14 EVENING IiEDaER PHILADBLrniA, THTJKSDAY, JUNE 22, 1916. -- vi1 ' ii ii'HTiiiml win iiir i i i i , it nf-ii i' 1 "n 1 -,,,., n . !- i " " '" - i- - FINANCIAL NEWS i " " -i - i-. i i -- - -- ' UNCERTAINTY AND INDECISION MARK TRADING IN STOCKS THROUGHOUT DAY Business on Floor Hangs; Fire Until Fitjl Comprehension of Mexican Situationflbtained Inspiration Copper Fa"ils to RespofM'to Increased Dividend High Points in Today's Financial News Reorganization of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad authorised by Missouri Publie Service Commission. Inspiration Copper increased rft'ut dend, declaring ,?2 for quarter against $LS5 initial on March 23. All mini mum prices removed from Montreal Stock Exchange tomorrow. $4,600,000 in gold arrived in New York from Canada. Bank of France showed increase in gold holdings as did Hank of England. Price of bar silver higher in New York and London. Temporary certificates for common and preferred stock of Acme Tea Company, Inc., admitted to trading in unlisted department of Philadelphia Exchange. NEW YORK, Juno 22. The trading1 on tho stock mnrkct tliroiiRlioiit tho tiny waa marked by uncer talnty and Indecision, both In regnrd to the character of tho trading and tho bjiccu lattvo mood. According- to watchful room traders, business on tho door was hang ing: Ire until a full comprehension could bo obtained of the Mexican situation. Tho metal stocks continued to bo Influenced by declines In trndo quotations, with American Zinc pressed for sale and selling down to the lowest prlco touched sinco tho books closed for tho pieferrcd stock dividend. At times bullish demonstrations were mado in tho railway Issues and somo of tho leading Industrials', but theso movements wero not sustained and dooscd as soon as any realizing efforts were apparent, Tho speculative clement was gener ally at a loss as to what position to take. Stocks, which wero sold heavily for short account, mado sharp advances, as in Uio case of Mexican I'otroleum, whllo others in which bullish ventures wore mado receded abruptly after model ato upturns. Tho lack of response to the declaration of tho Increased dividend on Inspira tion Coppor could hardly liavo been called disappointing. Tho Increased dividends on Utah Copper, Kennccott and Chlno wore followed by Just tho samo Indifference on tho part of buyers, and thoso stocks today wero established at now low levels slnco tho Increased dividends wero declared. Intorests concerned In tho manage ment of these companies Insist that their present rovonuea cannot bo affected by current trado quotations, as their output Has been nearly all disposed of on futuro contracts extending up to tho end of tho year. Third Avenuo was exceptionally strong, as it has been slnco Prosldent "Whlt rtdgo returned from Europe Today It advanced moro than 3 points, selling abovo 68, with tho buyors basing tholr operations on what they regarded as posltlvo Information that tho stock would bo put on a 6 per cent, basis in January. That la a long way off, but Third Avenuo Is noted for discarding favorablo events far into tho future Now Haven waa also In good demand, with an advanco accompanied by pro motions of somo pending developments. It majr bo that tho movement waa con nected with tho expectation of somo announcement In regard to tho disposition of tho company's trolley lines. Industrial Alsohol waa weakest of tho specialties, lolling 4 points, but such wldo movements are not unusual In this stock. St. Louis and Snn Francisco llailroad to Be Reorganized NEW YORK, Juno 22. Tho reorganization managers of tho St. Louh and San TTrancIsco Railroad announce that tho Tubllc Scrvico Commission of Missouri, by order entered June 10 and accepted by tho reorganization managers, has authorized tho rcftrganlzatlon of tho St. llouis and San Francisco Railroad through a Missouri corporation, to bo formed for tho purpose. Tho now mortgages aro being prepared and tho now securities will bo Issued soon. Inspiration Copper Increases Dividend NEW YORK, Juno 22. Tho Inspiration Copper Company has declared a quar terly dividend of $2 a share, payable July 31 to stock of record July 14. This divi dend of $2 a. share compares with tho initial dividend of $1.25 declared March 23. Sullivan Machinery Extra Dividend BOSTON, Juno, 22. Tho Sullivan Machinery Company declared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent, and an extra dividend of 1 per cent., payable July 15, to stock of record July 1. Books closo July 1 to July 15, Inclusive. Baltimore and Ohio Sells $5,000,000 Equipment Certificates NEW YORK, Juno 22. Spoyor & Co. and Kuhn. Loeb & Co. announco that $5,000,000 Baltimore and Ohio 4 per cent, equipment certificates, which wero offered by them this morning, have all been sold. Tho certificates mature annually during 10 yeara. ' $4,600,000 More Gold Arrives From Canada NEW YORK, Juno 22. Gold to tho amount of J4.600.000 has boon received from Canada and deposited at tho Assay Ofllco for tho account of J. P. Morgan A Co. Thla brlng3 tho total on tho present movement up to $71,140,000. ainimum Prices on Montreal Stock Exchanue Disappear Tomorrow MONTREAL, June 22. On tho Montreal Stock Exchange tomorrow