Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Ono of tho prettiest booth3 was that
gotten up by tho Wednesday Music Club,
which uns tho very smallest association
in tho wholo combination. Theso women,
under the leadership of Mrs. David Lewis,
had gotten together a most attractive
French booth. Their colors woro French
blue 'and white. Tho aides woro dressed
In bluo-and-whlto striped costumes, and
their hats were high-crowned Panamas,
trimmed with bluo bands. Whlto slip
pers and bluo stockings wero worn with
'these attractive frocks.
.Tho Mntlnoo Musical Club was pro
gided over by Mrs. Gcorgo "W. Edmonds.
Thero wero musical Instruments and toys
forfsalo at this booth.
Among those who showed cars, for
which a prlzo was given, wero Mrs.
Joseph Lcldy, Mrs. Robert Logan, Mrs.
Charles Lcedom, Mrs. Roland L. Tay
lor, S. P. Wetherlll, Mrs. Jasper Y. Brln.
ton, the Three Arts Club, Browning So
ciety, Geographical Society, Mrs. Austin
B. Heckschor, Mrs. James F. Sullivan,
Miss Eleanor Chandler, Theodoro N. Ely,
Mrs. C Hartman Kuhn and others, In
cluding threo machines by tho Dickons
Tho Pepper-Myers wedding was Just
lovely yesterday afternoon, tho weather
could not have been more Ideal, and tho
bride and her attendants wero as pretty
as pictures. Gcorgo seemed very much
afhomo whon tho wedding march was
played. You see It was not tho first tlmo
he had gono through tho ordeal of walk
ing In publlo to tho strains of the wedding
march, for two days boforo tho wedding
they had class day exercises for tho Penn
urnrtitntn. von know! and when GoorBo
P,'vob called forward to receive his little
token of brotherly affection from Ms
classmates tho orchestra played tho wed-
dine march with most unholy glee. If
i George's faco was red when he marched
un nwnv from the other end of tho seats
i it was rodder still when they gave him
a large dbughnut, which the class propnei
'declared was tho wedding ring, which,
they said, differed from tho ono ho had
Iready purchased, as tho knot on the
doughnut was already tied (the doughnut
was tied with a largo red ribbon bow).
Poor Georgo was fearfully fussed, and
the little brido to be, who was seated In
the audience, was a bit disgruntled her
elf, though she enjoyed tho Joke hugely,
and, to tell the truth, ho did he, I'm
.thinking. NANCY WYNNE.
Mr and Mrs. Thomas De1 Witt Cuyler
K announce tho engagement of their daughter.
Miss Eleanor de Graeft Cuyler, to Mr. Jo
seph Walker, 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Walker, Jr., of New York.
At the breakfast which was given today
by Mrs. Ilollln H. Wilbur, nt her home in
6t, Pavld's. In honor of Miss Margaretta
D. ,Mers, MIsS Sarah S, Myers and Miss
Elliabeth C. Miller, before tho Battle of
v Flowers, the guests Included Miss Sarah C.
Nellson, Miss Mary L. Scull, Miss saran
It B. Penrose. Miss C. Eleanor Pepper,
"Miss Katharine Hancock, Miss Katherlne C
tea, Silas Lorraine Graham and Mis3
Florence Brinton.
Mrs. W Barklle Henry will give' a tennis
tournament on Monday, In honor of her
daughter, Miss Gertrude Conaway, at Pino
Cottage, her home In Itosemont.
t Mr, and Mrs. Arthur R. Spencer will en
tertain at dinner this evening at their home
in Vlllanova,
Mr. TtnhArf rtnrlan fin. Mai. nt TTm'ar.
' ford, will give his bachelors' dinner tonight
at the Princeton Club, Mr. Clothier's mar
r rlage (o Miss Nathalie Wilson' will take
place tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Morgan, of
Chestnut Hill, will leave today for York
Harbor, where they will spend the Bummer.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sewell, of Ard
hares. Pvriai win iu. n .....,. ui ... .....
I in honor of their daughter, Miss Helen Sew-
-.., iuj niiaa ioromy stevena, daughter or
Jar. and Mrs. Conyngham Stevens. The
KUests will be from the school set.
1 tr. . " "? iuarim ana ner son,
L J. rinthrP Martin, ot New York, who
nave been snenrilne. Mmral Ho.,c i Tir..n-
?2k LU Ieave today for Wegt Chester,
j vnere thoy will be the guests qf Mrs. Mar-
i Una COItal n Xfc Th.no niw.
nSu "." ,Mrs- William C. Raughley, of
ihJ. '"' J? announca the engagement of
n,. u,dausnter' MlBS Nathalie Thomson
lUughley to Mr. B. F. Hamon.'Sd, of Do-
Irlr JaU has been se for tho wed"
aadf Mr.nui Jhnsn. daughter of Mr.
nuti iba,?- Johnson, gave a play,
-dav !?; e YounBest Dryad," yester-
th. 'rnoon on the grounds of Castana,
vL&r ?,? 1lome ln Rosemont. Several
'. Partly ",,udent8 and Main Line girls took
; Kleat .Elayi,whlch was 'ven for the
wni ot the Vassar Endowment Fund.
