Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 19, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Jfcrttter Chief of Staff
' Stricken During Service
for Von der Goltz
AMBTEHDAM, Juns 19. Lieutenant
(tenefal Hetmuth von Moltke, Chief of
the Supplementary General Start of the
army, died of apoplexy yesterday during a
Mrvtcs oi mourning In tho Itclclistng for
the late Field Marshal von tier Goltz, says
Berlin telegram received last night.
Lieutenant General von Moltke, 'who
was 68 years old, was a nephew of the
kite Field Marshal von Moltke, the great
strategist, who directed the victorious move
ments of tho German armies when they
achieved their triumph In tho Franco-Prussian
War of 1870-71. At tho time of his
uncle's death, In 1891, he was a major, but
In 1899 he was made a general, three years
later a lieutenant general and In 1902 Chief
of ths General Staff, In which last named
dice ho has been credited with having per
fected the splendid organization of tho Gcr
Man army.
During ths fall of 1914 announcements of
General von Moltko's Illness were followed
by reports that he had been superseded as
Chief of the General Staff. These, howover,
proved unfounded, but In December of that
Tear he retired from tho post, his falling
health. It was said, preventing his return
to the front Ho was succeeded by the
present head of tho Genoral Staff,' General
von Falkenhayn. In the January following
lie was appointed Chief of tho Supplemen
tary General Staff.
Whon the Kaiser elevated von Moltke to
the position of chief of staff many, both In
ten army and In civil life, mado harsh
criticism. They said von Moltko owed his
advance primarily to tho Emperor's passion
for the picturesque and his desire to havo
the magic name of Moltke at tho head ol
tho "brains department" of tho Gorman
But von Moltko's critics had their eyes
opened at tho first "Kaiser maneuvers," held
before ho had been chief Of tho general
staff for 10 months. The groat autumn
campaign had been distinguished by opera
tions that tho oft-quoted Marshal of France
would havo called "magnificent, but not
war." Tho Kaiser had a passion for thrill
ing cavalry charges over baro fields, which
made splendid moving pictures, but which
coat the lives of divisions In real war With
the taunts of his critics ringing In his ears
that he was a "Kaiser staff chief." von
Moltke'a first Innovation was to obliterate
ruthlessly tho plcturesquo from the
maneuvers. He gave tho troops gruelling,
practical operations night fighting, forced
inarches and all those exercises that have
made tho German army formidable.
The provlous chief of staff, Count
Echlleffen had attempted to opposce tho
Emperor's will and substltuto "real war"
for tho picturesque and had ben finally
forced to leave tho General Staff. Von
Moltke, with a will of steel, succeeded whore
he had failed, and his grow th In tho esteem
of the army was rapid thereafter. It was
through his Insistence that $350,000,000
was Bpent on tho army during tho year be
fore tho war.
At the time Von Moltke was retired as
chief of the General Staff, tho German
newspapers made guarded comments on tho
appointment of Von Falkenhayn, and said
that there had been a disagreement between
Von Moltke and the Emperor.
Two Families Saved From Firo in Ridgo
Felix Miller rushed through flame-swept
hallways and aided eight persons, Includ
ing thrco children, to reach tho Htrcet In
safety early today whon fire of undeter
mined origin damaged a three-story dwell
ing at 3033 Ridge avenuo. Tho flames
spread so rapidly that tho occupants of the
building were forced to flee In their night
The Millers and their two children, Ralph,
2tt years old, and aertrude, 5 years old,
occupied tho second floor of the building,
Mrs. Miller has been suffering with a
severe cold and was awakened at 4 a. m.
by a severe spell. She smelted smoko and
aroused her husband.
Miller lifted his two children from their
cribs and ran to the street, followed by his
wife. He went back into the building and
Awakened Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco Couplaln
and their daughter, Rachel, and Mr. and
Mrs. William Wilson, all of whom occu
pied apartments on the third floor. Then
he notified Policeman McKenna. of the
20th and Berks streets station, who turned
In an alarm. The loss Is estimated at
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania Showers this
af ternoon : partly cloudy tonight and Tues
day; cooler In southeast portion tonight;
light to moderate variable winds.
Unsettled weather prevails this morning
throughout the great jortlon of the country,
the chief exception being the far South
western States. Showers and thunder
storms have occurred over an Irregular belt
extending across the Northern States from
coast to coast IUin is reported this morn
ing from all parts of Pennsylvania except
A few southeastern counties. The tempera
tures are mostly seasonable In the Atlantla
States, the Gulf States and the lower cen
tral valleys, while in the Lake region and
the upper central valleys there Is a mod
rate deficiency,
U. S, Weather Bureau Bulletin
Dburratlons taken at 8 a. m. Baitern time.
