ft hX$i.R WEAK START P w bv Commission Houses VlrinEs Cause Rally Before Close . rrT WKAT1ir.lt roUKOAST. W.rn line 2t.-TI wfnlh" forf- "aJSIff; "At ffi.h .h-A n iem. ' !$- 1 iTnwttM tonluhl nn1 TlmwdnM "r'rri Mrnevvhnt warmer north ityg&xstted$y$i , I""".(r.rf t mm"'" nJa.rKn,iKSr lit ami Tliurs- Ml CIIII.lHP III KSr-'",Tn,,ed eonldtit n mill TlltirfMlfl I t.iinP 111 illls-tll- WATSl'TYniT. ..nn time 21 I-V crlplincrtft rtinr HtlCAOO. -"nP. . ...,,-, ,1,,v. the Prl,Me blln' After ninrilnr. lower l-1 MtowMe wenther for l.nryestlt,-. In .-".. ..icst nml ft i nip at Liverpool, Mrtir.iwt-Ais'" i: i.n nf in r importune:-, u.v, ...... .v P,? nbovo ycsirr.1ay'H close on l.uylng llllri?fln houses nn.l covering l.y pr " Frs-re was plentv on tun. lwwci cr. and tho foment w lo-t There wits no Im m ,.nl In tlie export traiie. ..eiuiiiiK PTwn.n iiodRcil on previous estimate. ran Price Current said tlmt tho ylclil ia bushels. (iBiunsi iiuo.crucuuu ,.-...-, $" V ' iqis The weekly report of the Sifter Horenu noted, i-till-fnctory progress iuuhancut of tlmt clop, operations he Lander wnx a- far north of Kiinsnt-, Mis firi wlhern Illinois ami Virginia It -ulh.it wrmB wheat was maltlii- satis- hcidrr hcr.dwnv ? Corn ended lower after havlns shown 1 fairly elrom. undertone. Cash houses Id July These Hunt had nioro corn Jfer) to the"' on ovi-r-nlRht Vilils to the ICJH ....1.nH l.n It...... Ir.r. ,,,,,1 morally tor the crop. , cWlld weather affected oats, which tin easier It . . (-..I.., a t-iin-.il II fnl hlUR ---"- " Yos'dis's ffl.lt Open ILsll. I.OW, Close, close - -a j.vj n EVENING LEDGER PniLADELPIITA, WEDNESDAY, JTTNE 21, 1916. 1? REGULAR READING DIVIDENDS No Announcement on Much-talked-of "MoJons" Iteadlns Company directors at their meet 'n- In tho .emtln- Terminal today, do lared tho usual qunrtcrly dividend of 2 per cent, on tlio common stock, payahlo Ati-ttist 10. to stockholders of record July 23. tJJu" I."'?!"'1 ",HO ''blared the rc-rulnr nunr terlv dIMdcnd of 1 per cent, on the llrat preforred stock, payable September 11 to stockholders nf lecnnl AtlRtist 29 and tho leRular .pinrtrrly dividend of 1 per cent, on the Hcr-rmd preferred stoch, panble July 13. to stockholders of record June 20. The lleadlnp; Company directors orpatf lied by re-elcctlriB IMwnrd T. Ktolcsbury, president; (Icorire Zelfiler, Mce liresldent; Jnv V. Hare, secretary, mid It. 13. I'alsley, treasurer. Iteforo declnrltiR the dividends, tho board of directors tinder the terms of the plan of the tenrfranlrallnti of tho company, set np.irt sttlllclent funds for the dividends of 1 por cent, qunrtcrly on the flist and second pre ferred stocks for the year endltiB June an. 1!'17, nut nf the pnriilnfi.4 of tho llsral year' endlnR June :tO. lnifi. N'o other niinounccment was tuade after the meetlnR. The financial district for tome lime past has been oxpeotltiB that Kotiictlilnff would be Riven out on tho read justment of the company's eapltnllp.itloit, tho Street having had the report from tlma to time that snnte "melon" was nbout In be cut Today's mectlnir was tho last until September VSSSZ tios-, 1 in Cora (new "lcm;i-v K iK JIM 'ii life? Lira Jolr , IffHuwr i Blbf Mr f fcnumber Pnrlt flair .o ilqiltmlx ,1'i in- lifl aoS 3''1, 9 3-1'? lO'l !3? ni ,i'i .tun 1,1 'M( 734 t7:i' to is t:ri an ' IICl iltmtxir t.t in 13 J-. t.t fin 13 in lm a-, S3 ;.- 13 L-i 1.1 ill n to 1.1 hu it (II - I 'III 13 117 n.ss 13 no .'I on :i.7. 13 17 13 02 13 35 1 1.1. 17 13 r.7 13 ", IS 77 tl3 117 . 1'I.IW 1-1 R'J tai.is lm r.o ( DIVIDENDS DECLARED F4trn Llsht nml t"iil C'unui.iiiy, rruular riirKrlT ot 2 rcr o ill . n.iy.uilo July 1 to stoik if ward June 21. mrriBDurkT I.IK") nun fi,,'- , umi'lliv, rcKumr inirttrlyot 14 per icnt on the nrefi-rrnl stock, tDiMbl Junt 7 to Ht'M k of ri't'onl Juno 111. 5. ......1 flja onrl I.li.tr'i I 'mniiKK m mln. LONDON STOCK MAItKET Mare Hopeful View Ts Taken of Mexi can Situation LONDON, Juno 21 Thero was a fairly litjio turnover In scent Itlos on tho Stock 13.TrhatiRe today and the markets uoro Fteadler. A more hopeful lov was taken of tho Moxtcan slttintlnii. Tho published ibwlslott of the recent nl lied economic conference In I'arls, provldlnR filr drastic measures against tho trado of tho central empires, wns npprovcil frenorntly and had a benenclal effect. The BlIt-eilKed section ns quiet. Tho teveiuie of the t'nltcd KlnBdoni for the week was 6.51 S. Onn. and the expenditure 39.312,000. Sales of exchequer bonds dtirliiR the pcilod amounted to ftfi.060.000 Tho 7111011111 of treasury hills outstanding was inci eased by Ilfi.OCS.OOO. A Armor tone was noted In tho American department, and the Canadians voro cheer ful, but Mp1ciiii rails and oils displayed IrrcRUlnrlty. Home rails hesitated. Allied bonds advanced A new cotonlnl Rovornment loan was cpccted. llinzlli.ins were In fnor. FORECLOSURE TO BE ASKED Default of Syracuse, Lake Shore nnd Northern Uonds Causes Action SVUACUSI3, N. Y., Juno 21 t'apcrs liavo boon drawn In New York nnd the court will bo petitioned In a few days In foreclosure on the Syracuse, Lake Shore and Northern l.lno, of tho ICmpIro United. Tho tnortRaRO on tho I-ako Shore Is $2, ROO.00O, nnd tho Knickerbocker Trust Com pany, of Now York, Is trustee Under this inortRnRO. The ttust company will, at the remiest of the bondholders' protective committee, ask for foreclosure proceedliiRs followltiR the defntitt of tho bonds on May 1. Sixty days heltiR necessary to elapse before these proccedlnRS can bo broiiRht utter default, the latter will come to Issue on Hint day. It Is authoritatively stated that the pnpeis In tills prnceedlnRS are finished and tho re reivers will bo linked for at the same time, it Is expected that Justice Andrews will nnine C. I.oomls Allen and Hendrick S Ilnldcn its rccelNcrs. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Btiarterlj; of 14 I" trtfcrrw stock pa Jnne-0 hi i nl on tin cumul tilvo .Iul 1 to Htuck ir record imf1ian JiAPdlnc Much inn PniTinnnv. rorrtilir ?uirtcrl of Ii it ''tit on tho jm ftrntl nnU fifwrrfnt. on tho rommon s tucks both pny:ihlo 5017 IS 10 Itock of ncurrl Juno 30. IlooKs tlo t jot dose iv OonialtJated Trartlun "nmpinv, rKu!nr seml j tnauiil 2 por cent p,i ilIo July 1 as reulsUTt J Mow 30 .Hooks rlu Juiif Hit rwn July 17. fl'eitlnihouae ni trlt uml MnnuCnPturliiB Com pinj, rt-iular qunrtrly of H imt cent, on Us ipaffrrcd and IMi 1t rtiu. on Uh cntumoii , Letlih Valley Itutlrnnd. rRul.ir quarterly of VU mr writ nn tho nrof n f, mill 1 at nan e common stotk imvuhtQ July 8 to stock- koldera of record Jum- J-l I AVtlshach CompTnv n 'utnr semiannual of 3'S 'Her cnt- on tbe nnfrrriJ nnd a. remilnr nnnu.ii 'f 2 per nt nn the (.mninoti HtncK. Moth ft!lvMndj are Dmalilt funL :tu in Hinrlihiililrn nf u record Jam 'J I I 2sj DOr Cnt 11. Hull .Tulv IT. fur linlilnm .vf r rscord June SU. twrai ami smiim rn Amrrlcnn Tflewrnph umMny, rfdulnr i'rtnrly uf 36 pr run.. tiMtible Trust uf New Vorlc. rrRiilar uu ir- tll V XI n ' iiio juno iu io siociwi mav, u l . ttouI June Jl .itlui: I'.ijiihln July 1 to ho! brr if y rr font n i tin tii. i ,. t.l.i mtHwxA Juno 2i . , wuoi niiiR rthuinr st'nimimuai or pr T2bp?y.ablf Jul' l lok tloso Juno UX nnd N (Men July 3 lu1Vri, "ro,h"H Corapinv rrqular iiuartcrly iJL1?r.ceSt. .on lt8 irffrrwl etotk pijahle ? to, "o'J" "f nrurd July II iJ?i PiHi r,'e ('nal l"nipany. rwular quar-Ifft-V. l BJl Vt,r Bniir" ,n tll Preferred nnd f ? on the common Mink, p.ijuhlo July 1 ftoitoek of record Junu Ul I . l.oii.llt S1-. i . ... miun lomrmnj, KtUUUMnUlf Of JVi PCT i i.i i 'naL, payable July ; slock of record Juno rLS!t!ftiCon5OIWat,d Inln Company, auar lS?rJa haT.ti. Tn' ITelou dividend of 31 Mia April -' t imropolltaii Truit Company, usual nuartorly ;(Jwr cent piyablo Juno Hooks closo Juno ,u, nopen July 1 RAILROAD EARNINGS KANSAS CITY SOI'THHIIN. , 101.1 IIMH.772 .HII.SJII 0.II7S. I Ml 3 .Till. I'M CHICAOO CHIBAT WHSTKKN. 