Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Second News Section, Page 20, Image 20

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ivEM&a LBlKiJbJIt iJHiLAbJb)U'HlA, TOJitoDAY, JUM 27, 1916..
jtfhlti at 'M. evR18i piunnesT.
h4m St fAMflMon- VIA. PriaMiall .11...
ilim, Chairman.
K XL, WJTAt.KT... -... ,.
WjMf.'tt ARTlN..dtnernl "linslnm j.tanisr
Wa.SMl kt PMttd iLraxipi thriidlng.
' JHl'jfeaaanca flJufe. frhlladHphla.
r!M4ir.. ..ftrA,t .,... 'i,i.t diui.
AJlWc' Cai..'jnk,,,U'riHt;ln Building
r-. vj-vt iw rocirppoman lower.
WEiJi','",,'Jiij'820 'or,t huiwih
LJOW,.jm,0O OMot.Dt-Mpcrit MiUdlne
3aeo,a.j, ., ...... .1202 Trio. Building
yM". Wtf' bo mo ..... , ni tiuiidin
Wtr TOMlltmajltt.. ...,.., The T(mt Dulldlnc
Wat.irr JJconlr. .v. .... .CO Frledrlchstrasse
1mw?k BctutJ. ...... -Jturcnnl House, Strand
nW BUM, i,,JJ Rim Louis IC Grand
i ' stfnscnirTio.v TEitMH
"Wr: rrfrr, ,W cents per tretr. By mull.
Matswld. Outside, of rhllarislphta, except wlisre
fsrcejm postare I required, one' month, twenty
gre. cental ono rear, three dollars. All nail
Aubacriptlona parable In advance.
ubscribers wishing address ehanroC
Id aa well aa nw address.
anusf give old
jWtt., tWO.WAlikUT KSYsTONEa MAIN 1000
, tSTAddris ofl rotntntitWrntton to gtferiliio
', .Ledger, Indtpemdenc Squart, Philadelphia.
,.'. i..i.i.i -.T . .--. , , -.
( Wtfaasa ii tit rnn.inn.rnii rosrorricn as
J .aseoxsuaa uiil marcs.
FOtl MAT WAa m.ou
FJilltdelpliU, TntiJix, Jon. 27. lflft.
iVo man can oe ufAat Aa never
tsaak Walton.
It is no longer Interesting to ask
Carranta, "What ore your Intentions?"
but meroly, "Do you understand Eng-
A .
One, editor says "Tho, hyphen Is the
cmrao of . the country.'' Typographically,
However, a. curso Is generally represented
by a dash.
It will bo a suspicious circumstance
t&imany a "Girl 1 Lett Behind Me" that
jKuardsmbn at Mount Gretna havo been
sending out about thrc'o postal cards a
day Instead of ono" pet guardsman.
A starter of running contests who
WM able to say "Get on your marks!"
and ''Get petT an inflnlto number of
tljneo would- be of no earthly use If ho
never learned to say "GoP
Trosldent Wilson' Is said to harbor
BO, animosity toward Colonel Roose
velt. Any threatened animosity la prob
ably overcomo by a natural gratitude
to th .man -who 'put him in the White
House. '
4 "1$ is absurd," according tp Ger
man publicists, to say that Germany Is
backing Mexico. It would havo been nb
Burd; In 1014,, to say that any country,
even -Germany, would deliberately sink
the -Lusitanla.
i "The refusal of Mr. Parker, the
Colonel's running- mate on tho late Pro
BTsslve ticket, to support Mr.. Hughes,
Will- havo-tho ' effect of transferring
Xtdulslana from tho Democratic column
to tlie Democratic column.
".Reprisal" Is a high-sounding word.
But if tho French War Ofllco hail used
Instead' this 'plain language: "Because
your airmen maimed' French children at
fit Die, ours are going to malm German
children," the world, including France,
would havo a clearer idea of tho propo
altlon. Xhero is to be a censorship by the
Administration of what the newspapers
may havo to say about activities on the
border. Jt would have been charltablo
of the newspapers If in the past they
had Imposed upon themselves' a censor
ship of what the Administration has had
to say about- border activities.
A .treacherous flanking movement,
attacking one of America's most cher
ished' traditions, Js reported from the
town. .pf Rlpont Wis. Tho Commercial
Club of that city has telegraphed Sena
tor Hasting and advised that the $75,000
appropriated by Congress for va public
buld(ng at Rlpon be diverted to help
quip thq National Guard. Senator Hust
IntT tjiaybe recalled aa tho man who
cornfully braved every hyphen In his
State, .and won ou,t- against them. The
combination 'of a courageous Senator
who cares more for principles than !for
bis. vote and a town which puts the
sountry before its public buildings is
hocking to a good moral sense. Is Wla
'oflln about to secede from tha Union?
