place nt Mrs. Barbour'a home In 'Washington, but tho young people will m in Philadelphia. si.Muerlte Is well known in this city, r hre sho has been a frequent visitor. he is a Bret" " "- "- -- L.V. she hair usually stayed during her trip to this city. The Barbour family L i murso. well known In diplomatic Bl'rcies of Washington. Marguerite's mint, Madame Thebault, whoso husband fc stationed In Scandinavia, whore ho presents his Government, was Miss Rcglna Barbour. Mr. Mayor Is the son of Mrs. Henry C. Mayer, of this city, who was Miss Mary Iwls, and who is a cousin of tho Lewis family, which has such social prestige here. Mr. John T. Lewis, Jr., Dr. Morris lewis, Mrs. Georgo Gorddh Mcado and xit Saunders Lewis aro all cousins, as ,u the daughters of tho lato John T. jwls, Mrs. Do Wilt uuyior, Mrs. isa- n..l.'HiJ V,m rtthni tliiAn alatn. vmra juemu . ......... .... mo, Mr. Mayor's brother married Miss Emily D, Illlgor. "" I have been wondering If patriotism f .will carry tho nuoats at tho Ultz Carlton to far that they win wuingiy suomit to Baltimore's covering tho entire sldo of It .. i.f sir ntnrla nf tho hotel with the largest flag In tho world. True, It Is a ..wonderful sight, nnd stirs one's very 8 .soul, for la thoro n flag In tho world as w, i...tifiii nn our "KtarH nnd Strlnes"? f& Truly, as I watched It on Monday night, Itretchod from curb to curb, on Broad ilreet, It was very thrilling. But all the same, this Is some hot weather, and tthere Is a tlmo and a placo for all things, n4 when tho hugest flag evor seen Bhuts cuti all tho air from tho rooms it must take a fearful amount of patriotism to utand for It. Last night tho pageant out it Franklin Field was wonderful. Tho boys from tho Chester Military Academy led off with a saluto of 21 guns. Tho , jicat field was crowdod with thousands " of peoplo who watched tho military and -naval tournament with great entnusiasm, . jriille downtown tho Arcadia In the Wide- Ft EG? DUllUIUH WtlU U1UWUVU IU kUU UUUIB 14 for the cabaret party which was given there. Tonight all tho visitors will go to the Rltz, nnd today Mr. and Mrs. Cjrus H. K. Curtis will entertain COO cut at their beautiful homo In Wyncote. K tfpjterday thero was a reception at the P home of Mr. John Wanamakor. Surely, ii'ths ad men and ad women must bo ' (leased with their reception In the Quakor i CUy; for It seems nothing has been left "Uiijtoie for their entertainment and trtesure. NANCY WYNNE. SIT 10 Personals One of tho late summer weddings w 111 bo that of Miss Margaret Gladys Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marks, of New r York city, and Dr. Henry Rawle Geyelln, ion of Mr. and Mrs Henry Laussat Geyelln, 8, of VHIanova, which will take place at ly Saunderstown, Saturday, August 26. A Btae dinner will be given by Mr. R, Edward B. Smith this evening- at his home , a avpynedd Valley. Mr. and Mrs. William Rtruthers Kills en- L .Urtalned at dinner last night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Montcomery and ;' their children, of Ardrossan, Ithan, will f leave on Friday to upend two or three m weeks at Narragansett Pier. Miss Mary Peyton, of Charlottesville, Va , and Miss Anna Goodwin, of Fcncastle, Va., returned home Monday after snendlnsr ten K- days with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harper, of x-uiaeoe, vuianovn. Mr. and Sirs. William Wilson Curtln re turned to Brentwood, their home In Rose toont, on Monday from a short stay In At . lantlo City. The Main Line Cooking Class, which was to hae mot at Chanticleer, the home of Mrs Adoloh llosenearten. In St David's. pjyesterday was postponed until next week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Mather, qf Avon wood Cottage, Haverford, spent tho week end with Mr, Charles Mather and family at Brandywlne Farm, his place near West Chester. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Carlton Wheeler announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Harriet fi.irltnn Wklr. nnrt Mr. L George Ulrlch Rehfuss on Monday, June 26, I At Bristol Pnrrv. Tt. T. Mr nnri Mm. lien. t fus will be at home aftor September 18 oji south Lambert street, this city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samuel, nccomrja- I' filed by their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Sam- ana ineir son, fllr, snowaen Hamuei, or d and Locust streets, have closed their town house and are occupying their sum er home nt Narragansett Pier. Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Robinson, of Vlllanova, lll spend part of the summer bb the guests of Mrs Robinson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bamuel. at Narragansett Pier. Mies Sarah Y. Walker, of 324 South 15th Street. hojt rinnArt hi- tnwn imtMA nn hns If left for Wernersvllle, where she will remain ur several , weeks at palen Hall, Along the Main Line MERION Mr and Mrs. Richard W. Davids and Mlsa Kllsa. Davids, who will pend the mouth of July at their Longport cottage, will open their camp at Mount Pocono August I. f- H.rk..ly' roa1. wilt "spend the summer at i Auennurst Club, Allenhurst. Mrs, Wat- ,, w t yesieraay ror flew xork, where hi win spena a lew qays before going to tuS JerflAV PAD.. Xf tAtin llfntBAti an ML f' NewboW Watson' left yesterday for " veuenneu, e. ARDMORE MUs Julia Musaer Is now in Cambridge, Mass, where she la attend Ch h BUramer conference of tho Episcopal fcr and Mrs. H. Parker Rolfe, Miss Wifa and Mian lfntl,l,i. Yn Cnatn TOnla f- !" ' this week for Chadwtck, JS. J, -.. uvf wm epsno. tna summer. KAVERFORD-Mf q. F. Bent has taken n apartment at the Haverford for the Mrs, WllUam Penn Troth, of 3037 Spruce jrett, will SI)nd jhe summer at Haverford twt, JPRJN' MWR Dr. and Mrs Euner NS. Jo .have btn the guiiu of Dr. ad Mrs njamin Clwk Qite, pf Haverford road, I or AlMS ntwmi " t nj m (. ft M. Jrintta, f u Irya Umt' datnkfLa,9,t dlnner ot 12 eTf Batur onnlv.V. "K ln honor of lh 80th birthday Darby. y 0f hor molh6r' Mrs- c- l Germantown 1fn.r'i aotion "Ilia, of 126 School House wi ?8 rMurned home from Atlantic City, where he spent several days. nwf ,Flftlno Taylor EnglSh, of West f. ?r Ho,lS9 lane wl leave on Saturday J?L Wyomln where she will spend tho ?. !?.r months on a ranch. Miss Beatrice ngiiali la attending the Young Women's Conference at Northfleld, Mass Cards have been Issued by Mrs. Mar garet T. White, ot 230 West Claplcr street, announcing the marriage of her daughter, Miss Dorothy Virginia While, to Mr. Max m. Arnold on Thursday, Juno 16, In St. Simoon's Church Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Stuart, of Ger mantown, and their daughter, Miss Anna J ' i!:Uatt' "Hod todny on a Northorn tour, in tho party were also Mrs. George Me gargoc, Mlsa Anita Megnrgoe and Miss itmrna Englo. nil of Germantown. They will visit Halifax nnd Newfoundland, spend at least two weeks ln the Bvangollne