Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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    aWV"ltVrt '" " ' fSi ,','
fitia ' . . - . b. m
41 Miarf- :-. V J.-
. i " ' 'SriniUl
I i: . " -
nil JilHMH 1 ' ''" mij i iiiii I iTliirf !. ji.i ?..-. 11 '' itiis il .. ft fc..mMW.nn .! in fc hj.V ! i L.n i.iiiiriii .lh.ii .1 n l II I i. ,,..- rii l.iH.I., I
.vi -r
EtTitfjiyJr ..fc Tanun . &iot leit
tp 'Under trie Moons of Mars"
BSSK'rftuhi frm. Mats,. whlm,.h hd
mvf r j.i - a.i.1 a and marrini umimn
kaWWM'lfn -"TIT i
HJB.7A.W5rt i Jiu"m; n
itUanttK rio.ii'
'' III i.
rha r
"Li's...- t.'.Wlt (.In.
r K VtrentiTresW. covered. With bw-
ffiSS ten skA?
the wlekfi
.ll ih ..trrnif criMur, This, em
. 1.KI&
I Jfirtit fliwi to .b hlsjold mena. " war;
. Srftri TfW. whom hls J i
6 'tVAnSfHiHilh rfy'in. hallow it. thr
k Jmrn. AtlM-' a pri.t flstit with tiuira
' "'fe,raLii nlfiVrfh Wl'.on.M.j.n,.ot
ft .fera'STtiuli ravlrtln 'Woratii
! .''SflrWlloU cp thrcwih. th VHyDpr.
' ?S lSxtumtiIt,CiiWfllJirnbf7 to'MTOl'Tnti
' uiM IMvlft.'td ftr.i'ln..,1..two-mn,fll5L
CffonStJuctiJ..' JtV hVMpiMtf iWf,
r .X .Kn.iHi ah4iufil ?hMnrL dhllahtr
.V linl hlrl(AArtp- nf .fhA
RtSirMiMrfiir -te In an lrblp. dMcendln.
I'- ,' -'liniV'FT-.n VIII CnnMnunn.
Amn.rjUi tnitfrfi hIia ttnnlr until- na'tlnrbj
LJVTjxfc w. m..w .... ...,..t ru7...,-
' r'L"'
H 'EVnX'iitVjllip.'h'ittpf ;hor p'rn dlanc
gg. .'fc-l?ii8.'!faoniiteKTattreBhlp iUonfiedYon..' nhd 'on
1L tCjR.Wn'.lritoVh'ni "Bctiibd.'t& ' hlo "must Bo the
A MW Wr quijl.'lr "i-j w;,.daqconcld.
' rii4"W3''fniJltWh.tiie'. Bhattnerpilnfttea, a.ruptlyln
S KfiT''U9''rHii','ilnil''felj'th8',blndwstof ft
- !vWfflK': Wrt'''eB:. AlJliosphtfriescont'dlartCBMl.
'Sfe'S.'wWfe f.ratonas of bhli: doffed ,theboioro' of
wUKtlM?4'0 '''Kltl'e'rlln'Tidi .TOBivliore' itnd
vSwB),ttWWiupPortr 1H? Btrntrg4Khdfpolorlcs.i
,n'B''1,ftl11 Ql-this Hton. world., .
wlK3-.'JliWr ?' w!tnm.xJ,.l!,'0.8Tce'tho,D,t
. MsBli, tlrtWpi drAppid until she'-reed 'oh "tha
'' s?JB-iVo. '.Inland' Jioueadurjhgi,:,oqr. decent
f ')4S'f. flJlknd)-lnf.tIili:-i;la.ce. had., ben
, P m ilmVf fOT' 'out tlit BmaUer .buti moro powerful
Vi'il, wr prppe'lsro-i A' 'theses comrtipneed to
f JSPSBS ..MWlrltthtHIp tookViipKa JoUrnfaVfonca
,it , ..'" .uh ' -" -:'.-.