The strategy of a possible war with
Mexico doed not necessarily follow the
course pursued in the first' dash after
Villa. The line of defense now taken by
the Carra,oza, troops runs' from a point
ju,Jua,re almost parallel to the Rio
laSrande, but at a, distance of from CO to
f$ mljea from that river. Following the
German .tradition, the, earliest point of
'alck would be the rjch. coal fields of
Coahufla or the. rdllway Junctions which
lead to the heart of Mexico. The posi
tion now taken, up fpllpw the Texan borV
er, but presumably the northwestern
lyundary of Cblhuahu and the northern
fcoundiry Pf Sonora- are also guarded.
Frpm Juiarex to Matamoroa mv Paso to
,3rowruivHIe on the American plde) tha
khc9 to be guarded is about 7S0 miles
ia; it straight line. More than BQ0
sa)tM pf Mxfcan territory odjpln
! Iwrders of New Mexico and Arizona.
Jtopt about Where these two Btates Join
, Mexican Sierra, lladre. mountain
mu beirlaa and rune JJbe a backbone
through te country which is to be the
eh ft operations. It Is to be assumed,
tttentfare, that if but phe'expedltlon goes
in Uie route will be east of the mountain
.Kt tht principal railway Junction will
, OWhuahua (capital, of the province of
that Jtv name). Tho rallroada of Mexico
.IlklHt hug?, aprawling letter X with
m 9m at tha lft top and Prealdlo at
Hv riht Chihuahua la the poin,t at
tS0i Wm rs crow. The mora easterly
: ,$ f Jreaite or,.at Monterty In slml
. ter mrnim, and central of theaa two
unMfo&lt P"A lly a4 all larga-scale
te":tf(Mlirtt r mt Mexicans. H la npt
nt eitr anay can emulate the
ruMtu nttb! f taybur 5 mllaa of
tpA b fUt Vt fettunatdy. j
i am ttmnmm, m vm mu.
-will be" remetoMfed bs an example of this
Ihkt the whole drive of tho AYlles last
September was ft Vain, effort to conlrbl
two contrei lrt Fraric comparatively of
less Importance In hormnl times than the
ttro ilejapan cities vhtch Ho about 166
miles from our borders.. ,
NOTHING has beqomb- Coiohel Rdose
Volt's relations with tho Progressive
party so much aa his leaving It.
The alternative that confronted him, as
he well says was assisting In continuing
In onlco an administration which has
proved a .lamentable failure. He prefers
to nsslst in "putting Into ofllco an admin
istration Which we haVo every reason to
bellevo wlli function with efllcloncy for
tho interest and1 honor of our people."
There should bo no misinterpreting of
tho letter setting forth his position which
the Colonel addressed to tho Progrcsslvo
National Committee. That dpoument Is
not tho platform on which Mr. Hughes
will necessarily take his stand. It Is
merely an explanation of the reasons
which led a third-party candidate to re
fuso to run. It Is addressed to his asso
ciates In that party. Its purpose la to
Justify withdrawal and to give reasons
for Joining with tho Republicans In fight
ing together for tho victory which alt
oppononts of the Democracy seek. There
Is no doubt' that the great mass of voters
who supported Roosevelt four years ago
agree with him now. They followed his
leadership then because ho stood for the
things In which they believed. They will
follow It now, for tho reason that ho Is
anxious to bring about tho result which
they also desire.
Tom Daly's Column
iafe Sat MBaaaSaaai JttMUjMIUt
.T -
We havo called the Colonel a leader.
It would bo more correct to dcscrlbo him
as a representative. Ho was the voice
of a great unrest in 1012. lie Is the volco
of an overwhelming desire In 1916, tho
desire .to restore efllclcncy and force In
the administration of the affairs of tho
. Tho leader In this crisis In Charles
Evans Hughes. Ho has not thrust him
self upon his party. Ho has not sought
to ride Into ofllco on the wave of any
popular demand Ho Is not now and never
has been an opportunist. His party has
called him becauso ho is the personifica
tion of the qualities which It feels are
most needed In publla life at tho present
time. The. occasion demands a leader, a
man who dbos his own thinking and
rcache.1 his own conclusions. The whole
public career of Mr. Hughes has proved
that he Is such a man. Instead of hold
ing his ear to the ground to discover
what will please the mob, he has the
brain to dccldo and tho courage to tell
the nation what ought to bo done.
