Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Second News Section, Page 16, Image 16

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Twenty-three Departments
'Discuss Methods for
Reaching Public
Ad Men'a Program Today
Ministers Urge Advertising to
Attract 60,000,000 Unchurched
to the Pews
Mexican Crisis May Stop
Wilson's Visit to Ad Men
"Herbert S. Houston, president,
"Associated Advertising Clubs of
the World, Bcllcvuo - Stratford
Hotel, Philadelphia.
','The President bopes and expects
to be able to attend meeting Thurs
day afternoon, but, as you will
realize, in the present circumstances
It is absolutely impossible for him to
make & definite promise." If you are
willing, I suggest that you go ahead
with your arrangements for the
meeting. Will adviso you definitely
as soon as I can. ,
"Secretary to the President."
All phases of American business and ad
vertising wero discussed today by more
than. 10,000 ad experts, bankors, manufac
turers, merchants and business economists
at 23 departmental sessions of the Asso
ciated Advertising Clubs of tho "World. The
convening; of these Individual sessions sig
nalized tho Inauguration of the greatest
business educational movoment In the busi
ness and advertising history of tho United
Tho broadside of departmentals opened
this morning Immediately after the close of
the general session, during which Lowellyn
E. Pratt, chairman of tho National Edu
cational Committee of the Associated Ad
vertising Clubs, urged licensing of advertis
ing men
Noted clergymen from all sections of the
United States assembled at the session de
voted to church advertising and discussed
ways and means for reaching the 50,000,000
or more persons In tho United States with
out church adlllatlon. It was agrcod unan
imously that the best method of extending
the truth of Christianity to the great un
churched was through the medium of adver-
li using. Notea pastors torn now tney naa
t' advertised and filled 'emntv news. Before
the retail advertisers' department, John L.
Hunter, of Denver, Col., attacked bargain
advertising. Ho declared that the cus
tomers that bargain advertising brings are
polled by their continual search for
"something for nothing."
Before the department for national ad-
. vertlsers newspapers and magazines were
urged as the most effective medium for
placing products before the consumers of
the nation, in tne session cievotea to mil
posters experts revealed tho effectiveness
of bill poster advertisements. It was argued
that It cost the public nothing to read such
advertisements. At the session for teachors
of advertising college professors urged the
establishment of advertising courses In tho
colleges and universities of the country.
The various methods for teaching adver
tising were demonstrated. Business experts
addressed the department of financial ad
vertisers on tho effectiveness of the financial'
Use of display advertisements In the
newspapers was urged by experts at the
conference on community advertising. It
was shown how Nashville, Tenn., had gained
more than 300 conventions and 74 new
Industries by a five-year advertising cam
Industrial preparedness was urged by
William H. Ukers, of New York, vice presi
dent of the Associated Trade Papers, In an
address before the Business Press section,
"Wo would urge upon all branches of
advertising." he said, "the Importance of
co-operating with the Naval Consulting
Board In the confidential Industrial In
ventory being made under Its direction by
80,000 American engineers. Surely there
Is no better national Insurance against
Before the same section A. C. Pearson,
manager of the Dry Goods Economist, New
York, said that the successful trade paper
must have a good merchandising plan and
a well-conceived advertising plan. J.
Horace Lytle. of tho Shoe and Leather Re
porter, Boston, spoke on the training of ad
vertising representatives.
'C. 31. Clark, advertising manager for Rob
bins and Myers Company. Springfield, O.,
said that to make advertising effective the
advertiser should know definitely what par
ticular class he Is reaching In a given pub
lication and what particular style of appeal
Is most effective with that class. C. A.
Tupper. president Of the Chicago Trade
Press, Room Association, spoke on the op
portunlty of the business paper to partici
pate in the creation of foreign trade. He
urged the need of awakening American
business men "from the complacent dream
of home markets in which they are now
Indulging." He said the abnormal demands
caused by the war would soon cease.
The advertising business Is a business
for youth, according to the statement of S.
Roland Halt, of Easton, Pa., In an address
before the advertising teachers' session.
8. J. Hamilton, secretary of the Amer
ican Poster Company, of New York, told
the Poster Departmental Bectfon that the
old advertising method of shouting the pro
duct is drawing to a close.
"Poster advertising," he said, "la all Im
BorUnt In this aga of rapid transit, auto
mobiles and general hustle and bustle. The
poster appeals to the masses, and being free
la reetd Is freely read."
