Hpi ,5in5fm session SEEK NKWAUTU LAW Luifldelphians Lead Movement r." . i- rnnntlon to Curb Reckless Driving . MMtuMiia Td . .TitnA 57 A 2 .JluS reform that will require nil au- Misioo-' - . ,- n eprA Mflmina. rftofe lcVnw are gmnted U beln ad. I J?M.tton aa the? Bather for the n g&n'a annual meeting today at Bedford - JftTn If busy securing the aupport of the ftliuilon for regulations he will propose wiSStlons he advocates were adopted ' ?f Thursday by th rhlladclph a United hit Tnurmi" j i, nt nflinnn tjin, " JKtteeMr. Abbott Is chairman. It I, STAbbotti contention that dr vers aro iv .milted to operate in mo nmiu uciure L'Cfiw Proved their competency. K th I'h ladelphta delegation. I, jmemMroi i lettlslatlon. Ill U psrtlcuhrly anxious to seo a more Iwrotl enforcement of the IS-year age Umltfordrhors Wof the association, spoke on some as- ?KH !. iinwd bv reports from tho as- 4 gftra ""- ,. c--,,,.! ri TtnRhnr. Jf- 0Cia"", . ., ,, ,,. ... nrv. .turiir if CK ' imlladeTphla: Much of the ff P f.mt In the preliminaries of the meeting Is t ..ntrlnS about me bciccuuii vi n.o .. 'Jm boom has been launched for Cyrus O. tnti, of Reading VILLA WILLING TO HELP CARKAKZA MU11T U. S. Bandit Chief Reported to Hnvc Made Overtures for uo-opernuon whoso raid on Columbus. N. M., brought on the Mexican crisis of today, not only Is ?. t... , to rflnltnrlnn- -with Car. ".rania to Join his forces against tho United e SWt accoruing lo pnvnic nuutca ii-utii-"jng the State Department today. These advices, tho source of which was sot divulged, state that Villa Is at Kscalon, ttfar Par, iie is aecisireu to naio ui ifered Carranza an army of seeral hundred f the First Chief will tako him back and five him a command In his army. ESTATES OF THE DEAD Mary Whelen's Personalty Appraised f (tan iro .- ..v v,,- fo . .: T An estate valued at jsuou is cusposea or vhi orhate bequests by tho provisions or the Will 01 arouiio au. wiiici., u vci trook avenue, which was admitted to pro- I bate today. R The personal effects of tho estate of Mary fe E Whelen have been appraised at 50.- HM8, and Richard J. Walther at 3427.97. Army of Sightseers Here One of the largest outtng parties ever earrled by any line arrived at the Balti more and Ohio Railroad Station, 24th and Chestnut streets thos afternoon. The partv Is from Washington Courthouse, O , and preceded to Atlantic City. There were loms 2200 persons In It and seven trains e! 11 coaches each were required. The big ttrlf Is composed of customers and con ninurr of the Midland Grocery Company c( Ohio, Including the Dahl-Campbell Branch it Washington Courthouse and the Monwpny-Hamond Branch, of Columbus, 0. TJis pleasure-seekers havo the outing at fit eipcnse of the Arm. ii 26 RAILROADS radiating from St Louis and central geographical location make it the easiest city to reach from all points. Advertising Delegates Think 'of this when you are asked to vote on where YOU want to attend the 1917 Convention. PURE FRESH PAINT a eii eve - Me L 3Pc We'll Refinish your hardwood" floors in a way that will make their lustre stay. Right now is the best time to have It done. Get our tillmatt no obligation Kuehnle PAINTER 28&i6thSt,?K8 i i,i jT fox Snrr-lnl ") -.... r--"-"- ffJUH Ufjr -. For People of iderate Means vnf. J0Ur.eyM "e1 luntl0H and f.vii-4"!101 8ord to pay th usual weting fee and do pot care tu go Uhi L... DCUlJ8ts Ot Philadelphia Sfcur. for -yqu a thorough iSom"0' aufM tha yW can ii.?grbl'al 'ne (or far and near ?apars.ona "'"K'o lns "no & ll'to" f rt. and com. v."',.03t W.a"-ard,- our new i-Jj".. oaw-auard,' our tznsr-zsL a.H.tina'iy d. hfTh": nt-never fall c c?n SBjargns sap -s FOX Pretcrintion On !?,-,.,. i ---T- M4f wor i,us?tnut i?th st. W. ""-ff'Ti'fiH , EVENING L-EDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1916. WOMEN ADVERTISING EXPERTS WHO ARE ATTENDING CONVENTION These women arc nil the salaried heads of the publicity departments of largo business concerns in various sections of tho country. Left to right arc Miss Jean Dean Barnes, Miss Ida Clarke, Miss Jane Carroll, Miss J. J. Martin, president of tho League of Advertising Women of New York; Miss Aylctt Lapscy, Miss F. Mcistcr and Miss Grnsswinckcl. ACCIDENT UNCOVERED CASEMENT CONSPIRACY Farmer's Water Power Was Stopped and He Discovered Collapsible Boat on Trip to Well LONDON. June 27. Only the fact that the water supply In tho homo of a Kerry County farmer ran out on the night before Good Friday led to tho uncovering of Sir Roger Casement's plot to head a revolution In Ireland. John McCarthy, a Currngh farmer, when Casement's trlnl wns resumed today, re vealed that fact. McCarthy on his trip for water saw drift ing the collapsible