w tyHwrr3ftyByrj1' ( ll. Ttft- s Hr -HV (, $? m; ' - Bgwyyaigr-vawitfijiiiyejiiiy mMM Wtf ympyWfWrtigW" " NMUWi W!l''lP!J-,Ll lfljU I.IW lip'lUm IG EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUril-SDAY, JPNE 22, 191C RUNAWAYS DIDNT ttUNFAR i Two" Return From Camden "Sadder and Wiser" John McCAbe, 13 yours old, of 23d and Fonlaln Btrcets, nnd Ills chum, Hugh Cannlmn, 12 years old, of 233$ West Berks treat, feel satisfied today that Philadelphia Isn't such a bad place to live In, Thoy totd their playmates yesterday that they were tired of Hvlnu In this city nnd an nounced that they were roIiik to run away from their home and live In tho country? The boys had 20 cents In their possession when they departed. They spent 10 cents nt a "movie" show. The balanco of the treasury was spent In purchasing ferry tickets to Camden nnd a few Sticks of candy. Policeman Shecnan, of the Camden police force, found both boys sound asleep near the ferry house In Cnmdon, at mlilnlRht. Ho took them to police headaunrtcrs. The parents of the boys nrivctl In Cnmdcn nt 2 o'clock this morntng nnd brought them home. Henry Bcttmnit Henry Bettman, 66 years old, an oil mer. chant with a place of buslncs nt 4th and Arch streets, died this morning at tho Mcdlco-Chl Hospital fromSi complication of dlsenitea. He was a pnst chancellor of tho IJarbarossa Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Burial will bo In Mount Oarniel Cemetery Sunday. IN MKMOIttAM KKKIH,. In loving memory of MARY. A. KHEHL, who departed this life June 22. 1004. Husbnnd nnd children. 28eatljs BART1.E. Suddenly, on June in. tnlfl. GEORGE W. HAUTI.E, 8r., husband of Margaret Bar tie (nee Young). Relatives nnd friends, also l,ady Nlchol Lodge, No. 03. V o. of S. u.i Lincoln I.odge. No. 1. O. S. of A , Cramps Mutual Beneficial Society, and employes of Cramps 8. and K. 11. Co., are Invited to at tend tho funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 220 East Alle- fheny ave. Interment at Oakland Cemetery, lemalna may be Mewed Friday, from 8 to 10 p. m. SERTOI.ET. On June 10. 1010. IRA D. BER "TOLF.T. in his 52d sear. Relatives and friends, also Ktchard Vaux Lodge, 3S4. F nnd A. II.; Oriental R. A. Chnpler, 183, Royal Arcanum, and Union League, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 2 p m., from his late residence. 35411 North 18th st. Inter ment private at West Lnurel 11111 IROIW.-On June 20, 1010. JOHN T.. husband of Florenc V. Brown (nee Thompson). Rela tive and friends, also Philadelphia Lodge. No. "2, F. and A M. ; Marv Commandery. No. 0". 1C. T.i Jerusalem Roval Arch Chapter, No. 3. Oriental Assembly. No IT. A. O. M. I'. and members of tho Rlblo School of the Tenth rrcsbytertan Church are Invited to attend the funeral servicer on Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, nt his late reedtence, 4P4P Harel nve Interment at Mount Morlsh Ccmctcrs Friends may cull Friday ovcnlng from 7 to It o'clock tnAI"XIR On June 21. 1010, CATHARINE HAFNER. aged BI jears. Relatives nnd friends are invited to attend tho funeral, on Krlday, at 7:4. a. m from her late resi dence, 0321 Hulst nve. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Clement's Church Paschnllville nt 0 a. nt. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. HAflKMAX. On Juno 21. 11)10. LTDIA BLIGHT, widow of John F llageman. Jr. Due notice of tho funeral will be given. HALT,. Oil June 21, 1010. MARY A . wife of Fisher A. Hall, aged 74 ears. llelatlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the funernl services, at tho realdcm of her daughter, Mrs. George Meeenger. Wyndmoor and Ard more aves , Chestnut Hill. lTn.. on Saturday, at-1:30 n. m. Automobiles will meet train leaving Reading Terminal 12:20 and 12:50. ,also lrol!e0. Interment private. 'BALL. On June 21. 1010. In New York. FRANKLIN HALL, father of Mrs. Walter C. Marmon, of Indianapolis, Ind.. aged 09 years. Due notice of the funeral will Im given. Indianapolis, Ind.; Salem, N. J, and Elmer, N. J., papers plense copy. IIASJ.KTT. On June 20. 1010, DAVID S . hus band of Hebecca S. lfaslett and son of Mary and the lata John Haslett. In his 28th year. Relatives and friends, also Philadelphia Lodge, No. 04. T. O. O. M.. are Invited to at tend tho funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 810 Thompson st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may bs viewed on Thursday, from 7 to 10 p. m. BIGGINS. On June 18, 1010. DANIEL, hus. band of Catherine Illgglna (nee Cotter). Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Frldny. at 8:30 a. m., from her late residence. 2120 Mountain street. High liu of Requiem at St. Edmund's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. KINEBURGER. On June 20. 1010, JULIA V.. Infant daughter of Edwin S. and Julia Kline burger, aged 10 months Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services on 1 Friday, nt 2 p. m . at the parents' residence. 2443 Seybert at. Interment at American Me chanics' Cemetery. lAVJCHTY. On Juno 20. 1010. MAIIY D.. wife of James M. Laverty (nee Hlpwell). llelatlves and friends, also Newhall Council. No. 20; Richmond Council, No. 43, District Council, No. 1. and Deputies Association Sons and Daughters of Libert", are Invited to attend the funeral services, at her late residence, r041 Pulaski avepue. Germantovvn. on Friday, at 2:30 p, m. Interment nt North Cedar Hill Cemetery. UrCONNEI.E, On June 20. 1010. JOHN Mc CONNELL. son of Isabella McConnell. aged 87 years. llelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, Friday, nt 2 r. m., at the residence of his mother, 5435 Recent st. Interment at Mt. Morlah Ome ery. Remains may bo viewed Thursday, from 7 to 0 p. m. JIcDONAI.D. On June 20. 1010. JOHN, hus band of tho iate Elizabeth McDonatd (nee McQuald). Relatives and friends are Invited to uttend tho funeral, on Friday, ot 8 '30 a. m., from the apartments of John P Galla- 5 her. 143U Oermantown ave. Solemn Itequlem lass at St Mlihael's Church at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. Ilematns may be viewed on Thursday, from 7 to 10 p. m. JTASTOniUS. On Juno 18. 1010, CLARA DAL ZELI. widow of Daniel Pastorlus and daughter of the late William and Clarissa Dalzell. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend thetfunera! services, on Saturday, at 10 a. m.. at her late residence, 6003 Oreene t.. Oermantown. Interment private. VURTEK. On June 10, 1810 C. ROWLAND, husband of Emma C, Porter (nee hwarte), son of Andrew J, and Irene Porter (nee Titus) in his 32d J ear. Relatives and friends, also em- R lores of the High Pressure Fire Service, ureau of Water and Keystone Yacht Club are Invited to attend the funeral on Friday after noon. June 23, at 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence. Ilrlstol pike and Byberrv road, An dalusia. Remains may be viewed on Thurs day evening after 7 o'clock. Interment at Magnolia Cemetery. Carriages will meet the 1:08 train from Uroad St. Station at Cornwell. "fORTEK. On June 21. 1910. at her late real dence. 124 Apsley t MARY A., widow of .Charles L. Porttr. Due notice of the funeral I will be given. 0VN. On June 21. 1010. CHARLES MAC LKLLAN POWN. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 8 p. m., at his late residence, 3208 Chestnut street. Interment private STALKY. On June 20. 1010, HELEN CALD CLEUGII. daughter of Frank and Sara Parker Staley. funeral services at St. Mark's Church. 16th and Locust its., on Friday, at 11 a. m. Interment private, IATE, On June 20. 1010. MARY L.. wife of Louis Tats and daughter of late Henry 2. and Mary L. Uenner Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 1 p. m.. at her son's residence, Mr. Clifford Tate. 2172 Sedgley avenue. Inter ment private. Remains may be viewed Thurs day. 8 to 10 p. m. WEKTKKSUNN On June 20. 1010. JOHN WESTEHMANN. beloved husband of Kather. Ins (nee Dambach). aged 71 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral service, on Friday, at 1 p. m.. from his late residence. 1100 Moyamenstng ave. Remains may be viewed on Thursday, at 7 p. m. Inter ment private, at Fernwood. Cemetery. DEATHS MIHTE. On June 20, Ul ,. CLOTILDA ELIt ABKTH. daughter of the late W. J. P. and Mary O. White Funeral on. Friday, at .a p.m. .precisely, at her Tate residence. 8. B. eor. -0th and Venango sts. Interment private. PERSONALS t WISH to tender, my most sincere tha.nks to my friends for their simpathr and remem brances. .Mark it ciegg. WILL 11UY OR SELL lots at tanliT ItomttW t'orblndale). or at . Esslngton. Write P. o. Hot 241. Philadelphia UNCLAIMED TELEOBAMS WEflTERNt!NION THI.IJOKArH CO.. lfiOt CHESTNUT ST Harriet Rrlgss Miss Leila Churchman. Roy M. Hood, &f i"',.n,',r' ?"' Wm Ilodlne. Jr., i)r. E. W. Krinedy. Mrs. Theo THh. I) F Warren. Miss Leona Law, Mmma !lurgtreer. I.wH Mfg. Co . I .. T. Kills, l A Wilson. John Eglnger. trcd K. Hartley. Miss Adelaide Vernon nodrlouey. Mr. Francis tlrBUt. Albert W. Hognel. Jsnies A. Maury, Miss Helen O'Connor, Visa Hr ette E. Curry. David N. Hepburn. Ke stone I or. Co . Sterling Mnch Works, rurnaenco Patent Co.. Mr. K. J. Pennel. Mrs. Llsrle White. 1'orjress Floral Co. Mrs. Margaret r. Mor rison. Mrs A VonThun. POSTAL TKLKOnAI'II CAIILR CO , 1420 H. 1'ENN sultAllE J. J. Keegan, Trederlck Cohen. Mrs. II W Webber. HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper and cashier for large Piano house: Prnteslnnt: state nge. reference nnd sajarsxpeclpd MJ35. Ledger Central. cilTT.DNimsK Care of 1 child and '' cham hernork: Herman preferred: references re nulred, home In suburbs. Phono Oak I.ane ;ll.l. COOK, colored, wanted to go. to seashore: best referenies requlreil Apply 35. l.l"..n'e t-hest- nut 1 1 1 1 1 . Phone Chestnut Hill 2i2 COOK, etiwrlenrnl. family of 2 patlenls: to go to the cmintrv. ApplJ. from 1 to 4 p. m.. 14 li EHojtvr M COOKINd and dovvnslnlrs work; wash table countrv. reo .irn. e-iuriif ..'. .-".: .14th and Haverford nve.. n m. DOWNSTAIRS WOMAN. Protestant, small f.m.; light laundry, good cook, reference required; eoodvvages 2t0Cliurch rcnd.Ard!5?t?'--E?i FINISHERS on Tico curtains. Apply John Drom- le!Sons L?hlglinyo. below Front UIRL. over in. wanted for Ollng department of advertising ngenry; atate nge nnd experience. MJIKi Ie'igeri-'enirBi. GIRL wanted for cooking and downstairs vvork. -Mint .soriu jirnau. GIRL for waiting "and upitalra work. Norm iiroaci si. 2400 GIRLS wanted, over 10; increased facilities have made ota-nlngs In our plant for refined. Intelli gent girls for sealing, labollng and packing medical supplies, light, pleasant work: clean, healthy surroundings; M-hour week: salary 10 to beginners, with rapid advancement to good workers; 12 mlnutrs from Darby on trolley. 20 minutes from Hroad Street Station on train. Apply in person or by loiter to II. K. MUL FORD CO j qienolden. Pa. GIRLS wnnted: fight work, no experience neces sary: 15 a week paid vvhllo learning. Apply .110 N 32d, , HOSIERY Knitters and toppers on Standard P nnd Scott ft Williams fu I automatic machines! best nay In city and light, sanitary mill In which to work. Wallace Wilson Hosiery Co.. 430o urcnaru si. lIQSir.RY-Toppers and knitters , on Scott ; A Williams new iiuiuniuit,. iiii......so. --v Stocking .Mills. I8 n. i-iii, HOSIERY Exp. winders and menders waniea; plenty work nml pay good as any. Wallace Wilson lloleryCp..43Srcharrt st.,V 'kford. HOUSEMOTHER for boys. Protestant Institu tion. 30 bos. farm school: strong, capable, refined woman, to supervise boja in work, do mending and create a homo atmosphere', ability to play piano an advantage; tempo rary ?tiBugcinent for August Icuding to perma nent engagement If "tis factory : reference re uulred; salary J30 per month. Address H 3d-, Ledger I'cmrni. HOUSE WORK. A settled. IHIi .r'tt;n woman for general housework : and co"1'!1'' famllv 2 ndulln. Call 017 S. 42d st. Phone Preston r,4!4 TTbUSEWORK colored: go home at night; no Vnimdry;j:eferem-c.J.Ot-hrlslJanst; HOlfSEWORK -Competent owoman for general wont, i-nonnirtruiiiuij.'., 1RONERS on neckbands; experienced. Miller's. mm aniiuep'i "i. POCKETHOOKS Girls, experienced on Pocket- imnua ana larucnnrn. jiiiim? ,v, .-. .., ...... floor. 1 2th and Ollow hill. STENOGRAPHER, one with know I. of hill, and nimgScJuewaJdMUK JlndJIlimtmgdon. STENOGItAI'HER. capablo of handling Spanish Vorrenondenco. II 25S. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHERS. nOOKKEEPERS. CLERKS have recognized the assistance that "Miss Dean." of the Commercial Department at Ledger Central, has been In aecurlng situa tions of tho better kind a service which the public cannot do without. "Miss Dean" hai both tho Interests of and emplocr and em ploye nt heart, and can be depended upon at the right time and place. This service la of fered to you as a Ledger advertiser tako ad vantage of It Immediately If you aro seeking a position. TELEPHONE OPERATORS' Girls between 17 nnd 22. who nre anxious to secure permanent positions, with refined, pleasant, homelike sur roundings; salary paid vvhllo learning; rnpld advancement. Apply In person to the Dell Telephone Co., 400 Market at., dally except Sunday, between 8:30 a. m. and 5 p. m. ; also Tuesday and Friday, between 0:J0 p. m. and 8:30 p. m. WAITRESS, good, white, wanted, and a woman, white, to work In kitchen. Apply Washing ton Hotel. Tin ana uermaniown ao. WAITRESS, must be neat, obliging ami nuickt day vvork: good waaea Call with reference. Homestead Farms, l- .". i-m si, WANTED Woman teacher: college graduate; one ear exn. as principal; salary .$1300: su pervising prln., poa waiting for all kinds of n. II. COOK. MOB., 327 PERRY RUILDINO. w A VTr?n -Rrnerlenred rook, assist with down stairs work, no washing. 0023 Drexel road. Phono Overbrook 1070. YOUNG WOMEN, between ages of 17, and 25. Just leaving school, will ftnd exceptional op portunities In telephone operating; salary paid while learning; permanent position assured, with pleasant, homelike surroundings. Apply In person to tho nell Telephone Co.. 406 Mar ket St.. dally except Sunday, between 8:30 n. m. and B p. m.; also Tuesday and Friday, between 0:30 and 8:30 p. m. INCREASE jour husband's Income! large firm offers an unusual oppor. Q 063. Ledger Cent. General WOMEN Become Government clerks; 17 mth.: sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept 715 P. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING Service department of publish. inff nouse nreaa maie Bveiioarapnar. u to ao. si mis abllltv and alvn 612 Race preferably with advertising experience position holds opportunity. for man of i and Initiative. Apply by letter only am full particulars. street. a. icm ithhcu. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and cashier for large piano house, Protestant: state aga, reference and salary expected. M 857, Ledger Central. AUTO REPAIRMEN AND MACHINISTS, capa ble ot overhauling and rebuilding autotrucks. V 124. Ledger Office. AUTOMOUILU SALESMAN Exceptional oppor tunity for live and successful automobile sales man for good medtum-prlce car. Communica tions confidential. M 356, Ledger Central. UOOKKEEPER Young man to post debits and credits on sales leUger. willing to start at 110.60 per week. Address II 322. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPING Wanted, by wholesale hard ware house, competent man. not over 85; roust furnish best references: willing to leave city; permanent, position and good salary. P 211, Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE Continued from Frtctilna Column. EOT WANTED .FOn KKMHIKUTOW AVK. TAWN SHOP. 2848 BOY wanted. Call Room 602, 1033 Chestnut street HOY wanted of 16 years to learn printing, 1010 Arch at. ROYS (3) wanted to work In stockrooms must be 10 years of agei steady work! good pay. APPiy wooiworin ,-Q.f lu muse nve. IIQYS, about 10 years, for general office work in mrg. estnoiisnmeiii. ,uuicoa n ., I. O. UOX 3443, BOYS over 10 sears to. work In factory. Ap. Lanston MonotiP" Machine Co., 24th ft Locust. ilOYS and men wantedi good wages. Spreckels' Cooperage. Reed and Swanson sts. CAR REPAIRERS AND rARIlUtt.DERS. Ap ply Ilaltlmorp nnd Ohio Railroad Free Labor Bureau. 010 S 11th. CHAUFFEUR, white, to go to Maine for sum mer: reference. Meet employer. Room 203, 4103 Chestnut st . Thursday(12olock. . CLERK Young man. good penman; must be quick nnd accurate, slate age, references and salary expected. P 212. Ledger Office. COLLECTOR and Investigator, soung man .22 to 23 sears, Gentile, prm ros. nnd good chance ror advancement, (all Room 72. 120H Chestnut, COOPERS wanted on .Ughl barrel; Ap. Enter prise Cooperage Snsder nve.ft Delaware River. COUPLE Settled Germans preferred: maul wash automobile no driving, nsslst gardener, wife, cook nll-sear-arnund positions for trust worths, well-retomtnend couple: family one lady. I vlng In iounlr.v It 111, Ledger Cen tral. CUTTERS, experienced., wanted on men s nain sook underwear. Apply Roxford Knitting Co., Randolph nnd jer(erson. DRUG SPECIALTY SALESMAN for well-ad-ertlod high grade article; none but experi enced men who can show clean record need npply. II 253 i,edgjri;entrai. FARMHANDS nnd laborers wanted for general vvork. Arplv In person or by letter. 11. K. .viturnro, ujenowen FOREMAN Inside fnrcmnn for milk dairy; give experlenre. age and salars' desired. M 234. i.eoger tenirai. HAMMERMEN, healors, levermen and tongamen for 2'.4 -tongue hammers steady work; no strike. Apply Henry Dlsslon & Sons, Tacons-, Pa. HARNESS MAKER THOROUGHLY EXPERI ENCED WITH HIGH-CLASS WORK. AP PLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT, 4'4 FLOOR. BEFORE II A. M. STRAWBRIDOE & CLOTHIER HOSIERY Experienced man to take charge of wareroom: must havo experience In finishing all styles of work. Apply E. Sutro & Sons Co.. E. Thompson nnd Clearfield sts. HOUSEWORK" Active, willing s'oung man for housework. Dr. Thomsa Eldrldge. 1811 Vine. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, tootmakers. 18.24 to $4.48 per day of H hours; machinists, 13 to 14: assistant machinists. 2 to 2.n0; SKILLED LABORERS, 12; hand turret lathe operators, J2.88; Potter A Johnson. 3.B2: Automatic, Cleveland. Ilrown, Sharps ; CIrldlej'. I3..H; higher compensation when on piece work, cltl rens; 1.1 dajs' lenve after one sear's service. 7 holldnss nnd Saturday afternoons during summer months, all with full pas'. Apply Frankford Arsenal, preferably In person. uriaesburg. rnnaneipnia. in. IRONERS on neckbands, experienced. lotn and ueeq sts. Miller's, MACHINISTS Wanted, lathe, planer nnd bor ing mill hands, highest wages to competent men; 50 hours weekly.. Apply John Balzley Iron Works. 