'I EVTOlNGr MDGEK-HILADELfMIA, TUESDAY, ?UM 27, lDlfr 19 THE GOD S OF M ARJ .el to "Under the Moons of Mars" F fitr EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Author oi mo ' ""' ..I I I 1 1f I ' BTNbfats. . lr:.t", WA.fiVftJl,EW:!tta . "-.--" "-. -j nvk r-Tiri ui Tiini"f irfl Martian ; Thons ... 'ri.Ii n1 mtirrlsvl Tin Ml nnrrinn n.ina mw. .vvjuii tftlncffti 6f HM.um hft haa hefen mc.i . " ,?i "Lcu,"t.r;iiiiJMrw lir plans Winn duhcw iti ,&VAMh?a W wMnCnrUr fcnSrSS Mars h Antejilm. r JSl ,Kithi hs hrnrh ,n weird, iound. 6 Ka'iu.KfcVtn h edge of tho enrr Mee.t f .'; rii!. nmnt men attacklni J: fj li h lrano Sr i-arter ntti he 'V'ES'SnTVS talrtnn And .powerful creatures. T.hla ona in to be his old rriena. ine. war fare TerKaa, wnom no i"ii m i i In.a hollow tree, they io n caro rare 'fttkM nmrei me with huvn pan them through fly dlacoyer the inrousn as a eril theme and brlaonefs, on ot liter finding- Mhn nJmv.s&STeW, ffia thmiv locked In ft ctmr ,"" ill a ttatnartltA flat lit 'Knth; Who arereleaaed u Lij.n Anntn. Carter flna red Martian woman. tn tn Fon trough the ilr Thuv a, Tarn Taraaa anu ionn wntr xrtve the Journey through the awlul laby- golden . f lifts on toe vniier as .ana Valler nnp. John carter Secret entrance. lluaninit Jasth entera, ne engages et "Sffe'roora la filled wllh fc ' whom la Thuviai a rec . who lead them through theft perilous eeospe thro . fjnlf Thtivle. Tara Tarht 1 wrttve the Journey throt : "57 " "he tnMi aro about io Kch ejf ely 1kniack plratea of Bareoom" ewcep down S Iheir nshlins airafi ps upon the thyns. n (he tumult Carter fa able to eend Tare una thuv 4 to eafety In iv two-man flier fert unprotected. Later he hlmaelf eicapee, , iiily to be captured by. Xodar, a. Pirate I t? InM. who hn Rbducted Thildor. dauehtrr Mfttal Bhan. holy hckkaaor ol the tMrne. , OlIArTBrt VIII (Continued) i FOB Homo time neither of us cpolte. Each was occuplfcd wlth,hla dwn thoughts. For my part I was -wemderlnB as to the rat of Tnrs Tnrlcaa and the Girl, Thuvla. EVen If they Sllcoeeded 111 eluding pur Billt. thoy must eventually fall Into the hinds bt either red men or groom arid as tutltlvcs from the Valley Dor they could look tor but llttlo else than a swift and terrible doath. .... How I wished that I mlpht have actjom Wthled them. It eeemed to me that I could sot fall but Impress upon the Intelligent d men of Dhrsoom the vtlcked deception that cruel and senseless superstition had bitted upon them. Tardos Mors would bellove mo. Of that ' t was positive. And that ho would haVo the courage of his convlctlbns my lthowledgo ef his character assured me. bejah Thorls would bellove me. Not doubt as to that entered my head. Thn thero wero a thousand of my red ind green warrior frlonds whom I knew would face eternal damhatlon gladly for my sake. Lllte Tara'Tatkas, whero I Ibd they vVtttld follow. The girl and I wero linked together by a rdpe which permitted Us to moVo only ftb6Ut three or four feet from ono ahother. TOen we had entered tho compartment we hid, seated ourselves upon a low bench be neath the porthole. t The bench was the only rurrtlture of the ' fodhu It was of sorapuB wood. The floor, celling and walls were of carborundum al- timlnum, a light. Impenetrable composition txtsnslvely utilized in the construction of fithtlhg ships. Al I had sat meditating upon the future ray eyes had been riveted upon tho porthole, Wilch w&B Just level with them as I sat. .Suddenly I lobked toward Phaldor. She M regarding me with a strange ex jrilon I had not before soen upon her fail. She was very beautiful then. JAstaritly her whtto lids veiled her eyes, and I thought I discovered a delicate flush tinging her cheek, EWdently 3ho was em barrassed at having been detected In the act of staring at a lesser creature, 1 thought, "Do you find tho study 'of the lower or- li '"tereBtlna?" I asked, laughing. She looked up again with a nervous but relieved little laugh. "Oh, very," she said. "Especially when they have such excellent profiles." It was my turn to flush, but I did not. I felt that she was poking fun nl inc. nnd I admired a brave heart that could look for humor on tho road to death, and bo I laughed with her. "Do you know where wo aro going?" she asked In a, low voice, fixing her gaze upon me. 