Lieutenant Lowry Boyd Stephenson, U.
kn vSi'.in MrBo Stephenson, who have
iLxiJi..8 Mrs Samuel Chew, at Vanor,
. R I w&ri'?i y8t"KVor Jamestown,
tLL ' "eutenant Stiphenson U ta-
Vma t7oian if.
Lr7 h. m. r , Wen. of 5lJlMorrU
St W"Seif UUJ3. ? T:
, ,, ttyg fttt
who Is spending tho summer nt her parents'
cottnge In Bay Head, will arrive today to
spend several days as the guest of Miss
van Dusen.
yjiile Country Anticipates Real Fighting, a Flower
' Battle Was Held on the Country Club Grounds for
Art Alliance Building
ONE of the prettiest pageants for many
a day was given this afternoon nt
' the Philadelphia Country Club, ln Bala,
when the various dramatic, artistic,
Cuslcal and literary clubs of tho city
vied In making thereto given for tho
Art Allanco Building the most brilliant
6n,l colorful over held In this city, At
t o'clock promptly tho pageant started,
and the battlo of flowers took place be
tween somo of our most brilliant polo
players, who, disguised ns knights of old,
rode forth on their trusty steeds and, bat
tie axes In hand, flung roses, violets and
nil kinds of flowers nt each other ln place
of tho swords and spears Used "When
Knighthood Was In Flower."
Then there was a long procession
ef decorated automobiles, and tho stu
dents of tho Academy of tho FIno Arts,
wearing smocks of every conceivable
color, danced tho famous Academy Fling.
The booths were a mass of cxqulslto col
or, and tho aides' costumes unique and
Tho Dickens Fellowship aides wero
dressed to represent characters from tho
Dickens novels. Tho Browning Society
had an Italian booth, tho Emerson booth
had everything American for sule, whllo
the Women Writers' Cliflj conducted n.
news stand.
Along the Main Line
OVEIUmoOK Miss Anna llrown Tur
tier entortnlned at luncheon nt tho Mnnufnc
turers'.Club today In honor of Miss Marga
ret Boerlcke, who will attend Miss Turner
ai mnUl of honor nt her ueddlng tomor
row to Mr. Paul Newlett Egolf, of Brooklyn.
MEllION Threo Interesting tenhls tour
hnments took place this week on the grounds
ot Miss Marie Cunningham's home, on Mer
lon avonue. Tho contestants were prominent
young girls along tho Main Line and from
Bala and Cynwyd.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Frederick W. Fleck, of
Sycamore avenue, will spend the grcnlor
part of the summer at their New Jersey
HAVERFC-tlD Mrs. Samuel Scovlllc,
Jr, of Havcrford, gavo an Informal lunch
eon nt her homo on Wednesdny.
BRYN MAWH Mr. nnd Mrs, Randolph
F Justlco nnd their family, of Morrli nve
nue, Ilryn Mawr, will leave next Week to
occupy their cottnge nt Cape May for tho
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kerr Condormnn
closed their Bryn Mawr home on Wednes
day and have gono to their cottnge at Vent
nor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis M. Brooko and their
fnmliy, of Gllmpsowood, Bryn Mawr, will
Bpend the summer In Connecticut.
Dr. Chnrlcs A. Service, ot Bala, has re
turned from n two weeks' Western trip,
having attended tho American Medical
Convention held In Detroit, Mich.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John P. Holt, Jr., and their
family, of Llanfnir road, Cynwyd, are oc
cupying their cottngo at Beach Haven.
Chester Valley
Tho Bnchelor Club of Malvern, assisted
"' members of tho Mondny Afternoon Club,
will Ivo two performances of "Pinafore"
on the school campus this evening and to
morrow evening. It Is being staged by Mr.
John Fox. with Miss Ella Bowley ns mu
sical director and Mrs. C. H Malin as ac
companist. The cast Is as follows:
Tho lit. Hon. Sir Joneph Porter, K. C. 11
I-,.,,,. Mr. llnmor V. T"mer
tnmnin Corcoran, commandlne It. M. S. Plnn-
n in1?-.:. V.r- " IWBnn Ruth, Jr.
nnlph ltnkcMrnw, nblo aenman.
