2$ EVJKMNG LI'.lXvltlK I'H1LAI)JSLPHTA, TbLMU, JUKE 27, 191C mm METAILERS UR88 II. S. W REUKVE HIDK SHORTAGE Jtttft.4 Association Tils Lansing Sticks May Go Up" WASHINGTON, Juris 27. A commltteo f the Nation.. 8ho Retailers' Association tawetl Secretary Lansing today to use hla influence to Induce this countries nt wnr to Wt th embargo oil "green hides." Tile com rnlttee told the Secretary unless raw hides Vera nltowed to enter from forelen countries i supply ot mnnurnbtured leather In tho United States would be drawn on bo exten sively as to fdrce the price of shoes up $1 the pair. In the committee were A. J. Me Cowan and A. C. Geullngr. 6f Philadelphia, arid Representative A. 8. Krelder, of Ann--Vllle. Pa, Secretary Lansing assured the committee that ho would do all In his power to relieve tn situation. t) BATHS BTOUOHTON. bn June ii, oI0. HETTIE A . .u, stougnton.. aged ei years. ', Villi iu.ii wlf at tr "w mi n vt aiauamun. nKru ot yi-i. Relatives and friend- are Invited to attend innerni services, on Wednesday, si . P.m Precisely, at her late realdencei 600 N loth hi interment private. Bfrr.f.E.--On Jim 2(t. lntrt MARY FRAN CEB, daughter of tne late William and Mary Suplee (nee Mlllr). Relatives and frienda ars invitea to attend tne , lunerm services on rriaar. at 2 3ti b. Oil North 53d tt. HELP WANTED FEMALE Continued rem rmntnt Column married MJZBr ATLEE. On June 24. 1010. at Cam Am. N. ,. YlELEN BURPEE ATLEB. ot Coltlnr-wood. N. J to HARRY HUDSON BUZtlY, ot Camden. N. J. rAGE-ORirrrril. At HaVerford, Pa.. Satur. lav. Jnna OJ toin i. ii.. ri, V. r- 6"-y i a fan, uf I lie llVTi Vro, ,, arter. ELIZABETH WILMER GRIFFITH and EDWARD CP.OZEII PAOB. at nee lat residence. Interment at Westminster tmeiery. VA.NTR. On June 23, .101(1. REBECCA S., widow of William ll. vane. Residence, 628 Falrvlew ve.. Clifton Height, Delaware Co., Pa. Relative and friend, also St Catha rine a Oulld of St. Stenhen' P. E. Church. nl Ladles' Anslllary of Clifton Height Fir Company No. I, are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Thursday at 8 30 p. tn., at St. Stephen's P. B. Church, Clifton Heights. Interment private, at Fernwood Cemetery. Ilemalna may Ik viewed on WeJne. oar evening. , WI.4T. On Jun .ft. 1011. ELIZA JANE, widow of Samuel West, aired 74 year, at late tealdence, 40S0 Daynton. street. Oermnntown, lua notice ot the funeral will be given. WILLIAMS. On June 85. 1910, ISABEL, wife of Horace C. William and dauithter of the lata James and Ellin llorrtehs. aged 71) year. Relative and friends are Invited to attend tho aervlce, on Wednesday, at 10 30 a, m., at her late realdence. 1143 Arrott St., Frankford. Interment private. STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS. Cl.EIIKn have recognised the assistance that "Ml pean." of the Commercial Department at In-da-ec Central htta hrn In neriirlnr ftltua ..,.......... ., ,,.. .......-.,.----- noni oi me oeiier Kini a aervic llr lrln1 a flrvl. irhlrh IhA lUhlle cannot do without. "Ml Dean ' ha or tne empioer ana em enn be densnded upon at place. Thla aervlce, I of. edeer advertiser take ad lately If you are aeeklnn a m both the Interesta of the empker and em iMoyr hi n-ari nna ci the right time and pti fered to vou am a t van tare of It Immedi position. TEACHER wanted for wlng machine! must be well recom. It, t.. Taylor. 121 S, 00th. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Olrl between 17 ""... who are anxloua to aecure permanent position, with refined. .pleatnnti homelike sur- HELP WANTED MALE Con I It ii rd rom Precrdlna Column ntOOEnS. Apply MIDVALE. 4300 WIeaahlckon ave. BlTTTATTOa'S WANEDMA1.E ConffwWd from Prcct&ino CoXum STABLEMAN wanted. Apply 05 N. 2d at. or 320 Bread at., near Vine st. STRAIOHTENER on llghl-tempored steel plale) eKPerlened tin saw work preferred. Apply MtDVALE, 4300 Wlsaahlckon ave. rnundlrg! salary paid while learning! rnpli) iroiy in person 10 .me iiei nn l-rt . IflO tarlra, . nllo avanl Sunday, between 0.30 a. m, and . p. m.i also advancement. Teltprone Co.. pply In person to , the llell nn Market St., dally except 1A n . m. attrl H n mi al.n Tuesday and Friday, between 0 30 V. m. and I 3eatljs At,TKR. On Juno 25. 191(1. EDWARD W., husband- of Katharine S. Alter. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral serv ices, at his 'late residence. 1610 Euclid ave.. m Tuesday, at 8 p, m. Interment private, on Wednesday, at convenience of family. BALDWIN. -- At her residence. 6101 Walnut 'rest, on June 24, 1010. NETTIE D.. wife of the late Hannum Baldwin. Relatltes and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral serv ices on Wednesday, at to a. m.. at the Oliver H. Bs.tr Building, 18J0 Chestnut street. In terment at Oreenmuunt Cemetery, West Cb.ee ter. Pa. RKN80N. At her residence, 1B22 Vine St., on June 20, 1910. ELIZABETH, widow of John Benson. Due notice of the funeral will bo siren, BOBBER On June 20 1910. LOUISA O., wife ot Charles Dodder. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend, tho funeral services, at tho residence of Wesley It. Kehr. U101 Diamond st,. on Thursday, at 10:30 a. m. precisely. BOVI.E. On June 23, totll. JOSEPH, husband of Annie Doyle (ne Mcllugh). Relathes and friends, also Holy Name Society of tho Church of the Moat Precious Hlood and I. C. B. U., are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes day, at 9:30 a, m., from his Into resldi-ncc. 1603 North Hollywood st. (JelTerson above 20th St.). Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church ot the Most Precious Blood at 11 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. DAVIS. At her residence. . 104 North 80th st.. on Juno 24, 1010. ANNA E.. widow of Ed vard E. Davis. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at tho Oliver II. Balr Bulldlnsr. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. DAVIS. Suddenly, on Juno uiasier rarK. Jlont.. JAXU tlce of funeral will bo given DOUGHERTY. On June 24. 