nv 4hfb innW 'AlfltrtAni -fin lmnvnntlv
'ttku'eiUlV R ahpjlin.d,tl air. f
5."i'WiHr and J jwaroVaiinoUijdodr Neither
t Iwlsttd'jbti'ea-Ui-'.thB.-Burfapot'BarBvoni. '
S 'ViAU'UWyt?,!f:Jl..Ba.'r. wero-.W"
U ,rt(t,v Thire, nwero ,a few liters and
J kJfi!,but''none'-of oe Rfclit-rterclVaptmen
J" mahsI'.'plK th 'uppr""nir '.between "the
tttle ibtithe-outenKoria t. vVi
If j.nUr' l-,thotharbor..ofnth8 no,vy.i6f.,tho
l.flpitBor.'. aald, a"v'olco .'b'ehljid ub, vahd
JWOinrUjeIKw .yi-oaar. waicnins; ij ,wiui
;nm"ed.BmU'e,on,ljtaillpB., . r -,
" "TMs etL'" he'fcontlnuedl "la lanrerfftmn
Kv .KejinItrrecfllyeathS watera of ;thp 'esser
,MaDVrB,it.i 10 ijeep,iKirQmiJiiiinir,aDove
'Mrtlnsleyelwo.havB. four .great, pump-
I? Ui, itatlOHB 'that forco'thor'oversupply back
a, 1ato,ine 'reservolra' far tiorthifrtm't which
irta-meni(iiraw uia .water wnicns irn
jtSwthelr. farmj Uinda."w t )v. i I,,
VXmiw light buret on,m with this ex-
pmnaiion. ri, .u .-.. i
klrflLa iV , cu men iihu niwnya con
?.I?'. il ft'nlcM that caused great col
US2 ,L'7A-'M' t0-,Pu" from the Mid
cVt1hlr reservoir alde to Increase the
hupplj; pt m precious liquid' which Is o
ca,rc Ih the buter world of Mars.
Never had t"he(r learned men been able
IP' fathom the secret of the source of this
fhormpus YolUmp of water. As ages passed
IK !) - "'wply como to accept It as a
Jnat(f of course, ahd ceased to question
it. urigin.
Ve. passed s.overat Islands, on which were
Mrangcly shaped circular buildings, ap
parently rooIlesB. and plerded midway be
tween the ground and their tops with small,
heavily barred windows. Thoy bore the
tnarMbf, .prisons, which wero further ac
centuated by. the armed guards who
squatted on -low bertche's without or patrolled
tno short bench-lines.
' ew bt Jhesa Islets contained over an acre
of ground, but Presently wo sighted a much
larger ono directly ahead, This proved
to be our destination, and tho groat shin
was soprt' made fast against tho steep
shore,. (
Jtodar signaled' is to follow him, nnd
tWUh a hnlf-tloieh onicers and mon wo loft
h battleship and. approached a large oval
structure a couple ,c-f ' hundred yards from
the shore.
"You shall soon see, Issus." ,nald 3fodar
to Fhaldpr, 'The few prisoners wo take
are. presented to her. Occasionally she' se
lects '-slaves from' among ithem to replenish
the ranks of her handmaidens. Nono serves
Issjis, above a single, year"."
V.Thoro was'a1' ferlpi smile on the black's
llpa that lept a cruel and sinister meaning
to, his slmplo statement,
.Phildor, .though . loath to believe that
leiuin was allied to such as these, had
cd lumcncou -10 entertain uouuta anu tears.
She , clung Ivery .closely to me, no longer
th'e'tpfoild daughter of tho master of life
arnl death upon 'narnobm, but a young and
frlnhtchcd glrl( In thoN power of relentless
.enemies , " "
.'the tiutldlngiwhlch we now entered was
entirely .'roo.tlesi.- 'In t's' centre was a lonp
tank of 'yater,' set below the .level of tht
floor 'like .tho; .swimming pool of a- natato
rlum.1 .Near one side of the pool floated an
odcMooklnB, black object. Whethor It were
some 'strange' monster , of. these burled
tv'a'ters 'r- a "queer raft I could not at onco
pefc'e)ye: ' ' ,"
i i'VVa' were t soon to know, however, for as
WP'rea'ched' the, edg of tho pool directly'
above" the .thing, Xodar cried out a few
words' In' p, strahge tonguo. .Immediately a
hatch cover was raised from thesiirface of
trie object' and a black seaman sprang' frpm
fhe bowels of this' atrango .Craft.
, 'XodnV'riddrcflsed.tlic -Bcnma'n. .
'' i'ransMIt to your odlcer," ho said? "tha
commands of Dator Xodar. Say to him
"thar Dator -Xodarj-wlth oftle'ers and mon.
escorting two '-prisoners, would be trans
ported 'to .the'. gardens of Issus beside tho
.- 'Wes?f'dbo the shell of thy., first an
cestor, most nqblo Dator," replied the man.
