Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Hi- ' -
N& Entry Fee Charged and
Athletes Invited to Train
at Woodside Park
Father of "Gold Dust Twins
Who Do Your Wash," Meets
"Sweetheart of the
All th boys competing In the Evekwo
tikmsen field and track meet nt Woodside
ParKJftexl Saturday are Invited to train
ayvor the rjuartor-mllo cinder track nt Wood-
. This, Invitation was extended yester-
" dy- by tho management of the park and
very 'preparation has been mado to accom-
" tnodate the crowd of ypungsters which Is
expected to accept tho opportunity to get
Into Rood condition for tho' series of 'ath
letic games to ba decided over the Woodside
Commencing with this nfternoon, the
drees! nir rooms will be thrown open to the
youngsters who are desirous of keeping In
shape for tho summer. Tho track Is In
splendid condition and the lads can use it
Without Interference from tho visitors to tho
park. It Is located at tho upper end of
this popular place of amusement and wjthln
easy access of all.
Never before In the history of schoolboy
Bthlotfcs In Philadelphia has siich an offer
been made to youngsters. Without cost
schoolboy athletes can participate In their
favorite sport every Saturday, In addition
to having a general training headquarters
Whero they will be welcomed at all times.
Tho gates at Woodside will bo thrown open
early In the morning nnd the boys will bo
At liberty to enjoy the uso of the track
up to sundown. -There will be a guard In
attendance at the dressing rooms and an'
other on the track, so that the lads will re
ceive ample protection.
It 1 also Intended to give tho boys start
ing practice dally. During the latter part of
tho week Director of aamos-'lirnest II. Crow
hurst will set apnrt an hour each aftornoon
which will be devoted to teaching the boys
how to get away from their marks quickly
for the sprint events. All boys know that
a quick getaway In the Bprlnts often means
a start of a couplo of yards, and frequently
a race has been won at tho start through
tho cleverness of the runner In getting
away from his mark speedily.
It only requires a satisfactory response
from schoolboy athletes to Insure more ad
vantages throughout the season and thero
i no reason why Wobdsldo Park should not
bo the established headquarters of school
boy athletes during tho summer season.
This, however, cannot bo arrangod without
tho support and co-operation of schoolboys.
The Eve.vino Lhdobr has arranged all
details. ' and Woodside Park management
has completed these details for the ypung
sters. It now remains "for the youngsters
to take full advantage of this splendid
All boys again aro reminded that no
entry blank Is necessary, and that the
games are free to all. Entries may be sent
to the Evexino Ledger office or Woodside
Park at any time, or boys may make a per
sonal entry up to noon on the day set for
the games.
No formalities, no red tape, just pack
tip your athletic togs and report to Director
Crowhurst every Saturday afternoon at
Woodside and enjoy a good set of athletic
Carter and Lewis Disbarred by
Reason of the Junior Age
irood, If, J., Juno 27. Alono In their glory,
without paternal restraint of any kind,
chance to sltco and pull to their hearts'
content over the links here today In tho
fifth annual Junior championship tourna
ment of the Metropolitan Golf Association.
Virtually every one felt he had a chance to
make a showing because of the absence of
Phil Carter nnd Reginald Lewis, who had
things all their own way In this tourna
ment at Garden City a year ago. Both
Carter and Lewis have passed the junior
age limits.
Eyan and Model Clubs to Stage Re
spective Weekly Ring Bouts
An lnterward featherweight fray, Char
ley Rear, 20th, vs. Harry Smith, 18th, Is
the headllner on the weekly Ityan A. C.
program for tonight, while the wind-up
at the Model will bring together Pal Moore
and Johnny Mealy, two South Philadelphia
Preliminary bouts at the Ryan follow;
Jimmy Sacco. U. S. S. Illinois, vs. Tommy
Hellly, 20th Ward; Charley Stein. South
work. Vs. " Joe Ross, Southwark ; Packey
Sullivan, Southwark, vs. Jack Dolln. 13th
Ward, and Joe Rowland, Tenderloin, vs.
Bud Gay. Tenderloin.
The Model's prelim card Is Willie Spen
cer, Gloucester, vs. Billy Illnes, Little Italy i
Charley Paggert, Southwark. vs. Dick Wells,
Southwark; Kid Gross, Southwark. vs.
Danny McCarthy, Southwark, and Ace of
Spades. Trouble Factory, vs. Joe Sway,
Pint race, part 1300, 2-year-old., aelllrur. 5
furlongsPrivate. 101: Idlollta. 104; Wall
Street, 10; Sweater Than Buaar. lot; Kentucky
Bay. 107; Keatral. OB; Lovelock. 09; did ill".