4 wk Juno . . J.llM.nas J'y l 14 asT.4".i i LOUlSVII.Ln AND NABHVILLn. U KrfK .lnna 1 tut r m.if.t -- r w i : : ii&i:$&i :j4:i&' Xyj"" L'1.,'tiu' gross Increitsft J10K.MIS 7I).(IJII l-JS.MII 01I,S,-'J JR.R7S .074,507 GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT llCL0lit. Ifill 127 bush Tliero wns a THlr XMirt ih'tnand unit iirlfs wi-re m-11 rnnlli tnliifil (juotntlnns Cur 1uh In ptport plontor No 2 rut split nnd .Hun. 51 111 fl IM No. a Snuthcrn r-il line ro Jl nl ste.im r Nn 2 icl. Uy- PJ1. No a red liSi i II, n-j i .1 A. n.'iHi l u7Mir , nJ'Ttfd II. UlUiinilr OIIV o"plnH iviti- llrlit and prlrcs were 'si, hlisher with it. fnlr d iiiatid Ountiillnns I'nr lots fur tneil trule us lo Incntluii No. 2 ji'ilow, siiMi'ii ntin'r Mdluw. ri:inrs:mr , No. :i ollnu stfisi'i. . No. I yi-llim. 7SH17'n , toll, ptr 7o lbs. MJ 'l M:1'. v, JATb Itculnts 1 1. '".I hush Tlw mnrket rulisl tlrm ultli h fair ilnnanit anil iim.li rule nITi rlliBM (liiiitatlnns No 2 lilt III'-, i 4 7.. stanil.ml ulili,- ir.la W pic No, a white, I4 ITir No 4 mIiIIh luVj fii ll'i . Htimii'i outs, ,-ISl.llli rurlthd nuts L-rsilnl. I.P4 i IV ll.Ont Ilr,.ntH. S'lo tililn (,n,l 7lil-.i!li II,. Ill biiI.b 1), m.inil was UKht nnd prli i s wi-re ullliout IniiKirtiiiu I'litiiKo rollun'iiii: arr tho nuntallons per inn 11 h in wood Wlntor. clour, SJ.iii; l.T.-i, il.i . strntKht, II 7.-.-.. i)o . iutnt. J.ili'n.J.i, jiiiis.is. eliar. cotton sacks, jl.i.n'fd I.K.-., do , straight, iilttnn K.lrku, l.tlllfifi JS, no., patent, rottoll sai ks $. 2.ilUT. 5u, vtirlnic. llrst ili-jr. II 0llf." l.'i. ilo , straight. J.l 2llW r. 40. do. patent, l.'i ftOQ.' ."; riinrlti- hrnmls. S.t.lini: 2. clt tnlllfl, i holm and fiuiry liatpnt, $. "111(1 II t'i rlty niilH, reKular grinleH Winter, clear. $l.r,iiiTi I 7.1. Uo , str.iluht, 1 1.7." &-.", do. patent I."Hi a 2."i. Itl! 1'l.uiiK ruled stendv under HKht nlTer IliKS. but trndo wns qui, t. Wo uuoto at !."(! ."..Ml pel Uil . ns to iniallt). PROVISIONS The mnrket ruled llrm with n fnlr JoblilnB rtemnml I nllowlnj are tho iiuotatlons: city beef, In sel miml.pil and nlr-ilrled. 21!c , West" rn lieer. Ill sets Hlliokril 211c . city btof ".nnelcleii ami JHlined, loose. lS'flS'ur.. do. ilo . mnoked l.'tlPlll'ar.. other hams, suiokeil. city cured as to iirnnd and a era ire, lsvi, , hams. sruokiM. Vciuni lurid lHifc , ilo. boiled boneless, JJe , nltllle shoulders. S V cured, loose. 12he : do. smoked. 141-ji : belllis. hi iilikle. nri.iirilliii to axeruBe. loose, liPic. ; hreakfiKt bacon, ns t brand an J itwrnee cltj eureU, 21c. do.. West ern cured. HIS'"Ue. . lard West, rti. lellneri pur, Nitmeapolls nnd St. Louis' Plans NI"V YORK, Juno 21. The committer, of which Charles II. K.tlilli Is chairman, lepicsclillliK tho stockholders of tho Minne apolis and St Louis Hnllrnnd ("onip.iny, has rIcii formal notice of the npptoxat of tho readjustment plan by more than three-fourths of the outstntidltiR capital stock The time for deposit of both pro. ferred nnd common shores has been ex tended to July n. Tho llrst Instalment of $f per share on ncootinl of tho purchase price of the new stock, which Is duo July fi, will be payable, at tho oillco of the fiuaraiily TrttH CJomp.tny In New Yotk, or the Merchnnls' National Hank In Uoston. Spot Wheat 1'asy at Lixerpnol I.lVKltl'OOU Juno 21. Spot wheat wns easy today, with hard winter quoted at Us fid, an advanco of 3d: No. 2 red winter, lis 71. a decline of Id; No. 1 Northern Xlnnl toba. ins. n recession of Id; No 2 Noith oin Jlanltob.t, Ds 10d, tincliaiiRed ; No 3 Northern Manitoba, Os 8d, unchanged Corn wns weak, with American mlcd quoted tit 9s lid nnd ptato at Os. DKATIIS rASTtmifS. on Juno 18, 1010, CI-AIIA I)At,. V.VAA.. widow of Dnnlel rnstorlns snd dauuhtcr of tho lute William nnd Clarissa 1'ilreii HeHtltei, nnd friends are Imlted to tittend the funrral services, on Saturday at 10 n m . at her Into residence, r.003 Qrcono St., Gcrmnntown Intfrment prlvftto. l'KIIKY. On June 10, liim, 1)1 DAM1A HVnn-I-OP, wlfeHif Jasper 1. Perry. llel.UI'rs and friend- are InMtril to attend the funeral serv ices, on Thurailny. at 2 P- m . at the residence nf her husband, :1M7 Aspen St. Interment at Amerlrnn Mechanics' Cemetery I'MKTi:it. )n Juno 10. lfllfl C nOWI.AND, husband or Kmmn V Torter (nee Bwnrts) son of Andrew J. nnd Irenes Porter (neo Titus) In his 32t xenr IleiatUes nnd friends, also em rdoe of the Hliih Pressure Tire Service. Iliirenu nf Water nnd Kentnno Yacht Club nro lnMted to attend the funeral on Trlday nfter noon, June 2.1, nt 2 o'clock from his parents reslileneo. tlrlKlnl nltirt nn,l tliliprrv rosd An dalusia. Hemslns may he unwed on Thurs day r-enlnc nfter 7 o clock Interment nt Mnitnolln Cemeterv Cnrrlaites will meet the i os irnin rrotn lironG 5t Mtntnm ni lornwen. Rill Y. on June 10 llitd THOMAS II.. litis hind of Ssrah J Hlitny. aired H7 venrs Iteln tltes nnd friends also Pnmo Cnstle. No. 180, A O K of M C : Ancient Order KnlBhts of M'stlr Chain. Artisans Mutual I'rntictuo As soilatlon No li. are Invited to attend th funeral services on Thursday afternoon nt 1 .10 o'clock nt late resilience. Ill 111 Oermsn town ii'enue, tlermnntown Interment private ltemilns mnv he Mewed Wednesday cvenln-f, S to 10 o'clock HTAI.i;Y. On June 20, tola HKt.r.N CAt,D f'lillt'ail. dnuehler of t'rnnk nnd Sirn Parker Staley funeral ser-lres at HI Mark's Prot rslnnt nplsinpal Chiireh. on l'rldny, nt It a. m Interment private. TATi:. On Juno an. Iftirt. MAUY ti . widow Louis W. Talo nnd dumliler of late llenrv V. and Mary I., llenner. Duo iiotlco of funeral later. Wr.tTUtMANV On Juno 20, IDIn, JOHN Wi;sn;itMANN. beloved husband of Knthor Ine (nee Ihinibach) aixeil 71 vears Itelatlves and friends nre Invited tu attend tho funeral si r Ices, on t'ridav nt t p in . from Ids tats residence. IIii'i Mnvntiicnslim live Item-tint in-iv be viewed on Tbursdsi. at 7 p. tn. Inter ment private, at lVrnwood Cemetery. WIHTIi. On Juno IB HUH. MAII'IAHCT. wlfo of John While ltelitlves nnd friends nro In vited to attend tho funeral on Thursdty morn InR nt s o'rlnck from the resldenco of John Walter iturke southeast lorner lilli nml .Mor ris streets Solemn ltefiiiiem Mass nt Church nf St 'I hnmas Anutnns at II tin o'clock pre cisely Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MllITi:. On June 211 lniil. Ct.OTtMU HLIZ A 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 . iHunliter of the lnle J p nnd Mary O. U hlte I'uiieral on Trldav at 2 p in. prcclseb, nt her Into residence, S t; cor. 20th and Vimngn sts lnlprmcnt tirlvntc. HELP WANTED FEMALE Contniied from rrtccdliw f'olinnn, Tni.ni'irp.Vrj OPrilATOIt. csnerlenied sw'itch iioarii iirce banklni; house: state snlary de sired and past ernertenre In full. I' 201. Led trer Office WAIIltHSS cooil. white, wnnteil. and a woman. while, to work In kitchen AppIv Wnshln-;- ton Hotel ,(h nndj:iermrtnlown nve. WA!Tlli:-t.q Must lie nent. ohtlslne nnd'quirk: iinv work (rood wasrs Call, with reference Ilnmetesi r'anns 12 N 12th st. WA1TIIPSH experienced, for mountain hotels Rood wades II 313. 