mmmmmmmmmm''mmm FINANCIAL EDITION NIG EXT HT &P enm . c 2 NIGHT EXTRA VOL. 1I.-NO. 243 I'HIIiADELPntA, JNLIIDAY, JUNIS J3, 1010. Cortninnt, 1010. nt tnr I'cbuo Lcriii Co h tin t. P1UCE OJB CENT DOUBLE-QU NEWO CK TO FRONT TO GUAR ? OFFICERS OF 10TH CAVALRY IN FIGHT WITH. MEXICAN AT CARRIZAL f Loft to right: Lieut. H. Abbey, Jr., Capt. S. D. Smith, Lieut. J. P. Richmond, Lieut 0. C. Troxcl and Capt. McP. Rutherford. Two of fleers were reported killed, but their Identity has not been definite ly settled. :' '' 4-.'' ','.''- '. " ?"-',,?,.?. K-7? ,' ' ' .' ' ;, V:v,.' ' .' ' -jst! ' "; ' ' A ' -. ? ' ' ' ; ' ''-, - . . ' J&sk ''' ' ! ' ?' Vo!t 1 .. ' ! . s "s.. . . .a ' " f,rj ' !n DIPLOMATS WORK TO KEEP U. S. AND JEXICO AT PEACE ; Latin-Americans and Span ish .Ambassador Bring Pressure to Bear -avatt r.A-RT? Axry.A's TunvR mis I' Bv JOHN EDWIN NEVIN .WASHINGTON, Juno 23. A determined tffort Is being mailo today by certain of r- ujd xaujfuiiui itau uiinuiiitiiu 111 itatiiub- .ton, assisted by the Spanish Ambassador, fSenor Don Juan niano j- (.Sayanagos, to pre- jent war between the United Stales and KMIexleo. This wa3 ndmltted today, both at kjht .Spanish Kmbassy and by Dr. Don Rafael Zaldlvar, the Salvadorlan Minister to Hjthls country. So far nil of the, efforts to ;brlns nbout an adjustment are centred In ' .'Mexico City, where pressure Is being brought to bear upon the. Carranzlsta Gov- , .rnment. The United States has not yet been approached on' tho subject and, ac cording to Doctor Znldivar, cannot bo until ?tCarrnnza nets, as the note of Secretary IjLahalng, delivered last Tuesday, places the jneit Initiative In the hands of the Mexican MOovernment, DKVK!OIMKNT.S 1JXPECTKD. That Important developments are ex- ''peeled, iowever, was , shown by the an nouncement of Ambassador Klano that he had canceled his plans to proceed to New port tomorrow to onen the summer embassy I there, and will remain In Washington for -the present. At the' same time It was ald at the Spanish Kmbassy that yesterday Spanish citizens of Mexico City cabled King Alfonso of Spain asking him to use his jjLjgood offices to prevent war between the ft United States and Mexico. So far as Is now j (known here, no action has been taken on tfthls Proposition. 'l,' Most 0f the iJitln-Amerlcan diplomats Lr out of tho city, but It was reported hre today that Dr, Domlclo da Oama. the Brazilian .Ambaesador. who is In Long txiranch, and Dr, H; S. Noan, Argentine Ambassador, also absent, mav return to K.thls city shortly to initiate any movement &jUQQklnir tnivanl .alnl .1 i . fpOMible after the Carranza reply to the ifjateat American note Is recelyed. "WHITE HOUSE SILENT. Bo far no nronnsa? nf mm) i 1 1.. iiau tn brought oniclally to the attention of l united States Government. Both at i White House and at the State Denart. lament ofllclaU declined- to dismiss what ,tlon, if any, would be. taken on such pr proposition, f made. In this connec- tltl n..omcIals say they gravely doubted LT tha 1ust'0 at Issue are of a F rt 15lt VW b? mediated. a VnlUd States ai the de facto govrn- : Kn cltlzeng and nnirr... .i , 3 Int... 4 ,. - aoml rtliiKnvaH s Mvlaers. ,. , . B- ,n'oplnlon' W0"W lend themselves to Ration, It t ray beIUf tha porapUte :Brt7,.r. nral Carranza. of the naclpte enunciated la the Prsldiaf note. to8a ,, Fm s9wt faittaa Qm WASTE NO TIME MOBILIZING, THREE DEPARTMENTS TOLD; ALLIES' MUNITIONS SEIZED Cabinet Commands Generals of East, . Central and West to Rush All Avail-., able State Troops as Soon as Possible Trainload of War Material Destined to Germany's Foes Commandeered at Shamokin and Shot to Fort Worth. Censored Message Tells of Bandit Raid WASHINGTON, June 23. Following today's Cabinet meeting orders were sent to General Leonard Wood, commanding the Depart ment of the East; General Thomas F. Barry, commanding the Cen tral Department, and General J. Franklin Bell, commanding the. Western Department, to send all National Guard under their juris diction to the frontier "as soon as they are