Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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from Fj Om
Grtofai fcerehltig lias drawn In his lines of communication, eo that Colonln
DWn is how his southernmost post He is prepared for nny eventuality.
MEXICO CITT, Juno JT. High officials
of ths Mexican Government stated today
that Chief Executive Carranta hnd decided
to reject President Wilson's dsmahd that
the American prisoners enptured In tho bat
Us of Carrlsal be released by the Chlhauhau
military authentic.
"It the United States niakes peace con
tinent upon the freeing: of these prisoners,"
they asserted, "war Is certain."
Drafting of the formal reply to the
United States ultimatum was completed at
ths FOrelcn Ofllto shortly After midnight
Prom an authoritative source It was
learned that the reply Informs tho United
States that the attitude of tho de fncto
Government toward that country has been
Clearly set. forth In nrevloum cnmintinliMi.
It Is understood that First Chief Cnr
ranza Insists that the presonco of American
troops on Mexican soil Is contrary to tho
Wishes of tho Mexican people and Govern
ment, that he reiterates previous demands
for their withdrawal and that ho places
responsibility for hostilities If thoy como
Upon tho American Government.
"War seems Inevitable," said a high of
ficial of tho Foreign Office when asked what
the outlook appeared to be. Foreign Min
ister Agullar remained In his offlco until
lata In the night. Ho has arranged to tako
the field In case of war.
Mexico's position has been set forth In
the following noto sent to other Latin
American Governments:
"The American Government hao ordered
mobilised a large number of additional
troops along the northern frontier of Mexi
co with the apparent Intention of provoking
a conflict with this Government, notwith
standing this Government and our people
do not desire the same.
"Although, tho unjust and unequal con
flict seems Inevitable our pooplo aro deter
mined to defend their sovereignty and abso
lute independence oven at a great sacrifices
of thp blbod of our noble sons and of our
country's great resources
"The Government believes, nnd It Is fully
manifest, that the conduct of the American
Government does not comport with Its pro
testations of friendship to the Spanish
American Republics and that Its unjustl
flnble proceedings toward Mexico will affect
our sister republics, and that It Is seeking to
rupture tho bonds of union In which, through
a community of Idcali of origin nnd of in
terest, we should bo united and In which we
must bo United In order.to obtain sMIdarlty
for tho future."
After sending this message, Foreign Min
ister Agullar transmitted another to the
same countries outlining conditions In Mex
ico ns previously reported arid announcing
as follows!
"Tho American Government, without po
litical foundation to declnre-war on Mexico,
Is trying to make a conflict Inovltablo
through Incidents that aro bringing such
results Moitco should win or Buccuinb
with dignity, hut before the conflict sho Is
willing to demonRtrnto to othpr countries
of the American Continent tho attitude fol
lowed by the United States In attempting
to oeek n pretext for Intervention"
Tho answer to the original message sent
by Latln-Amerlcnn cduntrtcs offering
friendly modlntlon follows;
"I havo tho honor to Inform you that our
representatives In Washington havo been
Instructed to act In accordance with your
diplomatic representatives there nnd agents
of other sister countries fhit also havo ex
pressed wllllngncsi tomedlate I express to
jour Excellency my profound sympnthv nnd
gratitude for tho rnco solidarity shown to
ward tho Government and pcoplo of this
country and beg to nssuro you that Mexico
Is a lover of peace Hollovlng that the only
way t6 attain rear liberty and grandeur, wo
will not stint any effort to maintain peace,
but It must be understood that nothing
shall be done attacking our dignity nnd
Automobile chnssis crashed into electric light pole nt 28th nnd Pcdcrnl streets after a wild night ride. Inset
is William Sloss, of 3040 Titan street, Whoso injuries may prove fatal.
Eli PASO, Tor., June 27. War spirit Is
sweeping the border today. From the Gulf
Of Mexico to tho Pnclflo ocean Mexican and
American troops are both alert for the sig
nal to enter the conflict.
The actual situation is shown by an oc
curence near Progresso, 40 miles from
Brownsville, last night. Two armed Mexi
cans, who attempted, to cross the Rid
Grande, wero fired upon by an American
border patrol. One of the Mexicans was
kilted and another wounded.
Along tho Xllo Grande near San Benito,
Mexican soldiers have concentrated for a
Udden dnsh Into American territory. On
the Arizona border, Carranzlsta forces aro
threatening tho towns of Naco, BIsbee and
Nogales. A special train Is carrying Ameri
can troops to the Mexican-Arizona fronti
Tho Mexican troops along tho thinly
guarded Arizona lino far outnumber tho
American soldiers. Thls,may requlro a shift
In the plans that had been mado for an
Invasion of Mexico in case of war. Juarez
will bo occupied, as has been announced
before In these dispatches, but Oeneral
Pershing may havo to send part of his
troops westward to protect Arizona Instead
of rushing them all eastward to the Villa
Ahumada district, where there Is also a
great Concentration of Carranza troops.