"It shall' be" done oven as thou,'8aycBt."
"And raising both hands,-palms back
Ward.i abovo his -head after tho manner of
s.ilutc'whlch Is common to all races of Dar
s3onv hi. disappears once moro Into the en
trails of hln ship..
A : "moment 'later an' officer, resplendent In
the' 'gorgeous trappings of his rank, ap
peared on deck and welcomed Xodar to. the
vessel, 'ahd In the' lattor's wake we filed
aboard nnd below; "
' -The cabin lnwhlch wo found ourselves
extended,. entirely' across the ship, having,
portholes on either' aide below tho water
line: -Np 'sooner wore all below, than a num
ber 'of commands', were given. In accordance
with- which the ihat'ch 'was closed and se
cured, and the vessel commenced to vibrate
to .the-rhythmic purr of Its machinery.
2l :
"Whore can we be going In such a liny
pool of water?" asked Phaldor.
"Not up." I replied, "for t noticed par
ticularly that whllo ihe building s .roofless
It Is covered with a strong metal grating."
"Then Where?" she esked again..
"From tho appearance of the craft I
judge we are going doWn," I replied,
Phaldor shuddered, for such long ages
have the waters of Darsoom'fl sens been a
thing of tradition only that eyen this
daughter of the thorns, born ns nhe had
been within sight of Mara' only remaining
sea( had tho samo terror 6f deep water ha
s a common attribute of alt Martians.
I'resonuy me sensation 01 sinning- Decamo
Verjv npparent Wo were going down
swiftly. Now wo could hear ' the water
rushing past tho portholes, nnd In the dim
light that filtered through them to the
water beyond' tho swirling eddies were
plainly visible. '
Phaldor grasped my arm.
"Save mo I" she whispered. "Save mo and
your every wish shall be granted. Any
thing within the power of the holy therns
to giVo "wilt bo yours, rhnldor," she stum
bled' a little here, and then In a very low
voice,-"Phaldor' already Is yours."
. I felt very sorry for the poor child and
placed my hand Over hers where It rested
on my arm.
I presume my tnotlvo was misunderstood,
for with a swift glance about the apart
ment to assure heraelf Hint we were alone,
she threw both .arms .about my neck and
dragged my face down1 to hers.
Issus, Goddess of Llfo Eternal i
TflE confession1 of lova which the girl's
fright hnd wrung from her touched mo
deeply, It humiliated me as well, since I
felt that In some thoughtless word or act
I had given her reas'on to'bellove that Ire
clprocatcd her affection.
I havo always been moro concerned with
fighting and kindred nrtB, which havo over
seemed to mo more fitting a man than
mooning over a scented glqvo fbur sizes
too small' for him or kissing 'a dead, flower
that, has begun to smel like a cabbage. So
I was quite at a loss as' to what to do or
to say,
A thousand times rather face the wild
hordes of the dead sea bottoms than meet
the eyes of this beautiful young girl and tell
her tho thing that I must tell her.
But there was nothing elso to bo done,
and so I did It Very clumsily, too, I fear.
Oently I' .unclasped her hands from about
my neck, nnd still holding them In mine
I told her tho story of my lovo for Dejah
Thorls.- That of all ' the women of two
worlds that I had known arid admired dur
ing my long life sho alone had I loved.
The tale- did not seem to please her. Like
a tigress sho sprang, -panting, to her feet.
Hor beautiful faco was distorted In nn ex
pression of horrible, malevolence. Her eyes
fairly bla'zedj Into mine..
"Dog," sho hissed. "Dog 'of a bla's
phemcrj '.Think; you that, phaldor, daugh
ter of Matat Shang,' supplicates? Sho commands.-.
What to hor Is. your puny outer
world passion for tho' vile .creature you
those In your other llfej
"Phaldor has glorified you with her love,
and ypu have spurned her. Ten thousand
uhthlnkqbly atrocious deaths could not
atone for tho affront that you havo put
upon me. Tho thing that you call Dejah
Thorls shall dlo the most horrible of them
all. You havo sealed the warrant for
her doom. , .
