14 EVENING LEDGER PHlLABELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1910. h FINANCIAL NEWS STREET DEVOTES GREAT DEAL OP TIME TO ANALYZING THE.MEXICAN SITUATION Change Brought About by Calling Out of National Guard fv. Given Attention Stocks Decline Nothing But ' ' Friendly Buying and Inspired Accumulation High Points in Today's Financial News Philadelphia weekly bank statement showed a decrease of $1,355,000 in aitrplut and an ihcreaee of $578,000 in loans. May earnings of the Phila delphia and Western Railway Company good. Fricc oj bar silver higher in New York and London. Twenty per cent, stock allotment authorized by irt Jersey and Seashore Railroad in order to discharge construclioti and equipment obligations. Very little remains to arrange for $100,000,000 French loan. NEW VOtlK, .Tuno 19. Wall street pursued a waiting policy for a good part of the day, with arlous Interests .concerned In speculative positions on both sides of the market devoting much time to analyzing tho Mexican situation ns It has been changed by the call ing out of the National Guard for sorvlca along the border. It was thought nt first that an absolute order to report for duty would not bo Issued for a few day8 to cdmo, but this notice wns received shortly before 12 o'clock, and with It the Street was forced to accept tho proposition that tho nation Is now facing an international conflict. , What effect this condition of war will be on values was not In any way Indi cated by the frequent breaks and feeble rallies which marked tho trading In tho lost half of tho day. The heaviest declines were In stocks, which, according to conservative Inter ests, should nover havo been established at tho prices which hnVe recently pre vailed for them. There was nothing but friendly buying and Inspired accumula tion to hold their prices at thoso levels, and when the step taken at Washington was announced this morning this buying disappeared like vapor. United States Steel common might be taken as representing the true situation !n tho securities market. That stock declined a little more than 1 point, Rolling a, little under 84, against 85V4 at tho closo on Saturday, and recovered part of thl3 loss in tho final dealings. Mexican Petroleum was, of course, directly Influenced by tho position taken by tho United States, but It has been known that this stock has been subjected to bear pressure for some time past, and Its decline was helped along by efforts for a strong bear pool. WEST JERSEY AND SEASHORE AUTHORIZES STOCK ALLOTMENT Funds to Be Used to Discharge Con struction Equipment Obligations The directors of tho West Jersey and Seashore Railroad, at a meeting today, authorized a 20 per cent, allotment of capi tal stock at par. In order to discharge Its construction and equipment obligations. Approval of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners of tho State of New Jer sey of this Issue of stock will bo re quested, and when such approval shall have been obtained, the dates of record and payment of subscription and other In formation concerning the allotment will ba forthwith announced and the stock holders duly notified. ANOTHER DROP IN SURPLUS Philadelphia Banks Report Decrease of $1,355,000 for Week The Philadelphia bank statement today showed a further reduction In surplus, that Item belrs cut down M. 365,000 to 131 ESI -00. This makts a reduction of J7.726.000 In two weeks, the decline last week halng been J6.371.000. Loans this week Increased (578,000, making $,003,000 In two weeks Individual deposits Increased $883,000. Last week the Increase, was $10,350,000 Details follow: Tjoans . Deposits (ind.) circulation ...... pue from banks . Deposits of banks Ex clearing; home Reserves held . . . Reserves required Surplus . DMT!! Surplus June 21 Dlf June 10 IM fM3.74l.00) .... 441. -Ml Dim u.-f-r""" 73,.'2J,000 1TJ, Mil, 1)00 lD,B77.nnn lOB.-.'8-V.OOO "7.704. nno st.sei.ooo 1D15. 148 ORu.ono prev wk increase I37H.000 881,1)00 11,000 2.171) 000 lU-'.UOO 1, -Jill. 001 1 l.fliio.non MVonn 1,333,000 New York Bond Sales Hurntus under oiii form June HZ, 11)14 J14.nnn.ono uune xa. una. s,,au-j 773. OOu; June 10, lull 903,000: Juno 17. sin nz4,7ia rpli i.oni 17.. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, June 19 The market for foreign exchange In the first hour of busi ness today was featured only by extreme dulness and a steady tone. Quotations were not changed In any class from the final figures of Saturday, Rates were: Demand sterling. 4.75 : cables, 4.76 7-16: franc cables, 5.91; checks, 5,91; relchs marks, 75 11-16 and 75 ; lire cables, 6.38H ; checks, 6.39'i; Swiss cables, 5.25; checks, 5.25 t Vienna, 13 and 13.05; kroner, 29.60 and 29.70 ; pesetas, 20.35 and S0.45; guilder cables, 41 H; checks, 41 11-16 ; rubles, 30.68 and 20.72. RATES FOR MONEY Call. New Tork , lb 04 Philadelphia a ltoston ., 3., Chicago ..., 3tt M Time. 3 04 rlis BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre apondlnc day last two years IfllH 1015 1014. Fhlla 181.4110 781 1211)10,001 131,28H.389 ViOOton . .. 64.007 DOS S3 JIIS 507 1H.A30,I25 New York. 300 .144 224 240 620.131 31.VHOVJH.: Chicago .. an R74 1 411,101,414 47,601, 40J fit. Louis ... 18,718.08.' 