8 uit Rain- Veloc-JufiSaf-cu
...?! "ea'w-Wft
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Cnnnoni o Mitragliatrlci Prcso
dngli Alplni ngll AUstrlncl
Sulla Malga FosBetta.
Nuovi Attacchl Rcsplnti
Chief of the Supplementary Stnfl?
of the German army and the one
person mo3t responsible for tho
preparedness and mobilization of
the Kaiser's forces at the outbreak
of tho war, was fatally stricken in
tho RelchstoB yesterday while at
tending a memorial scrvico in
honor of tho late Field Marshal
von der Goltz.
Teuton Assault in Chattancourt
Region by French Guns
and Infantry ,
PARIS, June 19.
Violent German Infantry attacks against
rrJnch posltlom north of Hill No. 321 on
the Verdun front wcro repulsed, according
to tho ofllcial statement of the War Oltlce
today On tho west bank of tho Mcue
tho Germans shelled tho southern slopes
of Dead Mnn's Hill heavily.
A Qorman nttnek In tho region of Chat
tancourt was repulsed by Trench curtain
lire and e(TlcacloU3 counter-preparations
with infantry.
The text of tho communique follows:
South of tho Somme, a surprise at
tack by tho enemy near Lthons was
completely checked.
On tho left bank of the Meuso (Ver
dun front) the enemy has actively bom
barded our positions on tho slopes south
of Dead Man's III!! and in tho region
of Chattancourt Our artillery every
where replied with curtain lire that pre
vented tho enemy from debouching from
his trenches.
On tho right bank of tho Meuso a
German attack directed against our po
sition north of Hill 321 was repulsed
by our lire.
On the night of Juno 18-19 two of our
air squadrons successfully bombarded
the Vouzleres railway station and bar
racks Troop movements were under
way at tho depot at the time. One
squadron dropped 36 projectiles of largo
calibre and tho other 2a.
nniUiTN, Juno 19. Fighting Is In prog
ress all nlong tho n est front, tho War Office
reported today. On the Verdun lino strong
attacks by the French were ropulscd. Heavy
dueling with big guns in taking part.
Following la tho official report:
Between tho Belgian front and tho
Sommo lighting continues. Hand gre
nade attacks at Choonno were repulsed
by us In tho Argonno wo exploded a
mlno at Im Tlllo Morto with good ro
sults In tho Meuse sector tho firing In
creased In intensity last night, espe
cially at Dead Man's Hill and west
ward Thcro was also heavy shelling at
ThUumont farm and around Vaux
On Sunday tho French attacked nt
Thiaumont (cast of tho Meuse), but
were icpulsed During tho past two
days in this sector we captured 100
ROMA, 19 Glugno.
Nel suo rapporto pubbllcato lerl Bera dal
Mlnlstcro della Guerra 11 generate Cadorna
fa rlievnro che lo Stato Magglore nustrlaco
non ha prelevato affatto, come si supponeva
generalmento, truppe dalla fronte del Tren
tlno per mandarle a rlnforzaro le sue1 Ilnee
attaccato dalla Russia, nelta Voltnla a nella
Gallzla, ma ha contlnuato o contlnua In
vece a fare ognl sforzo per sfondaro le
lines dt reslstenta Itatlane speclalmente
sult'alloplanq di Aslago
Inoltre si credo In Italia, e lo stesso gen
crale Cadorna lo crede, che U trnnsferl
mento dl truppe dal Trentlno alia Gallzla
e sempro plu' difficile a causa della con
troffenslva Itnllana che contlnua un po"
Kcco II testo del rapporto del generate
Gil altrl portafogil. o quattro postl dl
nilnlst.ro senza portafogil saranno distri
bute agll onorevoii, leonlda Blssolan,
Ivanoo Bonoml, socialist! rlformlstl ; Ubatdo
Comandlnl, rcpubbllcano ; Giuseppe D
Naa, Dnrlco Arlolta, Flllppo Meda (clerl.
cnlo), Coloslmo, Sclalola, Ilanlerl o due
Nella glornata dl lerl (sabato) tra
la vallo dell'Adlgo e quclla dell'ABtlco
bI ebbo attlvlta' della nostrn artlgtterla
o dl alcunl rcparti dl fanterla. Qucstl
ultlml attaccarono o dlspersero postl
avanzntl del nemlco prendendogll arm!
e munlzlonl.