Ivan B. Nordham, told how a Brooklyn
Baking Company that wanted to impress
people with the cleanliness of its plant and
methods, took; the "plant to the people" by
way of tho billposters' brush,
Co-cperatlon," said William A. Thomp
son, director oi the Bureau of Advertising
cf the American Newspaper Publishers'
AiAoaUtlon, "has become a recognized
I&otor In our business. Q. Edward Buxton,
treasurer of the Providence Journal, ds
Uvtrd an address on 'A study of New
M9? Co -operation.
Provost Edgar X. Smith presided at the
gMMl nwlon this morning.
Lwllyn E. Pratt, chairman of the Na
ttaiWit Kdncational Committee of the Asso
ciated A4 wUslng Clubs, aald the time wan
pa Mr i!Unt when the advertising men
f tk oouittry would be licensed by State
Msaialnjf board, like physicians now
atrota rtaau of advert'sln
tsHi t-il of aa Investigation by
wfaiek fc mcbMsmA te tit rinsri
i 4
A.'t, H
.- ffrft
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flHBr 1p liHMHHsiSPIgHK
li Hi f m MM
A. d wmwm
9 n. m. Morning sessions, Uni
versity Museum auditorium, Provost
Smith presiding.
9!l5 a. m. Invocation, Bishop
Thomas J. Garland.
9126 a. m. "Tho Rotnll Mer
chant Wants to Know," Frank Stock
dalc. 9i3fi a. m. "Tho Foundation of
Better Business," Lowellyn E. Pratt.
10 a. m. Departmental sessions
and conferences,
11 a. m. Women mako tour of
city and historic nlnccs.
12:15 p. m. Luncheon at Com
mercial Museum.
12:30 p. m. Swimming contest,
University pooh
1:30 p. m. Departmental, confer
ences. 2:80 p. m. Women visit warships
nt Navy Yard.
4 p. m. Acroplano demonstration
nt Navy Yard,
8 p. m. Military and naval tour
nament, Franklin Field.
11 p, m. Cabaret at Arcadia.
"I've Heard It Said the City Was Slow, but I've Found
No Evidence to Back It Up," Says Mrs.
T. G. Baker, of St. Louis
The prettiest girl at the convention looked
around and smiled. Her blue eyes twinkled
ao she looked at the swarming delegates
In tho Dellovuc.
"What do I think of Philadelphia?" sho
"Just about tho best city In the United
And with that Mrs. T. G. Baker, of St.
Louis, smliod again, ono of thoso warm,
hearty smiles that are characteristic of tho
Mlddlo West.
"I'vo heard It said that Philadelphia was
slow," sho said, "but I'vo found no evidence
to back It up."
Not that tho prettiest girl Is unpatriotic
regarding tho chanceB of St. Louis for tho
next convention. Not ut nil. Along with
several hundred other delegates from tho
Mound City sho wants tho delegates to come
there In 1817.
Mrs. Haker for St. Louis and St, Loula
for Mrs. Baker. That's tho slogan.
"Wunt a plcturo of tho prettiest girl?"
asks "Charlie" Wccr, of Anderson, Ind.
"Just a mlnuto, I'll get Mrs. Baiter."
"The prettiest?" nsltcrt another delegate.
"Mrs. Baker la tho girl you want."
Anotjier girl who presses Mrs. Baker
cicely for the honor of being tho "pret
tiest" thinks Philadelphia on Sunday a
trifle Just n trlllo better than nowhere.
Some of tho art men In tho Now York dele
gation, Including Frank Mcdrann, of tho
Guaranty Trust Company, agree with her.
"Awful," said McClrann, as Miss Hazel
nmmons waH smiling for her plcturo.
"Yes," say they nil. but even at that
say that stntuo of Billy Penn looks great
at night.
amdnes4 as isvwtsgiwvn fev
Smtf I Wm ! la wtiw
t I Uthi
s." . "
ad liked best and giving tho best reason for
their preference.
The advertisements that proved favorites
wero attractive, according to tho contes
tants, becauso of originality of copy, up-to-date
treatment of .subject, catchy Illustra
tions, page dominance, brevity, human and
clever dialogue and pleasant, good-humored
stylo of illustration.
The result pf the Investigation, was to
show that entrants spectflcnlly referred
to Illustrations, to the topical naturo of
copy, to brevity, to headlines, to size of
advertisements, and to originality and sim
plicity of advertisement.. The humor of
sketch or copy, the cheerfulness of sketch
or copy; position, display; the fact that
tho advertisement was opportune, the fact
that the copy was curiosity arousing and
the price figured in varying percentage.
