Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    && raffiB;nwmt,ul
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(rK-fS' V -
t -mwEWgTyamiWi
a'TWlft) SP ' W! P W fJp'ft fWHlHI(jl-jl
Sequel to "Und
the Moons of Mars '
Author of Uic Tirtn Stories
fwtrtt.t '
"n i, nrt ' il'ioiiirn i
Tit"'1,, ', ,
to en ' ,
.Slid i "
to m , '
Klrli' ." '
for' m
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irlt In ' '
tirul nr
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timi e '
Jrr n m " '
Mll il . '
fiii " '; ,
C.ir(or il ' '
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,flT 1 '"
fnate fi m "
find thwii
civtrn in
throusti Hi !
,, l-'l efiPu sinro unpinin
, i -'."'"," .""i:: :
inr-. "lien- ill. linn
sirnouiiy 113 lid
rnmro from thi
liborlnir Mind.
I t w Ih thi nrrni nn.1 rI
nf Helium. ,be Iw.il 1nM
i nnrl'i n" '" n,nR. "imiit
- nlnnr which suiillni tho
ii 'mil rn'rlvril a telrernm
n i'rtr In Hi" lint"! lit
f ih-i .irnnr,Kjvo him His
i ! it nniilHIio'l here. tM.it.
. iIiib from d'fttli mul tranj-
ii'i nl mi Matt Ii" Untie hint.
r rlon. rovcr?ii wim uemi-
wim iiiiiiiiiiinin
1 limn.'il
lie IIP
Or tne eilll pre l
ne n huh 1 1 tin ml
i i il lolmis mm powerful
ii") it weird (unit
nr hip t'i rt pee urn
i .it'iKKlnic n HiiHll tinnd of
,1 Wi'ltinn
iMtn rr mures. Till" "no
i i,. his olil friend. I no War
, i 'i whom no Ileitis tn el-
n fine In a hollow tree, llioy
. .if tli" brunches tn n rriio
i.v t'nrlrr nnd 'fats TnHins
i. soil In n elmtnbor nf thn
Mutt jn-nl of laughter rings
, il itn flucg'
(IIM'IDU III Conllnncil
A3 TfUi turn Min unit compiuicii. u great
t,?Ll'',i' "ls rrtraloil slttlnff tilmii Itn
luiunrii "i"'" i'"" lart u nioMi'viiiviiiR
'floor Ui'f I""1 l""'n un ",p opposlto nlile
before t n ill r.iiivm-nocii to movu. wiicit
" the wrti.m 'leiippil Hit liPiml wnn fiioins
5- townrJ m" mi "r slue nr llio partitlnii.
! lut trliit li.ul InlcfcstPrt ino most wrm
J .tn .liriit tint tli" linlf-tunicil Bcctlon lin.il
presontcil th.oiiKh llio oponlnu that It !iail
A eri'nt ili.inilipr.wcll llchtnl, In which
tfrc bcm11 ' ",rM al"' """lien chalnod to
Iho will '" ' In front of tlioni, ovlilclitlv
.. .....a .. 1 .....t.iMnt. Illn ttlnl'ntnnul rC
i oireciiiiK 'i" "'"'a "' ........... ..u v.i
thQ PP"l "' '' ,(,l ' " ll wii:ti;ii-iiiij'-u iiuLll
wither r"J :iri llio rcil inril of Mars, not
rrecn a '" " ' Brcru inon, hut white,
llkomvmlf. 'Will a rcat tnasa of llowlng
yellow hair
!.- Alt'- I"' " " - '
t linns i"i 1 "itli thrill were n nnnihcr
of flcrrc I i t Mich as liail hcni lurnod
upon ii" ' 'I Him equally ns fi'ioolous.
As I mi '" men my new ioc it vnn
withe li'.nt cc.iiMiiernlily llRlitonetl.
"VV.iti It in- .ill at your enil of the
chamboi. 'I i- T.iilian," I cautioned. "It
Is tliroujrh i iet iloonvnys In tho wall that
tho brutpi .no Ino'icit iiiiou lis."
B5" I was 'i clo'o to him, anil snnkn In
alow ihi ir that my knciwluilge of tholr
eccret m rht n it he iIIecIokci! to our tor
mentors So Inns as we roumlnetl caeh fachiK an
opposite i ml nf the aptiai'tment no further
Ittacls.s ri' in. ule upon us, so It waa fiuitn
S ! clear I" "' "i,it the partitions were In umw
way pi' 1' ' iii'ii un actions iniKiii nu
ebserveil t ""i without.
At lenptli i planof action occurreil to
Be, anil linking ipilto close to Tara Tuihai
I unfuM" I m M'heinn In a low whlgjiur,
keeping m.- iiea itlll Blued upon my end
of tho rout
Tho Kn it Thark grunted hla assent to
my pnip'i'i.iinri when 1 had done, and In
iccoril.UK" v Ih mv plan comiiieiieed haek
Ing tou.ini tl'" .ill which I faced, while I
idvanerd ! mlv ahead of him
When iv hut i inched a point emtio 10
feet from tin- rret doonvay, halted my
compan.im .' d. muIIuiiIiii; hint to leiuain
absoluteiv im mulei until I Ravo tho pre
arranged , 1 1 I .quickly tinned my hack
to the dn"t iluniiBh uh'eh I could alinimt
feel tho bin iii"nir and baleful eyes of our
would-be i i i.tnim r.
, Instinlh mi o u eyen smiBht llio minor
upon Tari T.uUns' liuclt. nnd in another
eecopd I i closely wntchiiiB tlio t-eetlon
of tho wall which had liceu dlSBorfilnc; Ita
eatage tenor.' upon us.
I had hot IniiR to wnlt. for presently the
golden mirfneo commenced to move rapidly.
