Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Second News Section, Page 21, Image 21

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fe -p '.... 4-is in At rttA, , :. r",r",.J-.
TIMJii i'uxv ..u wumjujn AT NAVY YARD
'tfiYM of the OfijieM At the Navy Yard Will Entertain
the women ruu -ve uomd to the Great Adver
tising Convention This Afternoon
Ji Mill eotiverUlbri Which Is belnfc
TOwrt ii tdt A1 lhe
Sui men And women Ms Its social" as
business aide, Wt tellyou. and
-.' r,'Lu uu ,fln hbled vory cieany by
' 5. wives of the business men of thin
. :' u the WIVea of lhe defenders
f " country, Yesterday was given
!L principally to getting to know each
liLirid to the opening sessions of thb
jtaffik. hert was a delightful
SStoTout at HoUslon ball and the
BfiPtht the time Afterward, rnahy of
ET llilMintf to tho speech which was
tSSlrS ty Me. Cyrus . K. Cuttl at
tfB2b"n ."oh,whli6 6thrt
Sit oTeMo the University Museum and
fflat the wdnderftll dot UcllonS of o d
Krwa Mil. vases whloli Were fash
.SIS thauiands of years tigo and all the
h. K'fAUs relics And laposlfios for which
? U museum Is justly famous. Mrs.Howo
wZft, lhal charming ltdstess who lids
f tti enlertammoni ui m ....- ---;
HMM!M, was ,,erc' Uier0 . ftnd eVory'
' Bnlr,u1"" . ..!,, with hnr nMn
ySnl Mrs. k V. IfanMW and a bevy
Twt. making every one feel ftt hbrrtd,
hiding entertalhmont and p easUro for
. Ill ftrtd yet forclrig no one to join in any
v M particular um.si " -
J Thle ftlternoom " " ,,. , ,i
'' (4al tho Navy Yard, there will be the
I .?6a through the ships at tho yard, and
' "'Pi1 iTl t.-u-t,ilH4i that there W 111 b
filMB IS pii""'w
Jinctng on th0 'ager bnea,
It aeirrifl that war la about hero,
tad now In loss tlmo almost than It
bdees to tell It our troops will have
teft ML Gretna today and will start
dlttet for the border. Of course, there
Ul been ho format declaration of
IT. . ,.k hut In the meantime Amer-
v' Un fcltliehs are being Killed American
"-., tAik nrrt helrnr surrounded and killed
IVlirt people Who cannot bo trusted to
ff mi them as man tb man, but who, hav
"' fofr filiarfeled, seem to be at peace ahd
s ttitt. when our American men. satisfied
toil there, Is to Be no irouoio, mn i
tteW carrtrls, tho Mexicans ard on them,
?' jobbing them In the back.
if ,0Ur frttn are eager to gei on, 1 uaauru
jcji, evh though many nave 10 jeavo
tiiiit wives, sweethearts and mothora.
M Inlertstlng episode took place on Frl
Mf afternoon when Joseph Dolan and his
YtttlftS bride, who hed just been married,
Wife spied by his follow troopers on
Cutout street. Mr. Dolan Is a well
known lawyer and a great favorlto In the
Jd City Troop. Tho members of Troop
formed a clrclo about tho newly wedded
pair and executed a regular war dance.
Flo Kivlnus, of the 1st City Troop, gave
liipper to 30 of the men and their wives
en Saturday night, .thereby tsavlng tho
ilTaatlon greatly, for they danced and
tti. together and tried bravely to forget
that.lt was to bo tho last tlmo for many
EJiard Hoopes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Penaan Hoopes, of West Chester, left
ffuqday with Troop A. Young Hoopes
ioids tho rank of first lieutenant In that
Tho tea given yooterday afternoon for
the advertising women at tho Adelphla
under the auspices of tho Philadelphia
League of 'Advertising Women was a bril
liant success. Tea was sorvod In the
G61d Room of tho hotel and the affair was
iltocether informal and charming. Mrs.
Leon )?. Heacock wda hostess and was
uslsUd by a number of the League
Among the women at the tea were Miss
i J. Ji Martin and Miss Jane Carroll, of
1 New York; Mrs. Bkerrett, Miss Atda
f Weber, MIsa J. C. Duval, Mrs. Jones, Mrs.
; Leon B. Heacock, MUa Dlack, Miss
? Blanche Fisher, Mrs. S. Y. Whejen and
bests of others.
j IJever have I seen such a sight as
f lut night's cabaret party at the Eellevue-
Btratford, where there was a Bpeoiai affair
lor the visitors In the huge- Dan room.
