V Tv f'"? J - ' -W'J - "1t1' ' EVENING LBDaEEPHILADBLPHIA; THURSDAY, TONE 22, 1910. 0 , t .j trips l corpora) soma t( tha hi n the 'VV mi. vtri of U only u 0 draw. PMftct n with lctt4 1 ver da in, s 0 at i "i4 wt. 'i md jult '.nt, tin, ln and hroufh. k the" 'js re. n jack, Rtil th, POMlotj nun la illt hli i rated WIU , '' Hi fat. or 1 tlun'i o B,ju l th, ry. and ud of U'a a vcr kit to hart I that u ? S k inaa. It. Th, ai th covertd Ich will w, or a dalntllj ce, may nd taat, "spared. 'S motlccd soft t i awajr. t Until e water a them, kg that not half THE GOD bequel to "Under OFMAR lie M- oons o By EDGAR MCE BURROUGHS Author of the Tnrzun Stories f M ars BYNOr.ltS, apicf from th lonnir innnat. nnn red tMah tmd ben SS'i in " fu't " my"" J.Wfo'Vrtlcd thrmisli an; ttlSn. UV lo'uWW iW Tfr SB SwiSltc r bJfk" to f th ,. ho " about to "nter "h nlr riant hlch nupplled the rlnuKi SKe?r"l.n.1 rrcelicA n eleram me" t Curtain Carter n tho Imtel at iflehmond. 'there tho warrior Rave him th nuirlpt wlilrh U PuhlHhed hern relat iSt cf hla wnkKtilnir from death and trans portjatloribaffc to Ma". lf In a trnisJ realon. coverM with b-au fidil ra". anu. iom-" V 7 Dh.IamIV lift 111 '".. . ..I ,.- tre9, sunueniv no with .mammoth mar it wplrd amimi V'i ....hinir 1.1 ihn rdue of tho cliff rca th Jlant Plant men attacking a ."mall band of 1'vi U-.n nl wnmen. At hut ono ik Sin men nnil women, , All hut ono are iu3 by tho wicked talons and Powerful laW of tho atranKO creature 'fhla ono Carter flnda to bo hla oM frlond, tho war rior Tars Tnrkaa, whom ho helps to en. ifter ftndlnir refniw la a hollow tree, they JIh from ono of tho branchce to a r.ivo intha cliff nenrby Carter and Tars Tarltna And themeelves looked In ft 'chamber of tho Saiern After a desperate flulit with hugs fcantha, who aro released upon them throuah Ridden doora. Carter flnnlly ,dlrojer ilia secret entrance misnin mroiiKii as n banth entera, ho cnitaccs several therns and "Via 'room Is filled with rrlaonrra, one of whom I" Thmltt, a red Martian woman, who lead them through tho aoldcn rllffs on Ibelr perilous attempt to csenpo. Tho three reach a window overlooking tho Valley Dor. rifArinn IV (Continued) , miin therns nro mortal," bIio replied. X "They dlo from tho Bamo causes aa you er I might thoso who do not llvo tholr nl lotted spa" of life 100O yearn. By tho au thority of custom at that tlme they may take their way In happiness through tho Jong tunnel that leads to Isbus. '"Thoso who dlo beforo nro supposed to Ipend tho remainder of their allotted tlmo In tho Imago of a plant man, and It Is for this reason thnt tho plant men are held sacred by tho thorns, since they bcllovo that each of these hideous creatures was formerly a Ihern." "And should a plant man die?" I asked. "Should ho dlo beforo tho expiration of tha thousand years from tho birth of tho thcrn, whoso Immortality abides within him, then tho noul passes Into a Rreat whlto p. Should tho ape dlo short of tho exact hour that terminates tho thousand years tho loul Is forever lost and passes for all eter nity Into tho carcass of tho slimy and fc.ir lomo slllan, whoso wrlBgllns thousands ptethc In tho silent sea beneath tho hurtling moons when tho sun has Bono nnd strango lhapes walk through tho Valley Dor." 'TVo sent several holy thorns to tho llllans today, then," snld Tars Tarkas, laughing. "And so will your death bo tho moro ter rible when It comes," said the maiden. "And como It will. You cannot escape" "One has escaped, centuries nBo," I re minded her, "nnd what has been dono may be dono again." "It Is useless even to try," sho answered hopelessly. "But try wo shall," I cried, "nnd you thall go with us, If vou wish'" 'To bo put to death by mlno own peo ple, and render my memory a dlsgraca to my family and my nation? A pilnco of tho houso of Tardos Morn should know bet ter than to suggest ouch a thing." Tars Tarkns listened In silence, but I could feel his eyc3 riveted upon me and I knew that ho awaited my answer an nne might listen to the reading of his sentence by the, foreman of a jury. yfhat I ndvlsed tho girl to do would seal cur fate as weir, since. If I bowed to the Inevitable decree of ago-old superstition, at must all remain and meet our fato In some horrible form within this awfut abode of horror and cruelty. "We have tho right to escapo If we can," i answered. "Our own moral senses will not bo offended If wo succeed, for wo know that tho fabled llfo of lovo nnd poaco n tho blessed alley of Dor Is a rnnk nnd wicked