Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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300,000 APPLAUD
ICltizenB, Police bupenn-
tdftdent ana wvcn raruci
pants Approve Pageant
jlve thdlfsftttd advertising men, who
l Tniiht In tha presence ot 300,000 PhllA
fcfthttitt marched Mohr . "! street,
i&M thll fndrnln with tha oplnldn that
f& hid participated In the greatest
SoMtron ever held In nn American
iiAl flight's parade mid demonstration
W .Jiiha reatet I nave ever Been,- Bam
I SuLrt i fiurtln. president of the Poor
I' urd ClUb, when h appeared today In
F ' Ki ,Vldors Of the Delietue-birauoru.
I , breakfast tables, In the barbeN
' .& and everywhere else this morning
t gffrtbjecl only xvna dlsciiSeUand that
f: & ia night' barade. m
th oaratie aiuni caunu "
dSnWrt delegatlona to be lata In getting
Ihelr respective headquarters.
NuwrlnUndehl of Police Jttrrtea lloblnson,
Bupi ....t-.. n tha riollce arrange-
' KX.. mid that never had he witnessed a
f , Morgwondcrfut spectacle than the i parade of
g ,fh, Awdclated Advertising Clubs ot the
OFF AT !1.
He parado started from Droad street and
,.in.,v. .......... a'tft o'clock. It had been
fr B t taifcVthf tart.it tt o'clock
I 8SV late drr va. of several. rtoate and
tH assigning oi - "iv." ,,".
' :
SSied a half hour delay. When all was
fJdly; Colonel John Clark Sims savo the
ISnSio a T. Stotosbury, the marshal, and
7 thJ wSS wa' directed from the dispatch-
jrtf station on the roof ot the Majestic
Hotel. ,
A System of directing the parade, through
ltruBB df Bell Telephone engineers, Penn-
Jvttarila Railroad signalmen and Jaoklcs
!f i ... .. T.tMnil trUtt flnnhml ftlrpr.tlnnn
J' frnM the roof of thd Majestic to other
iitiileS located at. vantage points in the
nlddlo of Broad street, worked out splen-
..... n ..-! JUrtf 1,o,1 hAAn tnnrtn fnr
i the elocution of orders through the slgnal-
Jl Befi.Jacklcs and motorcyclo aides camo ub
H all expectations.
F Along the route of the pageant there were
;f. l4 telephone stations, ortch equipped with
Q eperalors, signalmen and motorcycle aides.
W Ateich station the Signalmen with red and
fr white lanternsTntopped or moved tho pn-
I Mhi, as directed from tho Majestic roof.
V Floats that cdUght flro, accidents that
v Miipened to others necessitating their rd
f.' BoWt from the parade and other mlshapB
f" thai Bcciirred were all telephoned to the
'' Msjestlo dispatching" station and disposed
t " M from that point.
V throughout the lino of tho pageant, wher
i fYer a stop was made at a street crossing
I for' trolley trafllo to pass, visiting ad men
t look the occasion to compllrrient the signal
v tun on the expedition and highly creditable
i faifiher In which tho pageant had been dl
: tecUl -The sight of the signalmen In whlto
' IroUssl-s and red coats, with their white and
ted lanterns, were so conspicuous that ovcry
(notion they made In giving a signal could
' hi dlieernfed a block distant,
& the Municipal Bind preceded an elab-
tfite display 6f the Bell Telephone Com
pky, an expensive vehicle of wood and
tiW4, showing the lines ot telephone
Wrti passing from city to city frofn Phlla
ielpila to San FranolBoo, Each city was
BwfcM by a tiny electric light bulb.
t ITlSt City Directory publishers had their
tk Ind then came an elaborate series
Sj electric signs, each letter several feet
Jlljh and carried by four young men In
4Ulrit red hats and coats.
Thin Came "Philadelphia Firsts," all
floats, showing the first public school: an
(ID paper mill ; a building allre, represent
ing the initial Insurance company j Frank
lin's Book Shop, tho first library and a
model ot the Bank of North America. A
model of "Old Ironsides," built by M. W.
Baldwin In 1832, was presented by' the
Baldwin Locomotive Works alongside of
W Chi of their most modern products.
f lofrspoon mciiAnDs in piiocession.
Thn rte tha Poor Richards, tha hosts
I W the Advertising Clubs ot the World, a
I' Iplehdld body ot 300 meni wearing blue
f toits, white trousers and shoes, straw hats
g- and carrying canes, They marched eight
I abfjast in military precision, and were
, trtjted with applause alLalong the line.