coun try nnd return home about August 1. Mr. and Mrs George JTranhlln Brown, of 411 West Price streot, will spend August nt their camp nt Rangeley Lakes, Mo. , Announcement Is mndo of the marriage of Miss Rhea Marguerite Thurston nnd Dr. Richard Sharplosi Davis, on Saturday, Juno 24, nt tho Wost Sldo Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. William Porter Leo. Tho wed ding wns n quiet one, owing to Illness In tho bride's family. Dr. nnd Mrs. Dnvls wilt be at homo after September 1, nt 302 West School House' lane, Germantown The marriage of Mlsa Mary Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs T, Edmund Wright, of 6484 Morris street, to Mr, Nor man William Stcltz. of Colmar, Pa, will tako place on Saturday, at tho home of tho bride's pnrentB, at 8 o'clock. A small ro ceptlon will follow the ceremony. Along the Reading Tho Tlrst Aid Class under the direction of Dr. Georgo W. Stowart, fit Oak Lane, will hold Its flnal meeting on Friday morn ing ln the Marshall School Hall. After tho examinations the members will remain for the class In surgical drosslngs. ThlB olass will meet overy Friday during the summer to continue tho splendid work It hns beon doing this winter, but the dressings will be kept In this country Instead of being ship ped nbrond Tho Wyncote branch of the Pennsyl vania Woman's Division for Nntlonal Pre paredness will hold meetings on Tuesday mornings, during the summer ln All Hallows parish house on Greenwood aenue The Jonklntown Choral will ghe a card party at tho home of Mr. and Mrs William J. Holmes, 7005 North 12th streot. Oak Lane, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Among those who will attend will be Miss Marie Wooley, Miss Eugenia Borda, Mrs. Lewis J. Bremmer, Jr., Mrs Thomas K. Ober, Mrs. Frank E. Chesterman, Mrs Alvah Bushncll Mrs Charles B Harvoy, Mrs. Hornco Wunderle. MiN W. J. Wclhen mhyer, Mrs A. L Montgomery, Mrs L. R. Dutton, Mrs. Georgo B Clay, Mrs Frank Williams, Mrs E J rnrter, Mrs John S Gayley, Miss Marlon Gnyloy, Mrs John Comley and Mrs. J. Eagleson. Miss Helen Cultn.'of Church road, Elklns Park, has left for Brighton, Mo , where she will, attend Camp Wlldwood for the summer. South Philadelphia tf -(. W,3e oiittr V,..-.. . -K xit Vs jB: ss$ vv JH tsP' i9ilBr t v9vrt '9fHL flft 3BP P"4E. - & C'Saff BRiilHB vFjf jgk EHH jt p " JHJrBR frfr K t ft vJs PvS" h t-1 w ifi,f$m i "AD' WOMEN VISIT INDEPENDENCE HALL IN A BODY MISS JENNIE BEREQCA Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Berecca entertained recently In honor of their daughter. Miss Jennie Berecca, who graduated 'from the Nathaniel Hawthorne School, at 12th and Fltzwater streets. Bala-Cynwyd Mr. and Mrs. S. Ross Campbell and fam ily, of Bala avenue, Cynwyd, will leave this week for Cape May, where they will occupy their cottage, Mr, John Q. Lyman, of Wisconsin, who Is now at Pennsgrove, N. J., spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. Francis Strong pond, of Bala. Mr, and Mrs. H. Ft Morris and family, of City avenue. Bala, have opened their cot tage at Chelsea. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rodgers and their family, of 8Q4S Chestnut street, will leave on Friday to spend the remainder of the summer at the Hotel Sterling, Atlantla City. Miss Ethel Rodgers has lust returned from the June festivities at State College. Mr. George M Bennett, of 6309 Catharine street, will shortly occupy his cottage, ill North Chelsea avenue, Chelsea, for the sum mer months. 