'To solve the mystery of the eternal hereafter, I Imagine," I replied. "I am going to a worse fata than that," she said with a little shudder. "What do yoU mean?" "I can only guess," alio replied, ''filnco no them damsel of all tho millions that hao been stolen away by black pirates during tho ages they havo raided our domains has over returned to narrate her oxpetloncoi among them. That they never take a man prisoner lends strength to the belief that tho fata o( the girls they steal Is worse than death." "Is It not a just rotrlbutlont" I could not help but ask. "What do you meant" "Do not the therna themselves do like wise with the poor crcatutos whd take tho Voluntary pilgrimage dowri tho Illver of Mystery? Was hot Thuvla for 18 years a plaything and a slave? Is It less than just thai ybU should suffer as you have caused others to suffer?" "7ou dd not understand," she replied. "Wo thems are a holy race. It Is an honor to a lesser creature to be a stavo among us. Did we not occasionally tsnvo a few of the lower ordbrs that flont down an unknown river to an unknown end, all would become the prey ot the plant men and tho apes." "But do you not by every means en courage the ouporEtltton among these ot the outside world?" I argued. "That Is the wickedest of your deeds, Can you tell me why you foster the cruel deception 7" "All life on Barsoom," she Bald, "Is cre ated solely for the support ot tho rrtco of thcrns. How olso could wo llVo did the outer world not furnish our labor and our food? Think you that a them would de mean hlmsolt by labor?" (I was disgusted, and I Imagine that I showed It. "You are an unbeliever now," sho con tinued Bcntly, "but should we bo fortunate enough to escape the clutches of tho black pirates nnd como again to the court of Matal Shang, I think that we Bhall find nn argument" to convince you ot the error of your ways. And" she hesitated "perhaps we shall find a way to keep you As as ono of us." Again hor eyes dropped to the floor nnd a faint color suffused her cheek. I could not understand her meaning, nor did I for a long time. Dojah Thorls was wont to say that In somo things I was a verltablo simpleton, and I guess that she was right. "I fear that I would 111 requite your father's hospitality," I answered, "slnco tho first thing that I BhoUld do were I a them would be to set nn armed gUttrd at the moUth of tho River las to o.scort thb poor, deluded voyagers back to the outer world. A tan utin.tM T rlnvntf mV llffi tO tllO eXteT- mlnatlon of the hldeoUB plant men tthd tholiSi foot would bo impossible. .... t.. !.,. r-n u.Mtn nliM " I 'Tlnlv )v nlrhnnf Mlllrl norriDIO compumuiia, uiu tt.vnv ........ ,- Sho looked at me really horror-struck. "No, no," sho cried, "you must not say such terribly BacrlleglOus things t you must not even think them. Should they ever guess that you entertained such frightful 'thoughts, should we chance to regain tho temples of the thcrn.1, they would mete oUl a frightful death to ybU. Not even my my"agnln she flushed, and started bver ngalo "not even 1 could Bavs yod." I said no mofe. Uvldently It was use less. She was even more steeped In Buper sllllon than the Martians df ths outer1 wdrld. They only worshiped a benUllful hope for a life of lovd'nnd pcabo nnd happlnoss In tho hereafter. The therna worshiped the hideous plaht men and tho apeF, r at least they reverenced them As the abodes of tho departed spirits ot their own dead, At thts point tho door Ot oUr prison opened to admit Xodar. Ho smiled pleasantly at me, and when ho smiled his expression was kindly any thing but cruel or vindictive. "Slhco you cannot escape Uhdcr any clr cumstahces," ho said, "I cannot sco -tho necessity for keeping yoU confined hclotf. I will cht ybur bonds and you may como bn dock. ToU wilt witness something very Interesting, and as you never shall return to tho outer world It will do no harm to permit you to see It, YoU wilt Bee what no other than the First Born and their slaves know the existence of tho subterranean entrance to the Holy Iand( to tho real heaven of Bareoom. "It will be An excellent lesson for this daughter of tho them," he added, "for Bhe shall see the Temple of Issus, ahd Issue, perchance, shall embrace