FSS5K5 OlprW 1 n w. wjl gf i4tiiwippift!ii 6 EVUTNIKG LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1916. ii liJAJOR LEAGUE PITCHERS FIND IT HARD TO STOP SPEAKER AND DAUBERT OTHER SJPORTS !R i Wll )J I- tfaa W Tfi r. 'OllU "Ten ; tn If an had Tvho nd, 'land th. A, ntct ?!(' CIu 1 to " lent. , clubs am) it aa t two land oroM on a , 4 '. not aldcrt th no a ok. idth, nrthi-; good irojo.. c, i In SPEAKER AND DAUBERT LEAD MrATnT? TRAfrTTTC rttp.it qmttitq . ALEX AND GUY BEST BOXMEN f Tnckson Holding1 Fast Pace Set by Tris Whose i Average Is .883 Cobb's .340 Third-Brooklyn star xujjp xcvwcua vmn 3t)U erlcan 'f ' k and reeks, t erlcan ' orb. PS rrlgan, ., a aio- :1 Alex" 1 their ricking tipping How I plajr'1 H ccupa- r far, ; cooej' (v i r !,' rail , The; t, 10,O Scorn . lOtthi Ibnlled 9 side ' ,'el.la ow to oto to Hence, -eamea t onlr So.no it any v lestlon eneraL ll and i ' trota,1 ' a big . '' .,r JACKSON la slipping Just iT0.k.d U o on a brick street In dry Unonskld uro . ng0 we U.athr. Ju riuMiBI, one van St"" h that th0 vo.Bht of year, had PlUroUgtl t"al " . ... ,.. flint nil tM,nTfor .ra the Old Man", t. ,.i remained tor mm L - M"- . . . t u r HULL BVi' .- SBr? S l" drtnVnoVl. BW.nK.n that E.,af b t for an average of .352 and hold-j- tarna W ror n" t wonderful pair. ( Itf ?a"A.Lby n, henceforth, la' It ,w b. Speaker ndb7.uii8ho JtTS - U batt.ng kings -M fiMt " h n. moro .383 nvor- iJW American a-a,u - - b JttCkS" '" "., r't trio !. rap.d.y I "1",WUn :-..,.:" ,,Tn rest of the field. ou7 Atretic, all of whom arc &n&z JJ. Morton Person .till leads the pitcher SSi 10 "on and a pair lost. ' . iu, r-irnilt Jnko Daubert Is ln mo older c rciilt, ' , , con. w,Bi,i although his lead Is not aa JH?S Seaffi Fn tho American Jake ffibirt is pounding tho applo tot .350 ; fittMD. His n"n ls Wanner. V h. wnk Grover Cleveland Alex- SlfSlSbed to tho top of National ,e pllchera-whero ho belong. Oro- I J hf wrenched tho icau irum ',,Z''n, 1 Kn and Psed Marnnux of the Pl ' itii. Alex has won 12 and lost 3. l icuer a 't frures are 10 and 2. V " . i.inif hn irdmna lllaycd i, Tie averages. ""-'"""" - (thuwilay.'oUow: f,, iNDtVIDUAIi BATTINQ AVKll.ui-a f- National League i" .. .vtrniea Includo the fames played on S Thew averoii" .r"",,','... ntn hao taken rmriiiT. Jun. " .''""" fart in 1 or moro g"""'" n. AH. PH.sn.Slt.TD.Ayir. . .12 n 2 8 1 0 4 .r.TO KKuu o o a o rf:riiookjyn..S0 o,, ao 7? 10 7 KSSriffi:'!!'!"' ! 5 rwn.r. JSSSS 8S lS o na:ST9 :mmirmaii, .v."" ;- t:-; . .... ... u n, .'11 .1 Poti.n8..1JK---1V Sai i'5 i oii sis g!ffiSJifeRi",8,V3aia8 KSK1.; -OO O 27 WUIUffl. Chi ..51 11 3 J r, Wllmn. lVf1SYT!n-iS .-i J ii 'i nVrta Cincinnati. .34 7t tl 23 t BS!fer.BKrtK5u-r.S iJ is ? UkiilJ. 'h M...D1 mi v " r...'z. i.n.ii . 33 12H la an r. r.f in 11 .3l 1)2 ..'.) 74 .333 71 .333 73 .320 II 0 B .30H 7 1 7U !M' 1 S 311 '.3110 It 10 HIS .l rS'Mcairou"X2 17 31 A 10 IB Couales. tin 17 a 5 7 U 4 -1 r. 4 3 i n 7 B 13 a 4 1 n Flick, cnicazo. . . it.t oi ?o via Pltubursh . . . 24 lis 7 lit JKr. Vi..i..tl 4S 17(1 2(1 411 i PKyssusa-ii '.a ss Bs 3. Olllillll lliu.ni." - . ,j ntapatitek. Uoston 22 r.l .1 14 IS,.. Vf Vnrk -III 204 37 (1(1 i? r.'?"" ?.S ??'. ?1 5? 5 nwrftf Un.tnn . . 47 1T7 14 4.1 3 MxYutfVNlW York .4H 177 23 4H 15 J. lren. Br'klyii 32 na i j'ft Mdtcbfr, l. Tork 411 1114 2n 52 5 RBlmr. rmi ...r.2 101 2b 02 1 K.nW Pklllim ...10 IB 0 4 0 v'oneicbr. luaton .41) 1S4 21 41 utilair, llroaKUn 4!) 1H5 IS 4It rrlh,'l'hlllle...40 107 23 4 lirer.'Cnlcttito. . . 04 1H3 2) IS Litrilo. I'ltto'jurKh 22 42 :i 11 itUui. Kew York III 134 10 33 SCtrty, ChlrnKO .33 101) 8 21) ftdtrani. Boston. 10 ill It Vn. Chlcaxo. ..3(1 M 15 22 keonnell, ChlcaKO 13 27 2 7 frt. dllcn,J0....38 113 7 2 -m. Cincinnati.. 44 137 10 35 Will.. New York. .40 17H 23 4J fctud, Chlcau-o..n 20 2 3 7 7 5 3 1 2 0 0 1) 3 4 1 7 n n tl ii (1 12 a b 7 2 2 0 a t !l7 40 n 1 10 amun, i'Hiu...it i" " ' nm .. i. a . en (l At ni ... nu.u.ii r.i ..1 I oi r.l rt iiiuui. .iiiMiinnii w ' I'Klthnls, NYork.45 170 IB 42 3 .1 Itnot. C(nclnnatl...12 100 IS -III S 1" iKkSt. Louis ...20 72 5 17 1 2 Itait. St. T.mila . ..in 107 20 48 11 II ipftMl, St. Louis' '.'.aa 107 20 48 11 Sticher. Bt Louis, nil 2ns 32 nr 7 . o t m..i r.n .si MIK (111 .207 30 .21)1 Ml .21)0 fit .2H1) 15 .2(111 711 .2S1I 75 .280 AI :H3S! IU .2711 20 .271) (II .271 72 .278 11 .2711 111 .275 73 .275 73 .274 Bit .273 51 .272 (ill .271 3D .200 118 2(18 82 ,20rt 0 .2(17 112 .2(111 111 .2113 02 .203 (III .2112 15 .202 38 .201 31 .200 IB .2.111 28 .2.11) 7 .2.10 30 .2.17 III .255 73 .2.13 5 .2.10 7 .250 12 .2.10 lir. .2111 07 .247 5(1 .217 CI .240 20 .210 (1.1 .211 72 .213 77 .210 31 .240 47 .230 32 .2.18 II .217 M&r. St, Loull ..50 155 0 37 1 a jlolljtlti. Clnctn ...31 10.1 7 23 4 7 lfltttull rinr-ln "1 SS 8 0 O 1 Aiatu. nttshurith.io 17 14 0 1 I .23.1 Jtotrny, Brooklyn. .47 130 22 37 5 11 40 .233 jectef. Brooklyn.. .37 113 15 33 1 1 53 .23 Yutlty, Cincinnati. 0 13 1 3 n 2 3 .231 Wllholt, Boston 30 122 14 28 ll 7 .17 .23(1 Varanvlll. Boston 50 1011 2.1 45 11 0 (l.i .220 OTiari. Brooklyn.. 34 111 11 25 3 3 33 .22.1 . VUller, St Loulu.51 182 12 41 4 2 55 .225 I'lri, lloaton 41 153 20 34 4 4 37 .223 jTlwn. 8t Louts,. SO 121 B 27 1 2 31 .22.1 0. Miliar n.nAl.lkn in M n 1I 1 1 ! "' CoUlm. IlnNtnn ..41 144 "II 3 !? n JTOn. 8t Louts,. SO 121 B 27 0. Miller. Brooklyn. 