Wo know what sort of a leader Mr,
Hughes was when Governor of New
York. While he was In power honest
rpen In that Stato could hold up their
heads and look one another in the face
with pride. They knew that there was
no backstairs government. They knew
that no secret conferences could betray
them, and they knew that when the bosses
combined to undo him he boldly accepted
the challenge and appealed from them to
Caesar, the supreme power. In the Com
monwealth, the people themselves. Ho
recognized their authority and nono other.
Wo know what kind of a leader Mr.
Hughes was In tho campaign of 1908.
When things were in tho doldrums he
went to Youngstown, O., and made a
speech which lifted the arguments to
a high plane and put new life Into the
party. Then he made a series of speeches
farther West that set the crowds to cheer
ing for him almost as loudly as they
chqered for Taft. He was the new
national force which that campaign de
veloped. Now this strpng, original, self-contained
man, with the provocation of three years
of Inefllcloncy and Incompetence In Wash
lngton, Is to plan the campaign and lead
the fight which Is to restore self-respect
to the nation first and then Is to correct
the blunders which have made us
And he Is the man who can do It.
He will plan the campaign himself. He
will formulate the battle cries. He will
define tho vital Issues. In short, he will
be a leader who leads. The rest will follow
and follow gladly. Cummins and Cannon,
Lodge and Borah, Root and Roosevelt,
the Old Guard and the new guard, the
bolters and the standpatters will co
operate toward the grand result. They
will show their quality by the heartiness
with which they enter the fight.
Over and above sll will be the domi
nating will of the nominee, unsurpassed
In Intellect and patriotic devotion by any
statesman of his generation. We are to
have a campaign which will lift political
discussion' out of the ruck of the common,
place and will demonstrate the capacity
of the voters at large to consider ques.
Hops of principle and vindicate once
more the wisdom of government by the
people, And, all because democracy has
produced so great an American as
The crisis has found the Man.
WAR, Is upon us. The preparedness
which legislators would not Indorse,
the formation of the army which Con
gress would not provide for, the pur
chase of the munitions, which the Gov
ernment would not sanction, the nation
Is now forced, by the exigencies of events
to rush to achievement. The voices of
the Bryans and tho Fords and tho other
dreamers of dreams have been listened
to, but their counsel Is now swept aside
and there remains for the United Btates
no choice, She must fight, she must
have an arniy, she must buy munitions,
and she roust, unless fortune Intervenes,
pay the penalty for not being ready.
The' National Guard was not organized
for the purpose of .foreign wars. It la
not equipped for foreign wars. The
organized militia ef Pennsylvania does
not own a machine gun. There is not
an aeroplane with- a proper propeller on
the Mexican border. Our military power
Is potential instead of real. But ther
la In the mUftla an indomitable spirit,
and, we take. It, there ia in Washington
a disposition, at last to utilize the vast
manufacturing capacity of the, country
for- tha auick; equipment of the unlfcj
which are going into service. There I
nothing to da but thrust aside past ral
take .and make tip for then by auperlor
fWejwwy w. That U what tha nation
Jtt f. th OsveriiBtcnt at t will
Did vou tee he AA Patadet
It teat $&mething fo ad-mlre.
What a Mt' our ndept$ made!
JDItl vou ten the Ad Paradef
Ait ot'tnlt then are afraid.-
Other ad men 'can't do Mpticr
Did volt ted the Ad Paradef
It uxu tometMntf to ad-mirei
IF THE Ad Convention does nothing
more, It will 'deserve the attention of
A. Carneglo for rescuing all humanity
from tho "Is-Doc
sance. When any
onb was wanted
In the big meet
ing at Conven
tion Hnll of tho
Commercial Mu
seum yestorday,
n Boy Scout
wrote tho namo
on a big slato
and carried It
aloit in front of the audience This
silent "want ad" (William (Cleveland)
Roso's wheozo) may still bo abused by tho
notorloty.aceking piker, but It's a relief
at that.
il 1
Tlmo-by-thc-Forclock Stuff?
THIS, according to Charllo Bowdon, ap
pears at tho masthead of tho Pisca
taquis Observer, of Dovor, Maine:
for I'rmtdenl,
for V. rrmldent.
The price of this paper will adratire to 11,60 on
4Ui) 1.
AT THE morning meeting of tho Ad
tx Convention we listened to 14 speeches
and recorded theso phrases, In tho hack
ney class:
"Within tho sound of my voice" (9
"Honesty Is tho best policy" (6 times).
"Tho City of Brotherly Lovo" (43
"From tho rock-bound coast of Maine
to the etc." (5 times).
"Ono dollar's worth for overy hundred
ccnt3" (4 times).
