- rt ' ?. it f I PHILADELPHIA MARlusTS GBAltf AND FLOUR .. filf "A ro,rn(tlonJ. Car lots. In oj. ! .ifiniPi ---j .. mi .inn, xi.mra qiiow om y t.!t?ttW.ffiH' VTh &"il was llht and prices in ",ej!5- nominal. Following t are the &e .'eii. inn lb". In wood: Jtvlnter. c ear. EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1916. -ftf IS MGLIITALIANI DURANTE UNVIOLENTOURAGANO Trentaquattro Aeroplani Ca- proni Bombardano Un Campo Aviatorio Nemico ed Atter- rano Tre' Velivoli V OFFENSIVA DEI RUSSI .Bfi-A.fti. '"ear ' cotton, sacks, ft MB r ll? I" .'! fnn sacks B.250.Mli sprlne. 1 ?. P,It' t?tofts?lsr do.. straUht. Jlt.2o?i .' WtSfe Vtraisntf 1 We quota trsFtOUn was quiet and tndy. ; i rRovioiuiNo ! miricet ruled Arm with ft fair Jobbing: ! J""! -ir . iilnrtn were 11 shade hirhcr. tf?.;2 the auotMlongl ntr beef. In n"SS.d snd alr-drled, 27c.i wiiim iwi f EhtiuStU" nd ternwr. in EifcMS.2- JiiiSwftras.."ab:. -mou,d RWV'li - . iri.t,ft ': v i ji 'I 1 fc etly beef, knuckles and XT OTiEBC. J iern smoked. 2T?28c.i pork, family. ,ao,ouj ', cured, loose, iibuhww. fo&lBVac.t an., uo smoked. ""I 'ITiiUi. hma. amnkml Cltjr Cured, as !at&iini.iivrM. 1814 c.!. hams, smoked. "" .-"r.a tun . An nn eo. Doneiesa. ioqlders. 8. P. eured. loose. 12Wc.l I PICKI4. RVOTniinn kfest bacon, as to . aic.i do.. West 'ffM MBStel um, Western, renned, ' KL'r?Ue.i"o.7do.. tubs, ljlic.: do.. pure V "Utile rendered, in uerces. asnci .. uo., REFINEU BUUAKB remarket was quiet and unchanited. Quota. -3? Etra (In " Vranulatod. , 7. 30 O 7. 05c. : pow 'E?i 7.1067. 73e.i confectioners7 A, 7.20 irSTt oft "rales. '0.B5O7.a0c. DAIRY PRODUCTS sfnTtR There was better buying and prices tlSIearVel creamery, fancy specials. 32c: ex. a ftisHA: seconds. 27W27''c.: nearby prints! - ''i'JtM', vrrrn extra. St O 32c: firsts. 2Hft ' ?'feeoiiil, 2727Hc: earllcky prints. 20 rrtna were In iood request and steady, with ' ignllti well cleaned up. Quotations; In free fiiu;' 17.05 per standard caso; nearby current 1 (m!sU. l6.60Cfl.75 per ense; Western extras, Ewr doz. : Westorn extra firsts. $7.05 per iMM'ltrrts. tS.00O6.00 per case: fancy selected eOQiau ;iw o.. ..-." -... . .V4rHVW. sailirt. rttffRSft was aulet and unchamred. with mad- rtod. 15H10c; part skims, 0014c. POULTRY , UTE fowls were moro freely offered and & fttli lower under a llitht demand. Other kinds ( MSltry showed little chaniro. Quotations: nv. 2020Hc; roosters, 1303114c.: sprlne .u.k nrntne tn nualltv. wAlirhlnc 1 nn L.nrleci. 2Hf30c: white Lechorns, according; tiilltr. 22024c: ducks, as to alie and qual KOUc: ptseons, old, per pair, 281930c; . rounir. per pair. 2225c. fH!Rg.lED Desirable slock anld falrlv ami upnttr well cleaned up nt full flrures. Kol- VUUJ aTO'U", uu.nuuuni x1 iuanHlliea KIKU0. 2lnci weisnintr Vi po ms. nplece, tor are'the quotations: Prcsh-klllcd poultry. trucked Fowls. 13 to box. dry-picked, fancy bit. nnlecft. Ii2n wnltrhlntr SU welihlnff 3 lbs. nplece, 1m XG ftfflSuii lOITia, icBiitRcu, .11 uHirDia, luncjr, ary. imr; ana ml Illinois, welghlne 4 lbs. apiece. 21c; smaller Kiel, lov-irc.: uiu ruunicrs. arjfpicKCQ. inc.; IreUen, Jirsey. fancy 4045c: do., other .mrtr. .Welf bine lHSilbs. apiece. 38040c; . laiiller sixes. 33v30c; ducks, nearby, spring. HOIK. sauaDs, per uos, wnite. weighing llBlJ lis. per doi., .M.HII06: white, welching ids. per no., rtnjvi.ou; wnue. weign er aoz.. aawa.tu; uo.. aa., I ins. ouuvt lbs. ht i lbs. " m art mean r, . j arr coa.. a.uuu'. . uu uu.. KAa., IU.102; dark, tl.S0fi2: small and J, 60cJ1.10. ' .FRESH FRUITS CooScs stock was In fair request and Ronerally , toiiowa mm Ac I8J ilea, 4: -Wlncsa; per bbl f. ..., .r.rt,a . Il.uvir iium,i to'i.'ai iioii uavis, a.afti itier. Tirillles. $1.6002.30; No. 2. $1.2,1 ippla. werari fMP DAL tlCO 1 PorU Bleo, J1.5O03, not, Dlvls, NO. 25 ppler srrlei ickle CirellJiivtuf quart, 12014c Gooseberries ft B ipplal W".rnj Ptr. b"?:. 1.251.7B. Lemons, ptt'mart. 8010c. a. Plneapplea. per crat Koerriea. rsinrin i:a Huckleberries, North per Sart, 40, Raspberries, red. per pint. G!le. Cliemei. Delaware and laryland. per nound. ItTSc: do., do., per quart. 08c. Peaches, CKrrlt. per carrier. $1.75H3.25. Cantaloupes, vaiuuiuia, irr i-iciiu, av.i. uu.. rmnua, per tntnlJ 8003.23. Watermelons, Florida, per VEGETABLES Sutots were nutte liberal, hut rhnlcn tnrk- tfUa fair request and steady. Quotations: ? potatoes, per bbl. No, 1 Eastern Shore, null: No. 2 eastern rfhore. $2.25iT2..in; natiitem Shore, tl.R0t91.7S; No. 1 Norfolk. I. J. ".- rjorionc. $ipB.-jo; culls. Nor- i.uu; i"u. i. norm unroiina. taw norm Carolina. ll.7BW3.33: sweet Cwea. waraey, per Dasaei o. l, nraitiuc.; WlMOJOo.: do.. Jersey. Delaware and Mary- m. per namper no. 1, 70c (B$1: No. 2. 