f -.J-JgEywji -.4 tj-. "- vp- &'3fB ' id EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 4010. POLICE SEEK CORPORAL A. Rindleich, Company 7, 21 Regiment, Missing With Family A, nincldclch, ft corpora) of Company O, Sil Ileglnt.tit, Is being soitRiit by the police nnd (i detail from tils company, nitul flelch, who Is a tailor, nncl lives nt 1935 Norrla street, has not been seen about that address since the first call to report for duty was issued. Ho Went to the ar mory on Monday, reported for duty and Was sent home' to Ret liltt uniform. Ho did not return, and yesterday Captain "William M. .lowland, of .Company CJ, sent a detail to the Norrls street house to placo the recalcitrant corporal under arrest. They reported that neither ltlndllelch nor his family had been seen by neighbors since Monday. Captain Itowland then notified the police of tho 20th and Berks streets station, sendltiK out a detail of guardsmen ns well. If nindllolch Is ar rested he Is liable to court-martial as a deserter. He hns been a member of the company for nine years. 1200 Join Ranks of Garment Striken NEW VonK. June 23. Twelve hundred Italian workers In fadles' tailoring shops have voted to Join the garment strikers. Women workers distributed 6000 rand witches arid 5000 glasses of milk to pickets. Jacob H.'Sohlft will address n inass-meetlMir In Carncgto Hnll next Tuesday night In aid of the workcra HELP WANTED FEMALE Continued from Preceding Column. SUPBRtOIt white woman for cooking and down stairs work: no laundry; reference. II 13,i. i.enxcr tunc. INCREASE your husband's Income: largo firm offera nn unusual nppor. O 033. ledger Lent. l.ALrMHt'o'WN OiitfT (white) for light house- ??.!. .4DL03 Angora nvis fienerat WOMEN Become Government clerksi T mtji.i eamnlo examination nuestlofts free. Franklin tnstltule, Dent. 71.1 !'. Rochester. N. T. j HELP WANTED MALE ADVnilTlfltNCl Son Ire department of publish' Ins house needs male stenographer. () to 30. preferably .with ndvertlslng experience; this position holds opportunity. for man ot ability nn.l Initiative. Apply by letter only and give full particulars. 8. Held Warren, MM Race . street. -- - - AUTO MECHANICS, first class: strictly up-to-date modern shop, centrally located; good pay: state experience and wages. M 3.13. 1-cdxcr Central. AUTO REPAIRMEN AND MACHINISTS. capi Me of overhauling and rebuilding; autotrucks. 1' 121. Ledger Ofllce. HELP WANTED MALE Contfnnrri from Preceding Column. wanted. Call Itoom 602, 1033 highest fc Co., LOST AND FOUND Far Other Lost and Found Ails See Page 1 OOf.tJ tlAlt. PIN. set with sapphire and pearls lost In Independence So. or In Wannmnker'a June 51. Reward !f returned In l-edgcr Cen trsl Office, Hrond and rhestnut sts Lost Pearl scarfpln, fn or near Shetburiie Hotel. Atlsntlo City: liberal reward. M 3.11. Ledger OfOce. PERSONALS WILL HUT OR SELL lots at Lester (formerly Corblndale). or at Esslngton. Wrlto P. O. Box 241, Philadelphia. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAPH CO.. 13n CHESTNUT ST. Miss Margaret Orahatn. Heywnod P. King, IV. 1.. Stanley. Snmmervllle Tubing Co.. S. C. Stndar, ndwln Ilothsi-hlld. Mend J. Miilvlhlll, 8. d. Dean, .1. Frank Booth. Jos. D. Jl. Devlin Dr. Dave W. ltnth. Lawrence .1. Dunn. Dr. Henry Dlnmnnt, Mrs. Robert Smith. A. II. Cross. Mrs. IJert Unities. Jlrowne A Demont. Jessie Miles, National Scale Co., IV. It. Coffin, John Swan. Esu., Harold M. Welt, John Downey. Miss MnhK Dr. Norman Stgvann. Harrv Vernon. Mrs. Capt. II New-comb. n. J. Oroves Emanuel Allard, Mrs. Tnber Martin. Dr J. II. McDuf fie. Jr. i Nettle Carrol. F. Ryersnn Morris. N. Weiss. Charles II. Scher. Henry Hamilton. Frank A Harder, Pnui Hngdnn. Allen c. Man ton. Chas. C. Hoyden. Mrs. Catherine Wcsrntt. HELP WANTED FEMALE BILL CLERK, Proteatant. thoroughly experi enced In discounts and hand hilling; state, aire . and experience; salary Mo. P 21(1, l,ed. OIL COOK, chnmherm-'d and waitress, two white matds do entire vork of family: no washing; so to mountains for summer. Meet emplnor Saturday between 11 and 1 o'clock. Hoom 20.1. '008 Chestnut at. COOK wnnted, experienced, assist with down stairs work; no washing. 0023 Drexel road. Phone Overhrook 11170. COOKINO and downstairs work: wash tnble linen; rountry. See Mrs. Morris, S. IV. cor. 31th and Haverford ale.. 2 to tl iind 7 to 0 p. m. OIRL. white w-inted for housework: two In famllv. 5Q.1H Washington nve. Q1RLS wanted, over Id; Increased facilities lime made openings, in our plant for refined, intelli gent gtrls fnf sealing. Intieltng and parking medteol supplies: llnht. pleasant work: clean, healthv surroundings: TiU'-hotir week: s.ilary is to beslnners. with raold ailvanrement to Rood workers; 12 minutes from Darby on trollev: 20 minutes from Flrnad Street station on trnln. Annlv In person or by letter to II. I. MUL FOrtD CO.. Olenolden. Pa. ' OIRT.S wented: llcht work: no experience neces sary: J.1 a week paid while lenrntng. Apply .119 N. 3'.'d, HOSIEUT Knitters nnd toppers nn&Stundard F and Scott ft Williams lull automiiflc maehlnea; best ply In ett.' and llitht. aanltnrv mill In n-hloh to nork Wallace Wilson Hosiery Co.. 4111 Orcher.1 el HOSIKRY l'xn. winders and mendera wanted: r.lentv work and pay srood aa any. IVnllnce- ii Wilson Hosiery Co.. 43.11 Orchard t..F'kford. HOUSEWORK Protestant ulrl. Germnn or Pol ish preferred: mut be. good rook, w-llllns to wait on table and do dowtmtulrs work: no laundry: 3 adults, small !.oye col' s-iturday afternoon or evenlmr. 23.1 West Hortter St.. Gerrnenfown. or ohone .17.12 Otn Tor fare pd. HOUSEWORK A settled. white. Protestant women for ireneral homewirk end cooklnir: family 2 e.lnlta. Call 517 S. 42.1 st. Phono Preston f.414. flOI'8EWOP.K rilrl. while, settled. Protestant: 3 In famllv reference: S.I; no washlns. Over hrook flll.1 J . hoiTSF.WOni' Colored co "home at nlshtTnii Is-nd-v; reference. 