The advertisements that provoked the re
plies wero Illustrated. -,
Beauty Chorus Is Ballyhoo for Next
Ad Convention
One of the prettVit sights about the ho
tels and the meetMg rooms nt the Com
mercial Museum Is the girls that are plug
ging for Donver.
The 'Western city wants the convention of
the ad men next year and It figured, evi
dently, that the pulchrltudo of tho bidders
counted a whole lot. So they went nnd
combed Denver fine for Its pretty girls and
brought them along.
The girls don't talk much, but they smile
beautifully and generously. They hand out
literature In a way that makes one take It
all, and feel that the recipient gets tho
favor Instead of grants tt.
Canada Is represented at the ad conven
tion by 36 members from Toronto, Hamilton
and London, who have acquired, the habit of
making themselves heard wlierever they
assemble. Their witticisms and Scotch
plaid hat bands have already added re
freshing touches to the convention.
"We anticipated warm weather " and
brought our kilts; what's more, we are
going to wear, them." said Robert Corryell,
chairman of the body. On Wednesday
evening they are planning to attend the
concert at Willow Grove Park In costume.
The Canadian followers of advertising
proudly point to the fact that they are
"touting" the baby organization with them.
The London Club has been formed a little
more than two weeks.
Delegation From South Carolina
City Depleted by One-Half
Because of Call to
the Colors
Presence in Numbers Due to
Urgent Invitation of Cyrus
H. K. Curtis, Who Visited
isln Ssbnsbbbbbr4 pa?
j flLsssH$'
iSlllllbsBBMSK K SllbsBBBBBBHhlT 3 I t I " f
ItSBF 5aft ,, .,u.y"'y .,.,.... Su'Vil .??. s.'s-xa-afli RSia
Ad Men's Chronicle
"John D, Rockefeller Is here."
The report spread rapidly all over the
Bellevue-Stratford. As It spread It gained
like a widening circle caused by a pebble
thrown Into a stream.
Those who had Inside Information whls.
rered that he Intended to "buy up" the
convention for Cincinnati. It was rumored
that nothing could stop the Queen City
from getting the big meet of 1917, '
In the midst of ail the corridor gossip a
crowd of delegates, big, small, lean, fat,
medium and otherwise, spied the man of
wealth at once. They surrounded him.
They tagged him with buttons, badges,
flags, toy balloons and everything available.
"Mr. Rockefeller" stood still and gasped.
Then he found his rUnt hand shaking.
Ad men shook It like a pump handle,
"Really, I am overwhelmed; and I
think I'm "
But he could say no more. He was swept
along the corridor and stood on a. chair.
"Speech! Speech!" yelled the crowd.
"How about the price of gasoline?
Shouted some one.
Forming his hands like a megaphone.
"Mr- Rockefeller" shouted. "I want you all
to dine with me In the Purple Room at 3
Then he escaped through a side door Into
Walnut street,.
A. clerk' was immediately besieged as to
the location of the Purple Room. He said
that Mr. Rockefeller must have nude some
mistake in the color. He said the nearest
thing they had to purple was the Blue
Room. i
Many of the 4 men and others, therefore,
flocked to the Blue Room. They waited an
hour, and the room compared with their
teultefs when they ltarned there had been
a. slight mintalu.
The wan mistaken foe the oil king- said
h W A. D. MaKlimey, of Printers' Ink
tijj d St L&u.!.
'I UU4 to tH tb m X was, not tha main.
f "tOtM'gJWjBtJWMn," mi, -kQl tMyl
i"fWBTfc W awBHtaytflfrty-
Bk&BU;1 ": tot
There is ono delegation attending the
convention which hns been reduced to Just
half Its original numbor becauso of tho
call to arms In Mexico. Tho call for
mobilization came Just as this delega
tion the group from Charleston, S. C.
was ready to leave for Philadelphia. Torn
between duty nnd desire, half of tho dele
gation gave up their plans, which they
had been working over for a year, and
turned smilingly to answer the call of tho
President nnd the nation.
LaBt night a float, with a baner reading,
"Millions for defense, not ono cent for trib
ute," passed down Broad street In the pa
rade Although the watching thousands did
not know that the little group marching
ahead had been depleted by half becauso they
had Just taken tho first step to carry out
the spirit of their banner, their applause
was thunderous, for they recognized the
real Amerloan spirit.
On an elevated seat on the float was the
figure of Columbia, and beneath her was
that of Charles C. Plnckney, surrounded by
four figures representing the activities that
havo placed this country in tho front In
dustry, commerce, agriculture and capital.
The figures wero a mechanic, a sailor, a
farmer and a business man.