Sin ii i tt,doyev abl 5man Jtr. nhln ituth
iii.1 V,01'"1"' boatswain's mnte.Mr. Rimer West
liol) licrkct, boatswain Mr. S. Paul Tonmor
V.1" o' Marlm-s Mr. C. II. Malln
Josephine, tho captain's clitUKliter,
iri . di t . . """ Alberta 31. Wnrner
Ilebe, Sir Joseph's cousin. Miss Helen Hutchison
Llttlo lluttercup .llrB Miller Shank
Tho Campdre Clrls of raoll nnd Malvern
gave a supper and lawn fete at tho homo
ot Dr. Oberin Lewis, A'nlley road, Paoll,
last ovenlng.
Dr. W. L. Hamilton, of Malvern, has gone
to tho const of Malno on n threo weeks'
fishing trip.
German town
Mrs. Henry B. Curran. of the Fairfax
ApartmontB, Wayne avenue and School
House Innc, will leave on Snturday, July 1,
with four guests for a motor trip which
will last until September 1. They will visit
Allenhurst, Long Island, Northlleid, Lake
George and Lake Placid before returning
Mrs. W. W. McCnlllp. of 234 West School
Houso lane, has returned from a trip to
Eric, where she visited friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Brush hao Mrs.
Bernardo de II. Stokes, of 5520 Morris
street, us their guest for several days at
tholr cottago In Ocean City, N. J.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Thompson Willing and
Miss Jessie Willing, of GOOD Wayne avenue,
will leave on Monday for Henryvlllo, Pa.,
where they will occupy their cottago for
tho remainder of the summer.
Mrs, James Jcrmon will give a week-end
party at hor cottago at Seasldo Park.
Among tho guests will bo Miss Reba dour
ley. Miss Ileba Jcrmon, Miss Ada Gour
ley. Miss Janet Fleger, Miss Carolyn Bacon,
Miss Margaret Bussell, Mrs. Bussell. Mrs.
Gourley, Mr. Howard Kirk, Mr. Samuel
Bussell, Mr. Rqbert Jermon, Mr. Bussell
Jcrmon, Mr. Alexander Patton, Mr. Gour
ley and Mr. Dennis W. Vaughan.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Plantou Mlddleton. of
037 Phll-EIIena street, entertained at din
ner on Wednesday evening nt tho Philadel
phia Cricket Club. Among tho guests wero
Mr. and Mrs. Tolbcrt Jf. Itlcluudson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Blakcley, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco
Another dinner party ot Monhelm on
Wednesday Included Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Fleltas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weeks, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Adams, JK, Mr. and Mrs.' J
Willis Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
West Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Leopold G. Seyffert, of 4101
Chester avenue, have closed their town
house and are motoring up to Seal Harbor,
Sle., whero they have taken a cottage for
the season.
Mrs. Arthur M. Taylor, of 625 North 44th
street, has opened her cottage at Sea lalo
City for the summer. She will entertain
her sister, Mrs. It. A. Davis, of 407 South
61st street, ns her guest. They will return
late In September.
Miss Ida Hoben. of 400 North 63d street.
Is spending a few days In Atlantic City.
Mr. Harry B. Eaton, of Sweet Briar Man
sion, has left for an, extended trip through
Canada. JIo will join his mother at the
home of his grandfather on Muskoka Lake,
and will return home the latter part of
Mr- and Mrs. William J. Martin and their
daughters. Miss Helen Martin and Miss
Catherine Martin, of 242 North 60th street,
will leave tomorrow for Atlantic City, where
they will spend the summer as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baldwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wlegand. of 114
North 50th street, have Mr. Lars Sorensen,
of Montgomery, Ala., as tholr guest. Mr.
Sorensen made the trip to attend the wed.
dlng of Miss Gertrude II. Wlegand and Mr
U L. Hunter, of Camden, which took place
last Saturday.
Mrs. W. K. Selbert, of Tioga, has been
spending a few days with Mrs. Benjamin
Booth at her apartment ln Atlantic City.
Mr- and Mrs. Harvey Freeman, of J 813;
West Erie avenue, have gone to Atlantic
City to spend the summer ut the Gbalfonte.
Mr and Mrs. George T.'Sommer and their
family, of 2108 West Ontario street, will
leave shortly for their country home In
Ferkasle, Pa. . ,
Notices for the, SpJ.tr P ,, -
l"t W acb -otUei he MJtlM po one
II miiircw. .. s r" .,
"IT'ift fifcatloB, to Mclito
EJlWr." Bntn I-eAx. W kwtaut .
t'n6 tkrt ra!r t.i " ,
M5tUat.'Btfcn ffah1,b "" tl
etlre wilt Ml Wbfi.
Photo by It T. Dooncr.
Miss McVeigh Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McVeigh,
of 170G Master street. Her en
BaRcment to Mr. Joseph C. Hutch
ison, Jr., has been announced by
her parents.