KciiCfly had it started than t Rave tho
KlKii.Tl lo Tars Tnrkua, flmullatieously
BprliiBliijr for Iho recedliiB half of the pivot
InjJ tloor.
In like innuiier tho Thark wheelcit and
eaped for Ihe openltie heliiB inndo hy the
InswltiRinB secllnii.
A single hound carried tne completely
through intii the rtdjnluitiK room ami
hr.iUBht tne face lo race with the fellow
wliow cruel fnco I had hefore seen.
II" was Minul tuy own helKhl nnd well
mttscieil, and In evely outward iletnll
molded precisely an tiro llarth moll.
At Ills slilo liuiiB ft loilBiwoid, a short
nworil, n dagger, and olio tit tho destructive
radium revolvers Hint arc no common upon
Tin' fact llt.it I was aimed only with n
lnnssword, nml ro nccordlUB to tho laws
mid ethh nf hatllo everywhere upon liar
Room, should only havo heen met with
similar or lesser weapon, roomed to tuiva
no erfeet upon Iho moral sense of my
enemy, for lie whipped out his revolver
eve 1 had scarce touched tho Hour by Ills
side, hut an upper cut from my loiiBSivord
sent It tlyliiB from his trnsp before he
rouhl discharge It.
Instantly he drew hl.i loiutsword, and,
thus overtly armed, wo net to In rarnoit
for one of tho closest battles I have ever
The fellow was a marvelous) swordsman
mid evidently In practice, whllo 1 had not
gripped the hill of n sword for ten Ioiir
ears before that inorulliK.
Uut It did not lako mo Ioiib to fnll
easily into my IlRlitlnB stride, so that In n
few minutes tho man beKau to realize that
he hail at last met his match.
lli'i face became livid with rnro as he
found my gttnnt impicKiiahle, whllo blood
ilowed from n dozen minor wounds upon his
face and body.
"Who are you, white mnn?" ho hissed.
"That you tire no Harsoomtan from the
otiUr world is evident from your color.
And you are not of us'.'" '
Ills hist' statement vvns almost a question.
"What If I were from the lemplo of
Ihsus?" I hazatded on a wild BUes.
"I-'nto t'orfend 1" ho eKclnlmed, his face
BoltiR white under tho blood that now nearly
covered It.
I did not know how to follow up my
lead, hut I carefully laid the Idea away for
future uso should circumstances require It.
Ills nnnwer Indicated that for all ho
knew I mlKht he from tho temple of Jasus,
and so evidently llieio v. as u temple of
IssiiM. and lu It were men like unto mynelf.i
IJllher tills mnn feared the Inmates of
tho templo or elso ho held their persotut
or their power In such reverence Unit lie
trembled to think of tho Mint in nnd In
dignities bo had heaped upon one of them.
Hut my present business with him wns
of n dllfeient nature than that which re
quires any considerable abstract ic.'iKimiiiR.
It won to pet my sword hnlwcen bin ribs,
and tills I succeeded In doing within tho
next few decouds, nor was I an Instant too
Tho chained prisoners had been watching
tho combat In tense silence. Not it hound
had fallen In the room oilier than the clash
ing nf our contending blades, tho soft
shuttling of our naked feet and tho few
wlilspeied words wo hissed at ono nnothcr
through clenched teeth llio whilo wo enn
Umii'd our duel.
lint ns the body of my antagonist sunk
an Incil mass to the Hour n cry of wninlng
broko fiom onu uf the female prisoners.
"Turn! Turn! l!"hind you!" slin sliiieked,
and at 1 wheeled at the tlrst note of hor
hlu III er I found myself facing ti second
man of the samo taco as ho who lay at
my feet
Tho fellow had crept stealthily from a
dark corridor, and wan almost upon me
witli raised swoid ero I saw hint. Tars
Tarkait was iinvvhcio lli sight, and the secret
panel In tho wall, through which I had
come, was closed
I low I wished that he wero by my slilo
now! t had fought almost continuously for
many linius. 1 had passed through such
experiences and adventures ns most snp
the vitality of man. nnd with all thin I
had not eaten for licit ty 21 hours hor
I was fntjgeil out, ami for the tlrst lime
lu years felt a question as lo my ability"
to cope with ah antagonist. Hut there was
hausht else for Ii than to engntto my matt,
nnd th.it its quickly and ferociously us lay
I u me.
My only salvation wan to rush him off
hli feet by tho Impetuosity of my attack.
I could not hopo to win a, long-drawn-out
Hut tho fellow was evidently of another
mind, for ho backed nnd parried nnd par
tioil and side-stepped, until t was almost
completely ragged from tha exertion of
ntlemjillng lo llnlslt him.
Ho wns it mote adroit BWnrilstunii, If pot
slide, limit my previous foe, nnd I must
ndmlt that ho ted mo a pretty chase, nnd
lu the end emtio near to making a imrry
fool of me and a dead otto Into the bar
gain. I could feel myself growing weaker nnd
weaker, until. at length objects commenced
to blur before my eyes, nml 1 staggered
nml blundered about more asleep than
awake, nnd then It was that ho worked his
pretty little coup that canto near to losing
mo my life.
Ho had harked me totind so that I stood
In front ot tho corpso of his fellow, nnd
then he rushed me suddenly, so that I
wan forced back upon it, nnd ns my heel
struck it tlie impetus of my body Hung mo
backward across tho dead mnn
My bend struck the haul pavement with
a resounding vvlinclc, and lo that alone 1
owo my life, for It cleared my br.iln nnd
tho pain roused my temper, so that t was
equal for the moment to tearing my enemy
to pieces with tny bare hands. I veiilv b'
llevo that I should have attempted It l-iid
not my right hand. In tho act of raising
.my body from the ground, come lu cmitm t
wllh n hit of cold tnctnl.