But In front of them wero the ad men
who have placed Charleston on the map;
A. O. Hoist, A. V. Snell, managing secretary
of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce;
George J. Jenkins, "Kd" Stothart. W. P.
Hyamsn, Jr., Daniel Ravenal, Alexander
Kullnskl, James S. Simmons, Dr. C. I.
Aimar, Charles Robinson, of the News and
Courier; T. A. Smith. M. A, Condon, Charles
A. Matthews, W. H. Mlxson and R. G,
Rhett, president of the United States Cham
ber of Commerce.
Watching them from the reviewing stand
were Mrs. W. J. Wolf, Mrs. T. A. Smith,
Mrs. C, P. Almar and Mrs. Alexander
The Charleatgn delegation has been given
a place of honor In the circle of ad men.
The spirit of patriotism which led half of
them to give up the pleasures of the con
vention for the rUors of camp life under
arms has won the approval of all, and
everywhere this loyal group goes Its mem
bers are polnteduo with pride and praise.
Man in Business Says It's Legitimate
as Any Other
"To characterize all medicine advertising
as fraudulent Is unjust, mendacious and
silly," sad Grvln F. Kemp, general repre
sentative of the Proprietary Association
and editor of "Standard Remedies," In an
address today to the Ad Men on "A De
fense of Proprietary Medical Interests with
Regard to Advertising."
"I believe," he said, "and my belief Is not
born over night, but is the result of a close
and Intimate connection with the business
lasting over a decade, that the business of
manufacturing and selling prepared medi
cines In packages In which they may read
Uy be recognized and Identified Is proper
and economically necessary.
"I believe and my belief is not born
over night In advertising, and In truth in
advertising. The great Industry which I
represent has demonstrated Its belief In ad
vertising year after year. In good season
and In bad; It has recognized the necessity
and the desirability ut truth In advertising
and this Is proven by the fact that ItB ad
vertising has not been Intermittent, but has
been steady and permanent
"No one here bellevts that any mer
chandising business can be permanently
maintained on any foundation other than
the Rock of Truth and our business' has
been permanently maintained as an adver
tising uslnM for a. century.
"I sunly am not tbe spokesman for or
the defender of any medical advertisement,
or any other advertisement which is bis..
Untly or palpably untrue, Advertisements
of this character and such statements as
if it's medical U' a fraud' ar both mlt
nalevou inventions. Palpably untrue
claims of medical virtu and (he assertion
ihat If It mHel it's a frawi' twiocjg; Jn
Ji8tWf- K4r W vertiF
t nMdiam nw rfee lisnouactt- Wmu!At
toil Mi truth
Optimism and energy nretlio chief char
acteristics of tho dolcgates from Honolulu.
They enmo moro than S000 miles to par
ticipate In tho convention nnd nro glad of It,
They have brought tho ntmoophorc of their
native town, Including tho ukulele, tho In
strument which hns gained great favor
during the last few years all over tho
world. It Is symbolical of tho harmony
which exists in tho Advertising Club of
Honolulu. This organization is up to tho
minuto In progressive Wens, and when tho
dolcgates return they expect to tnl;o back
many more which will keep tho club right
up to tho pftco of 1310.
Charles R. Frazlcr, captain of the club,
who piloted tho delegates to this city. Bald
today he was moio tlinn repaid nlready
for tho trip to the City of Hospitality.
"Oiir prcticnce hero In such good num
bers," ho said, "Is duo to tho enthusiasm
aroused by Mr. Cyrus II. K. Curtis, who ad
dressed the advertising men of Honolulu
during his visit thoro and told of tho great
benefits that would bo derived from visiting
tho convention. Ho Invited us here nnd
took a page advertisement In tho Honolulu
Star Bulletin to tell tho story of Philadel
phia." Tho men from Honolulu nro attracting
considerable attention. Thoy will Introduce
many of the novelties in tho way of amuse
ment for which their country Is fnmouB.
With Mr. and Mrs. Frazler In tho dele
gation nre Dr. R. W. Anderson, Miss Mary
Eynon, Mrs. A. L. Andrews, C. C. von
Itamm, Prof. A, L. Androws, Maurice
Erasch. Charles R. Frnzior, John Lcnnon,
Jack Do Sha, A. M. Webster, Stephen Do
Shn, J. D. Levcnson, H. F. Wlchman and
Tandy McKcnzlo.