Officer? and men cheerfully awaited to
day tho Ultimate word that wouldrlirJng
them Into actual war, Tho big "four-point
Bovens" on Cotton Hill scorned to Bnuggle
a little eagerly Into their positions. There
was a new briskness in all camps.
It may be said without revealing a mili
tary secret that tho American 'artillerymen
have reckoned tho exact range of every Im
portant square foot of Juarez territory.
Machine-gun crews were near the Inter
national bridge, ready to sweep tho path
for the advance across that point. The
Carranzlstaa were prepared with their ma
chine guns on the other side, and it seemed
certain that If the thousand soldiers and
civilian guards left In Juarez made any
kind of a stand tho bridge would see soma
harp action. The Juarez guard was
strengthened during the night, when Jose
Ysabel Bobles and Manuel Medlnavelta, old
general of "Pancho" Villa, came into1 town
with 400 men from the south.
Juarez, neatly blocked out like a new sub
division on the range maps of the artillery
men, is not causing any apprehension. The
main consideration of the officers who will
command tho expedition la for tho territory
Just In back of Juarez, where the Car
ranztstas aro said to bo Intrenching nnd
making ready for n stubborn resistance
But It would not bo safe to suggest any
where within hearing distance of ono of
tho camps nbout tho city that tho army
doubts for a second Its ability to shovo the
Carranzlstns back on Villa Ahumada, which
Is looked upon as tho scene of the first
big battle.
Two American expeditions aro expectod
to arrive In that vicinity nt tho same time.
Indeed, It has been reported that Persh
ing Is already within a day's march of tho
spot 4
Pershing, In removing his baso from
Namlqulpa to Colonla Dublan, has check
mated any attempt by tho Carranzlstas to
annihilate ono or more of the Boparnte
camps strong along tho fprmer lino of com
munications. Couriers arriving here declared that be
fore tho line Was shortened nnd strength
ened It was full of big gaps, sub-bases be
ing 35 mllos apart. With flvo miles an
hour, the best speed of the motrtrucks on
the desert, a large Carranzlsta force,
swooping down on one of tho American
garrisons, might have Annihilated It before
aid, could .arrive, ,
In actual numbers the Carranzlstas have
a superior force. But thoy will be attacked
by as .fine an aggregation of real fighting
men ns ever entered n campaign npd not
nn officer In tho army but has ovcry con
fidence as to the showing that tho men will
Tho main advanco movement will not
como until the militia arrives at the border
to tako up tho patrol work and release tho
regulars for duty In tho Interior. Later
on some of those militia. notably the well
equipped cavalry organizations may bo
Inside Mexico.
General Trevlno has sent the following
dispatch to thai War Department In Mexico
Juno 2G I have. the honor to com
municate to you that American forces
have evacuated tho towns of Bachlnlta
and San Oeronlmo, loavlng In a
northerly direction. I Immediately or
dered the occupation of these towns.
Our troops have instructions under no
circumstances to allow their occupation
by American forces.
Harry Hershey, of Columbus, 0
Impressed Its Real Value on
His Townsmen
BUENOS AIRES, June 27. A lengthy
telegram, expressing the warm sympathy
of the Latin-American League, was for
warded to'Genoral Carranza today follow
ing a mass-meetlngheld hero lasf night
Several pro'-Mexlcan' speeches were made,
the orators charging the existence of an
expansionist party in the United States with
designs on all South America.
Foreign Minister Muratur has received
a, communication from Foreign Secretary
Agullar, of Mexico, intimating that Presi
dent Wilson's decision to pursue a strong
policy toward Mexico Is only for political
purposes. Agullar asks South, America to
study the situation closely and Judgo It
on Its merits. '
South. American republics continue to ex
change messages with reference to media
tlon proposals. Argentina and Braill aro
most anxious to mediate, but do not favor
unduly urging, the- United States
It was semiofficially hinted that some
diplomats were verging on the overzealous
In moving for mediation. Certain smaller
Governments are also accused of Indiscreet
Interference. Chill',, int-, r,.ii.. ..'.
T.i?.StVXCS,?dJnose of Argentina and
IT it t0 become more ln-
When nny ono In Columbus, O , wants to
know tho facts about advertising they ask
Harry Hershey. Ho doosn't Bhout his In
formation from the housetops, but manages
to deliver It when the request Is made Mr.
Hershey has the habit of giving tho unadul
terated truth about everything, whether It
hurts or pleases.
These aro two of the reasons, perhaps,
that ho Is president of tho Advertising Club
of the Columbus Chambor of Commerce.
Ho Is quiet nnd retiring In demeanor, and
although slim of stature, a human dynamo
when It comes to energy.
In tho Middle West ho Is regarded as
a barometer on quality and quantity of
newspaper circulation in the United States
Digging nftcr facto mado him so Inciden
tally ho took a prominent part In tho Colum
bus campaign against exaggeration nnd
misrepresentation In advertising
As a result of this fight for truth the ad
vertlslng In Columbus Is remarkably clean.