00 tpowna, taa, per cummer crate wo. 1, if U: No. S. tl.230 1.50. cabbage, East ri Pr libl.irt,, tl.noOS: do., do., per uwi.ia; ceiery. norma, per crate T)ntA eo r3l.., un comunlcato umolixto pubbllcato okkI ial Mlntstcro delta Qucrra dlco che at tocchl degll auatrlacl Bono statl rcsnlntl nclla Valle dl Lcdro. II comunlcnto dice: "MartouT It nemico nttneco' le nostro po slilonl nolla vnlle dl Lcdro e buIIb pondlcl merldlonall del Monta Sperono. Dopo un vivace combattlmento II nemico fu corn plelamonto resplnto. Duolll dl nrtlgllcrla at ono avutt Ira II Lngo dl Qarda c la valle dell'Astlco." Oil Uall.inl conMnuano la loro oftenslva contro In forie austrtache del Trentlno o BUlt'altoplano del Setto Comunl, nonostante cho ncgll ultlml due ulornl si slnno nvutl vlolentl temporall. II comunlcato dl lerl era nnnuncla le conqulsta dl postslonl austrlache alia tcstata della vallo del roslna ed a nord della valle Kranzela. Ecco II teRto del rnpporto del Renerale Cndorna pubbllcato lerl Bern, dal Mlnlstcro dolla Querrai Lungo tutta la fronte tra I'AdlRO ed II Hrenta Bl sono nvutl duelll dl nrtl gllerla. Alia tcstata della vallo del Poslna repartl delle nostro truppo nlptne, at taccando II nemico durante un v!olnto temporale, conqulstarono una forte poslilono n sud-ovest del Monto Purche. Combattlmentl ImpegnnlBl buIIb pendlcl del Monto CenRlo flnlrono nncho In ravore della nostra fantorla. A sud-ovest dl AsIh.ro, nolla notto del ID aiuprno, II nemico tento' tre attacchl successlvl e dl sorproaa contro lo nostro poslxlonl dl MngnaboBch! e Uoscon, at Ucclil cho furono resplntl con gravl perdlte per g austrlacl. A nord della vnlle Frenzela nol con tlnuammo lerl la dimcllo nvanzata sul tcrrcno rotto, ostncolatl dalla oatinata reslstenia del nemico e resplngendo Xrequcntl contrattacchl. Sul resta della fronto non si sono avutl awenl mentt dl Importanza. Aeroplani ncmlcl lasctarono cadore bombs suite nostra linos dl comunl cailono forendo pocho pcrsonel o caua ando llovl dannl. Squadrlgllo dl nostrl aeroplani Capronl e Savola, formate da trentaquattro macchlne, hanno bombardato II campo dl avlaztona nemico dl Perjrlno, nolla Val Sugano. N'umeroso batterlo antl aerce nprlrono un violcnto fuoco contro queste nostro Bquadrlgllo, cho Turono attaccate nnche da squadrlglle dl avlatorl ncmlcl, ma le nostre macchlne rltornarono alia loro base senza dannl e dopo avcro atterruto tre aeroplani austrlacl. Telegramml da I'etrograd dlcono cho una furloslsslma battaglla e' lmpegnata su dl 50 mlglla nclla Vollnlo, dovo I tcdeschl a gll austrlacl attaccano le llnce russo del gencrale Bruslloff nclla speranza dl ar reatarne la marcla vlttorlosa In dlrczlone dl Lembcrg c dl Kovel. II comunlcato utn clale russo dl lerl sera nnnuncla che gll attachl dcgll austrd-tedeschl sono statl res plntl, ma che nd ognl modo la battnglla non e' ancora declsa. SI sa che 1 tedescht stanno rllcvando truppe da ognl punto dove o' posslbtle farlo senza perlcolo grave, per far fronto aU'offenslva russo, Flnora I russl hanno fatto prlglonlerl, nel dodlcl glornl tra II 3. ed II 15 glugno. 3350 ufTlclali austrlacl e tcdeschl e 160,134 uomlnl dl truppa, eel hanno prcso al nemico 19S cannoni, 550 mitrngllatrlcl, 189 ordlgnl per 11 lanclo dl bombe. 34 rlllettnrl, un gran numero dl fucllll e grnnde quantlta' dl altro materlale da guerra. BERT WILLIAMS FEELS FAMOUS MOVIE "LURE" Follies Comedian to Star With Biograph Photoplay Notes SCENARIO DEPARTMENT LESSON 15 Seek Unusual in Commonplace By the Photoplay Editor Bert Williams, king of natural blackface comedians and kingpin of 'The Follies," feels that wellktiown and Justly celebrated "luro of tho screen." The rehabilitated Hlogrnph Company announces n BerleB of two-reel comedy features with the negro comedian as stnr. It la expected that the first Bert Williams comedy will bo released July 24, although Bevcral bookings have been made for ex clusive pre-release Bhowlngs for the week of July 17. Though Pauline Frederick has been a member of the Famous Players steltar forces In Paramount Pictures over n yenr, nnd has learned about all there Is to know concerning tho nrt of Bcrcen acting, she has not learned everything there Is to know about motion-picture "properties," This she very clearly demonstrated by sitting on a papier mache replica of a fence railing In tho studio, during the film ing of the Stanley's forthcoming feature, "Tho World's Clrcat Snnre " When Direc tor Joseph Kaufman picked her up off the floor she declared that tho only serious Injury sustained was tho ruffling of her dignity. With tho final scenes of Peatrlz Mlchclena In "The Woman Who Dared" completed, announcement Is made by the California Motion Picture Corporation that they now have In preparation n pretentious adaptation from the opera, "Faust," nnd that Miss Mlchclena is playing the rolo of Marguerite. A number of the scenes requisite to tho production must be made at sea. Miss Allco Brady, accompanied by her maid nnd her amanuensis, and 15 World firm artists, In cluding Arthur Ashley, will live on board for two weeks. The Charles W. Morgan Is the oldest American whaler, being In Its 86th year of active sorvlco and under tho direction of Captain Cleveland, will be a regular studio for the few weeks the film company Is on board. The crew, numbering 21 men, will be under salnry to tho World Film Corpo ration and have consented to nppcar In "atmospheric roles," whatever the press agent means by that dlnphanous phrase. Tho newest Issue of tho Evbnino Ledoeh Universal Animated Weekly con tains the following: President Parades Nation's Chief marches for Preparedness for first lime In U. 8 history: Washington, D. C. Cyclone Cuts Swath of Death Thirteen killed. 