New Yorkers Cabaret Hosts Tonight
Tho St. Louis nnd Cincinnati delegations
havo been Invited to attend a cabaret show
planned by tho New York contingent nt the
Arcndla Cafe this evening. H. H. Ahem,
advertising manager of the New York Kvon
Ing Post, has arranged for the Evening
Post Oleo Club nnd five members of the staff
to visit Philadelphia and furnish tho ex
citement for tho spectators.
$50,000 AD CHILD, AGED
Harry Joline, Jr., Is the Pet of
the Ladies at Mammoth'
The (50,000 ad child Is In town. He ar
rived today with all tho latest Jig steps and
sophisticated dance measures.
This 4-year-old boy, member of the Phil
adelphia Police Band, Is right at home In
the crowdod lobby of tho Bellevue. Why
shouldn't he be? He has been advertised
through the medjum of the newspapers to
the extent of (50,000 for tho four turbulent
years he has been living 512,500 a year.
That Is, tho number of yarns written
around him as a central figure and the pic
tures printed. If paid for at advertising
rates, would Jump to the $50,000 mark.
Not that he has accomplished much for
a boy four years old. Nothing of the sort.
Ho has only traveled 18,000 miles, won his
father and mother from Mexican bandits
by songs and shot through spaca In nn au
tomobile at the rate of more than 100
miles an hour.
With all that young Harry Joline, Jr.,
Is not so grown-up that he Isn't the. Idol
of many of the women at the convention,
who are petting this Philadelphia boy of In
ternational fame a8 they would their own
sLbsHE9sLIH9I8 satssBBBsmi
lj"j'J"g(WM0WgjgglM8ii.iTMMCTi im iniBii wpm
ShMMnWHVWMrni-n--rm-, 1-.-.- -
Miss Ednn Kiel, daughter of Mayor Kiel, of St. Louis, presided
the Missouri men's float in the parade Inst night.
Personal Side of Big Convention That Has Won Cordial
Welcome From Philadelphia and Whose Members
Are Enjoying Themselves to the Limit
Father Penn extends a warm welcomo
to tho admen even nt tho cntranco of tho
University of Pennsylvania 'grounds. A
largo framed poster of tho city's founder
In many colors nmld such an appropriate
background looks attractive and nrtlstio
to say tho least. Welcome, Indeed 1
"Looks llko commencement day at tho
University," one fair ono romarked to her
escort, Sho was commenting on tho many
men nnd women dressed In white.
"It Is a commencement day, indeed," her
companion answered. "Let's hope It's the
commencement of a day of real Hvo progress
and prosperity." 'T'ls so In truth I So say
wo all.
No doubt thore will be plenty of music
In Philadelphia this week. Ono Jolly ad
man, however, drow a laugh with a chest
nut, when ho sprung the old one about tho
bands on tholr hats.
Tho song of "Johnny, Oct Your dun,"
which was heard all last week In Old Philiy,
has clinnced to "Johnny. Get Your Cano,"
Judging from appearances, ono onlooker
snld. He was not nn udman; nnd probably
yet has to learn that canes nro carried for
comfort ns well as nnythlng olso. Even old
"Pop" AVcston, In hlo Instructions on how
to walk from hero to Frisco, said tho first
thing to do was to get a good walking
Even Old Sol couldn't keep away from
tho opening session todny. He showed his
fste Just after breakfast, It would seem.
He Is hereby cordially Invited every day
for the rest of the week, at least
Irvln F. Pnschall. chairman of the Ex
hibit Committee, looks like President Wil
son. That's how strnngors recognize him,
'tis snld. Tho resemblance Is striking,
though tho President Is n somewhat larger
man, physically at least.
P. C. Staples, of tho Entertainment Com
mittee, Is ono of tho many Beau Brum
molls of the convention. There are others,
of course.
Tho first advertising club of the world
Is said to have been organized In 1900 In
Chicago. It was known as the Mutual
Benefit Association. M, L. Mohr waB presi
dent; S. Samson, vice president; W. E.
Long, secretary, nnd Fred Deutsch, treas
urer. Among the members were Thomas
Bermlngham, W. J. Champion, F, L. Chase,
Edward C. Cone, J, Ellsworth dross. Jo
seph Doutsch, John F. Holllday, R, J.
Kittrcdge, E. C. Miller, F. R, Moore, W. D.
McJunkln, F. W. Rapp, C. W. Riley, P. F,
Kchneffcr, Jnmcs Sullivan, George W.
Trent, Fred Tweed nnd Philip "Williams.
Mcrlo Sldcncr, chairman of tho Nntlonnl
Vigilance Committee, who lives nt Indian
apolis and who is at tho head of tho
"truth In advertising" movement, will speak
on Wednesday morning.