This campaign was not conducted with a
club The chief weapons vvero common sense
nnd diplomacy Mr Hershey, with other
members of the organization, personally
vlsltod every advertiser and pointed out
whoro statements were not borno out by
facts Then there were somo heart-to heart
talks, and one by ono tho merchants and
business men agreed that tho plain truth
was stronger than extravagant claims. Tho
newspapers co operated heartily and had a
largo sharo In tho victory for clean adver
tising Mr Hershey started In the advertising
business In 1908 nfter spending a few years
as an attornoy. He has one hobby delving
Into the occult. He has a little library of
books on theosophy alone Should ho bo nblo
to grab off a few spare minutes during tho
convention ho will probably be found in
somo book store toing to dig up a book on
this Interesting subject.
"It Is not Inconsistent," ho said today, "to
Investigate the subjects which deal with
tho weird, for wo run across matters In
everyday life In that connection Most of us
havo met tho fellow who tries to put over
something and havo gasped when wp heard
his reason for the rash deed Vet In his
mind ho will have n reason which no one
but himself will understand."
Mr. Hershey Is related to the chocolate
king of our own State and Is a prominent
Advertising Men's Inspirations May Shop or Motor or
See Historic Spots Today, Just as They Please They're
All Proud of Their Husbands, But Do Not Talk Shop
Mrs L. Beck, ono of tho Poor Rlch
nrdosses, got up very bright nnd early today
to gather her lieutenants of escort. With
tho rest of tho Mrs Poor Rlchnrds sho will
show the way of plensuro around Philadel
phia to tho hundreds of women who camo
here with their husbands,
While there- has boon no specific com
plaint, becauso tho feminine visitors had a
great time yestorday, thero has developed n
deflnlto feeling that tho mon aro vory poor
husbands indeed this vvcok. They nro ad
vertising men and nothing else. As Mrs.
Park S Florea, a comely person from In
dianapolis and not very much married In
point of time, put It, "ono might ns well
not havo a husband, so far ns attention
goes '
Mrs Beck Is going to put tho question
of whnt to do today right up to tho women
If they want to go motoring In Talrmount
Park they will motor In Falrmount Park.
If they want to go shopping In tho big
stores thoy will shop In tho big stores.
If they want to sco such sights as tho
Betsy Ross House, etc , etc , they will see
oxactly those sights
"It's up to them." Mrs Beck Bald
Tho way It probably will work out Is that
they'll motor In Falrmount Park this morn
ing nnd shop this afternoon, leaving the
"sights" Until somo other time. It Isn't
at all certain that they'll fttlck together,
as they did yesterday Mrs Beck has
enough assistants to let tho women break
up Into several parties and guldo thorn
wherever they choose, Individually or col
lects oly.
Tho visiting women aro democratic. Ono
doesn't seo much of tho actual advertising
women, for they nro busy in their several
sessions, teaching nnd learning. But the
wives of tho malo oxperts don't caro much
for tho main sitting
Thoy probably get ndvcrtlslng with tholr
meals nt homo and aro glad to work fun
Into tholr trip, leaving tholr husbands to
3o tho studying.
And how proud they nro of their hus
bands I Thoro never has been n convention
hero whero the women who camo exhibited
as much prldo In tholr respective "lesser"
halves, as do these wives of tho ad mon.
Ono Is constantly remindful of a theatri
cal gathering, only Instead of tho persons
directly concerned bragging about them
selves, they brag about tho men they came
with That's true regardless of tho station
tho husbands hold In tho advertising world.
Tho wife of tho man who holds a minor
position In tho agency finds Just as much to
Bay of his place In tho world of selling ns
does tho wlfo of him who counts his salury
In tho limouslno class.
Talking about Democrats! Tho visitors
stand on no ceremony at nil Thoy want to
know everybody, nnd thoy'll tnlk about any
thing. Tho managers of Introductions havo
mndo their systom so perfect that ono can
read tho Identity of any woman pretty far
off. and that Is nil that's necessary To know
a nnmo Is to know tho woman.
Charln H Qallather. 2021 8 Norwood nt.. and
and Anna Djron,
Msry A Ooolejr, 2388 Reed Bt
' f-
Mrs. Hill, Who Was to Get 10 Per
Cent, in Contest of Former
Ohio Governor's Will,
Seeking to clear up tho mysterious circum.
Stances under which Miss. Gertrude Clay
yool,, a wealthy niece of the late ex-Oov-rnor
Bookwalter, of Ohio, was Induced
while Under ths Influence of drugs to sign
important papers In connection with her
estate, Detectives Gallagher and Cuntff, of
New- York, recently raided ths apartments
of Mr. Margaret Hill, 109 West Sith street,
that city. Mrs, Hill, now undkr Indiotment
Mt Newark on a charge of assault and bat
toy upon Miss Claypool, was not to bo
found Uo far as th dstactlvs could learn
tnun hr negro maid, Frieda Johnson. Mrs.
Mil left In haste without saying where ene
waa going or when shf would return.