14 810,58.1 Financial Briefs The New York Subtreasury lost J6.730.000 to the banks on Saturday and J13,452,000 since Friday. Frailer & Co. have announced that George Draper Lewis has become asso ciated with them as sales manager. George De Bennevlllo Kelm, lce presl dent of Chandler & Co., Inc. has returned from a three weeks' trip to Chicago and the Middle West, where he attended the Re publican National Convention. The retiring directors were re-elected at the annua) meeting of the stockholders of the Greene-Cananea Copper Company held In Duluth. Ulnn.. today Some small changes In the by-laws were oted. the principal one affecting the closing of the books for the annua) meeting. Heretofore this has been obligatory, but the change allows the officials to use their discretion In the matter and hereafter t Is probable that a' stock of record date will ba announced before the meeting each year. The American Spirits Manufacturing Company through the Bankers' Trust Com pany Is canceling $200,000 of Its first mortgage extended 6 per cent, bonds. This issue, which amounted to 11,400,000, was extended about nine months ago. It Is re quired that J100.O00 of the bonds ba can celed annually, but this amount has been doubled thia year. The Mercantile Trust and Deposit Com tany, of Baltimore, has been awarded the ceyeral Items of Baltimore city 4 per cent bonds, aggregating J 3.303,500, at .S?i. The- purchase of the Hill Oil and Gas property by Cosden OH and 09- Company feus bn completed The financing of the transaction has been arranged with Hall garten fc Co, and Eugene Meyer, Jr., & Co. An Issue or Jt),000,000 Cosden Oil and Gas thfee-jrtir per cent, convertible mortgage Botes will be made There ha been placed on the regular list rf tM) Philadelphia gtoeit Exchange tJSQ.. T4 aidUkmat American Telephone) and TeJarapft atock and JfJOO additional INaUMt4ila Company S per cent cum' uliitue fettriA stock. There has been tatcktt off UM reenter ttet III 708 WeU- taMsfc 'otiipany i ftf ceat bond, purchased Hmt siakfcar fia4, tetw wiwot litd J10OO Alaaltn Clol.l ex rs '.'000 Amor Art deb lis . SJ7UOO Amlo-lMcncn ,1h . 411000 Amer Smelt Sec lis looo Ann Arbor 4s 1000 Armour Co 4'jb 7500 Atchison uen 4s 1 moo do ndj Is 10000 do cv Is 1011 0000 do cl 4s 11)110 " 401)0 do cv r 11)17 U00O Unit ft Ohio .1'4 11100(1 do fin .18000 do 4s , 2KVIII do c ids 10OO IliO V t.I.&WV 4s 3000 Drown Shoo 44b 21000 llrook Hp Tr .Is 1018 20000 Can Gov 4s lli.'O 0000 do 4s 111.11 liiooo C C C Ben Is 10OOO Cnl Gas i Klcc Is 10000 Cent Leather 1st Os, SJIIIIII Ches A Ohio c 4&s 1)000 do fis BOOO Chi H. K III 3s 1000 Chi Gt West .'.000 Chi W Ind . . . .1000 i: II t () Inlnt J. loooo do Ren 4s .. 1100(1 C .11 St I' 4s 11IJ3 1000 do Ken 4s looo do Oil 4s .. 21)000 do conr ."is . .17000 do cv 4is . 24000 C It I t P OS ... 1000 do col 4s 47000 do rM 4s 2000 Chinese rets 3s 17000 Col Industrial .Is 1000 Corn Prod Os 1031 13000 Del & Hud conv 4s 1000 do rfd 4s . 1000 Detroit Tunnel 4'4a 4000 Detroit United 4's 11000 DIs Sec Cnrp .Is 2000 Du Pont Pond His 10000 nrle conv 4s Mer I) 1000O do conv 4s her I 8000 ria Cant con 5s 50000 Hud ft Man In 5s .1000 Hud 4 Man rfd fis iiooo lav Ulect fis (looo ndlana Steel .Is liiooo nterb Met 44 s nter 11 liar ct 4"-is nternl Paper lis i c rt s & st 4o tan Cltv Sn 1st .1 ouo Kan Clt rer 1st 4s 4000 jukii Steel .In HUH 4000 .acka Steel fis 11110 nono l.u sn deb U ln.n fiOOO ,?h Cool Is 4000 Mir 'Si .11 T 3a 1000 .ou A Nash ten lis 3000 I,ouls & Nash 4s 1000 Mexican Pel 4s 1000O Mex Pet Co Os Ser 11 lllch 10J l)JJ luil'n l,H' W3Ji UlU h"i lot 10l(. I.ONS IIU II7' HIT. 10(14 l.st, UIH 111 HI 101 1IMV, J Close 10-' 7'4 ah - 101 lOIJl lllt'i vi'.i u.'.'i uj; loots loo loo's iiitl on in'. i; 1U U3j. H1K h7Ai ST 10JS inj OJl looW ICO' .101 Xll'i "eji KUS fcl'4 1011 SOW 71 .107'! . ns 0l(4 lootu 100 101 Ml'f, 10jl Rita 10(1 nil '4 107'4 l)R DlS 04V liloi. 100 lilt KIlU 1011 H(1'4 71 U7'4 l)s fl IV, 114 4 1114 U4Vi 1I4S 111 '4 OII4 01 '4 Hl'4 li 15 lilii 10S4 109 IDS L'lOOl) 100(10 SOIMI 10011 HUH 7(Hi ti'.iS 1)1', 111 10)l?4 10.' 11.' M, 4 IU4 111 1 711: ""Jr 7' ii'i'a tiff 2001) Mex Pet Co Us Ser C.10U IDOIf .MO Kan & '1 'U 48 4r)'. .100(1 do 4Hs 41 3000 Mont Powir 3s 117J 2000 N Y C 1, H 3'4is TliV 200(1 N Y C-M C col 84 s 77 3000 N Y C 4 II ns . . . 111; BOOO do 34 s . RJ lnoiHI do 44 s 113'i inoo n Y city 4s io-,s looli 2000 do 4s 10W . . 100', MICH) do 44 s 10(13. 107'. 40111) do 44s 11)04 111.'1: 11000 do 44s 111(1.". HIS 4000 do 44 s May 11)17 ln7', .1000 do 44s Nov 1017 lo:ti K000 N- Y tlaB II i. P 4a 4000 do .Is 800(1 N Y Tel mn 44s. .. SHOO Norf 4 1est Is 2000 Nor Pac gen 3s 4000 Ore Short I, ret 4s 2100(1 Oro & Col fis . Iiiini Pie Tel Ss , liono Penna sen ct 14s HOOD do en 44s auoo rnna ro conv iujj MJs 101 i 1004 K)l in. 11000 ICC4StI. 44a Per A 10J4 8000 Pub Serv N' .1 fis DJ 4000 Iteadlna sen 4s 01-W 1000(1 Iteadlns-Jer On 4s . 1)7 noon step jr ft H 2000 ItuwStl Snrt-H fis ' 5O00O ac 1, 4 3 F In I .1000 lonoo (11000 0700(1 jnuit do rfd ct sla 4s do sen ct sta 4s do adj w I .. . do Ser A vr I. ao w os 10000 Reab A L, sdj 3a liioii so rac cv 4s 13100 do cv ret t p Bs loooo do rfd 4s 21000 South llwy gen 4s 0000 do con 5a . 7001) Third Ave sdj 3s 2000 Toklo Ss . .. Moon U S Smelt a n (Is 2000 U 8 Itubber fls 11000 U H steel s f lis 1000 Utah Power Ba looo Union Pac 1st 4s 8000 tin 11 Wis S F 4a 4000 Va Car Chm 1st Ss BOOO Wabash ,1st Ss 2000 Wab-P T 1st ct 4s f p 3J4 3.'4 iuuu west uect cv as , i..vj 12. . 71 (17 W . K.I 4 . 714 01 1174 104, . I'll'? 714 7ntl 77S 1122 HUH 101 014 SIS 7ftU 77 113't nt! 1004 looji 11174 1IU4 8.1 104, OK'4 03 IIH4 !).; 101'. 1004 101s 10.1 1)1 10J4 1U )1S "7 1171, .Ill's 71 117'. 83U 7()'i 01 1174 f.8'1 101'i nn; 7l4 im 7l)'i 77S 112 huh 1)14 IU4 1171. 