lrmmwmmMWmwS mmmmwmjp wwiwyTiy' wjmrmwf(Qw ? - w rvw 'jtl,ww'1 wnwrwr -wwr" -.-t v-r ..j ' ,"'r'3 ' 7rwRT' -n TWn,',!l g'TTH'"MiP.'PJiilUjmiP EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELrHIA, MONDAY, JFNE 26, 101G. 5 I , SPECIAL TRAINS RUSH WITH 17,000 GUARDS TO FRONT Troops .Break Camp andl Start entraining at Wood's Order ft. m I EXAMINATIONS WAIVED 1 WASHINGTON. Juno 28. Two hundred thousand Nntlonnl Guardsmen nro now under nrms nnd will be ready to bo to the Mexican border within a week, according to estimates of tho War Department today. When President Wilson Issued hh call for the State troops n week ago It was estl mated, upon reports by Adjutant General of the Various States of December 31, that 130,000 men composed tho National Guards Blnco tho call, the Department otllclals today laid, at least 70,000 men nave been re cruited These flguren nre haBed on report of recruiting being received from each State. NEW TOItlf, .lune 20 By tomorrow nt the latcit 17,000 National Guardsmen from Ne,w York, New .tcrsey, Concctlcut, Ver mont and Massachusetts will be on trains ipccdlng toward tho border. Major General Leonard Wood's orders for this, force to proceed at once to the border met with Instant response from the olllcera nd men. At Camp lleckman Major Gen eral O'Jtyan, In command of tho New York Guardsmen, communicated the orders to him to commanders of th6 7th, 14 th and 71st Iteglmcnts, the 1st Cavnlry and 22d Engineers nnd -several detnehed units. Not since Spanlsh-Amcrlcnli war days thas the Department of tho Kast, with head quarters nt Governor's Island, been kept 'open all night ns It wns Sunday. General Wood was on tho Job virtually 21 hours ills was tho task of selecting the units from the State troops' to make up the number of men asked of hlpi by the War Department In addition to the New Yorkers mentioned boe. Wood Issued orders to the Collow-JnsV New Jersoy rrouaniy tnc Bin ininntry; two cavalry troops, two field artillery bat teries, one field huspltal, one nmbulanco company. Massachusetts Second, 5th, 8th and 0th regiments of Infantry: one battalion of field artillery: 1st squadron cavalry; signal corps, one field hospital, one ambulance .eompany. 1 Connecticut First and 2d Infantry; Yale University field nrtlllery battery; signal corps; ambulance company. Vermont Ono regiment of Infantry. New York's troops will servo In tho Brcmnsvlllo District of Texas; those of Massachusetts and New Jersey will go to El Paso. Official announcement of these assign ments was made by Colonel Balllnger, of the Quartermaster's Department, U. S. A., At Governor's Island. - ORDERS TO PREPARE. Orders to make ready for Instant orders to move were sent to tho Guard command ants In Florida, District of Columbia, Vir ginia, Georgia, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Majne, Rhode island, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee. Entraining orders for these forces await only formal report from State adjutant generals that the men are ready and fully mobilized. , Regimental commanders In the States where Immediate movement was ordered worked the greater part of the night com municating with railroad heads nnd arrang ing transportation facilities. -It was admitted today that ordinary travel would probably be die tracked for the next few dajs to Bermlt expeditious handling of tho trooni. the thing that may delay actual departure of New York and New Jersoy guards, nt least, Is desire to await arrival of special supply trains from tho Schuylkill supply depot, Philadelphia, carrying equipment. Dtit State commanders without exception 'reported their belief they would be able to begin troop movement this nftcrnoon. Tho ffupply trains nre expected some time today. So urgent Is the demand for men that medical examination will be waived. Rcgl- 'ments which reached full war strength hv hurry-up recruiting during the last few days will take their "green" men along, hoping tor time to train them upon arrival in Texas. 