'Vfo could scarcely get our noses into the
entrance, much less our feet upon the
floor,, and, believe me, It was some dance;
the music was simply great and those
Whq managed tor get In and command
tables and eats certainly enjoyed It. It
was. Some funny "sight to see men and
women hurrying ttround tho Dellevue,
carrying cans of sup, potted beef, corn
flakes In small packages, blsoUlts, soaps,
tissue paper towels and heaven knows
What; they put them neatly down on
chairs and tablesftnnd danced off gaily
for a fox trot or waltz, to find that some
ene else, thinking these were still pres
ents, had sampled the samples, and so It
ent, The Callfornlans wars giving out
fruits In what was once tho Palm Jtbom.
but which has been cleared of all furni
ture and waa being used as an Assembly
Room. The Toronto laddies sang gaily as
they waited In lino for oranges.
But I certainly was disgusted with the
American public, which was at our very
3oors; they did not have the patriotism
to remove their hats when the bands
Passed, playing tho "Star-Spangled Ban
ier," The Mayor waa In a car near Broad
nd Chestnut street and every time the
national ulr was played ho pulled off his hat
)th graceful gesture! He-also led some
of the singers In the parade and had a
Wonderful time, every one else enjoying
, too.
Sir. anri Mn tnin IT rMnlhUr Tr . nf
Smwybrook, Badnorf wjll entertain at din
r this evening.
Mrs. Richard L. Norton, of Ardmore, n
trtaJiud Informally at luncheon today for
rs. William Woodward ArneU and Mrs.
Carl B. arammer.
Dr. ,nd Mrs. Herbert II. Cusblng. of 461
south 51st street, announce the marriage
their daughter. Miss Dorothy Darling
Ciiehlnj, and Mr. Carl L. Lubrecht, Ql
UMltoi oh Tuesday, June 1.
Ulu Itbl stoughlon. of East Wahlng
a ln. will Usye on SV'day to spend the
week-end ana Independence Day at the
nu at Mr- tad Mrs. Charles Freeman
gewly, at North. Adsws, Mass, Mr. and
fw- Rowley will entertain a house party
w Mvtr&i day, t the home t,Mr, How
W parents. Mr, Rowley was MUs Cath
Mn Dvls lefot hit rtarrlage on May ti
MU Chartott Mar4ltf Broft, at Dfuto
U as h$t gum iat p w4k lrw ta
July Mi", and Mfs. fearHUel F. MbuSlbn Wll
leave for Ensthamptoh, Mas., Where they
have takn a housa for the SUrtmel-. Mrs.
Henry iPnut DroWrt and MISS Robert R.
Meigs will Sjiehd AS summer with them.
Mr. Henry HoUstdh has gohe to Mouht
Gretna with the National dbard.
Mr. and Mr. Thomas Robins Will spend
the summer at TUjtedo Park. N. Y.
Mrs. Harlan PAge, of Allert lane, will
leave this week for PocohO Mfthor Inn, to
ipend tho summer;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conies Jones, of
Detroit, Mich., Are the gUesls of Mr, Jones
Parents, Mr. And Mrs. Norman M. Jones,,
6f 422 West Slnftofd Btreftl. Mrs. Jone
Was Miss Dorothy nallentyhe, of Detroit,
before her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O, Clay, of 1229
Spruce street, are spending some time at
the St. Charles, Atlantic Cliy(
Mr. and Mrs. Irvln King, of Owyncdd
Valley, spent tlie week-end ns the gtlcsts of
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson at their
cottage In Cape Mny.
Mr. and Mrs. JameS Wtstcr, of 61 3ft
Ocrmantown aVertUe, will Icavo Ih July
for Nipper Dam, Mo Whiro they have a
Miss Edna S. Kaiser, of Monument road,
North Wj-nnedeld, entertained on fiatur'
day afternoon In honor ' of. Miss Il-eni
Cross, whoso marriage to Mr, -William
Prints will .take placo toddy ,
Mrs. Harold Porter, of il08 West Penn
street, will entertain tho members of her
brldgo club today. The guest of honor will
be Mrs, Edward L. Reynolds, who will leave
July 15 for New York to live permanently.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc6 M. Clark, of
Indian Queen lane, have goiie to Man
chester, Vt., for the summer months.
A PRETTY wedding will take"' placo this
evening at 7 o'clock In the Tioga Bap
tist Church when Miss Corlnno Bradley,
daughter of Mr. Charles R. Bradley, will
become the bride of Mr, Francis J. Smith.
Tho Rov. RutRer Dox will perform1 tho cere
mony. Miss Bradley who will be given In
.marriage by her father, will wear an ex
quisite Imported gnwn of valenclennos IAco.