834 704 3JJ 11114 ONlI imVi 1044 11114 S'U .UU SJU. 12J LONDON STOCK MARKET Trading: Is Briak and Feeling Cheerful. Americans Weak LONDON', June 19. Generally the tone of securities on the Stock Exchange was Arm today with trading brisk and the feel ing cheerful. There was an lmpraement In the gllUedged section, dearer money hav ing been discounted. Home rails were in demand and they moied upward. Weakness was again noted In Americans because of thti Mexican situation. Addl. tlonal moderate sales to the treasury were made. Notwithstanding good earnings and fa vorable crop advices, Canadian Pacifies were In supply but Grand Trunks held well South American rails were mixed. Allied bonds displayed strength on tlte Russian news. Chinese descriptions ad vanced with a restoration of confidence as to those issues. The shipping group was Irregular and Inclined to go lower because of recessions in freight rates. City services lumped ten points. NEW YORK CQFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. June 19. At the outset this morning the coffee market was firmer, with Crst; prices I point lower to 6 points higher. Trading was quite active and sales on the call amounted to 67SO bags. Today's esaui.r. Saturday's close 8 01 it a 00 Juna July 8,13 8,154 AUZUSI "B.IO SIUI September . . 8 ia s SI 1 October . . v . . MQ g ill No.-tmlwr . . , . 8 Sit Oactm&cr 8.47 fi 434 Ja.TJiry . , , . . 40 $ 4Hl riuruirr 8 831 iluich 8,so s 374 AprM 8JI nar- . , ,, . S.T3 8.11 494C. "XfH if, 750 px. 'lit 14 St 30 41 8 30 8 33 a ss its New York Stock Sales Last close IP lllnh lxiw Close 17 17 17 20H ink lfH '( m su 20), 26 25 H Mf 82 82Jf fi7' 07 07 psji osj nsi 111 S8 &S 1()4 lMlj ll)T!H KM MM MM HIM ll)9! 109'f 109'f imi 63H am tun mi ion io 117J4 117' 117H 65 61! M 10 o( nf 20f 83 01 0OJ 1)1 lot oOlf Adrsncc llumclr Ahka CJohl MlnM Almkn 1 (loll M Alll.t'hlmr Mfl Alllf-C Mf pf . Am s Cti"mlcil Am Ag Clirm pf Am licet bugar Am Ilrskc S ft F ,. Am Can Am Can pf , , Am Car A Fdjr . Am Co3l Produfli . . 100 Ant Coil Prod pf ... 117 Am Cotton Oil . . fiOH Am llldoft Leather.. , . 10 Am Hldo A h pf . ... fil mH 40U 40'f Am Ico SecuritlM .. 30 29f 28H 28)f Am Llnxced . 21 21 21 21 Am Unseed pf . 4S Wi W,t AOH Am IiOromoljr 7l)" 71 09 OOH Am Malt Corp'n pf 3 3I .11), Hl Am Smelt A llor 01 90) 02i IHJf Am Smelt A It pr 113), 112 112 112 Am Smelt pf A.. IH'f 91 M 01 AmSnun . 140 144 141 141 Am Slcel lonndrloj . Bl 60 19)S 49)4 Am utigar Hennlnc . I12J, HHi 110'f 110'f Am Tel A lei Am Tobicco .. Am Tob pf new Am Woolen 41 Am Writing I' pf . ... 2 Hi Am Zinc 1, A Sm f2 Am 7. I, & S pf ... !) Amronda Cop M .. SIW Asocliled Oil . . . Wi All h Top ASP. Alch T A S 1' Df All Cout Una . . 117 llalcl Looo Wks ... 8S! Hilt A Ohio . . . 9())i Halt A Ohio pf .... 77 ll.ilnplhs Mlnlns . 2 Iliooklvn Hap Tr .. R0'4 Hums Hros 74 Untie A Superior ... . 78', Cal Petroleum 22) i Canadian I'iclflo 17o' Ccnlril I.ealher 51' J CURB DEMAND DROPS, DUE TO GUARDS GALL Motors Arc Weakest When Nearly Everything Soils at Lower Levels Sales in Philadelphia ISO Am (las ... 00 llnldirin Loco in , do tiref .. no tlurr & sun t L'D Crucible Rteel lllsh. Jjov. Close. 105 M iOS'k 103 'i b 11 i. Ri.. WH 80 V, ew Net chr. . 1.10)4 130) 130 130 205 20o 2041 204) 100) 100' 1005 100 45) 2H C1J 71 84 00) 44 20 471 00 8,1 00J 41 21) 48! 00 M 00) 103), io laii 101; 101 100J4 100J ioo; 114 lt3K 111 Clnnillcr Motor Ches A Ohio Chllo Copper Chlno Copper Chlcaco Qreit Weit Chi Orcit West pf Chi Mil A St Taul C C C A St I, Chi A Northwestern Chi It I A Pac Cliielt Pea A Co Col Kiiel A Iron . Col A South 1st pf Continental Can Consolidated Oai Corn I'roilucli Hef Crucible Steel . . , Crucible Sleel pf . DHUII Sec Corp'n ., Erie rrlc 1st pf .. .. Genral Electric .... (Ireenc-Cananea (Joodrleh II F . . (Iranbj Consol Greit Northern pf . . O N 1 fs for ore prop (lulf States Steel Gulf States S 2d pf Illinois Cent Int Harv Corp'n Int Harv X J . . . . Int Con Cor v t c sh Int Con Corp pf Int' Paper Int Paper pf 1)1 . OIf 21!f fi2 MX 37 US' BO 130 21 74) 4 IX . SO Oil 88! 00 70'f 2 87 7J 771 20) I70X fil lOS'f 107X Olh 01 SIX 8SK 70X 2 87 70 71 1SU 85), 80 70X o 87 70 72X 18, 21X 51) 11 37 OS! Bt 120X 21X 72X 43! 57) 09 137'j 137 20X 10X 8.)X 8JX 118 lit 4S 47) 37U 37H 53), BIX 109)j 100H . 10 45 70X "0 . 90)i 89 121! 121 3Ji 38X mi 80 89) 88'f 175X 175X 53)5 5154 107lf 02 20X BOX 1.1 37 07 51 129 21) 72) 41 57) DO !0'f 50 1.1 .17 07 51 129 20X 72X 41 57X 90 131X MIX 10 10X 701 79X 113X 114 40 40 30 .10 BIX SIX 107X 10S 41X 41X 74X 75 89 120 30X 81 8, NttW YOI1K, .luno 19 There was a lack of demand for usually octlie Issues on the llrotd Street Curb today, which could bo directly Attributed to the nown of the calling out of tho National Ouard for sorildo ntang the Mexican border Nearly eiorjthlng traded In showed loner loiels, with tho motor Flocks the wenkest features, Chevrolet breaking from 238 to 22.1 anil United Motors Belling donn from 75 to 72 )i, Mlihnle Steel, which showed n strong tone last week, nlso wns under pressure, falling from 05 to Git,, and Atlantic Oulf and Went Indies, which opened nt 08, dropped to CO Hi, Kathndlon Hronae was nbout tho only Important exception to thh declining ten dency. That stock continued In good de mand, setting nt 25 4 and 26.'' TI10 oil stocks woro quiet, Blinding oft slightly tinder small sales, nnd slight re cessions were nlo noted In the mining stocks United Zinc, uhlch has taken oer the Kcneflck properties, ns dealt In for tho first time, selling nt 11 nnd 10 't. A good part of the selling of tho general list wns h professlonnl trndcrs, but tho suppl) In the motor stocks could bo traced to fomo otitslda Interest that lind been Induced to buy tho Chevrolet nnd United Imiiei on freccly circulated predictions of Uolcnt ncltunceq being In prospect from tho high levels nt which they lind sotd n couple of weeks ngo INDL'STniAI.I 7 hlectrlc (Horace (VIM fll lion Erie 37 it 30 2" llnf'son Uros..llo i . uo urei 11,.. v 11 liy looo 7.1 180 11 RIO 7(1 74 nterb font ,, IS .nkA Run f'nrn (111, ,ei Nav ...,, 70 .eh Val .... 81 .li nl. Tr , 2 20 Miami Copper.. 8.1 ennrv-u. Jt. 89 120 36X 81 s; lOo'i 105) 101) 10.1X 82 .114 18X . 75X 12 a; Insp Con Cop 49'f Int Nickel v t cfs . .. . 47X Int M M c of dep ... 20 Int M M pf cof dp .. 