jWU'-' f WW '" ' ' '' 'ft1 WWf M.'1 W T-p '? 'iimy.i jyi-'-w: pv rJtwwr,- Kiiemttg MONDAY June 19, 1916 IMT.. GRETNA, WHERE PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA WILL MOBILIZE, "AND SCENES IN' THE TROUBLED AREA fc i, i-i m. WWIWWMWWMMWWWMWIWWMi""" I '! -""" M Mil in II I I I Ml I 1 I I W SHSW " . ' - '"WW PENNSYLVANIA MILITIAMEN IN CAMP AT MT. GRETNA. THIS SCENE WILL BE DUPLICATED ON JUNE 24 WHEN THE TROOPS ASSEMBLE FROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE Photo by a Stall Fhotoeraphir. t.ia Tw SB JPHKVk v., 1 K& CvVlMKN &., rwuii v KvraKapfe ., .T' v: n Kt IK ' 4 i,' , . "-y 'h-raBssji . I". -3.i ( " fct'W'Vf v r T 'i vrti I i:x. iiBjr9Tiii-tT.'. , j ."j-mlv-k ... '.: Viw ''v;nv2sH5oiniiytvrK - 403i&t&O?roffiHM I. wfe .iV.Vl?C 1 mmmmrimMmmm tJ.Tt.v&aj!gBr!.ji;v ';-5.s.x--:)lU4t.I7ii X"!r.'s.:tV.- J.i. .nRTKrSa.ir . wvjfcirvw hw afc. 'vi ;.. -y t . sss ": h -.. "i1N fcj"-fc -7.'.w Tt? K. s:.; A-S . I. Vtvv.. " ,Ji- . . X3ir,'S sv;s '5KSS -1"3" jx?-j: r? PSlHIi III . tK&" "fc" irtidl 7.: ;:";";7!T-;vT , -' . ,-- -.-.- .'..,i.: -.?.? $!? f ' .!' TYPICAL AMERICAN ENTERPRISE IN MEXICO Hundreds of these concessions, owned and operated by citizens of the United States, are said to be in danger of destruction and confiscation. i 'hh mj-iarz-ininm"" - - - Copyright. International Film Servlcs. ALONG THE MEXICAN BORDER .United States troops are seen crossing the hot, arid, alkali plains which stretch for hundreds of miles into Mexico. vfeaMrifrif iv. S wPmm ju IS. "3l m.t , ' ' K'f ? 'n'M P"-',y -SI k fif If S 4iS Wm X mm mmk SAm fSSMt Sflff nwl J it"" &t"r m3Iifcl!M m -Br . nlrl4W- SP J VSHBSIIISf' (a silly AH ' ' &'" "i- - vji ' ""9liSflffi WJJB1BHk.wH?w fill " - ',; "; - w! ' iHWHHKflHHHPMe11 ' lt 'MjmmW i ia3MKSayfeKimWSBl' M&x a -,0 I MfflraWbFff C3K;55 3 iic df 1 1 gSESg-' m I 1 ! ($ ff I Sn&WmmmmSJmwr fmmwmWn - - !,- " J", - - .M-- H r MBMMmI fc ' -Ml " -- "-.irS'O'rViV ' "" 1 t&VZft- -JmmmmmMZm 1 I I '& . '.'ii-. -?! V 4.-'i. ?m& FIELD ARTILLERY IN ACTION Members of the New Mexico militia along the border. The 3-inch gmuis, shovn in full recoil after firing. m Ir A'i ' W- ' . :?, V ' - . . 1 .'- 1 1 . , V fe- '" V')',' i'-- t f -'. -'. K ' 1 . i..- ; '.:..,. , ',, .-.. , ' . i ,., J!p AW x& &m v fWBf . 1 fr i AMERICAN SHACK BARRICADED Ever since the belligerent Mexican factions got tired of fighting amongst themselves and turned their attentions to the Americans in the stricken country the "gringoes" have maintained armed camp at all their settlements. royht International" Film Bervlc. , VICTIM OF MEXICAN LAWLESSNESS C, R. Watson, a Texas ranger, was one, xt the first Americans killed by the Villa bandits. , ,. , AN IDEA OF WAR'S EFFECT IN MEXICO , Mexico has learned its lesson from the warring nations in Europe! well. Here is a typical scene along the railway lines that run from the United States into the southern republic The brijge was first ; dy&nlWd and I thbwned? - !fc-. 1