1,eitrer Centrnl WOMAN wanted to uo to I.nnsiiale to ionk, wait on table and wash table linen Meet emplojer, mis Chestnut. Iloom 205, Wednesday and inursinv. 10 lo 12 YOCNO WOMHN, 1.1-il. -- A If tafe.t M . . ...:rr --; -ir'"''..'j - ;-... iii.i leaving srnnni. will uno .exccpinnai tiortunltles In telephone opcratlne. aitlarv paid while learnlnR. tierniinent tmsitlnn assursil villi pleasant, homelike. surroundlhBs .Annlv In person to the Hell Telephone Co , Ind Mar ket st. dally out-opt rttlndnv. Iietween H .10 a nt. and n p, in i nisn Tuesday nnd rrldnv, lietwcen 0 Id and S-:!!) t). hi. INCItlJAHH niir liushntid's income.; Inrtte Oim nrrers nn unusiml minor. O lira. Lfd-cr Ceni flenernl HtiJinv llecnme Onveriuiient clerks. 17 Inlh : simple examination nuestlnns free I'ranklln Instltiiie llepl 71." P Itmhesler U V 'I'l.'Acnr.lIi- wnnled, puslllnns vvnltlnR for tin h; ers of all kinds, resistor todav N'nliontl Teachers' Airencv 1) 11 ctitiK Mnnnirer. Fine Granulated Sutnr Firm NIJIV YollK, Juno 21 Pino Rrntilatcd was llrm and ttnclinni"cit.nt the openlnR of tin" maikct today, tho l'edornl quotlriR " 75c . Arbticklc 7.30o. nnd all other redn crs. 7 OBc Tlio lust u.'tlo In spot Cuba r.-v.s was ai C I Or. Money nnd Discount in London LONDON. June 21. Money nn call was i per cent, today. uncliatiRod. The rate of discount in the openltiR market was un.il teicd nt r. per cent for short hills and 51, por cent, for thieo months' bills. French RentcB Unchanged PATHS, Juno 21. Throe per cent, rentes ",2 francs 25 centimes. French Bs weir quoted nt 8S frnncs 00 centimes, unchaiiRod. l'xch.inRC on London 2S francs 18 centimes, unchnnccd. HerCeS. Il'tr . tin in Dil.i UII.A .In ! l-l. I.. '.t j , ...." ' . ."I. -."V r"- in-tun iuiiiiMI-t,Ua in iicrets, In tubs, UV-ic THE WEATHER Oflicial Forecast TV 1 ClITTMftmirk-, - -.- fn- . . "miuwuiurt, june 21. 'or eastern Ponnuvifinio .,.i -v-- t. -,,-, . -- JiiHuiii, (.tint -uw jer- to- frhrei?i,t1n,Bllti ThursiIiiy Probably . 1,1.1.111, wuius. iii.!. nrtheasteni storm has moved very S,"""e ?,- I'8- ''ours and Is con- yi Over thft Onlf .e e r ..... . BOrnlno. i .. '" liiwiuhuo II11S ferVrt. i?mal1 '-tu'llance that was .tU ..1-1i?ns'! .yeilerdny has moved linn, ,i , "lo va,le-' accompanied Mori vn... ;."".. -"""! in me jvils- ..,,:. '-" -iiriiy ciotli y xve.ithoe e. tii.. ,..... . . '.-- "- lie temnera. iMnwf" hii been of minor Importance ireei n .il ,u"clency " rrom 0 to 10 de P In all of the Northern States. Sta"utl. 6- S3 S-r 4emtloni taken at 8 a a i-ow Jtdtlo; 8 last Ilaln. Kastern time. Veloc- ffi-rf" " T. nvi Ui WW' "y-Weather efaatlc Clly n' " -U' W Cloudy 3S& l "a ?? . u T-udy 1 1 Hi -.. : do., do, REFINED SUGARS Tho market was nulet but steady. Quotations, nxtra Branulati-d. 7 U.V . powdired, 7.7."c,. con fectioners' A.. 7 Me.: soft i.-radis. (l.tiuVT.S0c. DAIRY PRODUCTS IIUTTnP. Tlw market was ipilet. hut prices were will maintained on flno Koorts Quotations: JVestern solid p.ii ki-,1 , reamers-, fancy specials, Ilrsts. 2SW2Sii reloads 2711274c nearby prints fiiniy. ;i3c , averuei. extra. 3I.l2e . Ilrsts 2s"llle.. sn-onds. 27T27lac : Bltrlli-ky .'luKSiic" : -oLblnB s'll-s o' fancy prints. i:t;iiH Iiecelnts vvcro kopt will cleaned up nt Btindy prices. Quotations: In free enses. K'.ri'1 extras 2(1c per dus . nearby llrHis it U.i per Ntandiril efino. itenrltv. ..,,, p...,, .... iill.ta, Jl! i.i) 111 73 per caso. Western extras. 2oi per dox. Western extra llrsis. 17 0. per laso Ilrsts. Ill IIO'Oll 1)0 wr enso. fancy Beleited candled fnsh iijsa vvero Jobblni- ut 20"1:iili!. per lnr. OHI'I'Ht: There was llttlo tradlnc. hut of ferlnics were moderate and values ruled steady. Quotations- Now York, full cream, fancy. lii4 lOllli-Ae.! ilo.. fin . fnlr In nn.l I '. li .., I ..f. . . skims; u& lie. ... na,v POULTRY MVn wns in fair demand and steady under moderate offerlncs. Quotations: Cowls. 2i 21c: roosters. l.'KJllc.: sprlni; chickens, ai f.'i!lul,f!F -ni,.',ll.mll,.v" welKhlnit IW2 lbs. npleco. 2llj.n;c : '"hue Leshorns. aicnnllni; to mull l v. 2-'(!2lc : duiks, as to nto and ouiillty, I4ir Illc, plceons. old. per pair. .lut'Pd.'e,; do. -.ounir. per nalr. 22(P2.V. l)l!i:hSI"li ltulcd steady under moderate ofterlm-s ami a fair dimand Follow Int.- nro tho quotations: 1'resh-kllled poultry, drj-puiked I-'nvvls, 12 to box, dr-phkid, fancy selei ted, 2 "tor ; welshlnc 4,4i.'l lbs anlecu, 2 Jc ; vv ehsllhur I lbs npltce, 22e ; w .iKldnic Ab lbs aplrce, 21c , ui-lKhlllc 3 lbs apiece, lhW.'Oi , fowls, lie paiked. Ill barrels fancy, dry-pick. d. northern Indiana and Illinois wilEhlnK IHj.'i lbs nplece. 21 c. : do, southern Indiana and Illinois welKhliiK 1 lbs iiplece, 21c , smnller sizes. lS'Hc : old roosters, dry-picked, l.",e ; broilers, Jirsey, fancy, 4nQ4c, do, other nearby, vvuuhtni Vi 402 lbs apiece, 38C-lue; smaller sizes. 3l&-3ih., duiks. netirhy, uprlnir. 1112110 ; squabs, per doz -Whlto welRhlns 11&12 lbs per doz II nnS. white. welKhlni liljili) lbs. iwr doz, 111 SIM I 311. whlto. vvclgh Ini: 8 lbs. Iier doz , 1303 1U. do., do , 7 lbs, per doz . 42 nW2.7a. do do . nflW lbs iwr doz. II 7."2, dark, II BU2, small and No. 2. SOc.Wll 10. LOCAL MINING STOCKS lONOPAII STOCKS. ., Hid. Asked. Jim Ilutler ." ,ui Mm Nn ma l a 07 .o1) Mid mi -j.l . Mirpah I'vt 22 .21 ".Inn.ana 2.i .J Nor Star in .17 Tun llel It, 4 Ton T"xi .-,; .-,, Ton Mln (I'll 11-, Itercuc Hula Ill .17 West Unit , ,.. .117 l.tio tiot.Driiii.o sTouks. Atlanta 11 .12 Jlue Hull , 11:1 .01 ilnoch -. ,. ,lil .17 HllllilOK- 01 .02 CUD 01 .11-, Comb Frae 07 .01 Dlatnf II II 0.1 p.". Daisy Ill .0." l-'lurciice 12 ,1". i.uldr Con ST ,mi (lolilf Mum us .10 Jumbo lxt '. ,S2 .hi Kewnnas 11 .1,1 Uro , , til .1111 Sand Ken 0,1 .nit Mlver 1'lck .. ., , ... .to .11 misci-i,i.anl:oi;s. 1'alrv Atlec 01 ,112 Kliuherly 11 ,11.-, Nov Illll 17 ,l"l Nev Wonder 220 2.1IO Tecona Mln 13 .13 ' CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER ACJATi: MNM3 UATIS TOU UACII IN'SHItTIOM THIS i.TVI.13 TVPK tor llkn thli) (in1 op (wo limed , , 1.V Thrrn timc ono wrrli 12',c Hit ilniffl nm ttti'lt l lie Hltuutlonn Wantdl three tlmcj ono week. 10c Help and Situation Vantcd and Lost and Found ads arc inserted in the Daily 1'unuc Lugek without addi tional charge Wnnt nit1 umkr nil other clnflilflcalloni mav Irft report to ti In tlio l'limc 1a hjeh at comblm-tj rate. t i nr two Hwr 21p Thrro tlmoi ono work l.V Six tlrnoH ono Wfek I'-Ile TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is pernitlted In nil classlfle-itlons except Help and Situations Wanlul Lost and I'oiind, IVr snnals, Hnardlnir nnd itooms When so specl (led add KIVK Cl:NTS IT.ll AOATl) 1.1NI1 TO in .si in- nn. ahum: p.atiis There is a drup- store neiir your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED MALE ADVIiltTIMINrt Hervtre department nf mb1lh-In-: house needs mnle stenosrapher, 20 to fi, preferablj Willi ndvertlslntr experience this position holds opportunity for man nf nbllltv nnd Initiative Apnlv bv letter onlv nnd nive full pnrth.iilars. H. Held Warren, 6 IS ttaco street AOVHIlTlHINfl sni.ICITOHS for alldo ndverlls Inu proposltlnii on nltrnitlve outdoor Bcreen 7 Houth B2d st l.lbernl commission. Apply r. Krlekmnnn. 1.1.11 Wnlnut t ACTO TtHPAHtMnN AND SIArittNIRTB. caps hie of nverhnullnir nnd robuildlne nutotrucks. 1' IS I, beditcr Olllro TJQV . WANTHI) mil KIJNHI PAWNSHOP. 