3i 1 ffl VI m m tit. If 0'. j T N' " Suenntg-ifiri.dgpf ' ' TUESDAY June 20, 1916 'CAMERA MEN REFLECT MEXICAN COLOR IN LAST-MINUTE DISPATCHES FEATURING THE DAY'S NEwi i - -i2yillM3 ":,'s' ? , :; ' V'V ' Vs r. I ''?' 'rf '!'' 'wi' .'".'' ,-' . ..s-.V,V." -. ? .. . .. . , ff Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. EL PASO'S WATER FRONT ALONG THE SHALLOW RIO GRANDE There is o.ily a thin, thallow strip of water separating Mexico and the United States at this Texas city. The shallowness of the stream makes it easily crosscH by raiders bent upon inciting hard feeling between the two countries. PROSPECT OF WAR GIVES MUNITIONS BUSINESS ANOTHER BOOST This is only part of the lino of men which waited at 15th and Arch streets for jobs at the Remington Arms Company's plants. The applicants are of all ages and come from every part of Philadelphia and neighboring cities. -v A' 5VH' . v-sf i-iiv '': ' '''.. ' -f "-" .''.-"-i -. jf , . " "' 'V'; ' .-'f . ., .' ,- 'J HNHrasrasHev:) a:3 iafiPwwBsKk WmmWm7M'm:iC':. w esi. !Hs.y: k.ssuKSfg3;s- K"SRJssfit?A'?3r3;i(. wsniJ,:4i.i JSAs 'isatr . . . x.. av feiiS'5 IMMSKB2ftTir.A"J.-Mr . ,5 ,., iMSHeiS wiss..:-'4 . .-;-? ,- 7T,f'i kiE'SWif;v ,:M.,4 , ,&; ' ,' :. jfcrsa "YOU CAN'T GET 'EM UP, YOU CAN'T GET 'EM UP" The familiar and much-hated "reveille" will resound through the hills around Mount Gretna Saturday, when the militiamen of Pennsylvania answer the mobilization call. FIRST FOUR MEN RESPONDING TO THE 3D REGIMENT CALL These guardsmen didn't take long to get on the job after the call to arms was Issued. From left to right they are Sergeant J. D. Dolan, Sergeant R. J. ReilJy, Sergeant W. J. Carver and Corporal J. Koch. PHILADELPHIA "AD" HEADQUARTERS PREPARES FOR CONVENTION NEXT WEEK Tb is a typical scene in the Nay tagjo gvhecrgtai.y Tbeodore E. m u au-a