I Ih, the van marched the Poor Richard Club
f- Bind of B0 pieces and "Ben Franklin" hlm-
E' ilf. Impersonated by Charles C. Green, rode
In an adto. He was continually bobbing out
of his seat and doffing his hat to the cheer-
p- teg throngs.
,Thj Quaker City Advertising Club to
ft lwd and a superb display by N, W, Ayer
. ft Bon. Preceded by a ear tho' entire front
i . which was hidden by a huge "official
Jtal" outlined In electricity, the Ayer pub-
lioity division Included a score of boys In
quaint costumes marohihg with banners
Jjftlen displayed Ayer advertisements. Fifty
University of Pennsylvania students, wear
ing blue coats, whlta trbusers and white
MJs, followed. Each'carrlod the U, of P,
Hi and blue.
"WUdwood-by-the-Sea." was reprtsented
jy float containing a group of pretty
women In bathing costumes and others In
jummer attire, A handsome representation
Petrce School came In this seotloni
JUM. the Victor float, showing ahUgd talk
nig machine and Immense papier mftche
bo. listening to "His Master's Voice."
mother beautiful float of tha Victor Com
EK "Produce.: Its advertisement which
2?I ,,h8 wrid-renowned alntfara of grand
BPrt in their favorite rolea. all of which
1? ...Mfc.. .-v. -U -.. !.. A .Jta.....n.l-.,-sA.
MRnt.R sthfeNRTt
IndlntittriollB fnhn, wild .8 cnnlrmiih
of the National Vigilance Commit
tee of tho A. A. C. W.
haVo been reproduced, musically, on Victor
..JFlV .J.' a Drl11 n" proclaimed that
"Philadelphia Builds It Trolley Car EVory
Working Hour," arid coittMhed n huge
model bf tho Brill car Works. Other llonta
contained realistic reproductions ot tile
Union National Bank nnd tho historic head
quarters building at Valley Forge, tho lat
ter having soveral Continental soldiers on
guard before 11,
Tho United rjas Improvement Company
had floats showing the old-stylo kitchen,
niled with smoke and dust, and the eplck-nnd-spun
modern kjtchen with a gas rango :
there were hosiery display floats, women's
weiring apparel and tho fahioua "Se6 That
Twd Now Orleans floats oxhlbltod hugo
cotton balls and a levee on tha Mississippi.
A hugo milk bottlo was tho central fcaturo
of Abbott's float: Wilbur chocolate pre
sented tho most fasclnntlng box of dandy,
showing rcd-llpped girls smiling out from
tho wrappings.
Tho Eqtial Franchise Society of Phila
delphia mddo a brave showing, preceded
by a Goddess of Liberty, holding hortorch
iloft, and followed by 12 wlilto-robcd maid
ens representing tho States which havo glV
eri women tho sUffrngo. The WcBtern Union
Telegraph Corflpany had more than 100 of
Its messonger bojB In line, preceded by a
boys' band In khaki. The Slltes Company,
chair manufacturers, decorated Its float with
a large presidential chair, on tho odgo of
which sat a small Woodrow Wilson.
Chester had an ambitious display,' with
880 cltlzenB In line, and a martial display
by the students of the Pennsylvania Mili
tary College, who brought their artillery
and ammunition carriages. A huge float
proclaimed tho glories of "Chester First."
Los Angoles, the city of flowers, had n
llorat float, on which a handsome vomah
held the reins, whllo n scoro of white-clad
ad men from that city pulled the car.
Bohlnd tlio Cnledonlan Pipe Band, look
ing picturesque In their plaid and tnrtnns,
came the representatives of the advertising
fraternity of Honolulu, garbed In tho native
dress of these mld-Paclflc islands.
Germany's Engineering and Scientific
Men Form a League
Germany's "engineering brnlns" havo
been amalgamated In one central organiza
tion called tho "Gorman League of Engi
neering and Economic Associations" In
preparation for the struggle for the world's
trade expected to follow the end of tho
war, according to reports In German news
papers reprinted In the London press.
Tho new organization embraces the fol
lownlg Institutions: Sooloty of German
Engineers, Society of German Architects,
Designers and Builders. Sqclety of Ger
man Blast Furnacemon, Society of German
Chemists, Society of Electrical Engineers
and Society of Shipbuilding Engineers.