Many Early Sunimer Visitors
Leave for Hill Country to
Return in September
ATLANTIC C1TV, Juno 23 Tho begin
ning of July will see a marked chango In
tho personnel of tho visitors, ns many of
those who have been hero since tho begin
ning of Juno will leavo early next month,
cither for tho mountains or tho New Eng
land resorts, returning here for .September.
Miss Helen Sturgeon, who has been at the
Glnslyn-Chathnm for several weeks, will
leavo on July 1 for New England. Miss 13.
M. Howol, who Ik also at the Glaslyn-C'hat-ham,
will spend July nnd August nt Wer
nersvlllo. Mrs. William Henry Newbold Is nt the
Creston, Chelsea, to remain until August,
when she will go to the mountains.
Mrs. Michael Hhrct nnil her son-ln-lnw
nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.
Mayor, will prolong their stay at tho Chel
sea until lato In August, when they will
leavo on a motor trip to Hot Springs, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. William IJeury, Mrs. John
C Gallaudet and Mr. John Beury Gallau
det arrived at tho Brighton on Tuesday,
nnd will remain for tho ontiro season.
Miss J. D. Walton entertained nt lunch
con nt tho Brighton this week for Mrs.
S Davis Walton and MIsh Dorothy Walton.
Commander and Mrs. W. L. Burdlck gave
a small tea at tho Dennis.
Mrs. A. D. Haines has taken npartments
at tho Dennis for tho balance ot tho season.
With her are Miss I3dna C. Haines, Mr.
Howard L. Haines and Miss Ethel do
Mrs. J, II. Martin nnd Miss T3. 11. Martin
are spending a week at Haddon Hall
Miss Meta Lisle, who has been coming to
Chelsea every summer for many years, has
opened hor cottago.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rosenborg are occu
pying their cottago on Amherst avenue,
Chestnut Hill
Miss May Bell, of Si 6 Evergreen n venue,
has gono to Shawnee-on-Dclawaro to enter
a golf tournament.
Along the Reading
A lawn fcto and cafeteria supper will bo
ulven at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
G. I3ngnrd, on Noble avenue, Noble, tomor
row evening nt G o'clock, under the ausplCH
of the Woman's Civic Club of Noble. Cake,
candy and Ice cream will bo for sale during
the evening. Several dinner parties aro
being arranged.
Miss Dorothy Jones, of Noble, left early
this week with a party of friends for To
ronto -and a trip through Canada and the
State of Washington. Sho will be away all
summer, returning to her home in tho fall.
Mrs. James Tyro, of 6710 North 8th
street, dak Lane, has had Mrs. William
Ilarmer, of New York, ns her guest this
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donnhue, of Jen
klntown, have gone on a. trip to Ocono
mowoo. Wis., to visit Mr. anil Mrs. George
W. Warn
' 7T
Mr. Donald HunterTof Walnut street, Jen
klntown, has Mr. R W. Strlngfleld, of Vir
ginia, as his guest. Mrs. Hunter, accom
panied by her children, are visiting rela
tives In Texas nnd Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. John Londnn, of Florida,
are occupying their new home, 5I5H Green
wood avenue, Jenklntown.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schmidt, of 400 South
J 5th street, have closed their apartment for
the summer, and will spend the lemnlnUer
of this month and most of July at Jenkin
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MRS. AVILLIAM S. ALLEN 13at!nn.l Wn.Ho.
Mrs. Allen, whose mnrriago took place on Wednesday in St. Paul's
Presbyterian Church, will be remembered as Miss Sarah Elizabeth
Elaborate Preparations Have Been Made for Event to
Take Place Tomorrow in Hunting Park Lawn
Fete Being Held for Benefit of Church
TH13 Girls' Friendly Society of St. Paul's
Protestant HplHCopal Church, at Ken
sington nvenuo mid lluckltis street, will give
Its nnmial picnic nt Hunting Park tomor
row. i'JInhoratu preparations have been
made for tho affair. Tho members of the
Girls' Friendly Society aro MIsh Sellna
IiroadbecU, Miss Lydla Hogtnnd, .MIsh Ida
McC'ooI. Miss 13. McCool. , Mrs. O. McCool,
Sllsa Hllzaboth Hutt, Miss Viola Foster.
Miss Jeanutto Sykes, Miss Mary SUpm,
Miss Anna Fisher, Miss Matilda Oliver,
Miss Emma George, Miss Ilosa Maclntyro,
Mlsi Hello Maolutyre, Miss Laura Hewitt,
Mlbs Florence Brown. Miss ISdnn Johnson,
Mrs. Hall, Miss Margaret Campbell, Miss
Ileba Livcsey, Mm, Hemmlngway, Miss
Grace Mlnnick, Miss Irma Simpson, MIsh
Cora Hwlng, Miss Beatrlco Hall, JIIss Viola
Scheub, Miss Hthel Schoub, Miss Mary
Ilurgman, Miss Anna Laurlson, MIsh
Florence Mason, Miss Hlllo Holms, Miss Ger
trude Henry, Miss May Oliver, Miss Kthel
Vnndorgrif, JIlss Margaret AVhlte, Miss M.
