EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1916. 5 iSfflffllBH DRIVE Launched by teutons ON CHADU'AUNB LltUS Li tioV Violent Attacks on SSLa Vorl Front at Maison StorJilll-'de Champagne and iuvnu j.y wig fthfc. . .iffl EC. watt Our ri ..-.. Bi-eati. 'flees, -.u Coat v Sid, ?350 3 for )I( n.is G.00 'lel ,utli " Prieii. m MU4 ...... nt, Dull Carson's J of other .Slippers. uck, KW I IlD FIRM AT VERDUN PARIS. 'uno 23. V. werful offensive movement has been Kpo. .... . normnns In Champagne, K, strons Infantry attacks were de- f -J last niRht Oil iww-jt- - lred uJLnnn and Mont Tctu. gTwr Omce staled today that alt were Ai- or A. ff .PEE: !& the" official communique i.ti. - Wrt beaten rf nrmnn.q RP& CMn. thundirlni nlsht. Wep inTa tcrrUlc storm ot rhelli upon ne 'lfe'fnd Sd linos ot the French be- E-ii I'sncs nnd Chattancouri m ..is-..." fe French J'osltlons west and south of Wtt . ... i. r ilm (liyrmnn !rk eommun nue bio -- ffM ?""": .i,.ini. a term not cm- K'Slhc cannonade rises to a per Wrr .. aitoii.nrp. Unitary critics are divided ns to what H1UU .... ... ri,,,nniiii.! means. He- IK infantry' nacUs were made the $ZZ i batteries shelled the French lines fe hours. Some believe It Is an effort 3K1 ".." i, irna nwav from Verdun; SS think It is an attempt to break , L EMBERS ySfJiirtfppof THE UUSSIAN ADVANCE North of Lutzk, on the River Styr, trio Germans claim thev have checked the Russian flood. South ward the Russians have crossed vie River Scrcth nnd are pushing toward Kolomca. Southeast of Czernowit7. the Russians have split the Austrian army in two, one wing retreating tovard the Car pathian passes and the other flee ing south toward the Rumanian border. fin ub"' .. Itha text ot the communlnuo follows. SMnBefslum n destructive fire by our fwerles wrecked the enemy's works I In the region ot the mines. - I In Champagne, following a bombard--,.. r.....-.lnv nt nlir Doslllons sltU- Km between Malsona dc Champagne .M Mont Tetu, tho Germans tnree !iiim-ij,altaCKeu our ireircura un .... u. ., ..oro All tlin nttacks wero Bitopped by our curlaln ot fire or were rr . .iA m.n.tup wi nti. on lliplr UiW attempt, had miccecdcd In pene- (ifjdng one or our auvnin.cn un-memo, ... Trtnf Tntn. wore Immediately Idrlven out by bayonets. Ten prisoners Irenttlncd in our iranat a'....i-. (. ntrrt.f Kpvnml siirnrlse at- Sticks against our small posts north- feast of tne jjuxo ue .urami vi.u iv- SJ n '.t.A !nft hnnlf nP thft TeUSO the Germans renewed their attacks In the Inslon of Hill 304. Two Bronnde at SUcks were checked by our machine-gun IBre During mo niKiit a mimii mi; ld was kent up at Avocourt wood nnd I-..!j fnne timi Tlifip was a violent Ikombardment In the sectors ot Ksnes fsnd Chattancourt. ' On tho right hank there was consid erable artillery activity alone our en i,i. .. r-nm thn Mpusn as far as aiiro nut ...... ..." gHoulalnvllIc, particularly In the region Jnest and soutn or 1'orc vaux. wnei-u the enemy largely' employed gaseous ishells. At t:pargcs a feeble German Iittack was completely checked. nmiv T,,nn "5 Thn fnllnwhlf? nfTlplal llUteraent was Issued by tho War Offlco to- ur. East or xpres tno enemy nraoo an -result ot our patrol Incursions In the t-rejions of' Llhon, Lasslgny and Jtal 'iops de Champngno somo dozens of Tprjioners and maclilnc-guns were cap- Three French attacks against tho Btrtnchefl we had captured west of tort IVaux were repulsed Since Wednesday, hthat