2flP) SlNtlTtlN AVI IinVfl for office, realdln-r near 22d nnd Alle- phenv chnnco for ndvnneeinont, reply lnJwn j!nnqwrlln-t Ad.'aj. '.' ' ,'nx-:i:!P"" IIOVS, about Id vears. for -tencrnl off lei. w-nrk In mrp eslnbllnhment. Address "II. 1,., ! " lios am IlOVa nnd men minted, B"""! wnffes. Hpreckels' Coniierace I teed and Hwnnson sis. IICTTfiN HAI.i:tMAN calerlntt to wnmen's wear eillllmi-ilp trnde It .117. I.eder orflie CANHYMAKRIl VouitB man. second hand, ex pi rleneeil 1227 Chistnut st CIIACITRI'lt vvhlti". slimle. experienced driver and mi'ihnnli Ian lst referenns required: must wear unlfnrni with leBtslnps Meet cm plover Thursdiv Ledger Central. I p tn. COt.l.lIi'TiMt nnd InvestlR.itor. nunu man, 22 to 2,i Mars llenllli", pellll Pon IlllilKooii i nam e 'nil I rniitii . -. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE foiitlniiffl from Vicirfliiff f'nPimtl. HOOkKI'RPnn thorounhlv enpnhle and fxrwrl enced, with exeeutlvo ability, know I nr tn oitraphv. cspnble -,-c-y (1 All. Idirer On. Il'H'KIrr:i'i:!t and sletio-tmpher. rennt grad unt, trlnl sollclled. tl 110. 1-d-rer Central IlOOKKlinPnn desires position In hotel nt sum mer resort I'hnne llelmont lliiol CIIAMIIIIit.MAII) or thlldnurse. can sew; subs, or shore, reference H 4211. I.eder Ofllce. CI.IIUICAI. experience, office nsst . can operale typewriter, moderate salary, tl HIS. I-d Cen. Cl.nitK B 5enrs' experience In llfo Insurance! ssliry Ilo u 7B2, ledger Centrnl. COMPANION or attendant to lady; (-nod refer ence. 4,10. 1,cdcr fllllce COOK mid w-nllress r.ndv would like places, from June 27 In September IB for her cook nnd wsltress, who have been with her two years trustworthy, competent, ohllnlnit. Phone Locust I7"I. COOK HxpeMenocd Swedish womnn, widow, vvnrcn s to 111 country or seashore 13B1 South mill st Mnll not answered. COOK t,ndv clnsintr house noil week de-Ires Position for first class took, senshoro of toiin try I'hnne 1)2 lltirllnnton COOK, rhnmhermnld nnd waitress Two t'rot.s ; rniiiitrv or shore II 1.12. Iedeor om-e. COOKINO and downstairs work experienced! ennd reference Call .107 South Hinedley st. DltHRSMAKHIt. colored, intmtile: 11.78 per day! -rood refereneo 21.10 .tetferson novnitNHSS. tenihlnit nerninn. rmaelt. "fcn Jlsh miisiral. ileKtriM- ponlllnn II, II,. care Towlll. Hnalvn, Pa I'liono Ojtont .17 J. IIoi;si3Knr:i"t-H fur ilderiv p.ople bv wotnnri who Ind own home New Jersey preferred! refereni-e it tii, Ledeer tifnie. l.A I) V wishes tmsltlon nn nurse nr rnmhiinlftn to old Imiv or Invalid P 2nd lieilwr Of lice, I.ADV wanls position as mnnneir nr companion In eiillnarv department, enpahle nf tnnn.-tglnn servants II t-.'l. Ledger ffllii" IiAI'NDItns;, -rood, colonsl, wishes half lima bundle dnv's worle 2H2,1 (lerrllt at NHIISinty am kuniISS or nurse. Ir. Frol.l uooil seamstress liesi ref It ISO, tsjdcer On. NritiUIlV tlnvnilNUSH or mnllier'a helper, ex- perleneeil. t nil llelmont I fill. Thorn , nfter 1. cmOANIH'rrixperlcnced. will mibtltuti at short muntiis i-niin anu AUTOMOBILES summer liollep iltirlnif vlelnllv, ref, piven V 117 fe-ititer ornce. STHNtiriltAPHnil lleienl hlah school crnduntei neat worker trlnl soil, fl ft.1.1. l-d Centrnl. STIl.VnilltAPIinit, cxpi-rlenced. desires perma nent position. 112 ref (t a ,n. t-diter Cent. Far Bale Continued lum YrcerTftli Twin-inY P A t O I) tfSBI) CATl DUPAIITMUNT While Thev Last We An- Maklnir A fll'RCIAIi SAI.n Of tho Following Cars! PA ffli;. 1010 fat-Held 7.pni-en-rer.Tour tntr; looks like nwi will sell reston- I'Ator':. lOlfi ralrfleld Model. n-4fl. re- ... .built and repainted, ituaranteeil. . .8u0 PA tfll. 1"11B Olenwood Model, 4-30, ex- . tra equipment BB0 CIinVHOl.HT, HUB. B-pssseneer Tour- inirj In excellent condition! cuaran- teed BOO HTUDIHlAIU'.It llitr,. 7-tmsseniter Tour Inn: rebuilt and repainted, Ruaran teed 050 lll'tlAIi. 10IS In excellent condition, ."-pnesen-rer tourlnir 27S OAKLAND, llil'.. r..pasenier TourlnB! Riinrnnleed first class inndltlon. . . . OoO CADILLAC, loll, Kondster. rebuilt nnd repainted, wllh extras ...'" i.U OAKLAND. 1011, Hoadster, will soil for 2o0 These Aro All Taken In Trado for New Palgo Cars. Completely Overhauled nnd In Perfect llunnln-r Order. iiianr.ow-wiLLKV motor co 301 NOIITH IlnOAD STmltJT Ask for H. H. Hodgtrs, v ears' ixperlence, assist (I 040 I.ci1pr Centrnl nrnd . with I weeks' U 010 Irf-deer Cent. for advanii men! tnll Itnntu ' 12ns Chestnut. CI'TTINIl AND CItliASINII PltUfJHMAN for fol.llim box fintory. short distance from I'hlla , Komi wanes, sleadv work AppIv Wednesday. Il to I p m or write lanl.w-nod Coldlns llox Co 2,-,l S Id si , Phil l CVLlNlinit PltnSSMAN for foldliiB liox factorv, short distance from I'hlla.. sleadv work. Bond waccs AppH Wd . li to 1 ti in. or vv rib ii i dim liiickwood MIllB ltox Co . 31 S. 3d Phlla Apply IN MCMOUIAM ytll'N(iltl.OI)I). In lnvlm memory of our dearly bilovnl daimhtor and sister (His), who enlered Into rest nt Mnunolla. N. J,. Juno 21, 1013. aKed 12 vars. TJNfJLAIMED TELEGRAMS wnt-rnitN cnion Tci.rcntAPir co . ism ciiestnut at Itobt Yarnlnuton, Tho Illecirlc Dintnl Co ltov M Hood The Until. Co. HlUibeth Itvan. J H AlbrlBht lobn Quill. AuuuHtust (Iranuer, II V V, rsen Itnljt Uau fr ui7 Chas Cox. II llros Sl-ile Compaliv. It C. IVnlleld Mlqinl llodreiiui 7 C i; Sluart. Jullne Chrlstensen 1: C Hrll.siiu .Mlvs rloreiue Itook. Mrs Murphv M L Meu-i b. SI l.iw-renco llolstlllB and M-icliln, Co. Key stone Tire and Hubber Co . Mrs H Lonrley. Vliola Vllpkello Jos Tliiuiias f. Co Penn Mai irolil Co Marlon Nkholson Illllv .Mas se. i: T llrown. M O Harrison Hdllnr lletler Iloads and Striels Andrew MeClure. Mlis Helen O'Conor T N AVutson Shawmut Steamship Co Whlimnii ". lianas Mfir Co POSTAL TIll.nflllAPH CO 1120 H Penn Fquare Daniel Wlnslow Mr i-urle, .!. .1. Janus Miss Hleanor Jlorlej. I'eart, NUIiH .. .xirt-nrnilik. Allen llarth. cvLiNiuiu pituss ri:i;nr.us warned Kellerlhius ,t Co . Itli and Arcli sta DHAITSMAN wanted, experienced In detnlllnB inlscellani-iiiis Iron work AppIv Win Steel ,-i Sons I lino Arch at liween s 30 nnd 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE CHtLDN'l'ltsn. care of one i Idld nnd do chain lierwork. Oerliiln prifirred. references re quired, home tn suburbs B'od waBes. Appjv Wednsibiv mornlnB 11122 N 12th ClflAll MAKKItS wanted 22.,;t Oeriuantowli ave fennle W. K Itodel. f5l Nr( Biiie'n 6-!-trr n V? feS'sV ' Aia. in IW III B." 3 IIJ .IS si nt h2 hO 34 Kit hll 74 Ul lill 3d 311 .34 1 3 74 3d 70 72 no TO 70 Sit ", Okla!' Til 74 Jh.w w is ;-rihPar SS f? Ull ,. I- - " " u! ?" . on no ,---'. ur t-lui. ll ' ..-!. Minn BaAi'.l'ufi rat i ii. n .u S. Kac: teV.NrlsM ?", Can. no 34 38 62 41 7a 30 Si 4X 3U 7 OH 8 SO 50 4S SS CO 42 74 no 32 SI 411 li 40 .22 32 .62 NR vv N IV i: K K u K sw NW SB N H SW SW hi: AV s NW gw H HW I- sw Sv Nl NW R W J8 I'ulBl P rt,,, JfT" of n,v. Cloudv Cloudy I' Cldjr Cloudy lluln Cloudy llaln Clour Cloudy Clear Clear Ilaln Cloudy Cloudy Clear four C oudy C oudy ' oudy C ear C ear Cear C oudy C oudy C oudy C oudy Cloudy Clear Haln Clear Cloudy Cloidy i -tW-' I'CTdy Chwr Clear I' Cldy fc,cui Cloudy I'.Cldy FRESH FHUITS r-hnln Him k was In fair reooest and irenerallv stead n follows Apples per bid Wlnesap, 13 30 I HuldWtn l.lfsl lieu Davis. J'Jffl'l. other varieties 11 30i2 30. No, 2 II 2S2, apples, Wistern ptr box. II 23W1 73, lemons per box 1.1 .0'4 23 plnt-itpplts, ptr trate Porto UU-u It 30WJ blackberries North t-nriillna, iter qi Mi-Ilk . hutkleherrles North Carolina isr qt . IJllc, Booseberrits, per qt , 1c , rasp berries, red. ier pt . i0e therries. Delaware and Mankind per lh.. 5hc . do., do, per nt llSe peaches fjeorxla ls.r larrler. 