The detectives sailed a lot of photo
rapfc. docununU and drugs -which they
ouo4 in Irs. Hill's room. The. maid was
! laken lato custody. If ot n word .could
mm ma from her u to tie wnereatxmu of
WMMm further than that Mrs, Hill,
fctfw Wivlnif, bad entered bar furniture
s fe pt Into stoma.
TW PStttt Attorney' omc attaches
CMM importance to tho m&terlal found la
MP JtUl'f MWtHMiN; and tb 4ocument
iMHWir mw rmwn iigm on ins
4 or wfcum uvm vwypsai was m
t0 anu teta asm of tfc wm
4Mtf Hwmr mtor wfetoh sbs
taft tt,lMLMt "Sf iru aru
itf l.ia, uftd Hi Km
-fftJWirt Temt, M
? tk' wh.ere MS3 Claypool Is alleged
to havo been held a prisoner for two days
after revoking her own will and signing a
power of attornoy to Alexander Sidney
Rosenthal, a lawyer, of 199 Broadway,
New York.
According to the Information received
by Assistant District Attorney Doollng.
drugs were administered to Miss Clay
pool in a way to make her accustomed
to them, without knowing that they
weni Injurious. It Is alleged, for Instance,
that powder? were- put Into flowers on
her dresser and into the hems 'of her
skirts, so that the strange quality of their
odor -would constantly pursue her and
render less repulses their actual adminis
tration. Among ths documentary evidence seised
In Mrs. Hill's apartments were photographs
of several persons of prominence In whom
Mrs. hjh and those associated with her
seem to. have been Interested for some
reason or other. Qn photograph revealed
Mrs. Hill and a .man who Is alleged to
have played an .Important part in obtain
ing affidavits defaming the characters of
certain legatees under the will of ex-Gov-ernor
Bookwalter, among them being J
W Baxter, a cousin of Mis ClaypooL His
mother Inherited a much larger share of
ths Bookwalter estate than did Miss Clay
pool, and. according to information In th
District Attorney's office, the defamatory
affidavit, was to be used as a weapon against
Baxter If he contested Miss Claypool's at
tempt, to contest the w)U,
This affidavit was found among other
pspsrs In the ropm occupied by Miss Clay
pool at the Robert Treat Hotel in Newark.
It was stgnitf by Carl Johnson, an actor.
v( ho made, a sworn statement to District
Attorney Swann that he mads the affidavit
in a 4runken stupor under the Instigation of
man named Hunter or Humphries.
- Besides s. copy of this affidavit. District
Attorney Bwaon obtained from the Newark
authorities yesterday coplea of documents
found in &IU Claypool's rooms in the
Robert Treaj Hotel Thsy. were agreements
for cocapecsation between MUs Oaypooi and
IHtwaa who Sfne4 ttt be. most Interested
In the SKccess of the. portwalurr win ooo
utL MUf, Mot lrm hw. AiexawM
MMtr Hj'iffHxi,), ute . 0 1sm
4 L ftMiif a. Uwjfer f aum ft
Frank Torilll. 1880 H 3Slh at
83d it and Dlcka ava
Joaaph if aarrity, 010 8 Broad it., and Julia
u MaoMakan Lanadoune, l'a.
Taul O. Bplal, S10- N. Tth at . and Winifred
. ilclntyre. ST40 N Tolrhltl at.
Jamca D. Wood, 210-4 Croas at., and Anna It
Tllburn. 2101 Croaa at
Benjamin F . Blake, 1S12 Christian at., and
. Annie If Place. 020 W Weetmoreland at.
Norman S Uaaklll 212S Wharton at , and
Florence M. Mathewa, S020 Oarrett at
Trank Kobe). Akron. O,, and Sara llosatln. 1322
8. loth at
Cbarlaa Moaer. 2740 Klrkbrlde at , and Clara
Norney, 2707 Orthodox at
John U O'Kane, noaton. Maaa . and Eileen
T. O Halloran, 231J Christian at
Jamea B Klngr. Itlchmond. Va and I.lzzla SI.
Murray. 730 VV Tlosa at.
William M Lehr. Jr J020 E, Allegheny ave ,
and Charlotte M Ittchter, BOS W. ilomeraet at.
Jamea II. Tull 820 Poplar at., and Ora Hanks,
820 Poplar at.
John Blrkelbach. 4003 Itlchmond at., and Ada
Hill. 28J3 llrlatol at
Charles VV. Wood 4840 Cedar aye,, and Mabel
E. Hilton 433U Mitchell at.
Samuel Oertham, 216 FIttwater at., and Eva
Koretaky, JIB Fltawater at
Joseph J, Duffy. BIS N. 47th at., and Ida M.
Marts. 5500 Master at,
Lawrencn L. Ixttrharn. Norrlstown. Pa., and
v.,ai (h .u mmuiue, nuTUiLUWII, rs.