1010. QEOROE P.. m-iovru nusuanu 01 nose uouKiicny inee AVIS. Suddenly, on Juno 2.1. IDtil. at Qlaile.r Park. .Mont.. JANE DAVIS. Due no- Wray) and son of John and tho Into ICath- rine .i. uouaneriy. iiiMaiivea ana mends ar inviieo to attend tne funeral, on Wednesday, 302 si. m. Interment at Holy Relatives and friends are wi o o.i b, 111., truiii ma una rrsiaenc, N. 32d st. Solemn Requiem Mass at Atcama s at hj Cross Cemetery. KAKIN. At his residence, 1729 Mt. Vernon at., on June 23. 1010. THOMAS EAKIN. Funeral private. 3ECKEL. At his residence. S17 Windsor square, 1 on June 20. 1010. WILLIAM P.. husband of the late Kathryn Eckel and son ot Elizabeth and the late H. P. Eckel, aged 49 yenra. Fur ther notice ot the funeral-will bo glten. JrXICK. On June 24, 1010. ANNA E.. beloved wife of William Flick and daughter of Harry and Jennie Evans. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on 5Y?5nf."dai?f ."t - v: m-A at ner lnto residence. S917 W. Fletcher at. Remains may be Mewed Tuesday, 8 to 10 p. m. Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery. SHANKS. Sudden.y. on June 24. 1010. ANNA. wife of Harry Flanks nnd daughter of Alonio , and Annie Drocan. iced 10 years. Relative and friends ar Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednpsday, at 2 p. m.. at her mother residence. -iri.il South 28th st. Inter ment at cernwnod Cemetery. Remains may b vlwil Tuesday evening. 1 (ORAJS'T. At her late residence. 210 South 47th JK.J5P, JJins " 29- "N"- MARTHA FAIRES HcNElLLY. widow of James Q-ant, Dub notice ot the funeral will be l-,en. RN j'UTTON. In his 82il year. Relatl-.es and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Fourth-day. 28th Inst., at 2:in p m.. trom his late residence. Walllnsford. Pa. Train leaving Broad Street Station at I 8 will be met. Interment private: " On Juno 2B. 101fl..ANNA ,R.. .nldow of Isaac M. Kay, In her 10th year. Service t Preibirtwlan 'Church. Elkton. Md.. Thursday. at II a. m. rrlends may call Wednesday evening-. 8 to O o'clock, at the residence of HaddonfleldNj. Elkton? Md" papVra ples. copy. VibZmS2'li'"lXy: on run" I'l"0-. WILLIAM K'S' 2r: Relatives and friends are Imtted - V'""1 ,n' 'uneral services, on Wednesday. iJ-1 i?.iim-- p.r.c,ll,ly mt "" residence of hla son. Wl Ham Klnsr. Jr.. 2StO Moyer at. Infer 2e55, I',vate at Oreonmount Cemetery. Auto mobile funeral. Remains may bo viewed Tuea. day evening. KnArr,n,n-,r,,urS4.- .'.nln "' Natchez. Miss.. SEOn.9,fi QII-t-SON KLAPP. son of the late Dr. William H. and Rebeoca Plumsted Klapp. In the 77th year of his age. i.3!"-?1 JunJ S3- i0.1"- EMMA D.. daut-h-ter- of the late John and Mary Lehman, Rela-M-l,-.and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m eiM1" -'.",?",".! Brlors of William It. String. Sfii Z"0 Susquehanna ave. Remains T.ir bv'w',,d.ai Sfr niece's residence, ilrs. JTiJ Nayes 30 Slonn ,vo.. West Colltngs-JTe1?-. N'.JV ?"r. 7 to n p. m. Interment private sr rverlnton Cemeterv KcLAUCHLIN. On Juno 2.1. 1010. NELLIE. dauvnter OI n. ,, Jonn ni, .iarKttr., Mc. Laurhlln. aged 42 years. P.elatlve and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on e1a"d-y- -. S ? ".. from, the apartments 1 ?r..'.Mr..'"?, hlh,rf suns. 2-iS dqum 1th st. o?.a !' Jteoolem at St. Mary's Church, at &,"c.m,?t.ry,rcU'llr- """" "" Uof,1"lr0n,J"nr,-:4'.lDI('- MINNIE, widow of Joseph I. Morrison. Relatives and frl'.n1- also Camp 01. P. O. of A!. r iv.'.t'n?..!.?- ,.t,',n.d tne funfral service;. 9" lYai vvSii,.11. m-'r".t h,"r Ut" realdence. 1133 Wyoming ave. Interment private at "SgKUy r-f n. Jun 23.- 1010. JOHN C. MUR f,K.i: , B"JatJvea and friends, also Fletcher ffftl'i1.10"" .?' yhl.ih "f was a member ar ' wi.""1 Ata at.t,Jd tha funeral services, on YSdn,'1a.yv.a.L . " at "' 'at residence' 032 North oath at. Interment at Harrington. Delaware. lnieE.?XT0n, Lun?,5!?!. ,BIfl- ANNIE II.. wlfs I of tha late John H. Pigeon neB McNutt) aged ?Te,1!.rf.lR1',.v.i,, JT'1 .fr'nds.- also Shads r tli AlfdiS". 'e l!i? 9. A-. P- nd members S5ff!lS C.hu5ch MhB Messiah, ar Invited to attend the -funeral 'services on Wednesday, at i.S: "I'' ?. the Iml,Vy .' hjrr nephew. Will. laraH. Richards. 1847 E. Tlnga st. Inter, ment at North Cedar Hill. ,WroT?',?,.n J,ln,t?a' IB!". AMY DARLING- ye" !', '." Relstlves ami friends ars iShd!S,.hU,5dKth. '.l"J?.,'a, on "fth-day" plxth Month. 29th. at l:3i p. m.. from her fate residenc.. Markhara. DT EX. im Tr. Urmsnt at CumberUnd County. KOB.OLD. On June 28. 1010. WILHELMINA. ' r7'?.0.? Sr. SXnX!!?'. f?d 8- year. ..... w .. ...uu ,q invii UM re IT west AOington ays,. Chestnut HIIL High Bul-m Man at tha Church of Our Moth"? of Consolation at 0 a. m, ntarmant at KnlJ sepulchre. "sTJII.ICHTFJl. On June 26. 1018. ISAAC SCIiUCHTER. Pun.ral service, on ThuraH dav at S o'clock, at his lata residence.. 8.1A Frankford avo. Interment prlvatA. SPATES. At Atlantlo City. N. J., nn June 23 1918. EMMA L.. wife f Owia P, dpVtes and dauxbter of Oenrga T. nl CarnlUaT B. Btelnbaeo. Funeral services at U a. ni June 28. from the parlora of William J, Tick par Sons. Pennsylvania ami North va Baltimore. Md. CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AOATE LINE RATE FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STTLE TYPE tor like this) One or two times 13c Three time one week 12tte Six times on week... 11,. , 10c Situations Wanted three times one week loo Help and Situation Wanted and Lost nnd Found nds nro Inserted In the Daily Public Ledger without addi tional charge. Want ad under all other classifications mav be repeated In the I'cnl.io Lfimrr at combined rnte. One or two times 2.1c Three times one week , 13c SK times one weeki 12'c TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In VI classifications except Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found. Per sonals. Uoardlng nnd Rooms. Wt-cn so speci fied, add FIVE CENTS PER AOATE LINE TO IV ANY OF I'HE ABOVE RATE.S There is a drup; storo near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. YS.V.I0i-yP,IE:N between ages of 17 and 22 i15..'Wln? school will find exceptional on EJitiunUI'" In -telephone operatlnat salary paid Ui.i!ei "rnlng! permanent position assured, nlth pleasant, homellko.eurroundlnes. Apply In person Jo the Hell Telephone Co." 400 Mar . "" .''l1'5' except Sunday, between H-:ul Siim:.Sn.V?, p" Pi'10 Tuesday and Friday, between i):30 and 8:30 p. m. WANTED Oenero.1 woolen mill help: carders, spinners. eayere nnd flnlshers, Da Is ft Furber and Whltely mules, Crompton. ft Knowles looms, on heavy wnolensi mill s tu ated in city of 2.1.1)00 population, 80 miles Brnntford. Canada, west of Buffalo. For full particulars regard ing thesn openings, apply the Hllngsby 31a . fncturlng Co.i Ltd., WANTED Whllo man and wlfo or two men for dlshnnshlng: also man for night porter. Write or telephone American House, Bethle hem. Pa - CHAVrFEl'll wants posKlom very, best, rets. I slrictlysobr.icnrefuldrlver.lll2piJvest. ClfAL'FFEt'R wishes position: prlv. .or eoml.I - ML Ledger Branch B 40, 4201 nidgcarjs., CLAY tlEFlNER Is open to take, charge of china or paper, clay washing plant, or to construct plant to produce results, II 030. .. ledger Central. . AUTO SUPPIilE9 808J. Cl'STO.M CUTTEn 1 open for a position. In et out of clty 11 019, Ledger. Central. DRUOS Registered manager wishes engage ment to or three days a week. Phone Pop lar 7430, . ELECTntCAL OPERATOR. 4 years' experience with steam turbines, rotary convertible motor generators, wishes to change his posltioni best of references. 11 pia. Ledger Centrnl, . OAIlpENER, single, "desire posHlon to lake entire charge of place. Add, 8203. Ledger Br,. 8401 Oermnntown ale. Chestnut Hill. , HARDENER, single, Protestnnt, 10ns exp . caro , horse, etc.t reference. C 20. Ledger onice. .. PARTS to build or remlr. an!',,r,l,r-r,.-u ila Phlla. Auto Paris Co , 823 N 18th. Parh 1418. at;to tires PULLMAN TIKKS . .. Ou.rnteoed 3300 . jwr. prls. WATCHMAN, capable of taking care of. slenm boilers, with some knowledgo of .mnchlnerv, Apply In person or by letter to II. K. Muirord, uie llenolden. Pa. for 'Ji'.TH-li1.?'1" waitress or chambermaid, prl- vate famlhrjereren.-e roq BIllN llrottd. . General 7An,n.,lSstw"m'J' woman for, Spanish and ?ihr-ma.n' I1"0 month high school posit one 1 other teachers wonted 11 v,A1'ONAL TEACHERS' AOENCY. iLJi!COOj4sMORaJJJ PERRY llLpO. Wi!,4I,,:.N"l,C0rnc..O0Vern'"'nl"clerkSi 17 mth.i fnmB ?..',?ml!mU.on .'jueetlons free. Franklin Institute, Dep 713 1 Rochester. N. Y, HELP WANTED MALE ATI,?.ND,'VNT or orderly for sanitarium for ncr. IS 1 lJJ'''c"."a.lr' IJJ a month nnd board ",,m ..jiiiu, .luuress a. i.ord, Lonn. Stamford, V,lt,f, ., . V, (, .-...... .. m. mm In xjli..u ,.,i,i.i c rui, ovtiiii. livii. ,w,T-i -v "" clerical work In sales and snipping depart ments of manufacturing concern. Call Wed nesday ovenlng 7:10 at 703 Lafayette Bldg. YOBNO MAN to learn hot press stamping: pay while learning. Apply Wolff & Co., 4th floor. 12th and Cajiowhlll. , YOUNO M"AN to help tn offices state salary wa lit ni C 81, ledger Office, YOL'NO .MEN Iietwcen the ages of, 18 and 83 ii'hn iMalre tn lenVel and In reCflltA inllltnrV training as memlicrs of tho nrst lino of the countries defenao apply nt 14011 Arch St.. Phil adelphia, Pa., for detailed Information re garding enlistment In the United Htntcs Marino Corps , , ONE of tho Isrgslrust companies has a position vacant; applicant, about lH.mUst address In own hnndwrltlng, glvlnit qualifications nnd de tail regarding himself, salnry. JHUO. with chance of advancement, rontrol of business ea- sentll oengnjement. Add II 320. Led.Olf. COLLEOE .MEN Publishing" house would flke to hear from recent graduates or thoBe with ono or moro ears- experience, wno ucBira wra: nent employment, state age ami kind 01 w preferred M 4.10, Ledger Office. MACHINIST Young mnn wants to leam trade. 1L8B1, Ledger CentraL MAN AND WIFE Man. houseman, under stands garden and lnwnt wife first-class cook, nlso sister as chambermaid or waitress, wish posltlops together! first-class reference. Mrs. niiuer. linn i-ncrry st, ppruce lotijj MAN AND WIFE, Japanese, want posltlonsl mnn as cook, wlfs a waitress! go to country. Yochl. .108 .North 18th. . SALESMAN wishes city position, or represent reputable rompany In New York or Bnltlmoro! references. 11 010, Ledger Central; BtlSINESS OPPOnTUNITIES PlitLADEI.PHlAN wllcentrally located office. In New York city wishes lo hear from Parties who desire New York city address with tele bhonJ privileges at the ry low cost Of 12.80 per month This includes the taking of phone rness!. and "holding or forwarnrr of mall. For 3.S0 desk a provided, name listed and should party wish Private room for conference when n tho c ty personally same will be in c'SdJd as will' a' nominal amount of local telephone calls. .Unprecedented opportunity to allow tne aaicriiseri.. "--,.--, -,--- -.-- AQUrCBS , -.IV, n.uBv. w.- MUSICAL INStaorfteMf! 83-citicKrjni.No iPRtoTr?PT7trt.ji i'it ptktr-M s ""WARD VINpIkfT , June vic-ron nKinmhirSkJri-L M2t CHESTNUT ST, OLD GOLD 3P3feTfiissg ji -fl'f:j " ausb -BthrM j fASH PnTd-dTii1rIol17.-r7aj-k-,i Platinum fals teeth ' i?hnV!?.rteaMi . and Reflnlng Company. 128 1 sW!L representative, trai. free book. SALESMAN Young man, experienced, good ad dress and Personality, employed, desires to rrmko chango. C 2, Ledger OfTlco. ' vork General AUTO REPAIRMEN AND MACHINISTS, capa ? n..f 9erhaullng and rebuilding autotrucks. P 21 1. Ledger Office, LOST AND FOUND For Other Lost and Found Ad fico Page 1 aOLD BAR PIN. set with sapphires and pearls lost June III. at Wannmaker's or Broad St. Station: reward. Return to R. L., School of Horticulture. Ambler. P. DIAMOND Lost, unset diamond Friday In Oer mantnwn. 