all prlco mlnlmums will disappear and tho last vcstlgo of tho protection felt necessary against posslblo disturbance when tho European war started will vanish. WHEAT ENDS LOWER; MOVEMENT IRREGULA Better Weather Gives Market Easy Start, but Predictions of Showers Turn Sentiment GRAIN BELT trEATIiER FORECAST. CHICAGO, Juno 23. Tho wrathrr fore cast for 36 boar follows! Iirinols Shower nnd probably thunder storms tonlcht and Frldari warmer tonisht. Missouri Unsettled tonlcht and FrlUayi probably thunderstorms! warmer tonlchtt cooler 'Krfdar Wisconsin Showers tonlcht and Friday! warmer. - Minnesota Rain and possibly thunder storms tonlcht and Friday! warmer south east tonlxht! rooler southwest Friday. Iowa Unsettled tonlcht and Friday! prob ably thunder showers! warmer east tonlcht! cooler west Friday. North Dakota Probably ruin tonlcht and sTrldoyi rooler. South Dakota rrobably rain tonlcht and Viridaxs rooter tonlcht. Nebraska Unsettled tonlcht and Friday probably thunder showers! eoolrr tonlcht and Friday. Kansas Generally fair tonlcht and Frl- lay, preeeded by thunder showers this after doou or tonlcht. CHICAGO, Juno 22. Wheat again moved hTejrularly today, finishing lower, but above the bottom. Beter weather gave the mar ket an easy start, but official predictions for showers turned sentiment later, and prices sold above yesterday's close, the selling having been overdone. On the rise there was a great deal of liquidation, which more than took care of a, demand from shorts, who had been stam peded, and all other wants. There were export orders in the market, but bids ap peared to be out of line. A leading commission house called atten tion to the fact that there had been sales of 5,000,000 bushels of Manitoba in the last few days to be shipped abroad at the rate of 1,00,000 bushels a month. Interior receipts were large. The mar ket at Liverpool displayed heaviness be cause of the fact that Argentina, Australia, India, Canada and the United States have reserves sufficient to supply tho United Kingdom for 12 months. There was a further recession in Atlantlo freight rates and the Inquiry from the Continent was not urgent. Com finished easier after having de veloped considerable strength on Indications, of showers. Moisture was not looked upon as favorable. In vlev of the receqt long continued rains and cold nights. The mar ket at Liverpool was dull but steadier. Oats ranged higher, but did not retain all the sain. Expectations of a demand from the United States' army and the heavy re quirements of importers abroad were In fluences. leading futurea ranced as follows: ys day's Wheat Open. Hfgh Low Close clow. July ... lOi l.OJft 1-02HT1 O-'Ji'l OJU sptmbr huh i ouy, t.ocSh mui.us6 DSitatSr . t.OStf lOSK 1.08 ilWKfl.OsS eorn mew atnvryj -imy - .... gz? ?z Beptember . December . Kt Jali . . .. September .. 33 December . . W Lard- fuly 1S.12 Mnber ..IS 30 JoJyfrT. ...10 September ..13. 7? July 21.80 September . 21.05 at. tAsiKd. 74V1 T3W 73Ji 734 73(i 72 1SK Blii 3K 3S tug a a -is 13 13 13, aa 13.8.1 13.75 St.K! 2I.JT 39 39 V 4 13.07 '18.0T -13.17 13,20 13.!0 113.33 13.57 tl3.60-;13 67 J3.03 13.67 113.37 31.80 m.30 24.(13 23,67 21.M t2M5 BAR SILVER la London bar sliver we nuotird at 31d, to Jr. aa daoi t W84. ... CouHuetuUt lr Jhr was quoted la Ns stk lata We. a ta et c I New York Bond Sales Men, Low. Close. ?HP0 Albany i. sus .Via... 83H 8M4 83H k; Alask.1 Gold cv lis lu.' 1UJ 1U2 10UU do deb .13 U7V, D7Vj 7 W1U00 Anolo-Krench Its . . ,. . & uag usft JHHH $mer ,Hld0, 6a...luJ. ll).l4 K)3j! lOUU Amer Ira lis B74i 87 871 10000 Amcr Tel clt Is uijj ui 81$, 10U0 Armour Co 41s ti3$ II3H U3H SOUU Atchison ten s ..... M ii, 113 Z3UU0 Atchison adj -Is 85 Hi'l tUK 100U Atchison cv -Is 10tl0.,lui lui lei 10000 do clt 4s (ill bit Ml) 28000 do -Is 1)1 UO'I 91 40UO docv-lVis ..5 U5 05 uooo do Swn JH uH tioti tioVi 2000 Both Kti-ol ,H a. '. "inii iYn in" SHRH JirooK T5a 1U18...100J, 100J1 100 2'!U IJrook Un Qas 1st as.ioavj 1004 106 BUOOO Can Gov s 1021 93Ti ou't 1111 3000 do 4s 19J0 90ti OUti llO'i 3""" do 4, 1031 .. ...'... .1005 100 " 100 ' 5000 O C C cen 4s 80H SOU SOW 400U C C C & St L 5s. . . . OtS Ul2 II4?J 10(10 Cal Qas Si Kleo 5s . . Vlil nK 75i 2000 Sanada South 5s I02I 102K l(i.'I loooo Chill Copper 7s 1274 12? I27U 2000 Chea Ic Ohio 4 Vis U0 0074 iio 1000 do 5s 105 103VJ lwfi 25000 Chi & Alton 3Ha . 40! 40 40? 2000 Chi Ut West 4a 70 70 70V, 2000 Chi & Nwn 3Wa .... 81 811 8l3 60000 c a & q joint 4s ...I ml os osvj 2000 do re 4s ......... 97VJ li7Vi 07V 2000 do III 4s 95H 95V, 05V, 5000 do rfd 4Vs U3Vj 03il 03V, SUOOO C It 1 1 ft V rfd 4.... 75 73 75V? 203000 do 5s 03 G2i H2'I 101000 do ct 1st sta 5!i 30V, 501 rSnH V,S5 Hn.Ma 1"' "OH 104 5000 Col 4 Bouth 4Via .... 8tH 81. 84K 13000 Con Gas conv s 122 12- 122 14000 do rfd 5s 70VS 70 70 2000 Detroit Edison 5s 1033. Wit 102H lo.'i H0OO Dls Seo Corp 5s ... 77 77"! 77 27000 Urlo conv 4s Her D.. 83H 85 85V lOOO Gen Eleo deb 5s ....lot 104 104 2000 lit Steel deb -IVia.,... 00 ou So 8000 Indiana Bteel 5s... ...102 10254 102V, 2000 Interb Jlet 4V4s 74'i 74'! 748 31000 Interb 1 T ret 5s list! uhvS i'ByJ 6000 Intern! Paper cvt 5s . 02 Hill 9" 38000 KCFI8 ill 4s 7H 7u'J ?3Vi 4000 Kan City bo 5s 01 01 01 4000 ILka Steel 5s 1023... 