95X Jewel Tei Si Kin City Southern 20 Kajser J A Co 05 Kajser J 1st pf 117 Kelly Spring Tire . Kennecott Copper. Laclede (in Lack Steel Co Lehlch Valley Lake Erlo A West Lake Erlo & W pf 42X Lee Itubber Tiro .... 51X 81 111 18X 75X 12 55) 49W 10X 24'f OCX 84X 27 99) 117 81 81 113X 113X 17)1 74X ID 55), 47X 45X 2 IX ".IX 84 2AX 95 117 Liggett A Mjers Lone Island .... Louis & Nash . Manhattan Shirt Co . . 07 Main ell Motors SO) Max Motors 1st pf 89 Max Motors 2d pf . . . . 585J Mas Uept Stores 01 3!f 72 52 5W 49X 108M 100 100 71 70X GO 81X 81) 70X IS) 1SX . 17K 41)f 40 48 51 250), 250 250 .18 38 30X 131V 133) 1.11 Mexican Petroleum M St P AS S M pf . Mo Kan & Texas ... Miami Copper . . . Missouri 1'aciHc . . ., Mo Pac tr cfs . . . , -Nah C A St L Nat Enam A S Co . . Nat Leid Co . . Ne Con Cop New York Air Brake N Y N H & 11 Ne ork Central N Y C A St L 1st pf N Y 0 & West . . . Norfolk A Western. . CO 85) 88X 58 0JX .102X IOH4' 135 . 4X 30 . OX OX 110 24) 07 17X 17X 75X 11! 55X 47X 40)f 24)4 04 8-1 25X 99) 117 72 50)1 100 00X 79X 18 41.X 48X 250 3GX 133 00 82X 88X 57X OU 90X Acmo Ten Aetna Uxploshes AJix nubbtr rire... . . ... A)nr!caiiI!rltlBh Mnnufnclurinz Amerlmn Mnri.onl , Atlnntlu Quit & W 1 do nref I'erlman lllm Cninidlan I nr Coin) miy Cnnnillnn Qnr ft Foundry nref Chevrolet .tlntprn . ..... Cuhii t ane Kupiir . . Ctirtlss Aeroplnne Ilrlsss Renlmrt 1 iincrinn IMonoffraph KlcmlshI,ynn Haskell St llirker Cnr tirruUe MnnnrHrturiui: Inter Mer Mirlno do rref Kathndlon ttronzo proi Maxim Munitions Manh-ittnn rruns Mldwile MIeil . Otta l.leMttor Peerless Motors l'oolo Knir S S lresx u 1 Htnndnrd Motors submarine Hid . r.1 . IH 3 :12s15 . .2JT . . nil i-'ls, . . Il'l . . 3S . . .'1 . . 21 . . 1)1, .. 21U . . (I .. 1 .. 01 TriRnile Hint unucii Mil, 104 ' '.'.'.'.'.'. 3S , J4 ::::.:; 74 1 0 . Ml"4 STOCKS 1110 .'II , . ..217 . . . .UN 60 82X 83X 57 G.1X 00X 130X 136X 130 Hi 4X 4X 35 GX OX 1411 23)5 04 10! 35X OX OX 140 24 00X 17X 130X 137X 132 02)j 02), COJ 35 OH OH 140 23) 0-1 10)j 13JX 004 105J, 105H 103X 103X 7U 81 81 84 . 27! 27) 27 27 131) 131H 130 130X Motors United I'rnllt Slinrlns .... u H 1, nmi it com do prer .... White .Motors STANDAltD Oil. Illinois onto Prnlrle Pipe Klnndanl oil I'nlirornlt ... . Htnndiird oil of New lerscj . Standard Oil of Now York . . . OTltnit OIL STOCKS Cosden & Co Chalmers Oil Inter Petroleum Houston nil Mldst ItpllnlnE Siipulpu Itcflntns MINING STOCKS. Atlanta llutte Copper nnd Zinc llutto .VI Cerro do IaBco First ntlonal UoldOeld .MerKcr llecla Mlnlmt Houp Sound Jim Ilutler Jumbo Extension McKlnley rjarrnh Muiiina Copper Mines Co or America Mplsilnc . .. . San To' . St Joseph Lead West End Con Whlto Oiks . . BONDS Cerro de Pasco Os Ohes & Ohio Sa Mldvale lis . . . . i.'7 .07 .Vi . KiH . 11 . 05, . lt4 . 11 . 0 : 3j . I Mi . N4 .' V?4 . HI HI . no 'V ; 7 . 11 Di 100 . 7 112 . H1J4 . O0s Asked ?H-s IS IIS it'l 135 hi Ml 21.'. r.nH OJ ' 114 !'' 40 27 liio m'i .'') an 1 7Tt 1 r'-"J in 2U ?X 210 20 8 KiH is 00 1.' ni 0 30'5 s OS Ml 111) 111 ,P 10H 101 9 111 IHV4 07 North American ,0 00)f OGX 06X Northern Pacific Ontario Silver Min I'enn Railroad People's Gas Chi . . Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co N J . Pressed S Car Co . . Pullman Co II) Sleel Sp Co . . Itaj Con Copper . Heading . . lleadlns 1st pf Itepubllc Iron A R Republic I A S pf St L Southwest pf . Seaboard Air Line . Seaboard 'A L pf . Sears, Hoe A Co . . . Shat Ariz Cop . , . Southern Pacific Southern Ily Southern fly pf .... Studebaker Co ..... Tenn Copper Teias Co Texas Pacific Third Axenua .. . Tol St L A W pf United Clsar Stores Union Pacinc Union I'aclnc pf U S Ind Alcohol . , USOU'iF .... United Fruit United tlys Inv Co Un His Inv Co pf U S Itubber . . U 8 Itubber 1st pf U S Steel Corp'n U 8 Steel Corp'n pf . U 8 Sm It & M USS II AM pf .., Utah Copper Utah Securities 18X 18X Va-Caro Chem 44 ty 42 V.-r-rn Pharn r,f IfWlIf IDC Wabash, Wabash pf A 40X Wabash pf B , 27X West Union Tel 91H West E&M,., 60X Western Mar) land ,,,, Wheel A Lake Erie ,. Wheel ALE 1st pf . WUIjs Overland Wisconsin Central., ,, WooUorth V W ., . Quoted ex dividend 114X 114X 113 11.IX . 7X 7X 7X 7) . 57X 57) 57 57 101X 101H 101) 101) . 40) 30X 30X 39f . 28 20X 2QX 20)i 49) ', 49 17 47 .104 103X 101) 103) . 44X 44 43X 44 22X 22 21)5 21X 103 1031 100X 101X . 42X 42'f 42)f 42J 40!, 40'f 45K 107JJ 107)i 107X 43X 43X 41X . 10 10 10 . 3SX 38)1 3SX 185)f 182 1S2 . 32 31X 30X USJi 07X 9QX 22'f 221 22)f ', W OOh 68) 139 139 135) 1J7 44X 45 44X 45 188 180X 183 12) 13U 13 . 64X CAH (MX . 13X 12 12 05X 05) 95) i 137X 137 135 82H 82) 82M 156X 150X 153X 154 2J 22 21)j 21H 165X 108)f 16MX 101) U 8)1 8 8K . 18X 18) 18) 18) . 54)i 54X 53X &1X UOX 110 109) 109) 85X MX 83)? 83), 117X U7h 117 U7X 75) 73X 71 71U SIX 50) 50) 50X 70 77X 7V 77H 16X 18X 40 40)i ,.,,100) 108X 108X 108X UH 14i 1J; H 49Jf 48f 27 27 01X 91 60X 58X 31 30X 20) 5 4)X 4 16 15 14 45X 107X 4J)i 10 38) 182 31 06X 22X 0S, 183X 13 64) 12 05J 135)f S2)j MEXICAN TROUBLE WOULD HELP COTTON, SAY TRADERS Think Conditions a Bullish Factor, With Indications for Bettor Prices NCW YORK, June 19 Commission houses continued to liquidate July at the opening thli morning-, but this supply was easily absorbed by spot houses and Llier pool That option wns down 4 points, with other months 1 point lower to 2 points higher Liverpool was a good buyer of tho other positions also, and there wns some "Wall street purchasing Southern Interests nnd room operators sold After tho call July rose to 12 75, or 2 points nbove Sat urday's close, and other months moied up 2 to 3 points The tono was steady, but business continued light Trading continued quiet, hut prices ruled stead) during the first hour, with actle months working about 4 to C points net higher Lherpool