boat In which Sir Roger and hU confederates had landed from a German submarine McCarthy testified that ho found a dag ger In the boat and noticed the footprints of three persons In tho sand. His little, girl found three pistols nearby. Ho sent one of his laborers, Pat Drlscoll, to the nearest barracks to Inform the police. Mnry Gorman, living on a nearby farm, told of Beelng three men go by tho farm yard shortly aftor dawn on Good Friday morning. Casement smiled when she Iden tified him as one of the trio. Sergeant Thomas J. O'Hearn, of the Irish constabulary, who fount! Casement hiding In an old fort and arrested him, admitted on cross examination that a large part of Ireland was arming In preparation for do mestic war. Ho said It was common knowl edge that large quantities of arms had been Imported into Ulster. The prosecution closed Its case this afternoon after producing evidence to show that the defendant had carried on an acthe antl-Brltlsh propaganda among Irish prisoners In Germany. -3626 residents of Philadel phiaregisteredatHotd Astor during the past -year. r Single Room, without bus, jst.oo to j3 oo Double ft .00 to 4 oo Single Rooms, with bath, 3j.oo to 6 oo Double . S4.00 to S7.00 Ptrlor, Bedroom and bath, J:o 00 to 14.00 TIMES SQUARE At Broadway, 44th to 4jth Streets the center of New York $ jocisl and biuineis activities. In close proximity to all railway terminih. liim!U;;niiiHH!Uii!U!!iiH!:::!!f FLAG GUARD GAVE MOTHER STOLEN FROM FRONT PORCH "Keep It Flying," Ho said She'll Buy Another When Mnxwoll Housel, 121 North 62d street, left homo Friday to Join tho troops his h Company K, of the 1st Regiment ho told his mother to keep flying tho Amer ican flag that he had placed 011 the front porch In response to Mayor Smith's recent proclamation. Today tho flag Isn't flying. Mrs II. O HoubcI, tho mother, has notified the police of tho Otst and Thompson streets station that during tho night It wao stolen. Tho police, of course, nro Imestlgnting, but no clue han been found Meanwhile the son, who Is 28 years old, Is preparing to go to tho Moxlcan border. "But I shall got another flag," Mrs Hous el said today, "and that will keep flying until my boy comes home " Wheat Steamship Sunk in Collision SAUI4T STC. MARIE. Mich , Juno 27. In collision In a dense fog early today with the steamship Hill of tho Pittsburgh Steam ship Company, tho steamship Panther, owned by tho Mnssey Steamship Company, was sunk off Parisian Island after her crew had been rescued by tho Hill Tho Panther wns down-bound with a cargo of wheat. Man Dies of Heart Disease G Porry Rusk, 68 years old. of 2221 North 18th street, collapsed nt Loverlng ton avenuo and Baker street early this morning. Ho was removed to St. Timothy's Hospital, where physicians said that death was duo to heart disease VnW v v rr - w , 7 mmvmmw&m6i uiuMny Buying ReynalJo ia the best way to cut down the high cost or smoking good Havana and yet smoke good Havana. At VAII.N McI)0NKI.I, btore. Ask OLK Dealer, TTT"Jj:r'',,Tfi-fg DIXON DtMtinctive Tailoring Ilousa Established 18G6 Reductions That Are Real About 150 sln.i.0 suit lenetho that rango In value from 185 to 140 have been grouped In two prices , $30 and $35 The cloalnff out of these odd lensths la , Inevitable In a largo business, other-' wise e accumulate too heavy a stock. This Is an unusual opportunity, when you consider the Increased cost of wool ens In all the markets of the world es pecially la It so when Dixon Tailoring and Dlxori-srrvlce Is added to these woolens of such sterling values A number of suitings amongst them nre of suitable welcht to sen a you for September and October days The best choice falls to tho early callers. Walnut Street at 1111 LONDON 47 JXorfdoa: St., IV., Bond St. In the Populous and Prosperous Lehigh Valley There Is One STRONG Newspaper THE ALLENTOWN MORNING CALL Circulation, 19,500 "TRIED TO BEAT IT TO EL PASO" 10 A Madras Shirts $ TT To Your Order Built to vour tiact rcqulrtintntt. tll aMrtt jire-.firtinh, Juit itep In and examine the material with out obligation to purchane. Genuine Mudrai that I Imported dlrtct from Andtrnon. ot Hrot. land ool ltcht. comfortabla and durable. For filTSce or aoelal wear these lummer dayi they ara ine veff tunic ?uu want. COULTER, 710 Chestnut St tTTTttC ..hji) jkyiflAjLa' Safeguarding Your Valuables OUR Safe Deposit Yaults are of modem construction; "fire proof and burglar-proof, and protected by every device necessary to insure safety; individual safes rent from $5 up charges for epecial deposits, such as silverware, aro based on the value of the articles d.Pted , ORGANIZED $n 1860, this company has always made a particular effort to perfect its