0'Ji 001 091 10000 Laclede Gas 1st 5s.. .101V4 10l2 lol2 3000 Lake Shore Ken 3'4.. 81?, 84(J 84Vi ISHS Jh VatrtRcon4V,a.loOn lfiu" loo1 2000 Louis ft Nash 4s OIVJ OiVi 04V1 5000 Manhattan sta 4s , 91 j 01 Si" 10000 Jlln St I S S 51 4s..;. 03Vs 03 03 8000 Mo Kan ft T 1st 4s..J 75 75 76 0000 do 24 4a ..,...:;; 47 4?n 29000 do 4 iia ..:::.:::: 3 Jb5 Va 10000 do 6 :: 70 70 70 1000 do ex t -Is 47 47 47 loou Nassau Eleo 4s 75 75 75 2000 Nat Tuba 5s 10074 1007, 10074 iooo srctii Os. .. llsS llL'S 112 14000 do 4s 91 01 91 1000 do 4's s 931 031 03i 1000 N Y C ft St I. 1st U 03 05 93 3S000 N X City 4s 1036 100 100 100 2000 do 4s 193T ,10054 lOOii 100V1 1000 N Y O II ft P 4s . .. 83 Mil 855 1000 NYNllill Hs... ;iIJ 112! llji! 10000 N Y Rwy adJ 5s,;... 67! 57? 57 64000 N Y Tel gen 45,s..;.. 08'1 08H Osij 1000 N Y W t?ft H 45ss:.. 74IJ 7fJ 74!s 6000 Norf ft West cvt 4V4s,J31 131 131 3000 do 4s j,,1,,: 03 93 93 30O0 Nor Pao prior 4s,::L:: 02 0.' 02 oou jio sen 3s ......... aa tin Aa 3000 do rea 4s 91 91 91 5000 Ora ft W n ft N is., 8IK 841 844 60OU Ore ft Cal 5s . ...IlOl 1011 10l2 OOOO Pao Coast 1st 5s 98VJ 984 98W loom) Pacific Tel 5s . ..., 10054 lOOji 10054 1000 Penna can ct 4Hs ...1011 101H 0t4 25000 I'ubllo Serv N J 5s . . 02 911 92 30000 Keadlns KM 4s . . .. 9554 93'! 9354 10000 Jim Ir ft S 5s . . .. 9Vi 9851 9854 11000 Hlo Or A W clt U .. 65 65 65 10000 Ily Stl Springs 5s '31. 97 97 97 5000 at l i m ft 3 alt 4s. . 0954 0954 r.954 SOOO tit L ft 8 r gep ct 4s. . 71U 7lV 7151 IOOO do rfd Ct sta 41 . . 7552 731 75 1 2700(1 do Sr A w 1 .. .. 70 70, 7U 9000 Seaboard A I, adJ 5s. A7( 67 67 10000 South. BU Gs 1004 100K 1001 IOOO South Pac cv 4s ... 88 88 83 soon do cv ret f p 6s ..l04i iolH 1014 15000 do rfd 41 . 90 90 90 25000 South Itwy sen 4 71 7054 71 3000 do con 6s 10154 10154 10154 1000 Teiaa ft Pa 1st Ss.. 07 07 97 40000 Third At adi 5s ... 80 7954 794 300(1 Toklo 5 77K 77 77 4000 Tol Po ft W 4s. .. 8(5. 545! 3454 SOOO V 8 Oovt 3s .... 10054 ioo 10044 132000 V S Steel 8 F 6s 105 104K 103 3000 Vntaa IVtiflC 1st 4.S S6V, 9V( 9654 6000 4)iv 4 ... V37i 93 93K lOOQ Vn Rwy S V 4s . 325 32 (1 3254 20Z Wabash 1st 5 10j 104 10lS New tork Stock Sales t.sst close, lltch. Low. Cloe. Advance Rumilr.i 10H 10 15!f W, Ali.li tlnl.t t UK WU RU Rt AliKla OnM Mini 20 20J Allls-ChiilmcM Mfg 25 23)4 Allli-OMfg pf,, ., ,.., R2 8U4 Am vk Chcm pf 08H 03!( Am licet Sugar S8H 88 Am USA Fpf 1745, 175 Am Can...... 55 55 AmCanpf 110 109U 109)4 109)4 AmCat&Fdy 57 57Jf 57 67 AmCar&Fdypf H854 110J4 110?f 11054 Am Coal Product H4!4 110 141)4 145J4 Am Cotlon Oil 54 51 Am KKDresj 12" 120 Am Hldo & Ijpf 49'f 50 Am Ice Seeutltlei 28)4 28)4 Am Unseed 20!f 21. Am Linseed pf 40!f 40! Am I)comotlvo 00)4 0954 Am Smelt & Hat 93)4 03S Am Smelt & II pf 112 111 Am Smelt pf A 03X 93'f Am Slecl Foumltlcj 49X. 4fl!f Am Sugar ItcflnlntC 110)4 110U 10))4 103)4 Am Tel & Tel li!0)4 l.)34 1.10H 130Jf Am Tobicco 20574 20 1 20 1 20 1 Am Woolen 43!f 43f 43'f 43'f Am Zinc L & Sm 43 43J4 41 Am Z L & 8 pf aVl 0.')!4 01 Anaconda Cop M 81'4 S2'f 8054 AtchTop&SF 101)4 101)4 101)4 Atch T & S V of 101 101 101 All Coast Lino 114 111 lit nald Loco Wks 81J4 MH llald Ijoco Wks pf 101 101 Halt & Ohio K'J)4 89 Halt & Ohlopf 70)4 70'f IJafoplln Minim 1)4 I '4 Iletlilchem Steel 438 435 Drooklvn Itap Tr 85)4 80)1 llutto & Superior 01 OS Cal Petroloum 19)4 19 8)4 20)4 23)4 81)4 OS'f 80)f 175 5154 61 125 49)4 28)4 20'4 45 03SJ 92)4 HI 01W 47'f 8)4 20)4 25)4 81)4 08) S1H 175 5134 61 120 50 28)4 20)4 40'f 0854 93)4 111 03N 17' t v0)4 101 83H 7054 1)4 435 80 0554 18'4 Canadian Pacific 175)4 1754 175 Central Leather 63)4 64)4 Chandler Motor ....112 113 Ches & Ohio 02 02)4 Chllo Coppor 2051 2054 Chlno Coppot 4Tf 4954 Chicago Qrcat West 12)4 12)4 Chi Great West pf 30'4 37)4 Chi Mil & St Paul 07'4 07)4 ChlM&Stl'pf 130 130 Chi & Northwestern ....129)4 129 Chi It I & Pac 2H4 2454 Cluott.Poa & Co 7354 74 Col Filol & iron 1154 4154 Col & Southern 35 ' 32 Continental Can 9954 100 Corn Troducts Itof 1054 19)4 Corn Prod Kef pf 90 00 Cruclblo Steel 80)4 80 Crucible- Stool pf 11414 114 Decroi Co pf 0154' 0154 uonvcr mo ur 15 11 Dn & Hlo Or pf mi -n't Detroit United Ilys 110 115 Distill Soo Corp'n 4 1!4 1 1)4 Erlo , 364 3054 Erlolstpf 52)4 52)4 Erie 2d nf u ,n Ocn Chemical pf 1155 11354 11354 111)4 ocneral Klectrlc 10S 108 10,54 108 Goodrich U F 7.154 7554 7154 7fl)j urantiy Consol 81 88 88 Grecne-Cananoa ll4 41 40 Great Northern pf- 120)4 12054 120)4 G N rfs for oro prop . . 3054 30)4 3054 Gulf States Steol b0)4 8-1 c3?4 Onlf Statos S 2d pf . . . . 5)9)4 90 00 53)4 112 0154 20!4 4S54 123S 3054 0754 130 129 22)4 73 4054 32 U9 19 00 78 41 04 8034 10IX 101 114 81)4 104 88)4 7054 154 435 80)4 05)4 19 176 64 112 0134 20"f 48'4 123. 