A sud-ovest dl Aslngo II nemlco rln
novo' I suol vlolontl sforzl per sfondaro
lo nostre llnce, partlcolarmcnto tra il
Monte Lcmerlo ed II Monte Mngna
boschl, Esso pero' fu resplnto con
gravlsslme perdito.
Tra In vallo Trcnzala e Marceslna la
nostra fanterla contlnuo' ad avanzaro,
ma fu plo arreatata da un intonso
fuoco dell'nrtlgilerla nemlco & dalla
forzo o dalla dlanoslzlono dollo truppe
austrlacho che erano schlernte In un
difficile bosco cd nveano una grando
quantlta' dl mitragliatrlci.
Ulterlorl lnformazlonl glunto nl Com
ando circa II combattlmcnto del 1G cor
rento mostrano che le nostro truppe
alpine prcsero al nemlco 306 prlglo
nlerl, dl cul 7 ulllclall, o dodlce mitra
gliatrlci, oltro al cannonl gla' cnumo
rati nel prccendente comunlcato.
Nella Vnl Sugana nol nbblamo fatto
ulterlorl progrcssl sulla sinistra del tor
rente Mnso.
(II combattlmento a cul accenna questo
comunlcato si svolse sulla Malga Fossetta.
doo gli Alplni, como era annunclato nel
rapporto pubbllcato n Roma la sera dl
sabato, a vevano preso nl nemlco una
batterla dl set cannon! o quattro mitrag
liatrlci.) OggI sara' annunclata ufTlclalmento la
llsta del componentl 11 nuoo mlnlstero
Bosclll SI sa che del nuoo gabinetto fanno
On. Pnolo Boselll, presidente del Con
slgllo, senza pprtafpgllb, . .
On. Sldnoy Sonnlno, mlnlstro-1 degll
On. Vlttorlo Emmanuele Orlando, mln
lstro doU'Intcrno.
On. Paolo Carcano, mlnlstro dolle Fi
nanze, On. Francesco Rufflnl, mlnlstro dell'Is
truzlone Genorale Paolo Morrone, mlnlstro della
Vice-ammlraglio Camlllo Corel, mlnlstro
della Marina.
Contlnuatl violent! combattlmentl at
torno alle nostro poslzlonl sul llmlte
merldlonale delta conca dl Astago mos
trano che il nemlco perslsto nncora ten
acemente nel suo piano originate dl of
fensUa contro l'ltalia, Questa sua
offensla Indlca cho gll avvenlmentl
sulla fronto della Gallzla non hanno
avuto alcun effetto materlnls Bulle oper
azlonl suo nel Trentlno Nessun tras
ferlmonto dl truppe ha auto luogo dal
Trentlno, ed un tale trasfcrlmento si
rende sompre plu' difficile a mlsura che
si svlluppa la controrfenalva nella quale
nol siamo ora impegnati.
Como si ede bI tratta dl un ero e pro
prio mlnlstrcro dl coallzlone nel quale en-
eb of Steel
By Cyrus Townsend Brady.
pOWER,drive,thrill the life-drama
of a young engineer on the highway
to success, suddenly halted by a gigantic
catastrophe which threatened to wreck
his whole career; his heroic struggle
from the depths of despair to the top
most pinnacle of success; his romantic
attachment to the daughter of his
capitalist employer these are the high
lights of the opening chapters of the
Web of Steel, one pf the most important
novels of the year, It commences in
trano tultl I partltl cccetto che It eoctaflsta.
1 nuovl mtnlstrl presteranno oggl stesso
gluramirtto nella rnanl del re
Teiegramml da Pelrlgrad annunclano che
lerl le truppe dello czar occuparond la
cltta' dl Czernovltz, capitals delta Buco
vina, 6 st sono mcssl ad segulre gll aus
triad versd la catena del Carpaztl.
Gli Stati Uniti Sono Forsc alia
Vi&ilia della Guerra
con il Messico
MOVE 80,000 TO 100,000
Transportation Lines Equipped
for Prompt Service, With No
Interruption of Regular
Gll Statl Unit! sono, pare, alia vlgltla
delta guerra sul serlo col Messico, Mcntro
lo bands dol brlgante Villa sono tuttora
padrono dello montagne netle quail si
naecondono e si sottraggono atla rlserca che
no fanno le trupne amcrlcano del generate
Pershing, II presidente Carranza del Messico
comanda perentorlamente che git Statl
Unltl rltlrlno le truppo cho si tronno tut
tora nel Messico, nonostante le asslcurn-
zlonl dato dal governo amcrlcano cho lo
stesse sarebbcro stato rltlrato sonz'altro non
nppena Villa fossa stato asslcurato alia
glustlzla c lo suo bande dtntrutte.