deception, "Wo know that the valley Is not sacred, we know that tho holy therns aro not holy; that they aro a raco of cruel and heartless mortals, no moro cognizant of tho reai me to como than wo. "N'ot only Is it our right to bend overy effort to escape It Is a solemn duty from which wo should not shrink, even though wo knew that wo should bo reviled and tortured by our own peoples when wo ro turned to them. "Only thus mnv wo carry tho truth to those without, and though tho likelihood of our narratlvo bolng belloved Is remote, wo would ho craven cowards wero wo to Bhlrk tho plain duty which confronts us. "Again, theio Is a clianco that with tho weight of tho testimony of Boxornl of Us tho truth of our statements may bo accepted, nnd at least a compromlso ef fected which will result In tho dispatching of an expedition of Investigation to this hideous mockery of heavon." Hoth tho girl and tho green warrior stood silent In thought somo moments. Tho former It was who eventually broko tho silence "Never had I considered tho mattor In that light beforo," sho said. "Indeed would 1 givo my llfo a thousand times It I could but b.ivo a stnglo soul from the awful llfo that I have led In this cruel place. Yea, you nrs right, and I will go with you an far ns wo can go ; hut I doubt that wo evor shall escape." I turned an Inquiring glance toward tho Thnrle. "To tho gates of Issus, or to tho bottom of Korus," spoke the green warrior ; "to tho snows to tho north or to tho snows to the south, Tars Tarkns follows whero John Carter leads. I have spoken." "Let us go," I cried. "Wo nlust mako tho start, for wo could not bo further from escapo than wo now nro, In tho henrt ofj this mountain and within tho four walls of this chamber of death " "Come, then." said tho girl, "but do not flatter yourself that you can find no worso place than this within tho territory of tho therns." So saying, sho swung tho secret panel that separated us from the npartment In which I had found her, nnd wo stopped) through onco moro Into tho presenco of tho other prisoners. Thero wore In all ten red Martians, men nnd women, nnd when we had briefly ojo plnlned our plan they decided to join foroes with us, though It was evident that It was with somo considerable misgivings that they thus tempted fate by opposing an nnclent superstition, oven though each know through cruel ccperlenco the fullncy of Its cntlio fabric. Thtivla, tho girl whom I had first freed, Tarkas and I stripped tho bodies of the two thorns of their weapons, which in cluded swords, daggers and two rovolvers ot the curious and deadly type manufac tured by the red Martians. Wo distributed tho weapons ns far as they would go among our followers, giving tho firearms to two of tho women, Thin la being ono so armed. With tho latter as our guide wo set off rapidly but cautiously through a mazo of passages, crossing great chambers hewn fiom the solid metal of the cliff, following winding cortldors, ascending btecp Inclines, and now nnd again concealing ourselves In dark recesses nt tho sound of approaching footsteps Our destination, Thuvla said, was n distant stororoom whero arms nnd ammu nition In plenty might bo found. Sho was to lead us to tho summit of tho cliffs, from whore It would require both wondrous wit and mighty fighting to win our way through tho very heart of tho stronghold ot tho holy thorns to tho world without. "And oven then, O prince," Bhe cried, "tho arm of tho holy thorn Is long. It reaches to overy nation of Carsoom. Ills secret temples nro hidden In the heart of every community. "Wherever we go, should wo escnpo, wo shall find that word ot our coming has preceded us, and death awaits us beforo wo may" polluto tho air with our blasphe mies." Wo had proceeded for nosslblv an hour without serious Interruption, nnd Thuvla had Just whispered to mo that wo wero approaching our first destination when on entering a great chamber wo camo upon a man, evidently a thcrn. Ho woro In addition to his leathern trnp plngs and Jeweled ornaments a great circlet of gold nbout his brow, In tho exact contro of which was sot an Immcnso stono, tho exact counterpart of that which I had seen upon tho breaBt of tho llttlo old man nt tho atmosphere plant nearly twenty years before. It Is tho ono priceless Jewel of Uarsoom. Only two nro known to exist, nnd thoso word worn ns Insignia of rank nnd position by tho two old mon In whoso chnrgo wao plaoed tho operation of tho great engines which pump tho nrtlflclnl atmosphere to nil