was a meoderate buyer and here npd there seemed to be some scat tered covering for Southern account Gen eral bujiness remained quiet and the under tone was rather nerious. with prices rang ing 2 or 3 points from the best after 11 o'clock The Mexican situation came In for free discussion on the exchange this morning and the consensus of opinion was that as a factor It could be considered only bullish. Although there were Bomo who did not care to express an opinion ns to the Immediate effect. It was generally agreed that In the long run It would hao a favorable influence, on prices. It was pointed out that any trouble with tho Southern Itepublla would take a large number of Mexican laborers out of Texas. Another factor talked of was the amount of additional cotton that would be needed for our BOldlers It they were kept In that section While some were Inclined to ljellt tle this point, they agreed that the only action It could have would be toward some Increase In consumption Sat. close, Open High ,18 3J 13 27 1J 71 .l.'.T I.' 70 12 77 1; nn i 111 la oa U 1.' 12.81 March . . July ... October December January August . Spot . . y.u't ..13 I :;- ! 811 I 03 13 13 H4 .1J.85 13 OU 13 17 12 MS Low 1J VO 12 O'J 1-' NJ 13 01 13 1 1J.S4 Close 12 SI 12 77 1J III 13 08 13 HI 12 85 282) 282 41H 401 40 27X 94X 58) !9X 4 14 271M 272) iUii Wit ,13dh 13fl)j 138X 130X RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PACIFIC 11)1(1 Increase Second week June . . S2.6J8 000 11.008.000 From July 1.'. 122. HI. 000 28.20u.0oo CHICAaQ. INDIANAPOLIS AND LOUISVILLE 2d week June . 1 1 00, 00s 133.11)0 rrom juijr 1 i.ato.iao j.ui GRAND TRUNK 080 til .Second eck June $1,118,118 From July 1 50,035.160 CANADIAN NORTHEUN. Second week June T I8&0.400 From July 1. , .. 31.657.000 ST LOUIS OUTHWESTERN 2d week June . . . 1221.000 From July 1 . 11,010.000 1 BUFFALO. ROCHESTER AND P1TTSBUROH Id week June .. S236.22 138 091 1164 10$ 4.403 HI 476,000 7.810.800 . f4 000 1.5SJ.O00 trom J.ul t 12.603 via 2.803.830 Sugar Futures Are Dull NEW YQHK. June 1 The gua;ar fu tures market opened dull thl afternoon after the holiday with no tales repqrted on the call first bid prlcea showed an ad vnc of; I point to a decline pf 1 point Floor trader enied willing- to wait freah 4fveojmints m thia position before ukinr m new coiomitroeni Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. June 19. Spot cotton was dull today 1 point higher on the basis of 8.17d. for mld-uptands. The sales aggre gated S000 b.les, Including 4000 bales American. There were no Imports. Fu tures closed easy at a net gain of ;5j2H points. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS June 19. Iloaa Receipts. ISc. lower. Mixed and butchers. 02.. CIIICAQO. IB23O0 75) Rood heavy, jl) B50 73! rough heavy. JSSU6Ui llht, I0.10O0.7U, pls. 8W 8 l?ATT,LEi-R.t?pBt2.1' 21.000. Market 10620c. lower Bvs. 82S113U. cows and heTfers. 14 "300 20. "tockers and rteaera. u 738 SO, Tei?rS 17 4UO0 80. cales. J0 7UO1160 HHKEP Receipts. 13 00(1 Market stebdy Native and Western, 137.00; lambs, I8.23& 11 40. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS rw YORK. June IB HUTTI3R Quiet trad ing and BrlcVrbarely aiuitalned Receipts, 11.375 l?ft?a creanwry. 29H03OV4C ! higher scoring. fc&8o"e Stale dairy. 2m 2c , imitation "EGOhi-Sllihtlynrmer Receipts. 10.053 Ex tras 24H O20c extra firsts. S3V4 02lc , firsts, S323c wl-lte. 27-'8c . mown, JUc , mixed color 23V, O 25c OUDKY UULU bTANUAUU CAST 1UON I'll'E tl iOl SomKaNx BJ. 1I8,T 31UKTU.Ufc iiMiiw IllTk JULY 1ST. ll.'H. Pursuant to term of Morlkaite dated July 1 1003 123 000 of bond hate ben drawn (or re demption at 10JMS4 and accrued Interest, a ot July 1. 1018. put of money then payabl to V 14 79 100 t43 218 ,'44 249 824 314 83 401 418 ?I,8 S?T 3S 728 7M 783 Tn bonds for $800 each 1002 103(1 1 1050 1148 U73 Above bonds, with ell unmatured coupons at tached, ahouia P vr!???l?,1lort PVgPSM I1 omct of Truxte on or .after July . 1910. when, all mmdMvbrHPAHT Trustee, OEOKQB BTUAUT m Treasure PolUdelphla. r June 7. 1010. piKKcrquy or coiwrj?rL! fertlfled PcbUe Aceaoataats SCB B. ilHOVVN iS&W S44iMr wifm SUftFEAptU tffip. eta Hull Mfir Hleel iirnf tori ihlln r'n .. 4nH 1 JSO l'ltlla Klectrle. . 211H 1003 ! It T tr ctf..18H 1)50 llendlnt . IIUS 400 Ton Helmont . 4H tin Ton .Mining '."(7 II (Ins imp 374-. i; a 8teel ... loo Wrtw Ir A -St 1 Westm Coal . 1 1)0 ork llwy ux umaenu Tnttl snles. 12,201 shores, 22,878 slmres Inst Alnmlsr. f HOND3. llliti IHOO Am O A Kl .Is i1 noo Am Uwjs .Is loo 1000 A & I, Vnl 44 s 87 20011 city 4s '31 rej KIJ looo I'.l & 1 Tr Is 80. looo Kev T 1st r.s H8V aiHio I, V Conl 3s I in 2000 I'ft co cons 4HS lO'V. looo l'hlla nice 4c 81? inoo Heading Kcn 4s D")'4 3000 do rcg 04 1000 Itend-Jr Cent Is 117,, 100(1 Btil lis A Ulc lis tools a: 01 7 30 1 34 M I 10 it... it - tf 2J. 28.. .. ,,- n x SS3 i! nj? .01.. -?'7 .f 100W 10H ! ts m , on 110 t iS i8H Jl till la. 1111 Hi U - . 074 075 10 10H & Sly - lou . rompared with I.ow HI loo 87 ID J 80. 118 11)1 101. lll'l III ''7. c,0?f; H3Vi 100 87 102 80 08 till 101, 83 U lll't 111 llT.. 100W Net . Totnl soles, lnt .Mondnj. K MTJ, compnred will, 00,000 Local Bid and Asked Ilnldwln . do nref flrlll, JO iiurr & Rus t c . . do prof Cnmbrla Steel . Illec RtoraKo Uen Asp . do pref Kc stone Telephone do t c . . do pref Lnko Sup Corp . . l.iiilKh Nn I.ehlKh Valley Lehigh Vnlley Tr do pref . . . Penm I'hlln Kleo l'hlla Co . do 1 per cent pr do (I per cent pr r R T t c Htndlni? Tonopih llelmont . ionopih Mining t'nlon Trnitlon II Ons Imp . U H Steel 1'ork Hws . . . 00 pret Todns , Hnlurilnv Uld Asked Tlld Askeif 81'i M 88'4 8ii loiH loo lol ion 80 38 .111 38 ,11 r.lj 04 01 nn bh r.8 mi HI 81. 83,, 81 Hl'4 llljt mt mi. 31! 