"In the last analysis" (17 times).
Also wo nevor realized until we hod
a chanco to look over the men's suits,
what a great manufacturing centre Palm
Beach Is.
TOUNO MAN nanta reaaonable waiee aa char
fer of Ford (or any other) truck, neference..
Classified ad momlnr paper.
Isn't chaffing tho Fords and
truck Its own merry reward?
Somewhat Lawless, What7
The marriage of Mlas Marcy Lawless, of
1417 Gray's avenue, and Mrs. George Carey,
of 49th street and. Woodland avenue, will
take place next Tuesday.
"-Evenlnt paper.
THE other day Warwick James Price
suggested Samson as patron saint for
the ad clubs, but ono of their own mem
bers seems equipped for the Job, fore and
aft. Ho Is Franklin J. St. Mary, of the
Cincinnati delegation.
Jt I h injBjflnia, -am JMrtaktr .
Safety First
DON'T believe Bill Lowes, publicity man
of tho B. and O. R. R., if ho catches
you near his booth and offers you a
souvenir ring. Part of tho B. and O.'s ex
hibit Is tho gong, used to signal the first
passenger train to start from the B. and
O. station at Washington, D. C, on Au
gust 26, 1835. When Bill asked us if we'd
like to have a souvenir ring and wo bit
he slammed tho hammer on that.
Wo'ro not sure thn,t tho relic Is genu
ine. If looked newer to us than most
B. and O. equipment, (There you ore,
Bill. We promised you a write-up, and
you're welcome to pasto that In your
scrapbook If It'll get you anywhere.)
SBIhtefe : "' ":,: - :---'""'
illaSiiiiPill -v. -"'"'-"i,.-' ''"f'iii'v'
Jvt LTJaBaBtaLLLLBaeJV.'ETvl -4 VCf-t '. "" ea Q, t i , f . I P" . ' r
IKaJaKaBaLLLLLVKVfrfVilrf trWV ','ui-. fc . "A--. L . a . " J
am mmmmmm&dmz'm:. f -4 w" im. &&
wssffsss.. s&m&immsB&s.pnyr! t ixAjfzxxrr
Negro Democrats Are Disgusted With Wilson and Will Vote for
Hughes A Plea for "Much Abused" Mexico.
Other Current Matters
FRANK TINNEY'S father Is telling this
story on himself, and the whole neigh
borhood Is laughing.
He was passing a saloon, near his home
downtown, when an old woman clutched
him by the arm and asked him If he'd
go In and buy her 15 cents' worth of
whisky. Since she was furnishing the 15
cents he saw no reason why he shouldn't.
So he went In. "You're not buying this
for yourself," said the bartender. "I am,"
said he. Now Mr. Tlnney is a notorious
nondrlnker; all the neighborhood knows
that. "Come on, now!" said tho bartender,
"you're buying this for an old woman In
black." "Give me 15 cents' worth of
whisky," said Mr. Tlnney. t'Get out!"
yelled the bartender, "get out o' here, and
don't you never come in here again!"
QEYOND the border line what fate
l"i ours?
Does peace or war portend? Shall hu.
man powers,
Amid tho whirl and swirl of wrongs that cry
To heaven, still lift serene the unclouded
And pray for peace?
A patient people, striving to be Just,
Ne'er to unsheathe the sword unless we
We viewed our brothers slain, their homes
Their children killed, our nation's emblem
Yet prayed for peace.
No Just for land Is ours. Thy Providence
Has given all we need. Our sure defense
Is In the right to live at peace with all '
Whp heed the voice of right; our clarion
"We must have peace,"
Up from the Rio Grande the cry ascends
And North and South and East and West
While those from alien shores who share
our land
Gird on their arms and with our own sons
To fight for peace.
Beyond the border line what fate portends?
When JuMlce goaded cries, when patience
When as an answer to uprighttd wronxa
We hear the (ootbeats of the marchlnx
Dod of our Fathers, give us strength and
Arm us to sea the truth, to do the light
Then grant us peace.
- - B'
Long distance! Give Ua Washington
SIR In these days that try men'a souls,
when patriotism ta.ao much In demand
and; men o much needed for valiant deeds
Jn the country's service, would It not be
well tq call the attention of Uncle gam's
recruiting officers to the Hero Manufacturing-
Company, at the northeast corner
of Gaul and Attains atreeUT
Harry,, a WpfAa.
This Department Is tree to all readers who
tofsA to express their opinions on subjects of
current interest. It is an open forum and tho
Kvcnino Ledger assumes no responsibility for
the views of its correspondents.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir In the presidential campaign of 1916
the Republican party will witness tho re
turn of not only Colonel Roosevelt and his
Progressive adherents, but also thousands
of negro Republicans who voted the Dem
ocratic ticket In 1912.