10j Sleepy 8n. 1Q9I ToalUno, 109, '
Second race, purae 1800. 3-year-old. and up.
aellln. 8 furlonga Brandywlne. 110; Privet
Fetal, 10T. Perpetual. 101; Lady London. 110;
Baby Cat. 10S, Dundreary. 113; Helen Thomp
as 00. Lehurh. 10T; Parmaaur, 108, Eulogy,
. Borax, 112, Tork Lad, lis. Alao eligible
Hedseroae. 115. Anxiety. 107; Kneelet. 11(1;
Tito, 109; Irlah Heart. 107; Our Mabelle, 100;
Itamerfcop. 100, Will Can. 103; Nygck. 103.
Old Bob. il2, F p. Gaiety. 08.
Third race, puree. Oakvtlla Handicap. 3-year-elda
and up, S (urlonca lied Pott. 100. Splutter,
118, Kama, 108. Tartarean. 113. Silk Bird. 100;
Moaa t'a. 100. llecla'a Flame. 08. 8lr Launce-
Fourth race. June Selling Handicap,
wear-old and un. 1 MI mile Broan
in;. Fountain Fay, 107 Cadeni. 110. Supreme,
EfeifPll Pes. 8" Copper Kin. 101.
fourth race. June Selllnr Handlcan. IfiOQ. S.
ear-eld ana up, 1 i-is rone uroom'e Edgi
Fifth race, the Hamilton Derby, It 000 added.
1-jtar-ald Itf oillea-r-Acuievement. Vi'ii Kin
Xestuna. 119. Sand of Pleaaure, 112; Daroro.cb,
JlSl Oieenwood 11 J. Peruglno,' 109.
Sixth race, puree 1600, 3-year-old and up,
atMae. fllllt and, mare. rollo pick's Pet, 1131
yils. 113, Mary Warren, 113; Audrey Austin,
M: 'Star Bird, 10; Gipsy II 'air. US.
Seventh race, maiden 8-year-olde and up, mile
CO lori-uaroio. -, iroui iy, jus: OpadU.
,181. Prbsa Mover 112. Antiseptic. 110. panel
l. HM, ?, -YI, V" 4V-1J IVII0
;sra. 109.
'Apprentice auflwsoce Ftauuco,
Weather, ir. track, feat.
.ataB" wbjt
n lgj.a .i
Jlarrey a4 Frfedmaa Win
TaV TOKlv . Juo ST Johtmr Harvey and
us ?, ii"i oivw, fuKna in a
mtea t the Olrapio A. C
Flout gJlnfaj. it lUflAr. hv
CAT. TrUAma.n &4rna.i th nfftttilu.
ewer Jtulnwr Murray la a hut lo-ruund
it tks lellKary A. O.. In WilUamabtirirti,
'Ul- u i H II I IB I
Hilt,. Noted Tkereujrfctrevl. IkuA
rH. Ky. Jtta -Xi
no raw gat
ta&v in LB
r &ern
mu at A
Slaps on the back resound In the hotel
Everybody that Is anybody Is In the
Handshakes spun t world and criss
cross tho United States.
The men that make everything that wo
eat and drink famous aro lost In the mael
strom of fame,
Dick McFreret, who mnkes sanltnry
domino sugar famous, was trying to Bweeten
the dispositions of several delegates nt the
Bellevue who lost their .baggage. The sugar
man Is regarded as a wonder as n peace
Mayor Dehrmnn, of tho Crescent City,
who la known as tho champion Mayor of
tho United States for long service, helped
In this work and mado tho men feel they
really ought to be thankrul for the things
that didn't happen to them. The Mayor
keeps happy because ho lives by com
oarlions. ,
O. W. 'lawklns, who lightened the bur
dons tt many housekeepers by letting the
Gold Dust Twins do their work, wns tell
ing Frank Grandln, of Gropo Nuts fame
and Chicago, how to clean-up business, but
Frank told him the old yarn about keeping
strong to meet your opportunities. "There's
a reason for this." he said, ana It couia
Harry O' Lynn, of St. Louis, otherwise
known as II 2 O, becauso he doesn't drink
anything but wnter, was hoarse from boost
ing the Mound City.
Phil Herman, a crony from the same
town, took up the nrgument where Harry
left off. Herman has a vivid Imagination
which ho says Is practical and he n'rendy
sees St. Louis and Its convention -o'ts fly
ing over tho guests of 1917.
