Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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mW&mw fvimtmonw
Sjtfm rut ? mv 1 jotmi
rffMto Pedro Gutierrez,, of Ha-
;V)Mi Find Philadelphia a
r - - . . - . , ,
bthttntKit from rc On
vnded, but Ihus fnr thbro has been rid
indication that the Austrlans were pre
Jiarinn; for n aland in the southeast
tONDO.V. Juno 2T. British heavy- arttl
lery Is smashing the German Intrenchtnehtg
at "numerous points" on a front of 6 5. ml Ion
and British Infantry has penetrated the
Oorman lines at ten different places. Inflict
In heavy casualties and suffering only
BllRlit tosses.
' This news was given In a War Ofllce
Statement last night, following two days
of reports of unusual activity on the. British
front In France. A previous srtlclal report
from Berlin has said: "FlghtlnR activity
In the west on the fronts occupied by the
British and. the north wine of tho French
army ,ls Important and has been for two
In the flchtlne tho "Anr-acs." the Aus
tralian nnd New Zealand troops, many of
whom are veterans of Gnlllpolt. have had
opportunity tp show, their1 prowess In the
west. To them and the Irish Munster
Fusiliers Is given the chief credit for the
damage Inflicted on the Germans In the
Infantry attacks.
Havana man, who is Cuba's dele
gate to the advertising, convention.
One 6f the conspicuous 'delegates attend
Ins the sessions ot tho Associated Advertls-
' in Clubs of tho World In this city Is Senor
I Pedro.'. Gutlerre. of Havana. Cuba. He Is
hero as a representative of the Advertising
Club, of Cuba, an organisation or which he
, waii -a founder,
Smor Gutierrez Is brimful of enthusiasm
. for everything that flavors of advertising.
He declares ha eats It. talks It and dreams
of it. He aald It Is the most vital thing In
(th world today. Senor Outleri'cz arrived
In this city1 on Saturday and la quartered at
the New Bingham Hotel.
"I am amazed to find Philadelphia such
great and grnnd big city," was tho way
he; expressed himself when naked what ho
thought of the city yesterday. "I never
expected to find so tremendous a number of
people here. It Is truly wonderful. "I
shall take In everything before going home,
but thero Is so much to' sec hero that I am
convinced I shall have to get about very
Asked as to the development of adver
tising In Cuba, Senor Qulterrez, who Is
known- as'-tho, father of photo-engraving In
Havana, said that the newspapers In Cuba
are now considered to be the leading factors
In advertising.
.Senor Gutierrez Is scheduled to address
one of. the sessions of tho convention on
"Photd Engraving In Cuba as an Advertis
ing Factor."'
?Adyertlslng In Cuba owes Its' rapid de
velopment, largely to American methods,"
aid Senor; Gulterrez. "My plant Is equipped
entirely with apparatus purchased In Phila
delphia, Photo-engraving In Cuba was In
Its Infancy when I established a plant In
Havana nine years ago. Since that time
Its rapid development has caused me to In
efal the highest Hue of machinery. In
order that I might give my customers the
finest work. Skilled workmen were scarce
in .Cuba, and I have tnught my three sons
tho. business from top to bottom. I in
tend to .purchase some new machinery while
herq-'for my" plant.-"
The Advertising Club of Cuba (or, as It
Is -known In Cuba, Club do Propaganda
Comerclal de. Cuba) has a membership of
IS-of tho highest class advertising men of
.the Republic. Other representatives of the
elub are expected here 'during convention
PETn.oan.AD, Juno 27. "With the elim
ination of General Pflanzor's army In
Bukowlna tho attention of General Brusl
loff's forces In this section Is now directed
upon Kolome'n, the key to the defense of
Lemberg on the squth. The occupation of
Klm'polung and Ifuty has opened the way
to Kolomen, and already a result of this
last recorded victory of the Ilusslnns Is
becoming evident In the forward movement
of General Letchltzky on tho road from
Snlatyn to Kolomea to a point 10 miles
from tho latter town.
It Is evident from tho report of prisoners
and booty taken that the Austrlans de
fended Klmpolung with considerable forces.
They were attacked by Russian troops
which had covered the 30 miles from
Gurahumora In two days and were rushed
Into tho fight with scarcely an hour's rest.
According to Russian military authorities.
their assault added the last touch needed
to complete the demoralization of General
Pflanzcr's forces, which now arc entirely
cut off from communication with General
Count von Bothmer's nrmy group on the
Strypa Itlvcr to tho north.