48,000 IN GUARD CAMPS The number of National Gunrd troops of the Department of the East In the mobiliza tion camps grew Sunday to 48,000, accord ing to Major General Wood's report to the War Department. Tho men are prepared to ntraln for the Mexican border at an hour's notice, ho anrfounced. wilt entrain here some time this afternoon or early tonight for the Mexican frontier'. Tho battery Is n part of tho New Jersey quota In tho 60,000 troops that have been ordered from National Guard organisations for immcdlato service. Tho battery stnrlcd to break camp this morning nnd found It necessiry to leave behind some of their horses, because they ttere not sufficiently broken for use Mat tery A, of East Ornngc. will go with Unt fery B. The first organization to leae here will be tho flpld hospital (Elizabeth), which Is ex pected to get tinder way by 2 o'clock this nfternoon They will be followed by the nmbulanco compiny (Red Bank) nnd the batteries Troops A nnd C of tho 1st Cav alry Squadron, will follow Immediately nnd tho 1st Regiment of Infantry (Ncwnrk) Wilt bo last. The troops will bo moved to Ron Antonio. Tex , via Memphis, Tcnn When the or ders wrro received here for the movement ef forts wcrejmde to secure Pullman rut. but It wns found that all had been ntnman deerort by the Quartermaster s Department of tho- regular army The fotir-dav trip must how b made In ordinary day coaches my in iiegimcnt. or Trenton, and tho 3d, of C.imden. now expect to be railed here for mobilization, one of them being osed to complete tho brlgnde depicted bv General Wood's call for the 1st Regiment. Six trains hnc been made up and Ocn Sadler announced that ho expected tho entire force to entrain before evening FIRST 15,000 OP flUAKDSMN WILL flO DIRECT TO ItORDEK Funston and Staff Plan for Dispatch of State Troops RAN ANTONIO, Tex, June 20 General Funston nnd his staff made haste today to complete plans for distributing tho State troops, the first of which nro expected by tho mlddlo of the week. The' first 15,000 Guardsmen that entrain will not stop here, but will proceed direct to tho border. The regulnrs they will re lievo will be sent direct to Pershing. "I nm ready to say the word," said Gen eral Funston today, "nnd I have no doubt of tho outcome, but It Is nil up to Wash ington. They must press the button." fiLI AUSTRIACI IN PIENA RITIRATADAVANTIALLA 0FFENSIVADI CADORNA Numerose PosizionS Conquistate darjli Italian! nella Zona tra l'Adige cd il Brenta in Vigorosi Attacchi I DUELLI D'AKTIGLIERIA CONNECTICUT STATS (itJARl) WILL LEAVE ROOKIES IJEIIINI) Saven Hundred and Fifty Recruits to Get Quick Training CAMP HOI.COMB, Nlnntlc, Tonn., June 26 Adjutnnt General Cole, of the Con necticut National Guard, has received or ders from Major Genernl Wood to move his troops toward the Mexican border ns soon as possible. Approximately .1000 troops arc at ramp about n quarter of them recruits Most of the latter ore not armed and they will not leave with the first detachment The news of early cntrnlnment wns received- by tho nillltln with cheers. MASSACHUSETTS guardsmen TAKE TRAIN AT ERAMINOHAjI Eighteen Specials on Two Roads Leave Gamp Whitney CA'MP WHITNEY, Framlngham, Mass, June 20 The Massachusetts troops of the National Guard broko camp early today and started entraining for Mexico as fast ns baggage, horses, munitions and equip ment could be packed aboard the 18 trains furnished by the Boston and Albany and the New Haven roads. ROMA, 2G Glugno. Flnnlmonto nnchc sulla fronte H.illana si hn la B'nnde ofenslva da parte del gencrale Cadorna II quale ovldentemente npprofltta del fatto cho gli oustrlncl hanno in comlncl.ito n r'tlrare truppe dal Trentlno per Invlntle ad arrestare la grande of fonslva del russl ncila Galizin l.c truppe aiiklrlache rhc erono stnto lnnclnte per In v adore t'ltalla lunno lnlzlnto un movlmento dl rltiintn