280 W Johnson St.. Oermantown. PERSONALS WILL BUY OR SELL lots at Lester (formerly Corblndatei, or at Esslngton. Write P O. iiox --ii. l-nnaoeipnia. MR. JAHVia hoa purchased grocery store of .Nainan tan-on. in-- uomunnl st. All bills be sent to 12.1 S. 8th st. : UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 1B01 Chestnut st Hugh Anthony, Eumol- Songa, II. II. Swayje. B. Frevert. Mrs W E Orny. Mrs. Chns. Smith, a, F. Workmnn. Mr and Mr. W Klebr. D Spuda. Rev. Geo O. Bartlett. George N, Cohen. Fred W-lch. Miss I. R. Bunting, Mr. Etta R. Johnson. Myrtle Whltehnnd. Tho. W. Bunting. Mis Marv A. Reeves. D. II Cook, II II. Edwards. Proetor Veneer r)yer Jifs.. Arthur W. Howe, jr. . j(rs. O. It. Primrose. Sir. Byron W Dlrkson Albert Lewis. lohn Quell. T R. Younglilood Mrs. J. P. Denny. J. Murray Ellrey. Delprat Prince Andre, Ongarln. E. C. Marble, William McDon ough Clarencn Eckert, Mr. and Mrs Wnrlow MarO, tlammnnd. SoUev Process Co.. Mrs Laura Adklns. Jleverhnrf ii Son. .Mrs Helen Lewis, Joseph nrnes, W. E. Mlngea. F. W. Bland. Reilly, Mr. Lulgl Jlenessarl. Mr II. F. Dart. Miss Tessie Little. J. F Reilly. Miss Venlta njder. It. J. Lewis. John Kelly, Louis Pfnre. Miss C. Pledemnnn. Mrs Rnlch. John R. Cockrane. Chas. Plefler. C. J. Drennen. POSTAL TELEORAPII CO.. 1420 3. P-nn Square Bob Warren. J. C. Evans, Mr. R. W. Kennly. E. J. Delony. IC. L. Ernst. Mrs. Blanch P Luhers. B. d. Davis, II. w Flutrhlns, Mr. P. E. Weltnn. W. C. Peterson. J. J. Ilannahan. BOOKKEEPER Oood opportunity for an exp. -JS.ln,i5Lt?exp.age, etc.!fullyC32LLcd.Orf. BOY. 17. to work In umbrella factory. Suplco- Iwege-VhJiin; Co.. 12thand Cherry sta. HOT. oer 10. for office and errands, lu N. Front. 3d floor. CALKEUS Tao machine cnlkers wanted. Apply Cruso Kemper Co.. Ambler. Pa. .PaVJNTER and MILLWRIGHT. MIDVALE. 4300 Wlsaahlckon ave. Apply CARPENTERS, sahlrkon ave. Apply MIDVALE. 431)0 Wis- BOOKKEEPERS J13.OO-I2O.O0. CLERKS Attractive openings for young men, IN tiu-114 on STENOGRAPHER South America, experi enced, over 21, co'tratt llsOU.uu. DltAi'OIIISMEN Prospectus nnd Arclil teclural, excellent opportunity, IJ3.0U, Me chanical (2), Just out of town, lluu.OO mo., Michanlcni, clt. U'U.OO. Other positions open for HtUH-GltAME MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE BUILDING SPANISH transitions: Spanish student! home works typewriting, O 0, Ledger Ofnce. STENOGRAPHER Young man,32. 10 years' ex perience adertlslng work, open for engage ment: thor. knowledgo follow-up work, multi graph address, macli., etc. C 30, Ledger OIL YQUNQ MAN, good education nnd appenranco, 10 years, old, would like ouldoors position! not afraid of work, C 13, Ledger Ofllce, YOt'NO MAN, odilcnted, good sales and buslnes"s experience," employed, desires to mnke change, C L Ledger Office. MR, ADVERTISING MAN, Can you Use, m? i Am n ntino- man. practical photo-engrnxer. with 7 sears' experience In the ndvertlslmr engrnWng depa-lment of ono of the largest pub lshlng houses In the coun try. I would like lo become nssoclnted wllh a flrst-clnss ndv. house. II 430. ledger Ccn. PATENTS ..."nrTrodeMar';,' Jf!5JT m.'- ."iJeW-'S your fostorTwebster 1011 ChestnutJSt. I'ellphone. Walnut IROi, MOVlNO-PTcfURB ailATRE, modern equip ment! 400 senlsi c-r llshed Ave Sears I owner will sell on easy teiiiis ?r 'ease at 78 per mo.s now running: crowdedjlghtly, lJL77n,Lcd.Cent. PICTURE THEATRE, suburban. 1800! modern! no competition; 10c. dalvi strictly first classi highly profitable. BAHR1ST. 201 N, Broad St. BUSINESS PERSONALS LATEST HTYI.Efl FULL-DRESS BU1T3 DELIV. ft CALLED TOR FREE CALL OR PIln.VE POPLAR 233 OPEN EVENINOS NER'fl. 10TH A OtltAltD AV , H, IV. Cor. EVENING CLOTHES . -Hinn LKID? CHAUFFEUR Wnntod Oood mechanic and good drler: white or col Address loJJ Borland Agency, Atlantic City. COMPOSING ROOM foroman wnnled In medl inn size office: steady position: state experience and salary II 317. Ledger Office. uitAUOHTSMAN. mechanical, wanted Immedi ately: state age experience and salary ex Peeled Standard Tuse Corp , Paulsboro. N.J. nii .-3 wanted. Surpass Leather Works, lull and Wemoreland sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE BILL CLERK, thoroughly exp. on the Iteming ton billing machine. Wahl adding attachment. Apply dreenbaum Bros. & Co.. Lnrkln 111,1;.. 22d and Arch. BOOKKEEPER, exp.. anted! general contrac tors otncei central pert city: state experience and references. H 017. Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS wanted. Protestant: neat and capable: ref.i city pos. tlon. Address C 24. Ledger Office. J CHAMBERMAID and naltress. experlenceil: rf eVenco required. Meet employer Wednesday. 1 p. m.. Ilooni 20.1. mis Chestnut st. CHAMREHMAID and laundress. Prot : two In family: ref. required. H Mli. Ledger Ottlce. CHILDNURSE Refined woman to irare for small child and Infant. 11 I. Wood-Norton Apartments. Wayne ave. and Johnson t.. Oermnntown. ENOINE LATHE HANDS (Large and small work. I VERTICAL BORINO MILL HANDS .,.iI'.nrB0 anrt small work.) HORIZONTAL BORINU MILL HANDS (Large and small work.) PLANER HANDS 'Large and small work.) ENGINE FITTERS (Largo nnd small work.) MEN FOR LAYINO OUT WORK MACHINE BLAC-KSMITIIINO AND TOOL DRESSERS TOOLMAKERS AND DIE MAKERS Employment "Department. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BILLING CLERK and dictaphone operator, ex perienced In all brunches of office work, wants position. .'2.Lcdger Brunch,NI3N.inth st. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, best reference, de. sires responsible position. II 04 J, IdgerCen. CHAMBERMAID Lady closing her homo wants a placo for a chambermaid, Apply 3401 Powclton ne. : CHAMBERMAID wishes pos., country or scn- shore .ref. Apply pres place. Tel. Ardmoro 81, CHAMBERMAID, thlldnursc Neat, col.: Spring Lil.o pref Call Wed.. 112 Vnn Pelt st CIIAJIBERWOKK and sewing Neat iolore.1 woman wants position with boy 7 earn old! good rcf. Phone 3121) M Dickinson. COOK Experienced, capable woman: good ref. ercneo Call Room 203. 008 Chestnut st., Tuesday. 11 a. m. . COOK White Protestant woman wants position as cqoly referenco. II 31)2. ledger Office. COOK. German, first class, wishes position. 