2.4 I 31 , 3JJ4 7I' 71'4 71'i 714 14V4 I4i 14i IB 14V 144 H. 13 UN Il'l 118 no HIS 10'4 10'i 11, 7.V4 7llj4 7.1U 711' Nil WllJ 81H 02 21V 22 22 22 4 41 41V4 41. 41l 17 57H 37. r.7' 28 211, 2'i 20S 40 4014 404 41, IS 30 8 30 41 41 41 42 18 111. l 111 101 llll't 1024 1D1 I 3-10 4 7-10 4 4 (I 0 ""x Hj 4J 4l(. 41 43 811 811 811 81) S1 81 81 81 10 111 111 111 84 85 84 83 Mix dlUdend AUKASflEJFEXTS FOR NEW FUENCH LOAN NEARLY READY Announcement Soon on $100,000,000 Credit for Use in American Purchases NEW YORK. June 19 While definite details haio not jet been- determined In connection ulth the proposed 100,000,000 lonn to France by a group of American banking Interests, it H stated tnnt ery little et remains to be accomplished before the matter will be nrranged nnd public an nouncement made. The now company that Is being formed to Ijold the securities ihlch have been corralled by the Fronch Goiernment, will Issue Its iran securities ngnlnst tho loan, tho same to bo offered to the American public for subscription on a basis to yield slightly better than flo per cent It was stated this morning that the transaction differs someuhnt from that of the $50,000, 000 Itusslan loan which bas just boon closed nnd fully subscribed. In that there will be a public offering of the $100,000 000 Issue The success of the Russian loan Is expected to hae an Important bearing on the French undertaking and tho bankers predict thnt the entire amount will be quickly nbsorbed The Itusslan loan wns more of a banking transaction than other wise It Is stated that tho French loan will carry a stipulation that all of tho money realized from the sale of the securities will bo spent In this country In paying for purchases by jhe French Goernment in American markets 'With a continuance of hostilities In Kurope, It Is eitdent that the Allied Interests In nurope will be heaiy purchasers of Amerlcan(products, nnd It la to meet these obligations that the Itusslan and French loans hao been nrranged Expectations are that further large nmounts of gold will be sent to New York from Ottawa, estimates placing the ulti mate totnl on the present movement at from $100,000,000 to $lo0,000,000 To date more than $61,000,000 has been received and has been utilized In liquidating call loansvthat had been extended to the account of the Allied interests abroad In recent weeks. No Wheat Off English Coast LONDON, June 19 No wheat cargoes were reported off the coast this morning and six were awaiting orders. Other positions were dull No corn cargoes were reported off coast and nono were awaiting orders. Other positions were dull. English proilncial markets were weak. Spot Wheat Weak in Liverpool LIVERPOOL. June 19 Spot wheat was weak today with No 2 hard winter quoted at 9s. fid , a decline of Id; No. 2 red winter, 9b 8d., a drop of 2d No. 1 northern Mani toba 9s. lid., a loss of 2d ; No 2 Manitoba, 9s. 3d., a decline of 2Vjd; No. 3 Northern Manitoba 9s. 7d , a loss of 2d. Corn waa weak, with American mixed quoted at 8s. lid , a decline of 2d, and Blate at 9s, Id. unchanged. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Mlnehlll and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Com. pany, regular semiannual ot 3 per cent,, pay. able July 13 as registered June 23, Books close Juno 23; reopen July 17. Alfred I. iu Pont Not Out for Senate WILMINGTON, Del., June 19, In an In ten lew yesterday Alfred I. du Pont, who recently defeated his cousin, tho senator, for delegate to the Republican National Convention, declared that he was not a candidate for United Statese Senator or any other position and la only Interested In clean politics. . B.A. PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES Phdus Service Securities are a lien on the success of communities. J Municipal Service Co. 5 Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Gold Bondi., CJ These bonds are amply aecured by deposit or first mtg. bonds to an amount greater than outstanding Municipal Ser vice bonds and a vcryconsiJerable equity in the stocks or the several subsidiaries, J The companies' properties jre located in Penna., Virginia, ( two I Ohio, So. Carolina, Georgia, which insures the stability of earnings, which are largely in excess of required charges. q Tax refund in Penna. FREE from normal Federal income tax. Barken Ayliig 8. ifbng Land Title Dldg.PhileLfJclphi WANTED Merlon & Radnor 0. & E, 5 1954 REED A. MORGAN & CO. JVW.T BjU TKlhT BU1U. S'lijl. M.all.ers ol the t hUj titoet T.xtUtui, MOVEMENT OP FREIGHT F&OM WEST TO EAST CONTINUES TO BE Hid Still Some Congestion, Especially at Eastern 8nrJ Philadelphia and Western Railway Issues FavorablS ATnv Ram in its' Statement: T)rnn in PnU...-. J -" v o- r " uuwin ', tweho months cndlnc Ma .. carnlnes totnlcd 1485,774. ineei. M WSI n,l II,- r ill- "'.' ' InCrtflis .SI 513, Increaso IIM"E!KlS8 ricreasc, 146,824. The SSSn-l',,,J the reitu ar nunrterlv .ii..i.,.P5nr. dWuJ? cent, on tho preferred etock mJ'W IB. to stockholder, of record J??.1 J1 wn e the stook ma.b.t ."" . OiTlclnlg of railroads reporting eastward from Chicago nnd St. Louis state there has been no tnatcrlal change In the movement of freight easlbound during the last 10 days. It continues heavy nnd out of line with former comparisons for the name period. The situation Is such thnt there Is still congestion, especially at tho eastern seaboard. Business In the territory covered by these roads remains active nnd genernlly healthy, even thing taken Into consideration. In dustrlcs nro working full capacity and there Is no sign of a let-up In the near future In this respect. ' Westbound tonnage Is considerably ahead of a year ago nnd there are fewer empty cars being hauled now In that direction than for a number of months Officials of the Southern railroads report an