Lowellyn E. Pratt, chairman of tho Na
tional Educational Committee, of tho As
sociated Advertising Clubs of tho World,
the "llttlo red school houso man" of tho
association Is nt the Bellevue-Stratford,
G. Herb Palln, of Los Angeles, who Is
said to mnko from 940,000 to $60,000 a
year writing advertising slogans for big
manufacturers. Is ono of tho leading West
ern representatives at tho Bellevue-Stratford.
Mr. Palln wroto tho carpet sweeper
slogan, "Any llttlo creeper can run a BIs
sell Swoepor," nnd tho Incubator advertise
ment for nn Incubator good In nny climate,
"It Incubates In nil tho States."
H. J. Kcnncr, Indianapolis, tho man who
wroto the play, "On Sale, $9.98," to bo pre
sented Wednesday afternoon, the parts be
ing taken by prominent advertising men
from many cities, Is stopping at tho Walton.
A 38-hour ride on tho cars preceded tho
nrrlvnl of the Shrovcport delegation, who
attracted considerable attention around tho
lobby of the Bellavuo with their stovepipe,
hats. Last year they won the DnIlnB' ladles'
prize, given to tho club for bringing the
largest number of women In proportion to
their numbers.
With this SHreveport delegation of 10 men
wero R. L. Baker nnd Allen R. Dickinson,
reputed to bo the grentest negro Imitator
"down South." "Ho can bust up a 'party at
2 o'clock in the morning," said Baker,
"Two?" asked Dickinson In surprise. "Not
two, but three or any ild time In the
morning." ,
"Cattcll Is my name," said a man whom
we nil know, "City statistician. Glad to
see you here." "Knows more about Phila
delphia than any other man living or dead,"
added a newspaper man for the benefit of a
dolegate from Los Angeles, who hadn't
heard of him.
"Sunny" Sydney Clarke, chief of the Con
vention Bureau of tho Chamber of Com
merce, was much In evidence with his ready
(Smile. He Is said to have Introduced more
delegates to each other than any one of tho
Asheville, N. C, Expert Saya
"Business Is Good and There's
a Reason Printer's Ink"
' Use of display advertising space In the
dally newspapers of the country Is the most
effective way to advertise a city, according
to a statement by N, B. Buckner, of Ashe
ville, N. C today before the session on
Community Advertising,
"Business Is good In Asheville," he con
tinued, "and there's n. reason printer's Ink.
Five years ago trafflo officers were an undreamed-of
factor In the dally life of this
beautiful mountain city; two years ago
Its growth had bee,n so rapid that they were
a necessity on the principal business cor-
"Six years ago, when the present admin
istration of the Ashevlllo Board of Trade
Vvaa Inaugurated, there were more than 25
vacant stores In the business districts. To
day there Is but one In the whole city. In
the meantime, many buslneis houses haye
been erected, and for the last four years
from iii to JH building permits have been
issued annually within the restricted area
of the corporate limits of the city, amount
ing to more than 11.000.000 a year. Build
ing operations in the Immediate suburbs
have amounted to halt as much more each
of tht years.
"The first two years of. the present man
agement of the Board of Trade were util
ized o building a strong organization and
creating a sentiment In the. minds of the
citizens for constructive work. Stress was
laid on the value of municipal publicity
and the idea that there Is no power so
great as the subtle Influence of printer's
Ink properly utilized."
Philadelphians Jailed for Stealing Auto
FQTT3VJLL13, Pa.. June 27. Allen
Knlghti WHiam Boyle- and Joseph Thone,
young men of Philadelphia, wr remanded
to JalJ after pleading guilty today before
Alderman Martin, of the charge of stealing
tba automobile pf John J Wlthtlder, of
Branchdal. IH Ihle city. Saturday sight.
Dnrli 'Pruaotf. also of PhllacUIufcla uaa
diaeharM. tut he was lmmiilari,v re.
.' .,. . rxatiU
rrriipniT r ww
Bankers Once Lacked Vision,
But They Advance, Says Trust
Company Manager
The first separate meeting of financial
advertisers ever held at a convention of
the Associated Advertising Clubs of the
World convened today,
John Ring, Jr.. chairman of the financial
department of the association, publicity
manager or ine mercantile Trust Company,
of St. Louis, and president of the Financial
Advertisers' Association, suggested that the
growing Interest banks ore manifesting In
advertising will have a large Influence
toward giving them a better appreciation
of advertising as It pertains to the business
of the bank's customers.