Tho skirt will be mado of rUfllos of the
laco nnd the bodice will be composed of
the laco and satin. A court train of lnce
Will fall from the shoulders and the tulle
veil will be caucht with orange" blossoms.
The bride will carry a shower bouquet of
Bride roses and Mien of the valley. Miss
Roso Harrison, who will bo maid of honor,
will wear a frock of cream-colored lnce
trimmed with a girdle of old roso silk. Iter
leghorn hat will bo trimmed with lace nnd
old rose streamers.
She will carry mock rosea and white
Miss Anno Williams and Miss Jane
Williams, cousins of tho brldo and daugh
ters of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Williams. Of
Germantown, will wear pink taffeta frocks
mado with tight basques nnd trimmed with
white net. They will carry baskets Ailed
with roso leaves.
Tho best man will bo Btr. Howard LIp
plncott, and the ushers will Include Mr.
Edward Johnson, Mr. Nelson Weir, Sir.
Russoll Flood and Mr. William Donaldson.
A reception at the homo of the bride's
uncle, Dr. Carl Williams, corner of Greene
street and School Hquse lane, will follow
the ceremony. After nn extended wedding
Journey Dr. and Mrs. Smith will live at
332B Bouvler street. They will bo at homo
after September 1.
An Interesting wedding, which took
place today, was that of Miss Miriam
Rider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Perry
Rider, and Mr. Francis Haas. The cere
mony was performed at 4i3Q o'clock In
the Tioga Methodist Episcopal Church, 18th
and Tioga stroets, with the pastor, the
Rev. Samuel MoWllllams, ofllolatlng. The
bride was given In marriage by her father
and was atended by her sister. Miss Jean
Rider, as majd of honor, and Miss Mar
garet Young and Miss Emma Strathmann
as bridesmaids. Mr. Haas had Mr. Wil
liam T. Abadio as beet man, and his Ushers
Included Mr. Charles Schaefer, Mr. Leonard
Martin, Mr. Charles Ayrea and Mr. Rudolph
FalUenhagen. Mr. Haas and his bride will
spend the summer traveling and will be at
home after October 1, at C20G Ogontz
avenue. .
marriage of Mies Ellaabeth F. H.
Stelger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Stelger, of 1347 West Qlrard avenue, to Mr.
P. A. Busenkell was solemnised this morn
ing. Mr. Stelger gavs his daughter In mar
riage, and her cousin, Mrs. William L.
'Mahn. was matron of honor, Mr. J. C.
Busenkell was hie brother's best man. Im
mediately after the quiet service Mr. and
Mrs. Busenkell left for a short'trlp. They
will be at home after July 1 at 1230 West
Thompson street.
A pretty wedding will take place tonight
at the home.of Mr, and Mrs. Leopold Cross,
2186 North 10th street, when their daughter,
Miss Irene Gross, will beoome the bride of
Mr. William Prints. The ceremony will be
performed at 6 ISO o'clock by the Rev. Dr.
Joseph Krauskopf under a bower of trop
ical plants and white roses. A gown, com
bining white thistledown taffeta with georg
ette crepe, and a veil of tulla draped with
lilies of the valley will be worn by the
bride. Her bouquet Will eonilit of orchids'
and lilies of the valley arranged In a
ehower. Mr. Gross will give his daughter
in marriage. Sha will be attended by her
sister, Miss Eva Gross, in a gown of
pink georgette orepo draped over pink
taffeta.-and a black Neapolitan braid hat
trimmed with pink roses. An arm bouquet
of shaded pink sweet peas will be carried,
Mr. Jerome Prints, cousin of the bridegroom
will act as best man. The ceremony wilt
be followed by a dinner, Upon their return
from an extended Journey Mr. Prints nnd
his bride will be at home at 218$ North
19th street.
An attractive Bummer wedding will be
that of Miss Reba Parnesa, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Parness, of 3211 Monument
avenue, and Mr. Maurice A. gtumachir, bf
2H8 Natrona itreeU which, will be solemn
Ired tonight at d o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents. The Re,v. Dp. Marvin
Nathan, pf Beth Jsrael Temple, will officiate
at the ceremony, which will be followed by
a smalt reception. The bride will wear a
white satin gown draped with tulla. a tulle
veil caught with spraye of orange blossoms
and will carry orchids and lilies of the
Valley- She will be given in marriage by
her father, and attended by her ulster. Miss
Fannie Parneaa. who wilt wear a frock of
pale blue georgette crepe embrolder4 with
nesrls ahd draped over satin.
Mr. Solomon F. BtumacheY will be his
brother's best man. Mr. and Mrs, Stumacher
will spend the summer In Atlantic city.