61 hurt when "twister" hits city: Jackson. Miss. China's New President General I.I, vice President, becomes ruler: Mid dle Lakes, China Heady For War Impressive ceremony marks transfer of colors to 120lh nattallon, ats.rttng overseas: Hamilton. Ont. Ilury Man Who Saved Tarls Last honors for General Galllenl. whose "taxi army" saved city: Paris, France, on Miles an Hour ll'j.nno auto prlie captured by demon who smashes 300 mlle record; Chicago, III. $2000 Night Mlaze Spectacular file sweeps waterfront at mldnlchtj Han Francisco. Ca. Commission Non est Sea Giant Supenlreadnought Pennsylvania made part of Navy: Norfolk (Va.) Navy Yard Mex ican "War" Still On Army veterinarians Inspect horses' teeth and Rive nntltoxln to caalry steeds; In camp over the border. New Honing Champions Greatest race In Intercollegiate his tory witnessed by thousands: Poughkeensle. N Y. U S. A. 'a New Officers President gives diplomas to Military Academy graduates: West Point. N. Y. Diamond Champions Phillies, hustling for 'lS's flag, raise 't.Vs pennant; Philadelphia. Pa. Cartoons by llv Mayer. Discovered, by Miss Dorothy Bernard, Fox star of note, tho champion blue-ribbon, prize-winning mixed metaphor. In an interview which tho screen artiste gave re cently. "At an early nge-," tho reporter would havo It, "Miss Bernard felt the buskin In her blood." The Kiehlnr Letter's tallr Scenario !.eeons began Jnne S. They will be follownl by prlre rnnteat for n scenario to be produced In Philadelphia with n Philadelphia east, Cnt out and sate all the lesson for fnture reference tn the writing ef jonr scenario. , .Th'. Kvtnlng lflter will be clad to answer In Its roinmnt any questions dealing directly with points In the lessons and of general Interest to readers. if " ,'lSlKo. 2. wstjrcress, per. 100 bunches. tl.S063.5ii; ,a,",a-. fl 71-uuv $1.7! itfl. Wax. $1 basket v. Maao, oucw rti. basket. 1-w.wr H-bbl. basket SVW Ji-bbl. basket. rJnOa. Per carrier. t?( a,jercTate. $1.5002.50: sau Siiri n"h 15c. $1; do., Norfolk, per H ffiasfle'!' "e-Mli corn. Florida, per crate. ftHoV2ii:jber. Norfolk, per bbl., $2.50 .-vi -iivauumiia. .iiiritiiK. itpr .nni i.rrsta. SOe.611; Beans. North Carolina, per iBc wtl.'-'n: beans. Norfolk, me w Ji.as; do., do., II ?Srai HO. nn.r per carrier. I2QS.50; eggplant. Mor- squash. South Caro- norinnr nan liui !..." -. lids. . szbu hrt3. ?".".' "U,K"- ;y:- n5Sa&!'l!.L8m,t0W' Mlislsalpplper flat KV'1JI?2 "Paragus, Jersey, per bunch fiMJWOlSc; prime. 10lL-c.: cu Is. 808c,; "ms. per 4-ib. basket. 0Oc.Oll.od. """"" THE WEATHER Official Forecast l K, . . WASHINGTON", Juno 22. i.ivfl,rn onnsylvanla and New Jer ''.. lrt?n,Sht and Friday; slowly rls C temperature Frldaji: moderate nortlt TsS bcmlng variable. W tS?i ncv? that waa ln th0 hlo Val 5 taTrl? a" i.noyed raP",l'r eastward .tt.rii aMd oft ,ha coast- caused 5 ZX l S th" "" Atlantic Stated SnUSrthT MW ?"""" Another dls 'SSIxflwi S ce"tral over Nebraska has 'rtrthL T.T a1?. thunOerstorms In the KOT Plains States, Partly eloudv Sl""8 C0,'?,lnue ,n th8 Atlantic toTto M?."?as northwurd. while (M.L'?n. Mmewhat wanner Is renortert -. Ke region and the plains Rial., "' S. Wenlhpr n, .... Ti.ii ,, Ration, taken at 8 a. m. Etern tlm,. fethn... afm'SV .a,,.n;.,.-JVel0c. ft MM!... 62 64 -5 S,., 3." P. r LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH. STOCKS. Did. Jim Tlutler . . . . .00 MacNnmarn 07 Midway 22 Mlzpah Extension 22 Montana 24 Northern Star Ill Tonopah Ilelmnnt 4U Tonopah Rxtenslon 5H Tonopah Mining , 6fi Hracue Eula S7 west una Atlanta .. lllue Hull neoth Hulldog C O D Combination Fraction IMamondneld II 11 Daisy Florence Goldneld Consolidated Goldfleld Merger Jumbo Kxtenslon .... Kewanas , Oro Sand Ken Sliver Pick ., GOLDFlm.D STOCKS. Fairy Aztec Dsriy MISCELLANEOUS. mrnh Nevada Hill Nevada Wonder . . Tecopa .Mining .97 .10 .0.1 .15 ,ot ,03 .07 .OS .0.1 .40 .83 .08 ,B0 .11 .05 .0.1 .OS .01 ,02 .17 2.20 .13 Asked. .1)3 .IIH .25 .24 .27 .17 4 ,1-1 d .an .wo a. 11 .04 .17 .1)2 .0.1 .00 .04 .04 .44 .8.1 .00 .R2 .IS .1)11 .on .OR .02 .01 .in 2. SO .14 U. G. I. WOULD CUT GAS RATE 20 CENTS LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO. June 22, HOGS Receipts. 