Increase of nbout 9 per cent. In the amount of general buslnent moved nn com pared with the similar period of last enr. Oenernl business In tho South, It Is pointed out, has nssumed nbout normal propor tions for this time of tho ear, Tho May earnings' statement of tho Philadelphia nnd Western Hallway Com pany, which wns Issued todny, showed up cry well bs compnred with the correspond ing month of last year. The gross for tho month was $46,011, an Increase of $4105 nnd tho net wns $24,608, a gain of $2035. There was a balance after tho payment of charges of $2,080, Increase $1972 For tho market in followed the trend of the New vJlZ "SI etock generally selling lower l1"1! with the final quotations of 8alBMl!!mp,,J were no great loisea nnd tt?rI,nJ rusn to unionu stocks as the resnti S"!J turn In tho Mexican situation Si -$ took the news of the calllmr o S. guards of tho Stntes vcr ciimt?".' ..-. . ."' .UIlalSH :tlon In ,. ft.VoJ the market had. It tnirtri. '..? prepnred for such nctlon In ths iw.'T9 days of trading, stocks Mnno .J"' 11 result of a moro nesalmlii ...A n.li.11... I.-."" "IST m lnM H ...a M.l,l . " ' j..ni;n u. uio lumuuns DetWeen ik. .:.'. ''I states nnd Mexico s nnslfl During tho morning the gTeat,ti were In Buffalo and BusaueS, L'08 trust certificate, which dr0pn.d ??? nnd In Lehigh Valley, whlchT. , ' snmo nmount. Other losses wr fr.T " In the afternoon, however, BaIlanCtfe motive showed n los of four 2 Lehigh Valley added another half. loss of the morning and Penn.vWi '! 'I'. road showed n decline of a full point, n most.nctlve Issue was United StatM bS common nnu it wns nlso lower. 2 1 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 107,408 bush. The mar ket ruled Arm and 2c hlifiier unuer h ,ali ue mnnd nnd bullish speculation In tho West Quo tations: Csr lots. In export elevntor No 2 red spot nnd June, IHD1.UJ. No, 2 Southern red, OHc Wl. steamer No 2 red, H7Jfllllc , No. .1 red II7B0IIC : rejected A, DIM UOHci rejected B. D3et)3c CUHN Itecelpls 11,011 bush Trado wns nulet with no chnnnc In prices quotations: Car lots for local trAdo ns to location No '2 yel low.. 8JWn4c . steimer yellow, s2WR3r. No 3 jellow 80d81c , No. 4 yellow, 7778c; cob, nir 711 lhs . SL'e . HATH Ill-clots D1D7 hush. cltned He with demand llffht. Tho market de- quotntlons No white 4(1H Wile . standard white. 4.1'A Mlilc, 4UM W41 V4c . arnded. No 3 white 44M41c.No 4 white, sample, oats, 380311c . purified oats, I.uuil Itecelpls, 400 bbls nnd 038,410 lbs. In sacks There wns little trading- nnd values wero lanzely nominal. Following tho the quo tations per 1(10 lbs In wood: Winter, clear, 14 0UO4 hO do . straight. l 8590 15: do., pat ent. SO.295 60; Kansas, clear, cotton sacks, S4 0004 85, do , straight, cotton sacks 14 0Q(P 0.10, do, patent, cotton sacks 5.iser 3u; spring, first clear, S4.l0S.15. do , straight, S.-i i'OBO 10. do, patent. 3 BII0B.7.1, favorite brands. IS 00&ft.2!i: city mills, choice and fancy patent. $0 t0fi?0 2i. city mills, regular grades Winter, clear. S4.004P4 80, do,, straight, (4 810!i IS, do , patent. Jl 'J 3.'. 30. ItYl-; KI.OUH was nulet but steady. We quote nt 13 US OU per ubl , as to quality. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm with a fair Jobbing demand Following aro the quotations: City beef. In sets smoked nnd nlr-drled, 2uc, Western beef. In sets, smoked, 20c: city beef, knuckles and tenders smoked and nlr-drled. S7if28c: Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 27028c. : b'f hams. JlSWno. pork, family, :3.r0 27.30. hams. S. P. cured, loose. 18M18Hc. i do , skinned, loose. 18W18Hc; do, do., smoked. lOlliHc : other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average. 18'ic. i hams, smoked. Western cured. 184c: do. boiled, boneless, 33c , picnic shouldors H P. cured, loose, 12ty c : do., smoked 14V4c , bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, 1014 c, . breakfast bacon, as to brand and average city cured, Jlc. : do , West ern cured, lDWJOc ; lard. Western, refined, tierces. 14HC. . do., do , tubs. 14V4c ; do , pun city, kettle rendered. In tierces, lift c: do, do. In tubs. 14Hc REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady. Quota tions: Extra fine granulated. 7.03c: powdered. 7.73c confectioners' A, 7.7Sc; soft grades. 0 DUO7.30C DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTBH The market ruled steady on choice stock, for which there was a fair demand. Quo tations , Western, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, 32c , extra. :iu(asic. . extra firsts, 21) 30c: per doz I4,oovn, H 8-,4.l 1803 10. ao . no 11.5002, ducks whit' TUMI rtiV sndn. Inn. ao?:-White7we ah ng IJlTfiF'JI?Sl .in ii '- T.. welffhlnir nam il. Kn .. ,.(, n ....T.J?' V ." u... .1.... c. ...niiunR Hn . An . t IIWOH lbs sman anu IM1-I n.. j:r. ivv "i .; lbs. r-r doj, ISVoOlTir jwr doj. 1.7S0J:A21, Vo. 2 80e.au fl, ! riijcoii 1'ituiia m The market was generally steady undre ijS ernte offering and a fair demsnd QoouiSSi Apples, per l)bl Wlnesap, 13 50O4: nlSx5?J I3&4: Hen bavls, 12a, other vsrlVil.. 'tTt 2 31). No 2. I1.2SOJ ADDlei weifS.'y'l box. Jl 2001 7ft. lemons, wr toiljSS',?! pineapples, per crato Porto . lUco . iiliui V blackberries North Carolina il if .'liWi huckleberries North Carolina, per oT llStfil cherries. Delawnro and MarvhrM tlj'lll fiSc . do . do. per nt.. nriiCi ' C JM flaArrfln tias finvslss 4eCln ni a 'all iYi'Arji-""..-""'v .."-;! uniuuiiiiiti (jci uruie, jfj liillU, (MlltJ sU WifWl Ha tn.JT" Watermelons' Florid p?! nmtB. l8&28lic ; fleconda, uac . averaRa extra, -'7 83c aeconds. Jobbing flxtrn. HI (TO 27!Ac. : sar- ealcn of fancy :iAr.. nearby prints fancy, V2c . flrnts '8 if 30c llcky prlntx '2U($'21c. prima aiju.iuc EOaS Demand waa ffood and nuppllei were pretty well cleaned up at steady prices Quota tions: In free cases, nearby extras. 