The combination will represent a mem
bership of 60,000 and may be said to ln
corproate all the scientific nnd engineering
talent of Germany, The presidency bf tho
new leaguo has been given to Privy Coun
cilor Professor Doctor Busley, managing
director of tho Schlchau warship building
plant at Danzig. Doctor Busloy, an In
timate friend of tho Kaiser nnd Albert
Ballln, Is a distinguished marlno engineer.
who, according to the London Dally Mail,
has been na conspicuously Identified with
the purely constructional side ot tho Ger
man navy and merchant mhrlne as .von
Tirpits and Ballln, respectively, have been
with their general developmant.
It Is openly acknowledged in Germany
that tho league ot all the talents has been
organized "to confront the great new tasks
Which the present era conjures up,"
Town and Country Journalism
Country journalism regardB as news the
fact that "SI" Jortcs has built a bar p.
Metropolitan journalism sees news In the
fact that the Reginald Van Flivvers have
closed their house or opened It. Louisville
The Panhandler's Retort
"See here," said Joslah Jenkins, of
Sedgwick, to a, beggar over from Wichita,
"you touched me for a quarter last week
ftnd here you are again.' "Wall, gee whiz,"
Bhouted the panhandler, "halnlt you earned
anything since?" Kansas City Star,
Evening Lfedgef Offttfa Sugges
tions That May pmvg of aiu
In Getting About City
Td aid Ad Wert and theft wives Irt sesthtf
the miiny orthwHlla things Irt Phlhulel
jthla. the EVKMIHa LEDtlhn 6ffers a few"
suggestions Whl6tt will assUt them Ih find'
IHg llielf WAV AbbUt tho c!lj. .
Philadelphia la laid mil lit sqUhfea with
the stfeelfl HinhtnB ndrth nnd south ftnd
east and west. Naming of north and south
stfeeH begins at Market Street, nnd th
numbering dt stfeeln going" east And west
begins At Ffbht street.
Ih the street eAr system there ata trans
fef points hhd exchange points. Art ex
chhhge ticket costs 3 cents In addition to
the reUlaf 6-06nt tare,
Delegates who are slopping At tho 'Belle
VU8Stfdttord, Rils-CAHton, RllUShhaUse, St.
James hhd WAttdrt lintels can reach the
CoriltrierdlAl MuseUm, where Ihe.genornl f)6s
stohs bf the convention Wilt bo held, by
taking cAr 42 br car 13 on WAtnUt utreet,
Delegated who aro lidticed Irt the Hotel
Bingham and other hostblrles On ahd near
Market street may Alsd tAko car 43 or 13
on WAthUt street, or they may enter the
subway at 18th street ahd go t6 the Com
mercial MUseUm on surf Ace cars Nos, 11
Td 'reach lhdeendenc6 llnll, at 6th And
Chestnut streets, dftlegntes dan tnke cars 43
or 13, castboUild oh Chestnut street. CAr
pehtor'S Halt, the Betsy Boss ttmtse and
6ther points ot historical Interest are all
located Within walking dlstando of Inde;
pendenco Kail,
Many of tho dolcgatos will deslro to visit
the Baldwin Locomotive Works, the larg
est plant In tho world for the manufacture
of locomotlvos. Tho plant can be renbhed
by taking any car going Up cither 13th or
loth htrsets. Tho works are located at
Broad and SprlhS Garden streets. If you
take tho 13th stroct lino, get olT at Spring
Garden street nnd walk over ono square to
Broad stroct, It you take the 16th street
lino, get off at Spring Garden stroct and
walk two bloekB eaBl to Broad Btrcot.
To reach the .Zoological Gardens In Fntf
mount Park, nt 84th street and Glrard Ave
nue, tnko either bar 20 or 62 on 18th street.
Buy an exchange ticket, which will cost
B cents, and exchange at 13th stroet
and Glrard av'enUo for car No, IB, which
will take you to tho gatos of tho Zoo.
To reach Horticultural Hall In Falrmourit
Park tnko car No, 88 In the BUbway and
get orf nt 44 th street and Fnrksldo avenue.
From thero It Is only a. tWo-mlnUto walk to
Horticultural Hall. Delegates stopping
near Spring Garden street can reach Horti
cultural Hall by taking car No. 43 on
Spring Garden street
Hundreds of the visitors will bo Interested
In Inspecting the plants of Philadelphia's
great Industrial district In Konslngton,
where aro located tho country's biggest tex
tile mills. The Kenslngtbn district may bo
reached by taking car No. 3 on 13th street,
car No. 4 on 7th street nnd car No. 20 on
7th street
It la safo to say that tho baseball fans
among the delegates Will appreciate a few
kindly directions concerning tho best way of
reaching Shlbe Park nt 31st Street and Le
high avenue. The park can bo,reached by
taking cars 10 or 21 on Market Stroet: 33
nn Arch Btret ,nnd 30 or 53 on Kth stroet.