1 ' "" ' '" North Philadelphia The Isldor Straus Club, of Jflth street and Susquehanna avenue, wfll glye a literary night on Thursday, July 6, at 8:15 o'clock. A. very Interesting affair has been arranged. Kensington Mr and Mrs. Owens and son. of 2612 East Tulip street, are spending the sum mer at their home m Willow Grove. Camden and Vicinity Mr. and Mr Horace 'Updike, have, ye turned from their wedding trip to Poono Summit. n4 sre upyhUJ theJf new homo on OOonlal a.vwnw, In Trenton. Mrs. Up jjilga was, Mlsa Mau4 Owcs, of Penn tt. n WmMSmk ftA$m 'ijwSw - 1 ifflffiHHw&i SRPr5P!?TO-"1 I WIMMmUmiJ PKKii $4$id J, hwm I Si81iW!ijSii !;.. RMsWr d..iiv .. 1 -wrMi y j jMiiWffin . & HftoL jBiaSpvKBHii$rr iwti 5T&75s3w 'Ay&7i?fr&ii, tM f TT- dB-ir' H 18&8 4 -llil--n ' 'm&mk$M I ! MnMiWnMrfflmiWrfii i TnWWWiTmSmif WfrHnr J i? BIrHI t k pHSfiilMJ , dWNMzmm&KmM - I iiriBSM crasE&Bfr , ;-cliM?3-: m jHMWlHiBBS!raPmlM !yWi MsHj'ifc'Hi-i fl I P Mh IimI IHIiTiliBiWiijjffWoffiTM t ' ' i M!HhPEi. . A 1-r i VKWi&MmMlmMim MHImi f ! S3 :MikMwaPr WgMltw' ' -- HIWllil-iPli-i I WrLmsWrrMSm vr 7 h t ltr a, S52a nr'r mm A'g tjftP5ff yY 53-Q?rT t RJkSmBJ Twr HP (Kt3r HiiHHB - ftT t PVJvMr?(fr frVrOv!t?rbw( 1 9(i"? - v v -J & WmfiKx(ffMJm vKcySifmK JS$i$t3&Bmft rlM JiryWiwBP rl?Jr r??3w fw-Siai-Afty-!!! J JC JaiJl ,.,, ,. " $. m PSlkVr rt:PKel9v "w-T mbmmmT9. W a W jEmiVw?l JTO;r ??a wLvm 'Wm E0RmKimWmi m jm- w ww AZH: hf&GBg HSnHt 9Bf tr WW&mit. sPFIiiv KmKKaStr W 4iy!iA i rt M?k V t S u WmaSbfMSmmk h JP t&mf t. A I W WlmSm 1 MaK S ?&l J- m WMwf&fiMffiKsmBm Mi HrSi al'nl ll fermmll wM?P8isi ; gg9 uaKSSKSIifiwBK!SSiSHmBBiKi mRfvWmyY PiSFtV S-31 jffa-ti fL' BHCHrl I niiiwlai MHrBLTil ILi - - JJ--H------------fc-iM-BM iSHii WHM HiHl 1 r : WaBWwWB(jB!gjjjJfY 'v', ' ";,wkrwwttwaa5gjjiflj jmfrw BjJ J MvXmyWW; rt AAVW V rtW - A JAJ-.sJrwVirjv-jaiWyV BRIGHT-COLORED TOP COATS ARE THE RAGE Bdardwalk Girls' Apparol Invar iably flopped With Bril liant HUcs rty.lifanwvi'WW After seeing the historic sights, the wives, daughters, mothers nnd other women in the city to attend tho advertising convention went to the Curtis Building for luncheon, nfterwnrd going to Wyncote, where they were entertained by Cyrus II, K. Curtis on the grounds of his estate there. SCIONS OF OLD FAMILIES UNITED IN MARRIAGE TODAY Wedding of Mrs.-James Beaton Thompson and Mr. De Forest Grant Takes Place Quietly Miss Mary Ramsey Pennypacker Becomes Bride of Mr. John Griffin rnilB marrlago of MrB James Beaton JL Thompson, of 2212 Walnut street, to Mr. Do Forest Grant, of Now York, was solemnized quietly today sin St James" Protestant Episcopal Church. The bride, who was given ln marrlngo by her son,1 Mr. D. G. Brinton Thompson, was unat tended. Mr. Grant's brother, Mr. Madison Grant, was best man. Only the Imme diate fnmllios wore present at tho cere mony, and Mr and Mrs Grant left Im mediately afterward for Honolulu. Upon their return they will llo at 70 EaBt 64th street, New York. Mrs. Thompson's daugh ter, Miss Ullzaboth Thompson, made her debut two j ears ago. The bride, who Is the widow of Mr. James Beaton Thompson, was Miss Emilia Garrison Brinton, daughter of Mrs Daniel Garrison Brinton and tho late Dr. Daniel Garrison Brinton, tho noted archeologlst and scientist. Mr. Grant, who Is well ltnown In social and business circles In New York, Is a membor of tho Knicker bocker, Union, Racquet, Tuxedo