Ad McKtnney, tho Trlntcrs' Ink man of
St. Louts, waa trying to convince Vic Now
haus, of Denver, that the Mountain City
didn't have a peak In for tho next conven
tion, but Vic declared that Denver's mlle
hlgh mountains nnd gcncrnl scenic effects
would put It nil over sunny St. Louis. "We'll
be throwing snowballs trying to get warm,"
said Vic, "when you'll bo carrying Ice-cold
coolers to chane the heat out of Missouri.
"That's Just It," said McKlnnoy. "I'm
from Missouri." And Fred was silent.
Charlie Moore, that humano person who
boosts Vcrmllax "for your dog's sake,"
was In tho midst of a complicated argu
ment at the Adelphla with Dan Flthlnn, of
Iowa, and trying tb prove that New Tork
was livelier than Waterloo. Rut Dan had a
number of things which sounded strong. He
nald Waterloo' led the country for making
farm engines while the only thing that New
York could boast was the greatest number,
of cases of nervous prostration every year.
Stanley Clegg, of Chicago, who llltes corn
so much that he sent the word "sweetheart
of the corn" around the world, spent much
best thing on earth for health and happi
ness, but he beat n retreat when Johnny
Ring, of St. Louis, financier of Its fight for
the, next convention, convinced him that
money was the greatest cure for gloom and
gray hair. Ring has a trunk load of money
here to swing the next meeting for St.
Louis, and the Mercantile Trutt Company of
that place Is remaining open day and night
In case ho might want a million or two
extra to buy cigars for his constituents.
And to prove that the Mound City was
absolutely neutral, Joe Oberwlnder suent
many perspiring moments explaining to
Clarence Payne, of Cincinnati, that the
D'Arcy Advertising Company handled
Coca-Cola as well as Annhcuscr-Busch and
Cascade Whisky. Clarence said It was re
markable to think that any whisky could
be named after a waterfall, and Joe re
mrked that this wns the best Illustration of
peace and neutrality that could bo found.
New York State Boxing Body to Act
on Whitman's "Suggestion"
NEW YORK. Juno 27. Bouts between
whites and negroes, now prohibited, will be
legalized by the Boxing Commission at a
meeting to be held In Albany tomorrow.
Fred Wenck. chairman of the commission,
who was the only supporter of mixed
bouts when the question of nllowlng them
enme up before the board last winter. In
dicated yesterday that It was tho desire of
Governor Whitman to remove any sus
picion of discrimination against the negroes.
Until the question of forming a negro
regiment wns broached Whitman had no
Idea there was such a thing In tho noxlng
laws ns a rule prohibiting a ngrn in box
a white man and when he heard of It he de
cided that here should be a meeting of the
commission to rectify what he believed was
unjust and Illegal discrimination.
Whitman believes that Public Service
Commissioner William Haywood, now or
ganizing a negro regiment, would face criti
cism If he asked for negro volunteers when
they are discriminated against In. the ring.
K&BLKKBKRKIUKEnBnKBnBBmr4? 4 ?-;-1 1 v"tFT.f .ssEgKlMrllgagtgf
WHllMBIHITM 4 v '-. iaHM MBaaHaUaHgcccccccccccH
3g"g"g"eelHKflcnKfla"3ra t $uryKBmfflimwKmBMESSamWmmm
KBBHBiiBSSSimsh. Tfflw"ngiifflfflH iilll.igiggligigHKwK'
(""("3g""ggHtenr I is.. JaWlglMiKeTOe-gTBfy WKLmmB11&wSaHmWmWmKMmmmmW
mSXmBT y I t tWwi 1 I Worn JMi
IIIHgdHMWgtW ,WrMPwN; V J x. & v?iY$it&-543&i&U
They're So Used to Plugging for Others That the Mere
Suggestion Embarrasses Them One Man Who
Dresses Well
Fairmou'nt Band at Strawberry Mansion
The Falrmount Park Band, under the
leadership of Richard Schmidt, plays this
afternoon and tonight at Strawberry Man
sion. The program follows?
Afternoon, t to II o'clock.
1, Overture, "Tantaluequalen" Suppe
2, Walta from "aipsy Love" Lehar
3, Bemtnlecencta at the moat popular
worki of Chopin.