514 s. Delawaro ave. MACHINISTS, ereclora or floor hands, accus tomed to textile machine works. Apply Han cock st. entrance, above Lehigh ave. Smith A Furbush Machine Co. MAN wnnted who Is thoroughly familiar with the construction nnd operation of a tinning plant: eteadv emplosinent: state cxperlenco nnd wngeB desired. Address Box 55,, Lan- enster. fa MAN AND WIFE, colored, for general house work; rcf required Call between 11 nnd 12 a. m.. lnai n. unn at MECHANICS WANTED. FIRST CLASS. Machine lath handa automatic machine hands, millwrights, rlgccra. molders. core makers nnd laborers Apply. Wm. Thomas. Baldwin Locomotive Works, l.ddystone. Pa. MEN WANTED Laborers nnd locomotive cleaners. P. It R. Co. Call 1711 Filbert st OFFICE MANAGER and accountant: Wharton School or college graduate preferred: state ace. exp and salary expected. B 315. Led Office. OPTICIAN MUST BE THOROUGHLY QUALI FIED AND HAVE A FIRST-CLASS RECORD. APrl.Y AT BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT, 4'4 n.OOR. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER PLUMBERS for operation vvork. naynor. ,.,. u-iv,-hii n. Apply R. PLUMBERS for operation work. Apply Win. McDermln. Sup.. N. W. cor. 10th fc Ogden ave. SALESMAN A permanent position Is open to a .man that has ability n outside salesman; 'straight rnlary and good opportunities: atnte ngo and experience M 247, Ledger Central. SALESMAN for automobiles: experienced In sell ing popular make automobile In Trenton. N. J.; reference required. Call or phone Crescent Auto Sales Co.. 130 E, State St.. Trenton, N J. SALESMAN for outside work with office out fitters, one who has fair knowledge of ofllco furniture and filing cablneta preferred: stuto nge and experience. M 248. ledger Central SALES MANAGER with some technical knowl edge ot lubricating oil business: must furnlBh reference and bond: good chance for advanco ment. Phone I.ombard 2252. STENOGRAPHER, capable of handling Spanish correspondence. It 257, Ledger Central. WANTED DOARD DROP HAMMER MEN DIE SINKERS TRIMMER DIB MAKERS Call or write EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION 1632 OLIVER BLDO. piTTSDURGir, PA . WANTED Experienced stenographer, unmarried man. for educational Institution in countrs; good wages; opportunity for advancement. 'Address (Immediately) Mercersburff Academy, Mercershurg. Pa. WANTED Young Italian. Polish or Oerman man; single only; easy work, stuffing dolls. Apply, after 0 o'clock, Goorman, N. E. corner Howard and Palmer. WANTED An experienced repairman, one who Is thoroughly familiar with the Indian motor cscle. Write John O. Nuebllmr, 849 Penn St., Reading, Pa. WATCHMAN Experienced night watchman, middle age: must understand steam boilers; no others need apply; state expsr. and give refe. Address P. O. Hox 3265. Station IC. Phllada. YOUNO MAN. 22 to 25, as collector-appraiser; must be neat, accurate and willing; chance for advancement. Call 1D33 N. Front at. YOUNG MAN' with knowledge of mechanical drawing and free-hand lettering; temporary position only; state age, education and salary expected. H 445. Ledger Central. YOUNG MEN. between the ages of 18 and 33. who desire to travel and to receive military training as members of. the first line of the country's defense apply at 1400 Arch st.. Philadelphia. Pa. : for. detailed Information regarding enlistment In the United States Marine Corps LARGE DRUO CORPORATION requires services of assistant manager for drug-chemical and pharmaceutical department: must be experi enced in buying and handling of help; great opportunity for advancement with one of the most solid concerns In the United States, only experienced, sober men apply; must be willing to go to New York city. It 321, Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN and strong boy. wholesale house. Apply J. Kline. Her., 8131 Market st. HELP WANTED MALE Conllmird rom trtctitno Column, OPPORTUNITY for soung man to learn nelllngi small salary. H 440. Ledger Central. General I BOOKKEEPERS and LEDGER CLERKS, M5I liULmitfebi'l-.K, automoDlie nusiness, in; men, high school, graduates, Mo up; SALES MANAOIIRS. sleam . specialties. i.tono: STENOGRAPHERS,, US upf DRAUGHTS- MEN. MECHANICAL, out of town, lino month; STRUCTURAL., 20: LUMBER IN SPECTOR. SALESMAN, building material, nnchor bolt: wanted high-grade printing SALESMAN, excellent salars. sates experi ence, genital, jobbing, electrical supplies: SALESMEN, high-class, for commercial pho tography, other positions open for HIGH GRADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LANK TITLE BUILDING Situations wanted female BOOKKEEPER nnd stenographer: recent grad- tialetrlal solicited. . U B.-iO. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, clerk. 0 stars' experience, till to start It 4.1.J.edgerCentral. CIIAMHBRMA1D or chlldniirsc" can sew: subs. orshore referrncc. II 420 Ledger Office CHILD'S or'nttendant nurse," German, refer- ences Add Idgr Branch. Otha. Thompson. COMPANION or mother's helperTs oung Protes- tant woman, sew , short'd. II 448,I.ed ent. COMPANION or ntlendont to fady: good refer ence. H 430, 1dgerOfnce i'OOK Thoroughly understands nil kinds of cooking, neat, quiet, reliable, with good refer ence Call Thursday) 11 n. m., Room 20.. wi1 cnestnut at COOK, chambermaid nnd waitress Two Trots.: jounh-y nrshorc II 432. Ledwcr Office. COOK, good, vviilte, wants place, city, country or seashore, good ref. 1327 Kimball St. COOK wishes position temporarily for summer in city call -jisi Locust at. COOK. Austrian, wants cooking 111 small family. 153." North Hnncock st. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly reople by woman who had own home; New Jersey preferred; reference, li 422. Ledger orncc, HOUSEKEEPER, working: no washing; refined. American Protestant; suburbs; reference. II 42K, Ledger urnco. HOUSEWORK Polish girl desires housework; can cook, speaks English. 31)44 Alfeol st. LADY wishes position as nurso or companion to old lady or Invalid. 1' 2iil), IclgerOfnce1 LADY wants posltloti as inatmger of Institution In culinary department, capable of managing servants II 121. Ledger Office. MOTHER'S HELPER, by dnv or hour; city or suimrns u 4,1. i.eiger utnee. NURSERY GOV'NESS or nurse. Trench ProLl good seamstress host ret. II 420, I.cdgerOJL TYPIST, grad , sounp lady: knowledge of ste- nographyi months' cxp, G 250, Ledger Cent, STENOGRAPHER, 5 seiirs' experience: rapid, accurate, I12j central II 245. Ledger lentral. STENOORAPHliif. bcRlnner, conscientious, neat, ace urate; moderate s alary. II 40. ledger jLcnt STENOGRAPHER, beginner. 