and other clubs. GRIFFIN PLNNYPACKCR. Tho wedding of Miss Mary Ramsey Pennypacker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac R. Pennypacker. and Mr. John GrllTln, of Scranton, will take place this evening at 6:30 o'clock ln the garden of the bride's home, 8 Summit avenue, Chestnut Hill. Tho ceremony will be performed by the rector of St. Thomas' Protestant Episcopal Church. WhltemarBh. Miss Pennypacker, who will be given In marriage by her father, will wear white Batln and duchess laco. Her tulle veil will bo arranged with orange blossoms and she will carry a shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the alley. Miss Charlotte Pennypacker, a sister of the bride, will be gowned ln laender geor gette crepe with nn overdress of lavender net. She will carry yellow roses. Tho bridesmaids. Miss .Lucy G. Hilton, of New York, Miss Mary Ross and Miss Grace Pen nypacker, another sister of the bride, will be dressed alike in yellow satin oovored with yellow tulle and will carry yellow 1 a.. rr.1.- I.--. . Ill h- V.& BsnapurciKuiia -" wc iiih ,, . bridegroom's brother. Mr. Henry Griffin, and the ushers will Include Mr. Isaao A. Penny packer, Mr. Harris Baker, of New Haven; Mr. Severn Baldwin, of Baltimore ; Mr. Vol tah. d'Horath and Mr. Price WetherlU Janeway, Jr. OALN MILLS. Mlsa Mildred E. Mills, daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. C. Streot Mills, of Rlvorton, N, J will become the bride of Mr. Roger Gain, of Moorestqwn, this evening at 7 o'clock In Calvary Church. The Rev. N. F Stahl, rector of Calvary Presbyterian Church, will ofllclate. Doctor Mills will give his daughter In marriage. Miss Mills w'U have for her maid of honor Miss Beatrice Brown. The brides maids will be Mlsa Kathryn Fenlon, Miss Mary Harvey, Miss Elsie Wright, Miss Dorothy E. Pfelffer and Miss Charlotte Caranna. Mr. Gain will have for his best man Mr, Raymond Wicks, of MerchantvlUe. The ushers will Include Mr Frank Cllne, 3d, Mr. Gorde.n Hemple, Mr, Arthur G. Hall, Mr Abram Street, Mr, Maxwell Green and Mr, Leigh ton M. Thomas, of Lansda)e. Pa. The little flower girls will be Miss Mildred E. Collins and Miss Irene Harding. Mr. end Mrs. Gain will spend their honoymoon through States and Canada. the New England AMUSEMENTS . JULY 3 1;& TWICE DAILT TJIEHEAFTEK GARRICK HOW -BRITAIN. PREPARED A THRULINO AND PERTINENT MOVINO PIOTUJIE OP HOW ENGLAND MOBILIZED 0 000.000 MEN AND PREPARED HER MDHTU BBA FLEET A Lesson for America Now EVERY PATRIOT SHOULD SEE IT Special Music Symphony OrchMtra Pr'ce". Evf, 33c, 60c, ?Sc Mali, 26Q & 60c, ALL BEATS RESERVED Beat Bale Opens Tomorrow ft A, M. FORREST HOW fta,,, E- VISITORS TO THE ADV. MEN'S CON VENTION SHOULD NOT JH83 8BEINO PHILADELPHIA'S GREATEST FJLM SENSATION SHE TEN HEEL VERSION OF REX BEACH'S B3" INe'er-Do-Well MUMS Seisiifc mi Kmt rwwl LANCASTER LEX. A pretty wedding will talte placo this eve ning at 7:30 o'clock In the Church'of St. John Chrysostom, 28th street and Susque hanna avenue, when Miss Chrlstlanna Lex, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Lex, of 4011 Pulnskl avenue, Oermnntown, will be come the bride of Mr. Georgo T Lancaster Tho Rov. Joseph Sherlock will perform tho ceremony. Miss Lex will wear a gown of white satin with an overdress of lace and trimmed with pearls Miss Mary Welnert will act ns maid of honor and will bo gowned In bluo net and will carry pink roses Tho bridesmaids, including Miss