28.000. Msrket much higher. Mixed and butchers. $.855 O10.I0; rood heavy, $n,85l0.l0: rough heavy, tOsail.SO: fight, . $0.4Ol6; pigs. t 9.fco.l5: bulk. $6.8010.10. " T j-asnv, .- Raulnts All Xfavlrat .I..J Cows and helfara. 14. I0.7G98.63; 1 TR t; UK biP Receipts, 8000. Market strong to lo. hurher. Native and CATTLE Receipts, 2300. Market steady. . in Texans,, tD.25Vn.so; calves, fiurpn.ia. lleeves, wu.au: 1H 40IU11.4O stockers and lAn hljrher lambs. $8.25,J1.5 Western, 17.65 one 5.2 sania. u St Bari.!.;:" "A- 04 4S Oleiso. ili' u' " 74 gSHwa, Te. 82 SKtTii":: S3 h"0-. H iattftnll- " "r Lrrf -,. bu .20 08 ,H IHI n ,18 SSfflff'V - ? w " iM!'M..Pi, -.., nf,, sh mh th ? ffieVlsan.. 1 5 . Jork. Sb0ku: li i? w ..: s a j S5br,i ;- 0 & .: s fcfiW&.. ?2 msri s gsttU -" 02 r . erf 4toa Can. .01 ,iil 02 .22 .18 ,10 .oa ... NW I v w un NB N sf: NW Bw W sw SK 8W NB H HW NH NW 10 H13 s SB NW P.W 10 12 W 12 18 M W NB W 8H s bw !! C'le Cear Clear Cloudy Clear tlear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy P.Cldy Jlaln Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy 9J.r Cloudy stef 8!e2f Cloudy Clear' Cloudy Clear Clear Clear P.Cldy Cioudy !,ar Cloudy E!r Clear Clear !' ! Cloudy NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Juno 22. BUTTEIt moving out pretty well and tone generally stsady. Receipts. J0;030. Extras. SOUe-t higher scoring. 20ti O SO'jc. . Mate nairy. sort xt.vo. ; innsuon cream ery. 25Sj25Hc. KCJU.S Good trade on cheap stock and firm holding of fancy grades Receipts. 24.S0.1. n tras l'ift:ftt.; extra firsts. 29S!Slic.: rtrils, 22Ht23Wc.i white, 28W2c; brown. 2728c: mixed color, 2SH OSc CortYention Hall Concert Tonight Tho Philadelphia Band, under tho leader ship of Silas II Hummel, will play tonight at the Convention Hall, Broad street and Alle- Blieiiy aienuo. 'ine programme roiiows: 1 irnflnlsheil symphony Schubert 2, Second Masurka ...... vi. . .,. Uodard S Solo for cornet, ''Glen Island" Short 4. Suite In four parts. "Don Quixote' 111 A Spanish Village, (2) Hancho Panza. (31 Dulclner. (4) Don Quixote. 5. Contralto solo.selected. u. V.U.... ijerthiIBrlnker D'Albltss. ft Selection or ocoicn meiuuies. .. . 7 American sketch. "Down South-' 8. March. "National Spirit" Safrane ...Godfrey Myddleton . ..Hummel Theatrical Baedeker JTANLBY Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, rne Clown." with Victor Voore, a Lasky. Paramount tllm. and aOoldberg cartoon... . xrnnrtKST The "Ne'er uo well." wnn itatniyn Williams, a " 64 I 0 S- ?oo rUas...iijii aria ' " J-? .m. Uoon .... ."-" 'I p.m. Mion ISSV.-'JSS rzsi 1-ffiSSS,;at?: :!-. uiLmjijji fn.rAl nroductlofl. by the Saltv of the novel of Panama, by Rex iDmmiii " :- ;l ",,". Beach, who wrote "im oiiisre. ATiPAnlA Thursday. Friday and Saturday, AIJ-The Snowbird." with Mabel Taliaferro, a Metro proauctiou. VICTORIA Thursday, .The Market of Vain De. V. I?, "with II. II. Warner: Friday and Hat- Srdiy. '-The Masked Rider." wiiACB Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "A autter Masdilene," with Fannie. Ward, a iJJskyParamount production. ,npii9T-Thursday. "The Peril of 151 "Src." with Kdna Wallace Hopper: Friday Sd b'aturday. "Dorian's Divorce, wlfh Lionel Barrymore ind Grace Valentine, , ,mNT Thursday. "The Moment Before." BBiVuTta Frederick; Friday and Saturday. WSa Woman." with Theodora Roberta and wlbJl Von Hurnandi "The Fireman." with cnania - VAUDEVILLE. Continued from Page One difficulty of the city government being operated without the Income derived from the gas sales. City financiers who today henrd of tho suggestion of President Uodlne declared that back of the present suggestion lies the fact that, after January 1, 1918, the city Is to get all in excess of 76 cents n thou sand feet sold until the time tho lease ex pires ln 1928. They contend that reductions In gas, while they would benefit the United Gas Improvement Company by opening the way to more sales, would only Indirectly benefit the citizens. Mayor Smith, when asked about the plan to surrender city revenues, said: "I have not yet conferred with Mr. Uo dlne, but will meet him at any time he sug gests. The suggestion he makes will take careful consideration and must be viewed from every possible angle. I do not feet at liberty to discuss any changes In the gas lease until they have been put up to me and have been carefully gone over." A reduction In tho chnrge to consumers from the present rate of $1 to SO cents would benefit thousands of householders and all establishments using gas for fuel or lighting purposes. Their gas bills would be cut down one-fifth and the city would lose all participation In the profits of tho company using Its gas works. The sug gestion Is likely to meet with the general approval of users of gas who fall to real ize that tho money would have to bo made up In additional