''And you! you shall be tho meanest
slave In 'tho service' of tho goddess you
have attempted to humiliate. Tortures and
Ignominies shall be heaped imon you until
you grovel at my feet asking the boon, of
"In my gracious generosity I shall at
mr v.
t i.j-1
' Dearest ChlldreriI'wlsKOrL'hbw Ijxish! J .could tell .you of the many,
iny wonderful thiriga .which' our1 club your club has done since wo first
f, Tharoare b"oya(who'h'ave'learned to put their money in the banks. Boys
P f no have .learned o kiss their 'mothers. Girls who havo. learned to bo kind to
is ielrya'thp.rsanirother'fnem'bera i Vrho are.beinrjr kind, to their teachers in school.
I 'iWohaerfui.i'sniti, ,",.. ." '
, .j.flut, mu3t,ieu you ox, one iiwie iaax y"u ia(,nuw. oui, uu chjuhib ..
MWpewhb"?:w!a9:'6nVlbed'!of ''pain, and sorrow" when our club first; started.
is 1. Dld-iour clubVheltrT.Never mind, the thing to remember is this, sho is
ifcettlng;eil.' Wri mustnotfisk'how or why, b'ut she, has risen, .from tho bed of
4ffl and ft 'now' making, others happy andha? said "flood-by" to, her nurse.
rslYbur editor'told you how he sent her three powders to take, one FAI1H,
j.iwplheir'HOPE, nr!d'ftev.'tWrV LOVE, 'and how she was .pleased to.receivo them.
A NaviiF irivn un'liAnn 'fir nnmn tiftl. friends are sick-or. suffering, do not clvo
p-t-tc-: :.? zz:-n rj.i t :: :i ,
j, iojic, out 'Keep aoing norneninu aor iiicui.
" 't Wedb'-notneda crediVfo'r anvthinir:. all we know is that the Little Lady
?,.'. .. .V ' .. , ' '. . ' ' .' HI. -111. J .i !
wOetWeH Land (t'Jah the royal troad to health,- wealth and happi
' Y?h.eij ' sKe'has 'fully; recovered she will repay in' some way the kindness
ii.iJ ri-ii. i' i it'i. li-l iiilt' --1 1J...L1 i .!., j .-. i.
'8 Editor.
P Y?r .oeehem," but she i will, ho 'doubt, pass along' the good work.
I 4hdpsor;,.:: .: farmer smi
ml? v . .-. ;. . Chl,dreni
i f Atpcy, UWjrittejuFroiB Picture
vy-t ., . , ... .- . r
, Se"le and Mareiar 4n"v boat.on the
SSt,aclj;J,rl-.9ra helpsto row
bpiL They' like to'rdw and when, the
X? IS "Brtltfoth-' thoV maka'Uhit boat' move
JJtt.fBt. TheyiJp'.by thUlda.pfth
!;lTh(i plae'whera' they ho to school
h ! njtle by 'laffj, .frorh" their" house, but
Mjl hof, hap.-'mtreroB y-tho Ukol " So.
W.ty -ay Jr', Htfaa Hwo take he
0.t.and'KO-.to scfleoL but If 'tha.cloudM are
Sfc;H.Via'jr;nJt safe for
Wy '. thaVboaf. and they mlhd
hit 'lavtpli' thjSmvi i
One' when Vhanhad tied their boat to
5;,r?K. near, the, acnopjhouB.e omp bad, boys,
WiW .Thelr'.leav?' took the boat and
it. Fjwjoow'acrtoss, tha lake, DUt'th'a bad
p ?rt jdld 5ot' Jiidw hbwe'fomib tHa ;oar
M. on f thein let ah bar- alp from his
HjWt na.of.tM're'st knew how- to
cull a boat. Charlevdld' and ,aIS Marie.
tn"Ma'boya7hB'",rto try for "help
f.211 Jtiunnt' wet t pW wlth..boV
iyoU'hiva not- been taught toirow.
, A -Quotation j
liinkt ! It n' , ' i.nll.'n.nl 7V 1. n
Jt honSat (n K. " I.' .' K-Vn'i.nit In
f,'MV to ba wise, and posujBlnjr all
W.3HtlM. to xer?laa,them.n tha niost
WacafaJ, ottwaiid mannen ... "
Ltf?'aM!iifk.t '' '"
aj?l tcf bom a ipember if your
JjSf.nborpuUon .ft: I, agV, to
!wi&'$!9 JPNDNE88 each:xnd
TV; M ' tt it iMMWt.,M
j T 7gr, " t. 1 1 1 1 t f
IK vTyy pt '? ''
5f f-- M -.
There arc too t many accidents 1
Let 'us all try to stop" them. If every
one of ustis mor.e careful, then there
will be fewer accidents.'
'Next Saturday, in our Fourth of
July number, we will have an an
nouncement to make that will inter
est you ALL.,
This 14 to be a treat .surprise. We
ar?. to have ONE definite thing tot
members of Farmer Smith's Rain
bow Club to do-and we will tell you
abou,t .it next Saturday. De SURE
to get our Fourth .of' July numbejr.
Vacation Notes
Russell Qudknecht, Vjne street, ope of
our tainted young; authors, la spending- the,
summer nar Medford. JH. J. We arauure
Russell will have. a tasta of real country
life, for his bungalow la situated fully
three miles from th nearest store oeptra.
May wa -hope, that Russell will write fre
quently, o'f the. happy outdoor and share Ita
pleasures with our city Rainbows?
Catherine Rosenberger, Spring City, Pa..
will leave shortly for' her summer home In
Richardson Park. pel. "During these vaca
tion months Catherine will endeavor to es
tablish a branch of tha Rainbow Club In
this toretty resort. ,
Things to Knor and Do
m S"I?WBR FART- Our Uvea will ba
happier U we kitaw .the flowers. When wo
Ilka people, W4 want to know their names,
Let usinow.tha names of pur frlends-tho
ilawers. Therefore, tell me tha names, of
three-flower having WHITE as thelc hlef
poloA WWte clover Is ppe. now name some.
(ii Fill Jn 'a m'sslng letter;
XX Hot out
XXX Something. T.
X- A peraon I love,
' XXX.-r-Jfad. jnie foof "
Putf the, word together.
ill pur OBKO vwjr veaay. nu na
i iLz rk all sa m A ) X7ra h a V b n n . Vat
?sof,take"w h Oral lfftse of j-Js. name
4ot Ti9ll 4 put whati.f tha eaatlwr with
ptUM 7 . "
By Farmer Smith
"One, two, throe, FOUR!"
"One; two, three, FOUR!"
Dllly Rumpus marched up and down In
front of his home, proud as could be.
airs. Flea waa seated on the tip end
of his tail, watching the proceedings. Every
time Billy said "FOURj" Mrs. Flea would
give him an extra bite which made him
turn nroUnd with a Jump.
"Look here!" shouted Mra. Flea, "what
are you doing? I thought you were a gen
eral a, general doesn't keep guard,"
With 4hatMre. Flea gave Billy another
bite, just for good measure.
"Ouch!" exclaimed Billy,
"One, two, threo FOURj"
"Soft.ly, softly," whispered Mrs. Flea.
"You will wika the enemy,"
"I'm a g'e'neral,.but'a general must stand
guard t his turn;" replied Rllly.
"One, two, three, FOUR, ouch!"
."One, two. three, FOUR, ouch!"
"How bravo you are." laughed Mrs. Flea.
"By the wny, what are you guarding?!'.
"I'm. guarding my happy home," replied
Billy proudly,
"Thank you for telling me," answered
Mrs. Flea, "if you will excuse me. I'll
go Inside a while."
"One, two. three, FOUR, ouch-eel" Mrs.
FJea gave .Bllly a partlpg- bite.
Our Postofllce Box
Louis CatalanoJllarket street. Is one of
our "All Rainbow" baseball players? Al
most every score that has come breathless
ly In to the Raln-
??'' ?'" Pm 'he
Ma Qt street Jun
iors, "fcrhlch team
liouls r!aya, has
sontalned the name
of our Rainbow pn
the winning side.
Pood luck to him.
more hits to him
and may ha con
tlnue to be as
splendid a Rain,
bow as he Is hiu.
ballplayer. George
Thomas Is another
West Philadelphia
lad who Is quite as
well acquainted
with a bat as ha Is
with his breakfast
l.UUW L'ATAIv.NQ fork. George man.
ages his school team. Wa would Ilka to
hear fropl Joseph DagPsUna, Howard Ford
and lon Brown on, tha late progress of
their respective tes.ms,
Blspeth Evelyn Ing-, Applegata. street,
has had lots of wonderful things happen
tq her these days. One of them was being
prqmpted to Grade 3 A, Then her teach
K gave her tickets for fhe ZooJ Elspeth Is
l' t0. m.ak0 "P04 u9 the tickets, for
whlla visiting tha animals aha will raw
tlny sketches of them that are to be reoro.