3 scars' clerical experience; goodJyplst.7M,LcdgerCerUral, STENOGRAPHER K sears' experience, good correspondent, knowledge of bookkeeping. O 547. Ledger Central. WAITRESS wishes position, city or country; good reference f'nll Thursday, 12 n. m.. Room .0,1. tion cnestnut st. WAITRESS or chnmbcrmald: Scotch Prot.; cxp.; best references H 427, ledger. Office. WAITRESS or chambermaid. 2.-i3 S. Kith st. Present place WOMAN. Oennnn. wishes position as working housekeeper, with daughter ! sears old; full ennrge j, iiu, i.eoger iir.. i;iui a. jpuerpon. WOMAN wnnts bundle wash to bring home, or write 122 N. Felton at.. W. Phlla Call WOMAN, with babv, nsslst with housework, city or country 2207 Montrose st. POSITION desired for chambermaid and wait ress; sleo for laundress, seashore or country; excel ref. Phono present place, Locust 1112 W. EMPLOYERS nre beginning to rerognlre the servho rendered bv "Mis Denn" nt Ledger Ccntiul nn luvnlunble to them nt that pssciio-ltt-irul ni'uni'nt when ihev llrnl themselves wllhouP nrflce help 'I lies know that n phono mil Wnlnut .'Haul or Main .inilli will brine them just the desired HBlstHtire. lm It a Stenog rapher. Bonkkerpci. Secretary or Clerk. "Mlei Denn" keeps lii touch wllh soung women who nro peeking situations. Ilnvo S'ou ever naked her asslHlnnie? It Is a frco servlco to Led cer Advertisers. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT.Rookkeepcr. grnduale Wharton School. 8 seam Willi present emp . wants ch.ingo olf. better opp. It .111, Ledger OIL ACCOUNTANT. 21 sears' cxp . desires perm pus.; rcf. nt Interview , bond. O 013, Led. Cent. ACCOUNTANT desires hooka of small firm to do evenings. 11 211), Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, will nudlt nccountsT open, closo nnd wrtto up books, day or eve ning; high cfficlencs ssstems Installed: mod erate terms. Bell phono Woodland 3S53M. BOOKKEEPER, expert, 7 stars' experience. T. K. nnd orporatlon; best references. H 340, Ledger Central BOOKKEEPER, 1.1 sears' cxp . desires-either perm, or tern, pos It 442, ledger Central; BUTLER or houseman, colored: suburbs or shore; cxp., rcf II 4.14, LcdgerjOfflce. CHAUFFEUR, married. English. ProtesiTritT wishes position with private family: references, J. Medlln, Gen. Postomte.jChestnut Hill. Pn. CHAUrFEUR and gardener, single, for private fnmlly; good ref 122 Martin nve., Brs-n Mavvr. l'hone. Brs-n Mawr74lJ. CHAUFFEUR wnnts position: very best ref.: Btrlctly sobcr .careful driver. 1112 Olive st. CHAUFFEUR, colored, first class, city or coun- ,,j ...... V.M.1P.1M11. , mine LMCKinson 3U4D II. CIIAUI nvv AUI'FEUR denlres position on Hudson car: ivvn repairing. P 2I2!. Frnnkford. COACHING In elementary mathematics, plane ",nt,..!'.oll', 5"rnetr: n. letter for particulars. II 413. Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical, with Initiative desires position .! 1 310. Ledger Office" PRAUOHTSMAN will make drawings and trac Ings B 223, Ledger Office. OFFICE ASSISTANT, experienced correspondent and detail' clerk: good residence; beBt ref.: ago 23. II 355, Ledger Central. SALESMAN. 10 s'ears' exp . desires connection with manufacturer as local manager nnH ,n representative or for local Western territory; specialty line pref. II 241, ledger Central. TEACHER, married. 20, -wants summer work. I, o.i.i. i.rwmr finiHi. YOUNO MAN with energv plus desires position leading to eupt. or production engineer; tech nical training with sears' practical drawing room experience: Interview at sour conven ience, if 152, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN with ability desires position as salesman or In ssles department of bar Iron and steel or forging plant; moderate salars; Al reference. II 440. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, 17, high school graduate, stenog. rapher and typewriter, desTres position for summer In mountains, nominal salary; best reference. F 001. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN, 24 s'ears nge good education and address, 7 years' business experience, wants position aales department ot large company or firm. B 208. Ledger Office, YOUNO MAN. 22 sears of age, desires position alone clerical lines: 3 sears' experience; good education. H 054. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. well educated, age 20, office and sales exp., competent and reliable, desires po sition. II 830, Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLS, 1020 llalnbrldge Comp. butlers, housemen, couples, cooks, waits., chamber maids, nurses, houseworkers. etc., want posi tions; vacs, for butlers, valets, laundresses, gardeners, eto. Phone Locust 2180. W'ANTED Cooks, chambermaids, child nurses, housework girls, cooks for Institution and laundresses: first-class help want positions. Miss Rose Dougherty. 131.1 W. Glrard ave. MISS MARY T, MCCARTHY, 2I0T Christian (Loe. 1303). supplies and warns lst-class Prot., cam., male u rnifw ..gi-J. u nationalities. MRS, KANE, fill 8. 10th, supplies and wants first-class whlta help with reference, Phone, wnruce im. MRS MIN-LAFF. 1030, Christian st. (Dick, 515). wanta - supplies help of all capac. ; first ci. laundress, soung took. hwk. girls wanted. PETEYMy, What an Indignation! AUTOMOBiLES For 8nl BUICK MODEL 19. B pass. Tourlnr. At condi tion, equipped with demountable rims, gooa tires. Special price If bought prior to June ao. LOCOMOBILE . . . 23l4 Market st.i Locust 4.30. II. A. junks, Mgr. Ex--"fr f-r p""' CADILLAC, 1012. LIMOUSINE. Equipped with electrlo lights and tri "; holetery and tires eoodi very suitable for funeral work! special price If bought prior to June 30. LOCOMOBILE , 2114 Market St. Locust 450. 11 A, JENKS, Mgr. ri.rbanr. Car Dept. ILLAC. 1014, touring ear, overhauled .and minted: full equipment: price. 18. .AUTO I.ES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad et. CADILLAC 1013 TOURING CAR. nvrl"iitd ami repainted! run equipment: prito ov. OWNER. 1102 Harrison Building.. . CADI rem 8AI COLE 11113 4-cvllnder touring,. . , S UOW'EHS CO.. 245 N. Broad St. COLE Distributors,. ENGER TWIN tt. lnlO, Dl'MO-?TI1ATOfl PRACTICALLY NEW COHplTlO IN EVERY RESPECT: CARRIES l-YIlARrAC-TORY GUARANTEE; WILL .DEMONSTRATr, IN ANY MANNER DESIRED: THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SEOtlRE A NEW. UP-TO-DATE MODEL AT A OIS COUNT BOTH PHONES. POP. 1830: RACE 2078 HUDSON'S rebuilt and guaranteed; phaetons, roadsters nnd cabriolets elec lljhlj nml start era OOMERY-SfllWARTi'., 253 N. Broad at. I.OCOMOHILE, Inlfl ,,....., 0-4R Touring Car .with two extra tires, slightly used: bargain If bought. prior to June 30. LOCOMOlllLE , ... 21U Market st. Locust 430. If. A. JEJJKS. Mgr Exchange. Car Dept. .-,-, mi) t t t.-t,ivnrvri Tour passenger, with rr4nlnllnntj equip red wllh Gray & Davis stnrtlnc "'. ,'5J'n' ssatem: mechtnlcal condition At. good ruhber; nhundancn of speed; special price If bought prior to Juno 30 ...., LOCOMOBILE , , !,1I4 Market st. Locust 430. If. A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. MAXWELL. 1014, 7 PASS. TOURING. Equipped wllh self-starter and el'ctrln llghtst also slip covers; good tires; special price If bought prior to June 30 LOCOMOBILE 5814 Market st. Locust 430. It. A. JENKS Mer. Exchange Car Dept. OAKLAND. 1014. Four cylinder, r. passenger. Touring! 't'elrlo llghta and starter: Just overhauled! equipped with good rubber; special price if bought prior to Juno 30. ..--.. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market st. Locust 4B0. TT. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. PAIGE. 1010. Rnnbout: cost, I128M all new tlres: rebuilt nnd repainted: will nell for JOOO. H 242, Ledger Central. TEERLESS. 1012. 38. UPASS. TOURING. Equipped with electrlo lights and generator! flno mechanical condition; special price If bought prior to June .30. LOCOMOBILE 23t4 Market st. Locust 450. If. A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. P1ERCE-ARROW 1011 3(1 LANDAULET Mechanically fine- paint nnd upholstery good. Special prlto ,,I,;?So!0rrrJoJrlj, Jun0 30 2314 Market St.: locust 450. IT. A JF.NK S, Mer. Exchange Car Dept. RUSH DELIVERY: panel body: 1000-lh. delivery car: used less than 800 miles; rondltlon like new; complete equipment! good reason for sell ing; will demonstrate. Standard Motor Car Co.. (102 N. Broad st. PULLMAN Distributors. Poplar 1S3'J Race 2078. STUDEBAKER. 7 passenger! lato model: electrlo lighting nnd slnrtlng ssstrm: good condition: full equipment, will demonstrate: price, J450. Standard Motor Car Co., 002 N. Broad Bt. PULLMAN Distributors. Poplar 1830. Race 2078. WISCONSIN LIMOUSINE. Excellent mechanical condition: good rubber, good upholstery; spcdnl prlco If bought prior to Juno 30. LOCOMOBILE 231 1 Market st. Locust 150. H A. JENKSMcr Evchangn Car Dept. 1010 PULLMAN 5 passenger, with full equip ment in good condition: will demonstrate fully and furnish sinio (.uarantco na new car: Rrlco (000. Standard Motor Car Co., 002 nrlh llroad si 1014 LOCOMOBILE, excellent rondltlon. good tires, extra tire nml rim: big bargain. Hawley Motor Car Co . 032 N. Broad. HIGH-GRADE chassis for sale. In flrat-clasa condition throughout s can tm. equipped with either lleht delivery or speedster body; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address E 750. Ledger Central. I1? 'tql capacity. 3 AUTOCAR Trucks. .. ItH V.A.IIu en,!, . . . . WILCOX 1-ton delivery. Al condition.. L II. O'NEAL. 210 N Brnid St. .Jflin 3UU E-M-F PARTS SCHOBER, 3341-43-45 MARKET SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN , .i o tJsnn f.An3 GORSON AUTO EXCHANGE, 238 N, BROAD AUTO LIVERY AND GAItAQES POPLAR 1017 to hire (open day and night), Prk 1482, brand-new fi-pnes. touring car. tl.2." lir : also brand-new 7-pass. limousine. SI. 50 hr.: weddings, funerals. 1715 Glrard. TO HIRE 11.23 AND UP. cura or uu maaes. PoDlar 213. Race 2241. 17RI.TOV nArtAMR 03D. FELTON AND OIRARD AVE. PHONE BELMONT 1101 BUY MOISTER rortahlo parages Steel or stucco. On display 8031 Tf. 5th. Tioga 2084. AUTO PAINTING HAVE EVERY FACILITY FOR DOINO THE finest work Catering to n. particular cllen tel" vvhero QUALITY Is tho PRIMARY CONSIDERATION. Prices In S'our favor. GE6a. W"" PARVIS "'.'n: TRY MY VARNISH POLISH FOR YOUR AUTOMOB1AE BODY It has no equal. Trial bottle. 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. AUTO KEPAIBING l SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES I See BILLY, at his new location, B10 NORTH BROAD BT. CYLINDERS REBORED. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and braxtng. IT. B. Underwood & Co.. 1025 Ilnmllton sf.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKEN BEARINGS HYATT New Departure Service Station. the-OwlIllam Co.. 1314 Arch St. Plionce. Walnut 3407. Race 8082. ' PARTS to build or repair, any car. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 18th. Park 1418. AUTO TIBES PULLMAN TIRE3 Guaranteed 8000 miles. Compare prices. OItIM'8. 230 N, Broad st. HOUSES SADDLE AND DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE Also Brewster Brougham and Brewster Vic toria; this horse la a remarkably fine animal, 8 sears old; has won ribbons under saddle; sound and gentle: both carriages In perfect condition; owner leaving city and will sacri fice. Write or phone Rlttenhouse Hotel, Apart ment 448. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOBILE opportunity of unusual attrac tivenessBright, active, reliable business man. with services, to step Into safe, healthy corporation, fill vacancy, board of directors; Invest, secured, first Hen, good tuc assured; fullest Invest, at interview. M 347. Led. Cent. XjTMvviTlI 1800 TO 11000 can secure half In terest In business now being established: must be able to handle office or soiling. II 340, IJflr trmmi PICTURE THEATRE, 11250; unexcelled West Phlla. location: est. 8 yeara; crowded nightly: worth 25O0. RARRI3T. 201 N. Broad. BUSINESSjOPP0RTUNITIE3 Continued rom Jrccfc"g Column. PATENTS Sfna1e,,,ranq,,rTr.'dr;.,Ma?k0.0.,5; &v. wiT." hoPnsw v!ur Invention, Advice free. tttTi n FOSTER & WEBSTER BUITH eM 1011 Chestnut st. Bell ph-Q Walnut 1801. I o-cTfSr h.W W -"rno'"'"'ll7aY'"'' " jour attention. M 253, Ledger Central. ONE OR TWO MEN with $50,000 to $75,000 capital I to Placed la United States rlnt on the market, will go Into details W nroi"rrtnll UTRllnblP lio not nnwtr itnifHRDOvp-jTieniioneu num is 1 1 ,, ii, iUrtn ry '- WE CAN. SHOW nnv ..man, with J200 cash or flVeT mov"nb.oi:,eVyecured, ;no -cncVIo lose: Invesilgate for appointment. II 44T, Led ger Central. CARED-FOR ORCHARDS. PAY, INVESTORS-. Ownersnlp stock In a fine planted property In we"-known fruft district fV aale! cash or monthly pasments. 