Unless Administration Asks
Civilian Service Jordan-Walsh
Body Is "Inopportune"
m..Bn. v..-
,u-wyi .BBUI1,
i-atane. ouj carpenter at
43 Federal at.,
and Anstllna
at., and
William J. MacElroy, 230S Collins
Manruarlta If. QUI. 20.V.1 naarf at.
Jolin A Clark. 1821 Parrleh at., and Bade E
Delblor. Mercbantvllle. N. J.
Bamuel J, Judelsohn, 4249 Orlscom at , and
Hannah B Vollnaky. IBM Orthodox at
Paul A. Wallace. 1i00 Klpp at , and Loulae
Clerj, 1D10 Seltzer at,
John W, Cousins, 6918 Ortenway ave., and
Phoebe A. Ktrlr Darby. Pa.
Jozef Ltateckl 324a Cnatam at , and Salwlna
Rabut. S8J7 Terrace uve.
Albert Epstein. 1312 Ofdea at, and Mania
Mmund t
Edmund Peterman, 3042 Reno at., and Katharine
Amoa Cole, 119 Poplar at., and Carrie Tilgh.
man, via t-opiar at.
William n. Peterson, 3163 N. 2d at., and Lizzie
!aeiuae xievu, aaiavt( ill akie as,la) taVIJVS aVaiatatiej
Hurulker. 2143 Reee. at.
Pharlea V, Danford. MOfi i. 92f at.. mnA ftfa1..
J. lout, 1708 N, 22d at.
HaroU J Walters, 403 W, Chew St.. and Mary
Bau. 784S K St
Lewis M Evana, SS0O Sydenham St., and Elsie
M. Tyson. 3430 Klpp at
Lulst Capltanlo, aUhanoy City. Pa , and Laura
Serena. 1810 8 Alder at.
Charles If. Miller. 20O9 B Beechwood at., and
Carolyn Houaer, 2009 B, Beechwood at.
Nothing but Force Left U. S
Says Bolivian Minister
WASHINGTON, June 27. "The
mot spirit seems tq be Influencing
President Carranza and his ad
visers," said Don Ignacio Calderon,
Bolivian Minister, today. "While I
have no details Of tho note n&rran
1 is sending to the United States I am
assurta through Latin - American
diplomatic sources that ih$ reply, in
stead of being conciliatory will de
clare that the United fitntps a t
fbUraa and will adopt a position
wnicn, i iear. win leave no alterna
tive to the United States but to use,
fjree. We of the, Utin-American
JjHMjMwtte Corp i arer rav!y dlsap-
ST LOUIS, Juno 27 "Unless the Ad
ministration asks n. civilian peace commis
sion to interveno In tho Mexican situation
It would bo unwise and Inopportune at this
time to meet vvlth nny one to prevent armed
clashes In Mexico," W. J, Bryan said today,
"If I were aslted by tho Administration to
represent It at tho border, I think; I would
accept, but without the President's sanction
the conference would bo too easily misun
derstood " .
Thus the Commoner decllnod to .meet
vvlth Dr. David Starr Jordan, Frank P.
Walsh and three Mexicans at CI Paso to
attempt to prevent vVar, as suggested by the
American Union Against Militarism.
Eti PASO, June 27, Dr. David Stnrr
Jordan, seleoted by tho American Union
against Militarism hs member Of an American-Mexican
Commission that nlms to pre
vent war, announced today that he would
confer vvlth Frank P. Walsh, another mem
ber of tho commission, this afternoon.
Doctor Jordan ! awaiting a reply to the
following message bo sent to President Wil
son last nlghtl '
"If armed Intervention necessary, which
I doubt, undertake It pnlta own merlta, not
making pretexts of an obscure clash ot
Irresponsible troops in which each side
blames the other. History will blame us
most, being strongest. Ths de facto Qov
ernment Is Impotent, vennltess, except for
our support Every other alternative should
be tried before n declaration of war,"
Two of the Mexican "conferees" wero, ex
pected by Doctor Jordan to arrive this afternoon.
Chairman of House Ways and
Means Committee Against
Extra Taxation
Civil Service Commission Announces
Candidates to $1200 Salary
Ten names appear on an eligible list
made public today by the Civil Service Com.
mission for the position of. tlllerman. Bu
reau of yire, the position carrying a salary
of lltOO a year, and those eligible are Fred
W. Valentine, 5416 Chancellor street! Wil
liam D. Peraria, 1080 North Lawrence
street; Joseph Carrnlgnano, 934 South 8th
street; Max P, Lots. 40 33 Dexter street;
James H. Grant, 1848 North 24th street,
John Sonneck, 2548 North fth street) Wil
liam Moore, J7S4 North Howard street;
Frank U Mulcahy, 27 IB Eyre street; Danlsl
P Bweeney. 17T Master street I John J
Kane, 8316 Haverford avenue.
Mrs. Stewart, Entertainment Chair
man Almost "Distracted" by Work
Mrs Rowe Stewart, chairman of the Gen
eral Entertainment Commute for Ad
Women. Is pretty well "distracted" by her
lob. She does ths work well, but the detail
has almost given er ot "nerves'!