Lucille Koenlg, Miss Gertrude Bottoms, Miss Emily M. Bethel, Mlsa Anna Fisher and Miss Mar garet Fisher, will wear frocks of Dink silk net over silver cloth. They will carry pink roses. The best man will bo Mr. Goorgo Cohn, and the ushers will Include Mr. Raymond Koon, Mr. Russel McCor mlck. Mr, Howard C. Claflln nnd Mr. Hor ace Koon. A reception will follow for 300 guests at tho Roosevelt, 2027 Chestnut street. ALBERT COX. Tho wedding of Miss Mary Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cox. of 6001 Vino street, to Mr. duy E. Albort took place today In the Patterson Memorial Church. The Rev. George B. Boll, pastor of tho church, performed the ceremony. MIbs Cox, who waB given ln marriage by her father, was attended by Mrs M. O'Neill as matron ot honor and Miss Ruth Richard son ns maid of honor. There was a little flower girl, Miss Miriam Benkhardt. Mr. Albert had Mr. Harry Schelhener as best man, and the ushers wero Mr. Estell Cox. Mr, Chester Albert, Mr, Dallas Perkins and Mr. Underwood. HENSCHEL JAMES. Among the week's Interesting weddings will be that of Miss Mary James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles E. James, of 2529 North 34th street, to Mr. Howard Hcnschel, of 4043 North 12th street, which will be solemnised tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. The Rov. Dr. Turn bull, of tho Dale Memorial Presbyterian Church, 32d and Cumberland streets, will AMUSEMENTS STANLEY MARKET AD. 18th 11 IlS A. M to 11:15 P. M. 10c, 13c, 230. . ,-. . .. . TROORAM 1 Current Eventa. 2 Scenic BURTON HOLMES. 'THB SPREE- WALL NEAR BERLIN." S Comedy; Mack Swain ln "Ambroae'a Cup or Woe." 4 Overture i 'Lw Preludes" (Llait). Stanley Symphony Orcneatra. 5 PAULINE FREDERICK in "The World's Great Snare" Thuri. Frl.. Bat MYRTLE STEDMAN la "TUB AMERICAN BEAUTY" PALACE 1214 MARKET 10 A. M, to 11J15 P. M. 10c, 20c, Marguerite Clark 1o "wFtgWER. Added, Dllli Durka. "Gloria's Romance," No, 8. Tnurs . Fri . Sat., HLANCHK SWEET la "THE3 100, HUSRAND" KEITH'S p;'Good,.FedyfBi11 Pleases!" Ev. Ledger LOUISE DRESSER THOMAS A. WISE & CO. WM. GAXTON & CO, OTHERS Today at 2, 23o & SOc. Tonight at 8, 23o to (1 Globe Theatre S VAUDEVILLE ,H.uuru ST.q Contlnuoaa 11 4VC, 4DC, XOC. fianvrra XX 'Dimn and Ilia MWiagc J-x. j. inmuac MINSTRELS The Seal, Diver and Mermaid O T H E R 8 First and Exclusive Presentation of Triangle Playa Reserved for This Theatre ARCADIA CHESTNUT btl. 18TH 1Q AVM. to. 11 ItB P M. WM. S. HART l THE APOSTLE OF VfiNGBAE" lOo Market Ab. 8th 20e A M. to 11:18 1- M TODAY" ft TOMORROW wniio vouier, jr. u "THE BUGLE GALL" INTKKEKHMI bCBNES OP DSNVER BlOh'Kf BRSW M "THE SCHEMERS Victoria perform tho ceremony, nnd n reception will follow. The best man will bo Mr. Harry Barnard Mr. Hcnschel nnd his lirlJo wll spend their honoymoon In Atlantic City. They will ho nt homo nt 28S2 Uambrcy street nftor July 19. GltOOMC HELMS. Tho mnrrlaKe of Mrs Lena G. Helms, of 1925 Parrlsh street, to Mr Cyrus T. Qroomo, of 2544 West Glrnrd ncnuc, will bo sol emnized tonight In tho Lutheran Church, 16th nnd Jefferson itrcets, the Rev Daniel Weleel oniclntlrW Immediately nftor tho ceremony Mr Qroomo and his bride will leao on an extended Journey. They will bo nt homo after September 1 at 1925 Parrlsh streot. TAYLOR CHILD Tho marriaBO of Miss Ethel E Child, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs Thomas E Child, of 4738 North Manlne street, to Mr Georgo C. Taylor, of