General von Bothmer's position Is re
garded as precarious 'as a result of this
operation. Ills right flank has been com
pletely uncovered and military critics be
lieve he will without doubt be forced to
fall back along his whole line before Tar-nopol.
"tfo'te. Addressed to Man Found in Hor
The body pf Mrs. C. C. Lathrop. 33 years
Bid, ot'WHllamstown', Jf. J., was discovered
bout 6 o'clock last night In a room In a
hotel atf-Walnut street near nth, under cir
cumstances the' police believe point 'to
)The woman, who was well dressed and
9$iparently prosperous, went to the hotel at
B o'clock In' the afternoon, registered and
wa assigned a room. An hour later a maid
Went to tho room to discover, upon opening
the. door, that It was filled with gas. Tho
body of the woman was found sitting In a
choir, holding In her mouth the end of n
npw rubber tube, the other end of which
.jro fastened to a gas jet,
Policemen John and Edward Lawler, of
the 15th and Locust streets station, sum
moned an ambulance from the Jsfferaon
.Hospital, Dr. J. Bertolette, In charge of the
.ambulance, said the woman was dead. There
was found In" the room a note addressed to
C C; Lathrop, of'Wllllamstown, said to be
A prosperous 'glassworker of that city. The
note waa written In Ink and, aa there was
aeUher pen Jior Ink n the room, It Is be
lieved the woman wrote It before going to
jhe; hotel. The body was sent to the
PUb After Daughter Weds
SHENANDOAH. Pa., June 27. Simon
IkHrby. 0 years old, a prominent business
man. after seeing his daughter oft on her
wedding trip last night, went home and
'Veil dead from heart disease.
ROME. June 27. Reports from tho front
state that the Italians are advancing all
along the Trenttno sector, reconquering po
sitions which the Austrlans had occupied
and capturing men. arms, ammunitions,
provisions and all kinds of supplies, which
the Austrlans were obliged to abandon In
precipitate retreat. All Italy Is rejoicing
over the withdrawal of the Austrlans six
weeks after their offensive movement on
the Trentlno front began.
A general retreat of the Austrlans In tho
Trentlno district, over a sector of about 20
miles In extent. Is announced In an offi
cial statement Issued by the Italian War
Ofllce last night The Italians are press
ing the pursuit vigorously.
Three Die in Panama Election Riots
'PANAMA, June 27. Three persons are
d aa a resutQf rioting which accom
ya&Jed .presidential elections Sunday.
.fiuUt has been restored.
PAniS, June 27. Tho repulse of a night
attack made by the Germans with grenades,
west of the Meuse River, and a slight ad
vance east of the river, on the Verdun
front, were reported in the official com
munique Issued by the French War Ofllce
today. To the weBt of the Meuse the Ger
mans renewed their battering-ram assaults
against HIII 304. trying to drive the French
from their trenches with grenades. The at
tack failed, however, and the Germans warn
driven back to their own lines. To the east
of the Meuso tho French are pressing
The City of St. Louis, as a
city, invites you there for
the 1917 Convention of the
Associated Advertising Clubs
of the World. We are ready
for you.
At the
A dvertising Convention
Members of the New York
Delegation Are Wearing
Suits Made of .." . ',
HEG. y. S. PAT. OFF.
PI fc :w.- .-Ji
t -v-.ji.sfciafcM '"
IMaWWMWMiWwsp,- " u - 1 -twhiiih ljirn...
I SECTION 1 liNitrieo'fmnntb J?
vr-v J2- Bapdunfe V,. J
Sowtbvcowrll t S -T
I TRENCH lo--,, !V. i Ilk
r 1
Cadaveri, Armi, MUnizlorii cd
Altro Materiale daOucrra
Trovati nolle Trincce
1 to
it Is believed the sudden opining of an intense artillery flri or. the
Germans from La Bassec to the River Sommo heralds an infantry
assault by the British, who have recently made readjustments along
their line, which extends from Dixmudc, on the north, to Frisc, on
the south.
strongly against Thlnumont works, which
was taken by tho Germans last week.
Some progress has been mnde there, but
tho attacks are still In progress.
Tho Germans still maintain their foothold
In tho vlllngo of Fleury, but their nttempts
to advance against the French trenches In
front of Souvllle nnd Belleville were lm
mediately halted by the concentrated fire of
tho French guns. Severo losses were Inflicted.
Heavy artillery firing by both sides Is In
progress nil along tho Verdun front.
At the northern end of the line, from a
point south of Artols to Flanders, the Urlt
Ish nnd French guns nro pounding the Gcr
mnn positions. At somo points the bom
bardment has been incessant for 72 hours.