4400. Ledger, Central. ATfAiTKlNO-MA CHINE MAN wllh wide riper'; enc would form partnerahlp with established dealer who wishes to extend his business and needs rnpllal. H 240 Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENINO LATEST STYLES rULL -URESS SUIT3 CLOTHES DRLtV. A CALLED FOR FRE II J CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 231 TO OPEN EVENINGS Ll'iDNER'S. 10TH A OIRARD AV.. S. W. Cor FULL-DRESS SUITS, FULL ASSORTMENT OF SIZES LATEST STYLES. TO HIRE AND FOR SALE; ONE-BUTTON CUTAWAYS FOR JUNE WEDDINGS; ALSO MODERN SILK UAT3C00PER. lOlu OIRARD AVE. FULL-DRESS SUITS Culawavs. Tuxedos and Sack Sutts To Hire and Madn (o Order NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut Bell phone, Walnut 20t3. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent was'. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. . Miss Hoppe, hairdresser, facial maa'ge, manl- Hiring, form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. ApprnMement. I per cent. HARRY W. SMITH, 717 Sansom si. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone, Locust 1000 WST PIIILA. WE.-5TPIIILA. WF.ST PHILA. .MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD 3170-72 LANCASTER AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY THE MCDOWELL Dressmaking School; casv. modern methods: small pasments. 3U7 Denckla Building. 1111) and Market sts. COI.UMIIIA Dressmaking School Special rates; easy payments. C. Hartman. 1730 Columbia avo. (Formerly with McDowell). POR SALE 110.50 VICTOR VICTROLA IV AND 12 selec tlons (0 10-inch D. F, records). An excellent outfit for ono who Is looking for a good ma chine at a reasonable price: payable Ouc. week ly. Call or wrlto for complete descriptions and largo Illustrated catalogues. New Vic trolas from $15 to 1200; all styles, all woods, always on hand. HEPI'E'S UPTOWN STORES COR. OTII AND THOMPSON 8T3. ANTIQUE funilturn and brlc-a-bruc In original con. ; lowboy block-front bureau. 032 Chestnut. BILLIARD, POOL, lomblnntloii, second hand, bought. Bold, rented, exchanged; repairing; supplies J.nfo Kcafcr. American manurac- t urer, 320 Glrnrd nve. Ftiono Kens. 2313. BILLIARD, pool tables; new, faccond-hand bowl ing alios s: easy payments. Rosntto-Barry- S t ree t Co.. '-'-'- B. Mth st. Phone Wal. 22a4. EDISON DIAMOND-POINT PHONOGRAPH. Cost 100 now. This outfit Is complete, with records and cabinet nnd will be sold for $38, rnvahln 75c weeklv. Call nr nrlm for com plete descriptions and large Illustrated cata- logues, iieppe's uptown KTYmrca COIK 0TH AND THOMPSON .VTS. BILLIARD AND POCKET TAI1LES Also bowling nlleys: easy payments. 1IRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Arch, CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, leased, ex changed, repaired, replated. Supplies. New and factory rebuilt. New total ndders. as low ns $J0. Call nnd seo our 1010 mod els. Registers sold and leased by us oa espy pnsments nnd fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS, filing cabinets, nafes, telephone booths and offlco furniture nnd fixtures of every de scription: used, but In fine condition, and very cheap: free delivery anywhere. , HUGHES. 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD. DESKS, largo assortment: nlso household fur niture Dullng Centrnl Herond-hand Furnl- xure lompany. nm-iiim-HH y-annwniii et. $32.50 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 20 selections (10 10-Inch D. F. records). An ex cellent machine In every way. Can be paid for at tho rate of 76c. vveer'y. Call or.wrlto for complete descriptions and large . Illustrated catalogues. New Vlctrolas from SIS to $200: all atyles. nil woods, alwnys on hnnd. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES CrjK. tn tl A.11 riUJMI'f.u 1P. Flrenroof: 00 slightly used: all Sizes SAFES and makes: big bargains. 210 N. Fourth st.. between Race nnd Vine. HEATING UAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-vvater. Pure fresb air with normal moisture. MAKIN-KEL3EY. 1827 Filbert st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS and YOCOM HANGERS and PILLOW BLOCKS, with finished ball nnd socket bearings, nro the best for nil shafting purposes. SHAFTINO AND MACHINE WO"Ajll3,'l.lni,"&"ij6N POWER-PLANT EtlUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines pumps, air compressors. rlCAtiv iuoju. i, )iic. )-i r. iu a). IF trou need a CONCRETE MIXER, you need n MILWAUKEE, and sou should get In touch with us. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 620 Arch st BORING MILL 12 In. "Bullard." two heads on cross rail; good condition, I, K. KEYFERT'S SONS, 137 North 3d at. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armaturea repaired Main 9L t Market 3005, Yearsley Co.. 224 N. 8d st. SEVEN Warner Swasey turret lathes, differ ent sizes, eight Dresses turret, lathes, dlffsr- ent sizes. .Nulla 1 1, 174 8 Norm 5111. OAS. OASOLIND AND OH. ENGINES GAS AND OIU ENQINE CO.. 45 N. 7TII ST. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE UELLAK 1120 CHESTNUT ST. $85 CIHCKERINp UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 6TH. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old eiyie, jewelry, teem piatea uougni tor casa. Est. 1870. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. OLD OOLD Highest prloea paid for gold, silver, platinum, pewter. FALSE TEETH, coins. 20t B. 8TH ST. CASH paid for diamonds, precious stones, gold, platinum, false teeth. Philadelphia Smelting, and Refining Company. 