district, we liavo capturcu l-i Eers ana huu men. Gills' 59c tjanri!, it Salts, 2U to 8. M vrovig n SDRY FOR LANCASTER GUARD Hay Ask Saloons Not to Sell Liquor to Soldiers LANCASTER, Ta., June 23. A detnon- Itntion equaling those of the Civil War HfloJ has been arranged by patriotic and thlc organizations for the farewell of Com fflj K Saturday morning. The G. A. H. Emj of Veterans. National Security League lil civic organizations will Join in the (5rle. with Mayor Trout leadinc. The ieujr in ucuuirtivu Willi itatjO .tllU llto ffiiti4 epu It is running high. ffWiyor Trout and Captain I.lghtner, of Company K, have requested the city saloon Iftpera to refrain from selling the guards Wa liquor. Chief ot rollce Bushong has teen Instructed to see thdt the order is en ; ftrted. Fifteen more recruits were aworn 8 yesterdny. gMior Trout was given the assurance Kiterday by firms employing members of tie local guard company that their post W will be open for them when they ro- Rallied by mouth-organs Squanders Steadied at Critical Times by Humble Music LOJJDOV Inn. no irk. t J -. ... IMonnces that the Distinguished Conduct pot has been awarded to Company Quar-Jenn&ster-Rfrp.nnt numi, n-. t.a r IWraiVlckrv nf thn tth O .1. T,v. -. ers, for rnllylnc their mmn,in i.v I? of mual dispensed by the humble S..5. .Ban' Tne deed is thus officially H? i." crl,lcal moment they steadied the JSILV .6ettlns UD " the Parapet and UnJ? .tunea on mouth-organs, although jgoc l0 neavy flr&M I ' - 1 Must EnougK "Pep" dUcemea la our new C'T8t cfferlntr. o uTeI, hem op and elye to one't f i h JM that mart, delrabe "wen, NOT TOO OAV for the re- "d nor too renned for tho eUthtlr youn.tr KAHE lNpBBD th, '" Uw "bn. , (llelr M ' 'Mr pattern., 5S. T Uand. aa hn Wtl' U fealw, !.. . 50C iU0ki vmsvf i i. Bftl. WI Chestnut Street RUSSIANS TRAP FOE NEAR RUMANIAN BORDER Continued from Time One; zcr's army, as General I.etchltzky now holds u Hireicn or -'u miles on the Scrcth Rivet. According to a report from Rome an Aus trian army under General Ba'tln Is shut up In tho angle of the frontier near the town of Sereth. completely surrounded by Rus sians The fall of Radautz places (he extreme left wing of Gcncinl Hruslloffs Invading armies In full control of the railway run ning vertically through the Bukowlna, from Zalcsczyki to Rndautz and thtea'cns tho southern prolongation of this lino running through Suczawa Into tho Interior of Ru mania. Thus, tho Russian cominnnder has now, In tho line from Tarnopol In north western Gallcia down to Radautz. an ex cellent baso railway for tho continuation of his offensive. Moreover, the new Russian advanco Into the southern Bukowlna deals a. blow to the commercial relations recently established between Rumania and tho Central Powers by tho conclusion of the trade agreement by which the three Powers are to export to one nnother surplus quantities of food stuffs. Much of the grain shipped from Ru mania to Austria and Germany under this compact went via the Bucharest-Budapest-Vienna-Berlin railway." With a Russian army fronting tho western Rumanian border through which this line runs, not a ton of Rumanian goods can reach the Central Kni plres by this route, while on the other hand Rumania becomes partly tjependent upon Russia. Tho Russian drive In the south thus as sumes a new aspect In that it threatens a tightening of tho food blockade of tho Teutonic countries. If pushed