ready." The Guard will go forward in units without waiting for completion of the individual State mobilizations. It is understood here that General Wood and General Barry have been urged to get the New York and Illinois) Guard under way immediately if possible. These orders mean that instead of the militia being held in mo bilization camps in -the various Stales they will be rushed to the border immediately upon being mustered into the service of the Fed eral Government and will be whipped into shape in the field instead of in camp. Officials interpreted the orders to mean that the general situa tion along the Mexican frontier was more critical than the Adminis tration has cared to admit. It is understood here that only such units as are below peace strength or are short of necessary equip ment will be held in the mobilization camps in the various States. At the Cabinet meeting reports from General Funston showing the immediate necessity of strengthening his border guard at many points were received. He appealed for cavalry and for experienced infantry, artillery and signal corps units which'can be used at cer tain points, thus relieving regulars for any .general offensive move ment that may be planned. It was decided that the commanders of the three departments within which the Guard is mobilizing should be given a free hand to send the troops along Generals Wood, Barry and Bell will be the judges of whether the troops are in shape to take the field and will be expected to lose no time in starting them south. Funston will designate" their stations. Reports that orders were about to be issued to the entire Atlan tic fleet to steam to Mexican waters were denied by Secretary Daniels. COLUMBUS, N. M.t June 23. Mexican bandits are reported to have invaded the United States 50 miles west of here. The report stated they were driving off horses from Parkers ranch in Playas, Valley, southwest of Hachita, N. M. Loss of life or fighting was not mentioned (Deletion by censor,). SHAMOKIN, Pa., June 23. Sixteen carloads of ammunition consigned to New York port for the Allies were requisitioned in the Northumberland yards today by United States army officers. The cars were immediately rerouted'to Buffalo, whence they will' be sent to the arsenal at Forth Worth, Tex, SAN ANTONIO, Tex., June 23, General Ftmstqn Is convinced . M - ''. . CeUaae4va fti, 5Twe. "cruMa"5,w J ., TIM E GERMAN ES ATTAC NUN Marshal Von Mackensen Re ported in Command of Teuton Forces AUSTRIANS SURROUNDED TltK HAGUE. June J3. Huge movements nf German troops from the western to the eastern theatre of war are under way. Within the last two days moro than 100 troop trains have passed through Afx-ln-Chapelle. bound from tho western front to the eastern front. They are being used to stem the great Ilusslan drive, which threatens tho Austro-Hunga. rian army in Gallcla. I'KTIlOOnAD. June i'S. Three German armies, made upllargely of troops from the western front, are on tho offensive on n 60-mllo line In the region or Kovel, Vladi mir Vollnck and rinkul. In an effort to stem the Ilusslan advance and save the Austro-Hungarlan army. It Is reported that Field Marshal von Mackensen, regarded as one of the most brllllnnt soldiers In the Germany army, has been ordered to take charge of the Austro German operations In Volhynia and Gallcla. Although tho right Hank of General Druslloff's Russian armies Is meeting with serious resistance, the left wing, in Bukowlna, Is moving forward rapidly, hav ing advanced more than 35 miles since the capturetif Czernowltz on the 17th. General I'llanzer, the defender of Czer nowltz, and a large section of his army, are reported to be surrounded and In Imminent danger of capture. South of Itadautz Austro-Hungarlan troops are said to have crossed the border Into Itumanla, where they will be interned. At the northern end of the line, along the Dvlna. artillery duels continue. NO QUAUTBfl GIVEN No quarter Is being asked or given by the Russian 'troops of General Ilrusiloff In one portion