3"ni Chrlatljn nl. Nt'RSTKY ffoVRrtN-RHS wnnted. well educated mMrtle-apeii Entrtlsh noman to care for a cilld jf '2 vars: Axprlepeo In nurslnir: Kood "fe-en. p 213 IMlnr Of(V-e. POl'KnTRnOKS Olrla, eipirlere,i on "pocket Imokj n."d cardeasen Apoly Wolf & Co., third fooe. fth nnd Callowhlll. POO KF.T HOOK MAKERS: experience,! ulrls nn fancy leather Roods: also learners. C. F. Rumrn ft Sons. 3thnnd Cherry sts. 6TENObRPirER". e'xnerlenceil youns ladv: nlve are. exnerlence and salary desired. H 51. Ledeer feotral. " BTENOORArHER waftted. experienced. Calf037 Arch st. j- BTHNOo"R.PHER. eanahle o' handlln-i Spanish cnrrenponilence. HW.MH. Ledger Central. BTBNOORAPHKRS. HOOKKEEPBRS. CLERKS have recosnlied the assistance that "MIhs Deon." of tho Commercial Department at Ledrer Central, haa l)een In swurlnit situa tion!; of the better kind a service which the public rannot do without. "Miss Dean" has both the tntereatn of the employer nnd em ploye at hart. and can be depended upon at the rlsht time and placo. This service la of fered to yon ad a Ledser advertiser lake ad vantnmt of It immediately If you aro seeklns a position. IJONE HUTTON MAKERS wanted w-nBea anil bonus paid. Hatlelah American andCambrJasts. UOOKKEEPEIt Younir, Industrious and compe tent man; state niie, oxperlence nnd snlaty. M 3f,3i LedRer Central. HOOKKEEPINtl Wanted, by wholesale hard ware house, tomnctenl mnn.not uvcr .1.1: must furnish best references; willing to leao city; permanent position and Kood salary. 1" .11. ledKer OfOce. HOY. strone. wanted. oor 1(1: splendid I oppor tunity If not afraid of work. Hcxford Co.. 0J0 Markei. HOY wnnted. Call Room 002, 1033 Chestnut street. HOY. 17 jeiirs, to leVrn ptumblm?. 37 N. 10th street. HOY wanted fo" work" In Vnlahlnn department of hosiery mill. 1320 NorthLawrence. HOYS over in years to work In factory. Apply Lanston Monotytie Machine to,,24tli ft Locust. HOYS WANTED (COLORED). Al 'PLY .SA MARITAN HOSPITAL. IIROAD & ONTARIO. HUTTON SALESMAN catering to women's wear cutllns-up trade. 11 317, U-dger Office. CffAl'FFEUR wanted to drlvp d-llvery trneUl work all ear round; t;ood wanes; bring ref erences. Apply Crane Ice (ream to.. i a S. 23d. . ... COOK Wanted", at imc'iVextwrlenied cook, small boys' camp In Maine. Apply Mr. Illshop. H. W. ror. 3th and Chestnut sts. Jrlday. COOPERS wnnted on tight barrel". Ap.i:nter- prlse Co,iperage,Sndorjive;A Delaware River. COtll'LE Settleil dermans" preferred; man. ....u n.,,...ni,iin ttn .irivinc assist ganlener wife, cook: nll-yenr-round posit ons for trust worthv, well-recommendd couple : family one ladv, lUlnit In country. 11 HI. LedKtr Central TOUNO MAN ineainut !; . YOUNiVMen wanted, io, who know something about tutting meat, to learn pork butcher business. Apply 3(l4fl (lermanto'vn nve. ACTIVE. INTELLIOENT. KOV OVER. J II YEARS OLD, SOME llldlt SCHOOL TIlAlN INO PREFE IlIlKll. Ft)Il OFFICE.AND ER RAND .WORK: tlOOD OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE. CALL ON MR. WKSCOTT. . iIii,.,J',C.'iKOOEIt.J.IT,,.AND CHESTNUT. ONE of the iarne trust companies hns a position vacant for a lad about 18; applicant must nd dress In own handwriting, slvlnc nunllflcntlons nnd details regnrdlng himself: salary, Jil, with chance of advancement. Address 11 320, l.edaerorrlie. OHADUATiT uf hlh" sciiool"for"oftfc' nnif field work William Linker Co., engineers nnd con- Jraetors sal Cherry (leneral HOOKlYrSEPElta o'hd LEDOER CLERKS, ttft; HOOKKEIJPER. automobile business, I7; CLERKS, several good opcnlnss for young men. hlsh school grnduatea, Jill up; SALES MANAOEHS, steam specialties. 130(10: two very good stenographto positions open, $7fi mo. ; HILL CLERK, must li rapid on Underwood tP., 17(1 mo.; DRAUGHTSMEN, MECHANI ("AL. out of ton, lion month; STRUCT t'HAL. 12(1; LfMllEH INSPECTOR; SALES MAN, building material, anchor bolt, warned, hlsn-grade printing SALESMAN, excellent sal ary, sales experience, general, Jobbing, elec trical supplies; SALESMEN, high-class, for commercial Photography, other positions open for HK1H-ORAUE MEN HCHINKSS SERVICE COMPANY 13111 lND TITLE IIUILDINO SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, Continued from Preecilna Column, TOUNO MAN, well educated, sge 20, office .and sales exp., competent nnd reliable, deslrts po sition, it 35(1. Ledger Central. ENOINE LATHE HANDS (Largo nnd small work.! VERTICAL HORINO MILL HANDS (Lnrgo nnd small work.) HORIZONTAL HOlllNCl MILL HANDS (Largo and Hinnll wo-k.) PLANER HANDS, (Large and small work.) ENCHNfl FITTERS l.irse and sm-ill work.l MEN FUR LA VINO flUT WORK SIAClilNE "I'AjJKjJMJTHNO AND TOOL TOOLMAKERS AND" DIE MAKERS HmpioMnent DepnrlnvMit. THE WESTINOlldl'SIl P A N MACHINE COM' TELEPHONE OPERATORSr-Olris between 17 and 22, who are anxious to secure permanent positions, with refined, pleasant, homelike sur. roundlnga: salary paid while learning; rapid advancement. Apply In person to the Hell Telephone Co.. 40S Market nt.. dally except Sunday between R:3fl a. m. and .1 p. m. I also Tuesday and Friday between 0:3(1 p. m. and a:30 p. m. WAITRESS; must be neat, obliging and oulck: day work: good wages. Call, with reference. Homestead Farms. 12 N. 12th at. WAITRESS, colored, for seashoro; some laun in- -?.Leit'mDloXer Friday. a. m.. Room gn.1. Ana Cheatnun fcoUNO LADY, not over 20 years, good at figures. P '-'14. Ledger Office. TOUNO WOMEN between ages of 17 and 22 Just leaving achool will find exceptional op portunities In telephone operating; salary paid while learning; permanent position assured, with pleasant, homelike aurroundlnga. Apply tn parson to the Bell Telephone Co.. 40A Mar. ket St., dally except Sunday, between H;3ff a, m. and ft p. m.i also Tuesday and Friday, between AM and 830 p. m. Kat Pittsburgh, Tn. (Emnlo.iment Office open Tuesday and Friday evenlnss until 0 o'clock. ) FARM"TaNDS ami in borers wanted for general work. Annly In p-rson or by letter. II. K. JUilfonl. Clnnolilen. liAMJIKli.MENr healers, levermen nnd tnlrtsmen for SM tongn hammer: steady work: no strike. Apply Henry Dlsston ft Sona. Tnvony. P.i. . HOSIERY Experienced men to take chnrce of wan-room; must hae experience In finishing nil alvli-a nf work. Apply E. Sutro ft !