Mr. Ring spoke of community or co
operative advertising as a method that had
proved effective In the lumber, brick, ce
ment and numerous other lines of business.
"It should prove even more effective,"
he said, "when applied to that which rep
resents the accumulations of all other busi
ness that Is, money,"
H also urged making banking Institu
tions more familiar with the effect of 'ad
vertising on merchandising. He said many
financial Institutions were beginning to
realize the value and power of advert'
Ing, but the great majority did not know
how to use this power to produce results
for tho money invested
Fred W Ellsworth, publicity manager
of the Guaranty Trust Company, of New
York, said that one of the reasons banks
as a class have been so shw to adopt
modern business building methods Is that
"the average banker has not the vision."
"It Is my opinion," he said "that in a
majority of cases the bankers who are
skeptical as to the efficiency of advertising
maintain that attitude because tbty have
never given real advertising a fair trial
either because of lack of courage or, lack
of sense, or lack of facilities or maybe be
cause of jut plain, prejudica."
"" ' " '
Tennesseans for "Cinslnnatl In 1917"
The Knoxvlllt, Tnn,, delegation of 10
members will propose Cincinnati for t)ie
1117 convention. ieorg E Hill, former
president of the Knoxvllla club, lu been
thosta to introduce; ths Cincinnati &xm by
keari rcgardiesa of mil &lu3, .f',k4,,
Millions Represented iai
j-nuusunas or Device
Viewed by Many
Members Crowd Buildinc sw
Kn- All TIT..,. o. ir VW'S
"u" "" iJ' OUU JU1S.
play Thursday
Tho National Exhibit of the AteocW'
.....H V.IUUH in uousion Hall cm
of tho features of tho convention. N0 fo
mnlltles marked tho opening, but thouMisji
of advertising men and delegates r ..
on hand to view some of tho best tpeelnuM M
of advertising Philadelphia has ever tuM
Tho exhibit Is unusual, to say the ieait. '
Althouch manv millions of rtniin-t , -
Id MnPABHHf.il m ...Alt nn w... . . . "'
... .vf.VDU,,vEu, uu ,.jn ,. mure man 10 At. '
partmcntals of tho association, no namte f
of advertising firms nro mentioned, th. .
Idea being to ndvcrtlss advertising oi ihi'jfj
ocst Kind.
There are no booths, but the building
from top to bottom represents a riass tl
tho most catchy of nil kinds of ads. thtiili
nro mlnnturo stages, ball games, ani i 1
variety of bathing, hunting and other sport.
Ing scenes, whllo pretty faces, at iewtlj
print, nre then In bunches. The list U '
display features Includes menus, rir,;
bands, booklets, catnjogucs, souvenirs inl "J
a thousand and ono specimens of Amwlan '
tncenultv In tho ndvertlslnir IlM. Si
Tho exhibit will bo open from 9 a, m. to J
6 n. in. for delegates nnd cruenta onlvi i
will bo opened for tho publlo next Thursd.; At
noon. Whllo there nro many foatures which lii
...... .1.1 ,.a 1........1 ... n,,Mnn, , l a 1..k.L. ,v . V$
Instruction features for thoso In the .GV '
vcrtlslng "game" nro considered almost
Irvln P. Paschall, advertising m-iuter el
tho Fnrm Journal and chairman of the
Exhibit Committee, nt the oponlnt $Hi '
that tho benefits of tho exhibit to advirtli- -Ing
men would prove very valuable. Dele,
gates had been instructed to bring not.
books and pencils and get a few pointers
on advertising nnd Ideas and eujttloas,
Tho exhibit, they wero told, would tb fulp
of pep and Interest nnd. Judging from
today's opening, tho prediction was Justified, '
A list of nil the. features would be In.
possible. Ono large spaco of the. lower; J 1
.Imam tin,. !..&. .alrrtfnrl tft ft,A fl dvtlHt. ?ia
of nrtvortlHlnir In many forms. esilecUllr y',
In olty directories, where William 0, jO
Torchlnna Is In charge. The dlspUy fcu tl
all tho nttractlon of a well-niled library.
Interesting displays show the wonderful
results accomplished by newspaper irij
mnirn-lnn.nilvnrtlillnir. Tvri ftAtUre AViS
plays illustrate how the "newspaper tsmp
Btrnlgnt nomo nnu a sign snows ins cir
culation nil ovor tho country of many U
the larger magnzlnes. The setting It tint
of a largo hnnrt attached almost directly
to every largo city nnd every SUM la
Street car advertising comes In lot Its
sharo. A inrgo electric sign hu V-rled-colored
lights which flash, as the (lift ,
every tlmo 10,000 persons enter cars" in the
United States. Tho flashes are tjot je -nd
rn l..hi.nn Atinthnt dtsnlnv which Will
please both old and j oung alike ll that tt
the Poster Company, wmen hiusumw i
up-to-dato clovated station with posters i
oi mo uvesi Kina.