3711 !754 130 129 124 7354 41'i 32 01) 1954 00 7854 llllnoU Cent 11354 III 01)4 0154 14 14 30 30 1144 1U54 43)4 44 305J 3054 52 5254 43 43 88 4054 120)4 30)4 83)4 00 .10154 10454 10154 10454 Int Agricultural pf 524 5034 4954 4954 Int llarv Corp'n 81 80 80 80 Int ConCor v tcsh.... 1754 17)4 17f 17f Int Paper 1134 1154 1154 1154 Int Paper pf 5054 5054 60'4 6054 InspConCop 4854 4854 484 48)4 Int Nlclfol v t cfs 40 45)4 4554 4654 IntMMdofdep 2-1 21 2354 23J4 IntMMpfcofdp 0234 03)4 9054 93 Jewel Tea 8-1 8314 S3 83 Kan City Southern 2554 20 20 20 Kan City South pf GO 00)4 00'4 G0'4 Knvscr J .'; Co 9854 i)')54 '.' !i7 Kelly Spring Tiro 7254 71 71 71 Kennccott Copper 4754 4S'j K'j -in Lack Steel Co GO OS54 17 a 0754 Lehigh Valley 7054 8054 70)4 MJ Lako Erlo & West 2054 20 20 20 LakoErlo&Wpf 44 43 4254 43 Leo Hubber Tiro 40 4954 4S54 4854 Liggett & Mj era 250 251 251 251 Long Island 37)4 3754 37 3754 Maxwell Motors 84 81lf 83 83 Max Motors 1st pf 8054 b7tf 8754 8754 Max Motors 2d pf 57)4 57 57 57 May Dept Stores 03 62 02 02 Mexican Petroloum 0854 07)4 .0054 07 Miami Copper 315. 35 3154 1154 Minn St P A 3 3 M ....12054 12054 12054 12054 Mo Kan & Texas 434 Missouri Pacific , Mo Pac tr cfs. . Nat Cloak & Suit Nat Enam & 3 Co Nat Lead Co. 7 7 75 2454 00 434 VJ4 754 7054 2154 05 454 7 054 '054 21 05 Nov Con Cop 104J.10J4 1034 434 7 054 7034 24 05 1054 New York Air Brake.. ..133 TfVXiJ ,133 133 NYNH&II 0154 0314 0154 0154 Now York Central 101)4 10154 10354 10334 N Y 0 & West 2054 27 2034 2054 Norfolk & Western 130)4 131 130)4 13054 North American 6654 GO 00 CO Northern Pacillc 11354 113 113 113 Ontario Silver Mln 7 034 054 054 Penn Railroad 5754 5734 5754 5754 People's Gas Chi 10134 102 102 102 Pressed S Car Co -1854 4S54 47)4 4755 Pullman Co 10354 10354 lOt 103 Hay Con Copper 2154 2154 2054 20'4 Heading 10134 10134 10054 10054 Heading 2d pf 45 4554 4554 4554 nepubllc iron & S 4554 4554 4554 4554 Republic I & S pf 10754 10754 10754 107)4 Soars. Roe & Co 183 183 183 183 SnatArtzCop 3154 3154 Southern Pacific 0054 0G54 Southern Ry 22)4 22)4 Southern Ry pf 0854 OS Studebaker Co 138)4 139 Tenn Coppor 4154 4454 Texas uo 18-1 180 Texas Pacific Third Avenuo Tol St L & W pf.... Union Bag & Paper. Union Hag & P pr . . Union Pacific. Union Pacific pf U S Ind Alcohol . . 31 31 9054 0054 2254 22)4 OS OS 137)4 133 4054 41)4 1S154 181)4 13(4 1354 05J4 G754 1214 1254 5'4 554 324 3254 135 130 o24 8254 140)4 147 1354 1354 ..0454 0854 . 13)4 124 . 554 5'4 . 32)4 3254 .135" i 137 . 82)4 82)4 .154)4 154 United Fruit 105 10054 101)4 100 UuRysInvCopf 18)4 1854 1854 1854 U S Rubber 5254 5254 5254 5254 U S Rubber 1st pf 10954 10954 1095a 10954 U S Steel Corp'n 83)4 8454 35i 83)4 US Steel Corp'n pf 117)4 117)4 117)4 11751 USSmlt&M 70 0934 0S)4 C054 USSIl&Mpf 60 60)4 5014 50)4 Utah Copper 7054 7054 7554 7054 Va-Caro Chem 42 4054 4054 t054 Wabash 1354 1334 1354 133 Wabash pf A 48)4 4834 48)4 4S)4 Wabash pf U ...2754 2754 27 2754 Wells Fargo Exp 133 131 130J4 130)4 West Union Tel..,, 03)4 93)4 9254 9J54 WestK&M 69 60 5854 6854 Wheel & h E 1st pf 14 11 14 14 Willjs Overland 280 180 2c5 2o5 Willys Overland pf 10834 107 107 107 Financial Briefs May net earnings of the Oklahoma Pro ducing: and Refining Company were approx imately (75,000, or at a rate of 1225,000 a quarter. This is six times the dividend requirements on the J 1.500,000 capital out standing. At the present rate of 2U per cent, quarterly, June earnings are expected to exceed those of May, owing to Increased production. David St. Miller, for some years past con nected with Francis Ralston Welsh, has be come associated with Robert W, Daniel The New York Subtreasury lost 18,128.000 to the banks on Wednesday, and since Fri day lost 12B,993,000: Andrew Hoyt has been elected a member of the New York Stock Exchange. George C. Thomas, who recently bought the seat of the late Edward F. Slaypack, has been proposed for membership in the Exchange. Announcement is made by the Chicago Elevated Railways of an extension plan af fecting tbe two-year 6 per cent, secured gold notes issued July 1, 1914. It is 'designed to extend maturity to July 1, 1919, under an arrangement whereby interest Is to be Increased to 6 per cent., with flE cash to be paid In respect of each (000 face value of extended notes. The National City Bank, of New York, is depository under the plan. Next Monday the petition of the Fearon comrnlttee of the Wabash-Plttsburgh Ter minal Railroad bondholders will be heard by Judge. Orr, In the Federal District Court, at Pittsburgh. The petitioners objected to the reduction In the upset price urged by the majority bondholders committee for the oreeJua saI. ' TONE IS VARIABLE ON NEW YORK CURB Public Interest Lacking Prices Are Generally Lower Okla homa Oil Active NEAV YORK, Juno 22. Tho market tone on the Broad Street Curb wna extremely variable throughout tho day, with price movements In most cases following tho lend of tho Important Issues on tho stock ex change Public Interest was lacking nnd thcro was little effort mado by lending operators or pools to force ImpdTlnnt move ments, nnd in consequenco business vns to n great extent of n. drifting charnctcr, with lower lovela gcncrnlly In vordcr. Speclnl developments In tho ol fields wero Incentives for trndlng on a lnrgo Bcnlo, with Oklahoma Producing nnd Re fining, nctlve, Belling ns high ns 8W. Other oil stock"!, however, wero In Blight demand nnd yielded under stnnU sales. There was some wldo fluctuations In tho motor stocks, Chevrolet ndvnnelng from 221 to 230, but losing this gain In tho afternoon. Metropolitan I'otroleum wis directly In fluenced by tho Mexican situation nnd Bold down more than 1 point, nnd declines wcto noled in Sinclair OH ntid United Western. Zlno stocks followed tho load of tho stocks In tho s.imo class on tho Exchange, with tho new United Zlno falling from 8 Mi to 8. Llttlo attention wns paid to United Motors, apparent ayndlcatti manipulation Jielng about tho only trading In that slock. INDUSTRIALS. , . Armo Tm, 61 BJ Aotna Exnlcislvxs 17V4 n't AJax RubW Tlrs OS 0754 Amorlcan llrltlsh Mts B., 10 American Marconi 34 , Atlantic! (lulf and W I na54 0154 Atlantlo Uulf and W I pret no C8 Canadian Car Co , ,115 TO Canadian Car and Fdjr pref 83 ST Chevrolet Motors 221. 