-ons To.. E. Thompson nnd Clearfield His. Instrument makers, tnpimnkors. j.i.24 to J I. (ft per dav of R honra; much nlata 3 1 to 4: iinalstsnt machinists. J2 to J2.IH): SMLLI-.P LAIIORERS. $2: hand turret lathe operators, 2.RS; Potter ft Johnson. 3.ri2: Automillc. Cleveland. Ilrnwn. Sharpe ft riridley. t.l..il: higher i-omiiensntlnn when on pleoo wo-k: trill; -enn: IS days' leave nfter one year's nervlre. , holld.iv and Saturday afternoons durln-r sum mer month nil with full pay. Apniy I- nink fonl Arenl. iirnfernhly In iierson, Itrldesburg. Phlinlenlii. Pi. MACHINISTS Wnnted, lathe, pinner nnd bor ing mill hands: highest wages to competent men; r.n houra weekly. Apply John Iljlzley Iron Works, nil S. Delaware avo. MACHINISTS Several machinists nnd univer sal grinders. Apply Industrial Manufacturing Company. 117 Federal at., Camden. jrANIL-ndy man, who cm hnndle carpenter tools, for work around hosiery mill. 13-Vi North Lnwrence. MECHANICS WANTED. FIRST CLASS. Machine lathe hands, automatic machine hand, millwrights, riggers, molders core makers nnd laborers Applv Win. Thomas. TinMuIn Locomotive Works. Eddystone, pa. MEN WANTED Laborers nnd leeomotlvo cleaners. P. R. It. Co. Call 1711 Filbert St. MI'LTIfirMPH OPERATOR Must lie thorough ly familiar with motor drive. Anp'y hv let lee, stating ace. eperlenco and salary. Henry Dlsston ft Sons Tacony. OFFICE MANVOER and accountant, Wharton Sohooi or college graduate preferred: state -ige. exp. nnd snlary expected. H 31.1. Led. Office. PI.t'MHERS for on..r.itlon work. Apply R. Rn-nnr. 13.12 McKeon. rLTT,tnnRS tr operation work. Anply Wm. McDermln. Sop.. N. W. Cor. inthAOregon av. PtlRCinSlNrs AOENT wnnted by Iron works neir Philadelphia: onlv high-clan man con sidered: stole extreni-e. age and salary ex pected. R 327. Ledger Office. SALES1MN for nutomohlles: experienced in sell Inrr ponular msl.e nutomoblle In Trenton. N. J.: reference reitulred. Call or lihone Crescent Auto Sale Co.. 13!) E. State st.. Trenton.N.J. SALESMAN on wholesale butter, egg and cream route: double team; mlarv and rooimlsslon guar. 111. Apply, noon hour only. 2!) S. Front. STENOOIMPHER. oaheMe of handling Spanish correspondence, H 2.17, Ledger Central ST''",ERS IVWTED. Krd-iy nnd Saturday ol-jhin. A-ply s i. m. Frldav and Saturday, Dellverv Department. Public Ledger. WANTED HOARD DROP HAMMER .MEN DIB SINKERS TRIMMER DIE MAKERS Call or write EMPIOrERS' ASSOCIATION 1032 OLIVER P.LDO.. PITTSBURGH, PA. WANTEDExperienced tenographer, unmarried man. for educational Institution In country; good wages; opportunity for advancement. Address (Immediately) Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg. Pa. WANTED An experienced repairman, one who la thoroughly familiar with the Indian motor cycle. Write John O. Nuebllng, 840 Penn at,. Heading. Pa. YOUNO MEN" be"twn the ages of "lh and 3.1 who dealre to travel and Io receive military tralnlnc as member of the drat line of the country's defense upply at 1400 Arch at.. Phil adelphia. Pu.. fur detailed Information regard ing enlistment In the United States Marino Corps. , SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASS'T BOOKKEEPER; I ear's Mperlence: good at figures; 18 H 42, Ledger Central. HILL CLERK, hand; excellent penman; asa't hookor. ; experienced. 1144. Ledger Central, HOOKKEEPER dealre "position In hutol at sum mer j-esort Phone Helmutit no(J3. CHAMHERMAID nnd waitress wants position, seashore or country: good tefeieme. Call pres ent pliic--. till s. 30th St.. Friday. Saturday or Sunday, It to I CHA.MHHII.MAID and " waitress" Protestant. wlal.M position: neat, capable, with gocd ref' eroncc. Call 1333 Mi-Clellnn n! CHILDNCIISE Young wliite Protestnnt desires position: ixperlenced. belt of references; no objection to sas!iore or country. 1320 Fontnln. COMPANION or attendant to lady: good refer ence. II I3H. Ledger Office. COMPANION-Nurso. middle aged: Prnt.. capable,' willing to bo useful. II I3H. Ledger Ofllce. COOK, chan-ticrmild nnd waitress Two Prols. : country or shorn. 11 432. Lrdgcr OfOce. COOK Herman Protestant woman wishes posi tion; references. 211(1 N. Randolph st. COOK nnd chambermaid, colored, good, wishes work, ilty or country. 20.12 Feinon st. OIRL, experienced, for cooking or d iys work: reference. H .1(13. Ledger office. HOVEHNESS, teaching Herman. French.' Eng lish, musical, ileslris position. H. H., care TowH!, Roslyn. Pa. Phono Oguntz 717 J. HOUSEKEEPER, worklns: no washing; termed Aim-rli-nti Prnlestnnt: suburbs: refcrenic. H 12. Ledger Offlt e. flOUSEWORK Mother, with child "i yenr. old." desires housework: seashore or country: best reference. II 13S. Ledger Of Ike. HOUSEWORK Mother, v llh son I3yeiirs old; wnntH position wlieri- lo can make himself useful. II 1311. Led3'T Ofllce. LADY wishes position ns nurse or companion to old lady or .Invalid. I 2IM1, Ltdger Office. MOTHER'S HELPER, young woman, competent. .iccomplUhed, willing; referent o; country, aen shore or mountnlns. II 137. Ledger Ofllce. MOTHER'S HELPEItriiy dav or hour; city 'or suburbs. II 1.13, i.mlger Office. NURSE, pruc. exper.. Imnlid or nervous case; shore, mountulna. Phone Oermnutown 3.103 W. STENOORAniER. public, wrbutltii reporter! srennrlos and other MSS. copied. 701 Wash ington square. STENOI3RAPHER Recent high ' Bclinol" grnd.l neat worker; trial sollc. O .111, Led. Central. STENOORAPIIER, 3 years' experience; assist bookkeeper: capable, (j iilfl, Ledger Central. STENOORAPIIER; recent grad.. with 4 weeks' exp'rlrm-c; neat worker. O 010. Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHEn." beginner, conscientious, neat, accurate: moderate salary. It 40, Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER. 0 mos.' experience-, knowl edge of French; salary tl). II 4!l, Led. Cent. WAITRESS " or chambermaid. Present place. 2.1.1S. lJUIlnt . WOMAN. Oermah. "wishes position ns working housekeeper, with daughter 0 years old: full tdinree. Ii .10, Lrd.wr Hr.. 13th ft Jefferson. YOUNO LADY well "educated, experienced ns teacher, excellent penman, denlrea summer pos.. clerical, tutoring, camp. 11 48, Led. Cent. EMPLOYERS are beginning tn recognise the nervleo rendered bv "Mips Dean" at Ledger Contrnl na Invaluable to them nt that psycho logical moment when they nnd themselves without office hlp. They know that a phone call Walnut anno or Main 30no will bring them Just the desired assistance, be It u Stenog rapher. Hookkeeper. Secretary or Clerk. "Mis D.-an" keeps In touch with young women who ore seeking situations. Have yon ever asked her assistance? It 3 a free service to l-cdscr Advertisers. EMPLOYMENT AqENCT,'t?:? NIf'lIOLLR. 10211 Halnbrldge Comp. male nnd female help, nil nationalities, supplied: vacs. for butlers, valets, gardeners, cooks. walt reason etc. Phone Locunt 2130. MRS. KANE. .111 8. 10th St., wishes situations for vrmix AnitrlrnM rook good bnkoM i-vi,it glri for plain cooking or housework: scotch Prot. waitress: good referenco. Spruce 8101. MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (l.oc. 1303), supplies nnd wnnts lst-elsis Prnt.. r.'nth.. male and female help. allrjatlonalltles WANTED Cooks. " ehnmbermnids, chiidnurees and 1-ntisennrk. girls. Miss Roso DouRherty, 1313 W. tllrnrd. . AUTOMOBILES For Sale AUTOMOBILES For Sale THIS IS THE TIME TO HUT A USED CAR As ,lun 30 In the t.'lo erf Our .fiscal enr. ATTRACTIVE PRICES enn bo had on any of the following cars, June .10: MAXWELL starter. PEERLESS Touring. Touring. f purchased prior to electric lights nnd electric lights nnd model, electric light" t.OZIER. Lakewood CADILLAC "Limousine, electric lights and OAKLAND Lcyllnder Touring, electric lights nnd starter. , ... , HAYNES Touring nnd Limousine. WISCONSIN Limousine. HUrCK Touring , , AMERICAN, l-rnsifiiger. tinderslung. PIKRCrf-ARHOW ".IS" Landauiet. PACKARD "3S" Tnurlhg and Limousine. (1ARFOHD. 3-ton truck. .... MACK. .1-tnn truck with covered hody. LOCOMODILEH, 4, n nnd T-paeaenger. both Touring and Limousines, 1100 UP. Also a few separate open and closed bodl. Convenient terms enn be nrranged. We can also handlo your present car. THE LOCDMonlLE COMrANY OF AMERICA Continued rom Precedhw Column. fAion USED CAR DEPARTMENT While Thev t.nst We Are Making A . SPECIAL SALE Of tho Following Cars: I'AtOE, inlO Pnlrfeld 7-passepper Tour ing; looks like new; will sell reason- PAtnE.'liilr. Fairfield Model. 0-4(1. r . hunt nnd repainted, guaranteed.... "" I'luiii, iiiiA uienwood aioaei, 4-;io. e tl a conlnmenf CHEVROt.nt Ifiir.. r.-pssiner Tour- ingi in excellent condition: guarm, ST U I ) B 1 1 A K E It.' i i ''. ' t1 . pnVsenVer" Tour' inn; rcouiit and repaintea; bu.,i.- ItKO i L, 1 hi h! in' 'ex'e'eiietit ' condition. . .r"'-pisenger touring -,- -. OAKLAND. 101.1. n-passenger Touring: ., . JT'isrnnteed . nrsl-rlsss condition . . . . CADILLAC, nil Roadster, rebuilt and .repainted with extras .-. t,-v',1 .v-h OAKLAND, loll. Roadster, will sell '" -'" f,50 r,no 0A0 27.1 330 7ni) 23IL22 Market ii. A. JENKS. Mgr. Locust 1.10. st.. Phlla.. Pa. Exchange Car Dept. U Race 3360. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN USED CARS 1014 .VINTON. Touring; llghtn .., 1013 STEARNS passenger eieciric 1013 1012 1012 O-eyllndcr. 7-passnger stnrter and cleclrlc IflOO KNIOHT. (l-cyllnder. 7: louring: oinrier a:io llgnia. These Ar All Taken In Trnde for New Paige Cnrs. Completely Overhauled and In Perfect Running Order. HIOELOW-WILLEY MOTOR CO. 301 NORTH IIIIOAD STItBET Ask for S. S. Rodgers. DCMoMstftATOR. t f i rsj l m i i ' ... BUSINESS PEKS0NALS Conllniiftt from Prccedliiff Column. EVENINO " ,;'iAT'i?ITrs'iY'lcrr3 CLOTHES mS W$$F TO, UPKN EVENIN03 LI:Sd1s''eR'3. KITH ft OIRARD AV'.. S. W. Cef DiESSMAKINQ AND MILLINERY THE McDOWELL Dressmaking School; mA.rii n,A,l,n.1. amnlt tfaymeillS, (.iuul... . ":""un',l. -LI 4I.I.( u.a easy, .'ill! Denekla HulldlnR. 1 1th nnd COLIJMIitA Drissmaklng School Special rates; easy payments. C. Hnrtmnn. 173(1 Columbia nve. (Formerly with McDowell). FOtt SALE t'onflniicrf from Prcecdh "' Column. U,ilW -imVELllY, faM t..,h ' wm upoaa.wun prices I nav ....'.""ois. ri - 0liCj?Pl.slore), B0SI; iVb"V i n fiWTi'ftB. ni7n7,-e7e.rL--h-iUii: ?.1J'?'"lhouse bought foVVrM'IWit .n "jarge. j, nernsteln. tsiii'l ro.i 1! - -s-j mar s-'-rr bo OLD 12.11). rtogcrs. 27 S.J7,h it. t,fion. LtBjl 'ifhange your old" for pew ni. 1 "" M Ask . myejjsjomers. Pauf. 2S5J- KL".?"'. lck I TIN CANS wsnted-Wnyor!-7aJail.'t f ieorV.'e'wV,?, cS? WFX I - 51'llhlladelnhla. pj;.-,th ,t'ndr;jt, 8 tlti.f,u Vltnoil VH-TltOLA Iv.ANl) IJ. tlons ( 10-lnch D. F. records). An excellent outflt for one who Is looking for a. good I ms thine ai n teasonableprlcm pin able .me. week' ,y. trail or. wnie lor cuiupiei: "'-v.i (.!. .. iili..i,aiit.l ainlorlie. New trolas from'tl.l to J200I alt styles, nil wooas, and In.u. .. l.nH.1 ItEPl'iVS fPTOWN STORES COR' OTIC AND THOMPSON HTS. .. ANTIQUE furniture nnd brlc-n-brac In original eon.ilowboy block-front Imrenu.(l32 ChrstnuL IIILIitAltD. POOL, combination, second hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing: supplies. l.afo Keafer. American mamifac turcrL 320(1lri!rd nl"i- I'bnne Kens. 2313. DlLLlAHD pool inblea: new. second-hand howl. Ing alleys: easy, payments. Rosalto-Hn..rry. Street Co., 222 S. sth st. Phon Wal., 22SI. EDISON DIAMOND-POINT P1IONOORAP11 uest sun new EN'ORn TWIN 0 I'll ri. P.Vl'.rtY RESPECT: IttllJL? '.;A,1A'!rM TORY HUARAVTKE. W!li.'.',,'M.f!"ia',Ar5 IN ANY MANNER DC."'".''