12t3 North Fanltllnjcountrypreferred , COOK German Prot. woman deBlres position. iiii.'S Nectarine, near aprinff uaruen st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE, 011 S. lOlh St., wishes positions for trained Infant nurse with hospital train ing: trained waitresses. seeinl first-class cooks, American. Scotch nnd Irish! good ref- , vi cm.ua. i-nono spruce aiui. , MISS MARY T MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian ('oc. 1303), supplies nnd wnnta let-class Prot., cnthJLLmnlenjid feinalo helpnll nationalities. NICOLLS. 1020 llnlnbrldge Pomp, heln.'nll not.. sup.: wanted Oep 2d man: girl for rhomb. nnd walling: cook etc Phone. Locust 2130. AUTOMOBILES For Sale APPERSQN 1010. Ilollnder. 3-passenger: has been used for demonstration only. Car better than new nnd carries regular guarantee. Will sacrifice ns '17 mole! aro shipped. Phone Spruce 2070, or address WILLIAM T. TAYLOR N. E. cor. Broad nnd Race st. FULL-DRESS SUITS FULL ASSORTMENT OF SIZES LATEST STYLES TO HIRE AND FOR SALE, One.button ciitwnys for June weddings: also modem rllk tints Cooper, 10IO O Irani nve. PAT-ENTrT6RNE Pnfnnfa nnA Send .wi'.t . Trade-Marks "!?,? r38&'$; Bell Walnut 71T J. WALTER DOUGLARa . rhllafaVinSI?3 ; "nairi !8iS ptA5lffiqNr THE IlETTr-llK'ftf. . STORAGE rinNTIMrw. STORAOE U'lnsiA,. 20TII ST. ABOVE CltFcmS'ii PACKINC1. MOVING. BHlKSS, Rugs, carpet c eaned bcamV.j""0 Bell, Locust innn-Ph'.ntew riDELr,I8MAEVTAhs? ' S PENN STORAGB AND VAM rn 2130 MARKET BT. C0'J PULL-DRESS SUITS Cutnwa), Tuxedos nnd Sack Suits To Hir" nnd Made to Order NEUBAUER, THE TAILOR, 1121 Walnut,. J Bell phone, Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAin removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Evebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre nidg. Miss Hoppe, hairdresser, fnclnl mns'ge, manl- curing, form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank references. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH, 717 Sansom st. CARPET CLEANING CO N T I N E NT A L CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20T1I ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Pell Phone. Locust 1000. W"ST PIIII.A. WEST PIIILA. WEST PIIILA. .MONARCH HTOUAdE CO. 3c. PER YAIID 8870-72 LANCASTER AVE. REAL CARPET BEATING NO TUMBLERS USED. BOYER CO,, 3.100 N.12TH. Tioga C200. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY CADILLAC. 1012. LIMOUSINE, equipped with electric lights nnd starter: up holstery nnd tires good! ery sultnblo for funeral work. Special 'price If boucht prior to June 30, LOCOMOBILE. . . 2.114 Market .t. Locust 450. IT. A. JENKB. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. COOK or day's worker: flrst-clnss reference Ap- p!yJenernl DcllveryNarberth, Pa DAY WORK Fine laundry, seamstress or house, work, enmp. trut. woman. II .114. Ledger Off. WESTINO HOUSE PANY MACHINE COM- East Pittsburgh. Pa. (Employment Office open Tuesday and Friday eenlnca until 0 o'clock.) GROOM Desirable position for second man hav ing experience wllh polo ponies. Apply A. M. Collins. Ilryn Mawr. Pa HAMMERSMITH, blacksmlth.blacksmlth helpers and automaker helpers Apply Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Fr-o Labor Bureau. -110 S. lltn sl t.lULDNURHE. hospital training: forMuin J'toJffBroad!1 T"""ty m"rlg' COOK Vhlfe, gool plain cook In family ot flvo In -ountryi permanent place: wages. 47: good home: Protestant preferred: reference, re- quired P 224. Ledger Omce. COOK ANI flAKETti neat and capable: pfivolo family: Protestant. Add. C a,. ledger nm". Irfdcer omce. CCi5?.0 "i1"1 downstairs Family four adult. Call Tuesday. 3 o'clock. Room 50.1. 08 Chesti nUt SL v-wr.l yidow or Oernard Robold. aied 8J years. Ulatlve and friends are Invited to attend he funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a. m.. at thi Vl&nc? SV.h,r. da-shter. Mrs. Frances Krlat. 7 West A.blngton ave,. Chestnut HIIL inih DRESSMAKERS Expert skirt draper and finishers: none but those having references from very fashionable dressmnkera desired. Apply before 10 a. m..' French Dreasmaklnir RIwd. third floor. Mar' kct irect, STRAWBRIDOE - CLOTHIER 0uLrKrJimWta.1,r5onraouth.OU7n,.r..,,? c'ltn"...."!" "--- nur'-Vur" QIRLS wanted! light work: no exp.rivncn ne. K paid while learning. Annii- sarv: l.i a ueek 31(1 N. IZd UIIVEMNKhS for three children: relemue r-' quired,, 1010 Wynnbfleld ave.. West Phlla HOI H yoitlC AND COOK, colored woman": m Mil n-l 'mlkr tun --- ,".: ;Shi..i n--"'W;."ii.:."""""rciiuir-a. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, toolmakers, 13.24 to 14.48 per day of H hours; machinist. 13 to 14: assistant machinists. 12 to t-'.nn-. SKILLED LABORERS. 12. hand turret lathe, operators, 12.88: Potter i. Johnston. 13.32: Automatic, Cleeand. Brown. Sharps t Orldley, 13,70: higher compensation when on piece work, eltj. zens: 13 days' leave after one jeur's service. 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons during summer months, all with full pny. Apply Frankford Arsenal, preferably In person. Ilrldcshurg. Philadelphia, Pa. LATHE HANDS on finished work. MIDVALE. 4300 Wlsaahlckon ave. Apply GOVERNESS Young lady wishes position ns governess or tutoring children for the summer: music, ocal and Instrumental. Included: prlv. family pref Add Box 370, Lancaster, ya. HOUSEKEEPER. Polish.' good, speaks "English, wishes to go lo seashore: good chambermaid: good rcf. 2030 Dennlo st., Nlcetovin. MANICURIST of refinement desires position In hotel. H 312. Ledger Central. NURSE, hospital experience, care adult, young or grown child; city refs. Phone Walnut 700.1. STENOGRAPHER Younir lady, several jears' experience: accurate at figures. II 847. Led ger Centrnl, STENOGRAPHER. 2 yenrs' experience: familiar with low work: J10. It (143. Ledger Centrnl. STENOGRAPHER Recent High School grnd uate: willing, mod. snlary. It 01.1, Led. Cent, 8TEN00RPHER 0 mo ' experience:" knowl- edge of French: saIorfu. II 10. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER Experienced:" knowledge of Llerlcnl work, II IMS. Ledger Centrnl, STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge of bookeep- Ing: S years' exp. 1I.13. Ledger Centrnl. TEACHER Mlddle-nged woman wishes super- Intendenco of children for summer months; ni..f.,nhlv .anthnr. If .