I MOVIE SHOWS FOR AD MEN WEEK EL. Films qt Stanley, Regent pews . . onjin PleaBo n the Photoplay Editor .a vtttk" started well In tho photo JfthSffi yMterday. Of n 1 the new ' view not one Buatcutu m nuims i ??.! erltleat In Its audiences imtS U "'i.. ,.. nf nilv fnrm n. tjj&rt know. U considerable of a WST Liily put forward ft Famous Tiny. k 'tSSSiount production with action in IlEwrV flnt rel. Tho story or aiyra, tna ELS dkncchftll girl, and her desperate IS'Jflf an English nobleman who sought J5? iSm through her tha evidence of his iZmi to An etato goes steadily on lo the ISfrMl with not a tot-up of Interest. But tL lis no gainsaying the fact that only !'',... unn nt tho Immnn anneal ft a Ilfi'rtorT wYars on miiwoiU In lifting the ..?.:.;. ahnvi tho lilah point reached IWoTnMt two reels by ft singularly ell lJ!7mM in n Frisco resort. As It stands iTitory wears on succeeds In lifting tho TJintl the girl square her broken prom- gto Wine mow uiiuubh ........ - - .... fSLf-l "missing paper"? W,ullne Fredrolclt again showed her mas- fW f the screen, uer impersonation 01 IiU. I. full 01 icntfu 1'owwi. .. oi.hi'w.1. ?.... .annnlnllv In llio CflHO Of Will. fin.liv ifntch. St York, with her elovateds and her fflylvanla station, trying to Imitate San ' JWclOi A decided relief from tho usual I. uula IfMpersonaiion ui hio muviuu ijua !"w:.. ,(. ImltntA Nrw York. f. i TrUtisle-Hort plctura has everything fc in favor from tho start, "Tho Apostlo fB.J!-i.. nt thn Arendln nil this week ?..i. arirtltlon. the luro of tho Cumberland Puiy an tho oxcltemout of tho Kentucky WZuL The econarlo, by ft newcomer In tho IlffUfille forces, Is ndoqunto ana tlio pro Iihm of tho Btory Is both swift nnd sure. aft tf the story or a minister cnncu oy mo ?tfecd of his father to his homo In Kon- Httrttf " substitutes tno gospel ror tne munlll a desperate moment when. llko fckiU ha eocs out and fights Tho two big :" tatu are excellent and tho memories of 1. !?Ll..l....... r?..l.li" nttrl "fli. TUftVl" In . r rttnllm scenes are clear, yet graced with r uMrlt new touches. Out Of tho apparently i brthiustlBle Trlanglo storo of bewitching s WW women comes hubs nana inomas to fiy QppoBltei Mr, Hart, as tho girl of tho j lStU family by no means a new trick. if Kr.JUrt himself plays his two best parts ill rolled In one, so tho total effect Is atrllc- Hkf. ntertftlnlng and exciting. Tlio Dim ' u t utile stop in tno long roau wnicn TrlUlfla has covered. Such a detail as itaffto a man falling dead without show ', ttt thl Shot fired Is an Indication of how fisia lntelllgenco the movie may now pro- on mo otnor nana, it may have censor. Kowb and other films are lf,'Sfiay'mile" film from the Ttttillon, "What Happened l.A.,riWV nf tf.M Knot Unh thi lUgent opened tho week with a tho Frohman Cor- nt 22." It 13 a otetoly of tho best "crook" variety. It i1' Cell a tale of forgery that nrouoea Interest f from the first moment and keeps It growing I tteidlly as threats and assaults succeed Walnil plots ana tho planning of forgeries. Tts Story has Ingenuity nnd surprise Its Htton Is steadily developed. ' TB 'acting Is aocoptablo, though hardly M i )ivel with tho scenario or direction : STrUUi' Kelson, as tho heroine, docs her : tit trlth no particular distinction. Arthur AtUey II ilttlstor but not ongrosslng. Somo CM hi) plays the chief of a criminal em- jlormbt bureau plays It very badly in tho eU, 014 lay-It-on Stylo. Anuiault on a criminal lawyer who Is tot upon ttho trail of tha forger Is par UiJUlMly well managed by tho vory clover tie St i4.Jesk first as a shlold and then a Mas for the spot whoro the assault occurs. Tha l?ArfMt rnntlnilflrl "Th. ffn'ar.Tin- WU," with Kathlyn "Williams. It Is a wn.reai nrm version or tno novel by Hex ,j!Mh. who wrote "The Spoilers." Orchcs tl, vocal a,na sccnlo accompanlmorfts add B the entertainment. , Wthe Palace shows today nnd Wednesday miditower," with Morguorlte Clark, a Ta I6JM Players-Paramount. Thursday, Frl- iCji. oaturaay comes "Tno jiguu iius- aa. witn uiancho sweet, a Laslty-Para- fj xl4y the Victoria has "Regglo Mixes r?,:,M vvu$mq j? uiruuntiu, unu viuyw ijeooiy way," with Wllllo Collier : TVeanes- iJJUUe Collier, Jr.; Friday, and Saturday, -ica rurpie Laay," with Halph Herz, and 'Alntiresa's Cup of Woe," with Mack Swain. Municipal Band in Mnnayunk r The Municipal Band, Under the leadership f Benjamin Roeshman, wjll play tonight I Roxborough avenUo, Manayunlc. The jfri louowB It I RVr.!?Ie'- L,ht . Cavalry" it Bin.? .fi?arlrt ' i b i ..."on ' Suppa Brooka . Oanna .LulElnl .Strausa Allretto. . i) Andante aoitanuto. fit. n."' Anantqi xpraalro. lcSSr.'roP 'f18 Chocolata Ooldler", .Haor aolo. aaiected. t to2?e,,eUon Wtotog Dutchman" .-WaaTier JO. ' "Wrt, "Ansa d" Amour,, ,'Waldteurel WSIllar IDtdl.l- "Tha ICInir Pln' 'wilm.rl fWladelphla Band Bt City Hall t .ae Phlladelnhtn. Tlnn nna t,a lan.p. SI, r.u ?lla.? a "ummel, will play tonight FC 7 HaI1 P'aJa. The program follows: II lfi.U".n,EurYant,8" l"l Von Weber a ellt, "Dlvertlisement,1, from C. St. K Daaca or tha Qloay OlrL ft ifyi J ana Final. It afiJlS"1 .''.Ui'ovater8" i . . . - Vardt lr?"."n"o. "WhUDarlnr 'Wlllowa'l!!Srri,!.r. eiecica. itrAltA antA TVl " bc;h:u. LYiIm TiVfi1?. unniwr D' A.bltei. reh, 'Tt,, Corcoran Cadata't Other Theatrical News on Page 21 .Herbert .Herbert fiuppe . ,,Bouaa EVENING LEDaER-PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 191G. 13 L ' SCENARI07REPARTMENT 1 , LESSON 18 (ConcludedTricks With Subtitles I 1 ri -1 1 1 1 v MliJ'!.in?.V.nl,"t Mr'nnally Rcennrle 1mo brtn 4aim S. TJjer will be felte nnrt Mr.'.'iV.?0'." eenaB to he iirodnfeinn rhllnflelphln Hh rhllailelphln tost. Mve nil the lj?n forrntnrp tclfrn.Mi in the wrllini of onr eccnnrlo. wllh B1SniV!!'!5 h"1 "llf I lml to Rnner in H rnrumm nnr queilions dealln . ... icsons nnu 01 cenerftl interent to readers. wll1.be feltawnt by n t.Dt oaf deallm dlreetlr By HARRY 0. HOYT irMl of the Metro Scenario Staff T "DEroitn leaving the subject of leaddrs tu r ?ubtlt,cs a more tnachanlcat use of them may be Illustrated. Sometimes a story will hot bo dlrocted to net the mdst out of It or Perhaps It proves, on Inspection, to be InlrinBlcally bad. The film editor will many t mos save n, film from being discarded by eietor subtitling and practically rewriting the story, , ,'lB "111 bring characters Into position as you would arrange a toy army. A character may be seen leaving a house. He stops and M,Jf.s ..rt nna ,hlnltB Perhaps tho original thought was that ho had just tlmo to get to mo banlt beforo It closed. Now, how ever, his thought will have a dlfferont mean ing because Just, before this sceno wa will eeo tho man's wlfo In whispered conversa tion with another man closo by. This last cen6 perhaps hnd been Intended as 'a meeting of slater and brother. Wo only, know that It Is a brother by tho subtitle, but the film editor sees possibilities and malies the brother a lover. When the husband leaves tho house and stops to think-he looks oft and sees the meeting of his wife and an other tnnn. The situation has been made by the subtitle. Many times when you find that n leader or subtltlo Is going to be too long you can wrllo It. Dy that wo moan you can havo one diameter .wrlto a letter or a note to another oharactor Instead of meeting thorn nnd telling It A letter or note allows you groator freedom than a subtitle. You may wish to convoy three thoughts as fol lows! "I linve been very slok or I would havo written you before. John did not linuamrannnnn commercial motion pictures nrairn3a:ainn:nij Advertising Men 'Swap Ideas at Conventions We will be pleased to give you some at any time. Our goods are silver-tongued orators .that speak in all languages. o Thoy make sales campaigns better and surer. We will gladly serve you anywhere at any time. DUFF C. LAW ' 204 Osborne Street, Wissahickon Philadelphia, Pa r:n::;r-it:r3i;: irir n rcKiniii raiirinr srirn:!r ir iziriiiriiiisunn: mrir rniinniniirir iritinn: fe ' ' i r- Prominent Photoplay Presentations For Window Display l Ttcichtnit tho public throueh I J I tho dcalora' window with tno II X I mont powerful sales talk. Ill I L Moving pictures of goods, lljjjj X 5 showing their manuficturo, uso I'll 1 1 S I I and what results follow their Ml X uso H a powerful direct form 1 X t of advertising, Wr BHBHr J VfcUI I lli ftJL i. Of B 1 1 In wttca for. e 1 iiipir &0dfahpo)&cW fir J iMllliilii iliiH3iiiiiiiiilllIilIilllllilJ THE PATHESCOPE Is tho moat powerfut publicity agent human, gen In a has oxer conceited wo have plans for direct touch methods with the uao of Pathescopo motion Pictures which iou mnv learn for tho asking Dozens of tho, vuuiiu Hivitmii luuuairiea ucccflifully and profitably uo 'athescopo Motion Pictures, PATHESCOPE, Inc. Crozer llldf., 1420 Clitslnut st. I'nuaueipma. Exhibition dally, 0 a. m. until 10 p. m WMk Juno 20 to July 1. Prominent Photoplay Presentations Om Book jOrpmi TITO follanlnc theatre! obtain their pictures tbrouch the STANIOSY HooUInt Coinpanr. which Is n lunrontee of early ahoulnic of tho lloeit production. All pictures reviewed beforo exhibition. Ak for the theatre la jour locality futalnlns Pictures throueu tho STAM.KY nOOKO COJIl'AMY. w ..... onn 12th, Morris & Paesyunk Ave. ALHAMBRA ssuiJSf T . CHESTNUT DELOW 1BTH "TIID APOSTLE OF VENaEANCE" Burko In "Olorla's Romance." mn .pi. ARCADIA Ilf C U.a m VVIH. iJ. Jioii Billla APOLLO MOJUroTi,JSDA.T Mary Pickford ,n "T,waS1' SIDNEY PIIEW COMEDIf BELMONT 1&. HSR , UW, ' MARKET 8:80, 100. ti-v... . n-sa. s. 0:30. laa Dustin Farnum in "David Garrick" &tTvB. CEDAR "SKS MARIE DORO in "TIID HEART OF NORA. gfrTNN" .1rIIMTklTI "QTII AND V AIKWUUiN I OIRARD AVE. MARGUERITE CLARK in "MOLLY MAKE BEUEVE" FRANKFORD 47U mAKK&im MARGUERITE CLARK in "MOLLT IAKS HEUEVE" LIBERTY Dn0AD AND " XV COLUMBIA t. ' UKADY Tre.ents Alicq Brady in "La Bohemo" LOGAN THEATRE w0 0A SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "ALIEN 80ULS" LOCUST B2D AND LOCUST Mats. 1:30 and 8.30, 10c Eves. a. 30. 8. D.so. IBs Robert Warwick ta "TIIB MAN Market St. Theatre a33 maiet VITAQRAPIt PICTURES Present Dorothv Kflltr " T1IK LAW --. -M, DECIDES WEST mir.inM.mu SpVERBROOK asD ANDB"AVE?, kW.MrAVAii0.UNT rRESENTS Waace Reid & Cleo Ridgley in AVE. iSEt "TIIB LOVE MASK" AVE. on's Child" 1MADP BOTH iKn lJ iy BALTIMORE AV3 1W. H TU ''CKIllmtlon f KimoNE V'U" k chin I ra "A Routrh Nicht" j U R E K A 0TH- ""KBT STS. fcOBfv,4llAIQU3 riCTURE affil?1,! )?! MOORE In tCrrmSH8 KOCKB THE BOAT' MATINEE DAILY tO 11 CfiTH ST. Theatre w Bel. Sprucw EVffn, 7 1 Hazel Dawn in "The Feud Girl" Cm Weanesday and Thur.d.y of this Dime Dumc First Episode GERMANTOWN Ka PAR AMOUNT PICTURE GEORGp BEBAN in "Pasquale" m rnr both market 2:ib.t-o GLUDEi $18,000 KIMBALL OROAN PAULINE FREDERICK? in THE SPIDER" ORPHEUlWf OERMANTOWN AND Wm. Collier, Jr., ln "TI,AI5y.GLE Keystone Comsdy "Hearts and Sparks" PALACE 1SH MARKET STREET Marguerite Clark in "Wildflower" DILUB BURKE In "Gloria's flomance" PARK niDOE AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. MAT,. Slid. EVE. 0:45 to 11 . .rTIUANOLE , Bessie Bamscale ,n SS3& SISTEfl" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET GTItERT TYRONE POWER in "THE BYE OF GOD" RIALTO GERMANTOWN AVE. mnuiu AT tulpeHOCKEN ST. MARIE DORO in "THE MPRAL3 pF MARCUS" M)UTU I Street Casino WA"OT rSS: RITCHIE in --.... nTiTFn.q LTlircj !1t t WwmviuMsnd1"1013 UiON CLAW" Pictures 10UTH IkJfAPlA BROAD AND ''tf&tff Jffi.w-tftrr, toISJPffu.. ri3gE ' u 12 Part, -ilt A On AVENUE THEATRE G1KAKU rrn and oirard avenue PTHEL CLAYTON CARLYLE BLACKWELI "HIS BROTHER'S WIFE" 7 a KUlloBi BROAD ST.. ERIE & Great Nor tnern qermanto wnaves, FLORENCE LAWRENCE in ELUSIVE ISABEL" UUS THEATRE a"8 5J8t?,0W WALLACE REID A.CLEO RIDOLEY In "THE LOVE MASK" JEFFERSON J0TH AEE?SUPmN VIVIAN MARTIN in A MODERN THELMA" LAFAYETTE s f? Henrv Kbi? in (The Stained Pearl" "gStfiftj " ..w Hwwu.ma tPAnPS? rORTYFIRWAND Hud Dwn t(Thti GW REGENT 163i ,,A.R?.?T street WU44V YOIOP OllOAN TS,ADV,MADB' masterpiece- FITXNCE13 NELSON and ARTHUR ASHLEY In "WHAT HAPPENED AT 22" RUBY MARKET STREET " BELOW 7TII STREET Blanche Sweet ,n "olSSSP 'SECRET OP TIIB aUBMARINE" savoy l?ll MATIKET K.IWG BAGGOT in "THB MAK rRQM NOWHERE" TIOGA mK ANDS VENANGO 6TS, Valentine Grant ,n "TWB 'n'nocent . "WHO'S QUILTY" ME" VICTORIA -- STANLEY W8WW ABOVE tTtf 4wiHK6tid rawine r redsne k in 41.1S y M, OI.A MARB' WWfiT'T,1w'wgw'lCTWWftWWiltlWilW take tho money. 1 saw Joe le&ve tha houeo the night ot the miirilei'," Obvlouely thin Is too mitch for n sub. title. We would show most of this by "fading back" If tha chfirn.c,tors meet, but we will suppose thnl It vfnH necessary to put It All over In r subtllta or n letter. Wo could cut tho tltlo down somewhat, but If wo ImVe k letter written we can In dtcnto how much nhd yet uso fiw words, as follows! " too sick to write before. John is Inhoeent I saw Joe ." We Would vlanetto tha letter when It WAS flashed to show 'only the Above. If leaves something (o tho imagination, but If tlie Incidents are will known to tha nudlence they will havo no difficulty In Bet tins' tho Import oftho letter. They will .read Into It All tho necessary Information. ' Such letters must bo- clovcrly worded, howecr, nnd you will And that rowrlt Ins them carefully Is w61l worth while. Transposition of sentences sometimes helps to clear up a bad situation. Sometimes you will bo In a quandary how to express your meaning clearly. Try using your last sentence first and see if! It doesn't help you. It stands to reason that tho sentences must b4 related to each other nnd mnrty tlmei tha dif ficulty lies In getting tho cart before the horse. Take such a subtltlo as this: "I want to ctenri tip such gambling dens. They are tho causo of the downfall of mcri Ilka jpu whd havo too much money to spend." Tho last sentence Is awkward You can not say: "They nro th6 downfall bf men llko you, etc.," bccnliso "they" refers to gambling deni. Chnnge the sentences about "Men like jou nro ruined In silch gambling dens I want to destroy them." Tha examples nro not of tho best. Like moat things good examples are not At hand Just when thoy are wanted, nut It IUus trntes the point, hnd If you write to any great cxten,t, you will find that thero are many opportunities for Jou to utilize this suggestion. Letters and telegrams In many casts do not need to be shown In extenso. The first or last part or perhaps only A sentence or paragraph will be enough. These, like sub titles, are factory made. They ore not pho tographed In tho studio, but made In the factory nnd Inserted Into the picture later. Perhaps many of jou hao seen a lady pick Up a letter and read It, nnd when the letter Is flashed, a couple of grimy, p6orly manicured Angers hold It, This Is poor work, but the causa lifts been shown. Outside of Icadeis or subtitle and let ters, notes, telegrams and ths llko, there are mnny other things Inserted In the scenes, but they ore nearly all made In the studio Perhaps a cloie-up or "bust picture" of a dagger llng dn the table Is shown. This will be mado In ths set at the time the picture Is taken. It Is poor policy to use many letters or telegrams In a picture, It Indicates, just as a prolific use of subtitles does, that you are unablo to put our story Into picture Ac tion or that you have your characters too far apart. If you have to wrlto a letter every 10 screens or so , you have a poor picture. An wo have remarked before, you get drA matle action it hen your characters coma In confliet. You must have tha clash td exclta Interest People Are not Interested Jn a correspondence. In conclusion, we can 6nly warn you again to be careful of your Inserts. Lees enre Is given them today than formerly. In making a one-reel picture there wera few subtitles and more thought was given them In making a f.ie-reel picture there are bound to be many of them and you are" apt to grotf careless. The struggle to hold tha story together well nnd to keep tho Interest going Is liable to mAke you forget the Importance of the substltle. Each one should be given minute attention, particularly In order that It can have no other meaning than the one In' tended, If you use poetry use good poetry. Poor poetry Is not poetry at all And only serves to bring a laugh from the audience, (WEDNESDAY LESSON 19 TIIB ' CLOSE-UP.) ' GRACE DARMOND announces PEARL WHITE The Most Remarkable Motion Picture Program Ever Presented K For Serials Alone! j The authors of these serials to appear during the coming 12 months will include 1 . ' Louis Tracy, Randall Parrish, Mrs. Wilson Wobdrow and Albert Payson Terhune Some of the greatest stars of the screen will be featured in these pictures, among them being Pearl White Anna Nilsson Jackie Saunders Ruth Roland Grace Darmond Creighton Hale Sheldon Lewis Tom Moore Ralph Kellard Roland Bottomley Frank Mayo "THE IRON CLAW," the most popular picture serial ever produced, and "WHO'S GUILTY?" a really great series of 14 distinct and complete dramas, are now being shown to crowded houses. "THE GRIP OF EVIL," a master plot in 14 chapters featuring Jackie Saun ders and Roland Bottomley, will be released July 17th. In early Autumn will come "THE SHIELDING SHADOW," featuring Ralph Kellard, Grace Darmond and Leon Bary. "The Shielding Shadqw" was written and produced by the men who made the "IRON CLAW." It has every thing that made the "Iron Claw" the world's greatest serial. All these forthcoming productions will be worthy successors to "The Perils of Pauline," "Exploits of Elaine," "Who Pays?" "Neal of the Navy" and the other famous Pathe serials. Pathe is proud to be known as the world's greatest producer of serials. The producers of this new $5,000,000 program include the Astra Film Corpora tion, the Balboa Company and the Arrow Film Corporation, on whose staffs are the ablest directors of the day. Withsuch an array of writing, acting and producing talent responsible forthe pictures the public is certain of rare entertainment. f With the quality of the pictures thus assured and with a vast publicity cam - paign designed to pack his house the exhibitor cannot lose. The Pathe Record More and Better Serials Than Any Other House in the Business THE PATHE EXCHANGE (Inc.) Executive Offices 25 West 45th St., New York , 11 11 1111 1 j in n 1 iL W 1 mm;p;,,lltmpmm1&WVm''"" u 1 mmCTn-gnicng n nLi n 1 i m min mjimniiniiin 7 AMUk KliSSOJI iit'i mi i?iiijiinj.jxii ay 4 ItjLjJII-- y ff"' rjjMi