J.' EVElTOGf Q3PaBBPHlirADBL3?HIA; TtfEgDAX TOM? 2T, I9ET. , o r 'i -i ttiir t- - ii . " : Ka lSsmm fcfr Advertise to the Fat Way Envelope S r. a . "S j Manufacturers are working overtime merchants are extending their business people are hiving indus tries are striving and retailers are thriving in Detroit The fastest growing and hardest going city in America. Leaping to the million point in population and bounding toward" the billion mark in production. ',"' Make every dollar count where everybody is making dollars. Extend your sales in the city where plants work three shifts per dk" This is the greatest industrial year in the history of the country. : Skilled labor is getting the biggest wage in' the history of industry. And Detroit is paying bigger wages per capita than, any other community of its size on earth, - r .',". Advertise your goods where advertising is bound to make good; '". VI ii' --.'-? - I 'if It A1" f '' " , , -'-:'.t ; -'is .-. ' ' ' 4 .,: Petiwit Jtelfeis '',;'A.iu'. . i VgT : ?, fc to & r "S,i'E:?b!i!d !h!i commuity-m .. . , v Uv,hviiU uFu ils euiuriins ror tne narration and interpretation of local, national and international events. Eighty-five years of prestige and stability.' . . . ' :-.:-' The largest two-cent morning circulation.-in America; The paper the best people the best medium for your merchandise. Read at the breakfast table; not tossed away: on the streets.; tn',t-rl- : -J. 'S Ufa'" ' '-.HiV 1 if'T, I " . f - ' :iXt J- L JIICHIGAN'S GREATEST NTWRPiPnn ' . ; BIICHIGANJS GREATEST NEWBPAPEB VERREE & CONKEIN, Inc., Foreign Representatives t' ( v-.-t :- "V . New York Brunswick BIda -T4ChicaBo IStogerBldff,; N' .. 'rf". in jCZs t!sCrlSw'bw ' r " L' u'y??"'"-! " ' "" !'" '"yr1' "ii'1' ' '') '' iwr t," """"' m nnn ni'm i-i- 'Petroltv- X i T' ' .". V:' R: ''Atl . . f ! , . ' .- ',,-,,. , t,., I C "1 ' fcl" ' HiHn ...i.iii.ii.i.iii l!i,.Hn'ij, ,, Ml n-wnjgi im.- I1..L'