gurvrnle dl f route ml una vlgoroslsslma offcnslva Incomlnclnta dal gonrrale Cadorna, come e' nnnunzlato W (lcl.ilmcntc oggl. Gli Itntlnnl hnnno conqll stnto poslzlonl occupato dngll nustrlacl a Cnstel Goberlo, Mclette, Motile t.ongnrn, Galllo, Aslago, Cesuna o Monte Cengio. l.e conqulsto plu' Important! gll Itnllnnl lo hanno fntte nella glornnta dl lerl. Kono lc plu' Ingcntl f.ttte In un slngolo nttneco dngll Itnllnnl dalle prime scttunane delln guerra, I.e truppe d"l generalo Cadorna hpingono In loro offcnslva col plu' grande vlgoie, npprollttnndo dello spostnmento dl truppe nustrlachc verso la fronto dclla Gatlzla e dclla Bucovina. 11 colpo plu'ravc gll nustrlacl lo hanno nvuto lerl nl centre contro l'nrmntn cen trale austrlnca che nvovn Invaso II tcr- rltorlo Itallano. Ivl gll Itnllanl presero nl ncmlco poslzlonl Impoitnntl su una ironto dl 15 mlglla, conqulstnndo Monte Cengio c Cesuna, n sud-ovest dl ABlago; lo poslzlonl dl Aslago c la borgntn dl Galllo, che c' ad un palo dl mlglla da Aslago. II gcnernlc Cadorna ha comunlcato nl Mlnlstero delln Guerra I'lnlzlo dclla sua offenslvn con II seguento breve di'.pacclo dnlla fronto: Una energlcn offcnslva e sfata In Izlota dallo truppe Itallano. II ncmlco ha rlplegato su ttltta la fronte dl nttneco. Ie notre forzo hanno rlcon- quistato parecchlo poslzlonl che erano state prose antecedentemente daglt nu strlacl nello prlmo settlmane delln loro oftenslvn. Oil austrlaci sono stntl resplntl da per tutto dove sono stntl nttaccatl. Essl nve vano fortlflcato nssat bene le poslzlonl cho avovano conqulstato antecedentemente. m.i I cannonl Italianl hnnno Ictternlmentc scon volto tutte le uperc dl dlfcsa che gll nus trlacl avovano costrulto. Oggl II Mlnlstero dilla Guerra pubbllcava II seguento comunlcato ufllclale sulla situ nzlone alia fronto Itallnna: II ncmlco, Incnpacc dl penetraro nella nostra llnea dl dlfesa c premuto vlgorosamentc dalla nostra contlnua of fenslvn. e' stato orzato a comlnclaro II suo movlmento dl rltlrata. La nostra offenslvn contlnua vlgorosamentc Nol n'-Mfimn rro'imto dl nuovo l'lmportanto nodo stradale dl Mandrlclo e lo poslzlonl dl Cnstel Gomberto, Melcttc, Monte Longnrn, Galllo, Aslngo, Cesunn e Monto Cengio. l.'cco II tcsto del bollettlno pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlsleto delln Guerra In bas nl rnpporto del genernle Cadorna: lerl trn I'Adlgo ed II Brenta si c' nvula un'numentata nttlvlta' dell'nrtl gllerla nemlcn Nol stendemmo con successo una cor tlna fuoco nella VnlHrso e nella vatic del Poslnn, c dlslruggemmo nlctine po slzlonl nemlche n sud-ovest dl Aslngo, Ira II Monte Cengio ed II Monte Cnmpl ello. n nud della Vallarsa e tra Punta Corbln e Cesuna Sconlrl dl fnnterla si sono nvutl nella zona dl Camplglln, nil ovest del I'oslnn. nello vlelnnnje dl Mcnegtu-ttl ed n sUd dl Arslero, dove nol ntaccnmnlo, e rleacclnmmo Indletro II ncmlco Noirnltn valle del Cordcvole e neP'nlta valle del Ilolte si sono nvutl violent! iluelll dl nrtlgllerln Lo slnzloiii ferrovlnrle de Innichcn e Sllllnn, nelln valle dnlla Drava sono stnte dl nuovo bombnidnte dalla nostra nttigllerla dl groso inlibro. Aeroplanl nctnlcl hanno lasclnto en dere liombe su Tolme.-.zo. Porto Gruaro, Ponte dl Plave c sulla lnguna ill Gr.ido, son;M far vlltlme c fncendo soltunto llcvl d-inr.l. PIRANOE'BOMBARDATA DA SILURANTI ITALIANE E' Cominciata Su Tutte le Fronti la Grande OtTensiva degli Alleati JERSEY GUARDS BREAK CAMP AND TAKE TRAIN FOR MEXICO First Regiment and Cavalry Troops Quit Sea Girt CAMP FIELDER. SEA GIRT, N. J June IB, Battery B, Field Artillery, of Camden. Un dlspacclo da Roma dice che II Mlnls tero della Marina ha annunclato che torpe dlnlere itallano sono entrate dl sorprcsa nel porto nustrlaco dl Pirnno, sulla costn dell'Istrla, e no hanno bombardato le opcre dl fortiflcazlone, Compluto II bombarda mento, lo sllurantl sono rltornato senza dannl alia loro base. Intanto contlnua, splnta con grande