further to tho south, to the Danube, on which river the bulk of tho commercial exchango Is carried on, the new trado pact will bo reduced to nil, Rumania will be isolated and virtually blockaded from the north, northwest, nnd east (Black Sea), while tho Teuton-Bulgarian Macedonia array will bo placed be tween tho Russians nnd tho Franco-British forces. Apart from tho success In the south the Russian offensive made no progress In the last 24 hours, but. on tho contrary, suffered a serious check In Volhynla, where the German re-enforcements are Im parting more and more stubbornness to the Austro-Hungarlau resistance, and cvcnhae enabled the assumption of a counter move ment In the centre, southeast of Kovel. Tho day brought no abatement In tho furious lighting which has been going on for a week on the Kolkl-Sokul sector of the Strypa. Tholr advanco hnlted by General von Llnslngen, tho Russians tried again to break tho Teuton front In nn effort to drive through to Kovel, but, according to Berlin, nil tho onslaughts failed. Between SokUl and l.lnlewka, where tho Russians are trying to force a crossing of tho Stokhod, the only natural obstacle sepa rating them from Kovel. tho fighting was particularly ferocious. The Teutons held their front against all attacks. Further Bouth. on both sides of tho Turtja River, west of Lutzka, and down to the town of Gorochow, north of the Gallcian border line, the Russians, accord ing to tho German War ORlce, were driven further back. CONQUISTE ITALIANS LUNGO LA VALLARSA; UN NOTEVOLE DOTTING Armi e Munizioni Catturnte dagli Italian! in Piccoli Gombatti- menti ad Ovest dbl Lago di Garda IL MINISTERO COMPLETO ROMA, 23 Olugno. tTn comunlcnto umclale pubhllcnto oggl dal Mtnlstero detla Guerrn dice die gll Itnllanl hanno conqulstntn nuovc poslzlont nella Vallnrsa lungo la qunlo hanno Inlzlato mi movlmcnto offensive. II comunlcnto d Ice : Nella Vnllnrsa nol nhblamo occupnto nuove poslzlonl nl dl la' dl Romlnl, ad est del plcco dl Mczzann o ml costone del I.orn, nd ovest del Monto Pnsublo. Fuclll, munlzlonl e bombe sono state da nol prese nl nemlco. Lungo la fronte Poilna-Astlco si e' avuta attlvlta fil artlgllcrla da amho le pnrtl. ' Kcco It testo completo del rapporto del gcnoralo Cadorna pubbllcato qui lerl sera dal Mlnlstero delln Oucrrn: Martodl' II nemlco nttneco' le nostre poslzlonl nella Valle dl t.edro o sulle pendlcl merldlonall del Monte Speronc, ma dopo un vlvncn comhnttlmento fu completamcnto resplnto. Icrl dal I.ngo dl Garda ntla valle del l'Astlco si ebbero duelll dl artlgllcrla e piccoli combattimenti ncl quail le nostro truppe prcsero hi nemlco una mltragllntrlco, numerosl fuclll cd una qunntlta' dl munlzlonl. Sull'nltoplnno dl Aslngo. nd eccezl ono dl piccoli attncchl In dlrorlone dl Monte Magnnboschl e nolle vlclnanzo dl Mandrlcle, ad ovest dl Mnrceslna, II nemlco rlmase strcttamento sulla til fcnslva reslstcndo nccanltamente nlla noMtra avanzata e contestnndocl II ter rcno pnsso per pnso, I.a nostra nrtlgllcrla ill grosso call hro ha dl nuovo bombnrdato la stazlono ferrovlnrla dl Toblach nella valle delln Drnvn. Ncssuna novlta si ha da rcglstraro sulla fronte doll'Isonzo. L'n ncroplnno nustrtaco ha lanclato tin numcro dl bombo sulla clttadlna dl Bassanor senza pero' rlusclro a caus are dannl scrll od n far vlttlme. Glunge notlzln da Pnrlgl che una barca Itallana, Maria, fu Incendlata martedl' da un sottomarlno tedesco, n quanto