As the eyes of the lnymnn, so Is the
lintid of the lighting mnn -when It ci'tnes
lu coiitui'l witli nn Implement "f his voca
tion, and t litis I did not nee'd to look or
leasnn to know that In my grasp was the
dead mini's tovolver, lying where it had
fallen when I sti nek It from him.
Tho fellow whose ruse hud put me down
was sprlnnliiR town id mo, tho point of his
gleaming bkulo directed straight nt my
As he came there rung from his lips the
cruel and mm king P"nl of lnimhter that
I had henrd within the chamber or mystety.
And so he died, his thin lips cut led in
tho snarl of his hateful laugh, and a bullet
ftoin the icvolver of Ills dead companion
bursting In his heart.
Ills body, home by tho impetus nf his
headlong rush, plunged upon me.
The hilt of his swoid must hnvo struck
my head, for wllh the impact of the corpse
I "lost consciousness.
It was the sound of conflict that loused
me oni'o more to tho icnlilies of life. Kor
a moment I could neither place my sur
roundings nor locate the sounds which had
loused mo.
Then from beyond tho blank wall hostile
which I lay I lieaul llio nhufllluR of feet,
the snarling nf grhn lienstn, tho clunk of
metal accoutrements, and tho heavy breath
ing of a man.
As 1 rose to my feet I glanced hurriedly
about the chamber In which I had just en
cniinleied such a warm reception. Thu
pilsoiieis and the savage brutes rested In
their chains by tho opposlto wall eying urn
., .
?. iiU
Dearest Children -Of course you know how modern mothers raiso their
childriu 1 at do yon know how Missus Eagle raises IIKR babies?
Hi. .. Curie and his wife build their bungalow upon some elevated spot.
THEY .!j not, havo even running water in their home. It is, in fact, a collection
cf stick- judely thrown together for the purpose of containing tho eggs and
the young.
A nnlil.pvinir rock is generally reserved for the pantry, but Missus bugle
has no pl.i.p to keep the ice she does not need it.
In caviling for food, Missus Eagle assists her husband, just like all goon
R wives i-,-,', t their husbands. Eagles, dear children, live in perfect harmony
W throurrhoit their lives.
As the Entries nro donendent upon rabbits and hares, which hide during Uio
''day, ono tf the family must drive the prey from under cover while tho other
catches tho animal.
By and by tho babies come. Missus Eaglo watches over them, watching
particularly their wjngs.
When tli time comes for her darlings to fly, Missus Eagle pushes them
'out of tho c.ric nd they MUST fly or bo dashed to pieces on tho rocks far,
K far below. '
muy uiwuys uy. -
Human beings are not able to fly, but thoy may learn much from tho school
k "i Nature, whore kind mothers teach their babies SELF-RELIANCE.
Children's Editor.
Our Postoflice Hox
Eugene tiitU'll la a namo well known to
Halnbows who bean tho Honor Ttoll on
"Saturday night. Kugcno hao been forltm-
ato enouKli to ob
tain place, thcro
several times, llo
is ns clever a let
ter writer as ho la
puzzln solver. Hero
is a lovo'y compli
ment ho paid n.)
last week: "Vou
must bo very, very
fluu to mako tho
ill tlu people of tho
Hulubow Club earn
mi much for you."
(We're blushing
now. hut of com so
you can't seo us )
II a r r y SIcQulBan.
of South li.lil htreet.
rjSJHs I m b o d d o U some
l"jENq QBTTEliI, ,v "I imiisu hi
v hla letter. Ho says:
on, would make a cood detective. Farmer
Sow t it '6 won'lor why! Can a"y llaiu'
Attcn Matiacb, who recently moved frpm
tiw''","0?'" 1 nobl'8 1,'"Ty. N- c
nues to he a faithful member of the club.
ItL i'CH'3 l3 'JlbnatchaU faithfully to
tn i 'f6 ltcc',s as closely lu touch with
toon; .. Vv" as over- Allw l learning
n;ru things In lier ,Ww home. Jm.t
iim Hr ?"" nlBlu l Kt t"ner a11
boi . . haa frl ""J . Jacket
lieu potatoes, cocou and hrad pudding."
a i ii H orrlvel at thp olHuu m 5:3Q p.
ttren ... "ade ua " hungry wu had to
u w. rt and gout and eat.
th.'iT l l Prichai-i. t Iocust street. -Saw
lini ? ,w bu,t0" hinlinf on bo many
did ,an1 CDat tawls tl' " de
Wra?l,!:f .?:. m "1'OfH.s to
nf i, .. -' jiMjjuow. i,enna. Mrum
:" ""vine, pa . ia varv .,-,! ... i,. h(.
SL .wefrs " wbwrwer sii goes. She
W f ---'s
wit. r :-r-.w
3 - i wtS ZI
Ieniva. Krum,
ton qj " '" VBr Prouu
on and weirs ,, whara... ,,
ures up to her oUdzo. inn t .? o.,;..,i,
I & rUa a baaJwt "P Wl for an old
R 'S"!l
Way8 U?f- r 9""'- N J '
l ' -.. cn'iy Hiucie tlav ' T WnKh.
HniL I.1Jls'tl "'"' wtite stories
-. - , M .vvillB VU? fiUV
Caro of tho Uvknino UiDann.
I wish to become n, member ot your
Rainbow Club, Pleasa send me n beau
tlful Itnlnbow llutton ireo. I agree to
Xamo i'mmiikmi
Address .
Age .t.i
School I attend
The Question Vox
Dear Farmer Smith I would he grate
ful for a few HUggehtions for country walks
for girls. Weaw do itrtW nej
Thero are many beautiful country walks
east of suburban York road This taction
Is e,iy to reuch, and tho turn total of car
fare fiom your home la 18 cents tboth ways.).