vigore, l'oftenslva Itallana sulla fronte del Trentlno, ed II genernle Cadorna annuncia la reconqulsta dl parecchlo importantl posl zlonl che gll austrlaci erano rluscltl ad oc ouparo nello prime settlmane della loro of fenslvn, L'nrtlgllerla itallana ha polverlz zato le opero ill dlfesa cho gll austrlaci l nvevano costruito. Nel tempo medesimo I russl hanno supernto la llnea merldlonale del Cnrpazll e sono entrati nella Transiivania, cloe' In tcrrltorio ungherese. lerl stesso gll ingles! hanno bombardato violentisslmamente le poslzlonl tcdesche nol Belglo a In Francla, In preparazlone dl una grande offcnslva che sta per comlnclaro anche 11'. Come si vede, e' suonata l'ora del "'reddo ratlonem" per gll .lmporl centrall ed 1 loro alleati. There's a plate on for vou at all the 'anscotn's Restaurants Piepasect Remember to take home a box Hanscom 6 Candies 1 Fancy Cliocolnten and Mixture. 3Sc and 33c. t Fine clear ritnillea, SSo lb. I llenudfnl Plilln, nnuvrnlr box dainty Chocolate, SOe. 1232 .Vfnrkrt Nt. 12'il ( hrnfnut Nl. f: MnrUrt HI. 731 .Vlurkrt St. We want to extend a glad hand of welcome to every visitor. The Hosfcins Store is the greatest perpet ual business show in existence. It is located at 9th and Chestnut Streets more specifically 904 right opposite the Post Office and Federal Building. We're waiting. Mp VvtlQi IS ttlC TnThi 'CCristt .a, Wm. H. Hoskins Co. 904 CHESTNUT STREET Stationer? Engravrrs PrintersOffice OutAtters Upas l M H M M Pwrn XJUJILJLJCJUajCJiJCJU3UIUKJi)LJ LOCOMOBILE i M M 1917 JL he latest Locomobile has the lowest Chassis of its type, Foreign or American. Its design specially adapts it to receive a fine body, thus giving the owner greater ease of en trance and exit, superior comfort, and a car of finer proportion and more distinguished appearance. In engineering excellence and smart vehicle building the 1917 Locomobiles now on exhibition, win the closest to perfection in mo toring, ' r, THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA 2314 Market Street At the Advertising Convention M M Members of the New York . Delegation Are Wearing Suits Made of '"S325EC3 CRASHO" UEG. U. S. PAT. OFF. CLOTH f M I 1 Sk && lllill iSo Co untersign i ? 9? of And with one voice the thousands delegates to the Advertising Men's Convention answer- 66 R U H i ?$ We heartily subscribe to your motto, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, and we second Father Penn in voting to you unlimited hospitality and good wishes during your stay in our city. Back of this pledge stands a business organization which is daily rendering a sincere and truthful service to the army of 400,000 gas consumers in Philadelphia. Our 4,000 soldiers of service not only our adver - tising department, but every department are cautioned that they must deal in absolute truthfulness with con sumers if they expect to be useful to us. When we advertise a reduction sale, our public knows that it is a real reduction and 'that the reasons we . give for granting it are true. When we say that an appliance will consume a certain quantity of gas an hour, our customers know that our claim ia accurate. When we promise to take care of the appliances, which we have sold and insure that they will continue to give satisfactory service, we fulfill the promise to the letter. t- We believe in Philadelphia its unlimited resources as a manufacturing and distributing center. We believe in ourselves and our employees as con- ' stituting one of the most forceful factors in aiding civic growth. We believe in advertising as the one unequalled means of conveying our message of helpfulness to an appreciative public. And so it is a privilege for our little army of public servants to exchange with this big army of public servants which is convening in Philadelphia this week the coun.r-, sign , . v "TRUTH!" The United Gas Improvement Co. fflftfflaliiaTTr-TIf i .i iii if-i l m- RlT1(iilfteflWTilWjlfMiJil Ujirnii