Bha has been Interviewed so often and pho
tographed so much that she said today she
hardly felt she "belonged to herself" any
more She said she would distribute the
The wives pf 0.11 tfesi members of the Ex
ecutive Committee are helping her Mrs. Jl
H. Durbln, Mrs. Thomas Martlndale and
many other; JVoor BMfcavM also are w
Billing ana wits m ft ' wsu
wll frh thin swi wmaa sese weesc
' out uny msr wwf r'-
WASHINGTON, Juno 27 War with
Mexico will bo financed by tho salo of "war
bonds" of tho United States, If open and
extended hostilities develop out of tho
crisis now confronting the country. Finan
cial leaders of tho Administration have
decided that It funds become necessary they
will accept tho suggestion of Democratic
Congressional leaders and raise tho money
from bond snles, tho original Issue to be
probably 2500,000,000.
Conferences between Majority Leader
ICItchln, chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee, and Secretary McAdoo
of the Treasury Department developed this
plan Tho House leader mado clear his
opinion that no effort should bo made to
supply funds through taxation
Tno Ways nnd Means Commltteo has
about comploted tho Administration revenue
bill, designed to meet the ordinary govern
ment expenses, by increasing the annual
revenues some 2250,000,000, Secretary Mc
Adoo was Informed that no change would bo
made In the measure to meet the Mexican
Congressional leaders take the position
that extraordinary war expenses should be
met by nn Issue of bonds. Politically, they
declare this would be the most popular
course, nnd practically they assert It would
ba the surest-way to get the money,
$250,000 Worth of Paving and Grad
ing Director Datesman, of the Department of
Publlo Works, today awarded contracts for
Improving a number of city highways. The
work will coft approximately 3250,000.
Some of the contracts let are;
Paving with asphalt 2d street from Tabor
road to Chew street, Barber Asphalt Com.
pany, 214,780.
Eighth street from Annsbury to Cayuga
streets, Eastern Paving Company, 38845;
and tth street from Duncannon street to
Flsljer's avenue, Barber Asphalt Company
34560. '
n Maths
BENlIAWc-On ",". ,2S. Ill 14. FRANCIB, be-'
loved huaband of Klltabeih A, Itenshaw fnaa
Dak.r).1n hla 7th war. Kel.tive. JnaTrUaJi
era Invited to attend the funeral aervlces, n
Wednesday, at 8 p. m . at hla lata resident,
foil Wharton at. Ioterrneq Vlvets '
WmiV-Oq June 2T. 1SI6, ELIZA JaSES widow
of Samuel Weat. e(i! U y,rJ. luUtlvea snd
JrUnda Sr. Invited to attend , fSSSSn.
jess, on Thursday afternoon, at t o'clock it
her lata realdence. esfo Barton at.LOerma"
8TAMPEB& 'Experience! eUmwn
,i7 t,rn.. ..7 :r..".,r..""."e ai-
""- l - ----" .T"- wwi iao umatr taw
ADD V 149, Is., 1I..L. a. l.11T
STAMP13R8 on etatlonery.
j'i'' "ii "
IJOUflEWOnK. seuerel, family of 2 adult,, slseo
To. cook only msala day aOlT K il.t .."
aALEBLAplKS, experienced musVbV over "if
veara old, for Friday afteroooaa and f.nin.-V
also an aay bituruay Apely FrUe BroeD
prtraeat Store. 89QS-0S 6aar"JyB.P4,
HELP lAtn uieta
JttOM iiAtcKilti zi;ia. l.--.l
wagU AM oaua paid. JlaToeUb ici'
AmerteeB sad Cambria ate "B -,.
JfOBEUAN auwuetepiad t tuuidllntT itatka" ul
saiLr4' "T-
ofr twn.t Ut m fmm ,
Reporta of Commlltees Heard by Dele
gates at Shore
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J .Tune 27. He
ports of committee recommendlnc adop
tion of now felandnrda for snmpllnR of coal,
method for determination of softening
point of bituminous materials other tlintt
tnr products, "mcthdd for" distillation of
bituminous mntcrlrtls sultnblo for road
trcntment, on copper wire, cnt Iron, car
bon steel bsrs for ehlcle sprlnga and sped
Mentions for commercial Rrndci of broken
stone, occupied the nttentionof tho Amer
ican Society for TcUltttf Materials nt tho
openln scdslon of Its 19tli annual conen-
tlon lodny at tho Hotel Trnymoro,
fiefiretnrj' Kdmrd Mftrhurg. of Philadel
phia, reported that Iho Executive Commit
tee hnd reported adversely upon ft proposal
that no specifications shall contain nny dis
crimination between two or moro materials,
for tho reason that there Is no ltnown
methods of dlstlnjrulshlnc; different mate
rials without direct knowledge of their
Motor Truck Kills Man,
Child Is Victim Total
Now 65
Two mora deaths within tho last 24 hours
have been marked up to automobiles, bring
ing the total number of victims In Phila
delphia since January 1 to 05.