taxation. The surrender of tho (2,000,000 Income derived from the city under the present con dition would. In the estimate of many mem bers of Councils' Finance Committee, entail an added lucrcaso In the tax rate of several cents a year. This fact Is apt to prove a stumbling block to the scheme, as Councils' financiers will have their work cut out this autumn to keep the tax rate within reasonable bounds and at the same time to provide for the deficiency Items that will result under even the most economical con duct of municipal affairs during 1917. It flclency bills this year will be met out of the general loan, but further provision for such charges will have to be made In 1917. The reduction, should It become effective, might result ln a big expansion of the activities of the Gas Company and any enlargement of tho city-owned works would havo to be made by the operating company. At the end of the lease all such property would revert to the city. By HARRY 0. HOYT Head of the Metro Scenario SlaT IN line with our discussion of the Bhort length subject yesterday, thero Is another point that needs emphasis. How much story do you need for a slngto reel subject? We learn most easily by comparison, nnd by properly analyzing a single reel scenario many questions can be answered. The ex ample I am utng Is an old picture, one, perhaps, that many will recall, produced, I believe, by the old Majestic company The nuthor wns Reoge Hennessy, the most prolific of the enrller sccnnrlo writers. He had the knack, or trick, of taking a com monplace situation and giving It an unusual twist, as may be witnessed In many of his enrly Ulograph pictures. It Is this sudden surprise that brings suspense nnd raises tho picture out of the commonplace. In the following example this Is quite noticeable. Tom Is In love with Mary, a farmer's daughter. Farmer Jones objects to Tom, and, finding the young man persistent, threatens to shoot him If he ever comes around ngatn. Mary Is alarmed nt the chol eric temper of her fnther and fears that he will Indeed carry out his threat. She removes the shells from his shotgun to prevent trouble Tom meets Mary nnd they plan an elope ment. Somo painters aro painting the house Tho lndder Used by tho painters Is left conveniently near Mary's window. They plan to use this, That night two tramps see the ladder and plan to rob the house. Mary hears tho trnmps nnd thlnka that It Is Tom. Sho throws out the suitcase nnd comes down tho ladder, where Bho Is seized by the rob bers. Jones hears the commotion and grabs his shotgun, but tho shells havo been re moved. Tom nrrlvca In time to save the situation and receives Jones' consent to the wedding as his ronnrd. Tho story Is nlmple. It relies entirely upon a nltuatlon created when Mary re moved tho shells from tho gun. The sus pense wns worked up by flashing to Tom driving his machine to tho fnrmhouso for tho elopement, and the punch came when he arrived Just In time to capture both tramps when they were nbout to make away with the stolen goods. Tho surprise lies In tho useless gun. Mnry removed tho shells for one purpot-o nnd tho gun Ib brought Into uso for a very different reason, Tho very fact that sho tried to pavo her lover's llfo by removing tho shells nearly eot her her own life. To write this story requires about .10 scenes, possibly 35. It Is n slnglo situa tion. You Introduce your characters early and plnnt the enmity of the father for Tom. The natural result Is n contemplated elopement nnd with a short lapse of time you arrive immediately nt the climax of your picture. You havo all the elements or n feature photoplay here, because tho tramps mny be considered the counterplot They coma to steal nnd have no Interest In tho love element. It Is, after all, but a single situa tion, nnd this Is whnt tho single reel photo play should be. Compare your own Ideas with this play and gauge the length of your story. In looking back nt these early short length subjects, It seems n simple matter to write one, but It Is quite difficult, ns you will discover if you attempt to write anything new. On the other hand, tho trained writer knows that ho can take al most any Incident and make n. play out of It if he hns sufficient Imagination. A scrap of conversation on the street car, a small Item In the newspaper, an Incident related by n friend, all provide plots for the single reel story. They pro vide plots for the multiple reel scenario as well, but they require elaboration. Take the Incident related by some friend and imagine that it turned out differently, and many times you will have ft. story. To Illustrate this: A policeman onco told mo how ho had nrrested a rountcrfellcr. He took the counterfeit money home with him he was nt this time working for the Secret Service but before he could get the bogus bills to tho office they wero