1 7iW 3 23. cantaloupes. California, jht crate, l.'WI, do. I'lorlda. per crate. 12 50OJ 23, waUnnel ens, Florida, per car. 1230 4 00. VEGETABLES .Supplies were quite liberal, but choke stock met with fair sale und values Kenaraiiy ruiea steady as follows: White potatoes, iwr bbl No. 1 Uastern bhore. J.iSW4; Nil 2 Cajteril bhore. I-MIB2 30, culls. Ilastern Shore. 13lll7r. No. I Norfolk 1.2 Jg 1.50. No 2 Noijolk. 12 (S ,.",. .ii. Vorfolk. S123H130. No 1 North 7...-.!iinn .....I Ui,lh r-urnllnn. i.lGl li L".",. K'n North CurollBd ami South Carolina 11 " ' -"3 iweet potatoes. Jersey, tier Imsket No. 1 ISfftloc . No 2 23O30..- . do do. Jersey. Delaware and Marvlaud. per Iiaiiiuer -No 1. 73c 'II: No 2 "Owtkk- Onlous, Texas, per LUinuier crate "So. 1. il wiwi.i-i. fvo . !.,. . . -"J-.--C".- UH. crate SI otif ''astern Shore. do., do ..per bbl . 1 23 per bbl - I if i -i n IMoon rises Jar T.'J1 "..-"" --. . 11-Jn . 5euwAB ; .... "w" ,th o-ui :s: E 77. --- . i-it-i- .,.-. TT-. -"--- - ysi jiovk. -?"' l-i i, , ,, .. uiimbsi 7ot : Celery. Florida, per crate. II 73 J 23. Waier irew per 100 buncbss.ll5jiiM2.no Ia.ttuee. Vlriinla per basket. 23c. Mil. Heuus. North Carolina per 1-3-bbl basket - Wax. fist I 25. r?JLi Joe (Jl! do.. North Carolina per H-bbl iit"t. 73c 101 23: do.. Norfolk. Kreen. per H bU T basket. 75c WIl'fB, do.. Norfolk, wee iwr H-bbl basket l'-6i.50. i-tpura. FlorUa. tier carrier 2ij2 30" EunpluBt, Florida. ir c?Ite?l 502 SO. Sa-iaah,, South Carta toe., per irate 7Jc -tl! do. Norfolk, tier H-M1 baiu mf lii ' Corn. Florid, uer ratt fl M CiHunibers. North Carolina per lauket. KtaM.''Floflito. ir carrUr. faiwy. Sl'SnA .1" V'"f-' fK, flf TtimataA. "-"-" B iET TJs- 9 l Tomatoes. Mlaslaaourl. per ' i!hroa. per "-IV. U-aV.-. 00c. t: choice Hat .ciJj n. H BAR SILVER ,n loiidjn br altver tjdn was quoted at -luotJ-."'-?'-' ' -Jtv ACiNKW. On Juno 20, mill, nt the resldenco nf her brother.. Itohi rt, 1723 North 3,ld strut l:i.l.AIIi:TIt AUNDW ltelnilv.. e.i i.i..,,iJ nro Invited to fittend tho funeral servhes on Thursil.iv. at 2 30 p m., at the parlors of S V Irankenili Id Sons 5300 vino street Interment private, at Arlington ivmi-u-rj II UTI.i:. Suddenly, on Juno 10 1010. (lKOUOIl W llAUTLK hr husband of Mart-an I llartlo (neo lining) Hesldcncu. 2720 n Allecheny nve. Duo notlco of tho funeral will bu slvcn. III'.lflOI.LT. On Juno 111. Mil II. IltA I) HKIt nil. 111'. In Ids 1 52d . ear ltelallves and friends, also Ithhard Vaux l.oiluo. ,SI. -.' and A M Oriental It A, Chapti r, IM, Itoyal .Vriiiniim. anil ITnlon l.enirite or.. In, I....I ,A attend tho funeral, on Friday at 2 p m , from Ida late r.slii.mce .lini North lKth st. Inter-nu-iit prlvsto at West Iiuril Illll IIUOUV on Juno 20, 1010, JOHN T, hus band of Florence V. Ilrovvn tine Thompson), llilatlves and friends, also Philadelphia Lodmi, No 72. 1" and A M. , Marv Comm indcry. No. 311. K T . Jerusilem Itoyal Arch Chapter No .1, Oriental Assimhly, No 17. A O M, P and numbers of lllhlo Class of the Tenth I'rtsbMi rl.111 Church, are Invltetl to attend th, funeral services Saturday, at 2 n m at Ids late resident e, 1910 Hazel nve' Inlerment at Mount Mori vh Cemetery. Friends muy call Frld i from 7 to 0 p m CAKMIV. On Juno IS. lain, MAItli: T.. dauah- ter of iiiikii anu i:uz.tbein Carney need II vears Itnlntlves and friends of the family nro Invltid to attend tha funeral on Thursday at h lo a m from her parents' resident e, I.V'u N. American st Solemn Itequlem Jtnsa at ht Mb hiu Is Church at 10 a. m. preclselj. Inter ment private. Ctill'I. On June II). 1010 HAItllY AMIILnn , COOS1, son of John A. and Julia M. Coom (neo Anstock), In his Dili ear Jtulatlvrs and friends aru invited to attend tho funeral serv ices on Thursday, at 2 p. m . at his parents' resident e. 5324 N. Cnmac st , Logan Inter ment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. CK.H.ll. ftti June III. 1010. jam US W.. bus band of Lmm.t C Crouch, 111,1 d 70 -ears ltelallves and friends, ulso htnnemen's l'el lowshlp. are Invited to attend the funeral seniles, on Thursday, at 2 p. m . at the resl- lieiuu ui 111a nuii-ui-iaw, A ,. V 1I1U rt UttOlll. 251.1 South ttosewood st. Interment ut .Mount Morlah Cemetery. Friends may view remains on Wednesday evcnlnc. Ilaltlmure, iij.. paiiers ple.iso copy, (KH'I.lir On June 10, 1010, SAItAlt M imt -u., tnee lilee). widow of Harry F. Oouldy. ltetatlves and friends ara Invited to attend the funerul services, on Thursday, at . V. mM a ,hr..H.",vVinr? "' hr dauBhter, Mrs John Clark 3112(1 Walton ave. Interment ut Fernwoo.l Cemetery. (i'lOVs'IAN. on June 20. loin, SIOMUND. husband of the lap) Yetta tiros-man, used Ml -cars ltelallves and friends, alio Con KreB,itlon bona of llalberstum. urn Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, ."!r P. n! Precisely, at his late risldence, 2121 North bth street. Interment at Har Nebo t elnetery. III-Kll.Nh. On June IS. 1010. DANIEL, hus band of Catherine. IlU-glns (nee Cotter). Holu tlves und friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at K-3U a. m. from her late residence 2120 Mountain street Hlah Mass of Itequlem ut fat. Udmund's Church at JU a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. HINI.KIN. On June 20. 1010. lUJHTlIA I... wlte of Henry Ilinleln, aeed 75 sears llela tlves and friends am Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 10 a m precisely. uWher late residence. 4(112 York road Interment at Mount Miml Cemetery "fl-VF,0-..-"""-.!- June ,-,-, I"". ABIIBY KHA TOlt ltelallves und friends are Invited to at tend tho funeral on Thursday.at 7.3U n. m . from tne residence of her son-ln-l iw Frank O'llr-un, 735 Sloan st Itequlem Mess at bt Asatha'a Church at 0 o'clock. Interment ut Holy Cross Cemetery. lill I'ATKICK. On June 18, 1010. WILLIAM HBNHY KILI-ATitlCK. ltelatl.es 'and friends are invited to attend he funeral, on Thursda- . at 1310 Poplar at. bervlco ut the Church of the Incarnation, Hoard und Jef fereon a) 3 p, m precisely, KMNKIirittlKK. On June 20, loiu. JULIA V Infant dauuhter of Kdwln S. and Julhi Kllae-bur-ier. aged II -i-olh.. Relatlveaand Irlind, are Invited to attend the funerul services 011 Friday at 2 p, in . at the wireaita' residence 2445 seyuer. si interment at American Me chanlce' Cemetery. ."..! -u Jill MllI.I.. On June 10. Iain. IIENItY 1. MACNE1LL aed fiO years Funeral aerv- Uee Thursday afternoon, ul 3.30 o'ltk .1 tha Oliver II Hair UulWiiur. 1S2I cetn5t st luterraent private '"" JUCONNKLL. On June 20, 1010. COOK, drat 1 lass to bo to Atlnntlc Cltv. n inns , assist In downstairs v-nrk ffnod wanes, best rofen nces required H 31S la'dlier Ofllce DOWN8TAIKS AVOMAN. Protestant. I'm ill fnm : ll-rht laundry, cnod cook, reference required, Bood waBes. 2111 Church road. Arilninre, Pa. ITN1SIIRHS 011 loco curtains. Apply John Ilrom ley & Sons. Lehlllh ave. below Front. (IIIIL. experlenecd. In nffhe vvholesnlo housn; slnto age and salary desired 1" 2113. I.eclj, r Ofllce. OIltLS wanted, over 10. Increnseii fncilltlen havo mndo openings In our plunt for refined. Intolll Bent Blrls for sciiIIiib. I ibellnB and pickliiB medical supplies. Ilelit. pleasant work, clean, healthv surroundings. 