-.111 t.il... Offl,. CADILLAC. 1III4. touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price J830. AUTO 8ALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. CADILLAC 101.1 rondster for sale: perfect condition: gentleman leaving for camp wishes kv mnKB quick saie. uau AmDier 17a. COLE. 1013. 4-cllnder tourlnir. L. S. BOWERS CO., 24.1 N. Broad st. COLE Distributors. I), 1010, DEMONSTRATOR. NEW CONDITION IN ENGER TWIN, PRACTIPAI.r.Y EVERY RESPECT: CARRIES 1 YEAR Pin. TORY GUARANTEE: WILL DEMONSTRATE IN ANY MANNER DESIRED: THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A NEW. UP-TO-DATE -MODEL AT A DIS COUNT. BOTH PHONES. POP. 1830! RACE 2078. WAITRESS In hotel! jnung high-school girl: pre fers mountains. IT 313 Ledger Office. WOMAN, mlddle-nged, seeks light chamberwnrk: good home: small wages: good sewer; excellent references. 11 010. Ledger Centrnl, WOMAN, colored, wishes cleaning- by day op -urn itnter week; bundlo unsh to take home. street. LATHE HANDS wonted, must hae exper, : good wages and condition. Apply Crane Dept.. Nlles-Bement-I'ond Co , Meadow nnd Mifflin MACHINISTS, boiler makers, car repairers, car builder, whit and colored laborers. Apply Ilaltlmorx and Ohio Railroad Frex Labor llu. reau, 110 S. llth MACHINISTS Wanted, lathe, planer and bor ing mill hands, highest wages to competent men: 30 hours weekly Apply John Balzley Iron Works. 314 H Delaware ave. MAN. familiar with draughting, to take charge of upkeep department In a large woodworking factory very good position for the rlaht man Addr-ss stating see. experience, refereoces etc.. P 802. Ledger Office. MECHANICS WANTED. FIRST CLASS Mochln lathe hands, automatic msrhlne nnntie. iitiuwiiiiiiin. iiMnm, mui'iers enre- mKere lll IMimrTB nwpij tlslinvin IXM-nnvuive . otki ny Wm. Thomas, Lddystone. Pa, tiSSSTlT fiVe-pald"001-0"""' Oermantown; HOUSEWORK (general! Quiet, refined color girl; best ref. I must be good plain roolc 1 gin. homei no washing. P ;21 Lwlr nfnee HOUHEWORK Olrl. experienced: four In famiT Xi J m?'Sln" ,'.or 'ummer, Mrs, I, i. Edward. 3707 Powellon ave. . 1, 1, MENDERS and burlers Wanted, exn. woman on one men's wear, capable to take charge amall plant! good opportunity. P 303. Led n,r MENDERS, experienced, on men's wear, Shar" bourn Mills. II and Westmoreland. J""r- NURSE or attendant for sanitarium for nervous diseases: salary 422 a month and board and room. Address 8. Lord. Stamford. nS? OPERATORS, experienced. neckwear. J. P. McCutcheon cairn inuy.. inn anq Arch. wanted on men's Ilros., P. pqcKETIIOOKS Girls, experienced on pocket." ww., a.,u .iuwnecA. ADDly third floor. 12th and Callowfil. UALESLAD1ES. experienced, selling cloaka nd suits, suta salary and reference. Address Clly! N.' J ' A,lant0 a-. Atlantic itttS WANTED --Ijiborera and locomotive cleaners i..'v i-- j-"i' MU t-llbert st MOTORTRUCK SALESMAN for Eastern Pennt sylvanla New Jersey and Delaware: best com mercial car built, straight commission prono- ttlnnt lArve Drnflts: state ,in-rl,n,. In ... . all mwtmttimra lu.ll Ann A.l.n . 1 . 1 1 .. ..' Xif.1 a,, ,.ri. ...-."., . ,",, ,, , jr. n ,. I.UI.T CHIini WOMAN with child wishes posttlon as housA. keeper: ref. 2.133 Muscher st.. Kensington. YOUNO LADY of refinement nnd education wishes position as companion, tutor or clerk nt summer resort for hoard: best references. Phone Ogontz 200 J1orl'228 Ledger Office. YOUNO LADY, well educated, experienced ns teacher, excellent penman, desires summer pos,. clerical, tutoring, camp. II 4SLed.Cent. YOUNO OIRL." Irish, wishes" position ns cook" In private fnmlly; nn mall. Call S3 W. School lane, Oermnntown. HUDSON'S rebuilt and guaranteed: phaetons, roadsters nnd cabriolets: elec. light and start- js,OOMKnY-SrHWARTZ. 2.13 N. Broad at. RUSH DELIVERY: panel bodv; 1000-Hi. delivery ur, untfu ipr-( man ouu mues; conaiuon like new: complete equipment; good reason for sell ing: will demonstrate. Standard Motor Car Co., 002 N, Broad st. PULLMAN Distributors. Poplar 1839. Race 2978. DRESSMAKING nY EXPERT I MODISTE 307 Dcnckla Bldg.. llth and Market sts. rnoAvU8T0iWnFl .BJlng7r,2 for e Vmate. C2rP& t ! McCANN'H "STORAGE HOt!SeH,VlJffi, ?-' m,ov'oB. Pncklng, shipping'' ...if' "S , bothphoncs. Let us estimate "' ! i lllllnn rvnlta fc-l . . - V1. . .Mlllloii Dollar Fireproof Bulldlng-n-: rrtH Moth proof, sanitary. Esnmit.. J"" Jrthna.Stnr.ige Cn..2o5l VhiAlft?' JZ . aiRXnT5TiTORriE-r?s iT.?eirKvlLJ:M .?. ' by nuto. Packing, storage, p'rSff&B.ftiy WAHTED 1 ANTIQUE FURNITURE, boug, JUH FURNITURE, false lih . ir" broken jewelry, gold sllliv 'ni',MU"f'- lr S and. libraries bouIhr-rtT-n!a ' M, ojioressMvillcan.lckens. loo N. iifh .'. ' '1 BROKEN JEWELIlYT-fSlAe-teclh rslwW' 'J Coin Imoks. w th prices ImTmW'!1' il Uls StoVe)! ,2 (inrs n th u-lv'.?- M ,,.. sip. HART-OPl, nr"7;n..-... - r win Vn-Miri" sr.s.' ."". genta- and 'ladles' 'dlKZKS ?.!- shoes, furs, etc.; let me call arid iiw , JS1" estimate: oxtra high Prices for fufiJe..M Tuxedo suits; will call, day or ev'ir,!eV,.y COLUMBIAN DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Spe cial rates; easy payments, C. Hartman. 1730 Columbln ave. (Formerly with McDowell.) POR SALE $19.80 VICTOR VICTROLA IV AND 12 selec tions (0 10-Inch D. r. records). An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good ma chlno nt a reasonable price; payablo 00c. week ly. Call or write for completo descriptions and largo illustrated catalogues. New Vlc trolas from 113 to 1200; all styles, all woods, always nn hand HEPPE'H UPTOWN STORES COR. OTll AND THOMPSON STS. ANTIQUE furniture -and brlc-n-brnc In original con : lowboy block front bureau. 032 Chestnut. BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second bond. bought, aold. rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies Lafo Keafer. American manufne turer. 