Kelghtly, Miss Hdn.i Boyce. Miss Eliza
beth AVare, Miss Jano Davis, Miss Mary Ad
dis, Miss Cevunln Hutzcll, Miss Emrai
Smith, Miss Hvelyn Pratt, Miss Sarah Greer,
MIsk Margaret Worrell, Miss HIslo Smith,
Mls.s Maud Postelman, Miss Mary Jones,
Miss Ireno Carey, Miss Kdlth Parks, Miss
Margaret Wilson, Miss Kthel Borrows, Miss
Alleo Hayes and Miss Ethel Wlsler. Mrs.
George Horsclleld is president of St. Paul's
btanch of tho society.
A lawn fete and bazaar, which opened
last night on the campus of St. Joseph's
College, 17th and Stiles streets, will be
continued tonight and tomorrow evening.
There will be games of euchro and many
things to buy nnd win.
The proceeds will bo used for painting
the Church of the Gesu, to which the col
lego Is attached.
Mrs. William Smith, of 8100 Tlnlcum
avenue, entertained her sister, Mrs. William
A. Fltzpatrigk, of 0540 Olsner street, this
week, at her homo In West Philadelphia,
at supper.
of 5850 Walton avenue, gave a sur
prise party Inst evening to their daughter,
MUs Caroline O'Connor, In honor of her
sixth birthday.
A linen shower was given last night by
MIbs Edith Willis, of Laurel Springs, K. J.,
for Miss Lucy Frazler, of 741 South 32d
street. Among those present wero Miss
Bella Frazler. Mrs V McGee, Mrs, Schaffer,
Miss Alice Brandt. Mrs J.. Bolls, Mrs. Frank
Brandt. Miss Anna Whclln. Mrs. Hotton,
Sirs. D. Mnel'herson. Miss Marguerite
Hlckcy, Mrs. W. Ii. Willis and Mrs. W.
THR choir of tho New Bercan Baptist
Church held a surprlso party nt the
homo of their leiulor, Mr. F. C H.ilght,
5024 Irving stroet, last Friday evening, an
ticipating tho final musical service of the
season The ntf.ilr was arranged by Mr.
George Cook. Tho following membors of
tho choir nnd their friends wero present:
Mrs. Mcrrltt Bussollf Mrs. F. C. Hafght,
Miss Betta Pettlt, Miss Dorothy Pettlt. Miss
Helen Botwrlght, MIsh Mnry Botwrlgbt, Miss
IHorenco Young, Miss Kdlth Miller, Miss
Mnbel Tolsher, Miss Helen Steelman. Miss
Ituth Halght, the Bov. Goorgo Lockott, Mr.
F. C. Halght. Jtr. Francis Andrews, Jtr.
William Andrews. Mr. Balph Knott. Mr.
Balph Wright, Mr. Merrltt Russell, Mr.
John V. Bussell. Mr. James Groenwood, Mr.
Albert Ohler. Mr Leonard James and Mr.
Curtis S. Halght.
Miss Bllzaboth Brodsky, of 524 South 10th
Btreet, cntortalned the membors of tho
S. .1. Sewing Clrclo nt supper, followed by
a dance, last Saturday evening. Among
tho guests wero Miss Lenora Miller, Miss
Roba Soloft, Miss Hannah August, Miss
Mna Herman. Miss Minerva Hose, Miss
Rose Bernstein, Miss Reba Surkowltz,
Miss Anna Israelowltz, Mlas Rose Her
man, Miss Bose Israelowltz, Miss Hilda
Yoholem, of New York ; Mr. Leon Blum,
Mr. Bernard Plcus, Mr. Lewis Wall
man, Mr. David Stock, Mr. Milton Stern,
Mr. Frank Goldberg, Mr. Maxwell Baron,
Mr. Harry Pogach, Mr. Harry Kraft, Mr.
Michael Altnouso, Mr. Oscar Daniels, Mr.
William Tractenberg. Mr. Harry Aaronson
and Mr. Jules Chadwlck, of New York.
NORRISTOWN. Pa.. Juno 22 .Mr. nnd
Mrs, Charles II. Shaw have announced the
engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary
Kenworthy, to Mr. L. C. Heavner, of Allen
town. Mrs. Frank Irvln and her family, of
Wilmington, Del., aro spending a few days
with Mrs. IrvlJi's sister. Mrs, Kathryn
O'nrlen, of 1088 Powell street.