her." Phaldor's head went high. "What blasphemy Is this, dog of a pirate?" Bha cried. "Issus would wipe out your entlro breed- and you If you ever camo within sight of her tcmplo." "You have much to learn, them," roptlcd Xodar, with an Ugly smile, "nor do I envy you the manner In which iou will learn It." As we camo bn deck I saw to my sur prise that tho .Vessel was passing bver ft great field of snow and Ice. As far ns tho eye could reach in any direction naught clso was Visible. There could be but one solution to tho myBtery. We were above the south polar Ico-cap. Only at the iioles of Mars li there Ice or snow upon tho planet No Blgn of life nppoared below us. Evi dently we wero too fat south even for the great fur-bearing animals which the Mar tians bo delight In hunting. Xodar was at my Aide As I stood look ing out over tho Bhlp'B rati. ' "What course?" 1 asked him. "A llttlo west of south," ho replied. "You will see tho Ot Valley directly. Wo shall skirt It for A fow hundred miles. "The Otz Valley 1" I exclaimed. "But, man, Is not thore whero lie tho domains of tho thems from which I but Juet escaped?" "Yes," nnowered Xodar, "You crossed this ice-field last night In tho long chase that you led us. Tho Ots Valley lies in ft mighty depression at the south pole. It Is sunk thousands of feet below the level of tho surrounding country, llko n great round bowl, "A hundred miles from Its northern boun dary rlso tho Otz Mountains, which circle tho inner valley of Dor, In tho exact centre of which lies tho Sea of Korus On tho shore of this sea stands tho golden temple ot Issus In the Land of the First Born. It is there that we are bound." As I looked I commenced to realize why it was that In all tho agea only ono had escaped from the Valley Dor. My only wonder was that even the one had been successful. To crosi this frozen, wind-swept waste of bleak Ice alone and on Only by alrboat could the Journby bo made," I finished aloud. "It was thus that one did eecapo tho thernS in bygono times; but none has ever escaped the First Born," said Xodar, with a touch ot pride In his voice. Once we passed far ab6Vo what seemed FARMER SMITH'S oSSNh- xSHjs RAINBOW CLUB 1 m GOING VISITING? Dear Everybody At this season of the year llttlo girls and little boys "go Visiting." That means, they go and stay awhile with friends or relatives. I think it would be a good Idea to print a few remarks about the rules which should govern those who visit. It is not tho easiest thing in theworld to bo dropped right into somebody's house and "make yourself at home. It is not easy for those who entertain you, either. The main thing to remember when you go visiting Is this Do not bother any ono and do not let any one bother you. ... Try to take along wfth you everything which you will need during your stay. Find out how long you aro invited for, nnd when the time is up, GO! Do not stay a minuto "longer than your welcome. No nmount of teasing should tempt you to stay. "Git up and git. Find out when those whom you aro visiting like to REST and see that you do not disturb them, Be kind to tho servants whero you visit. Thoy havo extra work on your account. If you havo candy, send some to the servants; nnd try, if you can, to remember them with Home simple gift when you go away. SERVANTS ARE, HUMAN. Find out when the meals aro and BE THERE ON TIME. Nothing upsets a household so much as being lato to meals. Bo kind courteous considerate, and don't "BUTT IN." Never mind tho slang. And write homo often, if only a postal, card. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. P. S. You might tako this talk along with you, for it has taken mo many years of visiting to know the simple things to put down here. Branch Club News Ths most wonderful Burprlse party! That's what w had two days ago and it was all tied up in ons single envelope! The Rain bow Bouquet tha wee folk's branch In "SVood bins sent, by the kindness ot Miss Hannah fcotaihnleli, four pteoes of beautiful fancy w4rk mads by its own small members, flowers are the main subjects of the em broidery, Natalie Behrman's are lavender, Mary Breslow'a pink, Mary Belgel's red and Cecelia Potashnlck's blue. Truly ft real bouquet. Ths little girls deserve ths highest ibrt