128 S. 11th. PATENT ATTORNEYS Pfltpnrs ntlfl snl Bketch or model for r-Utuiua aim free OBlnlon Even!nis by Trade-Marks appointment. Bell Walnut 717. J. WALTER DOUGLASS , ESTABLISHED SINCE 1883. Philadelphia. North American Building. Washington, Victor Building. STORAGE --P.NT1NnNT.VL PACKING. MOVING LnS.MUT I .ffu. carpets cleaned. ,ci'1'PJN 1 Bell. Locust 1000 Phones S?"twrt. ) riDEHTY, riREPnooF wit.TT:r-i 1811-1810 ilAltKETsfH i TENN STORAGE ANn i.. 2180 ffliBl t ATI.AS STORAQE WAREHhtron ji ,rh. Baring jjV2 ipt estimate. AVrkV-'wl xlrCANM'n a-nnir,- ...-- r-HUl. lilt 1 McCANN'S. STORAGE H0t!fir...7TJSLl ilthXn?f: B,kuV..A!!!V.,Y.'J!s union onar .Kireproof BulMin. tr--fl Nor,yoi,:ros..rnilry!:Es;,?.raUnn3 ""'"g 203.1 Leh ih -rT. CAREFUL MOVING. pifklrT-55' 5310 N. Water at'R;7Vtj STORE AND-OFFICTTg fitfPlfiii 1 1 i i " : "store fixtuK1??9 THE BETTER KiVin GET OUR ESTIMATE N.'i'iihst:' ...rt.1 Jt, 450 N fe ISM -.: WANTED "3S ANTtqUE FURNlfUHu," f Trnr-.-T- oeus, oroKen jevve rv. gold su,."'..tiM) bought. 733 w'nlnnt vv.ii,,', tUilVJUmJsJ " " iiri. f.. ..". nnu'-nv .Mt.vtM.iv -i. . ..- - B- Coin iJOokB.wlth prlrs f w, f5vBllwA . I wMI ray ptxlthely hiShiit rilh ir.nl m.1 l.ll.i t I 5L.?1. c"tH wT1 shoes, furs. itrV-let m call'and '..?'' " esllmato: exlrn lilgh prlci! for r..n "" Tuxedo suits, will calf, day or ,'', 'l-cpunlrs-. Call vvrlle, pnnne Rell Peil." i Kevtnne. Vnrle ftno m J-.."' . K0tT XT7,.1 FURNITURE, pianos, rarpets, antlon.T11 or part housesbought tor cIih,,W,,'i' how large. ,T. Bernstein. 1.T.4 "lacs ,t,01 OLD GOLD Cnsh , Paid lrlirc4Toir!!S--nntjnuo locks: wll call nell ffi?I. r,,ln'i-! 121D, Rogers, 27 8, 17th it. "' Un'ii IN CANS wanted Will pay "5 r.,. .- -' bs. for used tin cans or mtln,,n,eArlW' George E. Sowe I, rear 24th si iJii11! ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. '' kM prn MrT. 0 5k,ffl!,Rme?JhaknaFl rtsp"rYDl.,.qniR2r, TS &5! ml BEST TRICES for men's cast-off t... ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DELEGATES TO AD. MEN'S CONVENTION THE GENEVA IftTir RT Alirtfc -,.... Hlgh-clasM npnrtments. with or without wlnhl bath. Entirely renovated nnd KfurauBe. 33 . THE DEVON .101 So. Broad. Street. TabTfl Tlonrrt Thone Walnut llli DASHWOOD ICna.ln i-lll'uTLtrrnn nsn npflutifully furn. room'i', ncwlv renovaW:J ... mvi m ii - II.QIJIUC BQI THE ESMOND i ,.s- ,?' Corner 12th nnd Spruce Sti. 1 l.nrellenl Aicnmmodvllons and Sml Z Tin: i.tnvs ifi-.vn . 1218-15. Locust st. Rooms, single or u nM riw 'j I'hono Wnlnut ARCH. 1220 Two large, nlrv thlrd-fimr pml running nnter. Spruce 1008, ,. I P .!,. ,-" : if BARING. 1014 Splendid rooms, good nKili;f;j mnn and wife or singlo men: near "I,"; mo4-. .ram rHiPH. 1'rewion nil.J BROAD, N.. 83.",. opp. Metropolian Otmf House 2d-0oor front room, with prints btS:3 unusual In sl7e and furnishings: cool and ilrrS every mod, conv. nnd roniforl, detached hum,' BROAD. N.. S01 Furnished rooms for rtntU-t inen:nllconvenlen(.e: roaBonahle. BROAD. S., 421 Excellent rooms: running wi- icr; t.tuio uuaru. i nonti vvninut int. BROAD. S., 1000 (corner) Excellent roenujl mln. rldo City Hall. Phone Dickinson MMJ; CHESTNUT. 1004 Attractive rooms: iliutta cr: en suite: abundance hot water; 5 mln. walk 14 i uy ji.iii. i nono i.ocusv ji CHESTNUT, 11127 Rooms single or en nliii' I'lL b tills: electricity. Phone Locust ilSW. cui.aiiNu r, ::uu.i tiooms, single or en simr. p:lvate buth: running water; phone. CHESTNUT. 202(1 Rooms with running niter:. private bums; electricity fnone icuat z.tjp4 CHESTNUT, 2013 Rooms, single or ea lull private batns; electric llgnts. CHESTNUT. 2100 (corner) Cool rooms dJo Ing bath; for 2 or 3. l'hone Spruce 1171 CHESTNUT, 2000 WELL - WRSlSHtD ROOMS: PERMANENT On TRAN-VT. CHESTNUT.4013-Large.cool room, hot ul toll water: board opt.: 10 mln to cilfiju. CHESTNUT, 1810 Rooms single tr a lali; private baths. Phone Spruce 42S1. CHESTNUT." 1821 Rooms single or e tiju; private bat!is; central. Phone Snnwim CHESTNUT. 1002 Rooms with hath; ! t double. I'hono Spruco 4310. OIRARD. 17f3 Very beautiful furnUbfi froot room, with piano, for business or -. running water: very reasonaoie. LOCUST. 1503 Singlo nnd double rwra: from Bellevue-Strntford Hotel. Locuit ! . ZZ. . . -, -Z. .. L-.k- s . LOCUST, 12UU-11 Rooms; private ou. wmft ,-tLy nail. 1110110 - " - ... LOCUST, 1220 (Morton Ap'ts.) Law? nmj; will nccom. 3. neap IW Richard ClubiptoM.. LOCUST, f3I8 Largo rooms; prlrlJ'5,., blocka fromCUyJlall. Phone Walnut IMS.. PA'riC. 2007 Attractive "single or double rwu. private baths. Phone Diamond 3808. TINE. 014 Largo airy room;: prlrsU tithv . .li.. 1- . . .i TihA I.4ltmrl' fialD Ht tcmr-iij' iimmcu. i iwiw '"" ---- PINE, 1412 Airy rooms, slngle,;r n rwi.i private bath. Phone Locust oso-i " . PINE. 1431 (corner) Rooms. slngl;ra : private bath. Phone Dlcklr"n ami. SPRUCE. 1224-28 (The Brlsmonde-LartVJj rooms; running water: private l,i!RJ optional. I so t. - irpil Ph. Walaatpja SPRUCE, 1337 Rooms, slnsle 5,,1,ur; a blocks Iwlnw City Un". 1'h. slnntJHiJUi SPRUCE. 1021 Rooms, single suUii Wi vnte bath, rhone Locust 101" w- - - SPRUCE..1021-Atlractlve roo-.; ragJ water: prtvuto uuiii. ...m, .-r-- -r-r-Tir, SPRUCE, 2022 Large airy rooms. prl "" central loeaiion. ....-. - .- - SPRUCE. 1010 Large rm". runnln fcft table board! central. Phone FljP"t ""-i-j SPRUCE. 10ia J!r0,hAPt-X7,fttloO rooms, private baths I'honewamu--. SPRUCE. ' 1115 Beautifully fum. front ! running water, eiec. niu. , i .. SPRUCE. 1117 Large, '')' .TO. ,4 bath: central. Phone..WjlnuJj- i1 SPRUCE. 1120 Excellent 51WiVviV blocks to City HaJJiPhnns ubt"lpBgi, SPRUCE. 1135 Desirable grV'oSaL-l frpmyi!i'lL,l0i!JITSrr7J SPRUCE, 1208 Cool rooms. ' n?vlSut T114 private ba'hr rrntrnl """ wa' ;rrj SPRUCE. 1220 Rooms lnflnE5V"l Vate baths. Phnnn W'-" 9i " -irTil i7iiti.n naa l.arire airy roorns "V" ' u " -.' :' -"'. t.l-. Vllhart ai3-'rf nisneu: renirai. i-imiir. .... , ATi.a nr fr buain'e entral. i-nonr. j- ,,j ni8P--g dlatJont cool, ail screen., -, ur uuu u io i-m- "" ---- WALNUT. 1018 (The ''l"n3'T,'tkto 41-illi f uj Uf f "" - " 'vV By C. A. V01GHT , U Hotoc trr VWA,T PAVie-' To Tuqu r f? V Slc J ----s(P-H Id - ..li- I I In l--ssW--------- t OH, VTS AJ "FOOLISWr FOOR'" S f---Ne5 sfo-se. IM case- of Tfiroofcue. voi'tc CET Me. Umovz VWEnip: To TAKE IT r 7 kkr I k!T r T ,-&' tT-.. IL gsgar Dou't vorcv AiE lU SEWO 1 A VA70M A1?OOMD j OR IUqSB J cz . fik 'v. .' j US" 4-r V r I n it 'D f ' -i . t I J ; t 'i L n. 1 Vf :?A i fc