parts of Mars from tho hugo utmos- phero plant. Tho stono worn by tho them who con fronted us was of about tho samo slzo an that which I had boforo seen, nn Inch In dlam.eter, I should Bay, It scintillated nlno different and distinct rays; tho sovon primary colors of our earthly prism, and tho two rays which nro unknown upon earth, hut whoso wondorous beauty Is In describable. Aa tho thcrn saw us his eyes narrowed to two nasty silts. "Stop"' ho cried. "What means Mils, Thuvla?" Tor answer tho girl raised her revolver and fired polntblnnk at him Without n sound ho sank to tho earth, dend. "Henst!" sho hissed "After all these years I am at last revenged " Then an she turned toward mo, ovl dently with a word of explanation on her lips, her eyes suddenly widened na they rosted upon me, nnd with a llttlo eclamatlon sho stnrtcd toward mo "O prlnee!" sho cried, "fate Is Indeed kind to us. Tins way Is still dllllcult, but through this IIn thing upon tho lloor wo mny yet win to the outer world Notcst thou not tho resemblance botween this holy thcrn and thyself?" Tho man was lnd::d of my preclso stat uro nor wero his eyes and features unlike mlno; but his h.ilr was n mnss of flowing yellow locks, llko thoso of tho two I had killed, whllo mlno Is black and closo cropped. "What of tho resemblance?" I usked the girl "Do you wish me, with my black, shoit hair, in pose ns a yellow-haired priest of this Infernal cult?" She smiled, and for answer approached tho body of tho man sho hnd slain, and kneeling besido It, removed tho circlet of gold from tho forehead, and then, to my utter amazement, lifted tho entire scalp bodily from tho corpso's bend. Illslug. Mio advanced to my side, nnd placing the yellow wlif over my black hair, crowned mo w Ith tho goldon clrclot fcet with tho magnificent gem. ".Vow don this liarnoss, prlnco," sho snld, "and you may pabs where you will In tho realms of tho thorns, for Sator Throg was a holy thern ot tho touth cycle, nnd mighty among his kind " As I stooped to tho dead man to do her bidding I noted that not a hair grew upon I SONG MAY RIVAL "A HOT TIME IN FIGHT FOR THE U.S. A Dow ea tnrGonU-da. boiler, . Til lial ftC -,W4M' (TVi B0Njlna Al Ilia li nn .; MARY AND ARITA COPP. FARMER SMITH'S I k" vriiS7( pa RAINBOW CLUB hla hend, which was qulto nn bald n3 an egg. "They nro nil thus from birth," cxplnlned Thuvla, noting my surprlso "Tho raco from which they sprung was crowned with n luxuriant growth of golden hair, but for many ages the present rnco has boon entire ly bald. Tho wig, however, has como to bo n part of their apparel, and so Important n, part do they consider It thnt It Is causo for the deepest dlsgrnco wero a thcrn to nppear In public without it " In another moment I stood garbed In tho habiliments of a holy thern. At TliuI.i'n suggestion two of tho ro leuscd prisoners boro tho body of tho dead thern upon their shoulders with us as wo continued our Journey toward tho store room, which wn reached without further mishap. Here tho keys which Thuvla boro from tho dead thorn of tho prison vault wero tho means of giving us Immedlato entranco to tho chamber, and very quickly wo wero thoroughly outfitted with amis nnd am munition. Uy this time I was m thoroughly fagged that I could go no further, so I threw my self upon the floor, bidding TarB Tarkas to do likewise, and cautioning two of tho re leased prisoners to keep careful watch In an Instant I was asleep. JJ 3 J K , FAITH IN YOURSELF r Once upon a time thero was a little boy and he had a mother, tho little ' boy did, and sho was always saying to him: "Now, James (Mister Printer: ' This was not his name, but it will do), I want you to go to tho well and got eomo water. Now, go to tho well and don't break the pitcher, you ARE so , careless." ' Well, James would go to the well, and sure enough, he would spill tho water or break the pitcher, and his dear mother would say: "THERE, didn't I tell you so? Naughty boyl" This boy grew up to bo a man, as some boys do nnd others do not, and when he was 21 ho got a position in a grocery store and thero he stayed and itnyed and tho good man who kept 'the grocery store did not raiso tho man's talary because the man did not ask for it and did not desorvo it. Ho did not have confidence in himself. Finally ho died, and no ono over thought any moro about him. " Well, once upon a time there was another boy and he had a mother, but ihe was not like the first boy's mother, for sho thought her boy was tho only boy on earth and that ho was JUST ABOUT RIGHT. AND SHE SAID SO, TOO. Sho told him so many times that he was the greatest boy on earth that anally he began to think so himself; yes ho did. Conceited? Well, just a mite, but tho big world had to take off its hat to him, for ho WAS a great boy; yes, indeed! HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF. Try it this summer. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. Our Postoffice Box Eleanor Weiss Ihea on Moirls strcot and makes every one In that neighborhood as happy as only a little "sunshine" can The brlghtne&s of the "aunshlno" la not confined to that region either, for many a golden ray has come to your oditor wrapped up In a llttlo whlto en velope ! Yes, and other small white eneIopos come to the rtalnbow Club ofilce with happi ness Just bursting out where the mud lago didn't "take." Listen to these good times that popped out Irvine Wood ward's Qermantown MivnlnnA "T lllsf Kj.s,AftuH ivasa want to tell you now i helped, mother this week. painted u screen door all myself and mother thinks "looks fine. I went to Willow Grove with ray mother and daddy In tho carriage and iftf ?iJe ,ho horso a" the way, When we bin. .re.J ,ook mother for a ride on ther w . I"- sho was veiV warm when kr... .5rard' ,,ut thre was Buch a nice too ?l Xl maila lercool. Then daddy v ua to supper oer.at the Lakeside. i.? Tl B?1 tcaiy t0 001"e home, for wo onJv .m beat hB "rm home. Wo did. not7 jhJ ?? few dro'ls ot "aln- I could too ?fL th? horse hne. ha had to go VOU winai?.myvlada' mde hIm BO. tOO. I sin trvt 1 n?.w about ood tmes' s0 wn trying to tell you about ours." Is Sfar.t 0urfln' ot North Falrhlll street, for .Sf . Mlul '" 80ma BOpd' times soon. Waafn?- . B0lne away W th summer. MaaV,s,nw0t.g,nK V interfere iylth to tanmlS c"ib dutles' w sh ta Po""1 aLi"""1" a? "h'l tP Bend In the a o :.. "'" "'es. me puzzle solvers, ?V. y- .jttftvsK PARMER SMITH. Caro of The Kvcnino I.edqeh I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Please send me a beautiful Rainbow Rutton freo. I agree to do a wrrr.n kindness kach AND EVERY DAY'. SI'READ A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. Name Address ' Abo School I attend BILLY BUMPUS' WARNING By Farmer Smith "Hurrah 1 Hurrah !" Ullly Bumpus throw his horns In tho air and jumped up In tho air. "Great battle I Great battlo!" "Calm yourself," said Mrs. Goat. "You aro too easily excited." "But. Mother dear, I read a great pleco here In tho paper. Wondurful battle Oh, how line! Zeppelins, big guns und nil, Oh, It's grand !" "Whero Is the account of tho battlo?" asked Mrs Billy Rumpus Goat. "Right here," answered Rllly, ns ho began looking for the newspaper. "Here's part of It tho paper," said Billy. "Now I am all excited and you can't find what you aro talking about," said Mrs. Goat Impatiently. "Yes, I can." Billy looked elsewhere. When he stopped Mrs. Goat said: "You ato that paper I know you did I No wonder you were bo war like." Billy went over by tho door and meekly lay down. Case Number 3 Not a day goes by but that somo Rain bow remembers the llttlo boy In the small whlto bed "our" Caso Number 3. Eleanor Koons, of Winnowood, sent two books, Hawthorne's "Wonder Book" and "King Arthur and His Knights." In tho fly leaf of one wero six seashore postal cards and books and postals were wrapped In tho happy picture of a boy. With "llttlo girl" intuition, Eleanor selected Just tho things u "real" hoy would llko. Catherine Murray, DanUlle, Pa, sent n beautiful devotional picture and wrote a lovely letter full of thoughts that will show the llttlo sufferer how best to bear his jama. The father of CaBe Number 3 addressed a letter of thanks to Mary Dlllmore In care of tho Rainbow Club. Will Mary please send her address so that she may speedily receive It? of ih. !' ,eave, ,helr answers till the end: lion x? ana nvl11 tllm as .irywl'nan ak the same question In oil U gether different 7i . wr on' "Doa "e nD EomS? tHi.wlstt one day or one puxrle UUU unw. Uen, but Yq U you aro unfortunate enough to miss tho club nows for a night, we adiso. sending In the answers for tho other nights Possibly your other puzzles will mako up for the missing ones. As for being unable to solve one of an issuo, do not let that discourage you. Head 'In those you can solve and write a little noto stating that you worked hard at such and such a puzzle and could not arrive at a solution. Blemory Rem Sent In by Huth Steiner. 