of praise, for their effort and success and Miss Potashnlck la to be Indeed com mended for ths lively interest she Is taking In ths children's work. Chirloa Qurlln'a Rainbow Branch In Camaen is making preparations to go camp lag this summer. At present ths prepara tion IS mainly financial, 'the boys are work las hard to make enough money to buy tsnts, stfi, Charles' most recent report sounds as If (hey are meeting With success. Wa earnestly hope, summer will find the boys stretched out in a nice waterproof tent by night and cooking crispy bacon In a TiUsly frying pan" by day. i.i - - Case. Number 3 .Another flower garden to bloom at ths little whjte bedslda ot case Ho. 31 This time U was a cluster ot dainty pink roses quite as fresh and fragrant as the blessed rooment they were picked from their Mother stem. Charles Ourlln, Viola street, Camden, and tha "Boys' Rainbow Club ot Camden." of which he Is ths founder. ar fwpwisibl f0r this latest gift. Tbe flowers 5rs refreshed with a cool drink at Rain J6w headquarttni and sent on to fulfill the" &ppy mission. The Boy They Laughed At Bt BpITH CRCrtVTKER, OLNBY, PA. The rough boya laughed at him when he Jahe4 the windows, for hU mother ths boy who 1st ttwlr mothers da all the work Jl once thought of giVWg tbem a JJtotog tana. They laughed u hint but wmUuii didn't, fhm jnottir tort wt to iwtij unn v WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? The lights on the City Hall, tho "Welcome" signs In all the store windows I The hat bands with the names of far cities oh them, the cool looking light-colored Bults, and last, but not for a tiny second least, tha happy, jolly men under the gay hued hat bands and Inside of tho summertime suits I It Is about a mighty body of "Ad Men" (soma of them women, girls) who have como to our great city to havo a big meeting about things in which they are interested, and in fact, in which wo aro all in terested. Who are "ad men and women 7 They are the particular people in tho world whose business in life it ia to tell tho rest of tho people in the world the TRUTH about the th!ng3 this very same "world" has to sell. What will they do at thBir big meeting? They will work, that is they will discuss their paat efforts and successes and profiting by the experience of them will lay out future plans. They wJU pjay, that Js through entertainment extended to them through, our .great t city they will become better acquainted with each other in a social, friendly way. Thus a "brother and brother" spirit will unite them more firmly and make them, working side by side, that much stronger to accom plish the big work that is ahead of them. Things to Know and Da I. "Word" party (a) Names a bandit whose nam end in tA. b) When it rains, What do you ne4 that ea4s la 17 Is) What iat the cook un to uav e4hit fKds U(XAt JUDGE LOBSTER By Farmer Smith You see. Jimmy Monkey and the Baby Baboon couldn't agree as to which was tho stronger, the left claw or the right claw ot a lobster, so they agreed to con sult Judge Lobster. Jimmy was to put his tall In the right claw and the Baby Ba boon was to stick his tall In the left claw and then Judge Lobster was to bite. The one yelling the louder decided which claw waB the stronger, Jimmy and the Baby strolled up the beach, arm In arm, until they came to where Judge Lobster lived. He was at home and they carefully explained their mission. "Turn your tails around there and let me see If I can help you decide," com manded Judge Lobster. They did so And pretty soon there was such a big noise. "Ouch-ou-ou!" went Jimmy. "Oh, me! Oh, myl" whined the Baby, After a bit the Judge said: "Now, tell mo which Is the stronger, my left claw or my right?" "Your right!" exclaimed Jimmy, "Your left!" shouted the Baby, "You are both wrong," replied the Judge, thoughtfully. "I didn't squeeze either tall. Hal Ha! Heel Heel" At that the rascals scooted away. Our Postofflce Box Hugh Lynches going to be one ot the workers In this world. We have found this out through three manly letters; that Hugh has written In a businesslike way regarding the making of money, Hugh Is bound to Set along, for at is start he has the two Invaluable assets of success, perseverance and a systematic way of going after what he