2-7 Cuba Csno Hunar ST54 OS Curtlss Aoroplatio I 'J nil Ilrlcirs-Ssatiury 12T 132 nisonlohr Tobacco in -til Clsenlohr Tobacco prof OS I'll) UmtMon lMionottrnph 1?!4 13, Klomtah-I.ynn :,U ill Haskell & llarkor Car .wi H'i Hindoo Mfp 2.1 28 Inter Mr .Marino ....., J I -' do vlil 01 nil Kathodlon Mronzi ptd 2U 2T Maxim Munitions , !i n"i Manhattan Transfer 1 H Mldvals Steel , fir.1; Ill Otis IJIovator r7 t.o I'oerUss Motors VII -Ml Perlmnn Him .,130 13.1 l'oolo i:n , 1 1 "i 120 S 3 KreiKo w I loVj It,, Standard Motors T T4 Submarine Boat BH'4 .174 Stutx Motor B1'. BIH Trlanaio Tllm 2$ 3 United Prom Sliarlnir U 1 United Motors 7.VI 71 U S I, A II com lift 3(i do rfd i: it's White .Motors Br. B7U World Tllm 'J l(s STANDARD Oil, STOCKS. Illinois inn ir.3 Ohio t;- -- Prnlrio Plr Mill '-'1H S O of r.illfornlA lmk lmo H O of New .Icney .".'."J Mil S O of Nvv York 2U7 2US otiii:h on, stocks. Coiden & To 2rt Eft's Chalmeri Oil I 8 Inter Petrol lo'.s ini Houston Oil 11 IT Mldweit Itef 03 III Sapulpa ItcC mi 12 MININO STOCKS. Atlanta 11 13 nutto Copper & Zinc fi'4 n Hullo N V 'J 2t4 Orro do Pasco .Ti .lit Tlrst National I t'4 Ooldfleld Mercer 8 1" Hecla Mining B li'n IIowo Sound Ivt t Jim Duller (in nj Jumbo Intension 80 8'J McKlnley D.irrnh no BS Magma Copper lPi l.vi Mines Co of America 2'4 21i NIplsslnR 7 7 San Toy IS 111 St Joseph Lead , IB'4 HI Wlto Uilc !.- OS Cerro 03 Ill' 111 I10ND3. Chesapeake & Ohio Bs nl m Mldvalo Ba tilUi UO'i FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Juno 22. The featuro of the foreign exchange market In tho first hour of business today was a decllno In relchrmnrks of ',ic. from Wednesday's final figure to 71 nnd 74. Tho decline on the movement In the last two weeks Is 2c. I.lro showed increasing f.rmness, whllo a lower tendency developed In Swiss nnd Scandina vian exchange. Sterling nnd francs wero steady without particular change. Quota tions: Demand sterling, 4.7Gi41.7B 13-16; cables, 4.70 V4 ; franc, cables, 0.01; checks, 5.91V4: Uio. cables, G.35',4 ; checks, 6 3G ; Swiss cables, C20',4; checks, G 27 ; pesetas, 20.15 and 20.30; Vienna. 12.80 nnd 12.83; Stockholm, 28 and 28.25; guilders, 1 41; rubles, 30.60 and 30.65. Tho market continued fairly active after tho opening call, with further liquidation by longs. Thero was nothing In tho way of fresh market nows to stimulate trad ing on tho long sldo, with weaker Bra zilian cables and receipts at primary ports running full. The local spot market showod an improvement in demand, with prices, however, unchanged at O'.ic for Rio No. 7. Around midday francs Improved about yt, to 5.00 for cables and 5.01 for checks. Ilelschmarks shaded to 71 and 7474. Sterling was unchanged. Tho other market wa3 dull but steady. iUtes for money Call. New York 1H!$4 Philadelphia 3'i Iloston Chicago 3H4 Time. 3 W4'l :i4 4 44 4 04t5 BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearings today compared with corre sponding day last two jears: 1010. 1015. 1014. Iloston ....J31.145.L'2T $21,837,711 22.0I8,694 Phllada. . . .J10.tlTS.U4ll $'.II.IIJJ,UI Jl'I.BIIT.li::.'! New York .. 4110,138.4211 2U0.O1I.1M l'll!l,:ir,8,ll84 Chicago 0.1.11(14, 2.111 4II.T.-.O.MI7 Bl. 484 201 St. Louis ... 1I1.85D.10T 11 388.83S 10.U01.7Ml lialtlmoro .. U.0UB.133 S.U31.I0S 5,000,422 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Central and Southern regular quarterly of 1V4 American Telegraph. ier rinr July b to stock of record June 30, MYlrAn TelecraDh terly of 2V4 per cent., per ne 2 Company, cent., paya $)le reiMilsif. mini. payabla July 15 to stock r,t PAnrrl .llinn SO. lTnftH Firemen's Insurance Cnmnanv ml, annual of 4 per cent., payable June 30 to stock of record June 21. JtepuDUO Jiai.way nna mr ular quarterly 1H .per cent. uism LumDanv. rexr. snt. on the nreferrnil July 15 to stock ot record stock, nayable June su. Temple Coal Company, quarterly of 2 per cent, on the preferred stock, payable July 10, to stockholders of record July 1. Wells l'argo & Co.. regular semiannual 3 per cent., payable July IS to stock of record July 3. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, regular quarterly 2 per cent, on preferred, payable July 15 to stock of record June 30. Interstate Mallwais Company, regular semi annual 3 per cent, on preferred payable July I to stock of record June 2J. Hooks close June !3 and rennen July 1. - .: .'---." -...i-, t. , . iwuoitai wanit, regular semian- Merchants' nual 4 per cent, rei-ird June 244 payable June 30 to holders ot Kenslnaton Trust Company, regular aAmtnn. nual of 3 per cent,, 'payable June 30 to stock of record June 15. RAILROAD EARNINGS TOLEDO, ST, LOUI3 AND WESTERN. 