They will be at home after September 1
at S0J Carpenter street
Announcement Is made, of the marriage
of MIsa Hannah M. Molineaux. daughter
Mr. and Mrs, Alpnonso Molineaux, of
North 2d atreet. to Mr. George L. Miller,
2m of Mr. and Mrs. George B. M. Miller,
at 2J00 North Sid atreet, on Saturday
morning at " o'cte! In the Independent
Lutheran Chwch. and Cambria streets,
Kt th Bv- paetor Meyer. The jawremooy
5ka followed by a breakfast Mr. Miller
and W& brtde. aft r their Wedding trip.
Sitr viO. xJ4)tt Kt Juljf is.
Preparedness Division Woik
Discussed in West Phila
delphia 1tm.M 4.U..im I. urn
'State Ljngud Gives FUnd for
Work at Bbrder in Case of
Mexican tynr
A ni-mbe bf West Philadelphia woman
who aro Interested In tha plans of the
Pennsylvania Women's Division for NA
tlonal Preparedness to supply refresh'
merits to soldiers and inake surgical dress
ings and other hospital supplies hold
ft meeting this hlomlng In St. Philip's
.Protestant Episcopal Parish House. 42d
street nnd Ilaltlmoro avenue. An address
ivaa ntorto by MM. I, It. O'Harra, a vice
president of the bddy.
A contribution of $?3,l)00 for the estab
lishment of n base hospital will be turned
over to the Ited Cross hete by the Penn
sytvania Division.
This announcement T$as made yesterday
nt a meeting of the Executive Commltlco
of this organisation at tho homo of Mrs.
Oeorgo W. Chllds Drexcl, I8lh and Locust
streets. Tha meotlrig, which was ono of
tho most enthusiastic ever held by the
board, was called In tho Interest of pa
triotism. It was unanimously decided by
the board, which Is headed by Mrs. Drcxel,
to Work In tlmo of peace or war uhder tho
direction of tho Red Cross.
Am6ilg thoso present woro Dr. Richard
II. Harte, chairman of the Red Cross for
southeastern Pennsylvania, nnd Mrs. Cor
nelius Stevenson, representing the Emer
gency Aid. Which nlso has decided to do
home relief work In connection with the
Red Cross. The agreement reached be
Hreen the throe organizations will mean
thnt the work of aiding tho United States
Government In tho event of war with Mex
ico Will bo niong systematic linos. Repre
senting tho women's prepnrcdness organi
zation on the Red Cross board hero Will be
Gcorgo Wharton Pepper, George W. Chllds
Drexcl nnd George Qulnlnrd HorwltS.
Doctor Harto explained the baso hospital
offered by tho division l..obdbly would be
established hear the border lrt tho event
of war. Tho Institution will bo called the
Pennsylvania Women's Preparedness Unit
of tho Red Cross. Included In It will bo 500
beds, laboratory equipment, X-ray plant nnd
all other material needed for such a pur
pose. Thore nlso will ba a corps of physi
cians, trained nurses, pharmacists and
cooks. "
Work of furnishing surgical dressings and
other hospital supplies and performing
duties nrlslng In tlmo of war will be divided
between the Red Cross, Pennsylvania
Women's Division for National Prepared
ness of tho Red Cross and tho Emergency
Aid, according to Doctor Harto.
Tho women's preparedness movement will
be represented nt a conference today of the
Citizen Soldiers' Aid Committee by Mrs.
George Dallas Dixon, Kirs. Qeorgo Qulntard
Horwltz and Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt.
Duripg the meeting yesterday members
of tho executlvo board decided to at once
Join the Red Cross. Mrs. Drexcl said overy
effort would bo mado by her to Induce at
least 2B per cent, of tho members of the
division to tako out membership cards In the
Red Cross.
Doctor Harte warmly praised the women's
preparedness body for Its plans to supply
refreshments to soldiers who have been en
trained for six or more hours and for other
preparedness steps taken by the organiza
tion. Work of supplying refreshments to,
the troops at Pittsburgh, Harrlsburg and
Philadelphia will be entirely In tho hands
of ' this body.
It was explained by Doctor Harto the 58
homes, pledged by women In various sec
tions of tho State, may be used as con
valescent places In caso of war. ThcSe
houses, ho said, could bo used for soldiers
needing long treatment to put them on tho
road to recovery. Long treatment of tho
wounded in convalescent homes, he said,
would be of untold value.
Among the members of the executive
board who attended the conferenco with
Doctor Harto were Mrs. J. Gardner Cas
satt,' Sirs. Thomas McKean. Mrs. Robert
E. Strawbrldgc, Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills,
Mrs. John W. Geary. Mrs. I. U. C'Harra,
Mrs. Alexander Vnn Rensselaer. Mrs.