Take car number 3 turning from forter
street north on to lfith stieet. Ask fur an
eichaiiBi) when paying ,your fare. Oct off
at 13th street and Krio avenue and take
car number SI. which t ' s from nth
Mreet noith on to York road. Oet off at
Oak I-aue "avenue." wall; east on Oak
I.aiie and over the railroad bridge, Here
the "I-ane" turna a little; follow the curve
until sou come to tho old Oak Lane Jtai.tlst
Church. Now turn to your right and keep
on until you coma to New Jd Street pike.
Here your real walk begins. You may
either keep on tha pike or turn into any
of the fawlnatlng country roads that lead
out from It. l'leas b careful of automo
biles, and be sure to remember the way
you came. that you will be able to And
your way back-again-
Other beautiful walks are found In Bala.
To teach this suburb, take tho "Elevated '
on Slarket tret on tho side marked "West
SuftU Trains.'; Get oflf at iid street aud
take a !". bfore you E d0Wll.i"u stl
Take car number 79 going north on 62d
street. Stay on until you come to Kata.
Here you may dUcover for yourself green
Laths and lanes that will he sure to make
Luny the beart of any "oalure !ovr
AKttiu we repeat, bo careful of automobiles
aud POlfX tiOB your WAY
Ry I''nrmcr Smith
Jimmy Monkey was sitting In his back
nrd one afternoon when ho put his hand
on his bead. ".My! How hot," lie u
claimed. "That's) what comes of my think
ing so bnrd. 1 guess I will havo to let my
hhndow do a llttlo thinking"
Just thou tho Haby Hahnon camo along
and Jimmy said to him: "I havo a great
"You nro always having 'great schctnos,'
hut they do nut get us anywhere," nnswetcd
tho Haby llaboou.
"Yes, but this scheme will got us some
whero," replied Jimmy confidently.
"Well, tell It to me ns bilelly as possi
ble, for I am busy. Ul'SY! Do you hear
that?" The Haby fairly shouted.
"What what aro you busy at?" asked
Jimmy In Breat surprise.
"I am busy trying to find out what you
want mo to do. I'm THINKING. That's
thu hardest work I do," said tho Haby
Hnhoon. "Hut tell mo your bchemo."
"It is this: Lot's vrlto news for tho
JunRletown paper."
"What Is thoro to wrlto about?" asked
Jimniy'H companion.
"Why, tlieio nro fires and nil sorts of
things." replied Jimmy.
".Supposo thero are no Urea?" asked tho
Haby Haboon.
"Then wo will havo to start them. AVo
MUST have something to write about. .My
father Is always doing something which"
would bo good nows. if wo put It In tho
paper paper and"
"So la initio!" exclaimed the Haby
"Ah !" began Jimmy nil over again. "Now
wo uio getting enthusiastic."
"Whnt does Vntmisiastle.' mean?" asked
tho Haby.
"It means nil bubbling over with excite
ment,'1 replied Jimmy.
"I guess I'm full of bubbles hut you
Just wnlt until I write about father!"
And Jimmy DID wuit.
Rrnnch Club News
Violet Arnold, of 'Cillbert, l'a , sends a
word about the Gilbert Rainbow Sowing
Circle, founded by Paulino Delbert: "We
nro trying our vety best to mako It a good
Violet adds "a word" about herself. "I
drove tho horsos this morning for my big
brother, and ho said it helped him a lot. If
there Is anything lu particular I can do to
help you or Pauline plenso just tell mo."
This spirit of wanting "to help Paulino"
is Uio spirit that will hold a branch club
together and make it into a substantial,
permanent "helping hand" to tho Itainbow
Bessie Oreenwald, secretary of the Wood
bine Rainbow Lilies, leports iv follows:
"I will tell you what we do at our meet
ings. The president calls the meeting to
order, and I read the minutes and later
collect the dues. I then read your letter,
if you have sunt one. We then have a pro
gram and plan a new one for the next
meeting. We have business dlfccpssions and
then go home."
Tho llalnbow Lilies are to be congratu
lated on Uiesystmatie way in which their
meetings are conducted.
Things to Know and Do
1. "PLKASB Slothjr, what do you want
mo to do?" said James.
''It ts tin; for you to be PLEASE."
answered 1U mother. Take the letters
In PLEASE aad tell me what James'
mother wanted him to be.
2 I ONK t "RATER" Make one, word
out of tb three quoted,
jj, NsMne four treea that bear fruit,
with varying expressions of curiosity, sul
len rage. Btirprlso nnd hope.
Tho In Iter emotion seemed plainly evi
dent upon the handsomo nnd Intelligent
face of the young icd Martian woman
whose cry of warning had been Instru
mental In saving my life.
She was a perfect type nf that remark
nbly beautiful race whoso outward appear,
nnco Is Identical with the more godllka
tneps of p.-iith men, except that this higher
rnco nf Mnrtlans Is ot tl light reddish cop
per color. As slin wits entirely unadorned,
I could not even guess her slnllon In life,
though It Was evident Mint she wns cither
a luisoher or slave in her ptesent environ
ment. Il was sevelnl seconds hefore tho nounds
upon the opposlto side of the patlltlou
Jolted my slowly reluming faculties Into
a tcitllzntloti of their piobablo Import, niia
then or n sudden t grasped the rart that
they were paused by Thru Tntkns In what
wan evidently n desperate slrtlBglo Willi
wild beasts or savnge men.
With a cry of pupnurngemeiit t threw
my weight against the recret door, but
might an well have essayed the down-hurling
nf the elirffl themselves. Then f sought
feverishly for the secret of the revolving
panel, hut my search was fruitless, and t
wns nlmiit In raise my longsword against
the sullen gold when tho young woiimn pris
oner called nut to mo.
"Knvo your sword, O mighty warrior, for
you will need it more where it will nvnll
to some purpose. Shatter It not ngnlust
senseless metal which yields better lo Hi"
lightest linger touch of ono who known its
"Know you tho secret ot II then? I
"Yes: release me nnd I will give- ynti
enttatice to Hip other horror chamber. If you
wish. The kevs lo my fellers nro upon tho
llrst dend of vnur fnemen. Hut why would
vou return to fnre ngaltl the fleice bnntli
or whatever other foim of de'tructloit they
have loosed within Unit awful trap7"
"Ltocoiise tny friend fights theto alone."
I answered, as I hastily sought nnd found
Hie hevs upon the carcass of th" dead cus
Indlatt'nf tills grim chamber nf honors.
There were ninny keys upon the oval
ring, but tho fnir Mm Han maid quickly
selected that which spr-iing the great lock
nt her waist, and freed, she hurried toward
tile necret panel. ..
Again she sought out a key upon t he
ring. This time a slender, needle-llke niTatr
which sho Inserted In nil almost Invisible
hole In the wall. Instniitty the door swung
upon Its pivot nnd the contiguous section
of the iloor. upon which I wns standing,
carried me with It Into the .chamber where
Tars Torhnn fought.
The great Thark stood with his back
against tin angle of the walls, while facing
him In a semicircle n. half tinmen huge
monsters crouched waiting for an opening
Their blond-si leaked heads nnd shoulders
testified to (lie cause of their wariness as
well ns to the swoidsmanship of the green
wnritnr, whose glossy hide bore tho samo
mute but' eloquent witness to the ferocity
of the attacks Hint lie had so fnr withstood.
Sharp talons nnd ciuel fangs lind lorn
Ipg, arm and breast literally to rihhnivi
So weak was he. from rout limed exertion
and loss of blond that but for the sup
poitlng wall I doubt Hint lie even nuld
hnvo stood erect. Hut with the tenacity
and Indomitable courage of his kind he
still faced his cruel and relentless foes the
prrsonillcallon or that ancient provetb or
his tribe: "Leave to a Thark his henil and
ono baud and lie may yet conquer."
As he saw me enter a smile touched those
grim lips of his. but whether Hie hinile
signified relief nr merelv amusement nt
tho sight of my own bloody and disheveled
condition 1 do not kno-v.
As 1 wns about to spting into tho conlllct
with .my sharp loiigswnnl I felt a gentle
bund upon my shoulder, nnd turning found,
to my sin prise. Hint tho young woman had
followed me Into the chamber.
"Wnlt," she wlilspeied. "leave them to
me." and pushing past mo she advanced
upnii tlm sum Hug hnnths.
When quit" closn to them she spnkn n
single Martian word In low but peremptory
touts. l.lkn lightning the great beasts
wheeled upon her, and I looked to see her
torn to pieces before I could reach her side,
but Instead the creatures slunk to her feet
like puoplis that expect a meiited whip
ping Agnln sho spoke to them, but In tones
so low I could not catch tho woids, and
then she stalled townrd the opposite nldo
of Hie chamber wllh tho hl. mighty mnu
slcrn trailing nt heel
Ono by one sho sent them through tho
secret panel into tho room beyond, nml
when tho last had passed from the chamber
whero wo stood In wide-eyed amazement
sho turned and smiled nt us and then passed
through herself, leaving us alone.
For n moment neither of un spolto. Then
Tar Tarkas hald:
"I heard the fighting beyond tho partition
through which you passed, but 1 did not
fear for you, John Culler, until I heard a
lepntt nf a tcvulver shot. I know that
thoro lived no man upon nil Rarsonm who
could fnco you with naked steel and live.
but tho shot btripped tint last vestngo of
hope from me, since you I know to bo with
out firearms. Tell me of It."
1 did as lie hade, and then together wo
sought Uio secret panel through which I had
Just entered the npaitinent tho ono at tho
opposlto end of tlio room fiom Hint which
Uio girl had led her savage, companions.
To our disappointment the panel eluded
our every effort to negotiate Its seciet lock.
Wo felt that nnco hevund It we might look
with somo llttlo hopo for success for a
pass.igo to tho otitsiilo world.
Tim fact that tlio prlhonerH within wero
securely chained ltd us to bcllove that
Mirely thcro miial lie nn avenue of escape
from the terrible dentures which Inhabited
tills uiifcpeakalilo place
Again nnd again wo turned from ono
door to another, from thu huilhug golden
panel at ono end of tho chamber to its mato
at tlio other equally bathing
When Wo had about given up all hope
ono of tho panels tinned bllently toward
uso, and tho young woman who bad led
away tho bmiths stood once morn beside us.
"Who aro you?" bhe asked, "and what is
your mission, that you havo tho teiuctlty
to attempt to escape from the Valley Dor
and tlio death you havo chosen?"
'l have chosen no death, maiden," I
teplled. "I am not ot liaj-aooni, nor havo
I taken yet tho voluntary pllgrlmago upon
tlio River Is.s, My ft lend hero is Jeddak
of all the Thnrks, and though ho has not
jet expressed a desire to totiirn to tho
living world, I am taking him with me
from the living Ho that hath lured him to
Ibis filghtful place.
"I am of another world. I am John
Carter, prince of the houso of Tardos Mors.
Jeddak tit Helium. I'erchanco some faint
tumor of mo may have leaked within the
confines of your hellii-h abode."
Sho smiled.
"Yes," she teplled. "naught that passes
In the world wo havo left Is unknown here.
I havo heard of you; many years ago. The
therns have of times wondered whither you
had down, since you haa neither taken the
pilgrimage nor could bo found upon tho
face ot Harsoom."
"Tell me," I said, "and who aro you, and
why a prisoner yet with power over the,
ferocious beasts of tlio place that denotes
familiarity and authority far beyond that
which might be expected of a prisoner or
a tlave?"