Lnnsdowne, will talte placo this evening at tho home of the bride's parents Tho Rev nrltton Welglo will of ficiate. The ceremony will ho followed by a reception nt the future homo of the couple, 4228 North 15th street. The bride will bo ulven In marriage by hor father Miss Lillian B Taylor, sister of the bridegroom, will be maid of honor. Mr. George W Child, brother of the bride, will bo best man. CLYMER GRAHAM A plcturcsauo wedding was solemnized at the Church pf tho Most Precious Blood, 28th and Diamond streets, this morning at 9 o'clock when Miss Margarot L Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles R. Graham,! of 3027 Dakota street, became the brldgo of Mr. William F. Clymer. Nuptial Mass was celebrated by tho Rov. J. L. J. Klrlln Miss Mno G. Orahnm attended hor sister ns maid of honor. Tho best man was Mr. William F. Bojle, nnd little Miss Agnes Graham, sis. ter of tho bride, was the flower girl. A wedding brcaKfast followed tho Mass, and a reception will be held In the evening, The brldo nnd bridegroom will leave on nn ex tended wedding trip to Nlgara Falls and Washington, and will be at homo after August 1 at 3018 Bailey street. VANDERSLICE DONAHUE. A pretty wedding wns solemnized this morning In St. Elizabeth's Church, 33d and Berks strcetB, when Miss Catherine E Donahue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Andrew Donahue, of 1922 North Van Pelt street, became the bride of Mr Thomas L Vandcr slice, of 1922 Glenwood avenue. The Rev. I'nther Moore ofllUatcd at the Nuptial Maas. Tho ushers wero Mr. Thomas Bagntell and Mr Howard Gordon. DYCH QUINN. A quiet wooding took place this morning, when Miss Elinor R. Qulnn, daughter of Mr. Joseph A. Qulnn, of 1419 East Columbia aenuo, wns married to Mr. Herman J. Dych nt the Church of tho Holy Name Tho ceremony was performed by Father Hecnnn. Tho bride had Mls3 Gertrude Qulnn as maid of honor, nnd Mr William V. Dych was his brother's best man. After an ex tended wedding trip, Mr, nnd Mrs. Dych will live ln Olney. ATLANTIC CITY, June 28. The sum mer girl's boardwalk apparel Is always" characterized by a bright top coat of somo dlscrlptlon, no matter how warm the day may be and the top coat Is always tho gayest part of the costume. Brlght'Colored Norfolk Jackets, of green, rose and ochra tints are having quite a vogue, and are competing for favor with the Jaunty smocks and silken sweaters Knitted sweaters are still worn, and yellow Is quite ns p&pular this year as It was laaL Perhaps the suf. fraglstfl mean to keep It before tho public until their cause Is won. ( Speaking of suffrage, Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt, the noted lender of the suffrage movement, was among tho week-end visitors. Members of yie Round Table Club of the Union League motored down to the Scavlew Country Club for over Sunday. In tho party were Mr. nnd Mrs John Dunlop, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Burt. Mr and Mrs. Roland C. Evans, Mr. II L. Yourtg, Mr. M. W. Phillips, Mr. George W. Evans, Mr. W. B. Shcppnrd, Mr Carrol Nichols, Mr. Otto T. Mnllery," Mr. Charles J. Blddle and Mr. R. II. Yocum. Mrs. Ethel Kneodter entertained ln formally at bridge Monday afternoon at her cottage on Tnllnhassee nvenue. The players wero MrB Clayton Hagy, Mrs. John Ms Conaghy, Mrs, Clarenco Landrcth, Mrs. Wllbert Bcnumont, Mrs. At B. Mathews and Mrs. Ferdinand A. Loeb.' Mrs. W. M. McCormlck has Issued