wants. HUait LYNCH flreaerien mieiier Is another young man who will sucoeed. His school report, an exact copy Ot which was sent to us, totals "excellent" almost en tirely throughout We would like very much to hear from Robert Beaumont, Mount Airy; and Urban Quirk, Addison street, on the subject of school reports. Herbert Reddlck, ot Courtland street, Is Inspired by the pot of gold on the Rainbow button. He says "It makes me wish that I were old enough to work and earn some money." Don't wish too bard, Herbert, Jor when you are OLD enough to work you'll be a-Wlshlng you were YQUN'CI enough to play. HOLD ON TO YOUR BOYHOOD 1 Herbert's brothers, Marshall and Stanley, write very Interesting' tittle letters. Stanley, 7 years old, didn't wait to grow up to earn "some money." He gathered mushrooms and made 10 Cents all tor himself. iff "F4 ! FARMER SMITH, EVBtilWQjLBDOBRt I wish to become a member ot your Rainbow Club. Please send me a beau tiful Rainbow Button tree, I agree to DO A UTTLEf KINDNESS BACH AND riVERT DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE) AH, ALONO. THE WAY, Nam i,i,,,,.,i,t,,,,,, ,, Address .,...,.....,....,,,,,,..,,,,. Age Btf9tf9tOi4t! School I attend ...,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,. THE CtlEEHrULCrtETO m.i.i-,n ..mil ' ' tt t.11 tka restless, A mwrnur .aoUrdb Arvi through the dir C Tt P'A., .' y V. i j t hroDbrr, I rrj hekrt. 5 tVWtiti s- p a nP to be it Keep, cAtiyonlliie rift stretching from tho lee-wnll oh tha north across the valley as far nB the eyo conld reach. "That Is tho bod of the River Iss," said Xodar. It runs far beneath the Ice-field, And below the level of tho Valley Otz, but Its canyoh Is open here." Presently I descried whnt I took to be n village, and pointing It out to Xodar, Asked him what it might be "It Is A village of lost soUl3," ho answered, laUghlng. "Thla strip botwoon tho Ice barrier nnd the mountains la considered neutral ground. Somo turn off from their voluntary pilgrimage down the Is3, and scaling tho nwfdl walls of Its canyon below US', stop In thla valley. Also a slao now nnd then escapes from tho therna nnd makes his way hither. "Thoy do not attempt to recapture such, slnco there la no escape from this outer valley, and as a matter Of fact they fear the patrolling cruisers of tho 'First Born too much to venture far from their own domains. "Tho poor creatUrea of this outer valley aro not molested by us slnco thoy havo nothing that we desire, nor aro they nu merically strong enough to give us nn In teresting fight ! so we, too, Icavo them nlono "Thoro nro several villages of them, but they have Increased In numbers but tittle In many years, alnco they nro always war ring nmong themselves " Now, wo swung n, little north of west, leaving tho valley of lost souls, and shortly I discerned over our starboard bow what appeared to bo n black mountain rising from tho dcsolato wasto of Ice. H was not high nnd soemed to havo a flat fop. Xodar had left un to attend to somo duty on tho cssel, nnd Phnldor nnd I stood nlono besldo the rail. Tho girl had not once spoken Blnco wo had been brought to tho deck. 'Ta what ha has been telling me true?" I asked hor. "In part, yes," sho answered "That about tho outer alley Is true, but what ho saya of the location of the tcmplo ot Issus In tho centfo of his country is false If It 1b not falsi! " She hesltntod "Oh, It cannot be true, It canrtot bo true For If It were true, then for countless ngci havo my people gono to tortdro and Ig nominious death at the hands of their cruel enemies, Instead of to the beautiful Ufa eternal that we have been taught to bellcva Issus holds for U3" "As tho lesser Barsoomlani of tho outer world h.wo been lured by you to the terrl blo Valley Dor, so may It be that the thorns themselves hao been lured by the First Born to an equally horrid fate," I sug gested. "It would bo a stern and awful retribution, Phaldor: but a Just one." "I cannot believe it," ehe said "Wo shall see," I answered Then we fell silent again, for wo wero rapidly approaching tho black mountnln, which In somo indefinable way seemed linked with tho answer to our problem. As we neared tho dark, tiuncatod cone the cs3el's speed wni diminished until wo barely mocd Then we