52-hour week, solan id to beginners, with rapid advancement to booiI workers, 12 mlnutea from Darby on trolley, 20 minutes from Hrnad Street Station on triln. Apply In person or by letter to 11 K. MOL- FOUli CO . (llenojdi n. I'a OIlll.S wnnted. light work, no experlenco neces sary 15 11 week paid while learnlnB. Apply .tr.i - .1-11 Dltl'O HPr.ClALTV SALKS.MAN for well-advertised high Brailo nrllile, 110110 but expt-rlenci d men who i nn show elcnn record neul npply. II 253 1 eilirer Central. PAItMIIANDS and l.itnin rs wanted) rnr Benernl work AppIv In person or by letter, il K. Mtllford (llenoldell Olti'uM In stnbW. toiupeiint lo drive, slnale, white irmiinttit poslilou Answer or npply 30't Dre-1 HiillillllB Philadelphia. I'a IIOIHT1NO llNiIINi;i;it Apply Sterling Iron ind Mul Co loih and llninlltnn HOIIIIIIY Kxperlenced man lo tnke clnrB" nf warerooui, must have erperlente In tlntshiiiB nil stvlrs of work. Apr v II Sulro tc bolls Co , i: Thompson nnd Clearfield sts INSTItl'MllNT MAKHItS liiulmnlTS. I!l 21 l SI 4K per die of K hours. mnihlnlMs J.l tn II nsslslant mirhlnlMR S2 10 12 HO, SKILLKD LAltOUnltS 12 hand turret I ithe op, ratnrs 12 SS Potter & Johnston, 13 52, Automatic Cleveland llrown Sharp & (Irldlev 13 711. hlRhcr compens itlon when on plei , work 1 111 rens. 15 dajs- lenve nfler one senr's service, 7 Imlldivs nnd S iturday nfternoons during summer numths. nil with full pay. Apply Frniikfnrl Arsimnl pr- rerably In person llrldeshlin- I'lllladelphln Pa l.AItcli; Ultra COIlFOnATION requires services of assistant manager for drilB-i-hemtcal and phnrinnci utlcnl depirtment. uuisi Is- expiil enced In IiuxIiib and handling of hilp, -mil onpnrliinltv fur ndvanceini nt with one of th- ...nut Bll,l enni urn. 111 tbo ITnlted States OlllV experienced, solier men npply, must l wllllns tn bo to New Vnrk city. II .121. Led. Off. STIl.VntlltAIMinil .1 Imokkeeper rnpnble SrPNIlllltAPItKll recent experience pe , e orker STHNOilltAPIlF.ll. know ledge of bookkeeping; 2 vears- exp . sii 11 1:1 i.ener i-enirni. TYPIST expert know-ledge of dictaphone, exp. In nfrtc-e details O 331 Ledger Centrnl. TVPIST assistant IsinkkeeiMT. wishes work for summtr 17 O 713 Ledger Central TYPIST anil flic clirk. one year experlenco, In, O HI. Lulger Centrnl WWTUrss nr ihamliermald" Scolch Prnt, : ex pirlenied tiest refa II I27.j,edffer Ofncc. WAITItT-:si or thamhermald Present place, 253 S Kilh si Ynt'NO MKV 25 sears of" nge, 'iWlres "posi tion us clerk In hotel or secretary: prefer sea shore H II ledger Centrnl. TWO experleneed women, housekeeper nnd clerk, desire positions In hotel at seashore, country or innuntalnH 11 012, ledger Central ""MPt.OYr.HS nr" heglnnlnB lo rerncnlre the perxlen rendered by "Mls Dean" at Ijcdger Centrnl ns Itivahnlile lo them nt that psycho logical miinieid when they nnd themselves without ofllce help 1 hey know Hint n phone t nil Waltiiit .'limn nr Main 3IHM) will brim; them lust the desired assistance, bo II a Stenng. rapber. Bookkeeper. Secretary or Clerk "Miss Dian" kei ps In touch with oung women who rre seeking situations Have sou ever asked ier asslslam-e- It Is a frco scrvlco to Led gt r Advertisers THIS IS TUG TIMn TO I1UY A USr.D CAH As June 30 In the Cln.e of Our Fl-cnl ar,' ATlltACTIVI! PltlCKS can ho had nn any nt the " fnllowln-f cars, If purchased prior to Juno so: MANWni.L Touring, electric lights and ri.lfltld.'i'S Touring, electric lights and LO.Ii:il. Lake wood model, electric llBhte and starter, . ... nv.i- .t CADILLAC I.lmouslne, elcclrio lights and OAKLAND l-cv Under TourlnB. electric IlBhH and starter . ... , HAYNHt TourlnB nnd Limousine. WISCONSIN Limousine. HUICK 'louring. AMi-nir'AM. i.nnsseiicer. underslunB, .,,,.,,,.,, Al.tllltl' MtU" l.n.tili.lllet. PACKAIID ".IS" TourlnB and Limousine. ,, tti'.iiti, n.i, i,,Lf MACK r.-ton truck with covered body. LOCOMOllILKS. I. 3 nnd 7-passeiiBcr. Touring and Limousines, 1100 up. both Also a few separate open and closed bodies. Convenient terms can bo arranged. Wo can nlso handle lour present car. tiir i.ocoMonn.n company OP AMI.KIUA 2.114-22 Mnrket at., I'hlla., Ta. II. A. JUNKS. Met. Kxchanso Car Dcpt. locust 150. Hato 3300. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOFNTANT-ltniikkceper. Br.nlunte AVharton School. vears With neewent emp -vnntS chnnBc off better opp. IT 311, Lodger Office. ACCOCNTANT desires bonks of smnll firm to do ivenlugs II 210 Ledger Office ACCuCNriNO. bookkeeping clerical work, eve nings It 221. Ledger Office, ASSISTANT TO nxnctTTivn Business man. 25, seeks position of respon-slbllltv- experienced In salea dept work, cor respondence, accounting, credit antl collections and the general detail work of a husv office, open for Immediate onBaBctu't. O SI.". Led Off. MACHINISTS Steady employment at satisfac tory wages, modern fai lory situated In health ful location: 5-cent faro from 1,3d und Murket sts. Only thoroughly lompetent men, nppljliis lu person, will bo considered. NO WAH OllDHItS THi; AUTOCAIl COMl'ANY Ardmore. I'a. HAND S vv mild teaming. WKItfl und operators on truss w-nrlc. lake persons willing tn learn, paid vvhllo in- vvainui si. CONNKLL. M-ol lMlilUMcUConnVli'' osS ST ee-irii It.latleeH nn.l M.n.i- " 1 .S.T to attend the fuoeral servlcearon Friday at 2 p. m . at the reaideoca of bla !-iiher . s"i.- v-rrn-s.-KV - ---- ti' -Ti;u---r -i -- spi .n-tit Cam. Uriday JIE-Vb-r. uu .-una t 1918, AMELIA ,ir of HuJo-ln F Meaeey It I veai ,frt frleotU are invited to ..und I tbl tuneVil .rvl eS oil Ibu-aday at 3 p m "", 'T",ti i-VIii.e.'" " I"-'--'t I HOSIKUY Knitters and toppers on Standard F und Sintt X. Williams full automatic m u bines; het pa In clly antl light, st-.nliary mill Wul-lat-o Vllson HoslerM'o . 435 Orch-ird st HOSIKUY Knitters und toppers on Standard F and Scott A. Williams full automatic mat blues; best pay In city nml light, sanitary mill In which to work Wallico-Wllson Husiery Com pany. 1.111 Orchnrd st HOSIKUY Kxp winders and niondrs wanted, plenty work and pay good as any Wallace Wilson Hosiery Co ,4355 Orchnrd at ,I"kford lToL'SIlMOTIIUIt for boa. Protestant Institu tion. SO boys, farm school; strong, capable, retlned woman, to supervise hois In work do mending and crcato u home atmosphere, ability to pta tihino an advantage, temporary en gagement for August lending tn permanent eu Kagement If satisfactory, reference requirtd. salary law per inunin. leuuresi ii aa., ia.il Bor tvnirnl. HOUSIIWOIIK A aeltled. whlto Prolcslunt woman for general housework and cooking. family two adults. Call 517 S. 42d st Phone Preston 54 14 TltoNKItS on shirtwaists and skirts, best p.iy7 steady work. The Iln-sedorn-Merz Co , 3d and Ilrovvn. lAl'NDUY Ulrla to do pressing on shlrtwulms and skirts. Tha Hagedoni-.Men. Co , 3d and Ilrovvn MOTlinn'S Hi:i.I'I'.H or expert children's nurse to take charge of twins. 3 , "ears old: will have nssisinni nurse, very iiivuesi ruierences required Fostofflio hox113 ilrn Mnvvr. NCHSi: American (nutlvel Frolestant. 