8 yars old. Flaa of our country, bravo. Hal. white and blue. W loa to wutcli Umw wave;' Our low la tru , Oh I lt ua loudly alar. Loud lt our Praia rlnj. Pralaa to thla noble thins, Ued, whlto and blu. Branch Qlub News The following report comes from Bessie Feldman, of Woodbine, N. J.; "I have decided to call our club 'Hebrew Rainbow Daughters, as all tho members are of the Hebrow race. The members de cided to have good times now, but later we will try sewing As soon as we had our first meeting we elected officers, who are as follows- Dora Keln. president; Bessie Feldman, secretary; Gussie Saperstein, treasurer; Sophia Slegel. vice president, and Uiwsle KUn and Mollis Capter. committee. "The xither members are as follows. Bella Shapiro. Clara JoKee, Clara IUblno wltx Celta Kovnot, Mildred Sussman. Paul ine ffetaaa and Bwsi Sajexsuln," The Fairy and the Prince Uy WILLIAM imOCKBIllIAN Onco upon a time there was a prince, a wicked prince wns he One day as he was trailing with his soldiers he saw a fairy. Ho said the fairy bhnuld be killed. The soldiers wero going to kill her when sho changed tho prince Into a monkey and his soldiers, too. A little later the prince's enemy came along with his army and saw all the monkeys. He was going to kill them, as they looked wild. Just then the fairy appeared and changed them back to men. She had a kind heart and helped them escapo. This goodness of the fairy taught the cruel prince a lesson that ho never forgot. Things to Know and Do 1. Johnnie took the word ABLE, spanked It because Jt was zero tea, I mean naughty, added a letter to It and make a kind ot fur. Then he chopped the whiskers off Uncle Sam (I mean he chopped some letters oft Undo and some oft Sam) and put them on ABLE so you could use It The door bell rang and Johnnie answered it. The taller was trim a plase you can make by putting the first and 3 1st week In front of the stcond ord Johnnie made. I guess that's all, except the last word Johnnie made begins with "C" and ends with "able" and has seven letters. What four words was Johnnie ABLE to make from ABLE? 2. Mrs. Fuss-button has two children. She sent one to get some HEAVENS ROCK ETS at the tfrocery etoro for July i, and the Hr? .J?-,06 toy Btr" to B eomo NEEDLE WHEELS. What did the two darlings briny noma? CHAPTER V Through tlio Golden CI I Its HOW long I slept upon tho floor of the storeroom I do not know, but It must have been many hours I was awakened with a start by cries of alarm, and scarce wero my eyes opened, nor had I yet sufficiently collected my wits to qulto reallzo whero I was, when n fus lllado of shots rang out., roverboratlng through the subterranean corridors In a ser ies of tlenfenlng echoes. In nn Instant I was unon mv feet. A dozen lesser therns confronted us from a largo doorwny at tho opposite end of tho storeroom from that which wo had entered. About mo lay tho bodies of my companions, with the exception of Thuvla nnd Tars Tarkas, who, Ilka myself, had beon asleep upon tho floor nnd thus escaped tho first raking fire. As I gained my feet tho therns lowered tholr wicked rifles, their fnecs distorted In mingled chagrin, consternation and nlarm. Instantly I ro30 to tho occasion "What moan3 this?" I cried In tones of fierce nnger. "Is Sator Throg to be murdered by 'his own vassals?" "Have mercy, O master of the tenth cyclo !" cried ono of tho fellows, whllo tha others edged toward the doorway ns though t-. attempt a surreptitious escapo from tho presence of tho mighty one "Asu them tholr mlsMon hero." whlsnered Thuvla at my elbow "What do you hero, fellows?" I cried. "Two from tho outer world aro nt largo within the dominions of the thorns. Wo sought them at tho command of tho father of therns, Ono was whlto with black hair, tho other a huge green warrior." Here the fellow cast a suspicious glanco toward Tars Tarkas. "Here, then, Is ono of them," spolco Thuvla, Indicating tho Thark, "and If you will look upon this dead mnn by tho door perhaps you will reeignlzo the other. It was left for Sator Throg and his poor slavos to accomplish what the lesser therns of tho guard were unable to do wo have killed ono and captured the other For this has Sntor Throg given uh our liberty. And now lit your stupidity hae you come and killed nil but myself, nnd llko to have killed tho mighty Sator Throg hlrr-iclf" The men looked very sheepish and very scarod. "Had they not better throw these bodies to the plant men and then return to their quarters, O mighty one?" asked Thuvla of me. "Yes; do ns Thuvla bids you," I said. As the men picked up tho bodies