of the great battle still raging be tween the Styr ond the Hug, in Volhynia, tonight's official bulletin on the campaign asserts. "In the region of Radmlesto," the report says, "on the Stokhod, west of Svidnlks and east of Vorbptchlne, extremely violent light ing continues. We made no prisoners. This U explained by the exasperation of uur troops, who refused quarter to the Ger mans, who had been employing explosive bullets." It (s believe I here lothli.g iut a miracle can avert the destruction of General I'llan- Continued on raze live. Column Two History in Pictures In the whole uorUT lil.tory portenlou and nrrrulHr cnt haf purr twu m rrouded Into brief marf of time ii. In (Ui ut frw month. Word, urn paMtrful, uiien lrautti arriurd. tu rfford mid urrr thi uituurr or rporh.muliliic utlloni hut more powerful and uomlrrful tluu MoriN Ix tha lullurnr of ulrturrx. TO.MOKUOWS TKIMII' MOVKJIKNTS wilt i-onttltutt u UUtorj-uijkln unit In I'hUaUluhU and IVnn.jlianla. A rompUl plr tor tul rrrord of thru Important bupixii. Out ulll Bt war lu Saturitij' EVENING LEDGER (One ctnt.l EXTRA REMNANT OF (J. S. FORCE AT CARRIZAL REPORTED KILLED EL PASO, June 23. All that wore left of Captain Boyd's cor-' ngeotts troopers who fought their wny out of tho Mexican trap at Crmiznl hnve been killed In the giny hills between Ojo Dcrrcndos nnd Snn Tittls, according to a report that, reached Fort Bliss today, shortly after receipt' of General Pershing's fh'3t officlnl version of the Car rlsttl fight. PERSHING'S REPORT OF ATTACK RECEIVED IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, June 23. General X'erBhlng's report on the Carrissai battle has jUbt been received by the War Department. NO HALT IN MT. GRETNA MOBILIZATION HAIUsISBURG. June 23 Orders of Secretary of' War Jli1-r-tlirtt troops be rushed to the border will not cause any dison'Mt? nn"itT of plans to mobilize at Mr. Gretna. At the office of the Adjutant Gcnoinl it was said that Scereary Baker's order simply means that as soon as a regiment Is organized and equipped it "Is to bo srnt for ward without waiting on other units of a biirtntlo or division. JAMAICA RACING RESULTS l"list race, 2-ycar-oltls. selling, $500, 5 furlongs Cheer, 103, Tap Inn, 1 to 3," and out, won; Solvcig, 104, Lyke, f to 1, d to C, 1 'to 3, second; Bright Star, DO, Shilling, 20 to 1, 0 to 1, !i to 1, third. Time, 1:01. - ' ' FORD WILL NOT DISCHARGE VOLUNTEERS Reports printed In Thursday morning newspapers ti the effect that henry Ford, the Detroit automobile manufacturer, had served notice, that employes of his plant who went Into the military se.rvleo would thereby lose their places were emphatically denied. Investigation of tho report revealed that It wan untrue. BETHLEHEM STEEL CO. WILL HOLD ilOBS AND PAY WAGES NEW YORK; .'flln'eJ Directors 'of tho Bethlehem Sfiie!" Company have de rided to grant leave of absence, with full pay, to employes who tiro members of the National CiUttrd, called out for Mexican service. ' HARVARD ANNOUNCES GIFTS OF $1,3.1.1,28:1 CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June US. Gifts amounting to 1,34-1,283 Ui Harvard Uni versity have been announced by President Lowell. He awarded 1134 academic degrees and 12 honorary degrees. WOMAN I. W. W. IN MELEE; ONE MAN KILLED VIRGINIA, Minn., June 23, One man was killed and two wounded hi a fight here between special police and I. V. W. strikers, who were on their way to picket the Alpena mine of the Oliver Iron Mining Company. More than 50 ehuts were fired, some of them by a woman armed with a repeating rifle. LOWER CALIFORNIA MAY ASK TO JOIN U. S. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., June 2.1. A report that Governor Esteban Cantu, of Lower California, Is preparing to secede from Mexico and may urjie thu United States to admit Lower California into the Union was brought here today by Joaquin Villalobos, an Americanized Mexican, who hns just returned from that region. Cantu several days ago issued a proclamation that In the uvent of war between the Uidted States and Mexico Lower California would be. neutral. High olllcers of Cn lit if a strong army, Villalobos said, understood that a proclamation of Independence was scheduled to tullow. WILSON MONEY REDUCES HUGHES ODDS ON CURB NEW YORK, Juno 23 In tho betting on the Uroail Street Curb the odds on Hughes have dropped from 2 to 1. the prevailing rate since Monday, to a to 5 and then to S to 5. Wilson money in abundance was offered at 1 to 2, and after a wuger of $10,000 on Hughes hud been placed at !i to f. the supporters of the Republican candidate wanted something: closer to oven money. Only u few Mnall bets were made at 8 to E. JERSEY LEGISLATURE TO MEET ON HOSPITAL PLAN TRENTON, June 23. Governor Fielder will call n special session of the Senato to convene nest Tuesday at 10:30 to confirm formally the names of thu mem bers appointed by him some time ago to serve on a commission for bettering the condition of the mental defectives of the State. Tho commission was empowered to expend $150,000 for enUn'cint' tho insane hospital at Morris Plains; but, though named last July, had, by ai oversight never been confirmed by tho Senate, u legal necessity. GERMANS DEMAND SWISS PERMIT EXPORTS BERNE. June 23.- Federal Cotmsolor Schultuess has announced in Parliament that Germany demands the Swiss Government peimlt the exportation of cotton and foodstuffs collected In this country by German ugenls. If the demand Is not com piled with Germany will prohibit thu exportation to Switzerland of coal, lion nnd other materials, which would bring Swiss industries to a standstill. The Swiss Fed e'ral authorities have usked for time to loply, and are sending a delegation to Paris to confer with representatives of the Entente Allies regarding the situation. FRICK DONOR OF $250,000 EDUCATION FUND PITTSBURGH, June 23 At a banquet last night Judge Joseph Bufflngton. of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, announced' that Henry Clay Prick Is tho donor of the $250,000 funa fo the benetlt of the public schools of this city. It also vas announced that the committee hud decided to name the fund the Henry Clay. Flick Educational Commission of the City of Pittsburgh, and that Mr. Flick had also decided to give the annual income of $12,500 for five years from the fund. COMPLAINT BUREAU WILL PROTECT HEALTH OF CHILDREN A citizens' complaint bureau, organized to work against conditions unfavorable to the health ot children, vr opened today at the headquarters of the Child Fedeta tlun, 1524 Chestnut street. It invites complaints regarding the physical welfare of boys and glrU and promises to lemedy bad conditions wherever possible. A letter, telephone call or postal ca-il addressed to the Complaint Bureau, the Child Federa tion, 1524 Chestnut street, from any private citizen will be sufficient to start an investigation of any evil Involving juveniles. The Child Federation is an organiza tion supported by business men, educators and others banded together for .the preservation ot child life. BIG BRITISH DRIVE PREDICTED BY SURGEON NEW .YORK. June 2J "EnsUind has 4.000.000 men In northern France and will begin tne greate&t offensive of the war as soou as the result at Verdun Is determined." ald Dr. Frederick C. Jacobs, of Chicago, today. Doctor Jacob's lias i e turned ;o this couu'iy utUf spending a year at a British base hospital at Btaples. Two million, five huudrea tt ousand British soldiers in France have seen no fighting, according to the surgeon. Hit belief tliat a great uew offensive la plcnned is borne out by the fact that both the British and French, are; erecting' hundreds ot new base hospitals. There have been 45 hospitals established near l'pres tho last tew months. TROOPS READY IF RUSH ORDER TO DUTY COMES Quick Summohs to Other Troops Makes State Guard Hopeful PARADE THIS AFTERNOON Men Can Break Ranks and En train Quickly, Their Officers Say Route of Farewell Parade of First Brigade, N. G. P. Form at Broad and Diamond streets nt ! p. m. March south on Broad street