stolen. In the play the Sccrt Service man has a worthless son, and It l he who took tho money. Through the regenerntlng Influence of the girl he tries to return It. Heal thieves break In nnd the boy proves a hero. He Is taught a lesson. There Is more to the fltory, of course, but this Illustrates the possibilities in the simplest Incidents. The market for the single reel ncenarlos Is Btlll strong Some companies nre no longer making them, but others have en tered the field, The single reel and the two reel subject will nlways have Its place In tho program. Tho demand for orlglnnl work of this kind Ib growing, and begin ners would do well to try their work out tn this field. If you can write a single reel story that will sell, and If the director can produce the script nbout ns you have written It, you can then nttempt more am bitious work with confidence. Comedies are seldom more than one reel In length. Those that are longer nro usually tho work of somo one on tho Btaft. IAUSTRIA EVACUERA' LACOTOILEMBERG L'Abbandono E Stnto Deciso ad Un Consiglio dl Gtierra Austro-Tedesco QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS V. O. D. The Evenino Ledger's ecenn rlo competition will be open to any reader. Wo do not understand tho allusions In your letter to the subtitles of your script MHS. C. There aro almost no essen tials In tho way of character or action. Villains nre not nbsolutcly necessnry. Hun dreds of photoplays contain no crimes. The Bcrcen Is a very good field for tho presenta tion of present-day problems and their solu tions. Such subjects ns you suggest nre nnturally difficult to handle, but the success of "Hypocrites" nnd many other films of symbolic or ethical Interest show that they can be "put over." IIUS. II. COLLINS Two trade Journnls useful for your purposes are the Motion Picture News. 729 "th avenue. New York, and Tho Moving Picture News, 17 Madison avenue. New York. They nro likely to be on Bale nt the news stands In tho railroad stntlons. Any Btnnd can order them for you every week. tin tetegramma da noma dice che e glun tn cola' nottzta che In un conslgllA dl gtierra tenutosl In questl ultlml glornl dn nltl uf ficiall tedeschl ed austrlacl e' stain declsa l'excuazlone delta cltta' fortlflcata dl Lcm berg, capitate della Tolonta, che e' serla mente mlnncclnta dnll'nvanznta delle forze russe del generate Uruslloff SI dice che si sono perslno Inlztatt I necessarll prepnra tlvl per I'evacunzlono della cltta". Su l.cm berg, capitate dolla Uallcla, che e' serin uno dalla reglono fortlflcata delta Vollnln, recontemento rlconqulstnta dal russl. ed un nltro dnlla reglono dl Tarnopol. L'esserclto nustrlaco del genernle Pflanzcr, sconfltto dal ruRsl a Czernovlte, e' In plena rltlraln e le sue forze sono state OItIso dalle forze russe che la .nseguono. II renerale Funslon, comandan'te delle truppo nmerlcane nl confine del Messlco, ha rapportntb cho uh reparto del lOmo reg glmento dl cavntterla nmerlcano che si era recato ad occupare la Btnilone dl Caurlzal. nel Messlco, e etato attaccato da fori messlcnne ed ha hvuto 40 mortl ed ha per duto 17 prlglonlerl. Slccome, dopo questo che si poteva forse ancora conslderai-e como un lnddente, II mlnlstro della guerra messlcnno ha dlchlarato dl nsaumere la responsdbtllla' deU'attacco, el crede die II governo degll Statl Unltl dlchlarera la guerra nl governo dl Cnrranza. Hospital Graduates. Nurses Six nurses were graduated Inst nlcht Tlalnbrldgo Hospital, 142I5-27 Poplar street. They were addressed by Dr. Levi L. Ham mond Thn who graduated ai,.cre jtsg Helen L. DufTy, Miss Catherine C. CafTrey, Alius Mitrgniet K. Appel, Miss Mary N. March. Miss Margaret C. Caffrey and Miss Beatrice A. O'Donnell. BUMMER RESORTS SC.MMER RKSORTS New Industry for Darby Tho Homo Shirt Factories Company, which hns branches ln different parts of tho country, will open n mill In Darby next month. The concern hns leased tho prop erty formerly occupied by the Salvation Army, at Chester pike and Springfield road. Iji Our I u m b e r ' a mobilized. Lv h Millions of feet ready to V, E march your way on notice 1 tj I Edward F.Henson& Co, Hf Structural .Lumber and Ttmbtr ill 111 roplnr Street Wharves. 