I noticed that tho one who stooped to gather up tho late Sator Throg started as his close scrutiny fell upon the upturned face, and then the fellow stole a furtive, snnnitin.. glance In my direction from the corner of Ilia eyo. That he susplcloned something of the truth I could have sworn, but that It was only a suspicion which he did not dare voice was evidenced by his silence. Again, as he bore the body from the room, he shot a quick but searching1 glance toward me, and then his eyes fell once more upon the bald nnd shiny dome of the dead man in his arms The last fleeting glimpse that I obtained of his profile as ho passed from my sight without the chamber revealed a cunning smile of triumph upon his lips. Only Tars Tarkas, Thuvla. and I were left. The fatal marksmanship of the therns had snatched from our companions what ever slender chance they had of gaining the perilous freedom of the world. So soon as the last of the gruesome pro cession had disappeared the girl urged us to take up our flight once more. She, too, had noted the questioning atti tude of the thern who had borne Sator Throg away. "It bodes no good for us, O prince " she said. "For. even though this fellow dared not chance accusing you In error, there be those above with power sufficient to de mand a closer scrutiny, and that, prince, would Indeed prove fatal." I shrugged my shoulders. It seemed that In any event the outcome of our plight must end In death. 1 was refreshed from my sleep, but still weak from loss of blood. My wounds were painful, No medicinal aid seemed possible, How I longed for the almost miraculous healing power of the strange, salves nnd lotions of the green martlan women! Jn an hour they would have had me as new. I was discouraged. Never had a feeling of such utter hopelessness come over me in the face of danger Then the long, flow ing yellqw locks of the holy thern, caught by sonje vagrant draft, blew about my face. I Hlght they riot still open, the way to; free dom? If wo aotod In time, might wo not oven yet escnpo beforo thu general alarm was sounded7 Wo could nt least try. "What will tho fellow do first, Thuvla?" I asked. "How long will It bo beforo they may return for us?" "Ho will go directly to tho father of therns, old Matal Slump Ho may havo to wait for nn nudlonco, but Blnco ho Is very high among tho lesser therns In fact, a thorlan among them It will not bo long that .Matal snang will keep him waiting. "Then, If tho fathor of therns puts credenco In his Btory, another hour will seo tho galleries and chambers, the courts nnd g.irdons filled with searchers " "What wo do then must bo dono within nn hour. What Is tho best way, Thuvla, tho shortest way out of this celestial hades?" "Straight to tho top of tho cliffs, prince," sho replied, "and then through tho gardens to tho Inner courts. From thero our way will llo within tho temples of tho therns and acrosB them to tho outer courts Thou the ramparts Oh, prlnco, It Is hopeless ! Ten thousand wnrrlcrs could not hew a way to liberty from out this awful place! "Slnco tho beginning of time, llttlo by little, stono by stono, havo tho therns been ever adding to the defenses of their strong hold A continuous lino of Impregnable fortifications circles tho outer slopes of tho Mountains of Otz. "Within the temples that llo behind tho ramparts a million fighting men are over loady. Tho courts and gardens nre filled with slaves, with womon nnd with children. "Xono could go a stone's throw without detection " "If there Is no other way, Thuvla, why dwell upon tho dltncultlos of this? Wo must faco them " "Can wo not better make, the attempt after dark?" asked Tars Tarkas. "Thero would seem to be no chanco by day." "Thero would bo a llttlo better chanco bv night, but even then tho ramparts are well guarded ; possibly better than by day. Thero aro fewer abroad In tho courts and gardens, though," said Thuvla. "What Is tho hour7" I asked "It was midnight when you released mo from my chains," said Thuvla. "Two hours later wo reached the storeroom. Thero you slept for 14 hours It must now bo nearly sundown again. Come, we will go to somo nearby window In the cliff nnd mako suro." So saying, she led the way through wind ing corridors until nt n sudden turn wo camo upon an opening which overlooked tho Valley Dor. At our right the sun was setting, a hugo red orb, beneath tho wostorn rango of Otz. A littlo below us stood the holy thcrn on watch upon his balcony. His scarlet robe of ofllco was pulled tight about him In antici pation of the cold that comes so suddenly with darkness as tho sun sets. (CONTINUED TOMORROW.) Yale Medical Open to Women NEW HAVEN, June 22 Yale will admit women to her medle.il school. Heretoforo tho bars of the university had been let down to women only In the grnduato school. At a meeting of tho Ynle Corporation It was voted that a limited number of women, graduates of npproved medical colleges, shall bo admitted to Yale's school ofj med icine. 