Henry Brlnton Coxe, Mrs. Barolay H. War
burton. Mrs. Oeorgo Dallas Dixon. Miss
Mary M. Mitchell, Mrs. George Qulntard
Horwltz and Mrs. John. King Sharpe, of
Chambersburg, Pa.
THE nurses of the Frankford Hospltnl will
hold their annual garden party for tha
benefit of the hopltal on Thursday evo.
nlng on the lawn of the hospital. Fancy
articles, home-made cake, bread, candy,
flowers, toe- cream, toilet articles and use
ful articles will ba on sale.
Should the weather be unfavorable on
Thursday evening, the party will be post
poned until Friday.
Master Wllllarrt Dougherty, son of Dr,
and Mrs. .Edward Dougherty, of 2132 East
Cumberland street, will give a novelty
party this evening, when his guests will,
be Master Elliot Dalnbrldge, Muster Gil
bert Christian, Master Oeorge Volkmer,
Master Frederick Trout, Master Wilbur
Shoerriaker, Master Robert Johnson and
Master Harry Christian.
Mrs, John BUI, formerly of Fillmore, O..
will entertain the members of her sowing
otrcle this evening. Among those presents
will ba Mrs. Sprowle, Mrs. Wenlng, Mrs.
WllCoxson, Mrs. Bruftnner. Sirs. Law, Mrs.
Conn, Mrs. Crary,, Miss B. Haybeck, Mlsi
Lillian Pell, Miss Beatrice Dyson. Miss
Caroline Pontlnx,- Miss Isabella Wllklns.
Miss Stella Helm, Miss Anna Pallatt and
Miss Anna Ferguson.
Under the auspices of the Fotteral Park
Association, a block party waa held on Frl
'day and Saturday ovenlnga on Jessup street
between Cumberland and Huntingdon
streets and on .Cumberland street, east of
12 th street.
Mr. E. S. Carver, president of tlie associa
tion and a corps of able assistants made the
affair a success. Band concerts enlivened
the evening. The proceeds will be used for
the Fourth of July calibration in Fotteral
Miss Eleanor' Gallagher, of 2606 Rhawri
etreet, entertained Saturday evening In
honor of Miss Sarah Dunlap, of Norrlstown.
Among those present were Miss Helen Jones,
Miss Alice JOnes. Mils Paulus Ueever, Jllsa
Marlon Taylor, Mies Gertrude Walker, Miss
Josephine Walker, Miss Fanny Wallace,
MIsa Mary DUnn. Miss Edith McCormlck,
Miss Martha Wells, Miss Margaret Wells,
Miss Bessie Meglll, MIsa Claire Qerhart, Miss
Ethel Silvers, Miss Ana Brown, Miss Delia
Holcomb, MIsa Sophia Calne, Mlia Alice
McMahoni Miaa Certnlde Raideraton. Mr.
Robert Lee, Mr. Samuel Lea, Mr, Harry
Uraham. Mr- Walter Bykesl Mr. John Flem
ing, Mr. Joseph Calne, Sir. Walter Curran,
Mr- Martin Car'ui. Mr- Kenneth Lewla, Mr.
John Dunn. Mr. Daniel Holcomb. Mr. An
thony Qerhart, Mr. Frank Carey. Mr, Mil
ford Jarvls, Mr. Charles Wallers. Mr.
Chajlea J?wry Mr. Harry Orlffltha, Mr,
Henry Clark and Mr. Jamea 8co.lt.
An elaborate affair waa given on Sunday
evening by Mr. and Mrs. F. Snyderroan, 101T
UoKean atreet. in honor of the graduation
of tljeli" daughter. Mlsa'Fyancea Snyder
the room were beautifully flecorated. A
dancing exhibition waa riven by- MUa Green.
bits, with Miss Ediw Sayderman at the
niano, Among toe pta were Doctor
Maun. Mr, Joseph f Uiwm Mr. Scrsore,
Mr, Flelfe Mr- and Mr RoMnbers. MIsa
Ctfhm MUa Oralsg m& MUa SMs.
j - - 1 11 nfl '- -' --- r ikMAJL - -- fAA I ' ' "'" tr '"''' ''Tit'- "I r...M..-i..-i. ..nf
MRS CYAUSil- k cOjers
Pennsylvania Woman's Division for National Prepared
ness Hospitals and Convalescent Homes
and Their Maintenance
MHS. CYKUS II. K. CURTIS, Director, Department 4
First Will you plcdgq monoy at once for sending a hospital unit to tho front?
Second "Will you pledg'o. a building suitable for a hospital in town or country
with equipment nnd maintenance?
Third Will you pledge a building suitable for a hospital In town or country
Without equipment or mnlntonnnco?
Fourth Will you support ono or moro bods In a hospital at an estimated cost
of ench to bo $2 per day, or $50 per month?
Fifth How many rooms will. you plcdgo lni private homo for convalescents
with maintenance?
Sixth How many rooms will you pledge in a prlvJto homo for convalescents
without malntonnnco? s
Seventh Will you supply rooms, glvon by others, with hospital furniture to
gether with bods, mattresses nnd bedding?
Eighth Will you pledge beds with bcddtngT
Ninth Will you plcdgo beds without bedding?
Tenth Will you plcdgo sheets, 99 by 72, and pillow cases, 34 by 21?
Eleventh Will you pledge blankets?
Twelfth Will you supply hospital tents furnished?
Thirteenth Will you supply hospital tents unfurnished?
Fourteenth Will you plcdgo nn X-ray machine?
Fifteenth Will units plcdgo such slek-room suppllos ns shoots, pillow cases,
towels, hot-water bottles, electric pads nnd other necessary articles?
Sixteenth Will you pledge n sum of mohoy, to bo applied to tho securing of
buildings that can bo converted into hospitals nnd convalescent homes?
Seventeenth Will you plcdgo a sum of money to bo devoted to the training
of tho permanently blind and crippled, thus enabling thorn to make a living?
I promise, if circumstances will permit, to give.
within 24 hours after tho receipt of notification from tho Executive Commlttoe
that War Is Imminent, or in the ovont of calamity.
i ,
Address ' ' .
' - i v. .
: '
Tolephono No. v
Tho abovo to bo filled In, detached and 'sent to Mrs. Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Phllop
delphla. General Chapter. Room 101, 34 South 17th street, Philadelphia, Pa. I
I promise to give rooms In
Hospital or Convalescent Homo In tho event of war or calamity.
Telephone No.
The abovo to be filled In. detached nnd sent to Mrs. Cyrus II. K. Curtis, PhlUv
delphlai General Chapter, Room 101. 34 South 17th street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Others aro urged to pledge nnd enroll under their local Chapters. The following
la a list of Chapters In and about Philadelphia)
Army and Navy Chapter, Mrs. F. II. Williams, 6349 Greene street, Germantown.
Bucks County Chapter, Mrs. F. Le Roy, Newtown, Pa.
Chestnut Hill Chapter. Mrs. F. Packard, Chestnut Hill. Pa.
College Women's Chaptor, Mrs. Qeorge D. Feldt, 27 Carpenter atreet, German-
Colored Chapter, Mrs. 13. . Leaf, 8047 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
Doyleatown, Chapter, Miss U. r, hobs, uoyjesiown, .riv
Drexel Blddla Bible Class Chapter, Mrs. A. J. HawkBley, 191T Mount Vernon
8 Langhorno Chaptor, Mrs. Warren E. Tryon, Langhorne. Fa.
Lanadowne Chapter, Mrs. E. Wager-Smith. Marshall road and Wycombe nvo.
nue, Lanadowne, Pa.
- Main Line Chapter, Mrs. Charlton Yarnall. Dev6n. Pa.
Norrlstown Chapter, Miss M. II. Mclnnla, 701 Da Kalb street, Norrlstown. Pa.
Old York P-oad Chapter, Mrs. II. Asbury, Mountain ayenue and Valley road,
Oak Lane.
Pennsylvania Railroad Chapter, Mrs. George D. Dixon, Chestnut Hill.
Urquhart Chapter, Mm. Urquhart. 4317 Pine etreet.
West Chester Chapter, Mrs. Q, M. Phillips, West Chester, Pa, . -West
Philadelphia Chapter, Mrs. Small, 914 South 48th street
-W.yncoto Chapter, Mrs. M. K. Neiffar, Wyncote, Pa.
Among (he pledges already received ara the following)
Mrs. Horace Brock, Lebanop. Pa. Offers 10 beds.
Mrs B T Stotesbury, 1925 Walnut street Offers hospital In t4wn and one In
the country. Can care for SCQ patlentsr also 200 beds furnished,
Mrs. Phillips, of Hampton qpurt Gives three tents on Hllltdp. to be used in
case, of freed,
Mrs. Edward Toland. WliltemarshWVYlll take wounded and convalescents into
her home,
MtS4 Helen J. Wrlehti Lincoln and Lanadowne avenues, Lansdowna, Pa. One
homa for convalescents. '
Mrs. Henry Pratt McKean, Penllyn, Pa. Building without maintenance, but
will glVe the services of a nurse, for six monthe. MMt be used for convalescent
homa, aa tha nearest hospital Is abouj it tnlUa away. WW hold about is men.