Tho visitor receives every attention sMj
miriaV Om,Mn1a WMP thfilr U8U-1 Ml-
m hnHva. Ilnv RfAtltN flrA On thfl J0b tO fe ?liffi
of assistance, nnd pretty as well as PO"","!;
girls behind many o: tno counters " -v s
explanation thoy can give.
. 1n.n nHn....l ln.nni.Ml1 fhn MnlDft 01
tho National Association of Employer Lltio-
graphcrs, which Includes 16U nrms tw
Moro than $5,000,000 In orders Is ala tt
represented there. Catchy signs an tne'e
in hundreds. Ono large advertisement. ott
a painted map of the United States, a:
"If the Kellogg Toasted Corn FWwj
packages, bought in one year, wert plw
end to end tho whole United States wOUU
be encircled," . . . v.
Just facing It are two pretty 'gl(l
smilingly say: if-y.t.
"During leap year we propose i UJJ'"
Biscuit." Dig Bens are held up 0 "Ow
ing roosters, whllo ono youngster, in P
Jamas, yawning nnd tired, falls asleep on sa
auto tiro holding n candle. He '
"Time to retire? Buy FIsk." S0
kitchen nds reail: nidus
"Let tho kitchen maltl be your kitchen
aid," and a rosy-faced baby says:
"An appto a day will keep the doctor
away." Keeping people nwoy from wo si
tractlvo exhibit would not be so easy,
The Exhibit Committee Is:
nvlw. 1108 South Dearborn street. CTlcwj J
CAllENDAHS Theodore It. OerlscB, me w j
DinECTOniES WlllUm D. TorcbUn.
ra(JJAwbHAi-uw.ittii b. . eat I
pullillns. New voric, while Atiicol-
"Bfefisio ?hT--B. C. Wick.. !" "
Vehlnton Bnuare.Ph'ladelpWS. w,MirMbs.
I.IT1 OUAl HX tnrouui" -.. -S
Ketterllnus t.lthoersphlns i.onn""..
Arch streets. Philadelphia. v T(Kilyj Uf
MAOAZINES Frank W-.V,'ir .
"In? A .4th ayenue.tftw Vorfc ., j.
r. independence
OUTHOOn ,811
lomaa Cusaek C
Iteuran and New
ger. Independence Square, rblla"iPm.,'.kaMB,
riiiTi-innn HinNS decree u- jo""1""
ThAmm r?n.H?k ComDahy, Chic
'ompany. Chloiio. -... yH
DI 1th avenue, New YerR. .vilion.L.I'""
oBPECULTIES-Charle. Q. "'wUtehW -tiling
Novelty Company, -s.0 Boutn
Railways Advertielnff Company, tanai"
!;. AVnX?.' -. K.nr. Merchant.' BA
Bulldln) IndlinApalU.
Secretary of AarllinVHone9ty Cas
paigner8 Describes Wr
The vigilance worklf the Associated I i
vertlslng Clubs of the Wort d " A
to newspaper, was a"f"JlN'& W
J. Kenner, secretary of the M""""
lanco Committee of the ,,.,0hc'nV-t prodttrf
'noneai -.uv-i .T." ,,.,11. nee WT "3M
is helped, not hurt, by the viMm Mmk j
of the aovertising v -.ttel Ii
are, of course, awake to the um q
.HL..rii.in r.olumns pay nnanc .,,.-. f .a
newspapers have proved tftl Vfr fc
are paying more attention JW"!U
tort V m wspaper radr 5S s4
He Ml that by quiet '""'Jjmtoat
friendly actlpn the commute e um
advertising practices which 3J(M fa
petltlvely and which- are oenw
trade development. ,,., comajltt
Tba Mork of the VrtJgfTJw.
is a service to honest MMlaest. n,2 W
aganda," Mr Kenner r.al,Mr7 im
mittee. do not ft ,$ .hW t
gather facta and let ?. vAtftla4
character of t& af'"'-! " f
They w thorough 1 Wy
UDMSie la Kw" "" T-I ,tjt
ana oiwwvi "- nit
an aaveousJW "-KT wSctsiiif
ts gdnssr&ni w
viiji-s sj1 & v-1