10 54 3 12 Coll P.I. Ilnilnn . At li.1 9ll !t' r.mntnn tin. .mm lft Q'l 1A 1Q 'Mumon, Br'klyn..l 81 11 18 TOn. Uronklyn. .2.1 70 10 17 Wifrea. riilllle...t4 150 17 33 goolan. Nw York. 28 71 3 15 Rin. Boiton 10 43 11 II Jolaiton P'bunth..48 102 18 40 PTO. PMlllea It 30 B H Mirw, Jloitnn 21 78 7 111 1k Smith. Ht. L. .B3 170 21 .10 lonltn. Cincinnati.. 55 101 20 30 Otu. Brooklyn ....10 20 a 4 Pwn, unicatto, . .12 211 1 4 (touch, Nw York.. 21 50 3 10 "iw, j-ittanuritn 42 i.ti lrHln Rl t n,.l. ff'l ... 811 .2.'2 2 211 .2211 1 20 .217 3 23 .215 3 40 .213 3 10 .211 a ii .200 a so .2nn 1 13 .20.1 2 25 .201 It 40 .205 3 BO .204 1 5 .200 1 4 .2011 1 12 .2011 111 211 8 11 311 ,11) l.i nn .1 n in in". lodoTph. Boston. IS 31 ll (1 0 1 ll 101 ft Knab. Chlcizo 20 88 .1 17 0 II 22 .11)3 Wan. Boston ,...12 20 0 5 0 0 ll .102 AKUiidtr.riill.lfn. 17 47 1 9 1 O 13 .101 tlUhn Phl.nrn 1.1 .! it Q ft I 11 11111 tr.vi "ii..""1" '. -r " 3 it :nipnifti ill a. '.iiiisftri, unica3 .34 108 8 2() Bftra. rutsburah. ..3(1 87 -Vfii nico...H() 71 I aiK.nu,v,p,ll8bKh- -o 11 I ; LkW. Pltllmrnh..in bo ,S,,Ue'',4.1'hl'"-3l IS iC"1". St. Ijjuls,..3n 41 "IMI.y. Pnelni,..! tit An fin.. .-'";.; it '!-'" oi. 4JJUU...15 18 ItlMF Ht T ..ln ... .u Cnni-. Bli.'.H?" u in u 7 13 n 0 7 14 0 4 1 1) 0 2 4 14 1 3 ft a 7 R T 3 'Mr. 8t, louts'." lil 18 T 3 r. l'Mnifj; .41 48 a a KSlil-Kt!!!!!. 3 i i " iff' Sk '.l1" s 20 O 4 28 .H.1 21 .181 111 .18.1 20 .182 13 .ISO 10 ,170 11 .172 8 .171 in .1(17 S .107 II .107 0 a 0 1 0 0 (I 2 n n 1 2 H ,107 0 0 31 ,13 0 1 11 ,101 O 2 .1 ,5 3 0 0 .131 PITCIIEns1 JlECOnDS. .rI1l'iM,22r'1!o1in0?lU'39 ,h" Bttm" P196'1 Thurs- tim jlsta't mm Kit 38 53 40 mi 40 25 1.1 a .18 a 24 4 07 4 43 3 24 B 43 3 33 3 311 5 10 S 28 5 411 n.i oo 32 BO 11 4.1 14 7.1 22 82 31 lilt IU 78 1 f. 1)11(1 (I 1.000 3 .800 4 Titll .750 .TOO in. ti . u. IV. L. BO. DIl, II. IVl'.AtB. fe Boston... 8 1 O IU 8 28 (I ifooo .7." tK ' 5 ? " -" 2J ai SWOS'..".! S at 1. il lw,&.--h?. i So S3 113 rWr. ptta. ! is 3 rah"' KSf'oa 1 1 yjurto ChlcaKo. Ill 0 ,F.7-?!. .... a 10 13 20 17 43 24 23 45 10 IU IB 23 22 ta'Cni,.:!?"".!.. ..IS 5 illln.V"...ja 4 4 411 18 fll 5 iwriau N"!J-t.l 4 4 20 18 B3 3 .fiwk.8tNV ...! I 4 70 ill 82 3 iWK.nS?,I?i" ... g 1 l is B 21 0 nwi fll Sln- . 0 1 1 a 8 14 0 fete ii g s i 84afe.H i 8 IS l!? as ? HiiiI. ' u) ,-21 B in 4.i "t ma rur.r u..,v" is s o :a an ,i.-j". ..uur . Iff 4 1 . 7. i; bal fl."- CM 5 i S it S S.i?t,.5K!inati 1? r, 11 A Btrott7ll,uStoo. a 1 2 1 -21 ifceba. W JU 1 2 ?eada. "r ui.iu BBS'WBiJr-'j V-HAUt. Ml.w l.llttV,i .V'. IJ.T4jr t? S'5 SSBb Ws i tH4U.vp'hcfi0-, ' "" fUti.'lia 1? I 4.1 S3 24 00 30 I 114 !i 0 SB l Da S U 0 Jo .7.10 .7011 .700 .01)2 .007 .11)17 .112.1 .1125 .1121 .000 .001) .1100 .563 .571 ,571 ,571 .543 .500 .600 .600 .600 .600 ,500 .300 .433 .441 ,4SQ .417 ,400 .4011 .375 ,33 .1 .3H3 ,33.1 .sii .833 .331 ,2S0 .Hi gon ;2&o .too ,300 IVIDUAl, BATTlNa AVEHAOB. Ataierlcan League ..?? pars earjriiassi 9BW3J? jit.- , ..IB .13 .52 BS .21 ??. Chlcn i ""I""!.'"". ..bet Sl"Wt .. . iiiiii. V: "-""trot.. -. .iii'iuer, jv. v 4n lh. n,i,land....J P.ylner. Iln.ton . M suiJ" Bf'elntl.. ,1 f. IVn.h'ton 32 J leMullen, Clilcaun 30 rvii. vn""lnlon 68 (rnwronl, Detroit. 2.1 IT.".- ""troll.... 61 Sttiink. AltilPllro. . 6.1 "'. nostoii ....13 5"ml'ianns, VAev M i-ini '.' J'OStOn. . . .51 Ollhoolcy, Hf, Y 47 ?'.15''"n, St. rx)uis'.'6n vJnlktT. N. Y. ...IB S,Mi,.r'. cl"el"nd 60 Knlilltrel, lloslnn..53 Jo-inston. St. Louis. 40 Miller, St Louis .63 J'll'P. N. York.. .13 Mnrsnns, Ht. Louln.Bl I'Jank. Ht Louis.. 1 5 Thomas, lloston...30 Hnrii.r. Iietrolt ...21 Hhnnks, Ynah'tnn..4B loune. Detroit :,n Oan,. rietelnml. (10 Lnjolp, Athletics.. 53 Pratt, St Louis... OS Pccklnpnuuh. N. Y.4I Ornny. ricvolnntl .00 !?,,.,'"k'e. rvtrolt.18 "nlkiT, lloaton ...40 Ilubuc, Detroit 2,1 Ilonilcaii. Wnsh'ton.Ul Pick. iMIilctlcs 63 Johnson Wnah'ton 22 Xl,ll. AthlMlcs.... sa Oldrlnir, Altitrtlcn. .40 MorR.-in. Wnah'ton. RS Honry, Wimli'ion. .43 Ii. r.illlns. I'hlcRKo.RO llorton, St. Louis.. 3n M.llsol, New York. 2.1 roster, Wnah'ton. ..67 Itluh, New York.. 33 Carrlnan. loston..l2 Iwln, llowton 62 Kournlcr, t'hlcnco..47 Terry, Chlonao 31 Ljiin. Chlcnxo 16 Harper, Wnsh'ton. .18 Jnmrln, llnstnii,,..ri2 Mrllrlde, Waah'tnn.nn O'.Nell, rioelaml.67 Ha.UnH XT SI...), fr pr Hchniii:'. Athletlcn!i40 Schnllt. ChlraK0...6l J. Collins. t'hlcnKo.r.n Wcfier. Chlcniro. ..61 JihIk". Wnah'ton. . . 55 Hartley, St. Louis. 43 Wllllims, Wnsh'on 27 Jamison, Wnah'ton. 211 Muace, N. York. . . 10 llilier. N. York... 40 Harry, lloston ....3.1 rhnpmnn. Clevo...21 Ilownnl. ri..vehinil.33 StnniiEe. Detroit... 58 Shore, Uoston 12 .Morton, Cleveland .1.1 Hcnrleksen. Houton.38 Vltt. Detroit 54 Wellmnn. Ht. L...10 Tohln. Ht. I)uls..:ill l.nvun, St. Louis.. 21 HIlllnKs. Clevu 17 T)acnport. St. L..23 IViiMi. Athletics... 61 Kcernl. St. I. 31 Hhotten. noston....2.1 Diusa, Detroit ID .llfji'r. .AIIllctlCH...3.t 50 3 10 2.2 3 7 lNH 32 60 20,1 24 03 53 8 10 120 11 80 107 10 Si 11)1 12 68 41 5 13 loo tn 40 208 30 01 82 13 21 80 3 20 214 24 03 Oil 7 IB 202 41 5S 180 28 54 112 0 14S 21 42 187 21 63 112 20 51 228 32 113 51 5 11 1 1)5 28 63 188 3 51 18.1 21 60 160 20 43 lilt 24 411 187 22 50 187 17 10 20 1 7 (10 ll 18 27 2 7 151 111 30 100 27 51 210 17 60 108 12 60 212 10 63 1.10 10 40 231 40 CO 44 2 11 144 31 30 44 3 It 153 20 38 101 18 43 67 5 14 200 20 10 147 10 30 180 28 40 111 10 27 200 21 48 50 5 12 100 12 24 22(1 80 54 105 14 25 21 2 n 180 12 4.1 117 2.1 3.1 03 0 22 47 2 I 17 2 11 lilt 18 38 HIS 10 1)1 174 15. 40 20.1 20 47 88 11 20 183 11 41 173 22 31) 202 a I 15 103 2.1 43 121 10 27 03 6 14 4 12 4 42 0 41 0 211 0 15 IS 31 10 40 2 3 5 10 81 10 17 22S 20 48 37 2 8 103 0 22 48 4 111 24 2 5 2.1 1 3 10'J 10 32 110 7 13 411 3 11 211 3 5 80 B 17 103 13 3.1 0 O 1 5 0 2 0 3 1 4 IS R 4 2 1 B 10 2 0 0 12 7 1 12 1 8 2 1 2 2 B It 11 7 0 0 0 6 13 3 II 0 11 0 0 1 6 0 0 n 7 5 n It 17 B 8 7 8 0 0 7 B 0 0 5 0 2 t 4 10 0 0 2 2 4 1 2 0 11 2 4 5 12 0 1 3 2 0 2 5 0 0 2 11 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 n 1 4 0 4 3 2 17 10 1 4 7 1.1 11 0 51 ISO 188 120 (10 1(12 18.1 14 17 I) I) 1 2 4 10 II 3 A 12 70 00 27 6 40 0.1 17 65 8.' 27 20 77 23 or. 71) 5 61 01 02 71 18 72 61) BO 61 61 77 60 8 2.1 7 61 114 20 01 70 40 105 1(1 60 15 62 61 20 0.1 60 BS 30 111 15 27 7(1 31 0 0.1 00 31 4 IS 41 54 62 61 31 47 50 111 60 31 18 13 nil nn 32 10 411 51 4 in M 61 0 211 12 5 5 30 15 11 12 820 318 317 307 .102 .102 200 297 203 201 20S 203 202 200 288 217 280 2ll 211 283 2(l 270 275 272 ,270 ,270 .270 ,2(1S ,2117 ,2(12 ,202 ,201 .250 .2.18 .2.10 .230 .2.1.1 .253 .2.12 .252 iS'iO .260 .250 .211 .217 .2in .2 45 .2 l.i .213 .243 ,2 in .230 ,238 .231 .238 .231 ,237 .23.1 .234 .232 .232 23n .220 .227 ,224 .224 .223 "3 !223 .222 .218 .217 .217 .2111 .21(1 .214 .211 .2ln .211 .210 .200 .2111 .208 .200 .108 .11)7 .1110 .M2 .101 ,18i jinn, i.iiur.i. r., . ..... Mi'llillls. Athletics. .63 prrciiuns' nncoitDS. Thrss flcurca Include gnmes plnjed Thureday, June 22. r. txr T. ci no Tt nn . ... June 22. o. vr. l. so.nn. h.wp. Ave. CullOD. N York la ll . i) 33 11 51 a l.uoo numorit. Vv-nsh.. I 2 0 10 11 2(1 a l.notl KorS i St. Louis, r. a I 2 II 11 II 1.000 VcCabo, St. L . II 1 0 5 3 111 (I i.noo imumB'h'r.st. L. 3 t n 4 I so l.nnn VtarXn. Clove .. 15 10 2 TO 111 DO 3 3 1 t'ovHeskir, Dot. 18 II a 40 33 102 2 .818 Murkle N. York 7 4 1 12 so 20 3 ,800 Ma Js, Boston. . 11 3 J 0 111 411 II .751) Moardre N. Y. I " 1" 21 0 .750 rn"r, ChloaBo. 1.1 7 3 12 31 72 (I .700 roWskle. t'iev. 21 0 4 44 27 121 " rinuss Detroit.. Ii 0 4 41 10 l(i i;((.j UuS? lloHton... HI 10 5 71 511 112 I) :,17 llnlanil Detroit. ll 2 1 11 23 211 II .11(17 S, Waal'. 10 11 .1 llll 10 118 5 .017 foumbo. rieve . 1 1 1 J! 00 (I ,02.1 Leormrrt. lloston IB (I I 40 10 03 I .nno ivmiarns. Chic. 14 3 a 3 20 44 ll .ikm) llonz, ChleilRO.. 12 3 2 HI 10 .111 " ,(1,in ii.rn.e. Wash.. 18 8 0 5 6.1 02 II .571 iiusacll. ChlcaKO 24 4 3 an HI 03 l .r,7l JiH.-iii'- -..h 13 4 3 17 "1 411 n r.ti A 'I lit 111 II . '-? 27 21 no ii r..-,n JlOl-'Illllll. ....-.- - Shorn, llostnn... 11 Flslier. a. ii. " Shawltey. N. Jf.. 10 liters, AtMetlea. 18 Oalllii, Wnsli... 10 0 ii..t.v CIeo... 10 5 rieotte. Chlcaao 11 Kle.P'r.'ic,'AT.- JS 27 30 52 1 .51.1 68 77 10n (1 .533 .'17 VI) til 1 '..... 43 32 01 3 a a a 23 88 1 .500 .500 .601) 3 31 8 Hoehir Detroit 3 111 12 n!nnnl St. I...- 2" " " 3" 42 81 iiftsh Atllctlrs. 17 7 10 (13 50 81 liank At. louls 15 4 II 32 30 HI) J,'"?..! Tinstnn.. 14 4 II IN 38 63 7.: .u A ..nil. '.I Jt ,. r..n IU II. 1 'In.. z. . 1 ' (I nit AT lManit. pi. ;"""- :v l?Vh.2""'tt'; ' ii Daniorin. -'" :,'. X r KeatlnK. N. Y.. ill .1,0 pubuc. betrolt.. 7 4 7 ('unnnsni. .-... ... . . iOiii'i. .1 if SCO",. . h,C?BOv- " paymn J. ht. L. -3 Njlinrs, At I.... ' Mitchell. Olttve.. 1J ;i i: lit 37 (ill 23 68 85 .in mi tu 30 311 78 .' I Ii i 14 37 28 30 t tu mi lit 11 54 37 103 4 1 i llll II 1)1 H ,011 .501) .600 .455 .412 .400 .401) .401) .7". K Ivil .nil l .333 .31.1 .301 m - 1 .1.1 21 3.1 6!l .1 IU U-i Ii .107 Johnston vs. Griffin in Final SSW. BatTott Pi ir, Si.--T- sT AB.H H.8B.6H TB. jtv . i. u x i Rim - kau v.z.zrz "? v; v u d iiQ aaa i iiui DHL JIONTE. Cnl.. June 24. William M. Johnston, tho national champion, won his way Into tn hnola of tho I'aclllo States tennis cham itlonanlpa here jesterrtay by tlefeatlnB IMrllon P. flardnor, 0-2, 0-3, 4-0, ll-l. Today Johnston will m"? Clarence J. C.rlifln. with whom lie shares the national doubles championship. HAMMER TO MEET SWEENEY FOR FOX HILLS TITLE Staten Island Champion Ad vances at Expense of Perry in Semifinals CMFTON. N. T., Juno 24. A. F. Kara. mer. of tha homo club, continued to pay cood Bolt 1" tho aemlftnal round of tho Fox Hills Invitation tournament today, with A C. Perry, another Fox Hllla man for an 'opponent. Kamer soon took com mand wlnnlnB four out of tha nrst fvo KSm in the other Bemlflnal C. T. Sweeney, o? North Jersey, defeated M. n; Kaeche. of nuiBCWOod. 3 and 2. Thla makes the sec ond year in succession that Hammer has been a llnallst In this tournament. it the outset of the Knmmer-Ferry match, the last-named was short on his sec 2nd I shot to tho llrst green, and taklnff a 6 there became 1 down. Kammer became 2 ud with a 3 at the 239-yard third hole, 2fter his drive left his ball In the rough. ?la laid up a mashle shot close to the cup. To the low fourth, Kammer brought off a rare mldlron ht aer nls dJlvfj. ar"1 sficed; had left his ball close to the fence. In the meantime. Perry. Betting trapped, tnok a 7 and became 3 down. A flne recovery from a pit by Perry at the bhort fifth availed nothing, as his op. ,,0ThnetsTaunVisland3'champion then stood i up but he lost the 557-yard sixth, getting "nto the rough, n the other hand. Perry, wtlh two great shots, almost made tho greenand he got a 4. That was the only nolo fie won going out, ana he became 4 down when Kammer won the eighth In 3. A half n 6, at No, 9. left Kammer 4 UP at the turn, having gone out in 39 to 42 tor hi opponent. When Perry failed to get ; i it the toth he became 5 down, but two fnV Vhots enabied him to win the llth In a W Kammer then won the CH-yard Mlh Vn e but had to Jump a stymie, which he ,?,.'n fine style. He stood dormie 6 then wVat a half l"4 on the next ren ended thTtS?tCpyed the byo holes, Kammer get. ting a 77 The caras: Kammar 4SB99443 5 3? .. . .4BSB44-0 o eo it AQUEDUCT TRACK OPENS WITH BIG HANDICAP RACE Roamer, Shortgrass, Friar Rock and Sandmarsh Among the Favorites FOURTH EVENT, 1 MILE Ten Starters Entered ih Brooklyn Handicap Fourth race the BrooMim lear-o'ds nnrl upicnnl, otic o mile: llore nnd wrlalit. Jnclter, llonmer, 131 Ilutturll .. iiuicr . . . . T.JIrT'R't. Krnrli . rtluit'nter . .r.McTVt . llnrrniv. Ijn I'cmnnt. 123 ,.. Mhnrt firnss, 117. Hnilil Aliirl, t t!l Hliimher 2il, 111! rrhr Itnck, 10H. . .llunes Actiieienient, 100. .Ilnrncr .. linrrhlll. too, Itntl ..... (Mil KuenlK. 10,1 .Mct'nhey , Ifanitlcrtp, .1 iirt one cIsMn tlwner. .A. Sillier .ll.P.UIiltnev .II.I'Alhltncy F.mll llerr .r. Ii. Itnf I. O. Tntilln .A, Itellnont '. Unit . 1". 1'. Krone . .Heiernjck NI2W TOItK. .Tunc 24. With tho Brook lyn Handlcnp ns tho feature, tho Qilcons County Jockey Club will open Itn summer meeting at tho Aqueduct course thla after noon. Fifteen days of racing will bo held during the meeting. Tho Brooklyn Handicap ban furnished many sencntlonat contests since Its incep tion in 1S87, when it was won by Dry Monopolc, and thero is every reason to be lieve that today's cyont will equal. If not surpass, many that have been held In the past. AVIth thoroughbreds of tho type of Hoatner, Friar Hock, Shortgrass, Sand marsh and others, tho event ls sure to re sult In a contest of both speed nnd courage. That Roamer la ready Is shown by his trials at Aqueduct on Thurnday, when ho worked In 1:53. Shortgrass Ih trained to tho hour nnd will be fnvored by many who saw his splendid effort at tho close of tho Long Hcnch Handicap on "Wednesday, when ho Just failed to ovcrtnko Ttoly. Sandmarsh must pick up n five-pound penalty for win ning since tho publication of the Brooklyn wclghta, but the way he ran In tho 1'au monnlc nnd Kxcclslor Handicaps Indicate to many thnt, even with the ndded Impost, his chances today aro exccllont. Since he Is n horso that takes tho track, there should bo a merry duel when he and Boamor sprint for the lead. Such tactics will favor Friar Hock and Shortgrass. both of whom want n fast pace, and It la posslblo that both tho carrier of topwolght nnd tho son of Sandrlngham may bo beaten by the first pair. Borrow nnd Pennnnt, winner of tho 1913 Futurity, will bear the Whitney colon. Both aro stnrtlng In this part of tho country for the first time. nnd. according to Trainer James Bowe, nrc ln tho best of condition. While thero nro D7 cllglblcs, there Is no doubt that at least ten will faco tho starter. Another fenturo of tho opening at Aque duct will be the 26th running of the Hud son Stake, an event for 2-year-olds, which has a cash prizo of $2,100. Thla race Is over a flvc-furlong course, and hns been won by somo of tho most prominent youngsters In this division, Last year James Butler's Paddy Whack annexed the Make. August Belmont's Trap Rock also has the event to his credit. Slnco thero Is a flne timber courso at Aqueduct, steeplechaslng will be resumed, and tho second raco on tho program Is a selling affair for jumpera. Runs Scored This Week by Major League Clubs .. Iluns srorctl by nil teams of American nntl Jtot liinal l.puenes from Suturilny, June 17, to Jrltlay. June 23, tncluslic. (Inly runs that nauro In otrlrlal nrrriiKes ure Included. Scores ii f Incomplete Kiimes nrc not counted, but the scores of Kiimes of fito Innlnas or more are Included ln tho table, AMERICAN LKAOUr. H. S. SI. T. XT. T. I". T'l. Xew York S 11) 7 4 0 I) 11 30 WilKhlnKtoil 0 5 2 8 U M Detroit 7 8 3 3 3 '23 M. 1-ouls 2 1 2 IS 0 18 I'lcirlnml 3 3 0 10 4 17 t'hlriiBi) B 1 4 2 14 Athletics 3 2 1 5 011 lloston 0 3 1 2 1 18 NATIONAL I.HIOUE. H, S, JI. T. IV. T. I T'l. UrooMrn 4 2 7 13 430 ht. Louis 2 3 10 4 8 27 riillndelnhl.i 0 3 HI 5 2 8 I'lltshnrsh 0 6 721 Xcw York 4 4 1 718 Cincinnati 1 S 1 7 I 15 ltonltin 3 B 3 1 12 Chlcneu 3 6 210 Did not piny. 1 WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL USA (1 UK. Brooklyn . . I'llllllOH . . . . New York . lloaton .... Cincinnati Chlraen . . . I'ltthbursh , St. Louis .. YVnn. .. 31 . . 31 . . 20 . . 2.1 . . 20 . 20 . . 22 .. 21 Lost, 20 it 24 2.1 21) 211 21) 33 , l'ct. Win. I.oe. ,008 '.023 t.68.1 .68.1 .503 .571 .Btll '..IHS t.6110 ,500 .510 .41)0 .473 .401 t.4.10 .473 ,4U1 t,45 ,431 M.13 f,115 .121 Mil T.107 AMKKICAK LKAOrK. Won. I.ot. IVt. Win. 1.0 SC-. ,6(10 ,63 t.63l t.BM t.608 ,482 .421 t.201 Spilt. .601 .sio .lii .474 .431 .424 Split. ,552 .512 .StS .300 Clfielllld 33 24 ,.170 ,38(1 Detroit 32 25 ..llll ,581) New York 31 23 ,664 .SBII Washington .. .11 20 .514 '..Lin Boston SO 27 .626 .SI2 ChlrilEO 27 28 ,401 .500 ht. Iiuls 24 32 .420 .430 Athletics ..16 37 ,302 .327 !ln two, TliOie. two, lNTERXATIOXAIi LEAGUE. W. I,. P.O. XV. I,. P.C. Provldenro. .12 18 .031 Montreal... 23 2R ,400 Richmond.. 20 2.1 .631 Newark.... 22 2.1 .408 llurrnlo ... 23 22 .Bit Toronto ID 22 .403 lliiltlmore. . 25 21 .510 Rochester.. 17 27 .386 ATLANTIC LKAflUE. XV. L. P.O. XV. L. P.C. ratrrson... 20 12 .02.1 Readlnr 14 IB ,483 Alhintown.. 10 10 .BOO Katton It 20 .335 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Phillies. 2i lloston, 1 (II Innlnm). New ork, 7 Ilrooklyn, 4, St. Louis. Hi Pittsburgh, 7. Chicago, 2) Cincinnati, 1, ASIKRICAN LKAOUE. lloston. It Athletics. 0. New York, 0 Wiishlniton, 8, New York, Bt IVushlncton, 1 (second same), INTERNATIONAL LEA 0 UK. Montreal. Ill Newark. 