nfferma un comunlcato pubbllcato a Modrl c trasmesso aU'AgcnzIa Havos. L'cqulpagglo fu salvato. I nuovl sottosegrctnrll dl Stnto hanno prc stato glurnmento oggl nolle manl del presi dent del Conslgllo, nn. Paolo Bosclll. lissl sono : Colonic, conte Pletro Foscarl, deputato dl MIrano. Internl, aw. Glacomo Bonlcelll, deputato dl Brescia . Flnanze, aw. Oualtlero Oanlell, doputato dl Tregnago. Transportl, prof. Ugo Ancona, deputato dl Gomona. Giustlzla, on. Vnssallo. Lavorl Pubbllcl, nvv. Roberto Do Vlto, deputato dl Glullanova. Istruzlono, prof. Angelo Rth, deputato dl Alghero. liulustrln e Commerclo, bnrone E2I0 Mor purgo, deputntrt dl Clvldnle. Agrlcoltura, aw. Olu9eppe Canepa, depu tato "ill denova I, Postc, on. Rossi. Ia Camera del Deputatl c1 convoeatn per quail II nuovo mlnlstero fara' le sue dlchla razlonl, le scdute saruno agBlornate, non pero' prima dl aver votnto I crcdltl prov vlsorll flno al 31 dlscembre del corrento anno. Dopo che le tiavl da euerrn alloate avevnno bloccato I portl dela Grccla o dopo che gll nllMtl nvevnno preso nitre Ittlsure dl rlgore per rlsponderc nU'attegRlamento sempre pill' favorevole ngll Imperl ccntrnll che It Roverno dl Skuludls nndavn nssu mendo, II govcrno sreco ha ceduto od ha nccordato tiltte le domande prescntate dalle potente della Quadrtipllce, 0 cloe': Vera 0 complcta smobllltazlono dell'e.er cllo greco nel plu' btco tempo posslblle. tmmedlata sostltuzlono del Rnblnetto SkUlmils con un gablnctto senza colore po litico ed offrcnte tutte le necessnrlo garnn zlc per una bcncola neutralltn' verso le uolonr.o della CJundruplIcc. tmmemldato sclogllmento della Camera del Dcputntl bpriiI to da nuove elezlont gen crall nel perlodo dl tempo stnblllto dalla costltuzlone c soltanto dopo che sara' stata completata la smobllltazlone deH'escrclto e rlmcso II corpo clcttorale nolle sue contll zlonl normall. Sostltublone dl certl funzlonarll II cut nt ti'Rtamento, Isplrato da Influenze stranlere, ha fncllltato nttcntatl contro paclflcl clt- tndlnl cd Iniultl contro le leBazlonl degll nlteatl o quelll cho si trovavano sotto la lorn gulrlsdlzlone . Mentro si nspctta cho le domande slano messe In nttn, si dice che una (.quadra nnvnle atlcata sotto gll ordlnl dell'nmml ragllo francesc Morcau ha avnto ordlno dl Incroclnrc davnntl nl Plrco, c che si sono fnttl I prepatntlvl per lo sbarco dl repnrtl armatl. IVaccettazlono delle domande dcgll nlleatl c' stata comunlcata nl mlnlstro dl Francla da Alessandro Zalmls. II che fa supporro cho questl nldla snstltutto Skuludls nella prcsldenza del Conslgllo greco. SI dice che Xalmls c' neutrnllsta, ma ha slmpatle per gll nlleatl. BLOCKADE OF GREECE TO BE RAISED AT ONCE Athens Hints at Return of Eleti therios Venizelog to Premier ship After Demobilization ITEDESCHIATTACCANO IRUSSINELLAVOLMA Si Dice Che von Mackensen E' alia Testa delle Forze Teu- toniche dell'Est ATHENS, June 23. Tho blockade placed upon Greek shipping by the Allies to enforce their ultimatum Is expected to be raised nt once as a rsult of tho acceptance of the demands of ling land, France nnd Russia by the Greek Gov ernment Intimation that such nctlon would bo taken was given today by tho ministers of the Kntento Powers. As soon ns the demobilization of tho Greek Army Is brought about general elec tions will bo held. In the meantime Aloxttndrc Znlmls Is act ing ns premier, but It s believed that It will not be long until Kleutherlos Venl 