Slccomo un genernlo messlcano, Scrrnno,
e' glunto a Juarez forso per prendcro II
comando dello truppe che, a quanto si dice,
si dlsporrcbbero ad attaccarc lo forzo dl
Pershing, It Presidente Wilson ha ordinate
la mobllltazlone dl tutte lo guardlo na
zlonntl del tlhersl statl dcll'unlone, circa
100,000 uomlnl Un telegrninma da Wash
ington dice cho o' stnta conscgnata oggl
una nota del govorno messlcano nl Dlpartl
mento di Stato, nota cho pare non domandl
plu' It ritlro dello truppo nmerienne dal
Mosslco. It t&blo della nota non o' stato
nncora pubbllcato.
Southwestern Lines Can
Move 45,000 Troops a Day
In tho event tho Government de
sires tho speediest possible mobiliza
tion of troops on tho border the
three principal Southwestern trunk
lines out of Chicago enn move 45,000
troops n day if nil other traffic is
C. B. Stone, general superintendent
of transportation of the Santo Fc,
estimated these troops would bo
moved as follows:
By Santo Fo 15,000
By Southern Pacific 15,000
By Rock Island 15,000
If other traffic is not abandoned
each road can move approximately
B000 troops a day.
Susquehanna Passes Danger Mark.
Canoist Drowns
HARIUSUUna, Pa Juno 19. The Sus
tiuehanna river, nfter reaching 1C.2 feet
nboe low water mark. It began to re
cedo last night Tho Juniata Itlver, which
had ocrf!owcd Its banks at numerous
f laces, also began to fall. ' Tho 18-foot point
Is tho danger lino hero, and tho only damage
tvns done to tho river embankment, and to
several roads
Josoph Jeffries. 18 years old, of Stcolton,
was drownid In tho Susquehanna Hlver yes
terday nftern.on With Georgo Selivay, ho
hub canning near shore, and the canoo
Explosion Sets Garage on Fire
PITMAN', N. J., Juno 19. When a gaso
line stoo used for heating water exploded
In tho garago of Len Clark, on Holly ave
nue, early last night, It Btartcd- a blaze,
which gao llrcmen a short but lively bat
tle beforo It was under control. Thrco
autotrucks, belonging to the Campbell Im
press Company, wcro damaged, but tho
building was saved.
CHICAGO, Juno 19 Western railroads,
facing their greatest test for efllclency, can
movo tho 80,000 to 100,000 militia sum
moned to tho Mexican border without a
hitch and without affecting regular pas-
rnnirfr frnmr
This was the statement today of railroad
ofllclals here, who will schedule the opera
tion of most of tho troop trains
"Wo have plenty ot equipment, can make
up many trains within an hour and tho
general public won't know tho difference,"
was tho statemont from the ofllco of tho
goneral agent of tho passenger department
of tho Santa Fc
Tho railroad men, however, expected that
fovv, if nny, troop trains would bo moved
to tho border for several days. Trains
wcro moving today toward mobilization
points In tho various States
"Wo can movo 8000 troops to tho border
a day without affecting regular trnlllc,"
Transportation Manager Vlncont, of tho
Snntit Ke, said.
TUi Rock Island, In moving troops, will
opci.ito cacli ve8tbound passenger train in
two sections, 30 minutes apart, making tho
second section a troop train.
MADISON". Wis, Juno 19 "Wo will
turn over tho cntlro railroad to tho Govern
ment for tho moving of Stato troops If It
Is necessary," was the announcement of
President 11. II Alshton, of tho Chicago
and Northwestern Ttnllroad, here today.
"Wo have Issued Instructions to all
superintendents to hold the necessary equip
ment for tho troop3 and will do everything
In our power to assist tho Government,"
said Alshton.
Continued frem Tore One
lengthening of their lines bf communlca-
Hard fighting 'is In progress between the
Russians and tho Auetro German army of
General von Llnsengen, f hlch la defending
the Teutonic base nt Kovel
In tho lull of Infantry lighting ft 1 along
the front the Russians are violently bom
bardlng the Austro Hungarian and German,
lines. At soma points It is estimated the
ni,i,n tiHari4a hurled ns many at lo.ooo
Bhells against a single objective during the
course of a day's cannonade.