For nearly a half century negro voters
of this country stood almost as a unit In
their loyalty to the Republican party. Dur
ing thin time two negroes served In the
United StateB Senate and 20 In the House
of Representatives, while numerous other
positions, such as Registrar of the Treas
ury, Minister to Haiti and Recorder of
Deeds for the District of Columbia were
awarded to negro politicians by Republican
This party of Lincoln, Grant, Frederick
Douglass, Kelly Miller and Booker T. Wash
ington was the party of 10,000,000 negro
Americans when Mr. W. II. Taft became
President In 1908. Unfortunately, Presi
dent Toft's Southern policy as regarded the
appointment of negroes to political posi
tions In the South aroused so much dissatis
faction nmong the members of the negro
race that several withdrew from the party
and organized the National Negro Democ
racy of America. Bishop Alexander Wal
ters, of the African Methodist Episcopal
Zlon Church, was elected president.
In the presidential campaign of 1912 this
organization appointed a committee to as
certain the Democratic candidate's attitude
on the race problem and to Inform him that
neg'ro voterH were bitterly opposed to mob
rule, lynching, segregation and all uncon
stitutional State laws In the South, Mr.
Wilson was also npprlsed of the fact that
negroes were clamoring for a fair share
In the benefits of public expenditures and
an equal opportunity In public ofdee and
public service,
Mr. Wilson, It Is claimed, assured the
committee that he was strenuously antag
onistic to any act of discrimination on ac
count of race, creed or color. As a result
of this assurance, eloquent and Influential
negro orators toured this country In be
half of Wilson and the Democratic party.
Tint conditions have changed. The negro
Democrats who lauded Mr, Wilson In 1912
are the loudest In advocating his over
whelming defeat In 1916. They contend
that the President has absolutely failed to
keep his pre-election promises. Inasmuch
as he has Introduced segregation In the
governmental departments at Washington
and has practiced discrimination i In Gov
ernmental appointments. He has 'not only
deprived the negro of such positions as
Registrar of the United States Treasury,
and Recorder of Deeds for the District of
Columbia, but he has also appointed a
white man as envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary at Haiti, a negro
In short, the President has taken from
the negro race 17 public offices representing
J6B.000 In salaries. Consequently negro
Democrats are disgusted and they are rapid
ly turning to Hon. Charles Evans Hughes,
"who standB for nn Americanism which
knows no ulterior purpose, for patriotism
which Is single and complete, whether
native or naturalized, of whatever race"of
Atlantic City, N. J June 26,
What Do You Know?-
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir Tho true and genuine Bplrit of Amer
ican liberty has gone out from amongst us.
And tho conspiring demon of American
graft Is ruling us instead. Every promi
nent newspaper has servilely espoused the
criminal cause of Wall street, and Is reptll
lshly Journalizing for Intervention In
Mexico. Taken from the viewpoint o'f an
open and Impartial consideration of the
rights and wrongs which aro actuating the
two republics, such a war could not pos
sibly be waged with any substantial degree
of fundamental Justice on our part, and
would be logically certain to vitally Injure
the high standard of our national repute,
together with our future prospects for the'
good will of all other nations. Mexico
would he mainly entitled tq the sympathy of
the world, and the curse of the world would
primarily ana predominantly rest with an
Irrevocable Justification upon our own land
the land which so ardently loves to dream
of Its own struggle for political liberty
Philadelphia, June 21,
Ouerlea of enteral interest tclll os answered
in this column, fut Questions, tht answers to
which view well-informed person should know,
art asked dailv.
1. What process would ehnnre the soTernment
of Mexico from a "de facto" to a normal
Does a Congressman who ncccDta military
dotr have to'reslcn his seat In ConxresaT
rioir far from the border la Carrlzal. where
the American troops were attacked?
About when was Custer's force annihilated?
Who are tho Kafir?
If to. 10 Is added BOO per cent, of that turn,
.wnnt win me new total dot
7. What Enillsh kins was called "Llonheart"?
8. What Is meant br "sub rosa"T
0. Who were the Hniucno'ts?
10. Who were ,tho Duceanerra?
Answers, to Yesterday's Quiz
1. Camp, nrumbansh, at Mount Oretius. Is the
mobilization centre for the N. a. I".
X. General Jnrlnto Trevlnn Is commnnder-ln-
chief of the Carranxa forces In Chihuahua;
S. Eltht men In a squad, commanded br a
4. Tho "I.atln Republics" are nil those n
pnhllrs In North and South America In
which the coTernlns classes are of Spanish
or rortnfuese descent.
B. Cntcr den Linden.
0. There are abont ttB.OOO miles of teleiraph
lines In the United States.
7. Deacarteat French philosopher of the 11th
S. BeethoTcn wrote the opera of "Fldello."
D. The ostrich la a bird' that cannot fir.
10. Thy theory of land ownership Is that the
title to real property extends to tho
earth's centre and upward to tho icnltli,
unless restrictions are mado In the deed.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir I read carefully the letter of "Cecil
Montague," dated June 22. and noted his
anti-English sentiments, it unfortunately
seems to be the tendency of most foreign
born citizens, either of German or Irish
ancestry, to continually express adverse
criticism toward Great Britain. We are
the only English-speaking nations, nnd why
should there be any bilt the k'ndlet feel
ings existing between" these great English,
speaking nations? The old saying. "Blood
Is thicker than water." What dld'England
do In the Spanlsh-Amerlcan War? De
clared neutrality, which prevented other
nations at the time being an ally to Spain
Mr, Montague, If he thought the matter
over more unprejudiced, would know that
Instead of England being America's great
est foe she Is and would be our greatest
friend In event pf any trouble, I am an
American for five generations, and have the
......., .,v.... .. ... turner country,
Philadelphia, June 23,
The motto of the, ad men has been a
large order for prqphets. poets and philos
ophers from the time Pontius Pilate asked
"what '" truth?" to the contemporary prag
matists who say that anything Is true that
"works." Some of the' epigrams about truth
are curiously contradictory. "Great Is truth
and It prevails" Is not consoling to those
who also remember that "Truth Ilea at
the bottom of a well" and have no buckets
conveniently at hand. "Truth Is the high
est thing that man may keep," says Chau.
cer. Bhakespeare ha a ringing line,
"Truth Is trpth to the end of the reckoning."
and another quite aa good, "Tell the truth
and shame the devil.' It was our own poet
Bryant (don't leave 'off the "t"!) who said.
'Truth crushed to earth shall rise again."
"Truth! though the heavens crush me for
following her," Is a line of Carlyles which
Is often quoted as "Tell the truth though
the heavens fait" Tbefe have been some
mighty cyntcal things said about It- For
Instance. "A MMa truth makes the whole
lie pass." an old Italian proverb. A better
one Is, "A thing Is never much talked about
but there is somi truth In if." Many will
differ with this idea. "A thousand proba
bllltles do not make oh truth." Tour old
friend "Vox. Popuir says (in Scotland)! "It
la true that a' mn ay" Seneca's remark
that "The language of truth is simple,"
shows that ha haa a good Idea of ad writ
ing. 'Truth ia strange than Action" is An
old taw which Cherttrton. has poVshed up
anew by' adding, -ieearOr so, fllnc
RWJL-4q not write fiotiott ttat la not eoa
gBl to their tast" V Ifwarti s9Wb
t3uth '".."l? .?Iub lnat ka down
and kills everybody'' may be all very wl
at Verdun, but not for Philadelphia Ju,
now, thank you. v JU"
The declaration of the Economic Confer
ence of Paris In favor of nerman.nV i,..
rlers against Own'ompRtiffifflA
undertaking to. continue the war arainVJ
Germany after peace. One war la to Inn
where another begins. Peace In that au
(s not peace at all. It Is only B true. .'J
necessary by the phy.'cal exhloatio83?
one sldef Th treaty of Hl. 5."'.'. ,n ?
pot only the physical combat, but a l .2
-nomlo reprisals Naw Yqrk Times
God sends his teachers unto every age
To every ellme, and every race of men!
With revelations, fitted to their grpwtb
A"d TrvthX nr K,VM ,ta'tm !
Into the selfish rule of one sol race'" '
Thmfpre each form of worthlp jhat hath,
Tho life Qf man, and given It to grain
The master-key of knowledge, reverence
Enfolds some germs of sooaneas and of
piaa never had the eager aoul, which
The slothful dw p pampered Ignoratw.
Vouad la it eveu- a, mounifa fltfut imt.
&VHmMtim&s PM(W( ?'iM(liHr
Last of the Mohicans
Editor of "What Do You Know" What
Is the theme of "The Lost of the Mohicans"
and who are some of the characters?
O. B. M.
The theme of this book of J. Fenlmore
Cooper's centres about v the love of Uncas,
a yqung Indian chief, for a beautiful qua
droon. Cora Munro. After a series 'of
thrilling adventures, Uncas dies In an effort
to rescue Cora from the cruel Magua.