Tho most recent occurrence occurred nt
11 o'clock this morning, when nn unidenti
fied man wns killed by n indtortruck an It
wns backing Ihto tho ferry nt Dolawnro
Philip Koto, 5 yeirs old, of 0931 Pns
chnll nenuo, the 64th lcttm, was killed
In front of his homo Inst night when ho
was playing. A month ago his brother
Charles was Injured In n motorcyclo nccl
dent nnd Is still n patient in tho Uni
versity Hospital Ho Is paralyzed from tho
waist down
Tho driver of tho truck that killed tho
man nt tho ferry was arrested. Ho Is
Charles Morrison, of B12 Dudley street, em
ployed by John McCluikoy, a wool nnd cot
ton merchant, of 34 North Front street.
According to Policeman William Boyd,
of the 3d District, who mndo tho arrest,
tho gatemnn at the ferry waived to Morri
son that tho gates ueto closed nnd that a
ferryboat was soon to depart, Morrison la
alleged to have tried to mnko the boat
Deportment of Justico Will Tako Stops
Against Boosting
WASHINGTON, June 27. Food specula
tors attempting to uso tho Mexican sltun
tlon ns nn excuso for boosting prices will do
so at considerable risk. It was said at tho
Department of Justico today.
Ever slnco the European war, curtailing
Imports, United Stntes District Attornojs
and special agents of the departments havo
been under orders to keep a sharp lookout
for food speculators
"Mere knowledge on tho part ot the wholo
ralora that tho Government representatives
are under ordorB to break up any food com
bine ought to have tho eltoot of discour
aging nny conspiracy to ralso prlles," said
Assistant Attorney General Todd, "Our
ngents will be on tho nlert to discover any
plans taking advantage of tho Mexican situation."
Crash at Fifty-first Street and; West
minster Avenue
Tour persons wero Injurcds no so bddl'y
that ho has slight chancos for recovery,
when two automobiles collided tatSt night nt
61st street nnd Westminster avenue.
W. S. Foust, of 5111 Chestnut strtct, oc
cupant of ono of tho cars, who Is suffering
with a fraoturo of tho skull and n broken
leg, Is In a serious condition at tho West
Philadelphia Homeopathlo Hospital.
Tho others Injured wero Mrs. Mnry Mc
Hugh, 27 years old, also of tho Chestnut
street address, who has contusions of tho
body; Mrs. V. Gallagher, of 1654 North
Wilton street, and hor flvo-year-old daugh
ter Florence, who aro slightly bruised.
Tho Gallaghers wore sent to tho Presby
terlnn Hospital ahd later went to their
home. Mrs. McHugh Is In tho West Phil
adelphia Hospital and Is expected to
Funeral Services Hold for U. of P.
Graduate and Mason
Funeral services for Dr. Paxson Blakev
Thatcher, who died Saturday at his resl-i
rianp, S4S MnrtV, Rlrl h,faa, ia-a IiaM n.
--..- , -- a.w.... v.... Hk.VbV, .,., IIUIU (h
2 o'clock this afternoon, burial being made
at West Laurel Hill cemetery. The Ilov.
Thomas C. Pollock, of tho 'Second United
Presbyterian church, IS 1st and Pino streets,
was the clergyman. The pallbearers were
Frank Ross. Thomas Tucker, Howard E.
Louis. Dr, E. J. Hackney. Arthur L. Bunting
nnd rtoyal J, Thatcher.
Dr, Thatcher was a graduate with the
class of '99 from the University of Penn
sylvania. He was the son of Elisabeth p.
and Dr. Jesse A. Thatcher, who died Blx
months ago. In 1003 ho was married to
Miss Blanche A. Warren. One daughter,
Genevieve, survives.
Dr. Thatcher was a member of the Society
of Friends, of the Industry Lodge, F, &
A. M and Mystlo Circle, SI 55. He also
was a former artisan. '
Overcomo by Gaa, Two Drawn
LANCASTER, Pa, June 27, Whlla
making investigation of a clogged pipe
John Lower and Harry Miller, plumbers,
were overcome by gas In a large sewer
and before help could reach them both were
drowned. Lowery had gone Into the man
hole and when he was overcome Miller went
to his assistance,
TWfi !hll? -i ntlhWta
a " Jlli, C nUKl
Men on Chassis of C&r iY
vv iiu juuny morn
ing Ride
: 4t
th rd Is Buffering from shock and 7.1 !
injuriet s the result of t, smash-ii,. TM
" Huioinoniio cnassis against an li-h .i "i
trio light pole nt tho southwest orSeMl
28th nnd Federal streets early ih,!' tfi
ingi The accident dim,, ".T.JnHjiwI
..... . 7. it, wild Mi. ',
inrpugn descried city streets, during '
the four men arc imldj,y the police ie h.w
retained thpir placcB on tho chassis iS'i'
entwining tholr nrms .round ,i. IAiYIV
nooks. ' " ""Ws.r,
us .