topped the crest of tho mountain and below us I saw yawn ing tho mouth of a huge circular well, tho bottom of which was lo3t In Inky blackness. For a moment tho essel hovered mo tlonloss. directly nboe the centre of tho gaping void, then slowly sho began to settle Into tho black chasm (CONTINUED TOMORROW ) SHORE FAD FAVORS BATHING SUITS ON DISTINCTIVE LINES Most of Now Costumes Aro Sleeveless to tiive Women Swimmers Free Stroke North Chelsea improves ATLANTIC CiTY, Juno 27, Tho season Is hot far enoUgh advanced to determine the exact stylo of feminine bathlnif suit Which will be considered tho "smAH" cos tutrle this year, but It Is evident that most of tho regular bathers will have their ap parel fashioned by their own dressmakers, Made-to-order bathing suits, lilted to tho figure with the same precision as a ball room gown, nnd with distinctly touches that stamp them ns exclusive, are being dis played every day and the fad will surely grow. Most of tho now costumes aro sleeve less, to glvo tho swimmers a chatlco for un hindered strokes of tho nrm, If n sleSvo Is Attached to tho gnrment, it Is extremely short, A now suburb of this city li to be de veloped this (all, If tho plAhs of tho projec tors do not tnlscnrry. North Chelsea, a plot on tho meadow Bldo of tho Inland water ways, la to bo turned Into an exclusive res idential section, with broad nvenuoa and re strictions against tho building of boat housos of any kind. An 18-holo golf courso Is to be constructed In this district, but. Its uso Is not to bo restricted to the owners of tho houses erected there. Tho how Bilburb wilt bo connected by bridge with Chelsea. Tho mehhaden fishing bbats have made their first npptaraneo Off tho const and from now on until autumn they will patrol the coast at all hours of tho day and night. PENNSYLVANIA FORESTRY ASSOCIATION CONVENES Midsummer Meeting at Reading At tracts Many Conservationists RHAD1NG, Pa., Juno 27 The 101C mid summer meeting at the Pennsylvania Forestry Association opened at tho Berk shire Hotel here today, to continue Wednes day and Thursday. Some of the prominent men Interested In forestry nnd conser vation In tho country aro In attendance. The Berks County Conservation Associ ation Is host to the convention A feature of tho convention will be nutomobllo trips over Berks County, following various trails that hno Jieen laid out to inspect tho w ork done by" the local association The address of welcome on behalf of tho local association w'na delivered by Jonathan Mould, a member of tho City Planning Commission and retired merchant. The rcsponSo on behalf of tho Pennsyl vania Forestry Association was delivered by Dr. J. T. Rothrock, of West Chester. Nelson R. McNaughton, Stato Forester, of Harrlsburg, delivered an address on "Forestry In Pennsylvania," and Dr. Joseph Knlbfus, bf Harrlsburg. represent ing the Pennsylvania State Camo Com mission nnd tho Pennsylvania Stato Sports men's Association, gave nn address on "Our Wild Birds nnd Their Relation to Forestry." SHIRTS FOR SOLDIERS MUST HAVE RED CROSS APPROVAL Seamstresses Volunteering nt 500 a Day Provide Ample Force of Workers WASHINGTON, June 27. If Sister Susie seeks to sow shirts for Undo Sam's soldiers she'll have to get Red Cross approval of tho shirts she bcws. By selection from among nn average of COO women a day who havo volunteered slnco the Mexican trouble threatened, a force Which the Red Cross declares is cn thely ndequate has been obtained. If capa ble, tho nurses aro entered on the organiza tion's list, which numbers G000. POOR RICHARD'S GLORY IN RINGING ODES Whnt Is & Convention Without Music? Philadelphia Treated to Many Old Tunes on Now Themes LEADING AD CLUB MAN ..; ADVOCATES SUFFEAG ...... i ,,T,i . it Chairman Chambers, of Ciflelft nati Vigilance Committed Would Let Women Vote CHICAGOANS HAVE CHOIR What Is a convention without songs? Th6 gathering of the nd men here- cer tainly Is not lacking in song. To Phlladet jihla It seems as though nearly every visit ing member of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the Wotld wrote ns his "Inst piece bf copy" a spnrhlhg Attempt to "put Across" pralro for everybody and everything con' nccted With tho convention. Philadelphia, Philadelphia hospitality