service to the individual, and tjj prepared to relieve its clients of yvry detail connected " wilh the management of their financial affairs " , Complft equipment at both ojjicet -1 Philadelphia Trusl rl9 Chestnut Street t j U1S Chestnut I Philadelphi 1 - Ti9 Chestnut Street ;; HIS Chestnut Street - ' 1 I - Philadelphia 1 I N 1 Six More Negro Troopers Caught Far From Carriznl CHIHUAHUA CITV, Mexico, Juno 27 FJvo of tho bIt additional American ncsro troopers, mado prisoners at Carrl2al, and brouRlit here, are named John WIlHon, Gcorjje M. Chaplin. T. Hopkins, Thomas Cardeld and IV D Gibson Tho prisoners sild two white packer. Known to them as "Texas" nnd "Slim" were with Captain Boyd's force and bclleo they escaped Glbion, speaking for his comrades, said they wore captured nt Loa Ilumos, many mllci from tho scene of tho fight by pursu ing caalry. Ho said six of them were "trying to beat It for El Paso " General Trelno announced that Gibson told him that tho members of the expedi tion wore lined up by Captain Bod two miles out of Carrlzal nnd told that "they might got through peacefully, or they might 'bo up agnlnst it, but that In nny event there was only one thing to do, and that wns to obey orders" British Vlco Consul O'Hca has facilitated .no rcmsnl of Americans at Torrfon and Durangu, providing them with a special box car with Instructions that Its progress bo expedited. FAKE ROADSIDE "JUSTICE" FINES MOTORISTS HOUND FOR SHORE ATLANTIC CITY, Juno 27 "Somewhere In Jersey" shore-bound motorists aro be ing mado victims of a got-rlch-qulck opera tion by n spurious Justlco of the Peace and a conitnulo. with a rondsldo court, which has no permanent location More than n do7on nutomoblllsts piBsIng through Pleas antH1o reported to Chief of Tollco Krew son they had been victims of a "court martial " which conceded no defense, but was rcaaonablo In penalties, tho fines rang ing from $1 to two and a half times that amount On your dealer's case 'I Bl5'CIGARS $U "EXCEEDINGLY BETTER" Ilrnry'a Clear Co., riilladelphla "National Preparedness" Ann vouit rcnT in good condition? MANNA B E Cor. 13th & hansom nrtnilAV (OierCnino'i!) and 1204 cnnsTNVT HT. II W Ilsnna. Mcr Corn Itcmoiecl. 2"c rn. MnnlciirhiK, 23c. J. E. Caldwell & Co. qo2 Chestnut Street 'Gold i ' . Sports Watch " For Men Attached to trie Wrist by a Leather Thong mk frafl pb. mi rvwj The Service Does Not Show on the Surface One Waterman's Ideal will last you for years. It will work early and stay up late. Always ready to write without your thinking about it. Let one today exactly suited to your hand. You v appreciate its good service. Price $2.50 to $150. Avoid Substitutts .L. E. Waterman Company N.w York. N. Y. Perry's MID-SUMMER REDUCTION SALE starts tomorrow morning! 1 A plain announcement that means volumes to Ph iladelph ians J And it has never meanf so much to 'them as it' $ means today! It's a bargain festival in all F f kinds of woolen clothes for men at a time when J the sources of supply are quoting us advances T of forty to fifty per cent, on all fabrics. The regular prices of these Suits all season are in many instances the figures it will cost us to have similar qualities for next Summer if as good! jf Why, then, reduce the prices of these? ff Business! Perry's will have next season's r best at next season's lowest possible prices, you can bet your boots; blit you can beat 'that t bet by buying next Summer's needs right now f and we won't be angry one bit! $?' fr Here aret this season's rock-bottom regular prices and tomorrow's reductions! 6T a- mmmmmssmmi White Shoes For Men A summery style favored both by fashion and good judgment White buckskin with white leather sole and heel; $8.00. SorOSis Shoe CO. Chestnut Street $15 and $18 Suits. . . $ 1 2.50 and $ 1 3,"50 $20.00 Suits for $16.50 J25.00 Suits for $19;00) And so on up through the finest : woven $30, $35 and $40 Suits at corresponding Reductions! ? The Suits reduced include worsteds, cassi meres, cheviots in light Summer weights; quarter-lined coats and skeleton-lined with silk trimming. They're not heavy-weight Spring leftovers that would suffocate an Esquimau near the pole they're Perry Suits made for Philadel phia Summer wear, and sold all season to Philadel phians who value and want solid comfort 1 . Besides they're Perry tailored which in itself puts all others with the "Also Ran"! Trousers Reduced! $2.50 for originally low $3 and $3.50 trousers ;$3 for $4 trousers; $3.50 for originally low $5 trousers; $4 for $6 and $6.50 trousers; and so on! Prepare for present' and : for future Summer needs! PERRY & CO. "N. B, T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. k f iii 'IK j" f .-pi t gg )