Facts About Rumania
Q. R. F. (1) Rumania Is a limited mon
archy, governed by a king, a Senate elected
every eight years and a Chamber of Depu
ties elected every four years.- (2) The area
Is E0.720 square miles nnd the greatest
length, east and west, Is about 350 miles.
(3) The population Is about 6,850,000. ()
The Rumanians era. considered of Latin
blood, In which of course there is a m-eat
.admixture of many other races Greek.
Germanic, Tartar, Magyar, Serbian and
Bulgar, (6) Austria has not obtained any
Rumanian territory since the establishment
of Rumania as an Independent nation In
the middle of the last, century, Russia
compelled the cession of Bessarabia, but by
the claim, that this province should never
have been given to Rumania. () The Jews
were persecuted, by the Rumanians, driven
out. ueprvrcu vlv". risnts, etc., and pos
sibly a number were killed, but there Is no
record In the histories of any order for a
massacre of Jews, (7) The war strength
of the Rumanian army Is 550,000 and the
total unorganized force available Is more
thai, ,OQO,000, t
Woman Voters
dhor of "IVnot Do Vou JinowVllow
many women will have, the right to vote In
the presidential election? . O- F, L.
The States In which women can vole for
President and the number'pf women in each
State oyer 21 years of age, according to the
census of 1910, are shown In the following
Franco's Ironic Gcniim -' :.
. sr!fi
'" "su mere
HEN tho Amort-
nVtnitf .
. :: "u we:KS as t!t
film -giB"
BLaab "'ssaai ' 1
SBBBaassasBBBBai '
bo better off In Now York nhr d. .."i -Im
.. , ,...vau u wuitl
shout his head off thoy tlncerely wished
.,. 9... 4, .,,.
.tt.Jt,. ,..,
Illinois ....
Call Id mil
Kansas . . ,
Colorado -
Orsaon . . .
Jlrlxo.na ......ft.,..,.. ..,,,..
Idaho . a , v... a -... .-..
rutatv ... .,it,,,,i,.M,M,v ...
AVyomtOf M,iMH'y.n.i,Hi
lPJPa .l,i,M,,,,r,,,
.Total ...,, a
. 81,741
1 09,81a
83. T:
' 8.063,445
Executloner'g Fee
'L. G. iiAXe Noblemen who were to
be beheaded In England were expected to
give the executioner from 135 tq 159.
n i i i , ii
lAid'tr Town
"Lud'aTovn." from Lud. mythical king of
Britain. Ludgate, In London, Js said to? he
tha pica wtutr Lu4 was- burid o
re'B "CyuihtlJiW: "And ...
af LU4S ttfifH. et W eVUi.'
ment on ono of pr.,i... Sfcla
Bpeechog. nromlnn. - !
remarks of one Georges aSIS t1P
general ntrt "sea
sooing that
name In print
can be explained
In two exclama
tions: "Who's
thatr and
"What! Again?"
Georges Clem
onceau is merely
a name to tho
youngest read
ing generation
and a. memory to
tho oldest. Ho
has had a wltd
life and In tha
course of It ho " ct-EitbNcbAU.
haa been "In tho publlo eye" more os'
elatentiy than any other Frenchman, V
many people ho has been a cinder In i W
eye. 10 others a' golden apple. Thatpfntei'
ho'a French. M. Clemonceau knows bV
United Btates, or thinks hi dot. IUW.
hero In tho days when tho countrv...
recovering rom tho Civil War, aria'lw."a
was hero'becauso he wanted a little iirH
of his own In Franco. That waj!)Uffl
loos. You can seo the vouno- mu.v .. l
24), with flaming oyos and a throb lafhf ii
voice, tearing about the streets of Vtk'M
crying "Vivo la RonubllaueP' Th W:iJi
of tho city saw him, a ar.y rate, anil iL.he
decided that Georges Clemenceaii wotM '"1
coma ":' I
lines' '.
ho would. He camo to Now York, pracuwi - '
mnrttntriA Viitf ttnt ann tvt in U... . : v
flclent. wroto for tho Fronrh nflnm.n4.i;i;
taught school. It is otrango thathewjl'J
bs callod "achoolmasten." by, their opjo.