"Slavo I am," sho answered, "For 15
l ts. '.Air-vft yjTliflpa&rT I ii.v rltTRVvf USL ' '- '. L3ttU2 S1 t EV R iriroWtl'BBffitt&rcHKH !
wmBtenmiifi9 ? m , vyxwmmnwismm :
w m& m itrf3? jzk" -; . wKmjttiimimi mm i
wmM&ttw&aaumaa '
'hi i, '
-ill ii, til
The $70,000 structure will be opened nt nn early date.
Modern Building, Provided by
Small Subscriptions, Gets Ap
proval of Inspectors
years a slavo In this terrible place, nnd now
Hint they have tired of ine and become fear
ful of tint power which my knowledge of
Hielr wn.vs lias given me, I am but teicutly
condemned lo dlo tlid death."
Klio shuddered.
"What death?" t asked.
"Tho holy thorn ent hlimnn llesli." she
ntiswetpil mpi "hut only that which hns
died beneath Iho sucking of Iho plant men
liesh from which the detlllng blood of llfo
has been drawn. Ami to this cruel end t
have been cntiilomtipd. It wns to bo within
a few hours, had tint your advent caused nn
Interruption nf their plans."
"Wns It, then, holy Ihern.l who felt tho
weight of John r'arler'n band?" I nsked.
"Oil, tin ; those whom you laid low aro
lesser Iherns; but of tho same cruel and
hateful tnce. The holy thorns abide upon
the outer slopes of these grim hills, facing
Hi" broad world, from Willi It they harvest
their victims and their spoils.
"Labyrinthine pahanges connect these
cavps with the hmirlntls palaces nt tho holy
thorns, and through them pass upon their
many duties tlio lesser thorns, nnd hordes
of slaves nnd prisoners r.uil tlorce beasts
tlio grim inhnhltntits of tills simhss world.
"Thero are within tills vast net vv oik of
winding passages and count less chambers
men, women and beasts, who, bom vvltlilu
Its dim nnd grnenomo uiulerwoild. havo
never seen Hie light nf dny nor ever shall.
"They are kept to do the bidding of the
lace nf theius; to furnish lit onco tholr
spott nnd their sustenance
"Now and ngaln some hapless pilgrim,
drifting out upon the silent sea from the
colli Ins, escapes the plant men and Hie
gleat white apes that gtianl the Templo of
Issus nud fulls Into the remorseless clutches
of thn therns; or, ns was my misfottuue. Is
coveted by the holy thorn who chances to
bo upon watch lu tho balcony nhovo tho
liver where It Irsues ft out the bowels of
tho mountains through the cliffs of gold to
empty Into the Lost .Sea of Korus.
"All who loach tin Valley IVir are, by
custom, thn rightful prey of the plant men
and the apes, while their arms and orna
ments becoinn the portion of tho therns;
but If one escapes the terrible denizens of
the valley for even a few hours tlio thetns
may claim such n ono an their own
"And again tlio holy them on watch,
should lie see n letim lie covets, often
tramples upon the-rlglits nf tho unreasoning
hiutes of tho valley and takes Ids prizo by
foul means. If he cannot gain It by fair.
"It Is said Hint occasionally some deluded
lrtlm of Harsoomlan superstition will so
far escape the clutches of tho countless
enemies that beset his patli fiom the
moment Hint ho enieiges fiom the sub
let rnucnii passage through which Hie Ish
Hows for n. thousand miles bet'oie It enters
the Valley Dor. ns to reach tlio very walls
of the Temple of Issus; but what Tate awaits
nno there not even the holy tlieins may
guess, for who has passed within those
glided walls never has relumed to unfold
tho mysteries they hnvo held since the
beginning of time.
"Tho Temple uf Issus Is tn the thetns
what the Valley Dor is iningined by the
peoples of tho outer vvotld to lie tn them;
it is tlio ultimate haven ot pence, refuge,
and hnppliHss to w libit tliey pass after this
llfo and wherein an eternity ot eternities Is
spent timid tlio delights nt tlio liesh which
appeal most strongly to this race of mental
giants and moial pjgmies."
"Tlio Templo of Issus Is, I take it, a
heaven within a, heaven," I said. "Lot us
hopo that thero It will bo meted to the
Hum us aa they have moled it heto unto
"Who knows?" the girl murmured.
"Tho thorns. I Judgo from what you have
said, aro no less mortal than we; and yet
havo I always heard them spoken of with
tho utmost awe and teverenco by tho people
ot ISmsooni, as ono might speak of tho gods
William Y. Irwin Wins Scholarship and
Gold Medal
William Y. Irwin, of Norwood, ono of
81 young men mid young women who havo
completed tho 12-year courso of tho Chester
school HVbtom, has boon awarded tho
William C. SpriAil Scholarship, a freo four
year course, at Swarthmoro College. The
class was Hie second largest in tlio history
of tha Chester High School, cxcecikd by
only that of last ye ir
Irwin also divided Willi Heibert IC.
Steptoe, of Upland, tho ntlilettc-scliolarshlp
cup, enihlomatlo of llio highest clllcluncy In
studies, athletics nnd morals. In addition
ho was one of llio winners of tlio boys'
oratorical contest. A gold medal for debat
ing waa awarded to him.
Heirs of Reading Woman Find $1780
in ?20 Gold Pieces
READING, l'a., June 21. The sum ot
51780. all in $20 goldpieces, was found to
day lu nn Iron pot in the cellar of tho
humble little home of Mra. Paulino Trump,
BO years old. who died last week leaving an
estate of about 15,000.
Mrs. Trump was unable to wrlto, nnd for
this reason it wns honiowiint embarrassing
to her to do business through tho banks
and her transactions wero alvvnys In cash.
Shortly before sho died she told her family
they would find some money in tho house,
but nobody had any Idea It would bo eo
much until tho pot of gold was found after
several days' search, hidden In a recess
In ono of tho foundation walls.