duced in the Club News. v
More East Mhsdawqa Rainbows! Due
to the unceasing efforts of Viola Casacclo,
They are Mary Bates. Isabella and Thersa
VerantU Wllhelmtna and Isabella WhltJ
and Warner Fabean. Everett Church 1 a
new Selleravllle member. Susie, Christina
Anthony and Michael aruccjo are ha latest
Vneland Rainbows. ' -
Favorite Records
8Bt n bjrjfRED KOELLBB. Joklntown Pa.
' I. Th Pathfinder orlPnam j"' oh
WUcoiiajn. 3- College Medley. 4. America,
iWeTou. 8.you'H8e.There, . Lights
Qut. T. Hall Pennsylvanli g. Hurrah
far thf!tRe4 apd, the Bias I s. Alagasam.
!! aOWBUt. Bailey PlayaUUkalihi
it, OeorgJe. Moop. U- Under tha Double
Epf le March, is. A N.w,Cufoi; DfinklinC
It Nw York: Hippodremi aic '
V-rfitm M I1' ''l VWjX A
ONE of the shops Is featuring a special In this practical tub skirt It Is a Bnug-nttlng,
four-gored model, finished with a deep ilounco with cither a plain or scalloped edgo,
made of an excellent quality of tub dlllc. which wnshes oxtremoly woll. Both front and
bnck panels nre reinforced, a fcoturo worth noting. It Is a very good value. It comes
In flesh 'and white at J2.05.
Crepe do chine Is UBed for th(s brassiere, which hnH a hemstttchod yoke and satin
ribbon tie nnd shoulder straps, tho latter ending In hows trimmed with French flowers.
It comes In all-whlto, all-Ilosh or whlto with flesh trimming for J1.G0.
Tho name of the shop where these articles may bo purchased will be supplied by
the Editor of the Woman's Pngo. Evbnino Lbdorb, G08 Chestnut street. Tho request
must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, nnd must mention the date
on which the article appeared.
length grant your prayer, and from tho
high balcony the golden cllfTs I shall watch
the great whlto apes tear you asunder."
Sho had It all fixed up. Tho whole
lovely program from start to finish. It
amazed me to think that ono so divinely
beautiful could at tho samo time bo so
fiendishly vindictive.
It occurred to me, however, that she
had overlooked ono little factor In her
rovenge, and so, without any Intent to add
to her discomfiture, but rather to permit
her to rearrange her plans along moro
practical lines, I pointed to tho nearest port
hole. '
Down, down wo continued to sink until
the heavy glass of the port-holes became
noticeably warm from the heat of the
water without. Evidently we were very for
beneath the surface crust of Mars.
Presently our downward motion ceased,
and I could hear the propellers swirling
thrbugh the water at our stern and forcing
us ahead at high speed. It was very dark
down there, but the" light from our port
holes nnd tho reflection from what must
have been a pdwerful searchlight on tho
submarine's nose showed that wo were
forging through, a narrow passage, rock
lined, and tubelike.
After a few minutes tho propellers ceased
their whirling, and then commenced to rise
swiftly toward the surface. Soon the light
from without Increased and we camo to a
Xodar entered the cabin with his men.
"Come," he said, and wo followed him
through the hatchway which had been
opened by one of the seamen.
Wo found ourselves In a small subter
ranean vault. In the centre of which was
the pool In which lay our submarine, float
ing as we had tlrst seen her with only her
black back showing!.
Round tho edge of the pool was a level
platform, and then the walls of the cave
rose perpendicularly for n few feet to arch
toward the centre of the low roof. The
.walls about the ledge wero pierced with a
number of entrances to dimly lighted passageways.
OF MOKE THAN $105,000
Disposes of His Property
Private Bequests
Among tho wills probated today wero
those of John J. Kirk, 7377 St. Martin's
lane, which, In private bequests, disposes of
property valued at moro than $105,000;
William H. Curry. 022 North 4th street,
tiolcdo; Anton Sauter, 314 OIney avenue,
$9009; Elizabeth Vnn C. Heberton, North
Wales, Pa., $9000; Margaret J. Caves, 4148
South Carllslo street, $4000, and Levering
Minister, 2243 North 16th street, $3000.