German trenches have crumbled before the
salvos and at n dozen points tho Anglo
French forces were nblo to advance past
tho first German line with slight losses.
HOMA, 27 Glugno.
II generate Csdorna conllnua vlgoroiin
mento la sua offenslva sulla fronte com
presa tra I'Adlge cd II Ilrenta e gll aus
triad sono costreltl a rlplegare su tutta In
linen, II siicccsso dql generate Cadorrta 0'
rlconoscluto nncho da Vienna, che an
nunclavn lerl sera cho "nlto mono dl sal-
vngardafe tutta Intcra la nostra llberta
dl aztohe, nol nbblamo accorclato la nostra
frontq In aletlnl puntl del settoro Adlgc
Hrenta." Oil Itallanl linnno prcso agll aujjtrlacl
grnndl quahtlta' dl nfml 0 dl munliionl cho
ess nvevano abbandonato nello loro trlnceo
nella preclpltata ritlrata dl fronto agll at
tacchl dcgll Itallanl, ed hanno fatto anclio
prlglonlorl. Ora gll-ltallant hanno rloccu
pato Aslago, che era Btata da loro, nbban
donata ma non era stata occupata da'gll
nustrlacl porche" sotto II fucco del connonl
Itallanl. 0 sonq nncho nlle porte dl Arslcro.
N'aturalmento (n tiitta'Italla questa fortu
nata offenslva l(nllnna 0' stata salutata con
glola 0 con' dlmonafrnzlnnl. I critlcl mill-
tarl Itallanl rlconoscono francamento che si
devo alia vfgorosa offenslvn del russl del
generate Druslloff so t'offenslva austHaca
contro t'Halla fu completamente arrestata,
avendo I rUssI obbllgnto gll austrlact a
npostaro truppe dalla fronte del Trentlno a
quella della Gallzla.
TrtAsronTi affo.vdati,
II Mlnlstero della Marina ha annunclato
che torpcdlnlero ttallano sono penctrnte dl
sorpresa net porto dl Duraizo, sulla costa
nlbnncse, e vl hanno nffondato due trasportt
austrlact carlchl materiale da guerra, dl
arml e dl munlzlonl,
Kcco II tcsto del comunlcato del Mlnlstero
della Marina:
"N'avi da guerra Itallano entrarono nella
rnda dl Durazzo nella notto del 25 corronto
c vl nffondarono due plroscnd. uno dl SO00
c l'altro dl 3000 tonnellate dl spostamento,
carlchl dl nrml e dl munlzlonl. Lo navl da
guerra tornarono qulndl nlla loro base senza
dannt, nonostanto che fossero state assog-
gettote d un vlolento fttoid da twrte del
lartlgllerla nemlca."
In qucstl clreoll mflltarl si rlllcne che la
ritlrata degll oustrlacl annunclata nel bol
lettlno del generate Cadorna slgninoa che
Importantl movlmentl dl truppe sono In
coiso, Gll nustflacl sbno statl costreltl a
rltlrftrsl dall'aVanzata dall'ala destra ltal.
lana nella Vnl Sugarta e dalltt pressloho 6he
gil. Itallanl aVOvano comlncato nd eserctare
at eentro, aull'altoplano del Sette Comunl.
SI sa che gll nttacchl degll Itallanl sono
esegultl cbn furlosa eriefgin e cho gla' moltl
prlglonlorl sono statl presl dalle truppe dl
bomanl snra' rlanerto It Parlamento. II
presldente del Conslgllo, on. Boselll, fnra'
la sue dlchldrazlonl circa la polltlca del
nuovd gablnetlo e domandera' qulndl
i'apprdvazlone del bllanclo provvlsorlo flno
nlla fine dell'anno. Iapprovnzlono del
bllancl Impllchera', dlcltlnrera' l'on. Boselll,
11 Void dl (ldiicla nel nuovo gablnetto dl
coatlzlone cho comprendo tuttl I gruppl
delta Camera ad eccezlono del soclallsta uf
flclnlp. Eero' e'- facile' dire che la polltlca
generate del governo' Itallano nort e affatto
carnblata. s'peclatmente per quanta rlguarda
lo relailoht estere.,
tnamntn da fonte nutorovole si npnrendo
che tra rton molto un pretesto sara' trovato
per dlchlarare I'eslstchza dclld stato dl guerra,
nriclic cop la Oeririanla. 'Probabllmehte la
recente decisions della Corte Suprema del
l'lmpero. circa 1'lntorruzlqne. complcta delle
relatlonl dlplomatlche' e aommerclallt tra
Italia e Germanla,, cho equlvalgono' ad uno
stnto dl cmrro, cqstttulranno 11 pretesto.