Roy Scouts Plan Night Hikes
Overnight hikes aro planned by Rot
Scouts of Wayne and other Main Line towru
to he taken each Saturday. The boys. In
charge ot their scoutmasters, will walk to
Vnlley Forgo and other places and camp.
Wigwag signaling, tlrst aid and the applica
tion of tlio principles of scoutcraft will en
liven tho trips.
Income Tuxes Now Due
Juno 30 Is the final date upon which in
como and corpotathm special taxes can bo
paid without tho addition of a penalty. Col.
lections aro said to havo been lagging nt
tho otllco of Hevenuo Collector Lederer,
though the tegular Federal bills wero sent
out early in the month.
h i ' p
WHHpfflHf I" i;
Tlie ne UU Iron and Steel Mramer fill uf I aunleii bun
Jiut bern iiiaced on tlie retfnUr kilii-tiult betwefii t'luinup't'ina
i TUMI""., len llKh. IIIIIK WlltVI . ,
KKtil'I K It TrS W ilminctuu, i:xc. S0c( slnile, S0c.
riitktrrW. Sik'.i lnsle. lr. bued.il th-kef, will be ""IJ
ujllj. eim'thm haturui, buuiJj und bulljajs. for vtu
uiinstau and return for 33e.
GKIIVI", N.j.i Cunnei ttons eu Wilmington
HoaU ItJie fhwtuut St. Mharf &
VVIIuib.uliiii dally and .Sunday, 7.30,
0.0(1, 10:30 A. M.I IS M.. 1:30, 3:00,
4:15; 0.00. 7:00, 8:30 und 0:30 1', M.
Miss Edna Downey Hocomcs Wife of
A. M. Dobbins nt Ardmoro
Tlie fathers of tho bride and bridegroom
oillclaleil Inst night nt tho wedding of Miss
IMnrt Downey lo Allien M. Dobbins, In
Matthew Simpson Methodist Kplsropnl
Churoli, Atilmore. Tlio oltlelntlug minis
It r wns tlio Itev. Dr. William Downey,
father of tho bride, and tlie Rev. Frank
H. Dobbins, father ot tho hildegroont, as
sisted hint.
Tlio brlilo was attended by Miss Mnry E.
Downey, her sister, nn inniil of honor, and
Miss Dorothy Wilson and Mlhs Isubel Clntkn
ns bridesmaids, with Miss Dorothy Yntes
ns tlnvver girl Tlie bridegroom was at
tended by Oscar II. Chiwson as host man
nnd Harold Saunders, Frank Krlef, Ilmry
Hurst and 1 tarty AVIehiud wero the tisheis.
Mr. and Mrs Dobbins will Ilvo nt 1212 Wag-
CARLISLE, Pa., Juno 21. Built by local
subscription nnd representing tho residents
of nil of this section of Pennsylvania, Car
lisle's new $70,000 hospital will be formally
opened within n short time. It haa ft c
pnclly of 60 iialionts, Is of Hmestona con
ntructlon and Is located In tho Mooreland
district of the borouch.
Authorities who were here this week for
a preliminary Inspection pronounced tho
building ono of tho host equipped In the
Stale. Mrs. Iluchanan, of ChambcrsbUrg,
has given ground in the neighborhood,
whero n homo for nurses will be located.
The cost of the construction nnd partial
maintenance of tlie building was met by
subrcrlpllons galnod In n campaign ft llttlo
over a year ngo. A request to the Legisla
ture for an appropriation was refused be
cause of lack of funds. Nothing daunted,
the suppoiters set to work and tn 10 days
rnlsed more than ?r0.000 In subscriptions,
the majority ot them und-c rop n'"l ral
thousand of only one dollar.
Tlio equipping of nn X-ray department
was met by private bequests as wns other
outtlltlttg. Tlie Todd Hospital, erected as a
memorial to the late General Lemuel Todd,
n fotiner Congressman, has been combined
with tho new Institution, preserving Its
identity with u wing of tho newer building,
named lifter tho veteran.
It In claimed that no building equals it
for light, the sides being in parts largely
of glass. This is tlie only modern hospital
between Chntnbershuig and Hnrrlsburg.
Uj (! ' ;. -zZf-imSr. , -m r ft - i.W fo 1 ,y)f Y
sraaB"BB?lmili?C M
rttI&EMmiiOO Ml-1
An Education and nn Inspiration to Every American Citizen
United States submarines will give demonstrations in the harbor
from Saturday, July 1, to Wednesday, July 5. Great water pageant on
morning of the Fourth by Cape May nnd Corinthian Yacht clubs. Hun
dreds of motor boats in the harbor.
Opening of baseball season with game at 10 A. M. Grand parado
at 2 P. M. of sailors, marines, P. O. S. of A., civic societies, commercial
organizations and representatives of the Cape May county granges.
Floats, depicting thu growth of Cape May, from Colonial times to the
present. Ten bands.
2f Southern Jubilee Singers, singing old plantation songs. Acro
batic feats and folk dances on tho Stockton lawn after the parade.
Do Wolfe and MacCarton, whirlwind socioty dancors. Caprico Lewis,
Queen of the Air, in flying trapezu act. lirilliant display of fireworks on
tho beach.
For illustrated folder and full details, write today to
E. J. JERRI-XL, Secretary Board of Trade, Capo May
V-- ?piJW TT mSSt.y- r i; IT TT V "
R9-eaH! is-'ic- JL i-J
f-L,jrrtrj4t- --
-:&sssrsrx j ;iArnA rvc
Z,-Cr3s" -.i u&ftiA viiiuirvuu xkwoi.
Invite Ycu to Enjoy Their Charms on the Fourth
An e.lenslve progi.nn of entertainment has been pieparoii
I'vcitlng sports Tlasehall. unique . auto nice, hunt fur Captain
ICidd's buried treasure Htautitul fireworks.
SI Excursion. Trains Leave After Fireworks Display
Cmno down Saturday nud stay over the Fourth Splendid (I
lintiilng, fl-htng, inotoring and every kind or amuscnont. Iic
s'fve vour ncc'itnmodntinns at once
For full liifui illation and beautiful booklet, wrlto today to
J. WHITESELL, City Clerli, Wildwood, N. J.
r'.TwtvUr --.,. Tifh-r - '------.a.mtwu.. f.i...r1MMiAMfcw-
ATl.VM'll' ITY,
N. .1.
)l.eV7r'J ati. wot . . . -
H W& AiA. FJ 0 I NTVlvFi,.
iinr. not n tfv0 Ktantlan
ol service,comiort.& beauty
An nr ic ai r Lu.
n t m ii i t fij-e.i
&&ruix- i "' uw
tH: Fani-.G neiortr hotel of the Veomj
rlMt.rv.4.a MANAGEMENT.
TJTUT lV'i-l lilJ HiMrilMiilU. below .Nuw
IVlOiJU 1 O llt it u liuriipi'nn plan St uu
dully. Fronts on onan. b'reo batlilnrf urivltcBen.
MMSsehuwtls Av. und lle.ieii.V !.'. J'Hlf.MPS,
Open oil year. K. J. OSnOllNC & bON.
OIII'I til A J .1
itiss jicanoAitTT.
nriiN CITY. N. J.
31t PTTAnT.TV.Q Formerly SterllnB. Cor.
C3 1, KjlUiXUlua blh . ,ici!n Ave. Jt.
furnished Jt renovated. Now mat. H. Harris,
h'lOMl HAItllOK N. J.
neacbed by both railroads, motor ruaiU and
waternay. Farm iiruilui.u and aca fooa (tmii
and plentiful. City ronvcalmni. Yaclit OhU;
new Iloardwalk; aafo luittdus: lino lUhlas.
erubblns ami boatlnif. Cottjt-e. , bunjalAW4
and onartments for rent furn'.ibud. JloJerato
hotel rates.
honrii ji:usi:y ucm.ty chmi-anx
Iu. V.. ltlj.. Si and Wulaut bts.
hablIIH I'AUK. N. .1
llookkt. II. BOSS Tt'IlNHIl l'rot
otwiertehlp ao'l luanuicenunt same aa
tlu fanioua llomtead HotU at th
Viitftniu. Hoi prlutfa, Va. (fi mtl4
from It. u baintj rullrn tl station).
Saddle hort. coif. MtOlv-lnul battle
IUteu $17 50 to $'JA weekly.
AltltuJo 000 ft. Maximum nummer
Itmiiaruture 85 degree.
I took iet Nq, 3. II. AI.UiiHT. Mr
Itl ui.arrance jour Vacation Tour, tell ou
uliat It wlllcixt aua vrutkle jour UtUts.
Write ur IvUimuue
ll rilBsTNlT bT VIIIL&.
I'bout Walnut t It)
Ttuntiroraerj Atp. nml lleacli.
Wllilui'uiifl l.in innt ai aLton Hotel
Comfort unit (Jouil T8te throuchout.
l'rlvata UathH l.nUtot.
.1. K. irilll'llsfl.T.. J'rnp.
OREYTjOHK --"lIi frnt- Hot nnd cola
UIVUiuuuii. rutuilns waicr. Auto bitv-
Ire V J ri.OVP,
ARRRY !'' uve' nr. Jtcacti. Nfweat hotel,
"""" lti-aeon. rite. iliae 1,. I)orbjnftlr
RDGETOM INN C'"D- -'" "ear neach.
IIJUI-iiVJii 11MN Wllll(. ,.-,1 Orchea
tru Hn el.il rutis tiniil July 10. Ixcelteot
tulllt' ItoulltCt. I'OLlll
J. AI.1IKHT ITVnillS Prop.
STTEIDON 1-ntlre blmk Ocean view,
Tlooms witli burii enil en pulte lllevatur.
lineklct 1) 1. Wi0f)3. Proprietor
Atltn mceta tratn I-'''- tlAHKIS.
"" "c.U'i: MAY. N. J. "m
niinlfontG Hotel capb jiay.
' ITMHoni Me rntm ItrM. Cabin faatr.'rltdlij.
Tba tiealthlfet report nlona tha coaat. Sea
liore on.1 cunntry combined. Freeh farm an4
ea food call. Hotel Aalon now open, la
lortnatlcu anu bol.lt upon requent.
Ctoarlj aJt.JIull mil IUai Ciii 'rut nid
ni; ii imi.N. n.
The modern hot! hi thla furuoui reort Opn
alt ear, rapacity -JtW. Sea watr In ull baths,
N'ow WUtuiiJ. Uarilfii tind tjriil. Mjsic danci
Inu. tenuis, etc. Oru.te. Hooklut uiul uuto
maps rnrfUtMi. W. MWjJpB. HAIUU.
Chautauqua Inn Im; ,
eooil tabt A It aFAliOUX
Strath Hsyen Inn 2fii.Jg.0af
Now op"tt Pnune Sivurtttnwr UT J
Going to Send the
Family to the
Shore This Summer?
If so. It Is high time for "you to gva
active thought to a location. This year
the demand Is unusually large and
eat Her than heretofore.
Whether yo want a furnished apart
ment or cettagt er board and room at
any hotel or urivate liouse, Ledger Cen
tral can help you.
A special inveitlgator Is at Atlantic.
City during the entire spring and sum
mer meaUi.. .u J U lind ultat you want
(f txlger ' nt- .! d 1 not hac tt on file.
SUnibu 'A.- . i b rendered on
ttlcr New Jery legits.
Tell taiJg'-'ir fi-titial about yeur re
i1uuv..uei.U uj 'lu.! la uv Uui:ge
, m