An American WIfo
M. Clemenceau experienced the onb"'f
great passion of his life, according to re-'f
port, in Now York. Ho fell In love wlthl '2J
Mary' Plummor, who was a pupil it'CSJ
Miss Aiken's school for girts, In SUaf -'yl
ford, Connecticut, and married her wna
slio graduated. They had several' chlV
dron, but they wero unhappy logethtr
and M. Clemenceau was already develop.;
lng those dispositions of unscrupubia .
nrimltv rttrmlnnt!nn nnd inanfiant mWMi
r ..-.. -..- ....... .r, ,
lessness wnicn inter maao mm ramw
An estrangement nnd divorce followed",' -A
. -' 4
In Now York M. Clemenceau oaeV,'!
cried out, "I will one day be President of h
tho French Republic I" and It is sala,-?M
Paris that ho Is still trying, to makevBW
his promise. President "or hot, Ml ty.
menccau has been tno dictator or i-Tenai
politics fpr so many years that he ini.
forirotten nil the thlncs he has done'br
flint lltnn. Kind friends have eolfeetslh
the data, and ronort that Clemenceau-"
ruined sixteen' separate Mlnlstrjei and'
forced tho resignation of one PrrJii&ht,
Gr8Vy- .-r'-.Vf,l
In two affairs M. Clemenceau jbowfd
tho man he was. He had returned' to
Paris when tho Franco-Prusalan JW
broko out, and almost Immediately1 atttr
the Commune ho becamo a national ,! .
ure. Hla finger was in every pleand oct,j
he was accused of pulling out too bU,,J(
nlum for himself. Deroulede denouncea.,1
Clemenceau In the Chamber of Deputt,fj
as n traitor for his part In the Panatn-'i.
Canal scandal. Clemenceau and Deroulefcfc
engaged In a duel. Deroulede was MdBrjfe
frightened and Clemenceau spared hlsllfaj
He himself was cleared of the charge,
but was forced to retire. He came baj.
He always comes back. '
Tho second crreat work of Clemeoceeilir.1
was in connection with the Dreyfus afi
fair. On this sido it Is hard to uw&m
a Ata. 1-1 J a.a rrlAAnt M J
wnnt xnai cbibuihcu ww . -4)f
France, and the poaltlon wnicn uem-
ceau took seems only an easy and nut- r
urui uiio. uu. vom".--- - i j
MM -!, WtMrwi with him risked their jv
1 Ida . ...... , J'?
futures on the . case, struggled asa""? J
tremendous odds and were victorious vy j
through tho most' heroic efforts. CI,
.-oM o m wnrk in "L'Aurore ,ta.
j.MiHr. !,. AAnusA1 mnn. and it Tvaa
in the eamo paper that Zola's terflac
J'Accuse" nDDeared.
The administration of Fallleres U ontf r
a polite name for the administration. , ,
Clemenceau. He had Fallleres under !
thumb and ho pressed hard. "".
l nna hlnei to Stay In pfflC. T )
spite .that deslje, He treated ,the Cban-.
ber of Deputies to flippancies unheara
of before, and he carried inrous... ry,
. -j i..nt nt Brlano, ma
opponent mm -- - -l..h,i
early steps of tho dissociation of CM1
Df.. wo nin handled the eOJ-,i
revolutionary outbreak of the winemakera
. . .i. . nv,n Finally, m Bi
'" xno.BOU"' "' V"".h. .oonslWlIt?
aiscussion coniisuuiw ,,,. -S
, . n.rmativ. Clemen-.
for "Dacmng aown i wv..- -. i t,."a
ceau's sarcasm overreached itself and M ,1
was forced to retire. -
.. la .. .V.la,0 hedOtS.OOt..
Retirement is mo on. ,-r
UndereUnd. He remains today, the m?tf
"" "" .; m.nt. absor,
severe critic, oi xno "" " .. r.ttriM
lutely irreconcilable. He atn g
and page after page of hh P8'"
. . .. ., iiaH instead of o?3
Free Man" becauso of the cenjorsh g h
been blotted one - .
General Serratl and wants to m him
the chief cnmnnaH,a ,
nau tor new ujri i-" . vardtfB 'fl
tm Joffre wanted not to defend VenW
because he was afraid, it w V,7A ii ?
even In a time, when pttrlotlam U J W
:. ,. r,, ..i rntlnues to M f J
errlble power, for millions WiJgt
words. And his power U such that M.-j
Is believed. j
Let us have no more of th PSfA5l
tlon, It i the root of n 9 , '" pS
Jt has played a most conspicuous PJg
impasse, ine m ."xV.lten. to tVP ,
guilty pf It- Today It t&;eae-fey ?-l
weaken this "" vemment In V
the world and hamper these ui,4 of.'
being undertaken to brlnreom f'.-
order out of chaos. jjroou -Pem.
HnrmilLtn TlOWn TO IT
It l a sign of alterad pub" JSTTa
that in4ortt by " r i&ssW
mgtr rfard4 a a 3fnw---:t,