cards for a luncheon nnd bridge at tho Atlantic City Country Club tomorrow. Tho Scavlew Country Club will give a dinner danco at the clubhouse on Monday ovcnlng, July 3. A rose tea was given yesterday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Warren Somers, 118 South Pennsylvania avenue. In the Interests of Child Federation, organized for the pur poso of giving aid to children whoso parents cannot afford n physician. Receiving with Mrs Somers were Mrs George Bailey, Mrs. John Nesbltt, Mrs. David ntzslmmons, Mrs. George Keates nnd Mrs William A. Faunce. Mrs Idn C. Hawkins, who spent the early summer at Buck Hill Falls, as has been hor custom for many years, Is hero for the remainder of the season Dr. and Mrs. R. B Ashton wilt arrlvo on July 1 to spend the entire summer at Chelsea. Mrs. George B. Evans motored down from Philadelphia to the Brighton, where she will make her summer homo as usual. Accom panying Mrs .Evans Is Mrs W. B Sheppard. MIbs Mary Qulgley, who has been spend' lng Juno in Wernersvllle, will return to her cottage, Rhode Island and Atlantic avenues, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace and fam ily have opened their summer home on Dover avenue, Vontnor. Tioga Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Isaacs, accompan ied by their daughter, Mss Helene Isaacs, of 1736 West Erie avenue, will spend the summer nt their cottngo on St Charles place, Atlnntlo City. Eoxborqugh Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Crowthers, ot Wil mington, Del , aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, of East Leverlngton ave nue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Cex and their fam ily, of Lyceum avenue, are at their summer homo ln Ocean City, N. J., until autumn. Mr. and Mrs Sidney Luke, of Leverlng ton avenue, havo been spending the last few Sundays In Atlantic City. Their daughters. Miss Mary Luko and Miss Helen Luke, are the guests of their grandparents, "Mr, ahd Mrs. John Mcllodcw, ot Wlssahlckon, at tho summer home of tho latter In At lantic City. What's Doing Tonight Concert by Municipal Band, at Droad and Spruce streets: 8 o'clock. Free. Concert by Falrmount Hand, at Belmont Man sion: 8 o'clock. Free. Concert by Philadelphia Band, City Hall plaza; 8 o'clock Tree. Young People's Christian Union of United Presbyterian Church opens In Norrls Square Church, Hancock street and Susquehanna ave nue. Presentation of swords to Jacob D. Lit and Isadore Stern by Maccabeans at review and dance. Parkway Bulldlnc; 8 o'clock. wl y I 1 1 & hi Select the Tire Built Exactly for Your Needs There are five types of United States 'Balanced' Tires tires for every need of price and uo tires for heavy cars tires for light cars tires for city pavements tires for rough road work tires for speed tires for heavy service No one type of tire will suit all cars or all uses. , f . But among the five United States xV I .- Balanced' Tires you will find at least one 4rw$Vv! V X type which is built exactly for your needs. $?y cIW X 'k 'ko nearest United Slates Tiro Dealer for Ow VSil Vm. 'rour COpT k k0k'el "Judging Tires," which jSaJaU jeS? sCwtk " k w '" ecu tho exact tiro to suit your neecU. vRyc IKS United StatesHre Company Mmn iMM . Nobby1' 'Chain' Ueco MsrIml f 'Royal Cor4 Plain' M$tffM VsBX "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES" Mf M VSB Made by the Latent Rubber S fjmf NyXBk Company u? tha WoiU fy fJK f