1'hlla. IV Prominent Photoplay Presentations antucket and aithas Vineyard Picturesque islands off the Massachusetts coast where Vacation Days offer the enticements of sea and land to the rest and health seeker. Surf and still water bathing fishing in sea and lakes ideal harbors for sail and motor-boata driving or riding on the moors golf on links overlooking the sea. For illustrated booklets write to Vacation Bureau, Room 568, 171 Broadway, New York New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad New England Steamship Company Niagara to itue Sesi 9" fcT VIA THE THOtJBAND ISLANDS 2 SmiliJ9(fj.lJM THE PICTURESQUE ALL-WATER ROUTE iiiiiiiiiHiniiu i,.. iiaiiniir' SovBm (mpamR TlIU followlnc theatres obtain their pictures tlirnutli the STANLEY llonklnr Comunnj. which Is a .guarantee) of earb sIiomIiis- of the finest nrodnctlon.. pictures relewed before exnwiiion. ... ni' the i theatre. In sour locality tOf All P ALHAMBRA obtalnlne pictures throuzh the STANLEY HOOKINd COMPANY LIBERTY D,,OAD AD Mae Marsh and Robert Hnrrnr,' "A CHILD OP TUB PAHI3 8THEETS' llllh, Morris & rassyunk Ave, Mat. Dally at 2: Ks., 7 to, Paramount Pictures. MAE MimP-AY In J'Hwt Kitty Bellalrs" "SECaET OP TIIK BUnMAHINE" r i r. t A CHESTNUT ARCADIA nui-ow IGTH MABEL TALIAFERRO in THE SNOWIllWD" "APOIXO B2D and W$Sh ..WHOT QUILT YT" 7th Episode S2D AIIOVE MARKET 1 :ao a:au, . uno. H. n:30. 15c raullne. Frederick m-'Th.fMome,,,.or. '"lllCJ .Ml - m " BELMONT Jg rAKAUOVNT 'niEATJlB Prominent Photoplay Presentations BOTH. AND CEDAR F X Bushman and Beverly Bayne "A Ml-UUlUi uinw SCTH AND lilHAUU AVK. a7A.RMf.UNT Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid in - lUC AJ. .w.- U FBANKFORD Avcnui. COLUMBIA in . SfSk JmSJiJ&M- PrlllHU&T St.Vrr.T-''" .arST-- - :WS: ;sHOfjrnNG THE RAPIDS SS S-fma'tMiuj Aaxvte Dai mr.r?trZ4l&. &7jm TON -3irft J i' a . rn-AyassvW' 3. i . Y.,M,.2jf- -,r. . i.AnpiSi jj,, 1 'i ETsWJurfifesT i Vvwj itfk -t 'jKf. . X? 1 it, f2 rassiNo QUESCC All the charm of quaint, old world travel haunts. The moat satisfying trip in America for health UJ1U ICUCUUUil. BBOCKVILLH BOO miles ol lakes, kinss; rivers and SBHiua. zi .;-'.j, , WXf TOpi Tho trip includes th Thousand Islands, tho exciting descent of th marvelous rapids, the historic associations ol Montreal, Quaint old Quebec, and the famous Sifuenay River, with its stupendous Capes, "Trinity" and "Eternity." Up-to-date Canada Steamship Hotels at Murray Bar and Tadousac Pares from To Montreal and return, a a tlSJi iVafara To Quebec and return, ... Z5.H faffs; To Saguenar River and return. 34JS Stni6cpulaitforlltuitnteJ lookltl. map and inljt to JOBK r. rlXSCt, Oasarsl realaepr Al. Csaads atasnislp Llsn, 110 a. 0, BI6C. Uestnsl, Can. --rt YiitniMA LOGAN THEATRE "10 n0AD MABEL TALIAFERRO in "THE SNOWOinD" LOCUST Edna Wallace Hopper '" j S2D AND LOCUST Mats. 1;30 and 3i30, , ujdu. h, iiian, 10c 1B Perils orca" Market St. Theatre 3M MAsn'j" Edmund Breeae "' "5!JinTfffK'fI,nv.. CHARLIE CHAPLIN "Tnu'lVjKfM ORPHEUM OEWANTOWN AND T, ,.r,t Z. .t, CHELTEN AVES. ALICE BRADY in "La Boheme" THE IKON CLAW" Spend Your Vacation 4000 Feet Above the Sea At Yln-lnla's Moat Celebrated Mountain Resort SRYLAND. on famous STONY MAN MOUNTAIN. Always cool. No mosquitoes; 500 testimonials; IB ncres ot vegetables. herd of tuberculin-tested coitb. lamb, mut ton, chickens and eses from Bkyland's mountain farms. Danclnc, Tennis Fine Orchestra. Marnlfi cent scenery. Fifty open wood fireplaces. A special feature at Skyland Is the livery stable of saddle horses. fladlutlnc from Skyland and connecting with the nelichborinic peaks, canyons and mountain streams are numerous welt-traded trails. atYordlns op portunities to ride under conditions whloh can be found nowhere else eust of Cali fornia. Illustrated booklet at Ledier Central, or write Q. FREEMAN POLLOCK. Prop.. Bkyland. Pace County. Va. Open June 1 to November 1. ATLANTIC CITY. X. J. 11UNGRS0OTrTELOrJTH,W3Llfr ffiHltiorogi-Bknfieim ATLANTIC CITY.M'.dr. OWKirn3n MMiaoKMaerr. JQ3IAH WHITE A OrS COMHAaftfl CAPE MAY. N. J. HOTEL CAPE MAY CAPE MAY, NEW JEKSET Nw Mo J urn Fireproof Uesort lUtel. faelns aireciiy on to ocvuii. r-very comnm, uMhinr. deep iea ana ltiiana ninins, ailing, motor pom ins. uooa uio ioaaa. train atrvlce. For booklne arrtn; rmfflSSBEl rgmsa of semce.com fortA iLATWERTriianritawTHcrrrxnf' HOTEL ARLINGTON '.crh,SS,0Vr- Open all ysar. R. J. OSOORNB Si doHT RISLEY'S 1B,B Uoardwalk. Ulow Nsw T ,, . Tork ave European plan tl up dally. Fronts on ocean. Free bathlns prlvllerss. C1IKLSE., N. J. GLADSTONE FRANKFORD ALBERT CHEVALIER in TUB MIDDLEMAN" 56TH ST. Theatre f.? anl'u WM.S.HARTta'2S.L WEST PIIILADEU'UIA OVERBROOK 03D D&KDES. King Baggot '" oowhere.. "PEG O' THE RING" VAUDEVILLE. f Nasn, in fansy'e Par- aru Aiaca; jacK ;. 0i'11Ii 'canine Ar'tistsl nXCSM.'Z' "jJimallo ikelchj Mr. ana sirs, uurtoa ner a ?"iuMette Dlka. tha Crisps. Kedford and fSlVriSiier.' the Ambler Urotbere aoa U 8eiU-Tr'U9 Vcli., iuu ;;..! JntM AnoVrebo and Burt. In "Home. Bweet Some". 