!;,, 'iVi'lIRE A i-Nt'suAt. oppohti's; tv ro ill'-1-Vnis- NEW UP-TO-DATE M"DK'. T., A j'rJo; COUNT. HOTH PHONES I OI ",',u' 07". RACE 2 Wnnteil AUTOS wanted for purls PhH-J. Co.. 823 N. 13th si. Park 1 lis. Aulo Parts AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES FEI.TON (1ARAOB FIREl'lloor t2.nuo s, ft. storage space CHAUFFEURS CHAUFFEURS Uefore making a change Inspect our service. 130 ntRARD Avr.NiiK Phon AND FELTON STREET Relmont 11(11. I'AIOE 4-cyllnder, r,. passenger Tour ing; good cnnnuion WINTON. ilcyllnder. 7-pnssenger Touring; gooil condition PIERCE-AHROW il-cylltider Chassis: excellent conoiuon TRUCKS 3 AUTOCAR Trucks. 1 'i tons cnpnclty. with bodies. ea-h WILCOX. 1-ton Dellery; A-l condition. THE WHITE COMPANY 210 NOltTII IIIIOAD STREET I,. II. W.Nl'iAl. 11.10 300 ann 7nn OKI 3(1(1 Hell, Spruce ,inn: Usfd-Car Department. Keystone. Itace 1731 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-Rookkeepcr, graduatn Wharton school. S jeers with present einp., wontn rhnnge ff. belter OOP. II 311. Ledger OfOce. ACCOUNTANT desires books of small firm to do evenings. II 2ln. Ledger Office. ADVERTISING MAN. exp. In copv writing, sales oo-reepondence nnd ofn,-e management: any snlnrvntceptlible.Hl.10. Ledger Central. ASSISTANT to ofOcer. one of largest American companies: ,1 eara' experience; left to take temnnrnry charge or buslnen In which flnan cliliv interested here; college graduate (Eco nomic.): 20: traveled abroad; wish position In Phlla II 2,14. Ledger Central. HOOKKEEPBIt. 1.1 year' exp., d-slrea either perm. or temros.H442J ledger Central, HOOKKEEPEIt. thor'ly exper.. full charge 10 yeiirn desjres position. H 321.Led er Office. HOY. coloreil. 14 vears. neat nnd bright, for housework, physician or prlvatu family. Phone Spruce 2011:1 during dav HUTI.ER or shore; exp. houseman, colored : suburbs ref. H 131. Ledser OfOce. HUTI.ER or valet. Jnpanese, wishes position; best references. H LIS. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, age 31, careful driver. Orst-class .mechanic Al man, desires position: 8 years' experience. H 4.1.1. ledger Central. L. S. HOWERS COMPANY COLE GRANT ' 24.1-247 NORTH nROAD STREET Offera (he following used cars: , COLE Model 830 Demonstrator. COLE 1IH3 l-cyllnder Touring. AllH'ITT-DETIlOITEH lilt I Touring. TOI1RAIN 1012 Touring. CHALMERS E'12 Touring. IIAYNES 1012 Touring. KISSEL KAR 1013 Touring. KRIT 1013 Touring. MARMON mill Touring. PULLMAN HH.1 Jr. Touring. OLDSMOHILE 1013 Touring. All the noove cars have been taken In trade fi.r COLES nnd have been completely over hauled nnd'nre In perfect running order. WE INVITE YOU to Inspect the following Hat of rebuilt nnd repainted earn, which are of fered foi1 sale. Each car Is In first-class run nlns ciiiidll.on. RAMRI.EIt cross-country model: n passenger: tine condition. Hill VEI.IE. .1 passenger: fully equipped, join JEFFREV. .1 passenger: run only ttuo ID 13 CHALMERS. .1 passenger. We also have rebuilt OLDSMORILES. THE OLDSMOHILE COMPANY 231 N. Hrnnd St.. Philadelphia. Phone. Hell. Wal. 1187: Key, Race 2140. init'LAtT" 1017 to hire (open day nnd night). l'irk 1 4S" brand-new r,-psss. touring ear $1.2.1 hr i also brand-new' 7-pas. Ilmoiislne. tl 00 hr.: weddings, funeral 1 iIR Olrard. ' " ""'"TO" llllti:. I'M AND UP t nrs oi " mnt' Pnnltir 213. nm-n 2241. '";LJ," nnT'nllnlav 3031 N. .Mil. Tioga 20SI AUTO PAINTING HAVE EVERY FACILITY (..I work. Catering, tl) te, where (JI'MjIIJ CONSIDKR.VIIUA Tlosa 2.0-T.,( u. ,,U1VR in ! lr1"' - - - - "i FOR DOING THE n particular cllen I the PRIMARY Prices In your favor. JR.. I'rle. ',,.-- -,i- vAttvtKtr pnt.Tsit FOR YOUR ACTOMOIHAE HODY It his no eou.il. Trial bottle, r.do Siltlsfactlon an-nanteed or moli".v refunded. This outnt ..is complete. net nno Wl oe nolo lor oo. payable T.'c, weekly. . Call or write ror com, Plete descriptions and large illustrated cats Iccues. UPTOWN STORES, COIl (ITU AN'f) THOMPSON STS, HILL1 AP.D AND POCKET TA11LES 1 Also bollng nl eys: ensv paymenls. RRUNSWICK' HALKE-COLLENLiEll CO.. 1U02 Arch. CASH HEC1ISTERS bought. , sold, leased, ex changed, repaired, replnterl. Supplies. New end, factory rrbiillt. Now total adders. s low ns M0. ('nil and see our. 1010 mod els. Registers sold nnd leased by us oa essv liniments and fullv cit.iranteeij, THE NATIONAL CASH REplSTER CO. 7,111 CHF.STNUT STREET DESKS Ollng rnblnets, safes, telephone booths snd ofOce furnllure nnd fixtures of every de errlptlon: used, but In One rnndltlon. nnd very cbeniT free delivery ntivwbere. HUOHES UTil AND nt'TTONWOOD DESK'S, large assortment: nlo household fur niture Dullng Central Spcord-liand 1-urnl- turo Comn.inv nnt non-nil Callowlilll st. f32.K(l VICTOIt VICTRoLA VI. "Including 2 s'leitlons (in 10-Inch D. F. records). An ex cellent mnchtne In every, way. Can be Paid for at the rale of 7.1c. weel-'y. Call or wrlto for complete dc-crlptlens nnd .large Illustrated rstslngues. Sew Vletmlns from L to SJOOi ILstlle. all -sonde, nllvnys on hand. ' UEPT'E'S UPTOWN" STORES con. nn' avo Thompson sts. Fireproof"-" nn nllghtlv used! SAFES nnd makes- hlg bargain. Fou'th si b nil size 210 N etwren Race nnd Vine. HEATING VJAlTlN-lcEISEV HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than sl.enmor hot-water. I'lire ; fr"tl sir with normal moisture. MAIvIN-KLLSET IR27 Filbert st. MUST HAVE FURNlTttrrrr.i7.-.-t ML'.!i.f.'nc.k" "f. iro!i ro'stchJASKi "J lit. "'. " ii iniii nnnr rnun nu :-f'aj or . wSiWi'SSsiS IM.:8I.I,?.',,Ja..fi'f 'nrcTfTtrr-' h schnit'-iii 'wnth st'.1 "r """ ror,rajJ . ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DELEGATES TO AD. MEN'S CONVENTION f-'i "IN THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHt., THE LtTTf.H HOTEL 225 S. HROAD ST, THE GENEVA ,. 10TH ST.. AROVB WALNUT Jllgh-clas npartmenls, with or wiii,T . -.hath. i:ntJreiyjiiovt.,J'!;ii'df rVf"'rnJn'rri,,tt ' ... THE DEVON " i Table Hoard. SOI Kn. til-nail Ui.i Slnglo nnd Double Rooms one Walnut 11m ' DASHWOOD i. . ... 180'-lO CHESTNUT ST Heautlfully turn, room; newlv rcnnvii.A. . . baths, elevator: hotel aerv. Pl.f'soruJ.'iS,' t' TtIM I'.qifnvr tsf'-iP' .Corner 12th and Spruce Si. .Excellent Accommodation and S.rvk .Sertlee. ARCH rm.., INSTRUCTION LESSONS In arithmetic wonted, private. An swer, with particulars. II 437. Ledger Centrnl. AUTO REPAIRING " AUTO.MOIIILE REPAIRS . The bent equipped shop In West Phlla. We nirnlcbten (rumen and nxlcs. make parts, harden Mid grind. , Rebuild overhaul nnd repair all makes Prlcen fnlr. Agency for Master carburetor. Preslon IH.III or 1est 40.1. HIHOINS 11ROS.. 4212 Chestnut. ' "V SPEEDOMETER TROUIILE3 I See niLt.Y. nt hi new locution, Otn NORTH IIROAD ST. CTLLS'DERS RERORED. new pltoos an.1 rings furnished weldings anil nrnxing. Hndernood Co.. 102.1 Hamilton St.. tl. n. Phil. AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKKN HEARINOS HYA'IT New Departuie Service Station, the Owltllam Co.. 1311 Arch st Phntivs. Walnut 31'JT. Racs 311(12. "" " "" PARTS to build or repair, nnv car. Phlla. Auto Parts Co. R2.1 N. 13lh. Park 111' AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 35U0 mile. Compare (HUM'S. 2.10 N. Hroad st. HUPMOHILE 1011 HUP TOURINO CAR Electric lights and atarter. 101.1 HUP TOURINO CARS 101S HUP ROADSTERS We 'live In addition a good assortment of used Hupmobllea In both roadatern and tour ing cars. HUPMOHILE nroid and Tioga 332 N Broad at. CHAUFFEUR desires position on Hudson car: own repairing. P 2421'. Frankford. CHAUFFEUR, single, strictly sober, rcl. driver indjnechanlc. .wlsJieHiios.H4.11.Led.Cejit. CHAUFFEUR n eurs' experience; mechanic; steamer, gasoline; prlyfamJIuOl, Led. Off. COAClliNO In elementary mathematics, plane and solid geometry: a letter for particulars. H413. Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN will make drawings and trac luga. H 223, Ledger Office. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ' Thoroughly trained young business man. flrat clasa correspondent, efficient accountant, de sirous of becoming the executive assistant to a busy man. Entirely capable of handling all , detail, prefer advertising, sales promuilun or hlgh-claea commercial line. Present puslilon 2Vi-ears. 1L.4-1-L. LedgerCejitral. MAN. 43. exec. pos. flnan. office: selling, manu- facturJnBjyiiej-lencoJI431JLedBerCentral. OFFICE ASSISTANT, experienced correspondent and detail clerk, good realdencu; beat ref.: ago23: H 35. Ledser Central. SALESMAN, road experience, wishes city posi tion, or to represent reputable company In New York or Haltlmore; references. M 423, LederOffice. YOUNG MAN with ability deslires position as salesman or In sales department of bar Iron and steel or forging plant; moderate salary; AlreferenceJIjll). Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, now employed, seekaopportunlty to assume bigger responsibility In capacity of clerk: 3 years' expcrlento. 23 ledger Urunch, 110 W. Glrarduve. YOUNG MAN. 22 years of ae. desires position along clerical lines; 3 years' experience; good education II 3.11. Ix-dser Central. CADILLAC IIH4. louring car, overhauled and repainted; full equipment: price $810, AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 112 N, nroadM. CADILLAC 1013 TOURINO CAR, overhauled and repainted: full equipment: prlco $330. 0VNER;lin2Hnrrl3on Uulldlng. HUDSON'S rebuilt and guaranteed; phaeton, roadster nnd cnbrloleis eieo( lights nnd atnrt ern. OOMERY-SCIIWARTZ, 2,13 N. Hrnad at. PAIGE liil.l. Raceatnit."cosi" $128.1; all rcw lire.: rebuilt nnd repainted; will sell for 10(10. II 242. Ledger Central. PAICli: 101(1 VafrflMif Model, 7 passenger tour. Ing: looks like neW: will sell reasonable. II 2.1.1 Ledger Central. RUSH DEI.IVERT; panel body;""foo"o-lh. "delivery car; used less than 800 miles; condition like new; complete equipment; good reason for sell ing; will demonstrate. Standard Motor Car Co., 002 N. nrond at. PULLMAN Distributors. Poplar IKin. Race 2078. STANLEY STEAMER. 1013 model 70." 3-passem gcr touring. Apply B5.1 North 17th at. STUDEil.vkER. 7-pnsscMiger, late mndei; electric lighting and starting system; good condition: full equipment; will demonstrate; price. $450, SlnmUrd Motor Car Co.. 0(12 N. Broad nt. PULLMAN Distributors. Poplar153IL Race 2078. i'.itil "PULLMAN, ii-rnssenger. with full equip ment In good condition: will demonstrate fully uort ! Inn "me K"lrsntee un piV rHr; price J000. Standard Motor Car Co.. 602 wuth Hroud st. 1014" LOCOMOHI'Le. excellent" condition, good tlies, extra tire and rim: big bargain. Hawley Motor Car Co 032 N. Broad. Sllghlly used R2.1-S2." TIRES all nles: vour N 13th Park own 141R prices. B0ATS, MOTOHBOATS, LAUNCHES CAHIN CRUISER, rnlsed deck; new 11)1.1: 30 ft. long, H ft. beam: "Kennebec" engine. 2 cylin der. 3"x0"; magneto and storage battery: berths for 3 In cabin, toilet room; refrigerator; nlcohoi cook stove; awn. fc curl, lor cock pit: elec. lights: a comp. equipped Ideal fnm, cruls. in EPlcndld condition. Box 87. Hala, Pa. CRUISER, 35-.Rl. sleeps six: dec. equipped throughout; 18x25; starting engine, JRIIU; cost. $1500, 143 N (itll at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS IT DOESN'T ALWAYS FOLLOW that u enn find eaitly what you want the Oral trial, ex cent when you decide on YOl'O.M ANTI-FRICTION METAL for lining machine bearings. IRON and HRASS FOUNDRYS. 143 North Second. JAMES YOCOM fc SON. P01VER-PLANT EOU1PMENT Dvnsmos. motors, bollern, steam and oil en gines, pomp, nlr compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d St. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sou and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01 Market 300.1. Yearsley Co.. 224 N. Jldst. PLANER 30 In. by 30" n. bs"S ft.. Arnerlcan, two Load on cross mil. L. F. Seyfert's Sons, ,:,Li: 3d st . FERRACUTE double-action power presses, heavy combination punches nnd shears, NUTTALL. 17 IS N. .Ithst. SOAP criitcher. tnnks. slnbber scales, frames, racks, nenlen anil other soap machinery. Vni'unni. Soap To.. 18(1 Oxford sj. OAS I1ASIH.IM-. 'M. .'Ii i..MliNto OS AND OIL UNO INU CO.. -15 N. 7TH .VI MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEONARD 8S-NOTE PLAYER LESTER SS-NOTE PLAYER WALRAVEN UPRIOHT, 11.111 Sllghlly used; sell reason. ilile; easy terms. F. A. North Hmiieh, 3211 Kensington nve. "" MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE " HELI.AK 1120 CHESTNUT ST. S8.1 CH1CKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO" HOWARD VINCENT 838 -N. 0TH. Illnll-OR-DE chassis for aale, In first-class condition throughout; can be. equipped with either llht delivery or speedster body: will sell cheap to .quick buyer. Address E 700, ledger Central. WBLDINO and brazing, cylinders rebored, new pistons nnd rings furnished. HERCULES WELDING AND MACHINE CO.. 223 N. lath at., 'Philadelphia. Schober 3315 MARKET CADILLAC PARTS SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN J. U-KU CAlfB aORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 23S N. BROAD DUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PHILADELPHIAN with centrally located ofl'ces in Nvw York city wishes to hear from parties who deslro New York city nddrcsa with tele phone privileges at the icry low cost of $2.30 per month. This Includes the taking of phone messages and holding or forwarding of mnll. Fur $3.50 desk Is prmldcd. nntnv- Hated anil should nrty wish nriiate room for conference when in the city personally sanio will be in-. eluded, an win a nominal amount ut local telephone, calls. Unprecedented opportunity to allow tho advertiser to act as our New York represcnlatlie. Address 11 140, 1-edscr Cen trnl, . P A TLTMTR s"d 'or our rme bookT i " J-Ii x "Patents and Trade-Marks." Reasonable fees. Open Monday evenings until 830 p. m. We will lulp you develop your Invention. Advice free FOSTERS WEBSTER SU1TE 03J lILH-P'if'lUilt-!-: HeH J)h..,ieWalniltl.in4, AUTOMOHILI- opportunity of unusual attrac tlieneai Hrlaht, active, rellablo business man. with services, to step Into s.ifo. healthy corporation, fill vacancy, board of directors; Invest, secured: first lien, good Inc. assured; fullest Invest, ut Interview. M 317. Led. Cent. CARED-FOR ORCHARDS PAY, INVESTORS Ownership stock In a One planted property In well-known fruit district. for sale: cash or monthly payments. 44nn. Ledger Centrah EXCELLENT opportunities for a younsman or lady to associate .with two South American gentlemen In publishing business of merit. p. O. Hox 30. Phlla.. Pa. PICTURE THEATRE, $1250; unexcelled West" Phlla. location: est. R years; crowded nightly; worth $2500. HAHRIBT. 201 N. Hroad. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL-DRESS SUITS. FULL ASSORTMENT OF SIZES. LATEST STYLES. TO HIRE AND FOR SALE: ONB-1IUTTON CUTAWAYS FOR JUNE WUDDINaS; ALSO MODERN SILK HAf COOPER. 1010 OIRARD AVE. FULL-DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To Hire and Made to Order NEUBAUKR, THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut ' Bell phone. Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis? the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Theatre Hldi. Mlaa Hoppe. hairdresser, facial maa'ge, man! curing, form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. " DIAMONDS HOUaHT " "" Bank reference.. Appraisement, I per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 S-nsom it. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated warn, old style. Jewelry, ieeih plates bought for cash Est. 187(1. J. L. Clark, reflner, 807 Sanson OLD GOLD Highest prben paid for gold, sliver? Platinum, lvwter, FALSE TEETH, coins. 201 S.8TH ST. CASirpaid for diamonds, nreeinus ntonea. gold Platinum false teeth. Philadelphia Smeltlns and Hennlng Company. 12 S. 11th. tiim r.tnva tic... 1213-13 Locust st. Rooms, single or .. .. . Phone Wnlnut 7in..w or en ""Ut Alien, 1220 Two large, nlrv. thlrd-noor-T' ruinibwwaler.Spruco1fl08. " roomji ST., 2032 Attractive, wel.iirta.l single or doube: reason. i,i,V..,,,1M , HARING. 4(11 1 Splendid looms, good m.i.. .- man and wifo or single men; near T'Tn.Er" ornto rates. Presjon 0102, " mod- HROAD, N.. 85.1. ojip." Melron"nTorC- 1 Iousc-2d-floor rront room, will? priv.t.te. unusual In size and furnishings. cXt Jnd affi . every morl.conv.jnd comfort, detach" hj.1.1 "'i0' $" "n'-rl'-urnlshed roomrirnTil: nun: all conveniences: rensonnble. "e HROAD, S., 121 Excellent rooms; ru"nnTnVS: ter: tnblo board. Phono Walnut 7137. w HROAD. S., 1000 (corner) Excellent roniTTi .. mill, rldo City Hall. Phone DlcklnsoS "ill CHESTNUT. 1001 Alfraitlvo rooms; shiBlToT !!.""!,.pi."u","k'nc'1 ll0' water; .1 mln. walk i. Clt.v Hall, Phono LocustTBl. CHKSTNUT, PJ27 Room "single or en ,u7 prl. h.ilhs;electrlclty.Phono l.ocat "g.w! .' CHESTNUT. 200.1 Rooma. single or 'en'TuiCu prlvnto bath; runnlngwatt r; phone. - CHESTNUT. 2020 Rooms with running w,i.7 prlvnte linths: eleclrlclty, Phone fgciitj!i' CHF.STNl'T. 2013 Rooms. "siiiKloor en aultr private baths: electric lights, "" CHESTNUT. 21110 (cornerjpcool' rooms, s .JoiE Ing hath: for 2 or 3. Phone Spruce 437,1.. CHESTNUT. 21100 ' "VHLL - FURNIHHKU ' ROOMS: .PERMANENT OR TRAN.lENr. .. CHESTNUT. 1013 Laige.cool loom, hot nnd colj ' water: board opt.: ID mln. Io city Hall, , CHESTNUT. 1810 hooin single nr'eniuit!: , private linths. Thono Spruce I2S3. ' J CHESTNUT, 1821 Rooms slnsle or"en"t.lt: private baths; central, riione Spruco 3551. i CifESTNUT. 1002 Rooms with bath; single or double, rhono Spruce 4310, FRANKLIN. 1213 N. Kuril, rooms, table boarf: Qermnn-llungnrian cooking, KenslimunJMS. GIRARIJ. 171.1 Very "beautiful iiirnlslied front room, with piano, for business or bedroom: running water: veryrensonable. LOCUST. 1.103 Single and double "rooms: s m7 . from Hellevite-StrntfordHot-l. Locust 1323 J, LOCUST, 1200-11 Rooms; prlvnte bnlhs: 2'ia below City Hall, Phono Walnut 700. , - LOCUST, 1220 (Morton Apts.) Large roomi- will nccoiii. 3: nt-iir Poor lllchard club: i.i.hn LOCUST, "13IS Large rooms: private latb:"l blocks' from (Illy Hall. Phone WalnuMTJOJ,. PARK. 2P07 Attrnctlle single or d-i'ilileT-oumil prlvnle baths. Phone Diamond 3800. PINE. 011 Largo airy rooms: private bithl .entriljl.v Jocllleil. Phono Fllherl .1310 W. PINE, 1412 Airy rooms: single or en suite; - private bath. Phono Locust (ISB2 V jj lA f" nn !!(' rs c fJtT Bl m rhr 'ks- p .. PATENT ATTORNEYS r model for Evenings by Patents and . ,JX TraCle-MarkS apuoinuneni. llfll Walnut 717. J. WALTER DOUGLASS ESTAHL1SIIED SINCE 1SS5 rhlladelplila. Not lb American Hulidlng. Wnshliigtoii. Victor Hulidlng. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20Tlr ST. A llll VK CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING SIIIPPINO Rugs, carpels ilealled, ncoured. stored. Hell. Locust 1 Dim Phones Key., Raco 41S0. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES ISIl-l-lU MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2138 MARKET ST. PINE, 1431 (corner) Rooms, single or en suit.; prlvnto bath. Phone Dickinson 3SM. , SPRUCE, 1224-2(1 (The'llrlamnudlV-bane. strj rooma; running water: private bnl'-is ko.rq optional: I si. to city Hnll. Ph. Walnut JHJL, SPRUCE," 1 337 Rooma, alnrle and with Tart; 3 blocks. below City Hnll. Ph. Walnut 7831 IV. SPRUCE. 1.121 Ilnumg single or en salttftxP vale bath. Phone L-icnst 1(111) W SPRUCE, 1021 Attrnetlve roomi; runJirJ wnterprlvnte b.ith. J'hone Locust O'llll W SPRUCE. "ill2(I Lnrge, nttracllie rms iln!i or en HUlte;prlvatebatlis: reasonable. ... i , SPllUCE. 2022 Large airy room. prlvatiTiUi ' cenrnlloc.Ttjon.I.ocuat 1003 .1. ' r . SPRUCE, 1iilu--Iirgo "rooma. funning (' ,x tnble boardijrential. Phone Filbert SH W, SPRUCE. 1013 (Lerov AtK 1 ii rxf .' ilrf rooms, prlinte baths. Phone Walnut iHI. . SPRt'CEr li)'.'S-:iii Large, cool menu, slnde or ennulle. Phone Walnut 72.15 W . SPRUCE. 111.1 Heautlfully fiirn. f't. ',Tfl- . r. ciec. ngnie. 1-0. cioth "-- !; ? irw t t StfAt c'IAT ; f m. MR, 7IWN' . rr fHB. 1 K tutx ind 4B& Ml nlrv room, i-oni. i I'liona wnlnut n.Bi-.'. ATIJIS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storag. moving, packing, shipping, rcarp-t cleaning. Ph. Raring 752 for estimate. Market & ;37tn. McCANN'S, STORAOK HOUSE, 1748 N. Htl st.: moving, packing, shipping: auto vans; both phones. Let lis estimate. .XR2T. U!!!!'A- monarch storaoe co. JX!'sS-T !!!" Auto Packing nnd Shipping. WjSHT PHILA. SS7I) LANCASTER AVE. Million Dollar Fireproof Hulidlng. Rins."$t Mo. ..'" i!i.,ptDSt- sanitary. Estimates Free. North Phlla. Storage Co.. 2013 Lehigh. Tlo. 72S0 C'n,,''oKlIr'!0.v,N, r'klna" storage. Radford? 3.110 N. Water st. : Wyomini 2M5 j. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE HETTER KIND OET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WRITE OR CALL so MW!5S .MANUFACTURING CO. 450 N. 12th st. Phone Pop. 1(100: Race 1B30. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds hou-ht. 735VlnuLWMiiut 71120, Est. 18Bd. V . ,,. CAiTi'-pFF CLOTHINtl ' i..L1.1 Zi?, l:osl'lelyhlghest cash prlcen for gents' and ladies' discarded clothing, hats. ;,it!!',,,'Hr',-.''lci.1',' "". c nd glia you an estimate: extra high pr ces for full-dress and Tuxedo suits: will i-.-ill .tv . Y.t.' .,...': country. Call, write, phone Bell, Popiaf B77t: Keystone, Park 0(103. Hlacker. 1230 Poplar. running water. SPRUCE. 1117 Laige. both! central. Phone SPRUCE. 1121) Excellent accommodation;! blocks to Cltv Hull. Phone Filbert ZWJJt , SPRUCE. 113.1 Desirable vacancies: 8 block!. fiom Cltv Hall. J'hone l'llliert 2('.::C . SPiU'Ci:.-12i,, Cool room, tlnela or en 15IU. nrlintqj-ath: central. Phone Wnlnutil.-.-SPRHCE. 1220--RoomMr single or en aulie. rrl' vnto hathn. Phono Walnut iOOi W ; Spruce, una i.a"rgi- uiTv nM, well iw-t lllsheil: central. Pholie.Fllbert 32.i2 -I. I WALNUT'kt.. JIT 1 1 Nicelv fuiii. rooms, apln- did locntlon: cool, all screens, 2 bath", slrni nrjloublo bedsijipard opt.: Hi ni!n.ietllH WALNUT," I (US IThn IWtlna) lirie. alri moms; prlvata hatha: .1 inln. walk to nt . JIall: $lu day up. Phono Walnut 70MJVi -TuTl"r.8.. 3l"R--Lnrge rooms, one wjtfiprtuti bath! talde board. Phono Wn In lit TV!- .--lOTli. S.. 302 Largo airy rooms; clean "1 roinfortahloi slnglo beds. Ph. Filbert O!"- , lOTIL 8 311 Single nnd double rooma: nt and clean: central. Phone Walnut J233 , , 11T1I. H.. .'12.1- Excellent nn oinniodslleas. blocks to Cltyl!atl. Phone Filbert 4 H1" " . J3TH ST..N., 1 132 Desirable rooms; oM; floor front nnd buck: all modern convenience.,. reusonajblo. Pliono Popiur 3001, . 13TH. S." 2411 (near P'ror Rb'o-d 'i-i'iV-SeMlr furnished rooms. Phono Walnut 0103. lBTli. S.. 230 Large nlrv room. nlt" waterinlno single room. Ph. Icut..tl',. -. 15TH. S.. 311 Second-floor rooms, single or a suite; running water. Phono Locust "W. . lTTIt, S.. 253 Slrtglo "or double rooma: nef bath; clean, cool. Phone Jocui. JiJLjXi FOn THE CONVENIENCE OP 'TUB DELEGATES TO THE AD, MEN S CONVENTION ' We have prepared a complete list of thj most desirable accommodations to bs secwr In Philadelphia's furnished apartments. uur amomoMiiea are ni u: "C',F,V .,i.,- -you locate quickly expeditiously ixOMlif ,j loruy. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD llll WALNUT STREET ... ..... n.i ffal.lt The largest and most attractive ""i",,, 1 Office In Philadelphia. Open sil day BwdaJ M and evenings during the convention. 1 1 PETEYBut You Can Hear the Horn When It Stalls ,1101 tco : ui . nnt -0081 IJSt Infer ' IPftUt . fiaail . I ROC i.. end IKE J troo Hi Mi 110 r ..Man. , u.a Ch.i . lnq.1 . PA tP?1! -JK JHE m 1 tow. ::: ::: ::: v .. n a irnrntr !1 I u' r I j 1 ) I NoorauiutoMim LJ0" L .JOSM "" Those. 'Fooush ours -The MS wwt! IL ,-J J. , I Fope' VrVMv Did i J Job. J , , ne Dio liiow wii v, 1 . :-ro . .r.L' ii Ml r-tip- J?0 HORM AWD VC HORV, ,o Xl VHEAW -T J XA$J2S 5 " fe