Mr. G. A. Caraon, Torreodala Offers, one pair ot blankets.
Mlaa Rita Carnon, Vorresdale Offers one pair ot blankets.
Mrs. 3eorg W. Chllds prexel Town houae. v
. Buildings tot Use m HosMtak 'jmffitvaleiceiil- Homes
Arwy. nft Ntvrj? Relief-Mr. RpSsfP$&?V?tt Sehrt su . housa
for hospital. Mrs. Louis Llssot, 5430 Grccno street, Germantown, house for hospital.
Mrs. Harlan Pago, Allen's lane, hoUso for hospital, r
Bellofonto Mrs. Daniel Hastings, Bcllcfonto, offers houso for convalescent- hoirio,-.-
situated on Allegheny street, beyond the centre of the town. Mrs. Joseph Monti '
gomory, Betlefonte, offers house for convalescent Homo, situated orl Allegheny)
street, beyond tho centre of tho town.
Chestnut Hill and St. Martin's Miss Mnrlamno BIddle, Chestnut Hill, offers..,
house and will support 10 beds In It.
Columbia Reported no houses, etc. ,.
Franklin Hcportcd no houses, etc. ( v
Harrlsburg Mrs. Mary F. Ilyder, 3215 Riverside drive, offers house for anyj
Lansdalc Mrs, 'Albert Gray, Lansdale, 1G beds maintained, ono nnd a half rfltlca Y
from Doctor Englehnrt's hospitals food supplies, some. Doctor Englehart, Larlsdalq,,
fully equipped hospital. Scout cabin, Lansdale, offered fdr uso In caso of war 'oi
Langhorne Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. Matthews, Langhorne, offer their farm aa
a convalescent home, situated In South Langhorne, about a half, mile from Lang
horne station, on the Now York branch of tho Reading Railroad, about ono mile,
und a half from Lincoln highway between New York and Philadelphia, on th'c
banks of tho Noshamlny Creek. Tho nearest hospital to this district Is In Trenton'
N. J., 12 miles distant. ' "
Main Line Mrs. W. Ellis ScUlI, Ovorbrook, 10 equipped and supported beds for
convalescent soldlerB, Mrs. Archibald Barklle, Wayne, convalescent home', 10 bods,
equipped and supported, Mrs. W F. Dreer, Hosomont, convalescent homo, 26 bods, 4
equipped. Mrs. W. Simpson, Overbrook, convalescent homo, not fully cqtflppedV r
Mrs. Frank Moss, Bala, convalescent home. Mrs. Albert Gerhard, Overbrook, conVa-'
lescent home. Mrs. Robert Cassatt, Rosemont, hospital for sorlously 111 or wounded,- !
capacity for 20 beds, 'equipped, and $40 a day for support for same. Mrs. Franck '
A. Jackson and Miss Robecca Jackson, Bryn Mawr, convalescent Home, capacity,
I, beds comfortably, 20 beds If seriously pressed; services of Miss Jackson as nurse.
Mrs. Moncure Robinson, Paoll, convalescent homo, details later. Mrs.. Ryon, Bryfa -j
Mawr, private hospital, no equipment, no support, no attendances. Mrs. J. MadlSdni
Taylor 1504 Pine stroct, will assist Mrs. Lesley as housekeeper. Mrs. R. Lesley,
Havcrford, hospltnl for seriously wounded, with her services as housekeep6r; 10.
beds, equipped. 5
Norrlstown Miss Knthorlno Corson, 1013 Do Kalb stroot, will take two conva
lescents In own home. 'Mrs. E. R. Noble, All Saints' Rectory, Haines avenue, will
tako two convalescents In own home. Mrs. H. S. Regar, 1400 Do Kalb street, offora -,
building oh hor placo; will equip with 60 cots and give uso of motor with it. j.
Pennsylvania Railroad Mrs. Allen Strong, southeast comer 21st and Do Lanceyj-;i
offers house at Sea Girt, N. J. v
Pottsvllle Mrs. A. C. Mllllkon, Greenwood Hill, offers houso for hospital, Mrs. ,
J, B. Cullurn, White Lodgo, Howard avenue, offers houso for hospital. Mrs. William
L. Shcafor, 1239 Mahantongo street, offors house for hospital.
Sewlckley' Valley Mrs. George Mason, Grant otrcet, offors homo for hospital.,
or convalescent home; will accommodate 5 beds. Mrs. Frederick Way, Beaver j
rood (Edgeworth), 20 beds. Tho R. T. Wllsoh estate, Beaver road (Loctdalo)) wljl .f
accommodate 45 beds and provldo for necessary office room and sleeping quarters.
for thoso in attendance. ,
Washington So far, no buildings for hospitals or convalescent homes. Two
hospitals In "city, Washington Hospital, Achcsdn avonue, accommodate 80 patients. ft
City Hospital, 2d stroot and Donovan avonue, 100 patients.