The fata ot the city was sealed several
days ago, when the Russians pushed beyond
It, captured Snlatyn, on the River Pruth,
and cut tha railway communications from
tho northwest. Since then tho Austrlans
have been fighting desperately In the sub
urbs to gain time for the evacuation of the
city by their army and the removal of
military stores They are now being pur
sued Into the Carpathians,
Tho capture of tho city was reported here
last Friday, but the first ofnelal news of
Its evacuation was given yestertlay.
Tho capture Is an Important one, as It
entails tho command of several Important
railway lines. Tho city has been untenable
for several days because of the tremendous
Russian bombardment, which compelled tha
flight of the civil Inhabitants and tha evac
uation of the place by the Austrian forces.
It la expected that further details of tho
capture will show that both sides suffered
sanguinary losses.
Tho War Ofltce announces tho capturo of
Czornowltz In tho usual laconic terms It
gives no description of tho desperate fight
ing known to have occurred for tho croBslnxa
of tho Pruth River after tho Austrlans blew
up the bridges, but adds tho Interesting
fact that the Austrlans are being pushed
Into tho Carpathians, which Is the only
alternative to being driven Into Rumania,
where they would ba Interned.
This pursuit appears to show that tho
Russian cavalry is still actlvo, but military
critics hero nre beginning to wonder how
long tho Russians can maintain tho rapid
advance, which must bo tending to atton
tuato their lines of communication.
NHW YOniC, Juno 19 Tho railroads of
tho East are ready for the greatest pre
paredness test In history In tho moving of
tho National Guard of tho country to the
Mexican border. Ofllclals united In declar
ing that ns fast as tho administration or
ders Stato troops moved they will bo ready
to transport them. Tho way will Immedi
ately bo cleared for the movement of troop
trains, and already locomotives and carB
sufficient to handle the thousands of men
nre available.
Tho problem of transporting supplies
may bo more complicated, Tho Eastorn
roads are Just emerging from a serious
freight congestion, but tho managers believe
sufUclent cars will bo available to handle
tho additional business caused by the de
mands that will como from the Government
for troop supplies.
Romo States No Teuton Tmt,.
tint) Owing to Slavs'
IIOMR .Tllnn 10 TU- 1 .
ma ntalnlng their original plan In ..?'' '
their offensive In tho Trentlno and h4il
withdrawn troops from that front w,?1 '
of tho Russian offensive In the l?m
declared In last night's official War rvlJ!
statement Belief Is expressed that mS?"
withdrawal will becomi more dlflteSft
cause of tho counter-offensive which u
Italians am now mnnlnlnl.. 'V. ,cn .UW
trlan a tacks havo been repulsed, and III, X
Frenzala and Sugana sectors the ?(I?i,!
havo made further advances The siiEmrJ
Is ns follows i tMraent
Continued severe fighting around oot
positions on tho southern edge ibf thS
ABlago Basin shows that the enemy ii
stubbornly persisting In his orBn.ii
scheme. His offensive Indicates that
events on tho enstern front have not
materially affected his activity In th.
Trentlno. No withdrawal of any tore.!
has taken place from tho latter. nd
this wliPbe all tho more difficult u
tlmo goes on, In view of the counter!
orronslve wo are now engaged In
Yesterday, between tho Adlga nA
the Astlco, our nrtlllery and detach
ments wcro nctlve. Tho latter asaulted
and dispersed advanced enemy poS
taking some n?ms and ammunition.
Southwest of Aslago tho enemy m.
newed his valiant efforts to break
through our lines, particularly between
Monto Lemerlo and Monte Magna,
boschl. On ench occasion ha waB flriven
back with very heavy losses
Between the Frenzala Valley and
Marceslna our Infnntry continued to
advance, but was Impeded by an In.
tenso flro from tho hostile nrtlllery
and by tho strength and disposition of
tho cnomv. who tvnn In n llni.nu .. .. .
cd country, and had many machtn.
Later Information regarding the en.
gagement of tho 10 th shows that our
Alpine troops took 300 prisoners, In
Including Boven ofllcers, and also II
machine guns, In nddltton to tho jruni
already reported.
In the Sugana Valley we mads
further progress on tho loft bank of
tho Maso,
In tho Isonzo there were artillery
duols. In tho Monfalcono Bector on tha
night of tho 17th we repulsed counter
attacks on positions we had recently
Hurt When Awning Strikes Him
Nathan Well, 24 years old, of 12 North
13th street, was slightly Injured about th.
hoad today, when nn awning fell on him
while passing 2 North 13th street. He
was treated at tho Jefferson Hospital, and
went home.
raKsHim. m kv 'tow nil A IK
gp :''A -ftU tmwwHBBB3i S3PS ill-
m -vvA-'vK -vTf'. 1-v mimm 111