7elos, the most aggressive ot the pro-Ally leaders, will bo at tho head of tho Gov ernment, Following are the demands made upon Greece by tho Allies and accepted by the Orcelt Government: "First Real and complete demobilization of tho Greek nrmy, which must, with tho least possible delay, bo placed on a peace footing, "Second. The Immedlato replacing of the present Greek Cabinet by n business cab Inet having no political color and offering all necessary guarantees for the ifppllcil tlon of benevolent ncutrnlltv toward ihr. Allied Powers nnd sincere consultation of tho natlonnl wishes. "Third. Tho Immediate 'dissolution of the Chamber, followed by new elections after tho period required by tho Constitu tion nnd nfter general demobilization has restored the electoral body to normal con ditions. "Fourth. Replacement of certain police functionaries, whose attitude, Inspired by foreign Influence, has facilitated attempts against peaceable citizens as well ns Insults ngalnst tho Allied legations and thoso under their Jurisdiction." that the Irish rebellion has been renewed and that the British Government la slip pressing the hows. American reports are probably the exaggerated outgrowth of de scriptions of scenes nttendlng recent fu nerals of Sinn Fein victims of U16 rebellion. Meanwhile, though opposition to tho prb Jected settlement of tho Irish question, which developed within the cabinet Itself, rnmo as an unupleasnnt surprise, there has been no really serious hitch In the negotia tions which are expected to bo ndvnnced to nn Important stage by today's Nationalist conference nt Belfast. At the Belfast conference Devlin, who will be supported by Redmond nnd Dillon, Is threatened by tho opposition of the Cath olic Bishops of Ulster. Doctor Machugh, Bishop of IVrry, published n letter stating that he nnd Cardinal Logue, Bishop Mac Rnry nnd Bishop Mctinna. whoso control ex tends over tho six excluded counties, are against the Lloyd-George proposals. There Is llttlo expectation that the Bel fast conference will vote against the Lloyd George proposals. V m Tills is Vv X IhdWise f Shopper's !J Check Canadlnn Premier Off for New York OTTAWA. Juno 23. Premier Borden has left for New Vork, to discuss with rail way nnd financial authorities the choice of cxpeits to report on tho Canadian railway situation. Un tclogramma da Petrograd dice cho tre nrmato tedesche, probabllmcnte ngll ordlnl del maresclallo von Mackcnsen, hanno prcso l'offenslvn contro lo forzo russe del gencrnle Bruslloff che nella rcglone dl Vladimir Vollnsk minncclano la baso tedesca dl Kovel e la fortczza dl Lemborg. L'nla sinistra russa procede vlttorlosn nella sua marcla attrnverso la Bucovina, rlcnc clnndo Indletro le forzo nustrlaeho del gen cralo Pflanzor. Tnrto dl qucste forzo hanno dovuto rlfuglarsl In tcrrltorlo rumeno, dove sarnnno certamento Internate slno nlla fine della guerra. L'nltra parte e' In rltlrata vorsl I Carpazll, ma segulta davvlclno dalla cavallcrla rosacea che non 1c da quarttcre. Un telegramma da Ateno dice che sara' presto tolto II blocco che gll nlleatl avevano stablllto sulle coste delta Grccla, avendo II governo greco nccottato lo domande degll nlleatl. La Smobtlltazlonc deU'csccrclto greco Inscla prevedere una prosslma offen siva dcgll nlleatl dalla zona dl Salonlcco, dlretta speclalmcnte contro lo forzo bulgnro. "m your feet omi w HY not give your feet tho snme consideration you give tho