20c. per doz , nearby firsts, S7.05 per standard case, nearby current receipts, ffl t)0Qfl 75 per case. Western extras. 25c per doz ; Western extra firsts. 17.03 per case, firsts, $0 0006 00 per case, fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Job bin tr at 20 Q) 30c pr doz. CHKEHC Supplies were small and the mar ket ruled firm under a fairly active demand. Quotations New York, full cream, fancy. 104c; do. do., fair to sood, IQCPlSc; part skims, 0O14c. POULTRY values were stock, ofterlnars of LIVE Demand was fair and well sustained on choice stock. which were only moderate Quotations: Fowls, 'JOUL'Ic . roosters, laWHc , sprlne chickens, according to quality, weighing 12 lbs. apiece, 2-14? 30c : White Leghorns according to quality. JJ24c : ducks, as to size and quality, 14 0 Irtr nlffenna. dirt rr nalr. flOtffia 'n do.. ountf per pair. 2J02i5c DHGSSBD The market ruled steady with de mand equal to the 11 mite! offerings of desirable stock Following are the quotations: Fi killed noultrv. dry -Da eked Fowls. 12 to dryplcked, fancy selected, 2JHc; neighing rable 'resh- i)OX. lghlng, 4 H lbs. apiece. 2'c.: weighing 4 lbs. apiece. ,trt ids apiece, -ic.i weigning a dry-(4h 2'c: welrhlnr 3U lbs adece. 21c.t welsh lbs apiece 1820c: fowls. Ice-packed. in bar rels, fancy, dry-picked, northern Indiana and Illinois, weighing, .(&& lbs apiece. -'lHc.f do., southern Indiana and Illinois, weighing A lbs. apiece, 21c. I smaller sizes, 18 (a? 20c; old 920400. VEGETABLES The supply and demand were both fair vW? genera v wera steadily hM o..l5Kr.Sl potatoes, choice old, per bu bbl No 1 Eastern Shore, Kastern Shore. $J 00(3. No 3 30, No. U Norfolk, tJ.2'i( Carolina ana Houlli Carolina, 13 2attlfiri T -' iQ. CUIIS, cer basket- u..a, nntn.nna land, per hamper No 1, 75c 1: No 3 loi "'o.. Onions, Texas, per cummer cms Ka i' si.uowi.Tn, MO 2, . 1.251 SO Csbbtsi Kimt.rn Nhnm. 1wr )h) ...rata tl nn.V "M ... -...-.-. .--."--- -.., v. wu. U. 0&.V na nm si nn i "7 ,'m..m c. .:' 'm "' . :'..'....v '"... rc'cJ. Fionas, South Csrollns. i:?B s. - 23 8eet poutoes ilSSt t No. i. 4&ooc : Ho. s. :ieS?;1 intoes. Jersey. Delaware ind Ihrjil do crate. bunches, DasKet i hhi $1 7.'. Waterereit pff (3 Ileans. North Carolina, per H-bbt $1 Auttj.np Lettuce. Vlrglnl. b asket. '25c (if jf" Deans, North ciroIlSl K1 3-bbl. basket Wax l61.25: tiwn wtrnPA !,nni Mnrlh rn pnllnn - ii wt- i. .f J1 Norfolk ".'tZ"!L. WI 7&c.(ittl : basket. 75c carrier. - 004f J ji.diisp- ou 1 25: do , aren. tmi li.huj Nnrfnllr b. k.. u.. zani ou reppers Florida, w URaDIanl. Klor)ilA. np mi. Hauash. South Carnllna. ..!? v.AVnlt. -- il CZl V."rJ i.' r. .l-.i ---.. --- J ioc IU..1 uorn. r lanaa, por crtte II ou uueumuers, i loriaa, i)er Disxet. i. ao , rorin Carolina, per uasxet, 9 lleets. North Carolina, per 100 bunr; do . Norfolk, . per 100 bunches,' I Tic Oft, tf Jl ,u,i, . vci ,uu uuiikiir. .ii, a ibw matoes, Horlda, per carrier Fancy. 41 23C2ff choice. nil c hunch- RiSpitc. tl on. L.-U.-W l.TSOJIS. his ISfllt i. 75c. W Si Tomatoes, MluliilppL ctrj carte, 7580c. Asparsrus Jersey) twrA i rnncy 1218c: prime, lOOlic.! colli per via. ossKei, 0V&9 Jlonby and Discount In London LONDON. June 19. Money on call iil 4 per cent today, unchanged. The nil (I ot uiscoum in ine open muraet was uni altered nt 6 per cent, for short bllliiiiJ 5H per cent, for three months blljj pillllllllSlllllllllllHllli Millions in Profits, Going to g Motqr Stockholders a The enormous eirnlnxl tiki pwoa up py tno country s s i manuiacturers bits i"u' . welg 1S20( lers. fancv 404ric,: do , other nearby, weighing 1M 02 lbs. apiece. 88O40C.1 smaller sizes. 33 tt roosters, dry.plcked, 15c.i hrollers, Jersey. Send for our New Booklet "Bonds Favored by Banks in 1915" rAir Relative Yield and Market Stability Discussing the various factors, which have influenced .the recent investments of banks. N.W. Halsey&Co. 141 Chestnut St.. riilladelphlu Now Tork Chleaio Ban Francisco WANTED Bond Salesman WITH A CLIENTELE A. B. Leach & Co. 11B S, 4th Street HI IS fclL justified tho Increased nitkit valuation of motor itocki. II MnrAvAv. Tim tfii.Tft.ilnr rrflwtl of the Industry should mats a itOl rreater enhancement of motet stock raluei, logically neceniutid by the continued eipinnon 01 u business. (j The following aroomo of til automobile taanufacturori vfc! us partleliatlnc In the preit&t ' ! paranoiac proiperityi Orcrlind Chalmert gS Chandler ChsTrolti Studebaker Saxon : Maxwell Petrleii SS Hupp x Reo fcftl q Our free Motor Handbook, u- C--i lyslnr 60 soourltlei, will U i Mat S upon rnusit. Ask for SO-PI. eluding booKlsc expuunsg S "The Twenty Payment PIm" ffl,aaVnBHSg: ss J lreevimervtecurltl v SS (ItilshlUhcd 1008) '. S 40 Exchange Place New Yet iiiiiiiini(i!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiai INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.496 ' Recommended bj BEN T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut SI. INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad nnd Sansom oi 1 M IX- Value Above the Average 1 -is something for which we are always making a most complete ana energetic search. . INVESTMENTS that will have a Wher rate of interest x than equal but not greater security, that which for a definite reason are in. a state of intrinsic appreciation and above all we will only recommend securities which we feel sure do not contain any element of unusual or unnecessary risk. VOUR patronage with this' house will receive all' the x care and thoughtful consideration that the Science of Investment affords, Brooke. Stokes & Co. Member Philadelphia. Block Excbaoso Fifteenth and Walnut Streets 120 BROADWAY Philadelphia CALVERT ByiLPNa New Yprk i Baltimore