320 Olrnrd ave. Phone Kens. 2.1IB. BILLIARD, pool tables: new. second-hand bowl ing nllcs: easy pnyments. Rosntto-Barry-8treet Co.. 222 S. 8th st Thono Wal. 2284. RUSH DELIVERY, panel bodv. lflnn Mm.: ,e. Ilverv car, used less than 800 mile! condi tion like new: complete equipment: good rea sons for selling: will demonstrate: price. Sr.no Standard Motor Car. Pullman distributor. 002 N.Broad. Pop. 1830Raco2078. STUDEBAKER. 7-pnssenger. late" model, electric lighting and starting system: good condition! full equipment; will demonstrate; price JJ4B0. Standard Motor Car Co.. 002 N. llroad st PULLMAN DISTRIBUTORS. Poplar 1819. Race 2078. STUDEBAKER 1010 7-passenger Touring Car. used 700 miles; lots of extras: will sell rea snnnblv. L 343 Ledger Cen t rn I lliHI PULLMAN, ft-passenger. with full equip, ment In good condition: will demonstrate fully nnd f'jrniiih s-ini" uuarnnte ns new car: price 1800. Standard Motor Car Co.. 682 .orih llrood st. A STUDENT of Pennsylvania State College, de sires a position for the summer as companion to a lady nr ns child's nurse: references ex ch nnged B 3 10. Led ger O fflce REFINED, middle-aged American Prot. wishes position, seashore or country, light housework: no wash ; wages IS. C 20. ledger Office. NORMAL SCHOOL STUDENT seeks" summer work, clerk, experienced. H .1.13. Te-dgcr Cent. EMPLOYERS are beginning to recognize the service rendored by "Miss D-nn" at Ledger Ontral as Invaluable tn them at thnt psycho, logical moment when they find thenm-lve without ofllce help. They know that a phone call Walnut 3000 or Main 3000 will hrlne them Just the desired assistance, be It a Stenog rapher Bookkeeper. Secretary or Clerk. "Miss Dean" keeps In touch with lounc women who ar seekln situations. Have yon ever asked her assistance? It I a free service, tn ledger Advertisers, HIGH GRADE chassis for sale, In first-class condition throughout; can be equipped with either light delivery or speedster body; will soil cheap to quick buyer. Address E 760. Ledger Central. AEROPLANES and automobiles built to order, rebuilt or repaired; experimental and model work: terms reasonable, noveltlea In auto bodies. J. C. MONROE, Vehicle Mechanic. 3 AUTOCAR TRUCKS. 1H -ton capacity: with bodies, each 1030 WILCOX, 1-ton delivery, Al condition. .. " 800 L. II. O'NEAL, JIO N. Broad at. EDISON DIAMOND-FOINT PHONOGRAPH Cost 100 new. This outfit Is complete, with record and cabinet and will be sold for J38, pavable 73c weekly. Call or write for com plete descriptions and large Illustrated cata logues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR. .OTII AND THOMPSON STS. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling ollevs: eosv payments. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDCR CO.. 1002 Arch. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold. leased, ex changed, repaired replated. Supplies. New and factory rebuilt New total adders, as low as J.10. Call and see our 1010 mod els. Registers sold nnd leased by us on 'n",yJ"VlCn,n," aml f"llv' guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET luxcao suits; will call, day or ev'o Vi,."' country. Call, write, phone T Bell, PoSf.r'kVi', jveystone. rark. (1003. Plac..'.TE.fiU CAST-OFF clothing bought: -. ... J.TTs-.i postal or phone Market 8337. """ p,la-t KUDEMAN. 014 naif m, , send GAST-OFF clothing, shoes and hats hon.hT pgstal.Sneldman, 922 Poplar st. ' ' ;mh4 FURNITURE, pianos. carpetsTlintltiutai .mi,". or part houses hmiirht rn- .r.iM'iv'J '"' hm. in-nn . Wl Z" .."' 1 i -"ll, OO nUlIif mZi .... .-. iviaga ave. how large. OLD GOLD Cash antique clocks: 1210. ROOKHS lsh paid for old goW, ninr" 1m ;!S.W2")sc.ttl,,7th1.V.1 phW- Si MUST HAVE FURNITURE, all kinds- itnr. .' ,J lt myAYb-s-BsrwaTnui. fWung KK w T, """' "ilj-f-" lDr mens cast-on cloth nt, hw S,CCi.U.,e24rN'. oTh .rM W" 1 ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DELEGATES TO AD. MEN'S? CONVENTION "IN THE- CENTRE OF EVERYTHEfoH THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 B. BROAD BT. 8701 rTTTTeeiTWTm art nn v.T Beautifully furnished rooms, single or a nlti lor ad men; best location: near bfaturter. 32.r.O VICTOR VICTROLA VI, Including- 20 Be ectlons (10 10-lnch D. F. records). An ex cellent machine In every, way. Can bo paid for ,h,,.ra,5 of ,7;i?' weekly- Call or write for complete descriptions nnd large Illustrated catalogues. New Vlctrolas from $13 to 1200: all styles nil woods, always on hnnd. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR. OTII AND THOMPSON STS. D?3KS'efllln? eaWneta. safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription; used, but In fine condition, and very HUGHES. 11TH AND BUTTofnVOOn. DESKS, large assortment; also household fur- .-. ....WM..j, uv,VVwUki vanowniu st. PIANO, new. will sell chenp for caah. C 28. E-M-F PARTS BCHOBER. 3341-43-43 MARKET SEND FOR FltBE BULLETIN of uai;u CARS OORSON AUTO EXCIIANOE. 238 N RROAP. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES II '148, OFFICE WORK Boy wanted for general office work. Apply In own handwriting, giving aie references and salary wanted. (J 27. Ledger Ortlce. i-enr OPTICIAN Berchman for Tameless work. Ad" ply J. E Llmeburner. 1720 Cliestnu.t'2P OPTICIAN Young man for bifocal work"! J" I., i.iinguuiuwr ii.u v-nrHtnut at. PAINT .-i.M.EbMEN wanted. aooa aiaraet st. Smyth Brothers. RECEIVINO CLERK wanted; steady position for reliable man with experience In this wort Apolv to H K Mulford Co.. Oleiiolden" Pa.' REPAIRMEN Electrical anc- mechanical on locomotives, cranea and engines: standard SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT desire Pools of small firm to do evenings II 328,Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, experlenred.wlll audit accounts' otsqi close and writ up book, day or evei nlng: high efficiency systems Installed: mod- ernte terms. Bell phone Woodland 36.13 , BUTLE'b or valet. Japanese, wishes position best references. H HIP. Ledger Central, uuii.civ, jBiwiKo-. n,uinui, i,imhi reiArences. Apply 10 324 S. 21st at. CHAUFFEUR, white, 33. married, 9 yrs.' shoa J an- rl H all t hnvnil ,k I.. 1 . " private or commercial. PhoniJDIcj amia v. CIIAUFFKUK. married. Protestant, wUhcspo. Jlton witn prniia laniuri reierences. J. Mm)-, lilt, UfllHttl mmnnT. tviiriiiiui lllll, ia. t.'HAUFKEUR-COACHMAN. first rlassTsober! honest reliable; best reference. Address 8. B. L. Berwyn Postofflce. Pa. iCHAUFFEUR. colored, desires position; Ave- ' .ai ' wmlmw nnn ellv nr ,nnnu kAjt 1731 Moravian sL CHAUFFEUR, single, strictly sober, rel. driver nnd mei-hnn!" wiahea DOS. II 431. l-eit. Pent. I CHAUFFEUR, white': "wlshee .position In the country: good reference. 