'Mood and Balls and be TB Ra- ,?.,iiwThe Seven Colonial Bellea. to musical aRASr Brady and MahonyK In "The Fireman coroe Hi's Chief, t'harlee Olcott. Oonne and fJvsey Norman ijrothera and the PatKe News. .nm KEYS Lew Wesley, to ''The Diver, the SSi,."irKwi' Myraslwo. BALTIMORE baSrve. LiUian Giah '" "B0 rriaoe Roscoe Arbuckle ln ?ljg$im EUREKA T" MARKET BT8. Douglas Fairbanks ,n "5g 55 Charles Murray ln ""f Agg"1 NOBTH Broad Street Casino BBOtgIlB"w EVENINO :15 AND 0. EDYTHE STERLING in "NANcra BiRTHRiaiir VAUDEVILLE Id"""" AVENUB "IRON CLAW" Pictures SOUTH PHILADELPHIA. OLYMPIA fflS4',sKa ffcrf nuiximxim. In cotntari. mf, i2r I ntVTtU o-t th9 minimum prictf. UAT& Daily I GERMANTOWN 0508 gToaSve. t 1 r in "DORIAN'S Lionel rSarrymore divorce" Added, Blllle Burko In "Gloria's Romance" &0TH MARKET 2:15.7.9 Sln.ooo KUUiAi.1. uuua GLOBE MARGUERITE CLARK in MOLLr MAKE BELIEVE" -ID A nl" AVENUU THEATRE GlIvAKlJ 7TH & ailtAHD AVENUE Harold Lockwood & Mae Allison In "THE COME-BACK" DREW COMEDY r a MV.n BROAD ST.. ERIE & Great .Northern oermantown aves. MARY PICKFORD uGS IRIS THEATRE 8'18 SNBQT0N MARY PICKFORD in "THE ETERNAL OHIND'1 JEFFERSON S0TH tnrdeet8UPIUN HELEN HOLMES in "WHISPERINQ SMITH" LAFAYETTE 20U 5SSSJgSPOM WILUAM COURTENAY in "SEALED LIPS" Pearl White in "The Iron Claw1' I 1 FADRR forty-first and t-IrtUil LANCASTER AVENUE Sesaua Hayakawa in "Alien Souls" BUlie Burke la "Glorias Romance," 24 Eol. I PALACE ,2H MAnKET STREET Fannie Ward '" "A aUTTE" Added-Wlllle Collier n .Wllll.'e WabWWay" PARK R,DSATAi, Stg2l?L t. mt mm . ; ij1'- LE., 0;43 to 11. Mae Marsh and Robert Harron in "A CHILD OF THE PARIS STREETS" PRINCESS ms8T1A5CT ALICE BRADY in TANGLED FATES" RIAT TO OERMANTOWN AVE. IVlrtLilU AT TUIJ'EHOCKEN 6T. TYRONE POWER in "THE EVE OF OOD" PKTIPMT 1M1 MARKET STREET ,. . ,, HVUAtr VOICB ORO AN Lionel Barrymore and Oraoe Valentine in "Donan' Divorr.'' sin service. C. Ai WOOD. Lessee. ir DooKinc arraniremenis. write or pnone u PAOE. at the Hotel Walton. Philadelphia Direct see. B. D. SWARTHMOItK. PA. Strath Haven Inn '&.&, Now op9n 1'hone Swarthmor 07 KAGLK'S SIKlti: FAUKe VA, THE CRESTMONT INN ISAOLSS WEHE. FA. Tba hottl with tha Incomoarabla altuatlaa. X.SO0.rat abova tba ata, on tn unaratt si tn Auegntntei. uoir, tennis, boatin am water btninr: aicctrio n ,h mull anil Oolf. tennis, boattna1 and thi nneai ox irsnwaier Duininff: attcino iicnta, i oteai, eic. . aiq ounsaiovra wua team 5. lnj rr booklet ana mu4AU wuuua. na-r. terms dlrM 1IKDFORD smiNGS, PA. BEDFORD SPRINGS (PA.) HOTEL AND HATI13 Rstate of 3000 acres. 1200 feet above vei. Li-Ie CuralUe waters rival those uarisD4a. .Modern . leve of Marlenbail and hotel. Outdoor and Indoor diver lions. Now open, H 12. .PRMIS, Mananr 5Lll?riioy5l Polnclana, palm Beach. PIIDV MARKET BTH W U 1 IIKTW Cyril Maude asaeMSTT'I" nm.;-' , J IN "PEER G SAVOY m&gg" LILLIAN WALKER in "THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN" TIOGA 1IT" AKD VEN-NOO STS. Billie Burke IN "Gloria's Romance" VIPTARI A MAllKET 6T. a W. 1 VIK1A ABOVE NINTH H. B. WARNER in "THE MARKET OF VAIN DESIRE" QTANT PV MARKET ABOVE 1CTH colSoTT VICTOR MOORE il.ia A M. 10 is irane oiory 11:15 P M. THE CLOWN" lmuiiimiiiuuiniiiimiiiuiutmininiuimnimi J'OCONO MOUNTAINS DeUwure Water Cai, Pa. THE NEW KITTATINNY nEIAWARE WATER OAP. PA. Only hlth-class modern hotel In this famous VKton. CandClty S00. Every modern eaulD- ment: exceptional cuisine. French chefs. Orches tra. Oolf. tennis, flsblmr. etc. Cafe and isrill Da rase. Special earlv aeason rates, booklet and auto maps mailed. Coaches meet trains. JOHN PURDT COPE. 10 years ot Water Gap House, STEAMSHIPS - VACATION TRIPS BY SEA rniLADELriiL to BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL Fine Steamer.. Low Fhree. Best Sen-ice. Plan your . vacation to Include Tloeat CaastwU. Trios U the World." Tour llMk Free oa Request. Merchant & Miners Tran. Co. City Office. 103 a th St Phlla. Ciiil. any Uji.t ox teurUt atetvt. CHELSEA. N. J. AUS.1 MCOROAnTT. tirKAN CITY. N. J. THE OCEANIC llthand Wesjey ay. A, E. Baher. oirner A mar. wn.njyoon. s. J. HAVERFORD r,'ILVl Aw- n,r J1"- - 7 W1VU MRS. B. A. DENTON. AVAL0N, N. J. AV ALON BY THE SEA Tbe healthiest resort alone the coast. Sea. shore and country combined. Fresh farm and . Itotsi Avalon now open. la. BUa. ea food dally. Hot.1 Avalon now open, formation and booklet upon request. Cbarlsa R. Hall. 141s Real Estats Trust 1 STONE IIAItl!OB.N J STONE HARBOR c.fi. Reached by both railroads, motor roads and waterway. Farm producta and sea food trash and plentiful. City conveniences. Yacht Club! lvi ' .aie aiaina;i one nanina. cravuuiuaT aim uoaiinsr. i;onaces, 1 and apartments for rent furnished. uuiei rates. ne Dunxalowa Moderate tiOUTH JEKSEV REALTY CO ins. xx. uiac, 3d ana waiai JKANY Going to Send th Family to the Shore This Summer? If so, It Is high time for you to give active thought to a location. This year the demand la unusually large and earlier than heretofore. Whether you want a furnished apart ment or cottage or board and room, at any hotel or private house, Ledger Cen tral can help you. A special Investigator Is at Atlantic City during the summer months and wtll llnd what yon want If Ledger) CentraVa?a not have It on file. tmuar Mrvtce can be rendered oq other lew Jersey resorta, fell Ledger Central about your re quirements now." Where Is sq charge.