rest of your body? If you did, you would save yourself much iwii aim unjuy hie neattniui exercise 01 vvnmuni. The Dr. Reed Shoe is as near a. perfect covering for the feet as brains, experience and leather can make. EXPECT HELFAST CONFERENCE TO UPHOLD LLOYD-flEOKGE Harmony Predicted at Mooting on Irish Situation LONDON. Juno 23. High officials assert emphatically that there Is not tho slightest foundation for reports spread In America 30-32-34 S. SECOND ST. We Furnish Everything for House and Person On Credit Cash Prices $1.00 Weekly Payments -nc.-.E,,.... ...ia-Tr-TE A Seamless Pump In Gray Kid, Tan Calf or Patent Colt S3.00 The "Tailor-Milde,, Of course, this name is a fantasy, for this new pump is made by one of the best shoemakers in the country. But being a new seamless model it' has that sought for glove fitting appearance that makes it look "made specially to fit you" exclu sive in every line. ' You may get this new pump in any of three col ors, Gray, Pearl Kid, Tan . Calf or Patent Colt. Yon can't find so stylish ' or well made a pump else where for less than $5 but our upstairs dQ rxfi ( price is 4t3.UU Did you send your men friends to our now Mar ket & 13th Street Men's Shop with your coupons? Woyd Boot Shim 1208 Chestnut St f&SHS 2 t (Over Chllds Restaurant) A -' FLOOR SAVES $ MEN'S STRAW HATS $1.50 Values ' $2 to $2.50 Values ) l ,25 HToni: ovnss Riso a. m, closes 5 r. sr. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Silk Gloves 50c Women's, Two clasp. In white or black. Double tips. Lit Brothers FIRST KLOOR. SOUTH n-'aso7.'ita'.a-71.5 Lit Ilrollirr SKCOND FLOOR ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Filbert Seventh hi Mark Tomorrow As the Dau On Which You Can Bun HIM Swagger TrooicalWeight Suits. $ ?" " 7 I I S II I T -.. .wi, iwj ivt-iiuiic-jinjuL jLiuiuuiiucu ul oummer iioming is j inese suns combine the smartness and style of all-wool, custom-made clothing with the & irnrnnac rtnn nnn nnnn -.. -,ii.i i.;j ta $5-50 up 1 ",Tmr V X; li in, it X The Dr. Reed Shoe Rives tho bones and muscles of your feet a chance to be what naturo intended thoy should be. FOR MEN AND WOMEN In nil leathers and the latest styles. No. 8 North Thirteenth Street PAIITION no otiiep. dr. nnr.D shoe wunjn stoke in rmi.ADixPiUA u: BONWIT TELLER aCQ CHESTNUT AT 13 "STREET Will Close Out Saturday AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 95 Missed "Tailleur" Suits - A variety of smart styles, in Serge, Poiret Twill, Mohair and Checks Sizes 14 to 18 years. 10.00 and 15.00 Formerly up to 49.50 Misses Dresses for Summer Wear Plain, striped and flowered Voiles, Linen and Crepes, Sizes 14 to 18 years. 5.95 7.50 8.75 12.75 85 Girls Summer Dresses "i A number of Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Voile, Georgette Crepe, Linen and Chambrays, Sizes 8 to 1 6Tyears. ' ' 4.95 7.50 10.50 15.00 i ti 9 S & r ifi 2 9 jp SEee Tk ' j-v : U k t lightness and coolness of summer cloth kinds. They Are the Happy Medium the Summer Clothing Without a Fault $ You could pay three times this price without really getting any more for your money. $ 6 $ 6 Nobby Pinch-Backs and Every Other Good Summer Style Colors and patterns run to cool summery effects distinctive and stylish. $16 to $20 Blue Serge Suits, $12 & $14 With Each ?U Suit You Get an Extra Pair of $5 Trousers - Only superior grades of all-wool, fast-color serge have entered into their making. Styles are