The personalty of tho estate of Elizabeth
F. Neumann has been appraised at $9140,54.
IF YOU are templed to eat raw sausage
put It off until you have read this
through. If you eat It then It Is your
Trichinosis In human being's Is much more
prevalent than you think. Mild cases nre
passed off as muscular rheumatism. More
severe cases, as some form of fover, may1 be
Tho principal causo of trichinosis Is the
eating of smoked sausage, the kind that
you see on tho free lunch counter. There
fore, If you must eat freo lunch stick to
frankfurters, wieners and the cooked meats.
The Government has found that holding
pork In the chill room at a low temperature
for a certain tlmo will kill trichina, but tha'
method has hot been npplled In tho regula
tions yet. Perhaps next year you can eat
smoked sausage without getting trichinosis,
but do not try It this summer.
Mr. Carey, n student nt the University
of Chicago has made a bacterial study of
mnrket sausnge, Ho found that IE grains
of fresh home-mndo sausage only contained
CC0 bacteria. Such sausage Is safe. A like
quantity of some market sausage contained
as high ns 300,000,000.
Ono authority says that n sausage con
taining more than 10,000,000 bacteria per
IE grains Is unfit to cat, because It either
has beon made out of off-dolor meat or else
It has bocn put up by very dirty pcoplo
using very dirty methods. Another au
thority places 2,000,000 as the limit beyond
which the bacterial count must not go It
tho sausago Is to bo considered safe.
Of tho 34 samples examined by Mr.
Carey, three exceeded tho first top limit
and 1 tho second.
Among the bacteria contained In sausage
are soma very harmful Varieties. Especially
Is this true of certain of tho Imported
sausages. It Is much better to stick to
domestic sausnge.
Mr. Carey found that cooking killed th
bacteria In BaUsage, Frying In lard, after
simmering In water; frying In lard over
asbestos or over wife gau boiling Irt
water, were nil found to be efficacious In
sterllztng sausage containing1 great num
bers of bacteria. But tlnia Is required.
Dolling must be kept up for 20 minutes
at least and frying for more than 10.
One cooked sausage purchased from a
restaurant was found not sterile, Threa
others were. .
.Carey found that sausage was not In
fected by the casings. Tha trouble was
with the meat used and with din mntimil
of 'preparation. It Is possible wltluaiJIces
to cover up tho tasta bf meat that la a
little off. Tho methods of manufacturfc
are chiefly at fault. Tho sausage bought
In tho residential districts was not so
good, as shown by tho bacterial tests, as
that In, tho districts not b good. Half
tho samples contained sulphites, Tho sam
ples containing sulphite wero not preserved
any better than the others. The reason?
for using sulphite are that It reddens tho
meat and preserves It.
Nenrlv two-thirds of the samples con
tained starch, Some samples contained 12
per cent, starch.
Cooked oausage Is safe enough, Raw
sausage Is not. -The methods of manu
facture need Improving from tho sanitary
Two Young Men nnd a Girl En
gage in Twenty-Block Spurt
as Throng Leaves
ATLANTIC CITY, Juno 28. A midnight
marathon on tho wooden walk created ex
citement Inst night, many persons returning
from cabarets nnd other nmusement places
thinking tho fleet-footed pedestrians, were
criminals. The participants wero sport
loving visitors, two men nnd a young girl,
nnd thoy only Indulged In this 20-block spurt
to crcato a llttlo excitement, and thoy wero
successful. To nvold being nrrcsted they
selected an hour when the pollco squads
were bolng changed, nnd as they were all
swift runners, they easily outdistanced the
crowds of curious persons who wero anx
ious to llnd out what It was all about,
Af. a meeting of tho board of managers
of (ho Max and Sarah Bamberger Homo for
Sick and Crippled Children this week the
nnnual report showed that moro than 700
children had been taken care of In the last
year. Tho homo Is situated In Longport, Im
mediately adjoining tho Wldener Home. It
Is open for tho summer nnd plans have
been made for tho entertainment of a
larger number of children this season.
Arrangements havo been completed for
tho "cleaning up" of tho boathouso dls-,
trlct, on tho meadows near where the1 rail
road bridges cross tho Thoroughfare.. All
the owners will be compelled to add drain
ago facilities and repair the houses or they
will bo razed, Inasmuch as the rental
values are low and many of the houses nre
only occupied by squatters, It Is figured
that tho nuisance will be quickly nbated.