South Philadelphia
Miss Marie O'Neill, of 2117 Morris street,
will leavo for Atlantic City tomorrow, to
spend the summer as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Feeney.
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MISS A6NSS xfuer
tins MAoeum XENpitKfAN mss lokstta gkinnan
Miss Anna May Ogden to Become Bride of Mr. Earl T.
Kramer This Evening Miss McDermott
Married to Mr. Jefferies
APlCTtmiJSQUr: wedding will take place
today when Miss Anna May Ogden,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ogden, of
2623 North 32d Ptroct, will become the bride
of Mr. I3arl T. Kramer. The ceremony will
be performed In the 29th Street Methodist
Episcopal Church at 7 o'clock by the pastor,
tho Bev. J. A. Johnson. The church will
bo decornted with tropical plants nnd roses.
Mr. Ogden will give his daughter In mar
tinge. Sho will wear a gown of white
satin and rose point lace and a tulle veil,
edged with orango blossoms extending to
the hem of the long court train. Orchids
and lilies of tho valley will be carried. Miss
Lulu F Wright, the maid of honor, will
wear n quaint frock of pale bluo thistle
down tnfTcta nnd a Neapolitan braid hnt
trimmed with pink roses Tho bridesmaids,
Miss Jane Mlddleton, Mrs. Frederick Car
ter, Mrs. Charles Jaggl. of this city, nnd
Mis. Vernon Wlnslow, of Bridgeport. Conn.,
will be similarly attired, but In pink. Knch
ot tho attendants will carry a novel orchid
Mr. Charles Jaccl will act as best man,
and the Ushers will be Mr. 13arl Bowers,
Mr. Heilner II. Gaul, Mr. Klwood Walls
and Mr. Thomas Mngee. The ceremony will
bo followed by a reception nt the home of
tho brido's parents. After nn extended trip
through New IJngland Mr. Kramer and his
brido will be nt homo nt 292.1 North 25th
The marriage of Miss Beglna M. McDer
mott. nf 2133 North 3d street, and Mr.
Raymond U. Jcrteilcs, of 2019 North 3d
stroet. was solemnized yesterday morning
at o'clock In St. I3d ward's Bomnn Catholic
t'huich, Sth nnd York streets. Miss Grace
McDorrnott, a sister of tho bride, wns mnld
of honor, whllo Mr. Thomas W, Jcrrerlcs, n
brother of the bridegroom, was best man.
Tile bride woro a gown of Ivory satin, made
with n court train fastened nt the shpulders
with penrl ornaments. Her tulle veil was
held In place with n band of pearls and Bhe
carried n shower bouquet of Brido roses
and lilies of the vallej. Tho ushers were
Mr. William Blair, Jr., Mr. Ldmund Ma
loney, Mr. Louis Campl nnd Mr. Wlltlnm
Feursteln. Miss Catherine 13. Blair nnd
Miss Alice McDermott wero flower girls.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jefferies will i-pend their
honeymoon nt tho Thousand Islands. They
will bo nt homo after August 1 at 521 South
Rcdtleld street, West Philadelphia.
An attractive home wedding took place
Wednesday evening, when Miss H. Mar
guerlto Leedom, daughter of Mrs. Elwood
It. Leedom. of 264 North Lnnsdowne ave
nue. Lansdowne. became tho bride of Mr.
Ralph Judson Dill, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter J. Dill, of West Philadelphia. Tho
marriage took placo In the drawing room
of tho bride's homo. The Friends' cere
mony was used. Miss Leedom woro a gown
of white faille silk, trimmed in rose point
laco and pearls, and her mother's wedding
veil with a wreath of orange blossoms. Sho
carried n shower bouquet of lilies of the
valley. Miss Marlon F Moore was maid of
honor anO Miss Blanch 13. Dill, a sister of
the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. The flower
girls were Miss Myra L Gesner nnd Miss
Clara L. Davis. Mr. J Leedom Moore acted
ns best man and .Mr William Simpson was
usher. A large reception nt tho brido's
homo followed tho corcmony, after which
Mr. and Mis. Dill left for an extended
wedding trip. On their return they will
make their homo with the bride's mother.
Among tho Interesting weddings of tho
week was that of Miss Martha Querns,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Querns, to
Mr. Sylvanus II. Bortz. of 1S12 North 22d
street, which was solemnized on Wednesdny
evening at the Homo oi me urmon j.ui:i.i,
777 North 27th street. Tho ceremony was
performed by the Bev. Joseph II. Hartman,
of tho Bethany Lutheran Reformed Church,
25th street and Montgomery avenue, as
slated by the Rev. Dr. Fnrloy. The bride,
who was given In marriage by her father,
was attended by Miss Boso Grossmlller, ns
maid of honor, and the brido's two nieces.
Miss Dorothy LandlB and MIsBHelenLandls.
.!..,.. t-iri Mr. Harrv M. Bortz at-
tended his brother ns best man. Following
tho ceremony n reception was held, nftor
which Mr. and Mrs. Bortz left on an ex
tended Journey, nnd upon their return will
live at 777 North 27th street.
Announcement Ih made of tho marriage of
Miss Laura A. Gorman, daughter or Mr. and
Mrs Richard C. Gorman, of 4507 North 19th
street, to Mr. Charles It. Booth, of Chester,
Pa on Wednesday morning In tho Church
of St Francis of Assist. Greene and Logan
streets, GermantoWn. The ceremony was
followed by a breakfast at tho homo of the
brido's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Booth after
a wedding Journey will live nt Ventnor,
N. J. ,
Tha marriage of Miss Jeanetto Moses,
daughter of tho Bov. David Mobch and Mrs.
Moses, of 815 South 5th street, nnd Mr.
Benjamin Myers, of New Kensington, Pn..
. ... -i .... T.ior1nv nt the home of the
bride's parents Tho ceremony was per
formed by Rabbi B. L. Leventhal, assisted
by tho bride's father. r
Tho brido wore a gown of whlto satin
and lace embroidered In pearls, a tulle , ell
and orango blossoms and carried a Bible
with sprays of lilies of the valley. Sho was
attended by Mrs. Albert Moses ns matron
of honor. Only the Immediate relatives
wero present.
Air and Mrs. Myers have left for the
Great Lakes, and after an extended tour
of the country will live In New Kensing
ton, Pa. ,
A nretty wedding took place on Mon
dav morning, when Miss Marie Annette
Clterecy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Em II
C terecv of 3138 Gaul Btreet. was married
to Mr Nicholas Bernard Kenny, ot this
city' in tho Roman Catholic Church of Our
lady Help of Christians, Allegheny nve
nuo and Gaul street, with a High Nuptial
Mass. The Rev. Aloyslus Reesa. performed
the ceremony.
The bride wore a white brldnl satin
gown, with court train and a veil fastened
with orange blossoms, and carried whlto
bridal loses. ,...
Her ulster, Miss Genevieve Clterecy, who
attended as maid of honor, wore n pink
chUfon taffeta gown and a large picture
hat of gold lace trimmed with pink roses,
and her bouquet was of pink sweet peas.
Mr. George A Zeller acted as best man,
and the ushers were the brother of the
bride. Mr Frank Clterecy. and Mr. George
Haley Miss Loretta Suter was llower girl.
After tha ceremony a reception was held
at the home of the bride's parents and
breakfast was served to 70 guests, who In,,
eluded the Rev Aloyslus Reess, Miss
Knthryn Evans, Mra John B. Glnther, Mrs.
Robert Knecht, of Pottsllle; Mrs. Fred
erick Morrell and Miss Margaret Morrell,
of Trenton , Mr ahd Mrs, Joseph Scheldt,
Mr, and Mrs. l-3dmund KnedeUen. Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence A Wardle, Mr. and Mrs.
George HeUler, of Noithwpod! Mr and
Mrs. Albeit Deprmvn. Mrs, Mary Suter, Miss
Louise Suter, Miss Pauline Suter, Mrs. John
fee. Miss Jeanette Fee, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam A. Suter, Mr Thomas Grey, Mrs. Mary
Bellly, Mrs, Jane Fee, Miss Jean Fee. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Van Horn, Miss Mary Kerkeslager. Mr and,
Mrs. Thomas McMahon, Mlta Hortense
Haley Mr. and Mrs. Frank J Cannon, Mrs.
Charles Bellly. Miss Florence Hellly. Dr
and Mrs, A. T Pollard, Lr William Mackle
Ntsyler, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Schulle, Mr
and Mrs. William Madce, Mrs. Ueorge W
S5eUr. Mrs. Henry Cowley, Mtss lithe! Ma
rio Zeller. Mlsa Edith M. aalltsher, Mrs,
Lester Guy, Mr, Thomas A. Hannon, Mr.
Augustine Keller, Mr. George Lamrenu, Mr,
Michael Lynch, Mr. Hnrry Fleming and
Mr. Michael Stone.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenny hnvo left for an ex
tended tour through New L'nglnnd.
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Mnrlon A. Hlght nnd, their
fnmliy, of 2241 North 16th street, haVd
opened their cottago In Ventnor for the
Miss Abblo Marie O'Lcnry, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Timothy O'Lcnry, of 121
rorth Lambert street, entertained nt dinner
nst night nt tho Manufacturers' Club in
honor of Miss Dorothy Mulford, of New
lork, who Is visiting Miss Hthelwyn Van.
diver, of Bain. The guests, who were from
i.1? 0ry?K?r set, Included Miss Marlon Bird,
Miss Lthelwyn Vandlver, Miss Marion Wil
son, Miss Helen Smith, Miss Frances Wood,
Miss Isabel Spearing, Mr. Robert Fretz, Mr.