2, l'ruTldenre, 4i Toronto, I, HufTulo. Hi Ilaltlmore, 3. Richmond, 0 Rochester, 4. TODAYSgC"HEDULE NATIONAL LKAOUE New York at Ilrooklyn cloudy (2 games). St. LouU at. I ttfburih cloudy (J games!. lloston at I'lillailflDhla cloudy. Cincinnati at Chlcuao clear (2 aaintj). AMERICAN LliVOUK Wnsblnitton at New lork cloudy (2 james), l'hlladtllihla at lloston clear (2 iimti), iiilcuio at pt. Louis itartty cloudy, Cleveland at Detroit cloudy, INTERNATIONAL LEA 0 UK Montreal at Newark cloudy (2 me). Toronto at l'rpldence r, Buffalo ut IlJltlporc clesr U fames). Rochester at Klchuioud clear. ATIANTIO IJllOUE. PaUraon at Eaaton. Allentown at Beading. Stetson vs. Glrard F, C Today This afternoon tha Qlrard Feld Club, a strong traveling team, will tackle the Stet son A. A. pn the Utter's grounds. Light and Stevenson will form the battery for the factory boys, who will ugo this game to tune up for the Chinese, who come the fol lowing Saturday. Miss Djurstedt Wins Final Round NORFOLK. Va , Juna 24 ills. Molla. BJur st.dt, tha natlonel champion, won tea womia'i atngtea la tha Virginia. Unnla tournamant ys.ur York, la tha llaal round. 9-4. e-i, jruV BJur. ,$t w.ll fOMt Mia KUaaJbath Bull. Si l?orXeik. In ttw t.tUB6 round today, , f'friryr sMXsaaMalt w.- ""rw.wy..'' -.&" MEETS TITLEHOLDEU J. J. Armstrong, of Philadelphia, won tho Delaware State lawn tennis tournnment yesterday at Wilmington, taking the final round from W. T. Tililen, 2d, by default. Armstrong met George M. Church, the titloholder, in the challenge round. GEORGE CHURCH DEFENDS LAWN TENNIS CROWN Princeton Player Meets Joe Armstrong in Challenge Round Today MATCH AT WILMINGTON WILMINGTON. Del., Juno 24 J. J. Armstrong, Morion, won tho right to chal lenge Qoorge M. Church, tho present title holder, for tho Dolaware State tonnla cham pionship yesterday by winning from XV. T. Tlldon, 2d, of Cynwyd, bv default. Armstrong met Church In tho challenge round early this afternoon. Tho default was forcod when the seta stood two all, through n strnlped ligament which has bothored Tilden since tho match yesterday with Craig BIddle. The pnln bc camo so acute during tho fourth set that In tho last two gnmes Tilden occupied the position of backstop for his opponent's placements, Armstrong. In n very sports manlike manner, gave his suffering oppo nent tlmo to get the offending leg In shape for tho .deciding BOt. A trip to the club house and an attempt to get Tilden In con dition was made. Tho attempt was un successful, however; after three points had been played in the first ganio the Cynwyd man was forced to give up the light, as ho was almost unable to stand without support, much less play tennis. Albert Hosklns. tho umpire, then awarded the match to Arm strong. It waB a disastrous ending to a vory brilliant match. Tho largo gallery wbb thrilled tlmo and again by tho spectacular shots of both contestants. Tilden started ln with a rush and slammed his way through tho first Bet, winning 6-1. Armstrong won thesccond set, 8-6. Tlldon triumphed In the third set, 6-1, but was forced to retire with tho scoro four all In the fourth net. FOURTEEN RACES IN ROAD DRIVERS' HORSE CARNIVAL Animal Show and Harness Events Are Listed on Program Tho Road Drivers' Association held Its nnnual carnival in Falrmount Park to day, with n horse show and racing events. 13. Clifford Durell, secretary, received a good lot of entries for both the show events and the races. Tho tanltbark rings was op posite the clubhouso, at Chamounlx. Fourteen eventa were listed for tho horse show and six races were scheduled for the trotting and pacing contests. As a feature a squad of mounted police will gle an ex hibition drill, The program: No. 1 clasa Trotting roadsters, horaea win ners of two first prlaea not eligible. To b ahown to light, low-whesled. rubber-tired road wagons. Manner and style to count No. 2 claaa. Ponlea not to ;d 12 hands, ahown to an appropriate vehicle. Shown to Ban dit by a child not mora than 13 years old, No. 3 claaa Saddle horses. Sultabla for and to be ridden by a ladyi horaa 11 8 hands or over. Mannera and conformation to count. No. 4 class Dullness horses. Shown to sulta. bio wagon. No. 6 claaa Ponlea over 12 hands, to aaddle. Performance. SO; under aaddle, SOi conformation, 201 mannera. 20 per cent. No. 0 class Light delivery horses: horse not to exceed 1200 pounds Action and manners to count. No. 7 claaa Runabout class. Horse 14 2 hands or oter. No. 8 claaa Shetland pontes, not eireeding 14 hands. Mannera and quality to count. No. 8 claaa Saddle horaea. suitable for park and road, to be ridden by u gentleman. Man nera, gait and conformation considered. No. 10 class dig horses, 14.2 hands, not over 15.8 bands. Horse only to count. No. 11 claaa Oatted aaddle horses, 14.2 hands or over. Muat show rive gaits. No. 12 class llarneas horses, part. Confor mation, grace and all-round action conaldered. No. II claaa Jumplag ponies, alx Jump, rid den by children. No. 14 claaa Jumping over alx Jumps. Per. formance to count, . . M ,, Speedway racing eventa Class A. free-for-all trotting, Claaa 1). free-tor-all .pacing; Class C. trotting: Class D, pacing. Class E. trotting; CUss F, trotting; Class O. pacing. Gardner Wins Chicago Golf Title CHICAOO. June 24 Robert A. Gardner, na- hi. ...... 1. WnA .f iei.,.-n.nnr fnrmsrlv west- ", f --T-.. r. -.-rri -.j"i.i." v..n tin r.hi with ,nal amateur golf champLo. yeeterday won the iWgo district title, at the Midlothian Club, th a. total, of. JIB strokes for, the Ti holes. rrn K Wood, oi cimsmnor. formerly west ern amateur champion floJshed second with. SJO strokes Paul Huattr et UUdlothUs. wu third vita 323 gtrcke. CREAM OF LOCAL COMPETE TODAY Undine Club Favorite in 63d Annual Schuylkill Navy Regatta MANY EVENTS LISTED Order of Events in Schuylkill Regatta 2:20. Junior lalil-nnreil she, lis Matin Hon! Cluli. IVnn.jltiinl.t Hnrge Hub and loper Itnnt Ctult. .. .. .. . 2:10. senior double sculls jCH'cr lloiit Cluli lU'nllrr L. tjinitli. twin I Jnlin II. Iy"; strnkelt llnclielor tlnrge Club ttllllftle. howl J. llniid, Jr.. stroke). . ... , .. ,.i,,i, 3:00. Junior rentljtedf Vet Philadelphia llont Cluti, t'nillne llnrge, Cluli. . , .. S:0, lnlerrlmlntle. rlslit-jtnreil shells West I'hllnilflphlii lllnli. .Nr",,,,,',"t,.,,1uh.,.ti. 3:10, senior four-oared Miells lnlrsity HnrEo Cluli, Uniilnn llnrse Cluli. ... ..... 4:00. nMoclatloit single sciills Lawartl O. Hrlimldhel.er, Cndlne linrgf Clubi J. K. c lln. I'hllqilplphlit llnrge ( iuh. ll0, Junior four-onreil (tlfs llachelor llnrge (full. ..Mnltii llont Cliilt. 1 nlrmount Rotting Ashnclntlnn, (pinker City I'arsj ( Inh. Innslaiilit llnrae Club, Vejner lloat oh. 4M0. nenlor elcht-onreil uttfjlst - rPf r Hont Clolt. Slnltn llont Club, t.ndlne Root tliib. B:(lO, senior single sculls John II. .Kelly. Vesper llont Clubt J. E. Nelln, I'hlluUflphla llnrire Club. . . .. ... . , ,, , , 6t20. Junior double sculls Jlet Plillnilel pliln llont Cluli (reiller. , bowi Harrow, strnkeli t'liiljne llnrae Club (Keller, bowl I.I. V. Casey, bowl XV. T. Ilaasc. strokeli tlnclirlnr lliirge Club (Tlwmnj 0. Hunter, Jr.. imivt Unrdrn Slclnn, sp-oke). BjlO. Junior octuple, sculls tesner lloat Cluli, Jliiili llont Cluli. llndlne.llaree CInb. 11:110, senior qtiailriiple sculls Undine Rarge Club. Malta Ron! Club. Vesper Hoot Club. Favornblo weather nlone Is necessary to mako this afternoon's 63d nnnual Schuylkill Navy regatta successful, to bo rowed over tho national mllo nnd a quarter straight away courso on tho Schuylkill Hlicr, begin ning nbout n quarter mllo nbovc tho trolley bridge and finishing at Rocklnnd. Columbia bridge. The events will begin nt 2 o'clock and will demonstrate tho prowess of tho most skilful of the locnl oarsmen, many of whom have been In training for this yearly blue ribbon event slnco early In tho spring. By winning which they will gnln the much desired honor of competing again in the Independence Day regatta, while a trip to tho national championships, to be held ln Duluth. may bo hoped for by clean-cut triumphs today. Several hundred oarsmen, veterans and novices, representing tho organizations along BonthouMj Row, In Falrmount Park, nro In shape for tho contests, which Includo 13 races In singles, four-onred gigs, four-o.ired shells, octopcdoM, quadruple sculls and clght oarcd shells. The schoolboy eight-oared shell crews also will compete Penn Oarsmen Entered Additional interest has been aroused by the entry of a senior eight-oared shell crew composed largely of University of Pennsyl vania oarsmen In what promises to bo tho featuro raco of tho afternoon. Tho crew has been coached by Joe Wright slnco last Wednesday. Tho men will bo seated ln thin order: Chlckcring, bow; Breitlnger, Glanz. Wirkman, Duryca. Tilden. Woll. Aloe, stroke; Keyscr, coxswain. Opposed to tills clover combination will bo a strong Vesper Boat Club crow especially gotten together ln tho last few weeks by Captain Walter L. Smith and Coach Knglo. Stroked by Jack Kelly, Coach Eddlo Marsh's fast senior eight Includes many of tho oarsmen who defeated Undine Bnrgo Club by a. fow feet by their marvelous rally ln tho ro cent American Regatta. This promises to be a groat exposition of rowing, ns tho crews are among tho best to represent the rcspoctlvo clubs In recent years. It Is scheduled for 4:40. Jack Kelly, ex-captaln of tho Vesper Boat Club, whom many predict will realize a much-desired ambition by capturing tho championship senior single sculls tltlo at the National Regatta to bo held In Duluth, Minn, on August 12, will be opposed by J. HUlott Ncwlln, of tho Philadelphia Bargo Club, In the senior single sculls race. Kelly has won this raco for the last four or fivo years In succession and la expected to de feat Nowlln. Smith, how ; Kelly, stroke, are expected to win tho senior double sculls race. Tholr op ponents will bo Otllesple. bow; J. Bond, stroke, of Bachelor. Kelly also will stroke tho Vcspor senior elght-oared shell crew, and he Is a substitute in tho senior centl podo crow. Vesper for several years easily has won the Caldwell trophy, emblematic of the championship. It Is awarded to the club totaling the greatest number of polnta on a basis of 5 for first, 2 for second and 1 for third placo In tho various races. Eight Undine Entries The Undine Barge Club, the homo organ ization of Commodore Ueorgo G. Melloy, will endeavor to glvo Vesper a battlo for tho trophy this year. Vesper has seven crown entered In the regatta, and Undlt hns eight. The Undine entries nro "SIntt" Lukcns, in Junior single sculls ; Ed. Schmld helsor. In association slnglo sculls; a Junior centlpedo crew, which nlso will contest In the senior centipede raco; a senior four onred shell crew made up to glvo Coach Jim Dcmpsey's University Bargo Club, local champions, a raco, so as to provent a rowovor; a Junior octuple sculls crew; Junior double sculls entry, Keller, bow; Lukcns, stroke, nnd tho senior eight. Vesper's hopes nre centred In Kelly In senior sculls ; the club's senior double sculls crew; a senior centipede crew; Junior four oared gig; Junior octuple sculls crew, and senior eight. Tho annual Interscholnstle race between the second eights of the West Philadelphia HiKh School and Northeast High School will be rowed at 4:10. The West Phlladel. phia eight defeated tho Red and Black combination last year. They will row the full mite and a quarter. The Junior elght-oared Bhell event nt 2:20 promises to be a good raco. Vesper Is the favorite. Malta, coached by Eddie Marsh, and Pennsylvania Barge Club crew, the latter having been In charge of, Jim Juvenal for a week or more, are expected to give good accounts of themselves. Tha four-oared gig raco is tha most popu lar on the program, having drawn seven entries, six of which will start, the Undine crew having been scratched. The crews will carry the colors of Falrmount Row ing Association, Quaker City Barge Club. Bachelor Barge Club. Malta Boat Club, Vesper Boat Club and Pennsylvania Barge Club. Four Novices Four novice scullers will strive for their Initial victory In the Junior single event, which will inaugurate the regatta at 2 o'clock. They will be Thomas G. Hunter. Jr of Bachelor; Matthew Lukens, of Undine. Bill Haase. of Penn Barge, and William JIccormicK, oi vcsi ijiuaueipnia In addition to rowing against Jack Kelly, J Elliott Newlln will oppose Ed Scnm Id. -helser In the association single sculls race, open to scullers who never have won a se nior single sculls race. Four Junior double scull crews will row carrying the hopes of West Philadelphia, Undine, Pennsylvania Barge and Bachelor. The octuple sculls or octopede eight, event (scullers) promises to be spectacular. Tho Undine. Vesper and Malta crews win compete. The races will be refereea by Commo dore George G. Melloy. Tho timekeepers will bo Arthur clevenger, Joseph Mlchener and Sam Trultt The Judges at the finish will be Charles Prelaendanx, Doctor Potts and Frank Shell. In addition to the handsome plaques, the wlnnefa will ech bo presented with oId juVUf-k H. WELLINGTON WOOD THROWS ' JOLT INTO JERSEY ROOTERS BY UNIQUE UPS AND DOWNS Golfer Shows Complete Upheaval of Expert Form at Wilmington Tourney Ily SANDY McNIIIMCK TURKU Is no Joy In Jet coy. Somewhere the sun Is ahlnlng, pome whero the people shout, but not In the sca shore cities, for tho mighty Wood is out. Golf Wizard for n day, If. Wellington Wood, southpaw cyclone of tho salty sanil" nf Atlantic City, tore up tho going In thf medal round of tho tourney nt Wilmington which ends today. He dii22led tho gallery and ho petrified tho entrants when ho burst In tho lead ahead of Ned Sawyer, conqueror of "Chick" Evntia, famous fonnor flnnllrt In the national and cx-Wcstcrn champtoti, ahead of Dougla.i Corkran, a favorlloj Franklin Dyer nnd a Hock of other golf experts. First, ho handed In n card of 79 nnd then flabbergasted nil tho gathering by coming back for an afternoon round of 78. Hit feat wns all tho more romnrkablo in that he played with a golfer who turned tho courso In both rounds nt 00-odd. Tho Wil mington courso would stem to present aH many difficulties, if not moro, to n left, handed golfer ns a right-hander, hut the Jersey Juggernaut never faltered. Ho said ho played tho best golf of his career. And hundreds of fans in tho mosquito State, from which plays II. Wellington Wood, had hope. For the portsldo phenom plays like an eagle set free when ho Is on his game, heel nnd toe, "Wo havo seen him in the ccstacles of a "perfect day." A drlvo ho mado at North Hllla was among the longest wo have seen. The Sun and Then the Storm Tho pet saying of Daddy Dope for yean and years has been that a good golf day followed by a bad ono. It worked with a vengeanco ngalnst II. Wellington Wood. His decline and fall was crashter than that of Rome. Ho was beaten In tho first tee-oft by youthful Norman Maxwell, Aronlmlnk, to the tunc of 7 and S. He wan then ouBtcd by a wide score in tho first round of the beaten eights by W. W. Turner, Spring haven, who wns badly beaten ln the morn ing. Tho whole experience of the Jersey crack ln tho tourney Is ono of tho most remark able of tho season's play. Such an Incident Is one of tho many things that make golf the wonderful game It ls. Ono day a golfer plays tho game of his life, ond the next lie can pcarccly Beo the ball. Wood Is likely to pull a surprise In tho Philadelphia championship next week, as ho Is going at a swifter paco than last year. He Is strong with his wood nnd accurate with his Irons. Whistles Swan Song Tho drawing In match play worked out perfectly at Wilmington. Corkran nnd Saw yer were headed for ench other from tho start. If nothing went wrong, and the gal lery hns been waiting for tho clash. Saw yer went to tho semifinals when ho ousted C. C. Hlghloy, tho Princeton star, after n rather dlltlcult mntch. Both players had trouhlo In getting going, and It wns rather a spasmodic affair. Hlghley took his defeat In tho most cheerful manner. In the dying moments of the match ho took to whistling a few strains of tho "Egyptian Death JIarch," with bars of other dlrgea thrown in. Ho took the most pleasure In whistling Just after a Bhot that didn't spin Just ns he had planned. After ho had the whlstlo off his mind ho usually made a good shot Sawyer made his first good putt on the 12th when he Bank a lengthy one for n bird 3. Up to that time he had used his two putts on every grocn, and ofttlmes used up throe. Ho missed sevornl that didn't look very hard, and reminded ono strongly of hl.i greatest rival In golf, "Chick" Evans. Sawyer Is not so long with his wood, but can depend almost as much as Evans on his Irons. Ho squared the match at tho fourth when ho laid an Iron right up to tho fing, after Hlghloy had fallen down on a slmllnr shot. Sawyer rather enjoyed tho match after a bit, and when he wns 3 up nt the llth, tried to give tho gallery a run for Its patience. He lay behind a neck of the woods on his drive and tried ti 100-yard pitch over the lofty trees to land tho green. Tho ball started. It may be at sea by this time, or wher ever the little brook carried it that flows betwixt the trees. The ball was lost and Sawyer lost a holo. He gouged his ball out of a trap on the next hole for n half when It looked as though Hlghley hod the hole on lea and would only bo ono down. History Repeats The chapters of history repeated today when Mrs. R. II. Barlow and Mrs. G. Henry Stetson met In the finals i Shawnee. The same players were In tho finals last year. Mrs. Stetson has been having some splendid Tomorrow's Tournaments and Today's Tee Talk ., JInrntng nnd afternoon, ,10-linle finals for the, elinmplonshlu of the Phllmont Country Club. , A tin II flies fnrfher with an, Indented anr fnre than n smooln one, nnd this explains the dimities, crescents, dlnmnnds, circles. snimrrs, knobs nnd other ilrcorntlons of the minimi golf hat. The club liend cut clips hold of a marked anrfnre, l.fllrr than n smooth one. The in tlentnllons nlso kle n rntnry motion to the hull like Hint len n bullet hr the barrel of it rifle, tanking It cut through the nlr and holding It on n (rue line. .Veu hands nt the itnme nf golf should ft nmlno rnrrrnlly the balls they bur. He that Hie mntdluir Is clean rut nnd Hint the ball Is ttell pressed. . ... tte sure the Dirking has not (teen choked Mill) imlnt, for In this case, the shallow marking Is lint to make Hie ball duck, even lliiinglilt Is fnlrly hit. ... Hut. mi the ttlhrr hand, the nicking should not be n ilcru thnt the ball gets clogged with mud nt etcry contest. rounds slnco tier recovery from tho grip ln Boston. Soon nftcr her return Mrs. Stetson bent Mrs. Fox In a friendly match, and won from her again by the narrow squeak of 1 up at Shawnee. Mrs. Stetson was not to be beaten, and overwhelmed Miss Eleanor Chandler 7 nnd 5 In tho slmflnala. Sho Is developing Into ono of tho hardest of mntch plnyers to beat, nnd Mrs, Barlow had her hands full today. Voices From Without Sandy McNIbllck Will you please tell me how much older tho English amateur cham- i plonshlp Is than ours? Hasn't It been won by Just a fewmen? Was the English cham pionship played last year rfr tho year be fore7 Hope you will answer all these ques tion ns a friend nnd I have a wnger on thorn. L. B, V. Overbrook, Pa. The English amateur championship wai Instituted nine yearn boforo tho first held In this country, under the auspices of the U. S. O. A. Tho first United States tourney, however, was held In 1894, ono year pre viously. The English championship has been won by 15 men, Including tho American, Walter J. Travis. John Ball. Jr., has won the title eight times. Ho is the son of John Ball, who won tho British open tourney In 1890. two j'oars after his son had won his first amateur championship. Tho British open has been won four or five times by a number of men. Tho British amntcur wag last played nt Sandwich In 1914. It has been discontinued becauso of the war. S. McN. NABORS AND LEONARD HURL IN FIRST GAME Mack Again Shakes Up Ath letics' Batting Order in Game at Boston FENWAY PARK, Boston, Mass.. June 24. Tho Red Sox Champions nnd the Ath letics lined up for tho BCnson'n first double heador nt tho American Loaguo Park to day. Tho fact that the Champions have won threo gameB running, and nre now only ns many games nway from the lead ers, brought out a crowd of 7 BOO for the curtain ralsor, nnd tho management ex pects 18,000 boforo tho Becond gama be-, gins. Tho Mnckmon have not won a game at Fenway Park this year, and In hopes of landing tho first game of today's bill Con nie Jtnck sent out Nabors, while BUI Car rlgan'8 choice for the opener wns Dutch Leonard. Neither team has been hitting lately and both look for a stnrt today. The Mnckmon shifted their team again today. King, the AmhcrBt collegian, being on third base. Murphy behind the bat and Schang in left field. FIRST INNING. Witt filed to Wnlker. King singled to right and stole second. Strunk walked. Schnng was called out on strikes. Hooper mado a great catch of Lnjole'e fly. No runs, one hit, no errors. DURB0R0W SETS RECORD Establishes New Mark in 18-Mile Swim in Chesapeake Bay NORFOLK, Va.. June 24. Charles Durborow, of Philadelphia, swnm from Cnpo Charles to Capo Henry in 8 hours and 42 minutes today. He started from Cape Charles nt 9:26 o'clock last night and landed nt Capo Henry at 8:07 o'clock this morning. The distance Is 18 miles, but becauso of tho tldo currents tho feat never before had been accomplished, POLO TODAY PHILADELPHIA COUNTRY CLX7II. BALA Philadelphia C. C. vs. Bryn Mawr Freebooters 4 o'clock Take Park Trolley for Woodtldo Tark 'e,VS.VVVVVVVlVVVVVVVVVVVS'tVVVVVVVVVVSVtVVVVVVVV; Read what Thomas F. Healey says about this Prominent Politician in l 7 'r Sunday's PUBLIC VANCE 0, McCOKMICK Chairman Democratic National Committee) LEDGER RAVIWlMWVVAVVIVW a. ii mi -n i iSI M4! H