Plcnsantvlllei tho thriving little burg
seven miles from here, has plans for n
sower system. An election will be held In
tho fall to get tho necessary legal consent
from property owners; but ns tho ma
jority of tho taxpayers' and residents ara
In favor of tho Improvement, It Is expected
that the ordinance will be passed.
1 Two thousand excursionists from tha
mlddlo West nro hero for an outing and
will 'remain until Friday. They "were
brought here by an association of retail
grocers In Ohio. They came In special
trains and most of the expenses for their
entertainment will ba paid by tho associa
tion. A cross between a blackberry and n rasp
berry, known In tho West ns a Logan berry,
has been successfully raised at Brlgantlno
Junction, nenr this city, by George Cornle,
formorly of Portland, Ore. The now fruit
has tho tnsto of tho raspberry with some
of tho tartness of tho blackberry It Is said
that It can" bo raised successfully In the
Bandy soil of Jersey without the use of
fertilizers. It Is vnluable for the making of
jams and Jellies for pies.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H..D. Kellner, of North 18th
street, Philadelphia, nro hero for four
weeks. Mr. Kellner Is nn otneer of a bank
ing Institution In Philadelphia.
Mrs. noso Behal and- tho Misses Helen
and Florenco Behal, of Germantown, are
lato arrivals who will remain for several
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hexamcr and
tho Misses Amy Marloand Mlnnlo Hcxamer,
of Philadelphia, nre at their cottago for
the season.
Removes Superfluous Hair
from Under the Arms
The low neck and sleeveless
Kown demand a smooth white
Sold by Drue and Depart
ment Stores.
l cvv
Plea for Membership of 50,000
to .Be Made on Many
More than a hundred thousand persona
will have their attention drawn to tho Red
Cross 60,000 membership campaign through
tho' medium of the movlng-plcturo machines
of 60 theatres In every section of the city
today. This unique publicity campaign Is
conducted by the Southeastern Pennsylva
nia Chapter of the American Red Cross So
clety. with headquarters at 1419 Walnut
Within 21 hours after the plan of cam
paign was received through the co-operation
pf Stanley Mastbaum, managing di
rector of the Stanley Company. It was ar
ranged to have tha Red Cross campaign
boosted In a half hundred houses.
At the call'of tha Red Cross, Mastbaum
called to his aid N, O. Oreenwald, of the
Animated Slide Advertising Company, who
superintended the placing of tha Red Cross
slides In the theatre movlng-plcture ma
chines. With ,a, taxlcab loaded with the
Red Cross appeals and accompanied by
representatives of the Red Cross the thea
tres were visited and co-operation requested.
Every manager visited responded favorably
without a moment's hesitation.
Tha campaign will not cease until Philadelphia-'
t entirely cqvered and some of the
outlying "ectlons also have been reached.
TKe joy-giving thirvpiuch
ts motors and ytchxa
I possess ir &. quite
jcJVty measure. .
But I find iF I just look
ttDoot in tk& world
Tnere'a -e. lot of
s,t v
5 ffrxiT
Wherever Faskion
reigns, Dalsimer Foot
wear will be m evidence
, All sizes and widths
We fit you correctly
The name DeLyte stands for a
fixed quality standard that has proven
its worth over and over again in the
years we have featured it.
Among the Favorites
White Linen,
Semi - Colonial, -turn
sole and cov
ered heel. Also
a, Colonial model.
New Colonial.
Finest white buck
with a white buck
buckle, welt sole
and leather Louis
Va ""
White Buck
Pump, with
White Ivory
leather sole and
heel, Also.. Gun
metal Calf,
A new Point
Pump of White
Canvas, with
White" Ivory sole
and heel.
' $3.75
All White Sport
Oxford in WJjite
N u b u c.k, with
white rubber sole
and heel, $3.73.
Also White Linen
with White Ivory
The new High
Whiter Linen
Boot that is the
call of the season.
White Ivory sole
and heel. Also a
model with a cov
ered Louis heel
in Gray or Cham
pagne Glace Kid,
Bathing Slippers of Satin or Riibbex Fabrics, 43c up.
Shoes and Hosiery
1204-06-08 Market St,
, 05.-1'
Mf A )
iir q
,,,. , ... - mii m a i; m.r.a,-... ... .. . " . 1PWM"