to Morris street, where briRadc forma tion will bo nbnndoncd nnd regi ments return to armories in regi mental formation. Mayor Smjth will review line at City Hall. Brit-. Gen. Wjlli-m G. Price, Jr., in command, with IIOOO men, com prising 2d, 3d and 1st Regiments and Philadelphia battalion of Cth Regi ment, in line. Orders Issued by tho War Department nt Washington to Major Ciencral Leonard Wood, commanding the Department of the East, directing him to BcndUo the front at once tlie National CSuard units In his dis trict as rapidly as mobilized, aroused local guardsmen to highest pitch of excitement, this afternoon. The probability that the entire Pennsylvania division, which is with in llcuernl Wood's Jurisdiction, would be diverted from Mt tlretna and transported direct from the vnrldus regimental head quarters toward tho border within a fevr hours was freely discussed among tho men, and the officers themselves were no less en thusiastic over the proopect of Immediate ncrvlee. While-' Brigadier General Price and the other commanding officers said they were without olllclal information of tho Govern ment's change of planB, they expressed themselves as prepared to respond .'on In- Continued on Face Four. Column Tm PEACE WHEN JOE - IS CRUSHED, SAYS' CZAR'S MINISTER Allied Soil M.ust Be Cleared of Germans, Sazonoff. Asserts HAILS U. S. FRIENDSHIP By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS Copyrlnlil. mill, fjj- the United Tress. CopirlKhtnl In Great Ilrltnin. I'RTROGRAD, June 23. Pence must come only when Allied soil Is swept clean of the enemy and Prussian militarism forever crushed, S. D. Sazonoff, Uusslnu .Minister of Foreign Affairs, some times called "the pillar of the Triple En tente," told the United Press, in an ex clusive Interview today. Minister Sazonoff had Just returned from the Russian front. In a private audience he outlined Itussin's attitude toward the peace talk current In neutral countries, especially lu America. "Germany," said the Foreign Minister, "set upon us without warning, Now, hav ing elgnally failed to beat Kurope Into BUb. mission and finding her Intended victims getting tho upper hand, she covers her face with the mask of piety and endeavors to throw upon the Allies the blame for con tinuing the war. Such a procedure Is ah open avowal ot her own weakness and an attempt t hide her own unenviable situa tion a fact which I believe the wprld will soon realize If It doesn't .already, "Peace talk now Is doubly futile, Ger many assuredly has not won the war. Hence, she 3 not In a position to say any thing. We cannorsay yet that we are the victors, so. peace suggestions are un friendly to us. "Germany's power Is already waning. The strength of the Allies is increasing, as is proved by the dally events In the fight ing at Verdun and In the advance on the Ilusslan front, as well as by successes nt the class of the Skagerrak naval battle and of the victories in A'a. winor. "The war can end but one -way. Jl 18 That Continued on Pajw To. Column Onj THEWEATHER There Is a quiet determination about the boys In khaki who are preparing for their little trip to Mexico. They have llttlfl to say, for their business Is a little sterner than words. In a few hours they will start for the base, where the finishing touches will be put on. The element of fear cannot be dlfccovered anywhere about the local armories, and many express a desire- for quick action. The man whp Is regulating the weathtr has risen to the occasion nobly, and It look now ax though they will march away to morrow amid a burst of sunshine. FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicmity-Fair tonight; Saturday increasing cloudy ntss: not much change in temperature, ytntle, westerly winds, becoming vart able. ' COST AND FOUND UOLD WATCH UH. UJ' W Wf 5W Ue, usrv4 B. on bk. twtwetn 5131 WU But Bd ImiwrUl Ttie.itre. HjturJii',:. K.r5. lUlorn ttSsai Wteut nm at J.dt; Ut&rul mnwpflj Other Lot cl Vmmti Ai i Y Si
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers