EVENING LEDaER-PHILADELPHlA, TUESDAY, JTIJJE 20, 1910. 80,000 TEUTONS CORNERED; SLAV GRIP TIGHTEN I 1 J j f , Russian Left Wing Vigor ously rursuus uuu, Pflanger's Army t TO BATTLE ON SERETII V .Austro-German Counter-Attacks v .' ifiutmin nncl Gallcia Quick ly Overwhelmed I'ETItOOnAD, Juno 20. Russian attacks against the Gcrmnn ana Austro-Hungarlan forces In Vothynla and Gdllcla aro growing In vigor, nnd thd feohle fiorls of the Teutons to stem the Uueslan 'Jdrance with counter-assaults are quickly jtrerwhelmeil. Eighty thousanil Austrian troops, retreat ing' from the region of Czcrnowltz, hno teen cornered In Uultowlna by tho lightning drive of the Itusslan left wing. ( The Russians nro pressing the pursuit frith the utmost vigor. A largo part of tho Austrian force In all probability will bo cut off and surrounded. Tho others face the alternative of retreating through tho Carpathian passes, abandoning their guns, ir prosslng Into Ilumanln. The Itusslan nrmy of Oenernl kochnttsky, which captured Czornowltz by storm, al ready has advanced ten miles west of tho city toward tho Sercth Illver. Tho Austro Hungarlans who evacuated the Bukowlnlan capital aro preparing to mako a stand on tM Sercth. Another Itusslan forco, which ndvanced In a northwesterly direction along tho Pruth, Is already within striking distance of , Kolomca, an Important Austro-Hungarlnn position 60 miles northwest of Czcrnowltz. It Is believed that tho Aus"tro-TIungnrlnn works at Kolomca aro already under artil lery lire. In Volhynla, whero fresh bnttlcs havo developed, tho Austrodlungarlans were forced from their position nt Lokntshl, south of tho I.uga River and only 18 miles east of the Important railway haso of Vladimir Volynlskl, Artillery duels of great Intensity nro re ported from tho northern pnd of tho lino, where tho Russians aro facing the, German army of Field Marshal von Hlndcnburi;. Much of the recent success of tho Rus sians Is attributed to tho uso of poisonous jasca; which aro the most powerful known toNvarfare. The gas masks of tho Ger mans and Austro-IIungarlans weroT&fally unable to ward off Its effects. AUSTRIAN DEFENSE STIFFENS. Virtually tho wholo Russian front north ef Czernowitz Is steadily" pressing In upon Lemberg. Prisoners declare that measures already have been taken for the evacuation of the Gallclan capital. Russian troops pressing down upon Brody In the ndvancs upon Lemborg may already huvo crossed the Gallclan frontier. It la admitted that tho Austrian defense Is becoming more stubborn. East of Brody and on a wldo front dlrcqtly cast of Lem lerg the Austrlans nro counter-attacking with great spirit, using flamo ojectorB and large quantities of shells. They have been unablo thus far to stem tho Russian nd ance.xBoth on tho Brody front and fur ther south Austrian prisoners havo been captured who admit they wore rushed Into action a few days ago from tho Italian ront , iiTMt tho Russian offensive not only ar rested the Austrian drlvo southward Into Italy, but frustrated an ambitious schemo Vtho Austro-German general Btnffs for tho conquest of southern Russia, was Indicated bf Bucharest dispatches today. These re ports said it had been learned from Gcrmnn sources that an Austro-German thrust across southern Russ'n to tho Black Sea was to follow the Austrian offensive In Italy, the plan being to cut Russia off entirely from tho Balkan States. If this report Is true, tho Russian strategists out-witto-l the enemy. The latest reports Indicate that from kali to two-th'rds of tho Austrlans facing the Russians when tho offensive begnn were killed wounded or made prjsonera early In &J lighting The, others wero so badly dis organized that tho Russians pushed for ward with tho greatest rapidity. Only tho arrival of fresh bodies of Austrian troops checked the momentum of Gencrnl Bru allort's rush. Tho military experts, though not attempt ing to minimize tho Importance of the pres ent Russian operations, advlso the public to restrain Its enthusiasm for bigger events expected very soon. TEUTON TR0.0PS RENEW ATTACKS ON HILL 321 French Hurl Back Assaults on Verdun Front and in Vosges Region - , j k : i ! ' r : ' ' i ! i I -& PARIS, June 20. German troops renewed their assaults awlnst Hill 321. on the Verdun front, last P'lht, but all tho attacks wcro repulsed, tluj French War Oillco announced today. Hill 321 Ilea to the cast of tho Meuso . Jjiver and south of the Ilaudromont quar ries. The communique Htates that the Germans 'MVe directed a new borbardment of the most violent character against the French Positions in Vaux Woods, Chapltre Wood md at Chattancourt. The text of the communique follows: i On tho right hank of the.Meusa the , Germans attacked threo times during irni n,Bllt our nosll("3 northwest of 'HI 32J, but all these assaults were Checked by our machine gun and art 11 Uty Are. - The "bombardment has become Intense w the region of Vaux Wood and Chap ltre Wood, as well as in tha Chattan mtt sector wcs.t of the Sleuse. ' Jn the Yosges a surprise attack di rected by the enemy ugajnst one of our advanced saps In the region pf Michel wen, south of "Thann, was repulsed. COXFRR OK Kgy TIUNjt J,JNES City-built Subway and Eleyatpd tines May Ba Leased by Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company me?inh'i?ncea l1 orfout-Ji new agree SSLS6'" he city and the Phlladel ItaS nVi Tf?ns,t Company for the opera, Ttt iin I cl,'y-bul" subway and elevated Wat thifbe.gJ" thU k- We announce SSn lt li? confBren V about to piny Wm L,Qrettn that the ""."P-sIt com' SmeenLn?'ih te yestday following Tha V.? ot ths dlrec'ors of the company fotuT tL ,n.WUI,a,n Hancock and Colonel W the Phny,?M,,yo oUj' representatives toratt anS t a HM Transit djrec Wt between VfhafreCm'nt of " w u mJ rA J"errltt Taylor, the MISS JIOltflAN HEADS SCHEME TO AID SOLDIERS' FAMILIES J?KX?, ll?RIfWune 20. Whllo mllltlnman asaomblcd In their mobllltatlon camps today aims Anno Morgan, daughter of the late it. '.i JIorB!ln, threw tho forces of the Vocation Wnr Relief Committee Into tho J-ii.i of "fv'dlnR 'or 'their depondent ramilles. Although many largo business houses nnnoimced the salaries of their mill-llamen-employoa will be continued, a large number of the Stato soldiers employed by smaller firms or working "by tho day" aro ming no. nrvlslon for their families. Tho Relief Committee will meet tomorrow to consider tho Moxlcan situation, particu larly the plight of American families In tho cities whose support has boen withdrawn. GLIAUSTRIACIBATTUTI SUI SETTE COMUNI; GLI ITALIANIVANNOAVANTI Un Monte Conquistato dngli Al- pini nella Continua OfTensiva Contro le Forti Linee Ncmiche IL MINISTERO BOSELLI RQMA, 20 Glugno. Gil nutrlacl contlnuatio nd operare vlo lontl attnecht nella zona dol Hctto Comuni o speclnlmente nel trntto trn II monto Ma gnaboschl ed II cosl' detto Boscon. II Mints tero dtlla Gucrra nnnunclava lerl sera che tuttl gll nttncchl crano statl resplntl o cho 10 Unco ttnllano rlmanevano solldlsslmc nono stnnto II furloso bomlinrdnmento cho pre cedetto o segul' gll nttncchl dclla fnnterla nustrlaca. Gll Itallanl liauno progrcdlto In veco nella loro offcnnlva a nord-ost ill Asi ago cd a nord della valle del Krnnzola. Ecco II tcsto del rnpporto del generate Ca dorna pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero dclla Gucrra: La battaglla continua vlolcnta sut l'nltoplnno del Setta Comuni. A sud-ovest dl Aslngo II ncmlro ha fntto rlpetutl Rforzl contro le nostro posizlont. A nord-cst la nostra controf fcnslva continua a far progrcssl. lerl mattlna. dopo una vlolcnta prc parnzlono dl artlglicrla, fortl colonno ncmiche operarono nuovl nttacchl sulla fronto tra II monto Mngnabo schl ed II Boscon, ma ognl volta esse furono rcsplnto o rlcncclatc Indletro con gravl perdito. Gll attncchl furono scgultl da un lntento bomburdamento dello nostro poslzlonl da parte dl un gran numero dl batterlo ticinlchc dl ognl cnlibro, ma nonostnnto quosto uragnno dl fuoco noi rlmnnomlno fer mnmento sulla nostra llnea Magna-boschl-Roscon. A nord dclla vallo del Franzola 11 ncmlco tonto' lerl dl alleggcrlro la nostra prcsslonc opernndo contrnttne chl cho furono pero' duppertutto re splntl, coslccho' lo nostre forzo pote rono contluunre la loro lentn ma oleura avanzata. I mlgllorl rlsultatl nona statl ottcnutt sulla nostra nla destrn, dovo I gruppl Alpinl, cho si crano gin' dlstlntl nolla glornnta preccdente, con qulstnrono hi hommltn,' del Monto Isl doro prendendo nl nemico 100 prlglonl eri e due mitragliatrlcl. i Sul reito della fronto bl ebbero duelli dl artlglicrla. IL GABINETTO BOSELLI. lerl II ro flrmo' II decrcto cho costltulsc 11 nuovo mlnlstero til coiillzlono presleduto dall'on. Boselll. II nuovo gablnetto. nel qualo entrano duo soclallstl rlfurmlstl, un repubbllcano ed un clerlcale, e formnto come segue: Prcaldenza Paolo Boselll. Affarl Estcrl Sidney Sounlno. Intcrnl Vltt Emm. Orlando. Guorra Gen. Paolo Mnrrone. Marina Amm. Camillo Corsl. Colonic Gaspare Colosimo. Tesoro Paolo Carcano. FInnnzt! Fillppo Meda. Glustizla Ettore Sacchl. Istruzlono Frnncosco Rulllnl. Lavorl Pubbllcl 1-anoo Bonoml. Trasporti Enrico Arlotta. Agrlcoltura Qlovannl Ralnorl. Commerclo e LavoroGluseppo Do Nava. Postc Lulgl Feia. Mlnlstrl uenza portafogllo Leonlda BIs-polatl-Beigamaschl ; Leonardo Blanchl ; Ubaldo Comandlnl ; Antonio Sclalola. J. duo soclallstl sono Blssolatl o Bonoml. 11 repubbllcano o' Comandlnl cd II clerlcalo o' Meda. Sono nuovl 1 portafogll del Tras porti o quollo del Commerclo o Lavoro. II mlnlstero dl coalizione rleulta cosl' com posto dl dlclannovo membri o dl tuttl I partltl dclla Camera, mono quollo aocliillsta ulllclato. SI rltlcne cho alia Camera II nuovo mlnlstero avr.V una schlucelante mag glorauza esscndosl assicurato 1'appoggio dl tuttl 1 partitl. La permanenza dl Sonnlno ugll Affarl Esterl nsslcura pol la con tlnuazlouo dclla polltlca che condusse I'ltalla nlla guerra, cloe' dl plcno ucoordo con gll alleatl. LE MOGLI HEI DISEUTORI. II governo ha declso dl pcrmottero alio mogll degll emlgratl cho crano statl richl amatl sotto le ilrml e cho non si sono presentatl pcrcho El trovavnno In America dove erano dlvenutl clttudlnl amcrlcanl, dl ragglungere i loro marltl, clo' cho era stato loro vletato flnoia. SPY LINCOLN PLEADS GUILTY Establishes Fact That British Ad miralty Procured Extradition LONDON, Juno 20 After a preliminary hearing on the charge of forgery, at tho conclusion of which ho was committed for trial, Ignatius T. Lin coln, the former member of Parliament who wa3 extradited from America, yesterday pleaded guilty. Ho expressed tho hope to tho court that justice would bo tempered with mercy. In tho course of the hearing Lincoln, who conducted his own case, established that It was the British Admiralty which Indirectly was responsible for his extradition. At the conclusion of the preliminary hear ing and before lie decided to plead guilty, Lincoln made n statement summing up his case. Ho contonX d no evidence had been produced to prove! had written tho forged signatures, and dt lared tho prosecution had been undertaKeri oy a vongeiui anu vin dictive Government Heading Factory Sold for $500,000 READING. Pa.. June 20. II. U. Hagy. a Reading banker, returned here from KaiiBaa City Mo., where he sold tho nut unci bolt plant of the late J. II. Sternberg!), thU city, to Solomon Stoddard, K, A. Nixon and II. It. Warren, for JB00.000. When estab Ilshed In 1888, the plant cost $175,000 GERMAN PLANES ACTIVE OVER BRITISH LINES Twenty-seven Combats Reported by London Six Teuton ' Machines Wrecked LONDON, Juncf 20. In tho lull on tho western front Indicated In last night's official bulletins tho out standing fcnluro Is tho remarkable aerial activity on both fides. Above tho British lines In france and Flanders nt least six German machines wore shot down, while two British machines wero lost In aerial battles. Last night's bulletin rends: There was a marked Increase In tho work of hostile aircraft. In all thero wero 27 combats, In which tho enemy suffered the following losses: Ono hostile aeroplane was brought down in our llnea near Doullens, the occupants being made prisoners. Two of our fighting aeroplanes en countered two Fokkers near Lens ; ono was driven down damaged ; the other, Bhot down, crashed to earth from 4000 feet. Two more German machines wero driven down In n damaged condition, and nnother whb brought down near Wlngles. Hostile reconnaissances, which crossed our lines In force, wcro at tacked and dispersed by our aeroplnrsss. One of our pilots reports seolng two hostllo machines hit by nntl-ulrcraft lire. i As n icsult of tho air combats two of our machines were brought down In the enemy's lines. It wns ofllclally announced today that Brigadier aonornl Lord Longford, pre viously reported wounded nnd missing, wns killed. He w'ns the Ilfth Karl of his lino and wns In his C2d year. Ho saw service. In tho aalllpoll campaign, and was wounded tho re. NEW VOHK FLYER WOUNDED ,IN FIGHT WITH SIX TEUTONS Victor Chapman's Machine Badly Dam aged in Unequal Contest TARIS, Juno 50. An Amcrlrnn cor respondent with tho American aviators' squadron In Franco snys: "Victor Chnpmnn was wounded yester dav In an unoven contest. Ho had gone with tho American squadron on a tour mw the lines, hut the machines got separated. Chapman started to follow a German ma chine toward the eitomy lines. As he re turned he wan nttneked by two Gcrmrili machines nnd suddenly found himself sur rounded by four others, which also at tacked him. Chapman comageously ac cepted the combat. "Suddenly from above and behind a Fok kcr swooped down upon him nnd opened a deadly fire from a machine gun nt a dis tance of GO feet. Chapman's stability levers were shot nwny, the bodywork wns ripped just behind him and the windshield, wings and gun supports wore damaged. A bullet grazed Cliupman'a bend, wounding him very slightly. "Chapman dived vertically. A Fokkcr followed. Chapman, wishing to ihow tho enemy ho was not illbublcd, turned upward again nnd opened fire. Then ho made for the nearest aviation Meld. Ho had to manipulate one of his ailerons with his left hand nnd keep control of tho piano with his right Ho landed safely and wan greet ed vltlia great ovation. His head was bandnged and ho was urge;l to go to the hospital, but refused. "After huvlng his machine) repaired he went to attuek German machines tho mime afternoon and then Hew back to tho Amer ican squadron's quarters. "Chapman Js tho son of John Jay Chap man, an author of New York." Lat-t night's olllclal communique referred to numerous combats with German aero planes which tried to bombard Bar-le-Duc During there combats two German ma chines wore brought down nnd threo others were seen to drop vertically. Tho correspondent with the American flying squadron writes that thero was light ing over tho lilies lu the morning when tho Roches camo in superior numbers nnd tho Americans had difficulty In nvoiding being surrounded. Bal-jley, of San Antonio, Tox wns wdunded In the thigh and forced to de scend. "Balsley Is now nt a first aid post nnd It will bo several hour3 before wo get de tails," the correspondent writes. "Balsley was formorly a member of tho American Ambulnnco Corps nnd had only jut Joined the tquadrou after duty us n Paris aviation guard. During a few sorties already mudo ho had bhowu himself a nervy wnr pilot. He has u lone star painted on his mnchino as an emblem of his native State." Two Iladly Hurt in Auto Crash LANCASTER. Pa., Juno 20. Arthur Mc Ginn, of Brooklyn, a traveling salesman for a New York fur concern, Is dying, and Philip J. Benjamin, nlso of Brooklyn, Is lying In a serious condition at the General Hospital us tho icsult of the automobile in which they were riding bkldding and going oer un embankment Both of McOlnn's legs aro broken nnd ho Is internally hurt. j0z fcIAgtjfflxSpr ITALIANS WIN HEIGHTS AFTER FIERCE BATTLE Heavy Austrian Attacks on Sette Comuni Plateau Repulsed , by Cadorna's Forces ROME, June 20. Florco fighting con tinues on tho Tyrol frontier, the War Min istry announces. Tho battle, n3 previously. Is chiefly confined, the report Indicates, to tho Sette Comuni Plateau around Aslngo. The most furious Austrian assaults last week wcro In that region, and It Is there that the Italian countcr-atneus havo been reported. Tho official statement rends: The battle eontlnuos fiercely on tho Sette Comuni Plateau. Yesterday morning after heavy ar tillery preparations Vtrong columns of tho enemy made renewed nttacks on tho front between Monto Mngnnboschl nnd Bosroj but each tlmo they wcro turned back with a heavy loss. This was followed with nn Intense bom bardment by n large number of hostllo bntterles of nil cnllhre, In splto of which our lines remnlned firm. (Monto Mngnnboschl Is four miles southwest. Bo.eo ono mllo northwest of Aslngo.) "North of the Frenzcla Valley (about two miles east of Aslago) the enemy tried yesterday to relievo our pressure by counter-attacks, which wero every where defeated, thus enabling our troops to coutlnuo their slow but sure ndvance. Tho best results wcro at tained on tho right wing, where tho Alpine group which had already dis tinguished Itself on the preceding day carried tho summit of Mount iBldoro, taking 100 prisoners and two machine guns. "On the remainder of tho front there wcro artillery duels." PUKSE PRESENTED TO PRIEST Father Dalton Will Apply Gift on Pariah Debts At the parish reception In hli honor last night, tho ttcv. James A. Dnltnn, rector of Our Lady of Mount Cnrmel Catholic Church, 3d and Wolf htrcets, was the re cipient of a purse nt $1260. Father Daltnn, who Is n former United States Army chap lain, Is celebrating tho -'nth anniversary of hln ordination to tho priesthood. Father Paltnii salil ho would turn the money back to the parish to apply on tho church lndcbifdncHi. Heads of parish or ganizations made addresses nt the reception and hchool children presented a play. FRESH BULGAR MOVE TQJIASTEN OFFENSIVE Allies Expected to Attack Czar Ferdinand's Lines in Mace donia This Month SALONICA. Juiio 20 Tho fresh advance of Bulgarian troops Into Greek territory is having the effect of hastening tho nllled of fensive from this front. This offenslo was originally rchedulcd to slart about the mid dle nf Mny, but was postponed on account of the condition of the Serbian nrmy when It arrived here from Corfu. Now. follow ing tho Bulgarian advance, the allied offen sive Is confidently expected nt tho end of Juno or, at tho latest, early In July. There aro now snmo 130,000 flrst-otns? Serbian troops In Macedonia. All the old and unfit have been weeded out. What Is left la an nrmy tried nnd capable. Roughly, thoro are some .160,000 Ililtlsh and French In Snlonlca today. Tho major portion ato British, but transports are beginning to nr ile every day with new contingents of French troops despite Verdun. General Mnhon has gone to Egypt to superintend the selection and embarking of the larger pnit of tho British nrmles concentrated there when n German attack on Egypt was regarded as possible According tn expert estimate, 200,000 men should be ovallahle from this quarter. Their transportation has already begun. By mid-Juno, therefore, thero will bo somo CSO.000 men on tho ground hero ready for tho Macedonian offensive. Expert es timates hold 000,000 to bo more than suf ficient for oory purpose of attack. DAUGHTER flOXE, SHE ENDS LIFE Woman Was Despondent and Turned On Gns in Kitchen, tho Police Say Efforts aro being mnde today to find tho daughter of Jtrs. Matilda Longstreet, CI years old, of 7.10 West Erie avenue, who committed sutcldo Inst night In the out kltchcn of her home, after sho had brought from her bedroom a pillow on which she might lay her head. She Is believed to havo been despondent because her daughter went away. Tho body was found by Jacob Long street, her husband, about 10 o'clock. The windows and doors were closed "nnd gas wns escaping fiom a rnnge. When Dr. It. R. Wlllnugliby, of 000 West Erie avenue, examined tho body, ho said Mrs. Long street had been dead two hours. The Longstreets were in comfortable circumstances, nnd the police can attribute tho suicide only to worry over the leaving home of tho daughter. Mr. Longbtreet is u furnlturo dealer at 2532 Front street. ALLIES TO STAND BY U. S. POLICY IN MEXICAN CRISIS France and England Must Support Wilson, Press Asserts PAPERS HIT ' C A It 11 A N Z, A PARIS, June 20. "France nnd Hnglnnd can follow only one policy In Mexico, nnd that Is to support loyally any nrtlon taken by tho United States, hoping. In the mean time, that It will obtain support from ono of tho Mexican factions, which would great ly facilitate tho pacification of the country." Tim foregoing paragraph was contained In nn article in the Helm de l'nrls today, commenting upon American-Mexican rela tions Most of tho papers published had something to say In tho matter. Tho Jour iial'R tdltorlal said, In part: "President Wilson's tlrst mistake was to expect gralltudo from Cnrrnnza "But n bigger mlstuke was tn overlook Mexican hostility to the I'nlted Stated and tho Impossibility of a weak policy crushing bucIi feeling. Mexican arrogance has In creased with every step of hesitation by tho Ameilcan Government. In ordinary times the affair might bo settled by compromise, which would bo preferred to n wnr, but tho party platforms call for vigorous action In Mexico. "President Wilson cannot accept a blow In tho face from Carrunza nftur humiliating the Knlscr. "Tho rest of tho editorial In tho Hcho de Paris says: "The Mexican Imbroglio, however un fortunate for us from a commercial view point will not bo disquieting to tho t'nlted States' military vlowpolnt so long n Brigadier General Pershing docs nothing Imprudent. "The obscure particulars aro: Why Is Carranza heckling Wilson during the election period when tho President certnlnly docs not want to throw himself Into Mexico nnd how docs Carranza got munitions de livered to him from the t'nlted States? Tho Germans seem to bo taking this opportunity to nvengo themselves upon President Wllbon." Ktisshn.H Repulse Turkish Attack PHTROGRAD, via London. June 20. A TurklBh nttnek against the Russian forcca In the vicinity of tho village of JlazardJIk, In the direction of Gumushl'.hnnc, in tho Caucasus, was repulsed, according to nn olllclal statement ibsucd last night by tho Russian War Office. IMBARCAZIONI ITALIANE DISTRUTTE DAL NEMICO. Due Corpi d'Armala AuBtriaci Sono Circondati dalle Forzo Ritsse nella Bucovina Tclegrnmml da Londra o da Tolone dlcono cho Alto plroscnfl a navl a Vela. Ital lanl sono statl nffondatl cvldentementd da. eottomnrlnl tcdcschl ed austrlncl. Da, Londrn solio feegnalntt come affondatl 1 plroscnfl Rondlne o Tavolnm e lo navl a eln Frencesco Padre, lira., Antonla Vt An netta o Adella. Da Tolone glunge notlzla dcU'affondamento del plroscafo itallaho La, Piovedlta, II cul equlpagglo o' stnlo sbar cato In quel porto. Xtlzlo cho glungo da Petrograd dl pono cho 1 russl hanno laolato completamento Un eserclto nustrlaco dl f 0,000 Uomlnl, quollo cho dlfcmlcva la Bucovina c cho era coman dalo dal generate Pflnnzcr, mettendolo nella cmidlzlono dl nbhnndonnrc la sua artlg licrla e nttrnvorsaro I Carpazli, oppuro dl cntraro nella Rumania ed csservl Intenato. Dlspaccl da Roma dlcono cho la clttn' dl Smlrne, ticll'AsIa Mlnorc, c' stntn quasi dlstrutta dalla giiarnlglonc cho si era am mutlnnta c dalle grnnate dello navl degll nlleatl. ity . FOX iccial Opportun For People of Moderate Means it your eyes need attention anu ydii cannot afford to pay tho usual testing fee nnd do nut caro to go lo a dispensary, our special In troduction card to any of tho leading oculists of Philadelphia will secure for you n thorough oyo test for a fco that you can afford. N'o such opportunity over offered beforo Our bifocal lenses for far and near uso appear as ono single lens; no recess for dust or dirt, and com pletely conceal tho necessity for two kinds of lenses Tho Fox "Safe-Guard." our new Invention, will automatically ad Just eye glasses securely nnd com fortably on your nose. More becom ingbetter Mt never fall oft. Can be attached to other makes of eyo glasses. Tho prlco Is right. FOX Prescription Opticiana Cor. Chestnut & 17th Sts. l'liUudcliilila 1 llllllllIMJttMWt-UU'liW,IIMMPMMimiUiiU llllll mill IMIIW nil nullum I iiiinim IIMIIWIHIIUJIUI I B I -3626 residents of Philadel- phiaregtsteredatHotel Astor during the past year. Single Room, without tttj f3.oo to ,43.00 Double &J.00 to f.oc Single Roonu, with bith, 3.00 to ?6.oo Double 4.00 ;o 7.00 Parlor, Bedroom and bath, 10.00 to 14.00 TIMES SQUARE At Broadway, 44th to 45th Street! the center of New York jocial and business activities. In dose proximity to all railway terminals. 5n!.'inU;!;;;H!II!ini!;!i!!!ii!ii;n!!r A 4 t 1 in wmmm i if jl tn 11 1 M i-w- 1 1I11 n 11 Whenever You Think of Coal . Think of iMWP$it wm Highest Grade Coal The Standard for Nearly 10Q Years Sold by all Dealers Plus-power! Divide the strands into smaller units and you thereby increase the strength of the cable And now we have two to do the work of one two compact blocks of cylinders in place of one large and heavy block. It's six plus six all twins sturdy twins 66. By dividing the units we have not only made a lighter motor but we have made a more powerful, a quieter, a mor smoothly running motor. And what is even more im portant, we have made a safer car by making a more agile and responsive motive mechanism. This is the most important development that has ever been iriade in the Packard car. It is a big forge ahead. And it means new possibilities for motor comfort, safety, delight for you. Achievement! Time has demonstrated that the Twin Six is the great achievement in automobile development. Packard Motor Car Compaw of Philadelphia, 319 North Bad Street, will cheerfully show' you how the new Packard will serve better than any car has ever served before. Prices, $2750 $3150 and upward f. o. b. Detroit. Branches at Harrisburg, Bethlehem, Trenton, Williams port, Wilmington, Lancaster. Ask the man ivho oivns one QTWIN-O I , ', "I "1. , "' hi r4S r-rmur BuooiwiTHnararan T"-"Trrir " -t'"' iiri'TT""'" "fpyTTi""",L"rr--'"