7 SWIMMING y. M. c. A. CENTRAL NATATORIUM Water chansed dally. Three montha. In cluding membership, 37, six Icasona, S3: Ingle uuim. 25c. list Arcb street. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES fimmS1 GENTRAL And tta Elementary Schools offer a graded coiimo of education from kindergarten to col lo. Wrlta for Year Hook of Mtea. JOHN W. CAIIR. Pti D . Principal. 15th and Itaca Sta. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL ,,Atogo?in&.8ftS,,Jft,uS,,l,w' STRAYER'S rb "" u.in. Hchooi JtKrtlCJVJ wn.ao7 Clie.ti.ut Strwt OFQBOH KrilOOI.. IHJCHS CO.. PA. GEORGE SCHOOL Co-educational with tiipantt) Dormitory liulldlngs Co I If so Prepurutorv Special course for boja Manual Tralnlnir banlta Hon and Klrat Aid 2J7 ucrea on Neahamlny Creek Athletic Ilelda Oymnaalum awtmmlns pool Friends' management Address (1, A. VV.YI.TON. A. !.. l'rlmlpitl, lloi HM, llucki t o . I'ennn, Young Ladica ami Girls illSS lIAKsilALI-'S bUllUOL l'OU CIULH Ctmrmlns- location 20 mtn. from Phlla. College, preparatory and general courses. Music, Art, Do mestic Science. Outdoor athletic. Bend for catalog Miss E. S. Marshall, Oak Lane, Phil. oung Men and Iloyg m:0N. pa. M'llUls JIMUU SU1UUL A. country day and boardlns achoul for uoa, to Iti. Tboroua elementary work, advanced rnetnods. UAKK II. O. 8PJEHS. HHADA1ASTER. Dox -ill, Devon. Pa. WEXOXA1I. N. J. WENONAH 12 miles from Philadelphia. farmriVa or BaloCiia. U. H. Am BpecluT school for, Junlora. Catalofi. DM. O. r I.OHKNCK. ITc.Ideuti CLAYTON A. a.NHJtU. PI.. 11.. Supt. . . , MILITARY ACADEMY II miles from Philadelphia. In town without factories or aaloaaa. U. B. Army ptftcer detailed. Itox 413. Wenunali. N, i. llLAlKSfUUN. N. J. BLAIR ACADEMY (3naral education and BreDarallon fa.- mil,,. or technical school. College entrance certificate privilege. Neur gymnaalum with runnlna- track Visit tha school. Vou will be cordially weloomso. rfoua i; acuirpe, -. a... sseaiuaaaicr. i lualxsiuwu. a. . Iir, UuX A. PASTOR'S DAUGHTERS BECOME COMPOSERS Miss Anita E. Copp nnd Miss Mnry A. Copp Writo Ballnd for Boys of N. G. P. Two prety Philadelphia, girls, Arlta VS. Copp nnd Mary A. Copp, dnughtcrs of tho Itov. Zed Hetzel Copp, formerly pastor of tho Oohockslnk Presbyterian Church and living nt 4631 North 10th street, In a spirit typical of '7C, havo composed a. patriotic song and set It to march muslo. The song la llltcly to become ns popular with tlnclo Snm's fighting men on tho Moxlcan border nnd within that country as was "A Hot Tlmo In tho Old Town Tonight" during the Spanish-American War. Miss Anita Copp nnd Miss Mnry Copp, In common with thouaands of American men and womon, wero thrilled with Indignation and lovo of country when tho bandit Villa Invaded Columbus, N. M. Out of thin ardor tho Misses Copp com posed "Fight for tho U. S. A.," tho muslo being tho Joint work of both slstors nnd tho words by Miss Arlta Copp. "Fighting for tho U. S. A." la In two verso nnd n chorus. It runst "Down on our Southern border, The land of ma u. a. A. A bandit Villa murdered men, And then he ran cjii'ny. Hut Undo Sammv sent his troopi, And coward t'ancho fled, Noto Uncle Sam fi atcr him, To take him alive or dead. cuonus Oh, I tonne to go to Mexico To fipht for tho U. B. A. Hv Uncle Bammv need) me there To wipe blood stains away, I want no intervention Uut honor mtMf 7ioW sway, So I want to po to Mexico, To floht for the U. B. A. THECi1EEIlFULCnERU5 eaar ii.ns annum TKe sovroOo I Kt.ci lr, mv voutk. How v.ir tkey eem now tho.t tkewrc. t.st I It rYskc ma uneasy to think never hrtve. feelin&s tK-fcib rcrc I never hrrVe lt).0 oi, 'i ft trJi PLAN TO SAVE GERMAN BABIES l wae not reared a soldier, I Xove to keep the peace Yet if my country needs me, It's army to increaie, To the recruiting station, I'll quickly take & vy fight for tho U. S. A. Professors nnd Statesmen Organize to Prevent Humnn Wnsto DEIILIN, June 22. "Germany's Founda tlon for Protecting Infants and Small Children" la tho namo of n national society founded hero yesterday for combating In fant