Richard Hartung, Mr. Bobcrt Crawley, Mr.
Thomas Shields, Mr. Raymond Creamer,
Mr. Ldward Wright, Mr. John Fan nnd Mr.
Henry Reynolds.
Friends of Miss May B. Dillon, of 11 l!l
Mount Vernon street, will bo glad to hear
mat she has niitnrlnnilt, r.,n,....,i ... !,.,.
the German Hospital, whero she was
operated upon for nppendlcltls.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Wolfsohn, of 2612 Ulch
mond street, announce the engagement of
nclr daughter, Miss Anna Wolfsohn. to
Mr. Morris Karper. A reception will ba
Held on Sunday afternoon, from 3 until 6
,c .: nt whlch tho hostesses will bo as
sisted In receiving by Mrs. Abo Stein, Miss
Rose Kayser, Miss Ida Hudofker, Miss LVa
uHIH' ? f.3 l'lla" ,'evltt' Wlss Cecelia
Im lbc"tlldt' Miss Gertrude 13. Schagrln,
Miss Frances Naron and Miss Gertrude
Hart, of Wilmington, Del.
Mrs. J. Craig, of 1020 East Stella nvenue,
lias returned from Sewell, N. J., where
sho was the guest of Mrs. L. McGlll.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of 2937 Frankford
avenue, hac gono to Stone Harbor, N. J.,
for tho summer.
The Social Commltteo of tho Wlsslnomlng
Improvement Association is planning a big
basket picnic, to be hold In August nt Cor
nelius Park. There will bo many novelties,
games, music, dancing and sports. Prizes
will bo offered for tho various contests.
Delaware County
The marriage of Miss Margaret Gays,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gays, of
Woodhavon. X, Y to Mr. Arthur H. Hoff
man, of Chester, will take place on June 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bachcr, of Media;
are receiving congratulations on the birth.
of a son.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Helsner. of Eddy
stone, are receiving congratulations on tho
birth of a son.
Mrs. Benjamin T. Levis, of Media. Is
spending several weeks at Toms River, N. J..
Mrs. John Pomcroy and her family, of
Ridley Park, will open their cottage at
Ventnor tho latter part of this month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick J. Mlchell and
their family, of Ridley Park, will spend
tho summer at their cottago at Avalon.
Miss Isabel Jackson, of Owen avenue, will
spend tho summer at Peterborough, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Hood nnd their
family, of Owen avenue, will spend the
summer nt Muskoka Lako, Canada.
Mrs. C. P. M. Rumford has her sister.
Miss Chrlstlno Johnston, of Manchester,
N. II., as her guest for a fortnight.
MlSS Marlon PnKtlfa hns r.lnpn.,1 ?...
..M ...V... ....I. (tviH
college to spend tho summer vacation with
hor parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Grantley P.
Miss Mnbel Vernon, who has been organ
izing for the Congressional Union for I3qual
Suffrage In the Western States, returned to
her homo In this city this week, after at
tending the Democratic Najlonal Convention
nt St. Louis. Sho will spend soveral weeks
with her mother, Mrs. Mary Vernon, before
leturnlng West.
What's Doing Tonight
rfF.,l.rmu.unt r,,rlc V.'""1'. Hicham Schmlrtt con
ductor. Strawberry .Munaljji. i o'clock. Viet,
Municipal Hank, llptijumln ltoeshman. con-
b o'clo k I' Lombard utreeti,
xn9ft?u1l,on creeeH. J'urnens Sthool, 3il and
Mlfllln streets, 8 o'tlotk.
KIrt anil Excluslie Presentation of Trianrl.
Plays IteneneU for This Theatre
ARCADIA ?olfTs,L?o fts lS.
In One of the Finest Pictures 13isr Produced
Tho story sen es to Introduce many Interest
ing ucenea of life In one of tha mast plcturesaut
localities In the frojen North iuijut
PJUCE3 23c and BOc All Seats Reserved.
Seat Now for Adv Comentlon Week.
U.I5 A, JI..IUt3 p, M,
N'eit Week Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
Pauline Frederick In "World's Ureat Knars'
Thurs., Frl Sat. Myrtla Stedinan in
10 A. M. TQ
Added wtt.t.ti? rrvr t TriT
In Coinsdy,
xiiedue jijniper sts.
A, M to H I M igc, IDi., "3c
Today at S. 25a 90c Toateot t 8. 26o U L
rrrTVMT A - & wn-
V iUi, J11T. A M UU Ui !
IDAS-- TOMimnnvj
Harold Lockwoad & Mey AlliWn
liiC S4.&SS.1HU ltUJH