nml tho Poor Richard ClUb are having their praises siihg wherever Ad mert meet this week. A good halt of the songs that havo been written and sung by tho nd men nro glowing nnd resounding tributes to this city, and tho nd club which la acting as host this year. Tho cltlos that are compotlng for the 1817 convention nro also being "advertised" through song. St. Louis nnd Cincinnati ad men aro trying hard to outslng each other In their efforts to laud the next con' ventlon. Tho men from both cities have parodies on "Tlppernry," of course. Tho St. Loulsans went their competitors ono better, however, nnd resurrected tho World's Fair song, "Met Mo in St. Louio, Louie," with alterations that bring It up-to-dato and make It nppllcablo to the, present situa tion. Tho songs, without n stnglo exception, nro all being sung to nines thnt are familiar to every ono who evor attended a conven tion or a banquat. All ot the old familiar tunes are being trotted out, but hew "copy" has been Wrltton for them. Tho song.1 range from pralso for Phila delphia, tributes to tho Poor Richard Club, tributes to President Houston, self-pralso by tho delegates from the various cities, to tributes to tho ad fraternity as a whoto, and toasts to all advertising men. Tho St. Lou la delegates nro responsible for. tho singing of tho following tribute to nd men in general: So here, boss, n toast to ths nd men! The ro Rood fellow a, eery one. Let's Rt a tlffcr to thn Act men, Let's drink to tho Blory they have wonj They put tho "hl7" In business. They show ua nil tho wny For It's always pood weather When nd men set together. Tor they rulo tho world todAy. Tho Chicago Ad Crolr camo hero well trained In more thnn n score of songs written especially for tho convention and published In book form by tho Chlcagonns They havo this to sing of the Poor Richard Club: "Therf'e a Qualier Club In Qunltertown, A club you nil know well, For It la a club thnt won a great renown, A story ff Ioo to tell. For tho fellow of Poor Itlchnrd Club, Thnt never weAr n frown They have tho punch, tho push, the pep, Tl'll mrtko nu untch our step In old roor Hlchard Club of Qunltertown." They aro singing It to the tune of "Thero Is a Quaker Olrl," whenever a few of the Chicago ad men get together. DR. M. S. DENNETT BETTER Second City Troop Sergeant Recovering From Appendicitis Tho condition of Dr. Michael S. Bennett, of Gth street and Olney avenue, who wna operated upon for appendicitis last Satur day, in slightly improved today nnd his physician, Dr. John McCIosley, believes he Is out of danger. Doctor Bennett Is a sergeant in the 2d City Troop and his principal regret Is that ho will bo unable to join his regiment Ho was elected City Committeeman for tho 4!!d Ward at tho last election nnd waB also made Republican nomlneo for State Reprospntn tle from tho Bth Legislative District. Ho Is n graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Ad wbmeh who Are advdCatts tt w&ma suffrage have ah enthusiastic champion iht W. F, Chambers, ohnlrmah of the VlgllAhe Committee of the Cincinnati Advertising Club. Nine out of avery 10 women fc?H write nhd place advertisements IhroUghoWt tho country and who nfre nltshdlng ths con ventlon believe in womAri suffrage, Mr Chambers, who Is an attorney In Cincinnati, according to his statement flruM mere pleasure In prtmdtlhg tidvertlslb campaigns than In Attending the opera of any other recreation. Ills firm declaration" for "votes for women" has wbrt hlrrt riiafiy friends among those attending HT con vehllon. "A woman shouid be permitted to Vole," said Mr. Chambers today, "becauad ill the SOth century she Is taking the same active part In Industrial matters ahd financial f. fairs that some men take. Woman bwfi property nnd pay taxes the same as men do. Theri some bf oUr women bankers pos ses3 the same ability ns the mert bankers do. In Some ot our Iarg6 elites" In thlh country wo have women whbsa wealth Is far larger than that of tha entire mile population. If anything makes me tlt-ed. It" Is to hear some gent come forth and Say that the woman's place Is H the kitchen or nt the cradle." SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES FRIENDS' GENTIM And its Elementary Schools offer rradsfl rourto of education from kindergarten to sal- its. Wrll for Year nook of rates, JOHN W. CAnrt. I'h. D., Principal, lsth and Raca SU. Strayer's justness Collcga Bummer School now open. Day and night. In dtWduAl acHnncement. Charges moderate. 