30. Brad uate. 21 monthly, permanent, ag-ed, nervous lady. II 311, Lodger Central Nl'IiSi:!" ' governess or mother's helper experl eneed Call llelmont 130, Wednesday atfer I. NlTHhKS AND ATTKNDANTS The New Jir sey State Hospital at Morris Plains for the treatment of nervous and mental dl.eusen re quires the services of -nuns women and men to become nurses, free course In training at pool for those desiring tu take It diploma upon graduation. pu tu start, women, 122. und nun. IJ4 per month, with board, room und washing, and advance ariordlng to serv ices rendered, exiierlence unnrcessiry. For uppllcutlon blank cull ut hospital or upply by postal card only to Dr II ! Fvans, .Medi cal Director l". u. auuress i.rejsiono -'ark, New Jerse OFFHATOItH on shirtwaists nnd skrrts, steady work, best pay. The llJUodurn-Meri Co, 3d und llrown sis I'ltKSSKItS on shirtwaists and skirts, best pay, steady work. The Hagcdoru-Merz Co., M una llrown STI-NOailAI'lIEFl Private secretarj wanted for tho advertising- department of u large firm, experienced woman under 30. Answer, clvltu age. experience and education J 207. Ledger Of flee. S-TI.NOUltAI'HFll und secretary for ofllce: re fined surroundings, state years of experience and salary wanted. It 34H. la-deer Central bTKNOOHAFHFH und tilt. "substitute two weeks. 18: Hem. Invisible. SI 34J. Led Cent brF.NO(iIlAl'HrI., callable" of handling bpaiilsh correspondence. H 25. loidger Central STENOaitAI'HBHS. ItOOKKF.KFEItS, CLKItKS huve recoBnUeU the aseUtuntu that "Mlae Dean" of the Commercial Department at I-edser Central, has been In aecurloB situa tions of the better kind a sen lee which the Cubllo cannot du without "Mlaa Dean" lias oth the Interests of the employer and em ploye at heart and can be deiMiuled upon ut the right time, and place. This service la of fered ta ou aa a Ledaer udvertlser- lake ad vantage ef It iiiunedlutely If ou are aeeklru- a position. TELKPHONH OPERATORS Glrla between IT and 22. who are anxious to secure permanent Dosltloo-, with relloed. i4eaaant. hemellke sur. roundlBBs: aalary paid while learning; rapid dyanceuieat. Apply In iwriuu. to the lie 11 Telephoae Co., 400 Market st . dally except Sunday between 8 Jo a . and " v mi aleo Tueoday anil Frldaj . between 0 3d p. m and S.1U i m. MACHINISTS Wanted, latho, ldancr and hur- iob nun nanus, ni-ua-a. wi-o "."r'v11 men: r.il hours vveeklj Apply John Ltalzley Ironworks SI I S Delawnro ave .MACHINISTS." erectors or llonr hands in ;-us-touied tu textile mai hlne works. Apply I Lin cm k st entrance, nbovo LehlBh ave.. Smith & Furhush Mmhlnn Co MAN AND WIFH. or cook nnd chambermaid: " all work famllv of four, suburbs. Write par ticulars to II 330. Ledger Central. MAN AND Win:, colored, for general house ' work, referenm required Cull between 11 und 12 a m. 1531 North 11th at. " MECHANICS "WANTL'D. FIRST CLASS Mathlno lathe hands, automatic machine hands, mlllvv rights, riggers, ninldurs. core makera and laborers AppIv Win Ihomus, lluldvvln lrf)comollveVorks. nddyston.Fa,. MLN wnnted on coating mathlno: Bood pay: M, iilv .limln nn pi M Collins Mnufui turlng Company. 22d Columbia avo. TiIKN WANTI3D Laborers and lacomnllvn clean "",:, i- n i-., cm 1711 l-llberi st OTFICR MANAOKIl nnd nciauntliiit. Wharton School or college Brnduata prefer'd: stato age, exp. and salary expected II 315. Ledger Off. OPIlit VTIlllS mi ii'iromiilli gluing Interna ttonai mnchlnes for raiding box factory, short dis tance from I'hlla . goud pal-, steady work. Ap ply Wed. to I p. in. or write Lockvvood FoldliiB Hnx Co , 211 houin .1 1 st.. i-iiiui PAPHR CL'TTKIl experienced for slitter nod shear work Philadelphia Paper llox Co., 17th and Illdgw nve. I'LUMIinrtS for oiierallon work. Apply 11. Itay nnr. 1332 McKeun l-I.UMIIKItS for operation work Apply WinT McDermln, Supt .N W cor 10th i. Oregon ov Q. A wnnted at once. 1500 Mt Vernon st SALKSMAN A is rmnn, nt position la ciien to a man who has ability as outside salesman. stralRht salary and good opportunities, state ago and experience M 217, I-edser Centrul HALHSMAN for outside work with office out litters, one whn has fair knowledge of ofdie furniture and tiling lablneta preferred, state ago und experience M 2IS I-edgeCentrnl. SALHSMAN City and New Jersey; mature age. W A Thgmpsan. 3J South 10th st. 8IIIPPINH CLKHK Wholesale Jewelry house wants experienced shipping clerk, state ace. experience nnd salary. It 313 l-edgcr Centrul bTAHLM and garden work, steady pi lie for single white man. Answer or apply 303 Drexel llulldlng. Philadelphia, Pa STHNOOIlVPIIRIt. e-upnlile of handling Spanish correspondence II 2..7 la-dger Central. WANTFD A man who Is thoroughly familiar with the construction utnl operation of u tin nlnir plant steody employment, state exiierl- enco anil wages uesireu ,uurtsa Mux .11,, Lancaster F.t 1 ANTKD Three boB to work In etotkruom must be HI -ears of age. sliudy work good pa Apply Weolworth Co . 170J Itldge avo YOUNtl MAN wanted, bright, not over 2.1 un questioned char-uter and Inteirrity. pleasing liersonallt- nulik .at llaure with experience In a nutlonal bank lust references required. II 313 Ledger Ofllce YOFNO MAN In real eatate office, must bo con. viyanccr. state extwrlence und salary desired. H 331, Ledger Central YOFNil MAN, and strong liov. wholesale house. Apply J Kline Mgr 3134 Market st YOUNa'MBN between the ages of 18 and 3,1 who desire to travel and to receive military training aa members of the flrst line uf the tountn's defenae apply at 1400 Arch st . Phil adelphia. l'a for detail; d Information re gurdiiuc eullatmenl in the United btulea Marin Corps. ASSISTANT tn officer, one of lnrgest Amerleun companies, 5 sears' experience, left to take temporary rharwe of business In which flnan elnllv Interested hv re, college graduate (Ken nomlcs), 20 traveled abroad, wish position In Plilln II 251 Ledger Cenlra ItOOI.KnilPHIt evperlencetl. will audit necnunls. open close and wilte up liooks. day or eve. nlitg. hl-h elllilency avsti-ms Installed, mod erate terms Itell phnni Wooill'ind 3S53 M I otiKkr:Pi:it expert 7 sears' experb-nte D, 11 anil torporatlon, best referenics II 310 l.edgerCentraJ m . ,. III Tl.Illt iidnred mat. I vearn' - f preft r oiinirv :i.:io irv-in si . wist riiiiaiieipnia IP'TLIlIt or valet. Japanese wishes imsltloll. best referi nci s II 1.,s. Ledger Central ClIAtiFFL'l'lt. miirrlitl Ilimllsh, I'rolestiint wishes position with private family: references J Medlln. Oen Pnsiofrie... Chestnut Illll P.i ClIAI'CFKL'It nml Bardener single, for private family good ref, 122 Martin ue,. Ilryn Mswr Phone llrvn Mawr 74 1 T DltArnilTSMAN, mechanlenl. wlth"lnlatIvo, de sires position II 310, Ledger Oillco , DnAFGIITSMAN will mako draw lints and trac lllirs II 22.!. Ledger OHIisi MP.CHANICAL KNOINKKR, 3S. broad experi ence, deslris traveling pos . sales or executive. llox 2tii, News Agency, Norristown. i'a. SAI.HS HNilIVllllR, technical education, shop und draughting mnni experience, desires tu make change H 317. Ixnlger Central. SALKSMAN 10 sears' exp . desires connection with manufacturer as loial manager and gen. ri presentatlvo or for louil Western territory: spiMl.ilty linn pref H 211. Ledger Central SALKSMAN. K Jenra' experlenco In mill sup plies, desires cliiuige to position with future. F 752. l-edger Central. YOl'NO MAN. 17 high school graduate, stennir rapher and tjiM'vvrlti r. desires position for summer In mountnlns. nominal salary; best nferonce. F On I, Ledger Onice. AN OPPORTUNITY wllh mnnufnclurlns or tnercantllo ron cern Is deBlred by earnest youns man. 21. high school nnd Wharton School education, with good byslness experlenco nnd tralnlns, where hard work and Ini tiative will lend to advancement. 11 235. LKDOliR OFFICII TOUNO MAN (20), thoroughly experienced book I', i in r wllh ex, null, and Hales abflltv, over II jears' genernl business experlenco. Is seek ing good opportunity with manufac or reltuulo concern 11 301. I-edger Oillce, FOSITION wanted for summer by en 11 ego grnd iii , vp-rli ei--i ns inior hauffeur, clerk, sales work It ,120. Ledger Oillco KXCF.PTIONAI, VALUES IN U3KD CARS 1014 NVINTON. Touring. llehtn .. 