particularly smart; tailoring and finish are far above the average. if Advanced Fall Models ' " , - t '. Misses' Frocks for Dance, Afternoon and Street Wear lV I 22.50 69.50 It.: Boys' L5 & $1.75 Wash Suits, 90c A Big Special Purchase of More Than Ordinary Interest, In the lot arc, suits of madras, percales, chambrays and galateas, in every good summer style, including Junior-Norfolk, Tommy Tucker and middy effects. Sizes 2' to 10 years. $8.50 All-Wool Blue Serge Suits $4 ftg Norfolk model with patch pockets and peg-top bloomers. Sizes 6 to 18 years. Lit Brothers SECOND FLOOR. SEVENTH rttivvt ' f '1- ai-Ps'iPv.P,.'U,,fe'V,i : 2 m i Hail Trimmed Free Untrimmed S Sports Hats Eveiy ?strm $5 Milan Sports Hats SO QQ White, old rose, creen or pink, also &SKJ white with colored bands. Hkctclied. $3.50 White Milan Hats. $4 Mannish Panamas.. . Pencil roll edges. Rlack gros-graln bands. Lit nrotbers FIRST FLOOR, NORTH ! 9k0 . trzfrz. -m i SO OQ QSVV &dJJ ft . s Oirls' Middy Blouses 50c to n. -: Children's "Educator" Pumps at Third Saving By great good fortune we were able to secure another limited lot of these cele brated shoes, designed on a tclentille, health-giving principle that gives greatest aid and protection to youngsters' feet. Thi tptcial ttyle i made of patent coltthin and white Imperial bucltskin. Marked According to Size at the Following Phenomenally Low Prices: Sizes 6 to 8 1 ,49 Sizes 8Vg to 11'-?g9 Sizes UV2 to 2--$l79 Wohien's 55 and $0O AQ Pumps ; 'V i -vvhiia klrlskln. Datent coltskln and I gun-metal calf; also black with grayt .cnampagne. Ill r nmiu liuaji. I I Sizes 3 to 7 J wlfltlis A to p. a -vwsvwvwwwwwv Mea's and Wcmen's TradcMark Shoes Lenards, $3 Lil Brothers' Special, $3.50 Custom-Made, $4.50 to $7 Stratfords, $4 Women's Black, bronze; gray, cham pagne or Havana brown leathers; also white kid. buck. Nubuck and duck, jilen's Black and tan leathers. Lit Bgtuer tiar .fiaju.ii, ftuivin Regular $1 to $5.50 Kinds: Special Twills, Silks, Novelty Stripes and Fine Batiste. Some are In Norfolk effect, others show pockets, lacings, smocking or braided col lars and cuffs. Sizes S to 20 years. Lit Brothers SECOND FLOOR 'A-vvvvtvvtvvvvxvxvvitvvvvvvvvvvvvt.vtvvvvvi Tomorrow I Another big Saturday Sale Presenting Misses' & Women's Summer Apparel AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES Preparations have been going forward for several days and everything made ready for one of the busiest days we will know this season. For Mitset $A. 08 $7 Summer Dresses J r.yo Six very pretty styles. Charming pure white frocks with lace; striped, figured and plain voiles in white and colors; also white, blue, green and old rose linen. Misses' $12 Linen $Q no Suits 0,VO A Variety of Jaunty Neio Fashions. Own Sketched. In white, pink, blue, brown and natural color. Also )n Palm Beach cloth. Norfolk and mannish. For Women $Q QQ $12 Dresses 0.570 Chic sports effects in plain, striped and figured voile; also pretty lingerie frocks and net dresses with laea or embroidery trimmings. wwm fJJ 8.98 Women's $20 Silk Dresses. $14 Qg i Sports fashions In bright-colored ellk Jersey with eontruting kirt and folds. Also other dresses In navy, black and light-colored taffeta, crepe de chine and nay-serge-combljied-wtth-taffeta. Lit Iiroll.,-. Stfco.N'n FLOOR UAIL PHONE OHUK113 n-;r,T,gn -' - .'.""" "': mi .. iwiijpiafijeK. ...-j.jrASW-, m ffcltegl-& i -c J6t n. Z. b jSW --- p r W&--iU6Mj&M