mortality. Tho Duchess Victoria Loulao of Brunswick was present at tho meeting as protectress, Tho Imperial Chancollor, Dr. von llothmnnn HoltweB and Field Marshal von Hlndenburn wore chosen honorary presidents. Physicians niul statesmen of all sections took part In organizing tho society. Tho chairman, Prof. Carl I3ohr-Plnnow, In hla opening addross, said that Oormany would save annually tho lives of 200,000 chil dren. Professor Langstcln, of Berlin Univer sity, outlined comprehensive plans for tho Boclety, Indicating thnt It proposes to attack tho problem from overy possible angle. Germantown Thentro Conveyed Tho motlon-ptcturo thentro nnd stores nt tho southeast corner of Qermantown avenuo nnd Tulpehockcn street, lot 87 feet by 100 feet, has been convoyed by Charles P. Wilt to Albert II. Koblnson, subject to n mortgngo of (30,000. Albert II. Robinson Shoulder m i,...., j "nH Kiven to tno uicn3iae uuiiuing AS30- .rL.'n .nd mv "n and elation a mortgngo of J10.000 on tho thea tre, which Is assessed nt $40,000. : .-.- .ROBINSON & CRAWFORD-- : 1 . .; ; gt I , Amotlier Great Butter Sale The superior Quality of "Gold Seal" Butter has done much to place "Our Stores" high in the estimation of particular people, and the consistently moderate price at which we sell it is a con vincing illustration of our money-saving service. Superior Quality and money-saving prices are the prevailing characteris tics in our business that appeal to the thousands of particular housewives who buy Butter and all their groceries at "The Stores Where Quality Counts and Low Prices Prevail." Let us give you a practical demonstration. , JTTtFi'at-'v i GOLD SEALjilSfe BUTTER; lb. 37c "Gold Seal" Butter is made from the richest golden cream by ex pert buttermakera, in the finest, cleanest and most up-to-date creameries in the country. This is the reason it gives such general satisfaction to uiuuaanus 01 me most particular people in this great city and suburbs. Ca-RoBulter ' 30c lb. Absolutely Pure Butter of good quality; like all our butters, a bar gain at its price. Hy-Lo Butter ' 33c lb. Fancy Creamery Butter, equal in quality to most of the "Best" butters sold elsewhere. price, RICH NEW CHEESE, spec,ai pric- I9cib. Rich, tasty new Cheese of the finest quality at an attractively low 25c bot. Vanilla or Lemon Ext.. 20c 10c bot. Vanilla or Lemon Ext.. 8c 5c bot. Vanilla or Lemon Flav.. 4c Hire's Root Beer Ext., bot. ...13c Gold Seal Root Beer Ext., bot. 10c Gold Seal Cider Vinegar, bot... Sc Choice Salad Dressing, bot.... 8c Gold Seal Mustard, jar 5c, 10c Heinz Tomato Catsup, bot 13c Lea & Perrin's Sauce, bot. 19c Gold Seal Rice. 1-lb. pl:g 8c High Grade Rice, Lib. pl:g..... 7c Choice Rice. Lib. pkg 5c Gold Seal Gelatine, large plcg,.10c Gold Seal Gelatine, regular pkg. 5c Gold Seal Peaches, can 15c Sliced Pineapple, large can.... 18c New Pack Asparagus, can 15c Gold Seal E. J. Peas, can 10c Choice Tender Peas, can...... 7c CHOICE NEW MACKEREL, ' 7c Choice new Mackerel at a very low price. Encli TEA 60c Gold Seal Tea, lb.,45c 30c J-lb. pkg.23c; 15c J-lb. pkg. 12c A blend of choice Teas, selected for their fine quality and flavor. "Gold Seal" is famous for its superior cup goodness. For Iced tea we recommend our "Gold Seal" Black or Assam. Kamelia Tea, lb- 29c YrXo. pkg. 15c J 54-lb. pkg. 8c Without exception the "BEST" Tea sold in this city at 29c the pound. Order your favorite kind, Black, Mixed or Old Country Ast sam. It. & o. Ileal Mend COFFEE Coffee, lb., 30c A blend of the highest grade Coffees grown. Its rich, smooth, mellow flavor pleases the taste of the most critical and exacting. ItOHI'OKU 11 LEND Coffee, lb 20c A Coffee of excellent flavor and aroma, far superior to the average coffees sold at 20c the pound. Fresh Roasted Coffee Where Quality Counts 5c Sel BREAD Large SJ BREAD Loaf Why bake bread these hot days when you can be supplied by "Our Stores ' with the quality of Bread we sell? Freshly Baked BARONET BISCUIT, Special ry Price C Pkg, A dainty biscuit, suitable for all occasions. Why pay 8c or 10c the package elsewhere? Every day is Bargain Day at "The Stores Where Quality Counts." The exceptional values we give in groceries of Quality are attractive and advantageous to, our patrons. Tomorrow we open another store "Where Quality Counts' at Fern Rohk (Cor. Broad Street and NedrHf&ye,) Robinson &. Crawford li The Stores Where Quality Counts Throughout the City and Suburbs, 1 I I ""Tliir w fc m i i i iTiiiJrrrii itr irinirrwririreaip -iiiian nanajijpjfl I -IB