1013 STKAHNS (l-c Under, 7-pnssenger starter and i les trie KNIGHT, 0-rj Under. 7- iias-ieiiger Touring: stnrtcr nnu clet t rlc llglita 1913 l'AKli; l-ryllnder, 5-passenger Tour ing, good condition 11H2 WINTON. il-cMlnder. 7-passnger Touring, good condition 1012 PIllltCK-AItllOW il-cyllnder Chassis, excellent condition Tltl'CKS 3 AUTOCAR Trucks, l'A tons capacity, with budles, each WILCOX. 1-ton Delivery; A-l condition. C50 300 300 700 030 300 Hell, TIIR WIIPJT. COMPANY 2111 NORTH lIUOAD ST It HUT L II o'NKAL Used. Car Department. -Spruce 11102. Kc-ijionc. Race 1734. HIGII-ORIDR chnssls for sale. In flrst-clsss condition thrnushout; enn tie equipped with either Unlit delivery or speedster body; will sell choip to quick bu-cr. Address U "00, Ledger Centrnl. CADILLAC. Mill, touring car. overhauled nnd tepnlnted: full equipment: price S10. AUTO bALKS CORPORATION 112 N llroadst. i:nqi:r twin o, nun di-jmonstrator. l-RAfTICALLY NKW CONDITION IN IIVL'IIY UKSPKCT CARIHKS l-YKAH FAC TORY OCARANTIli:. WILL DI.'JHlNST'jATn IN ANY MANNKIt DKSIItKD. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY 'lO SKCURR A NKW CP-TO-DATi: MODKL AT A DIS COUNT. HOTII PHONUS. TOP. 1830; R,Ci: 21I7S , HUDbONS rebuilt antl Bii.irnnteed. phaetons, roadsters and cnbrlnlels- elec. lights und stnrt ers liOMKRY-SCllWART... 253 N. Droad St. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 111S KAMI, fill S llith wishes sits fnrexiel. Siotih Prot took several Irish looks. Prot. ehambds waitresses nurses laundresses etc also want butlers housemen Prot. vvulterH, housework girls Frenth maids, ref. required. Phone bprtiio SHU MRS. NIi'lIOLLS. 1020 Italnbrldge Comp. but lers, houn men. conks. Prot and Catholic waits chambermaids nurses etc want po sitions, vues for butlers valets conks, 11,0. laundri ss s etc Plaaii l,,u ust 21.11) SI1SS MARY T MCCARTHY 210T Christian (I. oc 130.11. auppllm and wants Ist-class Prot , Cath male and f, male help ull nationalities sirs min::i-vff lino i-hri-uim st rnicur BIS), wants supplhs help of nil enpac. ; llrst cl. laundress, vounu cook, hvvk Blrla wanted I'AIOi: 1015, Racenbout: cost, 11281; nil new tires: rebuilt and repainted, will sell for 1000. II 242. LedserCentral. I'A mR HMO Fairfield Model, 7 passenger tour. Ins. looks like new. will sell rensonuble. II 2a3. lcdccrCentrul. RUSH DKLIVKRY. panel body. 1000-lb. dollvery car; used less than Mill mllea, condition like new, complete equipment, -.ood reason for sell ing, will demonstrate, btandurd Motor Cur Co , 002 N. nroad st. PULLMAN Distributors Poplar 1S31I Raco 2D78. , STANI.IlY STi:.Mi:it.1il3 model 70, ,1-pasaen. ger touring. Apph 5.1 North17tn st STUDKHAKKR 7 passenger, lute model: electric llghtln., and starting system: Bood eondltlon; full equlpmint, will demonstrnte, prlco, 1430. Standard Motor Cur Co . 1102 N. Hrond st. I'ULI-MAN Distributors. Poplar 1R.I!) Rnce 2078. llllll PULLMAN. Snassengir. with full equip ment in Bood condition I will demonstruto fully iin'l t " 'so sHin.. uaranti-o as new- cart price 1000. Standard Motor Car Co.. 0U2 Aorta i, road st 1011 LOCOMOUILK, excellent condition, good tires, extra tire nnd rhn hl bargain Mavvley Motor Car Co 032 N. Hrond. WKLDLNC) nnd braIns, cylinders ri ho red, new Pistons und rings furnished HLRCULLS WKLDINO AND MAUHINK CO., 22J N. 10tl st . Philadelphia. Schober 3315 .MARKET CADILLAC PARTS SKND init fri:b nuLLuriN OF HSIHl CARS fionsoN auto t:.cnANai: 2,m n nnoAp CIASSinST roadstir 11 cylinder, must bo soldi will demonstrate II 221 Ledger Ofllce. Wanted AUTOS wanted for parts I'hlla. Auto Porta Co.. h2J N. 13th st Park 141S, AUTO LIVERY AND OAK AGES AUTOMOBILES For Sale fleneral BTOKKKIU'ERS several 115 ami 117. NEWS. PAPER HOOKKBBPER. out of town. lill. I.KlKlKlt CLERKS goud pauinan. f ' STOrtEl-HKPKU. gas flttluaa. nioth ii iaVohtsmkn. .mf.cha7Cai; iioSmo : STRUCTURAL. I2S STRUf-TURal, RB. TAII.KR 120. LUMUKI' LVSPBCTOR 'SA1. MANAOBR. ateain svwlaltWa. only hWh-grade men umaldered 1000 up. Thy beat hth-Br- trlutlaT SALESMAN wanted, who coiur fra-e. no aalary limit SALKSMis"-;,Jt; lobblns. electrical aupplles. comtuareUl. pleotci. graphical. bUtb-ifrade man excellent aaUiry buUdlni materUI. anchor bolt, IISOO. Sber poattk,-. oTj-.0f!fGBAnE iim SITUATIONS WANTED FSMALE ASST HOOKKI-.Pl.il 1 ) irj ku d a. I1J U 4- 1. I JJIII t LItl hand ex ,. ml i um n ,. bsg-B... eiBsrU-ccO. U 4L Le0.cc e,.tr, el . I k i L. 8 BOWURS COMl'ANY COLB ORANT 213-SIT NORTH RROAP STRniTT Offers tho follovvlns used cars: COLTl Model ESQ Demonstrator, COl.H lUt'd l-e-yllnder Tourlni.-. ll----l-II.Ul-il- lu TOUltAiN llij2 Touring I'llAl.-.KItS 1012 Taurln: 1IAYNF 1012 Tourlmj. KlbSKL KAlt lui.'J Touring, ivitii 41'1' iiiuriiu.. -1AI13111. I ntr, I Touring. HUH Taurlns MAliim PUI.I.viAr, luin Jr Tourli OLDSMOHILi; 1013 ToutI AH the above cars havo been taken In trade for COLH und have hem ccmpletely over hauled and are In yerfect runnlait order. WB INVITE YpU to Inepect the following list of rebuilt and repainted cars, which ara of, feres) for sale. Uafh car la In Urat-cIaM run. niug coudltlon. RAM1ILKR, qroaa-couutry model. 3 naaaenaer. flue condition 18u XS,eA,--,,il'--!'ir' -u11-" e-iulppeil. 10HJ JEFFRSY. pa-wager; run only 600 miles 11113 CI1AI.IEHS, S paueager. We ulau Imva rebuilt CTLDSMORILUij. TUB OLJWilOHILB COMPANY HUiWCMtlLB 1B14 HUP TOURINd CAR HtaHrUi UU and ujtr. ISIS HUP TOURIN- CARS 1913 HUP UOAD-TGRsI We ve In addition ,id auri-nent USi 1 ltupuous Ul BOIO reuilaer and lour llE ears . -., Hl-Fil-UH t toi&il ant) Tlv.-a. 33 N. "i-a sU FULTON OAltAai FIIIKPROOF 12,000 sq ft. storage space CHAUFFEURS CHAUFFEURS llelora making- a change Inspect our service. 03D OIRARD AVKNUD AND FKLTON blRKUl' Phone. llelmont 1101. POl'LAIt 1017 to hire (open day and nltht). Perk 1432. brand-new S.pass. touring car, 11.23 hr ; also brand-new 7-pass limousine. It SU hr.l weddings, funerals HIS (llrard. TO HIRH II 23 AND UP." Cara of all makes Poplir 213 Race 2211. BUY MOISTER Portahle Oarages Steel or stucco. On display 8011 N 3th. Tioga 2984. AUTO PAINTING QUALITY based on experience Is the primary consideration, don't deprive sour. elf of the best when the price Is In sour favor. Phone Tioga 2702 Immediate service aBClRn-- W. PARVIS JR 1321 Alrdrle st (Rroad above Brie). On a co-operative plan Fords cost only 112 AUTO BEPAIItlNQ AUTOMODILE REPAIRS The beat equipped shop In West Phlla. We stralahten frames and axlea, make parts, harden and grind. Rebuild overhaul and repair all makes Prices fair Agency for Master turbureturs Preston 4633 or West 406. HICIOINS UROS .4212 Chaataut. I POMTER TROUBLES I ' Bee BILLY, at his new loeatlon. BI NORTH BROAD ST. CYL1NDHRB REBOR-D. new platens an! rlage furnished weldings and braxJtur. II. B. UHderwoed Co. 10tB Hamilton st.. Pbjta, AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKEN BEARINUS HYATT New Devnre Service Station the UwllPam Co. lalVArc- at. Phones Walnut 3187. Race S8S. PARTS to buljjl or reualr uny car PbUa Aula Parts Co h23 N 13th Par - i ii 141S. of Out-aul KlUhtly at-t AUTO TIRES P-iAN Ti; ' lee CeSwre wt-tt. N Broad at riRl all -I-. - n ia , 1 ,rk Ulr price. Other (.UuUkd Ad eu .-t Fuse , . . ' iT'iisii ratlilniii-ffiri-iiiiii i i , , m , iiimaMifitMi