A. "Melodlea of the Day" ,,., Bemlck
fl. "Invitation to the Dance"..., Weber
8. Suite from "The 8wan LaUe" , .Tachalkowakl
7. (a) "Loin du Dal.,..,, , Qlll't
(bl "llol.omoko." an Indian Inter-
meuo , ......Reevea
8. Excerpta from "Dollar I'rlnceoa" ,.,..,, Fall
Evenlnir. 6 to 10 n'Clofk.
i. overture, it tiuarany ,
8. March. "Slav''
8. (a) "Brautlltd." from "Ruatla Wed.
ding Symphony" doldmark
lb) 'The Flag; of Victory" ,.Von Blon
4. lUllat aulte.'La Heine da Saba''.. .Gounod
5. Deecrlpllve. "A Hunting Scene".... Buccaloal
2- 8ra.n1 c;nee from "Taonhaeueer".. Warner
7. Walta. "My Dream" . ....... ...Waldteufel
8. Melodlea from "Tbe Fireny1' ...,.,.., Frlml
"Btar-Spangled Banner."
Ad Floats Parked on Broad Street
Floats which will be used In the big
advertising pageant on Monday night will
be parked on Broad street north of Colum
bia avenue, between midnight on Sunday
and I m. on Monday. Captain William
J. McFadden will arrange a detail of police
to look after the floats.
Bryn Mawr Reds Win at Polo
Two thrilling falla by J. Coogan. the New
Yirker, playlnz with tUe Uryn llawr Whltea.
marked a polo game at Bryn Mawr yeaterday
in which the Uryn Mawr Bed, captained by A.
M. Colltna defeated tbe Wbltea. led by Alex
ander Brown, 13 goal to .
Cleveland Tries a New
Scheme; Numbers Players
CLEVELAND, O., June 27.
Cleveland American League players;
wore numbers on the sleeves of tneir
uniforms in yesttrday's game with
Chicago for the first time in the his
tory of baseball so far as is known.
The numbers corresnond to similar
jy numbers set opposlW the players'
names on tne seorccArus ana score
board, so that all fans in the stands
might easily identify the members
of the home club.
Tba scheme is similar to that fol
Jawid by many of the leading college
jafnna ui football gamoa.
Try to get nn ad man to talk about him
self. You'll find that he doesn't know liw.
He looks at you In amazement. Interview
ing the Sphinx would be a "cinch" In com
parison. No other word expresses It. This
is duo to the fact that the nd man has
spent his life talking about others.
"Bill" Mum, of Columbus, head of the
Mum-Homer Advertising Agency. Is Just
such a fellow. Those who know him say
he's truo to his mime.
Mr. Mum's watchword Is efficiency. Ho
declares It'n the best word, ns far ns busi
ness Is concerned, In tho dictionary. Ho
holds up tho German nation as an example
of this policy, and wades Into the subject
with much energy.
To the charge that he was n hyphenate
Mum replied today that he's not a German
American or an Cngllsh-Amcrlcan.
"What aro you, then?" asked ono of
his cronies.
"I'm nn American-American," said Mum.
There was considerable mystery around
the crrrldora of the Bellevue-Stratford
concerning the visit of Henry J. Fries, sec-rotary-treasurer
of tho Erie Ad Club. Ho
buttonholed every club president available,
and whispered Incessantly. It was per
sistently rumored that Erlo was going to
pull something big, and It was very plnln
that somo of tho nil sleuths, who hope to
land tho next convention for their homo
town, wcro considerably worried.
Whon Questioned concerning his constant
activity about tho hotel, Mr. Fries simply
replied, "Not a Word."
But the object of his mission was learned
These Stars, With Jim and
Marion Harkins, Are Decided
Hit in Good Show ""
Tho power of tho home, whether It be
humble or great. Is tho message told In
"Tho Christmas Letter," a heart-gripping
playlet, which heads the bill at Keith's. It
Is tho work of Roy Atwe'U and won the sti
ver cup for tho best sketch of tho year
produced at the Lambs' Club.
Thomns A. Wise, fumed on the legitimate
stage for his success In strong character
roles. Is featured Tho story Is simple nnd
Intensely Interesting. , It Is centred in tho
nevertheless. It Is to gather up all tho dressing room of a theatre on Christmas
stray Ideas which float around (and Ideas
aro running tampant) nnd carry them back
homo for tho Ad Club In Krle. Ho nlso
has another Important work to perform.
That Is to select a room at the Bellevue
which will harmonize with tho sartorial
equipment of Charles W. Chnbot. president
of tho Krle Club. Mr. Chabot Is n pace
maker for glorious malo creations, and will
flash many stunning outfits upon tho convention.
Sultan of Darfur's Territory,
160,000 Square Miles, Will
Come Under British Domain
as Result of Victory
The brilliant little campaign In Darfur.
which ended with the defent by the British
troops of Sultan All Dinar on May 22, will
bring under British domain about 100,000
square miles jjf territory Inhabited by a
population estimated at between 2,000,000
and 4,000,000. Descendants of the Sultan
Mohammed have ruled In the country for
approximately 400 years.
Until 1874 Darfur was entirely Inde
pendent, but then It was conquered by
the notorious slave dealer Zobelr Pasha,
who carried on a savagely cruel rule of
terror over the natives under the nominal
suzerainty of Egypt for 10 years until he
was ousted by the Mahdl. At that time
Slatln Pasha, the Austrian-Egyptian, was
the official representative of the Egyptian
Government. When the Anglo-Brltlsh forces
later subdued the Mahdl nnd brought tho
Sudan back Into Egyptian possession Sultan
AH Dinar, who had been confined for sev
eral years In one of the Mahdl's loathsome
Jails, was placed on tho throne and ho gov
erned hid people with all the savagery of
an uncivilized "Eastern potentate, nt tho
same time maintaining friendly relations
with the Anglo-Egyptian authorities at
The "Bull of Bulls." which Is 'one of tho
titles of tho Sultan of Darfur, apparently
thought the time had come when the world
war broke out to display his strength, and
he gathered a considerable army of tribes
men on tho frontier of his territory with
the Intention, it Is understood, of advancing
on Egypt, which ho had heard was weakly
defended and at his mercy.
This nsscmblago of warriors soon came
to the notice- of the Anglo-Egyptlan staff,
and a mobile column was Immediately or
ganized to meet and advance. The British
ofllccr In command eventually came to the
conclusion, when he discovered how well
armed the native forces were that It would
be advisable to strike the first blow. The
British column thereupon took the offen
sive, with the result that tho natives were
put to flight after a severe engagement. In
which they lost thousands of killed and
wounded A fljrhtlng aeroplane took part In
th engagement and afterward scattered .the
fugitives fleeing with their Sultan to the
Considerable discussion Is proceeding as
to the future government of Darfur, In
which subject the French also are Inter
ested, as tho territory .adjoins their Suda
nese possessions.
Former Philadelphian Pilot for Newark Ad Men Frank
Chance Takes One, With Phony Money Some
Other Convention alities
A confession was made by Morris jScheck,
who Is here as the pilot of the ad men from
Newark. He figured once In Philadelphia
as a newspaper, advertising and theatrical
man and Elk. It was noticed that the
straw hat ha wore yesterday was rainbow
tinted, It was all colors; yet it wasn't
any color.
Morry said that he had It especially
painted that, way so that the visitors wquld
ask questions. Finally, he admitted the
truth A man near Broad Street Station
was selling hat bands of changeable silk,
The vendor claimed that, )lke the cham
eleon, these bands changed color in the sun.
Scheck put one on his hat.
Then It rained.
The colors opposed each other and parted
company. They ran all Over the hit and
also decorated Scheck's collar and tie. He
saved hU suit by making a record run to
the Hotel Vendig. The vender disappeared.
Among the timely yarns unfolded by Mac
Martin, who Is here with the Mlntaapoll
ad men, is this:
"A boy and girl were playing store. They
agreed to open their own establishments
and then take turns being customers.
" 'When you come In my store.' said the
boy, 'I't cheat you. and when I go Into
your tor you qcn chrat me.'
"But the girl didn't like the Idea.
" 'lfou can cheat mo, If you want," she
said, 'but if you do I'll not be your cus
tomer any longer, and you can't have a
store without a customer'
"And the. ga,me has to ba played along
Iwnest Jinta real buinea." Mi Martla.
"If you cheat the customer you soon lose
both him nnd the store, too."
The moral effect of a good ad club was
shown In a tale by Leonard A. Paris, of
Muncte. Indiana. "Frank McNaughton and
I were rivals In the department store line
In Muncle," he said, "We were doing our
best to outdo each other and things wero
getting warm, when the advertising club
brought us together. The club thawed us
that we could both get along better If
we were friendly and praised each other's
goods. We followed"thls suggestion and
now we're the best of friends," "That's
so." said McNaughton who overheard the
tale, "and our business la steadily Increas
ing." Frank Chance, of the Indianapolis Ad
Club, thinks that he waa Justly named
"I accept every opportunity," he said to
day, "and I doolt believe In missing any.
A dog tried to blta several .id once near
our house and I chased blm. He ran up an
alley and In trying to catch him I stumbled
over a nocketbook. It contained about 110,
A lot of kids In our neighborhood wanted to
give a picnic, but had np money. A the
owner of the py'cketbook could not be found
I gave them the cash I found to enjoy them
elves, I was congratulating myself upon
belyg able to give, (be youngsters a good
time, but I was too aopn. The money
prgvedftto be counterfeit, fo I bad to dig
down ago supply my own cash for the
Chane eay "he will bet WO to I that Jn
dlanapolla will lt Vice Pri4ent
Fatrba.uk and MawkaP' be rtyjtj caadj
date, bothlivt feOwHe!twa.
night. John Ilono. the leading man, ex
pects to hear any moment of tho arrival of
an heir at his home, many miles awny.
Davo for wasting his time on such "silly
who yearns to be homo with his wlfo and
daughter, tries to -cheer Hope by reading
n letter rent by his little girl. Tho man
ager of tho company entbr3 anddlscharges
Davo for waslng his time on such "slly
sentiment." He also tries to destroy n
Christmas tree In tho nctor's dressing room,
IIopo denounces him nnd resigns. In the
midst of these complications a message ar
rives announcing thnt a son has been born
at his homo. This nnakens recollections of
the manager and he begs forgiveness.
Mr. Whe gives many heart touches In
the role of Dave. Ho Is supported by Albert
Parker, Boy Fnlrchlld and Edmund Shadet.
The playlet won emphatic approval,
Loulso Dresser, -prettier than over, sang
a number of songs of tho past nnd present
In that aitlstlc manner which long ago mado
her, a musical comedy favorite. Her best
number perhapd Is "Down by tho Erlo
Canal." In this she was assisted by a
boy In the callery, who aided largely In
bringing a stroug climax to Ml&s Dresser'a
After a successful tour of Australia and
other countries, Jim and Marlon Harkins,
two Phlladelphlans, made their first ap
pearance at Keith's and scored an Instan
taneous hit. In order to crowd as much
comedy as feasible Into their act and give
the audience the 'worth of Its money, Mr.
Harkins told stories while his fair partner
wns singing.- This caused somo quick
complications and a show down. Tho
comedlanthen found he had the stage to
hlmBolf. 'In ordervto sat himself straight
with the public he confessed that he was
somewhat smitten with another girl on the
bill, Mr. Harkins then unfolded a lot of
Interesting gossip about his coworkers In
tho Bhow. It was getting highly Interesting
when Miss Harkins, looking very stunning
In a brand new June gown, appsared and
Hat kins waa compelled to cut tha interest
ing news, much to the disappointment of
the listeners, especially the women. Tho
Harltlns pair have, a" sort of an "I-knew-you-all-the-tlme"
way of working which makes
quick friendship with the audience. This,
combined with their songs, talk and original
"business," reaped no end of applause and
many bpws.
Flanagan and Edwards were seen In their
familiar act, which seemed to go better
than ever. William Carton and Company
appeared In "A Regular Business Man,",
Gautler's Animated Toy Shop, a clever
animal act, delighted! the kiddles and grown
ups too, and Al Shayne and the Vlegler
Twins and Ellworth won favor with enter
taining offerings. Charlie Schraeder, leader
of the Keith orchestra, Is the author of
"The Poor Richard Club Match," which was
played for the; first time. It Is Inspiring and
timely. J, a, a
In a tcrpslchorcan act; William K. Saxon
nnd Company In "Cloaks nnd Suits;"
Hunter and Davenport; Phil Bennett, and
Knrsoy's Myraphone, a musical novelty.
The pictures wcro new and Interesting.
Tickets, Pleases Cross Keys
W, B. Prlcdland's "Tickets, Please," tho
headllner at the Cross Keys Theatre, was
warmly received Inst night. It 1 a tabloid
musical comeuy in iwo scenes, nna wun a
capable cast of 22 persons. The scenic ef
fects nro especially pleasing. "TlckefB,
Plonse," will remain throughout the week.
Anderson nnd Burko, In "Home, Sweet
Homo"; tho Four Cut-ups, versatile 'come
dians, and tho De Lassies wero other acts
on the varied nnd Interesting bill.
Mablo Hamilton, comedienne; Will Arm
strong and company In tho "Baggage Man,"
nnd Theodore Bamberg nnd company will
bo seen at tho theatre during tho last half
of tho week.
Novelties Nixon's Grand
Ruby Cavalle.and Company, In a musical
nnd dnnclng novelty, hends tho bill at the
N'lxon'o Grand this woek. The piece Is well
staged, and tha musical and dancing num
bers attractive.
"Tho Lady From Delft," a Juggling act,
with quaint and plcturesquo Dutch settings,
Is an attraction worthy of, merit. Other
acts Included Powder nnd Capman, danc
ers ; Brady and Mahoney, In the comedy
skit, "Tho Fireman and Ills Chief"; Harry
and Anna Seymour, and Mr. Toganfnnd
Miss Geneva, who danco all tho latest ball
room steps on the slack wire.
mk nRimnmiu
"Wo Can't Understand HowfcJ
1""-U,"-M ijnuugn jfear Can
Be Good for Country, Say.
William Hanley m
William Hnnlev. nf irrn.. .. .
who lm ,tn .. ..'.' l-nt, rwH
velopment of, a wiid.S'StW!
nnv ntlior m l,n ...,.,.. ""I thkki
one of his rare vacations. On bir mt
.mo man iuu miles from n rallv v. t'S
spent tho greater part of his life bi
Irrlgnton canals fnr ih .... M'WIlS
willing pconle. and has hart n-t?1 .an "Si
step of his endeavor to mak. 7.A.V 'WJ
gon n whlto man's country. H hi. tfSI
Indicted more times than nnv i!?.!..Wl
tho Slates for violating obsolete Ututi 'I
For peoplo of tho Country type liv..
seir, sniu Mr. Harney, "conditions art Z"
Just now. The cry of the 'higher ".tSl
living' Is no bugaboo ; It la an asL I
aro Just getting to the point whir. Si
country Is demonstrating thnt u ." "E
caslor to raise consumers than nrodiI
Condition". In th rnllnli-vT " .PFPflUcM
country nro neglected, and they i!
understood by the-grent bulk of p0nl? S
.,. ... ,,,,,., unit ul u ine0ry or camwuji
credit system Is In tha cities, and In ti$
country It Ii n sort of Burvlval of the lUtMtl
that makes It possible for a few men td !
to a city and get real credit and atmtr ttl
to their labors In the country, Mille thdii
sands who havo no bnnker'a ear HterM
Btnrvo by tho wayside. 3
"Hnrney County lsdevelopng, but notfi
ns rapidly ns It Bhould. Like any plonewl
rnm. t.i.t...l u l..ltl--.i . ... ClieflJ
.ui uuiiuiu uiu i.iviii.umuii 01 me ffrt&teM
portion of tho country. We shall h i.K
bo capitalized In order to have our '!
Bnllrnnn rnt-nlnlmil Ami I t-i t. . ' 5
to capitalize on account of our poor couu-
try credit, Tho country Is a Blow wheel, Mf
all crcdltn seem to bo too fast for It 0w
cities and townn nro already built, and,lfr
that reason, It seems that tho young mini
opportunity lies In them. There ought to WJ
Buch a premium on efficiency that efflcljul
yuuiiK iiiuu wuuiu iju tLiirucieu 10 Ine COUH-tj
try. fl
"As for tho political situation In ,0regoa,3
to get. Oregon Is nominally Renubltain. imt 1
between tho two candidates and wljat they ?s
stand for It la hard to make a choice. Pm.S
linns If wft wnrn nn thft frnntUp lib. ..
people on the Atlantic coast, we should bf
stronir for nrcnarcdness. We pnnnnr nM..' (
Btand, ns It Is, how preparedness throujha
ienr can no a. goou ining ror tno country.?!
TOrwi. ut.-i... nH.i Yirn-A .i -.. i'.iH
,T,Vll AIUKIIO J"" ff I.OUH Ull 1MB uQuiuer ior,J
ino i-resiucnuni election, me choice bl
goods Is so technical nnd so close that It'2
puzzics a plain man. ;
"In my opinion the United States wllP
soon have to ndopt a broader theory ol j
making opportunities for Its peopje. wVJj
cannot frever g n raising a bratul newj
herd of folks, herding them, giving thaif
education nnd ctilture, and then exptcTWS
go out and take hold of crude condltom
wimuui Kiviiit, mem ;remi wun wnica lOjk
do something. S
"Tho peoplo of tho East don't begin tj
realize tho vant productiveness that tleijtf
the soli. Our country should bo full bf raettS
and bread all tho time. I look upor till
importation or rooustuns, especially nuK
from Argentina, as a national dlsgrace."jj
-. . -J
Tries to tun vvite, Unas uwn. Life
ALLENTOWX, Pa., June 27. Ullcha
Preto. who, attempted to ltlll his Wfe an4' jlil
then -shot himself yesterday, died Li'rt hlfhtiw ij
In the Allentown Ilorpltnl. III yejlt
nlan 1, th, Vinnnltnl. ntirt liar MnAltLn l-'
critical. 1" ' M II
Hetty Green Reported Improved
NEW YORK, Juno 27. The condltlwot
Mrs. Hetty Green, "the richest woman ln
tho world." was described nt her home here..
today bb "very favorable." Denial 1 i
made that she wa3 suffering from a stroke j
of pacajysla
llagspai the Seal
.j-. j- tr i n - 'J iTVIliw i i VT"AW " " liinii.MilT.fAl M s!3
Primrose Minstrels Glol?e
George. Jl. Primrose, dean of black-face
comedians, and a capable supporting com
pany of singers and comedians drew many
laughs at the Globe Theatre. Old songs
nnd new are Included In their repertoire, and
the "JoUesmlths" have been busy manufac
turing new Jokes for the ad men.
'The piver, the Seal and the Mermaid,"
on aquatlo novelty, presented by l.ew
Wealeyt was well received, as were Pierre
Pellltlere and Company In the timely and
interesting dramatic aketch. "10:40 West";
Mack, Albright and Mack, the three boys
from Bonglandj. MacCarton and Do Wolf,
FW SUtor. Low VwM Uet Btnle.
"yyun oux v.cjtton la inelud""
vw tl VM M4HiUt,
Shooting thevfamous rapids of WW.'
Sagu'enay River, with its atupendou
Capes "Trinity" nnd "Etornity."
Up-tp-dato Canada Steamship HotiU
at Murray Bay end Tadousac.
Fre from Nlf W .
TnMDnlrttil nd return . vH?
To.Qute and r.turn
theSt, Lawrence is only one of
the safe but exhilarating enjoy
ments of this 800 mile journey
amid lakes, rivers and old-world
travel haunt.
Tha trip includes tho Thousand Islands.
the exciting descent of the marvelous
To Siguenay River and return
A.nJ Kn nonf,!. (. ll!.l,.lrt hnntkf. wnMB MnH dulda 'o IOHN P. PIERCE
AMt.P.M.Tr.ffle MgrC.o.da Ste.roihlp Lln.e, 110 R. & O. Bide., Montr.il, Csn.
.w Modern frtrtiirouf Ueaou Hotel, fielnt
directly on tne ocoau. Uv.ry comfotL llalhlnf.
dttp ea una Inluiui llalilus, .at. In, molar bot
In. Uood auto ruada. Oolf. Tennu. Dlr.cl
tr.ln .irylc.. C. A. WOOD, LiM.
tor booklnir rr.nrinenta. write or pnona U. P.
TAdE. at tha Holtl Walton, PblUdalpbU.
wiunvoop1. y. j.
S AVOY ,BMh front! runnlns water; private
"" " w x ath. Cap. 500 Auto. W. H. derst.1.
Dtlawaro WttterSoup, l'a.
redon. Capacity 600. Kiery modern
Only hlgh-claaa modern hotel In this famous
Blon. i.iDicitv ouu. r.ierv nuu.rn i,iir
menti exccptloual culaln. Kreoch chef a, Orcu
ru.iuua, uui.iu.. irvnn rntwm. arfrivm.
Qo f. teanla. flahliur. etc. Cafs und srlll
Oarase. Special early aaaon ratea. booklot and
S."tJ'!?f,,na"'.0i Coactiea net tralna. Jul IN
PUHDY COl'B. IQ year of Water Qap House.
. JJ! hot.rWuh'the incouiparabla altuall
1.300 fMt above thr aea. on lha aummlt
the Allesbenle Golf, teunla, boatlrur anil tbe
saeai ol rrcao-vraier baibloars .Ucirls llibt..
eleam teat. etc. . Alao bungalow, tun meal.
UllX&il CvSoDTBMiD.,..J ,,n'
jPA.t iiOTRr. An niTiis
EiUJi of SOOO acre. J20O feet anov
era level. OiraUye watere rival thoa.
ot llailoiiUid and CarlaUuL Moden
piei. ouuwor l ladoor dtr.raloaa.
I "
M,J5.PEiII3. Umutr
r y
9 0. I,IU:PJ T1? D?!k
JktwHaaU & Minima Trn. ,Ca. L -mVr"0. VA -
Mi H4
ni- ikrtkin nfitrxrr liniFliOF
owwrnaiup w",'V'uMiil
Vermont Ave.. M' , lt!-, un it"1''
Hilh claaa. IS up datlyi ,VMAtBTillrl
RISLEY'S ?& H!ti&3i
dally. Front oo ocean. j.jj
8TU.NE llABBOfit
ciirxin TTATnn cSs,J"i.
n,i, .,n.. H. Perm product. 'u
fo3"rrearT";S5 BlanfllliT City ":&
xafii ciuo,
fi club. boardwalk, fAU'JS.bW M0M''
bllruc Wd boaUoit llAonw m
47. at. Sotet rU BoroWbCtaia
rEffaAVBN B2)f
avAijiN. y. J.
. bMlthleat reaort aioM lt;rJM, '
anera aud co-miry uimMM ."S ..
lHh .Bd WaaiW x. A. ft 1