Wllllamsport Mrs. C. La RUo Munson, 747 West 4th street, offers house. Mr
Carter offers houso.
Wllkes-Barre Five hospitals, City Hospital Mercy Hospital, Riverside Hoa-
pltal, Homoppathto Hospital, Nesblt West Side Hospital. J
Added List
J. Lewis Crozer, Upland, fully equipped 60-bed hospital at Cheater, Pa.
Mrs. E. E. Sparks, State College, dormitories; definite offer will be made attar
meeting of trustees. "n ' 3
il Mrs. Horaco Grannls offers farm houso on Round Top Hill.
" Mrs. C. p. Honry, 846 Chester avonuo, house when ncedod, graduato nurse, hus
band a physician; automobile to b? used also. ;
Mrs. Edward D. Toland, Whltemarsh, will take wounded nnd convalescent -'
Into her homo. -
Mrs. Stanley Bright, Cedar Hill Farm, Reading, pa., will take convalescent aoK
dlers and refugees Into homo.
, ,.y tt
West Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Davis, of 724
North (13d street, are being congratulated
on the birth of a son, Homer C. Davis, Jr.
Miss Dorothea Dalley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Datloy, of G113 Westminster
avenue, will spend the summer in Pen Yan,
N. Y.. as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Harry
North Philadelphia
Mrs. J. T. Serrlll and her daughters, Miss
Annie Serrlll, Miss Helen Serrlll and Miss
Rebecca Berrlll. of 14 IS North Ilroad street,
are spending the summer In Atlantic City
at their cottage on States avenue.
Miss Sarah Marquis, of 2028 North Ilroad
street, has gone to Pittsburgh, Pa., where
she Is the guest of her uncle, and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Jacobs.
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Bind concert, Bllverwnod atrett,
between nectar etreet end Uaxborouih avtnue,
Manayunk; S o'clock. Free.
Philadelphia Hand concort. City Hall Plaia;
8 o'clock. Free.
Fall-mount Park Band -concert. Strawberry
(nlonj 8 o'clock, i'ree.
Military and Naval Tournament, ad men.
Franklin Field. 8 o'clock) concert begins TM.
Poor Richard Hand.
fi-lobe eatoe "ft a
VXlvfJJt YAVDEVILLK Contlnuoua 11
A. M. to 11 V. SI. 10c, 15c, SSc.
George H. Primrose nn"sVrtEu.
The Seal. Divev and Mermaid
XTrrVfXT A 10c Market Ah. 0th 20a
VlOlUJXlii. B A. M. to Uil5 P. M.
Added. Willie Collier In "Willie's Wabbly Way'
Towonnow, "thd buole call"
I I ' " - 'nv' ".,'Win .. II I .nil....
Vlrit a4 Exclusive PreiintaUon of Trlanjle
Flays lUMrve4 for Thl Theatre
A . Ji CHESTNUT bel. 10TH
icauxa WM g HART
Added, BUlls Uurke In "Glorl' Homanoe.'J No. 8
Wilmington "I
WILMINGTON. Del., June 27, Mr. andl
Mrs. William L. Dockatader motored, to At
lantic City yesterday to spend the re- "
malnder of the .summer at Uiolr;)cottae3
In Chelsea. - - . .a
Miss Mildred Jenness entertained MIsa
May Howell, of Germantown, aa her guest '
for the week-end. . a
Miss r.ela Crawford, of Columbus, Ga.,
Is the guest of Miss Madeline May, of this
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard A. Terkes and
their children and Mr. and Mrs. Jamea IT.'X
Nlelds and their sons will go to Cape May -thla
week to apend tha summer.
10c. 15c, SJc,
1 Current Eventi. u
2 Bcenlc nUIlTON HOLMES. "TUB BfllRS- h
3 Comedy: Mack Swain la "Ambroae'a Cup."
of Woe." - j
4 Overture; "Lee Freludea" (Lleit), j,
Stanley Symphony Orcheatra.
in "The World's Great Snare" i
Thura., Frl.. Sat. MYRTLE STEDMAN ,
1214 . ,
10 A. It. to 11118 P. M- 10v JOc. j,
Marguerite Clark Kw.-
A-LZ-iViUO 21j o 1JRQAU ST.
PAATT HtattTH WON., vsl inu MAT:
Twice bally
Ne'er-Do-WelI 1
PRICES 'iSo and 60c All j.t fltswiffjL r
mmm dreseh :
A a ask afc. && diilKrar