11 030. Led, Centrnl, POPLAR 1(117. to hire (open day and night). Park 1482. brand-new 6, pass touring car 11.25 hr.: also brand-new 7-pae limousine; I1..10 hr.: weddings funerals. 1715 Glrard. 03D, TELTON AND OIRARD AVE. PHONE BELMONT 1101 FBLTON GARAOE 03D, FBLTON AND UIHAKD AVE. PHONE BELMONT 1161. TO HIRE. 11.23 AND UP- v-hta m mii maaes. Poplar 218. Race 2241. I11IY &IOISTER Portabiu n.,.. u... stucco. On display 8031 N, 6th. Tioga 2984; PISeVff.R. 'or.,"S.e,i WI.??" -""q roll. ''-" "- ". 'I "-. licuBfr uenirai. Klrnronf! tin tlrhi ... -it . "T SAFES and 'makes; hlg bargains. ' ""Io'n. -. --. w,nmi iiuce ana vine. THE OENEVA , 18TII ST.. ABOVE WALNUTHV' Hlfh-class npartments. with or wltiout m bath- Entirely renovated and refurnunei ' THE DEVON 801 So. Broad Street t . , omnia anu iouoie iiooma, '..i.-.,, Table Board. Phone Walnut HW,aS, w JjIWE MiPi UI' Li ' $t tfS2 i m f3i VJ1 f Wll a "I n 1Wl oraj fJfcfOT con DASIIWOOD 1808.1(1 CHHSTNIIT ST. Beautifully furn. rooms: newly renovteaJrjfSi baths, elevator: hotel serv. Ph. Sprues cw-a THE ESMOND R. F.. Pftn,F lOiu ,n,l Snni,, Sti. Excellent Accommodations and Service tttw T.tnwq trmn M J213-1B locust st. Rooms, single or'en n i Phone Walnut 71B.1 W. 'R ARCH. 1229 Two large, airy, third-floor pxttm.? running water. Spruce 1098. s! BALTIMORE AVE., 4233 Lane, cool .rooma. I M baths: good board. Phone Bar, 1714 J. -til i 11 A n (vr. ,.,, n, .,. -!.. far . jaiw,iu, tut-i -apienoia rooms; aoou m.-w, -y'r man and wife or single men", near "Wl ant; 3 erate ratea. Preston 01 0 J. t B,r.. SAHl-s,' waJ' ees shelving, ftne floo? cases for sale, cheap, 249 Market at. HEATING WAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is hotter and cV?ap?.r..tnan 'am or hot-water. Pure "t res o 187 FHb??? mol,tu"' "AKIN.KEL3r! INSTRUCTION PRIVATE TUTOR Your son has an ...mi--. tlon to pass In Sept.; talk matters over nrst: Central""0" What"0ve'-. H 931, Ledger Central, MACHINERY AND TOOLS AUTO PAINTING HAVE EVERY FACILITY FOR DOINO THE finest work. Catering to a particular clien tele, where QUALITY la the PRIMARY CONSIDERATION. Price. In your ravor Tioga 2702. GEO. W. PAR VIS. JR.. 1821 Alrdrl st.. llroad above Erla TRY MY VARNISH POLISH FOR YOUR AUTOMOBIAK BODY It has no equal. Trial bottle. 80o. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. AUTO RMPAIRINU T o8,fi!5,I?y,E7)Sl, TROUBLEST flea BILLY at his new location. VmV nm.lll lllllAU Ol, CYLINDER -REBORED, new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brazing, II. fi! Underwood - Co,, 1023 Hamilton t Phlla WE AROUB THAT this great selling of vnenu ANTI-FRICTipN METAL "for llnfnr m?eh?ne bearings Is directly traceable to " Sen X Jajil3 YOCOM - BON. BROAD, N.. 83.1. jiouse .a-noor unusual In alio every mod, conv. opp. Metropolitan 0r front room, with pr vetsfcitt J and furnishings, cool sje'slrf i a '. and comfort: detached '"-. f f 7isr4 BROAD, S., 421 Excellent rooms, water! table hoard. Phone Walnut at! I ' OAD. 8.. 1000 (corner) Excellent roosu ; - mln, ride City Hall. Phone DlcklnsogL j CHESTNUT. 1904 Attractive rooms lfl' & unaance not waier. Phone locust 731. en suite: abundance hot water: B mio. wsia w v-ny nail. ...nn .. . .. -- .(.(I,--1. uiiLBinui', JU27 Itooms sinus or '."& prl. catlis: electricity. I'none mcuiv -- CHESTNUT. 2013 Reasonable room wl b"! rj? aim alnrrl rnnma Tj-iiat R9t(1. T . CHESTNUT. 2003 Rooms, single, or WlWs. i CHESTNUT. 2020 Rooms with running "JC''' nrlvate baths: electricity. Phone IusJ. Room.. .Ingle or an "- m mHl CHESTNUT. ''013 private oatna; electric ngnts POWER.pi.avp RntTtTiiiStvr- Dynamos, motors, boilers, .team 'and oil en. !"?". -?u.mD"ialr compressors. " " ritAwiv imnicr. inc.. 127 N. 8d .t. CONCRCTE MIXERS. New and .econd hand" i'.U5 a'JV?tJTIW.al, tna ' then ' will b a ohMj20InCrVt.CHAni'E3I3ON5 CONCRETE MIXERS B. 7V4. 10. IB ft "Ilo..'" a-asollns driven; new: Immediate delivery L. jJ3eyfegons43TN, 3d st , "y,ry' DYNAMO'S, motor, and machinery bought, sold ?fii?n.nn arJPaurea repaired. Math Dl. Marlcet 8003. Yearaley Co., 224 N 3d .t 230-H. P. OHEENE Corliss engine for sa'lei can be seen running! HSOO. IfafleUh . ' American and Cambria its. "'""n - NOS. B. S . S, 2 Xi 23 so Ti ihJ riiixX.x"l"St,n!! mschlnesi J, 25, 80-rliZia-r.'r.?'radl7. "' hammers. -.' --- tTBufm oin. PETEYIfs Just as Bad if He Doesn't Enlist OAS, GASOLINE AND OIL EHOIMN ' GAS AND OIL ENGINE CO., N. 7TII ST, mirsaiskf iifn n.rn fnj rAnml MlblltlUli stUU IKUIIlsTI -v-l-je Ttfl. CH ESTNUT, 2000 WELL. .i'SJS, j nnnviH: rienrAVRrr on TRANSIfcNTj 'ytt CHESTNUT.' 1819 Rooms slngls.or t t"til private baths, phone Spruce 4253. . N CIHS8TNU r. IBJI Iiooma sinsis ", jsV prlvaW baths; central. Phone Spruce 1 CHESTNUT. 1002 Rooms with bathl slnU f qoupie. i-none ppruce e31- --1 ellfDTVM-l, JAln T . - .nfll rAAOl, HO V Vl.l" u , IIESTNUT. 4013 Large, cool room, W r cold water! board optlonali 10 r"'" "ty H' OIRARD. 17IB Vary .beautiful 'urnianw u room, with piano, for business or ptorxm running wanrj very f,mt'- i LOCUST, 1603 Single and double rnlsJ,,t from riellevu.-Stratford lfonl. Locust -i-fa- LOCUST. 1209.11 below City Hall LOCUST. 1229 (Morton Will -Room.! private MJ . 1-nojie wauiMijL!- I accon. 3! near l..T"'"L.Si locust, 1318 Large room.; vW'tiiii. MMU I..., Alt. tF.lf Phnna WalnUt lf T. VERNON. 1D13 Attractively frn.rwp- business people only ph -"""''' ''" J -.jr . ... .1 ..,. .id di . vcitwoN. is;ir -oesiraoie "'? r naili i.; Dia roomst running water, .ri. "r-.- --- , j " : , - a - -- wim b - ,, &UU.A. VUHxMi I