' Wi
Jin VI
The dead:
nnilRItT McClHLLAN, 38
Crtthnrfno street.
A,&U0UT0' " mr8' lm $
Tho Injured! ' v
WILLIAM SLOSH. 2 years. SrtiH .,..'
street, frncttll-ed skull, fracture of iiglZ'
nnd lower Jaws, both legs ana ifoP.
...:." , '
.w...., ni..i,..-n, tfi years, WynctV!
Ta, suffering from shock, Internal iM
-....., .. ....v....u ii ngni if.
uilijit iiuiiuuu 00 FEET, rf
Police stationed near tho . t .l. -.
wreck say tho yellow chassis was mine 3
bo fast that all efforts to forco the driver i
tho Iron pole followed tho Jolting of tki
cm tLiua-i inu i.iiuunu iruuits. inechaMlL
after denting tho Iron pole, rebounded
crashed into a wooden light pole, snapoln
It off, and then wabbled it complete wrM$ "
over on Us side. Tho shock of the collision
vvlth tho first pole throw McClelian who
was driving, 60 feet nwny and th r.'m.i
lng men In tho party clear of the wrecked -
macninc. iiio BiueriiiK vvnoci ot the cAr
and other parts of tho wreck&ire .-
picked up half a block away from the cjm
ot the collision. t
Tho nolso created by the ear and th't "i
crash that followed roused the neighbor j :'
,uuu, u,,u inu i,v.-uu ..iiu iiijureu were
gathered up nnd .rushed to the Polyclinlo
Hospital by a. passing car belonging to
tho D. B. Martin Company and the lm
faulanco of tho 20th nnd Federal streets
pollco station, O
Sergeant Harry Moonoy, who was ctt
duty at tho tlmo o( the accident, detailed
Detectives Copo, Snoll nnd Heenan to In- -j
vostlgnto. Tho first authentic informatloa
of tho facts leading up to the accident Vtrt i
received when Simmons, tho least Injures
of tho rldors, regained consciousness tnl
told of tho early morning ride through i
tho streets of West nnd South rnnaatl
phla. Ho said that all his companions wrt
omniovod by ft Market street department
storo, and that early this morning McClil-, J
Ian, tho managrr, oi mo garage, at ji
and Market streets, had suggested that thsfv
try out tho now chassis. They nil mountMa
tho chassis and, .after tsstlng the speid M
tho car, McClolIan continued to let U1.C.H
until thoy "hit up a torrino cup,"
Simmons, who was suffering badly frcsjl
av,nriu. iniii a dlslolntod story, but said thtti
ho remembered crossing thOTallroad'trsdul
n.n lhA nOPll1Tlt. Iltl hft UftlO Snd thlt 1
moment bcfOVo tho crash ho had yelUd ttv
McClelian, ''Fof OSd's hako, slow ilOWIt" "
No sooner wero tho Words out OttiH motitn 0
than tho car struck And ho was JOvKHftH."
unconscious. '
Pieces of tho broken car wero plem up "
nt different "Points nnd tho fact list8it-j
vvoOden light polo was snapped off on ltl i
rebound from tho crash Is taken by th j
nAllrni na nSnplltflt Vfl nMnCA Of theater L
rlHn anAnrl lh.lt tllO Car had attained Ifl
passing down tho stroet. Further proof that J,
,hn rnr Wll "n. streilk Of lictlt" COHieS tttttt fi
tho statement of Policemen Snydtr sndjj
Dovlney, who wero standing at zitn sirew
and Orav'B Ferry road wheri the rld'
whizzed by, . f,
All of tho men In tho .accident, nl
families dependent upon them,
AlVini, Wnrtnn lflft n. widow Snd tWO
children. 2 years and 9 months old. Hit $
brother, John Norton, Is a private in Cea
pany K of tho Otli Regiment of tho Nations!
auard. Robert McClelhvn, the drlvsr M
the car, was a widower and left f
Girl Accused of Stealing Furniture.
Miss Lillian Burns. 19, of 1961 South 10th
street, was beta in itsou naii.iorcoun mj i
by Magistrate Beaton, charged wun iw i
Inn tinnn wnrth nf furniture. iewelrV snd it
clothing from Rlzxo Chulon, of 891? UflT&g
Hn..H n.,A..n it. Uii In,ttni1f1 msrrvms rl
WU,KI UVVIIUU, A,V I.UU IHlonu." -' -
,1.a wlrl tnrlav tf wan (nftttfled. and Sll tSQ
stuff taken was In a-house he had fitted UP' V
In West Philadelphia.
a $15,000,000
Educational Plant
Waihington Uhivenily orferi
you its 27 anembly hall for
departmental meetings in St.
Louis in 1917, Associated
Advertising Clubs of the
World, you aro invited.
AssociatedAdvebtising Clubs
of th? world
Visiting Carps
Correspondence Papers
Wedding 4 Reception Invitation -Original
Christmas Cards
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