Pero' e' da tenor conto anche del fatto
che da quando fu rltlrato l'ordlno che era
Stato ImpaHlto alle navl da guorrea Itallano
ill non fittaccare I sotlomarlnl tedeschl, nel
lfccti -ti
fh '
HB. hardwood flfc
n iiim,',, Tir 1 ' mn vi
ttlmt . 1 ....
""' ueiia guerra
narmi tedeschl sono statl
'"vi uaunno.
.ui.iice ahnunclo dl qu.rt ut i
le del BOVerno lulan JJSMi
umclente per prbvocare una dlfc
dl B ,erra Parte della OttS
micsta non verra- u J'H
dlch Inrera' fe.lstenza de.lo" .u Z
In ante si sono. raccotte num.ro.f '"
che I tedeschl ed austr.ad cht L1H
lsclatl a guardla degll TJftg
Ambasciato dl Germanla I d'Au t rtaJ
fttltb sl8temntleamsn( 1- Urr'aW)ii
dahno dell'Itall.. .. "f on,t t
buona raglono per la loro iwullh.?'''' .fll
Per preparare la dlchlaraX. ,2?. & 4
ui guerra. ""o rut4
?35,ooo Paid for Proncrtw ,. -
... ni ' -,lur k "4
Mary's Diocesan Church
announcement was rnfde todv 11...
Susan R. Barton property, at the JJS.1 ""
comer of Broad nnd South str;.u?nj7,
bought by tho Episcopal DlS'W
sylvanla as a part of a sit. riV.?"-'
TiInrAiri m PlinAk mi. . .
' ite for st M.?i
T' Price MM IS
The increasing demand for the utmost
in sanitation and beauty is synonymous
with the increased use of hardwood
floors. Obviously it is only because of
the provable advantages' afforded by
hardwood that this is the case.
3034 Went York St. ?
The new church will be etabl(, .
Watson, wife of CongreesmanVi',nr'
Langhorne. Bucks County, who wi'.";'
In an automobile nccldent In Nw 6e4
A Hand-Tied Dress
Tie for
Formal Convention
by tho man
wno hates tho bother
hasn't acquired the knack of
making a dress bow.
Not a hint of the ready-mail
about Its appearanco. Slips en
In n Arnn,1 -.. ' ...U'3 "
--- u.uiiu oiuvH nnr
.. "f
you'ro ready to take It off.
OEonon tt, j,cohr
Jlen's Wear
020 Clieatnut Street
Phone Walnut Iniw .
fc.iJ-J. na HftMfINS
. .' rt
' i :
"Unlike any olher paper1
;. &v
" f4
The Miracle Farm Paper
The biggest advertising phenomenon agoing is in Philadelphia.
Think: - .
The Farm Journal is crowded with advertising each month, yet
it never had solicitors. Farm Journal' space sells on sheer merit
strictly on the cold-blooded basis of results produced.
It is the biggest national farm paper over a million circulation.
It is the real farm-family magazine more women's stuff than
any other farm paper. v
It sells every subscription oh approval money back if wanted,
without argument or sour looks. .. '
It guarantees every ad being the originator (bick in 1880)' of
confidence-creating the granddaddy of "Truth in Advertising."
Its subscriptions are paid in advance for surprisingly long terms
5 years being common, with 10, 15 and 20-year periods not uncommon.
It attracts subscribers through "its loving friends" and through
printer's ink, thus assuring a select, hand-picked circulation.
It covers the country with bigger volume and lower cp$t pef
thousand than sectional papers. . rT
t No wonder other publishers consider The Farm Journa as the
miracle paper, Count the 10,000 Sinjr.hs pn the subscription list,
find how many folks of youhname read the papertheri go-'hprrje
and. put The Farm Journal onyour. listill stay up near, the tpp,
--. , - :. ' .:f . 'Sf'n ' ; k.-,: , --
" j- " ii ii1 t"I lfC't "'" -ir- wiiyji "i iwtrpn n 1-- ijajjiH iC"" ; fiiiwim in mn Lii ii i-i - I'liiMijin jiuiiji
B.. tfSiif MtrraM)iiy8t -wwiMStMi
BteJlL1 J .u'wjjiiNii. i
"jk'iHLiif j"iyniFfranyiirj ru