4 1018 Increase. Second week June ..... J 1 IB, 5.1 1 1 15.237 From July 1 5.327.U01 000.742 LEHiail VALLEY May gross 4,318.Bis Net ................ 1,4112.337 11 months' gross,.,,.,, 43.1538j.-j Net ,... 18,000,127 1473.343 00,705 4,21)2,71.. 1,530,427 English Bank Statement LONDON, June 22. -The weekly state ment of tha Bank of England shows the following changes! Total reserve 44,942, 000, Increase 270,000; circulation, 35.213, 000, decrease 140,000 j bullion 61,707,000, Increase 134,000; other securities 73,382, 000, Increase 2,680,000; other deposits 91, 549,000, increase 4,008,000; public deposits 51,200,000, decrease 1,064.000; Govern ment securities 42,187.000, unchanged. The proportion of rti'e bank's reserve to liabilities U now 31.60 per cent, against 31.90 per cent last week and compares with a decline of from 19 M per cent, to 18 per cent In 'this, week' last year.' Clearings through the London banks for the week were 275,070. 000, against 290,370,000 last week and 236,438.000 thla week last year. Bank of France Cains Gold PARIS, June SJ.-r-The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows an Increase in gold of 6,410.000 franca and a, decrease Sales in Philadelphia 20 llald Loco . ... 63 .50 Hurt A Sus pfd. 07., lBO JO llrlll ,,..,, 80 25 iJlea Btorngo 03., BO Urle .......... ,10 V, 10 Ins Co.N Am.. 20K 100 Henna Cop . .,. 48 0S Luke Sun Corp. lyjt 138 Lehigh Nav ... 70 W 2J Lehigh Valley ( 80.. B0 North Central.. 88"j BS8 l'enna It II B8 31 Ta Steel pref .. W8 2B l'hla Co.., .... 40 mil rhlia i;iec,,,., 21) 2uii i" it t tr ctrs.. 250 Heading B0 Tenn Cop .... 723 Tonopah He! 1(10 Tonopah Mln.. B Union Trnctlnn 7 United (Ul Imp 80 2530 tf ,H Ktcel .... 84 U ,1() Warwick I A H l)Vi 3 WJ I Seashoro 40 Nt ifiant 2 154 iW ' oa!4 Low. clo lU 03t i ojjt M xoj soK io?! lojl 8 8 08 40 40 vj,' 28H 20.. H i ir io!" -) 2 42 42., 2 4 II 43 43 80. 89 ... mj OH 0W ' 40 40 10 . 42 Toinl sales, (1821) shares, compared wllU i'-SSJ slinres reslerdart thus far this week, 80,720 share si same period Inst week, 03,030 shares, . . . "V il:ij 110NDS. jsono Am o & n.Bt.. if? Iooo city 4S 1041 rit.loln 'JOIIO do 11)43 rea-.. 101 100(1 do 1IM2 rc...101 1000 Hlo I'm Tr 4s 80H 4000 )".iu III das Cs 100 1000 Hariri llleo 0s 102H iuuo iniersia uyn 4s. 01 liiuu KojrTel 1st ns. . .: luiin i, .M cons 4V)S 1000 do Ren 4s . 11000 do cons 0a o 111)00 do reg 110 Innnt) rin 1st Bs . . .104 0000 Pa Co gen 4Un.ioi,.i 1000 do cons 4MB. 103. 2UO0O 1 W II t o 4s. IWW iuuu I'nnn 1'iieO' is. . no Iftnil llmHIni. prtn Am IIT.1 1000 Htand ft & II lis' 100 1 2000 WelsbaPh Co Bs P8fi 1000 WfffM's gn 4s 81W Votal sales, S78.10O.. eompart.l with 807.350 setierunri iuuu xnr mm weem vovw iwriou Net Low. CIom, chanjee tils tils ink 07 07 m m rii now un' A0' 101H lulW 'i 1U5 105., .. o 0014 ' mv Bn.i S H.ilJ 06(4 ht i ioo log 4 ....,,. nfti HH't - u 84 iW ;yi thus, far this wi last week, 8250,003. Local Bid and Asked Uuffalo A Busq t c. uo pret i o urui j k Ilaldwln do pref Cambria Steel.. . r.lectrlc Storage. Uoneral Asphalt. do prof Key Tel do t c i do pref Lake Sup Qprp l.oh Nnv . A. . . . . I, eh Volley l.eh Val Tr Pennsylvania oj7s I'hlla Kleo aH Phlla Co 40 do 5 per cent prer... j, ,tn rt nor rvnt nref... 40 Phlla II T t o .18' lleadlna- 101) Tonopah Bel Tonopah Mln Union Trac II (1 I ..... u H steel ... York llwy . . . do pfd . . . Win Cramp t Today's Testorday'o Did. Asked, wu. ASKea, rii uiva w-iTj 00 58 B7 B9 S5J 8 82 82W 84',4 83 ilOtVi 1011 10J 100 7?' vi re ?a uii A M $ 08 Oil. 08., CO , IU lOj 10H JOH , 75 76 "B4 70 70 i 80 it 71) Jt SO'i it i 214 21 S Ti 42. 43 42 44, 43 57 "i 07 J 01 28!a '2Sti 20 41 40 41 3D 38 89 I 4 111 40 4114 19 18'4 19 k looH loi'i loti.4 41, 14 '. 1 UMU ......... nti S OU bh ..I...... 43 43ll 43., 43' 831 8V4 R3li R4 ;; " ... i5i? in io., inn . I ! 374 3S 3714 .18 0 83 83 S3 85 LONDON STOCK MARKET Americans Sag and Lack Steadiness. MnrketB Aro Quiet, LONDON, Juno 22. There wns less activity In securities on tho.Stock Tchnnge todny nnd tho markets wero higher. Dull ness wns noted In gilt-edged section. Deal ings on tho exchange wero sanctioned In the 4,000,000 BH per cent, four to six year Australian Commonwealth loan, the under writing of which at par was completed. Americans sagged and steadiness was lacking, following the setbnek nt New York. Canadians were sluggish South American rails were quiet nnd mixed. Dealings In homo lines wero not brisk and tho group had a confused appearance. Under the lead of Russians, allied bonds wero cheerful. Further Russian credit bills wero offered and they were absorbed readily at 5 1-16 per cent. Spanish Issues wero dull In sympathy with Paris. Investment stocks wero nsslsted by the Govornmant's reduction in tho tax on un earned Incomes. London markets less active. Spot Wheat Quiet in Liverpool LIVERPOOL, June 22. Spot wheat was qutet today, with No, 2 hard winter quoted nt 9s ud unchanged ; No. 2 red winter. 9s 7d, unchanged ; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 10s Id, an advance of Id; No. 2 northern, Manitoba, 9s lOd, unchanged, nnd No 3 northern, Manitoba, 9s 8d, unchanged. Corn was quiet with American mixed quoted at 8s lid, unchanged, nnd Plato new at 9s Slid. Tinta Alegre Increases Capital DOVER. Del.. Juno 22. Tho Tlnta Alegre Sugar Company, of Boston, has Increased Its capital stock from $3,000,000 to $8,000,-000. No "What or Corn Off British Coast LONDON, Juno 22. No wheat cargoes were reported off coast this mornng- and none wero awaiting .orders. Other posi tions were dull No corn cargoes were re ported off coast and none wero awaiting orders. Other options wero dull. Provin cial markets wero weak. Condition of United States Treasury WASHINGTON, June 22. The condition of tho United States Treasury, according to a statement issued today, was as follows: Net balanco In general fund $117,365,980; total receipts. $01,225,998; total disburse ments, $44,007,580. Deficit for tho year, $10,775,800 exclusho of tho Panama canal and public debt transactions. Sugar Futurea Dull NEW YORK, June 22. Futures opened dull this moaning and 3 to 11 points lower, with sales on tha call 1250 tons. Condi tions in spot sugar were easier, which caused considerable early liquidation by trado interests. Spelter Prices Lower NEW YORK, June 22 Spelter prices continue to work lower, although no large volume of the metal Is being offered. Prices aro fractionally lower than yesterday, prime Western spelter East St. Loula being quoted at 12 to 12 H cents for spot, HVi cents for July and 1111 cents for August. It Is reported that sales of June spelter were made yesterday at 12 cents per pound. Fine Granulated Sugar Firm NEW YORK. June 22. Fine granulated was firm and unchanged today at 7.75c, 7.65c, and 7.30c, The last sale In spot Cuba raws was at 6.27c, a decline of 13 points from the opening of yesterday. Its J 11 U Sl Carefully, selected securities, of proved merit. Bend for Circular, IVJELLOR & PETRY Member. iWft8,&c,,,,w 316 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 16 SOUTH BROAD STREET DIVIDENDS. WEST PENN POWER COMPANY PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND NO. S. ' June 15, 1910. The Board of Directors of this Company has declared quarterly dividend No. 2 of ona and thiS-Fourtba per cent. (IK ) upon tha par value if IU seven per cent (75 Cumulative "referred Htw& payable on the 16tn day cf.Aujuit, luld. to 1 stockholders of record at the closa of business AUDlviaend'checki will be mailed to Stockholders on aw"" , a. swirr. is...... . ....., ,. ..., If. (. T D1BEOTOBY Ot ACCOPXTANT bextlflsa PubUe Aecouataata 1615 LAWaENCE E. BROWN CO. hicaCbhtatb -rmju-r umLpota . "ri- LOCAL EXCHANGE ADMITS ACME TEA ISSUES TO THE UNLISTED DEPARTMENT Trading Allowed in Temporary Certificates for Common and Preferred Stock Conditions in Steel Mar ket Quiet Light Trading in Stocks Announcement was made today that tem porary certificates for the first preferreil and common stocks of the Acmo Tea Com pany, Inc., had been admitted to trni ling In the Unlisted Department of the Philadel phia Stock Kxchange. Tho company re cently took over all of tho Acmo ntorcs in this city. . . , , Of the first preferred stock, which Is 7 per cent, cumulative, J2.7I50.O00 Is admitted and tho common admitted nmounts to J3, 600,000. The par nlue of each Is $100, full paid and nonassessable The transfer agents nre tho Pennsyhnnla Company for Insurances on Lives nnd Granting Annuities, of Philadelphia, and the Guaranty Trunt Company, of New York registrars, the Commercial Trust Company of Philadelphia, nnd the Chase National Bank, of New York. Philadelphia and New York certificates aro both a delivery. For tho preferred certif icates 97H was asked early In the day. Late In tho day BOH was bid for tho com mon. Steel trado r. .thorltles report quieter con ditions In tho markot and Borne producers stale that orders now coming to hand are slightly below the operating capacity nnd output at present Some of the business that was ponding a few weeks ago has been virtually withdrawn, It Is believed, as noth- Proa. Ing more has been heard from tt pcctlve consumers. m th " Ii generally believed' In the ir.j .t Ihta situation has been brought aW.'H affairs in Mexico, and that hwlUtiaJ1 ' bo expected until a clearer knOW ?' what Is to bo expected can b w V ef Tho point Is made, however, bv !0b.Ul.I,t principal Interests that even a rSSSi!.' ih tween this country and Me" Ico eln aVT the steel market only temporarily aM. the demand for steel Is likely .?, tht larger rather than smaller ,??'" the situation. rMult f Thero wag very little to discuss I .1 trading on the Ucal Stock ExchanA JU Traders on the floor and customers fi brokers' offices devoted much more atte lion to bulletins on the Mexican h.7.h than to tho trading In stocks, and eoi." nllAnllv tillAlntna -wan nn n ,,.., . ..wHe- Prices wero generally toward lower lew!." but tho losses, with the exception of Lthlex Valley, which waB off more than one twin? wero small or unchanged from the clots of yesterday. Lako Superior sold at the elmJ price aB last night's final early In the air but caBed off In tho afternoon, A wetir local Issue was Lehigh Navigation, which was off one. ' COTTON PRICES ADVANCE AFTER TAKING A DROP Covering by July Shorts and Bullish Southern Advices Cnuso Jump NEW YOrtK. Juno 22. Strength was shown on the Cotton Exchange at the open Ing this morning and prices roso I to 9 points. Spot houses purchased July nnd October nnd sold January. Somo of tho largest floor operators were good purchasers. Liverpool wan nctlve In tho market, selling October and December, but wns a good buyer of January. Wall street and commission houses took small amounts. Room traders sold on tho balance and after tho call they put out linos on which prices dropped 3 to 4 points before the end of the first 16 minutes. Tho setback from tho opening advance carried prlceH back to about last night's closing figures. Thcro was Southern sell ing of July, presumably realizing on long contracts, and considerable scattering Wall street liquidation, which may have reflected tho unsettled ruling of tho stock mnrket. Prices rallied In consequence, with July selling 7 points net higher after 11 o'clock, while later deliveries worked some 3 to 4 points net higher. 12m. 2 p.m. March . July ... October December January AURUSt Yes. close. Open 11 a.m. is. tin .13.5(1 . ls.nn . l.t.17 ...la.ni ...13.41 . . . I3.IU 13. ns 13 1U 13.3.1 13.41! 13.0.1 13.UI 13.35 1.1.40 13.01 12.00 13.13 13.2R 13.30 13.14 13.25 13..1I) 13.40 Spot 13.03 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Juno 22. There was a fair business dona In spot cotton today, with prices 7 points lower on tho basis of 8.22d. for mid-upland. Tho sales aggre gated 8000 bales, Including GOOO bales American. Tho imports were 13,000 bales, Including 11,000 bales American. Tho mar ket for futures closed easy nt a net ad vanco of 314 5V. points. "Mop" Note Deposits $17,000,000 NEW YORK. June 22. Deposits of Missouri Pacific 0 per cent notes for ex tension for six months, totnl $17,000,000. Thero nre $1,600,000 held abroad which have not yet been deposited, nnd the JfG.000.000 notes owned by the Gould estato have not been extended This nccounts for all the outstanding notes, with tho ex ception of 1273,000 which represent scat tered holdings nnd will, therefore, como in slowly. B.A o AY. PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES Public Service Securities are a lien on the success of communities. Municipal Service Co. 5 f Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. tjjThese bonds are amply ,secured Ly deposit or liratmtg. bonds to an amount greater than outstanding Municipal Ser vice bonds and a veryconsi Jerable equity in the stocks of the several subsidiaries. j The companies properties are located in Penna., Virginia, ( two ) Ohio, So. Carolina, Georgia, which insures the stability of earnings, which are largely in excess or required charges. Tax refund in Penna, FREE from normal Federal income tax. Becker Aylirvg S. bng Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia. NEW YORK COFFEE MAHKET NEW YORK, Juno 22. There wg t further reactionary tendency noted In th coffee market for futures at the outset thu morning, and first prices Bhowed declines of three to four points. Trading was mo4 erately active on the call with sales cf 8260 bags. Today's TeslerJirt openlni. closi, June 7.UJCJM July 7.83O7.00 TmBt'S August 8.00 Soloiloi September 8.15 S.laSs if October 8.12 S.nB.l. November S2la1i December 8.23 8.3Oii7 January 8oSiJ February ,.. 8 8Aeiii1 March 8 8608.40 RSaSiH April 8.3708.40 m'SJH May 8.40O8.6O eJKSJS "Bids '" Tax Free Investments Our Juno Investment List de scribes, with other desirable issues, Rockford (Illinois) Gas Light & Coke Company 1st and RefundinR MortgaRO 5 Bonds, which, at present prices, yield nearly 6, and which, in ad dition to ample property security, aro guaranteed, principal and interest, by a strong controlling company. The circular will bo furnished on request. Edward B..Smith&Co EsTABiisniro 1801. BANKERS lfemoera ffeto York ana FMIoaVfsMs Stock Exchanges 1411 CnisiNOT Bum. PniUDCriiu SO Fins Shut New Yoix flu trf. (30.1 BUT Ef ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadefphia High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds Equipments and ' Public Utility Bends MEMBERS NEW XOnK ANH riUTJVDELTHU STOCK EXCHANGES INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 RecommendeJ bjr BEN T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut St. luO tarll "? trtf. jli.? s fa 40' CHE firM uvr mi 1 we tiltttr VI J 11 TO CSS nijri fcirVur I&CUK) 1W BttP SM.t' imlii! Oil. 1 Men uirbr. miller If, tr to C&olc ILM0 autr. m ''?- : per ' 'Porto 1 ,Mls, I arena RlAZIER G-Co INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sanaom Sta. Government of the Province of 'Quebec - Ten Year 5 Gold Bonds Dated Int Jnue, 1010 Dae lot Juuc. 1020 Principal nnd half-jrenrljr interest payable in fiold in New York, Montreal or Qnebea These bonds are a direct and primary obligation of the entice Province and are payable from its general revenues, Price: 10034 and interest Yielding about 4.90 Write for Circular CSS Wopd, Gundy & Co. 14 Wall Street, fitvr York -n Toronto Montreal London $827,000 City of Tpronto, Canada 1 Serial Gold Bands Maturing 1925-1949 Denomination S1.000 Interest January and TaVr Principal and interest payabla In gold in New York or Toronto. Price: Rate to yield 4.95 A. H. Martens 8c Co. Toronto (Uonsrri Tmtto flloci ics3s; 61 Broadway, Now York Chicago PbllttiltlPBtA Dt! fttteaM MXil 4