If you tako the cars oh 13th Btrcot It will
bo necessary to exchange nt Lolllgh aVonue.
So It will bo more convenient for delegates
to uso the Market and Arch street cars.
To reach the Philadelphia Navy Yard
tako car No. 20 on 12th street. For Willow
Grqvo, the country's greatest outdoor musi
cal centre, tako car No. 24 on 10th street;
05 on 11th street) 65 on Eth street.
But Husband of Professional Has No
Different Luck From His Friends
Dozens of old graduates were back nnd
they talked a lot about themselves and a
lot more about others not so fdrtlinate as to
"Most of our old crowd are married and
happy," said one.
"Married, anyhow," said another, with
th grin that always accompanies this silly.
"I accept tho nmendmont," returned tho
first spenker, "but chiefly on account of
poor Billy Tompkins. Ho had an unfor
tunate marital experience. Why, tho girl
ho married turned out to be a professional
The man Who liad first spoken sighed,
but his eyes twinkled.
"Well," ho observed, "I guess the rest of
US drew some pretty clever amateurs
A boy was arraigned In polloo court on
a charge of stealing $5 from his employer.
The boy secured a lawyer and entered a
nlea of "not guilty."
The lawyer believed In tha boy's Inno
oonca and spoke very eloquently on tho In
Justloe of tha arrest, dwelling particularly
on what It Would mean to the boy In future
Ufa If ha were sent to prison. Tha Court
dismissed the case.
immediately after, the boy asked tho
lawyer tho amount bf his fee.
"How much havo you got?" queried tho
"Well," replied the boy, "I'vo got that
Calculations of Latitude
Measurements ot both latitude and longi
tude depend on astronomical calculations.
There aro various astronomical methods of
finding latitude. To determine the latitude
It Is necessary to And the altitude -of the
pole. Some methods require more or less
trigonometrical calculations; for very pra
alsa latitude calculations astronomers and
geodeslsta employ an Instrument called a
zenith telescope to measure tha difference
of meridional tentth for certain pAIra of
m t
JUNE 27, 1016. ' . f
iiwmisi iii mi i ii i i imiisn mi ii i t ii ...i r i ...j-. ...- . .. .. ,... .. in 1.... .. j. ,, T ntJ ff
tLtUVt'1AVtA't'i'Tl'" '' 'f ' ' " f"r'""'11 i-'Mm,,, i niMif ,t Tr ft tt ,7,i j m- ,f , a ,, ljTg-, ,,-,, ft'fcrf.hWfr
irai;klHll U( J k iF.
V tart ,tt QB H Mm H H Bk b 4 H w k H U Jfi rk&
y StitL J$$k c -- i m ifMmmmfJmmm- ,. ,.,-., ,., ,L JL. Jb 3L.JKL M, - mmg?&w
We appear on behalf of MORE THAN A MIL
hearty greetings to the Associated Advertising Clubs of the
We greet you because you ' are pledged to the
undying principle of TRUTH.
This is the tie which binds a million hearts to you.
The watchword you so proudly display is the watch
word of our favorite magazine, NEEDLECRAFT. Its
enormous circulation has been built on the foundation of
By your untiring efforts, articles for the home and per
sonal use which help constantly to lighten our burdens and
to raise the standards of living, tfiay be purchased with con
fidence. These efforts are ably seconded by NEEDLE
CRAFT, which absolutely and unreservedly guarantees
every advertisement appearing in its columns to the extent
of itself refunding money expended if goods purchased are
You are fighting to improve and purify ADVER
TISING for the protection of the CONSUMER. And
i in so doing you are protecting and enriching the honest
is i
Needlecraft Publishing Co.
Will C Izor, Advertising Manager
Oner Madison Avenue
New York City I
Charles Dorr, Nw England Mgr
Robt. D. Johnitbn, Wetrn Mgr,
People's Gas Bl tig.,
Chicago, 111.
6 3 escort Street,
Boton, Mats,
lllllllllillllllllllitllillllll ill
mJtimmfiiUJui.Vi' A, Uiyaiirnitea-Mu
MXoi5 '