13 gln now. The "Ad. Men'a Convention" la being reported on the Stenotype, which tn Philadelphia Is laugnt only at fatrayer Uualneit College, 8th nnd Chestnut St., Walnut 384. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL 'Vlmontovt:rfo.afc.h'Bt?ml5k Young l.ndlm nnd Olria MI.SS MAllSllALL'S SCHOOL I'OK unit unarming location xu r.l'n. rrom mil. College . wuic, Art, DO iletlca. Bend .for :tL9 Mile preparatory nnd general couraea. Mualc.Art, Do meatia .sriencc. uuiaoor ainieuca. uena ..XI tAlaloc" Hin n. S MnrBhaU. Oak rane. Phlli Young Men and Boya cr.ditui: ttciiuoL. nucits co.. pa. Ororrfi School Co-educAOonol with Sep ocorge Jcnooi Brnte Uormjtonr nuiidlnra. College Preparatory, aleo Manual Training and banltatlon couraea for boya, UJT acrea on Neak nmlny Creek. Athletics. Frlenda" man. George A. Walton. A. M . lTln.. Boi 283. Bucka Co.? t"a. DBVON. PA. sl'U.US JUMOK hCUUOL A country day and boarding school for boya, 8 to IS. Thorough elementary vvork; advanced methoda. 11AUK II. C. fcl'imtH, HHADMASTEIt. Box USD. Devon. Pa. WENONAII. N. J. MILITARY ACADEMY WEMAH 12 mllea from Philadelphia, In town 'without factories or snlnona. U. S. Army ptnoer detailed. Speolil school for Junior". Catalog, lilt. C, Ji, i.OItr.NOi:. rreIJenti CLAYTON A. BU1e3 1'"' "" ""fl'ox 418. Wenonah, N. J. DLAIHSTOWN. N. A. BLAIR ACADEMY General education and preparation for milage or technical achool. College entrance cartlbcatc privilege. New gymnaalum with running track. VUlt the achool. You will be cordially wclwmeti John O. Shnrne. LL. I).. Ueadmunttr, Uu A. Ulalratown, N. J. SWIMMING . . "Y. J CENTRAL NATATORIUjtf M. Water changed dnlly. Three month. In C. icluJinc membership. 17. Six leaaona, Ml A. Islnelo anlm, 25c 1421 Arch atreat. aaai iiaaiaaiiiiagaill ! laaiiam iiaiiiiiiMaMlMlgaaMMMiail lllliieFrTWiragiT1!lTme " r V.. . "" s. ' 97... . . S.,lWlV W(OBvV ISS&X. W!BtXr!ZZZ-J T U"o ancr jcv t Em;BoysI Tv 1 If you love your flag and country; if you are a true-spirited American boy or man, be sure to read the "Patriotic Number" of The American Boy on sale today. It's the greatest issue of the greatest boy's magazine ever printed. "American Boys in Battle," in this number, by Sir Robert Baden-Powell, tells how American boys won undying glory in the field of battle during the Civil War. These are true experiences, written in a vivid way, and they beat fiction all hollow. Just look how the American Boy is packed full of clean, manly stories that thrill and inspire timely articles that entertain regular departments that give a thousand ideas for work and play. Here are the partial contents for the "Patriotic Number" for July just a sample of what you get every month and it costs you only 10c. "The Boy Who Lacked striotiro" Clarence B, Kelland How, as "a foreign devil," a narrow escape from the Chinese instilled patriotism into one boy, "The Hand of the Red Death 'I Barnes B.Hndryx A stirring adventure of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, with mystery, misery and mercy as leading elements. "Tho War That Was Not a Wer"-E. Alexander Powell How Florida came to be a part of the United States. The romance of history in fascinating guise. "Simple Camp Cookery" Dillon Wallace Tells how to make squaw bread, fried dough bread, flapjacks, roiy poly pudding; tells you what supplies are needed, etc Also in this Issue are) "The Ride of the Bicycle Kid," "The Missing Plans," "The Great Seal of the United States,1' "Old Glory," "How the Telephone Works," and other interesting, helpful features. 500,000 boys read The American Boy, the "Biggest, Brightest, Best Magazine for Boys in all the World," You will like it, too. It costs only a dime to see, any yvay, i Get a Copy Todayi AME TPFaOO mm Boy Only 10c at all News-stands Yearly subscription $I.OOt Can be ordered from your news dealer or the publisher THE SPRAGUE PUBLISHING COMPANY 44? American BuUdutg, Detroit, Miehif an i t t irTir Ti.1,11 n i ' - JfTTr - - y ' TwnTT mWmWrwimt 11 II iX II -3 11 M 'ts 1,J. - i i - i 4